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Tesla Books

page  16 

Research Tool

page  23 


W e a t h e r E n g i n e e r i n g

page  2 


24 Movement


V i d e o s

page / 8



Los t C i t i e s

p a g e 14

A u d i o Tapes

page 22

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Border land S c iences Research Foundat ion

P.O. Box 220, Bayside, California, U.S.A.

Postal Code 95524 

(707) 825-7733, Fax: (707) 825-7779

Welcome......to Borderland Sciences Research Foundation's new 1996 Cata

log. Borderlands is a scientif ic and educational foundation founded

in 1945 by Meade Layne, now in its 52nd year o f publishing! This

catalog represents our main fund-raising activity. W e publish and

distribute rare and unusual information, much of it the result o f

researches of our foundation members and generally not availableanywhere else. This retail catalog represents o u r current ly avail

able educational materials and research products. To keep current

on o ld researches an d in formed on the latest advances, w e

recommend a subscript ion t o our foundation's official periodical,

BORDERLANDS. W e hope you find this catalog interesting and

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Our Ordering  Policy...BSRF's Catal og func tio ns as a fund- rais ing activi ty for ou r scientif ic

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, are BSRF publications, books, videos or equipment to betaken as medical

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CONTENTSB o o k s o f T r e v o r C o n s t a b l e ... 4 - 5

B o r d e r l a n d P a p e r b a c k s ... 6 - 7

N e w B o o k s ... 8 - 1 0

B o o k s o f V i n c e n t G a d d i s ... 11

A d v a n c e d K n o w l e d g e . . . 12 -13

Los t C i t i es ... 1 4

N i k o l a T e s l a ... 1 6

V i s i o n a r y S c i e n c e ... 17

V i d e o s ... 1 8 - 2 1

A u d i o C a s s e t t e s ... 2 2

R a y - X T e c h n o l o g y ... 2 3

R e s e a r c h T o o l s ... 2 4 - 2 5

F r e e E n e r g y ... 2 6

E t h e r i c S c i e n c e ... 2 7

V i k t o r S c h a u b e r g e r . . . 2 8

F i n e r F o r c e s ... 2 8 - 2 9

T h e E n e r g y G r i d ... 3 0

F l y i n g S a u c e r s ... 3 0

H i d d e n W o r l d s ... 3 1

D o w s i n g ... 3 1

R a d i o n i c s . . . 31 -32

A l t e r n a t i v e H e a l t h . . . 3 2

V r i l E n e r g y ... 3 3

M i s c e l l a n e o u s T i t l e s ... 3 3 - 3 4

T h e V r i l C o m p e n d i u m ... 3 5

C a t a l o g O r d e r i n g ... 3 6 - 3 7




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Simply the









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i lie \S eather Fnginee ringWor lq

" jR) t ! rt*\  or James Constable!

An Interview Conducted by

Thomas J, Brown, . \  Dm-tiuror

lttird«rl)inrl Srfewe* M»-\:irtlt Founds don

' IP

LOOM OFTHE FUTUREthe Weather Engineering Work  of 

Trevor James ConstableAn interview conducted  by Thomas J. Brown Discover t h e h is to ry a n d b a c k g r o u n d of T r e v o r J a m e s

Constable 's p ioneer ing work in Ether ic Weath er Engineer ing

and Smog Reduction. Using technologies and energies notice

ably absent from modern scienti f ic textbooks, Trevor has leapt

the phi losophical hurdles and developed a technica l access to

the etheric forces underpinning the weather organism. Never

before has such dramatic work been s o wel l docu ment ed and

presented. No etheric technology has ever before been proven

to this degre e. Unco ver t h e deve lopments a n d disappoint

ments of a quarter centur y at the foref ront of etheric techn olog y.

The documentat ion in this ast ound ing book incl udes: Doz ens

of historic photographs describing t h e evolut ion of Trevor 's

weather engineering instruments; Off ic ial weather radar maps

and photos describing t h e dramat ic e f fec ts of biogeometr ic

ins t ruments ; TJC's inc is ive a n d thought provok ing ins ights

into the current world si tuation, and; A clear del ineation of the

etheric formative forces. This book will fi l l you with awe at the

t remendous potent ia l of a humani ty capable of comprehending

the purpose and function of the Etheric Life Energy. #30316,

144pp, illustrated... $18.95 



with  Trevor James ConstableThe revolut ionary weather contro l of T o m o r r o w is d e m o

s t ra ted a s Trevor Constable takes you wi th h im o n sh ipboa

to that mighty laboratory of mari t im e Nat ure, the North Pacif

O c e a n . Using s imple geometr ic ins t ruments , wi th n o rad ia t io

or chemica ls , Constable ob jec t ive ly demonstrates that t h

ether is ind eed an incredi bly subtl e yet tr emen dou sl y power f

PHY SI CAL FO RC E. Befor e your eyes, the ether unde rgoe s

spectacular resurrect ion. Deluges descend in response to th

pioneer's appl ication of the ether's laws. Time lapse video tap

prov ides v is ib le , compel l ing proof of this real i ty, t h e mas t

key to control l ing and engineering the weather, and therefo

u l t ima te l y , CL IMATE. Inc ludesdocumenta t i on of U.S. gover

ment weather maps a n d shipboard radar. T w o a n d a hadecades of quiet pioneering produced the revolut ion in physic

and technology portended b y the scenes o n th is v ideotap

Enl ightening and entertaining for al l .

W0043, 72minutes, VHS.... $19.95 

4 Borderlands Catalog 1996

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UFOs have two main aspects according to the author.There are "critters"— 

living organisms which are normally invisible to human beings, and craft — 

structured, engineered vehicles propelled by etheric force. The author has 

photographed both types of UFOs directly from the invisible state with 

highspeed infrared film.


Trevor James ConstableA w e s o m e s c i e n t i f i c d i s c o v e r i e s t h a t h a v e b e e n s u p p r e s s e d , a n

a d v a n c e d t e c h n o l o g y f o r t h e f u t u r e : r a d i o n i c s , e t h e r i c f o r c e s ,

o r g o n e e n e r g y , a n d t h e h i s t o r y o f s p i r i t u a l s c i e n c e . The Visual

Ray.. . A m y s t e r i o u s b e a m o f e n e r g y e m i t t e d f r o m t h e h u m a n e y e .

U s e i t t o c l e a r c l o u d s f r o m t h e s k y , t o s e e b e y o n d t h e h o r i z o n , o r

t o s e e t h e e n e r g e t i c a u r a s a r o u n d l i v i n g b e i n g s ! Etheric Forces.. . .

C o s m i c E n e r g i e s w h i c h r e g u l a t e a n d s h a p e l i f e o n e a r t h . D i s

c o v e r h o w t o t a p i n t o t h i s u n i v e r s a l s t r e a m . Orgone Energy. . . .

A m a s s - f r e e , a l l p e r v a d i n g e n e r g y , o n e a s p e c t o f t h e E t h e r i c

F o r c e s . F r e e e n e r g y a w a i t i n g h u m a n i t y ' s e n l i g h t e n e d a d v a n c e

m e n t s . Cosmic Electronics. . . . S i m p l e g e o m e t r i c a r r a n g e m e n t s

o f m a t e r i a l s w h i c h c a n d e t e c t a n d d i s t r i b u t e l i v i n g e n e r g i e s

a n y w h e r e i n t he u n i v e r s e — w i t h o u t a n y p h y s i c a l c o n n e c t i o n ! ! Living UFOs. . . . P l a s m a t i c i n h a b i t a n t s o f o u r

a t m o s p h e r e . . . h i d d e n f r o m o r d i n a r y v i e w b u t v i s i bl e t o a n y o n e u s i n g t h e s i m p l e p h o t o g r a p h i c t e c h n i q u e s d e s c r i b e d

in th is book ! A r e a l c u l t c l a s s i c . #80095, 473pp, 40 pages of  illustr., paperback ...$24.95 

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New! DESIGN ECOLOGYMichae l R iversong

An essent ial compendium of information on several aspects of environmental balancing. It begins with a sum

mary of design pr inciples developed in ancient China known as Feng Shui. These are related to daily life as weknow it, with the first explanations ever offered for why some of these "old Chinese tricks" actually work. Section

2 is about our invisible environment, including electromagnetic fields and new information about Geobiology.

Sect ion 3 covers common household toxic chemicals in an easily understandable form. Ways to deal with theseproblems are summarized. Sect ion 4 contains several new solutions to environmental problems, including thecurrent state of Solar Energy, Lighting techniques, and experimental Field Modulation devices.

#B0334, 225pp, paperback, ... $16.95 

METAL POWERThe Soul Life of the Planets 

Al ison Dav idson

According to ancient tradition, each of the precious metals is ruled by a certain planet in our solar system. In this

tradit ion of correspondences, the metal is considered to embody that planet's character and qualit ies on Earth.

For example, gold is the royal metal of the Sun, silver is ruled by the Moon, copper expresses the sensuality ofVenus.. . Metal Power explores these relationships in vivid detail, drawing on alchemical lore, astrology, myth,

and modern technology to penetrate the mysteries of the metallic realms. While modern science ignores these

relationships, this book forms part of a new ground-breaking tradit ion, demonstrat ing that these invisibleconnections do exist... that the elements of earth, including our own bodies are subject to the movements of th e

stars. . . #80725, 99pp, illustrated, paperback, ... $8.95 

THE METAL - PLANET RELATIONSHIPA Study of Celestial Influence 

Nick Ko l le rs t rom

An ex t raord inary con junc t ion of two wor lds, us ing t h e d isc ip l ine of s c i e n c e t o val idate the ancient art of

ast ro logy . Th ro ug h key "metal l ic mom en ts " the aut hor s tudi es the dy na mi c re lat ionshi p not only bet wee n

p lanets a n d m et a l s , b u t a lso be tween t h e p s y c h e s o f eminent sc ien t is t s a n d a lchemis ts , and t h e ke y

m o m e n t s of t he i r d iscover ies . I nc ludes ac tua l t ime-exper iments , as t ra l por t ra i t s of t he seven meta ls and

nume rous as t ro log ica l char t s . A must read presenta t ion descr ib ing m ind- bogg l i ng ev idenc e of t he dynami c

in f luences of the planets upon o u r ear th ly l ife. #80253, 173pp, illustrated, paperback,... $12.95 

Tzolkin TZOLKINVisionary Perspectives & Calendar Studies 

John Major Jenk ins

A v is ionary journey into the hear t of an ancient oracle. The essence of the Sacred Calendar system of the

Maya, wh ich descr ibes bo th p lane tary and human cyc les , is the Golden Rat io of t he anc ien t geo meter s .

Topics inc lude: Numerology, d iv inat ion, the moon cycle, the Golden Rat io, ast ro logy, natal char ts of M a y a n

r u le r s , H a r m on i c C onv e r genc e a n d Dreamspe l l , Mayan mytho logy , Goddess mytho logy , Taro t , a n d

H ea l i ng — al l of w h i c h a r e in t imately re lated t o the nature of t he Sacr ed Ca le ndar .

#80312, 346pp, paperback,... $13.95 


PASCALITE ... a unique clay with amazing properties, gifted to Humanity by Nature. Known to the American

Indians as EE-WAH-KEE— The Earth That Heals  — Pascalite was named after Emile Pascal, a French trapper

who first introduced it. Found only in Wyoming's Big Horn Mountains, Pascalite exists as an eighteen-foot vein

of dense, cream-colored, cheese-like material. It is super rich in organically assimilable minerals and t race

elements. Pascalite is hand-mined underground and solar dried in the mountains, then powdered for internal and

external use. Since it s distribution as "Life Mud" in th e 1930's, up to the present day, users of Pascalite have

reported many dramatic health enhancing results from this enigmatic substance. Pascalite has been found to have

many uses in promoting health in plants, animals, and humans. #30313, 352pp, paperback, ... $13.95 

6 Borderlands Catalog 1996

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Tht Lakhovsky

Multiple Wave Oscillator

W»ndbook :-

TtamM {. Brown

 My Search For 

 Raxlioncc Truths


Vic to r S im on Per a raTo breathe is to l ive. The secrets of breath control — o r pmnayama  —from the ancient wisdom of India, arerevealed here in a simplified and easy to us e f o rm . Understand what is meant by human magnetism, prana,an d the astral body. Through rhythmic breathing exercises, discover a potent way to build abundant energy,health and vibrant youth. This series of less ons will put you in tou ch with your vital ener gy and allow you to contro l

your destiny. #80003, 60pp, paperback, ... $8.95 


Dav id Kaonoh ioka la Bray & Doug las Low

Deeply rooted in the l ush, tropical mountains of the Hawaiian islands there exists an ancient body of knowledge,a sacred tradition reaching back to the dawn of the First Creation. From generat ion to generation this sacred

knowl edge has been pas sed down and the spiritual power, ike, of the ancestors transferred by initiation to thoseespecially favoured by the gods. This is a personal account of Kahuna by the well known native Hawaiian priest'Daddy Bray', and Douglas Low, a college professor who was in training with Bray for 12 years. Includes detailed

instructions on this unique spiritual pathway through ancient Polynesian worlds of creat ion,#80096, 66pp, paperback, ... $6.95 


The Original Five Rites  of  Rejuvenation Peter Kelder

The amazing account of the Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation and how they were brought from a monastery

in the Himalayas to the United States in the 1930s. It's the story of a British Army Colonel in his late 60s, who,after retirement, decides to track down persistent rumors of a "Fountain of Youth" that he heard while stationed

in India. He returns 4 years later, completel y transf ormed. Now, in his early 70s, he appears and acts like ama n of 35! With the author's help, the Colonel organizes a small class to teach the simple practices he learnedwhile at the monastery. He claims that these rites are all that is needed to reverse the aging process. Each ofthe "Five Rites" is clearly explained and illustrated. These are not strenuous exercises or difficult yoga positions.The "Five Rites" are simple practices which anyone, young or old, can easily accomplish in 10 minutes a day,

to activate and balance the body's vital energy. #B0093, 30pp, saddle, ... $3.95 


c o m p i l e d & ed i ted b y T h o m a s J . B r o wn

Earlier this century Georges Lakhovsky described researches indicating that living cells can be regenerated

by applyi ng energy fields of multiple wavelen gths. Chock full of schemat ics, diagr ams, research notes, patents,

pictures, ideas and suggestions for advancement and refinement of the art, this is the only source which contains

the many diverse opinions as to the actual construction details of Lakhovsky's original MWOs, and this new

edition contains many new and updated circuit diagrams as well as new pictures taken at Lakhovsky's home

in Paris! You may have hea rd of different types of devices — this book shows you how to build them all, with

report s fr om rese arch ers who have. From simple exper imen ts with copp er coils stimulati ng the growt h of plants

to different types of electrical circuits and antenna patterns used in cellular regeneration research, this is THE

MWO BOOK fo r experimenters and researchers. Even Tesla Coil builders can benefit greatly from this

handbook. #B0092,160pp, paperback, ... $17.95 


With Possibilities  of Acceptance  by Science  & Medicine R . M u r r a y De n n i n g

While only a young man, the author was told by doctors in England he ha d an ' incurable' disease. But heconfounded the doctors after meeting healers who practised the art of radionics and he not only lived to a ripe

old age but became a healer himself. The enthralling story of Murray's 25 yearsearch is a wonderful introduction

into the subtle energy world of radionics. Here you will meet some of the most famous pioneers in this f ield,

doctors such as Albert Abrams, Ruth Drown, Dinshah Ghadiali, who dared to innovate — and cure — much

to the displeasure of the medical establishment. Other emminent scholars 'overlooked' by th e medical andscientific community, such as Mary M. Leigh, Georges Lakhovsky, Darrell Butcher, George Crile, S.W. Tromp

also make their appear ance. Includes photos and descriptions of rare and uniqu e equipment . Also a very usef ul

synthesis of relat ed fields such as dowsing, color therapy, numerology, yoga and alchemy. Excellent fo rbeginner or advanced researcher alike. #B0090,120pp, paperback, ... $9.95 

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T E C H N O L O G YProject HAARP and Beyond GerryVassilatos

T HE death kne l l has s t ruck . Wave Rad io is d e a d . H ow hav e 7 0 y ea r

o f M i l i t a ry Research succeeded i n p r o d u c i n g a c o m p l e t e l y n e w a n

s upe r i o r c om m un ic a t i ons t ec hno logy ? R ad io H i s t o r y g i v es a s t r ange

walk than parano id w r i t e rs ever t e l l ! W hi l e c i t i z ens w e r e w a t c h in

te lev is ion , m i l i t a ry research w a s d i r ec t ed t o c r ea t e a n am az ing r ad ia

t i on t ec hno logy far in a d v a n c e o f any s y s t em k now n . C u r r en t l y a n

rou t ine ly u t i l i zed , i t has r e m a i n e d a wel l guarded "open secre t " f o

d e c a d e s . T h e proo f pa ten ts a n d re levant research papers have jus

been r e t r i e v ed .

* D is c ov e r w h y is i t obv ious tha t ne i t her m i l i t a ry n o r pr iva te deve l

ope r s hav e y e t s uc c es s f u l l y dup l i c a t ed Tes ia t ec hno logy .* W h y is th e n a m e H. C. V i o n , d e v e l o p e r of aurora l ene rgy rece ivers

nev e r m en t i oned i n eng inee r i ng c i r c l es ? W ho w a s D r . Se l im Lem s t r om

a n d ho w d i d h i s ea r l y ex p lo r a t i ons in aurora l energy research insp i r

N iko la Tes ia toward h is l o f t y ac h iev em en t s i n C o l o r a d o ?

* Suc c es s f u l l y t es t ed b y Br i t i sh M i l i t a ry dur ing Wor ld War I , w ha

b e c a m e o f t he e a r l y b e a m w e a p o n s o f G r i n d e l l - M a t t h e w s , U l i v

T u r p a i n , a n d o t he r s ? W h o w a s John Het t inger , a n d h o w w e r e h i s ear l

be am pow e r s y s t e m s m od i f i e d t h r oug h r ada r t ec hno log y i n t o r a

b e a m w e a p o n s ?

* W h a t w a s Pro jec t Argus? Pro jec t Teak? Pro jec t Orange? H o w w a s t h e I onos phe r e s uc c es s f u l l y d i s t u r bed b y

a s teady ser ies of a t om ic de t ona t i ons i n 1962? Learn about t h e f r igh t fu l charac te r is t ics o f E M P p h e n o m e n a , a n d h o

t hes e w e r e em p loy ed i n a s t r a n g e a n d dead ly t echno logy . What d i f f e ren t k inds o f E M P w e a p o n r y d i d mi l i t a r

dev e lope r s dep loy t h r oughou t t h e 1960 ' s ? W h y w a s a H igh C om m and r eques t t o e m p l o y E M P w e a p o n r y in th e recen

Gul f W a r d e n i e d ?

* D is c ov e r why t he A i r Fo r c e d i r ec t ed t h e c ons t r uc t i on o f a huge I onos phe r i c " bac k s c a t t e r " t e l em e t r y s y s t em

ac r os s t h e Pacif ic just af ter Wor ld W a r I I . F i n d ou t w h y t h e c on t r o l l ed p r oduc t i on o f I onos phe r i c d i s t u r banc e w a s o n c

im po r t an t t o mi l i t a ry t eams be fore t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f s pac e t r av e l . Lea r n w h y e a c h of t hes e m a m m o t h g loba

c o m m u n i c a t i o n s s y s t e m s is no l onger s ta te of th e a r t . H o w d i d th e u n e x p e c t e d e m e r g e n c e of s pac e t ec hno l ogy s peed

t he dem is e of ear th based rad io sys tems?

* No t a w e a p o n , no t a ps y c ho t r on i c s s y s t em , no t a weather mod i f ie r , w h y i s H A A R P N O T t h e p r og r am w h i c h s o

m any hav e c l a im ed? W h y c a n t h e IR I nev e r ac h iev e t h e ob jec t ives c i t ed by a few authors? Learn about t h e rea

m o t i v a t i ons s o pow er f u l l y at w o r k in C ons p i r ac y W r i t e r s , a n d w h y t h e y a r e no t e q u i p p e d t o c r a c k t h e s ec r e t of H A A R P

W h y a r e t h e Eas t l und Pa t en t s n o t r e l ev an t t o H A A R P , a n d w h y h a s R ay t heon c on t i nued t o c o l l e c t ev e r y H AA R P

re levant pa ten t f o r s ev e r a l y ea r s ? W ha t i s the " m e r c ha nd i s e " w h i c h H A AR P p r om is es t o y ie l d?

* W h a t w a s Pr o jec t Sangu ine o r i g i na l l y des igned t o do ? F ind ou t w h y i t is not an i nv inc ib le sys tem. Learn w h y t hELF hear t of N a v a l C o m m a n d i s ev en t ua l l y to be d i s m a n t l e d .

* H o w w er e X - R ay s us ed t o d e t e c t u n d e r g r o u n d m o v e m e n t s ? H o w w er e G am m a R ay s r ou t i ne l y us ed in

c o m m u n i c a t i n g f r o m s u b m a r i n e s t o c o m m a n d h e a d q u a r t e r s v i a mi l i t a ry sa te l l i t es?

Fac ts que l l hys te r ia , b u t T r u t h is s t ranger t han f ic t ion . Want t h e answers? Th is comple te techn ica l h is to ry of mi l i t a ry

projects w i l l show t h e d e v e l o p m e n t of every re levant p ro jec t p reced ing a n d e x c e e d i n g H A A R P . O n l y t h e f ac t s . N o

hy s t e r i a . C om p le t e w i t h c om m un ic a t i ons a n d weapons pa ten t c i t a t ions , t h is book w i l l f o rever change your v iew of

wor ld events a n d t e c h n o l o g y .

SECRETS OF COLD WAR TECHNOLOGY - Project HAARP and Beyond  by Gerry Vassilatos

Available in September from Borderland Sciences, #B0359,250pp paperback, 5.95

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ON THE TRACK OF WATER'S SECRETSFrom Viktor Shauberger to Johann Grander 

Hans Kronbergerand S iegber t La t tacher

Television journalist Hans Kronberger investigates the research and observations of some of the most important

scientist/nat uralists wh o have dealt with the secrets of water; especially the wor k of Viktor Shau ber ger and Joha nn

Grander. He delves into such aspects as the "memory" of water, the revitalization of water, reviving "dead" water,

and liquid manure revitalization. Kronberger and his writing partner, Siegbert Lattacher, have put together awonderful account of their findings and offer an entertaining synopsis on this important subject. Includes color

pictures, a bibliography, and a list of resources. Highly recomended.

#B0360, 173pp, hardbound, ... $30.00 

LIVING ENERGIESC a l l u m C o a t s

Former arch i tec t , Cal lum Coats , h a s succeeded in locat ing a n d re -assemb l ing t h e scat tered work of

Vik tor Schauberger a n d t rans la t ing it into Engl ish. In Living Energies  he has made these complex a n d

in ter- re la ted ideas ent i re ly comprehens ib le a n d f o r m s t h e bas is for a new eco- techno logy wh ich n o

longer f ights nature but has learned to work in harmony with her. This excel lent text fol lows t he highly

acc la imed book o n Schauberger 's work , Living Water  by Olof Alexandersson.#B0352, 311pp, paperback, ... $19.95 

DIMENSIONS OF RADIONICSD a v i d V. T a n s l e y , i n c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h M a l c o l m R a e a n d A u b r e y T. W e s t l a k e

Written by some of the foremost scholars in the f ield, this volume has become a definitive manual on the

subject. It details the subtle energies and constitution of the human body. Emphasis is placed upon diagnosis

of the spiritual, mental, and physical qualities of the individual v ia the ether fields (distance fromn the subject

ha s no bearing); and the broadcasting of subtle energies (homeopathic, flower essence, color, and gemstone)

back to the subject, thus returning a balanced and tuned system. Instructions cover the use of Malcolm Rae's

homeopathic potency stimulators, including those which have an extended range. Il lustrated with many charts

and diagrams. #B0357, 206pp, ... $17.95 

THE DIVINING HANDThe 550-Year-Old Mystery of Dowsing 

C h r i s t o p h e r B i r d

"To dowse," says the author of this definitive study of the divining art, "is to search with the ai d of a hand-held

instrument such as a forked stick or a pendular bob on the en d of a str ing - for anything: subterranean water

f lowing in a narrow underground fissure, a pool of oi l or a vein of mineral ore, a buried sewer pipe or electrical

cable, a n airplane downed in a mountain wi lderness, a disabled ship helplessly adrift in a gale, a lost wallet ordog, a missing person, or perhaps a buried treasure. Co-author of The Secret Life of Plants, Christopher Bird

has fi l led this book with exciting, documented stories, most of them il lustrated with photographs and diagrams.

It provid es a complete history of the art of dowsing around the world and discusses in detail the various existing

theories attempting to explain this extraordinary phenomenon. #B0347, 372pp, large paperback, ... $29.95 

SECRETS OF THE SOILNew Age Solutions for Restoring our Planet 

P e t e r T o m p k i n s a n d C h r i s t o p h e r B i r d .

Secrets of the Soil tells the fascinating story of the innovative, nontraditional, often surprising things that certain

scientists, farmers and mystics are doing to save our planet from self-destruction - such as using the tech

niques of Rudolf Steiner's biodynamic agriculture with it s reliance on ethereal forces from t he planets, Dan

Carlson's growth-stimulating Sonic Bloom, an d rock dust as ferti l izer to revitalize depleted soils; or gardening

with the help of devas and nature spirits, and applying psychic skills to reverse serious agricultural problems.

#B0346, 444pp, paperback, ... $16.00 

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From 1935 to 1955, in an investigation into effects on ma n of the conditions in which he lives and works, C. L

Kervran was able to study some clear cases of intoxication caused by carbon monoxide when no one was abl

to detect CO in the air the men were breathing. It was not until 1955 that he determined the cause. For four years

he undertook systematic research which ended by confirming that nature is capable of transmuting elementsThe problems of ecology, medici ne and nutrition, and the alarming rise of radioactivity are too acute to be dea

with solely through academic channels. Th e understanding of the biological transmutations requires nothin

more than the casting aside of al l rigid thought while studying them. Transmutations are now recognized in

medicine. They have opened the door to new treatments and therapeutics for reputedly "incurable" diseases

Agronomists are already practicing Kervran's findings on a large scale. Mr. Kervran, with hi s discovery of

biological transmutation, has given this chaotic and scientific world the Alladin's Lamp by which w e can save

ourselves and our diseased earth. #80345, 134pp, hardbound, ... $14.95 

RESONANT FREQUENCY THERAPYBuilding  the Rife Beam  Ray  Device 

J a m e s E. Ba r e , D C

This groundbreaking book includes a complete set of instructions on the construction of a modern version of

the Rife Beam Ray Device. Also included is a list of components with directions o n ho w to obtain, modify, andassemble them to create a fully functioning Beam Ray Device. "I f yo u are interested in Rite's work...drop wha

yo u are doing and buy this book!" — Peter Lindemann.

#80344, 80pp, spiralbound, ... $25.00 

AQUAVIDEOLocating Underground Water 

V e r n e L. Cameron , Ed i ted and p repared by Bil l Cox.

Here,Verne Cameron, considered one of the great dowsing masters of modern times, reveals hi s inner-mos

secrets. He lifts the veil of superstition, while exploding Dowsing fallacies. Learn to locate hidden sources ofwater, oil, treasure, metals, precious stones, and objects (including lost persons, animals, and moving targets)

Learn to read signs leading to underground ojos, interconnecting circles, ovals, a n d rectangular fissures

geysers, cold springs, ascending waters, mineral, and hot springs. Learn to detect sub-surface obstructions

dikes, angular rifts, a nd water-bearing earthquake faults. Learn how to use the wand or rod, forked-switchpendulum, water compass, Cameron Aurameter, the "witness," and a wide-variety of water-locating doodle

bugs. Cameron explains the relationship between Dowsing a n d Radiesthesia; t h e nature of strange "devi

rings," noxious earth rays and more. #80351, 128pp, paperback, ... $11.95 

SKY PHENOMENAA Guide  to Naked-Eye Observation  of the  Stars 

No r m a n Da v i d s o n .

Sky Phenomena  is an unusual and practical guide to the sky as we see it-w ith the nake d eye. The author leads

the student/reader from the appearance of the stars as seen from Earth, through observation of the Sun, Moon

and planets, toa deeper understanding of the Copernican revolution, comets and meteors. The text includes

mythological and historical aspects, a unique collections of poetry, and appendices dealing with future astronomical events, technical data, materials a n d publ ications, a n d a comprehensive glossary of astronomica

terms. #B0353, 208pp, paperback, ... $19.95 

PRODIGAL GENIUSThe Life  of Nikola Tesia 

J o h n J . O'Ne i l l

Pulitzer Prize winner John J. O'Neill presents a penetrating study of the life and mind of a scientific superman,

Nikola Tesia. A brilliant eccentric, Tesla's life has the quality of the strangest romance. He made his first million

before h e was forty, yet gave up the royalties on his most profitable invention as a gesture of friendship, and

died almost in poverty. Handsome, magnetic, a n d elegant, he wa s the "catch" of New York society, yet no

woman could win him from his dedication to science. He refused to accept the Nobel Prize; and when others

claimed credit for the revolutionary ideas his extraordinary mind threw forth, he di d not contest them. O'Neill

has written the definitive biography on Nikola Tesia. This is a must-have for anyone even mildly interested in

Tesla's legacy. #80254, 329pp, paperback, ... $9.00 

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THE ASTROLOGICAL BODY TYPES Face, Form, and Expression J u d i t h H i l l

This is the most complete compendium of Astrological Body Types available anywhere. The book contains over

80 il lustrations accurately depicting the archetypal Zodiac Sign Types, Planetary Types, Elemental and Modal

Types. Character, appearance, vocational suggestions plus numerous example personalities are included for

each astrological body type. Extra highlights: t he Lunar Nodes and Physical Appearan ce, Face-ReadingFundamentals, and Significators of Physical Appearanc e in the Birth Chart. "This uniquely intelligent milestone

goes beyond the realm of physiognomy to also provide a del ightful approa ch to the fundamental principles of

astrology itself. Appropriate for advanced professionals and beginners alike." — Barbara Morgan, Director ofISIS: Institute for Stellar Influence Studies. #B0323, 167pp, paperback, ... $17.95 

PLANETARY INFLUENCES UPON PLANTSE r n s t M i c h a e l K r a n i c h

At the beginning of our century a.significant change occurred in the investigation of life. The great achievements

of the nineteenth century had taken place in the investigation of form; anatomy and comparative morphology

had their golden age, of which little is noticeable at universities nowadays. Bu t more recently the interest of

biology has shifted from the external form of the organs to life processes and behavior. This book carefully traces

the relationship of the "form language" of plants to the planets. Many examples a n d drawings are includedillustrating the connections between the orbital paths of the planets and the shapes and movements found in

a variety of plant life. Highly recommended. #B0329, 184pp, paperback, ... $12.95 

Native AmericanMyths & Mysteries

Wmrat H. Gonitis

THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANTSP e t e r T o m p k i n s a n d C h r i s t o p h e r B i r d

Although this book focuses on the plantworld, it is possibly the finest introduction to the borderland sciences

ever written! Exploring the world of plants and it s relation to mankind as revealed by the latest discoveries ofscientists, The Secret Life of Plants includes remarkable information about plants as lie detectors and plants as

ecological sentinels; it describes their abil ity to adapt to human wishes, their response to music, their curative

powers, and their abil ity to communicate with man. Authors Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird suggest that

the most far- reachi ng revolution of the twentiet h ce nt ur y— on e that could save or destr oy the pl an et —ma y c ome

from the bottom of your garden. This book is also a virtual "who's who" in the field of the borderland sciences

and details many remarkable and reproduceable experiments. #80332, 402pp, paperback, ... $15.00 


MYSTERIOUS FIRES & LIGHTSV i n c e n t G a d d i s

Strange conflagrations that have destroyed entire cities. The antics of lethal lightning and intelligent fireballs.

Living UFOs, shining fish of the atmospheric sea. Will-o'-the-wisps and ghost l ights. Houses that set themselves

on f ire. Fiery poltergeists, firewalkers an d salamanders. Spontaneous human combustion a n d supernatural

arson. The extraordinary electrodynamic nature of human beings, & many more amazing facts...#80252, 178 pp, paperback, ... $11.95 


Scholarly, but highly readable and entertaining, this book is a must for students of the Native American culture,

ceremony and prophecy. In vivid detail Gaddis traces the forgotten knowledge of the megalithic stone builders;

the vast networks of subterranean tunnels and caverns where hoards of Incan gold still lie hidden; the cyclopean

ruins of Tiahuanaco and cities lost deep in the Amazonian jungle; and legends of the world-wide cataclysms

that destroyed these pre-historic civil izations, "...full of cultural, archaeological, and historical mysteries, and Gaddis writes with passion."  — Fortean Times #B0126, 108 pp, paperback,... $12.95 

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and ttESecrcisat ftetwsi Enacy

•-' The Basis of



fheodor fichwoftk

SCIENCE FRONTIERS:S o m e Anomalies and Curiosities of Nature 

C o m p i l e d b y W i l l i am R. Cor l iss

If you are interested in factual information that throws a wrench in modern theories of archeology, astronomy

biology, geology, geophysics, and related scientif ic dogmas, then this book is a must foryour library. Incredibl

ancient engineering works are found scattered across the earth in the most unlikely places; modern humabones and artifacts are found in 50,000 year old strata; curious geological formations are found on our nearb

planets indicating major catastrophes in their past; the unexplained Cambrian explosion of life provide

bizarre life forms best left forgo tten; missi ng or out-of- place sedi ment s betok en a format ive pro cess for the eart

unlike any conceived by modern science; electrical a n d chemical anomalies abound; myster ious huma

funct ions qu estio n our very nature. All this and more can be found in this incredib le collecti on of odd and bizarr

scientif ic facts. #B0302, 356pages, 814x11 format, paperback,... $18.95 

EARTH ENERGIESA Quest  for the  Hidden Power  of the  Planet 

Serge Kahi l i King

Ancient civilizations, understood and used unseen forces, which the author calls Vril, for healing and moving

massive stones. In more recent times, researchers such as Mesmer, Reichenbach, and Reich worked wit

"magnetism", "Od", and "Orgone," which King argues are the same as Vril. The book details experiments King

and others performed confirming the work of these men and gives directions for readers to experiment fothemselves. Pyramid Energy; Vivaxis — the healing effect of standing on an axis line with your place of birth

Radionics; Geomancy — T he ancient ar t of placing structures in a landscape and furnishings in a room

according to energy principles; Future prospects — Hopes for using Vril t o aid in healing, agriculture, andpollut ion control. #B0199, 250pp, lllus, paperback, ... $12.00 

Victor Schauberger  and the Secrets  of Natural Energy LIVING WATERO l o f A l e x a n d e r s s o n

Th i s i s t h e s to ry o f t h e p ioneer ing Aus t r ian na tura l is t V ic to r Schauberger , w h o b y studying f ish in

s t reams and b y closely observ ing the natural water cyc le, was able t o so lve bas ic p rob lems of ene r g

t rans fo rmat ion . H is d iscovery of imp los ive energy and d iamag net is m had many prac t ica l app l ica t ions

m os t of which have yet to be dev e lo ped . Sub jec t s i n c l ude : Sc haube r ge r ' s Teac h i ngs o n W at e r , T h e

Life and Death o f a Fores t , Perpe tua l Mot ion , Imp los ion and B iosyn thes is , and more .

#80133, 162pp, paperback,... $11.95 


Presents the theoretical, spiritual-scientif ic basis of the working of potentized remedies and also summarizes

and discusses many of the important experimental verif ications of the effects of potent ized substances

Potent izat ion is the rhythmic dilution of a subtance into its homeopathic/energet ic fo rm. These remedies areso "dilute" that they contain no ne of the original subst ance, yet the dramatic effects of these potent ized dilutions

have been well documented for several centuries. An important book for those who want to be informed abou

how homeopathic remedies work, and to discover the reality of the ethereal forces.

#80151, 93pp, paperback, ... $10.00 

GOETHE'S SCIENTIFIC STUDIESEdi ted and t rans la ted b y Douglas Mi l ler

Goethe's scient if ic work is less familiar to the reading public than hi s poetry, ye t his understanding of natura

phenomena displays the same sensitivity and brilliance as his depictions of human relationships. Goethe calls

upon the scientist to develop his perceptions both inwardly and outwardly in pursuing the cont inuum of nature

through a world which is interconnected and alive. His methodology is thought-provoking; hi s research inanatomy, botany, physics, chemistry, zoology, meteorology, and geology challenges modern assumptions

 just as it challenged the tenets of his own time. This volume brings the reader a new translation of over forty

carefully chosen selections from Goethe's scientif ic writings; few of these have been available in English. Amajor sect ion is devoted to Goethe's great work on optics the Theory of Color. The text is accompanied byseveral of Goethe's original illustrations, and the editor has provided an introduction and explanatory note

to guide the reader through the pleasures and complexit ies of Goethe's work in the sciences.

#B0333, 344pp, paperback, ... $16.95 

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PROJECTIVE GEOMETRYOl ive WhicherA non-mathematician's approach to projective geometry cultivates the power of inner visualization of theetheric forces. As a plane is composed of many lines and points, so is the point composed of many planesand lines, expressing the dual nature of this geometry over the one sided geometry of Euclid. This is alayperson's introduction to an important perspective necessary to Borderland Research into t he creative

formative forces of the universe. The mobile action of l ife cannot be accounted fo r via an x,y,z axis system,but can readily be understood by the various projections of point, line and plane. This is th e significantinformation completely lacking from so-called "chaos theory", without which the fundamental forces of theuniverse will never be understood. Understanding projective geometry is the key to many fields of research,including Constable's etheric weather engineering and Dollard's Tesia research, without which progresswill not be made. #80175, 292pp, large paperback, ... $31.95 


An overview of the elements, ethers, Goethe's metamorphoses of plants, chemical activities in planetary life,

the science of color, etc. Lehrs reveals to the reader not only how science has been inescapably led to thei l lusions it holds today, bu t more importantly, how the reader may correct in himself these misconceptions

brought into his world view through our modern education. A comprehension of the ethers as well as a fullunderstanding of Goethe's counter-Newtonian colortheory may be accomplished by the reading of this book.

The importance of this line of thought must not be underestimated as the missing keys of science are in this

remarkable tome. Don't leave this stone unturned! #80141, 544 pp, paperback, ... $24.00 





This manual shows how to circulate the life-force, or Chi, in a simple loop up the spine and down the front

acupuncture channels of the body. Balancing these Yang (male) and Yin (female) currents of bio-energy isthe most direct path to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. In this sequel to his widely

acclaimed classic, Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao, Taoist Master Mantak Chia gives an overview

of the complet e Taoist body/mind/spir it syste m. He shares new methods of activating the life-force refined

while teaching thousands of West ern stude nts. Heal yourself by pulsing Chi thr ough key points in the body.Relax and smile your way to enli ghte nment wit h the Cosmic Inner Smile. Redirect sexual pas sion into a loving

heart and speed your spiritual growth. Quickly energize any meditation with spinal Chi Kung Warm-Ups. Tap

the three primordial forces of Earth, Heaven, and Higher Self to achieve immortality.

#80248, 562pp, paperback, ... $16.95 

0 2XYGEN THERAPIESA New Way of Approaching Disease 

Ed McCabe

Oxygen therapy is being enthusiastical ly adopted by health practitioners at home and abroad. This book isthe most complete source available on Oxygenation Therapies an d Research. Contents: Hydrogen

Peroxide, Father Wilhelm, Walter Grotz, Success Stories, Oxygenation, Antioxidants & Cancer, OZONE,

Healing, Dr . Gerard Sunnen, AIDS, Viruses, Medizone, Industrial Ozone, Spas, Ginseng, Co-enzyme Q1 0

,Bioelectricity, Alternative Disciplines, Case Histories, Scientific Basis, sources for further information andproducts and much more. #80103, 212pp, paperback, ... $15.00 

GROW A GARDEN AND BE SELF-SUFFICIENTEhrenfr ied Pfei f fer & Erika Reise.

This is the best introduction to the subject of biodynamic gardening, and is fi l led with practical suggestions

for the biodynamic gardener, whether a beginner or an experienced gardener. Contains information onproper composti ng and how to mix plants (c ompan ion planting) for quality produce . One of the most important

books fo r your future! Includes a suggested garden layout for premium food supply.

#80153, 128pp, paperback, ... $8.50 

Borderlands Catalog 1996 13


Curtis tJhJ U


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LOST CITIES & ANCIENT MYSTERIES OF SOUTH AMERICAD a v i d H a t c h e r C h i l d r e s s

T a k e a n un f o r ge t t ab l e j ou r ney deep i n to dead l y j ung l es , w in ds w e p t m ou n t a i ns a n d s c o r c h i n

d e s e r t s i n s e a r c h of l os t c iv i l i za t ions a n d anc ien t mys ter ies . Exp lo re s tone c i t ies h igh in m o u n t a

f o r es t s a n d f an tas t ic t a les of I nca t reasure , l i v ing d inosaurs , and a m y s t e r i ous t unne l s y s t em

L e a r n of I r i sh Incas , f rozen mummies , anc ien t g ian ts a n d l os t t ec hno lo g ie s . Exp l o re los t m ine

and mega l i t h ic c i t ies sca t te red about b y m as s i v e p r eh i s t o r i c ea r t hquak es . I nc ludes bo t h ea r

and c u r r en t m aps , pho t os a n d i l l us t ra t ions , a n d p l e n t y o f a d v i c e f o r t h e ex p lo r e r p l ann ing his o

her o w n j o u r n e y of d i s c o v e r y . #B0264, paperback, ... $14.95 

LOST CITIES OF ANCIENT LEMURIA & THE PACIFICD a v i d H a t c h e r C h i l d r e s s

W as t he r e onc e a l os t con t inen t in th e Pac i f i c ? D i d anc ien t Egy p t i an , Pe r uv ian , C h ines e a n d o t h

sa i lo rs con t inua l ly c ross t h e Pac i f i c in anc ien t t im es ? W h o bu i l t t h e m y s t e r i ous m ega l i t h s t h

a p p e a r t h r o u g h o u t t h e r eg ion? T h e g igant ic ru ins s t rewn across t h e Pac i f i c p r ov ide en igm a t

p r oo f of a myster ious pas t t ha t wou ld rewr i t e h is to ry if ex a m i ned p r ope r l y . C h i l d r es s ex am i n

t he t heo r i es a n d l e g e n d s s u r r o u n d i n g t h e anc ien t l and of L e m u r i a a n d c o m e s t o s om e s u r p r i s i

c onc l us ion s . C on t a ins m an y m ap s of l os t c iv i l i za t ions & c o n t i n e n t s i n the Pac i f i c .#B0220, paperback, ... $12.95 

LOST CITIES OF CHINA, CENTRAL ASIA & INDIAD a v i d H a t c h e r C h i l d r e s s

T a k e a n i n c r ed ib l e adv en t u r e ac r os s s om e o f the w or ld ' s o l des t a n d m os t r em o t e c oun t r i e s i

s e a r c h o f lost c i t ies a n d anc ien t mys ter ies . D iscover anc ien t c i t ies in the Gobi Deser t ; hea

fan tas t ic t a les o f l os t con t inen ts , van ished c iv i l i za t ions a n d secre t soc ie t ies bent o n ru l ing t h

w or ld . V i s i t f o r go t t en m onas t e r i es in f o r b i dd ing s now - c apped m oun t a ins w i t h s t r ange t unne l s t

m y s t e r i ous s ub t e r r anean c i t i e s ! A u n i q u e c o m b i n a t i o n o f f a r - ou t ex p lo r a t i on a n d prac t ica l t rave

a d v i c e ; it w i l l a s t ound a n d de l i gh t t h e ex pe r i enc ed t r av e le r or the a r m c h a i r v oy age r . I l l u s t r a t ed

m aps , pho t os & d r a w i n g s . #B0265, paperback, ... $14.95 

LOST CITIES OF NORTH & CENTRAL AMERICAD a v i d H a t c h e r C h i l d r e s s

F r o m t h e j u n g l e s o f C e n t r a l A m e r i c a t o t h e des e r t s o f the s o u t h w e s t y o u wi l l exp lo re deep in t

u n k n o w n A m e r i c a . S e a r c h f o r l os t Mayan c i t ies a n d b o o k s o f g o l d ; D i s c o v e r a n anc ien t c ana

s y s t e m in Ar i z ona ; C l im b g igan t i c py r am ids i n the M idw es t ; ex p lo r e m ega l i t h i c m onum en t s i

N e w E n g l a n d ; a n d j o i n t h e as t on i s h ing ques t fo r th e l os t c i t ies th r oug hou t Nor th Ame r i ca . Fro

t he w a r - t o r n j ung les of G u a t e m a l a , N i c a r a g u a a n d H o n d u r a s t o t h e d e s e r t s , m o u n t a i n s a n d f ie ld

o f M ex i c o , C anada a n d t h e U .S .A . , C h i l d r es s t ak es t h e r eade r i n s e a r c h of sunken ru ins , V ik in

f o r t s , S t r ange t unne l s y s t em s , l i v i ng d inos au r s , ea r l y C h ines e ex p lo r e r s , a n d f an t as t i c go l

t r eas u r e . Pac k ed w i t h m ap s , pho t o s a n d i l l us t ra t ions . #B0218, paperback, ... $14.95 

LOST CITIES & ANCIENT MYSTERIES OF AFRICA & ARABIAD a v i d H a t c h e r C h i l d r e s s

Cross anc ien t deser t s , dus ty p la ins a n d s t e a m i n g j u n g l e s a s y o u q u e s t f o r lost c i t ies a n d anc ien

m y s t e r i es . D i s c ov e r f o r b idden c i t i e s i n the Em pt y Q ua r t e r of Ar ab ia , " A t l an t ean " r u i ns in Egy p

a n d t h e Ka laha r i des e r t , a m y s t e r i ous , anc ien t em p i r e in the S a h a r a , a n d m o r e . A n ex t r ao r d ina r

t a l e of t r av e l : ac r os s w a r - t o r n c oun t r i e s C h i l d r es s s ea r c hes f o r K ing So lom on ' s M ines , l i v i n

d i n o s a u r s , th e Ar k o f the C o v e n a n t a n d t h e s o l u t i o n s to the f an t as t i c m y s t e r i es o f th e pas t . We

i l lus t ra ted w i th maps , pho tos a n d d r a w i n g s . #B0263, paperback, ... $14.95 

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&THE MEDITERRANEAND a v i d H a t c h e r C h i l d r e s s

Atlant is! T h e legendary lost cont inent comes under the close scrut iny of maverick archaeologist David

Hatcher Childress in this sixth book in th e internationally popular Lost Cities series. Childress takes thereader on a quest for the lost continent of Atlant is in search of sunken cit ies in the Mediterranean; across the

Atlas Mountains in search of Atlantean ruins; and to remote islands in search of megalithic ruins, livinglegends, a nd secret societies. Ancient technology, cataclysms, megalithic construction, lost civilizations,

ar e al l explored in this amazing book. Childress challenges the skeptics and proves that great civilizations

not only existed in the past but that the modern world and it s problems are reflections of the ancient world ofAtlantis. I llustrated with hundreds of maps, photos & diagrams. #B0327, 524 pp., paperback, ... $16.95 

New! RIDDLE OF THE PACIFICJohn MacMi l l an Brown

Oxford scholar John Macmillan Brown was one of New Zealand's great educators. He was a founding

professor at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch in 1874. A prolif ic author and traveller, Riddle of the Pacific  is Macmillan's learned work of lost civilizations of the Pacific. First published in London in 1924, this

rare classic has been one of the most diff icult books on Pacif ic archaeology to f ind. Ou t of print for over 70years, this highly illustrated volume is a scholar ly study of such far-out topics as a lost continent in t he

Pacific, ancient writing in th e Pacif ic, the stonework of Easter Island, megalithic roads on Rarotonga an dremote Maiden Island, connections between New Zealand and Easter Island, ancient tattoo customs, a n dmuch more. #B0358, 312pp, paperback, ... $16.95 

EXTRATERRESTRIAL ARCH/EOLOGYIncredible Proof  We Are Not  Alone 

D a v i d H a t c h e r C h i l d r e s s

100's of amazing pictures! A trip to the strange and fascinating worlds of Mars, the Moon, Mercury, Venus,

Saturn, and other planets for a look at the alien structures that appear there. Whether skeptic or believer, this

book allows you to view for yourself the amazing pyramids, domes, spaceports, obelisks that are profiled inphoto after photo. Using official NASA and Soviet photos, as well as other photos taken via telescope, this

book seeks to prove that many of the planets (and moons) of our solar system are in some way inhabited by

intelligent life. #B0286, 312pp, paperback, ... $18.95 

VIMANA AIRCRAFT OF ANCIENT INDIA & ATLANTISD a v i d H a t c h e r C h i l d r e s s

Did the ancients have the technology of f l ight? In this incredible volume o n ancient India, authentic Indian

texts such as the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, are used to prove that ancient aircraft were in use more

than four thou san d years ago . Incl uded in this boo k is the entire Fourth Century B.C.E. manuscr ipt Vi maan ik a

Shastra by the ancient author Maharishi Bharadwaaja, translated into English by t he Mysore Sanskrit

profess or G.R. Josyer. Als o inc lude d are chap ters o n Atlantean technology, the incredible Rama Empire ofIndia and the devastat ing wars that destroyed it. Also an entire chapter o n mercury vortex propulsion an dmercury gyros, the power source described in the ancient Indian texts. Not to be missed by those interested

in ancient civilizations or the UFO enigma. UB0219, 334 pages, paperback, 104 rare photographs,... $15.95 

MAN-MADE UFOS, 1944-1994R e n a t o V e s c o & D a v i d H a t c h e r C h i l d r e s s

A comprehensive and in-depth look at the early "flying saucer technology" of Nazi Germany and the genesis

of early man-made UFOs from the captured German scientists to escaped battalions of Germans to secret

communit ies in South America and Antarct ica to today's state-of-the-art "Dreamland" f lying machines. This

astonishing book blows the lid off the "Govern ment UFO conspiracy" and explains with technical diagr ams

the technology involved. This astounding book is packed with photos and diagrams.

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Vim&tm HiryraT!of ,

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THE FANTASTIC INVENTIONS OF NIKOLA TESLAby Nikola Tesia with addi t ional mater ia l by Dav id Hatch er Ch i ld r ess

This book is a vir tual compendium of patents, diagrams, photos, and explanat ions of the many incredible

invent ions of the originator of the modern era of electr if icat ion. Covered in dept h, often in Tesla's own word s,

are such topics as wireless transmission of power, death rays, a nd radio-controlled airships. Contains t hecomplete work: Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential & High Frequency. Students of German

bases in Antarctica and South America will appreciate the last chapter of the book which deals with a secretcity built in a remote jungle site in South America by one of Tesla's students, Guglielmo Marconi. Marconi's

secret group claimed to have built f lying saucers in the 1940s and to have gone to Mars in th e early 1950s

Incredible photos of these craft are included at the en d of the book. A port ion of one chapter deals with

various theories on Tesla's system and the ancient At lantean system of broadcast ing energy through a grid

system of obel isks a nd pyramids. Students of free energy, Anti-gravity, Mars and Atlantis, don't miss this

book. Highly illustrated with hundreds of rare photos, drawings and patents.

#B0340, 342pp, paperback, ... $16.95 


The record of the pioneering work of a great genius. Tesia blazed the path that electrical development followed

for many years. This book allows contemporary readers to experience the amazing range of Tesla's thinking.

Ther e is great inte llectual profit in stud ying a vigorous an d or iginal mind, and Tesi a was on e of the most ene rgetic

and visionary thinkers of this century. Includes lectures, articles and discussions.#80256, 496pp, hardback, ... $18.50 



Here are the suppressed invent ions of Nikola Tesia all in one place rendered in clear English and in 42i l lustrat ions. Tesia was fa mous at the turn of the century for inventing the alternating current system still in usetoday. But his later inventions, documented in som e 30 U.S. paten ts betwe en 1890 and 19 21 , have never be en

ut i l ized as Tesia intended despite their obvious potent ial for advancing in fundamental ways the technology

of modern civilization. Among these lost inventions: the disk-turbine rotary engine, the tesla-coil electric energy

magnif ier, high-frequency l ight ing systems, the magnifying transmitter, wireless power, and the f ree-energy

receiver. #80261, 33pp, saddle, ... $5.95 

TESLA COILG eor ge T r i nk aus

Invented by Nikola Tesia back in 189 1, the Tesia coil can boost powe r from a wall socket or battery to millions

of high frequency volts. In this document, the only systematic treatment of the Tesia coil for the electrical non

expert, you'll f ind a wealth of information on one of the best-kept secrets of electric technology, plus all the facts

you need to build a tesia coil on any scale. And you can build one out of everyday stuff. A well-tuned coil's output

is harml ess but can perform amazi ng tasks. Light your home , farm, or ranch at afra cti on of the usual cost. Disinfect

water. Build a powerful radio transmitter. Learn about the souped-up Tesia coil called the magnifying transmitter

and how Tesia envisioned it s us e for wireless electr ic power and global communicat ions.

#80262, 24pp, saddle, ... $4.95 

RADIO TESLAThe Secret of Tesla's Radio and Wireless Power 

G eor ge T r i nk aus

In clear English with a minimum of math, this booklet details the peculiar radio technology of Nikola Tesia. Early

elemental radio devices like Tesla's are fascinating and worthy of study because they remind us that powerful

radio technolog ies can be so simple and accessible. Tesla's transmitters produced high-voltage, sudden-p ulse

disturbances conducted through the earth at low frequencies. Hi s radio is as taboo in official science as hiswireless power, which works on the very same principals. Tesia said the radio physics of Hertz, still in vogue,

wa s an "aberrat ion," a "fiction." Modern radio took a lot f rom Tesia, but what di d it ignore? Also: spark gaps

reconsidered, grounding rediscovered, low frequency revived, lament on solid state, underground radio, thesuppression of amateur radio, radio-free energy. #80260, 35pp, saddle, ... $6.50 

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La r r y Sp r i ng ' s

COMMON SENSE PHYSICSL a r r y S p r i n g

Th is f asc ina t ing book con ta ins : MY ELECTROMAGNETIC SPHERICAL THEORY & MY 

EXPERIMENTS TO PROVE IT  — Spr ing ' s o r ig ina l ana lys is of rad io , T V a n d sa te l l i t e

an tennas , inc lud ing h is pe r s ona l obs e r v a t i ons , ex pe r im en t s a n d t heor ies of th e e l e c t r o m a g

net ic spec t rum f rom D C , t h r o u g h 6 0 c y c le A C , t o l ight . ELECTROMAGNETIC  HEAT— 

Grav i t y & m agne t i s m , H ea t as th e b r ea t h of l i fe, So la r hea t , Frequency a n d t ime, Ref lec t ion ,

D i f f us ion , Absorp t ion a n d Heat conduc t ion , L igh t , hea t a n d elect r ic i ty . ELECTROMAG 

NETIC SEA IN WHICH WE LIVE  — E lec t r om agne t i s m ne i t he r w av e o r par t ic le, Laws of

phy s i c s w i t h am endm en t s , Ene r gy in space, Perpe tua l mot ion , Magnets a n d M o n o p o l e s ,

Atomic ana lys is , Spr ing ' s a tomic mode l , T ida l waves a n d e lec t r ica l pu lses , mass less a n d

weigh t less energy . NOW I SEE  —A c on t i nua t i on of Spr ing ' s e lec t romagnet ic observa t ions . Shape a n d s ize of energy , Spr ing

c ha l l enges ex p lana t i ons of elect r ical f ie ld a n d heat , Force f ie lds , Photons , Transparency - Ref lec t iv i t y , Sound, Neut ron -

Elect r ical d ipole. ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCITOS  — Log ica l phys ics , Seven ingred ien ts , Re la t iv i t y , Spr ing ' s Grav i t i t os ,

E lec t r i t os , a n d Magnet ic Forc i t os — c o m p o n e n t s of l ines of f o rce , Escap ing grav i t y , Determ in ing rad ia ted energy s ize , Ret ina

of ey e is a n t e n n a f ie ld. P L U S : I A M E N E R G Y ; M E N D O C I N O B R U S H L E S S S O L A R M O T O R ; L A R R Y S P R I N G ' S 2 2 Discover ies

not found in Other Phys ics Books ; N E W W A Y O F U N D E R S T A N D I N G T H E A T O M .

#B0267, large paperback,... $24.95 

E l e c t r o m a g n e t i c S p h e r e s

MAGNESPHERES AND THE SPRING ATOMA C o n d e n s e d R e f e r e n c e B o o k

b y L a r r y S p r i n g

U s ing T V w av e leng t hs 150 , 000 t o 9,600,000 t imes t h e s ize of l ight, Larry w a s ab le t o d e t e r m i n e

the spher ica l shape, s ize , a l t e rna t ing po la r i t y magnet ic s t ruc tu re , compressab i l i t y a n d b o u n c e

charac te r is t ics of e lec t romagne t ic energy . Here is a rev is ion of th e in ter ior of th e a t o m a n d th e

unde r s t and ing of heat . Th is con de ns ed re fe ren ce book a lso inc ludes t h e M endoc ino B r us h les s

Solar Motor . #80326, 102 pages, paperback, ... $5.95 




Larry Spring

GRAVITY IS A PUSHW a l t e r C . W r i g h t , J r .Einstein theor ized that gravi ty is a k ind of m agne t i s m gene r a t ed a r ound a ny phys ica l body in t h e f o r m

of a un i f ied f ie ld. Author Wr ight takes th is theory o n e step fur ther t o demons t ra te w i th a wide var ie t y

o f f o rmu las , d iagrams, a n d models tha t t h e f o rce of gravi ty , rather than emanat ing f rom t h e ea r t h ,

comes f rom outer space, a n d that objects a re pus hed t ow a r ds t h e ear th rather than at t racted b y it. M r

Wr igh t h as been work ing o n h is theory that gravi ty is a push be tween heaven ly bod ies f o r more than

ten years a n d in that t ime h a s g e n e r a t e d a great deal of c on t r ov e r s y a s wel l a s a l a rge fo l low in g w h o

be l ieves h is theory. Most fasc inat ing a n d t hough t - p r ov ok ing . #80156, 176pp, hardbound,... $9.95 

DISTANT VISIONRomance and Discovery on an invisible Frontier 

E l m a G . F a r n s w o r t hThe biography of Philo Taylor Farnsworth II, the Utah farmboy who conceived th e basic operating principles

of electronic television at the age of 13 years. Despite hi s humble beginnings, this daring young dreamer

persevered until hi s dream became reality, and his work touched the lives of every man, woman, and chi ld

alive today. Beginning with the f irst moment of inspirat ion — while plowing a potato field in Rigby, Idaho —this book traces the unlikely chain of events that enabled Farnsworth to produce the first al l electronic

television picture in San Francisco on September 7, 1927. As television began to capture t he wor ld 's

imaginat ion in the 1950's, Farnsworth went on to pursue even more daring work. In the 1960's he designed

and built a device capable of producing nuclear fusion electronically — a process that would have changed

our world far more than television ever could! With this lovingly crafted volume, the late inventor's wife

provides an intimate, first-hand account of their lives together on the leading edge of discovery.

#30174, 333pp, hardbound, ... $24.95 



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2 4 M o v e m e n t

T a i C h iQ u ' a n

24 Movement

Tai Chi Qu'an

with  Master Lei LiI n t h i s 4 0 m i n u t e v i d e o , M a s t e r m a r t i a l a r t i s t L e i L i t e a c h e

t h e i n t r o d u c t o r y 2 4 M o v e m e n t F o r m o f T a i C h i Q u ' a n . T a i C h

c a n b e c o n s i d e r e d t h e " r a d i o n i c s " o f b o d y m o v e m e n t , a n

h a s b e e n p r o v e n t o r e l i e v e s t r e s s , i n c r e a s e m e n t a l a n d p h y s

c a l e n e r g y , a n d d e v e l o p m u s c l e t o n e . T h e s l o w , r h y t h m

m o v e m e n t s p r o v i d e a l l t h e b e n e f i t s o f a r i g o r o u s w o r k o u

w i t h o u t t h e p o t e n t i a l l y h a r m f u l s i d e e f f e c t s . H e r e , M a s t e r L e

L i g u i d e s y o u t h r o u g h w a r m - u p e x e r c i s e s , b a s i c f o o t w o r

a n d t h e e n t i r e 2 4 m o v e m e n t f o r m , s t e p b y s t e p .

"Lei  Li is simply  the  best martial arts instructor  I've  ever  pe

sonally trained with, and  this video  is a  testimony  to his  gre

teaching ability"  —  Michael Therou

Tai Chi Qu'an with Master Lei Li #V0046, VMS  Video, 60 mins.,..Special Borderlands Catalog price only... $19.95 

AURA MOTORSwith Gerry Vassilatos

A u t h o r , r e s e a r c h e r , G e r r y V a s s i l a t o s t a k e s u s o n a n e x

p e r i m e n t a l f o u r o f t h e A u r a M o t o r , o r A u r i c E n g i n e . T h e

A u r a M o t o r i s s i m p l y a m e t a i v a n e b a l a n c e d o n a p i v o t

p o i n t , a n d h a s b e e n u s e d f o r y e a r s t o d e m o n s t r a t e

p s y c h o k i n e t i c a bi l i ty . T h e s e u n i q u e d e v i c e s h a v e r e c e i v e d

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G e r r y n o t o n l y a f f i r m s t h e c a p a b i l i t y o f t h e a u r a t o m o v e

t h e v a n e , b u t e q u a l l y f a s c i n a t e s u s w i t h d e m o n s t r a t i o n s

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THE FIVE RITES OF REJUVENATIONW a n t t o par t i c ipa te in o n e of the s implest , most exc i t ing exerc ise programs avai lab le? D o you wan t t o

reap the benef i ts ga ined through act ivat ing your own in terna l powers? THE FIVE RITES OF REJUVE

NATION prov ides you wi th easy t o fo l low ins t ruc t ion o n th e Rites. Fa i th fu l ly bas ed o n Peter Kelder 's

or ig ina l Eye of Revelati on this video will be a great aid in discovering the secret "Fountain of Youth" within

y ou . Now you c a n v isual ize your psychic vor texes be ing s t imulated t o act ion! Af ter t h e i ns t ruc t i ona lport ion the re is an easy to fol low pe rf or man ce of the Rite s you ma y use as dai ly gui dan ce to al l ow yours elf

to rap id ly ga in benef i ts f r om th is prog ra m. On ce you begin the Five Rites of Rejuvenat ion you wi l l wish

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#V0034, VHS,... $29fS5: Catalog Sale Price $19.95  III 

W i l l i a m G o r d o n A l l e n ' s

OVERLORDS of the UFOThis sc ient i f ic documentary br ings in to perspect ive t h e grea tes t mys te ry of our t ime — the 

UFO. Mys te r ious happen ings have been occur r i ng al l through recorded h is tory , b u t h a v e

grea t l y acce le ra ted in th e last 5 0 y e a r s : O u r fas tes t je ts a r e p a c e d a n d p a s s e d b y t h e s e

enigmat ic c raf t ; They have been s ighted and photographed by over25 astronauts ; Sate l l i tes

have myster ious ly d isappeared f rom orb i t ; Bizarre mut i la t ions of l i ves tock have puzz ledresearchers ; A p o n d is found f rozen du r ing warm wea ther a f te r a U F O is s ighted over it ;

Abduc t ions and examina t ions of ord i nary people go ing about the i r bus ine ss have tak en p l ace.

Al l author i ta t ive sources in a c a d e m i a a n d s c i e n c e a r e s i lent . T h e g o v e r n m e n t is c lose -

m o u t h e d . Air l ine p i lot 's jobs are threa ten ed if they publ ic ly report what they have s e e n . F r o m

what wor ld o r e the r i c d imens ion d o th ese enigma t ic c raf t eme rg e? Wha t n e w f o r m s of

kno wle dge do the y port end? Wha t rea l i t ies l ie bey ond our pres ent huma n kno wl edg e? W h o

are the Over lords of the UFO? This mov ie, f i rs t re leased in 1976 , is st i ll exc i t ing ly import ant

t o d a y as it conta ins many keys to the m y s t e r y .

#V0036, 95minutes, color VHS,... $19.95 


An explorat ion of th e concep ts Georges Lakhovsky pondered du r ing deve lopment of his

MW O. Th is v ideo desc r ib es h is fa r - reach ing researches in to t h e n a t u r e of hea l th , t h e

re la t ionship of life a n d cosmic energ ies , an d ho w to cor rec t imba lances of energy w i th

appl ied energet ic f ie lds . Many d i f ferent types of MW O s have been bui l t over the yea rs . Th is

v ideo takes a n o v e r v i e w of the ent i re area of r e s e a r c h in order t o gu ide fu tu re exper imen ts .

A demons t ra t i on is g i v e n of v a r i o u s M W Os in the Border land co l l ec t i on desc r ib ing t h e

un ique charac te r i s t i cs of each type of dev ic e. Man y ideas a n d l eads fo r the ser ious

researcher . #V0031, 30 mins. VHS, ... $19.95 

RIFE RESEARCH LABORATORYn a r r a t e d b y J o h n C r a n e .

T h i s is the rare footage f rom the 1930s of Cal i forn ia patho log is t Royal

R. Rife, discoverer of the c a n c e r - c a u s i n g B X v i rus , in his g r o u n d

break ing laboratory . In th is v ideo w e a re show n, amo ng many o the r

th ings , l ab mice in f l ic ted wi th cancer v i ruses a n d cured w i th t h e R a y

tube and M ic roscope . R i fe deve lope d a n amaz ing l y adv ance d med ica l

techno logy beyond o r thodox exp lana t ions . Th is v ideo shows his

or ig ina l work and is a gu ide f o r researchers who wan t t o fo l l ow in his

foo ts teps . #V0003, B/W, 45 min., VHS, ... $19.95 



U FO P h o t o g ra p e d by t h e U. S. mil i ta ry

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NATURE WAS MY TEACHERT h e V / s / o n of Viktor Schauberger 

An in -depth expose of Vik to r Schauberger ' s Project  Implosion  —which p r o m i s e d t o give humanity f ree,

cl ean ene rg y whi le all owi ng for the retu rn of ba lanc e in na t u r e . A n Aust r i an Fores t mas ter , Schaube rger

w a s a n awesome persona l i t y whose techno log ica l d iscover ies , once unders tood and u s e d , wi l l change

the face of o u r c iv i l i za t ion f o r the bet ter — f o rever ! However , h is work was heav i ly suppressed by theNaz is and t h e U.S. government and it is very dif f icult t o d iscover what V ik to r was u p to. Who was this

man Victor Schauberger , and what sor t of evolved discover ies d id he make which prompted a method ica l

inva l ida t ion of h is ideas? This v ideo reveals al l th e soul-st i r r ing detai ls of h is l i f e commi tment — t he

p r opos a l s , t h e i nven t ions , an d t he pred ic t ions tha t s o upset t h e es tab l ishment . Th is v ideo ce l ebra tes

Vic to r ' s ded ica t ion t o t h e s a l v a t i on a n d g lo r i f i ca t ion of water . . . the  lifeblood  of the earth. W i t nes s f o r

yourse l f t he as tound ing con t r ibu t ions one remarkab l e man a t tempted t o br ing t o a p lanet a l ready show i ng

s igns of t h e despera te t imes ahead dur ing t h e 1920 's and 3 0 ' s .

#V0030, VHS, 45 mins, color, ... $19.95 

EXTRATERRESTRIAL ARCHEOLOGY: THE VIDEOD a v i d H a t c h e r C h i l d r e s s

This remark abl e v id eo reveals shocki ng evi denc e that man y of the plane ts an d moo ns in ou rs ol ar sy st emare or have been inhab i ted . Journey t o s t r ange a n d f asc ina t ing wor lds in a v isua l search f o r anc ien t

structu res, su rface featu res and evidence of ETs on the Moo n an d nearb y pla nets . Yo u wi l l be ast ound ed

at al l th e ev idence tha t Ch i ld ress h a s compi led show ing tha t not on ly is t he un iverse f a r s t ranger t han

we have been l ed t o bel ieve, but that NASA knows about th is and never reveals the t ru th .

#V0045, 65 mins. VHS, ... $24.95 

TESLA'S LONGITUDINAL ELECTRICITYA l a b o r a t o r y d e m o n s t r a t i o n v i d e o

w i t h E r i c P. D o l l a r d & P e t e r L i n d e m a n n

If you ' ve ever wond ere d if t he r e is m or e t o a Tesia coi l than just making big sparks then watch th is v ideo.

Border land presents a ser ies of exper iments p rov id ing y o u with factual data on t he real i ty of Tes la ' s

theor ies . Yo u wi l l s e e exper i ments on : The One -Wi re E lec tr ica l Tran smi ss i on Sys te m; The Wire les sPow er T r ans m is s ion Sy s t em ; T r ans m is s ion of Direc t Cur ren t Through Space; and , a nove l f o rm of

elect r ic l ight which at t racts mater ia l objects bu t repe ls a h u m a n h a n d ! A ls o p r es en t ed is a l ong i tud ina l

b roadcas t f rom Border land Labs t o a nearby bea ch, us ing the oce an a s an an te nna. The se e xper iment s

c an b e r ep r oduc ed b y any competen t researcher , there  are no secrets herel  Today ' s c onc ep t i ons of a

Tesia Coi l prov ide the researcher w i th l i t t le pract ical mater ia l . Er ic Dol lard re int roduces the "pancake"

Tes ia Co i ls in a ser ies of exper iments taken d i rec t ly f rom Tes la ' s work . N o modern in te rp re ta t ions

n e e d e d , w e w en t t o t he source — a n d it worked! Cons t ruc t ion de ta i ls a re g iven . If you want to d o s o m e

exc i t ing , exploratory work into Tesla 's theor ies then th is v ideo wi l l cer ta in ly g ive you a good star t .

#V0005, 60min, VHS, ... $19.95 





A l a b o r a t o r y d e m o n s t r a t i o n w i t h E r i c P . D o l l a r dEr ic demons t ra tes t h e real i ty of l ong i tud ina l waves and the i r app l ica t ion t o t he na tura l t ransmiss ion of

e lec t ric i t y . Ana l og compute rs (ne twork s of coi ls and capaci tors) are presented opening up an ent i re new

f ie ld of elect r ical researches into t h e wave fo rms d iscovered and used b y T e s i a in hi s wire less power

t ransmiss ions . You w i l l exper ience the phys ica l f unc t ions of t he var io us wav es v ia d i rec t meas urem ent

ins ide the comp ute r ne twork . The Long i tud i na l Magneto-D ie lec t r ic wa ve is sh ow n t o h a v e a p r opaga t i ng

ve loc i t y g rea ter than the speed of l ight ! Th e t ra nsv ers e el ect roma gne t ic wav e, ( in prese nt use) is s h o w n

to be a re ta rded, unnatura l f o r m of energy t ransmiss ion . A Mul t i -Pac torOrgone Detec to r is demons t ra ted

ind ica t ing a re la t ionsh ip be tween d ie lec t r ic i t y and orgone. A competen t researcher can dup l ica te t h e

ex pe r im en t s o n th is v ideo f rom the informat ion given. Amaze your sc ience teacher !

#V0004, 50 min, VHS, ... $19.95 

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THE RAY OF DISCOVERY Written  and  Produced  by  Gerry Vassilatos 

RAY I: NIKOLA TESLAIn ETHERIC PHYSICS  we learn about the phenomenal discoveries which led to Tesla's great life-work.

Revealed here is his concept ion of the ether and it s relat ionship with our own innermost lives. W e are also

informed about the pathological resistance by the House of Morgan to his discoveries. Insight into the

opposit ion of Morgan, whose daughter fell deeply in love with Tesia, reveals the formidable forces opposing

all discoverers in the field of etheric energy. ECHOES  OF RADIANT SPACE  recounts the way in which Tesia

tapped into the vast etheric reservoirs of dynamic energies. W e are told how Tesla's large designs actuallyyiel ded far more energy than they took to run. We are, finally, driven into the astonis hing r evelation conc erni ng

Tesla's involvement with what later was called psychotronics. Many of his claims are actually forerunners ofa new technology — ye t to be revealed. #V0000, 1 V2  hours VHS, ... $19.95 

RAY II: DR. ROYAL R. RIFEWAVES THATCUREchron\c\es\be  work and life of Dr. Royal R. Rife, Californian pathologist and discoverer

of the BX cancer virus. We follow the steps which led to his discovery of a powerful agent to selectively destroy

any virus: The design and implementat ion of this tremendously powerful Universal Microscope is recounted;

the only micros cope ca pabl e of vie wing virus es in the living state. T he meth od and theory of resonant shatter ing

is taugh t. Thi s way of dest roy ing a virus — while still in a pat ient 's body— is descr ibed in great detail. A totaldisclosure of his methods, designs, and success is made in these two half-hour episodes.

#V0001, 1hr VHS, ... $19.95 

RAY III: MEDICAL RADIONICSThree great scientists, deleted from the establishment's history program, are chronicled in this trilogy. The y

are names you should remember, giants in complementary scient if ic lore — George Starr-White, Albert

Abrams, and Ruth Drown. THE DELICATE  fl£F/.£Xtellsthetaleof Dr. George Starr-White, a truly gifted and

original discoverer in the virtually unknown ar t of chromadia gnosis. His develo pment of colorbeams (t o elicit

responses in the iris of the eye or the body muscles) marked the first recorded radionic diagnosis of disease.

These diagnoses gave pin-point accurate resul ts—i n the 1880'sl! PULSES OFTHELIVING, deals with masterradionics pioneer — Dr . Albert Abrams — and his remarkable methods for illustrating the etheric 'human

energy' nature of health and dis ease . Unlike electricity, this 'hu man energy' coul d be stored in Leyden' jars

fo r up to 24 hours. These strange energies could be conducted, refracted, and tuned. His instrument, theOscilloclast, is also described. GATEWA Y OF THE FUTURE  describes the life and work of Dr. Ruth Drown.

Dramatically, this wonde rful woman 's researc hes and the utter supp ress ion of her work are defined fo r the

viewer. Learn how Dr. Drown devel oped her radionic tuni ng instru ments. Discove r her fam ed atlas of rates,

her method of treating patients with their own energies, and her mystifying ' radiovision' cameras — devices

capable of photographing internal organs and tissue — even from a great distance.

#V0029, 1 V2 hours VHS, ... $19.95 

RAY IV: TESLA'S NEW YORKThe biography of Nikola Tesia is set entirely in New York City. Despite this remarkable fact, no one has ever

undertaken a video search of his haunts and whereabouts. To know the setting of Tesla's life is to know more

of him and his inventive proc ess. Many Tesia enthus iasts have read his biography repeatedly, each time

growing familiar with the many locations mentioned. But where did he walk during the night? Where were the

probable sites of hi s several laboratory locations? Are there connect ions to be found among these sett ings

and his discoveries? Why did he strive to develop radiant electrical systems? What exactly was his relat ionship with Kathy Underwood Johnson? And Anne Morgan...did her famous "fatal obsession" with Tesia lead

her to instigate a reprisal which later nearly killed him? For what later reasons did Tesia decide to broadcast

special psychotronic energies from Wardenclyffe, vengefully using an unwit t ing Morgan as his patron? What

exactly was the "Human Energy" which he so often mentioned after the Century's turn? Come for a long walk

with Gerry Vassilatos through t he City where Tesla's radiant thoughts may yet be felt! TESLA DOWNTOWN shows the early years, steeped in the beautifully ornate Victorian style: Grand Street, Houston, South Fifth,

Delmonico's, Rutherford Square. TESLA'S UPTOWN  is an excursi on into the "fabulous thirties": The Waldorf,

Bryant Park, The Manhattan Library, the Morgan Estate. Spanning the time period between Victorian and ArtDeco, we f ind ourselves walking back through hallways of time into the mind of Nikola Tesia. T he f lowing

images of these fabulous locati ons form the back drop for an astou ndin g jour ney into new thou ght con cer nin g

Tesia, his personality, and his invent ive process. UV0048, VHS, 60 mins., ... $19.95 














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Music f r o m t h e W o r l d o f P l a n t s

Michael TherouxE v e r w o n d e r w h a t a p l a n t m i g h t s o u n d l i k e if it c o u l d t a l k o r s i n g ? O n

t h i s a u d i o c a s s e t t e y o u ' l l h e a r w h a t c o u l d b e t h e e n c r y p t e d c o m m u n i

c a t i o n s o f t h e p l a n t w o r l d . U s i n g t h e b i o l o g i c a l r e a c t i o n s o f s e v e r a

s p e c i e s o f p l a n t s , M i c h a e l T h e r o u x h a s t r a n s l a t e d t h e m i n t o a u d i o

s o u n d s v i a r e c o r d i n g s , w h i c h w h e n m i x e d t o g e t h e r p r o d u c e a v a r i e t y

o f n e v e r b e f o r e h e a r d " p l a n t s o n g s " . S o m e o f t h e s e " s o n g s " a r e t h e

e x c i t e d r e s p o n s e s o f p l a n t s t o b e i n g w a t e r e d , w h i l e o t h e r s w e r e p l a n t s

s t i m u l a t e d w i t h m u s i c , c o n v e r s a t i o n , o r s i m p l y n o t h i n g a t a l l ! S o m e

l i s t e n e r s m a y f i n d t h e s e s o n g s d i s t u r b i n g o r e v e n h a u n t i n g a s t h e y

e v o k e a n i n t e l l e c t n o t g e n e r a l l y a s s o c i a t e d w i t h p l a n t s . T h e s e a r e t r u l y

s o u n d s f r o m a n o t h e r w o r l d , b u t s o m e o f y o u m a y f i n d y o u u n d e r s t a n d

w h a t t h e p l a n t s a r e s a y i n g !

Plant Tones - Music from the World of Plants 

#C0015, Audio cassette, 30 mins., ... $10.95 

f a r i u t o n t . s:v:: •

EARTH TONESG e r r y V a s s i l a t o s & M i c h a e l T h e r o u x

EARTH TONES by Gerry Vassilatos a n d Michael Theroux is an audio experience which takes the l istener on anincredible adventure through the curious sounds of the earth an d into the very realm of vital Telluric energies. O n

side one, Gerry Vassilat os demonstr ates that different substan ces buried in the earth have different tone signatures

The strik ing harmonic differences recorded between substances such as Iron, Copper, Zinc, Silver, Galena,

Sphalerite, Amethyst, Pyrite, when placed in the ground, provides us with accessible vision into the otherwise

unknown subterranean earth. O n side two, Michael Theroux demonstrates — th rough th e use of a dipolar ground

rod system — that t he earth is alive with vital currents of energy. "Pings a n d Pops" can be heard along with the

remarkable recording of tw o earthquake events! After the in it iatory experience of hearing these sounds, no one

will be able to deny the ex is tence of the vital energies unleashed from the earth .

#C0008, 90 minutes, audio cassette, program notes, ... $9.95 


M i c h a e l T h e r o u xCombin ing a variety of instruments such as pianos, harmoniums, ethnic drums, a n d experimental instruments,

Michael Theroux has created an array of composit i ons that reflect the sacred geometri es of subterranean energies.

The ti t le, Mundus Subterraneus, was taken from a rare manuscript written by Athanasius Kircher in 1665 which deals

with t he alchemy of te l luric currents. On several songs, y o u wil l experience t he earthy sounds of the Terra

Super impodynamidee, an instrument uti l iz ing modified shortwave receivers whose antennas are iron rods driven

deep into the soi l ! T o play the instrument one merely moves the hands about in the vicinity of the device. On the

t i t le cut, the complex tonal structures of th is instrument serve as a melodic backdrop for the deep gongings of an

actual earthquake event! O n other composit ions, Michael has incorporated radionic interval forms which relate

directly to the vital processes of the earth itself. Within the motive medium of song these vital energy forms open

us to the explora t ion of dissociating rhythm, melody, and harmony, and may even give one the feel ing of

t imelessness. #C0009, audio cassette,... $9.95 

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The R a y - X Button™Inexpensive relief from computer related fatigue 

From V r HT ek 

Recent discoveries have provided a simple and cost effectivemeans for eliminating the fatigue syndromes associated with exposure to computer monitors. These discoveries have led to th e development of the H a . y - X Button™. The R a y - X Button™is constructed with a proprietary material which attracts, absorbs,and transforms monitor related emissions, rendering them innocuou s to l iving systems. In simple experiments with plants, t heR a y - X Button™ prov ed effective in the transformation of mon i -tor emissions, leaving healthy plants, while test subjects withoutthe R a y - X Button™ wilted and showed stunted growth (Bor derlands, Vol. Lll, No. 1, 1996). The R a y - X Button™ is THEcost effective way to eliminate monitor or television related fatigue,and produces results you can actually FEEL.

T h e R a y - X Button™ instal ls easi ly o n

a lmost al l computer moni tors and telev is ion sets.

Read what satisfied users say: 

My husband bought a Ray-X Button for my computer 2 months ago. I was skeptical about the benefits but put it on my monitor anywayThen, just in the past two weeks I realized that I have been working up to six hours a day at my  computer. Before the "button", I couldonly manage a couple of hours before burning out. I'm convinced the noticeable effects are from the Ray-X Button.

— N. Simpson, Houston, Texas

Computers have always made me feel  sick. Three hours use resulted in 3 days of "jet lag" and horrible eye strain, despite my glarescreen. Since installing my Ray-X Button, I have no more fatigue and no more eye strain — in fact I have more  energy! 

— Judith  Hill, Portland, Oregon

The R a y - X Button™ #E0025 ... Only $19.95 


The ButtonT M

Th e P h o n - X Button™

Designed wi th the or ig inal Ray-X technology, and special ly tuned to t rans form emiss ions f rom

radio and cel lu lar phones. Recent studies have shown the JE»l i .ox i -X But ton™ to signif i

cant ly reduce the fat igue associated wi th extended use of radio and cel lu lar phones.

The P h o n - X B u t t o n ™ #E0027 .. . Only $29.95 

4" Sh ow n ac tu al size


N o w t h e or ig ina l Ray-X techno logy can b e worn around t h e

neck a s a pendant . Th e pendant conta ins t h e orig inal Ray-X

formula , and is des igned w i th a tuned open c i rcui t r i n g , w h i ch

was proven b y Lakhovsky and o thers t o benef i cia l l y t rans for m a var ie ty of

noxious energie s. This amaz in g te chn ol ogy actual ly dat es back t o the late

1920s , bu t is still a s effect ive today!

The R a y - X Pendant™ #E0033 .. . Only $29.95 

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RadiometerReferred to by Dr. Nikola Tesia as "the most beautiful invention ever made",

the RADIOMETER is an endless fascination. Sir William Crookes, inventor of high vacuum cathode ray globes, created this marvelous motor in

order to prove that light pressure could move matter. Called "light mills" by

our Victorian elders, the greatest surprise came when the double coated

vanes moved in the opposite direction! The RADIOMETER spins on cold,

dark cloudy days almost as well as it does in full sunlight! Make your ow n

new discoveries with the "jewel of motors".

Radiometer , #E0028  ... Only $8.95 

The Original Cameron AurameterDowsing InstrumentThe Cameron Aurameter, is considered the "world's most

sensitive dowsing instrument". It was developed over a

2 2 year period by the late dowsing Master, Verne L.

Cameron. With it, you can outline the human aura, or lo

cate underground water sources. Used with patience and

without prejudice, this instrument will give you amazing

results. With practice, it will help to open up wonderful

and unknown natural laws and forces to you.

C h r o m e - p l a t e d A u r a m e t e r , #E0005 ... $79.00 



PendulumPendulums! Mysterious aura motor action. Pendulums vibrate or rotate when

held in the hand over different materials, and they can be used with radionic

instruments, maps for dowsing, and even analysis of food! The true scientific

use of the pendulum is not to be confused with mediumism or the subconscious

mind at all. This is a handy brass pendulum anyone can use to experience the

exciting world of dowsing! Machined from solid non-magnetic brass with 4" brass

chain. B r a s s p e n d u l u m , #E0009... $6.00 

Ba-gua MirrorFeng shu i — w i n d a n d w a t e r , the art of adapting  the  residence  of the  living  to  harmonize 

with  the  cosmic breath  — t h is anc ien t Ch inese a r t pos s es s ed v a r i ous ob jec t s t o r e m e d y

geom an t i c de f ec t s . T h e Ba-gua, o r Feng shu i m i r ro r i s o n e o f t hese ob jec ts wh ich c a n

be used t o def lec t sha qi, o r " b r ea t h o f il l for tune" . Placed over your f ront door , o r i n s i de

the home a t s t ra teg ic loca t ions , t h e Ba-gua w i l l r ed i rec t negat ive energ ies away f rom

l iv ing a reas . T h e B a - g u a is c ons t r uc t ed f r om w ood w i t h a smal l c i r cu la r m i r ro r i n t h e

center a n d is pa in t ed g r een a n d r e d wi th go ld t r ig rams. Ba-gua Mirror, #E0031 ... $6.95 

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Penergizer New! C o m m e r c i a l l y d e l i v e r e d w a t e r , t h r o u g h t h e p r o c e s s o f c h l o r i n a t i o n , f l u o r i d a t i o n , a n d p r e s -

s u r i z a t i o n , h a s l o s t m o s t , i f n o t a l l , o f t h e n a t u r a l l i v i n g e n e r g i e s w h i c h t h e w a t e r o r i g i n a l l y

c o n t a i n e d . J o h a n n G r a n d e r , a n A u s t r i a n i n v e n t o r a n d n a t u r a l i s t , h a s d e v e l o p e d a m e t h o d

o f r e - v i t a l i z i n g w a t e r t o t h i s o r i g i n a l " l i v i n g " c o n d i t i o n . T h e m e t h o d G r a n d e r h a s d e v e l o p e du t i l i z e s t h e c o n c e p t s o f m a g n e t i s m , H a h n e m a n ' s p o t e n t i za t i o n , a n d S h a u b e r g e r ' s I m p l o

s i o n , t o r e s t o r e w a t e r t o i ts o r i g i n a l s t a t e o f v i t a l i t y a n d h e a l t h . T h i s t e c h n i q u e , w h i c h G r a n d e r

h a s t e r m e d " W a s s e r b e l e b u n g " o r W a t e r R e v i t a l i z a t i o n , i s t h e c e n t r a l a c t i v e f a c t o r i n v o l v e d

in t h e f u n c t i o n o f t h e P e n e r g i z e r . T h e P e n e r g i z e r i s a p o c k e t - s i z e d i n s t r u m e n t w h i c h a l l o w s

a n y o n e t o q u i c k l y a n d e a s i l y r e - v i t a l i z e w a t e r . G r e a t f o r t r a v e l e r s .

Penergizer , #E0032  ...$119.95 

CS-300 Colloidal Silver Machine

Make your own colloidal silverwith this amazing new device.W h y p a y $ 1 0 a n o u n c e f o r C o l l o i d a l S i l v e r ? N o w y o u c a n m a k e y o u r o w n

C o l l o i d a l S i l v e r a t h o m e fo r a f e w p e n n i e s a n o u n c e ! A l l y o u n e e d i s t h e

C S - 3 0 0 a n d y o u r o w n p u r e w a t e r . C o m e s c o m p l e t e w i t h t w o s i l v e r e l e c

t r o d e s a n d a 1 6 p a g e i n s t r u c t i o n b o o k l e t t h a t t e l l s y o u e v e r y t h i n g y o u

n e e d t o k n o w t o s t a r t m a k i n g C o l l o i d a l S i l v e r a t h o m e .

CS-300 Colloidal Silver Machine, #E0029  ... Only  $99.95 

AqualithiaA Q U A L I T H I A i s a n a t u r a l m i n e r a l w a t e r . It is a d i a m a g n e t i c , n e g a t i v e l y c h a r g e d , h i g h g r a d e t e l l u r i a n w a t e r .

R e c e n t l y , m o r e & m o r e a r t i c l e s a r e a p p e a r i n g t ha t m e n t i o n c o ll o i d a l c h e m i s t r y . A Q U A L I T H I A q u a l i f i e s a s a v e r y

s p e c i a l h i g h e n e r g y c o l l o i d a l o r c a t a l y s t a l t e r e d t y p e w a t e r w i t h t h e a d d i t i o n a l b l e s s i n g t h a t i t is m a d e b y M o t h e r

N a t u r e — n a t u r a l l y ! O r i g i n a l A Q U A L I T H I A i s o n c e a g a i n a v a i l a b l e f o r r e s e a r c h f r o m B o r d e r l a n d S c i e n c e s . O n e

ha l f o z . o f A Q U A L I T H I A c a n b e r e c o n s t i t u t e d i n t o 2 4 0 g a l l o n s a t a c o s t o f l e s s t h a n 1 0 c e n t s p e r g a l l o n , m a k i n g

t h e l e a s t e x p e n s i v e o f a v a i l a b l e c a t a l y s t w a t e r s . Aqual i th ia , #E0012, 14 oz. bottle  ... $25.00 

Copper BioCircuitsTM

B i o C i r c u i t s w o r k o n a s i m p l e p r i n c i p l e . B y l i n k i n g k e y e n e r g y c e n t e r s i n y o u r b o d y , t h e s e

s p e c i a l c i r c u i t s e n h a n c e t h e f l o w o f y o u r n a t u r a l e n e r g y . L. E. E e m a n f i r st d e v i s e d t h e

b i o c i r c u i t e a r l y i n t h e 1 9 2 0 ' s t o h e a l h i m s e l f f r o m " i n c u r a b l e " w a r t i m e i n j u r i e s . A f t e r h i s

m i r a c u l o u s r e c o v e r y , E e m a n d e v o t e d h i s l i f e t o e x p l o r i n g t h e r e m a r k a b l e p r o p e r t i e s o f

t h e s e s i m p l e t o o l s . B i o C i r c u i t s b a l a n c e , e n e r g i z e a n d d e e p l y r e l a x t h e w h o l e b o d y . I n j u s t

1 5 - 3 0 m i n u t e s a d a y , t h e y c a n e n e r g i z e y o u w h e n t i r e d o r c a l m y o u w h e n y o u ' r e

o v e r s t i m u l a t e d o r s t r e s s e d . B i o C i r c u i t s c a n a l s o i n d u c e d e e p , r e s t f u l s l e e p . C o p p e r

BioCircu i ts™ c o m e b o x e d w i t h f u l l w r i t t e n i n s t r u c t i o n s & a s p e c i a l a u d i o - t a p e w i t h v o i c e ,

m u s i c a n d b r a i n s y n c h r o n i z a t i o n s i g n a l s . B i o C i r c u i t s a r e s o l d f o r r e s e a r c h p u r p o s e s o n l y .

T h e s e C o p p e r BioCircui ts™ f o r m t h e E e m a n G e n e r a l R e l a x a t i o n C i r c u i t .

Copper BioCircui ts™, #E0006... $59.95 

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Jorge Resines.

Here is a "free energy" tour by one of today's most prolif ic writers

on the subject. Part 1, Th e Hubbard Coi l . Part 2 , Hendershot :

Analysi s of WH Y and HOW the Hender shot gener ator works; Part

3, Using the conc epti ons of the late Dr. Will iam J. Hoo pe rt o indicatea DC motor powe red by a comb in ati on of electricity and gravity that

has no commutator. Part 4 , A f ree-energy device powered by

atmospheric electricity. Part 5, Improved Faraday Homopolar Gen

erator. Part 6, Analysis of the saucer dr ive proposed by Otis Carr

in the late 50s; mistakes existing in the publicly-available data and

its correction. Part 7, Data on the Schappeller Sphere Part 8,

Analysis, comme nt a nd cr it icism of the works of Joseph Newman

and the Methernita group of Switzerland. Part 9, Free Energy work

of Nikola Tesia. #B0089, Illustrated, 108pp, staples... $17.50 


Jorge Resines.

Contents: The Electromagnetic Pyramid, Low and High Voltage

models; The Tesia Radionic Machine with list of parts and workingprocedure (with Rate At las); Semiautomatic Radionic Devices,

Vacuum-Tube and Transistor ized.

#30088, Illustrated, 48pp, staples... $7.95 


Compi led by Tom Brown.

Lester Hendershot developed a device that would draw usable

energy from the ethers and convert it to electr icity. Hendershot 's

secret died with him, but here are our f i les on this myster ious

inventor. Included are the research notes of Jerry Gall imore who

cla imed to get several watts of power from his design.

#B0046, 55pp, staples ... $9.96 


Edward Leedskaln in.

A rare manus cri pt by the buil der of the famou s Coral Castle. Al ong

with present ing his most curious viewpoint on the f lu id, f lowing

force of Magnetism, Leedskalnin gives the reader various experi

ments to try in order to understand the incredible forces he tapped

to build his enigmatic structure. #30054, 27pp, staples... $4.45 


Jorge Resines.

Contents: Fundamentals, comparison with Dr. Le Bon & Dr. Sagnac,

old radio & T V circuits from 1928 applied to Moray's d iscover ies;

special tubes of Dr. Moray; Moray's stolen ideas in use; Altered

Substances, Healing Tubes to t reat substances, Radiant EnergyDetector; The Secret of Dr. Moray, reconstruct ion of Radiant En

ergy Detector, Improving the Radiant Energy Detector, more.

#80017 , 64 pp, staples... $11.95 


T. Hen ry Moray.

If you're following the elusive trail of free energy, or invest igat ing

electrotherapeut ics, this is a book y o u should read. Dr. Moray

developed an unusual radiant energy receiver and he also worked

on specialized electrotherapeut ic tubes.#0006°, 22pp, ... $4.75 


Given byT. Henry Moray.

In the Spee ch an d Drama Buildi ng, Valley State Colle ge, Jan . 23,

1962 Northr idge California. Research paper by this great scien

t if ic explorer. #60375, staples, 12pp... $2.95 



Nikola Tesia (1956).

This is on e of the finest Tesia reference books available. Docu

ments taken from t he Tesia Museum a n d Beograd University.

Lectures: A New System of Alternate Currents of Very High Fre

quency & Their Applicat ion to Methods of Art if icial I l luminat ion;

On Light & Other High Frequency Phenomena; High Frequency

Oscillators for Motors; 9 Patents forTransmission of Electric Power;

6 Patents for Light ing; 17 Patents for High Frequency Apparatus

and Circuit Controll ers; 12 Patents - Radio; 1 -Telemechanics; 7 -

Turbines & Similar Apparatus; 11 - Various Patents. 24 Art icles

and a n Autobiographical Ar t ic le.

#30214, Over 1000pages, 2 volumes, splralbound... $65.00 



Jorge Resines.

Includes: Dif ferences between the Magnif ier Transmitter and the

Tesia Coil; dif ferent usages of the Archimedean Spiral; Why t he

building is shaped and sized in the manner it was, internal features

and sizes for each . Regene rat i on as main feature forthi s transmit

ter; Reasons for the metallic hemisphere at both ends of the TMT;

Internal Radio Devices: Apparatus placed within the Magnif ier

Transmitter to broadcast and receive voice and visual.

#B0309, 66pp, staples... $10.95 


Eric P. Dol lard.

This paper contains many essent i al formulae and support ing data

necessary to understand the Transmission of Electr ical Energy

Witho ut Wires. Discu sses and dia grams the Marconi Wireless

stat ion based at Bolinas, California, circa 1919. Unlike many

erroneous modem theor ies of how Tesia achieved hi s goal, this

paper is based on real work with a Tesia Magnifying Transmitter.

I l lustrated with charts & d iagrams.

#B0082, 69pp, staples... $10.80 


Eric P. Dol lard.

An abstract of the theory and construct ion techniques of Tesia

Transformers writ ten by one of the most brilliant modern dayresear chers into High Frequ ency Electr icity as pioneered by Tesia

and Steinmetz. Contain s the art icle CAP ACI TY by Fritz Lowen-

ste in , assistant to Tesia in his research.

#30018, 70pp, staples... $11.00 



Eric P. Dollard.

Eric Dollard's work on the relationship of the dielectric and electro

magneti c aspects of electr icity is the most important breakth rough

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in modern day electr ical research providing real avenues of re

search into Tesla 's secrets. Contains ELE CTRI CAL OSCILLA


one of the few art icles conta ini ng equat ion s useful to the desi gn of

Tesia Coils. #B0020, 38pp, staples ... $7.95 



Eric P. Dol lard.

Extension of the theory of versor opera tors an d imaginary numbe rs

to represent complex oscil lat ing wav es such as thos e e ncou nter ed

in the researches of Nikola TesIa and eve ryw her e in Nature. The ory

of Free Electricity produc ed by rotat ing appa ratu s such as vari able

reluctance devices. Wav es f lowing backwa rds in t ime are ex

plored. #B0030, 86pp, staples ... $12.95 



Eric P. Dol lard.

Introduct ion to t he FOUR QUADRANT THEORY of Alternat ing

Current which allows engineering of Tesla 's invent ions. An in-depth ana lys is of AC waves prov id ing a m or e c om p le t e

under stand ing of the use of versor opera tors (d egrees of rotat ion),

neces sary to the underst andi ng of the rotat ing magnetic f ield. T h e

process of the product ion of electr ical energy using the neglected

QUADRANTS OF GROWTH is brought about via the use of these

operators. #B0079, 53pp, staples... $8.65 



Charles Proteus Steinmetz.

This is a vital book for the electr ical engineer pursuing the lost

sc ience of electr icity as deve loped by Tesia and other pioneers.

Steinmetz w a s hired by General Electr ic to decipher t he Tes ia

Patents. #B0026, 156pp, illus., staples ... $22.95 


T. Edwin Lowell & H.S. Norrie, 1904.

Here several old and hard-to-f ind books have been compiled on

the construct ion and use of Induct ion Coils.

#30048, 90pp, staples ... $13.95 


V. E. Johnson, M.A.

If yo u are into elec tros tati cs and related phe no me na yo u will f ind

this a fascinat i ng, useful handb ook.

#B0266, 278pp, staples... $24.95 



W.H.Not tage, 1916.

An essent ia l handbook for experimenting with Tesia coils an d

amateur radio gear. #B0012, 137pp, staples ... $9.95 


Jorge Resines.

Interest ing work on ful ly conduct ive vacuum tubes. Contains info

on the Farnsworth Mult ipac torTu bes, and has a wealth of diagr ams

and patent drawin gs. Excellent resource forthe serious researcher!

#B0308, 46pp, staples ... $7.95 




Dr .GuentherWachsmuth , 1932.

Essent ial reading for unders tand ing t he nature and workings of

energy and matter. Includes: New Theory of Motion ; Organi c and

Inorganic World; Etheric Formative Forces; Breathing Process of

the Earth Organism; Circulatory Process of the Earth Organism;

Rotat ion of the Earth; Etheric Currents in the Earth Organism;

Gravitat ion and Terrestr ial Magnetism; The Sun; The Planets and

their Spheres; T h e Inter ior of the Earth; Ontogenet ic Origin a n d

Disappeara nce of Substa nce; New Theory of Light & Color; Tone;

The Dissolut ion of Radioact ivity; Shape-Building Forces and Ar

chetypal Forms in Nature; Etheric Formative Forces & the Art of

Heal ing. #BQ118, 250pp, staples... $20.95 

REINCARNATION back in print! As a Phenomenon  of  Metamorphoses D r . G uen t he r W ac hs m u t h .

This book represents a cont inuat ion of many of the ideas pre

sented in the author 's work, Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos,Earth, and Man. Inc ludes: Metamorphoses and Ascent , Cosmic

Breathing Rhythms, The Metamo rpho ses of the Spir itual Psychic

Through Rebirth,Transmutat ion Before and During Rebirth, Physi

cal-Corporeal Metamorphoses Through Reincarnat ion.

#B0300, staples, 310pp... $24 .95


Sir Oliver Lodge.

Why does orthodox science refuse to considerthe existence of an

invisible ether? Amo ng other serious experimente rs, Lodge wo rked

tirelessly to prove the reality of the ether. You can share his keen

insights into the elusive but ever present ethereal spaces here.

With i l lustrat ions describing the various experiments.

#30033, 180pp, staples ... $15.95 


& the Determination  of the Absolute Motion  of the Earth Dayton C. Miller.

If you think that t he ether h as been scient if ically disproved yo u

haven't read this material yet! Miller 's experiments foreshadow

Wilhelm Reich's discovery of the Orgone - and conf irms it!

#30032, 40pp, staples... $6.95 


Carl Frederick Krafft.

One of Borderland's trailblazing writers from the 1950's, physicist

and ether researcher Kraff t swept the cobwebs from many minds

in the earl y day s with his pro gre ssi ve articl es. Her e is a select ion

of his best inc lud ing : Th e Antiqui ty of the Ether Concept; The Ex

istence of an Ether; Further Evidence of an Ether; and Anti-Gravity

and Saucer Propuls ion. #30042, 22pp, staples... $6.95 

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Carl Frederick Krafft.

Outside the stagnant channels of "mainst ream" sc ience, leading

research is now showing the vortex to be a vital key in under stand

ing the subatomic level of nature. This comprehensive book is

Kraff t 's masterwor k covering : The Hydr omech ani cal Ether, Sub

atomic Vort ices, The New Vortex Atoms , Radioact ivity and At omic

Fission, the Nuclear Theory Disproved, and more.8B0031, 66pp, staples... $9.95 


Carl Frederick Krafft.

Here is the theory, base d on obse rvati on an d astute insight, that the

atom is a vortexian structure, rather than the "swarm of flies" type

of atom conceived through high energy electr ical experiments.

Also included is an Alternat ive Explanat ion for the Red Shif t , a n d

the Const itut ion of the Sun and Stars.

#B0078, 36pp, staples... $6.95 


Lindy Mil lard.In more enlightened quarters the ether h a s never gone out of

fashion. The extraordinary science of ether physics explains t he

four fo rcesth atcompr iseou runi verse. Mi l lard begins with the Four

Creat ive Forces of Lemur ia, a n d carr ies on into Gravitat ional,

Electr ic, Magnetic, a n d Fields of Opt ical Radiat ion-Pressure.

#B0035, 15pp, staples... $3.95 


Charles Proteus Steinmetz, 1923.

In these four lectures Steinmetz discarded t he relativistic con

cepts of the ether and opted for a relat ionship between Project ive

Geometry and Relat ivity. Stereo-vision i l lustrat ions are inc luded

to help the reader understand these concepts.

#B0074, 140pp, staples ... $20.95 


and the Experiments of Dr. Charles W. Littlefield& Wilhelm Reich To the great consternat ion of the scient if ic world, Morley Mart in

succeeded in creating organic life forms in inert Precambrian azoic

rock! He proved that there is no death, only latency, and that life

is not special to this planet but is a spontaneous universal phenom

enon. Dr . Lit t lef ield demonstrated l i fe-forming act ivity in th e min

eral real m, with life actuall y eme rgi ng fro m 'dea d' rock! Whi le

crystall izing inorganic substances and homeopathic cell salts, he

described many organic forms imprinted into ' inert ' substances.

This report includes documentat ion o n Andrew Crosse's extraor

dinary experiments where spider- l ike insects were created from'inert' volcanic pumice, after being treated with acid and electricity.

Learn of Dr. Wi lhelm Reich'sgro und-breaki ng bion expe r im ents —

the creation of l iv ing, pulsat ing energy from heat-ster i l ized sub

stances! Also contai ns a brief descript ion of disease diagnosis

through crystall ized blood spots. #30057,47pp, staples... $9.95 


IMPLOSION — The Secret of Viktor Schauberger 

An introduct ion to the work of "Water Wiz ard " Viktor S chaub erger.

Contents: The Natural Solut ion to the Energy Problem Through

D iamagnet ism & Etheric Forces; Centr ipetal Forces overcome

Gravity; Ho w To Generate Diamagnetic Forces; Levitat ion ofCharg ed Water; Quant itat ive & Qualitat ive Char ged Water; Rege n

erat ion of Diseased Water; Implosion Motor, Suct ion Turbine

Home Power Plant & Flying Discs & more.

#B0047, 130pp, staples... $19.95 


An in depth considerat ion of the secret of implosion power as

appl ied to Flying Saucer research in th e 1940s. Jorge provides

some excellent research leads into levitat ional power sources

based on egg-shaped implosion turbines. Includes a discussion o

the electr ical potent ial in water and how to demonst rate it using

Lord Kelvin's Water Thread Experiment.

#B0107, staples, 29pp... $4.95 



Royal Dixon and Franklyn Fitch.A natural look at the wor ld of plants a n d observat ions of their

intell igence. Contents: Origin of Plants, Migrat ions of Plants, Mar

r iage Customs of Plants, Art in the Plant World, Music in the Plan

World, Plant Intell igence, The Higher Life of Plants.

#30328, 221pp... $15.95 



Jagadis Chunder Bose (1906).

The "grail book" of plant researchers. Includes: Mechanical R e

sponse; Electrical Response; Effects of Anaesthetics, Poisons, and

Other Chemical Reagents; Effect of Temperature; Ascent of Sap;

Growth Responses; Effect of Invisible Radiat ion and Emanations;

and much more. #30341, 779pp, Illustrated... $49.95 



Jagadis Chunder Bose (1907).

The cont inuat ion study of response in organic a n d inorganic

matter. Includes: Th e Molecular Re spo nse of Matter; Respons e of

Leave s; Th e Leaf Consider ed as an Electr ic Organ ; The Theor y of

Electr ical Organs; Mechanical Response of Nerve; Mult iple R e

sponse of Nerve; and more. #30342, 760pp, Illustrated... $49.95


Patr ick Geddes, 1920.

Jagadis Bose ranks among the top of the forgotten and ignoredgreats in science. Dr . Bose wa s a pioneer in plant response

research and was featured heavily in the book , The Secret Life of Plants. Bose tracked the trail of the living from human and animals,

through plant l ife, into t he metals. H e discovered that they al l

responded, at different levels of sensitivity, in the same manner to

the same st imuli! H e would drug metals and record the recovery

t imes! #B0119, 259pp, illustrated... $20.95 


Sir Jaga dis Chund er Bose, 1927.

Bose devel oped his own speci al instrument at ion for all his experi-

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merits. T h e autograph could magnify response sensit iv i t ies in

plants to provide charts of l i fe activities at extremely minute levels.

Chapters include: The Plant-Script; Behavior of Plants; Drugged

Plants; Electr ical Response; Sleep of Plants; Response of Inor

ganic Matter; Curve of Life and Death; Woun ded Plants; Sense of

Direction in Plants; Propulsive tissue; Nerve of Plants; Pac ked with

charts and diagrams showing completely how this work is done.#B0120, 120 illustrations, 240pp, staples... $19.95 

MAN, MOON AND PLANTH.E. Staddon, 1943.

A profound pioneering effort into establishing the laws of plan

etary influence on earthly life. #80117, 75pp, illus, staples... $7 .95 


George W. Crile 1926.

What are the underly ing causes of chronic fat igue, exhaustion

and death? Well-known researcher (at least in alternative circles)

Crile gives u s his conclusions based o n studies begun in 1889 -

over a hundred years ago! These led him to a deep study into the

nature of life. #B0008, 420pp, spiralbound... $34.95 


Dr. Gustave Le Bon.

This is the copy of a rare and sought-after manuscript from 1906.

Scientific researches into invisible radiations, phosphorescence

and electromagnetic waves, a n d emanations from "radioactive"

elements. #B0036,475pp, staples... $39.95 


Dr. Gusta ve Le Bon (1908).

From the evolution of matter, Le Bon now extends his original

theories to enco mpass t he forces of the universe. Different forms

of Electricity, Light, Black Light, Visible & Invisible Phosphorescence, Hidden Forces, and Forces Manifested in Living Beings.

This is the real basis for a new physics.

#80037, 400pp, Staples ... $29.95 


Baron Karl von Reichenbach.

Letters on a Newly Discovered Power in Nature, and it s Relation

to Magneti sm, Electricity, Heat and Light. Cont ents: Sensiti ve Per

sons; Od-Cry stals- The Dark Roo m; The Sun- The Moon-The Ir is;

Magnetism, Animal Magnetism; Man, the Bearer of Od; Mesmer-

ism-The Magnetic Pass and Magnetic Doctors; Chemism; Sound

- Friction - Springs; Heat - Electricity - The Material World; Loading

and Conduction of Od; Dual ism of Od; The R ainbow of O d - ThePolar-Light of our Globe; Magnetism and Odics of our Globe; Ve

locity of Conduction; Radiat ion; Distance of Projectile Motion; At

mosphere of Od; Odoscope; Etymology of the word "Od".

#B0202, 144 pp, velobound... $11.95 


George Starr White, M.D. (1929).

Contains Dr. White's early observations and subsequent findings;

Polarity Health; Colors; Magnetic Energy; Interference of Energy,

Diagnosing All Un-Health; Moonlight Influences All Life; Destruc

tive Forces Explained; T h e Bio-Dynamo-Chromat ic System of

Diagnosis; "Har nessi ng"The Finer Forces of Nature; Color s-Th eir

Use ForTre atmen t As Well As For Diagnosis; Rhythm- Duo-Col or

Therapy; #80335, 231pp, velobound... $17.95 


George Starr White, M.D. (1928).

Contents: "Aura Reading"; T h e Aura must have been the first

means of communication among l iv ing objects - animal or vegetable. The Au ra ha s no barrier - neither material substance nor

dis tance - it is free as thought and is the Mother of Intuition. The

finger tips teach t he first lesson in th e study of Auric Reading -

Their emanations blend, repel, or'c lump'antagonist ical ly, depend

ing upon the ones brought into action. A folding screen makes a

practical 'dark r oom' etc. #80343,215pp, illustrated, veto... $24.95


A Scientific Analysis of Dowsing, Radiesthesia 

& Kindred Phenomena 


This exceptional ly thorough book is a classic manual for anyone

interested in detecting the effects of natural and man-made fieldsof energy on l iving plants and humans.

#B0097, 513pp, velobound... $39.95 


Alfred Binet.

This essay endeavors to show that psychological phenomena

begin among the very lowest classes of beings; they are met with

in every form of life. #80129, 60pp, staples... $9.95 


S . H . W a t s o n .

A most fascinating account of the Eidetic worlds of time and space

with many interesting experiments detail ing how to view the Plan

ets and Sun. Il lustrated. #B0284, 350pp, staples... $29.95 

THE PHENOMENA OF LIFE — A Radio-Electric Interpretation 

George W. Crile (1936).

Follow the author's exploration into the phenomena we call LIFE...

With impeccable logic he shows how oxidation produces radiant

energy. Radiant energy generates electric currents in protoplasm.

The normal a n d patholog ica l phenomena of l i fe are manifesta

t ions of protoplasm.Therefore, the phenomena of life must be due

to radiant and electrical energy. #B0062, 380pp, veto ... $29.95 


Georges Lakhovsky.

A classical work b y a great researcher who developed the Mult i-Wave Osci l lator. Contents include: Universal Nature of Radiation

in Living Beings, O n Radiations in General and o n Electro-Mag

netic Waves in particular, Oscillation and radiation of cells, Nature

of Radiant Energy, Causati on of Cancer , Therapeutics of Cellular

Osci l lat ion, Origin of Life. #80216,212pp, spirals... $16.95 


Mark Clement.

Here in simple and clear language the new science of Radiobiol-

ogy (Lakhovsky 's Theor ies) is presented wi th as ton ish ing

photographs taken before and after treatment. In this concise and

factual account, you can read h o w health ha s been restored to

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plants, animals and human beings, without operat ions and drugs.

#B0217, 63pp, staples... $5.00 



Foundation, Equations  and  Ramifications Jorge Resines.

"The goal of this text is to make available, both to those familiar or

not with the energy gr id exist ing upon our planet 's surface, a

guideline that links t he knowledge given out by N e w Zea land

researcher Bruce Cathie (who init iated it all) , Argent ine invest iga

tor Dr. Jos e Alvarez Lope z, an d the late Rich ard Buck mins ter Fuller

in their books with the invest igat ions carr ied on independently by

others who were not in the least aware of the gr id's existence."

#80027, 89pp, staples... $13.95 


Angles, Music from the Spheres and  J. Lobaczewski 

Jorge Resines.

#80028, well illustrated. WOpp, staples ... $24 .95 


Mathematical Transformation and the Many-Grids Theory Jorge Resines.

#80029, Illustrated, 37pp, staples... $6.95 


THE ETHER SHIP MYSTERY and  Its  Solution Meade Layne.

Thi s boo k is an antidot e to the purel y materiali stic vi ew of UFO 's so

fashionable today. Journey backtotherootsof UFO research, back

to 1946 when Borderlands were the f irst to publ ish o n the FlyingSaucer Mystery. Meade Layne's unique insight into this enigma

takes us f rom Ether Ship propulsion to the Air Force Inquiry, from

the spiritual spheres of the Kabala to the curious work of Oahspe.

A classic reissue from the BSRF files.

#B0034, 40pp, staples... $7 .95 


A compilat ion of all BSRF documents about the secret landing of

UFOs atthe Air Force Base, Muroc Dry Lake, California high desert.

Includes a reproduct ion of Gerald Light 's or iginal let ter to Meade

Layne on the UFO landing, received April 16,1954, It is quite likely

that similar landings, and warnings, were made at secret mil itary

bases in China and Russia at the same t ime.

#80039, 44pp, staples... $7 .50 


Riley Hansard Crabb.

Starts with the premise that the moon is inhabited and is a U F O

base, backed up with a n analys is of 200 years of ast ronomical

observat ions on the moon. I l lustrat ions include drawings of moon

craters which show the layout of inhabi ted communit ies, and t h e

movement of landed spaceships. W e ar e in the midst of this

revolution now and Riley gives some hints as to who will be most

hurtand who most helped by this radical change in understanding.

#B0040, 41pp, staples... $6.95 


Jorge Resines.

Part I: Field Propulsion Basics — Electrogravit ic experiments (i

the 1920s) made by the late Dr Thomas Townsend Brown; a

electrogravit ic experiment by Dr Le Bon carried on by about 1907

Part I I ; Adams ki' s Flying Sauce rs; the Schauber ger Tor us and it

applicat ion to electrogravit ic l ight; Mora y-Sc haub erge rpowe rtub e

applied to the "Model T" flying saucer. Part III: Motherships. Analy

si s of Venusian a n d Saturnian Motherships, as related to th

energy gr id a n d it s factors; a proposed powersource for th

mothership that ca n b e built o n Earth with publicly-availabl

techno logy. Part IV: Anal ysis of two formul ae from the book "100,00

kilometers behind t he UFOs", on e formula is on f ield propulsio

and the other on interstellar flight.

#80307, illustrated, 121pp, staples... $19.95 

THE UMMO REPORT back in print

Jorge Resines.

Those in the f ield of Ufology wil l surely be acquainted with th

reports which periodically come from a source that calls itse

"UMMO". Most of t he reports were concentrated in Spain, anhere, Jorge gives a detailed analysis of the amazing advance

technol ogy descr ibed in these reports. Includes analysis of a wid

range of devices from simple photographic papers to interstella

spaceships. Previously this information has only been availabl

in Spanish, and Jorge's analysis provides a f irst-rate insight int

this heretofore obscure technology. Fascinat ing!

#80310, 177pp, staples... $19.95 


Dr. Jose Alvarez Lopez.

A brilliant approach to overcoming the force of gravity and applyin

it to f l ight. Includes: Conservat ion of Momentum; Sel f -Propuls in

Device; Neutralizat ion of Centr ifugal Force; etc.

#80100, 52pp, staples... $5.95 


The BSRF Philadelphia Experiment File.In this most extraordinary experiment a Navy destroyer and it s

entire crew were allegedly dematerialized in th e fall of 1943-44

Comp il ed from the BSR F f i les, this pape r includes an introduct i o

to Jes sup 's "Th e Cas e For Th e U FO" and cop ies of Gypsy Carlo

Allende's start l ing let ters t o Jessup about the disappearing ship

along with a descr ipt ion of the disastrous effects of a power fu

antigravity field on the Navy men involved. Jessup, as a Borderland

correspondent , was inst rumental in exposing this information in

the first place. #B0056, 51pp, staples... $7 .95 


Morris K. Jessup.

Perhaps the best UFO book ever written... f irst published in 1955

this book is even more timely today. Jessup was a trained scientis

with a clear mind, able to see bey ond orthodox worl d conce pts and

the mis inf orma tio n float ing in U FO circ les during his day. Jes sup 's

strange death in 1959 w a s attr ibuted to his know ing t o o much

Introduct ion by Frank Edwards, who also died under myster ious

cir cumst ance s. Find out what they knew!

#B0086, 240pp, staples... $18.95 

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Riley Hansard Crabb.

Is the planet Earth hollow? Scientists ridicule the idea but their

molten core theory has never been proven either. Whethersolid or

hollow, there are mysterious networks of tunnels a n d cavernspenetrat ing much of the earth's outer shel l . What goes on in that

strange and rather frightening world deep beneath our feet? Here,

stories of the Inner Earth and its bizarre denizens are analyzed, a

GuidedTourofthe Earth's Interior. #B0073, 33pp,staples... $5.65 



This is on e of the earl iest a n d most curious of all Border land

projects. Imagine an engineer from the General Electric Company

making psychic contact with Steinmetz and Edison! That is exactly

what happened tothis author who describes his experiences in the

first part of this book. In Part 2 h e describes Project Hermes, a n

electronic device designed to stimulate the telepathic transmitting

and receiving centers in the brain. Building instruct ions areinc luded. Also for the imagi nati ve — a schematic for the Hidden

World receiver from the notorious Shaver Mystery.

#80084, 42pp, staples... $7.45 



According to the Methods of Physical Radiesthesie 

Pierre Beasse (1941).

Probably t he most complete treatise on th e subject of dowsing.

Discusses the principles of dowsing, dowsing instruments, an d

the nature of the energies at work in dowsing. A must read for the

practising dowser. Il lustrated. #80321, 108pp, staples... $16.95 



F. A. Archdale.

The classic work o n Radiesthesia! Radiesthesia is simply the

French term for dowsing. If you're interested in learning to dowse,

this personal account by a professional dows er wi l l introduce y ou

to the subject in i ts simplest form. #80101, 32pp. staples... $4.95 


Meade Layne.

Borderlander Verne Cameron wa s a highly inventive a n d suc

cessful dowser, very well known in Southern Cal i fornia. He de

veloped a n amazingly sensit ive, special ized, al l -purpose dows

ing instru ment called the Aur amet er (se e pag e 24). Th e co ntent s

of this book include a n introduction by Meade Layne; the Del in

eations of the Human Aura; the AURA MET ER and Vit ic Device;

Psychic Investigations; Eeman circuits. Il lustrations include the

force-f ields, or auras, surrounding living beings; fields of force

generated by metal cones, and much more.

#80013, 90pp, staples... $14.95 

THE DIVINING ROD—A History of Water Witching

Arthur J. Ell is.

Aside from the assorted attacks o n "diviners", this is an excellent

historical reference of great import to the practising dowser. Also

contains an extensive bibliography with over 400 listings of works

on dowsing and associated practises in chronological order from

the early 16th century to the middle of the 20th century. Il lus.

#80155, 30pp, staples... $4.95 


Contents include: Mesmer's O w n Sys tem, V o n Reichenbach's

Doctrine, Elecrto-Biology, Penduluum, Divining R o d , Thought

Reading, Mental Travel ing, Extraordinary Muscular Energy Pro

ducible by Mental Concentrat ion, and more! Fascinating!

#80301, 160pp, staples... $12.95 


RADIONICS — New Age Science.

Contains a history of radionics from Dr. Abr ams thro ugh Dr. Drow n,

including a n interview with t h e late Dr. Leonard Chapman w h o

studi ed radioni cs under both Abr ams and Dr own , and used t he

instr uments for 50 years in his practice as an osteopat hic physician;The Work of Ruth Drown; How to bui ld a Modified Drown Instru

ment; How to bui ld a Radionic Tuner; Achieving Health Through

Radionics; Will Cancer and Polio Yield to Radionics?

#80123, 134pp, staples... $21.95 


Albert Abrams, M.D.

Share the drama of two weeks in Abrams' San Francisco Cl inic,

watching the medical genius diagnose and treat hundreds of cases

with his radical new medical science—with dozens of doctors from

all over the worl d wat chi ng and learnin g. Gra sp the essentials of

the radionic art an d its intri guing origins. You can actually d esign

your own radionic equipment from the extensive technical articlesand drawings. #B0025, 80pp, staples ... $11.95 


Sir Ja me s Barr.

Reviewed here are the early days of the exciting new medical ar t

of radionics... Dr . Abram's success in diagnos ing an d treating

known diseases without drugs or surgery!

#80002, 121 pp, side staples... $11.95 



This compilat ion contains independent tests of the original radi

onic instruments of Dr. Albert Abr ams . Include s: Repor t on "Electronic" Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease ; Operating Instruc

tions of the Indicator and Intensity Gauge in Diagnosis and Elec

tronic Wave Analysis; Drug Selection in connection with Elec

tronic Diagnosis; Magnetic, Ionic and Electronic Phenomena in

Relation to Disease; and more. #80122, 120pp, stapled... $19.95 


Herbert Tibbits, 1873.

This in-depth treatise covers the medical uses of electricity. Once

cons idered a major impulse into medicine, this aspect is only

beginning to come back into research.

#80116, 204ppp, 64 illus, staples ... $16.95 

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Albert Abrams.

A detai led compendium of Abrams' d iagnost ic a n d therapeut ic

methods, including sect ions o n Human Energy and the Electron

Theory, Sexual Polarity, t he Ether Theory, the Ne w Psychology,

etc. I l lustrated with photos and l ine drawings.#B0210, 410pp., spirals ... $29.95 


Albert Abrams, A.M., LL.D., M.D., (1914).

The basis of Radionics in the words of the or iginator.

#B0211, Illustrated, 204pp, staples... $4 .95 


I.H.A., July 1926.

Especially (but not only) for the scient if ically or iented, here is a

view of the Radionic system of Dr. Albert Abrams given by a com

mittee of homeopathic Doctors a n d electr ical a n d mechan ica l

Engineers. #B0011, 46pp,... $5.50 


Thomas Colson.

Known as "Electronic Therapy" in its day, this is an important record

of Dr. Albert Abram's radionics work from back in t he 1930's. A

signif icant document for the researcher.

#30049, 78pp, staples... $7 .95 



London, 1950.

On e of t h e great all-around radionic research books available.

This classic and important collect ion of papers was given by Dr.

L.E. Eeman, Aubrey TWe st la ke , Geor ge de la Warr, J. Cecil Maby,Dr. Michael Ash and others. Their subjects cover a wide-ranging

invest igat ion of radionic energy including: T h e Earth & it s Effect

on Life, T h e Manifestat ion of Fundamental Energy, Aspects of

Radionic Research, T h e Gravitat ional Wave, Electronic Music

Chart, New Conc epti ons in Nucl ear Physic s, The Logari thmic Tone

Spiral Chart, and much more. #B0065, 2Q0pp, staples... $29.95 



Dr. Ruth B. Drown.

This book gives much sought-after info on the late Dr. Drown 's

radionic instruments, including t he Brit ish Patent for her Radio-

Vision instrument. It also contains an 80-page At las of diagnost icrates developed through t h e many years of her research a n d

t reatment of disease. #30021, 190pp, spiralbound... $33 .00 



Dr. Ruth B. Drown.

Here, in her own words , the prolif ic radionics pion eer explains the

foundat ion of her amazing l ife's work. She describes: Life as a n

energy, a consc iousness a n d a substance; physics a nd meta

physics of the body; and the incredible Radio-Visio n photog raphs.

#B0077, 63pp, staples... $12.95 


Dr. Ruth B. Drown.

For those interested in a deeper explorat ion of Dr. Drown's rad

onic work, here is a reprint of her book or iginally published i

1939 by Hatchard & Co., London. Includes Radio-Vision photo

graphs. #30081,155pp, staples ... $29.95 


Jorge Resines.

"Is it possib le t o bui ld an automated radionic device capable o

ascertaining the rates of a certain sickness and to begin immed

ately treat ing t he patient without th e aid (or presence) of an

operator? Is it possib le to bui ld a n automated Moray Radian

Energy Detector? Is it possib le to bui ld a Tesla-type radion

broadcaster that does not need any tuning, as happened with th

UKA COde vi ce? T he auth ora nswe rs in the posit ive all of the above

#30007, 87pp, staples... $14.00 



Mark L. Gallert.

This remark able bo ok is an encycl opedi a of the healing arts! Her

is real research data o n how "Nature's Finer Forces" have bee

used for effect ive healing. The wisdom and experience of man

great pioneers in the healing arts is presented in a simple a n

pract ical form, including theory, equipment and instruct ions for it

use in rese arch . Ex plore the res ear che s of: Dr. Geo rge Starr White

Dinshah Ghadiali, Royal Raymond Rife, Dr. Wilhelm Reich

Hahnemann, L.E. Eeman, Lakhovksy and more!

#30059, 256pp, veto ... $39.95 

EASY STRETCHING POSTURES For Vitality & Beauty Randolph Stone.

Thes e are easy exerc ises, descr ibed by th e founder of polar it

therapy, and based on the natural posit ion of the body during th

per iod of gestat ion. Performing these postures can really help t

maintain and repair the Energy Current Flow, the most vital facto

foryourh eal th and beauty. #30023, Illustrated, 52pp, sadle... $7 .9


Dr. Will iam Koch's celebrated treatment for cancer focussed o

blo od purify ing reme di es. It wa s used with great succ ess by othe

docto rs, who out l ine the full Koch Trea tment here in this compil a

t ion. Read also about t h e bio-electr ical a n d elect romagnet i

approach to health, especially relevant in the field today!

#30051, 68pp, staples  ...$9.95 


Dinshah P. G had ia l i .

Includes: Fundamental Principles, Spectro-Chrome Area Chart

Tonat ion, D inshah At tuned Color Waves, How To Produce Th e

Twelve Spect ro-Chrome At tuned Color Waves, D inshah Combi

nat ion System, H o w Spectro-Chrome Acts, Spectral Divisions

Spect ro- Chrome Af fin i ty Wave s, Spect ro- Chrome Technique O

Method Of Using. #B0306, 155pp, staples... $9.95 

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Riley Hansard Crabb.

In this talk on Psychic Surgery Dr. Crabb examines the work of Dr.

Wm. Lang, who died in 1938. Here Dr. Lang explains just how a

spirit docto r work s. In the se co nd sect ion Dr. Cra bb anal yze s Ne w

Age Color Therapy developed by Drs. Pancoast and White, ex

plaining Cabalist ic pr inciples o n which color therapy is estab

lished: Balance and Rhythm! Book has pics of the doctors a n d

technical drawings for the const ruct ion of a simple, duo-rhythm

color projector suggested and used by Dr. White in the 1920's.

#B0083, 62pp, staples... $9.75 


Edwin D. Babbit t .

Including Among other Things: T h e Harmonic Laws of th e Uni

vers e, Th e Etherio -Atomic Phi loso phy of Force, Chr omo Chemis try,

Chromo Therapeut ics, and t he General Phi losophy of t he Fine

Forces. A part ial l ist of the extens ive conte nts Incl udes: Harmoni c

Laws of the Universe: Light, Nature, Unity, Diversity, Harmony,

Harmohic Colors In Architecture, Colors in Dress; Insuff iciency ofthe Present theories of Light and Force: Chemical and Therapeu

t ical Propert ies of Color, Sh ado w is an Ent ity, New Worl ds of Light

and Color; T h e Ether io-Atomic Phi losophy of Force: Nature of

Atomic Spirals, Ethereal Forces, Grades of Ether ; Transverse,

Converse & Paraverse Layers of Atoms; Posit ive & Negat ive

Electr icity; Worl d Formation; Th e Sun Forming Process, Spec trum

Analys is ; Chromo-Therapeut ics: T h e Healing Power of Color,

Disastrous Effects of Lack of Sun light, Practical Instruments for

Color Healing; Chr omo Culture of Veget able Life; Chr omo Philoso

phy; Higher Grades of l ights and Forces: Odic Light, Magnetism;

Beauty of the Fine Forces; Finer vision; Vision and the Eye. This is

the compl ete edit ion of 1878, including all four full color plates and

hundreds of i l lustrat ions.

#30064,576pp, index, color illustrations, spirals... $55.00 

RED & BLUE LIGHT back in print! by S. Pancoast, M.D., 1877.

An incredible book "devoted to The True Science of Light, describ

ing light and it s rays as medicine showing that l ight is the or iginal

and sole source of all the physical and vital forces of nature; an d

that light is nature's own a n d only remedy for disease; and ex

plaining how to apply the red and blue rays in curing the sick and

feeble; together with a chapter on l ight in the vegetable kingdom."

#30209, 313pp, staples... $24.95 


After years of intensive invest igat i on and exper iment s Dr. W. H.Schuessler, of Oldenburg, Germany, presented to the medical pro

fession a complete and comprehensive system of medic ine for

the treatment of al l curable d iseases, based o n these elements

and the natural laws of cellular pathology.

#30022, 32pp, staples... $3 .45 


The Pioneering Years of  Biocircuitry 

Here  is a simple but profound descr ipt ion of energy f low in t he

human body. This compilat ion of Eeman's many lectures a n d

exper iments is a must for researchers in the f ield. Eeman discov

ered that by connecting the polarit ies of the body with copper wires

he coul d balance the body and heal ma ny disea ses! Learn to build

your own circuits, experiment with substance circuits, and experi

ence heightened states of awareness — without electr icity!

#30052, 106pp, staples... $19.95 


The bri l l iant medical scient ist Royal R. Rife developed a micro

scope so amazingly powerful that he could see l iving viruses! He

also develope d a radiant gas broadcast unit that could kill danger

ous viruses in a n animal host. Here in this file is the available

histor ical record of Rite's long suppressed work. Find out more

about the Wondrous Rife Microscope, Invisible Ultra-Violet Life

Frequencies Made Visible, Electron Therapy Research, The Rife

Micro scope , or "F ac ts & Their Fate", Th e New Microsco pes, Filter

able Bodies Seen With The Rife Micr oscop e, The Cure For Cance r

Covered Up; What Has Become of the Rife Microscope?, Photo

Gallery of Rife's equipment; Miscellaneous letters, documents, etc.

#B0076, 86pp... 15.95 



Arcane Publ ishing Comp any 191 1. Secret Doct r ine of Ancient

At lant is, Egypt, Chaldea, and Greece.The nature and propert ies

of the vital force called "Vril." #30200, 62pp, staples... $9.95 


Lord Edward Bulwer Lytton.

The story of the myster ious invisible energy known as Vril . Here,

Lord Lytton has postulated the inf inite extension of vital force.

#B0206, 75pp, staples... $11.95 



Divination  by the Element  of Earth Meade Layne, M. A.

The founder of Border lan d Sciences inst ructs us on the use of an

ancient art of div inat ion. #B0330,25pp, staples... $4.95 


Dolph Earl Hooker.

From whence came the great sheets of ice that covered much of the

earth duri ng the ice ages ? Th e ice was depos ited rapidly, f ree zing

mammoths in mid-chew o n their t ropical plant dinners. This as

tound ing book describes the "canopy theory" of planetary devel opment, that is , a spherical shell of mineral and water rotated at a

distance from earth's surface. Periodically minerals would fa l l ,

creat ing the strat if icat ion found in sedi menta ry rock and ice would

fa l l , creat ing the geological ly shor t - l ived ice ages which disap

peared as the ice melted. #B0154, 148pp... $11.95 


John Hazelr igg, A.M. (1908).

Here is a collect ion of the Chemic al a nd Hermetic writ ings of such

learned researchers as Paracelsus, Faber, Quercetan, Hartmann,

Rulandus, Mynsicht a n d numerous other Phi losophers in this

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Mysterious Art . Updated with guide to symbol ic interpretat ion.

#80009, 96pp, staples... $7.50 


Michael Theroux.

In most cases, books on the subject of the mystical properties ofmusic merely disc uss it fro m an acoustic or vibrat ional standpo int.

It is from within the border lands of science, which endeavors tounderstand the qualitative nature of things, that the subject of music

is treat ed in this work. Leav ing behi nd the innumer abl e, mech ani s

tic definitions of the "music of the spheres", this book will help you

to understand the qualitative aspects of our musical cosmology,

and will give you a means of directly applying this new knowledge.

Subjects covered include: Cosmic Rhythms, Alchemy, Counter

point, and Projective Geometry, Counterspatial Geometries a n d

Musical Dissociation, The Tellurics of Music, and more. Included

in the book are the rare texts, "Sound in Relation to Health" by

Horace Leaf, and "The Eidophone Voice Figures" by Margaret

Watts Hughes. #80299, 144pp, velo... $11.95 



How Powerful and Shameless Clerical Forces 

Castrated a Famous Work of  Reference 

Joseph McCabe.

Contents: The Pope's Eunuchs; Castrat ing the Encyclopedi a; Th e

Taming of History; Popes and Inquisitors; The Jesuits and Other

Rogues; How History is Re-Written; More Whitewash forthe Middle

Ages; Poisoning the Wells. Proof that history is written by t he

winners. A great conversation piece! #B0053,46pp, staples... $7.50 


The Earth a Concave Sphere Cyrus Teed (1922).

Teed was quite well versed in optical theory, geodesy (surveying)

and the like and did many large-scale physical experiments indi

cating that the su rface of the earth curves up. Right or Wrong? It's

an amazing view that will provide great intellectual stimulation

and deep thought just seeing h o w such a diverse view can b ebuilt from solid physical evidence. #80246,225pp, staples...$19.95 

ALCHEMY REDISCOVERED back in print! A. Cochran.

Traces the history of Alchemy: Beginnings of Alchemy ; The Story

of Nicholas Flamel; Records of Basil Valentine; Paracelsus; A l

chemy in t he Sixteenth a nd Seventeen th Centuries; The Co mtede Saint Germaine;The Seed of Metals;The Spirit of Mercury ;The

Quintessence in Daily Life; The Med ici ne from Metals, Pr actical;

'Aureus' or the Golden Tractate and the and the Book of Revela

t ion of Hermes. #80195, 158pp, staples... $11.95 


Count Stephan Colona Walewski.

The secret yogic practices of the Caucusas Mountains, said by

som e to be the inner teac hing s of Gurdjieff I An amazi ng doc umen t

detail ing how to organize psychic energy in th e human system.

Contains step-by-step exercises, including use of Vitic Power

Rods. #80001, 130pp, staples... $19.95 

VITIC — Alchemical Vitality.

A compilation of B.S.R ,F . documents relating to the Vitic Researc

Project. Gives many angles on the use and effects of carbon, wit

and without an accompany ing magnet ic f ield, as well as comple

ment ary data on the use of magn eti c fields by th emse lve s. Incl ude

ideas on various magnetic arrangements used in research, includ

ing plans. #80085, 51pp, staples ... $7.95 


Claude Bragdon.

Original ly publ ished in 1923, this fascinating treatise deals wit

the concepts of higher space a n d curved t ime. Offering a ver

readable introduction into these concepts, Bragdon touches upo

subjects as diverse as Mathematics, the Function of Science, Evo

lut ion, t he Motion of Spheres, Cell-Division, the Electric Current

the Ether of Space, Apparitions, Clairvoyance, the Theory of Rela

tivity, Dreams, Psychic Research, Karma and Reincarnation, East

ern Teaching, and much more. 80355, 155pp, staples... $12.95

A PRIMER OF HIGHER SPACE back in printClaude Bragdon.

Claude Bragdon's classic treatise. Bragdon was quite a famou

architect and here he gives his unique view into the mathematica

structure of the universe. He explains what is meant by the Fourt

Dimens ion, s o even the layperson c a n clearly understand thi

esoteric concept. This well i l lustrated book is truly a gateway to

higher spaces. #80350,90pp, staples... $8.95 


A. E.Thierens, a natural philosopher, learned through his studie

of astrology that Assyrio-Babylonian culture was considered by

many a s being the "astrological period in the history of mankinpar excel lence." Having been frustrated at the lack of informatio

available on this astrological period, Thierens took it upon himse

to study Mesopotamian astrology in detail.Three years later, afte

much re search, Thierens publ ished his findings in this essay whic

leave n o doubt as to the importance or the complexity of this pe

riod in the history of astrology. B0356, 59pp, staples... $10.95 


A. Reader.

Mysterious, identical "cup a n d r ing" markings were carved into

rocks al l over the ancient wor ld. W h o were t he ancient peop

who inscribed them in a pattern that spread completely around

the earth? An important work for those researching ancient worldwide cultures. #80004, 99pp, staples... $14.95 


Harlan True Stets on.

Does t he stock market follow sunspots? Does human behavio

change with sunspots? These questions and more are answered

in this highly readable book. Includes: Sunspots an d Growin

Things; Sunspots and Radio; Sunspots and Business; Weathe

and Sunspots; Can W e Predict Sunspots?; and more.

#80124, 99pp, illustrated, staples... $16.95 

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i l H i i


Author  and.researcher  Gerry Vassilatos  has  spent years scouring Victorian  scientifWmrchivsearch  of  the arcane, the  anomalous  and the  amazing. The  fruit  of  these searches  is  the release  of 

a singular work of astounding depth  and  immense  power... THE VRIL COMPENDIUM. This project 

is an  ongoing major work which  is to be  published  in  successive complete volumes.

New  Volumes!  Compendiums  8 thru  11! Wireless  Technology! 

VRIL COMPENDIUM I — WHITE RAY CONDUCTORS An astounding assortment of arcane designs and remarkable inventions

is presented in the first volume. Aerial batteries were designs which made

practical use of the energies which celestial currents and rays brought toearth. Patents of Ward, Vion, Palenscar and others offer the reader a rare

glimpse into the workings of VRIL from aerial sources. Earth currents and

earth resonance are discussed extensively in th is volume.

#80223, 231 pages, ... $36.95 

VRIL COMPENDIUM II — VRIL TELEGRAPHY Telegraphy began with a truly radionic basis. Early telegrap hic syst ems

util ized t he strange and myster ious correspondences acquired between

specially treate d magneti c needle s and sympat heti c pendul ums (properly

ground ed and oriented). VR IL maps show that the teleg raph system w as

literally generated along VRIL paths a s railroad personnel followed their

own intuit ions while laying track. #B0224, 233 pages, ... $36.95 

VRIL COMPENDIUM II I — VRIL LINKAGE The manner in which VRIL radiance h a s been apprehended through

"aquavideo", :photographs, and photochemical means is thoroughly docu

mented here ; in remarkable depth. Introducing telegraphic patents which

made direct use of ancient geomant ic means for communicat ing intent :

non-electr ic pendulum telegraph systems, and VRIL impression recording

systems. #30225, 249 pages, ... $39.95 

VRIL COMPENDIUM IV — VRIL ARCHEFORMS A remarkable assortment of earth battery patents. A primer course in VRIL

genesis of metal lodes and placer deposits i s found here. How ancient

architecture rnanaged t o accumulate, in tercept , a n d modulate VRIL was

only the first steps of a science which has yet t o reach it s perfect ion.T h e

us e of radionic tuners (made t o entune VRIL and raise virtual structures)

is discussed throughout this section of photographs and i l lustrations.

#80226, 303pages, ... $48 .95 

VRIL COMPENDIUM V — VRIL CONNECTION The discovery of nerve- induct ion te lephony b y Antonio Meucci in 1849

marked the true birth of te lephony. In these documents, patents, a n darticles w e read of developments whereby deaf persons could hear

directly through t he nerveworks of t h e body. In these early attempts t oapproach true empathic transmission w e see the basis of systems which

Tesia would later advance to a wary scientif ic public.

#80227, 177pages, ... $28 .95 

VRIL COMPENDIUM VI — VRIL TELEPHONY A presentat ion of near ly every per t inent VRIL t ransducer of which

te lephony w as compr ised . Ho w the human aura an d it s VRIL threads

dendrit ically merge with the natural VRIL is the central theme here. Every

kind of t ransducer is shown. Presents systems which intensif ied the VRIL

content of telephone lines with no need for electr ical power!

#B0228, 224 pages, ... $35.95 

VRIL COMPENDIUM VI I — VRIL DENDRITIC GROUND SYSTEMS A presentation o n the earliest unknown  wireless researchers: Mahlon

Loomis, Nathan Stubblefield, & Dr. Amos Dolbear. This volume chronicles

the discovery of natural VRIL power in th e earth ... usable power fo r

communications of signal, word, & intent. SB0229, 207pages,... $33.95 


The early history of wire less communicat ions begins with t he trans-

aqueous systems of Steinheil (1838), Morse, Lindsay, Trowbridge, Highton

(1852), Preece, Ratheneau and others. Complete patent collections: the

ground signall ing systems of J. Murgas, Tesia, Rogers, and others. Early

accidental wireless transmissions of Elihu Thomson and others. Static-

free reception for short wave afficionadil Forgotten commercia l underground

antennas ("Subtennas", "Ground hogs"), buried coils, buried cables,

underground terminals, oil- f i l led wells, and the Moon C o. "antennaless"radios wil l teach you how. Magnified radio transmission through geological

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