2012 Presiden tial Candidat

Born to a Kenyan father and a Caucasian mother, the former community activist and lawyer came into national prominence with a show stopping keynote

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2012 Presidential Candidates

2012 Presidential Candidates

Socialist Party

Republican Party

Democratic Party

Libertarian Party

2012 Presidential CandidatesDemocratic Party

Born to a Kenyan father and a Caucasian mother, the former community activist and lawyer came into national prominence with a show stopping keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston, befitting his reputation as a brilliant orator. In 2008, after a hard fought win against Hillary Clinton to secure the Democratic nomination, the former Senator from Illinois crushed Republican John McCain to become the first African American to claim the presidency.

President Barack Obama


2012 Presidential CandidatesRepublican Party

Michele Bachmann Herman Cain

John HuntsmanNewt Gingrich

Ron Paul Rick Perry

Mitt RomneyHOME

2012 Presidential Candidates

Socialist Party

Stewart AlexanderIn terms of hedging your bets, the 59-year old former radio talk show host has it down pat and probably created a little bit of history for himself in the process. Alexander has declared his candidacy for the Oval Office seat with two different political parties; the Socialist Party and the Peace and Freedom Party. This will be Alexander’s first attempt for the office after failed Vice-Presidential bid in 2008.


2012 Presidential Candidates

Roger Gary

R.J. Harris

Libertarian Party


Michele Bachmann, the three terms Minnesota Congresswoman, is the current chair of the Congressional Tea Party Caucus. The attractive Iowan has seen her fortune plummet in recent weeks following the entry of Texas Governor, Rick Perry, into the race. The resignation of deputy campaign manager, David Polyansky, and the redeployment of campaign manager Ed Rollins into a consulting role tell us that all is not well in the Bachmann camp. Her September poll numbers, hovering between 6-8%, is just a third of her post-Ames Straw Poll victory figures barely a month ago. Pundits have long cited the risks of Bachmann’s increasing tendency to move to the right, and it now appears that she may be holding her two top strategists responsible for the shift in her campaign’s fortunes.

Michele Bachmann


Herman CainCancer survivor, YouTube sensation and former mathematician with the US Navy, Herman Cain has a résumé that demands your attention. His experience on all three major fronts of American politics - corporate, legislative and media – through his stellar career at Pillsbury, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (as chairman) and as the host of WSB’s "The Herman Cain Show" in Atlanta, guarantees that the articulate Republican will never face a question of credibility.


Newt GingrichAfter a 13-year absence from mainstream politics, Newton Leroy Gingrich has announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. His campaign, which kicks off with 17-city swing, has unfortunately begun under a torrent of criticisms following his controversial statements on Medicare and a perceived attack of fellow Republican Paul Ryan. Nevertheless, Gingrich, a fighter and above all, a consummate politician, is expected to make a swift recovery and stamp his mark on the race.


The 51-year old former Governor of Utah officially announced his much-anticipated entry into thepresidential race, with the Statue of Liberty spectacularly serving as the backdrop. The highly rated and charismatic Republican technocrat is considered by many in Washington as one of most dangerous dark horses in the race, and is one of the few capable of unseating President Obama.

John Huntsman


Ron PaulThe former medical doctor officially announced his candidacy for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination on May 13, 2011. The 75-year old Texas Congressman will once again center his campaign on the theme of liberty, human rights and financial market reforms. With his small but vocal pockets of supporters spread all over the country, the Libertarian leaning Republican is set to be one of the most controversial characters on the campaign trail.


After almost two years of uncertainty, Texas Governor Rick Perry’s wall of resistance has crumbled. Perry took advantage of the publicity generated by the Ames Straw Poll and announced his entry into the Republican nomination race in Charleston, South Carolina, with a confident declaration, "I full well believe I'm going to win". His candidacy is expected to reinvigorate the hitherto subdued Republican evangelical grassroots, and inject some excitement into the contest.

Rick Perry


The Harvard man has been comfortably leading almost every poll since then. He was knocked off his perch for about two months by Texas Governor, Rick Perry, during the summer of 2011. However, he has since recovered and has once again returned to his seat at the top of the leader board. And unless Perry, Cain, Huntsman, Bachmann and company can pull something out of their collective hats, the liberal turned conservative turned moderate former venture capitalist may just walk through the primaries. While his ideology and personal beliefs may be subject to debate, his knack for business is beyond question – and his across the board appeal makes him a dangerous opponent for President Obama.

Mitt Romney


Roger Gary is a long-time Liberty activist and lifetime member of the Libertarian Party since 1977. This 64-year old candidate resides in San Antonio, where he was elected and served 6 years as Director of the San Antonio River Authority. His stance on major issues falls in line with the Libertarian Party Platform, such as civil liberties issues, non-intervention foreign policy, and smaller federal government.

Roger Gary


RJ Harris is a 2012 Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate and a career Army National Guard Officer, aviator and 3-tour combat veteran. His 2010 Congressional Campaign was endorsed by Senator Rand Paul along with many prominent Libertarians and Conservatives both in the Libertarian and Republican Parties. He has run a small business, worked in the FAA as an Air Traffic Controller, graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in Philosophy, and he is a third-year J.D. Candidate at OU Law. RJ and his wife Jennifer of 20 years flourish with their five children in Norman, Oklahoma.

RJ Harris