3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series E: Sermons, Speeches, and Writings, 1933-1959. Box Folder 11 9 Sermon topics. 1943-1945. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website.

Box Folder 11 9 Sermon topics. 1943-1945.collections.americanjewisharchives.org/ms/ms0763/ms0763.011.009.pdf3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org

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3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000


MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series E: Sermons, Speeches, and Writings, 1933-1959.

Box Folder 11 9

Sermon topics. 1943-1945.

For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website.

Las t Frtday r:vrrir- , Cf'c~ C"r 21'* , T<'.,, 1<' r'J!lanuel Ct:"l1bratt:d

i ts annual Ch nukah SPr ic~ . ThQ out~t~n·inF fP tur~ of ~he

sArvice ~as a sol~mn and b~autlful canal lir tin~ ritual . Ft~ht

boys and girls o~ t, hie: y~ar ' C'" Con""irn:i'" l n Clnn m re ed do·m thP

centPr aizle of thr. T~ pl~, nach c·--··•r.r ~ li ht~d c~ndlr ich

l!las placed in the larf;f' brar..r ''~norBh on thP nu lpit . .. thr-

candlP~ erC' b,..OUl'.l'ht U"" one by onp , n'r'"' . Ch"'-lo'"tP Rock, e r:her

of tl1e fo1-th fr d() i n '"be Reli.F.:l u~ qchnol , 'r(' d !"r-!l"c'":. ns h ""h

told of tr.~ de~p M~~r.in~ .,. ~;ch c~ndl~ .

Follo""'linr." he rr.rvi.Ci=> .. hr conr-n""I? ' "'D ar tnv~ ted ·o·m-

r. t a irs t o t hr- viertry roo;::nr- -hr-~£- a c-{)cial hnur h f'ntr1"t tnmnnt

~as bPld . modorn co~eay, bar.Pd n ~hp nci~n ~ Chnnu,tah ~tory

1as rf' Pn tPd by '"h' z:v= bers f thrc -te,fr o" the ~chcol pnpr-r, the

r.rnanuclite, su ervl.,.ed by "'rs . elle Kur1end . h,., n "'(.> of' thiD 1-y

was rn::;·ddie "attathias Cantor And ff!.- .,..1.vo :'\- _gh:;,.,.r,.." .

~as ritt()n 'ntirely y. th~ ctt1 drPn thrmr lver, -id ra

by •(rr . Herb~rt /.: . Friedm:m .

'l'hr ctt-ird •


Cba.Ttukah par~ies r-"'e held in thr- r-1 i"'U"' ""c-h (°')l hC'th

~aturday ~nd cunday m rnir.g, ~h ~~~~~ -~ri ri?.P~ in ~v v r,rm,

aud candy a~ di~t~ibuted by thn ristcrh or th~ Tr~·lP .

- 2-

@.Od ite ~c~~2r-E for us tocay.

Follo in~ th~ l unchPon rivrn t~ ~~P ~01 ier~ by hP i~dies

of the <.'!i.s: t e,.b od , the Cb~nulr""b as ap i n -r<-ented. to thr- ve::.-ry

great deli~ht of tho "lany hundr~d sarvicf'"r.f'n prpr-1:>nt .

fhe ro ind of Cb:'lnuk~h parti"c c .,.,.~, ';n :in f'nd 'ond::.y aft t)r­

noon , hPn a large ~~uar~ ~ance ·-~ h ld in ~h~ v~~try ronm r~r all

wa s !=Oonsored by the OTC Clu UD'~!" th,,. "eRBe-r hl~ of" Hr~ .

'l'oceeds o"' -hoi ch r.>rr>

eoam SchaP-f €'r.

har d on the sewing of cnctu~es for thi

're . fllice rhrfl n Ir~ . ·". "•. "ivin l!rs . ·~el vir- ''f'yer ' r!· . l•o- ri 'C' Ber ... y Jr: . Jack Le-vy "re: . n c r=ck ' r "" . loah-n 1

• Pr>rlt!lu t - er Hrs . Poc::'e V!ibn 'r~ . Jr-n~ie ~chn@fer

At TninlP Fm nurl , Friday r.vr.nt~~ , J nu~ry 7th, at a:oo P. •.,

regular servic~s ill b~ held and ~ bh1 B~rb~rt A .Fri~d~n

wi ll pr~art on the r:ubjec t "ReflPctt n~ r.d P.etroepections -

, ~at Have I done ~i h the Year 1943?" he th~~r or th

sernon 1..., based n the portion cf the --eek., of hicl1 tho rirct

wordc are "And JP.cob Lived~ {Gen. 17 :28). t tr.·~ se" or. of

thr year evGrynnn !"h lri a"'k hi"1"'~lf ''Bo

ha ~ t done ith my life durtnP he s

Rave I Iivsd - "nat


At the cunday ~~~v·cr fer rnlnie~s , ~h·ch bEf n~ at 11 : ~0 A. · .

Rabbi Fri~dr.i·1n t 111 pr-ee.ch ...,n the thf"rne "Cloaln~~ I n On

Palestine Today, " Thurfday, Janunry 6th, 1.s thP fa:;-;t d.ay

A5arah Betebet, hich co:"tt'.!~~orat~~ th~ day hPn the h:ibylon1an~

be an clocin~ in on the si~ee of JPru~ale~ i o SA B. r . .

~ale~tinc 1c elso beinp threatened ~t a -orlern ~iePe i~ tbP

bite Paper ~hou1d ~o into cff~ct on ~Lil l~t . I n hi~

ser mon , the rabbi 11 co~ are tbc ~nc er.t th~eat i h it~

con t emporary dan~er .

Fol lo in~ the ~.J!!x«ter~t r.~rvic~ , all n~u i unifor~ ar~ t~•ttr.d

to parta~e of lun~h~cn arid entcrtai~mrnt and dancinr-, p~nvid~d

by th~ ~isterhood of T~~plc -~~nunl .

J nuary ? , lQ I.

At TP"!!nle !'l nu"'l , l"-r PV t r~ Jmr1 t'V , t g . nn p ,, . . . ' ~a hi llPrbert I li'-r ltJd n ch o tr np~ t~rn~

:!.'or Ppace . " fhp p.,. n t. J'oint D~cl r tl"'n

issued by nat df'rr'! D 1 ('\ t t" ITT"e t 1 11<" _..Pith~

in A....,Prica . :r t~h, Protf'~t nt c tbolic h VP joined

in reparinr. a st te Pnt in t e post- r ~rl , the c trib1 -

tion b'ch rel1 1ous ~opl c n toward t ~ tructi n of

the orld of the future . In hi~ sermon, th~ rab t 111 dra an

analoP:Y bet e~n th BiP 'l'bree o et at Teh r-n to LiqcueR the

olit1cal rec n~tructi n , n~ 1 ·ch h V"'

".!'let on a COM'T'on bart~ t disucss nl1 i<"U" reco str11C"ti n .

At thP ~old1ers • f,ervicE n C ntP~n a_~ C:Un ~~ , Janu ry 16,

at 11 : 30 A. r., Rab~i Friedm~n 11 ~e ch on the thPme ntoses -

~eal or Ima~inary . n ThP -er?:">On "111 Pb ~~d n th o.,..t1 of

t e ~ek, h c

t e ear y 11~e of •o~es tc de~crib~d . ~ere~Pnc

t e inveC"ti~ati n~ of thP charactPr of 'o~e~,

~ycnolog1~t, Frrud, in !c-: book "''o cs and .. ,

111 ~ de t o

y hp pr

y luncha

and t· re 111 bP n aftPrnoon o ent ~t ln~~nt ~n d~ncl ~ ro~

11 ~ n e.nd ~en 1n unif'oM.

J'enusry l F/, l 44

At the regular Friday evening service a et Tempie . Emalluel., J"enuary

21 1 a:oo P.u. , Rabbi Herbert A. 1edmen will review the current

best seller "~he Fol'gotten 117" bF Pierre Vo .Paaeen. Aa is

well known, thia book describes the inaltle 1tory ot the political.

a1tuet1on ln leatlne -.nd t e .ntlre ear aat. Ill'. Van Paaaen

is eminently qua'itr1ed to describe tbeae cood 'ti• .. since he baa

made an intena1Te atudJ ot tbea all h1a llte. Tbe tacts which he

reveels are exciting en4 dralnatle, eD!, up to now, hidden. His

book is a nmust" for ever, intelli@ent ~ew.

At the weekly Soldiers• Service o SunQ:ay, Jenu-try 23, at ll.:30

A. ~., Rabbi Friedman 111 \l"ettch on the sutjec1 "Reform Juasism

in Houston , Texas." 1'be action recently tAken by the Reform

Temple in Houston , to establish a set or basic pr1no1plea tor

its congregBt on has erouaed much cuntroversy end d1aauaaion in

the renks or merlaan ~uda1sm. \7.hat are the tacts behind tbls

C,)ntroversy? het oi~ this congregq~1on attempt to do? Why

have Reform lead rs ell over merica risen 1n protest? These and .

msny other questions will be snawered in the sermon.

Following the senices e11 men end women in unit orm are oordially

invited to stten the 1uncheon end cnnteen, sponsored by the

S1ste hood ot emple EaAnuel.

Purim theme will continue to be stressed. ab 1

st this service on the subject "Purim - Protest

riedc.9n 111 reach

sinst Po er. " Hem.an

complained to the king tb~t be idn ' t 11ke t e Jews bec~use t ey ere

differ ent . T is W8s his phil osophy of anti- we itism. oulfi it have

gooe any better for t e Jews had tbey conror end bowed do1fI1? o -

history es shown that . his Jewish refusal to bo down to tyranny

i s one o the great motifs in the history or the Jewish people . The

perennial rote st egg inst poNer nnd t)Tallny is well exe :plit'ied i n the

Purim ts1e .

ollo in t e service el.l. n end women in unitora ana tbel r uesta

are cord1a.lly 1nv1 te to lJ97take or t e lancmo a d ent ert 1J11Dent of .f'ered

by the 1sterh o or the emple.



7k ~ ~ ~'? ----·~ . --;;..~ ,,;r 11: ,~.,,. ,,.,,,__ 1k- ~· r,A,f.t

~ 444.;..~ ~ ~ ~q,,, "! t- <'P-~ t 1k.

~.. z~""" ~ /e·~ /J.... J,~. ,_.: '" ~ ~- .~ . ~ -~ !~ ~A+"~ --..R .A:L/? ..


~ 4 ~ ,,/-,.'"- ~ ~ ~ (J.A ~....-··~..t. -- ~ ,,..,.._,..,? . ~J< .I.~ « r

11: u~ ,1-11. t[CJ.· v;._.u ... _ ,.,;rb ~ ,.._ ~

~ .. 1 ~,~ ,,.,:.. ~ tf,_,·--r-~ /~? ~­- JI... µ r1.. (/,·......... -' (I'.~--" .. ~ .r... ft!. '41 ~ _J,.el< l,..tfz.;..,, 4 ~ft..uf.J /..;~'J '7~~ JI...~ -rk H ? Jlw_ ~- .f u..;~, .,Jy,.f,..

n r fJ ,JI.. ,..,... "r-id I- /J..dc«- Lr ~

"tt'- ~ ~;d k..;... / f~ , .,t-r ~ ;...v ~-i ~ »- ,,.;... a-.·.., ,,.J rr'1 .!'-~ ~~¢".

'fi<LJ 'jk. ~·u_ ~ ;......._ -.,,L ..--.....

,,;,,. ,.-..f"" a..,..J. 7k..: d'IJ 4..-"L ~:~~ 'J6 <f.....:1-..A

1 ~ ~ aJ. ,/M'/e.. rp..;.-Y 'Ir-<- 7 ~ s.:../f,.."'°"- c""' {c,,... t ~ ~r.

r-rch 23 , l'l~4

t T "l le Pm nu 1 , on r,r:d PV nt ,.. •• .... c ., t 8 :"'"' .,,

' _, . '

Rab i R .. bert A. Frif'd'llan ri.11 conclude h cu-rr<'nt ~rv~7· or Je trh

Literaturl!) itb lPC~!JrC' rm hC' r. ('i ur 11 r r yr:r ~ ol<. T , f"Chl-P

111 be drv ln e accn ... en • :

(1) "11 t 0 s XhP 'fl"' 0 n?

(2) . I!' re 'Jn· "'n ok?

(3) h B ~1.:c "'~ c ,,. thP Tr 1 i-ior.-l 0 ?

(4) Bo ope: The !lnion r v r olr. Co~ te"'

t The at•1r ay "1orni r: R f>l F...,Rn l ev ry

~aturd y ·10 nin at 1 : 1~ A. ~ 1) i i l eli n t f' . ' ~mbjE'Ct be. You G ""n Cl"i ice .. " <C' ~ """1ect ic:

based on th~ portion D~ thr eek, L0 v1 icu~ , hP i-~rF 6-8, hich

d~als !th sacrifici al of~Prtn~~ .

ul tt- ,

n~ r h 1 in Col"" do, rcapl~in Ln ~PnCQ rhn~nPy. r ~l-in

, f,.,riierl; r I Yor "'n n .,.t?. ~\i f'Tif'Q t c- f' r " o eo rt~

11_ be the JjU('!; t reacher. .

All :'IJMl TIC or!lcn in un1 "or- n ~ r1 .lC"' t<::: r ly

invi trd to ttfln th£ luochf'~~ Pn th Pnt rt"i m nt .. on co~ he

c1 ""' terbl'O r~nte n, i"'""'f>din tP1 Y f(' l ... ~ l" I'? ~f' ,.~rvic<?~ .




. pr11 in, lO'l

1,1 be celebr ted . Qn F~iday PV in ,

H~rbert • Prtod~an ill ~~~ch on

The Last Pa r.over of nol ndtc Je ... .

ust onf' year r: ' t ar t" l ~roic rc"""!l .t qf Pol ~h J TY,

confined in the ar f:bP. t o, 0 thPl ti th !net thP l--..1 ... 0

had CO~C~M• F ... nn u 1 br v nn nd ... n

ro1 ht a ~hba~., t z1 " " 1., 1 -ry

an bo!!lhinr- l nes to overco 0 p P-n ''a:c:c b s ho had c uired rif"

and hand grenades thrr}tlp,h tinderg"'"' nd ch""""nelc:ie 1'pe uneven fight I of co, ri;e,

re~uited in death

oft ese ~artyrs and •he thcu~ht o~ t i~ sv1b orn ~01rape ... thP? ~ u ht

tbeir la~t f1pht for freedo sQrved t tnc 1~~ u~ iL' a t JP sPn e o~ th

~e ninP- o~ ~a~ ovP-, the holiday o~ Fre a

asp rt of th ob~ervanc of th~ ~in 1 a·- o~ Pac ovPr. A ~~1r v1;kor

~ervice, thPTP ili 0~ rPad thP n~~P Of ~11 no bAVP dep rted rinc~ la~t

Yo~ ~in lr. Tribute 111 be to thP me~ory or t

uro e~ brethren ho have fallen un er the axe, of

At tbe e0 ly ~oldier servicP, ., ""'t'l,.ni'l'l .... , <n"T'il l J t

11:10 'IF the pul it of Tc le\ ... n Pl. 11 b~ bnnol:' d OC'f" • . , e re

of Dr . d. F. tt . Kauvar, R0 b i o"' R. ''. El. conrrf' t~n. 1'~ 1 K UV r 111

preac on th the""'le: "~tr nge Pire" bared on t cri t ir porti n o.e- the

- 2-

week, Leviticus , ch ters 9- 11.

In hir ser ~n , thP sniritu l lP d ~ o~

111 oescribe ho the pure fl-~P of ~r~~ , l nit~d ju~~!ce

lovinr Israelites, !as brrn th ~aten db~

the Nazi Rerrenv?lk.

Follo in~ the rcrvicee all ~Pn n

guests are cordi lly inviteo t~ att~nd th

provided by OUr Cic.terh Od can~P~n.

t P ~tr ~~e , 1~ u i::a ~ire of

1TJen i


unif .,...., -n t~i::air

n ana ~nt~rt in~ent

At Te l~ ~ nu 1 on F~i v ~vnnin~,

f?rb ~t • FriPd~ n 111 rP ~.on t Pr.

' ny {'O fr

p lP f 11 ~pr r bee~ 1 1 t;:1ry

dC'P~ n'"'t p

to off or o..,"

stre~s and <-tr

Be~ on~1b111ty n

Regular Sab

11:15 A. f Pa •

bti~ed on th l'!tor

portion, I 8 :!IUPl

The- ly c

tn l t. In


1 •

i "'"i~

01' :ronot r.

20 . .

1 1 r f:'prvicP 1 1. bf=

A;>ril l ' , l'lL.4

.,.i l "'1 t 8: ,, 'P . " ., p 'hhi

' PCt, "flci 'l'P Yn1Jr ~T rvea?'

r c n,y c 11 " ,. r P

1 l fl t~ pYo!d

1 d.., n ill Rtt"'

t e e~ ti"'p<- o<f'

oint c:-Pd l')D F' 1 it t

("'at r m rn TI t

n tn ... 'f"'rh

~un v r~ 1 -, ~ rtl '"'~ , t

11:'30 A. . fhfl ul j ct o • 111 e Ire

FRiled?" nn younr tr cadet~ a.re u

these '!l"n r ni p

u~eful ol i~rQ contributtnv. ... t e ~vFnt1 l vict r?~ In

de'""!'lCr c ~ f 1

de~ cracv 1~ ~ini Fd as

oll "' f'n in un ~ ,..p

invited to ntten t e lunch ~n nA entPrt ir~~nt r vi ~ e c

~i~tPrh - ~ ~teen .

. "


id y v in , ' "I 5 . ' t

s rvice ill br h i.r. ri ff"(Y""Y o t

ho ~ervrd C nPr~ tion F'manuPl

c:-erfl"on o th t evp in 1 e t

h i. if 1

:f'llT"Cti n~ of a l .

On Saturd y r FU

11:1" A. ,, . t Nt'ViC

Thy JPiP"hbor, n b od n h

16- 2(). 'T'hi o,..ti n 1.r..,.. ~e<" .hr v ,...


i ""'!

rt r ...

. " • ' • I

l M r r r - ,

f "Thr ife Of


1 1 e "L v


tf" JCh ..

T ~ le 'E'""1 .uol i~ , r~ .. 1 t 1U 1 t, "h '"in ro ~1 1

Tebo of th~ ~ t rn ~~chnic 1 'Tr

pre ch t e sPr~nn an il h n

All en nd o~r.n in ~ rvice nd t t~ mtr~t~ a

to tt nd th lune


n na ~ntert in nt


!JI ro 111

C t t:'n.

ly 1nv1tPd

i tcrh

. ,

At Te lP ·m 1 on F~i

ril 2 , 1q

v in , 0~11 Vl , at S:n P. ., 'P

f r.rb t A. 'r:'ri('ld ... " 111 re> ch n thr ... c "T 1 in ..

Lctr"o 1 s . " In

·ee .. ' .., Biblical

social diseases

Leprosv itf"Ql •

our ocaety? Doe

society? If .o, u~t


c n b



ot r ue t1 ~ 1 1

v1t1. r, t


11 i..

can '" r ("'T'C


rP 11 rt

1-n nt ..

rr c:

04" r



t ...


rp- d

ta in


Pe lar ~abb th ~ r n ~Prvic~ , ~- 1

2 , at 11:15 h ct .. Kr in .. ahb1 ie .. ,. • • c

ClPan . "

Th~ P ly ~ol i~r ' .Prvic 1 1 C)J 11n-n 1.11 - ,

April 30th, at ,1:30 A. ~ .. TlE> ... u '"'Ct t c:er on :1.1 l b~ ~ " n f-,. 1"I

~OC't • 0 0 , a dra'nS t:!.c poem wr 1 t n on o ..... he grP' t

OverstrP~t, entitled: "/, Cnpt.,in Ppturn<'d ... ro ~ici.l ~ c id:" t~ 1

custo~ ry aurin thi Coldi~rs• "-ti n f''I!" ... 't c r .. h

VJill be ~e d and t ~ col ~i re tt1. 1 be c ,led uo t~ th Ark to asr1rt in

the cere:.'":'lonies an to reclt£ thP Bles""'i ~s .

Follo 1np the service, all ~Pn nd o~rn in unt~ ~~ n their P ~ct~

are invite to p rt ~P of

risterb~ d c nteen .

April 9 1 li45

e ple ~~nuel wishes to ~nnounce thnt its Contirm t1on Sel"f1oe will be held Sundey April 22, at 2:00 • I.

The The e or thia~ar•s contirmstlon will be •we Shall Be~er Die". This theme willfdeveloped in tour parts:

'· Bow • Began B. Bow e aw Up c • r.:ha t • Staal For n. ibet e Hope For

The boys end 1rl.e • o U be eon'tlrma4 t ls p r, thirty-tour in nu ber are the•:


1an7ce L7nne l:aron Greta Lou tler erilyn Auer

Charlotte Jene D1~nke Renee Je nne Llock Bernita .~r iet ~loo Sophie irie liosa Arnold • Chutkow Fred T. Dav1ne Yvonne A. Fischer Estelle ried Berniece Ksy _ r1edenthel Gloria Ann G1nsber Lois B. Hel'IIlBn Ernest 1. Iaeaca Patricia c la re Kahn Eileen Kamo Pearle Hae Kort2 Edward Lewin ;fa7 ~• Lutz .ar e ~endels

Tuddle • iller Ellen "'. O penh 1 ler Joan George oriorr Celeste An1te Pollock Uyrt Dianne Rosen Uyron David Josner Joan 88Jlluels SU2anne • Schwartz - reder1ck s. Silver.berg oria Sophie Strauss

Bu.th Tarko:rt R1cherd Bruce Tucker

r. ~nd I.Ir•• evt4 Aaron ~. en .:n. Hon A. tler Dr. !tb' rrs. Eugene • Auer r. •nd trs. Bndn Hlrmke

Jr. 11n~ rs. Leon Block l!r. nJil ..rs. illilml Bloom n. lld Mrs. Niokloa Bosa r. nnd ':rs. Sa uel Chutkow

Dr. snd ?J.ra. G. L. Devine a-. m d !rs. benJeni.n B • Flecher

MrB. Sally Fried Lt. Col 8Dd •ra. elph Friedenthal Ur. nd rs. orunuel lnaber Ur. &nd .t:rs. Ber y Herman Ur. "nd ~ • Louis lBSJJO• Ur. ma. r • L altar Kahn rlr. end . a-a. elcohl ltamm llr. nnd .rs. ~esa KOrtz tr. f!Dd urs. orton Lewin

Ur. ttnd Lrs. herald Lutz J r. ~nd •rs. El ore eouela

~nd Urs. • 3. 11.ler "ncl .lra • Lud1fi O pe nhel mer

r. nnd Mra. 1lllam S11Terb rg Dr. and Mrs. Loula Pollock JI • &nd Ura. Saul Roaen Mr. end urs. Bavid Rosner Mr. end Ura. Isadore 3amuela r. nnd Ura. lPrf1 k Schwenz

Llr. m d urs. Barr, Sil.Yerbers Ur. end Lira. ?4el'f1D Strauaa ur. and ura. Harry 'rarkott JHr.. 'IM-19'819 AM.1 Tucker

A1though Confirnstion is trnditlon lly held in

connect on ultb the Eest!v 1 of Shabuolh, ~h1cb this year

tells on loy 18th, the earlier dete or ~pr11 22nd has been

selected since 3abbi Herbert •• r1ednnn must leave tor

service in the chaplain's corp of the Army or the United


Regular Fridey even1n services 11 1 be held at

Temple on iel tis ueek at B:OO E. • e 01 llerbert A.

Friednon ui.ll rcech tbe snnuel ll'e-oonrirmetion sermon on the

subject n hat Sort r Yu 8L&m or Our Ch ldren?" e 111

discuss the ty r re Lion a rel. 1ous institution necessory

to ep 1 to .he CJ n genert'tibn or con Je 1ch youth.

The the c l.uren tion Class

11111 ceat in e "lle :l lo ly r ice ridey

evenin to set ~e det i s o. t e co _Jn exercises.

uet dny d!'Dlo ncrvices ore hel t 11:15 ••

undny cw n!n sold1e · service be ins t 11::30 • • .

11 ~n nd omen in u lforn er cor 1 111 invited to attend

t he servlc e ~nd the Sist ood lune eoQ n Conteen for the


ebr~ry 12, 1945




At Temple manuel. , t is F idoy eve in , ebruery 16th et

8 : 00 • u., the pulpit 111 be oc lea by ev. .i..e l G. Bill,

Pastor of the Shorter ~ ••• Churcb 1 in rui Inter- . 1th nnd Inter-

R ciel Fell o sh p service .I\. ebbi Herb-rt A • • riedman

the services.

ill conauct

February h s . been design ted by the P~esident as Brotherhood

Uonth - Broth .booei of ~ell ions end Broth rhood or Roces. In

keepin it the sp1ri t o th ...s aonth 1 the ventral Conference ot

American Rebbis hes i~sue~ e state nt on race relations. The oost

import nt sentences rend as follows : "\le of the Household of Isr el

Express Ou Sense or lirotherbood 1th the Colored ioces. e Pled(.e

Our Support i n the StruGt,;1e for the quality nh1ch ls Their Rlt,ht ln

ell Spheres ot u.t'l: n nde vor . "

Invitations hove been extended to the ?!egro COClf:lUnity ln

genera1 , throu h its orgo izations , to atten~ this service . which is

another blon being struck in the interests or rreedom ot democr oy.

Saturday morning services mll be held ll: 1 5 A. •

Swidsy raorn n Soldier Service n Oonteen ill. be hel.d et

11:30 • I •

January 22, 1945

On Friday even1f6 JsnUf}ry 26th, at 8:00 P. ~. , regu1ar

Sebbuth evenin s rvices will be bel

J'snu ry a, 1944

On Friday ev nin , J nu r .2th, t 8:00 • ., Rnbbi rbert •

... r1ea n ill pe~k on the subject: "The Ten lnBUen of Our Tojem


This eek's po tin of t Tort,lh 1 ~odua &t •9:15 1 tell.a the

story of th T o le ich ere lnrl cted u on t ypti ns in

or er to hnro h .... o r 1 11e the ebre a rr bv e.

In t 1 t th century, our rl 1 a n1cte wl th ple u s

of its o n, co ~ le n osny ys to t e Mcient terrors. Our cl vil-

1zeti n c~y ell suf r destruction unl as c n control the plagues ot

ar, o~0rty, d ~tred to n but f e •

Th s rnon t is week 111 conteln e desa 1 tlon ot our modern pl ::ues end hot must be one to overcone the •

Re uler Ssbb th nor.nln serv1cea will be held Saturaey, Janl19ry 13th,

et 11:15 A. • t the re ul:er weekly Soldier Service, Sund y ,morn1n • 1 nu ry 14th,

at l.1:50 • . ' bti r1e !'D Gi. ll be ln e s rlea on: " hy os I i illed?"

A book as recently publishea entitled "~be eturn or the Tr veller,"

by ex arner. soldi r killed in ection returns to this uorld end asks

the quest on or sever l people. The v r!ous nswers given w111 for.c the

bases for a series of lectures •

.Imrneeli tely tollo ing the service 11 cen F'lnd wo en in unifb ro are

invite to rt ke of the luncheon, entert inaent nd dnnc1ng sponsore""

by.the U1sterhood C nteen.

ce ber ll, 1~4

On ri y evenln~, ~oeabcr 15t , t 7:45 P •• , a special

ChAnuk s rvice n111 be hcla in Te le nuel . • ny outstnn ing

te turen b ve been or n;;; eci for this s"rv1ce. r most unusunl musicnl

pro rl!Cl 111 inal ude the ren41t1on or el' a f ous oretoria

"Judas ·oocabeus. "

or nlst 1 l

na 111

rb rt

te th

he ~ olr, un ar t e

exce~ts :troo t

e will

lI. sto .. ot

1r ct on or . r . vlorence

or torlo .

e C uk cnnc.:les

bee broth in

their tru 1c rinst t foroes nr tyr nny.

ol1cr.J1n the s rvice, t e e etion is invited to enjoy

entert lncent n refresh :ents in the estcy :loonis. ecibers ot the

Con 1rraat1on Class oill. entertn1n ith cus1c l co iedy illustratl~

the na~urc of the hol1 Y SS 0 ti t for freedom.

obbeth mom n a rv;ices 111 be hel .Sat ll"d!IY nornin ,

eceob r 16th, ot 11:15 • •

he re U Ueck y G01<11ers 1 &er ice will be held wunany

n~rn t uec t r 17th , t _1 :30 • ~ . , 1 bbi r1e n w!ll pres

on the eabject: "A JeuiGh Soldier's Opportunities nith his

Chr1st1PD ello s .

I l:!ledlet~ y fc loi71n t e a rvlcc, n s c1 1 C nnu 1unch on

\1111 be servad b tbe -.1lste hood nteen. b voo ir tion vl as

0111 entert ~ the r:ien in uniform oith tholr music 1 , m t

f ~tiv l 11gbta u1 1 be klndle •

December 19• 1944

t .~ridoy avenin services, Deocnber 22nd, 8:00 P . .,

Robbi rbert • rledr nn ill aiscuss t e tuo tfleaes 4:n 'Earth

nd High Heoven • Thls current best ~ellin nove1 ~e ls 1th tuo

i mportant thenes , anti- ealtism nnd 1nt rria e . It is e tenuer

story of t lo c bet een n y un tte 1 iowy r in the Can di n

rmy nd 1ne, lntc..111 ~nt Christi n ir1 ro one o~ the society

n 111e or ~ontre 1 . T e robleca c t ce both rro the

outside orld ~n fro 1 hin tbe.r::iselvea ~ke this book o.na the

solution It orrera import nt tor dlacusaion.

-.,abb th cornin se vices \'11 b lei Snturdny mom in ,

cember 23rd , at 11:15 • ••

t t e regµlar ueeKly soldi rs' s rvice Sunday, Decemb r

24th , t 11:50 • ., Chnll1n1n rtin 1eitz 1 reoently returned from

t e Jou t oci fie , 111 sneak on the aub j ct "Uy Exp riences in t e

c1t1c . " The c1v111 n congregntt~n ls cordi lly ~ vited to bear

the c ln'~ oess Ge•

Itwedi tely follCJ:Ji u the s rv1ce 11 ioon end o e in

unrrorc ere invited to pnrt ke of the 1U1J1cheon, cntert 1n ent nd

d~ncin , sponsored by the Sisterhood C nteen.


ov b r 15, l 44

n el ilL hol 1 tG ti ty-tblr~ Union Th ks 1 v.i.

service, Fttdsy cv in , Novenber l?tb 1 nt B:OO P. •

lev. Jtll!les flCpher on of th~ ;10nd y Unpt1st uhurch , Rev. rvey

H. Potthoff o t e· hrist .ct oo1st Ch re Pn .: v. el.ter .1111nms ot

st. ~ rk' a pisoo l huro.h will ~PtUlk . inbbi .uerbert • - rleo.n.~n 111

conuuct tbe s rvic

The ln -OS

rioo a for our uist_n


• e 1ste od 111 ten

isheu ueet 1n1st



eo tion in the estry

d1etel~ rollo nt, the

the 1 te nbbi illinm • ..;'rle n, in J.~l. nen only e young n

oft ent'-f ur, ino ur te~ in e le

s0 ivin Service hich h a bee n

thro bout the lend.

ucl , nver, the 1 rst nion

ttcrn for imilcr services

~our ye rs lnt r , in 1895 bb1 .1111 m ..., . rieamon nd .. eth r

1111 o• ynn establlshc !Jenver's un1 ue civic Tb nksbiv1n s rv1ce .

In t e rliest ye rs it s eld: in tbe t>rood theatre . Cl.n'gymen

of ll fo tha , eLucstors, Governors end yor of the t me took rt .

Sen tors ond uo re soen uere 1su~ll on tle progr~m.

he u1vic ~ n·c 1v1n service re resente t e bi hest ide le ot

Denver ' s cit1 cnry. s kers ere selected ithout reber~ for their

beliefa end pol t1ca, P.na it 1s right uliy s id t t is s the orl 1D

of the ide no so n~ll or ni2ea thr UGhout t e coWltr nd represented

in the tion 1 Goo - 111 novc cnt of 01r1st1 ns nd jews.

-Regular Saturday oriu.n aenioea, 111 be held at Usl.5 A. 11.

At the Sunday Soldier Senioe sn Oanteen tor this week, T•ple

!aftnuel la h" P1 to welcome back to its palp11: en old tr1en4. llr.

Loaia Fnehot, Area Di reotor tor the US0-1118 ill the Colorado reg! on

will be the speaker t 18 ~unaa1 orning at uaso ' . 11.

Immediatel tollcming t e aervioea all ien and ex en in Wlifora

are inTlted to •rte e ot the luncheon and entertaiDment apouore4 Q

the Biaterhood Canteen.

October 23, l 44

Begul r Sabb th ve &Prv1ccs 111 be held et Te ple Emsnuel1

id y 1 October 271 at 8:00 P. • lab bi H rbert A • Frie drue:n ill t;1 ve

e biogr~phical lecture on the lite ot Chaim eohmen ll1sl1k. B1a:l1k1

the greetest Hebrew poet ot DJDJ oenturies. died in liM, end t is year

the tenth enniveraer.y: or tis a.e.-t 1a bc1n obs rved. The bb1 m.11

deso 1be the 11f.e ~nd orks of th1a greet seniua, an4 the oholr will

sing four aeleotlona or Bielik•a poetr,, 11hlc beve been set to music.

Regular snturuay mom1n aerv1 oea tdll be beLd in the .Le le on

October 28, et 11:15 A. 1.

flt the weekly ~01~1era • s rvioe nn Sunday orning, at 11:50 • .,

the subject 0111 be "Tho Be innin ot 1ew1Sh Ilistory" 1 baaea on the

portion or the eek, GensiS-Cbeptere 12:1-17:27. This portion,

denlin o1th the life of brehem, desc·i es the earliest besinnings

of tile J~uish people. The first eleYe:'l chapters of menesia , up to

t 1 s point, sre not ietar lcal, but relete the srest early 1egenda

of nnkin~.

Fo1low1ng the ouna y service, ell men end women in uniform trre

invite<. to rteke of t e luncehone ··md ntert 1nDEnt sponsorea by . the isterhood Canteen.

Ootob r 10, l.944

On Frid y evening, ctobcr 13, regul. r Sebbetb ser ices will be

observe t Emple .n~nuel et 8: 00 • . • Rabb i Herbert r • Frie drnen

.ill speak on the subject nThe yet ry SUIToun 1n Columbus. "

Iio one is cert in ho Ci;>lumbus WB&, tth'lt s h1a beckP'ound

or .ho ~era h s sunporters . ·uch as been w1 .. ltten of a epgculet1ve

nnture conoernin these mysteries . ~1nce October l2 ia Columbus Doy

it is uite propr1 e thst the s rz on this eek be devoted to the

tesc1nat1ng story of the di coveror or Anertoe.

Ssturdey nornin services nill be held in the ~e ple ~t

11:15 • • Th iloy n J.rl.s in t e uppar mdes of the .lemple

ReliG1ous School ttend these s rv1oes s pnrt of their ork.

The weekly Soldier Service will be hela Sun qy ornin at 11:30

A. tl. The i b ui 111 s e k on the subject: "Incidents in er1oe.n

Jc ish- hiatory, " relnt nc some o · the oxtreoe y 1nterest1n end unusun.l

eXJ) riences of the J'e 1sh people es group ruid ns 1nd1 v~uals in the

eerly upbuild1ng or our country.

the service., 11 en nnd uonen in u.nU'orm Md their

euests arc 1nv1 ted to sttend the lunchone n.na entert inccnt sponsored

by the ~isterhood Canteen.

September 26, 1944

Friday evcn1n , September 29 1 regul r services 1.1 be he1d in

Temple nuel at aioo o•c1ock P. • Rabbi I rbert A • .i?r1emwm will

spenk on the subject "The .:e nine> ot J'euiah istory," based on the

Biblio 1 portion ot the we k, Ch&pter ~ ot Deuterono1117.

At the S&bbath ornin s rYioe, hel at 11:15 A. • 1 there 111

be celcbrsted th~ Bar 'itzvab ot uelvin Strnuaa , lr., son o~

Urs . elvin St usa or 615 Josephine treet .

• nd

Suna y mo ni a rvicea s.n Sisterhood ~ant en haYe been resuned

tor the t ird war- time ae son. he aerv1ce begins t ll:~O A. . , and

ab 1 Frledmnn will preach on the subject "The leligious Si§D1t10S11ce

ot the GI B1ll-or- R1gbta. n ll men end norien in service •e •:eek

gttes:N e.re inviteu to tten the a rvice nnd pertBke of' the luncheon

end entertainment spona>red by the Siat rhooa ~teen.

sucooth services ni.11 be ""eld !At Tenple nnuel on on48y morn1nt;,

October 2 9 at 10:30 A. • T e fruits or the Il8rvest season 111 be

beautifully displayed iu th~ treditioµ 1 Succeh b1ch is erected in tle

Te:iple aurinc this Holiday seeson. mhe ?ab 1 111 ex 1 in the aymbols

of t is Th&nksg1v1ng Fest1v ,

e to be T s kfu.1 For?" Temple '---16th Ave. I: Pearl St

son. The service begins at 11 :30 a. m., and Rabbi Friedman will preach on "The Reli"foos Signifi­cance or the GI Bill-of-Rights."

Y.'riday evening, Sept. 29, reg- All men and women in sen;cc ular services wtll be held at Tem- are invited. Luncheon and enter-pie l~manael at 8 o'cl~. Rabbi tainment folio the sen,.ice. Herbert A . .Frledtnan w1 L speak ~ • on "The Meaning of Jew1,,}i His· Succ-Os ser;1ces ·w1ll be h"ld ton,'' baserl 011 the Biblical por- 'A,fonday, Oct. 2, At 10:30 a. m. tion of the week, Chapter 32 of The Rabbi will &peak on "What Deuteronomy. Have We to be Tbanlc!ul For?" I

At the Sabbath service, at 11:15 a. m., there will be c:ele- -bratcd the Bar MUzvah o! Mehin Strnuss, Jr., son a! .Mt. and Mrs. Mel\"in Stmoas of 615 Josephine SL

Sw1day momir\g sen;ees and SiJ;terhood Canteen have bt>en -re-sumed for the third war- i e sea-~-----~~-----

Kol Hidre •enlcea Will tie bel4 1n Te JPl,e !iDm uel.,

Tuead8y eTen1Dg, September l&Ul, at '•:SO P. u., .Rabbi rrerlNtrt ~. !rlecllaan will. apeek on •A S11lleaa

orld la L1te1esa."

Yom K1npur ~ senloea 1'1111 1ae helu et

10:00 ,. • r. . Rabbi FriedlleD will preach OD "Ha& Can

'":'e Jtone?

There will be s Cbllclren•a SerY1oe on Yom Kippir

day, st 1:00 P. u., w1 th sermon apec1ell.y designed tor


Uemorisl servioes will be b-14 at ~soo P. u., et which tice Rabbi Frledmen w1l.l G1Te e Y12kor Sermon.

A supvlementory serv1oe, conducted bJ Chaplsin

Sidney u. berkowit2 , \T1.ll be hel(l 1n the Teatry romaa, ~1~30

Kol Nidre eT~ninc, Tueadey, Septel!i>er 26th"' tar

eerTloe .men end women 'WDo oannot be aooomodated ln the


Sabbath {)VPnicf' s~rvlcP~ ;11 be ~Pld at Trr'l i~ EM~u~l , l="-tdny

ven1ns; , N,....vc~ber 4th at S : Or'l P . ¥ . Rabbi ffrrbert J •• Fri~d...,!ln -tll

spe V. ~n thP ru.oject ttChaim ~izmann - rh~~i~t nn~ ~tEt~ """.lm" · Th~ Pntir~ Je 1 h orl -~11 b~ ob~~~v1n- ~h~ ~event~Pth b1rthd~y

of Dr. eiz:!la?Ul'. on Nnvei?ber 27tb. PFnce it 1~ u1tP •1nrropri-ete

St thi~ ti P 1 tO p ~ tribute to h~ }i~e ~n~ 9r e Of onr Of ~he

outstandin2 Je s of th~ t4~ntteth cent1ry. Tru~ted ~~rv~nt o~ thP

Brit1sb Fmpir~ rn the field cf sclencP-1 dev t~d to thP rob em of

his o~ neople, Dr . e1.zmann stand~ out as an internationally

fa.~ous individual .

Regular ~abbath ~~rn~n~ ser¥1ces tll be h~ld Paturaay mcrninF,

Nove~ber ~5th at ll :l5 4. J .

Guest speAkr-~ &t this ~eek ' ~ ~oldiPr C~r.~ice , eund y mo~ninp

at ll : '30 A. u . , 111 be "~ . J • . Jiarold f'Jk" , P.Pgion'" l DirPct~r of

the Anti- De.fa"letion Ler.irue. ur. Sa'k: ~ 111 ~ c:ak n the th@me

"I slands in a DPmocracy. n

IT!!l!lediatPly follo~1np th~ ~pr·ice , ~11 nPn and ~"n in ur:i fc-cr-n

are inv1t~d to partave o~ th~ lunc..~~~n and ~nt~rtn1n~rnt ~ponsorfd

by the ~1ste~hood ~anteen .

?lovealber 6, 1944

on Friday even1nE;, Powmber 10th at 8:00 P. ?J. regUl.ar sabbath

aerv1oea will be held in Ten;>le lmanuel. Rsbt11 Herbert A. Frle t.11118D

nill apeak on tbe subjeet1 "Tile Stor, or Theetoz'• Benl." The

tort1eth enni~eraar.y ot ner2l•• death is 'beta 1Jbeerwe~ this year,

am it is eppropr1ete at tbta U• 1 o1oee to tbe aJUll'Ye;t'atU'Y ot tbe

iJnlfour Deal1Jratioia1 to pq trlbate to hla -IT U.nl was a man

or tremendous v1.a1on end ealua, and hla lite •4 worn be•• profoundly 1nnuenaed the courH ot ocmter.;p>raztY .rew1ah history.

Sabbeth morning a~rvioea are eoatomarll.y held 1n Temple Emsnuel

at 11 :l.5 A. n. Thie Sabbath, No ..... er lltti, t e Rabbi will spe~k \)D

the subject or "Arm1at1oe na1. Reguler Bundsy -morning soldier services n1ll be held 1n the

Temple at 11: 30 A. u. Since ArliiatJae DV is also known aa Ylorld . Government Day, Rabbi Fr1 eamnn w1l1 speek on t he subjeot ""Ghat Sort

of ~ orld Government Will Kelp Prevent Another .orld iar?"

Followinb the services nll cen and n onen in unit"orm are inT1ted

to partake ot the lunch eon e Dd ent ertninm nt sponsored by the I

Si&terbood Centeen.

At tbe regular Sabb&th l!.~e services at i ample .L.mallual

on Friday evening , November 3 , at 8100 P. - ., Rabbi Herbert

A. FriedUtan wilJ speak on the subject •rs S.I'DNBY HlLI.wAN

AN l~l:UE IE TIIIb C/u::P.AlGN?" iil". Hillman' e nazr.e and birthplace

have rep&atedly been referred to all througb this cEULpaign.

Are these fac~a vitaJ or relevant? ls tcere 811)' reason wby

they should be subject to diacsuaaion? ~hese and other questions

of a non- partiean and non-political nature will be diacuased

in this sermon.

Salfoatb a.orning services nre held at 'lemple Et:.anuel at

11 : 15 A • .w. , and t i:: rac. t.i wil , ap.iak on the aubJ ec t of' the

1alfour n eclaration, tbe 27th a.Ji__niveraary o~ i!ihose i ~uance

was celebrated on !i'huraday, 1;0"Y. 2 .

Sunday morning s oldier services are held eaob week at

11:30 ,~ • .w., and this 'Week 'l"'8mple 'E11'Bnuel is happy te welcoWl

t o its pulpit the nen"chaplain of Iruckley Field , ~ . Lewis •

c~rdon. Rabbi C~rdon occupies the post of epi'ri tual leader

to the cat.hodox o ongr~ga\ion of Sprl~ield , Ill ., and since

his ar-iva.J in Denver seve-r~l weeks ago, he has 1tade ...any

friends and acquaintances . 'Iha congregation of Tumanuel and

its soldier-worshi ppers are l ookinn for•ard to greeting Chaplain

Cardon tbis Sunda,f ... orning.

Following tbe &unday service, all wen und vomen 1n

uniform and their guests are invited to par~ake of the luncheon

and entertninment sponsored by the Si terhood Canteen.