Brain Injury Due to Anaphylactic Shock as A

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  • 8/20/2019 Brain Injury Due to Anaphylactic Shock as A


    Brain injury due to anaphylacticshock as a result of formocresol used

    during root canal treatmentInternational Endodontic Journal, 46, 999–1!,"1#

  • 8/20/2019 Brain Injury Due to Anaphylactic Shock as A



    Many materials used during endodontic treatment containpotential allergens which can induce hypersensitivity reactions(Hensten & Jacobsen 2005)

     !ormocresol has been widely used in dentistry "or more than#00 years due to its antibacterial properties despite itsuncertain biocompatibility

     !ormocresol and related agents have been traditionally usedas disin"ectants "or root canal treatment$ pulpotomy and rootcanal sealants

  • 8/20/2019 Brain Injury Due to Anaphylactic Shock as A


    !ormaldehyde (para"ormaldehyde and trio%ymethylene)$ aprimary component o" "ormocresol$ is recognied as an allergen$which can provo'e anaphylactic reactions

    In addition$ the components o" "ormocresol have been reportedto be associated with cytoto%icity$ carcinogenicity$ immunesensitiation and mutagenicity (ewis & hestner #*+#$ ,amoset al 200+$ ardoso et al 20#0$ ewis 20#0)

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    In hina$ "ormocresol is commonly used as an antibacterial agent inroot canal treatment -he guidelines "or operative dentistry andendodontics as taught to dentistry students in hina lists "ormocresolas the second choice o" antibacterial agents "or use when per"ormingroot canal treatments (.u & /iao 200+) earches o" the two maindatabases o" hinese language scienti1c literature "ound that themaority o" studies involving disin"ection in root canal treatment used"ormocresol 3 search o" the hina 4ational nowledge In"rastructure(4I) database "or clinical research reports involving root canalprocedures published "rom 200* to 20#2 resulted in #6# reports$ and+* used "ormocresol as the antibacterial agent 3 similar search o" the

    .34!347 database resulted in #** reports$ and #8+ used "ormocresol

    as the antibacterial agent 3lthough there is no in"ormation regardingthe prevalence o" "ormocresol use in hina$ the results o" the databasesearches clearly reveal that "ormocresol is widely used

     -his report presents an unusual case o" anaphylactic shoc' due to anallergic reaction to "ormocresol used during root canal treatment

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  • 8/20/2019 Brain Injury Due to Anaphylactic Shock as A


    ase report

    3 659year9old women with a history o" allergy to ce"tria%one was treated at aprivate dental clinic in Hanghou$ hina Her chie" complaint was severe pain inthe le"t mandible

     -he pain started spontaneously$ and she e%perienced e%treme tooth sensitivityto hot and cold -he pain was more severe at night he had received several

    previous endodontic treatments in other teeth without complication :ue to deepcaries and instantaneous e%treme pain in response to thermal stimulus$ tooth 8;(permanent le"t mandibular 1rst molar) was diagnosed with acute irreversiblepulpitis and root canal treatment was scheduled

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     -he patient was sent to the emergency departmento" a nearby hospital where

    she was treated with epinephrine$ corticosteroids

    and o%ygen he recovered without

    incident !our days later$ with nothing in the pulpchamber o" tooth 8;$ the patient

    came to the :ental :epartment o" the primaryhospital to complete the root canal

    treatment -he dentist considered tension$ toothpain and allergic reaction to

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    lignocaine as possible causes o" her intense reaction 4o local anaesthetic wasused$

    and a"ter biomechanical preparation$ a "ormocresol9soa'ed cotton pellet wasplaced

    in the pulp chamber with inc phosphate cement -en minutes a"ter applicationo" 

    "ormocresol$ the patient began showing signs o" hypersensitivity$ that is$diiness$

    shortness o" breath and nausea -he dentist immediately removed the"ormocresolsoa'ed

    cotton -he patient was treated with o%ygen and was transported to the

    emergency department within the same hospital In the emergencydepartment

    (80 min a"ter "ormocresol removal)$ the patient=s systolic blood pressuredropped to

    ;0 mm Hg and she lost consciousness

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    he was treated with epinephrine$ corticosteroids

    and an intravenous in"usion o" 5> de%trose he regained consciousness

    a"ter 28 min 3"ter regaining consciousness$ she began complaining o" a headache

    which increased in severity over time Her blood pressure returned to normal 6 h

    "rom the time she lost consciousness

    :ue to the patient=s persistent and severe headache$ magnetic resonanceimaging

    (M,I) per"ormed the ne%t day revealed hyperintensity on -29weighted imaging


    hypointensity on -#9weighted imaging$ corresponding to swelling o" the gyrus inthe

    cerebral watershed territory o" the le"t parietal?occipital lobe (!ig #) @ased on her

    history$ symptoms$ and M,I 1ndings$ the patient was diagnosed with brain inury

    due to anaphylactic shoc' caused by "ormocresol

  • 8/20/2019 Brain Injury Due to Anaphylactic Shock as A


    he was then admitted to the

    :epartment o" 4eurology !ollowing a series o"treatments$ including hydration$

    reduction o" intracranial pressure and improvement o"cerebral circulation$ she demonstrated

    early recovery 3t day 6$ the patient had achieved close tocomplete recovery$

    but a slight headache persisted M,I per"ormed on day 5

    a"ter anaphylactic shoc' revealed no obvious abnormalities (!ig 2) -he

    patient was discharged on day

    A in a stable condition

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     -he patient was trans"erred to the :epartment o" tomatology tocomplete the root

    canal treatment 3"ter isolation with a rubber dam$ three roots wereidenti1ed$ the

    wor'ing lengths determined$ and root canal preparation was carried outwith hand 1les

    using the step9bac' techniBue and sodium hypochlorite irrigation 4olocal anaesthetic

    was used 3"ter cleaning and shaping$ the canals were dried and calciumhydro%ide was

    used as the antibacterial medicament Cne wee' later$ the root canaltreatment was

    success"ully completed without the use o" "ormocresol9containingproducts Dre9 and

    postoperative radiographs o" the tooth are shown in !ig 8

  • 8/20/2019 Brain Injury Due to Anaphylactic Shock as A



    Materials used in endodontic treatments such asanaesthetics$ mummi"ying agents$

    barrier eBuipment$ sur"ace and root canal disin"ectants$

    sealants$ core materials$ and apical 1lling materials all contain potential allergens

    (Hensten & Jacobsen 2005) Most

    o" these allergens are haptens$ which turn into "ull antigenswhen combined with host

    tissue proteins and then induce hypersensitivity (Hensten &

     Jacobsen 2005) @ecause anaphyla%is is primarily a clinicaldiagnosis$ typical systemic mani"estations o"ten with a

    history o" e%posure to an allergenic agent are diagnostic(imons 20#0)

  • 8/20/2019 Brain Injury Due to Anaphylactic Shock as A


    !ormocresol is mainly composed o" "ormaldehyde and cresol$ which act as anal'ylating

    agent and a phenolic protein9coagulating compound$ respectively (@uc'ley #*06)

    !ormaldehyde is a low molecular weight chemical which acts as a hapten and may

    react with tissue proteins on macrophages and angerhans cells to produce acomplete

    allergen which can induce immunological reactions (medley #**;$ @raun et al


    It can provo'e contact dermatitis mediated by a delayed9type allergic reaction


    (unisada et al 2002)$ and a "ew cases o" immediate9type allergic reaction (type9I) to

    "ormaldehyde have been reported (HaFG'el et al 2000$ unisada et al 2002)@raun et al

    (2008) reported anaphylactic shoc' in "our patients and urticaria in another three

    patients associated with "ormaldehyde

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     -he authors also reviewed the literature and

    "ound 85 cases o" immunoglobulin 9dependent allergic reactions to"ormaldehyde

    unisada et al (2002) reported a case o" anaphyla%is caused by a type9I

    reaction to "ormaldehyde in a dental disin"ectant and reviewed #5 previous reports o"


    reactions to "ormaldehyde used as a root canal disin"ectant -hehypersensitivity reactions

    can occur immediately$ appearing within several minutes to # h a"tertreatment$

    or be delayed$ appearing 2?26 h a"ter dental treatment (unisada et al 2002$@raun

    et al 2008) @ased on the history o" events$ a type9I allergic reaction wasinduced by

    "ormocresol in the case presented here

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    3lthough hypersensitivity reactions such as necrosis$ asthma$ rhinitis$ nausea$dyspnea$

    urticaria$ pruritus$ and even anaphylactic shoc' are 'nown side9eects o""ormocresolK

    "ormaldehyde (HaFG'el et al 2000$ unisada et al 2002$ @raun et al 2008)$brain

    inury has not been reported However$ secondary brain inury due toanaphylactic reactions

    to other agents has been reported (peach et al #**+$ chFabit et al 200#$

    3rishima et al 200*) -he reasons "or the brain inury in the case presentedhere are

    thought to be cerebral hypo%ia caused by hypoper"usion a"ter hypotension as aresult

    o" anaphylactic shoc' andKor cerebral parenchymal oedema caused by localallergic

    vasculitis secondary to vascular inury as a result o" shoc'

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     -he sa"ety o" "ormocresol has been Buestioned "or over 80 years (ewis &hestner

    #*+#) -he components o" "ormocresol$ especially "ormaldehyde$ have beenreported to

    be associated with cytoto%icity$ carcinogenicity$ immune sensitiation andmutagenicity

    (ewis & hestner #*+#$ ,amos et al 200+$ ardoso et al 20#0$ ewis 20#0)!ormocresol

    has been shown to cause :43 damage in mouse bone marrow (,amos et al

    200+)$ and "ormocresol induces apoptosis and necrosis in murine peritonealmacrophages

    (ardoso et al 20#0) 3dditionally$ while generally accepted as a direct causeo" 

    nasopharyngeal cancer$ "ormaldehyde has also been strongly associated withleu'aemia

    (Lhang et al 200*)

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    haping and cleaning may play a more important role than intracanalmedicaments

    in disin"ecting root canals during root canal treatment (awashima et al 200*) In

    addition$ i" multiple treatment visits are reBuired$ calcium hydro%ide is therecommended

    intracanal medicament (instead o" "ormocresol) due to its biocompatibility and

    stability (awashima et al 200*) -he use o" "ormocresol has now virtually ceased


    urope "ollowing the publication o" the @ritish ociety o" Daediatric :entistry


    in 200; (,odd et al 200;) In addition$ the 3merican 3ssociation o" ndodontists

    (33) recommends against the use o" "ormocresol and other materials containing para"ormaldehyde because they have been proven to be both unsa"e and


    (3merican 3ssociation o" ndodontists #**+)

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    :espite these recommendations$ many

    practitioners are still using "ormocresol as a rootcanal disin"ectant (unisada et al

    2002$ Eerma et al 200*) !rom this case report$ it isclear that the use o" "ormocresol

    has not been abandoned in some dental clinics andprimary hospitals in hina$ and some practitionersdo not appreciate the contraindications to its use



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    !ormocresol can induce severe anaphylacticreactions :ue to its to%icity$ carcinogenicity$

    and severe adverse reactions$ all dentists should be

    aware o" the ris's involved in

    its use and avoid using materials containing"ormocresol and related agents