Brookside Gardens Xperience Fall 2011

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  • 8/6/2019 Brookside Gardens Xperience Fall 2011


    Fall & Winter

    01112 * Changes in the Gardens, page 1

    * Green Matters: Urban Farming Pioneers, page 8*Everyday Ediscapes , page 13

  • 8/6/2019 Brookside Gardens Xperience Fall 2011


    Growing the Gardens

    Branching outcultivatingsowingplantingpruningbreaking new groundseedmoneygrowth.All words that have their roots (pun intended) in horticulture, but that are also used bythe business community to describe positive change. Coincidence? I think not. Anyonewho works in a garden knows that change is constant, unexpected, and nurtured.

    At Brookside Gardens, we try to anticipate change by renewing our strategic plan on aregular basis. As a sta , with input rom the community, we discuss the internal andexternal actors that may be a ecting our work, de ne the audiences we serve, debatethe value o various programs, and set a course or our work or the next 5 years. It isboth stimulating and exhausting. O ten in the past, the resultant strategic plan mirrored

    our organizational structure. This year, weve tried a di erent approach, mixing key workprograms with major trends to identi y six core themes.

    Environmental Literacy: to lead the e ort in Montgomery County to osterenvironmentally literate residents who are li elong stewards o the environment.

    Facilities & Collections: to ensure that our gardens and acilities are clean, sa e andbeauti ul, with inspiring horticultural displays.

    Outreach: to broaden our educational programming and marketing e orts in order toattract and serve a larger and more diverse audience.

    Sustainability: to minimize the negative impact we have on the environment throughsustainable practices in horticulture and in all aspects o our operations, and to be amodel and resource or our community.

    Technology: to use technology in a variety o ways to enhance operations, support sta ,volunteers and visitors, and to provide a dynamic visitor experience.

    Volunteerism: to advance our already strong volunteer program, which augments thesta and provides valuable services to our community.

    Ambitious? Yes. But, as the saying goes, Mighty oaks rom little acorns grow.

    Happy Gardening!

    Stephanie Oberle

    1. Changes in the Gardens

    2. Garden Clippings

    3. Were You There?

    4. The New Montgomery ParksFoundation

    5. 2011 Volunteer Garden Tour

    6. Thank You, Donors!


    8. Special Events

    9. Conservatory Displays andPlant Shows & Exhibits

    10. Lectures

    11. Lectures & HorticulturalWorkshops

    13. Horticultural Talks & CookingDemonstrations

    14. Cooking Demonstrations &Xcursions

    15. Brookside Gardens School o Botanical Art & Illustration

    17. Adult Programs by Date

    18. Art Xhibits & ChildrensPrograms

    21. Registration

    Table o Contents

    General In ormation, 301-962-1400

    Adult Education, 301-962-1470

    hildrens Education, 301-962-1408

    ibrary, 301-962-1476

    chool o Botanical Art & Illustration,

    01-962-1470 or 1474

    Volunteer O ce, 301-962-1429

    Gi t Shop, 301-962-1448 or 1479

    acility Rental, 301-962-1404

    McCrillis Gardens, 301-962-1455

    Media Relations, 301-962-1427ponsorships/donations, 301-962-1402

    Brookside Gardens1800 Glenallan AvenueWheaton, Maryland

    Hours: Brookside Gardens is openevery day except December 25.Gardens: SunriseSunsetConservatories: 10:00am5:00pmVisitors Center: 9:00am5:00pm(closed some holidays)

    McCrillis Gardens | 6910 Greentree Road, Bethesda, MD 20817

    Letter rom the Director

    Horticultural Re erence Library10:00am3:00pm Mondaythrough Friday, except holidays301-962-1476

    Master GardenersPlant Clinic at Brookside GardensSaturday 10:00am2:00pmSunday 1:004:00pmOpen Year RoundWed. & Thurs. (AprilOctober)1:004:00pm

    Editor: Ellen S. Bennett, 301-962-1402

    Cover Photo: Leslie McDermott

    The Shop atBrookside Gard


    Sunday Noon4301-962-144

  • 8/6/2019 Brookside Gardens Xperience Fall 2011


    Over the past eighteen months theWeather Gods have not been kind

    to Brookside Gardens. Since December2009 we experienced record snow alls,a reak windstorm (possibly a tornado),and a fash food, resulting in massivebranch breakage and uprooted trees. Theoutcome o this onslaught was signi cantholes in the tree cover, or canopy. Thisis particularly noticeable in the Azalea Garden and theWoodland Walk (a.k.a. the Boardwalk, which itsel wasuprooted by the all o a giant tuliptree). Both o these areasdepend on shade or best growth o the plants in them,so re-establishing a new canopy became an immediateconcern.

    It takes twenty to orty years, on average, to grow this kindo shade, and very large transplanted trees take a longtime to settle in, i they ever do. And access is tight orheavy equipment to handle large trees. Our strategy, then,has been to replant with ast-growing but sturdy speciesthat we can install in manageable sizes. We ound waterand decayed roots under several o the allen trees, so wematched wet-tolerant species to those sites.

    There will be a ew other sites opening up as severelydamaged trees are removed. As you stroll through the (nowsunnier) gardens, be on the lookout or these new youngSoldiers o Shade stretching or the sky!

    We are grate ul to our generous donors who steppedorward to contribute to our Storm Restoration Fund.

    A planned changeLate last all longtime visitors noted with some distressthat all the burningbushes ( Euonymus alata ) and otherplants had been grubbed out rom the banks o the arthestpond in the Gude Garden. Since 1982 these shrubs havedisplayed magni cent masses o brilliant all color. Alas,during that time they have also jumped the ence, andtheir seedlings have taken over the understory o thenearby woodland, crowding out native species. SinceBrookside has an ongoing program to eliminate specieswith this bad habit (classi ed as Non-native InvasiveSpecies, or NNIs), and since the other surroundingplantings were showing their age, a complete renovationwas in order.

    Last winter Parks crews installed a dry streambed o massive boulders to channel runaway stormwater. A planwas drawn up by Brookside sta and plants were ordered,paid or by the generosity o the Friends o BrooksideGardens. Planting was completed in June and eaturesmasses o fowering and ruiting shrubs, many with good

    all color as a nod to the ormer autumnal brilliance o this area. Architectural evergreens lend winter color andstructure. Perhaps the most prominent eature is the sweepo Japanese irises ( Iris ensata ) with faring blooms in shadeso purple, white and lavender. There are several plants inthis bed used at Brookside or the rst time, and we areeager to watch them mature.

    Let us know what you think!

    Phil NormandyPlant Collections Manager

    Brookside Gardens Xperience Fall/Winter 20112012 1

    Changes inthe Gardens

    What did we plant?

    American sycamore Platanus occidentalisNorthern red oak Quercus rubra(this one was big!)

    Nuttall oak Quercus nuttallii Esplanade,(3 new unique cultivars) Arcade, and Sangria

    Shumard oak Quercus shumardii Panache(a new cultivar)

    River birch Betula nigra Dura Heat

    Hybrid birch Betula Renaissance Refection

    Stephanie Oberle & Phil Normandy with new specimen tree.

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    Welcome New FOBG

    Board Members!From le t: *Ta y Turner, Vice President; Diana Sullivan,Hospitality; *Elaine Dynes, Membership; Joan ORourke,Past President; Karen Leete, Board Development;

    Judy Sturtz, Board Development; Barbara Meiselman,Plant Sale; Barbara Waite-Jaques, President; *SuzanneCarbone, Marketing.

    Not pictured: *Gene Horman, Treasurer; Joel Lerner;*Dolly Perkins, Secretary; Gloria Sherman, Orchid Show;*Coriolana Simon, Marketing; Betsy Thomas, ImmediatePast President.

    *New Board Member

    New Webpage Feature

    Brookside Gardens launched a new website eaturethis past spring a video page with a selection o online videos eaturing Brookside Gardens sta . Aspart o our Strategic Plan, we hope to greatly increasethe breadth and depth o our online content this isa signi cant rst step toward achieving that goal. Forthe past two years, Cathy Grubman o County CableMontgomery, producer o the award-winning TheParks Show , and her sta have recorded Clips & Tips

    with several o our sta members. These clips air asa regular eatured segment on Montgomery Countysweekly County Report This Week program. Check outthese segments and more by visiting

    Mark Richardson Adult Education Programs Manager

    Garden Clippings

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    Green Matters Symposium 2011: Real FoodRenaissanceBrookside Gardens heldits 8th annual GreenMatters Symposiumon February 25, 2011.Building on last years

    ood theme, this yearsspeakers expounded onthe local ood movementto broaden the attendeesknowledge o local, regionaland grassroots e orts and encourage all o us to eatReal Food. Speakers included Jonathan Bloom, authoro American Wasteland ; Gordon Clark, Project Director orMontgomery Victory Gardens; Wendy Friar, chair o theMontgomery County Commission on Health; and, celebrityche Carla Hall. Thanks to our Green Matters sponsors:Anne Ambler, Friends o Brookside Gardens, growingSoul,Honest Tea, Silver Spring Garden Club, Takoma HorticultureClub, University o Maryland Extension Home and GardenIn ormation Center, Lynn and David Vismara, and WindingOrchard Citizens Association.

    Our third and nal Food themed Green MattersSymposium will ocus on novel approaches to sustainableagriculture. The keynote speaker will be DicksonDespommier, Columbia University pro essor emeritusand author o The Vertical Farm: Feeding the World in the 21stCentury . Look or details as they develop at and join us next year on Friday, February 24, 2012.

    Earth DayBrookside Gardens second annual Earth Day Festival, on

    April 17, 2011, welcomed more than 2,400 visitors to a un,interactive and educational event ocused on enjoying theoutdoors and creating positive change or the environment.Sta and volunteers led a series o wildli e and gardeningwalks through the gardens. A team o more than 30volunteers planted dozens o native trees and shrubs inthe understory o our 40th Anniversary Grove. Kid- riendlyactivities included a Grow Your Own Salad Bowl, thesupplies or which were contributed through a generousdonation by the Family and Friends o Chin-Che Liang.Hundreds o children planted and took home their own

    salad bowl brimming with edible plants . Our rst GreenCra t Fair welcomed about two-dozen local green artisansto show their wares and sell their products to an eageraudience. Thanks to the Friends o Brookside Gardens orsponsoring and to all who attended or contributed in someway to our Earth Day Festival this year! We hope youll joinus next year when our Earth Day Festival will take place onEarth Day, April 22, 2012.

    Rosalind Creasy BeneftApril showers usually bring May fowers, but this year, theybrought Rosalind Creasy to Brookside Gardens! As a part o the April 28 undraiser to bene t both Brookside Gardensand Montgomery Parks Community Gardens, Creasy,an internationally recognized garden and ood writer,photographer and landscape designer enthralled theaudience with a spellbinding lecture on edible landscapes.Bene t guests were treated to a reception eaturing locallysourced ood, while perusing and purchasing a widevariety o edible plants sold by the Community Gardensprogram. Guests le t the event with smiles on their acesand arms loaded with plants. Many thanks to the Friendso Brookside Gardens or sponsoring our speaker. Look or

    uture programs like this one to show your support orBrookside Gardens and Community Gardens.

    Were You There?

    Stephanie Oberle and Carla Hall

    continued on page 7

    Rosalind Creasy signing her book

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    The New Montgomery Parks Foundation

    There was great anxiety about the stability o thebanking system, real estate prices had collapsed,

    savings and loans were ailing nationwide. In MontgomeryCounty, the recession meant drastic cuts to countyservices with a signi cant impact on the Parks system. Itwas 1992, and recognizing the publics desire to supportParks, members o the Planning Board established theMontgomery Parks Foundation. In retrospect, the recessiono the 1990s is considered mild as we nd ourselves inthe midst o an even greater economic downturn andsu er increasingly harsh cuts to the Parks budget. Andthe timing couldnt be more signi cant or the revival o the Montgomery Parks Foundation with new leadership,an ambitious and dedicated Board o Trustees and the ullsupport o the Planning Board and the Montgomery CountyDepartment o Parks.

    In January, Debbie Heibein Rankin assumed the role o Executive Director. Having served as Executive Directoro the Montgomery County Historical Society, Directoro Development or BlackRock Center or the Arts, andExecutive Director o the Sandy Spring Museum, Debbie isalso a graduate o Leadership Montgomery. With hands-on experience building grassroots coalitions through herleadership roles with local PTAs, Debbie also served onboundary committees and accountability panels or MCPS.According to Foundation President Royce Hanson, Debbiebrings a unique connection to and understanding o thecontribution made by our vibrant parks system to the very

    ber o our community.

    The Foundation will ocus on several undraising strategies

    in the coming months, building a system wide Friends o Montgomery Parks group, encouraging support throughdonations o trees and benches, and Legacy Naming Rights

    or Park amenities.

    Were still building the in rastructure o the Foundation,Rankin says, Well launch the Friends program in early

    June, and were very excited to get started.

    Parks Department Director Mary Brad ord adds, Thisinvestment in the uture o Parks is needed now more thanever. We hope to recover our relatively modest investmentin the not too distant uture, not only with donationscoming in but through the cultivation and nurturing o long term relationships with individuals, amilies, andgroups that enjoy and support our Parks system.

    The Foundation is governed by a Board o Trustees whosemembers include: Edwin Grosvenor, Royce Hanson, JosephIsaacs, Jody Kline, Scott Ritter, and John Robinson. TheBoard hopes to add at least our new members by the endo the year.

    Through their recent actions, the Foundation Board o Trustees and the Planning Board have e ectively revivedthe Foundation as a promising undraising partner or thestruggling Montgomery Parks system. Despite loomingbudget cutbacks, the uture is brighter or Parks by virtue o the Foundation moving orward according to Hanson.

    Visit the Montgomery Parks Foundation atwww.montgomeryparks

    Kick o the holiday season at River Hill Garden Center. Lettheir talented, artistic sta help you create a estive holidayatmosphere. Learn how to ornament your home withtheir help ul and inspiring holiday design tips. A deliciousassortment o hors doeuvres, desserts, and fne wineswill be provided. Guests attending will enjoy 10% o all

    purchases or the evening.

    Hosted by River Hill Garden Center12165 Clarksville Pike, Clarksville, MD 21029

    Wednesday, November 9, 20115:00-9:00pm

    Demonstrations 6:30-8:30pm Tickets $35.00 Proceeds beneft Brookside Gardens.

    8th Annual Holiday Design Show Charity Event

    Advanced ticket purchases are recommended. Tickets will be available online starting in September.Visit River Hills website or updates or call 410.531.3303.

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    The bene ts o volunteerism are many, includingthe satis action o giving back to your community,

    supporting institutions that are near and dear to yourheart, and the bonds o riendships that are orged throughvolunteer work. Some bene ts o volunteerism are uniqueto the experience o volunteering in a public garden. One o my avorite perks is our annual Volunteer Garden Tour.

    This years Volunteer Garden Tour, on May 4th, includedsix beauti ul gardens. We started at one o BrooksideGardens most mature (at 94 years o age!) gardeningvolunteers, Bernice Barlett. Bernices 51 year old gardencontains large, established azaleas and a rock garden. A

    large portion o the sunken garden is surrounded by anold stone wall. There are ve raised beds where Bernicecultivates vegetables and has installed a unique ande cient watering system.

    Our next stop was at the Holy Cross Hospital HealingGarden and Fountain, created to soothe and relaxpatients, sta and visitors. The garden, designed byOculus Landscape Design, incorporates indigenous plants,shrubs and trees and a timber stacked ountain. Thecombination o natural building materials and nativeplants gives the garden a serene, peace ul ambiance.

    Our third stop, Eastern Middle School Rain Garden, wasdesigned by Ann English o the Montgomery CountyRainscapes program and installed by student volunteers.

    Until recently the school also had an a ter schoolRainscapes Club that met to learn about environmentalissues. The garden eatures many beauti ul native trees,shrubs and perennials which help capture run o romthe schools roo .

    The ourth stop was Briggs Chaney Community Garden.Both novice and experienced community gardeners were

    present as Ursula Sabia Sukinik, the Community GardenCoordinator or Montgomery Parks, took us through thelargest o the Parks community gardens, with more than120 plots.

    Our next stop was Anne Brooks garden, Holly Walk.This is a charming collectors garden eaturing maturespecimens o many interesting plants. A longtime foraldesign instructor or Brookside Gardens, Ann amouslybrought a wonder ul assortment o cuttings o unusualhollies, boxwood and evergreens rom her garden orstudents to use in their arrangements. Annes garden also

    eatures three newly designated Montgomery CountyChampion trees: Styrax japonicus (Japanese snowbell),Stewartia pseudocamellia (Japanese stewartia) andCunninghamia lanceolata Glauca (common china r).

    We wrapped up the tour at Brookside Gardens sta JanetSen ts garden. Janets garden is a sel described work inprogress. It is an eclectic pleasure garden lled with all o her avorite plants, decorations and some bright ideas asher husband likes to say. She has created an environmentthat attracts birds, butterfies and other critters becausethey give her as much joy as her plants do. Janets gardenis also a National Wildli e Federation (NWF) certi edhabitat.

    To nd out more about other perks o volunteeringat Brookside Gardens, please call the volunteer deskat 301.962.1429 or email us at [email protected].

    Jared AshlingVolunteer Coordinator & Library Horticulturist

    2011 Volunteer Garden Tour

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  • 8/6/2019 Brookside Gardens Xperience Fall 2011


    Rhonda Weiss


    Carole A. Galati MasterGardener

    Carole and Bill Galati

    We Treasure BrooksideGardens

    John and Martha Giovanelli

    In Honor o Dottie HardingMichael Sien

    In Honor o Agnes ChristinaLeahySteven DeSmet

    In Honor o Sue Maddoxs 90thBirthday

    Betty BehnkeKathy LocherKen Maddox

    Jane Roman

    In Honor o Beth and TomRosso

    Beth Rosso

    Takoma Horticultural ClubA Hardy Perennial Since 1916Takoma Horticultural Club

    TRIBUTE BENCHESIn Memory o Ruth

    MackelmannMary Silva

    In Memory o Daniel McGivern Jacqueline Paul

    Michael McGivern

    TRIBUTE TREESIn Memory o Our Son, Baruch

    WeisbergMiryan and Elijah Weisberg

    In Memory o Polina and YakovZengin

    Georgiy Burtsev

    Party with the PeoniesA ter a soggy week o rainand storms, the weathercooperated as a per ect dayun olded or the Party withthe Peonies bene t on May21. More than 400 gardenlovers focked to Gail Geesgarden in Fulton, Marylandto admire her abulouscollection o intersectional peonies nestled in a garden that can only bedescribed as a plantsmans dream. Party guests sipped cool drinks andsampled tasty treats (provided by Ranazul Bistro) as they strolled amongstthe per ectly manicured beds. River Hill Garden Center in Clarksvillehosted a plant sale that included several plants eatured in Gails garden.Many thanks to our sponsors or the event:

    River Hill Garden Center Ranazul Bistro Klehms Song SparrowFarm & Nursery Scientifc Plant Service Caseys Crab Co. Montgomery Irrigation Benners Gardens Curv-rite RareFindNursery Shannon Tree and Landscaping, Inc. BeilersStructures Swenson Gardens

    Gails e orts were tireless in nding sponsors, brainstorming ideas toimprove the event, and o course, preparing her garden or the onslaught o visitors. Our sincere thanks cannot express the gratitude we eel or Gailsdiligence, and or her husband, Vince Campanellas extreme generosity in

    joining Gail to host the event. And o course, thanks to all who attendedand helped to make this a sensational day!

    Were You There? , continued from page 3

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    Phil Normandy and Gail Gee

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    Brookside GardensFree Garden Walks onSaturday a ternoons,September 10, 24, October1 & 15, 2:00pmFree; no registration

    requiredMeet at the Visitors Center(outside doors exiting therear o building)

    McCrillis GardensFree Garden Walks onSunday a ternoons,September 11 & October 2,2:00pmFree; no registration

    requiredMeet at McCrillis Housein Bethesda (call 301-962-1455 or directions)

    Free Garden ToursEnjoy ree, autumn tours o Brookside Gardens in Wheatonor McCrillis Gardens in Bethesda. Brookside Gardens is anaward winning display garden, eaturing an abundanceo annual and perennial displays throughout the season.McCrillis Gardens is a naturalistic strolling garden, o eringshady woodland walks and plenty o all color. Highlytrained, knowledgeable guides o er engaging horticulturaltours, ocusing on the plants that make each garden unique.

    Look or the beet graphic to nd our ood-relatedprograms and events.

    Look or our special FOBG program pricing ormembers o the Friends o Brookside Gardens, anonpro t organization established to support themission o the Gardens. This includes support o programs to reveal the year-round wonders andbeauty o nature as well as educating the publicon how the proper care o plants can preservethe environment. For in ormation about joiningthe Friends o Brookside Gardens, or call 301-962-1400 torequest a brochure.

    Floral Design DemonstrationsKaren Nelson Kent, AIFD

    Join Brookside Gardens or this new series o foraldemonstrations meant to spark your creativity and inspireyou to ll your home with the beauty o resh fowers.Each unique session will eature Karen Nelson Kent,AIFD, creating arrangements in a variety o styles. Besto all, a lucky registrant will go home with one o Karensarrangements. Register or one session or the whole series!Course number 150599Tuesday, October 4, 1:00-3:00pmCourse number 150600Tuesday, November 1, 1:00-3:00pmCourse number 150601Tuesday, November 29, 1:00-3:00pmCourse number 150602Thursday, December 15, 1:00-3:00pm

    Course number 150603Tuesday, February 2, 1:00-3:00pmCourse number 150604Tuesday, February 28, 1:00-3:00pmFee: $22, FOBG: $15; registration requiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Green Matters:Urban Farming Pioneers

    For our third and nalood-based Green MattersSymposium, well behighlighting innovativeapproaches to eeding theworlds population. FeaturingDickson Despommier,Columbia University EmeritusPro essor and author o The Vertical Farm: Feeding theWorld in the 21st Century andDarrin Nordahl, landscape

    architect and author o PublicProduce, this years Green Matters will kindle yourinner urban armer and entice you to think about

    ood production in wholly di erent ways. or more in ormation.Register early at www.ParkPASS.orgCourse number 159849Friday, February 24, 8:30am-4:00pmFee: $89; registration requiredBrookside Gardens Visitors Center Auditorium

    New ProgramFALL & WINTER


    & Events

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    Register online at Conservatory Displays/Plant Shows & Sales

    Plant Shows & SalesBrookside Gardens hosts local,regional, and national plant societyevents throughout the year. Many o the societies shows eature judgedcompetitions; all o the shows eature

    passionate collectors, eager to share theirenthusiasm with others.

    FOBG Plant SaleSponsored by the Friends of BrooksideGardensSaturday, September 10,10:00am-3:00pmOutside the Visitors Center

    Azalea AuctionSponsored by the Brookside GardensChapter of the Azalea SocietySunday, September 18Preview begins at 10:30am

    Auction runs rom 11:00am-2:30pm(or until completed)Outside the Visitors Center

    Dahlia Show/SaleSponsored by the National Capital DahliaSocietySaturday, September 24, 2:00-5:00pmSunday, September 25, 9:00am-3:00pmCut blooms will be sold a ter the closeo the show at 3:00pm

    Visitors Center Auditorium

    Mushroom FairSponsored by the Mycological Associationof WashingtonSunday, October 2, 12:00-5:00pmVisitors Center Auditorium

    Chrysanthemum ShowSponsored by the PotomacChrysanthemum SocietySaturday, October 22, 1:00-5:00pmSunday, October 23, 10:00am-3:00pmVisitors Center

    FOBG Holiday Wreath andCenterpiece SaleSponsored by the Friends of BrooksideGardens

    Saturday, December 3, 10:00am-4:00pmVisitors Center

    Sixth Annual Seed ExchangeSponsored by Washington GardenerMagazineSaturday, January 28, 1:00-4:00pmVisitors Center AuditoriumRegister at

    Summer Display: Summer o FoodSaturday, April 23 - Sunday,September 25Note: South House closes on Monday,September 19

    10:00am-5:00pm daily; FREEBrookside Gardens Conservatory

    Wings o FancyLive Butter y Exhibit Saturday, April 30 through Sunday,September 1810:00am-4:00pm dailyFee: $6 adults; $4 ages 3-12Brookside Gardens South ConservatoryGroups o 15 or more by appointmentonly, call 301-962-1467 or reservations.We regret that we are unable to

    accommodate strollers in theButterfy Exhibit.Wings o Fancy In oline: 301-962-1453

    Chrysanthemum Display: AutumnHarvest Saturday, October 8 through Sunday,November 20Note: South House closes November 1410:00am-5:00pm daily; FREEBrookside Gardens Conservatory

    Winter Display and Train Exhibit The Train Exhibit opens in the SouthHouse with the Garden o Lights onFriday, November 25 at 5:30pm andruns through January 8, 2012. The North

    House will remain open only in theevenings during display change romNovember 28-December 2. Both houseswill be open during the day at nocost rom December 3-January 8 rom10:00am-5:00pm.Brookside Gardens Conservatory

    Spring DisplaySaturday, January 21 through Sunday,April 810:00am-5:00pm daily; FREEBrookside Gardens Conservatory

    Conservatory Displays

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    Fall Lecture SeriesThanks to the generous support o theFriends o Brookside Gardens, weo er an excellent, ree lecture seriesin spring and all. Please register inadvance.

    How to Grow a School Garden Arden Bucklin-Sporer & Rachel Pringle,San Francisco Green Schoolyard Alliance

    Today both schools and parentshave a unique opportunity and anincreasing responsibility to cultivatean awareness o our nite resources,to rein orce values o environmentalstewardship, to help studentsunderstand concepts o nutrition andhealth and to connect children to thenatural world. What better way to dothis than by engaging young people,

    their amilies, and teachers in thewondrous outdoor classroom that istheir very own school garden?Course number 159949Thursday, September 29, 6:30-8:00pmFee: Free; registration requiredVisitors Center Auditorium

    Beyond PhalaenopsisCarol Allen, HorticulturistThere is a world o enticing, exotic andeasy to grow orchids out there! I theregular Moth Orchid ( Phalaenopsis ) nolonger gives you a thrill, join us as localorchid expert Carol Allen introducesyou to the world o the seductiveDancing Lady Orchid ( Oncidium), LadySlipper ( Paphiopedilum ), Darwins Orchid( Angraecum ) and more.Course number 157101Friday, September 30, 10:00-11:30amFee: Free; registration requiredVisitors Center Auditorium

    The Joy o Hobby FarmingMichael Levatino, Author, The Joy of Hobby

    FarmingGrow ood,raise animalsand live a moresustainableli estyle whilestill holding an

    o - arm job - thatshobby arming. JoinMichael Levatino,co-author o The Joyof Hobby Farming ,and learn how toincorporate arming into your li ewithout overwhelming your economicor physical resources. Discuss theimportance o hobby arms to localcommunities and economies. Find outhow anyone, no matter how small, canget started as a hobby armer. Well endthe evening with a undraising ra feo resh products rom the Levatinos

    arm, which might include eggs, honey,fowers or even their own specialllamanure. Ra fe proceeds bene tBrookside Gardens.Course number 157350Thursday, October 6, 6:30-8:00pmFee: Free; registration requiredVisitors Center Auditorium

    Among the Ancients Joan Maloof, Author, Among the AncientsEcologist andauthor Joan Maloo will celebrate andeducate in thisillustrated lecture.Hear about her newbook Among the

    Ancients: Adventuresin the Eastern Old-

    Growth Forests , inwhich she givesdirections to the

    orests and inlovely literary proserefects on what she encountered there.Her experience led her to develop theOld-Growth Forest Network, a nonpro tthat will protect one orest in eachcounty rom ever being logged again.Learn about her exciting adventures

    Thursdays at Brookside Join us or this exciting series o walks, talks, and demonstrationshighlighting the plants, people, anddisplays that are uniquely Brookside.Most Thursdays at 1:00pm, rom themiddle o September through October,our sta and/or volunteers will o era guided tour, demonstration oreducational walk around the gardens.Youre sure to enjoy learning moreabout all that Brookside Gardens has too er. Thursdays at Brookside are ree o charge and no registration is required.

    Walk: Autumn Tour o the GardensBrookside Volunteer GuideSeptember 15, 1:00pmVisitors Center Entrance

    Walk: Autumn Tour o the GardensBrookside Volunteer GuideSeptember 29, 1:00pmVisitors Center Entrance

    Demo: Transplanting ShrubsStacy ParsonsOctober 6, 1:00pmVisitors Center Entrance

    Walk: Perennials with Fall Interest

    Jim Deramus, Brookside Gardens Staff October 13, 1:00pmMeet at Fragrance Garden

    Walk: Fall Conservatory TourKathy Stevens, Brookside Gardens Staff October 20, 1:00pmBrookside Gardens Conservatory

    Demo: Planting TulipsRoger Haynes, Brookside Gardens Staff October 27, 1:00pmTrial Garden

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    Register online at Lectures/Horticultural Workshopsand plans or the uture. Who knows?You may have a role to play in buildingthe network.Course number 157349Friday, October 28, 10:00-11:30amFee: Free; registration requiredVisitors Center Auditorium

    The Garden in WinterDiane Lewis, Brookside Gardens Staff Some consider winter a down time

    or the garden; let us convince youotherwise. Learn to appreciate thestructure o your garden and to design

    or cold-season enjoyment. Diane willcover the many plants that continuetheir beauty and interest throughoutthe colder months, as well as very late-and early-blooming species that do wellin our area.Course number 150499Friday, November 4, 10:00-11:30amFee: Free; registration requiredVisitors Center Auditorium

    Not-so-Traditional HolidayEntertaining

    Adrienne Cook, Danielle Navidi, andKaren Nelson KentEnjoy this popular new ormatthat combines the pleasureso dining with the aesthetic

    detail o foral design. Learn some newand delectable recipes rom the Cooksisters - Adrienne and Danielle, whileKaren Nelson Kent, AIFD, inspires yourcreativity to help you set the holidaystage with fowers.Course number 150749Friday, December 2, 10:00-11:30amFee: Free; registration requiredVisitors Center Auditorium

    Horticultural WorkshopsFocus on Butter ies!On these special mornings, tenphotographers will be welcomed (withtheir tripods) into the conservatory tophotograph these live butterfies be orethe Wings o Fancy Butterfy Exhibitopens.Course number 132927Sunday, August 28, 8:00am-10:00amCourse number 132921Saturday, September 3, 8:00am-10:00am

    Course number 132922Saturday, September 10, 8:00-10:00amFee: $30, FOBG $27; registration requiredBrookside Gardens Conservatory

    Dried Autumn Wreath Jane Pettit, Mother Nature Throws a PartyEnjoy this whimsical wreath on yourdoor this all. Combine dried seedpods, moss, lavender and yarrow,intertwined with French, wired ribbonto make an elegant accent piece. A terthe workshop, apply the techniques toother materials (pinecones, boxwood,etc) or a variety o unique home dcor.Fee includes all materials.Course number: 158950Thursday, September 29, 1:00-3:00pmFee: $54, FOBG: $49; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Fall Landscape Photography

    Josh Taylor, Jr., Archiphoto WorkshopsLearn to capture beauti ul landscapeand close-up images. This two-sessionworkshop is designed or all skill levelso photography. Emphasis will be onlandscape photography and close-uptechniques or capturing designs andpatterns in nature. Participants willhave the opportunity to shoot withthe instructor around the ponds andgrounds o Brookside Gardens. Theworkshop includes illustrated handouts,

    a digital presentation by the instructorand a ormal critique o participantsimages at the last session. NOTE:Participants should have a workingknowledge o their camera, and bringALL photo equipment to both sessions,including a digital memory cardor lm, extra batteries and cameramanual. A tripod is optional, but highlyrecommended.

    Course number: 150699Saturday, October 8 & 15, 9:00-11:00amFee: $49, FOBG: $44; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Spectacular Autumn Topiary Jane Pettit, Mother Nature Throws a PartyOnly available in the all, hedge applesare the ruit o the Osage orangetree. Once the bane o the armer,these bright green, bumpy, so tball-sized spheres have made their wayinto decorator showrooms. Createa spectacular topiary that combineshedge apples with berries, vines, andgreens o the season. Its a wonder ulway to greet guests at the ront door.Its even been known to take the snowin stride and transitions well into theholidays with a ew sprigs o hollyadded in. Fee includes all materials.Course number: 158949Thursday, October 20, 1:00-3:00pmFee: $54, FOBG: $49; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    The 2 or 1 Container Joan ORourke, Friends of Brookside GardensWinter interest and early springcolor! Plant a unique container that

    will provide a color ul accent this allollowed by a beauti ul bulb display inspring. All supplies, planting and careinstructions will be included.Course number 150905Tuesday, October 25, 10:00am-12:00pmCourse number 150906Tuesday, October 25, 1:00-3:00pmFee: $55, FOBG: $49; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Mudcrete Planter WorkshopBetty Mackey, B.B. Mackey BooksCreate a one-o -a-kind succulentplanter out o Mudcrete, a concretematerial made with garden soil.Combining Bettys expertise in makinglightweight garden troughs with a littlegardening ingenuity, youll ashion aliving sculpture planted with succulents

    or a beauti ully intriguing conversationpiece in your garden.

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    Horticultural Workshops www.BrooksideGardens.orgCourse number 150750Wednesday, October 26, 12:30-2:30pmFee: $54, FOBG: $49; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Workshop

    The Beer GardenMark Richardson, BrooksideGardens Staff The most popular beveragein the world, a ter water andtea, beer has been enjoyed

    or eons by people across theglobe. Throughout its history, therecipe or what constitutes good beerhas changed, but the role o plantsin providing the basic raw materialshas been a constant. Learn aboutthe plants that make up the basicingredients in beer and enjoy tastinga wide variety o beers. Registration

    ee covers beer tasting, lecture andsnacks.Course number 157199Saturday, October 29, 2:00-4:00pmFee: $37, FOBG: $32; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Simply ChicKaren Nelson Kent, AIFD, owner of FloralDiversityLearn to create contemporary foraldesigns you can make at home. This3-week course covers basic know-how about fower arranging, choosingthe right fowers or your home andcreating great visual e ects with simpleskills. Fee includes materials to create

    one arrangement each week.Course number 157399Tuesdays, November 1, 8 & 15,6:30-8:00pmFee: $139, FOBG: $125; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Mixed Winter Container Joan ORourke, Friends of Brookside GardensIn this popular class, Joan will help youcreate a miniature winter garden ina container eaturing plants that canstand up to winters harshest weather.Mix a variety o dwar evergreenswith a splash o herbaceous plants orsome late season color. Cost covers allmaterials, including a 14 container (orbring your own avorite container).Course number 154799Wednesday, November 9,10:00am-12:00pmFee: $60, FOBG: $54; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Thanksgiving CenterpieceKaren Nelson Kent, AIFD

    Join Karen Nelson Kent o FloralDiversity to create a beauti ulThanksgiving centerpiececombining color ul ruits and

    vegetables with fowers and seasonalmaterials. Adorn your holiday table thisyear with a striking accent.Course number 150605Tuesday, November 22, 1:30-3:30pmFee: $49, FOBG: $44; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Holiday Mixed Greens WreathNicky Beadle, Brookside Gardens Staff Why buy a wreath when you can makeone o your own? Greet your holidayguests and neighbors with a uniqueholiday wreath using a variety o reshlycut and ragrant greens. Adorn yourwreath with an assortment o seasonalembellishments or bring some o yourown avorite holiday decorations. Fee

    includes all materials.Course number 150799Friday, December 9, 10:00am-12:00pmCourse number 150800Saturday, December 10,10:00am-12:00pmFee: $45, FOBG: $40; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Holiday Centerpiece Joan ORourke, Friends of Brookside Gardens Join us to make a long-lasting, estivecenterpiece using resh greenssurrounding a candle and adornedwith seasonal decorations - makeone or yoursel and one or a riend.Fee includes all materials or twocenterpieces.Course number 150753Tuesday, December 13,10:00am-12:00pmCourse number 150754Wednesday, December 14,10:00am-12:00pmFee: $32, FOBG: $28; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Vermicomposting at HomeMark Richardson, BrooksideGardens Staff

    As gardeners, we all know thebene ts o compost - romadding organic matter to our soil

    or better nutrient and waterretention to diverting land ll wastein order to reduce our impact on theenvironment. Despite all the bene ts,making good compost at home can bechallenging. Join us to learn a simpleway to compost your ood scrapsright in your kitchen using redworms.Mark will share several examples o

    vermicomposting bins, rom home-made to commercial scale used in largeoperations. Hell also demonstrate theease with which you can start your ownat home and discuss sources or starterkits and other materials.Course number 157400Thursday, January 26, 1:00-3:00pmFee: $15, FOBG: $10; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

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    Register online at Horticultural Talks/Cooking DemonstrationsNuts about Nuts

    Adrienne Cook, Garden and Cooking WriterDanielle Navidi, CatererThe more is learned about nuts, themore is understood o their incrediblehealth bene ts. Many varieties arealso easy to grow. Join the Cook Sistersas they discuss nuts and demonstrateways to use them in recipes.Course number 150650Wednesday, October 19, 12:00-1:30pmFee: $28, FOBG: $25; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Crazy or Cranberries Adrienne Cook, Garden and Cooking WriterDanielle Navidi, CatererCranberries may be the signature ruito Thanksgiving, but increasingly theirversatility is being discovered year-round. The Cook Sisters will bring you

    ways to deploy their unique favor insweet and savory dishes.Course number 150651Wednesday, November 16, 12:00-1:30pmFee: $28, FOBG: $25; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Very Very Vegetarian Adrienne Cook, Garden and Cooking WriterDanielle Navidi, CatererMain dish vegetarian meals are a

    welcome change rom heavy holidayood. The Cook Sisters will show you

    how to skate into late winter on alighter diet.Course number 150652Wednesday, January 18, 12:00-1:30pmFee: $28, FOBG: $25; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Everyday Ediscapes SeriesLandscape designer, horticulturist and educator Jeanette Ankoma-Sey,Landscape Designer, Associate, AECOM Design + Planning, invites youon a journey through Ediscapes (or edible landscapes) in local gardensand public spaces (schools, communities, organizations, etc.). Observethe many ways that productive, edible vegetation is used in everydaylandscapes and learn how individuals create aesthetically-pleasing ANDbounti ul gardens.

    Small Scale Everyday EdibleLandscapesLand is at a minimum in mostparts o the DC metropolitan area.Learn how homeowners with spacelimitations are integrating andharboring multi-purpose edibles intotheir landscapes as a place or their

    amilies and riends to enjoy.Course number 157999Saturday, January 14,

    11:30am-1:00pmFee: $15, FOBG: $10; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    The Public Everyday EdibleLandscapesBe it schools, churches, communitygreenways or parks, edible plants arebecoming an important part o thepublic landscape. Learn about someo the ways communities are sitingand using edibles in unexpectedplaces.Course number 158000Saturday, January 28,11:30am-1:00pmFee: $15, FOBG: $10; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Harvesting and Beyond!Once edibles in your landscape

    ruit, what happens to the gardenand how are the ruits o your laborutilized? Learn the creative waysedibles move rom the garden to thetable. Discover enticing recipes andcreative means homeowners useto turn their garden memories intomeals and other projects.Course number 158001

    Saturday, February 11,11:30am-1:00pmFee: $15, FOBG: $10; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Apples, Pears and Friends Adrienne Cook, Garden and Cooking WriterDanielle Navidi, CatererApples and pears are a bridge orsummer ruits that ollow them into

    all. They go beauti ully with plums,gs and late-crop raspberries. Join the

    Cook Sisters to learn more about ways

    to cook these delicious and health ulruits.

    Course number 150649Wednesday, September 21, 12:00-1:30pmFee: $28, FOBG: $25; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom

    Cooking Demonstrations Join Brookside Gardens or this delectable series o cooking classes, ocusing onhealth ul recipes with seasonal and local ruits, vegetables and herbs. Enjoysamples o the dishes, prepared be ore you, using the Cook sisters own easy-to-

    ollow recipes that you can try at home.

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    Cooking Demonstrations/Xcursions www.BrooksideGardens.orgTuesday, September 27, 7:00am-7:00pmFee: $89; registration requiredMeet at the Visitors Center Entrance

    Champion Tree Tour Join Joe Howard o the MontgomeryCounty Forestry Board and MontgomeryParks Forest Ecologist Carole Bergmann

    or this popular annual tour o Montgomery Countys champion trees.Fee includes transportation and drinks.Please wear appropriate walking shoesand bring a lunch.Course number 150850Wednesday, October 5, 9:30am-4:00pmFee: $39; registration requiredMeet at the Visitors Center Entrance

    Hershey Gardens &Chocolate WorldEver wonder wherechocolate comes rom? Yes,o course it comes romthe Cacao tree, but more

    importantly, rom nearby Hershey,Pennsylvania! Travel with us to theSweetest Place on Earth to learnabout the history o Hersheys amouschocolate and visit the exquisiteHershey Gardens, created by MiltonHershey in 1937. Registration eecovers admission, transportation and

    boxed lunch.Course number 155299Tuesday, October 18, 7:00am-5:00pmFee: $99; registration requiredMeet at the Visitors Center Entrance

    Historic Towns o DelawareStep back in time or the holidaysand visit two lovely historic towns inDelaware. At the Historic Houses o Odessas Holiday Celebration anannual tradition celebrating the seasonthrough interpretive scenes rom classicliterature enjoy tours through thehistoric center o town and the vemain properties, gardens and grounds.Then experience the charm and beautyo colonial New Castle, where youllwalk the cobblestone streets andvisit several historic sites within thisriver ront community. Well also havea late lunch at Jessops Tavern, built in1724. Registration ee covers admission,transportation and lunch.Course number 150910Wednesday, December 7,8:00am-8:00pmFee: $135; registration requiredMeet at the Visitors Center Entrance

    Philadelphia Flower ShowA perennial avorite, the Philadelphiainternational Flower Show is alwaysa crowd-pleaser. This year, Hawaii:Islands o Aloha promises to delivera tropical experience in March. Inaddition to the world-class gardendisplays, attend a ree lecture or shop

    the Marketplace. Fee includes coachtransportation and entrance ee.Your lunch/dinner may be purchased atthe show.Course number 150902 (Bus 1)Course number 150903 (Bus 2)Tuesday, March 6, 7:00am-7:00pmCourse number 150904 (one bus only)Thursday, March 8, 10:30am-10:30pmFee: $89; registration requiredMeet at the Visitors Center Entrance

    Celery and Cousins Adrienne Cook, Garden and Cooking WriterDanielle Navidi, CatererUnder-appreciated, i not underused,celery is everywhere but rarely takescenter stage. Along with cousins celeryroot, parsnips and parsley, these sel -e acing culinary step-children will get achance to shine in this class.Course number 150653Wednesday, February 15, 12:00-1:30pmFee: $28, FOBG: $25; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Adult Classroom


    Fox Hollow, the Private Garden o Inta KrombolzA plantaholics delight! With whimsical

    eatures too numerous to mention,nestled amongst an incrediblediversity o woody plants, herbaceousborders and water eatures not tomention a welding shed disguised asa cozy cottage and an award-winningconservatory Inta Krombolzsgarden, Fox Hollow, will amaze you.A ter visiting Intas beauti ul garden,

    well head to Terrain at Styers, anincredibly unique retail garden center,with a vast selection o plants and anenviable sense o style. Finally, wellstop at Gro s Plant Farm, one o thebest kept secrets in southeasternPennsylvania (note: Gro s does notaccept credit cards). Registration eecovers admission, transportation andboxed lunch.Course number 150909

    P H O T O : J

    U D Y G L A T T S T E I N

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    Brookside GardensSchool o Botanical Art &IllustrationDeveloped in collaboration with world-renowned botanical artist, MargaretSaul, the Brookside Gardens Schoolo Botanical Art & Illustration o ersbotanical art classes that serve all levels,

    rom beginner to advanced. Follow therigorous Certifcate Program or takeindividual workshops that do not require

    prerequisites. For more in ormation aboutthe School, visit BrooksideArtSchool.orgor call Mark Richardson, School Manager,at 301-962-1470. Most o the courseo erings are held at McCrillis Gardens inBethesda, MD. This exceptional programis the envy o many living arther afeld.Come and join us to see why! Classesstart in early September so take this

    opportunity to Xperience a truly wonder ulinstructional program, right in your ownbackyard!

    Congratulations to Barbara Han t ,this years recipient o the prestigiousBrookside Gardens School o BotanicalArt & Illustration Certi cate. Barbarasuccess ully completed the Schoolscurriculum and gained avorablereviews o her nal certi cate projects

    rom three pro essional botanical

    artists. Many thanks to Susan Fisher,Leonie Norton and Alice Tangerini or

    acting as external examinersand reviewing her artwork. ViewBarbaras certi cate port olioby visiting our Online Gallery our Guestbook while yourethere and leave some congratulatorycomments or Barbara.

    Master ClassesMaster Classes are best suited or thosestudents who have completed intermediatelevel courses.

    PomegranatesJohn Pastoriza Pinol

    Punica granatum L . is anancient, mystical, unique

    ruit borne on a small,long-living tree cultivated

    throughout the Mediterranean region.Pomegranates are considered anemblem o ertility and ecundity;they have a strong a liation withwomen. The pomegranate eaturesprominently in myth and religion asa symbol o the seasons o death andrebirth. Over our days, students willlearn the intricacies o achieving nedetail with watercolor through a varietyo advanced techniques and toolsthat are invaluable or contemporary

    botanical artists. Paintings will reacha new level o realism and detail.

    Students should have skills in drawingand watercolor. The class structureinvolves a combination o practicaldemonstrations, class discussions andindividual presentation. During thepainting project, John will assist eachstudent with composition, paintingtechniques and color theory.Course number 150149Thursday, October 20-Sunday, October23, 10:00am-4:30pmFee: $420; registration requiredMcCrillis Gardens

    Developing ScratchboardTrudy NicholsonUsing ink or graphite pencil on theunique sur ace o scratchboard opensa realm o composition potentials. Wewill introduce strong tonal contrasts,starting with structural compositionand positive/negative space. Combiningwhite and black lines and dots createsa wide range o interesting, variedtextures to build value contrasts.These intense contrasts bring drama

    and excitement, as well as accuratedetail and a 3-dimenional aspect to thecomposition. As on no other sur ace,ink on scratchboard is correctible.Graphite pencil rendering can achievesubtle, delicate e ects duplicating theappearance o nature. Trudy Nicholsonhas been using scratchboard or manyyears and has illustrated numerousnatural science books including being

    eatured in Ruth Lozners Scratchboard

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    Register online at School of Botanical Art & Illustration

    John Pastoriza Pinol

    Barbara Han t

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    School of Botanical Art & Illustration

    or Illustration. She will shareher techniques with step-by-stepinstruction. Prerequisite: Painting 205Course number 150250Saturday-Monday, February 18-20,10:00am-4:00pmFee: $315; registration requiredMcCrillis Gardens

    Core CurriculumThe Core Curriculum must be taken insequence rom Drawing 101 Painting310. A new Stream o students startseach all. The classes listed below are opento anyone who has taken the prerequisiteslisted or each course.

    Drawing 101 ~ Fall 2011 StreamDiane BerndtCourse number 150049Tuesdays, September 13, 20, 27 &October 4, 10:00am-1:30pmCourse number 150050Saturdays, September 10 & 24,9:00am-4:30pmFee: $217; registration requiredMcCrillis Gardens

    Drawing 102 ~ Fall 2011 StreamLee DZmura & Kelly SverdukPrerequisite: Drawing 101Course number 150101

    Tuesdays, October 18, 25, November 1 &8, 10:00am-1:30pmCourse number 150102Saturdays, October 15 & November 5,9:00am-4:30pmFee: $217; registration requiredMcCrillis Gardens

    Painting 103 ~ Fall 2011 StreamKathy LutterPrerequisites: Drawing 101 & 102Course number 150152Tuesdays, November 22, 29, December 6& 13, 10:00am-1:30pmCourse number 150153Saturdays, November 19 & December 10,9:00am-4:30pmFee: $247; registration requiredMcCrillis Gardens

    Dimensional Study 204 ~ Fall 2011StreamDiane BerndtCourse number 150199Tuesdays, January 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31,10:00am-1:30pmCourse number 150200Saturdays, January 14 & 28, 9:00am-4:30pm & February 11, 1:00-4:30pmFee: $270; registration requiredMcCrillis Gardens

    Painting 205 ~ Fall 2011 StreamKathy LutterPrerequisites: Drawing 101, 102, Painting103, Dimensional Study 204Course number 150203Tuesdays, February 14, 21, 28 & March 6,10:00am-1:30pmCourse number 150249Saturdays, March 10 & 24,9:00am-4:30pmFee: $217; registration requiredMcCrillis Gardens

    Observational Studies &Composition 308 ~ Fall 2010 StreamPrerequisites: Painting 205, Botany 307Course number 150053Wednesdays, September 14, 21, October5 & 12, 10:00am-1:30pmCourse number 150054Saturdays, September 17 & October 1,9:00am-4:30pmFee: $217; registration requiredMcCrillis Gardens

    Drawing 309 ~ Fall 2010 StreamDiane BerndtPrerequisite: Observational Studies &Composition 308Course number 150150Tuesdays, November 2, 9, 16 & 30,10:00am-1:30pm

    Course number 150151Saturdays, November 12 & December 3,9:00am-4:30pmFee: $217; registration requiredMcCrillis Gardens

    Painting 310 ~ Fall 2010 StreamLee DZmuraPrerequisite: Drawing 309Course number 150201Fridays, January 6, 20, February 3 & 17,10:00am-1:30pm

    Course number 150202Saturdays, January 7, 21, February 4 &25, 10:00am-1:30pmFee: $217; registration requiredMcCrillis Gardens

    Barbara Han t

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    Technique Showcases

    Carbon Dust Trudy NicholsonCourse number 144799Thursday, September 8, 10:00am-1:00pmFee: $38; registration requiredBrookside Gardens

    Fungi - Artists Delight Diane BerndtCourse number 150099Thursday, October 6, 10:00am-1:00pmFee: $38; registration requiredBrookside Gardens


    Ink Line & Colored PencilKaren Coleman

    Course number 150100Sundays, October 2 & 9,10:00am-4:00pmFee: $186; registration requiredMcCrillis Gardens

    Basic Photoshop or ArtistsCarolina NadelRequired: laptop with Adobe PhotoshopCourse number 144699Sundays, November 6 & 13,10:00am-1:00pm

    Fee: $93; registration requiredBrookside Gardens

    Mix & Match: Limited PaletteKathy LutterCourse number 144801Thursday, February 9, 10:00am-4:00pmFee: $93; registration requiredBrookside Gardens


    Creative Composition or BotanicalArtistsMerri NelsonNo drawing or painting skills requiredCourse number 150052Sundays, September 11 & 25,10:00am-4:30pmFee: $186; registration requiredMcCrillis Gardens

    Register online at Adult Programs by Start Date

    Adult Programs by Start DateDate Title Fee FOBG NumberAug 28 Workshop: Focus on Butterfies $30 $27 132927Sept 3 Workshop: Focus on Butterfies $30 $27 132921Sept 10 Workshop: Focus on Butterfies $30 $27 132922Sept 21 Cooking: Apples, Pears & Friends $28 $25 150649

    Sept 27 Trip: Fox Hollow $89 150909Sept 29 Workshop: Dried Autumn Wreath $54 $49 158950Sept 29 Lecture: How to Grow a School Garden 159949Sept 30 Lecture: Beyond Phalaenopsis 157101Oct 4 Floral Design Demonstration $22 $15 150599Oct 5 Trip: Champion Tree Tour $39 150850Oct 6 Lecture: Hobby Farming 157350Oct 8 Fall Landscape Photography $49 $44 150699Oct 18 Trip: Hershey Gardens $99 155299Oct 19 Cooking: Nuts About Nuts $28 $25 150650Oct 20 Workshop: Spectacular Autumn Topiary $54 $49 158949

    Oct 25 Workshop: The 2 or 1 Container $55 $49 150905Oct 25 Workshop: The 2 or 1 Container $55 $49 150906Oct 26 Mudcrete Planter Workshop $54 $49 150750Oct 28 Lecture: Among the Ancients 157349Oct 29 The Beer Garden $37 $32 157199Nov 1 Workshop: Simply Chic $139 $125 157399Nov 1 Floral Design Demonstration $22 $15 150600Nov 4 Lecture: The Garden in Winter 150499Nov 9 Workshop: Mixed Winter Container $60 $54 154799Nov 9 Holiday Design Show Charity Event $35 see page 4Nov 16 Cooking: Crazy or Cranberries $28 $25 150651

    Nov 22 Workshop: Thanksgiving Centerpiece $49 $44 150605Nov 29 Floral Design Demonstration $22 $15 150601Dec 2 Lecture: Holiday Entertaining 150749Dec 7 Trip: Historic Towns o DE $135 150910Dec 9 Workshop: Holiday Mixed Greens Wreath $45 $40 150799Dec 10 Workshop: Holiday Mixed Greens Wreath $45 $40 150800Dec 13 Workshop: Holiday Centerpiece $32 $28 150753Dec 14 Workshop: Holiday Centerpiece $32 $28 150754Dec 15 Floral Design Demonstration $22 $15 150602

    Jan 14 Ediscapes: Small Scale Landscapes $15 $10 157999 Jan 18 Cooking: Very Very Vegetarian $28 $25 150652

    Jan 26 Vermicomposting at Home $15 $10 15740 Jan 28 Ediscapes: Public Landscapes $15 $10 15800Feb 2 Floral Design Demonstration $22 $15 150603Feb 11 Ediscapes: Harvesting & Beyond! $15 $10 158001Feb 15 Cooking: Celery and Cousins $28 $25 150653Feb 24 Green Matters Symposium $89 159849Feb 28 Floral Design Demonstration $22 $15 150604Mar 6 Trip: Philadelphia Flower Show $89 150902Mar 6 Trip: Philadelphia Flower Show $89 150903Mar 8 Trip: Philadelphia Flower Show $89 150904

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    Art Xhibits/Childrens Programs

    Art XhibitsThe Brookside Gardens VisitorsCenter exhibitions showcasea ordable original works orgicle prints o original works onhorticultural themes by area artists.

    All art exhibitions are ree o charge

    and most o the works are available or purchase.

    August 29 October 16, 2011Forestscapes & Water alls(Photographs)Cory BrodzinskiBright Flowers & Abstract Sunsets (Watercolors & oils)Diane GibsonWooded Landscapes (Paintings)Elena Maza

    October 17 December 4, 2011In An Autumn Frame o Mind(Paintings)Linda DeCampMaine Echoes (Watercolors)Madeline Wikler

    December 5, 2011 February 5,2012Mixed Media Artwork on Paperand CanvasThe Pt Painters

    February 6 April 8, 2012Nature PhotographyEric HagemannBouquets o Grasses(Monotypes)Mary D. OttWatercolors

    Andrea Bank

    Childrens GardenThe Natures Fun in Your Backyardtheme continues throughout the

    all season. Dont orget to look orpollinators visiting many o the color ulannuals and perennials in the garden.Children will be inspired by color ul,

    un plants, insect and animal activity,plus enjoy exploring simple, naturalmaterials provided in the Natures Artarea. Gain a ew ideas or creating unin your backyard rom our tree housemade out o reclaimed constructionmaterials. Childrens imaginations willsoar and a greater appreciation ornature will be had.

    Childrens Discovery BenchesHands-on activities, games, books,and puzzles ll the ChildrensDiscovery Benches located in theChildrens Classroom.Open Tuesday through Friday

    based on sta availability.

    September through June, 2:00-5:00pm

    Saturday Morning StorytimeBrookside Gardens VolunteersParticipate and listen to nature andseasonal stories that will encourage achilds imagination and creativity. Eachweek, a di erent story will be read

    ollowed by a hands-on cra t.Saturdays, October 1December 10Ages 3-6, 10:00am

    Fee: Free; no registration requiredVisitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Flower Buds Join us on the second Monday o eachmonth or gardening activities, stories,cra ts and garden walks or childrenages 3-5, accompanied by a parent.Course number 156399Monday, September 12, 10:30-11:30amCourse number 156400Monday, October 10, 10:30-11:30amCourse number 156401Monday, November 14, 10:30-11:30amCourse number 156402Monday, December 12, 10:30-11:30amCourse number 156403Monday, January 9, 10:30-11:30amCourse number 156404Monday, February 13, 10:30-11:30amFee: $5 per child (adult ree); registrationrequiredVisitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Garden Nature Club or Families Join us the rst Friday o each monthrom September to January or un

    gardening activities and walksthroughout the Gardens. Let us helpyou get outdoors and strengthen socialand amily bonds, while experiencingthe health bene ts related to variedlearning opportunities that aboundin nature. Come get inspired andconnected with us!

    Childrens Programs

    Dig In with a Brookside Gardens Birthday Party!

    We provide a one-hourinterpretive program,including a cra t. You provide

    decorations, tableware andre reshments.Fee: $225 or a 3 hour partyAvailable times: Saturdays,12:003:00pm or Sundays,10:00am1:00pm or2:005:00pmLimit: 20 childrenCall 301.962.1404 orin ormation and availability

    Pollinators & Garden Critters Garden Fairies Wooden Wonders Garden Tea Party

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    Register online at Childrens Programs

    Childrens DaySaturday, September 1711:00am- 4:00pmIts an Adventures with Food *LetsMove and Groove! Childrens Day, a

    ree annual special event at BrooksideGardens. Move and groove throughoutthe day while learning about healthy

    ood choices, gardening, and keepingt. Participate in a variety o hands-on

    activities, and listen to a special bandwhose musicians use hand-made,home grown gourd instruments! Learnwhere your ood comes rom, see agourd petting zoo, plant a vegetable,play games and have lots o un! Pleasebring a can or non-perishable ood itemto donate to our local ood bank. Checkin at the in ormation tables to obtainyour passport or a schedule and mapo the days event.

    Entertainment:Richmond Indigenous GourdOrchestraOriginal music played on handmadeinstruments made rom locallygrown gourds, the Gourd Orchestraplays its own brand o Paleolithiclounge music mixing past withpresent, rhythm with melody, andchaos with order.Shows at 12noon & 2pm

    Story TimeListen to an inspiring story everyhour starting at 11:30am; 12:30pm;1:30pm; 2:30pm & 3:30pm.

    Activities, Cra ts andDisplays(ongoing rom 11am4pm) :Kids Farmers Market Rocklands FarmStop by the kids market to shop orlocal produce. Follow a recipe to helpyou know what to shop or and takehome.

    Painting CornucopiaBotanical Art Society of the NationalCapital RegionBASNCR artists will provide anassortment o ruit and vegetableimages or our young visitors to paintor color. Plant a VeggieIts not too late to grow vegetables!Plant your own all veggie to growand harvest later this all. Pollinators and FoodMontgomery County Bee Keepers

    AssociationSee a live bee hive and learn aboutthe honey bee plus other veryimportant pollinators and how toprotect them. Plus enjoy a Down on theFarm Relay Race and sign up orthe Presidents Active Li e StyleChallenge at our Garden FitnessActivity Walk on the Heart SmartTrail.

    *This year our Childrens Day specialevent is a proud participant inLets Move! Museums & Gardens , anational initiative launched by FirstLady Michelle Obama to provideopportunities or museum andgarden visitors to learn about healthy

    ood choices and promote physicalactivity. Brookside Gardens is anatural t or this initiative because,as a public garden, we provide

    amilies with programs and spaceswhere they can engage in physicalactivity, interact with nature, andlearn about the important role o plants in a healthy li estyle. We arehappy to be a part o this excitinginitiative, and hope to inspire ageneration o healthy,active gardeners.

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    Course number 157449Fridays, September 2, October 7,November 4, December 2 & January 64:00-5:30pmAges: 3 & upFee: $24/ amily, FOBG: $22/ amily;registration requiredRegister one child and the rest o the

    amily is included.Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Workshops and Classes

    Festive Pumpkin CarvingWorkshopStop by or some Halloween

    un! Choose to carve or paint apumpkin, taste a pumpkin treat,play games and have your acepainted.

    Course number 158549Friday, October 21, 10:00am-12:00pm

    Ages: 7-12Fee: $15, FOBG: $13; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Pinecone Wreath WorkshopSpend relaxing, un, quality time withyour child while working together tomake a beauti ul pinecone wreaththat can last orever. Materials includepinecones, decorative seeds and pods.Course number 158749Thursday, November 10, 4:30-6:00pmAges: 7-12Fee: $20, FOBG: $18; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Thanksgiving CenterpieceChildren will enjoy arranging autumnleaves, dried grasses, gold & yellowchrysanthemums and mixed pods &cones to create a masterpiece or theholiday table.Course number 158603Tuesday, November 22, 4:30-6:00pmAges: 6-12

    Fee: $14, FOBG: $12; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Boxwood Holiday TreeArrange a miniature holiday tree usingboxwood clippings, and then decorate itwith estive ornaments.Course number 158600Thursday, December 15, 4:30-6:00pmAges: 6-12

    Fee: $18, FOBG: $16; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Childrens Holiday Natural GardenCra t Days Workshop

    Just in time or the holidays! Your childwill have a wonder ul time creating

    ve di erent holiday ornaments toadorn your home and treasure oreveror to give as special gi ts. Ornamentexamples may include ThistleReindeer, Money Plant Guardian Angel,Applesauce & Cinnamon Ginger Man orPinecone & Thistle Owl.Course number 158699Tuesday, December 13, 4:30-6:00pmAges: 7-12Fee: $15, FOBG: $13; registrationrequiredVisitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Sweet Pea Valentines WorkshopListen to a wonder ul Valentines story,design and paint a clay pot planted withsweet peas and make a Valentines cardto give to someone special.Course number 158650Tuesday, February 14, 4:30-6:00pmAges: 6-12Fee: $10, FOBG: $8; registration requiredVisitors Center Childrens Classroom

    20 Brookside Gardens Xperience Fall/Winter 2011-2012

    Childrens Programs

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    Important Registration In ormation1. You must open a ParkPASS account in

    order to register or any program.2. We regret that it is not possible to

    include babies or children in classesdesigned or adults.

    3. All programs will run rain or shine,unless a rain date is listed; or cancel-lation in ormation call 301-962-1470.

    4. I paying by credit card, please includecredit card type, account number,expiration date, and signature. FOBGmembers should enter the discountedFOBG rate in the Fee column. Forin ormation about joining FOBG,call 301-962-1435 or

    5. Con rmation o your registration willbe made by mail. (You must print outyour con rmation when registeringonline.) I an event is lled to capacity,your check will be returned and yourname placed on a waiting list. You willbe contacted by phone i an openingoccurs.

    6. Deadline or registration is 7 daysprior to event date, unless otherwisestated. Participants will be enrolled inthe order received.

    7. Unless otherwise indicated by theparticipant or a parent/guardian inwriting at the time o registration,photographs o participants or usein Commission publications may betaken while participating in programactivities.

    Re und Policy: I a program is cancelledyou will be noti ed and receive a ullre und. I you choose to cancel your reg-istration rom an event you must noti ythe Registrar at least ve business daysprior to the start o the class. A creditvoucher will be issued less a 20% admin-istrative ee. The voucher will be valid orone year rom the date o issue. Use yourcredit voucher or another event o yourchoice. Credit or trips and workshopswill be granted only i a replacement isavailable rom the waiting list. A thirty-

    ve dollar ($35.00) ee will be charged or

    all returned checks.

    To register by mail, or in person:Complete the registration orm and mail with payment(or drop o registration orm and payment) to:BROOKSIDE GARDENS, Attn. Registrar,1800 Glenallan Avenue, Wheaton, MD 20902Make checks payable to M-NCPPCTo Register Online: www.ParkPASS.orgTo Register by Phone: Dial 301-670-685824-hours a day

    Already have a ParkPASS account?To register, just fll in the frst three boxes.

    Middle Initial (JR, SR, II, III) Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Gender: M/F

    Street Address

    City, State, Zip Code

    Primary Phone Secondary Phone


    Need to open a ParkPASS account? Please fll in all the boxes.

    For in ormation on M-NCPPCs Fee Reduction Program or Montgomery Countyresidents, call 301-495-2530. Applications are available at Brookside GardensVisitors Center In ormation Desk.

    The Department o Park and Planning encourages and supports the involvement andparticipation o individuals with disabilities in all programs/services. Register a minimumo two weeks in advance o the program start date and call 301-962-1451 to request adisability accommodation.

    B e s u r e t o

    o p e n y o u r P a r k P A S


    a c c o u n t b e f o r e

    r e g i s t r a t i o n b e g i n s o n

    A u g u s t 1 5.

    For registration in ormation, call 301-962-1451.

    REGISTRATION FORMFill out a separate orm or each participant. Friends o Brookside Gardens members enter the FOBG rate or each course.

    Course No. Date Name o Program Fee

    999999 1/1 Sample Program Title 0.00

    *Last Name *First Name *Customer No.

    Brookside Gardens Xperience Fall/Winter 2011-2012 21

    Due to new PCI Compliance Standards, we can no longer accept credit card payments bymail. To pay with a credit card, please register online at or by phone at301-962-1451 between the hours o 9:00am-12:00pm Monday through Friday. We apologize

    or this inconvenience.

  • 8/6/2019 Brookside Gardens Xperience Fall 2011
