Brookside Gardens Xperience: Spring & Summer 2010

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  • 8/9/2019 Brookside Gardens Xperience: Spring & Summer 2010


    Spring &Summer


    w! XperienceProgramGuideonpage5

  • 8/9/2019 Brookside Gardens Xperience: Spring & Summer 2010


    Food, glorious ood!

    For the next three years, the

    ocus o our programming will be

    ood: how we gardeners can grow,

    cook and eat ood that is resh,

    nutritious and delicious. As sta

    worked to develop this theme, we

    realized there were so many possibilities: bringing in local gardeners to

    share their knowledge; planting demonstration gardens that highlight the

    unctional aspects o vegetable gardening; incorporating ornamental edible

    plants into our displays; and more cooking (and tasting) demonstrations.This is a departure rom our typical programming, but I think it is a change

    you will savor.

    Another change you might notice is that we have combined two

    publications, our magazine and our program guide. Now youll receive

    notice o our programs and events, as well as the latest news about whats

    happening in the Gardens, all in one place. And it saves paper and postage,

    which means more resources or plants and gardening during these lean

    scal times.

    Happy Gardening!

    Stephanie Oberle

    Director, Brookside Gardens

    1. A Celebration o 40 Years

    2. New in the Gardens or 2010

    3. Note to Deer: No Admittance!

    3. Harvesting Rainwater orthe Gardens

    4. Volunteer Update


    5. Special Events

    6. Walks

    7. Thursdays at Brookside

    7. Spring Lecture Series

    8. Horticultural Workshops

    9. Floral Design & Visual Arts

    11. Cooking Demonstrations

    12. Xcursions

    13. Brookside Gardens School oBotanical Art & Illustration

    15. Art Xhibits15. Childrens Programs

    18. Registration

    19. Mark Special Memories in theRose Garden

    20.Thank You, Donors!

    Table o Contents

    Adult Education, 301-962-1470

    hildrens Education, 301-962-1408

    ibrary, 301-962-1476

    chool o Botanical Art & Illustration,

    01-962-1470 or 1474

    Volunteer Oce, 301-962-1429

    Git Shop, 301-962-1448 or 1479

    acility Rental, 301-962-1404

    McCrillis Gardens, 301-962-1455

    Media Relations, 301-962-1427ponsorships/donations, 301-962-1402

    Brookside Gardens1800 Glenallan Avenue

    Wheaton, Maryland 20902

    Hours: Brookside Gardens is open

    every day except December 25.

    Gardens: SunriseSunset

    Conservatories: 10:00am5:00pm

    Visitors Center: 9:00am5:00pm

    McCrillis Gardens6910 Greentree Road, Bethesda, MD 20817

    Horticultural Reerence Library10:00am3:00pm Monday

    through Friday, except holidays


    Master GardenersPlant

    Clinic at Brookside Gardens

    Saturday 10:00am2:00pm

    Sunday 1:004:00pm

    Open Year Round

    ditor: Ellen S. Bennett, 301-962-1402

    Cover Photo: Sunfower, Helianthus annus,

    y Josh Taylor, Jr.

    The Shop

    Brookside Ga


    Sunday Noon301-962-14
  • 8/9/2019 Brookside Gardens Xperience: Spring & Summer 2010



    hrowing a party is always exciting, rom planning

    the days events, the guest list, and the menu to the

    nal goodbyes and the clean-up. Our 40th Anniversary

    party was the culmination o more than a years

    planning and the involvement o all o our sta

    and many volunteers.

    The day was planned around three ree

    events, oering something or children

    and adults, and nally the dedication

    o the 40th Anniversary Grove. First, we

    designed the day to be similar to that o a

    childs birthday party with cake and punch, and

    games reminiscent o those played in 1969 (the year

    Brookside Gardens opened), such as hula hoops, bean bag

    toss, and pin-the-tail on the donkey (or, in our case, pin-

    the-bee on the fower!). There was also a moon bounce

    and ace painting. A birthday party isnt complete

    without a goody-bag or the guests. So with that

    thought in mind, we oered ree admission to

    the Wings o Fancy Live Butterfy Exhibit as

    our thank you git to our visitors. Next, we

    had a community sing by the Washington

    Revels, and then an evening concert by the

    Beach Bumz, a Beach Boys tribute band. The

    dedication o the 40th Anniversary Grove o 40 bald cypress

    trees located near the Conservatory included a private

    reception or donors, political leaders and Commission

    sta. The Grove symbolizes a tribute to Brookside

    Gardens past and a legacy or our uture. Like the

    bald cypress trees, Brookside Gardens roots run

    deep within the community and will continue

    to grow.

    The day exceeded all expectations and was

    a huge success! More than 5,000 visitors (our

    largest one-day gathering ever) enjoyed the

    activities and the gardens. Brookside Gardens

    wouldnt be the success it is today without its

    dedicated and proessional sta and the generous support

    o its volunteers, donors and visitors. We

    thank you or orty years and look

    orward to being here orty

    more, at least.

    Leslie McDermott

    Marketing & Media

    Relations Manager

    Brookside Gardens Xperience SpringSummer 2010 1

    A Celebration o 40 Years

    From let, Marc Elrich, Montgomery

    County Council Member; Stephanie Oberle,

    Brookside Gardens Director; Mary R.

    Bradord, Director o Montgomery Parks;

    Montgomery County Executive Isiah

    Leggett; Royce Hanson, M-NCPPC,

    Planning Board Chair.

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    or 2010 Brooksides theme throughout the gardens

    will be FOODwhere does it come rom, how is it

    grown, who eats it, what even does it look like in plant

    orm? (Have you ever seen a sugar beet?) There will be a

    variety o displays o real, live plants with accompanying

    interpretation to convey the specic message o

    each design.

    In the Trial Garden, the round beds theme is sweet:

    eaturing sugar cane, sugar beets, corn, and sweet

    potatoes, and the new kid on the block, stevia.

    A Culinary Garden in the long bed eatures

    more than 80 varieties o vegetables,

    edible fowers and herbs rom

    around the world, laid out in

    parterres using the principle

    o companion planting, or

    mixing plants known to

    be benecial to each

    other. The Great

    Grains bed will eature

    spring wheat, corn,

    sorghum, soybeans, rice and

    even canola (whats a canola?!).

    New and improved vegetable

    cultivars will be located in the trial

    bed, paired with choice, even edible fower

    varieties. And the bank bed will display more

    edibles, including peppers, marigolds, rainbow

    swiss chard, summer squash, and even 2 roses (or

    their hips) and variegated corn!

    Visit the Yew Garden or a colorul display o surprisingly

    edible fowers, including dahlias, calendula, sunfowers,

    and pineapple sage. As you enter the Fragrance Garden,

    youll experience bold oliage and textural eects rom

    edibles, such as Abyssinsian and ladynger bananas,

    hot peppers, cardamom, sweet potato, watermelon,

    pineapple, and a strange orange-ruited eggplant. Even the

    Rain Garden will get in on the edible action! The display

    bed surrounding the Rain Garden will eature fowers,

    grains, grasses and vegetables with interpretation o the

    interconnectedness o plants, animals, and the ood

    web they comprise: Who Eats Who?

    The challenge or Brookside as a display

    garden will be to keep all these plants

    looking good or as long a time as

    possibleor ood plants arent

    always the showiest or longest-

    lived. (Recall what your own

    vegetable garden looks

    like in August!) Some,

    like grains, will be

    allowed to mature and

    dry naturally or their

    educational value, rather

    than their appearance. Others

    will be paired with appropriate

    companion plantings, or have been

    specically selected or their color (think

    how many pretty peppers there are). We

    havent attempted something like this on such a

    scale beore, so bear with us as we learn too!

    Phil Normandy

    Plant Collections Manager

    New in the Gardens or 2010:Whats to Eat?

    Janet Sent recently started as Principal Administrative Assistant in the Administrativesection o Brookside Gardens. Janet will work closely with the Director, the Marketing& Media Relations Manager, and the Advancement Programs Manager. Janet worked

    or many years as an Executive Assistant at Weichert Realtors. Previously Janet lived in

    Germany and worked as a Registrar or the University o Maryland, European Division.

    She is a charter member o the Burtonsville Garden Club and a past President. Janet has

    also worked as a volunteer and docent in the Brookside Conservatory.

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    he Conservatory parking lot located at 1500 Glenallan

    Avenue at Brookside Gardens has a new entrance; one

    that is more convenient and welcoming or human visitors,

    and just the opposite or the local deer population.

    Prior to the installation o the deer exclusion grate (which

    is similar to a cattle-guard), visitors encountered a closed

    gate upon arrival. Installing the grate will allow the

    automatic gates to remain open, thus saving energy and

    the money used to repair the requent mechanical ailures.

    Grates like these have been used very successully at other

    gardens and on arms or years to keep livestock, or in this

    case, deer rom going where they shouldnt.

    Deer will not cross over the grate because they dont have a

    steady ooting and ear that they will all. It is or this same

    reason that pedestrians and bicyclists should not attempt

    to cross the deer exclusion grates, but rather use the

    pedestrian gate to the right o the entrance. Inormational

    and directional signs have been posted

    to alert visitors.

    A similar grate was installed a ew

    years ago at the sta service entrance

    to the Gardens and has proven to be

    very successul at dissuading deer

    rom entering. Future plans include

    installation o a deer exclusion grate at

    the Gardens main gate to the Visitors

    Center at 1800 Glenallan Avenue.

    Leslie McDermott

    Marketing & Media Relations Manager

    Note to Deer: No Admittance!

    In July Brookside Gardens became the proud ownero a 620-gallon, above ground cistern. This rainwaterharvesting system uses gutters and pipe to catch the

    rain that alls on one side o the Conservatory roo

    and send it into the cisterns storage tank. All those

    raindrops are kept rom reaching the ground, reducing

    the opportunities or soil erosion and pollution o

    adjacent waterways.

    A small electric pump pushes water out o the tank

    when a valve to the attached hose is opened. This

    system is being used to water plants outside the

    Conservatory, providing the same degree o water

    pressure as a conventional water delivery system.

    Rainwater is exceptionally good or plants, as it does

    not contain the chemicals and minerals that are oten

    present in drinking water and which can adversely

    aect plants.

    With the addition o our new cistern, BrooksideGardens is working to reduce soil erosion and

    pollution into our surrounding waterways, plus

    reducing the need to use expensive, puried water or

    plants outside the Conservatory. We think our plants

    are very happy with the change!

    Harvesting Rainwater or the Gardens

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    As the new Volunteer Coordinator Id like tointroduce mysel to those o you I havent met yet,and thank those who have already given me such a

    warm welcome.

    Over the last ew months, the Volunteer Program has

    teamed up with Arbor Education and Training, which

    provides work readiness training and support or

    those re-entering the workorce. Brookside Gardens

    provides individuals rom this program with volunteer

    opportunities that allow or the development o

    workplace skills, whether that be hands-on work in the

    gardens, database work or the events oce, or behind

    the register or the git shop. These new volunteers have

    been a wonderul addition to the volunteer program,

    and their hard work and dedication is an inspiration.

    Another area where the volunteer program draws

    inspiration is through Abilities Network volunteers.

    Abilities Network sta makes community integration

    opportunities available or people with a wide range

    o disabilities. Volunteers rom Abilities Network

    come to Brookside Gardens to assist with oce work,

    work in the gardens, and help in our git shop. These

    volunteers bring an enthusiasm or their jobs and love

    or Brookside Gardens that brightens every workday.

    In the uture, keep an eye open or a new High School

    Horticulture Internship program, directed towards

    students planning on pursuing an academic education

    and proessional career in horticulture. Interns will

    work up to 20 hours a week on various horticultural

    tasks throughout the season. We will continue to

    provide active, outdoor opportunities or local students

    to gain Student Service Learning Hours.

    Spring blossoms will soon emerge, and so will many

    seasonal volunteer opportunities. Well be looking or

    Butterfy Docents, Tour Guides, and Ticket Takers or the

    Wings o Fancy Butterfy Exhibit, as well as Gardener

    Assistants and Git Shop Volunteers. Stay tuned to the

    new volunteer program webpage or new opportunities,

    upcoming events and trainings, and other related

    Brookside Gardens inormation.

    Jared Ashling

    Library Horticulturist

    Volunteer Coordinator

    Do you have specialized skillsyou eel Brookside Gardens

    would benet rom? Contact

    the volunteer department to

    discuss pro-bono consulting and

    to volunteer your organizations

    services to benet Brookside

    Gardens. Think creatively, wed

    love to hear rom you!

    Volunteer Update

    Welcome Jared!

    Jared Ashling is the new Volunteer Coordinator/Library Horticulturist. As a student at the

    University o Minnesota, Jared developed and managed Cornercopia, a student organic arm.

    He also worked as an AmeriCorps Vista volunteer coordinator at Just Food in New York City,

    where he developed and coordinated the volunteer and internship programs. Most recently,

    Jared worked as a Zone Gardener at the Washington National Cathedral, where he was

    responsible or the planning, implementation, and maintenance o the educational gardens.

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    PROGRAM GUIDE Special Events

    Brookside Gardens is pleased to announce a newdiscount program or the Friends o BrooksideGardens (FOBG). Beginning in 2010, look or the special

    FOBG discounted rate on many o Brooksides adult and

    childrens programs. Friends members can take advantage

    o this discount program by registering online through, by mail using the registration orm in

    this program guide, or by dialing 301-670-6858.

    The Friends o Brookside Gardens was established to support

    the mission o the Gardens. This includes support o programs

    to reveal the year-round wonders and beauty o nature as well

    as educating the public on how the proper care o plants can

    preserve the environment. For inormation about joining the

    Friends o Brookside Gardens, visit

    or call 301-962-1435 to request a brochure.

    Brookside Gardens is excited to celebrate Food in 2010.

    Enjoy edible plant displays throughout the gardens all

    season and join us or programming ocused on growing,

    cooking, or displaying ood in creative ways look or the

    orange slice graphic to nd our ood-related programs

    and events.Brookside Gardens

    Free Garden Walks every Saturday aternoon in May 1, 8,

    15, 22, and 29, 2:00pm

    Fee: Free; no registration required

    Meet at the Visitors Center (outside doors exiting the rear

    o building)

    McCrillis Gardens

    Free Garden Walks every Sunday aternoon in May 2, 9, 16,

    23, and 30, 2:00pmFee: Free; no registration required

    Meet at McCrillis House

    in Bethesda (call

    301-962-1455 or directions)

    Free Garden ToursEnjoy ree, springtime strolls at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton

    or McCrillis Gardens in Bethesda. Each o these rst-rate

    gardens oers a unique horticultural experience; visit them

    both this spring! Brookside Gardens is an intensively managed

    display garden, eaturing an abundance o annual and

    perennial displays throughout the season. McCrillis Gardens is

    a naturalistic strolling garden, oering shady woodland walks

    and splashes o color in spring. Highly trained, knowledgeable

    guides oer engaging horticultural tours, ocusing on the plants

    that make each garden unique.



    Mark Richardson is our new Adult

    Education Programs Manager. Prior

    to coming to Brookside Gardens,

    Mark worked at Longwood Gardens

    in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania,

    where he was the Student ProgramsCoordinator, responsible or oversight

    o our undergraduate educational

    programs, including the Proessional Gardener Program,

    College Internship Program, International Gardener Training

    Program, and High School Summer Internship Program. He

    also served as interim Education Department Head in 2007.

    National PublicGardens DayFriday, May 7

    Join us as we celebrate the

    value o public gardens.

    More details to ollow.

    Looking or a detailedcalendar listing?Check

    or contact Mark Richardson,

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    Special Events/Walks

    Plant Shows & Sales

    Brookside Gardens hosts local,

    regional, and national plant society

    events throughout the year. Many o

    the societies shows eature judged

    competitions; all o the shows eature

    passionate people, eager to share their

    enthusiasm with others.

    Ikenobo and Ikebana Exhibition

    Sponsored by the Ikenobo Ikebana Society

    o Metropolitan Washington DC Chapter

    and the Ikenobo Ikebana Society

    Baltimore Group

    Saturday, March 13, 9:00am-5:00pm

    Sunday, March 14, 9:00am-3:30pm

    Visitors Center

    Orchid SaleSponsored by the Friends o Brookside

    Gardens & the Brookside Gardens

    Orchid Club

    Saturday, March 20, 10:00am-4:00pm

    Sunday, March 21, 10:00am-3:00pm

    Visitors Center

    Camellia Society Show & Sale

    Sponsored by the Camellia Society o

    Potomac Valley

    Saturday March 27, 10:00am-4:00pm

    Visitors Center

    Daodil Show

    Sponsored by the Washington

    Daodil Society

    Saturday, April 10, 2:00-5:00pm

    Sunday, April 11, 9:00am-4:00pm

    Visitors Center

    Seedling Flower Show

    Sponsored by the Seedling Garden Club

    Saturday, April 24, 9:00am-4:00pm

    Visitors Center

    Azalea Show

    Sponsored by the Brookside Gardens

    Chapter o the Azalea Society

    Saturday, May 1, 1:00-5:00pm

    Sunday, May 2, 9:00am-4:00pm

    Visitors Center

    Dahlia Tuber Sale

    Sponsored by the National Capital

    Dahlia Society

    Saturday, May 1, 10:00am-2:00pm

    Outside the Visitors Center

    Annual Silver Spring Garden Mart

    Sponsored by the Silver Spring

    Garden Club

    Saturday, May 8, 9:00am-3:00pm

    Outside the Visitors Center

    Azalea Sale

    Sponsored by the Brookside Gardens

    Chapter Azalea Society

    Saturday, May 15, 9:30am-2:30pm

    Outside the Visitors Center

    Lily Show

    Sponsored by the Potomac Lily Society

    Saturday, June 26, 12:30-5:00pm

    Sunday, June 27, 9:00am-5:00pm

    Visitors Center

    Cactus Show

    Sponsored by the National Capital Cactus

    and Succulent Society

    Saturday, August 7, 9:00am-5:00pm

    Sunday, August 8, 9:00am-4:00pm

    Visitors Center

    Daylily Show

    Sponsored by the National Capital

    Daylily Club

    Saturday, August 14, 1:30-5:00pm

    Outside the Visitors Center


    Spring Display: Spring Zing

    Saturday, January 23 - Sunday,

    April 11, 2010

    10:00am-5:00pm daily; FREE

    Brookside Gardens


    Summer Display: Summer

    o Food

    Saturday, April 24 - Sunday,

    September 19, 2010

    10:00am-5:00pm daily; FREE

    Brookside Gardens


    Edible Plant ID

    with Diane Lewis

    Course number 102201

    Wednesday, April 7, 1:00pm

    Course number 102451

    Wednesday, May 19, 1:00pm

    Course number 102452

    Wednesday, June 9, 1:00pm

    Visitors Center Entrance

    Woody Plant ID

    with Phil Normandy

    Course number 102202

    Wednesday, April 21, 1:00pm

    Course number 102450

    Wednesday, May 5, 1:00pm

    Course number 102453

    Wednesday, June 23, 1:00pm

    Visitors Center Entrance

    Plant Identication Walks

    Brookside Gardens oers one o the regions

    nest collections o plants that are well adapted

    or gardens in the Washington, D.C.-Metro

    region. Join us or educational plant walks with

    our expert horticultural sta throughout the

    growing season to learn more about some o

    the best and brightest plants in our collections.

    Phil Normandys walks will ocus on the woody

    plants in our display gardens; Diane Lewis

    walks will ocus on edible plants in the seasonal

    and permanent displays. Both Phil and Diane

    will teach plant identication characteristics

    and cultural requirements or 10-15 plants per

    session. A handout, with botanical and common

    names o each plant will be provided or each


    Fee: $5, FOBG: $4; registration required
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    Spring Lecture SeriesWhen Perennials Bloom

    Tomasz Anisko, Ph.D., Curator o Plants,

    Longwood Gardens

    When youre planning a perennial

    garden one question is bound to

    arise again and again: when will this

    plant bloom? Whether youre a home

    gardener who wants to plan an eective

    perennial border or a nursery, design

    or landscape proessional who needs

    to predict a plants peak display, thispresentation will help you to gain

    insight into the most anticipated event

    in every garden.

    Course number 102349

    Friday, April 16, 10:00-11:30am

    Fee: Free; registration required

    Visitors Center Auditorium

    Entertaining with Flair

    Nancy Gingrich Shenk, Floral Designer


    At a luncheon or dinner party, the

    dining table is the center o the action,

    the place where guests and hosts

    convene or the main event and it needs

    to look good! The goal is to express

    your taste and make the tabletop work

    with the mood o the occasion. Nancy

    will design several table centers or an

    assortment o theme parties- some

    Thursdays at BrooksideJoin us or this exciting new series

    o walks, talks, and demonstrations,

    highlighting the plants, people, and

    displays that are uniquely Brookside. Most

    Thursdays, rom the middle o March

    until July, our sta and/or volunteers

    will oer a guided tour, demonstration,

    or educational walk around the gardens.

    Whether its a tour o the Rain Garden

    in March, a Whats in Bloom? walk in

    May, or a planting demonstration in June,

    youre sure to enjoy learning more about

    all that Brookside Gardens has to oer.

    Fee: Free; registration preerred

    Demo: Pruning Roses

    Roger Haynes

    Course number 101202

    March 18, 1:00pm

    Rose Garden

    Walk: Brooksides Rain Garden

    Lisa Tayerle

    Course number 101205

    March 25, 1:00pm

    Conservatory Entrance

    Demo: Yew Hedge Pruning

    Phil Normandy

    Course number 101206

    April 1, 1:00pm

    Rose Garden

    Demo: Planting Roses

    Roger Haynes

    Course number 102200

    April 8, 1:00pm

    Rose Garden

    Walk: Woodland Wildfowers

    Lisa Tayerle

    Course number 101207

    April 15, 1:00pm

    Conservatory Entrance

    Walk: Woodland Wildfowers

    Lisa Tayerle

    Course number 101300

    April 29, 1:00pm

    Conservatory Entrance

    Demo: Mulching Roses

    Roger Haynes

    Course number 101301

    May 6, 1:00pm

    Rose Garden

    Walk: Whats in Bloom?

    Mark Richardson

    Course number 101302May 13, 1:00pm

    Visitors Center Entrance

    Walk: Butterfy Plants

    Kathy Stevens

    Course number 101303

    May 20, 1:00pm

    Conservatory Entrance

    Walk: Brooksides Rain Garden

    Lisa Tayerle

    Course number 101304May 27, 1:00pm

    Conservatory Entrance

    Demo: Trial Garden Planting

    Lisa Tayerle

    Course number 101305

    June 3, 1:00pm

    Trial Garden

    Walk: Whats in Bloom?

    Mark Richardson

    Course number 101306

    June 10, 1:00pm

    Visitors Center Entrance

    Walk: Woodland Weeds

    Lisa Tayerle

    Course number 101307

    June 17, 1:00pm

    Conservatory Entrance

    Walk: Butterfy Plants

    Brookside Volunteer Guide

    Course number 101308

    June 24, 1:00pm

    Conservatory Entrance

    Walk: Whats in Bloom?

    Mark Richardson

    Course number 102199July 8, 1:00pm

    Visitors Center Entrance

    Demo: Butterfy Container Garden


    Kathy Stevens

    Course number 101450

    July 15, 1:00pm

    Conservatory Entrance

    Walk: Butterfy Plants

    Brookside Volunteer GuideCourse number 101451

    July 22, 1:00pm

    Conservatory Entrance

    Detailed calendar listing onwww.BrooksideLearning.or
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    Lectures/Horticultural Workshops

    ormal, some inormal, but always

    just plain un! Flowers, ruits and

    vegetables all play a role in a lively and

    entertaining show that will inspire you

    to go home and plan a party.

    Course number 102350

    Friday, April 23, 10:00-11:30am

    Fee: Free; registration required

    Visitors Center Auditorium

    Luscious Landscaping with

    Fruiting Trees, Shrubs, and Vines!

    Lee Reich, Ph.D., Avid Farmdener,

    Horticultural Consultant and Writer

    What could be more pleasant than

    picking luscious ruits rom a plant

    that you also admire or its beauty?

    Meet some o the best trees, shrubs,

    and vines or this purpose, plants that

    require little maintenance yet provide

    stunning fowers in spring, color inautumn and neat orm in winter. Learn

    how to grow shadbush, gumi, actinidia,

    medlar, and other ornamental, ruiting

    plants, and how to use them to beautiy

    your yard.

    Course number 102351

    Friday, May 14, 10:00-11:30am

    Fee: Free; registration required

    Visitors Center Auditorium

    Edible Ornamentals and

    Ornamental EdiblesDiane Lewis, Brookside Gardens Sta

    Learn about ambidextrous plants

    that have both exceptional landscape

    qualities and sometimes-surprising

    edible uses in this engaging, slide-

    illustrated lecture by Brooksides own,

    Diane Lewis.

    Course number 102352

    Friday, May 21, 10:00-11:30am

    Fee: Free; registration required

    Visitors Center Auditorium

    Horticultural Workshops

    Vegetable Gardening in Small Spaces

    Carol Allen, Horticulturist

    Learn all the ins and outs o starting

    your own organic vegetable garden in

    this 4-part series o workshops. From

    building raised beds and prepping your

    soil, to timing planting dates to ensurea season ull o bountiul backyard

    harvests, these hands-on workshops

    will cover everything you need to know

    to get started growing tasty, healthy

    vegetables at home.

    Session 1: Root Crops and Other

    Cool-Season Vegetables

    Learn how to prep your soil and get

    ready to grow cool-season crops this

    season, like broccoli, lettuce, and

    beets. Each registrant will leave theclass with a basic plan or a backyard

    vegetable garden and a 16 pot with an

    assortment o cool-season crops.

    Course number 101201

    Wednesday, March 17, 1:30-3:30pm

    Fee: $39, FOBG: $35; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Session 2: Cool-Season Lea Crops

    and Raised Beds

    Build a raised bed and get ready to plantlettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, and herbs.

    Each registrant will leave the class with

    the know-how to build raised planter

    beds in their backyard and a pot ull o

    salad mix.

    Course number 101599

    Wednesday, April 7, 1:30-3:30pm

    Fee: $39, FOBG: $35; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Session 3: Warm-Season Vegetable

    Crops and Compost

    Learn the basics o starting a home

    compost pile, including a review o the

    dierent types o compost bins on the

    market. Each registrant will go home

    with a collection o ideas or starting

    a compost pile and a container sure to

    provide resh tomatoes all summer.

    Course number 101600

    Wednesday, May 5, 1:30-3:30pm

    Fee: $39, FOBG: $35; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Session 4: Support Structures and

    Succession Planting

    Get ready to plant beans, squash,

    eggplant, melons, and other tender

    vegetable crops once your gardens

    soil heats up. Learn some approaches

    to trellising and planning your garden

    or an extended harvest season. Each

    participant will go home with a plan

    or succession planting to extend the

    growing season and a container planted

    with bush beans.

    Course number 101601

    Friday, May 21, 1:30-3:30pm

    Fee: $39, FOBG: $35; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Papercrete Troughs

    Betty Mackey, B.B. Mackey Books

    There are many recipes and techniques

    or making garden planter troughs, butonly one can claim to be the original.

    Join Betty Mackey o B.B. Mackey Books,

    to learn her original papercrete recipe

    in this hands-on workshop. Betty will

    guide all participants through the step-

    by-step process or creating lightweight

    garden troughs that will last or years.

    Course number 100599

    Wednesday, March 24, 1:00-4:00pm

    Fee: $59, FOBG: $54; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Pruning beore Planting

    Phil Normandy, Brookside Gardens Sta

    Enjoy this pruning demonstration

    ocused on how to prune newly

    purchased trees and shrubs or your

    garden. Phil will demonstrate how to

    assess a plants structure and make the

    right pruning cuts in the right places.

    He also will discuss his preerred
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    pruning tools and how pruning aects

    uture growth o both evergreen and

    deciduous species.

    Course number 102149

    Wednesday, April 7, 10:00am-12:00pm

    Fee: $25, FOBG: $22; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Hanging Basket

    Joan ORourke, Friends o Brookside Gardens

    Create your very own display o fowers

    and oliage in a hanging basket.

    Beautiul new plant color introductions

    will add surprises to this perennial

    avorite. Instructions will cover how

    to line a 14-inch wire basket with

    sphagnum moss and planting tips or

    best results.

    Course number 101107

    Thursday, May 6, 9:30-11:30am

    Course number 101108

    Friday, May 7, 1:30-3:30pm

    Fee: $45, FOBG: $40; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Butterfy Container

    Kathy Stevens, Brookside Gardens Sta

    Create a beautiul, unctional

    container garden that will support

    the entire butterfy lie cycle

    in this enjoyable workshop.Butterfies need more than

    just nectar rom fowers

    to establish healthy

    populations in our

    gardens. Plant a container

    that supports their entire

    lie cycle to encourage

    butterfies to call your garden

    home. Fee includes a 14-inch container,

    butterfy plants, and instruction about

    butterfy gardening.

    Course number 101603Wednesday, May 12, 1:00-3:00pm

    Fee: $45, FOBG: $40; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Bouquet o Herbs in a Strawberry


    Joan ORourke, Friends o Brookside Gardens

    Make it easy to step outside or a sprig

    o herbs to favor that special gourmet

    dish. Plant a tasty selection o herbs

    that is decorative, aromatic, and very

    practical. Aterwards, join us on May

    19 or Heavenly Herbs, a cooking

    demonstration with the Cook Sisters,

    to learn some heavenly herb recipes

    (separate registration required).

    Course number 101110

    Tuesday, May 18, 9:30-11:30am

    Course number 102549

    Tuesday, May 18, 1:30-3:30pm

    Fee: $45, FOBG: $40; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Green Residences or

    Feathered Friends

    Jane Pettit, Mother

    Nature Throws a


    These airytale

    birdhouses will

    keep the residents

    cool all summer

    and make them the

    envy o their eco-

    conscious riends.

    Using chicken wire and moss, youll

    create a green roo o multiple types o

    succulents that will drip over the eaves

    as they grow. In the right location, these

    charmers will be a year-round

    ocal point in your garden.Course number 102652

    Wednesday, May 26,


    Fee: $59, FOBG: $54;

    registration required

    Visitors Center Adult


    Blueberries and Strawberries


    Joan ORourke, Friends o Brookside Gardens

    Adding edible plants to yourornamental garden oers a return o

    beauty and great ood to eat. In this

    new program, learn how to plant and

    grow blueberries and strawberries in a

    large container or 4-seasons o garden


    Course number 101851

    Wednesday, June 2, 9:30-11:30am

    Course number 101852

    Wednesday, June 2, 1:30-3:30pm

    Fee: $59, FOBG: $54; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    A Bit o Brookside

    Joan ORourke, Friends o Brookside


    Joan has selected some o the best and

    most beautiul plants that Brookside

    Gardens will display in its colorul

    gardens this season. Join her or this

    hands-on workshop to bring a Bit o

    Brookside home to your garden.

    Course number 101104

    Wednesday, June 16, 9:30am-11:30am

    Fee: $45, FOBG: $40; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Moonlight & Fragrance Container

    Joan ORourke, Friends o Brookside Gardens

    Back by popular demand! Learn how to

    extend your garden viewing pleasure

    with a light touch o ragrance by

    planting your own nocturnal garden.

    Using scented fowers and light-

    refecting oliage, create a container

    thats lovely by day and bewitching

    by night.

    Course number 101106

    Tuesday, June 29, 9:30-11:30am

    Course number 102650

    Tuesday, June 29, 1:30-3:30pmFee: $45, FOBG: $40; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Floral Design andVisual Arts

    St. Patricks Day Floral Design

    Karen Nelson Kent, AIFD, owner o Floral


    Celebrate St. Patricks Day withBrookside Gardens by creating a

    beautiul green basket arrangement.

    Spice up your corned bee and cabbage

    dinner with a estive display o spring


    Course number 102204

    Wednesday, March 17, 10:00am-12:00pm

    Fee: $45, FOBG: $40; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop
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    Floral Design and Visual Arts

    Easter Masterpiece

    Jane Pettit, Mother Nature Throws a Party

    Start a amily heirloom that you can

    add to year ater year. Youll make

    a twig egg tree in an attractive pot

    and then decorate it with hollow egg

    ornaments. Learn how to blow the eggs

    and decorate them in our unique ways:

    ribbon fowers and bows, eathers or

    a birdie egg, ears and a cottontail or a

    bunny egg and natural dried materials

    or a woodland egg.

    Course number 102651

    Wednesday, March 31, 1:00-3:00pm

    Fee: $32, FOBG: $28; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Spring Holiday Centerpiece

    Karen Nelson Kent, AIFD, owner o Floral


    Think spring with a glorious Spring

    Holiday Centerpiece. Just in time or

    Easter, or simply to bring the spring

    display indoors, join Karen Nelson

    Kent, AIFD, to create a lovely spring

    centerpiece using all o your avorite

    spring fowers.

    Course number 102249

    Friday, April 2, 10:00am-12:00pm

    Fee: $45, FOBG: $40; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Basic Floral Design Series

    Karen Nelson Kent, AIFD, owner o Floral


    Explore the basics o foral design in

    this hands-on workshop series. Learn

    the undamentals o foral design, rom

    the important tools o the trade to color

    theory and design principles. Whether

    youve taken courses in foral design or

    dont know a chrysanthemum rom a

    carnation, you are sure to improve yourdesign skills through Karens expert

    instruction. Each participant will create

    a unique arrangement to bring home

    during each o the 4 sessions.

    Course number 101649

    Wednesdays, April 14, 21, 28, and May 5,


    Fee: $180, FOBG: $165; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Customized Seed Packets

    Judy Brown, Botanical Artist

    In earlier times, seed packets were

    embellished with botanical renderings

    o the plant. Participants will review

    historic seed packet designs and

    develop their own illustrations or

    a variety o garden vegetables. Each

    participant will create customized

    seed packets lled with seeds suitable

    as a git ready or spring planting.

    No painting or drawing experience is


    Course number 101200

    Wednesday, April 14, 1:00-4:00pm

    Fee: $49, FOBG: $44; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Painting on Silk

    Jamie Kirkell, Kirkell Silk Studios

    Explore design, color and painting on

    silk in this hands-on workshop with

    Sarasota, Florida-based artist, Jamie

    Kirkell. Perect or both the beginner

    and seasoned artist, youll enjoy this

    new and easy way o painting on silk

    in which youll create 3-4 o your ownsilk masterpieces. The silk scarves,

    wax resist and colors are included.

    Additional materials list will be

    provided ater registration.

    Course number 101799

    Friday, May 14 and Saturday, May 15,


    Fee: $225, FOBG: $205; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Focus on Butterfies!

    On this special morning, ten

    photographers will be welcomed (with

    their tripods) into the conservatory to

    photograph our live butterfies beore

    the Wings o Fancy Butterfy Exhibit


    Course number 100512

    Saturday, May 15, 8:00-10:00am

    Course number 100650

    Sunday, May 23, 8:00-10:00am

    Course number 100513

    Saturday, May 29, 8:00-10:00am

    Course number 100651

    Sunday, June 6, 8:00-10:00am

    Course number 100516

    Saturday, June 12, 8:00-10:00am

    Course number 100520

    Saturday, July 10, 8:00-10:00am

    Course number 100652

    Sunday, July 18, 8:00-10:00am

    Course number 100522

    Saturday, July 24, 8:00-10:00am

    Course number 100524

    Saturday, August 7, 8:00-10:00am

    Course number 100653

    Sunday, August 15, 8:00-10:00am

    Course number 100525

    Saturday, August 21, 8:00-10:00am

    Course number 100654

    Sunday, August 29, 8:00-10:00am

    Course number 100549

    Saturday, September 4, 8:00-10:00amCourse number 100649

    Saturday, September 11, 8:00-10:00am

    Fee: $30, FOBG $27; registration required

    Brookside Gardens Conservatory

    Necklace Potpourri

    Stephanie Oberle, Brookside Gardens Sta

    Dip into our cache o beads to create

    a unique necklace. Choose a ocal

    bead rom a variety o glass, clay, shell,

    and preserved fowers and leaves.

    Sit through an assorted selection oaccent beads, and then nish with a

    sterling silver or vermeil clasp. Tool kits

    are available or use in class, but we

    encourage you to bring your own tools.

    Course number 101849

    Wednesday, June 9, 10:00am-12:00pm

    Fee: $45, FOBG: $40; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop
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    Butterfy & Garden Photography

    Josh Taylor, Archiphoto Workshops

    Photograph colorul butterfies

    and blooming fowers in Brookside

    Gardens beautiul garden spaces. In

    a two-session workshop, learn how to

    capture striking images o butterfies

    and fowers. The second session will

    be a ormal critique o participants

    photographs. Note: Participants should

    have a working knowledge o their

    camera, and bring ALL photo equipment

    to both sessions, including a digital

    memory card or lm, extra batteries,

    and camera manual. A tripod is

    optional, but highly recommended.

    Course number 101000

    Saturdays, June 19 & 26, 8:00-10:00am

    Course number 101001

    Sundays, June 20 & 27, 8:00-10:00am

    Fee: $46, FOBG $41; registration required

    Brookside Gardens Conservatory (2nd

    session o each course meets in the

    Visitors Center Adult Classroom)

    Ikebana Workshop: Sangetsu School

    L. Ancilla Armstrong

    Experience the joy o Ikebana fower

    arranging in this introductory two-

    hour workshop. Sangetsu, meaning

    mountain moon, is a school o fower

    arranging inspired by visionary and

    master artist, Mokichi Okada, whopromoted a spiritual approach to lie

    through beauty. Learn how to create

    original arrangements through this art

    orm using a small amount o plant and

    foral materials.

    Course number 102203

    Wednesday, June 23, 1:00-3:00pm

    Fee: $45, FOBG: $40; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Vegetables with AttitudeJudy Brown, Botanical Artist

    Explore a variety o resh garden

    vegetables as topics or a watercolor

    painting. Participants will learn to

    arrange vegetables to best portray

    their attitude and complete graphite

    sketches as a preliminary to completing

    a small watercolor painting. No

    experience with watercolor is necessary

    and all materials will be provided.

    Vegetable attitudes can be pretty unny

    so be prepared to enjoy the experience.

    Each participant will leave with a

    matted painting, ready or raming.

    Course number 100950

    Saturday, June 26, 1:00-4:00pm

    Fee: $49, FOBG $44; registration required

    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Making Something rom Nothing

    Katie Hillesland, Brookside Gardens Sta

    In this interactive and un workshop,

    youll contemplate creative and artistic

    uses or waste. Meant to cultivate

    a new attitude toward the things we

    throw away each day, Katie will inspire

    you to look dierently at the common

    household waste items we all discard.

    Bring your own materials or work with

    some o her avorite trash (please make

    sure to clean your items beore bringing

    them with you).

    Course number 102599

    Saturday, July 10, 1:00-3:00pm

    Fee: $25, FOBG: $22; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Concrete Leaves

    Ann Baker, Brookside Gardens Sta

    A unique piece o sculpture adds a

    whimsical accent to any garden. Learn

    to create your own masterpiece byjoining Ann Baker to cast a lea in stone

    and add year-round interest to that

    perect nook in your garden. In this

    two-part class, youll turn a live lea

    into stone and then add a bit o color

    with masonry paint. The ee includes

    all materials to make one large or two

    small sculptures.

    Course number 101602

    Friday, July 16, and Monday, July 19,


    Fee: $25, FOBG: $22; registrationrequired

    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Passionate Fruit

    Judy Brown, Botanical Artist

    Learn about the secret lie o ruit.

    Participants will examine ruit closely

    as they create a small watercolor

    painting. No experience with watercolor

    is necessary and all materials will be

    provided. Bring your

    sense o humor

    and be prepared to

    relax and enjoy the

    experience. Each

    participant will mat

    their art and leave

    with it ready to be ramed.

    Course number 101199

    Saturday, July 24, 1:00-4:00pm

    Fee: $49, FOBG: $44; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Cooking Demonstrations

    Join Brookside Gardens or this delectable

    series o cooking classes, ocusing on

    healthul recipes prepared beore you

    with seasonal and local ruits, vegetables,

    and herbs. Enjoy samples o the dishes

    prepared using easy-to-ollow recipes that

    you can try at home.

    Glorious Greens

    Adrienne Cook, Garden and Cooking Writer

    Danielle Navidi, Caterer

    Inventive new ways to serve up the best

    o spring greens, including Crispy Kale,

    Galettes and quick-cooking combos that

    get hot, tasty greens onto the table in

    minutes.Course number 100699

    Wednesday, March 10, 12:00-1:30pm

    Fee: $25, FOBG: $22; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Ladies Lunch

    Adrienne Cook, Garden and Cooking Writer

    Danielle Navidi, Caterer

    Just in time or Mothers Day and

    garden parties, the Cook Sisters will put

    together an entire menu that highlightsthe best o the garden a trio o spring

    vegetables, melt-in-your-mouth savory

    cheesecakes and a surprise chocolate


    Course number 100701

    Wednesday, April 21, 12:00-1:30pm

    Fee: $25, FOBG: $22; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop
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    Cooking Demonstrations/Xcursions

    Heavenly Herbs

    Adrienne Cook, Garden and

    Cooking Writer

    Danielle Navidi, Caterer

    Unusual ways o using old avorites and

    an introduction to new ones sure to

    become avorites in their own right.

    Course number 102499

    Wednesday, May 19, 12:00-1:30pm

    Fee: $25, FOBG: $22; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Peaches and Apricots

    Adrienne Cook, Garden and

    Cooking Writer

    Danielle Navidi, Caterer

    What perumes a summer day better

    than these stone ruits? The Cook

    Sisters will serve up resh peaches and

    apricots in a menu that goes rom start

    to nish sweet, spice, savory, try

    them all.

    Course number 102500

    Wednesday, June 30, 2:30-4:00pm

    Fee: $25, FOBG: $22; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Ayurvedic Indian Cooking

    Liz Chabra, Ayurvedic Cook

    Ayurveda (literally meaning: the science

    o lie or longevity) prescribes a uniqueregimen o diet, exercise, herbs and

    gentle cleansing techniques to maintain

    optimal health by restoring balance.

    In this unique cooking class, Liz will

    introduce you to the knowledge o

    our body constitution and the basic

    Ayurvedic diet that compliments it.

    From cardamom to cayenne, ennel to

    enugreek, asaetida to garam masala,

    we will taste, touch, see, and smell all

    the goodness that goes into cooking

    rom the heart.Course number 103599

    Saturday, July 10, 12:00-3:00pm

    Fee: $75, FOBG: $67; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    Totally Tomatoes

    Adrienne Cook, Garden and

    Cooking Writer

    Danielle Navidi, Caterer

    The Third Annual Tomato Class, back

    by popular demand, will highlight the

    gems o the summer garden. We are

    taking requests and suggestions this

    year! Contact us through Brookside

    Gardens by emailing mark.richardson@ or through our

    own website,;

    were also on Facebook.

    Course number 102501

    Wednesday, July 28, 12:00-1:30pm

    Fee: $25, FOBG: $22; registration


    Visitors Center Adult Workshop

    XcursionsGarden Excursion to the Delaware


    Visit Buy and Michael Zajics delightul

    garden at its spring peak near the

    charming town o Lewes. Retiring

    ater many years on sta at Brookside

    Gardens, Mike continues his artistic

    skills in the garden and at the easel.

    Enjoy lunch in the Zajics garden,

    beore we head to Shipcarpenter

    Square, a unique green commonswith period houses and many quaint

    private gardens. Finally, well swing by

    Peppers Nursery, ull o uncommon

    plants or purchase. Fee includes coach

    transportation and boxed lunch.

    Course number 102654

    Tuesday, April 20, 7:00am- 7:00pm

    Fee: $95; registration required

    Meet at Brookside Gardens Visitors


    The Morris Arboretum andEdgewood Gardens

    Known or its impressive collection

    o woody plant species, the Morris

    Arboretum is 92-acres o lush gardens

    nestled in a historic landscape.

    Edgewood, a 1.7-acre private garden in

    Exton, PA, is known or truly pushing

    the hardiness envelope on dozens o

    non-hardy plant species. You will be

    amazed by its collection o bulbs rom

    around the world and spring fowering

    native wildfowers. Fee includes lunch,

    garden admission, tours and coach


    Course number 102449

    Wednesday, April 28, 7:00am- 7:00pm

    Fee: $115; registration required

    Meet at Brookside Gardens Visitors


    Lost Gardens o the

    Brandywine Valley

    The Brandywine Valley is home to

    some o the worlds most renowned

    public and private gardens, but this

    rich horticultural region also is home

    to some outstanding best-kept secrets.

    Winterthur and the Jenkins Arboretum

    oer beautiul naturalistic gardens and

    outstanding seasonal color, especially

    in spring. Enjoy the Lost Gardens o the

    Brandywine Valley exhibit, highlightingthe regions little known private

    gardens, at Winterthur, where well also

    enjoy lunch. Finally, well visit Natural

    Landscapes Nursery, a wholesale

    grower o native plants that specializes

    in native azaleas and rhododendrons.

    Fee includes lunch, admission, garden

    tours, and coach transportation.

    Course number 102399

    Wednesday, May 12, 7:00am-7:00pm

    Fee: $125; registration required

    Meet at Brookside Gardens VisitorsCenter

    Nursery Tour Asiatica and

    McLean Nurseries

    By popular request, Brookside Gardens

    oers this trip to Asiatica and McLean

    Nurseries, both o which were eatured

    during our Fall 2009 lecture series.

    Asiatica, located in Lewisberry, PA, is

    rarely open to groups, but owner Barry
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    Yinger invites you to view (and shop!)

    his impressive collection o new and

    impossible to nd plants or collectors

    and sophisticated gardeners. McLean

    Nurseries in Parkville, MD, oers a wide

    selection o hard-to-nd Hollies, many

    o which were highlighted in Diane

    Lewis Fall 2009 lecture. Fee includes

    coach transportation and boxed lunch.

    Course number 102655

    Tuesday, May 25, 7:00am-5:00pm

    Fee: $95; registration required

    Meet at Brookside Gardens Visitors


    Meet & Shoot Sunfower Fields

    Join Josh Taylor, Archiphoto

    Workshops, or a photo shoot at McKee-

    Beshers Wildlie Management Area near

    Seneca, Maryland. Spend the morning

    photographing acres o blooming

    sunfowers. Learn how to capture

    stunning images and get the best

    possible pictures o sunfowers rom

    basic photo equipment. Participants

    should have working knowledge o

    their camera to get the most rom the

    photographic opportunity. Sunfowers

    are nicky and there is a slight chance

    o rescheduling to July 17, depending

    on bloom time. Notice will be given to

    each participant a week in advance

    i the date will change. Fee includes

    instruction and 4 hours o photo

    shooting; participants are responsible

    or transportation.

    Course number 102649

    Saturday, July 10, 5:00am-10:00am

    Fee: $89; registration required

    Meet at Brookside Gardens Visitors


    Developed in collaboration with world-renowned botanical

    artist, Margaret Saul, the Brookside Gardens School o

    Botanical Art & Illustration oers botanical art classes that

    serve all levels, rom beginner to advanced. Follow the rigorousCerticate Program or take individual workshops that do not

    require prerequisites. For more inormation about the School,

    go to or call Mark Richardson, School

    Manager, at 301-962-1470. Most o the course oerings are

    held at McCrillis Gardens in Bethesda, MD.

    Brookside Gardens School o Botanical Art & Illustration

    Special Events &Exhibitions

    Tuscany Workshop & Tour

    The Brookside Gardens School o

    Botanical Art & Illustration is pleasedto announce its Tuscany Workshop &

    Tour, May 29 - June 13, 2010, oered

    jointly by Brookside Gardens and

    Hidden Treasures Botanical Tours,

    LLC. Travel the Tuscan countryside,

    enjoy interactive workshops with

    Margaret Saul and Kandy Phillips, and

    share your love o botanical art and

    illustration with others rom across

    the globe during this two-week tour.

    For more inormation, including a

    detailed itinerary and cost, visit or to request

    a printed brochure, contact Mark

    Richardson, Adult Education Programs

    Manager, at 301.962.1470. Register

    through Hidden Treasures Botanical

    Tours, LLC by calling 573-881-6316.

    Registration deadline: February 28, 2010

    Join us for our annual

    Open House & Exhibition

    o Class Work

    McCrillis Gardens

    Sunday, May 9, 2:30-4:30pm

    Inormation, exhibition o class work,demonstrations and tours o the

    gardens (tours start at 2:00pm, so please

    arrive early).

    Botanica 2010: The Art & Science

    o Plants

    Brookside Gardens Visitors Center

    Saturday, May 22Saturday July 10

    The Brookside Gardens School o

    Botanical Art & Illustrations annual

    exhibition o student and teacher

    artwork. New this year meet theartists! From 10:00am-2:00pm each

    Saturday in June, meet one o the

    Schools teachers or representatives

    rom the Botanical Art Society o the

    National Capital Region to learn more

    about botanical art and illustration.

    Core CurriculumThe Core Curriculum must be taken in

    sequence rom Drawing 101 Painting

    310. A new Stream o students starts

    each all and each spring. The classes listed

    below are open to anyone who has takenthe prerequisites listed or each course.

    Painting 205 Fall 2009 Stream

    Kathy Lutter

    Prerequisites: Drawing 101, 102, Painting

    103, Dimensional Study 204.

    Course number 89499

    Tuesdays, February 16, 23, March 2, 9,


    Course number 89500

    Saturdays, March 20 and April 17,

    9:00am-4:30pmFee: $217; registration required

    McCrillis Gardens

    Painting 103 Spring 2010 Stream

    Kathy Lutter

    Prerequisites: Drawing 101 & 102.

    Course number 100903

    Thursdays, March 18, 25, April 1 & 8,


    Fee: $230; registration required

    McCrillis Gardens

    Detailed calendar listing
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    School of Botanical Art & Illustration

    Dimensional Study 204 Spring

    2010 Stream

    Diane Berndt

    Prerequisites: Drawing 101, 102, Painting


    Course number 100905

    Thursdays, April 22, May 6, 13, 20 & 27,


    Fee: $217; registration required

    McCrillis Gardens

    Painting 205 Spring 2010 Stream

    Kathy Lutter

    Prerequisites: Drawing 101, 102, Painting

    103, Dimensional Study 204.

    Course number 100909

    Thursdays, June 3, 10, 17 & 24,


    Fee: $217; registration required

    McCrillis Gardens

    Botany 207 or Botanical Artists

    Doreen Bolnick

    No prerequisites.

    Course number 89549

    Tuesdays, May 4, 11, 18, and 25,


    Course number 89550

    Saturdays, June 19 and 26,


    Fee: $217; registration required

    McCrillis Gardens

    Workshops(prerequisites required)

    Colored Pencil I

    Merri Nelson

    Prerequisites: Drawing 101, 102,

    Painting 103, Dimensional Study 204,

    Painting 205.

    Course number 88350

    Saturdays, March 13 & April 10,

    10:00am-4:30pmFee: $186; registration required

    McCrillis Gardens

    Botanical Art Intensive

    Diane Berndt

    Prerequisites: Drawing 101, 102, Painting

    103, Dimensional Study 204, Painting 205.

    Course number 89850

    FridaySunday, April 2325,


    Fee: $217; registration required

    McCrillis Gardens

    2010 Masters Class: Fancy Tulips

    John Pastoriza-Piol

    Prerequisite: Painting 205 or experience

    in botanical drawing and painting.

    Course number 88199

    Monday-Thursday, April 26-29,


    Fee: $425; registration required

    Brookside Gardens - Visitors Center

    Adult Classroom

    Botanical Illumination I

    Kandy Phillips

    Prerequisites: Drawing 101, 102, Painting

    103, Dimensional Study 204, Painting


    Course number 89849

    Wednesdays, June 23, 30, July 7 & 14,


    Fee: $186; registration required

    Brookside Gardens - Visitors Center

    Adult Classroom

    Spring & SummerSamplers(no prerequisites)

    Discover Scratchboard

    Trudy Nicholson

    No prerequisites, but drawing

    experience is benecial.

    Course number 88549

    Saturday-Monday, February 13-15,


    Fee: $279; registration required

    McCrillis Gardens

    Novice Studios, Pod 2: Hand-painted


    Diane Berndt

    No prerequisites.

    Course number 88850

    Tuesdays, March 30, April 6, 13 & 20,


    Fee: $150; registration required

    McCrillis Gardens

    Lea Painting Intermediate

    Diane Berndt

    No prerequisites.

    Course number 89749

    Saturday, May 1, 9:30am-4:00pm

    Fee: $93; registration required

    McCrillis Gardens

    Flower Diary: A Nature Journal Page

    Doreen Bolnick

    No prerequisites.

    Course number 88349

    Saturdays, May 8 & 15, 10:00am-4:00pm

    Fee: $186; registration required

    McCrillis Gardens

    Start Drawing & Painting

    Diane Berndt

    No prerequisites.

    Course number 89551

    Wednesdays, May 12, 19, and 26,


    Fee: $150; registration requiredMcCrillis Gardens

    Novice Studios, Pod 3: Impatiens in

    Colored Pencil

    Lee DZmura

    No prerequisites.

    Course number 88851

    Thursdays, June 3, 10, 17 & 24,


    Fee: $150; registration required

    McCrillis Gardens

    Butterfies in the Garden

    Kandy Phillips

    No prerequisites.

    Course number 89149

    Sundays, July 11 & 18, 10:00am-4:00pm

    Fee: $186; registration required

    Brookside Gardens - Visitors Center

    Adult Classroom
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    Childrens Discovery Benches

    Hands-on activities, games, books,

    and puzzles ll the Childrens

    Discovery Benches located in the

    Childrens Classroom. Benches are

    available depending on sta and room


    Open Tuesday through Friday,

    September through June 2:00-5:00pm

    July and August 9:00am-5:00pm

    Saturday Morning Storytime

    Brookside Gardens Volunteers

    Participate and listen to seasonal

    nature stories that encourage childrens

    imaginations and creativity. Each week

    a dierent story will be read ollowed by

    a hands-on crat.

    Course number 101399

    Saturdays, April 3 June 12

    Ages 3-6, 10:00am

    Fee: Free; no registration required

    Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Flower Buds

    This once-a-month series will meet

    the second Monday o every month. We

    will eature gardening activities, stories,

    crats, and garden walks or childrenages 3-5 with a parent.

    Course number 101400

    Monday, March 8, 10:30-11:30am

    Course number 101401

    Monday, April 12, 10:30-11:30am

    Course number 101402

    Monday, May 10, 10:30-11:30am

    Course number 101403

    Monday, June 14, 10:30-11:30am

    Course number 101404

    Monday, July 12, 10:30-11:30am

    Course number 101405

    Monday, August 9, 10:30-11:30am

    Fee: $3.00 per child (adult ree);

    registration required

    Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

    St. Patricks Day Fitness and

    Activity Walk

    Wednesday, March 17, 2010


    Brookside Gardens and the Montgomery

    County Department o Recreation are

    pleased to present a tness and activity

    trail or children to perorm exercises,

    play games and do crat projects

    while enjoying the gorgeous gardens

    and scenery. Walk along the beautiul

    Brookside Gardens trail, stop at the

    various marked venues, and ollow

    the instructions or tness activities,

    crats and games. Dont orget to bring

    your camera! The walk includes a visit

    at the conservatory. An adult must

    walk with each child and assist in all

    activities. The sel-directed event runs

    rom 10:00am through 1:00pm. Thewalk will take approximately 30-40

    minutes to complete. You are welcome

    to participate anytime between these


    $3.00 ee per child.

    Go to www.montgomerycountymd.

    gov to register or call 240-777-6821 or


    Childrens Programs

    Childrens Garden

    Natures Fun In Your Backyard is down-to-

    earth un. This childrens garden engages

    childrens imaginations and highlights natural

    beauty and natural un. See whats inside a

    gnome hut, ollow stepping stones to a tea

    party, build and stack natural wooden blocks,

    pretend you are a armer, climb into a tree

    house, observe lie around a water garden, and

    discover important pollinating insects.

    Art Xhibits

    The Brookside Gardens Visitors

    Center exhibitions showcase

    aordable original works or

    gicle prints o original works

    on horticultural themes by area

    artists. All art exhibitions are

    ree-o-charge and most o the

    works are available or purchase.

    Spring Images, Spring Magic


    Through April 3

    Images o Spring

    Daniel McNeill

    April 3 May 22

    Orange Glad, Glad HappyKay Sandler

    April 3 May 22

    From Pollen to Petals

    Jennier Kline Vallina

    April 3 May 22

    Botanica 2010: The Art and

    Science o Plants

    The Brookside Gardens School o

    Botanical Art & Illustration

    May 22 July 10

    Scenes rom a Summer


    Rob Rudick

    July 10 August 28

    The Color o Summer

    Sue Moses and Carol Kent

    July 10 August 28

    Orchid Celebration

    Betty Tsuneishi

    July 10 August 28

    Autumn Blaze

    Lou Janesko

    August 28 October 9
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    Childrens Programs

    Workshops & Classes

    Essence o Spring Herbs

    Cooking Class

    Danielle Navidi, Caterer

    Tarragon, dill, cilantro, mint and parsley,

    some o springs early herbs can be used

    in many dierent ways. Learn to chop,

    stir and prepare three dierent sauces,

    and complete the class with proper

    kitchen clean up! Samples provided.

    Course number 101406

    Saturday, March 20, 10:30am-12:00pm

    Ages: 8-11

    Fee: $20.00, FOBG: $18.00; registration


    Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Dig-in, Dig-out! Its Spring Break!

    Get outdoors this week! Its Spring! Get

    inspired by one o our Dig-in, Dig-outactivity tables. Discover interesting

    plant acts plus make a hands-on

    project you can take home! Cancelled in

    the event o rain.

    Course number 101407

    March 29-April 2, 10:00am-1:00pm

    Ages: recommended or ages 4-11

    Fee: Free; no registration required.

    Outside adjacent to Visitors Center

    Start Your Gardens

    Ready, Set, Grow!Holly Stover, Brookside Gardens Sta

    Make it a amily activity! Bring Mom,

    Dad, or both to plan your veggie garden.

    Begin by selecting your veggies and

    planting seeds in starter pots just in

    time to plant in your garden ater the

    rost date o May 10. A selection o

    dierent vegetable seed will be oered

    and a review on how to care or and

    maintain your garden throughout the


    Course number 101409

    Wednesday, March 31, 10:30am-12:00pm

    Ages: 6-11

    Fee: $10.00, FOBG: $9.00; registration


    Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Grow It Eat It Salad Box

    University o Maryland Master Gardeners

    Heres a un project or you and your

    child to do together! Learn how to

    improve your health and your childs

    health by growing your own resh

    organic salad! Let the Master Gardeners

    rom the University o Maryland show

    you how to construct, build, and plant

    your own wooden Salad Box planter.

    Aterwards, enjoy a tasty sampling o

    what you can grow! Your new planter

    will measure approximately 21 x 15

    and easily t on a deck, balcony, or ront

    stoop. Fee includes building supplies,

    soil, and seeds.

    Course number 104152

    Sunday, April 18, 1:00-2:30pm

    Ages: 8-12

    Fee: $25.00, FOBG: $22.50; registration


    Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Herbal May Day Baskets

    Lynn Richard, Brookside Gardens Sta

    Celebrate the beginnings o spring

    by surprising your neighbor or loved

    one with a basket lled with herbs,

    fowers, and tasty treats! Using recycled

    materials and decorative letovers,

    make a lovely git basket incorporating

    rosemary, pansies, mint and other


    Course number 103900

    Friday, April 30, 4:30-6:00pm

    Ages: 6-11

    Fee: $12.00, FOBG: $10.00; registrationrequired

    Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Sculpting Creatures or the Garden

    Katie Hillesland, Brookside Gardens Sta

    Create a un creature rom clay using

    your imagination and creativity. Begin

    with a garden stroll to spark your

    imagination looking or animal homes

    and exploring where creatures can hide.

    Back in the classroom learn to work

    with clay, and sculpt any creature rommammals, to insects, to gnomes, to


    Course number 103899

    Sunday, May 16, 1:00-3:00pm

    Ages: 7-10

    Fee: $8.00; registration required

    Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Dig-in, Dig-out! School is Out!

    Celebrate pollinators with us this week!!

    Did you know every third bite o ood

    we eat is rom the help o a pollinator?

    Stop by one o our Dig-in, Dig-out

    activity tables and learn how you can

    help protect our pollinators, essential

    insects or armers and ood production

    Cancelled in the event o rain.

    Course number 101499

    June 21- 25, 10:00am-1:00pm

    Ages: recommended or ages 4-11.

    Fee: Free; no registration required.

    Outside adjacent to the Visitors Center

    Garden Teas or Children

    Youre Invited To A Garden Tea Party

    Marina St.Clair, Tea Party Hostess

    Fanciul tables, tea, and treats will

    brighten childrens eyes when they

    come to tea outside in the Anderson

    Island Pavilion. Children will learn

    proper tea etiquette, socialize, and play

    famingo croquet weather permitting.

    Dress-up is encouraged. In case o

    inclement weather, tea will be relocated

    to the childrens classroom, ollowed by

    a rousing game o charades.

    Course number 103402

    Saturday, April 3, 12:00-1:30pm

    Course number 103403

    Saturday, April 17 12:00-1:30pm

    Course number 103404Saturday, May 1, 12:00-1:30pm

    Course number 103405

    Saturday, May 15, 12:00-1:30pm

    Course number 103407

    Saturday, June 5, 12:00-1:30pm

    Course number 103408

    Saturday, June 19, 12:00-1:30pm

    Ages: 6-10

    Fee: $22.00, FOBG: $20.00, registration


    Anderson Island Pavilion
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    Look or us during the

    Montgomery County Farm Tour

    at the Red Wiggler Farm

    Lets see whats growing on the arm!

    Through hands-on activities and

    games we will help you learn about

    agricultural crops, arming and ood.

    (This activity is an extended part o Red

    Wigglers activities and the Montgomery

    County Farm Tour)

    Saturday, July 24, 10:00am-4:00pm

    Fee: Free; no registration required

    All ages

    Red Wiggler Community Farm, 23400

    Ridge Road, Clarksburg, MD 20871


    Budding Artists Camp I

    Ivette Burgess, Artist

    Children who love art will enjoy

    expressing themselves in the garden

    while learning several art techniques,

    including drawing, collages, and

    painting. Check times or age-

    appropriate group.

    Course number 99951

    June 21-25 10:00-11:30am

    Ages: 5-7

    Fee: $75.00/week; registration required

    Course number 99952June 21-25 1:00-3:00pm

    Ages: 8-10

    Fee: $85.00/week; registration required

    Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Budding Artists Camp II

    Debbie Vanegas, Artist

    Children who love art will enjoy

    expressing themselves in the garden

    while learning several art techniques,

    including drawing, collages, and

    painting. Check times or age-appropriate group.

    Course number 99955

    June 28-July 2, 10:00-11:30am

    Ages: 5-7

    Fee: $75.00/week; registration required

    Course number 99956

    June 28July 2, 1:00-3:00pm

    Ages: 8-10

    Fee: $85.00/week; registration required

    Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Farms, Food, Fun and Sun!

    Lynn Richard, Brookside Gardens Sta

    Have a week o gardening un with

    3 un-lled eld trips visiting and

    exploring dierent organic arms. Each

    arm will have a dierent production

    ocus. Find out what a CSA is, take a

    hayride, plant a container vegetable

    garden, participate in a cooking class,

    harvest a ew veggies and fowers, see

    the countryside, shop a little, and have

    a great time. We will learn about organic

    growing methods and ood nutrition.

    Maybe we can stop by the amous Herrs

    chip actory too.

    Course number 99950

    July 12-16, 9:00am-3:30pm

    Ages: 8-11

    Fee: $220.00/week; registration required

    Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Botanical Art Camp

    Judy Brown, Botanical Artist

    Students will learn watercolor, oil

    pastel, and color pencil techniques.

    Brookside will have several gardens to

    demonstrate plants as a ood source,

    or humans and the creatures around

    us. Each day we will visit and explore

    some o these plants as a subject or

    our artwork. Samples o plants we will

    be exploring include: radish, corn, kale,

    leek, celeriac, Swiss chard, caulifower,

    red cabbage, sunfower, sweet potato,

    basil, dwar corn, and pot marigolds.

    Each student will be supplied with

    and take home a spiral-bound tablet

    o 140-pound watercolor paper. At the

    end o the 5-day session students will

    choose their avorite work, and we will

    mount it in a mat ready or raming.

    Inormation about the materials

    students use will be provided upon


    Course Number 99953

    August 2-6, 9:00am-12:00pm

    Ages: 8-11

    Fee: $115.00/week; registration required

    Visitors Center Childrens Classroom

    Tours o the Wings o Fancy

    Butterfy Exhibit or Youth Groups

    Bring your youth group (public

    and private schools, home

    schools, scouts and summer

    camps) to this live butterfy

    exhibit or a special guided

    tour with a knowledgeable

    docent. Learn about the

    butterfy lie cycle and

    observe butterfy behaviorslike nectaring, spiraling, and


    Due to the popularity o the

    butterfy exhibit, groups o

    15 or more, ages 6 and up

    are requested to make an

    appointment. Please call

    301-962-1467. Tours are

    available weekdays rom 10am

    to 1pm, at hal-hour intervals.

    A maximum o 30 children can

    be scheduled per hour.

    While you are waiting or a

    tour time, Butterfy Discovery

    Backpacks are available toborrow with a drivers license.

    View descriptions o backpack

    activities by visiting

    Fee: $4.00 or ages 3-12; $6.00

    or ages 13 and up.
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    Important Registration Inormation1. You must open a ParkPASS account in

    order to register or any program.2. We regret that it is not possible to

    include babies or children in classesdesigned or adults.

    3. All programs will run rain or shine,unless a rain date is listed; or cancel-lation inormation call 301-962-1470.

    4. I paying by credit card, please includecredit card type, account number,expiration date, and signature. FOBGmembers should enter the discountedFOBG rate in the Fee column. Forinormation about joining FOBG,call 301-962-1435 or

    5. Conrmation o your registration willbe made by mail. (You must print outyour conrmation when registeringonline.) I an event is lled to capacity,

    your check will be returned and yourname placed on a waiting list. You willbe contacted by phone i an openingoccurs.

    6. Deadline or registration is 7 daysprior to event date, unless otherwisestated. Participants will be enrolled inthe order received.

    7. Unless otherwise indicated by theparticipant or a parent/guardian inwriting at the time o registration,photographs o participants or usein Commission publications may betaken while participating in programactivities.

    Reund Policy: I a program is cancelledyou will be notied and receive a ullreund. I you choose to cancel your reg-istration rom an event you must notiythe Registrar at least ve business daysprior to the start o the class. A creditvoucher will be issued less a 20% admin-istrative ee. The voucher will be valid orone year rom the date o issue. Use yourcredit voucher or another event o yourchoice. Credit or trips and workshopswill be granted only i a replacement isavailable rom the waiting list. A thirty-ve dollar ($35.00) ee will be charged or

    all returned checks.

    To register by mail, or in person:

    Complete the registration orm and mail with payment(or drop o registration orm and payment) to:BROOKSIDE GARDENS, Attn. Registrar,1800 Glenallan Avenue, Wheaton, MD 20902

    To Register Online:

    To Register by Phone: Dial 301-670-685824-hours a day

    Already have a ParkPASS account?To register, just ll in the rst three boxes.

    Middle Initial (JR, SR, II, III) Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Gender: M/F

    Street Address

    City, State, Zip Code

    Primary Phone Secondary Phone


    Need to open a ParkPASS account? Please ll in all the boxes.

    I wish to charge this to: m MasterCard mVISA

    Acct# __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __

    Exp. Date __ __ / __ __ Signature ____________________________________________

    For inormation on M-NCPPCs Fee Reduction Program or Montgomery Countyresidents, call 301-495-2530. Applications are available at Brookside GardensVisitors Center Inormation Desk.

    The Department o Park and Planning encourages and supports the involvement andparticipation o individuals with disabilities in all programs/services. Register a minimumo two weeks in advance o the program start date and call 301-962-1451 to request adisability accommodation.







    For registration inormation, call 301-962-1451.

    REGISTRATION FORMFill out a separate orm or each participant. Friends o Brookside Gardens members enter the FOBG rate or each course.

    Course No. Date Name o Program Fee

    100950 6/26 Vegetables with Attitude (Sample) 49.00

    *Last Name *First Name *Customer No.
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    Mark Special Memories in the Rose Garden

    Rose Garden Commemorative Brick Program

    Donor Name ...................................................................................

    Address ...........................................................................................

    City ..................................................................................................

    State ...............................Zip ..........................................................

    Phone ..............................................................................................

    Email address ................................................................................

    4" x 8" Brick ($500) (up to 3 lines, 21 characters per line,

    including punctuation and spaces)

    8" x 8" Brick ($1,000) (up to 5 lines, 21 characters per line,

    including punctuation and spaces)

    Text to print on brick (4" x 8" brickup to 3 lines, or

    8" x 8" brickup to 5 lines)

    Line 1: .............................................................................................

    Line 2: .............................................................................................

    Line 3: .............................................................................................

    Line 4: .............................................................................................

    Line 5: .............................................................................................

    Payment Inormation

    My personal check has been made payable to Brookside


    Please charge my VISA MasterCard

    Card no. ..........................................................................................

    Expiration date .............................................................................

    Signature .......................................................................................

    Brookside Gardens Rose Garden has been aavorite destination o visitors since its openingin 1972. Something about the stunning beauty and

    seductive ragrance o roses draws visitors to this

    delightul garden over and over. For many, the Rose

    Garden holds special meaning and memories. With

    our new commemorative brick program, the RoseGarden will be the lovely setting in which to honor

    a special person or to mark a memorable milestone.

    Commemorative bricks will be available in two

    sizes: 4 x 8 ($500) and 8 x 8 ($1000). Each brick

    will be engraved with a lie arming message and

    placed in the walkway directly under the wisteria

    arbor in the Rose Garden. The commemorative brick

    areas are conveniently located near several benches,

    which will allow or relaxed visits surrounded by the

    ragrance o roses in bloom (or possibly wisteria in

    fower, depending upon the season!). Your generous

    donation to this program will be instrumental in

    maintaining the Gardens through our Garden Fund.

    For more inormation, please contact Ellen Bennett

    at 301/962-1402 or Ellen.Bennett@MontgomeryParks.

    org. Please send in the attached orm i youd like to

    reserve a Rose Garden brick today. Brick installation

    will begin in spring 2010.

    (8" x 8" bricks only)

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    Thank You, Donors!Donations received between

    June 1, 2009 and December 15, 2009


    Fiteen Anonymous Donors

    Rhoda and HermanAlderman

    Jane BarrettJim and Karen BellisEllen Bennett and Ric Gratz

    Josephine BennettFran and Harvey Berger

    Jose and Gloria BrownMarney BruceMaureen CannonSalvatore and Marlene

    CianciRobert and Ruth Cohen

    Felicia CollinsCathy ConlyMarguerite DanowskiDr. and Mrs. James R. DavidDr. and Mrs. Lewis H.

    DennisTeresa Dow