Bug Club – Phonics Bug Printed Material Magnetic Board Bug Club Buzz

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Bug Club Phonics Bug Printed Material Magnetic Board Bug Club Buzz Slide 2 Once logged into the Home Page click onto the Help Tab and you will have access to the Bug Club Manual and Quick Start sheet. There are also 3 videos showing how to add pupils/ create a class/ allocate books Slide 3 The Quick Start sheet tells you how to: create pupil accounts create individual classes and groups search and allocate eBooks check progress Slide 4 The Bug Club Manual contains 49 pages of more detailed information relating to the eBook part of Bug Club and has the following sections on how to Teacher experience - log in/ help Home navigate the home page/ search for eBooks/ interpret search results/ allocate books/ use teacher eBook tools My Class create and manage classes and groups/ manage pupils eBooks/ interpret class reports/ view individual pupil reports/ generate parent reports Classroom resources access classroom resources/ access Grammar and Spelling Bug School Admin set up pupil/ teacher accounts/ manage licences/ manage year end settings Pupil experience log in/ Bug Club online at home/ navigate My books/ launch and exit an eBook/ navigate an eBook and plays (KS1)/ answer quizzes/ give feedback on an eBook/ receive rewards/ view rewards/ view eBooks that have been read Slide 5 Once logged on as a teacher you have access to the Classroom Resources Tab. Click on this and you have access to three new tabs which are: Phonics Bug containing Teaching Tools and Assess Tools Plays to Act these are brilliant to use with groups Grammar and Spelling Bug a separate package Slide 6 Launch Prepare and Assess Tools tab contains sounds/ letters/ real words/ pseudo-words games for children to use so that you can assess their knowledge for specific letters/ blends. Slide 7 You can access the games part of Bug Club when you are logged on as a teacher or set up a separate log in (as we have) to access these. Once logged into this screen click on the Phonics Bug tab and then click on the Launch Phonics Bug tab Slide 8 Select either teaching sessions or student games these are split into unit numbers 1 12 or 13 30 Slide 9 Unit 1 games not available for theses, a, t, p Unit 2i, n, m, d Unit 3g, o, c, k Unit 4ck, e, u, r Unit 5h, b, f, (ff), l, (ll), ss Unit 6j, v, w, x Unit 7y, z (zz), qu Unit 8ch, sh, th, ng Unit 9ai, ee, igh, oa, oo Unit 10ar, or, ur, ow, oi Unit 11ear, air, ure, er Unit 12adjacent consonants Unit 13(zh, wh, ph) Unit 14(ay, a-e, eigh/ey/ei) Unit 15(ea, e-e, ie/ey/y) Unit 16(ie, i-e, y, i) Unit 17(ow, o-e, o/oe) Unit 18(ew, ue, u-e, u/oul) Unit 19(aw, au, al) Unit 20(ir, er, ear) Unit 21(ou, oy) Unit 22(ere/eer, are/ear) Unit 23(c, k, ck, ch) Unit 24(ce/ci/cy, sc/stl/se) Unit 25(ge/gi/gy, dge) Unit 26(le, mb, kn/gn, wr) Unit 27(tch, sh, ea, (w) a, o) Unit 28(-ing, -ed) Unit 29(-s, -es) Unit 30(re-, un-, -ing, -ed) Below is a list of each unit and what it contains: Slide 10 By clicking on the teaching session part and then clicking on the Print material tab you can then . Slide 11 gain access to the Teaching and Assessment Guides relating to: Reception (P1) covering units 1 12 (108 pages) Key Stage 1 (P2-P3) covering units 13 30 (120 pages) PCM Templates access to printable blank templates and pictures which can be used to make your own worksheets Graphemes printable individual letters or words Slide 12 Both Teaching and Assessment Guides include the following sections: Welcome to Phonics Bug Teaching synthetic phonics using Phonics Bug Phonics Bug Teaching Software navigation and controls Guided independent work Phonics Bug decodable readers Phonics Bug eBooks and Bug Club Phonics Bug components Bug Club components Key Stage 1 (P2-P3) guide also covers teaching syllables Assessing Progress section including: Before starting Assessment and catch-up work in preparation for Key Stage 1 Assessment sheets There are also sections for: Guide to teaching sessions Daily lesson plans Alphabetic overlay Slide 13 When you click on a specific unit PCMs and Resources boxes appear on the right hand side PCMs a printable worksheet relating to the highlighted session Resources printable words relating to the highlighted session Slide 14 The Magnetic Board can also be found in the teaching sessions section Slide 15 Click on the guide on the magnetic board to see how this can be used. Slide 16 The magnetic board can be used for: Free writing and consolidation work Accessing the Asset bank see next slide for further details of this Slide 17 Click on the Asset bank tab to bring up tabs for words/ pictures/captions/ sentences Slide 18 The Tour tab gives access to several videos Slide 19 Videos are contained in each of these sections. Using the Software section contains videos on Lesson/ Using the Software/ Pupil Games/ Print Material/ Magnetic Board Slide 20 You can find more printable items in The Bug Club Buzz section. A link to this sometimes shows on the home page but can also be accessed by typing in the web address: http://bugclubnews.pearson.com/ The tabs at the top cover Home/ Guided Reading Cards/ Free Grammar Unit/ International / Getting Started/ Useful Stuff Slide 21 The Useful Stuff section includes printable masks/ certificates for reading/ writing/ speaking and listening/ and printable Bug Club characters Slide 22 If you click on the Useful Stuff tab scroll down and click on more useful stuff you will be able to access the Excel lists for the 557 books within Bug Club these are split into sections e.g. Phonics/ Book Bands/ Plays/ Comics Slide 23 The Getting Started section contains the Quick Start guide/ Bug Club Manual/ Letter to Parents already previously mentioned. It also contains Editable Bookmarks/ Technical Support/ Professional Development