NFPA.ORG | © National Fire Protection Association. All rights reserved. IT’S A BIG WORLD. LET’S PROTECT IT TOGETHER. TM Building Engaging Presentations February 14, 2018 | Jeff Donahue, Regional Educational Specialist

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Building Engaging Presentations

February 14, 2018 | Jeff Donahue, Regional Educational Specialist

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It’s a Big World…


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Why are we here? After this presentation, I hope you will:

• Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your current presentation skills.

• Select new strategies to test out in your presentations.

• Remove “lecture” from your presentation tool kit.

• Appreciate the value of continued reflection and improvement.

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Background InformationThe material covered in this presentation is driven by education theory.

• I am an educator….. You are, too!

• Your presentations serve to educate – regardless of your job title.

• Think of the terms teacher & presenter as synonyms


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Start with a goal


What do you want your audience members to do during or as a result of your presentations?

Write your goal to reflect this:

YES: I want my audience members to…NO: I want to be able to…

Examples: • I want my audience members to make the changes covered in the presentation.• I want my audience members to share the information with people who were not there. • I want my audience members to stay awake throughout the presentation.

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Take a minute now to write your goal on your paper.

Start with: I want my audience members to…

Think about this goal as you move through the rest of the session.

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Exploring the Four Aces


POLL:Who was the best teacher?

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What qualities did you consider when making

your decision?

Exploring the Four Aces

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Exploring the Four Aces

“Teaching effectiveness is dependent upon the interaction between the instructor’s subject-matter knowledge and teaching ability.”

“The Four Aces are catalysts of learning: Student learning is better, faster, and / or more long-lasting when teachers are able to play the Four Aces.”

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Exploring the Four Aces

As we discuss the Four Aces, make note of each one on your worksheet.

As we work, reflect on your own skills & take note of behaviors you think you should: • stop doing • make adjustments to• keep doing as is


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“If you hate to teach it, participants will hate to learn it.”• Enthusiasm while teaching reflects competence and confidence.• Enthusiasm is contagious.

What does it look like? • Show excitement, use participants’ names, encourage participation,

move around the room, interact with students.• Let participants know you believe they can be successful.

Ace #1 Enthusiasm

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• Instruction should be based on how presenters hope participants will change by the end of the session.

• Plan with the end in mind!

• Outcomes help focus attention on clear learning goals and keep instruction functional.

• Assessment is difficult / impossible without outcomes.

Ace #2 Changes = Outcomes

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• Effective presenters provide clear directions and explanations.• Use a variety of techniques to deliver messages: Tell, show,

do…• Create and encourage connections between new material,

past learning, and personal experiences.• Ask questions to check for understanding and encourage

participants to ask questions and rephrase content.

Ace #3 ClarityHave an orientation towards participant success.Why not say: Let participants know you believe they can be successful.

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You want as many participants active, as much of the time as possible

How do we know if participants are “active”?

• Participants can be thinking, feeling, and moving • Communication must be 2-way• Attention Span: Age + 10 Rule • Prompt folks to DO something with the information: think, feel,

move…• Don’t rely on your charm

Last one!Ace #4 Engagement

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Quick Tips for PresentersStrategies to try:• Grab the audience from the start• Use eye contact• Use wait time – Do not answer your own questions• Share the presentation outcomes / agenda• Use participants’ names • Ask participants’ opinions• Praise & acknowledge positive behaviors• Use humor (but not sarcasm)• Require participants to use different senses.• Remember this is not a one person show! Interaction is key!

Play the Four


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Take a pause….

Let’s address a couple of questions about the Four Aces.


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Take a pause…


In the next minute:

Fill in your worksheet with behaviors you think you should: • stop doing • make adjustments to• keep doing as is

Please share a behavior you are going to keep doing.

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Lesson ComponentsStep 1: Introduction

Hook your audienceShare your outcomes

Step 2: Body of the LessonClear & Concise

Examples, Visuals, & Questions

Step 3: Conclusion Wrap Up & Review

Provide a “take home”

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Let’s talk about time!


Which presentation will take more time and effort to plan?

• A 10 minute presentation• A 30 minute presentation• A 60 minute presentation

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Presentation Length

• Modify your presentation to fit the time frame.

• A ten minute lesson will have different objectives than an hour long presentation.

• Only attempt to teach a reasonable amount of content in a given time frame.

• Less is more!

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Presentation Length

An increase in time does not mean you need to increase the amount of content.

You may decide to use the time to help the participants develop health-enhancing attitudes &/or practice new skills.

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Presentation LengthYou will be speaking about fire safety where medical oxygen is in use. What are the key content points you want participants to learn?• Never smoke in a home where medical oxygen is used. • Never use an open flame when medical oxygen is in use. • Do not use oil, grease, and aerosol sprays near the oxygen.

What are the key attitudes you want to address? • I can be hurt badly if anyone smokes while I use medical oxygen.• I have the ability to convince others that they cannot smoke in my home.

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Rehearsal as Part of Planning


Should you rehearse your presentation in front of family or friends as part of the planning process?


Do what works for you but consider the risks.

Ensure your practice does not lead to a script.

Definitely take some time to visualize the flow of the presentation, predict questions audience members might have, figure out what parts of the content might be tricky for folks…

• Yes• No• Maybe

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The Big Message

Regardless of presentation length, attend to the Four Aces with laser-like focus:

• Center all activities on attaining desired outcomes.• Ensure clarity through speech, text, images, and actions.• Demonstrate enthusiasm throughout the session.• Engage learners to ensure active participation

Questions or Comments? n

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Wrapping UpHopefully you:

• identified strengths and weaknesses of your presentations.

• selected a few new strategies you want to test out in your presentations.

• decided to stop lecturing during your presentations.

• are open to continued reflection and improvement.Next time you are planning a presentation, take out your worksheet and put your new strategies to use. Hopefully they will help you meet your goal!

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THANK YOUJeff Donahue

Regional Public Education SpecialistNational Fire Protection Association

[email protected]

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