Bullying (Persuasive Essay Sample)

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  • 7/28/2019 Bullying (Persuasive Essay Sample)


    Is bullying in school a serious problem to deal with?

    I. Introduction

    A. Background: Bullying

    B. Thesis Statement: School bullying is a growing dilemma which causes bad effects

    to the people involved.

    II. Potential Bullies and rightful consequences

    A. Different kinds of bullies present in the school

    B. Actions to be made by the school authorities

    III. Outcome on the victim bullied and what can be done after the attack

    A. Psychological and social effect

    B. Proper actions

    IV. Conclusion

    A. A school is not place to end a persons progress, but rather to start it.

  • 7/28/2019 Bullying (Persuasive Essay Sample)


    Is bullying in school a serious problem to deal with?

    Bullying is the act of intimidating and taking advantage of a persons weaknesses that has

    a potential to be done repeatedly and habitually. And today, school bullying is a growing

    dilemma which causes bad effects to the people involved. The schools themselves should take

    immediate actions to start the prevention of this serious problem. This issue is very important to

    be dealt with which could later save more people on experiencing it.

    In school alone, bullies are everywhere. They can be an individual older kid that takes

    advantage to a younger one who is much weaker. For example, that bully may give his victim a

    wedgie, take his victims lunch money, or even beat his victim up. Peer groups are also one of

    the potential bullies at school. It is normal to have groups in school. But sometimes, one member

    of the group tends to influence the others to bully other people. They think that when they do

    such action, they get to earn the respect of the other kids in the school. Did you know that even

    teachers are not exempted to become a bully? Some teachers are insensitive enough to humiliate

    his student in front of the class. Those bullying teachers must have overused their powers to

    insult their students or to punish them beyond the reasonable practice. Schools must take actions

    to prevent such problems. Rules and regulations about bullying must be strictly implemented and

    carefully watched for. It is justifiable that the school gives rightful sanctions to students and even

    to the teachers or school personnel that are practicing the act of bullying. Students that do the act

    of bullying should have respective sanctions like detentions, probations or in worse cases,

    suspensions. This would make those individuals to be more watchful of their actions. Proper

    disciplinary actions for students should be taken care of by the school as its part of honing the

    students characters. With the bully teachers, their attention must be called and be in probation as

    well. In worst case scenarios, they should be taken out of the job. Teachers are supposed to be

  • 7/28/2019 Bullying (Persuasive Essay Sample)


    the role models of the children attending to their class. And thus, displaying such actions of

    bullying to the students is not proper and appropriate for a good role model.

    How do we consider bullying as a serious problem? Some of us mistakenly thought that

    bullying is just a normal way of life that we cannot prevent or be fixed. They also thought that a

    victim can just be affected physically or verbally. However, the effects of bullying do not limit

    itself to that. Researchers have found that victims of bullying are affected as well,

    psychologically and socially. If a child is bullied at school and was embarrassed in front of

    people, he may develop low self-esteem and low self-confidence. That victim may also develop

    depression and anxiety. We do not know that all of these psychological and social effects can last

    for years after the attack. They may not be able to overcome the incident right away and as a

    result, it makes them change into an inferior kind of person. Not everyone is invincible and

    strong enough to handle situations like these and sometimes can even make them commit

    suicide. Kids may be hard to speak out their problems. Most of the time, they need someone to

    talk and open up their situation. Parents should always be watchful with their childrens action.

    Teachers and the school authorities should always be present around the school to prevent any

    incident of bullying. Since that bullying, most of the time, takes place where supervision of an

    adult is not present.

    It is unfortunate that bullying is present to the place where children are being honed and

    taught of things out of their ignorance. The school should be bully-free so that the students are

    free enough to grow because the school is not a place to stop a persons progress, but rather to

    start it there. With proper education and full attention, bullying can be fixed and, hopefully, soon

    be alleviated and save more people from suffering.