Business Blueprint Best Practice

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  • 7/21/2019 Business Blueprint Best Practice


    Business Blueprint Best Practice SAP MATERIAL MANAGEMENT

    B U S I N E S S B L U E P R I N T B E S T

    P R A C T I C E


    Developed by:

    Miftah Fajri


    Introd!tion : The I"portan!e #f SAP $%ine%% $leprint

    The SAP Business Blueprint phase includes a number of acivities, events, milestone and deliverables as described in ASAP roadmaps, and also$%ine%% $leprint is a detail

    documentation of the results gathered during requirements workshops, documents the business process requirements of the company and better understand how the company intends

    to run its business within the SAP System

    !n ASAP roadmaps, Blueprint is i n the second step after profect preparation

    &o'(to: Effe!tive SAP(MM $leprint di%!%%ion%

    !n a Business Blueprint for Pro"ects, you create a pro"ect structure in which relevant business scenarios, business processes and process steps are organi#ed in a hierarchical structure

    $ou can also create pro"ect documentation and assign it to individual scenarios, processes or process steps $ou then assign transactions to each process step, to specify how your

    business processes should run in your SAP systems

    This document is intended to guide you step by step through the Business Blueprint Phase !n our approach Business Blueprinting comprises these steps%

    & 'rgani#at ional Structure

    ( )aster data

    * Business processes

    This step+by+step document should give people involved in the Business Blueprint phase an i dea what ob"ectives are defined for each step and how these definitions influence the later

    steps of the pro"ect

    !n this phase consultants will do documentation and define the scope of SAP implementation and create the Business Blueprint The Business Blueprint is a detailed documentation of

    your companys requirements in -inword format Application consultants and the Business Process Teams achieve a common understanding of how the enterprise intends to run its

    business within the SAP System, by carrying out requirements+gathering workshops

    The Business Blueprint is a detailed description of your business processes and system requirements $ou can print it out

    Definin) the #r)ani*ational Str!tre

    An important step during the implementation of SAP is the mapping of enterprise+specific structures and requi rements using ./* organi#ational units 0ecisions on the use of specific

    organi#ational units are influenced by various factors relevant to the organi#ation itself and the implementation goals it is pursuing

  • 7/21/2019 Business Blueprint Best Practice


    The selection, usage specification and linking of the SAP organi#ational units should be carried out at an early point in the pro"ect, and involves management as well as user

    departments 1sually there are several different possibilities of mapping enterprise+specific o rgani#ational units $ou can define alternative organi#ational structure scenarios in order to

    compare them and decide on the most suitable one )apping the enterprise on to SAP organi#ational units becomes transparent, and the simple, systematic display supports the

    interpretation of differences between alternative structure scenarios

    !n SAP 2 )), an organi#ational structure includes%

    & Plant

    ( Sto rage 3ocati on

    * Purchasing 'rgani#at ional

    4 Purchasi ng 5roup

    6or company code, it is defined by SAP+6!, then after company code is defined, plant can be defined from ))

    Plant is the organi#ational unit within logistics !t is a place where the material is produced or goods 7 services produced And besides, it also can be a branch plant or warehouse of

    collected goods 7 services to be delivered to the customer And below is the e8ample of plant

    Stora)e Lo!ationis the location for storage of materials in stock Plant And each plant has its own storage location Below is the e8ample of storage location

    Pr!ha%in) #r)ani*ationis an organi#ation of logistics units This unit functions as procurement needs Purchasing organi#ation will make the purchase of materials and services

    9services: as needed, to negotiate a purchase with vendors, and responsible for this purchase transaction

    Pr!ha%in) Grop+ in SAP can have ( purposes%

    & 1sed to determine the P!; / employee of the Purchasing department is responsible for certain purchasing activities

    ( 1sed to determine the department which makes a request materials or services on the Purchase .equsition

  • 7/21/2019 Business Blueprint Best Practice


    ,endor Ma%ter, The collective term for all vendor master records The vendor master contains the data of all vendors with which a company ;onducts business

    Info Re!ord, A data record containing all the information necessary for any contact with a certain vendor, in particular for conducting business transactions such as purchasing process

    Sor!e Li%t+ -hen we create info 7 )aintain ?uotation, by quota we are determining the source Also in endor @valuation, we are evaluationg vendor -hen we are creating P', from

    where the vendor will come from !s it from ?uota or endor @valuation

    -e define source list requirements at plant level !f a source list requirement e8ists, you must maintain the source list for each material before you can order it

    -ota Arran)e"entis a mechanism for determining which portion of the total requirement of a material over a period is to be procured from a certain source !f quota arrangements

    e8ist in the system, they e8ert an influence with regard to precisely which source 9perhaps from a number of different possibilities: is assigned to a given purchase requisition

    Definin) the $%ine%% Pro!e%%e%

    After you have defined your organi#ational structure for SAP, the definition of the business process for your Business Blueprint is the ne8t step $ou now map the enterprise

    requirements onto SAP business processes, in order to create the conceptual design for your SAP implementation

    !n SAP 2 )aterial )anagement, there are some business process that must be carried out during blueprint

    & Procurement Process

    ( !nventory )anagement

    * 3ogistic !nvoice erification

    4 )aterial .equirement Planning

    6or this, the following activities need to be carried out%

    ;onducting business process workshops

    ;ompleting the Business Blueprint, reviewing it and obtaining management signoff

    Setting up an end user training schedule

    Besides determining the SAP functionality to be implemented, the following types of requirements should be identified in the business process workshops%

    & .eports And 6orms requirements

    ( !nterface requirements

    * ;onversion requirements

    4 @nhancement requirements

    > Authori#ation requirements

    Since all the results gathered during the workshops will subsequently create the Business Blueprint, the importance of this step cannot be underestimated And every steps of business

    process must identically with the e8isting run business in the enterprise

    &o'(to: Effe!tive -e%tion% to be A%.ed to /%to"er

    Actually, !n the Business Blueprint phase, we need to prepare AS+!S 9which is a detailed list of the current business practices of the client: and then , we also need to prepare a ?A0B

    9?uestions and Answer 0ata Base: questionnaire and send it to the client Then, based on clients answers, we need to prepare T'+B@ list 9 procedure in SAP to match the clients

    business process: And after completion of discussion with the client, we need to map AS+!S process and T'+B@ process in 6low process mapping

  • 7/21/2019 Business Blueprint Best Practice


  • 7/21/2019 Business Blueprint Best Practice


    &o'(to: Re%pond to !%to"er e0planation 1 2e%tion%

    There are two alternative ways in responding questions from customers

    & ;ollect ing the questions

    ( .esponding directly with the answers

    -hen responding to a clients questions, A 6unctional will lead the client to SAP standard system and will show how SAP works

  • 7/21/2019 Business Blueprint Best Practice




    antileboySay%:Iune (G, (H&H at 4%>H pm

    1sually, to have a blueprint reviewed and signed off, it takes about ( 2 * months

    -e review structure organi#ation, and business process that run in the enterprise

    -ell, ! think my blog about blueprint has described generally about how to make blueprint $ou can review more in the article

    Thanks for your comment,,





    SAP Advi%orSay%:Ianuary &H, (H&& at >%(& am

    6irst of all good comphrensive thoughts by Antileboy 6or reviewing and signoff on the blueprint ! usually recommend the following%

    & BP.0 9Business Process .equirements 7 0esign: 0ocuments should have detailed business requirements and these should be signed by your business S)@ and overall

    business leads -ithout this you cannot have a good fit gap analysis and thus an accurate .!;@6 inventory

    ( .eview fit+gap analysis and have your SAP solution architect sign off on the .!;@6 inventory

    * .eview the setup of business processes and structure in the Solution )anager and have your business team leads and pro"ect manager review all BP.0 5enerate the

    blueprint document from the solution manager and sign off on the phase

    4 !f SAP .!;@6 functional designs are part of your blueprint 9sometimes this is in reali#ation:, make sure your business has reviewed and signed off on each functional


    > @stimates should also be independently by your pro"ect leadership and signed off before e8ecuting an S'- for reali#ation

    Thats few things ! would have reviewed and signoffs