BWC Tabletop Exercise

BWC Tabletop ExercisehttpAssets)/226764...Situation 6 •Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland •Cough, chest pain, sputum production,

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Page 1: BWC Tabletop ExercisehttpAssets)/226764...Situation 6 •Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland •Cough, chest pain, sputum production,

BWC Tabletop Exercise

Page 2: BWC Tabletop ExercisehttpAssets)/226764...Situation 6 •Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland •Cough, chest pain, sputum production,

Exercise Aims and Objectives

• Objective 1: Exercise the conduct of rapid cross-sectoral assessments and propose potential courses of action for decision makers

• Objective 2: Exercise the planning of the response activities for a deliberate bio-incident scenario at the national level

• Objective 3: Exercise the preparation of a request/offer for the delivery of assistance

• Objective 4: Exercise messaging to the public, including rumour control


Page 3: BWC Tabletop ExercisehttpAssets)/226764...Situation 6 •Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland •Cough, chest pain, sputum production,

Instructions Exercise Roles:

• Teams A-C: Represent a National Advisory Committee to the government of HIGHLAND and prepare options for decision-making

• Team D: Represent your respective organization and provide advice to senior management

Exercise Rules:

• Don’t challenge the scenario

• Limited information available – don’t invent or speculate

• Be concise and provide clear advice (5-7 min)


Page 4: BWC Tabletop ExercisehttpAssets)/226764...Situation 6 •Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland •Cough, chest pain, sputum production,

Lead in Scenario I





• Low income country• Many guest workers

abroad• Ethnic and religious

conflicts in the W-part of the country

• Political instability• Limited engagement


• Upper middle income country

• Dire economic situation by the local population in the East

• Nationalistic ‘Highlanders’ first’ political party

• Limited engagement - BWC

• Well-developed country• Active neutrality

• Strong national health system and a growing biotech sector

• Active BWC State Party

Page 5: BWC Tabletop ExercisehttpAssets)/226764...Situation 6 •Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland •Cough, chest pain, sputum production,

Inject 1

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• Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland • Cough, chest pain, sputum production, difficulties in breathing and

coughing up blood; sudden onset of chills, fever, headache, generalised body pains, weakness, and chest discomfort;

• Doubts about nature of the disease among the health workers• Bacterial or viral pneumonia?• Suspicion about inhalational anthrax or pneumonic plague?• Lack of advanced diagnostic equipment/lack of first hand

experience with those diseases

• 72 hours later: • 94 patients• Local resources quickly overcome • Alert to the Ministry of Health (pneumonic plague?)• Samples sent to reference WHO laboratory in Lakeland• Mortality rate rising, +20 patients died • No response to antibiotic treatment• Medication administered preventively does not appear to protect

people in contact with patients – doubt about bacterial nature of the infection

Page 7: BWC Tabletop ExercisehttpAssets)/226764...Situation 6 •Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland •Cough, chest pain, sputum production,

Teams A-C: Inter-ministerial assessment to your government (briefing for 5-7 minutes)


• Assessment of the situation:• What is your overall assessment of the situation?

• Responding to the outbreak: • Which concrete set of cross sectoral measures should be

taken at this stage at the national level? • Which are the ministries/agencies that should be involved in

this phase and what would be their roles?

• National Coordination: • Which agency should have the lead role for this response

operation?• What would be the coordination mechanism at the national

level to deal with this scenario?

Page 8: BWC Tabletop ExercisehttpAssets)/226764...Situation 6 •Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland •Cough, chest pain, sputum production,

Team A (National advisory committee)



Петкевич Александр,


Марс кызы Жазира,


Бейссенова Сархат,


Исмаилов Дастан,

КыргызстанСансызбаев Ерлан, Казахстан Актамов Нурбек, Кыргызстан

Ахадов Алишер, Узбекистан Кавракова Зубайда,

ТаджикистанХалилов Мансур, Узбекистан Волкова Татьяна,

ТаджикистанУсенбаев Нурболот,


Page 9: BWC Tabletop ExercisehttpAssets)/226764...Situation 6 •Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland •Cough, chest pain, sputum production,


Team B (National advisory committee)


Мартынюк Антон, BWC ISU

Мамадюсуфова Мену,


Шадманова Наргиза,


Бакиров Амангельды,

КыргызстанЛи Марина, Узбекистан Омуралиев Кенжетай,

КыргызстанЖукенова Айжан, Казахстан Уран Ахметов, Кыргызстан

Мамадалиев Сейдигапбар,


Воронцов Константин, РФ

Ахмедов Матин,


Куклев Василий, РФ

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Team C (National advisory committee)


Ашыралиева Дамира,


Азимбаева Дария, Казахстан

Суфиев Алимахмад,


Малаев Назарбек,

КыргызстанТишкова Фарида,


Жолдошов Абдилазиз,

КыргызстанНуралиев Рахмиддин,


Жороев Абдыкадыр,

КыргызстанГадоев Каромиддин,


Бекташев Таалай,


Джураев Олимжон,


Page 11: BWC Tabletop ExercisehttpAssets)/226764...Situation 6 •Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland •Cough, chest pain, sputum production,

Team D: Assessment to your senior management (briefing for 5-7 minutes)


• Information gathering and monitoring:• Which information sources do you have at the disposal

of your organization to gather further information about the event?

• Would you actively engage with the affected state and if so how?

• Information sharing:• What would be your proposals regarding the

information policy of your organization at this stage?

• Developing policy options:• Which actions would you suggest to be taken by your

organization in this phase of the outbreak?

Page 12: BWC Tabletop ExercisehttpAssets)/226764...Situation 6 •Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland •Cough, chest pain, sputum production,

Team D (IOs/reg. IOs)



Rouzbahani Mehran, ISU BWC

Угорич Игорь, ОБСЕ

Bakanidze Lela, EU CBRN Christine Uhlenhaut, OIE

Atatrah Tasnim, WHO Исраилов Тынчтыкбек, ОБСЕ

Gmach Sabri, WHO Reizman Eran, FAO

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Inject 2

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• Confirmation of pneumonic plague by WHO Lab – origin unknown• Plague not endemic to region and hospital and health care

centres are at considerable distance from each other• Occurrence of secondary infections among contact cases • Some health workers are contaminated due to insufficient

training and lack of adequate protective equipment• Limited stockpiles and counterfeited drugs hamper response• Limited impact of antibiotic therapies

• Worries that outbreak might spread out to the capital – need for a rapid decision on drastic emergency measures to contain the outbreak

• Increasingly likely that outbreak was caused by a deliberate release of airborne plague in several locations

• Speculation in the press and on social media that Grassland extremists have instigated this incident

• Your government is under high pressure to take urgent action

Page 15: BWC Tabletop ExercisehttpAssets)/226764...Situation 6 •Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland •Cough, chest pain, sputum production,

Teams A-C: Inter-ministerial assessment to your government (briefing for 5-7 minutes)


• Assessment of the situation:• What is your overall assessment of the situation?

• Dealing with the crisis: • Which concrete set of emergency measures do you propose

for containing the outbreak?

• Investigating the outbreak• What concrete investigation measures do you suggest for

clarifying whether this outbreak has in fact been a deliberate event and which agencies would become involved?

• How would this change the response operation?

• Information sharing with the public:• Which concrete set of measures do you suggest for dealing

with the public?

• International collaboration:• What steps would you take in regard to neighbouring

countries, regional organisations, WHO, and the BWC?

Page 16: BWC Tabletop ExercisehttpAssets)/226764...Situation 6 •Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland •Cough, chest pain, sputum production,

Team D: Assessment to your senior management (briefing for 5-7 minutes)


• Developing policy options:• In line with your mandate, which actions would you

suggest to be taken by your organization in this phase of the outbreak?

• Information gathering:• How would your organization gather further information

to obtain an independent picture of the situation?

• Engagement with Member States:• What would be the engagement with Member States at

this stage?

• Assisting in a criminal investigation:• Which mandate, role and resources does your

organization have in an investigation?

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Inject 3

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• While major efforts are being undertaken to gain control over the outbreak, national assets are insufficient to address the emergency. At this stage more than 2,500 people are infected with a 40% case-fatality rate

• Grassland extremists claim responsibility for the plague outbreak and specifically indicate that they have obtained an antibiotic resistant strain of the bacteria. Initial results from the national investigation confirm the claims made by the terrorists

• Other countries are expressing serious concern about the potential disease spread beyond the national border

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Teams A-C: Inter-ministerial assessment to your government (briefing for 5-7 minutes)


• Requesting assistance: • Which partners (states, regional/international

organisations, etc.) are your first choices for requesting assistance?

• What type of assistance would you request and why?

• Which administrative and logistical issues need to be clarified in the planning and receipt of such assistance?

• Engagement with the BWC• Would you consider using the BWC as a possible

framework for action? If so, please clarify which specific steps would you consider taking and why?

Page 20: BWC Tabletop ExercisehttpAssets)/226764...Situation 6 •Several patients received in 1 local hospital and 2 healthcare centres/East of Highland •Cough, chest pain, sputum production,

Team D: Assessment to your senior management (briefing for 5-7 minutes)


• Providing assistance:• Which mandate and role does your organization have in

an international assistance operation?

• What are the mechanisms and steps to request assistance from your organization?

• What are the resources and types of assistance that your organization could offer?

• How would the delivery of assistance be coordinated from your side?

• What are the main constraints of your organization to deliver assistance?