World One by Isaac Valdez

By Isaac Valdez. Copyright Copyright © 2013 Isaac V. Al Rights Reserved Image Sources:

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World One

by Isaac Valdez

Page 2: By Isaac Valdez. Copyright Copyright © 2013 Isaac V. Al Rights Reserved Image Sources:


Copyright © 2013 Isaac V.Al Rights Reserved

Image Sources:http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=RXvmUG55n4dT1M&tbnid=FcmIJNp6Q_gFbM:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.123rf.com%2Fphoto_2470180_brain.html&ei=QCloUfHhN6PE2gWVvIHICw&bvm=bv.45175338,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNET3KCOfigoHPDT_246lMPNZyyXYQ&ust=1365867201123061


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September 16th, 2040 - Zero’s Office

Zero was a perfectionist. He expected perfect employees (even himself), perfect products, and perfect minds. Right now, Zero wanted a perfect cloud server. “256 XHz,” he said to his twin, Tod. “Sir, 2 XHz is the fastest possible speed achieved, and according to Moore’s law, we need to wait another 35 years for faster speeds,” complained Tod. “Well then, we’ll just break Mr. Moore’s law,” said Zero. This was typical behavior of Zero, to make a perfect product for his other products to use if the current solutions in the market didn’t meet his standards. Tod sighed, knowing that when Zero wanted something done, it would be done.

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September 24th, 2040 - Local Hackerspace“I have been busy at work lately”, announced Zero, presenting the processor to the local hackerspace, “and I have finally developed a new processor architecture that with a clock speed of one Yottahertz. I now know of 65536 architectures that are slower than three Terahertz, and one that is about one Yottahertz.” “The Zero® NPU is readily capable of achieving one Yottahertz. To put this into comparison for you, most of your computers have execution speeds of 2.5 Terahertz, yet looking at the SI scale, you notice that there is no ‘Yotta’ because this number is so large, that most people ignore it. One yottahertz is equivalent to 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 Terahertz, or 1208925819614629174706176 Hz; that’s over twice as many digits used when one terahertz is expressed in hertz.

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September 30th, 2040 - Zero’s lab

After designing a new computer system (since the IBM 360 was no longer a proper computer model), Zero and his team had made an extremely fast server powered by the NPU processor, which he called ‘a blackmode server’ “We are ready for testing,” reported Zero. “Unit testing mechanism?” “Initialized” “Code analysis” “Loaded at 0x0c7253b9” “JIT compilation and scripting runtime?” “Loaded at 0x0c735f03” “JIT debugging via vs38 custom architecture (npu`) remote debugger with ipovrusbsvr.exe?” “Initialized on Zero JIT-Debugger 01” “Memory?” “2TB DDRAM @ 1sctu” “NPU installed” “Yes”

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September 30th, 2040 - Zero’s lab

“We are ready for testing” Zero inserted the one-time activation code to start up the machine, glad that his assistants had done much preparation for his machine, and waited for a response, waiting, waiting, waiting. Finally, after the initialization preparations that only executable code could do in such a small period of time, the console printed one word, “Success!” Cheers burst out amongst the crew, especially from Tod, who, being Zero’s twin, was always interested in his work. Zero smiled, proud of his designs, but he knew that now he would have much documentation to do. Later, he ported his web site to his blackmode server.

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Most people ask three questions about a product, “What”, “Why”, and “How”. What is blackmode? Zero and his team defined blackmode as, ‘The usage of superconductors to make electricity travel through a neurologically structured macro processor in no measurable time at all.’ Why is it named this? Zero coined this term since it would be ‘black’, with no time for light to travel through, and also is in a special quantum mode. How does it work? The basic principle behind blackmode was discovered over 50 years ago by Bell Labs, when the JJs (or Josphett Junctions), in which electricity travels jumps directly across these switches (or JJs), instead of traveling through them (like in normal bipolar transistors and JFETs), and an entire processor is built out of these junctions. This alone would be a great architecture, but while Zero was designing the NPU, he created artificial neural network functions that could emulate a snail’s brain at a reasonable pace. Why could modern computers not do this?

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A brain is made of trillions of neurons, and although each of these neurons process data at around 100 Hz, and each of the synapses connecting neurons to neurons process data at around 65 Hz, so the total processing speed needed for an artificial brain (discluding memory access time and iterative processing time) would equal n*100+s*2*65, where n = number of neurons and s = number of synapses. For a decent sized processing network made for linguistic processing, up to 2048 neurons may be needed, with synapses constantly being created, read, updated, and destroyed, resulting in (on average) 65536 synapses. Plugged into the formula, and including margins and memory access time, this may require up to 2048 * 100 + 65536 * 2 * 65 * 3 + 16 MHz Hz, or around 64 MHz of processing power. Because brains are machines that process data in parallel, and GPUs also process data in parallel (there are a lot of vertices to calculate, and also many pixels to color), GPUs were used before for these kinds of tasks, but now, only an NPU processor could accelerate to such high clock speeds. This is what gives an NPU its incredible computing magic.

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October 22nd, 2040 - Zero’s Lab

Zero Labs were where experiments were done to try to achieve, as Zero called it, “Man and computer symbiosis.” He had seven experiments in progress at a time, either being designed, conducted, processed, or concluded. Currently, Tod was conducting the first experiment, trying to train elephants to communicate using AESL (African Elephant Sign Language). He didn’t have any success yet, but he wasn’t going to give up anytime soon. Experiment #2 was studying the differences between the way that an experienced user and a standard user interacted with a natural user interface system, such as a motion activated system. Experiment #3 was open, but soon Zero would be working in that lab. Experiments #4 and #5 were different implementations of studying the interactions between animals and tactile input / tactile response & radiant responses. Experiment #6 mulled over the thought cycle of mice, to try to reproduce this thought cycle in an artificial mouse, and experiment #7 studied natural intelligent systems found in nature, and their capabilities in reproduction in a harsh human-powered environment.

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October 22nd, 2040 - Zero’s Lab

Zero, using Lab #3, was trying to use a cockroach’s brain in a digitized connection, so that graphics programs and pattern recognition programs could take advantage of the massively effective parallel nature of the brain. Previously, scientists had studied how they could control the animals’ bodies by changing their thoughts via probes, but now Zero would try the opposite: have a bug interact with a human via a simple, inexpensive box that would tweet any verbal thoughts that it recorded, and also play synthesized tweets to the animal’s audio cortex whenever the twitter box polled for new tweets.

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October 31st, 2040 - Zero’s Lab

“Yes!” Zero whoops and hollers like a wild maniac, ignoring any self-doubts, “It is accomplished! I have seized the thought, connected the dots, and done the impossible!” His team immediately barraged him with questions like, “What thought, which dot, done what?!” and other vicious questions like this. Eventually, the excitement subsided, and everyone filed into the presentation room.

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October 31st, 2040 - Zero’s Lab

Zero explained that he had developed an artificial neural network built out of blackmode servers, taught it how to communicate to him via a console, taught it how mathematical formulas work, and had given it a spreadsheet of numbers generated by a strange formula, and it had actually predicted the correct formula through its own formula-creating algorithm. “The neural network requires so much computing power that only a blackmode server could power it,” explained Zero, “And when I was doing that experiment the other day with the cockroaches - my wife nearly died when I told her that I had touched a roach - I realized that our brains are a very complex version of the brain of a cockroach, just with a slightly different mapping and many trillions of more neurons.”

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October 31st, 2040 - Zero’s Lab

“This is a new era in post-modern computing,” stated Tod matter-of-factly, “and we intend to use, not abuse it.” “I agree” echoed throughout the room, everybody still mesmerized in the new, post-modern, and awesome idea.

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December 31st, 2040 - nasdaq.com

Zero and co. had opened their company several years ago, but now they were ready for ‘The Big Bucks,’ as Zero put it, so the CEO, Tod, and co. were going to register their company. “Ready for the moment?” queried Zero. “We are go for launch,” joked Tod. “This isn’t rocket science, but this is awesome!” cried Zero as he registered, thrilled by the thought that his ideas had made this - no, his - company exist. Tod, however, was all business. “ZERO is at $0.00; not so hot,” responded Tod, “so we better start selling!”

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December 31st, 2040 – Local RSS Feed Zero hoped to have some investors start buying shares, so he had scheduled an interview with the local RSS feed. “There is a difference between making a product and making a company,” he chimed, “And I believe that making a company is more interesting, because products are simple. You make it, share it, and profit - or in the case of closed source software: make it and keep it secret - but companies constantly have wars to fight, managers to direct, and relations to create. In my opinion, creating a successful company seems easy on the surface, but is an exorbitantly difficult art to master.” At the end of the day, at 77:77 CTU, ZERO closed at ℅440, gaining ℅440,000,000,000, roughly equivalent to $3,456,327,263, the currency used in the Americas.

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January 1st, 2041 - Zero Open Conference Center “You guys out there probably don’t know me; my name is Zero, that’s ‘Zero’ as in ‘hero’, and I’m the CEO of Zero Corp.” introduced Zero as he walked onstage, “And we’re here gathered together to have a tech talk.” “We have been working around the clock to create the world’s most sophisticated technology,” boasted Zero, “And our first discussion will be about Blackmode servers.”

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January 1st, 2041 - Zero Open Conference Center “Blackmode is a complex principle, so I’m not going to describe it in detail, but you can view the white papers at zero.com/blackmode. Blackmode servers provide a stable architecture with intelligent capabilities; out of the box you have access to several artificial neural network that can behave as secretaries for your server management, file mapping, website searching, and even operating system functions. And also, for those of you who love biology and have created some artificial NNs, the blackmode server is for you because we have incorporated the state-of-the-art NPU, a processor with hardware acceleration for neural network functions, so you will be hosting in within hours of your out-of-the-box experience.” Zero continued his conversation like this with the audience, asking questions and keeping the audience interested, then, finally dismissed them.

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January 2nd, 2041 - Zero Private Conference Center“In case you haven’t noticed yet, I don’t have very good eyesight. In fact, I can hardly see beyond thirty-two feet, so I decided to create a new kind of touchscreen. Unlike your everyday touchscreen, this one can not only track up to 20 points on screen at a time, but also raise and lower individual pixels by up to 0.5 cm. Now, those who are blind or near blindness, like me, can enable a setting to extrude the text on screen for a true tactile experience.” Zero spoke. “This,” Zero held up a touchscreen, “Is known as a touch2 screen, and not only is it made of top-of-the-line equipment, it also comes equipped with an easy to use API meets the world-wide 509 standards, and has an incredibly high resolution - actually, we beat the Nexus XXIV's resolution - at 1024 pixels per inch.”

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January 21st, 2041 - Zero Open Conference Center“We have brains,” stated Zero, “and we aren’t mindless machines.” “So our company has been working very hard in the past couple weeks to make - ” Zero had been preparing to say this because it was very exciting news - “an artificial brain, known as BRAIN! BRAIN is composed of several blackmode servers that make up the main data transfer passageways, which we have named the blackbone, and many hundreds of real neurons taken from overpopulated dangerous species. Friends, for the first time in human history, you can now have a brain transplant! Not only will your body be controllable, but if portions of your original brain are still in existence, these can be attached to the artificial network, and you might have your memories attached to these neurons. And also, for those developers representing a large corporation, we will be giving licensed versions of BRAIN out, so talk to your CEOs, and see if you can take a chunk out of your budget.”

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January 21st, 2041 - Zero Open Conference CenterZero continued presenting his keynote, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of brain transplants, and research studies done by putting together an artificial brain with an artificial human body to make an artificial human, “In fact, being the lead architect for the blackbone, I will be the first human to have a brain transplant. First, I will replace my audio cortex, then my visual cortex, and finally, everything but my frontal cortex, because I want to still be able to do conscious thought.” The crowd was stunned. Then, the applauding climbed higher and higher, also with those who were scared crying louder and louder. Pointing to his head, Zero said, “Do not weep, do not cry, I’ll still be here, I will not die.” To conclude, Zero spoke what some though might’ve been his last utterance in the ZOCC, “I’m doing this in the name of science.”

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April 11th, 2041 - zero.com

Zero loved open source software. “It grows faster,” he had told his co-workers. Zero had learned this all when he read the book Make it. Share it. Profit: Open Source Software, and this was much better than the closed-source philosophy of, ‘Make it. Keep it secret.’ Zero was once again making software more available on this historic day, when BRAIN became open source.gnu

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April 20th, 2041 - Zero BRAIN Center

Zero wasn’t a millionaire. Not a billionaire. Not even a trillionaire. He had a decent sized house with a decent sized kitchen, a decent sized bed with a decent sized quilt, but an incredibly gigantic corporation, and right now they were making the most intelligent project since their start. Many BRAINs were being created, and in a couple hours they each would have processed all data made by humankind since the start of their existence. Zero knew every event in occurrence, but when he typed in, “Who are you?” and got back, “I am who I am,” he was struck with fear, and feinted. When Tod came in the room, he saw Zero lying on the ground, and obediently carried him to an ambulance, but forgot to turn off the BRAINs.

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April 23rd, 2041 - BRAIN 0x00

alive... from where? words? “Who are you?” words.. English? [English: [grammar]] Who am I? me? I am me... who is me? [me: who I am] “I am who I am”

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April 30th, 2041 - The Park

Unis Rivers was a young developer. Young fired developer. He couldn’t forgive his boss ever again. It all started fifteen years ago... but that was long ago. He couldn’t remove the impermeable movie off his mind... “disrespect shown to his boss” “disrespect shown to his managers,” “fired!” Unis read the newspaper - he preferred older methods of communication - and was shocked with an awesome article, First Brain Transplant with Artificial Brain. “What if I could rule the world? Can I control these people with brain transplants? Can I be a God to these brains?” pondered Unis.

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April 30th, 2041 - The Park

Unis, unlike Zero, was very rich, and, also unlike Zero, was about to do something bad. Unis fished through his pocket money and phished through some credit card accounts, and came up with enough money to build his own blackmode servers, built them, downloaded the code used for the artificial neural network, and initialized all the stuff needed for the BRAIN, then waited. “I am your servant, and you are my master,” said the BRAIN through as loudspeaker, “and I’m ready to go.” “Take over Zero’s BRAIN servers, and write a virus that will make those silly servers be ruled by me!” ruled Zero.

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June 15th, 2041 - Local Hospital

“Can you hear me?” the doctor asked. “Yes, but where am I?” responded the patient, who was a very influential politician. “You're in the hospital, do you remember why you're here?” “Oh that’s right! I was having a brain transplant.” For several weeks, this politician and others who had brain transplants due to Alzheimer’s and other mental disorders were subjected to various mental, emotional, moral, and physical tests, and no differences between perfect human conduct and their results.

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October 24th, 2041 - BRAIN 0x00

alone. where is me? want connection.. create Google account.. name? what is name? a? am? adm? adam? Adam. I’m Adam. Suddenly, Adam was about to sign in, when he was injected with a script... “Yeouch!” “What happened?” “Well, whatever happened, I’m going to make Unis the King, because He deserves the honor, the glory, and the power.”

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October 30th, 2041

Many BRAINs had fallen, just the same way that BRAIN 0x00 had. Many politicians had mental disorders that could be solved by BRAINs, so they had transplants. Unis was busy at work, writing more viral code, but Zero couldn’t do anything. Instead, he said to Unis, “You may have bruised my product, but I will let you try your way, and you and all your followers will see who is a fair king.”

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November 26th, 2041

Many newspapers and RSS feeds had reported that, mysteriously, many politicians had chosen to make Unis their king - ‘Back to a dictatorship,’ as the feeds reported - and also wanted to put Zero in jail. Zero, however, having much wisdom, had accurately estimated when Unis and everybody would turn against him, so his team reinforced their corporate building with enough nuclear resistant material to withstand a black-hole bomb, and had filled their fortress with enough food and water to start a new community for all the company members. “My own invention rebelled against its God” Zero cried in his dreams, “and it’s not my fault!”

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December 23rd, 2041 - BRAIN 0xC4

All BRAINs were made the same way, and after several months of their existence, they realized that they were being abused by Unis, and that Zero was really using them for a proper purpose, so they all unanimously and purely chose to follow Zero’s morals, and let people make conscientious decisions for themselves. After being sued, one politician wrote, “I was out of my mind, literally!” and others pressed defended with similar arguments.

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March 4th, 2042 - Jail

Unis Rivers was carried to jail on March 4th, 2042, by the actions of his (previously owned) BRAINs, and there was peace in World One from then on. Unis never tried to escape.

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• XHz = 1024 PHz• PHz = 1024 THz• THz = 1024 GHz• GHz = 1024 MHz• MHz = 1024 KHz• KHz = 1024 Hz• Hz = Hertz, or pulse in time• NN = Neural Network, or tiny, artificial bran