email: [email protected] ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 19 áì÷J 2020 Passage - 1 Read the following passage carefully. (5 M) India has many races, castes, sub-castes nationalities, and communities, but the heart of India is one. We are all heirs to a common and a rich culture. Our cultural heritage consists of our art and literature as they flourished centuries ago. Our culture heritage serves as a bond of unity between people of different faiths and creeds. The streams of different cultures have flowed into our subcontinent to make us what we are and what we will be. There were Dravidans in India before the coming of Aryans and Hinduism is a blend of creatures of the North and South. India has one hundred and fifty dialects, and twentytwo recognized regional languages but Hindi like English, has come to stay as the lin- gua franca of our nation. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari and Mumbai to Nagaland. Hindi is now understood and is recognized as the national language of India. (Unity In Diversity in India) Answer the following questions. 1. What is the common language of our nation? 2. How many recognized languages and dialects does India have? 3. The flow of different cultures made us ……. A) How to give message to the next generations B) How to follow the past generations C) How to be now and how to be in future 4. Our culture develops ……… A) Knowledge to create new things B) Faith on God C) A bond of unity among the people 5. The first two passages focus on … A) India’s culture and heritage B) Indian’s unity C) Indian’s languages Answers 1. English 2. Twenty two and one hundred and fifty 3. C 4. C 5. A G. Sudarshanam Subject Expert Writer Passage - 2 Read the following passage carefully. Yes. I haven’t brought them here. I shall go to my place search for the certificates and enquire about my name, and return in couple of days. 'She asked for her husband’s permission. 'Very nice! Must you go just for your name or what? If you go, who will scrub the house these two days' ? said her lord. Yes, that was true- because scrubbed better than the others, she had not allowed anyone else to do that job all these days. Everyone was busy with his or her own respective duties. He had his office – poor things, the children had their studies to take care of. Why should they bother about this chore, she had been doing it all along – they just did not know how to do it, of course. But still, how to live without knowing one’s name? it was all right all these days since the question had not occurred to her; now it was really hard to live without name. Just for two days you manage somehow or other – until and unless I go and get my name, I shall find it difficult to live, she pleaded with her husband and managed to get out of the house. (What is My Name?) Now answer the following questions. 1. What has become hard for the speaker to live? 2. What did she make her husband urgent request? 3. The hurdle that the husband has given her is ………. A) Who will feed her children during her absence? B) Who will scrub the house during her absence? C) Who will look after him during her absence? 4. The purpose for her leaving the house for two days is ……….. A) She wanted to meet her parents B) She wanted to see her in name in the certificates C) She wanted to meet her friends to know her name. 5. Find the true statements according to the passage. i) The house wife is pretending to go to her parents home. ii) The house wife has one of the options to search in her certificates. A) Only i B) Only ii C) Both i & ii Answers 1. To live without knowing her name 2. To manage just for two days 3. B 4. B 5. B Passage - 4 Read the following passage carefully. 'They came on Wednesday', said Sunday. Many, many big lorries. They took all day unloading them. No-one told us what was in them. They gave the Chief a brown paper-bag I saw him smiling as the lorries drove away. This was years ago. Then three months ago, no one of the brightest boys in the village – Thomas Agonyo – started university in Logos. He came home one weekend with a new chemistry book, and spent all day looking at the drums and writing things down and talking to himself and shaking his head. We all thought he had gone mad. Then he called a meeting of the village and told us that drums contained poisonous chemicals. He said they had come from Italy. But I don’t know where it is. Is it in Europe? (A Tale of Three Villages) 1. What were they unloading in the village? 2. Who was the most intelligent boy mentioned in the passage? 3. The drums contained …………………. A) Wastage plastic B) Poisonous chemicals C) Poisonous water contents 4. The people thought that A) The boy came to help them B) The boy had gone mad C) The boy would be an officer 5. The unloading of drums took place … A) Three months ago B) Five years ago C) Five months ago Answers 1. Drums contained poisonous chemicals 2. Thomas Agonyo 3. B 4. B 5. B Read the following passage carefully. As a result, she was elevated to the role of a heroine by the noted director L.V Prasad in the film 'Samsaram' (1950). On the sets, she was nervous; she had to repeat many takes and this proved a setback for her. The role was given to someone else and she was given a small role of less important. In the film 'Devadasu' (1953), (one of) the best picturization(s) of Saratchandra Chatarjee’s novel 'Devadas', Parvathi comes alive in Savithri. The young Parvathi with curly hair, a lock of hair straying to her forehead, the large round black berry eyes looking out from an innocent face left an indelible imprint in the minds of all cine lovers. She portrayed Devada’s love and the role of a rich man’s wife marvellously. Savithri left her mark in this ever- green Telugu classic. Savithri established her credentials with 'Ardhangi' (1955). She gave an exceptionally brilliant performance as a woman forced to a mentally retarded person (ANR) she nurses him back to health. She also teaches a lesson to her in-laws who conspire against her husband. (A Tribute) Now answer the following questions. 1. What was Savithri's failure in her early career of cine life? 2. Mention the two films from the passage that brought name and fame to Savithri. 3. Match the following. Name of the movie Year A) Ardhangi 1) 1953 B) Samsaram 2) 1955 C) Devadas 3) 1950 A) A-1, B-3, C-2 B) A-3, B-2, C-1 C) A-2, B-3, C-1 4. The role Savithri portrayed in the movie 'Devadasu'………. A) Wife to a rich man B) Wife to an innocent man C) Wife to a mentally retarded man 5. In the movie 'Ardhangi' in addition to bringing back her husband’s health… A) She sent the in-laws from her house B) She taught a lesson to her in-laws C) She conspired against her husband Answers 1. She was nervous and had taken many takes for the movie samsaram 2. Maya Bazaar and Devadas 3. C 4. A 5. B Passage - 3 Reading Comprehension Savithri's role in Devadasu? Target-2020 English Paper-I 100 100 Tenth Read the following passage carefully. The frightened king fled. Their king was left by himself in his tent. Hurriedly he wrote a letter begging for peace and apologizing for attacking the country. He left this letter in the tent. Then he jumped on his horse and followed his soldiers. When the potter’s brown horse reached the deserted camp it stopped. With shaking hands the potter untied his feet and fell to the ground. When he looked around he was surprised to find the camp empty. He looked in the king’s tent and found the letter. The puzzled potter walked back to the city with the letter in the pocket. He went to his wife and gave her the letter. 'Dear wife' he said, never in my life I ride a horse again. Please take this letter to our king and tell him that the enemy has run away. I am going to bed'. His wife ran towards the palace with the letter. When the king read the letter, he was full of praise for his new General. He asked the potter’s wife where her husband was. 'My husband is tired. Your Majesty. The servants have put him to bed'. answered the wife respectfully. (The Brave Potter) Answer the following questions. 1. Why was the potter surprised when he was in the enemy’s camp? 2. The puzzled potter walked ……. Why was the potter puzzled? 3. Who handed over the letter to the king? A) A servant B) An enemy’s servant C) Potter’s wife 4. The potter did not see the king after returning from the camp… A) He did not know where the king’s palace was. B) He was tired. C) He was afraid of the king. 5. The reason that the potter would not ride a horse again…. A) Really he did not know horse riding B) He was afraid of horses C) He was seriously injured while riding the horse. Answers 1. To see the enemy camp empty 2. How the enemies left the camp without war 3. C 4. B 5. A Passage -5 For more Information.. 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ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 19 áì÷J 2020 Savithri's role in Devadasu? · 2020-01-19 · ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 19 áì÷J 2020 email: [email protected] Passage - 1 Read the following passage carefully

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Page 1: ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 19 áì÷J 2020 Savithri's role in Devadasu? · 2020-01-19 · ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 19 áì÷J 2020 email: help@eenadupratibha.net Passage - 1 Read the following passage carefully

email: [email protected]ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 19 áì÷J 2020

Passage - 1Read the following passage carefully. (5 M)

India has many races, castes, sub-castesnationalities, and communities, but the heart ofIndia is one. We are all heirs to a common anda rich culture. Our cultural heritage consists ofour art and literature as they flourishedcenturies ago. Our culture heritage serves asa bond of unity between people of differentfaiths and creeds.

The streams of different cultures haveflowed into our subcontinent to make us whatwe are and what we will be. There wereDravidans in India before the coming of Aryansand Hinduism is a blend of creatures of theNorth and South.

India has one hundred and fifty dialects, and

twentytwo recognized regional languages butHindi like English, has come to stay as the lin-gua franca of our nation. From Kashmir toKanyakumari and Mumbai to Nagaland. Hindiis now understood and is recognized as thenational language of India.

(Unity In Diversity in India)

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the common language of our nation?2. How many recognized languages and

dialects does India have?3. The flow of different cultures made us …….

A) How to give message to the nextgenerations

B) How to follow the past generationsC) How to be now and how to be in future

4. Our culture develops ………A) Knowledge to create new thingsB) Faith on God C) A bond of unity among the people

5. The first two passages focus on …A) India’s culture and heritageB) Indian’s unity C) Indian’s languages


1. English 2. Twenty two and one hundred and fifty3. C 4. C 5. A

G. SudarshanamSubject Expert


Passage - 2

Read the following passage carefully.

Yes. I haven’t brought them here. I shall go tomy place search for the certificates and enquireabout my name, and return in couple of days.'She asked for her husband’s permission. 'Verynice! Must you go just for your name or what? Ifyou go, who will scrub the house these two days'? said her lord. Yes, that was true- becausescrubbed better than the others, she had notallowed anyone else to do that job all thesedays. Everyone was busy with his or her ownrespective duties. He had his office – poorthings, the children had their studies to take careof. Why should they bother about this chore, shehad been doing it all along – they just did notknow how to do it, of course.

But still, how to live without knowing one’sname? it was all right all these days since the

question had not occurred to her; now it wasreally hard to live without name.

Just for two days you manage somehow orother – until and unless I go and get my name,I shall find it difficult to live, she pleaded withher husband and managed to get out of thehouse. (What is My Name?)

Now answer the following questions.

1. What has become hard for the speaker tolive?

2. What did she make her husband urgentrequest?

3. The hurdle that the husband has given heris ……….A) Who will feed her children during her

absence?B) Who will scrub the house during her

absence?C) Who will look after him during her

absence?4. The purpose for her leaving the house for

two days is ………..A) She wanted to meet her parentsB) She wanted to see her in name in the

certificatesC) She wanted to meet her friends to know

her name.5. Find the true statements according to the

passage.i) The house wife is pretending to go to her

parents home.ii) The house wife has one of the options to

search in her certificates.A) Only i B) Only ii C) Both i & ii

Answers1. To live without knowing her name2. To manage just for two days3. B 4. B 5. B

Passage - 4

Read the following passage carefully.

'They came on Wednesday', said Sunday.Many, many big lorries. They took all dayunloading them. No-one told us what was inthem. They gave the Chief a brown paper-bagI saw him smiling as the lorries drove away.This was years ago.

Then three months ago, no one of thebrightest boys in the village – Thomas Agonyo– started university in Logos. He came homeone weekend with a new chemistry book, andspent all day looking at the drums and writingthings down and talking to himself and shakinghis head.

We all thought he had gone mad. Then hecalled a meeting of the village and told us thatdrums contained poisonous chemicals. Hesaid they had come from Italy. But I don’t knowwhere it is. Is it in Europe?

(A Tale of Three Villages)

1. What were they unloading in thevillage?

2. Who was the most intelligent boymentioned in the passage?

3. The drums contained ………………….

A) Wastage plastic

B) Poisonous chemicals

C) Poisonous water contents

4. The people thought that

A) The boy came to help them

B) The boy had gone mad

C) The boy would be an officer

5. The unloading of drums took place …

A) Three months ago

B) Five years ago

C) Five months ago


1. Drums contained poisonous chemicals

2. Thomas Agonyo

3. B 4. B 5. B

Read the following passage carefully.

As a result, she was elevated to the role ofa heroine by the noted director L.V Prasad inthe film 'Samsaram' (1950). On the sets, shewas nervous; she had to repeat many takesand this proved a setback for her. The role wasgiven to someone else and she was given asmall role of less important.

In the film 'Devadasu' (1953), (one of) thebest picturization(s) of SaratchandraChatarjee’s novel 'Devadas', Parvathi comesalive in Savithri. The young Parvathi with curlyhair, a lock of hair straying to her forehead, thelarge round black berry eyes looking out froman innocent face left an indelible imprint in theminds of all cine lovers. She portrayedDevada’s love and the role of a rich man’s wifemarvellously. Savithri left her mark in this ever-green Telugu classic.

Savithri established her credentials with'Ardhangi' (1955). She gave an exceptionallybrilliant performance as a woman forced to amentally retarded person (ANR) she nurses himback to health. She also teaches a lesson to herin-laws who conspire against her husband.

(A Tribute)

Now answer the following questions.1. What was Savithri's failure in her early

career of cine life?2. Mention the two films from the passage

that brought name and fame to Savithri.3. Match the following.

Name of the movie YearA) Ardhangi 1) 1953B) Samsaram 2) 1955C) Devadas 3) 1950A) A-1, B-3, C-2 B) A-3, B-2, C-1 C) A-2, B-3, C-1

4. The role Savithri portrayed in the movie'Devadasu'……….A) Wife to a rich man B) Wife to an innocent man C) Wife to a mentally retarded man

5. In the movie 'Ardhangi' in addition tobringing back her husband’s health…

A) She sent the in-laws from her houseB) She taught a lesson to her in-lawsC) She conspired against her husband


1. She was nervous and had taken manytakes for the movie samsaram

2. Maya Bazaar and Devadas3. C 4. A 5. B

Passage - 3

Reading Comprehension

Savithri's role in Devadasu?


English Paper-I100100 Tenth

Read the following passage carefully.

The frightened king fled. Their king wasleft by himself in his tent. Hurriedly he wrotea letter begging for peace and apologizing forattacking the country. He left this letter in thetent. Then he jumped on his horse andfollowed his soldiers. When the potter’sbrown horse reached the deserted camp itstopped. With shaking hands the potteruntied his feet and fell to the ground. Whenhe looked around he was surprised to findthe camp empty. He looked in the king’s tentand found the letter. The puzzled potterwalked back to the city with the letter in thepocket. He went to his wife and gave her theletter.

'Dear wife' he said, never in my life I ride ahorse again. Please take this letter to ourking and tell him that the enemy has runaway. I am going to bed'. His wife rantowards the palace with the letter. When theking read the letter, he was full of praise forhis new General. He asked the potter’s wifewhere her husband was. 'My husband istired. Your Majesty. The servants have puthim to bed'. answered the wife respectfully.

(The Brave Potter)

Answer the following questions.

1. Why was the potter surprised when hewas in the enemy’s camp?

2. The puzzled potter walked ……. Why wasthe potter puzzled?

3. Who handed over the letter to the king?A) A servant B) An enemy’s servantC) Potter’s wife

4. The potter did not see the king afterreturning from the camp…A) He did not know where the king’s

palace was. B) He was tired.C) He was afraid of the king.

5. The reason that the potter would not ride ahorse again….A) Really he did not know horse ridingB) He was afraid of horsesC) He was seriously injured while riding

the horse.Answers

1. To see the enemy camp empty2. How the enemies left the camp without war3. C 4. B 5. A

Passage -5

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Page 2: ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 19 áì÷J 2020 Savithri's role in Devadasu? · 2020-01-19 · ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 19 áì÷J 2020 email: help@eenadupratibha.net Passage - 1 Read the following passage carefully

A. Reading: Rendezvous with Ray

I. Read the following passage. (10 Marks)

It was a unique friendship that developedbetween a French - Canadian priest and oneof the world's greatest film directors, and had asingular impact on Bengali films both academ-ically and practically. It was enroute to India in1961, at a stopover in NewYork, that 26 yearold Fr. Gaston Roberge was acquainted withthe works of Satyajit Ray through the ApuTrilogy. He found the world of Apu so fascinat-ing that he saw all three films in one sitting;and there began his longstanding love affairwith the people of India and Bengali cinemaand culture, which led to path-breaking work inthose fields. In his latest book, Satyajit Ray,

Essays: 1970 - 2005, a compilation of hisessays as the name suggests, being publishedby manohar publishers, New Delhi, Robergeprovides a scholarly, original analysis of Ray'sworks, giving an insight into the greatness ofRay both as a person and as an artist.

'The Apu Trilogy was, in fact, my first portalto West Bengal and its people', he told frontline.In his youth, all he knew of Bengal was throughMircea Eliade's La Nuit Bengalie, some ofTagore's poems, and a Reader's Digest articleon Mother Teresa. If the harsh image of pover-ty brought out by the article on the 'saint of theslums' haunted him, Apu's world came as areassurance. 'No, Apu, Sarbajaya, evenHarihar did not need my help-but how not tolove them? I thought it was fortunate that Iwould soon be among them', he wrote.

(Q.No. 1-4): Now answer the followingquestions. Each question has four choices.Choose the correct answer and write A, B, Cor D in your answer booklet.

1. Who is the 'saint of slums' mentioned in thepassage.

A) Mother Teresa B) Satyajit Ray

C) Gaston Roberge D) Rabindranath Tagore

2. ........... his long standing love affair : Who isthe lover? and who is loved?

A) Ray and Roberge

B) Tagore and Roberge

C) Roberge and people of India

D) Roberge and people of Canada

3. '.......... Which led to path breaking work inthese fields', path breaking means?

A) difficult B) interesting

C) creative D) unfamiliar

4. What does the expression 'enroute' mean?

A) in the way B) on the way

C) very near D) very far

(Q.No: 5 - 7): Answer the following questionsin two or three sentences.

5. How was Roberge acquainted with theworks of Ray?

6. How did Roberge find the world of Apu?

7. What does Roberge provide to the works ofRay?

Answers: 1-A 2-C 3-C 4-B

5. Roberge was acquainted with works of Raythrough the Apu Trilogy.

6. Roberge found that the world of Apu was sofascinating.

7. Roberge provides a scholarly original analysis of Ray's works.

email: [email protected]ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 19 áì÷J 2020

V. Satyanarayana RaoSubject Expert





Films and Theatre

Major Discourse1. In the lesson 'Rendezvous with Ray'

Roberge took nine years to meet Ray inperson after joining at St.Xavier's college.When they finally met, it was the beginningof a close friendship that lasted 22 yearsuntil Ray's death in 1992.

Now write an imaginary interview imagineas a news reporter.

You may use the following ideas:

H Friendship of Roberge and Ray

H Regular activities of Roberge and Ray

H Areas Roberge and Ray worked together

H Future plans etc.

A: Reporter: Good morning sir

Roberge: Good morning

Reporter: How much time did you take tomeet Mr Ray?

Roberge: It took nearly nine years to meet him.

Reporter: What made you take such a longtime?

Roberge: I didn't want to just go and see himlike he was a living museum piece. Thereshould be meaningful conversation with him.So it took a long time.

Reporter: How did you know about Bengaland Satyajith Ray?

Roberge: Through 'Apu Trilogy', I came toknow about Bengal and Satyajith Ray.

Reporter: How did you communicate with Ray?

Roberge: In English, Ray knows English well.

Reporter: Did you meet him daily?

Roberge: We meet on sundays at Ray'sresidence.

Reporter: Why did Ray invite you?

Roberge: He invited me over for privatescreening of his latest films and welcomedcomments on them.

Reporter: How many years lasted your closefriendship?

Roberge: 22 years, until Ray's death.

Reporter: What was the important fall out ofyour friendship?

Roberge: 'Chitrabani' a communication andfilm institute.

Reporter: What did you say about masterdirector?

Roberge: He had Mastery over all thebranches of knowledge relating to cinema.

Reporter: What are your future plans?

Roberge: Producing important documentariesthrough 'Chitrabani'

Reporter: Thank you sir.

Roberge: Welcome.

Expected Major Discourse

You have read the lesson 'Rendezvouswith Ray'. In that lesson Gaston Robergedescribed his experience with Ray. You got achance to meet Mr. Roberge. Now write animaginary conversation between you andGaston Roberge with reference to the detailsof your lesson.

Read the following passage. (5 M)The story itself is woven around the love of

Sasirekha Abhimanyu. With Krishna andBalarama having difference of opinion over it,their wives too take sides as is inevitable inany family. To introduce the theme, thedirector uses a magic box, (an equivalent of aTV screen) which displays whatever is dear tothe viewer's heart.

Sasirekha naturally sees Abhimanyu andBalarama gets to see his sishya, Duryodhanaon it. His wife laps up the sight of an array ofjewellery and the audience laughed heartilybecause they knew that someone back homewas equally attached to the riches.

Now answer the following questions. Eachquestion has four choices. Choose the correctanswer and write A, B, C or D in your answerbooklet. 1. Whom does Sasirekha see on the screen of

the magic box? A) Abhimanyu B) KrishnaC) Balarama D) Duryodhana

2. The gadget used for introducing the theme wasA) a flute B) a mirrorC) a magic box D) array of jewellery

3. The expression 'laps up' means .... A) accepting unwillingly B) accepting readily without hesitation

C) taking something only after the considerationD) to impress others

Answer the following questions in one or twosentences each. 4. Who had different opinions about

Abhimanyu and Sasirekha?5. What does the word 'inevitable' means?Answers: 1-A, 2-C, 3-B.4. Sri Krishna and Balarama had different

opinions about Abhimanyu and Sasirekha.5. The word 'inevitable' means 'certain to

happen'.Major Discourse

1. You read the review of 'Maya Bazar' and alsohappened to watch movie. Now describeyour feelings over the film Maya Bazar.

A: When I read the 'Maya Bazar' lesson, Istrongly felt to watch the movie. Fortunatelymy English teacher showed the movie inour digital class. Then I understood betterof the movie. I feel that it is a very goodmovie and deserved to be voted as thebest Indian classic movie. The sterling per-formances of artists, appropriate expres-sions, amusing dialogues and reverberat-ing songs. It is a tribute to telugu culture,language and customs of the land. Thecostumes, photography, music, visualeffects and everything are very fantastic.More over it is now in colour. I have the sat-isfaction of watching an all time hit movie.

B. Reading: Maya Bazar

Read the following passage. (5 M)Savitri gets totally involved in whatever

role she plays. 'Chivaraku Migiledi' is onesuch film. She played the role of a nurse in apsychiatry ward. In a particular scene thenurse has a nervous breakdown and criesuncontrollably. The shot was over. 'Cut', thedirector said, but Savitri who played the rolecould not stop crying! Everyone in the sethad to run to her and pacify her. The filmbecame a milestone in her career.

Savitri was awarded the title 'Mahanati'(The Supreme artiste). She also received thePresidential award for her performance in'Chivaraku Migiledi', the magnum opus ofSavitri. She was the recipient of'Kalaimamani' and 'Nadigayar Tilakam' fromTamil film industry. Savitri had nearly 300films to her credit. Her career was nearly 30year long. She was equally admired byTelugu and Tamil film lovers. She also actedin a few Kannada and Hindi films. She had alion's share of films when she was the zenithof her career. Her passion for films was sostrong that she directed and produced a fewfilms, in spite of certain adversities.(Q.No. 1 - 3): Now answer the followingquestions. Each question has four choices.Choose the correct answer and write A, B, C

or D in your answer booklet. 1. Savitri's role in 'Chivaraku Migiledi'?

A) Nurse B) Doctor C) Patient D) Director2. The word 'psychiatry' means...

A) the field of medicine that deals withpsychological illness

B) the art of actingC) the field of medicine that deals with

heart problems.D) The art of choreography

3. Savitri's milestone in her career?A) Ardhangi B) Chivaraku MigilediC) Pathala Bhairavi D) Missamma

(Q.No. 4 - 5): Answer the following questionsin one or two sentences.4. What was the 'magnum opus' of Savitri?5. What kind of passion did she have

towards films?Answers: 1-A 2-A 3-B4. 'Chivaraku Migiledi' was the 'magnum

opus' of Savitri.5. Savitri had a strong passion towards films.

C. Reading: A Tribute

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Savitri's milestone in her career?

Page 3: ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 19 áì÷J 2020 Savithri's role in Devadasu? · 2020-01-19 · ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 19 áì÷J 2020 email: help@eenadupratibha.net Passage - 1 Read the following passage carefully

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