email: [email protected] Þœªô¢ªî¦ô¢Ù 9 áì÷J 2020 2 Marks Questions 1. Multiparty system is a curse or boon to Indian democracy? A: Multiparty system is one where there are more than two parties in the legislature. 1) It allows the widest possible choice of alternatives to the people. 2) It is based on open representation 3) Though it had few demerits such as instability uncertainty in government etc. but it is the better system than single and bi party system. 2. Do you think single party democracy would have been a better alternative to multiparty democracy? A: 1) I don’t think single party democracy would have been a better alternative to multiparty democracy. 2) Single party keeps on winning takes decisions which are arbitrary and not in compliance with constitution. 3) They may come unthoritarian on over power the democracy system it self. 3. 'While some people feel that coalition politics has weakened the government, others feel that it has prevented any party from steam- rolling its agenda on the country' explain it. A: In a coalition government policy paralysis is found due to the fear of withdrawal of sup- port by other parties. This could severely affect the development of the nation. But this controls the dictatorship ruling also, as every party gets equal freedom in expressing their opinions and only a common thought which is useful to people is implemented. 4. What is NAM? What are its main objec- tives? A: 1) Not joining either in USA bloc or USSR bloc 2) Maintaining equal distance and behave independently Objectives: H Co-operation among the member countries. H Decolonization of countries 5. Write about Palestine problem? A: 1) Palestine was under the control of Britain 2) There were two groups of people the Arabs and the Jews 3) In 1947 the UNO established a new state Israel to Jews 4) Though Palestine became independent the struggles have been disturbing Israel and Palestine 6. Explain the terms Bipolarity and Unipolarity? A: Bipolarity: The distribution of power between two powerful nations is called as Bipolarity. UniPolarity: The concentration of power with one state which controls whole cultural economic and military aspects is known as Unipolarity. 7. How did super powers react for the princi- ples of Non alignment? A: The super powers competed with each other for bringing all the NAM countries in their blocks. The super powers looked at NAM with suspicion. The US regarded the NAM as being closer to the USSR. Target-2020 Tenth Social Studies Paper-2 100 100 Kanukolanu Srinivasa Rao Subject Expert Writer Emerging Political Trends (1977 - 2000) Post - War World and India 1. Identify the major changes in the party system during the second phase of Independence? (AS1) A: H Indian party system stepped towards a multiparty system. H Several political parties were formed. H The dominance of a single political party disappeared. H Coalition politics played a major role. H Regional parties gained prominence. H Parties stared to follow the desires of the society. 2. While some people feel that coalition poli- tics has weakened the government, others feel that it has prevented any party from steam rolling its agenda on the country. Discuss. (AS4) A: In a coalition type government policy paralysis is found due to the fear of with- drawal of support by other parties. This could severely affect the development of the nation. But this controls the dictator- ship ruling also as every party gets equal freedom in expressing their opinions and only a common thought which is useful to people is implemented. 3. How did regional aspirations led to the for- mation of regional parties. (AS1) A: H Regional aspirations led to social move- ments and thus to formation of regional parties as in Assam and Punjab cases. H Regional aspirations led to alternate polit- ical party formation as in Andhra Pradesh. H In the first phase regional aspirations led to the formation of politi- cal parties and grabbed power H In the second phase that is same to happen. 4. What was the nature of shift in power in the world after second world war? (AS1) A: H The colonial powers like Britain and France became weak and they no longer become super powers. H The major shift in power is observed between two power blocks between USA and USSR. H There was a cold war between the super powers. H The newly independent countries formed as Non Alignment Movement and known as third world countries. 5. Write down the measures that help to improve relations with our neighbours. (AS4) A: 1) Restoring diplomatic relations. 2) Non-interference in the internal affairs. 3) Strong check to militant problems in Jammu and Kashmir. 4) Providing financial assistance, improv- ing trade relations. 5) settling disputes with mutual under- standing. 6) Promoting peaceful co-existence. 4 Marks Questions 1 2 Mark Questions 1. The period between …......... was a testing time for Indian democracy. A: 1975 to 1985 2. ......... party sought greater autonomy and powers for the state. A: DMK 3. ......... article often misused to harass and dismiss state government by the centre. A: 356A 4. Pick out a regional party from the following. BJP, CPI (M), AIDMK, Congress -I A: AIDMK 5. Shah Bano case refers …......... A: Divorce and Maintenance case 6. ......... launched operation Barga A: West Bengal CPI (M) government 7. The membership of U.N. today is…...... A: 193 8. Which of the following country doesn’t have veto power. UK, Japan, USA, France, Russia A: Japan 9. The international court of justice located in? A: The Hague (Holland) 10. Find out the mismatch pair WHO - Geneva UNESCO - New York UNICEF - New York A: UNESCO - New York (UNESCO is in Paris) 11. The communist block led by USSR and the Democratic capitalist block led by …...... during the cold war A: USA What is Operation Barga? 1 Mark Questions 1. What is President rule? A: As per the provision of the constitution article 356 the governor of a state can rec- ommend to the president to dismiss the state government and order the governor to take over the administration of the state. 2. What are the parties that led the coalition of NDA and UPA? A: NDA by BJP, UPA by Congress. 3. What is Operation Barga? A: It was a policy of the CPM government by Jyothi Basu in West Bengal in support of farmers, tenants of land. 4. Define Proxy war? A: Proxy war refers to a war between two third world countries on behalf of super powers like USA and USSR 5. Who and when the first person to land on moon? A: Neil Armstrong 1969 6. What is meant by Decolonization? A: The changing process of status of a coun- try from colony to independent state. International Court of Justice ûÁ æ© úà ò˺ ô¢ª ÎKtö˺ ÓúÃÓúÃúˆ Îíƈú£ô¢ªx ÏÙè…óŸªûË ÎKt.. ÿ§ôÂd ú£Kyúà ÚÛNªù£ûË sÓúÃÓúÃúˆz Îíƈú£ô¢ªxÞ¥ මôÙë]ªÚÛª ÓûËÂúˆúˆ šúpù£öËÀ ÓÙvæ© úˆ\Ù 48÷ ÚÁô¢ªqsÍÚÁdñô¢ª 2020z ë¯yô¦ ÍòÅ¡uô¢ª–öË ìªÙ# ë]ô¢Ý°ú£ªhõª ÚÁô¢ªêÁÙC. ÍNî¦ï‡°êŸ í£±ô¢ªù£ªõª, ÷ªï‡°üŒõª Oæ¨Ú¨ Íô¢ª|õª. F ÿ§ôÂd ú£Kyúà ÚÛNªù£ûË sÓúÃÓúÃúˆz Îíƈú£ô¢ªx F îμ³êŸhÙ Ý°Sõª: 55 1z ÓûËÂúˆúˆ îμªûËÂ: 50 2z ÓûËÂúˆúˆ NîμªûËÂ: 05. Íô¢|êŸ: Ôëμjû¦ è…vU ÑBhô¢gêŸêÁð§åª ÓûËÂúˆúˆ cúˆe ú£JdíƇ·ÚæËÀ, E¸ôÌPÙ#ì ø‹Kô¢ÚÛ ví£÷«é°õª êŸí£pEú£J. ÷óŸªú£ª: 01.07.2020 û¦æ¨Ú¨ 19n25 ÔüŒx ÷ªëÅ]u ÑÙè¯L. ÓÙí‡ÚÛ: ÿ§ôÂd Lú‡dÙÞÂ, ÓúÃÓúÃH ÏÙæô¢ «yu, îμªè…ÚÛöËÀ çËμúÃd Îëůô¢ÙÞ¥. ÎûËÂöË μ jûË ë]ô¢Ý°ú£ªhÚÛª #÷Jê¶C: íƇvñ÷J 06, 2020. https://joinindianarmy.nic.in/ Óû-ËÂ-è†Ô ÍÙè Óû-ËÂÔ s1z ÓÞ¥bîª, 2020 óŸ´E-óŸª-ûË í£GxÚ ú£Kyúà ÚÛNª-ù£-ûË sóŸ´íˆ-Óúˆqz.-.-.- û¶ù£-ìöËÀ è…šíÆ-ûËÂq ÍÚ¥- è[Oª sÓF“Ôz, û¦÷öËÀ ÍÚ¥-è[Oª sÓû-ËÂÔzöËö˺ ví£î˶-ø‹-EÚ¨ ÍN-î¦-ï‡°êŸ í£±ô¢ ªù£ ÍòÅ¡u-ô¢ ª–öË ìªÙ# ë]ô¢-Ý°-ú£ªhõª ÚÁô¢ ª-êÁÙC.- F Óû-ËÂ-è†Ô ÍÙè Óû-ËÂÔ s1z ÓÞ¥bîª, 2020 îμ³êŸhÙ Ý°Sõª:- 418 1z û¶ù£-ìöËÀ è…šíÆ-ûËÂq ÍÚ¥-è[Oª sÓû-ËÂ-è†Ôz:- 370 2z û¦÷öËÀ ÍÚ¥-è[Oª s10`-2 Ú¥uèËμ-æËÀ ÓÙvæ© úˆ\îªz:- 48 Íô¢|êŸ:- íƇ>ÚÂq, ÷«uëÇÂq ú£òËμb-ÚÛªd-öËêÁ ÏÙæ-Kt-è…-óŸª-æËÀ ÑBh-ô¢gêŸ.- ÷óŸªú£ª:- 2001 VöËμj 2 n- 2004 VöËμj 1 ÷ªëÅ]u áEtÙ# ÑÙè¯L.- ÓÙí‡ÚÛ:- ô¦êŸ-í£-K¤Û, ÓúÃ-ÓúÃH çËμúÃd/- ÏÙæ-ô¢ «yu, îμªè…-ÚÛöËÀ çËμúÃd Îëů-ô¢ÙÞ¥.- í£K¤Û ê¶C:- 19.-04.-2020.- ë]ô¢-Ý°ú£ªh NëůìÙ:- Îû-ËÂ-öËμj-ûËÂ.- ë]ô¢-Ý°ú£ªh íƈV:- ô¢«.-100 Îû-ËÂ-öËμj-ûË ë]ô¢-Ý°-ú£ªhÚÛª #÷-J-ê¶C:- 28.-01.-2020.- îμòËÀ-šújæÀ:- https://www.upsc.gov.in/ ví£òÅ¡ªêŸy ÑëÁuÞ¥õª Îúˆ\ö˺ íˆ@è†ÓÙ vð¼vÞ¥÷³õª šïj°ë]ô¦ò°ëÂö˺E Íè…tE›úZæ¨îË þ§díÆà ڥö˶âËÀ ÎíÆà ÏÙè…óŸ«sÎúˆ\z 2020n22 Në¯u ú£Ù÷êŸqô¦EÚ¨ Ú¨ÙC vð¼vÞ¥÷³ö˺x ví£î˶ø‹öËÚÛª ë]ô¢Ý°ú£ªhõª ÚÁô¢ªêÁÙC. 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Þœªô¢ªî¦ô¢Ù 9 áì÷J 2020 email: [email protected] ......Þœªô¢ªî¦ô¢Ù 9 áì÷J 2020 email: [email protected] 2 Marks Questions 1. Multiparty system

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Page 1: Þœªô¢ªî¦ô¢Ù 9 áì÷J 2020 email: help@eenadupratibha.net ......Þœªô¢ªî¦ô¢Ù 9 áì÷J 2020 email: help@eenadupratibha.net 2 Marks Questions 1. Multiparty system

email: [email protected]Þœªô¢ªî¦ô¢Ù 9 áì÷J 2020

2 Marks Questions

1. Multiparty system is a curse or boon toIndian democracy?

A: Multiparty system is one where there aremore than two parties in the legislature.1) It allows the widest possible choice of

alternatives to the people.2) It is based on open representation3) Though it had few demerits such as

instability uncertainty in government etc.but it is the better system than single andbi party system.

2. Do you think single party democracy wouldhave been a better alternative to multipartydemocracy?

A: 1) I don’t think single party democracywould have been a better alternative tomultiparty democracy.

2) Single party keeps on winning takesdecisions which are arbitrary and not incompliance with constitution.

3) They may come unthoritarian on overpower the democracy system it self.

3. 'While some people feel that coalition politicshas weakened the government, others feelthat it has prevented any party from steam-rolling its agenda on the country' explain it.

A: In a coalition government policy paralysis is

found due to the fear of withdrawal of sup-port by other parties. This could severelyaffect the development of the nation. But thiscontrols the dictatorship ruling also, as everyparty gets equal freedom in expressing theiropinions and only a common thought whichis useful to people is implemented.

4. What is NAM? What are its main objec-tives?

A: 1) Not joining either in USA bloc or USSRbloc

2) Maintaining equal distance and behaveindependently

Objectives: H Co-operation among themember countries.H Decolonization of countries

5. Write about Palestine problem?A: 1) Palestine was under the control of Britain

2) There were two groups of people theArabs and the Jews

3) In 1947 the UNO established a newstate Israel to Jews

4) Though Palestine became independentthe struggles have been disturbing Israeland Palestine

6. Explain the terms Bipolarity and Unipolarity?A: Bipolarity: The distribution of power

between two powerful nations is called asBipolarity.UniPolarity: The concentration of powerwith one state which controls whole culturaleconomic and military aspects is known asUnipolarity.

7. How did super powers react for the princi-ples of Non alignment?

A: The super powers competed with eachother for bringing all the NAM countries intheir blocks. The super powers looked atNAM with suspicion. The US regarded theNAM as being closer to the USSR.


TenthSocial Studies Paper-2


Kanukolanu Srinivasa RaoSubject Expert


Emerging Political Trends (1977 - 2000)

Post - War World and India

1. Identify the major changes in the partysystem during the second phase ofIndependence? (AS1)

A: H Indian party system stepped towards amultiparty system.

H Several political parties were formed.H The dominance of a single political

party disappeared.H Coalition politics played a major role.H Regional parties gained prominence.H Parties stared to follow the desires of

the society.2. While some people feel that coalition poli-

tics has weakened the government, othersfeel that it has prevented any party fromsteam rolling its agenda on the country.Discuss. (AS4)

A: In a coalition type government policyparalysis is found due to the fear of with-drawal of support by other parties. Thiscould severely affect the development ofthe nation. But this controls the dictator-ship ruling also as every party gets equalfreedom in expressing their opinions andonly a common thought which is useful topeople is implemented.

3. How did regional aspirations led to the for-mation of regional parties. (AS1)

A: H Regional aspirations led to social move-ments and thus to formation of regional

parties as in Assam and Punjab cases.H Regional aspirations led to alternate polit-

ical party formation as in AndhraPradesh. H In the first phase regionalaspirations led to the formation of politi-cal parties and grabbed power

H In the second phase that is same tohappen.

4. What was the nature of shift in power in theworld after second world war? (AS1)

A: H The colonial powers like Britain andFrance became weak and they nolonger become super powers.

H The major shift in power is observedbetween two power blocks betweenUSA and USSR.

H There was a cold war between thesuper powers.

H The newly independent countriesformed as Non Alignment Movementand known as third world countries.

5. Write down the measures that help toimprove relations with our neighbours. (AS4)

A: 1) Restoring diplomatic relations.2) Non-interference in the internal affairs.3) Strong check to militant problems in

Jammu and Kashmir.4) Providing financial assistance, improv-

ing trade relations.5) settling disputes with mutual under-

standing.6) Promoting peaceful co-existence.

4 Marks Questions

12 Mark Questions

1. The period between …......... was a testingtime for Indian democracy.

A: 1975 to 19852. …......... party sought greater autonomy and

powers for the state.A: DMK3. …......... article often misused to harass and

dismiss state government by the centre.A: 356A4. Pick out a regional party from the following.

BJP, CPI (M), AIDMK, Congress -I A: AIDMK5. Shah Bano case refers …......... A: Divorce and Maintenance case6. …......... launched operation BargaA: West Bengal CPI (M) government

7. The membership of U.N. today is…......A: 1938. Which of the following country doesn’t have

veto power.UK, Japan, USA, France, Russia

A: Japan9. The international court of justice located in?A: The Hague (Holland)10. Find out the mismatch pair

WHO - Geneva UNESCO - New YorkUNICEF - New York

A: UNESCO - New York (UNESCO is in Paris)

11. The communist block led by USSR and theDemocratic capitalist block led by …......during the cold war


What is Operation Barga? 1 Mark Questions

1. What is President rule?A: As per the provision of the constitution

article 356 the governor of a state can rec-ommend to the president to dismiss thestate government and order the governorto take over the administration of the state.

2. What are the parties that led the coalitionof NDA and UPA?

A: NDA by BJP, UPA by Congress.3. What is Operation Barga?A: It was a policy of the CPM government by

Jyothi Basu in West Bengal in support offarmers, tenants of land.

4. Define Proxy war?A: Proxy war refers to a war between two

third world countries on behalf of superpowers like USA and USSR

5. Who and when the first person to land onmoon?

A: Neil Armstrong 19696. What is meant by Decolonization?A: The changing process of status of a coun-

try from colony to independent state.

International Court of Justice

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Page 2: Þœªô¢ªî¦ô¢Ù 9 áì÷J 2020 email: help@eenadupratibha.net ......Þœªô¢ªî¦ô¢Ù 9 áì÷J 2020 email: help@eenadupratibha.net 2 Marks Questions 1. Multiparty system

email: [email protected]Þœªô¢ªî¦ô¢Ù 9 áì÷J 2020

1 Mark Questions

1. Why did the Indian soldiers Join INA?A: The Indian soldiers wanted to achieve inde-

pendence and free their mother land fromBritishers colonial rule. So they joined INA.

2. Why were the separate electorates forMuslims implemented since 1909?

A: 1) To protect the interests of Muslims2) To raise the concerns and problems of


3. When was Quit India movement started?A: Quit India movement was started in 1942

by Mahatma Gandhi after the failure ofCripps Mission demanding the quitting ofthe British from India.

4. What was the Tebhaga Movement?A: The Bengal poor peasants started this

movement demanding three portions in theharvest. They raised in two portions.

5. Name the states were not agreed to join inIndia as on 15 August 1947?

A: Kashmir, Hyderabad and Junagadh

1. What is meant by Dominion status?A: 1) Dominion status is the status enjoyed by

the self governing member status of theBritish common wealth.

2) They are autonomous communities within the British empire.

3) Equal to status, in no way they are sub-ordinate to one another.

4) The Dominion status countries have theirown legislature and executive for lawmaking and for implementing the law.

2. What were the states included in Pakistancoined by Rahmat Ali?

A: Pak - stan was coined by Rahmat Ali aPunjab Muslim student. The states ofPunjab, Afghan, Kashmir, Sindh andBaluchistan were included in it.

3. How would Muslim people assess the pos-sible benefits from the politics of Muslimleague?

A: 1) Muslim peasants could think of a statewhere Hindu Zamindars and moneylenders did not exploit them.

2) A state where competition from Hindutraders and job seekers would not bethere.

3) Greater religious freedom.4) There would be freedom for the Muslim

elite to run the government the way theywanted.

4 Marks Questions

1. What were the difficulties faced by peasantsduring independence days?

A: 1) The poor peasants could not get the rightshare in the harvest.

2) The large land owners exploited the labourpaying less wages.

3) Bonded labour was a major problem.4) The poor and small farmers were trapped in

debts.5) They treat like a slaves.2. How do you appreciated the title ‘Iron man

of India’ to Sardar Vallabhai Patel?

A: 1) With firm determination, Vallabhai Pateltook up the work of joining princely states inIndia.

2) He made it clear that if the princely statesdid not join India, the army would have to besent to complete the process of unification.

3) The states Kashmir, Hyderabad andJunagadh which earlier opposed, too werebrought to join India.

4) Sardar Vallabhai Patel deserves the ‘Ironman’ as he was the person that made Indiaa strong union states.

3. Write a short note on various consequencesof partition of India?

A: 1) With the creation of a Muslim nationPakistan, a painful and unimaginablesituation arose before many people.

2) Hindus towards Pakistan and Muslimstowards Indian become insecure.

3) People of the two religions felt anger andhatred against each other for being forced tomove out of their homes, villages and cities.

4) Around 1.15 crore people both Hindus andMuslims were displaced.

5) Many of them were looted, killed and burnt.6) They became refugees, lived in relief camps

and hospitals, moved out in trains to findnew hopes.

Additional Questions1. Expand RSS (1 M) 2. Expand NWFP (1 M)3. ‘Separate electorate’ what do you learn by

it? (2 M)4. Write about the Hindu Mahasabha and the

RSS? (2 M)5. Why did the Japanese allow Bose to

recruit soldiers whom they had impris-oned? (4 M)

G. Viswa PrasadSubject Expert



TenthSocial Studies Paper-2


What is Unitary Constitution?National Movement in IndiaPartition & Independence

1939 - 1947

2 Marks Questions

1 Mark Questions

1. What do you understand by welfare state?A: A country which provides health facilities,

educational facilities, women and childwelfare and social security is called awelfare state.

2. What do you mean by minority?A: A group having little power due to little

representation relative to other groupswith in society.

3. What is the importance of Universal AdultFranchise?

A: Universal Adult Franchise means Right toVote.

4. In what ways are the Indian states notadministrative units or agencies of theunion governments?

A: In India there are two types of govern-ments Central and State. Both the gov-ernment have sovereign powers grantedby the constitution. So Indian states arenot administrative units of the union gov-ernment.

5. What is unitary constitution?A: In unitary constitution there are two

important aspects.1) Union government 2) Not existence of state governments

6. Into how many lists the laws are divided?What are they?1) Central list 2) State list 3) Concurrent list

7. How many Articles and Schedules in ourdraft constitution?

A: There are 395 Articles and 8 Schedules.

The Making of IndependentIndia’s Constitution

1. Why do you think the framers of our consti-tution reject the idea of dual citizenship?

A: 1) In India there are no separate constitu-tions to states even though there arefollowing federal system.

2) There is a possibility of unity among thepeople due to single citizenship

3) If there is dual citizenship, people may givepreference to their state citizenship than thecentral.

4) So on constitutional farmers reject the ideaof dual citizenship.

2. Who prepared the constitution of India andwhat is the need of the constitution?

A: 1) The constitution of India is prepared andaccepted by the constituent assembly.

2) The independence is the fruit of a long strug-gle by on national leaders and the people.

3) When the British decide to declare inde-pendence to India, constitution is need toself rule and to complete the tasks.

3. What are the 3 means adopted by theIndian constitution?

A: The three means adopted by the Indianconstitution are 1) A single judiciary

2) Uniformity in fundamental laws, civil andcriminal

3) A common All India Civil Service to mainimportant posts.

4. The constitution of India begins, with thestatement We the people of India. Do youthink this claim to represent all the people ofIndia justified?

A: 1) Yes the usage of the people of India ofthe right beginning of the constitution ofIndia it does refer the all people of India.

2) It does imply all the people equally irre-spective of all differences all are equalunder the constitution of India.

1. Observe the following graph and answerthe following questions.

Constitutional Amendments

H Since the constitution was came into forceon 26th January 1950 till 2013 nearly 99amendments were made.

1) When did the constitution come in to force?A: 1950

2) In which decade the least number ofamendments had done?

A: 1951-60

3) Why were there less amendments during1951-60?

A: It was initial period of implementing a newconstitution more problems had not arisedthat needed the constitutional amendments.

4) In which year were the highest amend-ments made?

A: In the year 1971-80 and 1981-90.2. How do you praise the efforts put forth by

constitution in promoting social justice inIndia?

A: 1) The constitution makers paid attentionto world inequalities, justice and eco-nomic exploitation in society and tooknecessary steps in this regard they are.

2) Reservation for SC’s and ST’s minorities.3) Abolition of untouchability (Article-17). 4) Land reforms, Land ceiling act, Tenancy

reforms etc.5) Poverty eradication programmes.6) Directive principles of state policy to pro-

vide guidelines to promote social justice.3. How has the constitution defined and

changed political institutions in the country?A: 1) The constitution has defined and changed

political institutions in the country.2) It provided federal system with union and

state government of sovereign power.3) it made constitution as the supreme law of

land. 4) It supports multiparty democracywith elections in definite intervals.

5) It provided Universal Adult Franchise.6) It set up Election commission for smooth

conduct of free and fair elections.

Additional Questions1. Which two words were added to our

preamble? (1 M)2. List the unitary principles of our constitu-

tion? (1 M)3. What are the basic ideas of Indian consti-

tution as reflected in its preamble? (2 M)4. What are the two constitutional similarities

of India and Japan? (2 M)5. Write any four main features of the pream-

ble of the Indian constitution? (4 M)

2 Marks Questions

4 Marks Questions






1951-60 1961-70 1971-80 1981-90 1991-2000 2000-13



22 22

16 17

Quit India Movement 1942

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2 Marks Questions

1. Find the 6th term in the expansion of 2x 3y( + )


.3 2

Sol: ln (x + a)n, Tr+1 = ncr xnr. ar

2x 3yNow ln ( + )


T6 = T5 + 13 2 ,2x 4 3y 5

= 9c5 () () = 189x4 y5

3 22. Find the middle term in the expansion of

3x ( 2y)10

7 Sol: If n is even then middle term in (x + a)n is

Tn + 12

Here n = 10 Then middle term in 3x ( 2y)


is T5+1 = T67 6 5

Now T6 = T5+1 = 10C5 () x5y5


3. Find the number of terms in the expansionof (2x + 3y + z)7.

Sol: Number of terms in (a + b + c)n are (n + 1)(n + 2)


in the given expansion (2x + 3y + z)7

number of terms

(7 + 1)(7 + 2) (8) (9)= =

2 2

= 36 terms4. Find the set E of the values of 'x' for which

the Binomial expansion (3 4x)3/4 is valid.

Sol: Given expansion (3 4x)3/4

4x 3/4

= 33/4 (1 )34x 3

it is valid when 1 x 3 4

3 3 3 3 x The set E = (, )4 4 4 4

Additional Problems

1. If 22Cr is the largest binomial coefficient inthe expansion of (1 + x)22. Then the valueof 13Cr

2. Find the term independent of 'x' in the x 3 10

expansion of ( + )3 2x2

3. Prove that C0 + 2.C1 + 22.C2 + ........ + 2nCn= 3n

7 Marks Questions

1. If n N, then prove thatx x2 x3

C0 + C1() + C2() + C3 () + .... +2 3 4

xn (1 + x)n + 1 1 Cn. = .

n + 1 (n + 1)xx x2

Sol: L.H.S = C0 + C1() + C2()2 3 xn

+ ......... + Cn. n + 1

1 (n + 1)x (n + 1) = [ . C0 + C1x2

(n + 1)x 1 2

(n + 1) (n + 1) + . C2x3 + .... + Cnxn+1]3 (n + 1)

1 (n + 1) (n + 1) = [ .

nC0x + nC1x2

(n + 1)x 1 2(n + 1) (n + 1)

+ . nC2x3 + .... + nC


n+1]3 (n + 1)

1 = [ (n+1)C1x + (n+1)C2x

2 + (n+1)C3x3+ ..

(n + 1)x

.... + (n+1)cn+1. xn+1 ]1

= [(n + 1)C0 + (n + 1)

C1 x + (n + 1)C2 x

2 + ..(n + 1)x

+ (n + 1)cn+1. xn+1 n + 1C0]

(1 + x)n + 1 1 L.H.S = = R.H.S

(n + 1)x1.3 1.3.5

2. If x = + + + ...... then3.6 3.6.9

prove that 9x2 + 24x = 11.Sol: Given that

1.3 1.3.5 x = + + + ...... 3.6 3.6.9

1 1 1.3 1.3.5 1 + + x = 1 + + + + ....3 3 3.6 3.6.9

4 1 1 1 (1 + 2) 1 2

+ x = 1 + ( ) + ()3 1 3 2 31(1+2) (1+2.2) 1 3

+ () + ....3 3

p x p(p +q) x 2

We know that 1 + ( ) + ( )1 q 2 q+.......... = (1 x)p/q

x 1Here p = 1, q = 2, =

q 3

2 1 sum = (1 )1/2

= ()1/2

= 3

3 34 + x =

3 4 + 3x = 3


3 9x2 + 24x = 11

Additional Problems

1. If the coefficients of 4 consecutive terms in(1 + x)n are a1, a2, a3, a4 respectively. Then

a1 a3 2a2show that + = a1+ a2 a3+ a4 a2+ a3

2. Prove that C0 Cr + C1 Cr +1 + C2 Cr +2 + .....+ Cnr Cn = 2nCn+r and hence deduce that

i) C02 + C1

2 + C22+ ...+ Cn

2 = 2nCnii) C0 C1 + C1 C2 + C2 C3 + ... + Cn1 Cn =

2nCn + 11 1.3 1.3.53. If x = + + + ...... then5 5.10 5.10.15

find 3x2 + 6x.7 1 1.3 14. Find the sum of (1 + + . 5 102 2 104

1.3.5 1+ . +....).

3 106

email: [email protected]Þœªô¢ªî¦ô¢Ù 9 áì÷J 2020

Target-2020Senior Inter

Mathematics - IIA100100

Binomial Theorem

B. Eswara RaoSubject Expert


Marks0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70

obtained Number of

6 5 8 15 7 6 3students

1. Find the mean deviationfrom the mean of the fol-lowing date using stepdeviation method

Marks0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60

obtained Number of 6 8 14 16 4 2boys

2. Find the mean deviationabout the median for thefollowing continuous dis-tribution.

Additional Problems (7 Marks Questions)

Measures of Dispersion2 Marks Questions

1. Find the mean deviation from mean of thefollowing discrete data 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 4,12, 16.

Sol: Mean of the data 6 + 7 + 10 + 12 + 13 + 4 + 12 + 16


) = 8

= 10Mean deviation from the mean

8 xi x=

i = 1 84 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 2 + 6 26

= = 8 8

= 3.25

Additional Problem

1. Find the mean deviation about median ofdata 4, 6, 9, 3, 10, 13, 2.

7 Marks Question

1. Calculate the variance and standarddeviation for the following discretefrequency distribution.

Sol: We shall construct the following tablefor computing the required statistic

fi xi 420Here x

= = = 14

N 30

1 Variance (2) = fi (xi x


N 1

= (1374) = 45.830

Standard deviation () = 45.8

= 6.77

xi 4 8 11 17 20 24 32

fi 3 5 9 5 4 3 1

xi fi fixi xi - x (xi x)2 fi(xi x)2

4 3 12 -10 100 300

8 5 40 -6 36 180

11 9 99 -3 9 81

17 5 85 3 9 45

20 4 80 6 36 144

24 3 72 10 100 300

32 1 32 18 324 324

N = 30 fixi = 420 fi(xi x

)2 = 1374

Partial Fractions

4 Marks Questions


1. Resolve into partial (x 1) (x + 2)

fractions. x3

Sol: Now = (x 1) +(x 1)(x + 2)

3x 2(x 1)(x + 2)

3x 2 A BLet = +

(x 1)(x + 2) x 1 x + 2 3x 2 = A(x + 2) + B(x 1)

3x 2 = (A + B)x + (2A B) A + B = 3 ..... (1),

2A B = 2 ..... (2)1 8

By solving (1), (2) we get A = , B = 3 3

x3 A B= (x 1) + +

(x 1)(x + 2) x 1 x + 21 8

= (x 1) + +3(x 1) 3(x + 2)

x2 + 5x + 72. Resolve into partial

(x 3)3


Sol: Let x 3 = y then x = y + 3

x2 + 5x + 7 (y + 3)2 + 5(y + 3) + 7=

(x 3)3 y3

y2 + 11y + 31 1 11 31= = + +

y3 y y2 y3

1 11 31= + +

x 3 (x 3)2 (x 3)3

(... y = x 3)

Additional Problems

2x2 + 2x + 11. Resolve i)

x3 + x2

x2 3ii) into partial fractions.

(x + 2)(x2 + 1)


2. Resolve i) (x a)(x b)(x c)


ii) into partial fractions.(x 1)(x 2)

Find the mean deviation?