Credit seminar By Dr. Madhukar V 2004-30-04 Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences CSK HPKV, Palampur 6 th August, 2005

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C redit seminar. By Dr. Madhukar V 2004-30-04 Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences CSK HPKV, Palampur 6 th August, 2005. Nutraceuticals dawn of a new era. What are nutraceuticals ?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Credit seminar

ByDr. MadhukarV 2004-30-04

Department of Pharmacology & ToxicologyCollege of Veterinary & Animal Sciences

CSK HPKV, Palampur

6th August, 2005

NutraceuticalsNutraceuticalsdawn of a new eradawn of a new eraNutraceuticalsNutraceuticalsdawn of a new eradawn of a new era

What are nutraceuticals ?What are nutraceuticals ?• A food that provides medical or health benefits,

including the prevention and treatment of a disease (Stephen De Felice, 1989)

• Contraction of -nutrition and pharmaceutical.

• Similar words - designer foods, functional foods, - genetically engineered foods

• Taken in the form of -pills -capsule -powders and -tinctures.

History is repeatingHistory is repeating

2000 BC here eat this root

1200 AD this root is heathen, say this prayer

1500 AD prayer are superstitious, drink this potion

1900 AD the potion is snake oil, swallow this pill

1950 AD this pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic

2000 AD the antibiotic is synthetic, eat this root

Categories of nutraceuticalsCategories of nutraceuticals


Dietary supplements



1.1. NutrientsNutrients• Established nutritional functions - vitamins - minerals - amino acids - fatty acids

• Antioxidants - cancer & c.v. diseases vitamin-E - Parkinson's disease - pancreatic cancer - asthma - skin cancer

• Vit-E+beta-carotenes - atherosclerosis

• Dehydroxyascorbic acid - Alzheimer's disease

• Choline – fatty liver

• L-arginine – angina


Herbs or botanical products as extracts and concentrates.

• Echinacea - cold & flu.

• Kava – anxiety.

• Gingko - dementia

- claudication.

• St John’s wort - depression

• Phenolic compounds

• Terpenoids

• Sulfur compounds

• Pigments

• Natural antioxidants

• Garlic, ginger, soybean, cabbage- highest anticancer properties.

• Garlic - diallyldisulfides - diallylsulfides - quercetin

• Tomato - kaempferol - chlorogenic acid - lycopene

• Honey - antimicrobial

• Green tea - immunomodulation reduced risk of cancer.

3.Dietary supplements3.Dietary supplements

• Ketogenic diets - seizure control.

• Burgeon (soy flour + linseed oil) - breast cancer.

• Edible mushrooms - immunomodulation - antitumor.

• Zbar, nite-bite - sucrose + proteins + uncooked starch

• Glucosamine /chondroitin sulfates - osteoarthritis

• Dairy foods

• Health drinks

Veterinary nutraceuticalsVeterinary nutraceuticals• TEN COMMANDMENTS (John Walton):

It must

1. improve performance effectively and economically.2. have little therapeutic use.3. not cause cross-resistance.4. not involve in transfer of drug resistance. 5. not cause disturbance of gut normal flora.6. not absorbed into edible tissues.7. not be mutagenic or carcinogenic.8. not permute salmonella shedding.9. not give rise to environmental pollution, degradable.10. non toxic to animal and human handlers.

Nutraceuticals for PigsNutraceuticals for Pigs

• Enzymes: - amylase, protease and lipase. • FOS: (Fructo-Oligosaccharide) - derivative of inulin. - lactobacilli.

• MOS: (Mannose-Oligosaccharides) - attracts pathogenic bacteria.

• Nucleotides - improves immunity -absorption of nutrients

Equine nutraceuticalsEquine nutraceuticals

• Superoxide dismutase (SOD) - antioxidant.

• Dimethyl Glycine (DMG, pangamic acid) - increases phosphocreatine production in brain

& muscle.

• CoenzymeQ10 (ubiquinone) - powerful antioxidant.

- heart diseases, high B.P and enhancement of immunity.

Pet nutraceuticalsPet nutraceuticals

• Glucosamine and chondroitin

• Echinacea - immunostimulant

• Ginger

- stomach problems - anti-inflammatory

• Vitamin-c - hip dysplasia

- urinary tract problems

- arthritis .

• Milk thistle - hepatitis.

• Saint John’s wort - viral infections

- neural disorders.

• Gingko - cognitive disorders

Cattle and buffaloCattle and buffalo

• Turmeric, amahaldi, ashwagandha, adalsa and sitaphal.

• Polyunsaturated oils enhance reproductive efficiency

• Bamboo leaves + ajwaine. Retention of placenta

• Marigold + alum treatment of wound

Cardiovascular Cardiovascular healthhealth

• $70 billion globally every year

• $3 billion in 2004 to research cardiovascular health in U.S.

• Risk factors: - elevated cholesterol levels - high blood pressure - diabetes.

Nutraceutical InterventionsNutraceutical Interventions • amenable to nutraceutical intervention.• nutraceuticals positively influence

cardiovascular risk factors.

1. Cholesterol Reduction: - garlic (allicin and alliin) - fish oil (omega 3 fatty acid) - policosanol (plant waxes)

•Theaflavins (Black tea): - squalene epoxidase.

•Soy protein: - prevent reuptake of cholesterol.

•PMFs (citrus ): - cholesterol biosynthesis/absorption. •Tocotrienols: - reduce level of HMG-CoA reductase.

2. Hypertension: - Sesamin. - Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA). - Green tea catechins.

3. Diabetes: • c-reactive protein (diabetics) • vitamin C, vitamin-E, • omega 3-fatty acids e.g. fish oil.

Cancer preventionCancer prevention• Phytochemicals:

- affect membrane structure and function. - signal transduction pathways regulating

tumor growth and apoptosis.

- immune function of host.

- cholesterol metabolism.

•Allyl sulfides (onions):

- eliminates toxic compounds.

•Dithiolthiones (cabbage, turnips):

- detoxification.

•Indoles (cruciferous vegetables):

- estrogen metabolism.

• Isoflavones (soy foods): - multiple effects.

• Lignans (rye): - anti-estrogenic.

• Flavonoids (biological response modifiers):

- quercetin (tomato, potato, onions).

- kaempferol (kale and tomatoes).

• Carotenoids:

Beta-carotenes (lung cancer): -carrots, potatoes, red peppers and


Lycopene (prostate cancer): - tomatoes.

Lutein (macular degeneration): - leafy green vegetables.

Areas of concernAreas of concern

• Safety and effectiveness:

- nutraceuticals are not regulated by FDA.

- only few has been studied rigorously. - in contrast prescription and over the

counter drugs have been reviewed by FDA.

- scientific studies are not designed for most.

• Purity- nutraceuticals are not regulated for purity.

• Standardization - each ingredients in a dose should be present in

precise quantity in standard form.

Interaction with drugsInteraction with drugs

Nutraceuticals Affected drugs

• Echinacea immunosuppressants • Garlic hypoglycemic drugs anticoagulants

• Ginger anticoagulants

• Ginseng Corticosteroids, opiods.

• Milk thistle Saquinavir.

• St.John’s wort Benzodiazepines, digoxin and warfarin

ConclusionConclusion • Destined to play important role in future

therapeutic developments.

• They will continue to appeal because of convenience to today’s lifestyle.

• Genuine research is going on and many potential agents are identified.

• Nutraceuticals promote overall health status in addition to providing protection against diseases.

• Very soon they will find a prominent place in clinical practice in treatment of diseases
