CAE Speaking Instructions

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  • 8/12/2019 CAE Speaking Instructions




    821,iw8)(21"821,ih8)(12821g,*8)(2821t,m8)(isch&ei=d6;d2nj2) minutes for groups of three at centres

    where theres an odd num,er of candidates@.

    Participants: 3andidates inter*iewed in pairs or threes. ;wo

    examiners: one examiner asks the 9uestionsA the other acts as

    assessor and doesnt speak during the inter*iew.

    Format:;he test consists of four parts.

    Part 1 (Interview)

    Tests abiit! to: use language for social purposesA e.g. making

    introductionsA answering 9uestionsA stating an opinion.

    ;his first section of the 3$ 6peaking exam lasts a,out three

    minutes >fi*e minutes for groups of three@ and gi*es the examiner

    the chance to find out a little a,out Bou and Bour partner through

    some getting-to-know-Bou 9uestions. ;hese will ,e simple

    9uestions to help ,reak the iceA for example 9uestions a,out BourfamilBA Bour studiesA where Bou come from or what Bour interests


    E"ampe #uestions

    ;he inter*iew will ,egin with the examiner saBing something like:

    :Hello. My name is ........ and this is my colleague ........

    :And your names are?

    :Can I have your mark sheets please? ........ Thank you.

    :First of all wed like to know something a!out you.

    ;he examiner will then ask each of Bou some 9uestions. %or example:

    : Tell me a!out where you come from.

    :"o you en#oy studying $nglish?

    :"o you have any ho!!ies or interests?

    : %hy are you preparing for the CA$ e&am?


    #oull gain extra marks if Boure a,le to gi*e fullA rele*ant answers to these 9uestions.
  • 8/12/2019 CAE Speaking Instructions


    @ +ffer more than the ,are minimum in Bour answers.

    : Tell me a!out where you come from.

    $:I come from 'ielefeld.>(ont stop thereC@Its in the northern part of (ermany. Its a lovely

    place with a !usy town and its also close to some nice countryside.

    2@ $*oid shortA BesA no answers.:"o you en#oy studying $nglish?

    $: )es I do* I +uite like studying languages and $nglish in particular. I have a lot of $nglish

    friends and love to !e a!le to communicate with them in their own language. And I love !eing

    a!le to read $nglish novels.

    :"o you have any ho!!ies or interests?

    $:,o- not ho!!ies really. I used to like collecting things as a child !ut that doesnt interest

    me now. I suppose you could say music is a !ig interest- I especially like listening to $nglish


    )@ +ffer examples to help Bou explain a statement.

    : %hy are you preparing for the CA$ e&am?$:'ecause its important for my #o!. As part of my appraisal- my !oss advised me to take an

    $nglish e&am to help me develop my professional skills. I passed FC$ last year and if Im

    successful at CA$ Id like to try C$.

    Part % (&ong Turn)

    Tests abiit! to: speak at length coherentlBA use language to descri,eA compare and contrastA

    hBpothesise and comment upon a topic.

    Dart 2 of the 3$ 6peaking test lasts a,out 0 minutes >six minutes for groups of [email protected] $ is passed a set of pictures and has to speak a,out the pictures without

    interruptionA either from the examiner or their partner. Ehen 3andidate $ has finished the

    examiner asks 3andidate to answer a ,rief 9uestion a,out the pictures. ;he roles are then

    re*ersed: 3andidate is gi*en a different set of pictures and speaks for minute followed ,B

    3andidate $A who answers a ,rief 9uestion a,out the pictures.

    E"ampe Task

    $t this stage of the inter*iew the examiner will saB something on the lines of:

    :In this part of the e&am Im going to give each of you three photographs and Id like you totalk a!out them on your own for a!out a minute and also to answer a +uestion !riefly a!out

    your partners photographs.

    :Here are your pictures /Candidate A0. They show people in different educational settings.

    Id like you to talk a!out two of these photos and compare the settingsand say how the

    students may be feeling in each one.

    :All right?

  • 8/12/2019 CAE Speaking Instructions


    Fotice there are ;E+ instructions here: first to compare and contrast the photographs and

    also to speculate on how the students maB ,e feeling. Gn Dart 2 candidates are re9uired to

    show theB can do more than simplB descri,e and will need to show the a,ilitB to speculate or

    hBpothesi!e on a particular topic or scene.


    . ;he picture set will ha*e a general theme ,ut trB to find two that are either *erB similar or

    *erB different in some waB. ;his will gi*e Bou a ,asis on which to compare and/or contrast

    the two pictures. Gn the example a,o*eA pictures two and three show two contrastingeducational settings: the formal lecture theatre in picture two compared to the relaxed outdoor

    scene in picture three.

    2. Gn terms of hBpothesi!ingA pictures two and three offer a good opportunitB to speculate on

    how students in each contrasting situation might ,e feeling. ;hink a,out opportunities for

    hBpothesi!ing when choosing Bour pictures.

    ). 6ignpost the end of Bour talk ,B adding a personal reaction to the pictures. %or example:

    The two people in picture three look like theyre en#oying themselves !ut personally- I think

    Id prefer to spend my study time in a lecture theatre where Id !e more a!le to concentrate on


    0. anB people preparing for the 3$ oral exam worrB a,out not ha*ing enough to saB in the

    time a*aila,le or not ha*ing enough time to express their ideas. ;he ,est waB to get the timing

    right is to practise making short talks on *arious topics on Bour own. >+r in front of a friend if

    Boure feeling ,ra*eC@

    Part ': (Twoa! Discussion)

    Tests abiit! to: use language to discuss and interpretA to agreeA disagree or agree to disagreeA

    negotiate and colla,orateA to rank or classifB.

  • 8/12/2019 CAE Speaking Instructions


    Gn Dart ) of the 3$ 6peaking testA which lasts a,out four minutes >six minutes for groups of

    three@A the examiner will ask Bou and Bour partner to talk a,out another set of *isual prompts


    E"ampe Task

    ;he examiner will saB something on the lines of:

    :Id like you to talk a!out something together for three minutes. >%i*e minutes for groups of


    :Here are your pictures showing different occupations. "iscuss the role these people have

    in our lives. Then decide which #o! tends to !e the most stressful.

    :All right?

    Fotice there are ;E+ instructions. ;he first asks Bou to discuss the role of the peopleA andthe second asks Bou to decide which jo, is the most stressful. ;his means Boure re9uired not

  • 8/12/2019 CAE Speaking Instructions


    onlB to talk a,out each *isual ,ut also to show Bour a,ilitB to negotiate and colla,orate with

    Bour partner. #ou dont ha*e to reach agreement ,ut Bou must at least work towards this.


    Gt will help ,oth Bourself and Bour partner if Bou work together colla,orati*elB on this task.

    . e prepared to ask Bour partner for his or her opinion rather than simplB stating Bour own.

    2. six for groups of three@A

    the examiner will join the discussion and ask candidates 9uestions related to the *isuals used

    in Dart ).

    E"ampe #uestions

    :"o any of these #o!s have a special status in your country?

    : %hich #o!s do you think offer the greatest personal satisfaction?

    :"o any of these #o!s appeal to you?


    . $gainA a*oid shortA BesA no answers to the examiners 9uestions.

    2. Hse techni9ues to make Bour contri,utions powerfulA for example ,B using shortA personalanecdotes to help make a point.

  • 8/12/2019 CAE Speaking Instructions


    ). 3ontinue to work with Bour partner. Jespond constructi*elB and show interest in things he

    or she saBs.