Alison Gopnik Alison Gopnik is an author who studies the development of babies.

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Alison Gopnik

Alison Gopnik is an author who studies the

development of babies.

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In Alison’s talk she began by proposing that a babies way of thinking is very similar to a scientists’ way of thinking.

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Alison emphasizes that they way children learn, is through scientific experiments.

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Alison explains she conducted a series of experiments in which babies were able to make their own conclusions based on what they have learned.

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Alison kept they audience’s attention by showing many examples of the experiments that were conducted.

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Alison used more of Garr Reynolds’ tips. She kept the theme of babies on her slide presentation, and didn’t use bullet points.

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Delivery is very important and I noticed that making the audience laugh helps hold their attention.

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Alison Gopnik and Sir Ken Robinson’s TED talks are very similar because they both manage to hold the attention of the audience through laughter.

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Sir Ken Robinson’s talk was more entertaining because he was constantly keeping the audience attention while effectively getting his information across.

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Alison Gopnik’s talk was very amusing but she kept losing the audience’s attention, after a long period of time.

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Sir Ken Robinson’s visual were more appealing than Alison Gopnik’s. He had animations that were appealing and did not take away the point of his presentation.

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I rate Alison as a 3 in dynamism. I feel she could have been a tad more enthusiastic.

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Alison Gopnik’s visuals were very boring to look at.

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For future references in Public Speaking, I believe it’s important to hold the audience’s attention. If you lose their interest, there is no point of speaking at all.

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TED Talkshttp://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/alison_gopnik_what_do_babies_think.html