This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 30th USENIX Security Symposium. August 11–13, 2021 978-1-939133-24-3 Open access to the Proceedings of the 30th USENIX Security Symposium is sponsored by USENIX. CANARY - a reactive defense mechanism for Controller Area Networks based on Active RelaYs Bogdan Groza, Lucian Popa, and Pal-Stefan Murvay, Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara; Yuval Elovici and Asaf Shabtai, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity21/presentation/groza

CANARY - a reactive defense mechanism for Controller Area

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This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 30th USENIX Security Symposium.

August 11–13, 2021978-1-939133-24-3

Open access to the Proceedings of the 30th USENIX Security Symposium

is sponsored by USENIX.

CANARY - a reactive defense mechanism for Controller Area Networks based on Active RelaYsBogdan Groza, Lucian Popa, and Pal-Stefan Murvay, Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara; Yuval Elovici and Asaf Shabtai, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev


Page 2: CANARY - a reactive defense mechanism for Controller Area

CANARY - a reactive defense mechanism for Controller Area Networksbased on Active RelaYs

Bogdan GrozaPolitehnica Univ. of Timisoara

Lucian PopaPolitehnica Univ. of Timisoara

Pal-Stefan MurvayPolitehnica Univ. of Timisoara

Yuval EloviciBen-Gurion University of the Negev

Asaf ShabtaiBen-Gurion University of the Negev

AbstractWe are rethinking the decades-old design of the CAN busby incorporating reactive defense capabilities in it. While itsreliability and cost effectiveness turned CAN into the mostwidely used in-vehicle communication interface, its topology,physical layer and arbitration mechanism make it impossibleto prevent certain types of adversarial activities on the bus. Forexample, DoS attacks cannot be stopped as the physical layergives equal rights to all the connected ECUs and an adversarymay exploit this by flooding the network with high priorityframes or cause transmission errors which may move honestECUs into the bus-off state. In response to this, we propose areactive mechanism based on relays placed along the bus thatwill change the network topology in case of an attack, i.e., amoving target defense mechanism, allowing a bus guardian tofilter and redirect legitimate traffic. We take care of physicalproperties of the bus and keep the 120 Ω load constant at theend of the lines whenever relays are triggered to modify thetopology of the bus. We build a proof-of-concept implemen-tation and test it in a laboratory setup with automotive-gradecontrollers that demonstrates its functionality over collectedreal-world in-vehicle traffic. Our experiments show that de-spite short term disturbances when the relays are triggered,the frame loss is effectively zero.

1 Introduction and motivation

The Controller Area Network (CAN) is a bus standard de-signed by BOSCH in the 80s which became the most widelyused networking layer inside cars in the decades that fol-lowed. While famed for its design simplicity, reliability andcost effectiveness, the recent years have unfortunately andunsurprisingly proved that the lack of security on CAN opensroad for numerous exploits of modern vehicles.

The security limitations of the CAN bus are twofold. Onone hand CAN has no intrinsic security - this is now widelyknown and accepted. Adding cryptography (for authentica-tion and encryption) may solve the problem in this respect and

the industry is heading in this direction [2]. But on the otherhand and equally important, even if cryptography is in place,the design of the CAN bus, its topology, physical layer andarbitration mechanism, set room for Denial-of-Service (DoS)attacks as frames with high priority (lower value identifiers)always win the bus and there are no guarantees for the arrivaltime of low priority frames in case of a flooded bus. Moreover,adversaries may cause transmission errors by simply flippingbits in legitimate frames and such transmission errors mayeventually trigger the Bus-off state on honest nodes that com-ply with the error control mechanism of CAN. In this way,the transmission capabilities of legitimate nodes are cutoff,i.e., another type of DoS. The practical impact of a DoS isobvious as control will be lost on all vehicle subsystems oncethe bus becomes unavailable to legitimate electronic controlunits (ECUs).

The adversarial actions, reported by numerous papers, e.g.,[5, 20], require a malicious device to be connected to the busvia an exposed port or corrupting (possibly from remote) alegitimate node that is already connected to the bus. The on-board diagnostics (OBD) port is a good candidate to gainaccess to the bus [29], though in some in-vehicle networkdeployments this port may be isolated from the rest of theECUs by a firewall. Besides these exposed interfaces, CANbus wires are accessible in various places, e.g., under the hoodor behind car infotainment units, and an adversary may useany random location on the wires as a penetration point pro-vided that he has physical access to the car. While corruptedECUs may appear as a more distant possibility as most vehi-cle components come from trusted providers, recent researchworks have proved that legitimate devices, e.g., car headunitsor telematic units, can be compromised from remote. Supplychain attacks may also lead to compromised devices beingobliviously mounted in the car by honest manufacturers orrepair shops. These three attack vectors, i.e., an adversaryat the OBD port, one which taps the bus at some randomlocation and a corrupted ECU, e.g., from the remote or bya supply-chain attack, are graphically depicted in Figure 1.To prevent such attacks, adding relays that allow for discon-

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Figure 1: Addressed setting: an adversary taping to the bus,corrupting an ECU or connecting via the OBD port.

necting certain parts of the bus is a natural choice. An easyto imagine solution is the use of a relay on the OBD portwhich will disconnect it once an attack is detected (this isalready suggested in Figure 1). Such a solution will be cost-effective but it would be too trivial to be able to hinder a welldetermined adversary that may use other entry points as well.

Challenges and contributions. The security of the CANbus has been repeatedly studied in the past decade and theanswer has always been the same: the CAN bus is insecureand adopting security mechanism uneasy due to various con-straints while it remains nearly impossible to prevent certaintypes of attacks, e.g., DoS. Clearly, these attacks may havedevastating effects on cars, passengers or even bystanders. Inthis context, devising a solution for physical separation of theECUs on the bus and dynamic network reconfiguration seemsto be promising. However, to facilitate practical adoption bythe industry, the solution must be down-to-earth, cheap, easyto understand and implement. Nonetheless, the solution has tocomply with the physical requirements of the CAN standardand of course it has to preserve message arrival time on bus,i.e., strict timings are mandatory for safety-critical tasks. Inbrief, simplicity and real-time demands must be met.

To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to pro-vides an effective solution for physical isolation of intrudernodes on the CAN bus and thus the first approach that can pro-tect the CAN bus against DoS attacks. While we specificallytarget DoS attacks on the CAN bus, the proposed solutionis by no means limited to this type of attack and we furtherdemonstrate capabilities against other adversarial behaviorsas well. We imagine a framework with moving target defensecapabilities where relays are placed next to each ECU andby triggering the relays we can physically separate the leftand right sides of the bus. Of course, other placements forthe relays can be imagined, in all other existing vehicle sub-networks. For simplicity, we focus on the more conventionalcase of a single CAN bus. A specialized micro-controller,called Bus Guardian, is in control of the logic for intrusiondetection, intruder isolation by relay switching and trafficfiltering/redirection. Naturally, we try to prevent the loss oflegitimate frames on bus disconnections and we filter andreplay traffic in parts of the bus to which the adversary has no

access. While a small percent of frames may be unavoidablylost, this seems clearly preferable when compared to a busthat is fully blocked by an adversary. In particular, in our ex-periments, we demonstrate that none of the legitimate framesare lost when exercising the new intruder isolation capabil-ities. One important aspect is that we take care of specificdetails of the physical layer, e.g., keeping a constant 120Ω

termination at the end of the lines (according to the standardto avoid reflections) while the bus topology changes.

The main contributions of the proposed defense mecha-nism, i.e., CAN with Active RelaYs (CANARY), can be sum-marized as follows:

1. we propose a simple yet highly effective modification ofthe CAN bus that complies with CAN physical specifi-cations, e.g., 120Ω end-of-line resistors, and allows fordynamic reconfiguration of the bus topology that will iso-late nodes in certain parts of the bus,

2. we provide algorithms for detecting intrusion, node isola-tion and, more importantly, traffic redirection by which,once the intruder is located, incoming traffic is filtered andredirected to other parts of the network,

3. to prove the correctness of our approach, we provide real-istic experiments with automotive-grade controllers andcollected real-world in-vehicle traffic,

4. we show that frame loss due to relay action is essentiallyzero and the arrival time of legitimate frames is largelypreserved, only a small number of frames being affectedby the adversarial interventions and relay triggering.

Needless to say, the proposed solution does not excluderegular cryptographic authentication and intrusion detection,but complements them with a reactive defense mechanism.

Advantages of the proposed defense mechanism. A keyaspect of the proposed defense mechanism is that it can beused to retrofit existing cars. For many decades, after-marketsolutions have successfully retrofitted cars with RF controls,intelligent alarm systems, remote start systems, GPS-relatedfunctionalities, multimedia units, etc. Similarly, relays mayretrofit existing and forthcoming cars with an effective mech-anism against attacks and entry points which the manufac-turer did not consider. While active star topologies for CANbuses may solve most of the problems we address here, suchtopologies are very rare inside cars. Moreover, when present,star topologies are frequently implemented as hybrid star-bus architectures, where several buses are connected togetherthrough a gateway and cannot hinder a DoS on any of theconnected sub-networks. This architectural choice affects carswhich are in production today and which will be on road forthe decades that follow. Changing the bus to a star topologyafter production will be extremely hard, if not impossible,mostly due to difficulties in fully rewiring the car. In contrast,relays can be more conveniently mounted in existing cars

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at key locations by specialized workshops without changingthe network architecture and much of the wiring. Moderntransceivers, e.g., NXP TJA115X chips, incorporate DoS pro-tection mechanisms but they are only effective against theirown host controller when it attempts to flood and cannot stopother nodes from doing so. A knowledgeable adversary wouldnot be so naive to use the self-limiting NXP transceiver whenperforming an attack. Nonetheless, it will be hard (or im-possible) to retrofit existing cars with TJA115X transceivers.

Paper organization. The rest of our work is structured asfollows. Section 2 provides a short background on CAN andSection 3 briefly surveys the related work. Section 4 holdsthe theoretical description of the proposed framework. InSection 5 we present our experimental setup and our proof-of-concept implementation. Section 6 holds the experimen-tal evaluation of the proposed framework. Finally, Section 7holds the conclusion of our work.

2 Brief background on CAN

The CAN bus was designed for the specific requirements ofthe automotive domain. It provides bit rates of up to 1Mbit/sand mechanisms for message prioritization as well as forefficient error detection and confinement. At the physicallayer, CAN is implemented as a two wire differential linewhich must be properly terminated at each network end by a120Ω resistor. While the use of CAN is not limited to a bustopology, e.g., star topologies can also be found in practice,bus topologies are the most often employed network designswith CAN due to their design simplicity.

The CAN frame may transport a payload of at most 8 bytes.Other frame fields are dedicated to the main mechanisms im-plemented at the data-link layer. The arbitration field, i.e., theidentifier field (ID), the remote transmission request bit (RTR)plus the the identifier extension bit (IDE), are employed todetermine transmission priority (i.e. frames with lower-valuedIDs win the arbitration) when multiple nodes simultaneouslystart frame transmission. Frame IDs, i.e., 11 bits in standardCAN frames and 29 bits in extended frames, are defined atnetwork design time to establish frame priorities. The 15 bitCRC field is used as part of the error detection mechanism. Anetwork node that detects a transmission error immediatelybegins transmitting an error frame to signal this finding to allother nodes and stop the undergoing frame transmission.

CAN also implements an error confinement mechanismto prevent disturbances from faulty nodes. This mechanismuses two error counters, TEC and REC, for transmitted andreceived frames, which are incremented each time an error isreported and decremented after each successful message trans-mission or reception. All nodes start in the Error Active statein which they can interrupt frame transmissions with errorframes. Once the error counters exceed the defined threshold,i.e., REC or TEC greater than 127, the ECUs transition in the

Error Passive state, in which they cannot interrupt frame trans-missions with error frames. They can return from this statewhen both TEC and REC are smaller than 128. The ECUseventually reach the Bus-off state, in which the node willstop transmitting and acknowledging frames, if TEC becomesgreater than 255. Notably, this error confinement mechanismhas been exploited both to send legitimate ECUs into the Bus-off state [6] as well as against adversaries [26] (though, thereare little chances that an adversary will comply with this sincethe Bus-off state can be bypassed from the software layer).

3 Related work

It can be easily seen from the above description that CANprovides no security mechanisms and that security was notconsidered as a goal during its design time more than threedecades ago. As a consequence, CAN is vulnerable to spoof-ing and replay attacks as reported in [5,20] and to DoS attacksin particular [21, 24].

Attack prevention and detection is subject to many recentlines of work on in-vehicle network security. The use of ad-ditional hardware is common in addressing CAN bus secu-rity [16]. Matsumoto et al. [19] are the first to propose theidea of an intrusion prevention mechanism that destroys in-truder frames by generating error frames. Several differentlines of work [11, 16] adapt and implement this approach in acentralized form while a software-based implementation alle-viating the need for specialized CAN controllers is proposedin [9]. Another approach proposed for attack prevention isID-hopping which involves constantly modifying CAN frameidentifiers through a secured procedure only available to le-git nodes. Such an approach was first proposed by Humayedand Luo [15] which are using a software-based implementa-tion that requires the involvement of a gateway node in theID-hopping procedure. An improved approach based on adedicated CAN controller which reduces computational andcommunication overheads while providing increased ID en-tropy is proposed in [31].

The prevention mechanisms explored so far in related re-search works are effective against replay and spoofing attacks.However, preventing DoS attacks is more difficult. The mostsimple form of DoS attack, mentioned for the first time in [30],exploits the CAN arbitration mechanism which establishestransmission priority based on message identifiers, i.e., thelower the ID value, the higher the priority. Thus, continuouslysending frames with the highest priority would prohibit anylegit transmissions. Another attack approach reported in [24]and [21] is to manipulate CAN transmissions directly at thephysical layer to prevent correct generation and interpretationof CAN symbols. This type of attack can be used to com-pletely block CAN communication or can be even targetingspecific messages or nodes [21]. Several lines of work haveproposed solutions for some types of DoS attacks. The workin [6] introduces a mechanism used to detect and prevent a

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DoS attack by resetting the targeted ECU and preventing it toreach the Bus-Off state. ID-hopping is efficient in preventingDoS attacks targeted to specific messages. However, noneof these related works can help against a generalized DoSattacks that prevents all CAN transmissions by flooding thebus with a high-priority ID.

Countermeasures such as disconnecting adversarial seg-ments of the bus are to the best of our knowledge yet un-explored. Interestingly however, the idea of using relays todisconnect sections of the CAN bus was previously employedby several works for fault detection and recovery on CAN [25].More recently, similar topologies with relays were studied inthe context of fault diagnosis by [32] and [33]. Note howeverthat these works are using basic relays to simulate brokenwires. The pairwise 2-pole-relay-resistor structure from oursetup (detailed later in Figure 3) is unique to CANARY andto the best of our knowledge has not been proposed elsewhere.Another approach proposed for fault isolation is the use of anactive star topology where all nodes are connected to a centralnode. This node acts as a router which isolates traffic fromnodes found to be faulty or ones transmitting other IDs thanthey are supposed to according to a routing table [23].

There is also a large body of works that addresses intru-sion detection systems (IDS) on CAN. Our work does notrely on a specific IDS, we use Bloom filters [3] because oftheir compact representation. The use of Bloom filters inthe context of CAN buses has been also explored in [12].There are of course many other solutions and any of them canbe integrated in the IDS from the current proposal. Severalworks have focused on basic aspects of CAN traffic to detectintrusions such as the frequency of frame arrival time [28],the Hamming distance between frames [10] the entropy ofCAN frames [22], [18] or timing characteristics of a remoteframe [17]. Other works have focused on physical characteris-tics such as clock skews [7] or voltage levels [8]. Some recentoverviews on existing proposals for securing the CAN buscan be found in [1] and [4].

4 Proposed framework: modified CAN topol-ogy and the defense mechanism

This section provides the description of the modified topologythat stays at the core of our experimental setting and providesan overview of the proposed solution.

4.1 Modified CAN-bus topologyWe begin with providing an overview of the new networkarchitecture in Figure 2. The network topology shows relaysplaced next to each node and the Bus Guardian recording traf-fic to the left and right sides of the network. Upon detectingan intrusion, the Bus Guardian will trigger the relays to locatethe intruder, isolate it to the left or to the right side of thenetwork, and then it will filter and redirect traffic from one

Figure 2: Brief schematic of the network topology, relay place-ment, Bus Guardian and an adversary near ECU2.

side of the network to the other. We also suggest potential ad-versarial presence near ECU2. By triggering the relays to theleft or right of the ECU, the adversary can be isolated to theleft or to the right of the network, and incoming traffic filteredand redirected to the side which is free of the adversary. Theadversary can be also cut-off from the network by triggeringboth the left and right relays that surround him but by doingthis, one may also remove a legitimate ECU, such as ECU2,which is undesired. Consequently, isolating the intruder suc-cessively to the left and right sides of the network, filteringincoming traffic and redirecting it is the preferred solution.

Figure 3 shows the relay placement around a single node,i.e.,ECUi. There is one relay on the CAN-Low line, i.e.,Rlow,i,and one on the CAN-High wire, i.e., Rhigh,i. The relays willbe triggered at the same time such that the impedance at theend of the line remains 120Ω when the relays simultaneouslyswitch from position (1) to position (2) effectively closing thebus after ECUi. The effects of relay switching on normal busoperation are discussed later in the experimental section. Inbrief, the time to switch the relays from our setup is around5ms which may result in a brief disturbance of the bus. Sincethe time that a frame spends on the bus is around 200µs fora 500Kbps bus (a commonly employed speed), and applica-tions usually work at a 50% bus-load, an average of a dozenframes may be occurring on the bus during this 5ms interval.Since each sender will get a transmission error in such circum-stances (due to the existing error control mechanisms on theCAN bus) and will automatically attempt to re-send the frame,the number of lost frames is actually zero. This is later provedin our experiments. Nonetheless, the 5ms switching time wasachieved with some off-the-shelf JQC-3F-5VDC relays thatrequired no special adaptations for our setup. If needed, formore demanding applications, much faster relays are availablethat can operate well beyond the 1ms range and which canensure that bus disturbances will last for at most the periodof a single CAN frame, i.e., ≈ 200µs for the 500Kbps CAN.Figure 3 extends this graphical depiction by showing the re-lay placement in case of the five nodes from our setup. Byswitching any pair of relays Ri =< Rlow,i,Rhigh,i >, i = 1..nthe bus is cut after ECUi, effectively splitting the bus into twodistinct sub-networks, while the Bus Guardian can still routetraffic from one side to the other.

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(i) (ii)

Figure 3: Relay placement near a single node (i) and detailed schematic with relays near five nodes and a Bus Guardian (ii)

4.2 Adversary types and countermeasuresBased on the exact intruder location, we envision three typesof adversaries against CANARY’s defense mechanism:

• Type (I) adversaries are the easiest to address. They areadversaries that tap the bus, or compromise a unit, at a loca-tion which can be completely isolated. Traffic redirectionfrom the left and right sides of the bus may be needed, ifthe adversary is between two relays in the middle of thebus. This can be done at 0% frame loss as shown later inthe experiments. A Type (I) adversary is shown in Figure 4(i) which depicts a compromised ECU5 that is isolated byR5. If the compromised unit is non-essential, e.g., an OBDdiagnosis tool or an Android head unit, this case does notrequire traffic redirection.

• Type (II) adversaries will tap the bus in the vicinity ofa controller located at the end of the bus. In this case therelays will disconnect the adversary from the bus along withthe legitimate node, e.g., R1 in Figure 4 (ii). Traffic will beredirected from both sides (and filtered when coming fromthe adversary side). The worst damage that the adversarycould inflict is to cause a DoS with no recoverable trafficfrom its bus segment, but the rest of the network remainsunaffected. A practical example may be a compromisedperipheral, e.g., a controller of some vehicle body element(mirrors, windows, etc.) that may be isolated at the cost oflosing the functionalities nearby but without affecting therest of the vehicle functionalities (doors, ignition, etc.).

• Type (III) adversaries are the most dangerous. They tap thebus near an ECU in the center of the bus making it impos-sible to isolate the adversary between two relays withoutthe legitimate ECU (which in this case we assume to carrysome essential functionalities). Traffic has to be redirectedfrom both sides (and filtered) but the adversary may cause a

full DoS on the side where it was isolated. Since we cannotafford to drop the functionalities on either sides (to the leftor right of the adversary) nor on the legitimate ECU nearby,traffic has to be load-balanced between the left and rightsides, e.g., this is done by alternatively triggering relaysR2 and R3 in Figure 4 (iii). Worst case, the adversary cancause a full DoS on the side where it is isolated, but due tothe load-balancing, the DoS will be halved on both sides ofthe network and only the nearby ECU will be continuouslyaffected. A practical example could be a compromised le-gitimate ECU located at a key position on the bus.

(i) complete intruder isolation

(ii) intruder isolated with some legitimate ECUs

(iii) intruder load-balanced to the left/right of the network

Figure 4: The three types of intruder locations along relaysand the corresponding defense mechanisms in CANARY

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Briefly: Type (I) adversaries can be fully isolated at no costfor legitimate nodes, Type (II) adversaries can be isolatedwhile possibly losing communication with some (hopefullynon-essential) ECUs and Type (III) adversaries cannot befully isolated but have to be load-balanced to the left and rightsides of the network. Other variations can be imagined. Forexample, depending on specific implementation details, if thefunctionalities of ECU3 from Figure 4 are non-essential (iii),the Type (III) adversary in the middle of the bus may be alsocut along with ECU3 while traffic is redirected between theleft and right sides. Ultimately, in case of a complete DoS itmay be even preferable to isolate the adversary along withECU3 by cutting their bus segment. Such a decision however,depends on the specific functionalities that the ECU is imple-menting, for the exposition in this work we cannot delve intosuch details. For a crisper image, Figure 4 mostly depicts ex-ternal adversaries, but as stated in the text, the adversary maybe a compromised unit as well. As expected, since Type (III)adversaries are the hardest to address we focus most of ourwork on this type of adversary and the load-balanced defensemechanism. Type (I) and (II) adversaries can be addressed byimmediate simplifications.

4.3 Overview of Bus Guardian activities

We provide a short overview of the actions of the BusGuardian in the flowchart from Figure 5. The actions of theBus Guardian begin by recording and filtering traffic to de-tect intrusions. Once the intrusion is detected, the intruderis located by Algorithm 1 and then it is isolated, traffic fil-tered/redirected according to Algorithm 2.

To detect intrusions, in the traffic filtering block from Fig-ure 5, we suggest three types of simple and efficient mech-anisms that can be used: (1) Bloom filters to detect frameswith IDs that are unknown to the bus, i.e., fuzzing attacks,(2) a possible extension with counting Bloom filters, i.e., tospot replay attacks, and (3) monitoring for the arrival rate offrames on the bus λ which is a good indicator for DoS attacks.CAN deployments inside cars usually work at a 50% effec-tive busload which corresponds to an arrival rate of λ≈ 2000frames per second. If the busload peaks well over 50% forextended periods of time, e.g., several milliseconds or beyond,it may be a good indicator that a DoS attack is taking place.Since the filtering mechanism that we further use requiresspecific computations on each packet, in order to save com-putational it may be preferable to use the arrival rate of thepackets for activating the filters. Determining the current rateλ requires only to count packets in a specific window, e.g.,100ms, and a deeper inspection of the packets can be triggeredonly when needed. On the high-end controller that we used,the computations required by the filters were easily handledand consequently in all the experiments that follow we detectintrusions based on any single packet that is not part of thetrace (regardless of the current bus rate λ which we suggest as

an option for implementation on low-end controllers). In ourapplication we use a regular Bloom filter to detect unknownIDs and a secondary Bloom filter to detect multiple occur-rences of the same same frame during small time intervals,i.e., replay attacks. Finally, any existing IDS can be incor-porated inside CANARY’s Bus Guardian. The main focusof this work and our primary contribution are the intruderisolation and load balancing mechanisms which have neverbeen addressed before and which are the only mechanismsproposed so far that can alleviate DoS attacks.

Figure 5: Flowchart of the Bus Guardian actions

The Bloom filter [3] is an array of m bits that is modifiedby the output of k hash functions. For each message that thefilter learns, each of the k hash functions selects an index 1..min the filter and the corresponding bit is set to 1. This happensduring the training phase. Later, to check that a message isrecognized by the filter, the k indexes are verified and themessage is recognized if and only if all their correspondingbits in the filter are set to 1. This structure can be naturally ex-tended to count for multiple occurrences of the same object byreplacing the bits inside the filter with counters, i.e., countingBloom filters. A survey on various types of Bloom filters isavailable in [27]. We calibrated a set of regular Bloom filtersand tested their efficiency on a CAN trace collected from areal-world vehicle (more details on this data can be found inthe experimental section). Half of the messages were turnedinto adversarial injections with randomized IDs that are notpresent in the legitimate trace. None of the genuine frames aremisclassified, this is the expected behavior for Bloom filterswhich have a zero false negative rate. From our implementa-tion we determined that a filter size of 512-1024 bits providesexcellent classification results with a false positive rate wellbelow 0.1%. Storing 100 IDs would require at least 1100 bits(considering 11-bit IDs) and almost three times as much if29-bit IDs are used, thus the 512-1024 bits provide a morecompact representation (the size of the Bloom filter does notincrease with the size of the IDs). We choose to rely on the

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non-cryptographic hash function MurMur1 which is very fast,i.e., it requires 0.572µs for one computation on our controller.This kind of functions are recommended for hash tables thatdo not require cryptographic security, making them ideal forBloom filtering. To filter one message, the computational timepeaked at 2.86µs when k = 7 and 3.89µs when k = 10.

4.4 Intruder localization agorithmsHaving a mechanism for filtering frames in place, we canproceed to the intruder localization algorithm once the mali-cious frames are reported. As expected, the intruder localiza-tion algorithm performs a binary search on the network bydisconnecting parts of it and analyzing incoming traffic onthe left and right sides of the network. While an algorithmthat successively disconnects each segment of the network isstraight-forward to implement, its disadvantage is that it willfully disconnect segments of the bus, causing losses amonglegitimate frames, until the intruder is located. Also, if theadversary taps the bus near an honest node, then the algorithmwill isolate the adversary along with the legitimate node whichis undesired. An adversary may even exploit this algorithmby sending intrusion frames to mislead it and cut legitimatesegments of the bus.

To circumvent these issues, Algorithm 1 uses only the re-lays from one side of each node. This way, it preserves allthe network traffic to the left and to the right of the bus, thetraffic can be filtered and redirected. The algorithm starts bysetting the left index l = 1, the right index r = n and loopsuntil the left l and right r indexes are next to each other. Ateach step it disconnects only the relays in the middle, i.e., therelays at index index = b(l + r)/2c. Then it repeatedly filterstraffic for time T , i.e., until (t′cur − tcur) > T . If needed, incase of intermittent adversaries, the relays may be switchedon-event whenever an intruder frame is detected. Note thata single intruder frame is sufficient to detect the intrusionand on-event triggering will make the relays converge to thelocation of the adversary while all the existing traffic is per-fectly redirected to the left and right sides of the network.For each receive event on the left side of the network, i.e.,RxLeft, or on the right side of the network, i.e., RxRight, thealgorithm filters the frame and sets the intrusion flag, i.e., ileftor iright, then redirects the frame to the left or right accord-ingly. When time T elapses, the relays at position index arereconnected and the algorithm first checks if intrusions weredetected on both sides of the network. If this is the case, thenthe algorithm returns −1 since the intruder cannot be isolatedto the left or to the right of the network. Otherwise if theintruder is on the left, i.e., ileft = true, then the right index ismodified, i.e., r = b(l + r)/2c, else if the intruder is on theright, i.e., iright = true, then the left index is modified, i.e.,l = b(l + r)/2c. When the loop ends, the algorithm returnsthe index index of the relay next to the intruder.


Algorithm 1 Binary localization algorithm (single relay)1: procedure DETECT NODE2: l = 1, r = n3: while (r− l) 6= 1 do4: index = b(l + r)/2c5: Disconnect(index)6: ileft← false7: iright← false8: tcur ← GetTime()9: repeat

10: if RxLeft then11: frame← Receive(LChannel)12: frame′← Filter(frame)13: if frame′ 6= frame then ileft← true14: elseBufferedSend(frame′,RChannel)15: if RxRight then16: frame← Receive(RChannel)17: frame′← Filter(frame)18: if frame′ 6= frame then iright← true19: elseBufferedSend(frame′,LChannel)20: t′cur ← GetTime()21: until (t′cur− tcur)> T22: Reconnect(index)23: if ileft = true∧ iright = true then return -124: if ileft = true then r = b(l + r)/2c25: if iright = true then l = b(l + r)/2c26: end while27: return index28: end procedure

4.5 Traffic redirection: bridged and load-balanced retransmission

An easy to address situation is that when the adversary is lo-cated alone on a segment of the network. If this is the case, thesegment can be cut-off from the network and traffic bridgedfrom one side to the other. But if this is not the case, andthe adversary cannot be fully isolated, then a load-balancedretransmission that alternatively switches the adversary fromthe left to the right is needed - we discuss this mechanism inwhat follows.

Algorithm 2 Single relay, load balancing1: procedure LOAD-BALANCED RETRANSMISSION2: while true do3: SwitchRelays()4: FilterRedirectTraffic()5: end while6: end procedure

Algorithm 3 Switch Relays1: procedure SWITCH RELAYS2: if (t/Trelay)mod2 6= (tlast/Trelay)mod2 then3: tlast ← t4: if (t/Trelay)mod2 = 1 then5: ileft← true6: iright← false7: Disconnect(index)8: Reconnect(index+1)9: else

10: iright← true11: ileft← false12: Reconnect(index)13: Disconnect(index+1)14: end procedure

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Algorithm 4 Filter and redirect traffic (buffered)1: procedure FILTER TRAFFIC2: if RxLeft then3: frame← Receive(LChannel)4: if ileft then frame← Filter(frame)5: BufferedSend(frame,RChannel)6: if RxRight then7: frame← Receive(RChannel)8: if iright then frame← Filter(frame)9: BufferedSend(frame,LChannel)

10: end procedure

Load-balanced retransmission. Algorithm 2 provides themain loop of the traffic filtering algorithm with load-balancingcapabilities. The intruder is isolated either to the left or tothe right side of the network. This is done in step 3 of thealgorithm which switches the relays to the left or to the rightof the adversary location. The recorded traffic is then filteredand replayed on the other part of the network in step 4. Byswitching the adversary from one side of the network to an-other, we assure a load-balanced network and the effects ofa DoS attack will be halved on each side since the adversaryhas access only to half of the bus each time. The procedure forswitching relays is depicted in Algorithm 3. This algorithmsimply switches from the left to the right side of the nodeindex at time intervals Trelay. The steps for filtering and re-transmission are given in Algorithm 4. The algorithm simplychecks the left (line 2) and right (line 6) sides if there is anew incoming frame. If this is the case, the frame is recorded(lines 3 and 7), filtered if the intruder is isolated in the corre-sponding side (lines 4 and 8) and then replayed on the otherside of the bus (lines 5 and 9). The transmission is bufferedsince the bus may be busy on the side where retransmission isattempted. More discussions on the size of the buffer followin the experimental section. In case when the adversary per-forms a more aggressive DoS attack, there will be few or nolegitimate frames at all on the side of the adversary since thebus is flooded by illegitimate frames. Moreover, legitimateframes from the other side cannot be redirected since there isno room left on the bus. For this case, buffered retransmissionalso helps since frames are kept in the buffer and sent whenthe adversary is isolated to the other side of the network.

We also provide a graphic depiction of the load-balancingretransmission in Figure 6. The depiction is provided for threeconsecutive steps with the right-side network (RSN) and left-side network (LSN) successively off and isolated from theadversary (the duration of a step is of 100ms similar to theexperiments that follow). Incoming traffic from the side af-fected by the adversary is filtered. The filtering box is shadedwhen incoming traffic is free of adversarial interventions, i.e.,the adversary is isolated on the other side of the network andthus the filter is inactive. We also depict the arrival rate offrames from the right and left side, i.e., λleft and λright, as wellas the arrival rate for adversarial frames, i.e., λAdv, as well asthe arrival rate after filtering, i.e., λ


left and λϕ


Figure 6: Schematic for three consecutive steps of the load-balanced retransmission

5 Setup and implementation

We now discuss implementation details regarding the BusGuardian and give details on the recorded in-vehicle trafficthat we used for building a realistic testbed.

5.1 Implementation of the Bus Guardian

Figure 7 shows the experimental setup of our work. The BusGuardian with the role of intrusion detection, localization andprevention consists of an Infineon AURIX TC297 develop-ment board. In order to monitor the bus traffic we used twoCAN transceivers connected to the microcontroller’s pins,one which was already available on the board and an externalMCP2551 transceiver. Both transceivers are provided witha 120Ω bus termination. For implementing a CAN networkwith multiple nodes we added 3 MCP2551 CAN transceiverscontrolled by an Infineon AURIX TC277 development boardrepresenting nodes 2 to 4 from the setup presented in Figure 3.Nodes 1 and 5 from the same figure are connected to a VectorBreakout Box D62Y9 which is controlled from the VectorCANoe 8.5 environment running on a PC. This environmentwas used to provide the legitimate bus traffic from our experi-ments (which was collected from a real-world vehicle), andeach node was set to output half of the original vehicle traceto the left and half to the right.

The relays used in our experiments are JQC-3F-5VDC re-lays which require a supply voltage of 5V, have three differentcontacts and can connect one of two different contacts at atime to the third contact based on their enabling pin status.In our setup there are two PCBs with 4 relays and each oneof the 8 relays are controlled by an individual pin of the BusGuardian connected to its enabling pin through a jumper wire.In order to provide the required voltage to both of the relayboards and the external CAN transceivers we used a powersupply connected to the breadboard with an input voltage of12V and an output voltage of 5V. In addition to the supplyand ground lines from the power supply, the breadboard con-tains all the connections done with jumper wires between the

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Figure 7: The bus guardian implemented on the InfineonTC297 and the relay blocks from our experimental model

CAN nodes and the relays required to disconnect the CANlines linking any neighboring nodes and to add 120Ω betweennewly connected CAN-High and CAN-Low lines using therelay switches.

5.2 Collected in-vehicle traffic for the experi-ments

To create a realistic test-bed, we use real-world CAN bustraffic recorded in a high-end vehicle. The traffic is replayedon the bus in our experiments with the help of the CANoeenvironment via a CANCase device which assures accuratereproduction of the in-vehicle network traffic. The log filethat we use accounts for 90 identifiers with cycles from 10msup to 2s and a busload of around 40% on the 500Kbps CAN.Most of the identifiers however, have a periodicity between10ms and 500ms. Figure 8 shows the arrival time for two IDs,one with a 20ms cycle (left) and the other with 40ms (right).The arrival time is stable, with very small variations (generallyunder 500µs) for each of the IDs. We also consider to look atthe delays between consecutive frames, i.e., the inter-framespace (IFS). The IFS in the trace is critical since the BusGuardian should parse frames by running the Bloom filterand distinguish between genuine and adversarial frames thenretransmits frames to the other side of the bus.

For a 500Kbps baud rate the time for sending a frame onthe bus varies roughly between 90µs to 270µs depending onthe size of the data-field and the number of stuffing bits. TheBus Guardian must cope with these delays when classifyingframes. For the existing bus traffic, the situation is more op-timistic: by analyzing the trace only 0.5% of the IDs arrivewith an inter-frame space lower than 200µs. This is expectedat a bus load smaller than 50% (the bus is free at least halfof the time). Figure 9 shows the inter-frame time for the first2000 frames (left), only a few frames arrive with an inter-frame space lower than 200µs. On the right side of Figure 9

Figure 8: Collected in-vehicle traffic: variations in the arrivaltime for an ID at 20ms (left) and one at 40ms (right)

Figure 9: Collected in-vehicle traffic: IFS for the first 2000frames (left) and same frames in the 0-200µs interval (right)

we depict the inter-arrival time for the first 2000 frames withan inter-frame space lower than 200µs, while this happensonly rarely, and even if this is the case most of the framesleave a space of 100µs. The filters that we use do cope withthese delays in the order of hundred micro-seconds. Nonethe-less, traffic redirection must also work under these constraintswhich are not easy to meet and we are later forced to use abuffered retransmission to avoid losing frames.

6 Framework evaluation

In this section we follow two research directions. One of themis to determine how traffic filtering and redirection performsunder specific attacks, such as fuzzing and DoS, the otheris to determine how frame arrival time is affected by thedefense mechanism. Notably, there are little side-effects andno frame loss due to the relay action. We also provide a morecomprehensive analysis of the proposed framework.

6.1 Testbed overview

We provide an overview of our evaluation setup in Figure 10.Traffic collected from a high-end vehicle is replayed to theleft and right sides of the network, i.e., half of the collectedin-vehicle trace to each side by using the two channels ofa Vector Breakout Box D62Y9 device connected as ECU1and ECU5. We emphasize that the Vector Breakout Box isan industry-standard tool that perfectly mimics the behaviorof the real-world vehicle bus and it is commonly used bythe industry for system design and testing. Of course, due topotential damage and costs, it would have been uneasy forus to cut wires and mount relays inside the real car while theobserved behavior on the in-vehicle network traffic wouldhave been likely identical.

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Figure 10: Schematic depiction of our experimental testbed

The second ECU from the left is designed to carry ad-versarial tasks, e.g., perform DoS or fuzzing attacks. Therelays that surround him, encircled with dotted blue line, willalternatively open to the left and to the right, effectively dis-connecting the adversary from the left-side network (LSN)or the right-side network (RSN). Traffic is filtered then redi-rected to the other side of the network by the Bus Guardian.We have additional relays in our setup toward the mountingpoint of ECU3 and ECU4 but these were not needed in ourexperiments, we kept them for potential future extensions.

6.2 Single-side traffic redirection in case offuzzing attacks

Some basic tests of the relay impact on the adversary free buscan be found in Appendix A. We now add adversarial activityto the bus. Our framework is specifically designed to addressDoS attacks. However, before evaluating DoS resilience, wealso test the filters and relay behaviour in front of fuzzingattacks which is a common adversarial behavior that putsmore stress on the filters (as the distribution of the IDs israndomized). In this type of attacks, the adversary injectsrandom CAN frames that have random IDs and data fields.This kind of adversarial intervention is important because itcan be employed in order to cause abnormal behaviour orlearn how the system reacts to IDs that are not expected bythe controllers.

Figure 11 (i) shows the testing strategy in case of single-side retransmission with the adversary in the middle of thenetwork. Each 100ms, or alternatively 1s in some experiments,the relays from the left or right sides are opened alternatively- the adversary is isolated either to the left or to the right sideof the network. The traffic from the adversary side is filteredby the Bus Guardian and redirected to the other side. Underthis second testing strategy with fuzzing attacks we considertraffic redirection only from the side which is affected by theintruder i.e., fuzzed by the adversary.

In this case the adversarial ECU is programmed to inject


Figure 11: The two states of single-side traffic retransmission(i) and load-balanced retransmission (ii)

frames with random identifiers that are not part of the legiti-mate trace. For simplicity, we randomly replace frames fromthe legitimate trace with an attack frame that has a random IDthat is not part of the legitimate ID set. The intrusions formroughly 50% of the trace. Since part of the genuine frames arenow altered, they are not going to be transmitted to the left orright side since they are classified by our filters as intrusions.

Table 1 provides a summary in terms of: left transmittedcount (LTC), left failed count (LFC), right transmission count(RTC) and right failed count (RFC). In case of the fuzzingattack the frame loss drops to half but this is expected sincehalf of the frames on the bus are now adversarial frames andthe LTC and RTC are also halved. By a careful analysis weobserved that frame loss is not due to the relay actions butbecause of frame buffering. We determined that a 1 framebuffer reduces the frame loss to under 1% and a buffer of atmost 32 frames reduces it to 0%.

6.3 Load-balanced retransmission in case offlooding and DoS attacks

Figure 11 (ii) shows the testing strategy for the load-balancedretransmission with adversarial activity in the middle of thebus. We specifically designed this experiment to respond toDoS attacks. Each 100ms, the relays from the left or rightsides are opened alternatively, isolating the adversary to theleft or to the right side of the network. The traffic from theadversary side is filtered by the Bus Guardian and redirectedto the other side, while traffic from the adversary-free side isdirectly transmitted to the other side (without filtering).

To begin with, we conducted four experiments in whichthe adversary injects an ID with high priority with a cycletime of 10,1,0.5 and 0.3ms respectively. The time of thelongest frame on the bus at 500Kbps is roughly 0.26ms, sogetting the cycle time closer to this value will result in acomplete DoS of the bus. The larger 10,1 cycles where chosenfor allowing us to test that retransmission works. When theattack gets closer to the 0.3− 0.5ms range there are very

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Table 1: Frame loss at various relay trigger rates with adversarial activity (fuzzing attacks) and single-side traffic redirectionBuffering Retransmission Filter size Adversary Relay Rate (s) LTC RTC LFC RFC LF% RF%

None Single side 512 Fuzzing 1 57918 54444 1607 2031 2.7% 3.7%Single side 1024 Fuzzing 1 58111 54589 1527 1957 2.6% 3.5%

1 frame Single side 512 Fuzzing 0.1 60258 57265 25 13 0.04% 0.02%Single side 1024 Fuzzing 0.1 60270 57271 16 30 0.03% 0.05%

32 frames Single side 512 Fuzzing 0.1 60237 57234 0 0 0.0% 0.0%Single side 1024 Fuzzing 0.1 60261 57284 0 0 0.0% 0.0%

few legitimate frame to retransmit from the attacked side(more details concerning a full DoS are in the next paragraph).Figure 12 shows the inter-frame space on the left and rightchannel for Trelay = 100ms during a flood with 1ms cycletime. Legitimate frames are printed in blue and adversarialframes are in printed in orange. Note that the left and rightchannels are asynchronous. In Figure 13 we also separatebetween left (green) and right (blue) side frames to showthat legitimate frames occur on both sides. In Table 2 wesummarize results for the 1ms flood (a partial DoS) whichis more revealing for retransmissions since all frames canbe successfully retransmitted. We determined that a bufferof one frame will make the failed retransmission to drop toless than 1%. To get retransmission errors down to 0% weneed a buffer of 8 frames to the side that is free of adversarialinterventions and a 32 frame buffer for the side where theadversary is present. The reason is that on the side wherethe adversary is present it is harder to find space on the busfor frame retransmission due to the higher busload. Thus thebuffer must be capable to accommodate more frames. Thishappens for adversarial attacks at a rate of 1ms, if the rate goesto 300µs frame retransmission becomes almost impossible onthe adversary side regardless of the buffer size.

We now discuss the impact of a full DoS. Figure 14 pro-vides plots for the case of an adversary that is programmedto loop and send high priority frames whenever there is roomon the bus at Trelay = 25ms. This figure depicts the results interms of busload and IFS on the left and right channels, con-trasting legitimate (blue) frames with attack (orange) frames.The busload tops at the maximum of 500Kbps, i.e., 100%busload, and almost no legitimate (blue) frame manages toenter the attacked side, i.e., a full DoS. Legitimate frames(blue) may occasionally enter the channel when the relays aretriggered due to brief disturbances in the adversary transmis-sion. While the full DoS is more severe, the experimentaloutcome is in fact more simple to illustrate: the side wherethe adversary is isolated has no legitimate traffic (only orangeframes) and once the adversary is shifted to the other side therecorded (buffered) traffic from the adversary-free side will bere-sent. We also note that, as CAN frames carry informationfrom various sensors and actuators, it may not be necessary toreplay all the recorded traffic but only the recent-most valuefor each ID. This allowed us to further simplify the buffer-ing in our implementation since we only need to store andretransmit the last recorded value for each ID.

(i) left channel (ii) right channel

Figure 12: Interframe space for the left (i) and right channel(ii) for genuine (blue) and adversarial frames (orange) during5 seconds of runtime (Trelay = 100ms)

(i) left channel (ii) right channel

Figure 13: Interframe space for the left (i) and right channel(ii) for legitimate frames from the left channel (green), legit-imate frames from the right channel (blue) and adversarialframes (orange) during 5 seconds of runtime (Trelay = 100ms)

(i) datarate during full DoS

(ii) IFS during full DoS

Figure 14: Data rate (i) and inter-frame space (ii) duringa full DoS on the left and right channels at Trelay = 100ms(legitimate traffic in blue, adversary traffic in orange)

Figure 15 illustrates the inter-arrival time, denoted as dt,for an ID with 20ms cycle time during a full DoS withTrelay = 25ms. The left side where the ID originates is only

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(i) left channel

(ii) right channel

Figure 15: Arrival time for an ID with a 20ms cycle time onthe left (i) and right channel (ii) at Trelay = 25ms during a fullDoS (ID belongs to the left side)

slightly impaired by the DoS and the mean arrival time re-mains the same. Delays of 25ms or more do occur, but thecycle time clearly remains centered around 20ms. On the rightside we simply retransmit the recentmost value of the ID oncethe adversary is moved to the left side. This results in aninter-arrival time of 2×Trelay, i.e., 50ms which can be easilyexplained as follows. When the right side is under a DoS(25ms), it is not possible to retransmit the ID from the leftside (the bus is busy). When the adversary is moved to the leftside, the recent-most value of the ID can be sent by the BusGuardian to the right side - but this will be the only knownvalue for another 25ms until the adversary is released fromthe left side. The same phenomenon was observed for all IDswhich allows us to make a generalized statement: in case of afull DoS, the fastest cycle time that can be achieved with load-balancing on the side where the ID has to be retransmittedby the Bus Guardian is 2×Trelay. As car diagnosis systemscommonly report a time-out for a component after delays ofseveral hundred milliseconds, we believe that the 50ms cycletime from our implementation (worst case under a full DoSthat would otherwise lock the bus completely) should be suffi-cient for most messages to keep a vehicle functional. Finally,since the fastest messages on the CAN bus have a cycle timeof 10ms, a Trelay = 5ms should cope with any subsystem andis achievable with high performance solid-state relays.

As further insights on the impact of a full DoS on carswe present more results from a CANoe car simulation inAppendix B.

6.4 Relay influence on message arrival time

Since in-vehicle networks handle safety-critical messages forwhich the arrival time is critical, we also evaluate the effectsof filtering and retransmission on the cycle time of legitimateIDs that come from the left or right side of the network. By

(i) original trace from vehicle

(ii) left channel (source) (iii) right channel (retransmission,delayed frames as orange circles)

(iv) left channel (source) (v) right channel (retransmission)

Figure 16: Message cycle time for a frame that originates onthe left-hand side of the network, i.e., ID 0x2F, on the: originaltrace (i), left channel (ii), right channel (iii) and histogramdistribution on the left (iv) and right (v) channels

careful analysis of the recorded trace with CANARY’s BusGuardian active, we determined that the mean arrival timedeviates by less than 1ms which should be acceptable forreal-time demands.

Figure 16 shows the effect on ID 0x2F coming from the left-hand side of the network. This ID has a cycle time of 10ms,the recorded delays between two consecutive occurrences ofthe ID is denoted as dt in the figures. The effects are minoron the left side of the network, a limited number of framesmay be delayed or possibly lost when relays are triggered.But the cycle time remains steadily around 10ms. The plotfor the right hand side of the network (where the ID is re-sent by the bus guardian) shows that the inter-arrival timemay drift from the original 10ms to up to 20ms. These driftsoccur on the right-hand side in case when frames are firstlost due to relay triggering and then re-sent from the buffer.By computing the mean arrival time on the right side, weget 10.805ms compared to 9.99986ms on the left side and9.99987ms on the right side in the original trace. This meansthat there are not many frames that drift from the expectedcycle time of 10ms and is consistent with our estimation that

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Table 2: Frame loss at various relay trigger rates with adversarial activity (DoS attack) and load-balancingBuffering Retransmission Filter size Adversary Relay Rate (s) LTC RTC LFC RFC LF% RF%None Load balanced 512 DoS 1ms 0.1 110470 102111 8742 10782 7.9% 10.5%1 frame Load balanced 512 DoS 1ms 0.1 119124 112873 57 96 0.05% 0.09%32 frames Load balanced 512 DoS 1ms 0.1 119121 112939 0 0 0.0% 0.0%

7 – 10% of the frames require buffered retransmission thatcauses additional delays.

6.5 Immediate improvements: faster relays,more relays

Faster relays exist2, e.g., solid state relays that operate inthe 0.5− 1ms range are common and have a higher life ex-pectancy since they have no mechanical parts. But even theoff-the-shelf relays that we used in the experiments (5ms op-eration time) proved highly effective and eventually led to 0%frame loss. In case of the load-balancing algorithm, i.e., theworst case for an attack, the 100ms triggering rate results inlittle or no errors at all (5ms out of 100ms means that relaysimpede a maximum of 5% from the total bus time). We nowdetermine the theoretical upper-bound for the relay triggeringrate based on relay operating time and bus parameters.

Maximum relay triggering rate. Since the bus is temporarilyunavailable during the relay operation time (less than 5mswith the relays that we used), all frames that are scheduled forsending during this period will be automatically re-sent whenthe bus becomes available. We determined a theoretical upper-bound for the rate at which the relays can be triggered λrelaydepending on the relay operating time trelay, frame arrival rateλbus and frame time tframe as follows:

λrelay ≤1−λbus× tframe


The relation follows from the fact that for any fixed timeinterval T the bus has to be available to accommodate λbus×Tframes. But during this period the bus will be unavailablefor λrelay×T × trelay. This leads to the following conditionT −λrelay×T × trelay ≥ λbus×T × tframe which divided by Tgives the upper bound for λrelay. As a practical example, for a500Kbps bus, setting tframe = 200µs, i.e., the average time of aCAN frame, and λbus = 2000 fps, i.e., the usual 50% busload,having trelay = 5ms we get λrelay = 120. That is, the relayscan be triggered at 8.3ms cycles without losing frames on thebus. The upper side of Figure 17 summarizes these results bydepicting the rate λrelay as a function of relay operation timetrelay for a 500Kbps bus with tframe = 200µs. The lower side ofFigure 17 extends this depiction for a frame arrival rate from500 up to 4000 frames (a 50% bus-load for the highest CANdata-rate, i.e., 1Mbps). This is a theoretical bound, in practice,


Figure 17: Maximum relay triggering rate λrelay as function ofrelay operation time trelay (up) and λrelay as function of relayoperation time trelay and frame arrival rate λbus (down)

the CAN controller (or the upper-layer software) must be ableto buffer frames in order to cope with the relay rate.

Adding more relays. Given the nature of in-vehicle net-works, it is expected that adversaries will use predictablelocations as entry points, e.g., the OBD port, the infotainmentor telematics units, etc. Consequently, a small number of re-lays can be conveniently placed at key locations on the bus.However, for a comprehensive treatment, we cannot excludethe scenario where an adversary taps the bus at random lo-cations. In this case adding more relays may increase thechances to isolate the intruder if he is unaware of the exacttopology. The complexity of interwinding the relays with theECUs increases exponentially. Concretely, for k controllersand n relays the number of placements corresponds to thenumber of k+1 compositions of integer n (the compositionof an integer is a way of writing it as a sum of exactly k posi-tive integers). Indeed, assuming that the relays can be placedanywhere, to the left and right of each ECU, there are k+1bus segments starting from the left side of the first ECU, i.e.,the first bus segment, to the right side of the last ECU, i.e.,the k+1 bus segment. The number of k compositions of aninteger n is given by the binomial coefficient


)and thus

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Figure 18: Relay placements for n = 8..12 relays on a k ∈4,6,8 ECU network (up) and possible placements givenn ∈ [1,12] and k ∈ [1..8] (down)

there are(n−1


)placements for n relays on the segments of a

bus with k controllers. The upper side of Figure 18 shows thenumber of possible placements in a network with k ∈ 4,6,8controllers for n= 8..12 relays. The number quickly increasesto 500 possible placements for 12 relays. The lower side ofFigure 18 shows the number of possible placements as a func-tion of the number of ECUs 1..8 and number of relays 1..12.The interwinding options quickly reach the order of severalhundreds.6.6 Further analysis: intermittent adversaries

and multiple adversariesIntermittent intrusions. Due to the efficient binary search,

an intruder can be localized in roughly log2(n) packets thatare recognized by the filter as intrusions. An intruder maytry to mount a low-rate attack or even send attack framesintermittently in order to avoid detection. If adversarial framesdo not occur at some fix cycle time but occur independentlyin time (unaffected by each other), we can use the Poissondistribution to model the occurrence of at least one adversarialframe in a specific time interval T . That is, assuming that thetime of occurrence for adversary frames follow a Poissondistribution with mean arrival rate λadv frames per second, theprobability that k adversary frames occur in time T is:

Pr[k] =(λadv×T )ke−λadv×T

k!The probability to receive at least one adversary frame in

time T immediately follows as p1 = 1−Pr[0]. This probabil-

Figure 19: Probability to receive at least one adversarial framep1 during filtering time T at adversary rate λadv

ity increases exponentially. Figure 19 depicts p1 in relationwith filtering time T ∈ [0.010,2] and λadv ∈ [1,10]. An ar-rival rate of 10 frames per second corresponds to a 100mscycle time which is a slow cycle time for in-vehicle network,cycle times usually go as low as 10ms. But even if the ad-versary frames arrive at an average of 1 fps, the probabilityto receive one adversarial frame in T = 4s is quite high at98.16%. Parameter T can tuned in the localization algorithm,i.e., Algorithm 1, according to specific needs.

Multiple adversaries. Our defense mechanism was de-signed to address a single adversary (or compromised unit)that taps the bus. We believe that this scenario covers mostpractical needs, but indeed, it may happen for adversaries tobe present at multiple locations. For example, if adversariesare present at the two bus ends they may evade the local-ization mechanism since the attack comes from both sidesof the bus and they may further cause a full DoS. As a di-rect extension to CANARY, to address this, we can add newtransceivers to the bus as suggested in Figure 20. This wouldallow monitoring individual segments and removing themfrom the bus if needed, i.e., the Bus Guardian can disconnectany of the nodes in Figure 20 and individually monitor anyof the nodes. However, this solution will increase the wiringcomplexity and implementation costs which may be unnec-essary for most practical needs. A decision on the correcttrade-off would require further investigations which due toobvious space constraints are unsuitable for the current work.

Figure 20: A multiple adversary scenario and multi-transceiver Bus Guardian

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6.7 Remaining challenges and limitations

While our work is the first to propose an effective mecha-nism for defending the CAN bus against DoS attacks, thesolution that we envision has several limitations which wenow enumerate and leave as potential future work.

Re-certification and costs. Relays with automotive certi-fication are common, in fact relays have been used insidecars long before the CAN bus. The topology induced by ourmodifications is still a bus compliant to ISO 11898 whichshould make certification feasible. Of course, certificationwill call for additional investigations on various issues, e.g.,electromagnetic compatibility, which are out of reach for afirst research communication. Porting the solution will induceadditional costs related to wiring and components, i.e., thewires, relays, resistors and the bus guardian. However, therelay-resistor pairs should be placed only at critical positionsaround ECUs that can be easily corrupted or ports that areeasy to access so that they can be isolated from the network.CAN buses usually connect less than a dozen ECUs, buseswith 2-8 ECUs are common, and thus a dozen relays or somay be sufficient. The length of a CAN bus wire is typicallybetween 3-15 meters and CANARY will require an amountof cable equal to the length of the bus to tap the two bus ends,one control wire and one power supply wire for each relay-resistor pair. At a minimum, CANARY may require similarmodifications to existing after-market car access control sys-tems, e.g., remote start-stop systems, that are connected tothe CAN bus which hosts the electronic immobilizer of thecar (usually the body control module) and which may alsoadd relays to each door to facilitate remote access. By usingrelays, CANARY can disconnect (upon intrusions) the OBDport or the infotainment unit which are not vital for the carto function anyway. Due to physical difficulties in accessingrandom points of the in-vehicle wiring, adversaries will likelyuse predictable locations as entry points which can be effi-ciently protected by a small number of relays. Porting thefull scale CANARY mechanism would indeed require morecomplex wiring. But according to recent estimates from theindustry [13], common cars already have around 2.2 km ofwires that connect 100 sensors and control units. Comparedto these, CANARY should call only for a small additionalfraction.

Further experiments. Our experimental model wouldgreatly benefit from testing in a car-on-bench setup. Thecollected in-vehicle traffic that we use in the experimentsperfectly mimics the behaviour of the bus from the real carbut it is hard to predict the behaviour of the physical vehicleunder an attack or when the active defense mechanism is trig-gered. Such tests will be particularly necessary if CANARYis placed behind some safety-critical subsystems and this typeof evaluation would be required in case of re-certifications.Finally, a powerful attacker that has full knowledge of the cartopology (including the wiring of the active defense mech-

anism) and which can tap the bus at any random location(possibly even in more than one location at the same time)would be extremely difficult or impossible to stop by themechanism. In this respect, a systematic evaluation of all at-tacker entry points inside vehicles may provide better insightson the correct placement of the active relays.

Further applications of the proposed mechanism outsidethe automotive domain in areas where the CAN bus is alsoin use, e.g., industrial control systems, avionics, etc., may bealso considered as future challenges.

7 Conclusion

Due to its bus topology and ID-oriented arbitration, the CANbus remains vulnerable to message injections and in particularto DoS attacks. While cryptography can stop malicious mes-sages from being accepted by legitimate nodes, it providesno solution against DoS attacks. The procedure presented inour work may help in this respect. Isolating the intruder andfiltering/redirecting traffic provides an efficient mechanismthat prevents the adversary from gaining full control over thebus. Since relays are cheap and the proposed algorithms easyto implement, there should not be many practical constraintsin implementing the proposed solution or at least part of it.The relays that we use have an operation time of 5ms andchanging them to faster solid-state relays will bring even bet-ter performances. Even with the relays from our setup, theframe-loss was reduced to zero by buffering frames duringretransmissions. Notably, the relay action on the bus causesno frame loss since the clever error control mechanism ofCAN sets room for transmitting the frames until the acknowl-edgement bit confirms successful reception. The few framesthat were lost in our experiments were due to overlaps duringretransmissions and the issue was solved by a rather smallsoftware buffer. The results from our experiments are on areal-world in-vehicle trace that was ported to our laboratorysetup which proves the feasibility of practical use inside ve-hicles. While there are many works that focus on detectingintrusions on the CAN bus, there is still much work to bedone in designing systems that can effectively prevent suchintrusions. We hope that our work paves the way towardsdeveloping such systems.


We are grateful to the anonymous referees for their com-ments which helped us to improve our work. This work wassupported by a grant of Ministry of Research and Inovation,CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-1317, within PNCDI III (2018-2020). http://www.aut.upt.ro/~bgroza/projects/presence/.

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Figure 21: Oscilloscope plot of incoming frames during relayaction

Appendix A - Testing relay impact on legitimatebus traffic

To get a baseline on performance, we first consider testing therelays and filtering mechanism in the absence of the adversary,i.e., in case of an adversary-free bus. Table 3 provides a sum-mary of the frame loss due the action of relays with or withoutfiltering in terms of: left transmitted count (LTC), left failedcount (LFC), right transmission count (RTC) and right failedcount (RFC). There is a slight increase of 1%-2% on the frameloss from the right side which can be explainable by possibledifferences in the relay blocks and slight asymmetries in thenetwork traffic. Frame loss is not due to the relay actionsbut because of the buffering, i.e., the Bus Guardian does notmanage to send frames as quickly as they arrive from oneside to another. We solve this by proper buffering of incomingframes. Surprisingly, a 1 frame buffer reduces the frame lossto under 1%. For the case of a DoS attack at 1ms, as show inour experiments, a 32 frame buffer is needed. A buffer of thissize is also sufficient for the adversary free bus as it reducesthe number of lost frames to 0. The frame loss when usingthe Bloom filters is almost identical to the case in which nofiltering is used, proving that filters don’t affect performance.Triggering the relays will cause a brief disturbance on thebus and frames transmitted during this short period will beaffected. Figure 21 depicts the effect of switching the relayson the bus. According to the data-sheet, the relays that weuse have an operation time of 5ms, but as the plots show theactual time during which the bus is unavailable is much less,i.e., around 1.5ms. Conveniently, frames that are destroyedduring relay switching are automatically retransmitted thanksto the clever design of CAN. Concretely, the sender node willget a transmission error and then automatically re-attempt tosend the frame on the bus until it succeeds. The error countersare kept within acceptable margins as discussed next.

Impact on REC and TEC counters. Figure 22 shows theevolution of REC and TEC counters during 100ms and 1srelay triggering rate on one of the channels (the other chan-nel looks identical). In both cases, the counters increase toat most 50 which keeps them in the Error Active state, i.e.,the normal state of CAN nodes. There is still much roomahead until the Error Passive state (in which the nodes arestill able to communicate but will not signal errors) and thecounters are very far from the Bus off state. Nonetheless, the

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Table 3: Frame loss at various relay trigger rates and buffer sizes without adversarial activityBuffering Retransmission Filter size Adversary Relay Rate (s) LTC RTC LFC RFC LF% RF%None None None none 0.1 113673 106356 6856 8522 6.0% 8.0%1 frame Single side 1024 none 0.1 120333 114291 344 246 0.28% 0.22%32 frames Single side 1024 none 0.1 120687 114559 0 0 0.0% 0.0%

counters quickly decrease on the next successful transmis-sions/receptions so disturbances are short-lived and have littleeffects on the ECUs. We have also tried to trigger the relaysat 10ms and the nodes still remained in the Error Active statewhile counters rarely increased up to 80.

(i) 100ms

(ii) 1s

Figure 22: Evolution of REC and TEC counters with relaystriggered at 100ms (i) and 1s (ii)

Appendix B - Further validations with a CANoecar simulation

The first attacks on the vehicular CAN buses were demon-strated by Hoppe et al. [14] as early as 2008 by using a CANoesimulation linked to a few car components on a bench. Asan additional validation for the proposed solution, we use anexisting car simulation from CANoe and show that (unsur-prisingly) a DoS attack will completely halt all car functionswhile CANARY is able to fully alleviate the attack.

Figure 23 shows the default CAN demo from CANoe. FiveIDs are broadcast related to car ignition, engine, ABS andgearbox having cycles of 20ms (for the ignition) and 50msfor the rest. Figure 24 (i) shows the plots with the recordedsignals from the car in case of normal traffic. Then we mounta full DoS on the bus and in Figure 24 (ii) we show theeffects: the entire bus is locked and incoming signals halt,i.e., the current value remains the last of the received values(which is incorrect). Then in Figure 24 (iii) with 50ms load-balancing the signals are almost identical to the adversary freebus. While there is still a long road ahead from this simulator

Figure 23: An existing in-vehicle CAN demonstration fromCANoe

to a real-world demonstration, this at least proves that theattacks can be efficiently mitigated by CANARY within thesimulation.

(i) normal traffic

(ii) full DoS

(iii) load balancing 50ms

Figure 24: CAN bus signals as interpreted by the CANoe carsimulator in case of: (i) normal traffic, (ii) full DoS and (iii)load-balancing at 50ms

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