_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Candidate Site Assessment Report Reference LA002 Name Land at former Unigate Dairy, Morfa Way, Swansea Description Irregular shaped site which forms part of a wider area for redevelopment for mixed development included in the Tawe Riverside Corridor Study (TRCS) Area (2006) Size 1.5 Ha Existing Land use Industrial Proposed Land Use Residential Location Plans OS Plan and Aerial (not to scale) © Getmapping Plc.

Candidate Site Assessment Report - Swansea€¦ · Pentrehafod Sports Hall - 930m, Swansea Tennis Centre – 1.4km, Greenhill Community Centre - 450m, Hafod Community Centre - 750m,

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Page 1: Candidate Site Assessment Report - Swansea€¦ · Pentrehafod Sports Hall - 930m, Swansea Tennis Centre – 1.4km, Greenhill Community Centre - 450m, Hafod Community Centre - 750m,



Candidate Site Assessment Report Reference LA002

Name Land at former Unigate Dairy, Morfa Way, Swansea

Description Irregular shaped site which forms part of a wider area for redevelopment for mixed development included in the Tawe Riverside Corridor Study (TRCS) Area (2006)

Size 1.5 Ha Existing Land use Industrial Proposed Land Use Residential Location Plans OS Plan and Aerial (not to scale)

© Getmapping Plc.

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Background and History Current UDP Policy http://swansea.devplan.org.uk/map

© Crown Copyright, Licence 100023509

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Planning History Planning Applications:

App No. App Type Desc

Site Address Proposal Decision Type Code

Date Decision

Legal Agreement

Appeal Lodged

Appeal Decision

Appeal Decision Date

91/0105/03 Full Thomsons Laundry Morfa Road, Hafod Swansea

Extension to laundry and alterations and extension to existing offices

HGPC 20/03/1991 N N

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Candidate Site Context Candidate Site submissions within buffer

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Candidate Site Public Consultation: Summary of Representations The Candidate Site application was advertised on site in the form of site notices. No representations were received. LDP Preferred Strategy Consultation: Summary of Representations No comments were received specifically regarding this site. LDP Draft Proposals Map Consultation: Summary of Representations 1 representation was received on the draft Proposals map which relates to this site in the context of the wider Swansea eastside area. • Consultants, Trilein Ltd, are currently conducting a Swansea Eastside Connections strategy for Natural Resources Wales, which

includes the Lower Tawe, Kilvey Hill, Crymlyn Bog and the Tenant Canal. The work will consider the banks of the Lower Tawe on both sides and issues of connectivity with the wider city as well as taking into consideration flood alleviation measures. The work is due for completion on 31st March 2015.

No comments were received on the candidate site consultation specifically regarding this site. Response to Representations • Work on the Swansea Eastside Connections Strategy is supported and welcomed. • This is a Brownfield site in a sustainable location where the principle of redevelopment is supported by national and local

planning policy guidance. The primary objective of the adopted LDP Preferred Growth Strategy is to maximise the use of appropriate Brownfield land in order to minimise the take of Greenfield land elsewhere. This land is appropriate for redevelopment and matters of detail, such as associated open space provision, traffic management, etc, are issues for consideration at any future planning application stage.

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Stage 1 Summary

Criteria 1st Filter Check

No Major Constraints

Deliverability Minimum Size Pass Fail

���� ���� ���� ���� Further Information

Site Ref LA002

Stage 1 pass. Progress to detailed stage 2 assessment.

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Key Stakeholder Consultations Internal Stakeholder Comments

CCS Transportation Means of Access: Access from Morfa Road is possible. Local Highway Conditions: Morfa Road is currently below standards and is to be upgraded. Accessibility: There is a 10 min frequency bus service over 460m from the site (Neath Road) Wider Issues / Combined effect: Substandard access road and junction with New Cut Road may require improvements to be undertaken. Restrictions: The site should not be developed until such time as the Morfa Distributor road has been constructed. Transport Proposals: There is a scheme to upgrade Morfa Road to a distributor Road.

CCS Housing There is a requirement for affordable housing across all areas of Swansea and it will be important to maximise affordable housing delivery wherever possible. The SHMA identifies that around 3100 homes are needed within this strategic housing policy zone over the LDP period.

CCS Biodiversity This site contains linear semi natural vegetation as classified under the SINC guidance, which runs along side the river. This feature should be maintained through any activities on the site.

CCS Environmental Health Conflict between RESIDENTIAL use & MIXED use proposed on adj site: site investigation condition required

CCS Education Trallwn Primary: There is limited surplus capacity at Trallwn and some concern over the condition and suitability of the building. The site is capable of expansion. Cefn Hengoed Comprehensive: Has recently undergone major remodelling, and there is limited surplus capacity to take any increased pupil numbers. However, the site is capable of expansion.

External Stakeholder Comments

Natural Resources Wales Constraints: Flooding / contamination. The eastern boundary of the site is adjacent to the river Tawe and there appears to be a small strip of bankside vegetation. This should be retained and enhanced, if possible. Consider presence of otter. Should any buildings be demolished, the they should first be assessed/surveyed for their suitability for bats.

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Need to protect fish within Tawe.

Proximity to the River Tawe means that a Pollution Strategy needs to be provided. Site is within the flood plain. Zone C1, adjacent to river Tawe. Land extensively contaminated and welcome redevelopment to address this issue. WFD moderate.

Dwr Cymru Water Supply: Initial Comments for Candidate Sites in the Ward: The local water supply network for this ward is suffice to meet the projected growth promoted. However, for the large sites in particular, some modest off-site mains will be required to service the sites. Site Specific Comments on the Draft Proposals Map: A water supply can be made available to service the proposed development site. The site is crossed by a water main for which protection measures, either in the form of an easement and / or diversion may be required. Sewerage: Initial Comments for Candidate Sites in the Ward: DCWW has records of isolated incidents of flooding in this ward and dependant on the location of the confirmed sites, these flooding issues would need to be resolved to promote the development. Waste: Initial Comments for Candidate Sites in the Ward: Proposed developments in this ward ultimately drain to our Swansea Bay Waste Water Treatment Works. Based on the cumulative growth information provided for the residential, employment and the residential element of mixed sites, our assessment equates to a population in excess of circa 40,000 people. If all this growth is to be promoted in its entirety, then we will need to plan for future investment plans at the appropriate time. Site Specific Comments on the Draft Proposals Map: No problems envisaged with the public sewerage system for domestic foul flows from this proposed development site. Swansea Bay Waste Water Treatment Works capacity – ok.

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Western Power There is currently spare transformation capacity at each of the substations, which may be able

to accommodate future load growth. Coal Authority Mining legacy - PRUG – Unrecorded probable historic underground workings at shallow depth. Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust

The sites shown are within the Archaeologically Sensitive Area of the Lower Swansea Valley, and you will be aware that discussions have taken place over a number of years regarding recommended mitigation. The area is important locally, nationally and internationally with regard to the metallurgical industries and their infrastructure, and many areas are Scheduled Ancient Monuments by virtue of this. Any development within the areas shown will have a significant impact on setting of the SAMs. It is our recent experience that industrial features survive with a high degree of integrity and complexity and the impact of development in such areas will require a significant level of mitigation. The two Copperworks sites we have commented on previously (LA005 & LA006); as we have with LA001. The area LA002 is on the site of dry docks and industrial features and will also require mitigation. The horizontally hatched orange area is currently within planning and as previously stated requires archaeological mitigation.

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Stage 2: Planning Assessment Site Description

Reference LA002

Name Land at former Unigate Dairy, Morfa Way, Swansea

Context and Character

Issue Criteria Commentary Notes Brownfield Greenfield Classification Brownfield /

Greenfield Mix


In settlement

Edge of settlement Out of settlement

Relationship to existing settlement pattern and built form


Within settlement Industrial units facing onto Morfa Road. Under developed relationship to riverside setting to East. Potential for linkages to proposed Morfa Distributor Road to the west.

Agricultural Residential Employment

Leisure Mixed Commercial

Surrounding land use(s)


Adjacent Uses Existing light industrial, vacant manufacturing sites, Sites with pp for change of use No residential properties. PP recently granted for two sites along Morfa Road for mixed use/residential development

Water Sewerage Electrical Gas

Utilities infrastructure Telecommunications

Fully connected to water, gas, electricity, telecoms, mains drainage Extract from TRCS “Power: Off site improvement works to the existing system may be necessary to provide power supplies in excess of that currently in use. Additional on site transformers would also be required. Diversion of existing power cables may be necessary for the proposed highway works.

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Water: There is an existing 150 mm water main adjacent to the site and this should be adequate for serving the proposed development. New spur connections into the site would be required. There may be a requirement for water main diversions as a result of the proposed highway works. Gas: It would be expected that there are existing gas supplies to the site that could be utilised for future re development, but this needs further confirmation with Transco. New spur mains may also be required. Telecommunications: British Telecom has existing plant in the vicinity of the site, and diversion works may be required for the proposed highway works. New connections would be required to service the site. There is also existing NTL plant in the area and it would be possible to provide new connections if necessary. NTL diversion works may be required for the proposed highway works.

Geological Habitat

Visual and Sensory Historical LANDMAP


Geological – No information found Habitat – Dry (Relatively) Terrestrial Habitats /Built Up Areas/Residential/Green Space (Level 3) Visual & Sensory – No information found Historical – Built environment (Level 1) Cultural - Influences/Material expressions/ Urban/Light Industry & Technology (Level 4)

Yes Dominant Landscape functions No

Site forms part of Tawe Riverside corridor. Development to provide enhancement to riverside.

Complex Moderate Key landscape features Simple



Impact on areas designated for landscape value Heritage Coast

No designations

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Ancient Monument Archaeologically Sensitive Area

Archaeological Site Historic Park and Garden and Setting Historic Landscape Conservation Area

Impact on historic designations

Listed Building

Extract TRCS A full archaeological assessment and walkover survey of each of the sites in the Morfa Road area is recommended, as no assessment has previously been undertaken and both the National Monuments Record and the Glamorgan and Gwent Archaeological Trust Sites and Monuments Record are incomplete. This may lead to further predetermination work. Any development proposals must be accompanied by a structured programme of archaeological investigation and recording. Trees The potential loss of riverside trees to development and riverside walk indicates a need for an arboricultural survey to determine which are worth retaining.

Impact on views and vistas

- None. Opportunities for enhancement of views and vistas, particularly re relationship to riverside.

Level Undulating Sloping




Yes Natural surveillance

No Enhancement to riverside as public transport corridor would increase the amount of natural surveillance.

< 400m < 800m Proximity to public open

space > 800m

> 800m Closest open space as crow flies are at White Rock, but access points are off Pentrechwyth Road and so not currently easily accessible from site.

< 400m < 800m Proximity to leisure

facilities or recreation space > 800m

>800m Sports pitches and Children and Teenager Provision at Dyfatty Street Pentrehafod Sports Hall - 930m, Swansea Tennis Centre – 1.4km, Greenhill Community Centre - 450m, Hafod Community Centre - 750m, St. Thomas Library - 930m, Brynhyfryd Library – 1.5km

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Yes Presence of overhead

cables No None

Yes Opportunities to provide continuity and enclosure No

Enhancements to Riverside frontage.

Yes Opportunities to contribute to an active street frontage No

Enhancements to street frontage.

Located in an aggregates safeguarding area

Yes/ No No. Adjacent to River Tawe which is a Category 2 Safeguarding Area Sand and Gravel.

More detail search required to determine boundary of safeguarding area

Located in a Primary or Secondary shallow coal resource area

Yes/ No No

Regeneration and Community

Issue Criteria Commentary Notes

Significant Some

Opportunities for new job creation


Significant. See TRCS.

Significant Some

Opportunities to contribute to vitality and viability of the area Few

Significant. See TRCS.

< 400m < 800m Proximity to primary

school(s) > 800m

Trallwn Primary (6.4km) There is limited surplus capacity at Trallwn and some concern over the condition and suitability of the building. The site is capable of expansion. Hafod Primary - 520m, Waun Wen Primary - 750m, St. Thomas Community Primary – 1.1km

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< 400m < 800m

Proximity to secondary school(s)

> 800m

Cefn Hengoed (5.1km) Cefn Hengoed has recently undergone major remodelling, and there is limited surplus capacity to take any increased pupil numbers. However, the site is capable of expansion. Pentrehafod - 980m, Cefn Hengoed Community – 2.6km, Ysgol Gyfun Bryn Tawe – 3km

< 400m < 800m

Proximity to convenience store selling daily living essentials > 800m

Nearest Neighbourhood centre: Landore

< 400m < 800m Proximity to Local

Centre/District Centre > 800m

Local Centre Neath Road, Hafod 390m, District Centre Morriston 3.9km

> 20% Welsh Speaking Ward 16-19% Welsh Speaking Ward

Linguistic Impact

0-15% Welsh Speaking Ward

6.3% of people are Welsh Speaking (2011 Census)

Environment and Climate Change Mitigation

Issue Criteria Commentary Notes Impact on open space or recreational space

- None

Impact on Greenspace - None. TRCS suggests inclusion of open space in wider study area.

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Impact on Biodiversity -

Any scheme should maintain the linear semi natural vegetation. NRW have highlighted that the eastern boundary of the site is adjacent to the river Tawe where there appears to be a small strip of bankside vegetation. They advise that this should be retained and enhanced, if possible. Should any buildings be demolished, they should first be assessed/surveyed for their suitability for bats. Consideration also needs to be given to otter and the need to protect fish within River Tawe. Water Framework Directive category = moderate.

Flood-risk and drainage -

Landore not included in FCA study. Site in TAN15 C1 zone. Extract TRCS as at 2006

• The results of investigations using detailed site topography data and EA agreed flood water levels (summarised for each site below), demonstrate that the majority of the development areas are flood free during the extreme (1000 year) event. EA and TAN15 flood zone mapping has not been amended to date however, and the areas’ C1 designation currently stands. Prior to submission of detailed planning applications Flood Consequences Assessments would therefore be required to fulfil the requirements of TAN15 for all sites (irrespective of which land use option is taken forward). Based on the results of the preliminary assessment, it is suggested that the scope of these FCA’s would be relatively limited however.

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• Former Dairy Site/ Rainbow Group land: to follow the precautionary approach, advocated in TAN15, a zone free of buildings and other major infrastructure should be maintained that is 10 to 15m wide, this could incorporate the riverside walk and other open space

NRW highlight that the Site is within the flood plain. Zone C1, adjacent to river Tawe. Confirmation sought from NRW re impact on flood risk of recent £7m flood alleviation scheme for Lower Swansea Valley.

No loss of agricultural land

Grade 3 and below Impact on agricultural land

Grade 1/2

N/A Provisional ALC Information – Welsh Government (February 2015) Provisional Grade: Urban Other Information: Formerly Developed Land Probable BMV: Not BMV

Odour Noise Light Air Proximity to existing

potential nuisance and/or sources of pollution


Noise Pollution Adjacent to Tawe Riverside Quiet Area Extract Quiet area assessment doc. A long green corridor which runs adjacent to the River Tawe. Most of this area is wooded, which creates a peaceful environment. A footpath/cycleway runs through the site. The very southernmost part of the area runs through a built up area and is attractively paved. It contrasts with the more natural higher stretches of the riverside and is also a peaceful environment away from traffic.

Environmental health comments raise issues of potential conflict of uses between the residential uses proposed on this site and adjacent proposals for mixed use.

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Air Pollution Extract TRCS

• The Morfa Road area falls within the Hafod AQMA. As such applications for planning permission will need to be supported by an assessment to prove that the development proposal will positively contribute to a reduction in NO2 production in the area. In this context residential developments which are aimed at low car ownership, such as student accommodation would be more favourably received, particularly on Morfa Road.

• All transportation interventions will need to be designed to contribute to NO2 reduction. Developer contributions maybe required towards mitigation measures. The Council is also considering its position on the EU CAFÉ proposals to reduce exposure to PM2.5.

NRW have highlighted that the site’s proximity to the river Tawe means that a Pollution Strategy needs to be provided.

Odour Noise Light Air

Potential impact of future use on existing neighbouring development


No sources identified.

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Land contamination -

Comment Environmental Health conflict between RESIDENTIAL use & MIXED use proposed on adj site: site investigation condition required Contaminated Land Maps: shows as “Miscellaneous” Extract TRCS Given the historic and current/ recent land use in the Morfa Road area it is considered likely that both fill materials from past industrial uses and point sources (arisen from process spills and leaks) of contaminant are present. Remedial works are anticipated to be required. For housing development, ground investigations are necessary and remedial capping is likely to be required. In order to protect groundwater and surface water, investigations, monitoring and regulatory dialogue followed by possible groundwater remediation are necessary. • It is expected that for the individual sites to be taken

forward for development the following additional works would be required in order to inform the planning process:

• Investigation of soil and groundwater quality; • Development of a conceptual site model and risk

assessment; and • If required provision of a Remediation Statement. This work may involve an iterative process and early regulatory dialogue with both the Environment Agency and Local Authority (as required in PPG23 (Planning and Pollution Control), but as yet no Welsh equivalent TAN). NRW Comments – Jan 2015 NRW have highlighted that the land is extensively contaminated and redevelopment to address this issue is welcome.

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Land stability - No land stability issues raised. Transport and Accessibility

Issue Criteria Commentary Notes Yes

Yes, but improvement required

Vehicular access to public highway


Means of Access: Access from Morfa Road is possible.

Yes Ransom Strip

No Not known

< 400m < 800m

Accessibility to high frequency public transport access point, i.e. train station or bus stop

> 800m

Extract from TRCS Public Transport

• While the sites at the northern and southern ends of the existing Morfa Road are within 400m walking distance (as prescribed within the IHT guidelines) of bus stops located on Neath Road or High Street, the central section of the master plan is less accessible to public transport connections. It is important to note however, that whilst parts of the central area of the master plan are further than the recommended walking threshold to bus stops, this may not preclude people from walking slightly further to travel on these bus services.

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• At present, services 4 and 4A (Morriston Hospital) operate along Neath Road with 10 minute frequencies during the peak periods, together with services 122 (Neath) and X21 (Craig Cefn Parc) running at half hourly headways. Discussions with First Bus have revealed that the diversion of these services into the site could be problematic in terms of increasing service times to the existing corridors/ catchments. It is generally not their policy to divert services away from the main bus routes. In addition, there are currently no services operating along new Cut Road and so no opportunities to divert into the site from the southern end.

• Given the quantum of development proposed, there may be scope to provide a new bus service to the site operating between Swansea and Morriston. This would however require subsidy from either the Local Authority, or the private sector via a Section 106 agreement, which could perhaps involve 3-5 years of commitment.

• Bus Stops:- 400m – Hafod, Hafod Inn (SW-bound), 400m – Hafod, Hafod Inn (NE-bound), 850m – Swansea, opp High Street Station ftr, 900m – Swansea, Railway Station N2 (N-bound), Castle

Regularly congested Congested at times Traffic conditions on

nearby highway network No significant congestion

Highways Comments Morfa Road is currently below standards and is to be upgraded. Site should not be developed until Morfa Distributor Road developed.

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Medium Potential to access community facilities and services via active transport Low

Pedestrian Links

• To improve pedestrian linkages from the central part of the site the feasibility of pedestrian linkage over the railway line may need to be considered although it is recognised that this may have both engineering and cost implications.


Issue Criteria Commentary Notes

Need Identified Supply and Demand

No identified need

Need for development of wider riverside corridor area for mixed use is identified in the Tawe Riverside Corridor Study. Report contains specific recommendations and actions for the Morfa Road part of the site

Immediately available Some indication of availability


No indication of availability

Delivery is dependent on other sites within study area coming forward. Particularly the Pipehouse Wharf site (LA007) – Council Depot – the disposal of which by the Council has the potential to be the catalyst to the regeneration of the area.


Environmental Constraints


Development is dependant on the implementation of the Morfa Distributor Road scheme. (see highways comments) Improvements to foot and cycle links and bridges would also be required.

Viability -

Extract TRCS The costs of achieving development in Morfa Road area will fall on both the private and public sector. The largest element will be the Morfa Distributor Road, as discussed in the previous section (including Maliphant Street link upgrading and the formation of the New Cut Road/ The Strand Gyratory).

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The proposed foot/ cycle bridge is estimated to cost in the region of £825,000. Enhancement of landscaping and signing of the Gladeborough Trading Estate is estimated to cost approximately £220,000. Preliminary development appraisals of the various land uses suggested for the sites in Morfa Road have been undertaken based on a number of common assumptions. These are generalised given the uncertainties over a number of factors such as ground conditions, contamination issues, timescale for development and the Morfa Distributor Road. The initial appraisals indicate that residential development, taking account of likely requirements for social housing and a degree of ground condition abnormals, would be viable for the private sector to undertake without support. With regard to office development, there would be likely to be a need for development grant funding for between 20-30% of the project cost. New industrial development is anticipated to require some 30-35% of the project cost in grant funding. The level required for trade counter uses would be in the region of 10-15% of project cost. Possible funding sources for the infrastructure and other public sector inputs include developer contributions via Section 106 for infrastructure and provision of affordable homes; Welsh Assembly Government funding for regeneration schemes and to support businesses in expansion and the development of new sites with an economic development purpose; and ERDF Convergence Funding.

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Stage 2 Summary

Key Issues

Draft Proposals Map 2015: proposed allocation Site is part of wider Tawe Riverside Corridor Study Area. The principle of mixed use development is established in the UDP and in the Study. The Study is dated June 2006. Delivery of Morfa Distributor Road (MDR) required to support development C1 flood zone. Confirmation sought from NRW re extent to which £7m flood scheme will amend flood designations. The site should therefore progress, together with other proposed sites in the study area, for consideration for inclusion in the Deposit Plan. Further details can be determined as details emerge from the update of the TRCS and in light of progress on delivery of MDR.

Are there opportunities for development to occur on adjoining land?

Yes See Tawe Riverside Corridor Study Report

If yes, provide details Candidate Sites LA001, LA005, LA006, LA007 See also sites in Tawe Riverside Corridor Study

Is there an alternative land use considered more suitable for the site?

Yes No N/A

If Yes, specify land use considered appropriate A mix of uses, as proposed in submission would be appropriate. Land use to be appropriate in wider context of riverside corridor sites. 2006 TRCS suggests light industrial.

Should site progress to Preferred Strategy Appraisal?

Yes, whole site Yes, part of site No

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Stage 3A: Assessment Against LDP Objectives Scores= Objective Score

1 Ensure that communities have a mix of uses and facilities to create sustainable, inclusive neighbourhoods that help to bring about wider social benefits and allow community life to flourish


2 Encourage development of town and district centres as focal areas for regeneration n/a

3 Improve access to healthcare, lifelong learning, leisure, recreation, and other community facilities n/a

4 Create environments that support and promote walking, cycling and public transport as integral elements of a sustainable transport system


5 Facilitate the provision of appropriate utility and transport infrastructure to support communities and businesses +2

6 Encourage appropriate development of low carbon and renewable energy resources and energy infrastructure ?

7 Support the safeguarding and sustainable use of natural resources where appropriate 0


8 Facilitate the sustainable management of waste n/a

9 Direct new housing to economically viable and deliverable sites at sustainable locations +2

10 Support development that positions Swansea as an economically competitive place and an economic driver for the City Region


11 Facilitate growth and diversification of the local economy and an increase in high value, skilled employment +1

12 Reinforce and improve the City Centre as a vibrant regional destination for shopping, culture, leisure, learning and business


13 Ensure Swansea represents a strong commercial investment opportunity for developers and other partners to deliver the Council’s priority regeneration schemes


14 Ensure that communities have a sufficient range and choice of good quality housing to meet a variety of needs and support economic growth



15 Promote and enhance a diverse and sustainable rural economy 0

+2 will fully meet LDP objective +1 will have positive impact on LDP objective 0 neutral effect on LDP objective -1 Will have a negative impact on LDP objective -2 Will not meet LDP objective

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16 Improve, expand and diversify appropriate sustainable tourism facilities and infrastructure n/a

17 Promote a sustainable development strategy that prioritises the re-use of appropriate previously developed land, avoids significant adverse environmental impacts and respects environmental assets


18 Preserve and enhance the County’s high quality cultural and historic environments ?

19 Conserve and enhance the County’s natural heritage +1

20 Maintain and enhance green infrastructure networks +2

21 Support measures to minimise the causes and consequences of climate change n/a

22 Promote good design that is locally distinct, sustainable, innovative and sensitive to location ?

23 Support the development of safe, accessible and vibrant places and spaces +2


24 Create environments that encourage and support good health, well-being and equality +2

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Stage 3B: Assessment Against SEA/SA Objectives

Key: ++ Will contribute to sustainability +/- Range of positive and negative effects + Will result in some positive effects 0 Neutral effects - Will have some negative/non-sustainable effects ? Uncertain effects -- Will have a negative/non-sustainable effect X Not applicable to policy

1. Promotion of sustainable development +/-

2. Maintain and enhance biodiversity resource and protected habitats and species. +/-

3. Increase community safety and sense of security ?

4. Enable people to meet their housing needs and provide good quality housing +

5. Provide high quality, accessible lifelong learning opportunities which meet future needs 0

6. Encourage an inclusive society and promote equality +

7. Support the development of Swansea as a competitive place and contribute to Swansea’s role as a regional economic driver


8. Promote and enhance the rural economy 0

9. Support the development of the environmental goods and services sector. ?

10. Create social and physical environments that encourage and support health and well-being. +/-

11. Protect soil resources 0

12. Improve the quality of inland coastal water (surf zone) and rivers +

13. Promote the efficient use of water resources ?

14. Ensure development respects constraints such as floodplains and unstable land ?

15. Promote an integrated transport system and encourage sustainable travel and development patterns that do not cause significant harm to air quality


16. Support adaptation and mitigation measures due to climate change x

17. Improvement in prudent and efficient use of energy +/-

18. Development of appropriate types of renewable energy resources ?

19. Promote the sustainable management of waste in an integrated manner, aiming towards zero waste by 2050 ?

20. Efficient use of minerals that safeguard existing resources and promote the use of secondary aggregates over primary resources where appropriate.


21. Protect and enhance the quality of the cultural and historic environment +/-

22. Maintain and enhance the quality and distinctiveness of the landscape, townscape and seascape. ++

Page 29: Candidate Site Assessment Report - Swansea€¦ · Pentrehafod Sports Hall - 930m, Swansea Tennis Centre – 1.4km, Greenhill Community Centre - 450m, Hafod Community Centre - 750m,



Comments: #2 Linear semi natural vegetation (SINC habitat) to be retained as part of any development. Buffer to be included between development and River Tawe. #4 Delivery of site dependant on Morfa Distributor Road. Unlikely to be delivered within first 5 years of the plan period. #7 Scored re loss of employment use.. But uncertain how mix of uses will be delivered over LA group of sites. #10 Score could be approved dependent on proposals to create connection to river corridor and transport connections #12 Score on basis that regeneration of brownfield site - residential cleaner use that industrial #14 Further work needed to assess current flood risk in light of flood alleviation works downstream #15 Is an AQMA but Morfa distributor road and riverside footways may increase connectivity #20 Brownfield site has neutral impact on sterilisation of resources #21 Full archaeological assessment and walkover survey recommended by GGAT. Potential for positive and negative effects, dependent on outcome of surveys and detail of proposals. Opportunities for change of use from industrial to deliver enhancements. #22 Industrial to residential will green environment create linkages to riverside