Dubai Hurricanes RFC - Mini & Youth H urricanes DUBAI III Rugby Football Club M&Y News – March 2013 www.dubaihurricanes.com U8s doing it “The Canes Way” in Sharjah last weekend: Cup & Plate Champions - AGAIN!! IN THIS ISSUE: Can you believe there are only 6 more Fridays until the end of the season?! Read on to see what’s in store until the end... and beyond! SHARJAH ~ Team reports and results ......... p.2 & 3 MEET THE TEAM ~ U12 girls inaugural season ............ p.4 TO DRINK, OR NOT TO DRINK ~ Water is the question ..................... p.5 VOLUNTEER’S CORNER ~ Your club needs YOU! .................... p.6 TRIVIA ~ Test your rugby knowledge ........... p.7 COMING UP ~ League finals, HSBC Doha, End of Season .................................. p.8 DUBAI RUGBY ACADEMY ~ What’s it all about?.......................... p.9 THE FUTURE OF DHRFC ~ Have your say ................................ p.10 COMPETITIONS~ Win amazing Atlantis prizes ......... p.11 INDOORWALKING - Fantastic free offer, only for DHRFC parents ................. p.12 LIONS TOUR ~ Tour tickets here ........................... p.13 WIN BIG HERE!! This week & every month! See p.11 for details FANTASTIC ATLANTIS PRIZES UP FOR GRABS! BE IN IT TO WIN IT!!! IT COULD BE YOU !

Canes News 14 Mar '13

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Newsletter of the DHRFC M&Y

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Page 1: Canes News 14 Mar '13

“Dubai Hurricanes RFC - Mini & Youth”



Rugby Football Club

M & Y N e w s – M a r c h 2 0 1 3

w w w . d u b a i h u r r i c a n e s . c o m

U8s doing it “The Canes Way” in Sharjah last weekend:Cup & Plate Champions - AGAIN!!


Can you believe there are only 6 more Fridays until the

end of the season?!

Read on to see what’s in store until the end... and beyond!

SHARJAH ~Team reports and results ......... p.2 & 3

MEET THE TEAM ~U12 girls inaugural season ............ p.4

TO DRINK, OR NOT TO DRINK ~ Water is the question ..................... p.5

VOLUNTEER’S CORNER ~Your club needs YOU! .................... p.6

TRIVIA ~ Test your rugby knowledge ........... p.7

COMING UP ~League finals, HSBC Doha, End of Season .................................. p.8

DUBAI RUGBY ACADEMY ~What’s it all about?.......................... p.9

THE FUTURE OF DHRFC ~ Have your say ................................ p.10

COMPETITIONS~Win amazing Atlantis prizes ......... p.11

INDOORWALKING -Fantastic free offer, only for DHRFC parents ................. p.12

LIONS TOUR ~Tour tickets here ........................... p.13


HERE!!This week & every month! See p.11 for







Page 2: Canes News 14 Mar '13

Under 8sAnother great tournament for the DH U8s.  The boys played some great rugby and showed off their amazing tagging skills. 

Team 1: CUP CHAMPIONS following a very successful day in which they won all of their games. After a nail- biting final against ADH1 which included two periods of extra time, Aidan Ford and LJ Ekendahl worked together to score the winning try in a 4:3 victory! Team 2: won 2 out of 3 matches, and were unlucky to lose in the other game. A good team performance to build on, showing superb passion to compete.

Team 3: PLATE CHAMPIONS!!! The boys showed great teamwork through their playoffs and came up against Knights 3 in a very close final game, but kept their composure to win 5:4. Well played!

A big thank you to the coaches, our parents and of course the players who helped make it a fantastic day for the U8s.

S H A R J A H 2 0 1 3

U8 MoM awards:

Team 1 – Edward Copson

Team 2 – Thomas Long

Team 3 – Ethan Aston

Well done boys!

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U12 Four U12 teams entered the tournament. All played hard and enjoyed a great day

of rugby, in spite of the sore bodies!Thanks to all the parents, siblings, coaches and players for an excellent turnout and

for all the support shown.DH1 ended the day as CUP WINNERS!!!

U12 Fair Player of the tournament:

Chris Assimacopoulos.

Well played Chris!

M o r e a c t i o n f r o m S h a r j a h . . .


Rugby Football ClubRugby Football Club

Under 10s

U10 Development SquadDevelopment players made up half the team for the visiting Tisa Titans from Azerbaijan and had a storming time. They ran about all over the field, played for the Knights as well, and generally exhibited all of the great rugby values of sportsmanship, team-bonding and participation - the o ppo s it i o n teams we re ve r y grateful for our help, and we can all be very proud of all of our players who helped out. On-site medics and trained club personnel did an excellent job with the unfortunate injuries sustained during the day. Thanks!

DH1 & DH2Thanks so much for coming down and playing a tremendous morning of rugby at Sharjah. Despite some refereeing o ddit ies, every player left it all out on the pitch, there were some spectacular games and heads should be held high by all.

DH1 went out 2-1 in the cup final to an Exiles 1 side that had beaten them well earlier, so it was a great progression in effort through the day.

DH2 lost 1- 0 in a very closely fought game against the French, who remain a very similar team in terms of skill. It was a close game, and we should do well against them over a longer timeframe next week in the league finals.

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  The  Unbeatables    











Back    Louka  Blommaert,  Etain  O Shea,  Louisa  Chibane,  Holly  Harding,  Molly  Fagan,  Shauna  O Neill  Front    Serena  Lambert,  Lilly  Ladd,  Holly  Rhys-­‐Maitland,  Freya  Dando,  Mirna  Dickinson  


While  everyone  else  was  off  playing  in  Sharjah,  the  Girls  Under  12s  visited  the  Arabian  Knights  to  play  in  their  own  tournament  against  2  Abu  Dhabi  Quins  teams  and  2  Knights  teams.    

It  was  a  fantastic  day  and  the  girls  showed  good  progress  from  the  first  to  the  last  game.  

In  the  end,  the  girls  won  4  matches  in  a  row  and  finished  the  day  with  a  try  score  of  27  for  and  only  11  tries  against.  

Our  girls  used  a  rush  defence  and  frequently  pushed  the  opposition  backwards  on  their  own  ball  to  force  the  turnover.  Meanwhile,  in  attack  we  were  just  too  fast  and  other  teams  could  not  cope  with  our  off-­‐loads  which  saw  us  score  some  fantastic  tries.    

These  are  the  last  matches  of  the  year  for  the  girls  and  they  can  be  enormously  proud  to  say  that  they  finished  their  first  season  unbeaten  in  all  competitions  and  friendlies.    

Bring  on  the  competition  in  September    our  girls  are  ready.  

Meet the U12 Girls, now known as...

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It’s that time of year again – the mercury is rising, pullovers are packed away, aircon compressors whir continuously, and water bottles become our constant companions.

HOW TO SPOT DEHYDRATION IN CHILDREN:Sunken eyes Decreased frequency of urination No tears when the child cries, Dry or sticky mucous membranes Lethargy Irritability (more crying, fussiness & inconsolability)

DID YOU KNOW...Thirst is the least reliable of the body’s sensory signals – by the time you feel thirsty you are already becoming dehydrated.



Sports drinks do not hydrate any better than water. However, they won’t do you any harm – if you prefer the taste and can drink more of these than plain water, then go ahead and DRINK!

ALWAYS drink plenty of water BEFORE leaving home to play rugby

ALWAYS ensure you take plenty of water with you and have another decent glug 15 mins before starting play

ALWAYS stop for another drink every 10–15 mins during the session.

DID YOU KNOW...The key to remaining hydrated during a match/training session, is starting out hydrated! DID YOU KNOW...

A 10% reduction in you body’s hydration results in a 25% loss of performance.




DID YOU KNOW...The sugar in fruit juices reduce the rate of water absorption. Whilst they may be healthy, fruit juices are not the best for keeping hydrated.

Even mild dehydration can lead to the following:Fatigue, muscle weakness, poor concentration, headaches, dizziness or lightheadedness, decreased metabolism.

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Musclebound help needed to pitch and strike the Atlantis

shade cover every Friday

morning. Contact Simon:

M&Y Chairman

Do you have what it takes to steer the DHRFC M&Y ship?The Hurricanes Management are still looking for the right person to take on this important position.

We know we have dozens, perhaps hundreds, of talented parents with a myriad of relevant skills. Don’t be shy – make contact today.

[email protected]


Y O U R c l u bn e e d s

y o u !

We need your help! FIRST AID



Contact Kim or Cecileif you can spare a little time to help with this essential


[email protected]

End of SeasonCan you spare a little time

to help the social committee with arrangements for the

M&Y end-of-season celebrations?Contact Kim

Want to get involved but not sure how you can help?

The club has expanded hugely in a very short time but is still run by volunteers. There are always jobs to do, and even a little help can go a long way in sharing the load.

So please contact Kim today:[email protected]

No Experience Necessary!

We need someone to look

after club merchandising (T-shirts, caps, keyrings, etc)

If you’d like to give it a go,

please contact Kim at the usual email address, or catch her in the office most

Friday mornings.

Page 7: Canes News 14 Mar '13

Q1. Who won the 1973 Five Nations Championship?

Q2. Which IRB member nation has the shortest


RUGBY TRIVIAANSWERS:1.No-one! It was a 5-way tie, with all nations winning at

home and losing away. (Had there been a tie-break on points difference, Wales would have been the victors).

2.Fiji3.Rory Underwood (Calcutta Cup, 8th Jan 1992)4.Campo5.Following a match between players representing

England and those representing Scotland, Ireland & Wales in 1872, the Calcutta Rugby Club was disbanded. Club funds were withdrawn from the bank in rupees, which were melted down to make a trophy. This was presented to the RFU in 1878; England & Scotland have competed annually for it ever since.

6.Stellenbosch7.Bill Cavubati – tighthead prop for Fiji – weighed in at

165kg (26st) when he played against NZ in 2005. (He now works as a nightclub bouncer...!)

8.a. 1988 b.New Zealand, USA, USSR, Netherlands9.1888 – As the “British Isles” team they played a total

of 35 rugby matches, plus 19 Aussie Rules Football games!

10.Willie John McBride made 70 Lions appearances (1961/2, 1965/6, 1967/8, 1970/71, 1973/4) and scored a total of 4 tries. Not bad for a lock!

Q3. Which England player was the

first to win 50 international caps?

Q4. Who was the first player to score 60 international tries?

Q6. Which South African University hosts the largest

rugby club in the world?

Q5. Why is the Calcutta Cup

so called?

Q7. Who was the heaviest player

ever to win an international cap?

How heavy was he?

Q9. The British Lions first unofficial tour of Australia & NZ took place in which year?

Q10. Which player made the

most appearances for the British

Lions? How many were there,

and how many tries did he score?

Q8a. In what year was the

Women’s IRB formed?

8b. Which 4 nations

competed in the first

women’s international

tournament, held in NZ?

Test your rugby knowledge and impress your mates...

Page 8: Canes News 14 Mar '13

C o m i n g U p . . .


Fun Day with player awards

and all the usual trimmings Fri 19th April 2013

(Venue TBC)

Don’t forget to check the Communicator for this week’s

pitch/training schedules!

Birthdays we’ve missed, and those coming up:

Miad Sihawi, Jordan Ahmed, Oliver Lacey, Jake Webster, Johnathan Raath,

Karoline Kristensson, Kristian Ryan, Will Farhart, Ryan Diprose, Yousef Ahmed,

David Dickinson, Sam Seifoori, Sebastian Farah, Stephan Cosse,

Harry Ladd, Lilly Ladd, Sam Lacey, Thomas Lewis, Thomas Moeller,

Michael Marengo, Luke Coughlan, Alexander Tanner, James Vorster,

Max Getty, Louis Rayner, Olivia Stone, Thomas Hadden, Kohei Nishimura,

Toby Burnside, Max Skelton, & Felipe Wyss

Cian McElligott, Parry, Louisa Chibane, Gian Lucca Lanfranchi,

Simon Rhys-Maitland, Jake Woodward, Zeger Coelst, Rhys Driver,

Darius Cassia, Hugo Ford, Luca Tuckey, Edward Casben, Oliver Woodward,

Adam Desira, Jack Sizeland, William Copson,

Edward Stewart-Richardson, Luc Baines, Zach Wain,

Finn Timmermans, Ziggy Harland, Morgan Banks, Thomas Clarke,

Emerson Wheeler, & Jack Fourie

But it’s not all over...Dubai Rugby Academy

Starting on 26th April 2013See next page for details

Many Happy Returns To You All!!!

UAE Youth League Finals This Weekend at 7he Sevens!

Come along and support all our young Hurricanes playing in league finals this weekend.Lets make lots of noise...


Countdown to Spain!

There is still plenty of space for donations & sponsors as

the U12 boys begin THEIR final preparations for the trip.

All contributions will be much appreciated - contact Kim.

Page 9: Canes News 14 Mar '13

Rugby AcademyDUBAI

When?Monday evenings & Friday mornings, commencing Friday 26th April,

ending Friday 28th June.

Where?Initial DRA sessions will take place at

7he Sevens, but will move to an indoor venue as temperatures dictate.

How much?Cost for 10 weeks (19 sessions): 1000dhs

(800Dhs for development players)

What’s it all about, and who’s it for?The Dubai Rugby Academy, DRA, will run for 10 weeks at the end of the playing season.

It will cater for any player, of any age, who wishes to hone his/her skills during the off-season, to develop their game beyond normal club sessions.

High Performance, transitions, and development squads will be catered for (subject to demand).

For more details, and to register, contact Robbie:

[email protected]

055 640 7164

2 0 1 3

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Dear Player and Parents As we enter the final weeks of the 2012-13, we have already started preparing for the 2013-14 season, looking to renew existing sponsorship, plan kit and equipment orders and book pitches. You may not be aware of the tremendous amount of voluntary work that goes on behind the scenes that enables over 650 players to play rugby from as young as under 4 years to the tender age of 50 – from Coaches, Team Managers and Medics to the Administration Team and Club Committee I thank you! In 1999 our first team took the field adopting the name of the Dubai Hurricanes RFC. Since then the name has remained, but we have had numerous changes in kit design driven partly by the growth of club and partly by sponsorship. As we prepare for our 15th season of rugby the Club Committee has agreed to review the club brand and take it to the next level in order fulfil our vision of being recognised as the rugby club of choice in Dubai. To achieve this we have reached a sponsorship agreement with Brash Brands who will use their 4D process to drive the this important landmark forward:

• Discover: Gather insight through research of players, family and those associated with the club

• Define: Brash outline an approach to take the club forward strategically• Deliver: Where the work comes to life across brand identity, look and feel and most

importantly our kit designs• Determine: Measure Hurricanes effectiveness, on and off the pitch!

Over the coming weeks Brash Brands will complete this process, starting with the Sharjah Tournament and next Monday (11 March) pitch side at the 7s from 1730 gathering insights from all players and parents about the club. Living our values of ‘Respect’ and ‘Family’ may I request you give the Brash team a typical ‘Canes welcome, and provide them with whatever insights you have that will help them develop our brand. I see this as a great opportunity to get maximum participation from everyone involved in club life, and ensure we contribute to the development of something that we can be proud of going forward. Our intention is to reveal the new brand at the Club Ball currently being planned for late May. To close I am delighted to inform all players and parents that our principal sponsor, Emirates Airlines, has agreed to renew its sponsorship agreement with the Dubai Hurricanes RFC FZE, allowing us to retain the “Fly Emirates” brand on the front of our shirts. See you on the park and…..Who Do You Play 4? Simon LewisChairman Dubai Hurricanes RFC FZEThe Sevens StadiumPO Box 2750Dubai, United Arab Emirates T: +971 4 7083026M: +971 55 6025071 www.dubaihurricanes.com


Rugby Football ClubRugby Football Club

Have your say!

If you want to

voice your opinions on the future of the DHRFC,

please email Zak at Brash Brands:

[email protected]

Important letter from the Club Chairman –

originally published on 6th March ’13

To download a copy please see the Communicator

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How many rugby photographs have you taken since September 2012? Best Hurricanes action photo of the 2012/13 season wins!

PRIZE: Free entry for 4 people to The Lost Chambers, Atlantis the Palm.

HOW TO ENTER:Submit your best photographs of the season to [email protected] (max 3 entries per person)

CLOSING DATE: 24th March 2013

ELIGIBILITY: The competition is open to all DHRFC Members and their immediate family (parent/spouse/child of member)

THE SMALL PRINT: You give permission for DHRFC to use all material submitted at any time and in any way for the benefit of the club and its members.


PRIZE: Lunch for 2 at Kaleidoscope restaurant, Atlantis The Palm

HOW TO ENTER: Find out on the Communicator! Answer a simple question to be entered into the draw.

CLOSING DATE: Friday 22nd March. Don’t delay, enter today!

This month we are running 2, yes TWO fantastic competitions to give away

superb prizes at Atlantis The Palm



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