CAP Squadron Leadership School (1999)

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  • 8/2/2019 CAP Squadron Leadership School (1999)


    C ivil A ir PatrolSquadron Leadership SchoolInstructor Guide

    HQCAPIETSApril 1999

  • 8/2/2019 CAP Squadron Leadership School (1999)


    SECTION 3CONCEPT: The Lia ison S tructureS UGGESTED PRESENTER: C AP -U SAF lia ison region staff, w ing liaison region staff.In the event the liaison region staff are not available to present th is m aterial, it isrecommended that you om it th is section of the S LS .APPRO XIM ATE TIM E: 50 m inutesOBJECTIVES:T he students w ill be able to:1. E xpla in the lia ison structure as it re lates to C AP .2. L ist the w ays in w hich the liaison office aids the squadron.

    LECUTRE OUTLINEI. C ivil A ir P atro l - U nited States A ir Force S upport (C AP -U SAF ): A dvice, L ia ison, andOversightA . N ational level (H Q CAP -U SA F): This office functions as the N ationalH eadquarters and is located at 'the N ational H eadquarters of C ivil A ir P atro l. T hecommander is responsib le to the commander, A ir U nivers ity at M axw ell A ir F orceBase , A labama.1. Provide A ir Force advice, lia ison, and oversight of C AP operations2. General service to CAPa. R epresent C AP 's interest w ith governm ent agenciesb. In sp ecto r ge ne ra l ass es smen t3. C ivil A ir P atro l R eserve A ssistance Program M anagem ent (C AP RAP )B. Region level (CAP-USAF Liaison Region): This office provides advice andassistance to the CAP wing and region commanders. In the chain of command,th is office is responsible to the commander, C AP -USAF N ational H eadquarters,A ir U niversity, M axw ell A ir F orce B ase, A labam a.

    1. There are eight C AP -U SA F lia ison regions2. C AP -U SA F region lia ison offices provide advice, lia ison, and overs ight to there gion a nd w in gs .3. C AP -U SA F region liaison offices support the C AP region directors ofae rospace educa tion .4. R egion C AP -U SA F liaison offices advise the C AP w ing lia ison officers andnoncomm is sioned o ffic ers .5. R egion C AP -U SA F liaison offices, w ith the assistance of the region reserveass ista nc e co ord in ato r, m an ag e th e C ivil A ir P atro l R ese rve A ssistan ceP ro gram (CAPRAP).II. C ivil A ir P atro l R eserve A ssistance P rogram (CAPRAP): H eadquarters CAP -USAF,M axw ell A FB , A labam a is the C APRAP program m anager. R eservists are assignedto the 9004 th A ir R eserve S quadron for adm inistration and are attached for tra in ingto one of the eight CAP-U SAF lia ison region offices, or to one of the 52 w ing lia isonoffices nearest to his/her hom e. The C AP RAP is organized in a m ilitary structureclosely parallel to that of the active C AP -U SA F liaison office force. A region reserveassistance coordinator heads each region. The C AP -U SA F regions have commandand adm inistrative control of the reservists. E ach w ing has a reserve assistance


  • 8/2/2019 CAP Squadron Leadership School (1999)


    coordinator that is responsible for the operation of the CAPRAP in his/her respectivewing. Each wing has reserve assistance officers to assist at all levels of operations.The wing liaison office has day~to-day operational control of the reservist.A. The CAPRAP Program offers assistance to various CAP activities. They provide

    assistance for national, region and wing activities.B. The wing commander through the wing liaison office must request CAPRAP wing

    assistance. Types of assistance include:1. Flight/cadet encampments2. Aerospace education conferences3. Emergency service exercises and training activities4. Wing conferences5. Staff schoolsC. CAPRAP squadron assistance must be requested through the wing commander.Types of assistance include:1. Arrange for military tours, facilities, and support2. Provide guidance on military procedures and requirements3. Become involved with aerospace education4. Present training sessions and briefings5. Attend squadron meetings and activities6. Assist with recruiting activities7. Monitor safetyIII. Wing Level CAP Corporate Liaison Office (LO): This office provides advice andassistance to the CAP wing commander and staff. In the chain of command, thisoffice Is responsible to the executive director, HQ CAP.Any request for liaison office assistance must have the approval of the wingcommander. Liaison office assistance must have the approval of the wingcommander. Liaison personnel represent both CAP and the interest of the United

    States Air Force. Duties of the CAP wing LO include:A. Primary USAF advisor to CAP region and wing commandersB. Attend wing/region staff meetingsC. Attend wing/region conferencesD. Conduct unit visitsE. Exercise operational control over CAPRAPF. Liaison with Department of Defense (000)1. Negotiate leases for CAP buildings2. Coordinate use of 000 basesa. Unit meeting facilitiesb. Exercisesc. Encampmentsd. Meetings3. Promoter CAP emergency services capabilities4. Brief Air Force commanders on CAP5. Manage DRMO screening: Note: Remind the members about the "wish list"and the necessity of going through their chain of command.

    6. Monitor CAP inventories7. Review real estate leases


  • 8/2/2019 CAP Squadron Leadership School (1999)


    G . Coo rd ina te a irlift1. A rra ng e d ed ica te d a irlift s up po rt fo r a pp ro ve d CAP activities2. Coordinate orientation flights on D oD aircraft N ote: R em ind m embers that theLO is c ertified to do ca de t o rie nta tio n flig hts.H. Au thent ica te a ir lif t documen ta tion1. Mi litary suppo rt au tho riza tions2. Transpo rtat ion au tho riza tionsNote : U sua lly, 45 days prior to the event, the nam e, socia l security num ber.hom etow n. and state m ust be provided to allow am ple tim e for verification andpro ce ss in g. B ille tin g re gu la tio ns n ow re quire th is in fo rm atio n b e p ro vide d b efo rereservations are m ade. B e sure to stress the tim e requirem ents to the students.I. Mange Emergency S erv ices P rogram1. Funding m ust be requested on a C APF 10, Req ue st, A uth oriza tion , a ndRepo rt fo r T ra in inglEvaluation M is sions . A CAPF 10 has been included in theS tu dent Gu id e. Note: You m ay want to expla in how to request funds, fill outthe paperw ork, and the chain of flow for the paperw ork.2. An A ir F ore presence is required for a ll funded activities

    Student Guide MaterialsIt is im portant to review the m ateria l the students are going to be using. The StudentGuide is to be used as a guided note-taking activity. The guide aids the student infocusing on the instructional m aterial and it a lso serves as a valuable resource guide forthe student. P lease allow am ple tim e for the students to com plete the guide. TheS tu dent Gu id e is corre lated to the slide presentation. T he students becom e frustratedwhen they are not able to fill in the blanks. It m ay be necessary to provide a question-and-answ er session at the end of the lesson to provide the students w ith m issingm ateria l. T o aid th is process. you m ay w ant to fill in the m issing m ateria l.

    L ia is on S tru ctu reN ational Level (H Q CAP -U SA F)This office functions as the __ -::- headquarters. Thecommander is responsib le to the Commander, _

    R egion Level (C AP .U SA F Liaison Region)This office provides advice and assistance to the CAP ________ and . In the chain of command. th isoffice is responsib le to the commander, _


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    Wing Level (CAP Corporate LO)This office provides advice and assistance to CAP __ ~ _____ ~ and . In the chain of command, th is officeis responsib le to the --~ __~------' CAP.In provid ing oversight and accountability, the W ing LO manages _screening. The LO should have documentation for airlift support daysp rio r to th e a ctivity .A CAPF _ is used to request funds for tra ining activities.A squadron may request reserve assistance through the commander.


  • 8/2/2019 CAP Squadron Leadership School (1999)


    I n s e rt C A P F 1 0 , A t t a c h m e n t 7REQUES T, AU THOR IZ ATIO N, AND REPOR T FOR TR AIN IN G/E VA LU ATIO N M ISSIO NS

    From: Wing To: Liaison RegionDate: HQ CAP/DO (C D only)IN TURN

    1. lAW CAPR 50-15 and C AP -U SAF I 10-802 req ue st fo llo win g m is sion (s): (M ay ch eck more th an on e.)SAR Evaluation DR Evaluation CD E valuation **

    (J SAR T raining (A nd 60-2) DR Tra in ing C D Training **NCPSC Form 5/91 Evaluations C D O rientation { Customs DEA( FAA)**P rima ry Da te : A lte rnate Da te :* *CD Contact Phone N o.

    2. Estimate d re imburs ement c os t (s ee re ve rs e):

    3 . I c ertify th at W ing has reviewed the previous evaluation and is prepared for the requestedUSAF eva luation.I ce rtify th at th is tra in ,n 8 m issio n h as be en p la nn ed a nd d eS ig na ted to accomp lish spec if ic t ra in ingrequirem ents in the area(s selected in Item 1.

    W ing/CC Signature Date:W in g LO S ig na tu re Date:** Region CD Director's Signature Date:

    4 . Region L ia is on O ffic e SARlDR Au thor iz ation: Approved: D isapprovedUSA F A ssig ne d M issio n N umbe r:F und C ite :Signature:

    5 . Reg io n L ia is on O ffic e COUNTERDRUG Coo rd in atio n: 0Concur 0D o N ot C oncur 0 LR P la ns to O bse rveSignature Date:

    6 . HQ CAP Author iz ation fo r Coun te rd rug T ra in ing/E va luation: Approved - Msn No.DisapprovedSignature: Date:

    7. Rep ort o f A ctu al R eso urce s U sed :TO : L ia is on Region Date:

    A. Costs: C orp . A cft F ly in g Cos t: $ O th er A cft Flyin g C ost $Communicat ions: $ Veh ic le F ue l & Oil: $

    B . F lyin g H ou rs U se d: C orp ora te A ircra ft: Hours Other A ircraft: HoursW in g LO S ig na tu re :


  • 8/2/2019 CAP Squadron Leadership School (1999)


    Cop ie s o f S lid esIn cluded in your in stru ctio na l materia ls a re cop ie s o f th e slide s you w ill b e u sin gas an instructional aid. Review the material. You may want to add additionalslides.

    CAP and CApUSAF

    Terminologyc > Civ il A ir Patrol(CAP)

    C i v il ia n C o r p o r a tio nc > Civ il A ir Patro l United Sta tesAir Force (CAPUSAF)

    M i li t a r y O r g a n i z a t i o n

    HQCAP-USAFF u nc tio n s a t t he N a tio n al H e ad qu ar te rs . Thec ommande r is re sp on sib le t o t heC omman d er , A ir U n iv er sit y.

    " T h e i n it i a tiv e s t o e x p a n d e v e n f u rt h e r t h e n o n -c om b a t m i s s io n s o f t h e A i r F o rc e performed b yC A P ' s u n p a id v o lu n te e r s w il l m a k e t h e C A P a ni n c te a s in g /y v a lu a b le n a tio n a l t r e a s u r e .

    G e n e ra l R o n a ld R . F o g le m a n , U S A F ( R e t)

    ~{_ Air Force Support to CAP: f I X '

    A d vic e, L ia is on , a nd O ve rs ig ht

    ~ltHeadquarters Responsibilities'/I\, - - -A dv ice, liaiso n a nd o versigh t o f C AP

    operationsGeneral serv ic e to CA Pa . R e pr es en ts CAP 's in terest in

    g o ve rnmen t age n ci esb . I ns pe c to r G e n er al A s se ssm en ts

    Rese rve Program managemen t


  • 8/2/2019 CAP Squadron Leadership School (1999)


    ~ ! t11:fR eg io n C A PU SA FP ro vide s ad vice a nd assistan ce to th e C APre gio n c omma nd er a nd staff. In the chain o fc ommand , t hi s o ff ic e i s respons ib l e to th eC omman de r, CA P-USAF .

    ~lt_Role ofRegion CAP-USAFZl\,A dv ice , liaiso n an d o versigh t at re gio n an d w in glevelsS up p or ts r eg io n d ir ec to rs o f aerospace studies(Corpora te )Advises l iaison off i cersand LNCOs (C or po ra te )Reserve Program management

    ) I . t _ CAPRAP Assistance1 1 \ , .Cade t e n campment sFlight encampmentsA er os pa ce e du ca tio n c o nf er en ce sEmer ge nc y s er vic es e xe rc is es a nd t ra in in gactivitiesWing c onf er en c esStaff schoo ls


    C A P U S A F l i a i s o n R e g io n s

    ~1{_Civil A ir Patrol Reserve' 1 1 ~ As s is ta n c e P r o2m t11(CAPRA P )R eq ue ste d th ro ugh w in gReferred to as CAPRAPManaged by the w ing LO


    ~ I , ~_CAPRAP Assistance-,l\L oc al U n it L ev el:A rra nge fo r m ilita ry to urs , f ac ilitie s a nd s up po rtP ro v id e g uid an ce o n m ilit ar y p ro ce du re s an drequirementsB ec om e in vo lv ed w ith a ero sp ac e e du ca tio nP re se nt t ra in in g s es sio n s a nd b rie fin gs



  • 8/2/2019 CAP Squadron Leadership School (1999)


    ~I CAPRAP Assistance' 1 f ' r -L o ca l U n it L ev el :A tten d sq ua dro n m eetin gs a nd o th er

    l o ca l ac ti v it ie sA s sis t w it h r ec ru it in g a ct iv it ie sUn i t v is it sM o n it or s af et y


    ~I{puties of theWing LO1 1 ' \P rim ary U SA F adv iso r to C AP w in gcommander s

    A tt en d w in g/r eg io n s ta ff m ee tin gsA tt en d w in g/r eg io n c on fe re nc esConduct staff assistance visitsC o nd uc t u nit v isits ,I

    ~lt_Oversight &Accountability1 1 \ 'M a na ge D RMO screen in gN ote: E ach sq ua dro n su bm its a "wishl ist" once a y ea r to w in g. S creen in greq uest m ust be appro ved by the wing.W h en m ak in g a req uest, p ut it inw ritin g. B e sp ec ific (ty pe , n um be r,siz es , e tc .) a nd in clu de ju stific atio n fo rt he it em s.

    T his o ffice p ro vid es a dv ice a nd a ssis ta nce tothe C AP w ing commander and staf f . In th ec ha in o f c omma nd , th is o ffic e is re sp on sib leto th e E xeo utive D irecto r, H Q C AP .T he L ia iso n p erso nn el re pre se nt b ot h CA Pa nd th e A ir F orce ,

    ~-cAP WingL ia is on O ff ic e


    N ego tia te le ase s fo r CA P b uild in gsC oord inate use of D oD bases

    a . U n it m ee ti ng f ac ill tie sb . E x e rc is esc . E n c ampmen tsd . M e e ti ng s

    P romot e CAP eme rg en cy s er vic es c ap ab ilit ie sB rief A ir F orce co mm an ders on C AP

    \liLiaison with Department ofI c o 1 ' ~D .c .11'~ e rense


    ~It b'I'~ ~-Oversight &Accounta 1it y}I'\Mon it or CAP in v en to rie sReview re al e sta te le as es

    a . P ro p ert yb . A i rc ra ftc. Vehicles



  • 8/2/2019 CAP Squadron Leadership School (1999)


    ~ I t .C di A' l'ft~If'" o o r mate rr 1A rr an ge d ed ic ate d a ir lif t s up po rt f or a pp ro ve dCAP a ct iv it ie s

    Coo rdi n at e o r ie n ta ti o n flights o n D o D a irc ra ftN ote: The w ing LO is certified to fl y cadeto r ie n ta ti o n f li gh ts .

    ~ItMan ag e Emerg en cy S erv ic es~~ _ .I ' I ~ ProgramOve rs ig ht o f a ll f un de d tr ain in g e xe rc is es

    a. F un din g m ust be r eq ue ste d o n a CA PF IOb . A n A ir F orce p resen ce Is req uired fo r all fu nd edactivities

    . .


    Coo r d in a te A i rli ftAu then ti ca te a ir li ft d o cumen ta ti o n

    a. M i l it a r y support authorizat ionsb . T r a ns p o rt at io n a u th o ri za ti o nsN ote: U su ally 4 5 d ay s p rio r to th e ev en t th en am e, s oc ia l s ec ur it y n um be r, h ome to w n an ds ta te mu st be p ro v id ed t o the C AP w ing forv er if ic ati on a nd to a ll ow time f or p ro ce ss in g.B ille tin g r eq uire s th e in fo rm atio n 3 0 d ay s ina d va n ce f o r r es er v at io n s. 20
