Verb to be

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Verb to be

Question Words.ExercisesFill in the question words What, Where, Why, When, Complete the questions with these words (When, Where, Who, What). 1. ________ is your favourite singer? 2. ________ is your house? 3. ________ is your favourite day of the week? 4. ________ is your favourite colour? 5. ________ are your English lessons? 6. ________ is your favourite movie? 7. ________ are you from? 8. ________ is near you house? 9. ________ do you live? 10. ________ is your favourite type of music? 11. ________ are your English lessons at school? 12. ________ is your favourite sportsperson? 13. ________ is your English teacher? 14. ________ is your favourite animal? 15. ________ do you like to do Saturdays? 16. ________ time do you got to school? 17. ________ is his name? 18. ________ is the museum? 19. ________ do you go to school? 20. ________ is he talking to? 21. ________ is your dogs name? 22. ________ is the time? 23. ________ are those people? 24. ________ are you talking about? 25. ________ are you going to leave? Choose between How, What, Where, When, Who. 1. ________ are you, Mr Gordon? 2. ________ is she doing? 3. ________ time is she coming home? 4. ________ are you going. I am going to the park.

How, Who to form the question. 1. __________ do you like best? 2. __________ does Manolo get up in the morning? 3. __________ dont you go by bus, Cristina? 4. __________ hobbies does Carlos like? 5. __________ do they go to every week? 6. __________ old are you Silvia? 7. __________ is Marias birthday? 8. __________ are my exercise books? 9. __________ are you doing at the moment, Harry? 10. __________ do the Petersons live? Fill in the correct question word. 1. __________ sits next to Dries? Mo. 2. __________ does the boy come from? From Madrid. 3. __________ old are her children? Three and five. 4. __________ is Lolas birthday? In March, I think. 5. __________ much is the shirt? Its twenty euros.6. __________ is best at playing tennis? Johann. 7. __________ are you going? To my parents. 8. __________ much is an soda? Its one euro. 9. __________ does the restaurant open? At ten oclock. 10. __________ can I get some ice cream? At the snack bar. 11. __________ are you going to order? Pasta. 12. __________ are you going to do on Monday? I dont know. 13. __________ has got my sunglasses? I have got them. 14. __________ is your name? Rita. 15. __________ is Helens party? On

PRESENT SIMPLE 1. Fill in the gaps. Use the present simple. Do you watch TV in the evening? ....................................................................................... Whats your favourite TV programme? ...................................................................................... What time do you go to bed? ....................................................................................... 4. Put i n Do or Does. .......................................... your mum like sports? ......................................... they work a lot every day? ......................................... she like aerobics? ......................................... you watch football on TV? ......................................... mammals drink milk from their mums? ......................................... fish live in water? ......................................... reptiles creep? ......................................... birds lay eggs? ......................................... an anteater eat mice? 5. Put the sentences in order. do / you / live / Where? ....................................................................................... he / Does / TV / watch / on? ....................................................................................... German / Mary / speak / cant ....................................................................................... suit / a / wears / He / work / everyday / to. ....................................................................................... they / up / do / time / What / get? ....................................................................................... 6. Complete the text using the present simple of the verbs in brackets: meet get up eat travel be have(2) get wear like brush

I...................................... TV. (watch) They .............................. eggs. (not like) English Activities Matt ............................... books and comics. (read) He ................................. to school on Sunday. (go) We sometimes .............................. badminton. (play) Jane ................................... stickers. (collect) My sister .................................... football. (like) He .......................................... a magazine every week. 2. Fill in the gaps to make questions and give short answers. ............. you ........................... (like) English? Yes, ............................... .............. he ......................... (watch) cartoons? No, .............................. .............. they ....................... (speak) French? No, .............................. .............. we ......................... (wash) our teeth after lunch? Yes, .................. .............. she ......................... (read) mistery books? No, ........................... 3. Write sentences. Answer these questions: How often do you wash your teeth? I wash my teeth three times a week. What time do you get up? .................................................................................................. Do you have a shower or a bath? .................................................................................................. How do you go to school? .................................................................................................. Where do you have dinner? .................................................................................................. When do you leave school? .................................................................................................. What do you usually have for breakfast? .................................................................................................. When do you do your homework?English Activities Anne ....................................... at seven everyday. She ..................................... a shower, then she ..................................... breakfast . She ..................................... cereals and yoghurt. She ..................................... her teeth and ..................................... dressed. She always ..................................... a suit to work. She ..................................... an air hostess. She ..................................... to different places every week. She ..................................... her job. She ..................................... lots of people.


1. INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in the gaps with the correct verb from the line below: lock turn on watch go be bring drinks open turn off Hello Anna, I have to go now, here are the keys for the house, do not the door to any body please, you can TV until late if you wish but remember to all the lights and the alarm before you to bed. Make sure my son Todd is asleep before you to bed, and the doors, we will back by two in the morning. Ahh, and I forgot, Todd's milk is inside the refrigerator in a small bottle, he always it before falling asleep, a good girl and don't any people in the house. I will see you at two. 2. INSTRUCTIONS: Match the first column to the second one: a. don`t accept the door to Mike b. brush your teeth to bring the Cds c. turn off the lights candies from strangers d. don't step before you go to bed e. bring your dictionaries adult programmes f. don't open when you go to bed to save energy g. don't watch for language arts class i. don't forget on the lawn