Catlog Creation 5th Sep 2012

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  • 8/22/2019 Catlog Creation 5th Sep 2012


    (1) Login into srm server.

    (2) Navigate to spro settings

    (3) Click external web services

    (4) Define External Web Services(img help)

    In this Customizing Activity, you define Web services such as product catalogs or supplier directories that are to beavailable inSRM Serverapplications.

    You have to create the dialog structure, that is, the data that is required for addressing the Web service. Since thisdata is service-specific, you must contact the provider of the Web service obtain the data from them or get it from theWeb service documentation.


    You have defined the logical system for the Web service, that is, for the product catalog, in the Customizing activityDefine Logical System.


    1. To select a Web service, double-click an entry in the list.

    2. To create a new Web service, choose New Entries.Enter the following data:

    o Web Service ID (required entry field)User-defined technical name for a Web service.

    o Name of the Web ServiceThe name is displayed in the Help of the SAP SRM application in which the Web service isembedded. If the application is available in multiple languages, you must translate the name usingEdit -> Translate, otherwise the name is not displayed.

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    o Business type (required entry field)The business type determines the type of the Web service and, therefore, in which SRM Serverapplications, this service is visible. In the Shop application, for example, product catalogs aredisplayed, but no supplier directories. Furthermore, the busines type determines which furtheroptions are available in this IMG activity.

    3. Select a business type for the Web service and confirm your selection with Enter. You can make

    selections as follows:

    o Product catalogAs product catalogs, you can include catalogs that support theopen catalog interface(OCI), forexample, catalogs that you have created using SAP Catalog Content Management.

    o Supplier directoriesYou can include supplier directories that support theopen partner interface(OPI).

    o E-FormMeans the same as product catalog. However, if you select this type, the sample implementation oftheBusiness Add-InTransfer Additional Parametersis run, and this BAdI is ignored for all otherbusiness types.

    o Supplier evaluationThis business type is currently not used.

    o Service provider listThe application SAP Supplier Self-Services (SAP SUS) can be included as a service provider list.

    Note:Create only one service provider list because you can only assign one SAP Supplier Self-Servicessystem to each SAP SRM system.

    o Supplier ScreeningThe supplier list (ROS) can be connected via OPI.

    4. If you have selected Product catalogorE-Form as the business type, you have the following entry andselection options:

    o Source of Supply Assigned to the Product Catalog

    a) Enter the number of the business partner and the responsible purchasing organization if thecatalog content belongs to one business partner (supplier) only. If you do not assign a businesspartner to a catalog item, the system automatically assigns this business partner.

    o Additional Functions in SRM Server

    b) To determine that product numbers transferred from the catalog do not exist as local products inSAP Supplier Relationship Management (SAP SRM), select the checkbox Do not check products.

    c) To display contract data in the integrated catalog, select the checkbox Display Contract Data inIntegrated Catalog.

    o Additional Functions in Product Catalogs

    Note:Some catalogs offer additional functions that are specified in the context of the Open CatalogInterface (OCI). Select the following checkbox only if the product catalog or the E-Form support theadditional functions.

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    d) To display product data in the catalog again after the selection in SAP Supplier RelationshipManagement (SAP SRM), select the checkbox Display Prod. Data Again in Catalog. See alsoDetail.

    e) To enable an update of the product data in SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SAP SRM)after the products have been selected from the catalog, select the checkbox Validate Product Datafrom SAP Enterprise Buyer. See alsoValidation.f) To call the catalog with only one search term, and to carry out a search for a source of supply,

    select the checkbox Sourcing. See alsoSources of Supply.g) To support a simultaneous search in multiple catalogs, select the checkbox Search Cross-Catalog.

    5. The following entry and selection options are available for all business types:

    o Technical Settings

    a) To keep an error log for the catalog, select the checkbox Maintain Error Log. This will keep alog of all technical and business errors that occur during transfer of the product or supplier data. Todisplay the log, choose transaction SLG1.Note:This function is not available with the business types Supplier evaluation and Service provider list.b) To use the HTTP method GETto call the Web service, select the checkbox Use HTTP GET toCall Web Services. To use the HTTP method POST, leave the checkbox unchanged.

    c) Select the technical type of the Web service. This determines where the Web service is to beavailable.d) Specify the logical system of the Web service.e) Specify the path for a symbol that represents the Web service. This symbol is then shown in theapplication if the system uses symbols for Web services. This path is relative to the MIME directoryIMAGES/WEBSERVICES in Internet Services BBPGLOBAL. If you create subdirectories in thisdirectory, the path must begin with '/'.

    6. If you have selected supplier directoryas the business type, you have the following entry and selectionoptions:

    o Additional Functions in supplier directories

    a) To display the supplier directories in the catalog again, select Redisplay Partner Data in SupplierDirectory

    b) Specify the root node under which suppliers are created that are then transferred via the OpenPartner Interface (OPI) to SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SAP SRM).7. Create the dialog/call structure.

    o To open a Web service in a separate window, choose Standard Call Structure.

    o To open a Web service within the application, choose Integrated Call Structure.

    Note:For the Integrated Call Structure of product catalogs, you should use the servlet delivered for thispurpose (see post installation steps: Integrating the Requisite Catalog in the Shopping Cart).Syntax example:http://://catalog/logonOCI.doSAP recommends that you only use the Integrated Call Structure for the catalog delivered by SAP

    because external product catalogs and Web services usually to not take the SRM-specific HTMLframe structures into account. If you wish to include an external Web service, SAP cannot provideany support in the event that errors should occur.

    8. Make entries in the fields Name and Value and select a Type. You must adhere to the sequence asfollows:

    a) URL of the Web serviceIn the first line of the call structure, enter the URL of the Web service (value) and select the typeURL. Do not enter a name.If you have selected Service provider listas the business type, enter the URL of the SUS ServiceProvider List.Syntax example:

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    http://:/sap/bc/bsp/sap/bbp_sus_sagent/sus_serviceagent_f4.htmhttp server and port, see transaction SMICM.Note:

    If the URL is longer than the field, distribute it over the following lines and select the type URL forall entries. The URL may not contain any parameters.b) Parameters

    After you have entered the URL, enter all parameters that the Web service requires on call-up.

    Take the names and values for the parameters from the documentation on the Web service.For the parameters, you choose one of the two possible types:- Fixed valueThe value entered in the Value field is transferred.SAP FieldYou can transfer the system language as a parameter, for example, (Contentsy-langu). This way,you can transfer as parameters all the the fields that are globally available at runtime.Note:

    If the fixed values and the generic parameter values are not sufficient, you can transfer additionalparameters from SAP SRMto the Web service by implementing the Business Add-In (BAdI) .Transfer Additional Parameters. Using this BAdI, you can define name-value pairs that can betransferred as additional parameters to the Web service. If, for example, you wish to transfer thesystem language in a different format ('EN-en' rather than 'EN'), you can use this BAdI.c) Return URLEnter the name with which the Web service expects the return URL (usually HOOK_URL), and

    choose the type Return URL. Do not enter a value for the return URL. SAP SRM determines thevalue at runtime.The return URL is required in order to transfer data from the Web service via the browser to theSAP SRM system. The Web service copies the return URL into the 'action' parameters of thetransfer form. The return URL is also transferred as a parameter to the Web service. As thishappens, all parameters following the return URL are generated as parameters into the return URL,that is, they are not transferred as individual parameters to the Web service.Note:The specification of the return URL is optional. If you do not specify it, 'HOOK_URL' is used as the

    name. The parameters of the return URL thus become obsolete. The return URL must only bespecified if the Web service expects a different name for it than 'HOOK_URL'.

    9. Save your entries.Note:To make a Web service accessible for individual users or for user groups, you must assign theWeb service as the value for the attribute CAT. You do this in the attribute maintenance

    (transaction PPOMA_BBP). The Help for this attribute lists all the available Web services.

    Further notes

    You can find the documentation on OCI and OPI in the SAP Service Marketplace at the Internet

    In order to read additional data from the SAP SRM system and to transfer it to the Web service, youimplement the Business Add-In (BAdI)Transfer Additional Parameters.

    In order to define a different logic for the transfer of data from the product catalogs to the SAP SRM system,you implement the BAdITransfer Shopping Cart from Catalog.

    (5)click external web services

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    (6)Select exisiting web service id click details

    (7)click the standard call structure

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    (8) see integrated call structure screen also

    (9) save changes

  • 8/22/2019 Catlog Creation 5th Sep 2012


    (10)Navigate to org structure (ppoma_bbp)

    (11) assign catalog created in company code level attributes, and check in user level also.

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    Company code level (bugseye4.0 as default)

    Similarly navigate to user level and check the attributes and add catlog and make as default

    Save the org structure and open portal by clicking internet browser.

  • 8/22/2019 Catlog Creation 5th Sep 2012


    Login as sapuser pwd welcome

    In portal click on employee self service tab

  • 8/22/2019 Catlog Creation 5th Sep 2012


    Shopping area Shop link will display

    Catalog displayed for sap user

  • 8/22/2019 Catlog Creation 5th Sep 2012



    Material scaling checking by using Tcode:- /ncommpr01 (screen shot is below)

    Enter material no like:-1831 in ID/Description field and click start.

  • 8/22/2019 Catlog Creation 5th Sep 2012


    1831 material details will be displayed.

    Clcik conditions tab to check the scales of material

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