Hannah Paley Pg 1 Off The Bimah Pg 2 Our Hazzan Pg 3 Men’s Club Pg 4 From Samara Pg 5 Sisterhood Pg 6 From our library Pg 7 What’s Happening? The Three Doors Bulletin Adar - Nisan 5770 March 2010 www.cbimilwaukee.org Issue 2010 Volume 3 Place Your Orders Now! Please remember to place your order for the new mahzorim at the special introductory price of $29/each (by April 30th) We wish our entire CBI Family, a holiday fulfilled with peace, love and compassion. Why is this night unlike all others Are questions the youngest must say We recline, we pray, we ask the Almighty Please deliver us from Egypt this day. Adapted by: Brenda Spigelman Ajzenkopf As a reminder, the new Mahzorim, Lev Shalem will not be available at the door during the High Holy Days! Hannah Paley Page 1

CBI Newsletter - March 2010

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CBI Newsletter March 2010

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Page 1: CBI Newsletter - March 2010

Hannah Paley Pg 1 Off The Bimah Pg 2 Our Hazzan Pg 3 Men’s Club Pg 4

From Samara Pg 5 Sisterhood Pg 6 From our library Pg 7

What’s Happening?

The Three Doors Bulletin Adar - Nisan 5770 March 2010 www.cbimilwaukee.org Issue 2010 Volume 3

Place Your Orders Now!

Please remember to place your order for the new mahzorim at the

special introductory price of $29/each (by April 30th)

We wish our entire CBI Family, a holiday fulfilled with peace, love and compassion.

Why is this night unlike all others Are questions the youngest must say We recline, we pray, we ask the Almighty Please deliver us from Egypt this day.

Adapted by: Brenda Spigelman Ajzenkopf

As a reminder, the new Mahzorim, Lev Shalem will not

be available at the door during the High Holy Days!

Hannah Paley

Page 1

Page 2: CBI Newsletter - March 2010


Friday, March 5

Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm

Saturday, March 6

Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00 am

Family Service 10:30 am

Study with Rabbi Herber, Minha, Maariv

and Havdallah 5:10 pm

Friday, March 12

Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm

Men’s Club Shabbat

Saturday, March 13

Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00am

Men’s Club Shabbat Study with Rabbi Herber, Minha, Maariv

and Havdallah 5:15 pm

Friday, March 19

Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm

Saturday, March 20

Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00 am

Hannah Paley Bat Mitzvah Kehilat Yeladim 10:30 am

Tot Shabbat 11:00 am

Study with Rabbi Herber, Minha, Maariv

Havdallah 6:30 pm

Friday, March 26 Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm

Saturday, March 27

Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00 am

Study with Rabbi Herber, Minha, Maariv

and Havdallah 6:30 pm

All Services are led by

Rabbi Jacob Herber & Hazzan Jeremy Stein

Please join us as we celebrate, pray and commemorate.

Shabbat Schedule

R’fuah Shlemah - Speedy Recovery To...

Mazal Tov To….

Matt Kulakow

on his engagement to

Lisa Lefco

Sue Berland Betty Wallens

CBI Social Action Committee Will Host a Spring Shoe Drive

In the spring, we will be collecting shoes for

Soles4Souls. This is a wonderful organization

that takes shoes that are not in use and puts

them on the feet of those in need. This, in

turn, also helps the environment by recycling shoes that

may otherwise be sent to a landfill. We encourage everyone

to start cleanout out your closets and saving adult and

children’s gently used or new shoes. Simply cleaning out

your closets can make a significant difference

in the quality of life of someone in need.



On Saturday, March 20th, Hannah

Paley will be called to the Torah for her

bat mitzvah. Hannah is a student in The

Milwaukee Jewish Day School.

One of her greatest passions is dancing.

She dances competitively, and also finds

time to play tennis.

Her Mitzvah Project has three parts. She is raising

money for the Make a Wish Foundation and making

blankets for foster children. She is also working hard

on raising awareness about different charities and their


Hannah is the daughter of Sharyl and Bob Paley and

has a sister, Danya and a brother, Avi.

Joining her on this wonderful day will be her grand-

parents Phil & Dorene Paley and Rosalie Levine. Her

grandpa, Donald Levine of blessed memory, will be in

her prayers.

Your entire CBI Family wishes you a Mazal Tov!

Page 3: CBI Newsletter - March 2010


Off The Bimah...by Rabbi Herber

As we put away our groggers and our masks, we prepare to put away a lot more – all our

dishes and pots and other utensils used during the year, and the food we can’t consume

during Pesah, as we get ready for the holiday of Passover, the season of our freedom.

There is probably no other holiday in the year so all consuming. All our muscles are used.

While during the Yamim Noraim, the Fall holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we

may clean our homes to prepare for the new year, the level of effort in no way approaches what goes on in the

Spring. We scrub. We schlep. We run to the store. We run to the store again. We cook. We juggle our

budget. We run to the store again. We learn to spot that crumb of hametz at 50 yards!

And at the same time we use the muscles of our souls. We do what the Haggadah tells us to do – to look

upon ourselves as though we had gone out from Egypt, from bondage, from slavery. I remember a conversation

I once had with a grocery store clerk in Pennsylvania. She told me that as an Italian she had always enjoyed

going to her friend’s Passover seder. She lamented that her Jewish friend was thinking about giving up on the

idea of having a seder because her children were all grown up and gone. I told her that now was the time to

really do Passover, to take the obligation seriously of considering how we have gone out from oppression.

How have we been freed with God’s help, from bondage this year? And also, remember that at the end of

the Torah, the Israelites had still not gotten into Eretz Hakodesh, the Promised Land. The story of the Torah is

the story of process, of a journey, of leaving the past behind and following a column of fire – of the Spirit, of

passion, of a faith in the future. Whether we know what our personal promised land will be, if we have had the

courage to leave oppression behind, to follow our own pillar of fire across our own desert, we understand the

message of Pesah

Cleaning, cooking, shlepping, running to the store . . . and at the same time assessing our progress across our

desert. No wonder we’re exhausted!

Wishing you and your family a very happy Pesah!

Rabbi Herber

Page 4: CBI Newsletter - March 2010


From Our Hazzan!!! A



These are the words we chanted many years ago to show solidarity with Soviet Jewry in their fight for their

Freedom - a continuous theme throughout my school years. In my day school, we learned how Jews in the Soviet Union

were not free to practice Judaism as we could in America. We wrote letters to Mikhail Gorbachev urging him to let the Jews

be free. We wrote letters to “refuseniks” our own age letting them know we cared. In 1987, my family traveled to Washing-

ton DC to march in support of Soviet Jews. Throughout all of our efforts, we were hopeful, yet skeptical. The communist

Soviet government was too strong, we thought. They would never give in to any foreign pressure.

Then suddenly - or so it seemed - something amazing happened. The Soviet Union collapsed. The Jews we had

fought for so long and hard, were now free to emigrate. Not only that, but many would be moving to our neighborhoods.

They would even be going to school with us. We did it!

But the zeal we had demonstrated in fighting for the Soviet Jews’ freedom did not carry over when it came to

actually accepting them in person. As middle school students, we did not know how to relate to our Soviet classmates.

They looked different. They talked different. They… just didn’t fit in. And we made little effort to help them do so.

In truth, it was easy to fight for the rights of people we did not know, whom we had never seen. But when faced

with the reality of the situation, we did not rise to the occasion as freedom fighters. Rather, we became the new oppressors.

Did I personally take part in ridiculing our Soviet classmates? Not really. But sadly, neither did I make a concerted effort to

be welcoming. Nor did I go out of my way to be friendly or encourage others to do so.

While I cannot change how my classmates and I acted when we were younger, Pesah offers us a constant reminder

of our obligation to be better. Throughout the Torah, we are told to be kind to strangers, for we were strangers in Egypt. At

the seder, we sing of slavery and of the joys of freedom. While there are many well-known songs, if there is one signature

melody of Pesah, it is the tune for Adir Hu. This melody is one of several referred to as a “Misinai tune,” tunes so old they

are said to have been given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. In addition, we also sing the Adir Hu melody when chanting

Mi Khamokha in the Ma’ariv service and for Hodu Ladonai in Hallel.

As the shofar acts as a wake-up call on Rosh Hashana, the Adir Hu melody tells us that it is Pesah, reminding us of

our past as strangers in a foreign land, and of our obligation to comfort and welcome the strangers in our community.

Best wishes for a happy, healthy and welcoming Pesah.

--Hazzan Stein

To hear the Adir Hu melody and how we sing it in other prayers throughout Pesah, visit the “Hazzan’s Listening Lab” on

the CBI website

Hag Sameah from the Entire

Staff at CBI!

Page 5: CBI Newsletter - March 2010


2010 Woman of Achievement Congregation Beth Israel has chosen Marlene Deutsch as their 2010 Woman of Achievement. Mark your calendars

for Sunday, May 2nd, when our annual Woman of Achievement Torah Fund Luncheon will be held at Beth El Ner


Many of you are aware of Marlene’s exhaustive dedication over the years to both Congregation Beth Israel and Sister-

hood . She is a very deserving recipient of this honor. We hope that you will join us at the luncheon to honor her.

CBI has jointly sponsored this annual event with Beth El for many years. Beth El’s Woman of Achievement this year

is Nancy Kellman.

Invitations for this event will be mailed in April. If you have any questions, please call Debbie Alpert at 414-351-

1077. If you would like to make a donation to the Torah Fund in Marlene’s honor, you can do so through the CBI

office or by mailing a check to Debbie Alpert.

On Sunday, Feb. 7, our morning minyan proudly joined Conser-

vative synagogues from around the world for the Federation of

Jewish Men's Clubs World Wide Wrap, a day to celebrate and

educate on the wearing of t’fillin. Rabbi Herber provided some

stirring words of his own, explaining how this daily ritual is truly

a form of betrothal to Adonai.

Do you know David Wolkenstein? He's the guy that may have asked for your soda

can tab. For years, David, a member of the Men's Club Board and Special Executive

Board Liaison, has been collecting the can tops to benefit the Ronald McDonald House (RMH). Here he is in front of the

RMH with a couple very large bags of the tabs. Want to help? Feel free to start collecting your tabs and either turn them in,

or give them to David. We're exceptionally proud of his caring work for this worthwhile organiza-


At this writing, we haven't yet had the Men's Club sponsored CBI Purim Carnival. But by now,

it's come and gone. Hope you joined us for the fun!

March 13 is the annual Men's Club Shabbat. The speaker is still being confirmed, so for now, it's

top secret. But do join us for a special Shabbat and Kiddush.

The Men's Club is planning a scotch tasting for April. Keep a lookout for the announcement. It is

sure to be a unique, memorable event.

Lastly, if you have received your Men's Club dues statement and still haven't returned it, please do so ASAP.

Your small contribution helps us sponsor so many events that add significance to our lives at CBI.


Mike Spanjar, President

CBI Men’s Club


Could you set aside one day a month to make a difference at CBI? The Men’s Club invites you and any member aged

18 to 118 to attend any meeting, share your ideas or volunteer your time.

Check out our new logo!

Page 6: CBI Newsletter - March 2010

From Our Education Director


Helping our students build connections to the Jewish community, both past and present, is an integral

part of our school’s mission. On Sunday, February 7th our 3rd-7th grade classes had the opportunity to

experience the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Milwaukee Public Museum with the 3rd-7th grade students from

Madison’s Conservative synagogue, the Beth Israel Center. The students really got a lot out of the fieldtrip.

Before going into the exhibit, the students from the two schools spent some time together learning about the

Second Temple Period and how it relates to the theories of the origins of the Dead Sea Scrolls. They learned

about King Herod and the Roman control in the land of Israel and about the different groups of Jews that ex-

isted in Jerusalem, like the Hasmoneans, the Essenes, the Sadducees and the Pharisees. This helped them un-

derstand why the Essenes created a settlement in Qumron and why documents may have been stored in the

caves in that area.

Overall the students were really impressed with the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit itself. In our wrap-up discussion,

we asked the students what excited them most about what they saw. I want to share a few of their impres-

sions. One student really liked the artifacts from the exhibit, especially an oil lamp containing a shofar, a me-

norah and a lulav and etrog. She was excited that the symbols we use today are the same ones used 2,000

years ago. Another student thought that it was really neat to be able to read the ancient Hebrew texts and even

recognize words like “Israel” and “Gabriel.” A third student was moved by the pride she felt in realizing that

the Torah as we know it has really been studied and read by Jews for such a long time.

This was the third year that we have had the joint fieldtrip with Madison’s Beth Israel Center. Having the an-

nual fieldtrip has really enhanced our school program and has enabled our students to make connections with

other Conservative Jews living in Wisconsin. I am already looking forward to next year’s trip!


Page 7: CBI Newsletter - March 2010
















We would like to thank Rachael Frydman, Hannah Sattler and their great committee for an

amazing educational and spiritual Sisterhood Shabbat experience! We would also like to

thank Rabbi Phyllis Sommer for helping us see and experience spirituality in the age of


While the Purim carnival was going on, CBI members and guests once again enjoyed a

tasty and successful Wine Tasting program and were able to order special wines from Otto’s

for Pesah. A big thank you to Judy Glotzer and her committee, and a special thank you to Izzy Goldberg and

Otto’s for their help and expertise! Sisterhood’s Evening Book Club is going well. Thanks to Bobby Miller we

are growing in members and the discussions are lively! This month we will be reading “Don’t Cry for Me Hot

Pastrami.” We will be meeting at the home of Luda Tynkov - 331 W. Manor Circle. Don’t forget to mark your

calendars for our Torah Fund Luncheon on Sunday, May 2nd. (Please read the article in the bulletin.)

We hope that you are enjoying the new and varied Kiddish lunches on Shabbat. Our Sisterhood is busy finding

new and different items to add to your enjoyment. We are enjoying the companionship of working together and

getting to know even more of our CBI family. We welcome your input and would love to have you join us. There

is a lot going on in the kitchen! Please pull out the enclosed flyer which will answer all of your questions. Come

to Shabbat services and stay for Kiddish lunch. There is wonderful camaraderie of fellow CBI members and it’s a

great way to meet new people. The next time you are planning to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or any special

passage in your life, contact Suzy in the office to share your celebration with your CBI family. With a donation of

$100 your special occasion will be acknowledged from the bima during announcements and a festive balloon or

plant will be placed on the sweet table with a beautiful card for everyone to see.

Merry & Bobbie

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Page 9: CBI Newsletter - March 2010


These yahrzeits, taken from the CBI’s Memorial Tablets, will be observed

during the following weeks beginning on the evening of:

March 5

Sarah Bender

Miriam Ben Shmuel

Goldie Bozin-Brillman Samuel Cohen

Rebecca G. Cohen

Sidney E. Cohen Max Daniel Cooks

Rabbi Maurice Cornfield

Katherine Derzon Bernard Friesler

Moses Hiller

Sarah Wichman Kahn Abraham Kaiser

David Kaiser

Erwin Kaiser Lillian Klinghoffer

Meyer Kramsky

Shirley La Kam David Lazarus

Bessie Lieberman

Akiva Macogon Rose Malkin

Toby Malmon

Lena Miller Morris Miller

Morris Miller Jacob Pachefsky

David Paley

Jacob Samosky Simon Savitz

S. R. Scheinfeld

June Sherkow Carl Schulman

Anita Shaw

Irene Shlimovitz Morris Siegel

Ann Stearns

Sophia Tarachow

Abraham Joseph Tieger

Molly Tieger

Jennie Turner Anna Weber

Sylvia Weiss

Lean Rachel Zamosh

March 12

Louis Aaron Emanuel David Arnstein

Victor Balkansky

Laura Marilyn Berman Louis Bloom

Joseph Cohen

Solomon Cohen Leo Dicker

Maurice Elias

Isadore Freedman

Mary Gindlin

Edith Goodman

Kate Gorens Dorothy Kadwit

Anna Alice Klein

Jacob Kosberg Max Kreindler

Meyer Lubotsky

B. Marks Louis Miller

Alvin Muchin

Sam Nelson Franka Neufeld

Berky Ottenstein

Henry C. Pitt Rebecca Pollack

Sadie Radin

Morris Rapkin Olga Rotter-Greenberg

Jack Shaw

Ruth Shlensky Cantor Norton H. Siegel

Etta Siegel

Joe E. Smith Charles Thau

David Waldman

Irving Weiner Sam Wexler

Rose Winnick (sp?)

Harry Wise Rose Zaichick

Belle Mallin Zaidens

March 19

Tina Adler

Libby Becker Bella Berson

Shyla Blankstein

Hyman Cofar Brenda Friedman

Frances Goodman

Rita Hirshberg Charles M. Hirsheimer

Abraham Isaac Hoffenberg Judith Hoffenberg

Zippa Kramsky

Abraham Lipton Myer Mallin

Sam Mayer

Tina Nashban Louis Radin

Jack Reder

Hinda (Ida) Rotter Lillian Sattell

Ronald Schalk

Hyman Schatzman

Mollie Leah Schneider

Sylvia Seinfeld

Isador Shaffner William Sherkow

Jacob Siegel

Arthur Wasserman Harold Wasserman

March 26

Rose Barnett

Meyer Bilansky

Rose Bloom-Shectman Ellis Cohan

Max Dreen

Isaac Eglash Hyman Fleder

Nison Hellman

Alvin C. Lubow

Rabbi Ben-Zion Manesewitz

Bessie Mayer

Bessie Meisel Edward L. Miller

Benny Moronovitz

Gertrude Nelson Hyman J. Oxman

Nathan Oxman

Louis Siegel Jack Skurek

Ann R. Sweet

Dora Wales Jacob Weiss

Julie Klein Weiss

Izidor Zachs Rosalyn Levin Zaret

Hyman Zeiger


LIBRARY . . .by Paula Fine,Librarian

Something wonderful has happened to the library! Not only is it fully auto-

mated, but it is more patron-friendly than ever. We have completed a re-design

of the space with sections in the front for mysteries, paperbacks and periodi-

cals. The Librarian’s Shelves on the south wall feature new books as well as

Jewish classics and just plain “good reads”. You can view the library catalog

and access the Internet on the kiosk computer located on the circulation desk.

Colorful signs will direct you to each section of the library. The bright posters

on the walls and the children’s charming library art projects welcome you and

encourage you to stay awhile. No question about it - we have entered the new

decade with vitality and renewed purpose.

And... people are beginning to notice the change. They are using the

Blankstein Library as their primary resource instead of the public library. We

are buying many popular titles and patrons have told me how thrilled they were

to find them on our shelves. No more long, public library waiting lists. You

can find what you need at CBI.


Passover is coming soon, but before you clean the house, buy the groceries

or make out the seder guest list, the first thing you need to do is visit the


We have an extensive collection of materials to help you celebrate the

holiday. Our cookbook selection is comprehensive and includes traditional

and modern recipes and menus for people with dietary restrictions or special

preferences. We have books to help you plan and conduct a seder as well as an

outstanding array of haggadot. You will find fun and informational stories in

the children’s section to keep the little ones engaged during the seder.


Evening Book Club

March 17th at 7:00 p.m.

At the home of: Lyudmila Tynkov

Don’t Cry for Me Hot Pastrami

by Sharon Kahn

Questions? Contact Bobby Miller at

[email protected] or 414-365-8581

No afternoon Book Club scheduled in March.

Page 10: CBI Newsletter - March 2010


Beth Hearst Youth Fund

In memory of:

Sari Rappaport

Maureen Eichenbaum

CBI Senior Activities Fund

In memory of:

Jack Langer

Eugene and Marilee Bass

Bernard Arieff

Eugene and Marilee Bass

CBI Youth Scholarship Endowment


In memory of: Rosalyn Matsoff

Milt, Miriam & Josh


In honor of:

Marlene Deutsch

Milt and Miriam Rosenberg

General Synagogue Fund

In memory of: Rosalyn Matsoff

Gerry and Marcia Cherniack

Morrie and Sheila Rudberg

Howard and Eileen Dubner

Rubin Sharpe

Ben and Ethel Stern

Jed Dolnick

Sari Rappaport

Marty and Ruby Carneol

Ken and Adrienne Weber

In honor of: George Strick

Jordan and Phyllis Fink

Fred Safer

Jordan and Phyllis Fink

Kathy Lindenbaum

Steven and Myra Russek &


Speedy recovery:

Linda Kamen

Marty and Ruby Carneol

Harold M. Kramer Beautification


In memory of:

Sari Rappaport

Delores Kramer

Jacobson Chapel Fund

In memory of:

Rosalyn Matsoff

Chuck and Betty Wallens

Corky Horn

Kiddish Fund

In memory of:

Shirley Aaron

Shel and Bobbie Fishman

Jordy and Merry Atinsky

Sari Rappaport

Jordy and Merry Atinsky

Judy Glotzer

In honor of:

Steven and Deborah Lechter

Howard and Evelyn Melton

Sam Gingold

Howard and Evelyn Melton

Speedy recovery:

Sy Dolnick

Shel and Bobbie Fishman

Betty Wallens

Jordy and Merry Atinsky

Shel and Bobbie Fishman

Prayer Book Fund

In memory of:

Sari Rappaport

Ben and Frances Podell &


In honor of:

Marv Zetley

Paul and Susan Engel

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

In memory of:

Rosalyn Matsoff

Marv and Marilyn Zetley

Sari Rappaport

Steven and Deborah Lechter

Shirley Aaron

Steven and Deborah Lechter

Sam Cooper Capital Art Fund

In memory of:

Rosalyn Matsoff

Jamie and Felicia Miller &


Shirley Aaron Werner and Carol Richheimer

Sari Rappaport Werner and Carol Richheimer

In honor of: Jay and Bobby Miller

Bud and Judy Margolis

School Fund

In honor of:

George Strick

Gary and Linda Keller

Aidee Cooper Werner and Carol Richheimer

William & June Sherkow

Scholarship Fund

In memory of:

Mannie Hassel

Ruthe Zubatsky & family

Contributions We acknowledge with gratitude and appreciation the generous contributions made to various funds in January.

Page 11: CBI Newsletter - March 2010

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So...you’ve got something to kvell about?

An anniversary maybe? A birthday?

A new child or grandchild? A promotion?

A higher degree of education?

Has Sisterhood got a deal for you!

For a $100 donation, you will help support the

Shabbat Kiddish, your news will be announced from the bima,

listed in the Shabbat Supplement, and there will be a lovely balloon

bouquet or plant in honor of your occasion! Interested?

Please call Suzy 414-352-7310 or

E-mail: [email protected] to pick a date for your event.

Greetings From … The Glass Box

Need a quick gift? Don’t know what to get? The Glass Box will have it So don’t be upset.

No matter what simha A new baby or home Just stop at Beth Israel Or pick up the phone.

We have platters & pitchers Jewel & good books. Mezuzahs and candlesticks How great it all looks.

Our Judaica is superb as always, but we have secular gifts as well and we love to show them to you. Remember—it does

not have to be Yom Tov to celebrate

being a member of Beth Israel.

Shop Hours Mon-Thurs: 10:00-4:00

Fri: 10:00-12:00 Sun: 10:00 - 12:00

Sunday (when school is in session)

Jacob Herber ..................................................................... Rabbi

Herbert G. Panitch ............................................... Rabbi Emeritus Jeremy Stein….……….………………..…………………………………………….. Hazzan

Samara Sofian ................................................. Education Director

Gayle Weber Rakita………………………………………..Congregation President

Anita Nagurka……….………………………………………………..Executive Director Suzy Peltz ..................................................... Executive Assistant

Debbie Friberg…………………………………………..…………Executive Secretary

Jane Cotton……..……………………………………………………………...Office Assistant

John Fields .............................................. Maintenance Supervisor Merry Atinsky & Bobbie Fishman…………..…… Co-Sisterhood Presidents

Mike Spanjar………... ………………………………….……...…………..…..Men’s Club President

Paula Fine .................................................................... Librarian

Delores Kramer………….………………...…Second Home Cemetery-Secretary


Asman Fund…………………..……………………………………………… ……$10.00 min Balkansky Fund…………..………………………….……………………………$10.00 min

Beth Hearst Youth Fund…………………………………………………………………...$10.00 min

Bima Fund……………………………………………………………………….………………….$10.00 min

CBI Special Endowment Fund…………………………….….………………...$10.00 min CBI Youth Scholarship Endowment Fund…………….…..……..…$10.00 min

Carl S. Zetley Generation to Generation Fund…….. ………..$18.00 min

Dr. Ervin & Suzann Colton Education Endowment Fund…..……….$10.00 min

Gemilut Chasidim Fund (In Memory of Abraham & Rose Bass)… ….…..$10.00 min

General Synagogue Fund ............................................$10.00 min Harold M. Kramer Beautification Fund………………… ………….$10.00 min

Hazzan’s Tzedakah Fund .............................................$10.00 min

Isadore & Sylvia Blankstein Library Fund ......................$10.00 min

Jacobson Chapel Fund ................................................$10.00 min Kiddish Fund…………………….…………………………………………………$10.00 min

Landscape Fund .........................................................$10.00 min

Louis Rabinovitz Memorial Minyan Fund ........................$10.00 min

Marilyn Zetley Children’s Library Fund ..........................$10.00 min Panitch “CBI Family Education Fund” ............................$10.00 min

Pentateuch/Humash Fund ...........................................$60.00 min

Prayer Book Fund .......................................................$35.00 min

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund ..........................................$10.00 min Rabbi Panitch Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund……..…………..$10.00 min

Sam Cooper Capital Art Fund……….…………………………………..$10.00 min

School Fund ..............................................................$10.00 min

Senior Activities Fund………………………………………………………..$10.00 min

Shirley Bass Floral Fund………………….…………………………………$10.00 min Sol & Esther Blankstein Scholarship Fund ......................$10.00 min

Solomon & Yetta Soloff Memorial Adult Education Fund . .......$10.00 min

Stein Mendelson Scholarship Fund………………………… ……….$10.00 min

William & June Sherkow Scholarship Fund .....................$10.00 min Youth & Education Endowment Fund ............................$10.00 min


Monday-Thursday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Friday 8:30 am - 2:00 pm

414-352-7310 www.cbimilwaukee.org

Do all of your online shopping through the GoodShop.com online shopping mall,

where you can shop at more than 700 top online retailers. Select Congregation Beth

Israel as your designated cause and a percentage of your purchases will come to

CBI. You pay the same price as you normally would, but your purchase will gener-

ate a donation to CBI!

Here are just a few of the many retailers who participate in Goodshop.com:

iTunes ♦ Office Depot ♦ Container Store ♦ Gap ♦ Williams-Sonoma

Congregation Beth Israel Marvin & Marilyn Zetley Family Campus

6880 N. Green Bay Ave

Milwaukee, WI 53209

Return Service Requested

Minyan Services

Monday - Friday 7:30am 6pm

Sunday 9:00am 6:00pm

Please check the Bulletin monthly for holiday time change.