CBS_Brochure_2012_-_2013 MBA BROCHURE

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  • 8/13/2019 CBS_Brochure_2012_-_2013 MBA BROCHURE



  • 8/13/2019 CBS_Brochure_2012_-_2013 MBA BROCHURE


    The CBS ambition is to make

    a positive difference in society.By working together, we can

    achieve that goal.

    Alan Irwin

    Acting President, Copenhagen Business School

    Welcome to Copenhagen Business School

    Copenhagen Business School (CBS) was founded

    in 1917 to meet the business sectors demand for

    highly qualified people. Today it is the largest busi-

    ness school in Europe. CBS offers a comprehensive

    range of programs in business economics and mod-

    ern languages for international business communica-

    tion on bachelors, masters and PhD level.

    Developing Competencies for the Future

    At the cutting edge of lifelong learning and leader-

    ship development for executives and professionals,

    CBS offers a Full-time MBA, Executive MBA and a

    wide range of Executive Master programs as well as

    a strong portfolio of company specific courses and

    industry specific programs

    We believe that managers can only create true

    value for their companies when their management

    knowledge is leveraged by personal competencies.

    Developing competencies - skills development - is a

    natural part of the quality assurance of CBS programs.

    International Quality Marks

    Internationally oriented, CBS maintains close

    partnerships with the business community and has

    exchange agreements with more than 300 universi-

    ties and business schools worldwide. In addition to

    the AMBA, EQUIS and ACE accredditations, CBS

    is a member of CEMS - Community of European

    Management Schools which only accepts one

    university as member from each European country.

    Furthermore, CBS is also a member of PIM

    Partnership in International Management a

    corresponding international consortium of prestigious

    business schools.

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    The Copenhagen MBA

    2 Welcome to Copenhagen Business School

    4 The Copenhagen MBA

    6 Leadership Discovery Process

    8 Entrepreneurship

    10 Strategy Project

    12 Program Outline

    14 The Courses

    18 Careers

    19 MBA Alumni Network

    20 Corporate Connections

    22 Faculty & Learning Approach

    24 Admissions & Fees

    26 Wonderful Copenhagen 3

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    Attracts the best brains to Denmark

    The Copenhagen MBA

    The one-year Full-time MBA at Copenhagen Busi-

    ness School attracts talented professionals from

    around the globe to Denmark for an intensive and

    collaborative learning experience. International in

    outlook, the foundation of our program is based

    on Scandinavian thinking which is characterized

    by trust, teamwork and respect for the individual.

    During the MBA, you will get a chance to explore

    the Scandinavian leadership approach and work

    with successful executives and professionals as

    mentors and coaches.

    Our MBA is a well-balanced program, designed to

    prepare you to manage, lead and transform busi-

    nesses and make a difference. You learn to master

    the business essentials through the core courses;

    the leadership discovery process takes you on a

    journey of personal and professional development,

    and the entrepreneurship component develops

    your capacity for creative thinking and identifying

    business opportunities.

    Cross-disciplinary Approach

    CBS takes a cross-disciplinary approach in our

    education as well as research. As an MBA partici-

    pant, you will learn to deal with complex business

    challenges with a broad mind, as well as creating

    synergy and integration across functional areas of

    management. During the strategy project, you learn

    to deal with ambiguities and complicated real time

    strategic challenges. You will learn to appreciate

    multiple perspectives and open up to new method-

    ologies and perspectives.

    Strong Danish Business EnvironmentBeing one of the most competitive economies in

    the world, Denmark offers a wealth of successful

    and innovative businesses which are always happy

    to be engaged in our activities. You will find a strong

    corporate presence from Denmark and abroad,

    who work alongside us as speakers, recruiters and

    clients of strategy projects. Each year, a high profile

    successful business leader assumes the role of

    Class Ambassador of the program.

    Worlds Most Liveable City

    The city sets the standard for low-emission

    urban living. Copenhagens community-focused

    architecture coupled with the Danes civic

    commitment to looking after one another and

    their unyielding bicycle-obsession are all reasons

    why this city always ranks so high. This is how

    renowned lifestyle magazineMonocledescribed

    Copenhagen in its Quality of Life Survey of June

    2010, where the city was ranked number 2.

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    The CBS Full-time MBA Program A Unique Experience

    Restricted in size and selective in admission, this

    is an exclusive MBA program with a population

    of smart, engaged, experienced, pleasant, and

    extremely international students.

    CBS is not a student factory but a thought machine

    where student brains are charged and challenged

    in various ways from day one. The program has

    state-of-the-art coverage of all core management

    disciplines combined with relevant elective courses,

    all taught by world-class faculty.

    The courses reflect a Scandinavian management

    style where social responsibility permeates the en-

    tire curriculum. Creative thinking and entrepreneur-

    ship are central aspects of the program. Leadership

    skills are honed through a personal discovery pro-

    cess that offers unique mentoring sessions to share

    ideas with seasoned executives.

    Classes are conducted in an informal learning

    atmosphere where knowledge and understanding

    is formed by selective expertise and joint reflection.

    Everything can be questioned and challenged in the

    quest for new insight and it is paramount to have

    fun in the process.


    If you have the ambition to

    become a driving force in

    shaping the global businesscommunity of tomorrow, I urge

    you to consider joining the CBS

    Full-time MBA program and

    excel your aspirations.

    Torben Juul Andersen

    Professor and Associate Dean

    Torben Juul Andersen is Professor at the Centerfor Strategic Management and Globalization and

    teaches Strategic Management at the Full-time

    MBA Program. His scholarly activities are focused

    on corporate strategy development, effective strat-

    egy-making processes, and strategic risk manage-

    ment issues. He is the author of several books on

    multinational and strategic risk management and his

    research is widely published in international journals.

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    The Leadership Discovery Process was

    an introspective and intense experience,

    initiating a challenging, yet self-defining,

    process which led to the awakening and

    honing of practical leadership skills.

    Luis Martinez

    Supply Chain Developer,

    Business Development, A.P. Moller-Maersk Group

    To dare is to lose ones footing momentarily.

    Not to dare is to lose oneself.

    Soren Kierkegaard

    Danish Philosopher

    Luis Martinez originally came to Copenhagen Business

    School from Mexico and has embarked on a highly

    successful career in Denmark since the end of his Full-time

    MBA in 2009.

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    We do more than let you dream, we stimulate you to

    broaden your mind in search for the right opportuni-

    ties. We teach you how to analyze them, study and

    develop them into practical business concepts. We

    help you to build a business model with tailor-made

    entry-and-growth-strategies. We motivate you to

    start your own business.

    Our unique entrepreneur development program is

    all about opportunity recognition and analysis using

    your profile as a starting point. Our program for de-

    veloping business models and business plans has a

    clear goal of making opportunity into a real venture.

    With practical assignments in association with sea-

    soned entrepreneurs, with innovative teachers and

    guest speakers and with coaching, advisory board

    participation and business plan competition in col-

    laboration with Venture Cup/Denmark, local science

    parks and venture capital organizations, we offer

    you outstanding entrepreneurial learning experience.

    The value is understanding the start-up process; it

    is the entrepreneurial mindset where opportunitiesbecome your business.


    The A-Board is an advisory board program for small

    and medium sized companies. Three students sit

    on the Board of Advisors with the entrepreneur(s)

    from the company and the Chairman of the Board.

    The aim is to help entrepreneurs develop their

    companies by assisting them in making important

    decisions and clarifying their vision and mission.

    Venture Cup

    Venture Cup is a cross-disciplinary business plan

    competition run by five Danish universities. The aim

    is to turn ideas and research into viable businesses

    as well as to inspire and support students and fac-

    ulty in becoming entrepreneurs. Similarly, to increase

    the number of skilled entrepreneurs and start-up

    companies, as well as the creation of radical innova-

    tion in Denmark.

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    Our diverse A-board group was assigned to an amateur artist network-

    ing website. We brought to the table some of the extensive knowledge

    that we have gained in the MBA in addition to the practical knowledge

    from our previous work experiences. We used our true analytical exper-tise to help explain why certain courses of action should be taken and

    how to do it. They were extremely happy with the results and although

    this is a work in progress we predict a great future for this sincere artist

    community and will strive to provide them with the knowledge, advice,

    and analysis that will help them become a global competitor.

    Jonathan Wiley

    Full-time MBA Class of 2011

    Dr. Eythor Ivar Jonsson is an Associate Profes-

    sor at Copenhagen Business School and is

    responsible for the Entrepreneurship courses

    at the MBA Program. His first book about en-

    trepreneurship was published in 1998 and he

    has written hundreds of articles about related

    subjects. Eythor has been involved in dozens of

    start-ups, has been the chairman of more than

    60 boards, evaluated hundreds of business

    plans and educated thousands of people in

    entrepreneurship. He holds a Masters degree

    in finance, marketing, international business

    and management consulting and a Doctorate

    degree in corporate governance. His fields of

    research are: the role of boards, opportu-

    nity recognition, incubation, entrepreneurial

    mindset, venture creation, internationalization of

    SMEs, venture capitalism and transformationalstrategy.

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    Strategy Project

    The Copenhagen MBA concludes with an inte-

    grated client-based strategy project. This is the final

    challenge of the program. Teams of MBA partici-

    pants, under the guidance of faculty and experi-

    enced executives, conduct an integrated strategy

    study for an internationally oriented company in

    Denmark and the resund region.

    The strategic project reflects the MBAs ability to

    utilize relevant theories, models and methods of the

    various modules taught and apply them in a con-

    crete strategic problem formulation of own choice.

    In addition, the MBAs are expected to display the

    ability to identify a strategic problem area in a busi-

    ness/organization, select and adapt the relevant

    empirical data plus structure as well as complete a

    complex problem consideration and analysis within

    a limited time frame. Lastly, all results and conclu-

    sions must be well documented and presented in a

    well-argued, brief and precise manner.

    Some of the issues that have been researched in

    the past include strategies for entry into a new market

    product market strategy for a business unit

    exploring new business opportunities

    new approaches to supplier relationships

    identication of acquisition targets

    Opening up to a dedicated team of investigators from the CBSFull-time MBA can challenge assumptions, increase your flexibility

    and strengthen your vision - a risk/return-framed sanity check your

    investors/owners would love you to do.

    Thomas Tscherning

    Director, BankInvest

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    The following companies have recently

    invested in our strategy projects:

    On one hand, this experience has been extremely valuable in learningto create a synergy amongst ourselves as a performing team; while on

    the other hand our efforts will produce a strategy document analysis,

    bringing to light issues and initiatives that are worthwhile for HP to

    consider in attaining their goal.

    Hewlett-Packard Strategy Group 2011

    Moataz Anany(Egypt), Maryam Kazemieh (USA), Fransisco Raya Portero (Spain),

    Dimple Sharma (India), Todor Todorov (Bulgaria)


    Alfa Laval

    Bank Invest

    Better Place


    Dana Lim



    DHL Denmark

    Dong Energy

    Falck Health Care


    Grontmij | Carl Bro



    Kopenhagen Fur



    Microsoft Denmark





    Novo Nordisk





    Topo Target

    VKR Holding



    Wonderful Copenhagen

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    Program Outline



    Managerial Decision-Making

    Management Accounting

    Organizational Behavior


    Marketing Management

    Human Resource


    Entrepreneurial Mindset

    Financial Accounting

    Change Management

    Managing the

    Global Supply Chain

    Strategic Management

    International Business

    Corporate Finance

    Corporate Branding

    Mergers & Acquisitions

    International Negotiations

    Corporate Governance

    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Business Development

    Managing Innovation

    Design Management

    Annual Additional Elective

    Integrated Strategy Project

    September 2012 August 2013

    Leadership Discovery Process

    Entrepreneurial Mindset / A-Board / Venture Cup

    Key Program Dates

    Pre-MBA: 10-13 September 2012

    Introduction Program: 17-21 September 2012

    MBA Classes Commence: 24 September 2012

    The CBS Full-time MBA course is tough but practical, and it hasenhanced my entrepreneurial spirit and management skills. This people

    focused, unique and advanced program boosted my growth as a

    leader. The most valuable opportunity was to reflect on myself as a

    leader through the Leadership Discovery Process.

    Masayuki Takeda, Japan (Full-time MBA Class of 2009)

    Marketing Consultant

    Brains Gate Co., Ltd


    Christmas Break: 21 December 2012 -

    06 January 2013

    Program Ends: 24 August 2013

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    A year that will change your life

    The Copenhagen MBA has been designed to offer

    a strong business perspective with emphasis on

    active real-life cases while retaining a critical ap-

    proach to theories, concepts and methods applied

    to managerial decision-making. During the one-year

    program, participants will get a thorough grounding

    in the business essentials. Building on this founda-

    tion, we will proceed to cover the challenges in

    managing in the international business environment

    as well as leading and managing entrepreneurship

    and the innovation process.


    For participants who need to refresh their knowledge

    in the fundamental issues in Accounting and Eco-

    nomics, we offer a one-week optional pre-MBA for

    DKK 7500. We highly recommend all participants to

    participate in this week.

    Introduction Week

    The Copenhagen MBA is developed with the aim

    to bring talented professionals to Denmark who will

    contribute significantly to the international develop-ment and competitiveness of the Danish industry.

    To kick-start the MBA, you will find yourself warmly

    welcomed by the administration, faculty and our

    class ambassador. Furthermore, you will be intro-

    duced to the key elements of our MBA, including

    the Leadership Discovery Process and the Entre-

    preneurship Program.

    All participants will be required to attend the

    Introduction Week, which gives you the chance

    to adapt to your new environment at CBS and

    the opportunity to get to know your fellow MBA


    Combining Theory and Practice

    As part of the curriculum, participants will be en-

    gaged in the Leadership Discovery Process where

    they will sharpen their personal and professional

    leadership skills through practical assignments and

    supporting theory. Experienced corporate experts

    will also share their leadership experiences from real

    life during the mentorship sessions that are integral

    to the program.

    The Entrepreneurship Program is designed to

    invigorate the entrepreneurial spirit of the participants

    through the Advisory Board program and the Busi-

    ness Plan competition that is coordinated in collabo-

    ration with Venture Cup Denmark. Speakers from

    the business community as well as academics from

    the business research centers at CBS will deliver

    talks on topics such as systematic idea generation,concept development and managing the innovation

    process among other aspects.

    The Integrated Strategy Project is the final element

    of the program where participants put theory into

    practice. It is a four-month hands-on experience

    where small teams spend this period with a real

    company on a strategic project.

    Porcelaenshaven where MBA classes are held.

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    The Courses

    The teaching in the MBA auditorium includes the use of cases, guest speakers, simulations and active partici-

    pation. Your participation should be based on thorough preparation. Good preparation will increase the take

    away for the individual participants and for the fellow participants listening to and participating in the discussion.

    Throughout the MBA year, participants will be evaluated on the basis of a mixture of exams, papers, group-

    work, presentations and class participation.

    Business Essentials

    Managerial Decision-Making

    Decision-making is at the heart of managerial work. This

    course focuses on the individual and collective factors that

    affect decision-making and managerial choice. The intentis to better understand the decision-making process, the

    individual and group processes that may compromise

    effective decision-making, and approaches that practicing

    managers may use to make better decisions.

    Management Accounting

    The course provides a framework for analysing and

    understanding management accounting systems (like

    budgeting, cost allocations, standard cost systems,

    responsibility accounting and transfer pricing as well as

    more recent innovations like the balanced scorecard and

    activity based costing) serving two functions: decision-

    making and control. The course relies on opportunity

    cost and organizational architecture as the underlying

    framework to organize the analysis and demonstrates

    that managerial accounting is an integral part of the firms

    strategy implementation and decision-making, not just an

    isolated set of computational topics.

    Organizational Behavior

    This course relates existing theory and research to

    organizational problems by reviewing basic concepts in

    the following areas: individual motivation and behavior,

    small group behavior and group dynamics, leadership,

    communication, inter-group conflict and co-operation,complex organizational structure, organizational culture

    and relations between organizations and environments.

    The course focuses on the ways in which organizations

    and their members affect one another and exposes

    participants to conflicting frameworks for diagnosing and

    dealing with problems in organizational settings.


    The course in Economics has two distinct parts: Industrial

    Economics and Macro Economics. The aim of this course

    is to provide participants with a thorough understanding

    of the theories, concepts and frameworks developed in

    industrial economics, as well as a working understanding

    of central parts of macro economics. The course gives

    an essential understanding for strategy development and

    decision-making. The teaching in industrial economics is

    intended to give future executives an understanding of

    the nature of competition as industries develop andrestructure. Macro economics provides an understanding

    of how consumers and firms are affected by the economic

    policies pursued by governments and central banks.

    Marketing Management

    The objective of this course is to familiarise the participants

    with the analytical concepts, frameworks, models and

    methods that have become fundamental to marketing

    decision-making as well as to marketing strategy. The

    course guides the participant through the development

    and use of marketing models in all four areas for market

    management: market sensing, market relating, market

    prioritizing, and market creation. Emphasis is given to

    understanding markets and customers in order to

    implement value-creating solutions for both customers

    and suppliers. The course covers business-to-consumer

    and business-to-business marketing.

    Human Resource Management

    The objective of this course is to provide a better under-

    standing of key components and concepts of strategic

    human resource management to attract, retain, develop

    and dismiss people. The discussion will centre on issues,

    challenges, trends and developments within Scandinavian

    and international organizations as well as the impact ofhuman resource policies and practices on organizational


    Entrepreneurial Mindset

    This course is focused on starting a company and invi-

    gorating companies with entrepreneur spirit. The purpose

    is to explore the entrepreneurial mindset as one of the key

    elements in the CEO skill-set. The focus will be on idea

    development and opportunity recognition, opportunity

    analysis, creativity and vision. The objective is that stu-

    dents will understand the importance and the implications

    of the entrepreneurial mindset for running companies.

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    Financial Accounting

    The course provides an introduction to fundamental

    concepts and models of Financial Accounting. The

    objective is to develop the participants ability to read,

    understand and use financial statements. Core topics

    include the balance sheet, the income statement, the

    cash flow statement and relevant financial ratios. The

    course is viewed both from a managerial and an investors

    point of view.

    Change Management

    This course examines theories of change and

    development as they apply to organizations, groups

    and individuals, and explores the way in which differenttheoretical perspectives on change are reflected in the

    range of approaches that can be applied to the diagnosis

    and solving of problems in organizations. Attention is given

    to the critical issues that need to be considered when

    developing and implementing a plan for change. Attention

    is also given to change agency and styles of intervention.

    Managing the Global Supply Chain

    Global supply chain management has become recognised

    as a major factor in the performance and competitiveness

    of organisations. Where an organisation deals with physi-

    cal products their logistics costs can range from between

    3 and 25% of sale price. However, all aspects of business

    are beginning to understand how customer service is also

    directly affected by the principles employed in the busi-

    ness. This means that service industries can adopt and

    harness operations and supply chain management con-

    cepts to improve their performance. The objective of this

    course is to provide participants with an introduction to the

    concepts of operations and supply chain management.

    Strategic Management

    This course offers the participants the opportunity to view

    the corporation from a strategic perspective as well as an

    overall general management of the firm. It focuses on thedetermination of the strategic direction of the firm, as well

    as the long-term value creation processes within the firm.

    The central goal of the course is for the participants to

    develop a perspective of the general managers role and

    responsibilities. Thus, the sessions focus on developing

    the participants ability to understand a firms strategic

    situation in depth, and to develop viable alternatives for

    dealing with the key issues facing it.

    The course also examines the tools developed for inves-

    tigating the firms industry and competitive environment.

    Furthermore, strategy at the business

    unit, divisional and corporate level is studied.

    Corporate Finance

    Corporate Finance mirrors the financial future of a com-

    pany. Participants are first introduced to the basic risk

    and return concepts and subsequently develop finance

    related performance measurement concepts and link

    them to issues of capital structure. Sustainable growth is a

    key model for understanding how to manage a company

    financially. Further topics covered by the course include:

    portfolio management / asset management as well as

    venture capital and key employee stock options within

    knowledge intensive companies.

    International Business

    This course is interdisciplinary in nature and thematic inorganization. The course provides exposure to a wide

    array of factors influencing business decisions in a global

    context. Highlighted in the course is the increasing

    reliance on information and communications technology

    as a means of providing accessibility to distant markets,

    shortening the length of distribution channels and enabling

    global partnerships. The objective of the course is to

    provide the participants with both analytical skills and

    practical insights into the management of international



    A range of electives are offered from which 5 must be

    chosen, although it is possible to sit-in the others.

    Following is a sample of the types of electives taught on

    the MBA:

    Mergers & Acquisitions

    The course takes participants through the entire Merger

    & Acquisition process. From identifying target companies

    to post-merger integration, participants are introduced to

    the latest frameworks and tools to ensure successful M&A

    transactions, but also learn how to avoid the common

    pitfalls of M&A. The course has an integrated and

    multidisciplinary approach to M&A. The course com-bines strategic, economic, financial, legal, technical and

    organizational approaches to M&A. The course aims to

    equip participants with knowledge to understand mergers

    and acquisitions at the strategic, tactical and operational

    level. Specifically, it aims to integrate the management of

    strategic, financial and leadership aspects in support of

    value-creating mergers and acquisitions.

    International Negotiations

    The purpose of International Negotiations is to help you

    understand the theory and processes of negotiation in a

    global setting. It will cover the basic negotiation concepts

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    but will also investigate issues that can be particularly trou-

    blesome in the global setting. The course complements

    the technical and diagnostic skills learned in other courses

    at CBS. While a manager needs analytical skills to discover

    optimal solutions to problems, a broad array of negotia-

    tion skills are needed to get these solutions accepted and

    implemented in the global business environment.

    Corporate Governance

    Corporate Governance is the control and direction of

    companies by shareholders and boards. The course is an

    introduction to the mechanisms of governance including

    ownership structure, board control, management incen-

    tives, business ethics, shareholder value maximization,family ownership and international differences in corporate

    governance. The course is both analytical and case-

    based, including case studies.

    Corporate Branding

    Increasingly, corporations create relations with all of their

    stakeholders based on who they are and what they stand

    for, turning themselves into corporate brands. In this way,

    corporate branding provides a framework for building the

    business around brand visions and identity. This course

    argues that in order to realize the full potential of corporate

    branding for global competitiveness, organizations must

    align their strategic vision with the culture of their

    employees and images held by their multiple external

    stakeholders. The course offers a conceptual framework

    for corporate brand management and discusses the

    challenges of brand execution based on a number of

    case examples.

    Corporate Social Responsibility

    This course introduces the concept of Corporate Social

    Responsibility (CSR) and looks at the link betweensocial responsibility and financial performance, social

    auditing, accounting and reporting, ethics and business.

    The objectives are to introduce basic ethical principles

    relevant to the world of business and illustrate the

    application of concepts such as triple bottom line,

    sustainability and socially responsible investment by

    using a range of case studies.

    Interacting with students from all over

    the world and watching them develop

    during our 12 months program is

    incredibly rewarding. We take great

    pride in delivering an intensive and

    challenging MBA program while

    creating a learning environmentfocused on reflective learning and

    individual talent.

    Michala Rder, Lee Milligan

    and Malene Sejer Larsen

    Full-time MBA Team

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    Business Development The Start-Up Process

    This course is oriented towards starting and running a

    company. The focus will be on testing business concepts

    and developing them into a business plan. Furthermore

    there will be emphasis on the practice of entrepreneurship

    and entrepreneurship strategies. The main project of the

    course is writing a business plan.

    Managing Innovation

    The course explores what it takes for a firm to develop

    and launch game changing products. Developing break-

    through new products is a huge challenge for established

    firms, since most of the R&D activities of such firms are

    aimed at developing upgrades and improvements forcurrent markets based on existing technology platforms.

    More specifically, the strategy, structure, processes

    and culture of these firms tend to be geared towards

    serving current markets with upgrades for existing product

    concepts using familiar technologies. The course builds

    on emerging insights about how mature firms can develop

    competencies in radical innovation management by

    putting the spotlight on the following four areas:

    1) innovation strategy; 2) corporate ventures & open

    innovation; 3) innovation process (idea generation &

    selection, project management, project evaluation, and

    market learning); and 4) climate for creativity & innovation.

    Design Management

    Design is increasingly considered to be a key source of

    competitive advantage in global competition. A design at-

    titude and mindset is also a crucial skill for managers who

    want to lead an innovative organization. The course aims

    at providing models, methods and guidelines for how to

    leverage design for creating innovation, brand value and

    competitive advantage. It deals with development and

    implementation of a design strategy.The course is based on lectures, teamwork, case discus-

    sions and speeches by guest speakers.

    Semester 4

    Strategy Project

    Please refer to page 10 for more information.

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    The MBA offers many opportunities for participants

    to accelerate their career development. While

    some may consider working on a more strategic

    level in their prior industry or functional area,

    others may consider exploring new options and

    may move to a new country. Careers is regarded

    as an integral component of the MBA program.

    We aim to serve the needs of both the MBA

    participants and potential employers.

    One-on-one coaching sessions take place with

    each participant throughout the program. Fur-

    thermore, workshops are held to improve the

    participants job search skills. Topics covered in

    these workshops include goal setting, CV writing,

    motivational letter writing, interviewing, presenta-

    tion, networking and negotiation skills. We are

    prepared to inspire, engage and coach our MBAs

    to take control of their careers through personal as

    well as group sessions.

    Paulo has relevant experience and gave a calm, open and professional impression dur-

    ing the interview. He has during a very short time become a valuable employee with a good

    understanding of his work and a good sparring partner in financial and strategic discussions.

    He is appreciated as a good team player with a positive influence.

    Andreas Norn, Nordic Head of Transaction Products Planning and Control, Nordea

    Hired Paulo Juliao, Portugal, Business Controller (Full-time MBA 2009)


    Alfa Laval

    AP Mller/Maersk

    AT Kearney

    Bain & Co.


    Booz Allan Hamilton

    Boston Consulting

    BMW AG


    Credit Suisse First


    DnB NOR

    DSBDaimler Chrysler




    Danske Bank


    Deutsche Bank

    Ernst & Young


    Franks International


    GN ReSound

    Goldman Sachs


    HSH Gudme


    JP Morgan






    McKinsey & Co.


    Morgan Stanley






    PA ConsultingPBS

    Procter & Gamble




    SAS Institute

    Saxo Bank









    Winterthur Group

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    Lifelong Connection the MBA Alumni Network

    The alumni network is increasingly becoming an

    important factor when candidates decide on which

    specific MBA program to attend. It is for this reason

    that we are constantly expanding and improving the

    services we offer members. When you join the pro-

    gram you automatically qualify to become a member

    of the Alumni Society, which is managed by CBS

    Executive and Full-time MBA graduates. This

    exclusive club is more than a networking hub, and

    as such organizes Master Classes (post-graduate

    education programs) and Executive Briefings to keep

    Alumni up to date with current trends and develop-

    ments in business and academia. There is a great

    number of experienced graduates from the last 17

    chapters who have created significant private rela-

    tions and personally benefitted in many ways from

    the Alumni Societys professional and social events,

    as well as the MBA News monthly newsletter. Mem-

    bership also gives you continuous access to sparring

    partners from many of the top decision-makers in

    Danish and international business life.

    To any MBA student at our school, be it a former student or a current student, the MBA

    Alumni Society has something to offer. We create the possibility for all students to network

    across chapters and across competencies. For Full Time MBA students at CBS, the MBA

    Alumni Society can be an important stepping stone into the very important discipline that is

    called networking. If you arrive in Denmark as a foreign student and need to build everything

    from scratch, you need all the cousins you can get to help you in achieving your goals.

    Charlotte Fly Andersen (Full-time MBA 2005)

    VP of Strategy, Marketing & Communication, Rosendahl Design Group

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    Corporate Connections

    Collaboration with the business community is

    critical to supporting CBS as a leading business

    school in attracting top students and faculty as well

    as developing new programs and cutting-edge


    Corporate Partners

    To establish close ties to a select group of

    corporations, the Corporate Partners Program

    has been established where corporate partners

    are given access to the students through company

    presentations, internships, assignments,

    recruitment and company-based case studies

    developed side by side with students and faculty

    members. In addition, each MBA class is assigned

    a class ambassador, usually an experienced

    executive from a top company.

    Students are showcased through the annual CV

    book which is distributed to companies, alumni

    and partners. Corporate Partners also work with

    CBS researchers on creating innovative research

    and learning opportunities. The partnership is

    considered as a long term, strategic alliance that is

    mutually beneficial.


    Current corporate partners include:

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    Enthusiasm and a curious interest in

    examining new areas are the driving factors

    for the participants in the MBA Program.

    The education is a challenge to intellectual

    curiosity and the backbone of every dynamic

    business environment. The dynamism will fuel

    the ability to learn, grow and create results.

    Mads Ovlisen

    Chairman of the Board, The Lego Company and the

    Royal Danish Theatre

    Adjunct Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility,

    Copenhagen Business School

    In Close Dialogue with Business

    The Schools cooperation with the business

    community for the development of new programs

    and application-oriented research activities is one

    of its strategic cornerstones. The development of

    all programs at CBS is carried out in close dialogue

    with leading business executives. This dialogue

    ensures the practical relevance and high market

    value of the programs.

    Spectacular Facilities

    CBS is an urban university primarily located in

    four modern buildings in Frederiksberg, close to

    the heart of Copenhagen. The main complex,

    which was completed in 2000, at Solbjerg Plads;

    the architecturally acclaimed campus building by

    architect Henning Larsen at Dalgas Have, and

    Porceaenshaven (the former Royal Copenhagen

    Porcelain Factory) inaugurated in 2009 as well as

    Kilen (The Wedge), which was inaugurated in early

    2006; all reflecting the characteristic Scandinavian

    style. All CBS buildings are within walking distance

    of each other and are also easily accessible by


    Spectacular facilities and their designs are the main

    features of the campuses at CBS. Student facilities

    include multi-media labs, breakout rooms for group

    and project work. An outstanding and modern

    library is staffed by information professionals. A

    Learning Resource Center with state-of-the-art IT

    facilities enables you to keep abreast of and up-

    to-date with everything you need or want to know

    while doing your MBA. Wireless access is available

    in the newly renovated Porcelaenshaven campus

    where the MBA is located. Full-time MBAs have

    access to state of the art group rooms.

    I have had the pleasure of getting to know

    an ambitious, diverse, challenging group of

    professionals that have invested in their future

    by spending a year in Copenhagen on the

    Full-time MBA at CBS. I hope you will have a

    chance to take a minute to reflect on how this

    and other future groups might be able to add

    fresh thinking to your company.

    Eva Berneke,

    Senior Executive Vice President for HR & Strategy, TDC

    Class Ambassador, Full-time MBA Class 2011

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    Faculty & Learning Approach

    CBS is a university that covers a wide range of

    disciplines within the social sciences and the hu-

    manities at the highest scholarly level. CBS is

    distinguished by its breadth of research areas and

    educational programs, a breadth that is generated

    by the strong and pleasant innovative culture.

    In the MBA Program, our faculty strikes a balance

    between the science and the art of management.

    We innovate - yet keep the fundamentals in sight.

    Our widely recognized faculty includes some of

    the worlds leading management experts. They are

    coaches and scholars, conducting cutting-edge

    research and exploring the results in the auditoriums.

    Today the focus of branding has shifted away from individual products to the

    corporations that make them. Along with this shift have come important changes

    in the way branding works.

    Professor, Majken Schultz

    Majken Schultz is Professor of Management and teaches Corporate

    Branding at the Full-time MBA at Copenhagen Business School.

    Her research interests are at the interface between organization

    theory, strategy, and marketing including the interplay between

    culture, identity and image, corporate branding and reputation

    management. She is the author and editor/co-editor of several

    books including the recently published Corporate Branding and The

    Expressive Organization. She is also a regular commentator in the

    Danish media including the leading daily, Brsen.

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    Organizational dynamics are becoming increasingly complex, international,

    and fast-paced. By expanding their repertoire of frameworks for how to

    address organizational challenges, participants increase their flexibility

    and hence their ability to approach challenges and problems in a way that

    is well adapted to the situation.Skilled use of an extensive repertoire is essential for achieving organizational

    and personal effectiveness in the contemporary business world.

    Eva Boxenbaum, PhD

    Associate Professor of Organizing at Copenhagen Business School;

    teaches Organizational Behaviour at the CBS Full-time MBA

    Eva Boxenbaum is Associate Professor of

    Organization and teaches Organizational

    Behavior at the Full-time MBA at Copenhagen

    Business School. Her research interests include

    processes of change management and the

    adoption of foreign organizational practices.

    She conducts research from a cross-cultural

    perspective and leads international research

    networks in Canada, Denmark, France, United

    Kingdom, and the United States. Her work has

    been published in international journals for practi-

    tioners, e.g. California Management Review, and

    for academics, e.g.Academy of Management

    Review and Organizational Studies.

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    Admissions & Fees

    The Full-time MBA Program starts every year in

    September. Applications are considered on a rolling

    basis. After we have received your application form

    and all required supporting documents, you are

    invited to attend an interview. Interviews take place in

    Copenhagen and other locations around the world,

    via telephone or video conferencing. You may apply

    using our online application system. Alternatively, you

    may also download our application in PDF format

    from our website.

    Admissions Requirement

    We are especially interested in recruiting participants

    with leadership potential and entrepreneurial spirit

    as well as the necessary passion, hunger and drive,

    to complete an intensive year of MBA studies.

    The program consistently attracts talented and

    diverse professionals. Inspired by the Scandinavian

    approach, we emphasize co-operation, caring and

    the personal touch. Committed to personal and

    professional growth, the group benefits from the

    breadth and depth of backgrounds and experiences

    among their peers.

    Candidates will be assessed on the basis of

    demonstrated excellence and achievements

    academically and professionally. You are expected

    to have a university degree (minimum bachelors

    degree) or an equivalent professional qualification

    and have gained at least two years of work experi-

    ence. Please refer to our web site for all the required

    documentation for application.

    Profile of Participants in the Copenhagen

    MBA Program Class of 2011

    Total Students: 44

    33% Women

    Average work experience: 8.5 years

    Average Age: 33

    22 Nationalities

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    Tuition Fee

    For the Full-time MBA program commencing

    in September 2012, the tuition fee will be DKK

    290,000. Furthermore, the required text books,

    transportation, lodging and other living expenses

    for a single student is estimated at DKK 110,000

    for the one-year program. A non-refundable tuition

    reservation fee is required upon acceptance to the

    program. This deposit is applied towards the cost

    of the program. The remaining tuition will be pay-

    able in two installments. Non-EU students must

    pay an additional administration fee.

    DKK Euro (approx.) USD (approx.)

    Tuition fee for the MBA Program 2012-2013 290,000 39,000 56,000

    Estimated Expenses:

    Housing 60,000 8,000 11,700

    Food/Personal Expenses 35,000 4,700 6,800

    Books 15,000 2,010 3,000

    Estimated Total (exclude tuition fee) 110,000 14,800 21,400

    Tuition fee is payable in Danish Kroner only. The indication in Euros and USD are based on the exchangerate per July 2011. They are meant to give a broad idea of the costs in these other currencies. These

    estimates of expenses are calculated on the basis of a single student during the one-year stay in Copenhagen.

    Participants are strongly advised to possess a laptop.

    Copenhagen has emerged as a city of global attention with a leading

    business hub, a progressive climate agenda and recognizedknowledgeble society. My MBA from CBS has provided me much more

    than just an academic toolbox, it provided me with an entryway to the

    Danish business world. My Copenhagen MBA has launched my

    international career in a leading Danish enterprise.

    Shelby King-Grubert (Full time MBA Class of 2010), Project Assistant

    Velux, Denmark

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    Wonderful Copenhagen - DenmarkScandinavian City of the Future

    Strategically located in northern Europe, Denmark

    has world-class physical and technological infra-

    structure. It has a highly developed industry and

    many multinationals set up regional headquarters in

    the country. The open and stable economy offers

    few barriers to set up business. It is an important

    growth center for international companies.

    Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is the largest

    city in Scandinavia. 9 million people live and work

    within a radius of 300 km from the city. It is the

    economic center of the region. Copenhagen has

    consistently been ranked as the Scandinavian city

    of the future. More than 2200 foreign companies

    are located in Copenhagen. The city has developed

    into a hub for technology based companies, espe-

    cially within pharmaceuticals, chemicals, biotech, IT

    and telecommunications. Furthermore, the greater

    Copenhagen area hosts a unique creative cluster,

    notably within film and TV production, computer

    games, design and fashion.

    Excellent Quality of Life

    Copenhagen is a great place for living. Copenhagen

    has one of the lowest crime rates in the world and

    visitors often mention the feeling of security and

    safety as one of the citys most distinctive features.

    The city has a lot to offer in terms of cultural life as

    well as an active outdoor life. It has a mix of attrac-

    tions including theatres, museums, castles, parks

    and sandy beaches. The well-functioning public

    transport infrastructure makes it possible for you to

    visit places and enjoy the rich culture of the Copen-

    hagen area easily and at low costs.

    Highly Competitive Economy

    The Global Competitiveness Report published by

    the World Economic Forum in Switzerland has once

    again placed Denmark among the top ten econo-

    mies in its 2010-2011 ranking of global economies.

    Denmark stands out for having one of the most

    efficient labor markets in the EU. According to the

    competitiveness index, the countrys higher educa-

    tion and training standards have also done much to

    lay the standards for high levels of techonological

    adoption and innovation. Denmarks strong Informa-tion and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector

    is considered an enabler of a more economically,

    environmentally and socially sustainable world.

    The CBS MBA has given me an excellent understanding of business,

    from strategic and operational points of view. The MBA has given me

    the tools to analyze and understand the various dynamics at play whenmaking choices about entering certain markets and not others.

    This is more so evident now in my current work where we are moving

    into new markets. In a nut shell it is the best MBA for todays business


    Nathan Kaimba (Full-time MBA Class of 2008)

    Business Analyst


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    Copenhagen is clean, safe and ridiculously easy to get to know.

    The locals speak superb English and it usually makes the top five,

    if not the top spot on those liveable cities lists.


    To learn more about Copenhagen and Denmark, visit the following

    web sites:

    Wonderful Copenhagen

    Copenhagen Capacity www.copcap.comMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

    Danish Immigration Portal

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    The Copenhagen MBA

    One-year, full-time program, starting in September

    Specifically designed to boost general management skills

    Leadership focus through leadership fundamentals, mentoring by

    executives and coaching

    Entrepreneurship focus offers coursework in entrepreneurship and

    the A-Board Program with MBAs gaining experience by sitting on

    advisory boards of start ups and growing companies

    Real world experience through the integrated strategy project of

    4 months with client companies

    Lee Milligan, Admissions Manager - Full-time MBA Program

    Copenhagen Business School

    RaavarebygningenPorcelaenshaven 22, 2.05

    2000 Frederiksberg


    Phone: +45-3815-6022

    Email: [email protected]



    Twitter Account: @CBSMBA

    Our Full-time MBA Online Application can be found on: