Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. 2 . HarriaQfI (s) date pla ce v __ for exa m ple: A. Busln ... ttlOv1t1 '1-t /' Ia,, · ;t.", .. (4£y .. ,4J. O,·" i dl £..' . .) " .... B. Ci vic r •• __________________________ _ 4. Chu rch me:nb ersh lp " -4 " 5. S ess ion s .er ved /2. I /J Y-e.·( "I / [7 0 6. Public O//Ico. A. '1 ca1 iJ.,4gf rA/Wr .... , e/· 1 ,.it; __ . j<¥ .1-. =_;,a . (f , I B. State C . l'I'at ional 7. oe ath :l7 9w l!l7Y {h"",'/ ,,(r " .- / .. ,,;, / 8. Childron' __________________________________________________ __ 9. Na me . of parent8 __

C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew FolderTIFs … · 2018. 2. 12. · is hrighter by the n(]\'cnt of bIS spirit into lllarlcs Bsmm.el n' f .I'!'j·, ;"--"-' Source: Iowa Territorial

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  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    2 . HarriaQfI (s) date plac e

    v __ for example:

    A. Busln ... ttlOv1t1 '1-t/' Ia,, · ;t.", .. (4£y .. ,4J. O,·" i dl ~J.J) £..' !~.t/&:!, (=ed. .

    .) " ....

    B. Ci vic r •• pon.ib ll ltio. _~~f~t9~. LO~. Lt:~. __________________________ _

    4. Chu r ch me:nbersh l p d.~;. " ~ -4 " 5 . Sess ion s .erved /2. I /J Y-e.·( "I /f.l.t;I'/'/'h~/fif; / [7 0

    6 . Public O//Ico.

    A. '1ca1 iJ.,4gf """-i" Ie /"IH~,,,,,,Jtt I4,r;j rA/Wr.... ,e/· 1 ,.it; .//~,J.-__ . j

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    10 Edu c ation_ U~d,k(Ll ''I' ,r, .u.fL&k_ a~"'-&I'/td ...LJ:j ( I'?U ~, i.' ' ..... . I

    -- ---- ---- -- ------------------------------- ---------. -----------

    11. Oogroos ________________________ _

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    Sources Log For Legislation Entries


    ------ ------------ ------- ------

    ---- - ---

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    Among the noted ra cers now t t110 pflrk arc Jessie GaillB, ,cord 15!: Bethel , record 16: gnis Fatuus, record 2:21. Th e ChIlDl -ion yearling filly of N nt Brown's is also n t ground. Mr. Gale s"ys that the 3sociatioQ. reserved t!le rights to hoid n teeting- of the spring or fall mces there, ) it is possible that tbore will r)e marc nuse~en ts at the park this year tllan lore ba.s becn for a long time pas t.

    "rhe Ne,v JS:OCII. IliJland Train. N ext Sunday the new Rock Island

    trough train betwe en CbicRIZ;O and Den-lr will make its first trip. It will lorten the time severa l bours between te two cities. The train from tlle east ill arrive in Council BluO's nt 12 :25 R· 'j and the ono from the west a t 2 clock a. ru. The trains will pa~s at or ,ar A lbright, in Omaha. . ,.


    All claims not consistent with the lligh ,orp -'er of Syrup of Fi~s arc purposely 'oi(. ~~, by the California Fig Syrup .mpauy. It acts gently on the kidneys, vc r and bowc1.9, cleansing tbo system fectually, but it is not a cure· all and akes no pretensions tbat every b ottla i ii not substantiate.

    The Olivette club gave tbe last of its ries of dancing parties last ovening at ugbes' ball and tbe event was bigbly cces,ful throughout.

    • Only $GO to Portland &n(1 Retnrn. The Uoion l-'A.citic will scll tickets om Council BlufI~ to Portland aud reo (Tn at onc fnrc for tbe round trip. ickets on sal e MRv 9 to 14, inclusive, roited to 90 'lays from date of sale. For f\uy additi onal information Rpn~y

    , .1. C. Mitch ell , Ticket Agent l.:nion dcific system, Council BiutTs.

    2SdlmyH ... Mr. B. D. Shaw is in the citvas ad·

    !lDce representative of Effie Ellslcr. tbe opulnr nctreES, who comes next week ) play her o riginal part. tbe titl e role of Inzel Kirkc. The veteran C. W . Coul~ I)rk i!'l i n hrl' Cl1nnf'l rr r n c1 - · : 11 .... , ~~. \. : ",

    _ . _ .... -- I"' ••• - _ •• ---- .••. - -- - --' J

    Rlle}'s. Our city authorities sbould at· tend to tbis IDatter witbout delay The city is bad ly in need of a street sweeper· Tllcre mnv be C] uitc an expense attached to tbis worl< bu t it will pay tbe city to do it. It will be the means of prevent· ing disease Ilnd pestilence and give us 8 neat, tidy appearance.

    •• Denth of Judge Casady.

    Tim NONPAllEH, makes the painful ann ouncement of the death of the Han. J. P. CRsady, at balf past ten o'clock 11l13t ni ,gbt, at the famIly residence on Washington avenue, after no illness of nearly five yeaTS. Notice of tbe funeral will b e made later. In the passing of tbis good man Council Bluffs loses one of ber bes t and Doblest citizens. BiB life wa. a benediction and n blessing.

    To his fnmily we tend er our sincerest Bympathies, around his bier Done will mo~rn more deeply than tbe editor of this paper wbo has known and loved him for more than n quarter of n century. In nit tbnt timl Judge Casady wore tbe grand old Dame of gentleman. In all his life he bore bimself a cbristian, a man of usefulness Bod distinguished hODor . He has f.".Q.DC to his rcward,-a Doble man, 8. christian gentleman, a useful citizeo, on wbose brow tbere are none more wortby to wear tbe beavenly cbaplet ot immor~ talily. --

    Jledllced tlte Interest. Money is a Dice tbinlt to bave, but

    those who bave large bulks of it in tbis city will put in a large, vigorous kick when they finisb reading this item.

    Tbe banks of tbis city have come to an agreement among tbemselves tbat her. after taey will reduce tbe amount of inter· est paid o n time deposits as follows' One year from 6 to 5 per cent; G montbBfrom G to 4 per cent. This will make quite a dilIerence to some people, but a9 tbe bnnke claim they arc Dot justified in pnymg the old ratee tile depositors will ha.ve to Buhmit or place their money in different channels.

    ------_.-..-------The Pottnwattamie Democratic Bssod-

    caras at '1 ne 1~ Yesterday af

    late S. D Merl largely attende der the auspice

    -M. Wollml

    Get your BCI nEIL ofIlce.

    Special coml lodge No. 71, eveninl( for we MasoDs in goO( invited, By 0 :

    Miss A. M. Bluff street.

    CEverybody i Reel'. cemeter tlrst Saturday" then commODe1

    E. A. Will draughtsman, :

    Doctors? p , Pills.

    -Gas fixtu"

    M •. S. L. G, erable father of this city, dr pectedly and, visiting with b

    -Crafl's ebl

    Miss Anita E a yisit of sev! tbe country.

    -New patte will please you

    -Stepban E ters. Estimal! way. Telepb!

    Sec Isabelle :

    Stove and co Tha teher's, 16 .

    -Nearly eVE medicine, BDC undoubtedly Ii BOD.

    James O'Eri for reckless dr :pc k '1 ,. ."

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    ... ,,_1. __ _ _ .. --,- .... ".. .... =-'~.-. , ,~" ...... - , .... -~, -.. ... -- ~. -~ -. ,- - .- --- , -- -,~ - -- -- -~ be held at Cleveland, Ohio.

    viIi be a great .,trair. e arrangcmeutr; are being


    r convention will be held A d, beautiful church buildinlr .'null. on Ibe 81 10 where Ibe uUlhllUg was 10. WhlCll tbe

    Pure and Gentle Spirit Passes Beyond to His Heav-

    Judson Ilnd Cook, Civ SurveyoTB; L. 1'. Juds< veyor; Ernest E. Cook,

    organized, three years ago. 'V. Brewer, the able pastor of .venue 1tI. E. church appenrcd nele!;.tes and in a neat little lially invited them to be pres· ception which was tcudered Dlght, at Masonic temple. The Reception

    o.ing at the recept ion Masonic eautifully decorated and there ! numbe:.r of our represcntativc ~sen t. Icy's orchestra opeued the ox h a fine musical sclection, af-:ollowcd a quartette from the urch choir. ~ss of welcome to the visiting ,a, r de by Mr. C. G. Saund· 13ur"d the distinguished guests ,ol)le of Council BlutTs were Je uonor to extend tbe hand of ) them. es "'e~e mode by Dr . . J. L. orresponding secretary of the Ll Dr. D. Haven, who,e elo· ches were hcartily received by tors. ,n :Sims followe,1 the address which was well reodered . wee of tlle cvening' was takcn ne Iitcrl1ry program_ The ex· tlle cyening were higblyee-buse pn:sent and the visitin~ "e highly ple.sed with the extended them. there will be fI. mass meeting

    o temp:e. Addresses will be ~i5; 1" r) fitzgcrald, Dr. D~ugh· -iii , ..... ~ccr(:tary: Dr. ReTry, cui-Epwor th 1Iernl,t, Chicago, and ~minc nt spc~kcrs. Everyhody :hou !d turn out and give nU T bed gu cst s to understan(l that :i llfTs' p(' (l p1 c gladly welcomes

    enly Home,

    Faltbfa\ CbrloUan Eartb No Morc.


    On Sunday afternoon at half past two o'clock all that is mortal of Jefferson p. Casady will be borne to the tomb and l.i d to rest In the passing of the years. the flight of time, the revolutions of our world through boundless space, and the majestic march of the heaven. around the Eternal throne, no sound will come to disturb the peaceful slumbers of the dead. Sun and moon shall wax und wane, winter and spring shall come

    J. rtic1es of incorporal national Cure associtltiOl for record. The capital ana lbe officers are: Davenport; vice pre Templeton; seerdary, treasurer, George !l , director, J E Harkness. one of the incorporator!

    Order those copper cards at The Nonpareil

    - M. Wellman, jewel,

    Supenntendent of ,he Coulter and wife of 0 tondance at the Bradley. last night.

    Get your Bcs,le books

    and go, and the flowers, "the bealltlful RErl. omoc. children of nBture te"ehing the love of God to men" will bloom UDon his grove. butthe earthly form of one so respected. so honored, and 80 beloved for his vir-tues WIll sleep the sleeo that knows no waking until amid th~ rending rocks and trembling earth. it rises in [L glorious nnd beautiful immortality to meet the Son of God and his holy angels In the skies from whence they will come to save tbe blessed of the denLl who die 10 the faith of the Father and the Cbrist. Countinlr the days of tbe ve.r. of his earthly pilgrimage as he lived, and moved, ond had hIS being

    Miss A. l\!erJatte, Blnff street.

    Yesterday a case of ported at the residence, n23 East P ierce street.

    E. A. Willneh, ci, uTaughtsmnn, Shugart 1

    JIliss Florence Parks lIlr. Charles W. Calho dence of the bride's I Thirty·fourth street an Wednesday evening at C. W. Brewer of the Ffl church officiated.

    among us, nODc can gainsay that in ev- Doet.crs? P:1hnw~ 'j cry respect Juj;:e Casady exemplified the Pills. virtues of t.he good. maD. the honorcd CItizen, and the true christian worthy to lcceivc thc divinc commcndation of the Masler. His life was gentle, bis Ilays

    The case of Tom ColS ing was continucd in r todoy.

    - U:18 fixturcs at Bix1j wcre useful, nnd his example worthy of all that is pu re nnd Doble. The world -Crfl.ft's chattel loum wns better because be lived. nnd heaven , is hrighter by the n(]\'cnt of bIS spirit into lllarlcs Bsmm.el n'

    _.. . _ . f .I' !'j·, ; "--"-'

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    de ~e;llp!c . '~ tl ~~ rc ~~~; ·~~;lll ~~ virtucs of tuc goou ~!l~ . th~ ~~'~~~~d I . T~~e case of Tom Col Bishop Fit zgerald, Dr. D:1ugh· cItizen, and the true christian worthy to ing was continued in

    :> nling /iooro tury: Dr. Darry, cc.1i - receive the didne commendation of ~he today. ~ Epworth Hernld, Chicago, and Master, liis life was gentlc, his clays - Una fixtures at nil 'omi~ellt spe~ker5, Everyhody were useful, and his example worthy of s:1. ~ d tu rn out and give o ur all that is pure nnd noble. The world

    shed guests to understan(i that was better because he lived, and benven H l lIIT

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    1 UpO II th e llnpl';- (!lIIlfile ng h -IHP!19 ~em :tJ,c1 friendship , Ilillor.g which tine ~idc board from the members tire department. After serving a

    iful su pper to the guests the happy ! r f ired to their future home on cr stroet. which had oeen band

    nhility, nnd by hie prohity be gniocd the r~spect of everyone. To sec him wne to trust him as with the instinct of a child. \Vhen Col. Test retired from thE tirm, Mr. James N. Casady, a younger uroth-er, entered it , !IS J. P. ...% J. ~. Casady, a name it still re-

    V furnished by tbe groom for the taiIlfl, 69 tbe synonym of tbe hon-ion of his bride arabIc, upright methods for wbich

    St r1t c·k " "Uh at: E .. ~ille. : Wednesday ni gllt Ed Bokar, a If tlic Broadw!i.V druggist wns near the Hod::: Island track n few

    Judge Casady was eyer noted. In 1861 be was elected a direl2lor of · the Council Bluffs", St. .Joseph railroad and after· wards became tuP. president of lhat com -pHny. In 1868 he was elected'state sena'

    e:lst of the city in n. dazed condi- tor from this district nod through llis ef-lie was covered with mud and fo rts tile Iowa State Institute for the

    ad ,vas badly bruised about the Deaf waR located at this city. In poli· aud his face w~s cut in severnl tics 11e was 0. democrat, but in all tbtng8 l. lie Eaid that while walking on he was Do public spirited citizen, working ,ack lle was struck by an engine quietly and modestly for the good of the 1 cnIUc up behind him nnd which lie city he loved so well, nno. which wns so It sec or hear. richly bonored by his life among us. wns uruught into the city by !tiro For many yenrs he was prominent in 'Vilcox, the gardener, 'an d taken to Odd Fellowship, organizing a number of )mc. Dr::!. Allison nou Houghton lodges in Iowa and Nebrask'l, and Jed him. I under the nU9pices of thie beautiful order

    ) Commelldable. his b0cty is to be laid to rest. lIis home claims not consistent with the bigh hfe was an Ideal. In the month of June

    '.cter of Syrup of Fi~s nrc purposely 1856, he wa.s married to Hannah Joiner, cd IJ,Y the California Fig Syrup and their union was serenely beautiful. ,any. It acts gently on the kidneys, In May 1882. Mrs. Casady died, and

    and bowels, cleansing the system three of their five children stlTviyc them . . uolly, but it is not a cure·.ll aDd In all their married life Judge and Mrs. S DO pretensions tbat every bottla Casady were consistent members of tbe lot wbstantiate. Presbyterian church. But they have

    _ passed away. First the loving help· TaKe Notice. meet of this good man. and now after s

    ' ing to the death of the mother of long illness of nearly five years he has Beno tbe store will bc clm:cd until gone to become reunited to the loved tbe funera l. ones who w ent througoh the valley of tbe

    lvcd Fronl n Drunkard'" Grave. r the past twentv·five years I hove a Lurd llri nking man. There were two occasions when I did Dot

    ~. One when I couIa not get money I)"' iskv. p.nJ tile other when I was ick to drink it. I have tried bun-3 of times to quit, aDd always u" I began treatment at t11e Blanch-I1stitnte fifteen clays ago, and now esiie for liquor is entirely destroyeo, T ""''':"C0 (

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    J The publ ic tw o"," tlwt in i)cvi\, s MiIH! they 'l\" i Ii sec 8. goon compRny ill n tirst cl sss play . 'Witl.! n great denl of very pretty!:cencry. "N otbing succeeds like stlccess. Tbe co mpnny is this week plnying to large audiences in Omaha, f ro m whence they come directly to u o-hA.ny ·s tllcnter next ~unday and )I ~n (lnr. ::\hy 1 an l1 2.

    (;ollllllendabJc. All claims not cOllsisteut with the high

    character of Syrup of Fi5a are purposely avoiaed by tbe California Fig Syrup company. It acls gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system effectually, but it is not a cure-all and makes DO pretensions tbat every bottlo wi ll not Bubstantiate.

    -Funcral NotlcclJ.

    The funeral services of the late J . P . Ca'Rdy will be comlucteu at tbe family residence on 'Yasbington avenue at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Rev. Ste-pben Pbelps snd Rev. Mr. McClelland will officiate.

    The serVIces of tDC lnte Mrs. W. H. Robertson will be conductcd at tbe rcsi· dence of Mr. John Beno, 120 Fr~nk street, tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rev. Stepben Pbelps, of the Presby ten' an ch:Jfcb, will offictBte.

    y ~~tprr1ny the board of Epworth lengue bad anotl meeting. The subject of the g-eneral conference W81 subject under discussion. ago there WRS a committel prepnre a report on this this report J~ tnkon hy section and discu wbere Euch is tbought adopted. The board h' firtb section or tbe re thought that it will tak tIme today in finishing th

    llishop Hurst, at th' American university of C., was a visitor at the Be and the delegates extend, welcome.

    • • A coun ... endabl

    On a late run of tbe n an Omaha officer, off G.ul put n drunken man on conductor, whose name ' remonstrated and the 0 ' club on him. The pass, came to the conductor'! 10 unmistakable lan"uag' to skip with bis drunke take the consequence Sl pretty lIvely, It was act of the conductor snc

    THE PRESBYTERIAN GENERAL were higb in their praise ASSEMBLY.

    At Portland, May, lS!)'l . For the accommodation of those desir-

    ing to visit at points in the vicinity of, or .t Portland , durjn~ )[ay, the Union Pacific wiil sell tickets a.t one fare for tb e round trip. Tickets on sale May 9 to 14 inclusive, limitcd to 90 days from date of sale.

    For tickets or auditional information apply to J. C. Mitchell, ticket agent Union Pacific system, Council BlufIs.

    8J)r28dLoma}14 ---"--

    Elevator to LCRJJe. Plopositions to rent for one year or

    term of years, the Union Elevator of Council Bluffs, Iowa, capacity seven bundred and fi ft y thousani bUShels, will be received by the undersigned. Address H. A. Snyder, Secretary and Tressurer,

    - _

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


    From my personal knowledge of Judge james. I can readily endorse this state-ment. For many yean he was a member of the firm of Montgomery. Reed & j~. composed of B. F. Montgomery. joseph R. Reed, and W. C. j ames. Mr.

    i;:e$ died at ·Coun· luffs in 1699. Jefferson P Cassady one of the early and notable lawyen and public men of , uncil Bluffs, wu rn in Fayette County. Indiana. in 1626. He fitted himself fo r the bar, came to Iowa in 165 I. and settled in Fort Des Moina;. now the City of Des Moines. Here he was elected to his lint official position. that of Deputy T reuurer and Recorder of the County. the two oflice$ being united. At the end of his term. in 1653. he removed to Council Blu.!h and entered upon a successful practice. In 1656 he was elected County judge, aerving with efficiency in that position for four yean. Of thit service D. C. Bloomer .ay.:

    . The election of Judge Cassady began .. new era in the management of county affairs. A careful economy marked his admlniltratlon. The expenaes_ of the county were rapidly reduced; waate and eJ:travaga.nce were carefully avoided; the resources of the county were clo8ely hUlbanded, and every pol81ble effort mue to place Us II.nancee In a better condition. The charges of corruption and per· sonal flvorltism In tbe county judge'l omce now wholly' ceased, and tbe people generally were well aaUslled tba~thelr Interests would be aafe in the handa of Judge Canady. .

    Nothing more forcible than this could be said of Judie Cassady's ability and integrity.

    In 1661 he was elected one of the Board of Directors of the Council Blu.lfs 6: St. Jo~h Railroad. Upon the establi.hment of a branch of the State Bank of Iowa at Council Bluff •• in 1660. he was elected one of its directors. In 1864, upon the organization of the Fairview Cemetery Association. he was elected one of its first directors. In 1665 he was elected Vice Presid.ent of the Council Blu.lf$ 6: St. Joaeph Railroad. In 1866 he was one of the commissioner5 for the erection of the .new courthouse. In the fall of 1667 he was elected to the State Senate. and served with marked efficiency in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Ceneral Assem-blies. He was a Democrat ip. politics and in 1672 wu the candidate of his party for Auditor of State.

    F ronl what has been said. it is apparent that much of Mr. Cassady's life was devoted to public affain. which naturally interfered to a considerable extent with the close pursuit of his profession. He was one of the most useful and conspicuow public men of early Iowa.

    Frank Sired wu a contemporary with the early lawyers that have been named. He was a man of influence and action. both as a lawyer and public man. I am not able to state the precise time when he came to Council Bluffs. but from the best information I can gather. I think in about 1852. He took an active part in politict:. was one of the organizers of the Republican Party in 1656. and a dele~ gate to the first Republican State Convention. held in that year. In 1857. at the

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

    :1 I ' ,


    I I




    He h;l.s IrlYtled extensively over the country and through the provinces. He has done much for the improvement and dt:velopment of the agricultural interests of the Slale.

    H..: was firs! Illarricd. Ut:ccmher 18, 184." to Miss Mary A. Me

  • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


    profession. and accordingly begao his studies while yet in his native to .... n. and in 18Sf. after remoying to the west, was admitted 10 the bar at Des Moines. Iowa. Removing to Council Bluffs in April of the

    • following year (1853). he there fo rmed a I'artne~hip with Mr. H. 0, johnson. and established hinlsclf in ti:1e practice of his profession. He also established a land agency. and engaged in the purt:hasc and sale of real estate.

    As a lawyer. he $00 1'1 became widely and favorably known. and in ISS8 his feilow-citizens, recognizing his financial and judicial ability, elected him 10 Ihe office of county judge. II is but due to say that this honor was wholly un50ugh t by Mr. Casady. Each political pany had put forth ils cand idate for the position. but the people being d iss.1 tisfi ed " 'ith the nominees repudiated Ihe nOlUinalion~, ~nd ... ith. out dinent or reg.tTd to IJOl iticai Ilft' jllllin:lI elected Mr. Cuady. Under Ihe law as it exisled at that time, the county judge had' fun management of all the financial affairs of the county, and also of the probate court, 50 that the office was :l.\tended by a vast amount of responsi lt ili ty and hard work. Not. withstanding this fact, Judge Clud~' t:ontinued ~he

    offic~ for (WI) years, and at the nme time conducted his own private busfneu, which, until the year 1868, consined largely of real-eslale open-lions. During this last named year he was elected to represent the countie~ of Portawallamic, Mills, Fremont aDd Cau in the state senate for a lerm of four years.

    Judge Caudy hu always shown a worthy publi c; . spiriledneu. and has heartily sympathi:ed with .11 local improvements and enterprises. He has been upecially ilctive in railroad operations, and on the IJlh of Jul),. 1&6" he was elected a director of the Council Bluffs and 51. Joseph railroad, and after_ ward was clCclcd president of the road.

    In political sentiment he is a democ:rat. and has taken an active pari in the workings of that puty. He has frequently been a delegate to the state con· ventions. In ISp he was the candidate of his party for M;"Ite allditor, and although he ran far ahead of his ticket, the state was so overwhelmingly republi. c.,n that lIe ,,'as defeated.

    In his religious communion, Judge Casady is identified with the Presbyterian church, and is a worthy member, He has Ihree children, two $On, aod one daughter.


    T HE subject of this ~kelch , :m early navigato r of the northern lakc:~, :mtl ooe of the fir~1 ~ttle rs in the State of 1m\":!, is a son of ) ephthah Buell, a shi(1 c;upcnte r of the tnwn .. f Flnrenrc, Her. kimer county, New Yurk o li e w:lS hum in , R03. :100.1 attended the common school of the neighborhood. His immedi .... te ancestOT$ re~ided in Connecticut. tlllt his father wu a native of New York. fI ;~ mOl her (Rachel nle Snong), .... worthy and C'slimahle lady, .,., .... 5 a native of Connecticut. Hi5 patcrtlal ",r