Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Po rm Fo r Hemberl of th e -} lfr.J. of Representative __________ -. C;, .- fl." .,{ / ,.,.;f u (0, d, 1. Birthday and place " I), r 2. Harriage (s) date place 3. Significant event. for example: A. Bu8In.'. _________________________________________________ B. CiYic r •• pon'ibillti.' __________________________________ ___ C. prOf ••• _______________________________________ 6. Public Off Ie •• A. Local ______________________________________________ __ B. Stat. 0weinOj dlb f? .. ,.-1 . , C .' }fationalr(! f. "',t i;./ ,(. I ,1 'l;t, ./ 1/ 7/" I Ie I .,If I !. ,; , .I I " /1, '::;,.:", ... ' .. .l-"J. .,ijr. , T;) J I, 9. }fames of parents ______________________________________________ ___ r(. , .,

C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/4_fletcher_jonathan_muscatine.pdfD Ja'il/o 'f °1" 'Irltule 10 nis worlll as 1\ citizen ia from . . Source: Iowa Territorial and State

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Page 1: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/4_fletcher_jonathan_muscatine.pdfD Ja'il/o 'f °1" 'Irltule 10 nis worlll as 1\ citizen ia from . . Source: Iowa Territorial and State

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Sta~da:d Po rm Fo r Hemberl of the Le9~s l a t ure

-} lfr.J.

~ame of Representative __________ ~----------~---senato~~~<~ -. C;, .- fl." • .,{ / r~ ,.,.;f u (0, d,

1. Birthday and place " I),


2 . Harriage (s) date place

3. Significant event. for example:

A. Bu8In.'. ________________________________________________ _

B. CiYic r •• pon'ibillti.' __________________________________ ___

C. prOf ••• ion =~SL4~~,.~(~~~ ______________________________________ _

6 . Public Off Ie ••

A. Local ______________________________________________ __

B . Stat. 0weinOj dlb f? .. ,.-1 . ,

C.' }fationalr(! I/~/? f. "',t

i;./ ,(. I


'l;t, ./ 1/ 7/" I Ie I .,If I !. ,; ,

~ .I I " /1,

'::;,.:", ... ' .. .l-"J. • .,ijr. , T;) J I,

9. }fames of parents ______________________________________________ ___

r(. , .,

Page 2: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/4_fletcher_jonathan_muscatine.pdfD Ja'il/o 'f °1" 'Irltule 10 nis worlll as 1\ citizen ia from . . Source: Iowa Territorial and State

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

10. Education __ _ ----------------


--------------- ---------

11. Degrees ______________ _ -------------

Page 3: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/4_fletcher_jonathan_muscatine.pdfD Ja'il/o 'f °1" 'Irltule 10 nis worlll as 1\ citizen ia from . . Source: Iowa Territorial and State

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

· .

Sources Log For Legislation Bntrie8


Source Non Applicabl,e Applicable Information obtained

- cl4

-., i ,

Page 4: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/4_fletcher_jonathan_muscatine.pdfD Ja'il/o 'f °1" 'Irltule 10 nis worlll as 1\ citizen ia from . . Source: Iowa Territorial and State

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

~~d';;\:~~ ~:i11' 1 . ' ;, Sla~ery i"~): dead~'; an :l ~; , , , : ,' , " .TIle waf 'is 0. ' r::.tid,t'a -gen~r DJUTR' 011' 'OE • • .I. E. Jl'LETClUCR.' I , }' ' , "" , ' , ' , is :collli~g : o!l t ~)~ge ,,11 ;. , A


to .. ,e Inv; t..·tiOIN;j\d,

, Gen.J~ i : Fietcher died at ' hi~' growIng up In. Jjescboois,,-i.o l

hom~ in tilLs /city l!,st Ratur~ay Ii~gin chu~cb ~nd; sooiety,f, cvelllng, frolll l~n lllne~s so bnef, tirjg their fath ;.~; ~at8and th, that but f.w 01 our citizens,ler-rned rors of ei vii w r;' ann has h of his d~nger, ~ntil hearing of h is an infinit88im ~dea' of StatCI os of

'D, Lc,yj,Ji.:ra~d I Iowa" ", ."u >ti<in '

, , ,- ' fillip, and a' so ,id :view. or Ii death : ' I· ' ' ,4 , . seek a revival 0 della issn(

The hush that fell upon the ' Clty, t ibie'b aJ' :~,e 0 ~e may be bel, on 'oIonday, " tbe la~gely attended Ilt)Wer wieJde ? , Is not the i1l8111oriat meeting of. the Old Set.: ~I ct over?-w , Q PTopo~qdi~ tIers ASiOei:ltjon: t!!: ' ~:,rong of o,r who squinted·str~nger to' 'mourirars that' ~ollowedthe Msket lI"asi rCP:dl~iLtl'jon ,tban ,S, :5I:orton. '" ,

liclin Qonv'entl9 lInna< ,I o.n the li:~ ,'l rst

" , I

t6 the grave; ~llustratedbetjter tban l The redneti n ohbe debti words can tell, how great ~aB the c'eded but in V e' minus of'thE esteem aridatrec'ti~n lelt fordeceaR ' payers !t 'bas ~eeri too rapId, e,d by all who: ha, II pa~taken of that money.-ts ',wor~h but's per ce

, I the governm~eht, it i~ 'val ned . ,n,. ",Ii",no'rt •

I 3 , corresP')~ s,

,,th im (oi

long and well spent life. ' per cent-by t ' e citiz'en.-It , , "I b W" ,have '8ca ty materials for ' is honor It ' ,' ongs to a bur

furoiijhing our eaders a satisfac- people and II yalone to the tory story of,Ge .Fletcher's career. ' ttve_-No one .points to_ fin

prosperity in ' tbe Soutbern ' : He ,was a ndtiv of Vermont, 'and or,'to the des~red good ?rdcr removed to Ohi ' at all early ago. would be wo~tb niore to tt .. ..

to In ll\is latte~ st te he '~a,s , e'ommis' tban a plethqrio treI\B':ryof sioned Gone'ral ' f 'Militia. He fol. oo,~,ooo of l~le m:;)Il ~y.

, ' )lDlOn, fraterJ;uty, ::'lId confide lowed GOY. ,J,ll as to ' , tbe territory 'b' S ' ~ , .. ' ,

, , " , " , ' t e oU~'" ';;enJd so la~ incr, ~s c:o.ilne 01 Iowa In 1838 nnd in 18lt!l' com. prod'u<:~,oll of tb,e great "tapl , " Cit,!. nrlatl;,1 mimded the fore s 'of \ be-Territory eX} ul't tbat ~e$hOllld hal

_,. i

in the cB.np:aig , known as t1~(j';;l'h~ b~lance of trade in ollr favo , M- , W, ia new pledge for the stabl , IBsoun iar." It \\';'9 the saine tbe national credIt. , 'l'bi~

Iffl!lttl~,r~ h-,p.,' , ' tbat ,~,\J ' et;irnod Esst, and , promiaed.-Maladmlllistrati, Illarrit:,'i, tho da ghtor 'of D,r, Ken : moted by un ortunate 'sppoi,Dt d ; ick 01 Thet ord, Verlll,,1it, she has driven out capital, i

martial law, aDd plaood on who survi,yes l ~s ,chief mourner States 1\ III .nntaln, load' of in tbat bereave 1 home. 'I'eimR, .ark nsas, Florida s

Appoluted I,ldiau agent fo~ the , Carolinias, ay be .afo ' I~r Winnebagoes in 1846" he ' remnlll ed' bllt tbo oogntry will not fl

, , ', " , mora:! foroe of their united " oil the fron.~.er;Dutil 18Ml, when h'e tions. * * ,,: " , returned to Muscatine where he hn~ W h L ' '

, " , , ' (J ave p'ad foilr yenrs 0 ' since resi<led. ' ' ~' tary policy in ' the, So ,.ih, b " The fun:e~1 'services 011 Tuesda : witb th e. po~er ot'ei vii and

.. werc mark. d ~Y more thar. ordinary ~~p'~.~~:m::~lfL .. I~~~s _ ?,~~ , l

Page 5: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/4_fletcher_jonathan_muscatine.pdfD Ja'il/o 'f °1" 'Irltule 10 nis worlll as 1\ citizen ia from . . Source: Iowa Territorial and State

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

I 11 ". I)JI"UUnvu . 1I1VI iii IVI Ut; U1 .. uta ." UII1,",CU , ..... I: J "' " . , On the frontier uutil 18&8, when he tions. * 1, * * r, Poi , er Jl'~ll:ho, ,. . . , rne,Jolln Ellt?tt, . ·returned to Muscatine where he hils. Wo ha\"e ' ad four ye~rs , · l Ir" . . since resided. " tary policy 'in the. Su,.th, . ";' ;ii.."" The funeral serviccs on Tuesday with the. po~' er of'lci vii an ,

I port ' &. ','1 St. Pry.itJ, ,~: i".;R: Ii. were mark',.}' ~IY more thar. ordinary appointmell . It has not n " I success in aM'!"i,,!? alii:" · r, .Oper .ce' I,~ ! to. al solemnity. All ~eemed to feel ;a! the develop meul oi'onutel'l f ndiligibe CQ~yr~ntion, . pel'so/lIzlloss i~ the death of thi4 ' estR, 'F"otJon8 have palsie leved that the ~Cc R. r. O'ood m3n. 'j'he noble Simplicity prise, and a federal rule b) 'viIl. ac~,,' " I' .itl lll:r,I~,·.o .. rres-' , ~. f. his. ~h"r.ac~1 er, its unIJlemisho.· d ers has divtded 01' driven s

f' to hostility to tho general railt,:. L ' . : ~~fi' '.' lIltegrlty, Ills fvarm-hearted, chns· lUont, In such .Mtates the

.---:-....,.. . ·flJ. :' . Itian sympatl,i s, the unaffected up' alion of their property 8' :" Iow~ are Jit<'sPt~ct .. riglltneos of h, s daily. walk, the ten· securities has becn grea.

ell. to Nl.\"C PU ·w:1~:l\ lOll. • . 'l . . . . 1 . ,- ' f ' ~ I . ,llir, i :' der sohCltude whICh sho 0 ,Ill hl" tIll apI,l'eClatlOn 0 gO\'

. " , " I.~ " rclation of' hu band uud faLher, th c bonds, .,' '1 ' I , ~) . . ' Ii '" . ! Mn make no answer (0

)rk th~G'~I'Il~~~} : h" v,> chllrlty ~nd I ,benevolencer

: t.h,f t that Mal'ylan'd and ' Ke ,.tllc ·Grant Republi:VlIO . OR' markcu IllS olirlstlan C(lurSe~-the~e opposing n\ajorities of 50,( . . '11 ' .: :f:~ " ~ere the topi?s that roove lOCI' 's good stat~ and, 'Social or< · . ' ,,~ >] ,' . hps .on Tuesday, 'and tha w re do 1 forget tllat · Missonri,

ft I b I nS~lien con I . poli:ical reYollltlOniu the '0 , W, J.,_ , • • touchingly dwelt upon by ·Mr,Hll:n. the p' ress of :'r'ka·nsas I , . 1 "f I ' ,:' of G9vernor Bro\\.n, au van

. ' :\#1" " p ,rey . In (Ie nnem Sorl'we, credit .and is ' fast pl,MII1~ hn l"mCl' at r,,> IcHock A " "d ' .1 -

.' : . ' 'Ii""t,; 'lib ' . roung the many 1110.1 ents worth 0') the list oflaw abiding hc poilcy 01 t lr, ' eral I ' fl' .'~ . I 1,I' d 'V Id t amoost'· au ~.* : .' . re: atlllg,o t liS ,hie, uow' c o~~, ou uo J ' I

r\ '~ ' , . " ,rule iuspire contidence ane .:: _: If': , ' .'vas .o,ne which illnstratus v~ry much which . every gooa 'aul, . (~l,",;) Jlaispatclt, bcuutl.tully tha~ sympathy WIth must deplore? Is n, RePI~blican~~aper: in ehi~dren, 'that consideration ,'for' yea'i's long enough tG .ask j

as ellt, loose ;t~Qm th ~ thel.r wants, i'I,ld !lleasu.rers 'Wh~. ell' cal vassalage? May WO l ;' I I d h h I I ~ A h the oonquered as did .tlle v lsty and . ~, :~,nly ap- )e onge to IS woe I ~:- - t } e ers of Rome in. hel' best ds

alnng, of tile m1~icinn'aii Epi~cop~r:l<'csti;val, lasL week, as her aq vance'~ eagles bore ,' . Its earidl~ate ' for the evemng was gomg on" the, Gon· wi"gs charters of Roman

iQn is ' 'Scna\~ ' Tru',il' eral rCloarked to a .'frieud· that the ship .. - . . ",: i;l~: ..' Hall was thronged ·with. chIldren I have. pasoed through tl ==~== .. =. ~" , l ' ' . ". many of ;whom he f":ir~d had not 'of these dosolate ,states,

, 1" bl'" " I lcisurely with' their peop O<\'S " .ep,· tt ~,an 8,Il),S ·pa. rlaken of ' .the entic ino'" refresh- d I . I I an ow, where as a'n aboli

:iltes from ~!i~ t ,S ta!~ ments before thew; and, he contino reward Ii ad been ofi.'ered attend the Iq~ncllDnatl Ilcd, you and I my triend, musu join life 'ficn kn,own as' a rn,

"All the si:~ty namrs our .'·purses lind give them ~ll a make, Their suffenngs a h ' IJ. ., . . and I ttmilatlOn moved rot es on t e hS~ ' l arc not feast, 01 course "to say was to do '" ~ I· I')" ' . , .. ·.::rod rorgive ' thelD, wllilo

licans; but t~~ ' :most in· with Gell: Fletcher anti the cJtild. to taurtt, and strive to win .i,·o land lllfl~W lial :He· re .. Il'o~ . tlleir glad portion of the lidenbe, aiding to ·build 1 " )~il \ . I ~ 1. ~,,~St:ite''' 11 ::fI' I,'. . E?ster.lcnterteinment, .\Vas this . a wast

t places and Inspire .a

i 1000 of eouutry. II, eame l'ruinbu'ft ha~,'f recently litLletllillg~lIo,: many 01 us wonld in a I eakand hatod mino tt ' t' II' II~' ;'0' 'tl e I have concel velllt? am not less earnest now ' er 0 I 118 J,) . 1 r- fl· l

. ." , , . The funeral service was conduct power in rcfusiQg. to join :nc, of SpTin)rlield, III., " .' ~ . , . ~,. ,,'

Page 6: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/4_fletcher_jonathan_muscatine.pdfD Ja'il/o 'f °1" 'Irltule 10 nis worlll as 1\ citizen ia from . . Source: Iowa Territorial and State

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. . i I .: .-' " ~ .. ,"

,B .Ie.901i p.o.e.ll. ANOTJlER ,PlOl(&~~Go~&-Oon : J : Work Oil Ih . AlehlHon', ranch tilt. r()p~lleu by a' . E. };lelchet . 0110 o:· .. ou. ~lolieer ClIl· th~ Chic_go ' iUll Solilhw,·. rn ' H,

r-.. . ~en", <llet!. ~~hirday evening', arteran. r~,adl"r.PI:ly~r~!.": .• sl~~ : : i ..... ' . I, .. .. ' . ,lines. 01 only a ' few day".~ He at· . ACCIO.:N'I'. -1.cob Sha . It, S . ,,' l'hulrlght.o(. tenlk!d the IEPlsoopal,Cestir" TueHday Ula.ler In . this Ity for the t) ; R. r 'utlllll!"; In L~ ' eY"ning, 'and seemed quile ; well SIlU P. H. R:, ' \i:bll eu.ployeiJ: noar Ie. .e"li.,·.n ilai ' . ·cheerful. b~tCllughtcold ii6~ g h6m~, .1_1101 , :;alllrda: e\~Ql1lng, In do· .....

. • . as i •. • u ppo,etl; and hi •• 1I0e".: .KBll,i.,ed row •• oape and .. u'~~.rod Ih" 'd 0100101 , du sh 'c! COlli' acongesUve Ila'tllr., \vhioli .billlletl,,11 . " ' 1<' ttl . '

., Ill'e",'cal sklli .. ' . .' ... ·.'.1. ' of his oollar ,bb el ; ~J~ ge " .. "~c< r tile "t lectallll.d U , I bl . I belwe~n two c · ,'rll'efolloWlug ·skelch 'of:hi811Ie.anu · .or" Y .'Il\eoe.~ " " ~ . " " lIy"-.. . n 1Ioll'I,,·bo ' .1 ' , the cOllplhi'gtI" " whioh . Iap edl.l1s

D 'f °1" 'Irltule 10 nis worlll as 1\ citizen ia from . . " , . I · . , . d Ja'il/o q It. " 1 . " ' . J ., .. wad "bouC:to' unite ;. them an ;t ' '2'-\- ' ! .' thepen o( une . w.hi> kuew him .Iollg " ,' 1 '1 1- , . , " of ';)1. Nobi. i ' ' ; . broughl Uleoa In sue , 'c O"e prox

. . ulld nlillately: . ' , .' " hy' th~th. e ._ ~;.i·dy e8e~)l~, d 'i bE,

Ii Saturti,uy;. We . Gell. J . J' .. Fletober wali native of '. '1" " j n' id' "tl ' I j 1 i high Dutch Thetford, YcrlOolll ' H<i : "!~8 an early ern,;lieti I) deal I. . e" e. Ie n

'If" " I 'd' .eltier. of tik' Is .cit'·, Q. OI><. iug . tlere in .. Ihe mentii>n.tI, lie . B8 p~il:ifuljyJJru , JUI•r! inco .. 'u ·.n .\ 1 U", J d . j . 1 ' "uiumer or 18~g, wh~n·.·Iow .. 'was IDa e Oil other :part". ( , lI8 . ~od .. , .,Y;;'. 'I,. ,I ,:

.a .. 'parate ' .• rrll~)fy'. He at!eillled .. tbe . . h lil'!!t· land 'Wle 111 . tbe -'l'erritory; In Old "r..;udice ~re<lyln·g . out.r-~

,;' .-!>Ir!. Josep. · Noy~U\ber, lS:lSiat' whlcli ' j,e bou'ght (uol""fO killin them. '1'ho illea I (' Iuan liringneilr lanus six 'I~ lies we.t ·of. the ~ity, upon . I . ' " _ s<lIIip completely which' he I~ated hi Ibe !f&)1 or 18.'19, invali'I . .. ~eak~ . ~ . ~y: d~!~e cal top of:$i. :bead: and we"t to fa~lI~il1l[, baYing previous, .... lIeved liy pr~ t~t1ng ; tb~~: ~!~ g . thro~n . frolir. a Iy ·relurned 10 ~ erqlOnt and jwarrled st'tuctive . ,drug L 18 ,:.,!!0 .' longer :tin

ce ' !"o ays" .·,tbe bl •• urYi\'iDg~lfe, .He h,.d ..... Id~ a. taioed.i-xCt>pt . • t.ioDooi~nllc8! 1 ']; " rew yea,. iln. Ohlo ' bt>forc be rame to , . _ . '. ,\ .. 1' " ( .

, , 1> • .:. An ,Illinois roposed tobi" \d 'from Ibis , city .on 'that the work

. _, I

lInesbo Id' be do-, . direct :,,! Ihe ,n oomp oy. lhink hin/t. :· ." , . ..

. ,

Iowa: '" ~ .. '. ' .. . ,.' 1 ....... """ " .•• " .~n.ce the Int u~ 10u,o!..P!'"",a,lk · O~n. ,I,<I~tel ... ~ .ba. hold",m&l), reo \.Inegar BIttel)! It . hl\.~ ;~p~:OIiVI

ponsible office.'D thl. Territ"ry!l"d ,that Ihelr regu atlng and iil.IiOrtl1

~~!'ti~D H:I,~tl~:':;'!Jbe:b~t~l~e ~~;propt;rti~. : ~e ,~l_I:_S~t,ft.c~~Dt;/~~· Con.titulldn~lng an active and 1m' oure of ohron1. Il)dJg~tl!ion, rheu , portanl Palt In .Ih~form~tio,u of ourU8w,con.tlpai o~:' il.iBrr~01I1; ; D~;',\

.. fundamenl"l ia~ .. I I .'. ..' . . affl'Ctloll~ Ilnd malariou. ' fevers '. ··ID . l~6 hI> ",ao ' appointed by PreHI·. . ' , • '. j.! .. ',: .• '. dent Polk ian, .Ii1(,i .. n agpnt, . (or the . . Ih'(y·are now·1 e ., •• ,ll.!,da~d remed.Y

· W inneballO<'B, lUll ' 8erv~d in Iba.! ca'· these cowpl.i "ill every .. seoUol p~clty.leY~ll .. yearo, 'ha\'lug remove<! ·Union. '.' : ......... , .. ·'mar;!:!w4 the ioc&tiOl\ of.tbe. ag'!Dcy Iwice, mak, ' _t •• _--,-_ .,· ..

r,:on~',o{ he,:;,l!,r~e ing three d!!tferent "lace8 ill: Ihe Terri.' "-Hon. GeorgeC. Sblpm'lfi ' publh ; altach : to;;the tory of 1>li'ln .. ott'Yhe~ !he re.i<led7 tbe rollowin .. c rd 'Ildhe "'eitI it>< llav :efe " 6gh",lMon ForI Alklnsoo ,o'1urkey river,Man~ " . ' " .. , . , •..... ',

• .... '.' .. , kato; on lII1nn~.o rh:er, and hlgb up, .Rnlerprise: ' . . .. ,'.;::,':" .' '." - : :'" ,ot-in thl'6lty, 00' the Mlssi.siPl4r ver lib<!,v,eSt. Paul': ; :,My,atu,ndo ha~beell ., called "I, nelirljr:t o".bours · few ·.gen\. i~de dare eV,er Iletter .cal, .. arUohNn.'the .. lUilCath,e 'W~klr': a iitil~ " \~earit'ig, .. cuiated ,lorna!,a aa .Iri~e r or Illdla.n8 .. b,meof March 80th",wblch· <ia. cal Ihlukiu ' on .':the The::WinntbllfiO( 'i~l,!ux, :l1nd}?hrpFe: ·lated!n .umal 'way 1() '~0' llljlt8l1c

. was . were [frequ ntly ' at .:war, andbH :ruy poaitlon a. n earn·e.t·adv0C8le ;e .... ·wh .. ·in·i.sed "·"s.often Instr'u ' eiltal.liI:8avingnillCIi. · th~ ..... lIomln.1 OR o: .. Prelident'Ori n Ihereb . ' .' bl<><?dsillill: i W'IHI qUle~ . ap:r· rebeDslon',; .The.clear.lnfe. neo ·.6f,..t,4itt:. ·l1rUCI -j - '.' .. 'dec,.IO\! . "'1<1. tlr II.S8, an ,gl'1)&.l cour.! 'Ibat l .was Inti e'llllld ,bv: a diarep' weuID!: ' wne,iby "ge (0 face "nd a rmotlnt •. aU d.meul' l ble ."n,l'dI8g.fll.O (uUoadyism.!n ,.o! r.lll.i':w · .Francia tIes his ,.valuablo: ;aervlces, .. III'.bls.long

l jnC the re...oluti s ·('<lid altheCou

. , career ". I Ddiatl ' gent, 10'lh. Govern'. ,Con\·ontio" ... · t.l'\Jh ,2Sd...,.that ··wlt "iI)'), an oCcupied, lo.nt, . and'i to . I e .'Judlclary, ,are In.1 :Ibirlr. days I h d ·.j>j>llokl1tora Fed,

.. sbor' dietarice· caleulable. , .' .. . ,.... ",. .' •. . ; . , I.ppoInlmenl,~ d· WH. not '. 'disinl ,n, wa.;~s weare , .In, :<lii tileAeim uou.,. ~,u,l!o.',.\Iep~.r .• I ! ~.ted p ..... onln· lhe' maUejo~tht,ni)

Page 7: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/4_fletcher_jonathan_muscatine.pdfD Ja'il/o 'f °1" 'Irltule 10 nis worlll as 1\ citizen ia from . . Source: Iowa Territorial and State

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

'h tue !OC&tlOU 01 lilt:'. agt!ucy \ ",",u.". WltA- ~ ....... --¥~-- .. " . sf oue'of he iar~e ing Ihree d!ilferent plllCes in Ihe Terri· , Hon. Oeorge C. Shlpwan . publ ne"attaoh . i'o~ tbe lory of MhiDe80t" where ,he re.lde<l..,. the following c rd 'Iulhe Weill,11 rlday. eve~n" g',i!~'o"'on Fort AtklnsOD, oil· Turkey river, Man· . '

• q kalol'oD l\Iinnesota rh:ec, and high 'up .Rllterprise : . - .. ' ,pot·iRlhi '(lity,oo· Ihe Mlssi .. ipp! riwr libov,e St. Paul. ' ,M"alL.ntlo h~ oee;l , called , f'li~.rIY; t~o ':hours Few agents indId are ever better cal· artlole'ln 'the tusoalllle \Veekly , '1, ittle !,.·"ead.nl:, culated ,to 'mana e a Irlbe' of Indians blln. of March 30th" whlch"· ta 0 I thlnkln on the The Wlnn,~of , Sloux,'and Chlpre· lat.d In a .mal way '10 do Injuotl

WRS were Ifrequ utly at war,.and he my poaltl~n as n earne.t advOC&I 1ge1'!! wh "iui •• ed wa. onen instru;,:}.ntallnsaving much th~ .... nomln.t OR o:,Pre.ldent'G .on therebf;' blood.het!, ! 'Witi·1 quiet apprehensIon" The cle.r lofer nce of that artl

. 'deci.ion olld tir n.,s.; andgrealcour,! that I wa.lnft enced ,by, a di.re, :i;ellini wned by age 10 f~ \"ul • rruotlnt all · d:fficul. , ble sn,1 <\Isgra,o (ul"toadylsm In , er.in,law r. Francis ties his aluable ,sen'lces in 4is.iong: Inc tbe re.oluti ns [ dill at the Co

career .. IndIa,. gent, to Ihe Govern·! ,Convention, r. arch 2Sd-that w , cily), all. oCcupied · menl. , ul1 10 t e Judiciary. are In' I' thirty days I h d 'oijiplhid' tora F. d ;"~ . shor~ diil!lmce· caloulahle, l . ." . , appointment, ... d · watnot a 'dlol {On t wa,if, .rS weare , In all the.lle 'alr( UOU8 lluli~!!, Gener.!: ested person in' the matter-that 1

to thegl"und on ' Fletcher was ac mpatiied by hr.Calth.' ''ance my own-, e .. ou,,1 interest. ,: inst. A ·targepart Cill wiCej who reulereol 'ibllll great ao· 'brayllig for Or nt.' ·· l ·d·I.Uke to I

/ si.tanc,,; be.ides' .hespelltwuch time my own ' priva e malle .. 'before goods .\\;a~ also de· iu .teacillng tbe . udialls ·. lhe Ellg,ish . public, and I 0 Iy do so now to I ~S; ·flonl i $l,~.tn b.nguag6-:. froin ' ok.s. Dr. -. Frank. orie Jittlt corr ltIoD aft to my .PI

, , ' Flelcher, their oj eBtson·. wu, iwbeu ' lion ·for a Fe"d raloffiCe, ' Juot I :' I '''1 . th,'y'went ~ 1U01I the Indian •.• 'I"ite". 'o,ne year ago r ~d make .• n ,aPI ,R(1n,-l' Ie Dei<ter, young bOY'i tie ,Iay"d ami Jroll.cked 'lion lor .n ·oft! III Colorado 'fertl

l ' with the In,lIi .. n oY.;8ud.oon,learned iwh~re I wl.h .t.o !go lor my he, eler, . IArr I '~'I h~re thelrlallg-"age.o :well Ihat b~ uecome bn~ for" 8Ome:r .... on,thatJ ha' Saturda I' havlllg hisr.thN',<:\nler · r~r .. , " knowledge of. y.pplloatl?nh ••

. m~s : & 0,. of St. (;011, Fletcher elurued 10 h .. .farw; ;'reated .. man otb"" have :' b, 0' ',000' ;,r1e)8 of on6 ' mile ~estC .this city,inl~. gone und~r (he tabl~~ 'or 1!aiJ been

. . wher~ he has C.\ J,;."11lce "ngagedln. aw.y to mould n lhe suelv.s 0 ,?t~". 6~'t.,:)~,·.of CarOling, ·f1e·. le ,'eiJ his dOtlJul and Department , at · Wasblngton; al ;blse~, ... q, Messrs, ·atllictl.1 wifc:\11 eight cuIItJr~n-live :far •• that gilefl , Ibav~ thll;c !iam le,r ,and ' agens '& .0nH, and II!", •. "uguter.. h18. oldeat .~ ... lol1 to feel· reheaded . that I .d, "{h~l -o\~ing to ' So 80n .1.~aVlDg ~l,lIdl . d 1ll{'(llcllle"and set· ~thers hAve .for Dot being cappre(' . . I ' . ,1" 111 ... . . tie, I III that: pr.c Ire, "fe",' yea .. ago ,:b)' Ibe present dmllllstralion" , goso ~e '\I . ; ,e Itll . at Delrolt, .Mtch, . ..! lIIr, 1::dllo" 4 .wlll ' veo.lufll dot.. .: '1 :', . .... (Jell, Flet,c\ier. 'Oil 1\ m!ll! 'ol lIlRl"k.,d 'opinion : · Ih .. t I i. no " .dl~gra.<:il .,. -"._- . 'sutI noted-charD. ter, -:,a mall or taleut, wan to" -be an oftlc~-holder ' It .lJ -, The . I u.cntine . euergy alll\ 'j'in Itstry. aCI!fllted: at aU . hav<!sJilul.elf; "n,it .... otber oplo rtday for i t. Louis tllnes uy Irut ': r girt a nLl )U".tICH ; al· have, ami sha\,l'onUlI!led to .1 She wal tI,e first. :(ectIolI, hellevol lice allll . , kln\luea~, . ~hat It a m.n'. IU '~ ~l1ner,; hlms,

.. ' . r '. wlucu, ulI.eLl up, II tho CoundatIon of . Hoat about"" a 'air ol1 ,. tlle. pol 'Iue, . Vhrl.tisnlty. eu '1.00 him" to HCOOW'''( watel". with 11 thing to guidehh v open t .Gutten· "IlMh ' much " 'In 'thl.·· .. llf •• and to' a ·.desl'" f.ir offi'e; or ,disappoint luove Dul Ique. ~~1II . lU. ~ 111gh ,degree, ' ~he : ~8teem in llot getting i • he is' not .a safe IWfOcrat say. lh, h'lel1d~I"p sud II "e or 8 Wldacl,rde,of. to be in .t!.e pol tical world.t .11;.1 .. .acqualnlan,., W IO ' liml that to .. hlm I¥," a .leader · i auy polll,eal , n

t that· po nt "even they h~\'c lost .a 'reat and gooo (fiend. metll, ~ ORGE Co' SUll'll:. is' twelve' eetwater '1"0 the ~oor' he ". indeed a frUmd in ... . . '. . ,t!!, we·su I se; find time of l1"e(I,-,1I eywilillot Soon ftnd . ·Old 8el lerl!:.J:eeqilg, ·. ug · anll l t ade w.ill olle to lIll hi. pi e, . ' , ' . 1 ,A w.etlng of the ·Old .Beltle,..'

'. . . .AH ·a citizen oC the city 8lid county, sociation was . . c Iled ,.aLthe .. · otl\,' tqUtlrt~r. .\\"0 have Jost 8 g at auct good &au, In ' ",- . •• Cloud & B.roo . ball,: Monday, AJ UI ,twe I b' whose counoil • . e b6,'e80 on'['l ifound 1812, at lO 'a.'lU tor welllorlaracll,

y ot I' wisdom. goOdue. and benel1t·, and we reterence to 'tll " ,death"f Gen. J [emphls, s : dl.tln· mourn hi. los., ' ,' .. f . ,}o'letoherj PreSl eot of the ·" .... 0010 i aninveD or~ Some : The commutt"l.v, are , moved with 00 motion 'ir Mi'; ' Su·eIFo.ter, of New. o'rk pr()C. coulpas.ion an sympalhy "or. his John A. Pan"" . IVa. called to

bereaved fami.I)', .· . ::;U.;I. F08'II',m, chal'r. " 11i"e :, geD uBor;tbe . . I thousan L1ollaf!l OakOrole .·;rmers' ()lu~;I. ,;?_n~~o.llon o. F're,1, ,Ston.e.:., 06<

Page 8: C:Documents and Settings navaraDesktopNew ... GA/4_fletcher_jonathan_muscatine.pdfD Ja'il/o 'f °1" 'Irltule 10 nis worlll as 1\ citizen ia from . . Source: Iowa Territorial and State

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. '\.. , .. . ,!. I • . ' . . .lNKLINOS.-rn.,rluolut"'~c .. "~& ILV· •

. " '. ,BI!5 \O~~ L~~ p~S~t>d throllgh ~II~ City . da ~) lit the Rhadb-thuB ,sai 'Val~ ;Ordl '. ; ou:o! Dlin)' .• en rout" to Burhng(oll~ y. ! , Th "t • ..1 I . . I 't PfOpr!

I . fbi . bel "'t I ton ... ,.. e "a o .. a. ng gea. • n ' :: ~. ~&~(U. c~ ~r ' 1" trip I tDrn ~ remoJ!,e: h"n<l :; watch your ~I ugs .... _ Bo utlful btiy 0

• C u IS "'11 . ll'01n I lat pace o· avoll por ., ' I . clothl ' " . ' { • c· ,',f.:.'" ,> . '<" .. ~ ... . , . " exhibition of Northern light . I ... t III . . ". J. l'fo l>')N ~ FAR:I! ...... Frank Stampal, : night. Look out fot some weat er.... .. ' B 'Y, ".~~ ll~~r "fuun,<lflo1t1ng I~ tbe river on .Seyeral "prairie ~cbooner." llIed . ;u/:;

u · trli·9~ OIi'~uesda:r; 'b~q gone to \\'.<irl' . thiou'gh the·.treets lo-day boun .wes~· , " ~. u~ .. a·fjl"r'i:ii iii lI!·!UoI.o, afewmllea froni : ..... S~nee the' street bol'ps slice ~ e.1!nafUQul

.' 1' " . thI~ :C!ty.. . . . ." ' brlngl~g the cObhlelstones to 11 btou~ R1f";'

" S',uJ~: ' ''';Some ' dnYs a!:o, ' Jame, S. 'treel;' present a veh respeeta Ie ap ~rank I ;:, prlcel~i o Cedar (o\\:nshi~ , pl\rcl\lis~u n p~.urllnee ...... 'E.aste~n runn~r a~e John'

I '. '., Jack " r 'rob Is • . Rrolm for $606-and il" arming lite cltya aln,a..nd)O ,can t :c B At:

, . .. " . .' ..' .." sll'e u' stou- ocro·'. t e street lthout K Au.' \ . the. i al L .. ; ~uid to h,!\\'e u~el1: ~h€'9i> ). .r....., . I ' . "I .• . !t II ,J . " . . . . .". hllliog half 1\ dozon o( tbem ..... The GaIts,

~ 1'1I1"CI.. . '. " . I I ' t · A.ton •• 1 .. ~'. ". . ,: l. 0..-:_ ,, __ .~ .. :-_. - " . .• . .' Court ~oU!:\e- ~911a~e ~!ld ot l€'f spo .S· M~,ntu . '~ . : ~ r~~h; . I ,~ :8.!~1 ~r '!s proplpollS lor" f;\·rm ... -blwe "Jluetl ~h~ -~ l~nlgans" an . co~ .. , ,John .)

~ \ lU'g 0 . hillOn~i but tho.Crnst Is not. YE't men ced 1I;:enrmg' qr the greet .".~ •••• . ACl\s1 ~,. oilt .o' . llie !grolind In .. _hady pIRCO •. . HOl\l~t Sp~ncer" ~Id otand . ha~ been" .:0 U M,

I . ~ .. Jio,,"," ~r< f~!11(,~ are '1.uhe bUB,}: J Io\\, .. , r~uted (or t\1nllhuer~ store .••.• A ~outh.. Lev/I . ;: ing a d . pl~\>ting. . " . . ': I, . f\llmln.treI bane, rrom sunny !Italy, I' . f II ": ~'. ' . ·\/s·~. "FU:Tl--l~~:;';Frr~EH.u, , : Tne.- were torturingnhar p lllld. two~ddles J D W " , JiIY ilt~j.Ii"on · wi. on'eol tlle largest on our .treel • . to-dny,-Da,'y.llfh: . H M I

'1" ev;r;~r'n ,~t ' til'iS pia~e. Meillber~ofthe ' ' 0:'< ~' IlF.. ;;~{~;~"'~ ;' ;'=The wlfe?f a ,~~: " Old Setl'e~oelety accompnnled the frtrmer residing aIxlut (our mllee ,frorQ. . . a'e ll

). :ell:'~~ ~ tb~ 'City Ceme.telY , I'n pro,. ~ru.datlniiwas In tihe cIty, Sh(\~' PI61r,' ~!~ 'I ,,} ~e~~~. , j'; __ "7.-.----,.: : ~. ~lonully. Iu h~r ,Toun~.8b~ ~J~~A.I~X :

' ,8 Y : '0 H!<AR 1'1'. -1\1'1'. Barunrd :It Barney .Fuller" g~rv • . !IB .• ,ii, ~~ ~'::': -', \ thlh_~~ til I ,~tra~bprry c~op: wi ll ~~ !:tUm' frrq~ently (lo.n.e, a.~d .~~~ ,t'~i .~, ~otim

. ~': this ~eftSP1}, . OWJllg t il :th e 9C:l rClt)~. of l ~nte crowd tn the ~O~I took : dV~ll:- Geo •. '] ·,.""ou0"1 ~ uril1!i the willte.... By the way, , tl\g." o( the oppo:lu~lty.?a:ered i,t" h~I,~ .~ N B

i' " . they n!~e Ilayin .. th is fruit down south herself, .ln a SI~ way. Barne .l had J, !l ~ I" ' . ': · · and ; i:Jcos~S ·~~l~·$l:!.lX!perqUa~t. : ~een .h:r"fc~imberore, . it~pp~a ·.~nd . ~::n~

. , " . 1 ~c-" . ... . consequ~ntly kept an eye on her.- . , ' 1 s i- ' L \'T ' . d '( ' " \ II t b' . ' . Mabll , .' ;" . c;, 9:,. "e Ull ers ant '~. rl~l< Several articles in close proxl itYJ~ Ii), •• . '" .tor. ~\l IdI.~g pu~poses. n .. e : 8c."I'~.r III her digits had disaflpeared ali If by' E D.

... I

;: our, ~! y .. !,~ pre.~ent. than , ,!.umlg nny. mOl(ic, wh!,u a handsolUe. roll of butter ' l ~ ,; . ~ '·knbwn.; ',the caus.e o'f ',vhi eh i;'. WlI. noticed fo1lowin" ' her " 'elicate r. P 'D . " " " li 'pO; .' :Iitt~i,~~ed ,to, , ~ .ry u.nu9unl foreign de- hanld to the ~ap.eious carpet jbag.-;-. .t(QIIlI

.~I\'I1~ . trhe .. rld:ng~ prloe, where th ey Barney's feelings overcame .bio;" : He. MilS." c~n h, bad, Ii! S'j,O~. perthousand, tbought .the ' .'joke'.' : had , go-\, .• . far :1!I1 Jtl~

- , . ! " -. , . ",1 enough, Rnd· ·road~ . his .. grievnnce · . ::" .. EI'~'Y\Vherc. - " The Cha,rt",: Oak known to the Marsha', who to 'om- ~ ')

. ::- Sto\"~ . i~ on.. , ~nle In nIl tl~e , prinCtpnl pnnied bim\ to tile store: and t1 e~con-' . r 11.1 ;: : town . ~nd Cltl."' ~h, r.onghou~ th e.Roilt. te~t' of the sntcbelwere reve~i d. A wlh J

' 1

. •.. . a~d i est, from S t. P,\ul 10 G"h~'ton, . blacking brush, gill"' .poon. Hllder' EKle ';:. ! a"d(~.~ .tlle AtiuntJC to the paclfic.~ and threo pounu.of buiter .ha bee~. ~~, ~ . AU : l~e; uenle:,~ . h~ve lhem :l\~~ con feloulOu.ly " gobhlud" ut 11"u1le '. and H &, ~ ! 8.l~~r l fhe~ theIr .~o~t ~taple ~r~ ~f lc. ; 8E.'\·erni . bars, o~ soap at fib lOp & J( .~~ ~~ . Jli!,,~ received at Bliru.tt's; a: Inrgo !lIeDol/ald'. yroeery. . 1'~e. t!lie(:ess :m: