Cdt Div Hira 02022014

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  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________

    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016___

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 1 of 18


    Equipment Preparation – (Servicing of Engine/Waterpump’s Gearbox changingof engine/gear oil)

    Oil spillage -causingtripping hazard

    Bodily injuries

    Wear safety shoe

    Use oil absorbentrags to clean awaythe spill oil

    Use oil tray to containthe leak

    2 24

    Low All crew

    Noise Hazard Noise induceddeafness

    Wear ear plugs ormufflers

    Exhaust silencerinstalled

    2 2 4Low

     All crew

    Pinch point &MechanicalHazard

    Cuts & bruises

    Staffs are advised tostay focus

    Staffs attended in-house training andhave hand-onexperience onsite

    Wear gloves whereapplicable

    2 612

    Medium All crew

    EnvironmentHazard - oilspill to thedrain ways


    Have to use a suitable

    container to containthe oil for transferringto storage drum

    2 24

    Low All crew

    Human Factor-Lack of focusandcompetencyresulting inaccident

    Bodily injuries/Noise induceddeafness/ Cuts

    & bruises/Contaminatewaterways

    Health & Safety briefperformed prior tocommencement of job

    Only competent staffsare allowed performthe task

    4 624



  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________



    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 2 of 18

    2Equipment Preparation – (Servicing of Enginechanging of oil filters)

    Slipping ofhand tool dueto oiliness andcost handinjury

    Sprains /bruises

    Need to remove theoil from the surface ofthe filter so that it willhave a good grib.

    Wear proper PPE(cotton glove)

    2 48

    Low All crew

    Pinch point &MechanicalHazard

    Cuts & bruises

    Staffs are advised tostay focus

    Staffs attended in-house training andhave hand-onexperience onsite

    Wear gloves whereapplicable

    2 48

    Low All crew

    EnvironmentHazard - oilspill to thedrain ways


    Use oil absorbentrags to clean awaythe spill oil & disposestain rag appropriately

    2 24

    Low All crew

    Human Factor-Lack of focusandcompetencyresulting inaccident

    Bodily injuries/Cuts & bruises/Contaminatewaterways

    Health & Safety briefperformed prior tocommencement of job

    Only competent staffsare allowed performthe task

    2 612



    Equipment Preparation – 

    (Test running of waterNoise Hazarddue to engine

    Noise induceddeafness

    Wear ear plugs or

    mufflers 2 24

    Low  All crew

    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________



    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 3 of 18

    3 pump) running

    Slip & Triphazard due towater leakage

    Bodily injuries

    Wear safety shoe

    Use water absorbentmat or rags to cleanaway the waterleakage

    4 624

    Medium All crew

    Pinch point &MechanicalHazard

    Cuts & bruises

    Staffs are advised tostay focus

    Wear gloves whereapplicable

    2 48

    Low All crew

    Human Factor-Lack of focusandcompetencyresulting inaccident

    Noise induceddeafness/ Bodilyinjuries/ Cuts &


    Health & Safety briefperformed prior tocommencement of job

    Only competent staffsare allowed performthe task

    2 612



    Whippingreaction frompressurisedhose maycause injuries

    Bodily injuries

    Staff are to ensure thehoses are wellsecured

    To ensure whipchecks are connected

    They are instructed tomaintain a safedistance when systemis pressurised

    2 24

    Low All crew


    Mobilisation/demobilisationfrom yard to & fro clientsite/ lifting of piggingmachine to trailer

    CranedroppingMachinecontainer to

    Equipment and


    Ensure routine

    maintenance iscarried out by crane

    4 624

    Medium  All crew

    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________



    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 4 of 18

    the ground –  contractor by doing aspot check on hisequipments

    Check the physicalcondition of the liftingslings and lugs

    Barricade off area ofoperation

    Ensure every part of

    Machine container iswell secured prior tolifting operation

    Control the movementof the containermachine via ropeswhile it sling in the air

    Human Factor – lack of



    Bodily injuries

    Check the cranedriver licence toensure he is aqualified operator

    Our staff are to

    discuss and confirmthe way the wholeprocess should behandled prior tocommencement of job

    4 416



    5Mobilisation/demobilisationfrom yard to & fro clientsite/ crane and trailerdriving in/out the yard

    Crane/trailercan damageequipment orinjuringpersonnelwhile driven

    Damage toequipment or


     All traffic rules mustbe followed strictly.

    Brief the driversproperly

    4 416



    Pinch Point

    Hazard whilemobilising &

    Cuts & bruises

    Staffs are advised to

    stay focusWear gloves where

    4 28

    Low  All crew

    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________

    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 5 of 18

    demobilisingfrom crane &trailer


    Human Factor – lack ofcompetencyand


    Damage toequipment /

    Cuts & bruises

    Drivers must haveapplicable licences

    Our staff are todiscuss and confirmthe way the whole

    process should behandled prior tocommencement of job

    4 416


    Driver &project



    Mobilise/demobiliseequipment in & out jobsite/driving to site/liftingoperation

    Crane/trailermovement candamage plantequipment andinjuring person

    Damage toequipment or


     All traffic rules in therefinery must befollowed strictly.

    Drivers must haveapplicable licences.

    4 416


    Trailer driver

    Equipment ormaterial fallingfrom heightcausing injuryto personnel ordamage toclient propertyand ourequipment

    Bodily injuries /damage toequipments

      Lifting crew orpersonal is tobarricade the liftingzone and displaysignage before liftingwork start.

      All personal to keepa safe distance andnot to walk underany load.

    2 48



    Crane toppledue to softground oroverloading

    damaging ourequipment &

    client property

    Conduct lifting plan &pre-lifting operationchecklist for any liftingactivities. Inform allcrew on the intentionof the load.

     All drivers must beextremely careful

    2 48



    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________

    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 6 of 18

    when operating theircrane and trailer inthe plant area

     Area of operationmust be barricaded.

    Ensure lifting safetyfactor for crane isspecified to craneprovider before hiring

    them.Ensure lifting permit isobtained before lifting.

    Ensure crane andlifting gear checklist ischecked before lifting.

    Crane driver andsupervisor mustassess the groundcondition. Put metalon ground todistribute the load.

    Must have good

    knowledge of theweight of the load

    Pinch PointHazard

    Cuts & bruises

    Staffs are advised tostay focus

    Wear gloves whereapplicable

    2 48

    Low All crew

    Human Factor – lack ofcompetencyandcoordination


    Bodily injuries/damaging ourequipment &

    client property

    Ensure qualified liftingsupervisors are at site

    Our staff are todiscuss and confirmthe way the wholeprocess should be

    handled prior tocommencement of job

    4 416


    ProjectSupervisor &


    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________

    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 7 of 18

    7Rigging up of hoses to thetop of the platform

    Hoses canbreak loosedue to notsecuringproperlycausingpropertydamage andbodily injury.

    Bodily injuries

    Must ensure thatproper securing isdone through training.

    Only competent staffsare allowed performthe task

    2 24



    Frames wherethe hoses aresecured maybreak

    Bodily injuries

    Check and ensure theframes are strong towithstand the weightand whipping action.

    Inform client if anydeformities areobserved on theframes

    4 624

    Medium All crew

    Human Factor – lack ofknowledge

    Bodily injuries

    Staff must be trained

    on the rope tyingmethods

    2 2 4Low


    8During entire pigging jobexecution

    Falling throughthe opening inthe handrailthat is used toaccess the catladder.

    Bodily injuries

     Always keep thesafety arm in thehorizontal positionwhen not in use.

    Conduct safety talk

    4 416

    Medium All crew

    Poor visibilityat night – mayfall from

    vertical ladder

    Bodily injuries

    Mobile floodlightsmust be used toilluminate work area.

     Always maintain a

    3point contact whileaccessing the ladder

    4 416

    Medium All crew

    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________

    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 8 of 18

    Conduct safety talk

    Working duringdangerousworkingconditions,getting hit bylightning. Slipand fall on wetsurface.

    Fatal/ Bodilyinjuries

    Stop work duringdangerous weatherconditions

    4 416

    Medium All crew

    Unauthorisedpeopleentering areaof operation

    Bodily injuries

    Barricade area ofoperation

    Place signboards2 2


    Human Factor- Accident

    caused by mis-communication

    betweenoperator andthe helpers

    Bodily injuries

    Must have a briefingto all the personnelonsite and ensurethey understand CDTFurnace decokingprocedure

    4 416

    Medium All crew

    Fall fromheight whenworking on thescaffoldingplatform

    Bodily injuries

     All working at heightabove 1.8m fromground level must donsafety harness

    Must obtain Permit ToWork before startwork

    Conduct safety talk

    Must check thescaffolding’s validity 

    4 416

    Medium All crew

    Human factor – lack of focus

    on assignedtask

    Bodily injuries

    Health & Safety briefperformed prior to

    commencement of job Attended the in-house

    4 4





    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________

    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 9 of 18


    Hazardsarising fromexternalactivities

    Bodily injuries

    Receive allinformation from clienton the expectedworks that areperformed togetherwith our task andkeep our staff informof those.

    Staff to ensure theyare vigilant at all timesand report anyabnormal activitiessighted at site

    Stop work if sightedunsafe activities

    4 416

    Medium All crew

    Hoses mayburst andcause injury topersonnel

    Bodily injuries

    Perform physicalinspection on thehoses prior to utilising

    it Always maintain asafe distance from thepressurised hose

    Maintaincommunication withrest of the staff thruwalkie talkie and handsignals

     Alert and warn staff tokeep clear if neededto increase pressureon the pump

    4 624

    Medium All crew

    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________

    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 10 of 18

    9Process to unlodge piggwhen it is being stucked in

    the heater

    Hoses mayburst andcause injury topersonnel

    Bodily injuries

    barricade off area ofoperation

    inform client on thesituation & the actionwe are taking beforestart operation.

    have to clear off otherinterested partiesbefore start operation

    2 48

    Low All crew

    Human factor-Too confidentbehaviour &lack ofknowledge

    Bodily injuries

    Health & Safety briefperformed prior tocommencement of job

    Only competent staffsare allowed performthe task

    4 624




    Non-routine activités(maintenance work)Removing Waterpump/Gearbox/otherequipment from thePigging Container – (usingForklift)


    equipment andfacilities

    Bodily injuries/damaging ourequipment &

    client property

    Driver must haveforklift license

    Slow & careful liftingwith someone guidingthe driver.

    Conduct toolboxbefore starting liftingoperation

    4 416



    Injuringpersonnel bywrongoperation

    Bodily injuries

    Driver must haveforklift license

    Slow & careful liftingwith someone guidingthe driver

    4 416



    Injuringpersonnelwhen droppingload

    Bodily injuries/damaging ourequipment &

    client property

    To ensure all staffinvolved in theoperation are vigilant

    To ensure staffinvolves in the

    6 424



    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________

    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 11 of 18

    operation a redonning theappropriate PPE

    Human Factor – lack of focusandcoordinationerror

    Bodily injuries/damaging our

    equipment &client property

    Health & Safety briefperformed prior tocommencement of job

    Our staff are todiscuss and confirm

    the way the wholeprocess should behandled prior tocommencement of job

    6 424




    Hazardsarising fromexternalactivities

    Bodily injuries/damaging ourequipment &

    client property

    Receive allinformations on theexpected works thatare performed at yardby other contractorsand keep our staffinform of those.

    Staff to ensure they

    are vigilant at all timesand report anyabnormal activitiessighted at site

    6 424

    Medium All crew


    Non-routine activités(maintenance work on jobsite)Removing Waterpump/Gearbox/otherequipment from thePigging Container – (usingchainblock)

    Dropping load- damagingequipment &injuringpersonnel

    Bodily injuries/damaging ourequipment &

    client property

    Ensure chainblock ishooked on a strongpoint before lifting.

    Ensure there is morethan one persondoing this lifting.

    Ensure the correctcapacity chainblock isutilized

    4 416

    Medium All crew

    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016___

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________

    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 12 of 18

    Ergonomichazard (Heavyload)

    Body strains

    Ensure correctposture are used tocarry heavy items

    Put up signs toremind staff of correctlifting posture

    2 48

    Low All crew

    Pinch pointHazards Cuts & Bruises

    Staffs are advised tostay focus

    Wear gloves whereapplicable

    4 4 16Medium  All crew

    Human Factor-lack of focus &knowledge

    Bodily injuries/damaging ourequipment &

    client property

    Health & Safety briefperformed prior tocommencement of job

    Only the competentstaff are allowed tochoose the type ofchainblock for theoperation

    4 416




    Non-routine activités(maintenance work)Using grinding power toolduring repairactivities/cleaning partactivity



    Ensure electrical tool

    has its inspection tagupdated before using.

    Ensure hand is notwet before using thetool

    Ensure the tool do notget in contact withwater

    Ensure proper PPE isdonned before startwork

    Remind staff onelectric hazard via

    safety meeting

    2 48

    Low All crew

    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________

    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 13 of 18

    Dust inhalantRespiratoryproblems

    Ensure proper PPE isdonned before startwork

    2 48

    Low All crew

    Grinding discmay break andcause severeinjury

    Cuts & Bruises

    Ensure there is properguard on the grinderbefore using it

    Work with extremecare

    Supervisor to conductsafety talk before startwork

    4 416

    Medium All crew

    Chemicalcontact (usingchemical forcleaning)

    Skin irritation

    Ensure proper PPE isdonned before startwork

    Supervisor to conductsafety toolbox talkbefore start work

    2 48

    Low All crew

    Hazardsarising fromexternal


    Bodily injuries

    Receive allinformation on theexpected works thatare perfomed at yard.

    Staff to ensure theyare vigilant at all timeswhile performing task

    4 416

    Medium All crew

    Human Factor – lack of focus


    problems/ Cuts& Bruises/ Skinirritation/ Bodily


    Health & Safety briefperformed prior tocommencement of job

    4 416



    13 Dismantling pipe fittings

    Fire hazarddue to usageof gas cutter toexpand the

    tight fittings


    Use the appropriatePPE

     Adequate ventilationprovided

    Perform physical

    check on gas cutter

    2 48

    Low All crew

    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________

    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 14 of 18


    Pinch pointhazard

    Cuts & Bruises

    Staffs are advised tostay focus

    Wear gloves whereapplicable

    2 24

    Low All crew

    Human factor – lack of focus

    Burns/ Cuts &Bruises

    Health & Safety brief

    performed prior tocommencement of job 2 48



    14Non-routine activités(maintenance work)Painting work


    Skin Irritation

    Ensure proper PPE isdonned before startwork

    2 48

    Low All crew

    Toxic Fumehazard


    Painting done in aproperly ventilatedspace or outdoors

    2 48

    Low All crew


     Awareness of theemergency call pointssuch as fire assemblyarea, Fire & emergencycontrol room number,emergency telephonepoints & etc

    Human Factor – Lack ofknowledge

    Burns / Fatal

    Collate all informationfrom client onemergency response

    prior to start of jobDisemminate theinformation to all ourstaff involved in the job

    Post the informationin prominent place sothat information canbe easily referedwhen in need

    4 416

    Medium All crew

    16Placement of stowageitems

    Pinch pointhazards

    Cuts & bruises

    Place all items neatly

    Ensure all items arekept at safe distance

    away from operationalmachinery

    2 48

    Low All crew

    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________



    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 15 of 18

    17Communication betweenDDT team membersduring operation

    Human Factor – Lack of co-ordination

    Bodily injuries

    CDT requires to carry2 walkie talkies forcommunicationbetween DDToperator and the staffat the top of reactor

    CDT team should betrained on commonhand signals

    4 416

    Medium All crew

    18Team member monitoringthe launcher at the toplevel

    Physicalhazard – Pigcan burst outfrom luancherif the launchercover isn’tclosedproperly

    Bodily injuries

    Staff near to thelauncher shouldmaintain a safedistance away fromthe line of fire

    2 48

    Low All crew

    19Pressurising the hoses forpigging operation

    Physicalhazard – Hosemay burst dueto overpressure or

    due to wear &tear

    Bodily injuries/damage toequipments

    Presure test on thewater hoses isrequired to beperformed by staffprior to deployment to


    2 48

    Low All crew

    20Temporary recruitment offoreign General workersfrom manpower agencies.

    Human factor – Lack ofknowledge ontask

    Bodily injuries

     Advise manpoweragencies to provideall their deployedworkers to CR withproper PPE

    Employment agenciesto ensure the workersknow general safety

    CDT Team to brief theworkers on process oftheir activity and it’ssafety requirement

    4 624



    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________

    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 16 of 18

    21Boarding taxis at foreigncountries

    Dangerousdriving by taxidrivers

    Bodily injuries /fatal

    Brief the driver aboutsafe driving prior toboarding his taxi

    4 624

    Medium All crew

    22Toolbag being loweredthru ropes from heights

    Physicalhazard – itemsfrom thetoolbag can falldown fromheight if it isn’tproperlyzipped orsecured to arope

    Bodily injuries /fatal

     All toolbags must becompletedly zippedprior to lowering

    Ropes must besecured tightly totoolbag sling beforelowering

    Staff receiving thetoolbag at the bottomof reactor to maintaina safe distance awayfrom the line of fire

    2 48

    Low  All crew

    23Physically carrying theheavy hoses from themachines with bare hands


    Body strains

    Utilise Chain Blocksto lift the hoses

    Utilize sufficientmanpower to lift thehoses

    2 48

    Low All crew

    24 Laying of hoses atworksite

    Trip & FallHazard

    Bodily injuries

    “A” frame warningsignage be posted at

    the work area to warnothers of the trip & fallhazard

    2 4 8Low

     All crew

    25During Entire Job -Working at Height

    Falling fromheight

    Fatality or Bodilyinjuries

      All workers workingat height are trainedon how to use andwear the safetyharness.

      Housekeeping isdone accordingly toprevent trippinghazard.

      Ensure the snap

    hook is hooked to astrong Anchorage

    4 624


      All projectsupervisors mustattend the MOM“Work at Height”for Supervisorscourse

      Goh SP, TintZaw & Mannyhave attended 

     All crew 

    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015

  • 8/19/2019 Cdt Div Hira 02022014



    Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment Approved by:(Signature)

    Business Unit: _____CDT Division_____________________________________Division/Department/Location:_______CDT Division______________________

    Hazard Identification (HI) Risk Assessment (RA) Risk Control (RC)

    No Area / Activity / Process /

    Machine / MaterialHazard Possible injury/

    Ill-healthExisting Risk Controls S L


     Additional ControlsS L




    F-SP-HSE06-01 Rev. 03 Issue date: July 14, 2011 Page 17 of 18

    point eg 4” processpipe or securedscaffold pipe)

      All workers put onthe appropriatePPE(eg Safetyhelmet with chinstrap, safetyharness) at areas

    which has spelled forsuch requirement.  Self retractable

    Lanyard(SRL)beutilized when workingat height which areless than 5.6 metersfrom the ground

      Guardrails areprovided at workareas where chancesof falling is evident

      Ladders, fallprevention and fall

    protectionequipment’s& toolsare inspected prior touse

      Check on thescaffolding’s(7day)validity status

      Check the suitabilityof safety harnessbased on “F-CRAS-HSE-04 Rev 00Safety harrnessLanyard Shock

     Absorber DailyChecklist” 

    Reviewed by :Jaypal Solanki ______Review Date :02 Feb 2015__Next review :01 Feb 2016

    Name: Swapnil PatilDate: 02 Feb 2015