Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud http://iweb.tntech.edu/mmahmoud/ [email protected] Chapter 4 Interrupts ECE 3120

Chapter 4.ppt - Tennessee Technological University€¦ · Chapter 4 Interrupts ECE 3120. Outline 4.1 What is interrupt? 4.2 Interrupt programming 4.3 IRQ 4.4 Real-time interrupt

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Page 1: Chapter 4.ppt - Tennessee Technological University€¦ · Chapter 4 Interrupts ECE 3120. Outline 4.1 What is interrupt? 4.2 Interrupt programming 4.3 IRQ 4.4 Real-time interrupt

Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud

http://iweb.tntech.edu/mmahmoud/[email protected]

Chapter 4


ECE 3120

Page 2: Chapter 4.ppt - Tennessee Technological University€¦ · Chapter 4 Interrupts ECE 3120. Outline 4.1 What is interrupt? 4.2 Interrupt programming 4.3 IRQ 4.4 Real-time interrupt


4.1 What is interrupt?

4.2 Interrupt programming

4.3 IRQ

4.4 Real-time interrupt (RTI)

Page 3: Chapter 4.ppt - Tennessee Technological University€¦ · Chapter 4 Interrupts ECE 3120. Outline 4.1 What is interrupt? 4.2 Interrupt programming 4.3 IRQ 4.4 Real-time interrupt

- An interrupt is an event that requests the CPU to suspend the programexecution briefly and run a subroutine called Interrupt ServiceRoutine (ISR).

- After executing the ISR, the CPU resumes the program execution fromthe point it left the program.

org $2000 Entry:movb #10,$1000movb #15,$1001movb #20,$1002ldaa $1000adda $1001adda $1002staa $1003


Main program





An interrupt means an event has occurred and a relevant action shouldbe taken

4 - 1

The ISR code should take some necessary actions to respond to the event

No command to call the ISR subroutine. The event calls it.

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- An event can be a signal coming from a device such as sensor, circuit,timer, etc.

- Example: A sensor outputs a pulse when a train approaches a crossing

– This signal requests interrupt and the MCU runs the relevant ISR thatlowers the crossing gate

4 - 2

- Serving an interrupt means executing its subroutine (ISR)

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4 - 3

Why are interrupts used?

1- Without interrupts

CPU executes some commands so that the execution time = the delay remember Delay_yms


Interrupt every y ms

CPU does not waste time

It is interrupted every y ms

Better utilization of CPU Programming big applications

To make a delay

2- With Interrupt

Wasting the CPU capability

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Without Interrupt

Example Write a program to repeatedly turn on a LED for a second and turn it off for a second. Also, read from the keypad and display on the LCD.


Turn a LED on

Wait 1 second

Turn a LED off

Wait 1 second

Go to begin

Cannot add the keypad and LCD code because CPU is busy all the time to drive the LED 4 - 4

With Interrupt


Called every 1 second

If a LED is onTurn it offElseTurn it on

Code for keypad and


Main program

Because the CPU is so fast, the LEDs, LCD and keypad run smoothly

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Polling wastes processor resources checking for events that rarely happen

1– Without interrupts (Polling)

- To avoid missing an interrupt signal, the CPU must continuously read the sensor pin. The CPU can’t do anything else (e.g., sensing and controlling other devices)

2- Interrupt

- The interrupt circuit will notify the CPU when there is an event

To detect events (interrupt request signals)

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CPU continuously checks the sensor pin because interrupt can happen at any time

With Interrupt

You can write code for other operations


If the sensor pin is 1, lower the gate

Go to Begin

Without Interrupt

CPU should not do anything else to avoid missing the event

Called when the sensor gives a pulse


lower the gate

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4.1 What is interrupt?

4.2 Interrupt programming

4.3 IRQ

4.4 Real-time interrupt (RTI)

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1- Maskable interrupts:

- The program can ask the CPU to respond or ignore them, i.e., can beenabled and disabled.

- CPU does not execute the ISR if the interrupt is disabled

- Most of the interrupts are maskable

Types of interrupts in HCS12

Maskable interrupts Non-maskable interrupts

2- Non-maskable interrupts:

- Can’t be disabled or ignored by the CPU.

– Used for critical applications, e.g., in case of loss of power, the CPU can save the contents of the registers in a nonvolatile memory when the voltage drops below a threshold.

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Enable/Disable interrupts

- Two levels of interrupt enabling capability

1- Global masking capability

- When none of the maskable interrupts are desirable, the processor candisable them by setting the global interrupt mask flag (I in the CCR)

- To set flag I (disable all maskable interrupts): sei or orcc #%00010000

To clear flag I (enable all maskable interrupts): cli or andcc #%11101111

– By default, the I bit is set to 1 during reset. An instruction should be written to clear the I bit to enable maskable interrupts.


2- A local interrupt masking capability

Each interrupt source has an enable bit to enable/disable this interruptsource

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Different interrupt sources

The global interrupt flag

- If the global interrupt mask flag (I) is disabled, all the interrupts are disabled.

- An interrupt is enabled if both the global interrupt mask flag (I) and the local interrupt mask flags are enabled

Request interrupt

Local interrupt mask flags

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Interrupt Flag Bit

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How to request interrupt from the CPU?

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Interrupt Flag Bit

- When an interrupt source wants to request interrupt, it sets a hardware flag (i.e., a flip‐flop).

- Each interrupt source has its interrupt flag.

- The interrupt flag bit should be cleared when the interrupt is served.

- As long as this bit is set, there is an interrupt that is not served yet.

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When IRQ requests interrupt, the CPU fetches the ISR starting address from $FFF2:$FFF3

Vector address: $FFF2:$FFF3Interrupt vector: $4103

We cannot change $FFF2:$FFF3 but we can change 4103 RTI






$ 4104











ISR starting address

- To serve an interrupt, the CPU needs to know the starting address of the interrupt service routine (ISR). This address is called Interrupt Vector

- The interrupt vector of each interrupt source should be stored at a predefined fixed memory location called Vector address.

- To set up IRQ interrupt, the programmer shouldstore the ISR starting address at the predefinedlocation.

Org $FFF2dc.w IRQ_ISR

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ATD: Analog to digital


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– It is possible that several interrupts would be pending at the same time

- The CPU cannot serve more than one interrupt at the same time.

- CPU has to decide which interrupt to serve first the interrupts should be prioritized.

- The ISR of the highest priority interrupt is executed first

- In table 6.1, the interrupt that has higher vector address has higher priority, e.g., /IRQ has the higher priority than timer channel 0.

- However, we can raise one of the maskable interrupts to the highest levelso that it can get quicker service.

- To do that, write the low byte of the vector address to the highest priority interrupt register (HPRIO).

Interrupt priority

4 - 15The address of HPRIO is defined in “mc9s12dg256.inc” file

movb #$E0,HPRIO Raise the timer channel 7 interrupt to the highest priority. The relative priorities of the other interrupts remain the same

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1. When an event occurs, a flag bit should be set to interrupt theCPU.

2. This interrupt request is served if:-

(1) I bit and local interrupt enable bit are enabled in case ofmaskable interrupts

(2) It is the only interrupt or the highest priority interrupt if thereare several interrupts pending for service

4 - 16

A complete interrupt service cycle The complete story


X high byteX low byteY high byteY low byte

PC high bytePC low byte




Stack on entry of an ISR

3. To serve the interrupt, the CPU automatically pushes all the registers (except SP) on the stack (9 bytes total). This includes the return address stored in PC and CCR register

do not mess up stack!

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5. The CPU prevents further interrupts from occurring till the ISR isdone by setting the I bit. Nested interrupts are not allowed.

6. Resolve the interrupt vector and transfer control to the interruptservice routine (ISR). PC = the ISR starting address

7. Cancel the interrupt request by clearing the interrupt flag.

Without this step the interrupt will be executed over and over again and the main program would never execute again

8- Execute the ISR instructions.

Use all the CPU registers without fear of interfering with the main program, but for memory locations, it is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that the ISR does not change memory locations used by the main program

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9. The last instruction in an ISR is always “RTI” (return from interrupt)

- RTI retrieves the registers’ original values before executing the interrupt from the stack. Enable I bit and return back to the main program

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1- Main program

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Interrupt programming

- It is important not to enable the interrupts before the initialization isdone

2- The interrupt subroutine

1.1 Initializing the interrupt vector

1.2 Configuration, e.g., respond to level or falling edge, set time out, etc.

1.3 Enable interrupt: Global and local

2.1 Clear the interrupt flag bit

2.2 Must end with RTI instruction

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4.1 What is interrupt?

4.2 Interrupt programming

4.3 IRQ

4.4 Real-time interrupt (RTI)

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4 - 19

/IRQ Pin Interrupt


- Port E pin 1 (PE1) - The only external maskable interrupt for the HCS12.

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1- Main program

4 - 20

IRQ Interrupt programming

1.1 Initializing the interrupt vector

1.2 Configuration

Org $FFF2dc.w IRQ_ISR

IRQ_ISR is the name of the routine

When does the interrupt occur ? Low level (/IRQ = 0) or falling edge (/IRQ transfers from 1 to 0).

1.3 Enable local interrupt

1.2 and 1.3 are done by setting the interrupt control register (INTCR) that has the address $001E.

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- Local enable bit: IRQEN bit 6 of the IRQCR register. IRQEN = 1enabled and IRQEN = 0 disabled

- The triggering method: IRQE = 0 respond to low level, and IRQE =1responds to falling edge

4 - 21movb #$40,INTCR ;enable IRQ interrupt and respond to low

level edge

INTCR register

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2- The interrupt subroutine

2.1 Clear the interrupt flag bit

2.2 Must end with RTI instruction

Automatically cleared by the microcontroller

Cli ; to enable global interrupts

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This program is similar to the one at 3-41 but by using /IRQThe /IRQ pin of HCS12 is connected to push button 3 to make interrupt each time the button is pressed. Write a program to turn on LED number 0 and turn off the other LEDs initially. Each time /IRQ is interrupted, the LED is off an the next one on left is on. Always only one LED is on and each time the /IRQ interrupt happens, the on LED shifts to left.

In main program:

1. Write ISR starting address into the /IRQ vector address

2. Configure Port B as output port

3. Configure /IRQ to respond to low level

4. Enable interrupts including IRQ local interrupt and global maskableinterrupts

5. Run endless loop while awaiting interrupt

In the ISR:

1. Shift port B

2. If Port B = 0, Port B =1 4 - 23

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absentry entry ;entry point of applicationinclude 'mc9s12dg256.inc'

Org $FFF2dc.w IRQ_ISR ;load IRQ ISR vector

Org $1000entry: lds #$2500

movb #$FF,DDRB ; port b is outputmovb #%00000000,DDRH ; port H is input - push buttons

bset DDRJ,#$02 ;configure PJ1 pin for outputbclr PTJ,#$02 ;enable LEDs to light

movb #$FF,DDRP ; disable 7 segments that are connectedmovb #$0F,PTP ; ‘’

movb #%00000001,PORTB ; first LED is on

movb #$40,INTCR ;enable IRQ interrupt and respond to low level cli ; enable interrupt systems

LOOP: bra LOOP ; wait for interrupt - you can replace thiscommand with a code if you want to do more things

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;;;;; Debouncing -----------------------ldy #20jsr Delay_yms

here: brclr PORTE,#%00000010,here

ldy #20jsr Delay_yms



bne _end

movb #%00000001,PORTB ; reinitialize to 01h


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4.1 What is interrupt?

4.2 Interrupt programming

4.3 IRQ

4.4 RTI

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- The RTI can be used to generate periodic interrupts at a fixed rate, e.g., an interrupt every 100 ms.

Real-time interrupt (RTI)

4 - 26

1- Main programIRQ Interrupt programming

1.1 Initializing the interrupt vector

1.2 Configuration: setting the timeout

Org $FFF0dc.w RTI_ISR RTI_ISR is the name of the routine

Timeout (µs) = (N+1) * 2 (M+9)

8N = RTR[0:3]M = RTR[4:6]

M = 0 means RTI off

- The address of RTICTL is $003B

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0.128 ms

10.24 ms

4 - 27The numbers in the table are (N+1) * 2 (M+9). Divide them by 8 to get the delay in µs.

Max. delay =

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To set the delay to 131.072ms, M (RTR[6:4]) = 111 and N (RTR[3:0]) = 1111

– Code: movb #$7F,RTICTL

4 - 28

1.3 Enable local interrupt

2.1 Clear the interrupt flag bit

- RTI interrupt enable bit (RTIE) is bit 7 in CRGINT

- Set this bit to enable RTI interrupt

bset CRGINT,#$80 ; RTIE = 1 (enables RTI interrupts) crgint address is $0038

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- Interrupt flag (RTIF): RTI requests interrupt service by setting the flag RTIF in CRGFLG register. This flag will be set at a fixed rate.

- It is the programmer responsibility to clear this flag when the interrupt is served. movb #$80,CRGFLG ;clear RTIF by writing 1.

4 - 29

Example: Program the RTI to flash a LED at a rate of about 1 per second, i.e., repeatedly turn on for one second, then turn off for 1 sec.

- The maximum delay using RTI is 131.072ms as shown in slide 4-27 - RTI will be interrupted 8 times in one second. 8 x 131.072 = around 1 sec- Change the LED status every 8 interrupts to turn the LED on for one

second and off for other second.

RTI_ISR– Clear the interrupt flag (write 1 to the RTIF bit in CRGFLG)– Increment count– If count is equal to 8, toggle PB0 and clear count– Execute the RTI instruction to return to the main program

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Main program- Load the RTI ISR vector into locations $FFF0:FFF1– Set up PB0 for output– Set up RTI rate to 131.072ms (bits RTR6:RTR0 in register RTICTL)– Enable RTI interrupts (set RTIE bit in register CRGINT)– Initialize count to zero (count is a variable in fixed global memory)– Turn on interrupt system (e.g., the CLI instruction)– Go into an infinite loop waiting for interrupt

4 - 30

absentry entry ;entry point of applicationinclude 'mc9s12dg256.inc'

org $1000rti_count dc.b 0

Org $FFF0dc.w RTI_ISR ;load RTI ISR vector

Org $2000

entry: lds #$2500

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4 - 31

bset DDRJ,#$02 ;configure PJ1 pin for outputbclr PTJ,#$02 ;enable LEDs to light

movb #$FF,DDRB ; port b is outputmovb #$01,PORTB ; Turn the LED on

movb #$FF,DDRP ; disable 7 segments that are connectedmovb #$0F,PTP ; ‘’

movb #$7F,RTICTL ;set up slowest RTI rate

bset CRGINT,#$80 ; RTIE=1 (enables RTI interrupts) cli ; enable interrupt systems

LOOP: bra LOOP ; wait for interrupt - you can replace this command with a code if you want to do more things

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We use memory location “rti_count” instead of a register because Interrupt routines do not memorize the register’s valueresulted from last routine call.

This is because interrupts push all the registers and pull the original values back when it they return to the main program

4 - 32


movb #$80,CRGFLG ;clear RTIF by writing a 1 to it.

inc rti_countldaa rti_countcmpa #8 ;check if count =8bne RTI_done ;if no, we are doneclr rti_count ;if yes clear count and

ldaa PORTB ; --- togle PB0eora #1staa PORTB

RTI_done: rti

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absentry entry ;entry point of applicationinclude 'mc9s12dg256.inc'

org $1000rti_count dc.b 0

Org $FFF0dc.w RTI_ISR ;load RTI ISR vector

Org $FFF2dc.w IRQ_ISR ;load IRQ ISR vector

Org $2000

entry: lds #$2500

movb #$FF,DDRB ; port b is outputmovb #$01,PORTB ; port b is output

bset DDRJ,#$02 ;configure PJ1 pin for outputbclr PTJ,#$02 ;enable LEDs to light

Add /IRQ to the previous example to turn on/off the flashing LEDOn means the flashing LED is working otherwise it is not flashing

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movb #%00000000,DDRH ; port H is input - push buttons

movb #$FF,DDRP ; disable 7 segments that are connectedmovb #$0F,PTP ; ‘’

movb #$7F,RTICTL ;set up slowest RTI ratebset CRGINT,#$80 ; RTIE=1 (enables RTI interrupts)

movb #$40,INTCR ;enable IRQ interrupt and respond to low level

cli ; enable interrupt systems

LOOP: bra LOOP ; wait for interrupt - you can replace this command with a code if you want to do more things


movb #$80,CRGFLG ;clear RTIF by writing a 1 to it.

inc rti_countldaa rti_countcmpa #8 ;check if count =8bne RTI_done ;if no, we are doneclr rti_count ;if yes clear count 4 - 34

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ldaa PORTB ; --- togle PB0eora #1staa PORTB

RTI_done: rti


;;;;; Debouncing -----------------------

ldy #20jsr Delay_yms

here: brclr PORTE,#%00000010,hereldy #20jsr Delay_yms


ldaa CRGINTeora #$80 ; change the status of bit 7 to enables/disable RTI

interruptsstaa CRGINT

rti 4 - 35

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Mohamed Mahmoud