Chapter One Chapter One Historical Influences on Historical Influences on the Evolution of Vocational the Evolution of Vocational Counseling Counseling David S. Shen-Miller Ellen Hawley McWhirter Anne S. Bartone Career Counseling: Foundations, Perspectives, and Applications edited by David Capuzzi and Mark Stauffe

Chapter One Historical Influences on the Evolution of Vocational Counseling

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Career Counseling: Foundations, Perspectives, and Applications edited by David Capuzzi and Mark Stauffer. Chapter One Historical Influences on the Evolution of Vocational Counseling. David S. Shen-Miller Ellen Hawley McWhirter Anne S. Bartone. Definitions. Work Vocation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Chapter One Historical Influences on the Evolution of Vocational  Counseling

Chapter OneChapter OneHistorical Influences on the Historical Influences on the

Evolution of Vocational Evolution of Vocational CounselingCounselingDavid S. Shen-Miller

Ellen Hawley McWhirter

Anne S. Bartone

Career Counseling: Foundations, Perspectives, and Applications edited by David Capuzzi and Mark Stauffer

Page 2: Chapter One Historical Influences on the Evolution of Vocational  Counseling





Page 3: Chapter One Historical Influences on the Evolution of Vocational  Counseling

Career 5 TenetsCareer 5 Tenets (1) Individualism and autonomy(2) Affluence(3) An open structure of opportunity based on

assumptions of merit(4) Work as the central role in people’s lives(5) Logical, linear, and progressive

development of work and career

(Gysbers, Heppner, Johnston, and Neville, 2003)

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Stage One: The Beginning Stage One: The Beginning Middle 1800s to early 1900s Industrial Revolution Urbanization Labor unions grow in strength Unskilled labor Engineer Frederick Taylor

Scientific management

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Stage One: The Beginning Stage One: The Beginning Extreme conditions of the workplace Children in Labor Women’s role in work

Gender/race/class differences

Protestant Work Ethic

Social Darwinism

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Stage One: The Beginning Stage One: The Beginning Two Social Reform Movements

1. Progressive Movement

2. Educational Reform Movement

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Stage One: The Beginning Stage One: The Beginning

Progressive Movement

Women’s suffrage Regulation of industry First child labor law 1908

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Stage One: The Beginning Stage One: The Beginning Educational Reform Movement

Mass entrance into schools Child saving movement Factory and corporate schools

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Stage One: The Beginning Stage One: The Beginning The beginnings of vocational guidance Frank Parsons Vocation Bureau in Boston

School-to-work transition

Choosing a Vocation (1909) First vocational conference in Boston

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Stage One: The Beginning Stage One: The Beginning

The beginnings of vocational guidance

1913 National Vocational Guidance Association (NVGA)

1913 U.S. Department of Labor

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Stage One: The Beginning Stage One: The Beginning The beginnings of vocational guidance Jesse Davis

Guidance in the schools

John Dewey (1916) Integration of two tracks

1. college preparatory2. vocational education

Diversity in education

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Stage Two: Calls for Stage Two: Calls for Measurement, and Measurement, and

Vocational Guidance in the Vocational Guidance in the Schools (1914-1929)Schools (1914-1929)

WWI and its aftermath Women’s right to vote (1919) Automobiles, skyscrapers, and airplanes Large-scale immigration and legislation

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Stage Two: (1914-1929)Stage Two: (1914-1929)

Vocational Instruments and Psychometrics

Army Alpha and Army Beta tests Armed Services Vocational Aptitude


NVGA’s “Principles and Practices of Vocational Guidance”

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Stage Two: (1914-1929)Stage Two: (1914-1929)

Legislation Vocational Rehabilitation Act of


Smith-Hughes Act of 1917

Veteran’s Administration (VA)

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Stage 3: (1929-1939) Stage 3: (1929-1939) The Great Depression and the The Great Depression and the

Expectations of a NationExpectations of a Nation

Massive immigration into the U. S

1929: The U.S. stock market crashed

Roosevelt Administration’s New Deal

Organized Labor strengthened Knights of Labor and American Federation of Labor (AFL)

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Stage 3: Stage 3: (1929-1939) (1929-1939)

The “child study” movement

Social Security Act, 1935

Jewish Vocational Services

The Dictionary of Occupational Titles (1939)

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Stage 4: World War II, More Stage 4: World War II, More Testing and Major Testing and Major

Theoretical Influences (1940-Theoretical Influences (1940-1957)1957) Military and Non-military assessment

MBTI, Strong’s Interest Inventory Occupational Outlook Handbook (OHH) The Dictionary of Occupational Titles (1939)

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Stage 4: (1940-1957)Stage 4: (1940-1957)


GI Bill of 1946 George-Barden Act

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Stage 4: (1940-1957)Stage 4: (1940-1957)

“Vocational Guidance” replaced Developmental perspectives

e.g., Erickson New psychological theories

Maslow, Rogers New Career Theories

Super, Ginzberg, Ann Roe

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Stage 4: (1940-1957)Stage 4: (1940-1957)

Division of Counseling Psychology in 1952

American Personnel and Guidance Association (APGA) in 1952

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Stage 5: 1958-1970: The Stage 5: 1958-1970: The Space Race, Civil Rights and Space Race, Civil Rights and

the Great Societythe Great Society

Boom for counseling Von Bertalanffy’s (1968) “systems theory”

Work Adjustment theory

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Stage 5: 1958-1970Stage 5: 1958-1970

Legislation in general (1) Minority groups and women issues addressed

and involved in vocational legislation, along with the emergence of affirmative action

(2) Barriers to vocational success were overtly considered for the first time

(3) Vocational guidance became even more integral to legislation aimed at reducing economic or occupational woes.

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Stage 5: 1958-1970Stage 5: 1958-1970

Most Significant legislation The National Defense Education Act (NDEA) of

1958 Community Mental Health Centers Act of 1963 Civil Rights Act of 1964

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Stage 5: 1958-1970 Stage 5: 1958-1970

Other Significant legislation Manpower Development and Training Act of

1962 Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

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Stage 6: The Boom Years Stage 6: The Boom Years Continue (1970-1979)Continue (1970-1979)

Watergate and the end of the Vietnam War Surge in popularity of vocational counseling Women’s Educational Equity Act of 1974 Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinating Council 1973 Rehabilitation Act Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1977

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Stage 6: (1970-1979)Stage 6: (1970-1979)

NOICC and SOICC SIGI Plus, DISCOVER, Career Information System (CIS), Guidance Information System (GIS) Generalizability concerns of testing

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Stage 6: (1970-1979)Stage 6: (1970-1979)

Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model

Bandura’s Social learning theory

Krumboltz’s theory

Life Career Development theory

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Stage 6: The Boom Years Stage 6: The Boom Years Continue (1970-1979)Continue (1970-1979)

Public perception of the profession National Board of Certified Counselors: National Certified Career Counselor

National Career Counselor Exam in 1983

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Stage 7: 1980-1989: Stage 7: 1980-1989: Inclusion of a Wider CultureInclusion of a Wider Culture

Growing recognition of diversity Decreasing power of organized labor Women’s entry into the workplace in greater numbers Legislative focus on connecting youth with vocational training

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Stage 7: 1980-1989: Stage 7: 1980-1989: Inclusion of a Wider CultureInclusion of a Wider Culture

Career decision-making Life Career Theory Theory of circumscription and compromise Theories challenged to reflect Diversity 1984: the NVGA officially changed its name to the National Career Development Association (NCDA)

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Stage 8: 1990-PresentStage 8: 1990-Present

School-to-work (STW) transition Increasing diversity in the workplace Discrimination and sexual harassment

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Stage 8: 1990-PresentStage 8: 1990-Present

Aid to Families with Dependent Children Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) School-to-Work Opportunity Act (STWOA) Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) Secretary’s Commission for Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS)

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Stage 8: 1990-2005Stage 8: 1990-2005

Revision of many theories e.g, examination of TWA and Holland’s Theory

• Multicultural contributions Contextual understanding of career choice Blustein and Spengler’s (1995) Domain-Sensitive Approach Gysbers and Moore’s (1973) Life Career Development theory

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Stage 9: The Present Stage 9: The Present

World and Work Environment changing rapidly International economy and recession Downsizing, specialization, outsourcing, and increased use of temporary labor Assessment of measures across cultural groups World Wide Web and new ethical challenges Advocacy

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Stage 9: The present Stage 9: The present

Cultural formulation approach Happenstance Theory Emancipatory communitarian approach Other theories related to diversity “Voids in legislation” Joint symposiums – IAEVG-SVP-NCDA

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References References

Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The Ecology of Human Development: Experiments by Nature and Design. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Krumboltz, J.D. (1979). A social learning theory of career decision making. In A.M. Mitchell, G.B. Jones, & J.D. Krumboltz (Eds.), Social learning and career decision making (pp. 19-49). Cranston, RI: Carroll Press.

Super, D.E. (1953). A theory of vocational development. American Psychologist, 8, 185-190.Von Bertalanffy, L. (1968). General systems theory: Foundation, development, application. New York: Braziller.