Chapter Three, Section One Chapter Three, Section One

Chapter Three, Section One

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Chapter Three, Section One. “Ideals of the Constitution”. The Pilgrims. Their ideas about the government helped to shape the principles written in the US Constitution. The Pilgrims. The Pilgrims “agreed” to be governed. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter Three, Section OneChapter Three, Section One

““Ideals of the Constitution”Ideals of the Constitution”

The PilgrimsThe Pilgrims

Their ideas about the government helped to shape the principles written in the US Constitution.

The PilgrimsThe Pilgrims

The Pilgrims “agreed” to be governed.– By signing the

Mayflower Compact(1620) the Pilgrims gave their consent, or permission to be ruled by a government that they created (elected).

The Mayflower CompactThe Mayflower Compact Included some of the basic

ideals and principles that our government has been founded upon.– One example is the phrase

“We the People”, which is the notion that people give permission to their government to govern, or rule and that citizens give the gov’t its power.

The Mayflower CompactThe Mayflower Compact

The concept of “We the People” has been termed popular sovereignty, which is the term that means government by the consent of the governed (citizens).

““Supreme Law of the Land”Supreme Law of the Land” Many principles seen in the

earliest documents can be found in our US Constitution

When written in 1787, the new “U.S. Constitution” became the highest authority in the nation.

All power of the U.S. Government is derived from this document.

Parts of the ConstitutionParts of the Constitution

The “Preamble”The “Preamble”

““Preamble”Preamble”Introduction to the Constitution that lists the Introduction to the Constitution that lists the

Six Goals of GovernmentSix Goals of Government“We the People of the United States, in

Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Goal #1: To Form a more Goal #1: To Form a more perfect Unionperfect Union

To unite the states more effectively so they can operate as a single nation, for the good of all

Goal #2: To establish JusticeGoal #2: To establish Justice

To create a system of fair laws and courts and make certain that all citizens are treated equally.

Goal #3: To insure domestic Goal #3: To insure domestic TranquilityTranquility

To maintain peace and order, keeping citizens and property safe from harm.

Goal #4: To provide for the Goal #4: To provide for the common defensecommon defense

To be ready militarily to protect the country and it’s citizens from outside attack.

Goal #5: To promote the general Goal #5: To promote the general WelfareWelfare

To help people live healthy, happy, and prosperous lives

Goal #6: To secure the Blessings of Goal #6: To secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Liberty to ourselves and our

PosterityPosterityTo guarantee the freedom and basic rights

of all Americans, including future generations (“posterity”).