Chemistry in Medicine and Nutrition

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Chemistry in Medicine and Nutrition. Julia Shariff, Matt Cheaney, Iori Sanada, Rebecca Stewart, Logan Murray, and Xiaoling Wu. Acids in the Body and Food. Acids in the Body Hydrochloric acid (HCl) Stomach acid, used in digestion p H of 2 Kills harmful bacteria Lactic acid (C ₃H₆O₃) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Chemistry in Medicine and Nutrition

J U L I A S H A R I F F , M A T T C H E A N E Y , I O R I S A N A D A , R E B E C C A S T E W A R T , L O G A N M U R R A Y , A N D X I A O L I N G W U


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Acids in the Body and Food

Acids in the Body Hydrochloric acid (HCl)

◦ Stomach acid, used in digestion◦ pH of 2◦ Kills harmful bacteria

Lactic acid (C₃H₆O₃)◦ Found in dairy products as well

as in the body◦ Produced in body during

exercise and metabolism Carbonic acid (H₂CO₃)

◦ Controls acidity in the body (buffer)

Acids in Food

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C, C₆H₈O₆)◦ Repairs tissue, ligaments,

tendons, etc.◦ Creation of collagen◦ Blocks damage from free

radicals◦ Found in oranges, watermelon,

kiwi, berries, and other vegetables

Citric acid (C₆H₈O₇)◦ Plays a role in metabolism

(citric acid cycle)◦ Found in many fruits and


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The PH of a base solution is higher than 7 A strong base is a base which breaks down completely (raises pH

to 14) An alkali is a special example of a base, where in an aqueous

environment, hydroxide ions are donated Bases are bitter in taste  Slimy or soapy feel on fingers Baking soda, antacids, and lye all contain bases Used more in industry

Human Body PH about 7.4 Three important ways to regulate PH are chemical buffer, the

respiratory system, the urinary system The most important chemical buffer is Bicarbonate (HCO3). HCO3

+ H = H20 + CO2

General Concepts of Bases

pH Regulation in the Body

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Mouth Starch hydrolysis: breaks down carbohydrates

using the enzyme salivary amylaseStomach Main acid used for digestion is HCl (hydrochloric acid used for digestion of proteins)

Converts pepsinogen into pepsin (used for digestion of proteins)

Stomach is protected by alkaline mucus H₂O + CO₂ H₂CO₃

Intestines Small intestine

Chyme (acidic mixture of partially digested food) meets alkaline pancreatic juice and bile

Fat-splitting enzymes (lipases) digest fats Large intestine

Largely where water is absorbed

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Oxidation of glucose (after digested into monosaccharide)

Digestion of proteins

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Reaction of glycerol

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Urea and Waste End product of nitrogen

metabolism◦ Ammonia, must be

removed from the body◦ Converts it from ammonia

to urea◦ Occurs in liver and is then

transported to kidneys 2 Ammonia + carbon dioxide

+ 3ATP ---> urea + water + 3 ADP

Any block in the urea cycle is harmful to the human body

Extensive ammonia leads to liver damages and death

Hyperammonemia can lead to mental retardation

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Fourth most abundant element in the body 2.5% of the weight in the body Constitutes a part of proteins Form skeleton of each cell If too much nitrogen is present it will be

broken down into ammonia Not enough will lead to no synthesis of

amino acids Found in any kind of meat


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PHOSPHORUS Second most abundant element in the body 85% found in bones and teeth Works with calcium for bone structure Provides phosphate for ATP Filters out waste in kidneys Needed for maintenance, growth, and

repair for cells Helps balance other vitamins and minerals Can be found in meat and milk, anything

that delivers calcium and protein will have phosphorus

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Carbon Makes up the structure of our bodies Connects and builds different elements

together 18% mass of the human body Carbon is found in almost all foods

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• Supports cellular respiration, metabolism• Breathing, diffusion with the blood (heme groups and

hemoglobin)• “electron acceptor” in mitochondria, generates chemical

energy• Many enzymes will use oxygen to catalyze their reactions

(oxidation reactions)• Burns (oxidizes) food to create energy for our bodies• 65% mass of the human body

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WHAT IS CALCIUM?• The most abundant

mineral in human body

• 99% of Calcium is found in bones and teeth

• 1% of Calcium help heart, nerve, muscles to work

• Help youth to grow

• Help older people to prevent losing their bones

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How do we get Calcium?

• Daily products such as eggs, milk, cheese

• Green Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach

• Other food – nuts, bread, rice, cereals, sesame seeds

• From Supplements

• People who are 19-50 should take 1000mg per day

• Taking too much Calcium could cause stomach upset, nausea, constipation

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What is Hydrogen?• The most abundant element in the universe, makes up about

90% of all atoms• The lightest and smallest element, travel throughout the

body• Water is made up of two-thirds hydrogen atoms and one-third

oxygen atom• Over 60% of human body is water• Hydrogen ions are transported to the mitochondria of the

cells which uses hydrogen to create ATP• Slows down the aging process

How do we get Hydrogen?

• Mostly from water

Hydrogen Trivia!

• Deuterium – one in every 6000 hydrogen atoms has a neutron as well as a proton in its nucleus

• Tritium – Very rare hydrogen atoms have two neutrons as well as the proton

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*Sources* http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/calcium-000290.htm

* http://cancerhelp.cancerresearchuk.org/coping-with-cancer/coping-physically/calcium/your-body-and-calcium

* http://www.livestrong.com/article/28599-hydrogen-used-body/

* http://www.houseandhome.org/tag/hydrogen-trivia

* http://genesismission.jpl.nasa.gov/science/mod2_aei/fig12.gif

* http://www.rawfoodexplained.com/digestive-physiology-and-food-combining/the-chemistry-and-physiology-of-digestion.html

* http://tuberose.com/Digestion.html

* http://www2.ufp.pt/~pedros/qfisio/digestion.htm

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_(chemistry

* http://www.oxygen-review.com/human-body.html 

* http://www.mii.org/periodic/lifeelement.html http://www.chemicool.com/elements/nitrogen.html

* http://www.elmhurst.edu/~chm/vchembook/633ureacycle.html

* http://medschool.umaryland.edu

* http://www.scienceclarified.com/everyday/Real-Life-Chemistry-Vol-2/Acids-and-Bases-Real-life-applications.html

* http://www.mikalac.com/tech/met/org.html

* http://www.cspinet.org/reports/chemcuisine.htm#adipic

* http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/vitamin-c-000339.htm