Transformational Author Experience® Bonus Class – Christine Kloser Transcription May 21 – June 1, 2012 Hosted by: Christine Kloser “The Transformation Catalyst” Spiritual Guide ~ Award-Winning Author Transformational Book Coach


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Author Experience®

Bonus Class – Christine Kloser


May 21 – June 1, 2012 Hosted by: Christine Kloser

“The Transformation Catalyst”

Spiritual Guide ~ Award-Winning Author

Transformational Book Coach

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

CK: Hello there everyone, welcome back again. It’s Christine Kloser here, your

spiritual guide, the transformation catalyst, and the creator of, as you know,

this Transformational Author Experience and the Transformational Author

Writing Contest. I want to welcome you here to this bonus class.

Now, I know you’ve had a full week. I think way back to the first class on

Monday and then Lisa Nichols and also on Monday right up to and through

just hearing from Nancy Juetten and Bill Gladstone. So, the reason why this

bonus class is happening on Friday is because you get to listen to the

recordings of the basic level. The replays will be available all weekend, okay?

All weekend long, so that’s why I added the extra class on Friday.

So, those of you who are participating at the basic level will have more time

to be able to absorb this class as well as the classes from Nancy and Bill all

weekend long. As you know, what we’re doing here in the Transformational

Author Experience is helping you discover how to transform yourself. Boy,

has it been amazing to continue seeing your incredible posts up on Facebook!

The tears, the joys, the breakthroughs, it’s so incredible to know what’s

happening for you during this program.

The next level of course is to transform your readers. We’re also talking here

about transforming your business. We’re going to be getting into a lot more

of that next week. Also, we’re talking about the transformation of the world

with your book through the power of your message. That’s why we’re here.

Now, one of the things that I know after working with authors for years now,

training thousands of them, helping hundreds of them actually become

published, I have seen a lot of mistakes. I know you’ve heard already this

week, and will probably hear more of what to do, what not to do, that there

are some really critical things that I wanted to make sure that I share with

you from my perspective and my learning in working with authors all these

years. Because it seems just about everything and I just want to make sure

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

you are really set up just like the title of today’s class – Building a Solid

Foundation for Your Book’s Success.

I want to help you build that solid foundation and it does take work. It takes

a little bit of focus and determination, but I know you can do it and I know

with what you’ve learned so far in the program that you can definitely,

absolutely do it with what you now know. We’re only halfway there. You’ve

got a lot more education coming.

So anyway, I am excited to be here with you today for this class to give you

just a little bit more of my own teaching and understanding. Now, some of

you may not have heard the class that I taught earlier in the program. So, if

you don’t know anything about me, I’m just going to give you a little, quick

rundown of my experience in working with authors so that you’d get it, so

that you’d know who I am, why maybe you ought to be listening to me, and

how I learned what I’ve learned about the publishing and authors, and how

to help you avoid some of those mistakes.

Of course, I’d love if you could continue doing what many of you have

already been doing, which is sharing your great “a-ha’s!” over on Facebook.

There’s really a beautiful, I’ll say community building over there. It’s

wonderful to see you guys connecting with each other, some of you

commenting on each other’s post, and cheering each other on and agreeing

with what you’re sharing. So, when you hear a little nugget that really makes

sense to you today, I invite you to just head over there,

facebook.com/transformationalauthors. Over there, it does have the “s” on

the end, and share your “a-ha’s!” and then I’ll be connecting with you over

there on the weekend too so that I can see what’s happening for you.

All ready? Well, I started my journey into publishing back in 2003 when I

have the idea to write a book. My first book came out in 2004, it was a

compilation book. It was a combination of chapters from myself and forty of

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

my clients that were members of my network for empowering women

entrepreneurs at the time. I know some of you listening know me from those

days, nearly a decade ago out in Los Angeles, but that’s where I got started.

I pulled together a group of women. We shared our stories, we published a

book, and I thought, “That’s it!” I did that. Check it off the bucket list, done,


Then, that book was reviewed on Entrepreneur Magazine, the print edition of

Entrepreneur Magazine, soon after its release date. And then, people started

asking me when I was going to do the next ontology. “I want to be on your

next ontology”. You know, I think the reason for that is because the ontology

is easy. You just have to write one chapter but you have the credibility of

being a published author. The other beautiful thing about ontology is you’re

not the only one promoting the book. You have a team. In this case, you

know, I’ve worked with forty authors at a time. All forty authors are out

there marketing and selling the book that your chapter is in. So it’s a built-in

sales force and people really liked that model. They liked what I was doing.

When people saw the first one that I was an entrepreneur, they thought

“Okay, when is she doing the next one? I got to get on board here for this

ontology program.” I was a little taken back, I wasn’t expecting that and

then I was like “What do you mean?” Next one - and then there was a next

one, I finally said “Yes.” then the next one, and then the next one, and then

the next one. And, by now, let’s see, Pebbles in the Pond, one, two, three,

four, five, was my sixth ontology that I have published. The seventh one will

be Pebbles in the Pond: the second wave and that will be out in the March

2013. Perhaps some of you will be in that program. That would be just

amazing. But anyway, that’s how I really started, was with the ontology


Little by little, people kept asking me “Well, can you help me write my own

book?” And I said, “No.” For two years, you know, silly me. I guess I just

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

wasn’t ready yet or wasn’t ready to write my own book yet perhaps. Because

what happened was I finally got cornered lovingly by a couple of my clients

who said, “We really need your help.” That was, for some reason, the energy

of their request was quite different in that moment than I had experienced

anyone else is asking.

When I heard them say, “You know, Christine. I need your help.” In case you

can’t tell, I really love to help people, and something struck in my heart and I

said, “Okay, I’ll help you.” I knew in that moment when I said yes to them, I

said yes to myself as well. Then, I was going to have to write my own book,

not just a chapter, but my own. It was in that “YES” that I then ended up

spending a day out of the Hershey Hotel Spa, the Chocolate Spa is the name

of it where I do some of my best really open, creative thinking.

In a day, I created and developed my Get Your Book Done program. Some of

you are familiar with that. If not, if you’re curious about it, just go to

getyourbookdone.com to learn more, but I developed that program sitting

poolside one day and I had to ask myself because I was going to be writing

my own book, “If I were to write my own book, how well would I do? Where

would I even start?” And, I only had written chapters and articles to that

point. But, by the end of the day, I had the roadmap in place for how I could

write my book and how I could help my clients write their books.

So, it was a period of about six months. I was working with people in this

program. At that time, it was actually $10,000. It’s not that now, if you’re

interested in tuning in. It’s not $10,000 anymore. It’s significantly lower, I

figured out how to make it work better and make it a lot more affordable for

people and still they’re getting really great personal contact with me to help

them write it. But anyway, I must be crazy because I was writing my book,

creating the curriculum, and teaching the curriculum all at the same time.

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

Sometimes, I would be printing out the curriculum for what I was going to

teach in that day’s class for my clients. As I was calling into the bridge line, it

was a knotty time but I swear it could be nothing but Divine grace that

brought that program to me. Because somehow I knew exactly step one,

step two, step three, and now that I’ve seen authors go through that

program, I think there’s about eighty in there right now who are working on

their books. Some of them just getting started, some of them celebrating,

sharing book covers, and getting last minute input before their book comes

off the press.

It’s been a phenomenal program, but I don’t even know how many hundreds

or thousands of authors I had spoken with now to this point in time.

Thankfully, the books just kind of always kept being there in my life. Author

– I’ve always loved working with authors. Then, it was last year really end

2010, early 2011 when I was going through my own radical transformation

that many of you have read about in your free eBook Pebbles in the Pond.

It’s on the welcome page if you haven’t seen it yet. But, I write about the

best “worst time” of my life there. And, I write about pretty much losing

everything except for my Get Your Book Done trademark and my list.

Everything was pretty much gone.

I had always kind of “Books are always just on the side. They’re always on

the side for me.” It wasn’t until my slate was wiped clean by a big wave of

Divine grace where I saw that what I’m really supposed to be doing is

working with transformational authors because my passion, my real passion

is for transformation. One of the most powerful ways I believe to help a

messenger, which is all of you, to transform, to really transform those

powerful vehicle I have seen on the planet is the process of writing a book. It

transforms you in a way like nothing else on the planet can.

So, when I, last year, saw “Oh, my goodness!” my transformational work and

my work with authors, and I know how in that area is where my sweet spot

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

is which is why you’re all here because it’s the Transformational Author

Experience. If it was named anything other and didn’t have that word

“transformation”, there’s a likelihood that you wouldn’t be here because

transformation is what you care about too. Writing your great book and going

through that process is part of what’s really going to help you have that

transformational impact that you want to have, and experience the

transformation that you want to have.

So, that’s just a little bit of history on me I guess and a little bit of how I

know what I know, is that I started with forty authors back in 2004. I think

by now I probably trained somewhere close to 20,000 authors in some

capacity over the years and have done extensive surveys where you told me

exactly what challenges you faced, what mistakes you’ve made, where you

wished you had help that you didn’t have. I’m going to synthesize some of

that now for you to help you build a really solid foundation.

What I want to begin with is, just by reiterating, the first steps. We discussed

these back on Monday for those of you who’ve got to hear, but for those of

you who didn’t, the critical, there’s seven questions that you need to ask. I’m

just going to do a quick review here. Seven questions that you’ve got to ask

yourself before you write a single word of your book.

The first question is “What transformation do you want through the process

of writing your book for yourself?” Second question, “What transformation do

you want for your readers?” Maybe after listening this week, this has sunken

in a little bit deeper after hearing some of our publishers talk and the agent

talk, Marc Allen. You would really want to be connected. What is it you yearn

for, for your reader?

The third question to ask is “What transformation do you want to have

occurred in your business as a result of being an author in writing this book?”

Fourth question is, “What is it that you see as a transformation your book

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

can bring to the world?” So, those are what I call the four levels of

transformation. The transformation that you want for yourself, number one.

For your readers, number two. For your business, number three. And, for the

world, number four.

Among the other three foundational questions to ask yourself are, WHY YOU

- why are you the person who should write the book. WHY NOW – so the

chance is you’ve been thinking about it for a while and you’re finally doing it,

so why now? Why is now the time that it’s “Boom!” way up on the radar for

you to be doing this? The third WHY to ask yourself is why this book because

you could probably write a dozen if you really sat down and thought about it.

Some of you who have more than that, that are falling through you, ideas

that are percolating but there’s one book rising to the surface. Why is that

the book? Why is that book rising to the surface?

Actually, for those of you who didn’t get the handout earlier in the program,

if you go to transformationalauthor.com/Christine, I’ve actually put together

a little handout there. You do need to enter in your name and email in order

to get it, but if you just go there it’s real simple, it’s the FREE “Four Levels of

Transformation” writing exercise. It has the four levels and the three WHYs. That is

a great, nice and easy way for you to sit and spend some time with those questions.

That is absolutely number one, critical for this process, okay? Do not do anything

until you answer those seven questions. Do not pass go, do not do anything until you

answer those seven. I actually want to share, hope if it’s okay with you, I just want

to share a really inspiring story from one of my clients who went through the Get

Your Book Done program. Her name is Dallas Travers. I know, some of you who’re

on the line, said that she told you about this. So, thank you Dallas and I’m glad that

you’re here.

Dallas wrote a wonderful book called The Tao of Show Business. She went through

to the Get Your Book Done program. Her book is just fantastic. She’s amazing.

Shortly after her book was done, she wrote this note, it was sort of a testimonial for

the program. I want you to listen closely and I’m going to emphasize one line

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

towards the end because it drives home what we’re talking about. The reason I share

this is because I just wanted to show you what’s possible when you’re willing to go

through this process of being a transformational author. It makes all the difference in

the world.

Basically, what Dallas said is, “Before I worked with Christine, I considered writing a

book.” Some of you may still have right now, been thinking about it. But, she said

she felt overwhelmed by the process and fearful of really putting her voice out in the

world. And, I know from some of the Facebook comments that I’ve been reading,

and emails we’ve been getting, that some of you have definitely felt that and felt

relieved to be here now with a tribe that gets you.

She said that my program not only got her book published, it was out in less than

ten months from idea to manuscript, but it also empowered her to step into her

business in a big way. Everything changed in her business. Working with me, she

said, catapulted her career and reputation and in a few short years since writing her

book, her income went from under a $100,000 to over $400,000. I know it’s beyond

that by now, I’m sure. Her email list went from just over a thousand names to more

than 7,000 and she said she’s now a respected leader in her industry. That’s all

wonderful and good. I’m very happy that Dallas is having that kind of success.

But, here’s the thing that I love the most. This is possible for you when you do what

Dallas did and get that foundation into your book real crystal clarity from the get go.

She said, “Christine’s work allowed me to make an impact on people around the

globe, but best of all it’s completely transformed who I see myself to be in that

world.” This is the reason why that foundational work is so important. I share that

with you because I don’t want you to just think that this is some theory that when I

say that a book transformed you during the writing process, it is not theoretical at

all, not by any stretch of the imagination.

If I opened up the lines and actually have some of my clients talking to you right

now, which I’m not going to do, maybe some other time I’ll actually get some of

them on the phone to share their experiences, but one after the other, after the

next, and the next, and the next, from Malaysia, to Australia, to New Zealand, and

South America, and Canada, and Europe, they would all say the same thing. They

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

are not the same people that they were before they committed to writing a

transformational book and sharing their powerful, transformational story.

I’m not theorizing at all. I’ve seen people literally transformed in front of my eyes at

some of the retreats that I’ve done when they really stepped into their message. It’s

amazing. This foundation is critical and it’s absolutely possible. Now, once you’ve got

that strong foundation in place, you’ve been hearing about this a lot, they’ve actually

really got to get connected to your reader, connected to them, right? You heard from

Marc Allen, he’s like, “You know, the story is important but not if it’s only about you,

the story is important when it’s translated, when it’s transmuted into something that

benefits the reader.”

You absolutely have got to stay focused on it. That’s why that second level question

of what is it that you yearn for, what is it that you yearn for that reader? But then, to

stay connected with that through your entire writing process. Your entire writing

process, with that question, how can I be of ultimate service to my reader? And

yeah, being of ultimate service to them might make you a little uncomfortable. Trust

me. You know, it was one thing for me to write in my chapter the best “worst time”

of my life in Pebbles. But, I didn’t cry when I send it off to the editor. It didn’t feel

scary with her. I didn’t feel exposed and vulnerable with her. I’ve known her for

years. I trust her with my life.

But, when I told my assistant to press send and sharing that chapter with my list of

17,000 people, I was crying as I wrote the email to her. Why was I crying? Because

while I wrote it, I was so focused on the reader and wanting to be of ultimate service

to them through my story. When I was ready to send it out, it’s almost like I have

this doubt “Am I really” question. I remember the moment. It’s coming back to me

like it was yesterday. But, I remember just sitting there asking myself, you know,

the tears coming down, “Am I reckless?” I feel the tears now. “Am I ready for this?”

I have never been so open, so vulnerable, and so honest. Can I handle whatever’s

going to come, either way - positive feedback or negative feedback? And, I thought

of my readers and I gave it a “Go ahead”. You know, it was too late. It was already

practically at the printers by that point in time. There was no stopping it, yet that

profound depth of that question, “Am I ready?” When I had been willing to be of

ultimate service to my readers, I was powerful beyond powerful.

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

I mean, if you go to, where is it, because in response, I mean, we sent it out. And,

about five minutes after it went out, one of my assistants, Denise, sent me a text

and just said that feedback is coming in. They love you even more now. That is what

being willing to be vulnerable to ultimately serve your reader is about. If you’re just

curious to see some of what happened in that unfolding, you just go to

christinekloser.com, that’s if you haven’t read the chapter yet. Here at

christinekloser.com/pebbleschapter, and you’ll see there the best “worst time” of my

life and you’ll also see over 50 comments from people, from sharing about how that

impacted them. The reason why, I mean, I know you can read there in the Pebbles

chapter, but the reason why I want you to go and take a look, perhaps there if you

haven’t been there yet, again it’s christinekloser.com/pebbleschapter.

If you head over there, I want you to read the story, but then I want you to read the

comments and the feedback. The reason why I want you to do that is because I want

you to have a first hand understanding and sort of backdoor experience of seeing the

other side of being willing to be so committed to be in service to your reader, then

maybe you’ll end up sharing some things about yourself that are a little scary to

share publicly but, it’s critical.

Without that willingness, if you’re going to write your book but hold back, if you’re

going to withhold, you’re reader’s going to know, right? I’m sure you’ve read of that

old book before and even if you can’t put your finger on exactly why something

about it doesn’t feel right, chances are it’s because on an energetic level you knew

that that author probably wasn’t giving you everything they had. They were holding

back. They weren’t committed to being of ultimate service to you as a reader. And

perhaps, yes, has themselves be human, has themselves be vulnerable in the

process, has themselves be real and authentic with you in a deeper way.

This step is critical, critical for helping you get that solid foundation underneath you.

Because I tell you what happens when you’re willing to be that permeated to your

reader, that connected, that willing to be bold in your own sharing, direct with them,

they’re not going to like it because what happens is you actually end up freeing

yourself from that voice. With that voice that I have saying “Oh, my gosh! What are

people going to think? Can I do this? Am I ready for this?” That voice, I’m not going

to lie to you and tell you that it’s gone, but if the volume used to be at 7, the volume

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

is at like 1.5 now or 2, so much lower. The confidence that I now have and my

willingness to be vulnerable like that, and to know that I’m still going to remain

standing and actually stand stronger and be more connected with my readers than I

could have dreamed.

This is why people have been sending me email, “You know I’m on page 15 of the

book. Or, I’ve just read your first chapter and I’ve gone through a box of Kleenex

already.” You know, you’ve touched people in a deep level that way. Now, the flip

side of this connection and commitment to your reader is that you’ve got to really

take a stand with them. You can’t be too, I’m going to use the word loosey-goosey.

My daughter is seven. We use the word loosey-goosey around here. But, you can’t

be a real loosey-goosey, okay? You’ve got to take a stand. Your readers need to

know what your position is. They want to feel you’re strong, they want to feel you’re

convicted, they want to feel you’re clear, and they don’t want to feel you’re kind of

wishy-washy, loosey-goosey. They want you straight in your conviction because

when they don’t have that in themselves as they are reading they will borrow it from

you. I only wish I said that earlier in the week.

You’ve got to borrow people’s belief sometimes when yours is fragile. Your strong

stand, your strong position, your unwillingness to waiver and change your thoughts

like the direction of the wind, that’s what’s going to make your reader be able to

really trust you. And, when you have something direct to say to them, because there

may be times in your writing, I have people ask me several times like “What do I do?

I feel like I really need to make a strong point but I don’t want to put off my reader.”

Because I always say, and this is another big thing, is that when you’re writing your

book, please don’t use WE, US and OUR, like third-person removed language. Use


When you take all of USs, OURs, and WEs, and don’t make yourself wrong if you’ve

been writing it that third-person voice. But, in order to establish a deeper connection

with your reader, you wouldn’t talk to a friend and say WE, US and OUR. You would

talk to your friend and say YOU and ME, just you and me. And, that is the end of the

conversation that you’re having with your readers. And yes, sometimes if you have

something strong to say in your book and you’re going to take a strong stand, it

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

might feel a little bit scary to refer to your reader as you because you’re going to be

talking straight to them, and yeah, maybe pushing their buttons.

There are ways that you can soften it just a little bit. There are ways you can soften

the directness but without losing the connection. And, I’m going to give you one tool

for doing that right now. When I talk about the connection is, if you’ve read books

and materials that are in this third-person, I know when I do them, I always try to

change the WE to ME and the US to YOU. In my mind, I’m trying to change it

because I don’t know who the author is thinking when they say WE and US. I don’t

know who they’re talking to. I want the readers talk to me. So, I changed it in my

mind and that’s why I want you to focus on the YOU part as well when you’re


You’ll see. You’ll be writing some sentences and the removal will come in with the

use of third-person and you’re going to remember this class and you’d then

remember “Oh, wait a second. Let me change that to YOU and ME, and get real more

personal.” Here’s a way that you can soften it but the time said it feels real strong.

And, this is interesting you might even want to write this down. But, when you’re

about to share something really strong with your reader and you don’t want to put

them off, one little thing you can do is say, “You know, perhaps this has happened to

you. Or, perhaps you’ve had this experience before. Or, maybe you’re one of the

majority of people who feel this, or who have done that.

You can just take that little “Maybe this is you.” It still stays connected to them

because it’s using that first-person YOU language, but it give them space to make

the choice that’s “Oh, yeah. That is me.” Or, to say it, “You know what? No, actually

that’s not me. It doesn’t pertain to me.” But, if you say something really strong in

that first-person voice without creating a spaciousness for them to be able to self-

identify with what you’re saying, you could lose a reader there. Because a lot of

people don’t want to be told. You know, like “I don’t want to be told.” But, they do

want to be able to make a decision. They want to be empowered to feel like “Oh

yeah, okay, that is me” without being told as this is you.

You know how it is, if someone comes to you and has something to say about your

behavior or offering some observation. If they just come to you and say “You know,

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

you’re so blah blah blah” What’s the immediate thing you do? You say “Ah… No, I’m

not!” Right? We go on to just answer right away even if it’s true. Typically, we go

into defend and then later if you’re like me you’ll realize “Oh boy, okay, that is true. I

need to go back and clean things up with that person.” Because if some person

comes to you and says something like, “You know, I’ve been noticing this thing and I

just wanted to talk with you about it to see if it resonates with you at all.”

You know, it kind of seems like when this happens, and then this happens. Because

when this experience happens, I’ve noticed your response kind of like this “Am I

getting that right?” There’s something that I’m missing here. If they come to you like

that, you can then say, “You know what? Actually, you’re right. I have done that

behavior.” I hope you can feel the difference. It’s still very personal. It’s still very

connected. But, it’s not abrupt or abrasive, or off-putting to the other person. So,

just like you would handle a delicate conversation in person with someone, you want

to handle that situation with your reader delicately as well.

Getting critical as you’re doing this, this foundational stuff is so important to not lose

the connection with the reader by jumping into distance language – WE, US, OUR to

keep it intimate, that you keep it safe for them too. This is a very, very important

part of connecting and building that critical relationship with your reader. You’ve

heard so much this week about that, but that’s one very specific tool you can use in

your writing to actually do that with your reader. So, I hope that helps.

If you have questions or anything, just post them up over on the Facebook page and

I’ll head over there later and see if there’s any more insight you guys need from me

on that. Okay, the next foundational piece that I want to talk about, and this is, I’m

saying these are all critical. They are all critical, they’re all very important to be

paying attention to. The next one that you want to make sure that you do is to really

be clear on the promise of your book.

When you go into the book store to buy a book, or read the cover you want to know

what you’re getting. I just bought Barbara Marx Hubbard’s book this week on

Amazon. Her book, 2012, came out; I bought it earlier in the week. I know she’ll be

coming up by next week. She’s our last speaker next Friday. But, when I went over

to the page, I just love Barbara so I knew that I wanted to get the book anyway.

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But, it was so clear what the promise of that book was, was the literal procreation of

a whole new world. This is what Barbara Marx Hubbard is up to and why she is really

making the possible like on the ground and in reality. She’s phenomenal. I can’t wait

to share her with you next Friday. But, I know exactly the promise of that book.

Oftentimes, your promise will be very clearly stated in your subtitle, okay? The

subtitle, not all the time, but oftentimes is the promise of the book. Because a title

doesn’t always make sense, the title doesn’t always communicate at all which is fine,

but the subtitle means to communicate the snapshot of the full story. Because, if you

don’t know the promise of your book, your book will wander all over the place during

your writing process and your reader will not get any of what you have to offer

because you’re not clear and the words you write aren’t committed to delivering on

that promise for your reader. They won’t get it, they can’t get it because you haven’t

gotten it, okay?

Trust me, if you’re saying, “Oh my gosh! I’m a halfway through my book and I don’t

even know what the promise is.” Again, I’m going to go back to just love yourself up,

non-judgment, you didn’t know that before, you know now that you want to be

writing that book as an answer, as a response to the promise that you make to your

reader. Any book that you’ve read, I’m sure there was something that that book

promised you, and in the process of reading you’ve got. You want your book to do

the same thing. Make a promise and then have your book keep that promise. Deliver

on that promise, right?

Just to give you an example here of a promise, my book, if you’re familiar with this

one, Beyond Mindset just came out in April. Actually, early April of just this year and

it’s called Beyond Mindset. The subtitle, Beyond Mindset is kind of open. You sort to

don’t really know exactly what that is. You know that it has something obvious to do

with going beyond mindset because there’s a lot out there to talk about mindset.

But, what’s actually beyond mindset?

For me, what’s beyond mindset is heart, soul, divine connection, the truth of who we

are beyond the monkey mind, beyond the activity of the mind. So, the promise of

this book, the subtitle says Everyday Inspirations to Help You Remember What Your

Heart Already Knows. This is the promise that if people get this book, nothing has to

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be left to the imagination. But if people get this book they know “Wow, okay. I’m

going to get everyday inspirations to help me remember what my heart already

knows because how often do we forget.”

When you flip open the book to any page, there’s just a little daily message. I can’t

tell you how many times I have shared this book with someone and just flipped open

a page. And, they flip open a page, they read whatever I’ve written, and many times

they’re in tears because it was exactly what they had forgotten that their heart knew

and the reminder was the perfect scene they needed that day.

So, promise made on the front cover - Everyday Inspirations to Help You Remember

What Your Heart Already Knows. And, any page of the book they open to delivers on

that promise. This is the experience that you want for your readers, just another way

of looking at it. Because I tell you, man, I have had some people that have come to

me with completed manuscripts. Completed as in, been through all the heartache to

get all the words down, and then, I asked them, “What’s the promise of your book?”

Being in the book world, I feel like I can ask that question to people. What’s your

book about? What’s the big promise? After, I think the manuscript was something

50,000 words - that was something pretty decent sized manuscript, this author says

to me, “What promise?” It was like my heart actually hurt. I felt like my heart kind of

just sunk because the book, I can tell you, was not as powerful as it could have been

had it been written to the perspective of every page being committed to delivering

on that promise, right?

If you’re going to show people how to heal and become whole after a painful divorce,

every page you need to give them something to help them see that is a promise that

you’re delivering on. So you’re offering them help, you’re offering them comfort and

assurance. Whatever it is, whatever your topic is, know the promise of your book,

please. It goes right back to what Marc and many others were talking about earlier,

“make it about your reader; don’t make it about you.” Don’t, for a moment, doubt

that your story doesn’t hold phenomenal promise for another human being, perhaps

many other human beings that will read your book. Anyone’s story can be shaped to

deliver an amazing promise to your readers.

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

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Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

This is the concrete poured way down into the earth of your book. These are the, you

know? I don’t know. Anyone who knows this building is going to laugh at me right

now. It’s those steel bins are so big, nuts and bolts that hold the structure together.

This promise is one of those critical bins that puts the putting underneath your book,

that gets foundation in place for you. So, please be real clear, okay? I think you’ve

got it. Actually, some of you wanted to post the promise of your book on Facebook.

It would give us an opportunity to really see you owning and claiming what it is that

you’re promising for your readers. It’d be a good exercise to maybe stretch here a

little bit and clarify for yourself as you go through this process. Of course, I’d love to

see them over there.

Okay, so the next foundational piece that I want to cover and we have touched on

this somewhat as I talked about the third level of transformation being the

transformation of your business. There’s going to be a lot more around how to do

that, in platform building, and everything else. However, there’s some various

specific strategic things I want to cover with you about how to actually do that. How

do you actually write the book to impact your business? Because it is critical.

My friend, Milana Leshinsky, who actually spoke last year for this event has

something called the Marketing Diamond. For those of you in my Get Your Book

Done program, you know that we covered that with Milana’s permission. Because,

what it does is it helps you actually see a map, it’s a diamond with layers and you

can see where your book sits and what you want your book to do. If you imagine the

inside workings of an old fashion like a wrist watch or a clock that actually has gears.

As one gear moves inside of that watch or clock, it moves all the other gears.

So, I want you to think of your book as that gear, that one gear. And, when it moves

just a click, just one click over, what are the other gears, the other aspects of your

business that you want that book to fuel? Now, some of you maybe writing a book

and you don’t have an interest in actually making money on it, or having it be an

integral part of your business. Some of you are just writing a book because it’s got

to get out of your heart. This will not pertain to you so much, but for all, stay tuned

because there’s still more coming. But, for all of you who do feel like “Yeah, actually,

I want to make some money from my book. I want to grow my business. I want to

work with my readers in a deeper way to help them experience more transformation,

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

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Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

more shift, more of whatever your promise is. That can happen more in your

business and your other products and services in a deeper way than it can in the


If you go spend a week or two weeks on a cruise with him in the Mediterranean,

experiencing him for all that time in the sea of amazing people and you’ve got that

experience and you’ll travel to the sacred places with him, you better believe that

you’re going to be getting more of a transformation than you are from, like I am

right now sitting in my bed reading his new book, wish is fulfilled. It’s a deeper level.

Here’s what I want you to think about, “If your reader were to take only one action

with you, not the action steps that you take from the book, but if your readers going

to take just one step with you, what do you want that step to be? Do you have a

program? Maybe you have an audio training or a workshop that you lead and you

would just love if it’s the thing that your reader did, was it at the end of the book or

somewhere in the middle of the book, they went and they got your program. Well,

they contacted you about finding out about workshop dates and locations. Maybe

you want them to contact you for a free consultation. Maybe you want to just get on

the phone and talk with them for half hour, 45 minutes, so that you can figure out

what is it, where is it that this person will best be served in my business.

You do what’s called diagnosis and prescription in our own entrepreneurial way.

Some people want their book just to get people on the phone with them because I

know that once you’re on the phone with them, they’re going to end up with a new

client or a new customer for one of their products or programs. Do you just want

them to sign up with you for a coaching? What is it that you want?

So, take a moment, actually right now as you’re listening, and just write down that

question, “If there were just one action my reader took as a result of reading my

book, and actually makes it with you, what would that be? What do you want them

to do?” Let us take a moment and jot something down. I love to read some of what

you have to share around Facebook.

I’ll give you an example here. I actually got this “a-ha!” from Lisa Nichols when I was

out at her speak and write event. I think it was last month, I believe, April. I was out

there and we were doing this exercise on outlining, doing an outline for a book. It’s

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

very interesting for me because I thought I was going to be doing it on the next

signature book, like embracing my journey from the last year and a half. Where I am

right now as a spiritual guide, transformation book coach, how did that happened?

How I actually created opportunity for grace to show up in my life because that’s

how most of this has happened.

We sat into the process and I thought, “Oh, I’m going to write it. I’m going to do the

outline on that book.” Then, a funny thing happened. I got this big, intuitive hit

which I get oftentimes, if I didn’t we wouldn’t be here right now at Transformational

Author Experience, but I got this big hit and it was like “Hello Christine, you actually

have the program in place already, you need the book to drive the gear of that

program.” I was like, “What are you talking about?” So then, I got it real clearly. I

have my signature program Get Your Book Done.

I can work with up to probably 400 people at a time in that program. Anyone can

join anytime. Then, I was like “Hello! Take the content from the program, reverse

engineer it into a book so that people can read your book and learn a lot about

getting their book done as a transformational author.” But, the chances are there are

people who read a book about writing a book aren’t actually going to write their


They’re going to need someone to help them to hold their hand, to be there for them

when the voices of doubt creep in, to know that they are not the only one, that

they’re part of a community, that they’re doing this together and what they’re going

through is normal, and that they have someone they can rely on to guide them every

step of the way. You’ve got to write the Get Your Book Done book to lead people into

the program.

So, I actually have my editor working on it right now, my book that will be called Get

Your Book Done. It’s a transformational author’s guide to writing their book. But,

that’s how strategizing the book, how it sits into your overall business. Alright, I just

gave you an example of me writing the book called Get Your Book Done with the

action being that people actually go to getyourbookdone.com and at least consider

and someone signed up for my program. They want to work with me and get me on

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

the phone talking with me and asking me their questions. So, that’s just an example

of how you can strategize your book so that it sits into your overall business.

Another example I’ll share is my client Bill Losey. He wrote the book called Retire in

a Weekend. While he’s only sold a few hundred books I think, he has given away a

ton because he wanted anyone who read his book, he’s known as America’s

Retirement Strategist, to contact him for a free consultation so that he could see if

he was the right fit to actually help manage their portfolios so that he could help

them prepare for retirement. Within 60 days, I believe, of his book coming out,

remember he only sold a few hundred copies, he had enough calls coming in from

people who want to set up those consultations with him. Then, in 60 days, he had

enough new clients that were going to bring in another hundred thousand dollars of

business to his business.

So, his book worked like a charm for his purpose. Just get on the phone with Bill,

and he is, he’s one of the best retirement strategist that you could ever ask for. And,

his book which worked like a charm for him still does, now he spends a whole less

time working and he’s a fantastic singer and he’s spending a whole lot more time

singing and a whole lot less time working. If he were here right now, he would tell

you that deciding to write that book and getting my help with it was probably one of

the best decisions he ever made. He also went through my Get Your Book Done

program. But, I mean, it was just phenomenal to see how you can you really craft a

book to help you grow the business.

There’s a level of the book that’s really committed, connected in delivering a promise

for your reader, right? Alright, that’s where the real powerful transformation happens

and you personally answer them. We have just added another layer here and that is

the layer of the book that is in service to your growing business. Because the more

your business grows, the more people you get to serve and impact. That then leads

us to the fourth level, right? That’s how we make our difference in the world, one

reader at a time.

So, please identify for yourself how the book sits into your business. Because I have

seen people, gosh, I remember I was at a conference in San Diego, early 2011, and

when the woman next to me found out that I was in the book business and I helped

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

transformational authors, she was so proud she pulled this book and it was beautiful.

She wrote a book about yoga and it was beautiful. It was really well done. You can

tell she put a lot of time, a lot of energy, a lot of money into this book.

It wasn’t long before she actually shared the truth behind it, painfully. She said the

only thing is, this book has nothing to do with my business. It was like this book that

just sort of stood out there on its own but it wasn’t part of a gear like that watch

where it clicked once and something else happened somewhere else. It wasn’t like

that for her. And, if she had to do it all over again, she wouldn’t have written the

same book if she knew how important it was.

The difference being here, she wanted that book to grow her business. Some of you

are not concerned about growing the business, you just need to excavate that

transformational story out of your soul and get it on paper. She wanted it to make a

difference in her business but she wrote the wrong book. I don’t want that to happen

to any of you. I want you to write the book that works for you on every level – self,

reader, business, and world.

Alright, one more important tip I want to share with you here. I’m surprised how

many authors don’t do this. I was talking to someone recently, I can’t believe I’ve

written so many books already and I’ve never done this. So, “I want to do this for

my next book. This is awesome!” To me, it was just what came out that day when I

was sitting at the Hershey Spa poolside just letting the creative brainstorm happen

around, how would I get my book done?

One of those things that I saw very clearly that I’m going to ask you all to do is to

write your back cover copy first, right? Write the back cover copy first. The back

cover maybe up to 250 words, probably more like a 150-200. Those words are the

most important words that you will write for your book. The truth in the book world

is that people do judge a book by the cover. And, if you don’t communicate, this is

why we talked earlier about – PROMISE, READER, making that CONNECTION, being


All of these things that we’ve been talking about today, you’re going to need when

you actually write your 200-250 words of back cover copy. I said 250; you can

always whittle it down to give yourself some room. This back cover copy tells them

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

what the promise is. Your back cover copy lets your reader understand that you

know what problem or challenge you’re facing and that you have a solution. It is

what built confidence in them making the choice of picking your book and read it, to

become one of your new fans.

The back cover copy, it’s like a switching station where things happen. Because if the

back cover copy doesn’t get them to open up the book, first they read the cover, first

the cover has to visually catch them, then they’re going to read the title and subtitle

and say “Oh well, I have beyond mindset in front of me so I’m looking at the

promise, it’s Everyday Inspirations to Help You Remember What Your Heart Already

Knows. Oh gosh, I relate to that.” Then, they flip it over, they read the back cover


Then, usually, I’ll tell you too, once your books are published, always carry one with

you. Usually, they’ll say “Where can I get it?” Say “Well, you can go to Amazon, just

look up Beyond Mindset or you can get one from me. It’s only fifteen bucks and I

have it here in my pocket and you should all have a swiper card either from PayPal

or from Square, or SquareUp I think it’s the website so that you can actually run

credit cards right to your cell phone. It’s so easy now to be an author and sell books

right out your purse. That’s what I do, it’s kind of fun.

When I first got my little swiper device for my phone, I was like “What?” it was so

amazing. People sign right on your screen with their finger, at least if you have an

iPhone. They sign right on the screen with their finger, it’s very cool. Again, PayPal, I

just feel like some of you want to resource. PayPal is one way that you can get a

little swiper device. You can take credit cards right on your phone.

I believe, let me just give you the other resource here, squareup.com. Wait. No. Why

can’t I find it? Hold on one second. I’m actually doing a Google search as I’m talking

to you here. Hang on. SquareUp, just singular squareup.com, it’s totally free. You

could go there now. You could have your swiper in a week and you can be selling

books out of your backpack, or your purse, or your messenger bag, or whatever your

style of transporting books may be. But, yeah, you do it right on your phone. It’s

pretty amazing.

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

But anyway, that’s the power of having a great back cover copy. When people read

the back cover of Beyond Mindset, the headline, actually let me tell you first the

components that you want to have in your back cover copy. Again, writing this

before you write the book. Because when you write the back cover copy, it’s going to

help guide you. Yes, it’s communicating clearly to the reader, but it’s going to help

guide you.

But first, I want to actually tell you what goes on the back cover of your book.

Because this is the part that’s going to make a huge difference, it delivers the

promise for them, but it also will guide you in the writing process for your own book.

So, the first thing that you want to have on your back cover at the top is a headline.

Just a short, concise, bolded lettering at the top that draws their attention, perhaps

asking question or making a bold statement, or stating what the promise is.

If you definitely go back and look through some of the books on your own bookshelf

or go out to the bookstore and look at back cover copy headlines that really draw

you in. That’s the first thing that you want on the back of your book. The other thing

you want after the headline are a few descriptive paragraphs – short, concise, really

compact, very specific choice of language in those descriptive paragraphs because

that’s where you’re really talking about the promise.

Now, some bullet points. They’re not necessary but they are recommended. If you

can just size them down and synthesize the promise of your book down into like

three or five bullet points, you don’t want less than three, you don’t want more than

five and it’s better to have an odd number than an even number, I don’t know why.

It’s just a crazy marketing thing. But yes, better to have an odd number than it is to

have an even number.

You want to have a couple of bullets back there. You can also have a potential

endorsement on the back of the book when you’re writing your cover. A client amoas

wrote an endorsement from Oprah Winfrey. They said, “This is what I would want

Oprah to say if she endorses my book.” I say, they’re working on their book and they

have their back cover copy there, sort of a guiding light for them through the

process of writing. They were looking every day at that endorsement on the book of

their own book cover by Oprah Winfrey. Of course, I’d never put it there unless she

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

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Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

actually did endorse it, but you can have some fun at writing endorsements for your

book as part of your back cover copy exercise.

Because if you’re clear on what you want other people saying about your book, it’s

going to help clarify that promise, that message that you want for your reader even

more, okay? So, have some fun with that. Have some people write endorsements

from presidents, and top CEOs of companies, and some of the biggest New York

Times bestselling authors in the world. It’s really quite fun doing that process.

So, you’ve got the headline, you’ve got a few descriptive paragraphs, a couple of

bullet points, an endorsement, you know right now you’re just going to put in this

fabricated, made-up dream endorsement in there. Then, you also want just a little

bit of a short bio like 75 words because inside the book you’ll have a whole page

about the author. But, in the back, it’s really nice for people to be able to get a

snapshot of who you are because they’re not familiar with you. So, these are the

components that go on a back cover.

I’ll just give you an example here with my book Beyond Mindset. The headline says

“Do you suffer from ‘amnesia’ of the heart?” I’ll just read it. You don’t need to know

the whole thing, but I’ll just read the first descriptive paragraph to kind of draw them

in. It says, “Have you ever found yourself trapped in your mind trying to figure out a

problem or challenge, only to realize later that the wisdom you needed to get

through the difficult time wasn’t in your mind, but rather in your heart?” Have you

ever have that experience?

And, people who have will go on and read the next one. If you’re like most people,

you suffer occasionally from what I call “amnesia” of the heart. But, you can see, it’s

like there’s a relationship already built. Have you ever found this happen with your

self? So, if you’re like most people, and then some people say “Where do I get one?”

That’s when I pull out my little squared card reader from my phone.

That’s just a little bit about back cover copy. I know that we’re going over here. I’ll

wrap up in just a few minutes, but I wanted to make sure that you had this critical

information on writing back cover copy. I would encourage you all to consider as a

little exercise over the weekend, is to sit down and actually just practice. It’s not

going to be final. The back cover copy right at this stage of the game is by all means

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

not going to be the same back cover copy that ends up on your book. It will get

tweaked, it will get shifted, you’d have a new insight, and it will just be edited for

grammatical perfection. So, you can just play with it as an exercise.

Chances are if you write the back cover copy talking about the promise, connecting

with your reader, what you’re going to find is that you’re actually even more clear

and more excited about your book than maybe you even knew you were. I mean, I

know you’re excited, not the excitement part, but you might just feel more clarity.

And, more of like “Oh, my god!” because if you can write the back cover copy, the

hardest words of the book pretty much to communicate so concisely what it’s about

and the promise that you’re going to deliver, if you can write that, believe me you

can write the book.

You can definitely write the book. So, have some fun this weekend working on this

back cover copy and there’s a little bit too much to post around Facebook so I’m not

sure if you want to do that, maybe you can just share the headlines over there

unless you get that barred actually writing a headline for your back cover copy, but

that’s one of the most powerful writing you will do, is in that exercise.

You know, between the seven questions we covered at the very beginning to the

back cover copy, like if you actually really do those two writing exercises out of what

you’ve learned today and then earlier in the program, you are going to be so clear

and fired up. Then, there are some of you that what write in that back cover copy is

going to become highly, highly useful when you write your query letter for the


If you’re in the Transformational Author Writing Contest, we ask you to write a

simple one-page query letter introducing your book – the value, the promise. Well, if

you do this exercise with the back cover copy writing, you’re more than halfway

there in writing your query letter for the writing contest for that proposal. So, it will

come in very handy. It makes great website copy. You’ve got to get that back cover

copy done. I’m telling you, it will really open up your eyes and make you even, like I

said, more excited, more looking forward to journey, and more confident in this

message that’s so important for you to bring out through your book. That will

happen if you do this work, I promise.

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

Alright, well, I feel like we have covered enough for today. I know it’s been an

exciting transformational for some of you who are very emotional week, for all of you

I think it was a very empowering week. Some of you kind of you “Woohoo!” Some of

you are holding on going “Oh my god! I can’t believe I signed up for this. I didn’t

know that this is what it’s going to be but you’re here and you’re riding that wave,

you jumped in the river so I know that it’s been a phenomenal week for you.

I wish you a fantastic weekend. Let things settle. Listen to the classes over the

weekend if you can. If you do any writing, I would strongly encourage that you do

the seven questions if you haven’t yet. And, that you do a little bit of work on your

back cover copy. That would probably be one of the most powerful writing you can

do over the weekend.

So, let me see. Is there anything else I want to say before we wrap up? I don’t think

so. Just reiterating, some of you possibly wanting those URLs again. The website to

answer the seven questions, the four levels, and then there’s three WHY’s, that is at

transformationalauthor.com/Christine. You can opt-in there to get more information

and to download that document to make it really easy for you to go through that

process. Some of you, I know, were interested in just learning more about Get Your

Book Done, you can just go, it’s easy, getyourbookdone.com.

Talk about Divine grace, can you believe that URL was there waiting for me when I

came home from the spa that day and realized that was the name of the program?

getyourbookdone.com, so you can go learn more about that at

getyourbookdone.com. If you have any questions or anything, you just shoot me an

email over to [email protected] and Tina will answer your questions

for you.

The other resource, I know some of you wanted that email again about how to run

credit cards on your phone. That website is squareup.com. Again, it’s s-q-u-a-r-e-u-

p.com, that’s the website for that. What other source do I want to make sure you

have? If you’re curious about Beyond Mindset, just go to beyondmindsetbook.com

and that will take you straight to the Amazon page. You can see a couple dozen of

fantastic reviews there, but it will take you right over there if you’re curious about

the book.

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

Let me just check my notes. I think that’s everything. It’s always a little bit different

for me when I’m actually teaching rather than interviewing. This is all different

process. Because when I’m interviewing, I just have to remain totally present to

them. And, when I’m teaching, I have notes in front of me and I want to make sure

that I covered everything that I wanted to cover with you.

Yeah, I think we’ve got it all. You got the seven questions. You knew about the

importance of connecting with your reader, being direct them, making it a little bit

gentle. Being committed to what your promise is for your book. The way that your

book sits into your business, the other thing we covered today, and then your back

cover copy.

We did it! Thank you for spending this time with me. Thank you for being part of the

Transformational Author Experience. Thank you for being active in the community

over at our Facebook page. I know that’s a big piece of this for a lot of you is seeing

me in there responding to posts and some about my guests actually, my experts and

faculty, also going in and being able to comment a little bit. So, thank you for being

active in that way too. I know that it builds something that is so much more than if

you sit in there alone listening to a program.

It’s over there. You can really get to be actually be part of a community here. This is

a movement of transformational authors and you are part of it. So, that’s it for

today. Have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful weekend. I will see you again on

Monday as we kick things off talking about eBooks, how to publish an eBook in 30

days or less. David Riklan has some really fantastic information to share about that.

We’ll also going to be talking with Christina Hills on How to Easily Create Your Author

Website… Without a Webmaster. Have you realize how important that website is?

Right, you know by now you’ve heard Arielle, you’ve heard John Kremer, you’ve

heard… actually no. John Kremer’s coming up next week. We haven’t covered him

yet. But, you know enough by now. So, Christina’s going to be covering that on


Alright, well, thanks again you guys. This is Christine Kloser here, the Transformation

Catalyst and Creator of the Transformational Author Experience and Writing Contest.

Thanks for spending this time with me. It’s been a joy to be here with you sharing

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Christine Kloser Companies, LLC

211 Pauline Drive, #513 ~ York, PA17402

Ph: (800) 930-3713 [email protected]

some more strategies and that foundation. Okay, I want you all to have that rock

solid foundation so you can stand strong and stand confident in sharing your

message with the world.

I know you can do it. I’m here to help. And, I wish you abundance – abundant

blessings on this transformational journey. Have a beautiful weekend. Love you all

and I’ll see you next time. Namaste!