For de r'.tprc. TO IIOWKSA, OS !U UOKtn BttTU IUY. Sweet littU eue, etM year ear ral. Sine thou to earth hdt cense, Te tkMr te beans of paraat dear. ,nl britMfa tkelr lne lw.e. . Eittht year kave lwi.lie tbos-a- w eel e ea j Firtt ssw jM of rtkt Aa.l jet. ef loTt and hyrl Tay heart hat ktooa no ileaitfc. , r TkouM Hill par i 1P') To thii Jrr if worU, but; th.oi I hick CvJ In merry lot t To orrin on of f nJ; Tfcere t g U J lea t llf Ad4 In Ihlr troubled hari Implant rur I Ob my tl7 Abow tirousfeout t.'.Ul fe, Ff from e"ry trootl-- J titf, An 1 'ry barrwwirj lrr. ! Avl rai,lthoa eerbl Thy ptreut brarti with lo rnMl frox' crth Gol ci'.U th. e To .Iwell itl Him -- - I Taiai lli-tt. Xr 1J,1-C- '. ! Correpotr.c of the tiT . CiyCIWATI, llarea 3, iifif J Ma F.wtoa : Th traetly. or filler ; ! Is ar. 8U d, at Xafier Collen Lncolm the 11 aoy ooe caudidate can upon the r Ieaat earalU propeonty of the . . ) ol th Township outtde of Uarritoti, aatiaa UariBir buiMmg. in. i which would nectsaary to it iu'om tirday upon awakening about , tun Tow ustiip i i ';üN, i irl O'clock, tM win-th- a Imaje ; o, all the other combined, of imu io tht glai in my o thi drfeel, Hd lor lh- - it waa a eu iLiifaetio !.- - tl poae tJ m the dernoliliou oT a floe manioo LT. lair deal Which .tod towrioir th. N. E. corner i 1 IoT con.ider.tu the I V0?" ofVineaad Third lha entrarc- - to i gate ayateru, of t!ie Mas Caen- - from Third which reached upj!b tlon. f? IfrVt ihirt tan You rroba- - ' ily rememUr )he boildiof. It wa, tn e!eCaot brick, two atorie high, with ui. ! aire Ionic eelucant in front. aoJ would 1 I ' .i...,t . .I. .im.! . . . . in mAit an th- -r W L.. M mm " ' - J place but Clscionati. Bat auch ii the pirit of imp ittneot hre-uc- h th mi-ni- a for fife tcry a tote frontsthat this ancient herita roast gie way and l dis mantled. Who the ruhbhh is removed the bank of earth on which it stands which Umorelha twenty feel abofe the lefel of ! , Third street, will h down and reraor-J- , j and that they will sink a cellar am ten or twelve feet and in a few weeks a rniee five aljry atone front block will be aeea looming cp on the spot. isbut a am pie of what is goiDg on all over the city. aew feature in this fat city u the street railroads, which traverse the city in all directions. These are aiwrua by horse powar. bot laat night tba experiment was , triei Of ruaniu them by a locomotive, and tpraved a complete success The hco caotire is the invention af Mr. Latta, of this tit, and is another triumph of Ciu , innatl genios. It makes ar tor ! than tht rattling of the ctr. enabli the to atop mora readily, and turns the Oraeri Without any trouble nr risk. Iwas in th city aad saw the first ground broken for tte Hot of railroads, ami ssia I was her aad had the pleasure of seeing the first locaaaotivt attached to the car on Toad. Theortaii,by the way, are great ioalilutioo, and a cheap one. Another I can't mich I was in the elty when that youns: man and hi wife, to he a never married, committed murder and suicide, iu which case both the murdered and the sui- cide got well; aad on the night of my ar rival this week, two ihocking murders committed. I lake it a a good omen that wherever 1 go the Democratic party decreases. The seasation of the week has been the advent of Madame Oaxianiaa, in an Ope- - . ratic Concert at Pike Opera Mouse, assist- - d by Signor Taaaaro and Mon ; Through the kiadaess of your old friend, Glenn, of the Gaxstte. I was enabled to work my way, and s and hear. TheMa- - ' dame is petite, piquant aad pretty, not so good .1 as Piccooiiui, but a nratti.ff ml . . Mr . a - m mi i .(.,. lillbhl.l I .1 K. A 1 C I W li.. m mm rmz .r.m.Vl. -- -- - 'posaessiog ereat volume compass i I be part of the programme auitaiced by f Madame Oaxsanixa was "Andante from TriTiata," Drinking Daett from "Travia j 'ti," assisted by Tamaro; "Ah! Mon Fils." by 'Di Teacater," and the aria of "Lucresia Borgia." id all of which she acquitvet bsrielf io a very creditable and , satisfactory man aar. Mona. Chenal intro duced a teccliar initruraent, which he nasaed "Piaaa Buaao." which snade fully i i aa much ..c a. a fig uoder a gale. though pttbapakaril, ao heart-r.ndin- g - To night I went te aea Mrs. F. B. Conway ' aa "Uanailla UaoUer " a which character aha lfar Supenar 19 Dra aaaw, especisl- - ly in lha sth and 5th acta. ih .. and particularly .. her Lu. band. Mr. F. D. Conway, a. Armaud Du- - Til. Maay parte wer rendered by heth characters with thrilling effect. I Matilda Heron and J. W. Wallack, jr.. take possession efthe National ir a week, ' - tf - 1 - !t.. on jaoeuay mjm. ,4 . nusinesa is opemog on I earl attsssaC thia ! spring with a refreshing briskness, aaJ most oftha wholesale houses have brought ' on heavy atockt of goods. Wetter o chants, I should think, would find il to their iu teres la to buy iu this city insteal of Kast. But of ana thing Ibey I.V. .Ina saIii lliAU Wa .l.s n.t Come .' .... - nreoarasl In mr , ui nlJ if.i'tt . w ill hn ro " -- j -- 1 .i..sfrai;ni.!. B trvi .ivw.Ma. aal.lfm. Leal im an. 1 tl.. r . , - - ....j , 1.1-i.i- .n ..if ruaiver id vbicu me Dviroeii iijuse is cost' . .1,..!..) k. lU ...iu,v.. a I ..tsn.;., ' . r r....i i.. leasees, nesars. wonosoo, 3a-- j a irrs v- -. BeyallT lUsIf no. famish a ore in v Ii 0ft bill q( fare than appesrs en their Üble, aaili. easy. uaifTiCted politaaess . esritb wbick tUey treat their ruesta. renaer , then Uth te leave aad anxious, to return ( The "IJareeU" ia s perfect ia alj ita appolntmects, as it ii invisible f.-- r h't saaa eHert. te) reaJer it. Hat it ii aidaiarbL au J tbe souivls of rattlior cara anJ rumbling wLeet are al mM hashed ta siW.ee and f hie rae ta ' sleso4tirtimisf lore.! ones fir sesr. ! .lsWla,. i Moat Esrwaraiir. -- We are pleased I iv leara that the firm of L!l. MeDocal Co. have been ao saccessful ia U.etr basi , aaaa io llis city, that they bate dctermi ft a a a a ea ioopn a Draeeo fcon.e in rVrt w ayee. j . anc is hit iii.tj i a vi . ( enterprise, aud Mr. Root, whoUkes charge f the branch, they find, possesses all those sterling juslitiea svkitrt) Q true gentiemao. Uaociaits Under tbe bead of new aj vertisectnU, will U found the H f..a.c? . . . . n is. uisdb oooi, oi ainul ail Colombia ttreets, Cincinnati. This ia one of the largest wholesale house ia the city, and one of the nd reliable. hare hand a baaey sUk of etJs, and our cooU their UUtuis ly giv-io- g thaa a call. s frt U Kl-e- , It I ceierallv rJeJ tht th vt.-- m .. IV. a ft.' . . . ' ik t it i , a ! ;.v-n,ri,on.- nu laucu. lur th pu ru .Air.. Vm. lcVj (of oven ill the Jiuai.ofhi. lifo ' Mary A. MKre. 11 of (hit city I ro of .IrUn. . . . i.i. i i the v. M. (1. allaf t. lb t i he d l.h ' . . . .... I .A.!.... i . .7.' V . year öfters. Iu, h.iii n.M. ol the Vice of youiiofl llf Zilll Smith. Rail, on tie ; ' ' Vrl,',r" Mr.. Walla,.. wU. mJ,,,!,,,,'" 1'" on the oore ofUrMMf.rh.rotL to Kli.U o ,"'r,,,it h,U; V.t,Wflw.u B Tuec.raw.. 'l H;iup.ifhHduatc.a.JikotMrl.onLUof Terre-H.ute- . otiectio;.- - t,iW1,t,f 'V 'JIK CI, L . , '.Z t liy Zei,as Smith, Kl(. tie f.im. in the ..K.jeef administratis, the uom l 1 h ' Ä ,m . C't'X' ' "J. Mr. Mil,,. N.whart. to MUs C " his UinUv, removed tu Ntw lai.ca. " ' Uli Terre-Uaut- e. ho!e.jtrmUcomf iB.urp,.r!M. aJ ... moil with the most wiriiiinL' wava. and ! C St. 7 rely Ciccm-- : all for down . i b roornicg, that r i I atartieü by ; . roam. Upon laborer j I remwdy I fouod . Of iririoff ion- - ; promotioj-juie- e and on io' atreeta. initeid vii street nt rr fort cut after lower, This uoi train the a coincidence ad-aair- whom wer , Chenal. with figure m and lleyerbeer; ; well austaiatd. uier- - ffoiof .Mi.. .eall.iL eold nearly will conciliate fomtr They will cone onjhl to li &U!il)i. When we runiiJrr the compact discipline of the Tarty opposed to u, J rooM.! r alio that th j:at i lie maclitury I y which thy preaeut an undivided front io 11 political cartr-ili- , a imilar kiml of or- - (aDizition appears to u a neceit j, in or der to eppuse them aucctfullr 1 ; at the . aine iiuie. a e rule to le at arty of rnne.ple, U leutr. ut to U particular! carvful that our ConYentioQt thill be wor Ihr of the cogence cf the IVop!,. lurei4arawiDSdiatif.ctioMnthe country, with the GTfrwhetiUtv rretond- - jetanccofthecty of Terre Haute, iu all matter of lhatkia 1 ; and a jt u.pinon that rtih personal conideutiuii, often !prcTailoertL.re..ple'.i. tefe.t. ir.c lomoip M narrii-Ofo;icSa- uoit.can alwav control the action of a county CoiiTeotbii in the tief Hoa cf can- - , . . ,, , . , Let h Town.hip oufide ..f H.rr.aon. cLlK 1 J Couve-t.o- n accord ,n lo ,U klr"!lh ,a IIir"M' To '"P uUid of the city of lerre Haute, and the t city, by ard, choose Dcleate- - according ; to the aarue ratio. Tho vote ( one of the i Ward of Terre Haute, will &Ur;. tpial ' to the- - eote of a Tuwnhip. ; Uy thi plan the roice of a iuj rily of ' the people can be heard, an 1 greater sau-- - t fjlion ivikAii than htf ilia n! I at.'it). i f A f " If... i. mt nli.tn whir Ihl fit r ... f I .1 J" VMinriumu, v.i, .i.v Haute, overhadoT nr.d controls the rest j of the Connty. ONE OF TH K PEOPLE. ro i. it ks s I o a i. . XXXVI CONT.ItESS-Kia- iT Sv.h,ios. WAHicro, March I'l. HUL'aU Mr. Washburue, of Wi ., of a a . .t . . I preanTie, Ketui rortl. tnai tne tnrl harnefut frand had been perpetrated on the Meoomoncc Indians, by desir.inmeu, reducing them to utter destitution, nod ; aiog for a select cotnruiltee to inquire in lo tb subject, and by what authority Ii. j Thompson Las received $40.000 of their j nty. These lodians hive always been j the most friendly term, with the Eni-- j tea State, and joined our lorcM in the Black Hawk war. A few year they owutd cetrly all rd tlx- - "ia:t ef Wiscou- - in haviog beu ilrfrauded out of their ' lind, they had bt. n reduced to a rery small reservation 1 Mr. Larabce desired to ctfer a resolution j to amend so as to call for all the corns- - j ponileuee on the subject. In the rour of his remarks he said, Mr. Kershaw, whe ' came here in connection w ith those Ir.di- - Ins, did in direct contravention of the wishes of the Department. He thought that the adoption of the resolution, by the ! Wisconsin Legislature in one day, by a itrict Republican vote, looked suspicious. Mr. Waahburne. in reply to a remark of fv T itiV.tt'i cii.1 lint th rrnit irln " " " the latter had not btn consulted on the , subject was Ucause he had gone to is- - J. , , . iTention, expectirg t be eleccted a dele-- ' gate to the Charleston Couveotico, but he did not succeed . fr f .arabi That is false, sir. Mr. Washburne- -I don't know anvthing i .. , t Mr. Larabee Then vo'i should not npsak I . . . " i (r Wat t. i- - , . I v no was a citndidate Uiere, but ! didnotauec Umr . MafMi,. ,t ,fiVI4p ; f fustvl to aat-peu- J the ruleii for the intro-- i duction of the rilutiou by yt.ts 113; i n' GO ' i . Mr. Da en, from ih c xutu;Uv tu rice-- 1 n' rrta ,,,- - - ; , wn contenting the r.ght to bickhs twa ,be j rMniiOkiaM t asArvav . sirs i c m. i s it i i ii i ii irtroVow . , .W..V s m. mm - V da-- s from the p.ssae of the resolution, v s particular atatemcat of ihe round of coo-- J . I a t- - The ! omened b.l w as taken up and 1,111 against FUOM WASHINGTON. Wasuisoto. March 12. An r,rn(.,t tn,i j,robsbly a'ucccfil ef- - fort is anakinu by thellovernmeiit. in con innti.tn wi Lh th lea.l i n s teleira nh iren t le - iuu of the . U insure the prompt! Comrit;on of ,'b.tsntial line of te'.e raph from the Mississippi river to Ssn Francisco. j Tt -- n eZT?h. m tf(.h f oun - I I j ta i 7 w w a m sitia wisj esw'io w on the utjt. The Homestead bill which pasJ the Housed dar PMviie that any rtson i whoi.th. be.d of. family, or who has i 1 rrieesl a: the.Ce of 21 year. ar.u 1- -a cm- - t a -- , .l.'l l....!..t..t.l I 11, uir i. -- 1.1..U....1.. u.vMi- - i.i. ini.rün,, u w.im, .f !, .Uli mt. T - . .. ' ' u tv'M '".I""" . 3 . . a rife mrlion f aim Wl.ica mT at - , . - , Itr.rijhts are secure,! to the aetnel .etiler ; to taa Je to tLe L,rs ar.J Joviales tL U'i i mtiich Tr ,Sr. yn . tec jrue liable f.r tre satisfaction of ,n.T i .letta e'.ntraete.l pr ier to the istj ef the1,. plrit . n. ..,- - -- ,n-r 1... I.n . w aäVs-a,- r - - s i m .. n .....t. I own I i' (Hi. I 1111, 14 nil ri intiii- - t 0ftirrH.a,t fjr two dollars, rurpcrtm- - . . , , , " n.., u- - v.l. 1 .... v k.s a, V. Il.rVi.w . IIa.,-- , T- - . fCairii as till a - sa s" 4 aw Uk'JTV sa. Hacte; sik-ne- sl A. W. Chance. Cashier. A. : it v ii 1 . .. . i rr.stcrt I io the cfT.ee at Terre Haute." ai rr.a.l S. V WilRir ll-il- r llate.l ! .ia.3.1i. A. Ilm .o ... -- ud. i U. i lbi. r.muni? . ad ...euch j , iIjOqIJ 1 1 Iii St fl ItOffli tOle UCfl eJ t'T T I tbiorof Ihe kial. The till sh im t;s is j ...-.- - . . .. . . . i miroKvea ltA,WbKÜ wcul.l mtima.e ir.ai ; i . ..... . . a conawetaote mtr c tr.. Dv to pet in circulation. L- -t the public look oul .or them. -- a. ... ... ij-- a " renny Mik,re.re is mort the latest Knglisb literary enterprises Well printed copies of the ptays be in far tiishe! sepsrstely to the public at tk'a sruall charge II will probably l Tery successful, like tie two peaty Waverly I Note!, tif Which, up to 1, twelve, mil . . liooaUetakailibeen aII. wfighing . w.rJsofXrit.ns. I ' I . . . Wa eoBfratulaU a. Fort j BtnV;pe House, hole ir- - i eti-Way- cd the acceaaion U their boiness gn Ur,mitijs.ted sa-j- r lle, ardrorre rAmmntiit Tla . f ... ..t .... .. .... .. of. en i)ii;u. I .. .. 11 . .. ii i. it . n i i a. ri . w. 11 a tw a 1 ar r a- - i.i i i in aiaixii fian s aa t r i a - Millrillr, Hulhr Co, Ohiu. ltwa. t,erejIu,e1,nolV up m wnuoij, no hU&bind r llMft Lj lilDJ, he un.ted with th PreaUfiuu Church. I MK?C0 .f She I aij tv have Lu & kioJ, unit-tl- , rfisrljordtf üil JctuUj Uiuch 1 tflott l l.y all Who llii W lit. lltr f'.hcr wt un of lLoe l.o ei.Jr arore.1 ta j Irani his f dtuily iu a !tutl)' rcligivui tuan r, rrlv iuu!liii religio. j n:.cij lr. t). hlrurlilll. l!itra in lhf Scriri,rc ,d , 1 lia il if tili f i I .t l'r. kfiL I f i ah I ln. K . ulif,, fsl. u iWküf ,oTf a Ciltrclli,; ,ai rUtf,r Uu,hl BV,lv et- - nn be fort? va'.lit-rin- i ar.iunJ t!..? lA-ni- a.T a)) j r ny t fl(niU hU , pruf( , rfJi Lit4llir u, ,.f,rv fr It wa in lhi ple (Mlllville; l.e Wi, . j :.. lülut2ä ut!j t'.e lift. M. 0. ... , . !Ic', the ij f VI. I he lieM of Iter hi.ta lajur wa Hiiaur., O. Un. f a ititt disposition, with Ironi reliji-- u prit.ciplct, ile nuijSj'fd with faithful- - the dutieof !u-- r hjoehold, (havirii at thai early ire, the pui' il- - ilir of a kfep tnoth r) ar.d kmi 1 all the dti- - tui.iiid tria! of '!ii)i:Tial litY,'' he wai faithful aii I k!r. 1 to a! with whom had intercourse. Iutheye.ir lr.'J, her hubar.d reuiOted to Tt-rr- llautt, theo a truly Missionary field Here tlay toiled and truh';led amid tuAuy hardship, eu leavorinjto tr-iul- hir familj in th. ,)Uia aa trht path of ,lutVf ut Uo in build up th caui i.f their Kede. m.r iu thi, i.ew nud in many nspect. ditl.cnlt iiiOH li-.l- On J uly 15;h iu the ?Llh year of hi ae, her btdoved htuhand w.it called iti re4t. This to lu r was a sore bereave ,Ueut, u- - now the of 1 ir-- e family devolved inea-uiab- ly upjin htrst lf ; but that entlet.e-- of dipositiou, t,d a1. . - ' . . t . smm oi r.i.out pr.uc.p.e mat o si- -. . i it i r i,jjv C'lÜf 1CUIIZ'' J l.CT rre!OU lilt', r.ow f a Kllone out with still greater lustre. To the yrcat duties no rctio upon her, did jfie hcrelf with unremitting diligence, bl.o V emphatically Mother in Isrel,a womit of prayer. With etrn-etne- s did he roslle for bet children and for the conversion of sinners t rery. whore ; and especially dil she plead with Ood.for Hir.ch ble-si- n: upu thatChnrch . . . . k . ... w,t.h which hd been ldcutihed io ma ny ye Rri. The llibh? was her favorite reading and tncdititioa, and rauch of her lime was giv en to clost derotiuns. She euj.jyed the blessed privilege of eeii;,; cvry member of her large family mutiny with tl church Her PUce in the sanctuary wa ttver va caul except in ca.os of mc1..m. She iorei tne pri)er liietun turn wwmu ahe rieve. that thee rneetios were attended by so few of the members of the church. She was a moih-.- r beloved willing to make any saeißce for the tfxrl of her chil- - dreu and especially did she strive to in still into their youthful micds, true religi ous principles, warning them of thn snares andteruptatioiis. that every where bt et the path of youth The loss to these bertuved one can never be repaired. Yet they can rejoice in the sweet hope that what i their loss is her eternal ain. May they follow her as she followed Christ and when they too, ihall be called from earth, may they meet in their Heavenly Father's house above, an unbroken family to go out no more forever. Klnawat. A frightful runaway occur- red yesterday afiernoon, on Second street, which happily terminated without injury to any one. A colt, not well broken, had been at- - lacKf"J tö a al lh tMeof DoughtJ t Smock, and Mr. Smock Retting into the buj'T, the Colt irctr.( di.ttely Started lo run. Mr. Smcck, who had been nek and beiag very wesk. was unable to check Lim up, ... i . : : fu: ti. i . n against bitchin,; rails arounj mc .square, ups.itin and breaking the buggy. Mr. Smck was thrown out onto the cround, but only alii.tij brui-e- d. '.... A the Colt turned into Ohio strof, it knockeJ do n a lutl irl, and the bucy wheel rn ovrr her baud, Lrulsit g it slight otb.rwi-s- he arrearcl to be ni- - . ,. v. .,u,,M1.- -. u,; Orocer on Wabash trttt, removing his stock from one store room t, atLir, had ig catd.ee. ru.., dc.de .atd MoPPir.g st the doer of hU new store room, removed io jr- - from the forward cod of the cart, hieb de.troved the equilibrium, and tilt jn ,,p rrccipi aled the content upon the . ... . piVfiiient, shattering Ijl j lira and scat teriog candies an I other aweet meats in a,i direction- - it i verv im,ortint to aU a lh5 ll4,itf; it rt.cr .e- - jy We lu 1 th- - hn lie of meeting our j , , v v. :f !' m ,L rcr.r. t.iV. ".k a l..i l.i- frnm , t " r- - ... 9.,.., ..f t,r, l .... V tnti.ri m ! ui 1 1 min rv.,uS!. . . I IT w 1 il'MH. Aillli: IU II. UUUf (l IU .1... ..t t.,..:.. -- .I- 1.,..- - v-- K.. I.. , !'" - " 4 .r. . ... .- - . Th , afsvette tv, :rier y. U at the Chin, Jvzz lers left 11-- . s-- , 1 f ... ii u j lt a ii. n h g n .. tt '. '11 Ti I'.sl clv a'j.l iv the t ? . ... i t rv I ehav. . ... ' r-- t Wr Ihtp rifitirlhira . (f, ii'n 11 111 itiim.u hiw. ihst rterestie f.tct iu ire him rr-s- .i: jwr urw.kVI viisge, ii., tJ f J r i cms. I fin l el p a.e.w- - .fai.n i.i.n,. u ,.rr.n u,n :. is in it waunn IO-- r nr'cKf.ts f r irrrt:n;?r :ls h:$ l;oe oar nif s wi ;...v.- - tt.e.r ,n,ereu, c,U .Io w.il .iven- -e ,.ir,,s,t.,r. i,rn ;7;:-xt- y :. " P'erarel Utstta hcrse hdls .he heat I.rrt .wi.ee. Crcrvl J de . sinr'sach kic lefhb w.fk well ether k iuj, can have l!?eir rJers fil , Ue Im.; at the F. pit ftirg EtsV!nimertt. BcautV Of BaOOa'l Youth. lie won lore nml Ietnred to vrin no woman tame wa uracijed by hiin into lha inue. He iought no rictoti e. like liiere of Blount. (Iq brought no Iii IUlei-l- i, to the cheek ofne wltolovt d him more than her own iood uarn. No Kich, as tu Mdtiey ft ct8 ever. Hlosheik whan he wa uamed His life was pure a that of Milton or tha of Pascal, though, unlike the juet of Paradise and tho Jensees, he lived in a court where irallantrr was in voum and beauty waa bought and 8")ld. How then, with all Iheso friends, with nil thesa cl.iiins on love and htlj), did he ?iot win his way to place? He aouirht it; never nun with lime hastu or zeal, for his brain beat with victorious conseiuuHnefca of now er, he hundred to rule mankind, aud his bldod had that lierv btre!) 'rth which glows into white heat at an im- posing blast. Tnio tnieatiou raust be tried. Why, while men, with fir hiwer claims than libs, got posts and honoi solicitorshipö, and embassies did this man come to pass the ripe age of forty-si- x without gainiu power or place? Can it have been because he was aervile and corrupt 7 If bo, lo3'ic is a lie, mortal thwones a sham. -- o e Si:WAKDS SrEECH IN THE SoTJTH. The Paris (Ky.) Citizen sajr: Mr. fully satisfied the expecta- - tioiig of his more judicious friends whiUt ho excited the surprirse of his political opponents by the moderation and conservatism of his views. His speech was entirely free from person- alities of every sort, being as calm and passionless as if the speaker had no ambition to gratify and no wrongs to repel. It gives one a lofty idea of his intellectual ability and self control, and produces a wish that its tone and temper, its calm, philosepical styles could find a larger number of imita- tors in congressional discussion. If the country could feel perfectly sure that Mr. Seward's moderation is sincere audnot assumed on account of recent events, and a view, mainly, to tho chances of a presidential nomina- tion, this speech would go far toward calming the existing excitement in the public mind. And, whether it is sin cere or not, this effect ought to follow to a certain extent, for, it is assumed, that is an evidence that public senti- ment in the North requires that aspi- rants for the Presidency shall freo themselves from the charge of fanati- - ci?m and take more conservative ground in the treatment of the great question of the day. mo Remarkable Lonoevity. Mrs. Pat-se- y Alen, a resident of Cloverdale township, in this county, has attained to a most extraordinary acre. She was born in Orange county, North Caroli- na, in March, 1714, and is now aged one hundred and sixteen years. Her mental faculties are considerably im- paired, yet she can converse freely, can walk about the house, and says her appetite is as good as ever, fine is the mother of eight children, two of whom were o;m during the revolu- tionary war, and four of whom are still living. Sho to Putnam county a widow about twenty-fiv- e It years since, and is now living with her youngest daughter. A near neigh- bor of Mrs. Allen furnishes us these facts, and vouches for their authentic- ity. Grcencastle Press. A Cuaious Political Forüery. Ainon:? the letters found in John Brows carpet b.iLjby the Senate Com mittee, was one signed by A. H. Smith of Janesville, promisingldrown the aid of 600 men from Wisconsin, for his liberation. Senator Doolittle natur- ally inferred the letter to be a forgery, and so denounced it to the committee. IIq also sent a copy of it to Smith, that he might deny its authenticity. Smith communicatee the matter to the it Janesville Gazette, stating it to be a baso forgery, thanking Judge Doolittle for his kindness in promptly calling his attention to it, and offering a re- ward of one hundred dollars for the perpetrators of the forgery. This ia suggestive cf the character of the in- formation obtained generally by Got. e MU wu ukee Sentinel. The Jeddo, Japan, correspo-d'-u- t of th Concord, H., Patriot writes: "I sincerely fpity the Japa- nese, such are the knaveries and tricks foreign merchants will practice on these simple miuded and ktud hearted jH'opIo; and sueh vices will be practic- ed by tho mass of seafaring men who s will visit these potts. I waa ashamed jn'ld humbled this afternoon wheal ii saw an meruan 01 our snip ucaa druiil in tho street, and the Japanese l(,kt(l on in amazement and apparent . M'Ir.e. 1 lie Lu nli.init i v wlikfi com I .1 .. lulruuul" ."-.- i. .i.,-:- , nds viii iv.iitu ii iii.n tuiuiucin; !r to foreirn a chriatian than the e. fGov. Vi'iaoin hisla! speech at at Hichmorid, refstrinje to the ltarrr's a terry raid, uid .. the foil owin ex- - Pression: "Kubies would not wm me !tAtll th facta of the rnid .f Jnhn , u .1, 1' I .I Will liVfc lUV WUIIU C thcr all thf.iCt3 in Diy TOPSilon, . or ail my opinion on th iubjct of l"u,,W'. sic -- iu5. n ih dr.r of creating further! prhar.a he knew too much about the MTiir f,r the $af,ty of .ome of hi. I . i n r. ,.r,l. ,r ii i. 1stui.ti.t mviius, ii ,i was . r4Vl'Sf CT!7The LrJon Xiei nf lh . .rU '.ülü ult.. IAVÄ Mr. HeenAD. the American r, t,u biUrlvnan in rmf.i.U :. r...v..,v- Wl W'thi t!lt "HffllCia I.OT.' hl l'.catrU litnilf at Last llamhani. ad. i;.Lr. .L.r. , i JT- -- s nickies sire, that after rqan yg. jn-t- ; .frutn l'aradii? it wasu't Wutth A-ds- the time such application IS n'-a.l- i suo con.c uu".ir.M ai.n iC lifinf a ; - , .1 1 'r SiiC ßnüS 111011.10 t nr. mHitin I tl.'l'i or ifrr . 1. . 1 . r . . . orO arrss at f2..V3 ter acre . . land who hardlv practice ' ' tmn,re itbM s in pr pr ion the o certtficste or pateut n to i iied, .vtrtujani are tar worae rtll t,t axrirÄtiot cf fir. yMrs fr m the population than auj county in lie Piste j,,.., l0ni tlT Tisit." Ja of entry, at rw psy nneat cf ten t!ol ..a.. ctiaens U jCBliy ,,11 !. uiui raid . at roost . 'I.. ,,f y. he preserve ' ttier r t. ll at , ih.ir tits. . r , ... i.i,, mm to st II.. f..l ,i. i'.'-- 1 iff ir; f-- i.- - to to tc dji.e. as ,0 - ahame Seward came of a. 1. re e-s--s Ii ... iiiloji. to Mimir. n the Mh int ly lUnty) Hiekl. diuhter, Mmsrot. Mr. Tbom 8. l'o'itg. Mi 91 ict. i PrLtr nut., arri Kern, iawaBSsWBsaSs H v an Diso. Of apoplexy, at the houco of Noih Beymtr, it 3 o'clock yesterday after. noon, Mr. KumtTH McPiDWff, relict cf the lite Col. M acorn McFaddeu. FaoM St. Lot ia We refr our readers to the card of It. P. Ober JL Co., wholesale grocers, St. Louis. The Messrs. Ober aie wtll and favorably known to most of our buaiueaa turn, and tkeir acknowledged integrity it sufficient guarantee to the good character aud re apociibility of the firm. Tlie Scandinavian llla and lnrtncr CaciK.vATi, July 1, 1 5iS Dr. W.KeaACK. Dear Sir:--- In reply to loqutnes made of me, it gives me pleasure to say, thit Mrs. N Atlee, or tha Society of Friends, and widow ef the late Dr. Atlee of Cinciruati, previous to her going Kast, expresel her confidence iu the efficacy of your is- - aadmavian Ketsadies, and the benefit he derived from using them. She had been aunVtring from general prostration St times, beiog over seventy six years of aire, and ophthalmia and inflammation of lha face. Various remedies were resorted to wihout relief, when ome friends ree- - omended a course of your Scandinavian IlloeJ Purifier and Wood Tills They had the desired ttlect, anil she was considereJ as restored to health. I know many who have used our med icines, and sp-'- k decidedly of the benefits derived, thus testifying of their renovating ioflueuce in purifyiug the blood and givirjg vigor and euergy to the system. ILy have in' cordial approbation. ery respectfully, Your obedieut servaut, S. J. Itaowsr. Itev. Samuel J. Drown has bean a devoted aborer in the ciuse of Christianity, in Cin cinnati, for more than thirty years, as almost every old Cmcmnatian know a. Such testimony, from auch a source, is not tobe passed over ligtly. No other Pro prietary Remedies ever pnsented to the public, ever received a tithe of the com-mendati- oc from ME OF STANDING, in every walk of life, that miae have 4ue. be advertisement. Tcrro Haute Produce Market IPPLK- S- PryHydes ll OrleH per buahc.l ti LAKO per lb 1112 (Jreen 4050 LKATHKR BACON hole 4 ft, a?V9 Haras t I, lis,.; Jlsrnn do 302 ShoutJers, V 7 LIM K, bush 25 Sides MOLAKsfcS BKKP I S.U. gall 5.?C0 Freh N. o. So 4ns50 rle.1 0 15 O N 0 N S , h ,0(ii ,5ä0 RKANS. white.... PK AC HKS IIKKSWAX, l. Ä25! IrieJ,buU 2 5t BUTTER 9 fc....i5 POTATO Ks CANDLES IrUh, bush...... 50 Tallow, e a,.12i.al5 Nwret Jo 75 Klar 25 KICK p s, 7 C11KKSE SALT W. Reaerve 12,v; OMo River, bbl 175 K. Dairy 15; Lake, M.l 23 Country 8w Sack. 14 lb 0 COFFKK JSOAP Kio, p U15j Bar 5J1I Laxyara kjs, soli, all ja. 9 a, . L liAK ('HANIiKKRlES.. .M Hrowc f . 11 KCfG,.l4Zn... "tl( CrusheJ, O 11H FEATHERS, p B,3iilO SEEDS FISH Flax, buib.... S3 MackerelNol tb 12i; Clover, do.... 0 (Mi N2kitS75 Timothy lo 1 00 Fresh, lb io TALLOW 9 U Faloon 9 .... lSTKA HckledHerrlne ti 25 V.M. f J,.. 75 CoJ prlb Imperial ,Hjl M PI.OUR, bbl.. W 3 J( I dun Fonder Jo N) ORAIN Btarr 9 B, ..V31 no Sbest.bush OCtflUi TUKNIFS, bush 3tS,a) Cat, bush 50 TA K, (ill K;e, buih 5t VINtuAK. rail 20 Corn, bush 3 WHISKY, all. 85 fllDKS WOOL,Vsaihed23?31 Green nwnbrJ lr,.L SPECIAL NOTICES, ! Go to Miller's Fine Art tiallery for tbe best Atubrotypes, rhotographs.and nil kinds of pictures. -- - A Good Mkdicise McLean's Strength- - eniujt Cordial and Blood 1'urifU-- r is one of tbe most usfful anJ rlcaant beverages of the day. i mild ad aicreeable ti the ttc, racing tbe nerve, giving heallby tone to tho toaich,and Imparting a glorions appetite. A wine glass full this Cordial taken ttaro times day, will be better than a family physician, as no other med- icine will be required. For ladies it is particu- larly recommended, as it trenfflhen tbe libs of the "weaker vessels'1 Is sn sstonishisf dog-ree- . See the advertisement in another column. Tüic Griat DiscuViRT or tbc Agk. Prof. O. J. Wood, In th discovery af his unritulledj Hair Restorative, has confoiro upon mankind ; lattinz benelt. Nosuch sovereign remedy for all diseases of the hair has evtr b.fn disco ved. Never known to fail.of accomplishing all that is claimed for It, thousands now daily use it with infinite advantage to themielvc. Ktery 'lay the proprietors reolv letter testify lag to its mer- its, in. nuiii Tltini-th- " bn Tis retnltin .from Uf. To those who are iu llii way afnieted, st mi commfii-- l the Hair Kestorativ at a safe in.Frf- - Itabla S thu s.lvtrliemint In anoth- er Col umns, w hrol will l.e foun.. teti itionial from numerous well knswn firms and individ- uals. Iepni A FAMILY NECESSITY. T'av followiri; talement .tV for Itself: "In liftinf, tüs kettle from Vn fire il eaUfhl and scalded ray hands and pria tn vry levrrely ns hand almost to crip. Tlie torture was almost uabearable. It was an wful ieht. Tbe Muttsng Lisiment appeared extrsrt tbe aln almost immediate:;. Il haalf.l rif i.üy au left no scar of account. Charles Fester, Cju, Brotd street, Fbiladelphis.' It is truly wonderfutar- - licle. It will cure aay ease of .willing, Burn, j Ktiff Joints, Kruptioni er Itlisnmatism. For Henes, ll st.ould aever be dispensed i:h. i'se j Dollar's werth ef Muttsnr has frequently save4 vstusbte hor. It cure GslJs. Sprains, King-- ! bone, Spavin sal Founder nf imiU-- i lions. Tbe geauise Is sold y resp.- - table dealers is alt pittsef the world. BA RNKS A PARK, ma? wlme Proprietär, N. Y. N E W ADV CUTIS KM KN TS. r. ODES 4. ilKB. r t. atsr.u n F.. P. OBER & CO., Wholesale Grocers,' msllJwiia ST. LOUS MO. WHITE 5c WILL, Auction and Comainion Herchanti. f f AVINO eaabVsHed tbern.eltea permanent-- ' Illn the city of Ttrr-Htite- , en we.t id tfee publle qasre, nett d.xir t K J. Wo'.le'i ei lstane, will eil ro4 of all llilinci f. fcraect close ot ttrxks slt farnUore mske slrsnses en eoräcemer.ts, sod 1 all tlk- - er msttersand tfcirr perinlr.lnr I le Auel n ; an4 Comralsa'.-i- bis aea Ttsy will ilu attcd paV.lc sales tß ry f tt efihetnotty.anrassitsleter-s- j mas.lwjtn f! jr TS T O "V TJt Tt TS T "l. MISSOURI LAND ! fK af414'lk ACKKK Fn ALK AT r T La If i! In nt nf y. he lucal of tbe " ' ' . - A V0NTII ANU ALL I.lFCkKS all) tit-.fr-- . f t r-- -- ir 1,' A f, . 1 tJulll. 0Jv r An Arotl wstted In everj tews scd NarfJ.f u.. dca'i k: y.v r env, of oar . f ' n"-- t Ua.fr. .W.V:!-- . !. T'.1 i'", a i hit lytiju. i ntit; i3Lria. ?ov rrsi niy tsriisii c- -r "i nnpr j e.;reior jr: !.os - .1 Toti'.hft:! r.a. ' ... ... I K.n.i.i. 44.... fi' 1 II s . V . .. , t ' " lVi" ' ,,,.;,l,1!,ov,ri N..k.U. !? lie arivar Del it tli nata rommitt. " - t j 1 i t ' . r' I 4 I ! . .. i . i . . !. t . ... t ii 1 l . . . I.: , i , - - fK'tla . III. e ; . - . . ii .a - 1 ' l 'fill. . i i . . - ' In stvleanJt.o , I Wi . r . i . . . ' ; v 7 swj . A ' . . . n . . : ' . . ! . ' ' ! i . . . . . . . . ' ' w . . I I p . 1 1 b us 1 1 1 ! .. 4 5 e I a a j 1 a . 1 j n a I ) I a j t j . . , u r 1 j j . . ' 1 I j . I ) - r. . , , t ii -- -t 1 l r . . . . . i a r r , . . r . t . r 1 ' r a .. s I j 7 t f n . certti and sfll.... T A A tvs and PA I r. TK ptoc are4 fie rar , kssers of land, under the Grad Art Piste fnralsk atls v Jin a i , iumr. WH!, KtwuSus a iv, ! Keai rtat and C. l.sd A rents. CH st'eeteteeei 3 ! and a. fotAdwjm f v. I :te, Me. v.ImM. p.. fr SaiT ' ... 1rj scree ftne Tlsnker I.ioJ easi ,ue Gi tne watsh.Ppsitt rrrif. cr rt fkrtlsalsit ea-sir- eef u luerl .Im " ' " MVifto Dixar. Q B 'S U a. a SIS. 0 er Z. 5 rj O an c m M m S5 a n Ö r- - 25 ei 0 Q 5 v. w e. I o vn D 3 o o o & H O ii m 3 3. an D a o a 2 a 0 LJ D 0 s ' O 09 r-- CD m J C3 O o 03 cr o m s Urn !2 o tr ft IT ß o 3 0: T3 ttt O u. o o a vr p a- - a n a. a. a cr ? Cm. tt 09 c in -- s o cr rr c e la s a o c 3 3 a O 5, - O or H cr c R C a Sd -- s S3 a 4 Si s M cr " o B o o t a to 1 r w rr Q 0 o c p 5' r- - cr Q c cr -- s r I H 8 er a o t tr o O vr 5 er 9 LI 1 S 0 c rr 52. e a ta o I R o w tr, o o pr x 2 9- - q i va Km o M Oi 03 ß T3 mm, 3 K o ' JV O s s-- 2 i--e O - in s o a Lj c c cf a ..a o M rt ' . 03 o cr I - K c tm o H o 3 c s 1 v K 5" cn m o o 5' Q to o 03 iH O B a. O O K 3 H e 3 ? s"" U o ZD o te e. 1 CD R W 01 Li. - tr o o sr o e1 2 o mm IS P O. m 0 s, "a e3 0 0 S H r a 2 e aw D Xa O e B g 6" et wj P Ä e P O ft- - si a O rx j 5r, tr j i I I j , Notice of Attachment. .lst Vtipert vs. W ia. MrCrorklia AtUtk-wettt-efo- re t.. Iiiy, J. P. T ft r. llf? Bled in my cCce , af? la ll. et- - lltC I rO Itlt Ike J 1fffn.fBt la lodefcte 1 Mas aad last the aefeadaet Is a aea-reeUe- nt ef ssuei, crsa.is as a ones ..1 uercti.Unl. w Uatetore aai4 defendant 1 berety naUft- - e4 te h sad appear Wes rae at rav effice la Terre Urate, a U ink diy of M.rrk. 1- t laaVleek a im.therwl, said wCl ie dsiermiues. i i ts acseae. i JaMO LAMBLRT I'VV,J. I. Coaxniiiioner'i Bale t i - irrmui'i. - r4 i M. M.'UVKCOX.remmlis our, TTTTinPKXlM HAO ASlÜO-7- ar kftrrt eisifsivwlr4setv prue noi'ri irm iesviav.' or isciaaa, an-- t raaiisi a writ or I tact-i- s S. 'si scre.lo srv c,sscllty re,Biie;t, lett to te 1s tod by ana. liiin the roods M i. undob-- the ece. train- - T -- ill ef urn cwc,-- . ! T LlVeeÄyi paid, j.:i.b .Utt Perrurtkerinfomsti.aa;ritt eiaBt a toe rjrkee'a 5 inffir I. 11. 1 X ratrle, knows sttse Kstdt Ks em. ll ts MTi ul.tit e iu... w.i .t. i. vi., H.. - i o !' i " Vr ''"TiW1. WV aJ-- r oU4t,; T VaeafcVaVt !r th? t'on ".,cr3 Cliattlpionthlp tlmr,liaitc plecty ttrofsetiooe town 1Y. tef elrlt; slsotbei b j . :.;os-at- tr. t,!,.!.,..,! ivttir. ' , a cofntoya an I larp orcksf I ti th- - r"'' ; town U, raire t. ti.'.e te tale ps are oatke jq., . !. . Mflelii u I yv-H1"- '1. rv-- i l0 State of Icdiaüa. Caaty cf Vigo ts. : Viji Court Vi'it.AjTil 7m,V;; liribc Ar.'i . Jf-e- y.h Rrr tt, .1st e Hiirrttt. I. Ii hi.vJ. it. i.tt 'i !! -- 4 i. Jiuei Cro't, John !rjer r 1 Ji.Üvr I..IH lui Petti 1 jn f.sr Dewr r. it renjeitl.-r- tl.t uUf C . f Tcb-ruirj.- l. BK iLerifclct-fl- r c.nrtfi JT-s- - ctt, btr AUti3s. Ln-- 1 in t- -J l " 'lt,; brCim Uu.Urj:,-- S Iii- .? r r.i."t. to;-t:- . T Witt the a!c'i.ivit Ms 0l a n tpi pu eowiM'-.fi.- t v ,ti..M tltt tk 1 ii ft-- hat dtrm n . , I a K..: !' f tt ''' im. J Lf .11 .1 I r J ut 1 t U rrr " :. te in- - tiß.JfiitUtilO.crr n. ! r;r ili on of t!. B t TLi iLrtif lu-ll- ÜSUte.outL MV. .!vr..tsj Artl (or tr.al. plck..i ;ifor J.r.ur to U .' J .at j f p 1 1 a.: 4 ; KKA 1" 1. S T l.KMKDV lNlllh 'ya:i:ii.i, IM Iboni ; fc v. o i: M. 1 Lis CfrtilU Mail lad frra a tC-liUilc--1 ar.t Ii 1 .tti'rm :. iu . . it.mi.in will' U fJ :,m,!t I n) .'.C,b4 cUtnvliy J .'.le.-nut.r.'i-.'l- y. -- ! w tn ..: 'oi" l io ti.ctl valu lie i.iei.c'.i.lai US AM. V. 1 i.KIN t" l?i k KäilrcKiiI Aciscy : - m - . . S "V i The Old and Reliable Lcllcfcntaiae HsTilröüd Line 'I Vli: i ,1 e !,r: .rrr'. 1 u ,10... .New u, !:.;.,r,-.(c- , : t'-- .. I, , t the ., , .. flihailuS.lo. nt.sVms. v t t f. f.,, f r Copli'.rt. V spep-lowe- st ie. er-.eU- i b tL in s ii-- ' r- - ,if jtc:J cr i i..,i.- - .r 1 .u w:t.i . u- -' yj ' jMI sjf. u l.M ... t. O . , 1 dl"f V Mfc ! If . tci wtr JrL o xtl o rv 1 . THE OLD hTAKLlsi:M BTJIIiDBR'S DEPOT! .l?flis Ooor?, IS. in d , i Ajiö ICo ntr ac iLig in O en ? r 1 . 11 K F.N KKMvf.'D H ' oiTu' .? KAS Aiha Ho!!ar,,.'i v.' 1 an rr Mrk-eu- ' Wirrl.o'j.c.rl.f'r I (sf ! i : .. 5 mi. 11 I r.-- i 1 ii.t a w 1 il i:'ir lit nl w: r. y aewru.-a.nrrss- e 1 httt .n a i - liwe. iutroJuce ,0inf wem- - ii'Stt.lMerv, t.il Witt üb! mi la cor.;" I 1.) 'f thaiuutyUii l.r.jUt 1 1 lere, ml ?f:e:l tioa ia wrtrki:anr:ij Itnif .To tt. -- sr r'llS I will y Uiii I :.- -!l rr i'-i- o . t Ii u Candle i4 l.e-iT- u kirj l.av :,Mf tr Lad iu t'lticiiiina r .- K.ir th a; jrsnt.eiit hrn t-- inr n tux.-i1- . 1 r.esr'.fott M.t-t.- . m how return u) lrotL't atteiitisc t t.i-.n- l 1. m; s niu ! )ur isi.tr. i.i irr. ........ li- - YLl-- v - BKÜVN & ö II IT Ii , ArchitrctH afid fAK Ijcatel al.Ne.'.V ,,?l( i,fio lf v arr j.so jiiCv.' T trt.l i J'til. Man.trtlluU ,,, , ! ,,"ai ril-l,- r!l,J buHdl tevet-- y tri.t..ii.l.'l' i r '"; trjirt fur . elo iu me. '",5: tti u.,rt . nit te i r.. a!:-- jal U I . ... mm! imrruve.. Tba b..tuf rn.Wfsrisen if ie ;i.uo i. fe-d- atf C9 e--t 0 IT. P 0 -- 4 - OM Ö ja o O rs 53 OO Hi MW?-O0- Nr H Öl! w V mm Ll M w 5? WS I J " s -- 5 r o s C O ß a a P r? 03 & PH I r 1r Ps - 5 S3 Q I mm . - ti ia' 0 ' O 4M r o fa. -- s O ml u T O i S a No. 12. lijggNati'rnallJlccK-- . Terre Itautc, Indiana. V I IIMIS TO ALLOPKW TlONS IN HIS V Irofcs;.in, 1 n anr' f.i i mi :.; i;., t h j m a n t.er. Thankful tor th" ; receiv- ed, toutii.tiit. ' t! e ai.i-- . jy 11 dawtO r r : . - r . , - ' . - ''-- 7 I - - - - V'-- - ' I r - - ":vi."- - Missouri Land ! s. r. inijnTiTi fiii v ct., General Land and Re?l Estate Ag'ts l)enlrr in LtnJ ICamnr., Slorl$, .- - . ; N.rtl w ff' . i, r Tr - l f . i . I 'Hi--- . . . Piriifulir ati i' j' i t ' r r. !; Iii ' te 1 La;,.tt Olif Ilii!li..l1 M ( fr.r h' p r i ' in.. trvux l.'S. to .4 enls pe. i( r,-- . Patents ai. ltix ; ! . in. : alt roil .7 in i,.o:in. Furt.,.' u Van.p for j !; an' !.rifrr ...iii'ti llr- 17 !.!:! O KNTISiT H.! - C. O. LINCOLN. I). 1). fHceOsi'i itmt'M ! ,r 1!,' ,.( Uh tt1. HAVIMi I.Ot Ail. i I'J.It'fAM.MI.V in r I,'.)!tv ! u r. I.i. ..r- - Vl.'es t.Cie It.e'i th tl S at I i j. ountrs a!-jr;(.- .,j partial t ol I ti In-T- ! . m i! I, v.j, ,,r j.Ji!jn j ,- - Ins tjle i.lt rjr.r.-'- . '.r ...jjd..), ,, f., r prlnrjp!. an I '.: f- - ! r :, ,,. , , j r Ve : 1 It opt n.n I i!' the ..!.! ' (.. take tl.r.,. . , i S their t.v.,frut "t ap;.eur.:.fe al.sll . 'ale a'- - t'Ttiisl. F.U.t.j: and ettrM,ntraref','y -- en. t dl to. . All w.-.i- warranted. KO.o-rjivc- when tr..!rM ( ,r th - o rr r , , f j teeth. Aprti.-lwl- . ' . ... ... ; Xi A M I' S . f A1 OH. an ! COAf, OH. LAMPS. Tb Is one of tt.e tUej itll u .1 !i;v,,. 5n u.e, 1 he tl '. t r ati J u ; in , , , v r ( ,, Tbe Urn; i arj in t i. ' . HAND LAMPS. Iii KA CK LT L ?.:is S'VLVr.f.Nt; L.MI'.- - ! A I i 1 1 i ' . ii ' ' . 1 v u s in t r 1 1: i . I i !i,r ill . Wf to kt. ',',,o, ti.,:i,,.i i.f, l.uri t r 1 1 h i u. i v v -. a?. . .. .; . ' 1. M HA 111! .V Co . i "r in at. i V? v r ' I - . VI win 1 Meat Market and Grocery. K TT.KI.tflAH Ulis .V I.lUNd'.IoN I L tji a I liart i . f jfti 1 a t ;..i!i. .., , in t - ( . ? , rrft and pro V I l" . , . fu- .J f . t ; , li,t ifm tHe i..ttr. i or r I .. .' e r... ; :. , v ..... .- - ... . .. .- ... u it ii.. iioiii i' i i.i i ui 1 i . ! ,.ru: ... t j. MsrSet tleM, Vj.'s.;e I r. ". e. a f .T ; P-'- t' i.i C.HCJKUIKS AND I'ilO VISIONS 3 tVri' !.i C.e; Willfurti 5 t" '! m'. ia ny f.t'ir t1" 1 w ItS tl-e.- - '.- - s rk .:le-- s. j ireiii lest: of r.s t- una'i'y sn ' i'li- - 1 l.. c i. S'atjjl sti .tid. J7 ;., .l,S -- if tfdtij ir . ite-- Ii u'i arl - It.!!'' .tk. Ihkf viim or:i-- . !.'1J'.iii M I M,1 , IvSTHAY NOlK'i; Sutt of Indians, Vi ;' Oinrty, tt : taken r a an eiirr er.tle i 0; I r ary . ' ty Ttir kr 1 Ptck u, ,, ? m i, .ry Ciaek tt.sri.it.ip. a wL.la e , , yty.u pk'e j 1 ;e i at. I red a:. o-- ? r ci J r- ; o.l.r 1 s .me i;att. - f t.f'.n trB?'l i t. t Its kip with ttie lel.er I , i ai.out li j.rr'i.I; an. I r; r. ; 1 it 1?,' ""v Prt;er :i r,,t 6 and "ti 'r;ce. nn t'.t 1 i. nf ll. t M ll.i.a, .'. I." A trae i Ü. Ftrav Ho ur '' f5n3 ANH. U ILKlN-s- , t i'k. TV'OTI T--- 1 l erebyjneuti.it th.-r- e eleriK. lt 1 ei t h.i ' NJ be si n ...I'-l- l ! i.s I her. k. Pierson tnwi .skip. Vine. ..tv. In ! .aturdsy.Mar 17, W).at 1 1 lo k, A. V ., i r I ths purpose f tl'uliK ihn Imiielr.il fSvirrk fly otser of the! ra'ee, fetewt KTTTAkkll.Ci.maa Cicrk M- - - .iMmwntl-i- . $ fJ-7- . U'nXf. '..mim m 0 t - .u in Iii J ' '; ' i . i:i.(mi 1 IWiiirr. p fnrf Tfltin Afirr Tskine. f.i, I.CfU w- -J tis.v vi. own jo icb ni.na 'i inrn.ux; i, "o:, V. i'.i Ccrr ItJtH.VfK I .v. 1' P.: .:r ;,!., a (''a'-hle- f :wert. wi.'i ;4 ,.. ( -- , vi z s; 1 ii.ull.alle reut. r'r lor lUi I LtlVli rvf r Inowii! I. N .. : u : ' tr ti 1 cue tr.tr.tlt tlel.y re-i.- i..t I tv. . V. leu tt..c;!. Itsn.j2fr.ee ll fel f"uM;il,r. ;!iMi ty cinoftLd bT. fön-I- . ;.. : 1 J r tiriaUl uu i f Uf bloo-S- . II 1. . tr.'..: ir.v t;S'-- as i:t Liter in the stow ai . si ! tr rs.:hers tbe wtoh : wuwutgw.-ouuf- a vw. i fici ;:r KiUnv, mi all Di-a- c aiis:if 1 fr,.-,- . ;. i .,irj:r,:i i.hrr or M Msrh Isire- - llwiMt, tr.tvar.l IV.e, Ati-til- or s, Il'.rM .iu.fii. wf liU.tl l' tl.c li s. l,.i.i'l r r tmni'.rsln Hie iieaii, 1 -- ir -- it'.i n'W.t .Hrt, i;!!a or Wei-l- it In Itie Mo.nif'i. hour tu.!'...-:- , LhoVtu or hutToCrt-U- tj Itt! 1 t a I.f rh !n;.',.. n, Dryue, Yellow 11 It h"k;:t r.'d t je, NiiM swel, lawerJ I'.--. n ii th sto .ti of Cie L-V- , Chet or M.l . ui!Jtii 1 til liviU, IK i rcion li.rUl-i- l i 1 .". I.anjruoi. lei.on- - or' ) .. r '. l',-.- ' r, Sere or blrtcbes on tbe k i r 11 I 1 . 1 r:: 1 Artif virCliil'. l:J Ftiel.i it I it ji'o r uro i.t--- s i ti.o r.;.'.Jor at.. V'. ,,. .' is St 1.: r ;1 Wi 1 ucot'.tneuce of fin ;r.i: 'i-sr- ti . I .at "H or Wrakte j o; iV t. .: A. 01 Kit JJt r. . i.t- -. fte. , TH Y.IW. 1 NO MISTAKK AIX)UT IT. ; 1 ; s Cn . : s a il i,..y f Hat 1 1 eure au Ol tie S- - ,)..., .k.uasp.'V ttrf tl.n a li ; r ;;!,,, in.L.i.,ri.:'i!i.i,u!rrrcb. . lU'ru X'imnV rflV 11MTTI 1'vi ... . A . . . X.'. .li.JI.IV. X. mS m, II 11 f u uK; a jrir; li.e tat si montks.aü.i ii r- - ii.:..i.r 1? L.tt.'-.- 1.1 rt u;j eiairo ti-r.- .i t'. I , ihr, v til m:rT.T fnra weatnes Or: t!:f;i Mil.iii'iMrri;5itfiilr.jr l or- - .i'it HU!ct 1 r j ti j t TO Till: LAPnib'. 1 j r a ih In 1 hcall i) uj ,lttUjT lien C .tl'.mr, luJ Ml 'l( 'f .Mc1al Cordial. It w lit urengU.wu ar.t lnn; late jiur mko'c jftf ni, e 4um s a luiLitl.x sitvl j tre cirt t.Uti-- i h!i...t t.ifi. t'.H.i !i j t 1 il, kit .1 tue tli Ii, r iv t. T .fi-- i .!. I', u 1. ni.j'i 1.1 j.m tLk arain. t.: eti bv:5o i wtrr .i l .1 tv f no satlüfiilor. YOll CHILOKKX. We a 1. ; e.;. If jour LiUrr imr,t.ioil Ii;.. Ul tmj.tain prcvli.t I.i .tl.'.li'li,c;o lUi-.- a 'iiHll qua t,;i t j of Mrl-!.- ' oru.al, li .1 it w ill iiiukt tlrm 1 sltliv, fit t,. io:jl. .) 1. t a 1 v. i.c i t, try it, 9 l j 01 LJ rout 1 tii U. IT IS DKUCIOUS TO TAKE. i inion. Ho tir i f Dri'trls or Ucalcrs m !.. ii V t r t' j n "if n .a 'ie l illrr r boy ran c;ir;.j., by ) 11 gii :;vj t. Avoi.l mth liicii. .k lur Mv lM h'.i ; vlti' hi )f t rü. al , .ui.l take lnKl.ll, rh?. It is tte m.lf rem.-.l- ) that yKl pulllytt.-M.K..- 1 iL ;:. -- u'v.r." et the sine time Irer-t- l- .... II..' K!l"l' I o, t l4 'li'i" ".!jii.li"ii every iiuin.iiijr j in, 1 a reri" i.i 1 r vi-ti- t lor Cbolra, t'lilll ami I 1 r, 1 'l.sr reier, or nv iealcut Ui-- i ul ; in Iht ittls. fr:.e U .c: btte, or . .r fi. Mi I.KAN. S to V' riefr f tb: Cor.llal. t !.. 1. V U a iiii. Oil l.titiwioi.t . ;i al D.-i.-.- u tl" Ö1V..K Ai,.. 1 .iniiT i 1 ; h i Volcanic Oil iultM'JM ... -- i.i , j ft, u certuiu ruie i,r laute. lilM.sAeuul;!.. eki,fMf ms UBW or 11 p j, , ..t ..,.lr.-u-- .t iusc.'r,..r L:amri-- . er-- :i ...:. t.Urrs. Fevei s;fr.' K -- s 1 . 0..V.V. ;;v I 'ii in I'iii, ., , ... :r,!'?t i. I Mcui;;- - T-- 1 .. .. .... . . . -'- T-" Ii,,,,,.,.; i.Tt..liuriu,.sr. .ftr.., , IcVulUsil If '! ' .1 . it.., ,. tl.luliiirrii vin'oa(.M',, tiinya,..! heal tt.,t (v,UlC. . itsi.i anlncrc llldy ,;,.iri tliMc. 1 or llrc a ,lcr AnlmttU.j I . i' lutvir 1 rn u 1 r.e t ii : I .1 Mm. 1 11 K .... "r , i' "m"''' 1 "H '.S- -' v'.?ei-rv;';,v- . jr: K,,f,s4'r'1"'-- ' .e"Ve'' i'.V'V'' '"J'lM ...I..!-.- ;, I urn Irifi.- - lioior r .t n... wisny worlble. i.ii iii.ci,:... rue :u msus.,..s xu .jMr,.;:uu4.v r it , n, .1 ri1' ' ' r ' I ''in.' M., .ct I,..'ii . I t le r J. II. ( .N .M Ni.ll AM I mi Mai llUUAiii) ASSÜCIAT1UN. i'it r 1, titti.rin . t:intht ltit.tt,n,tlt,H,.i.t4 h e.y.a,7ra ,A. r.er-el- . a,. tiirsui. ll!..!'!0"-,''- ! i aie. ,. ... ,( h.j.,,,,, :i, C.L... I IL- - US.I. :lfc-- . Melius Ol u., dl.e,,Ci V, ,lfV. .flfrsl r,. . . . . . ' ' . 'I 1.1 I "i If I I a i. I - " " s. 'II Ol li..t,,.e,,t of U.1- - r. , es.V. .'kn, . ai'i" ,d.lc,l Ad vlre le o v. I.. a,.r:y by lett. , , r. ha drstMrti',. lt.'. VC .. and in uim, m...... . V le..,., a.'J ii..t Ue Asocial,'',!;,:: ,,, , , .oi i'i'toifil WdUfiu treat .J :t.v iV::' ii L.-.- kttf I i, ! ' I ' ll r 1;.' f,: ,,f ,... l. Iu t I vi'r.i.t, ftitua, Sruutial vk-'r- r i ",", the Vice . o. ' ..i1-! .A .wäS 11.. a. a , oi iiu. . Mdi,f,. . i , i , , ..... ,.... ...I ...t; t l.fctj.i. .'4.r. rf " l,v" f I' r: iftlorrhf.ea ai..i,41i- - ,t:. T;t.d,r ,,,n.-,feHvv;- ; Ve;: ' ' -- i i i.r ae! i. ieij. ,;;;r; t,t,iM.. l.y r I. i ,,r ti.e Iure Wh I in!- - l'"1' v .Uhniil.i..srtrr?tr, VJ 'ill. i. sau iti.no?lTnS lu . ' ' 1 ' I ii i K II N .'i.NK 13 LOCK . . , -- TT . "11 f , O t f -- ..-'. I I' IH-- T' K F Ii'aLT'WaKI: 'Hau N J. .". I1 3 Mai r au et "r ':'' .""utti. rn !;r.k, where te ""J"' " i -- 't"i.-.s st.d as n.tt, tttm Of ea sir.ay fav.r I... srn (!,ir ..f ti,e4r pitrotaia w.HceM,.,aftl. M- - i.Hm t. a. .1 a, .1 i, fV-- v i! ',;'"t .:!), wei; s UiJf I soti af HLLK ii A ll I) V A It i: Mechanics Tools of Every Duerip. tion. Sa."l, e las , rAii.rs, laoa. ."Nail. Mril, Ac. I' f, 1 '. r..! fiery lh!r? peit!nlie ka ll t. ' I -- ;. , I will ( rntir . I. !! al Its ll'ry fjirttt tijurtt. t,j-!- i IJ.I.WM tjii. rlrff.ftyf rtUi rtr r . e.' I'!"' , i. .!f IK ;l.rii..v i l sjauin e '.;.'. i .1, j ;i . r ui i i.t f.a ii.im.f ' tr cl l.li Kua. :.l ''ff t ; r' .i.ty. d-- ei li'J, ta. SaiULtira, .!i l! '.:Ji. r t ."i ', ,. yare, Inn, - i j r i r s. . o.i j ri n, ! sea, a'l IL . j ! I '."; 1, s t ' I ! i.f.ir, cciutltlit; i' t'- - If rt te i t I nfü cf the V.. :.!, r.er. i3.f.!u e'r t'liti'Ui 1 arre Maua I't v, P., , r. 1 in -- nf ar I'rirk losi,Mi . It' lit. I iJ ! j t .. II trsr'a lnil! , t .. r. ;i. r,' t . t r ne .Vut.M I,;, , M .w' ia i:tL..f.-pur- r Uiserfftiiaawet- - .'.a tr rii .r.; tal.att, u .MOM Jl MA KT IN. M.V, 1 N 1 MAKUX. ".-- '. - Jut Itrrritrd at It.t rt lells 5.ar iltioL Stcte. fill If': IMI'LM'IMI Ckl:a.aeJ Maw lit s llf Hai,. Ii, f.r tw Heart lilaturi- - k i asteaCJaati I'm it Tret? TV. LNTV THOUSAND Al'l'LE TltEES! f.raUi.; r i i le Ire-- , amiable for trans- - '.ti. t. K.l ."iii'iii I. ai-'- t .f .i tty ii.ot.es, a-- 1. , '..l t Cn '.it'it, iit trty sll of Lieh we at ..r-.- T 1 ; f'ii o. r fjn.i. O. '.c r- - i'.l kin ' ot fn.it aud orn a mental :.'t ..1 f.'.l.d f.. i Mint ii iice, frora tLe f.l Nwi in i" l'"f ei. the itpp-I- trees eit f i r n t i -- ii" ? . 0 i .r - t .n liase tkeia deliver- - 1 in t ivi ii with kt stra vhsfe, ly leav Bg tketp ot I. . IN . 11. Met tit.ica Kow . .Utrr' .l ni.y Uu hj I iki trflnrer t.uru ty t.iy ii e.,t. ... tu trit-e.iMi- y Lad IK-U- try tboso ,f i!i,l'17",'"! I av i:inev. Ifl'tr .Aurjy it .tujt .2 tic. tulles south. ufl ti WM. It J. M. IH'HHAV ta'CQ sept. I,l-SJ-dw-

Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 13. · For de r'.tprc. TO IIOWKSA, OS !U UOKtn BttTU IUY. Sweet littU eue, etM year ear ral. Sine thou to earth hdt cense, Te tkMr te beans of paraat

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Page 1: Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 13. · For de r'.tprc. TO IIOWKSA, OS !U UOKtn BttTU IUY. Sweet littU eue, etM year ear ral. Sine thou to earth hdt cense, Te tkMr te beans of paraat

For de r'.tprc.TO IIOWKSA,


Sweet littU eue, etM year ear ral.Sine thou to earth hdt cense,

Te tkMr te beans of paraat dear.,nl britMfa tkelr lne lw.e. .

Eittht year kave lwi.lie tbos-a- w eel e ea j

Firtt ssw jM of rtktAa.l jet. ef loTt and hyrl

Tay heart hat ktooa no ileaitfc.,r

TkouM Hill par i 1P')

To thii Jrr if worU, but; th.oi I

hick CvJ In merry lot t

To orrin on of f nJ;Tfcere t gU J lea t llf

Ad4 In Ihlr troubled hariImplant rur


Ob my tl7Abow tirousfeout t.'.Ul fe,

Ff from e"ry trootl-- J titf,An 1 'ry barrwwirj lrr. !

Avl rai,lthoa eerblThy ptreut brarti with lo

rnMl frox' crth Gol ci'.U th. e

To .Iwell itl Him -- -


Taiai lli-tt. Xr 1J,1-C- '. !

Correpotr.c of the tiT .

CiyCIWATI, llarea 3, iifif J

Ma F.wtoa : Th traetly. or filler;!



8U d, at Xafier Collen Lncolm the 11aoy ooe caudidate can upon the r

Ieaat earalU propeonty of the. . ) ol th Township outtde of Uarritoti,

aatiaa UariBir buiMmg. in. i

which would nectsaary to it iu'omtirday upon awakening about, tun Tow ustiip i i ';üN, i irl

O'clock, tM win-th- a Imaje; o, all the other combined,

of imu io tht glai in myo thi drfeel, Hd lor lh- -

it waa a euiLiifaetio !.-- tlpoaetJ m the dernoliliou oT a floe manioo

LT. lair dealWhich .tod towrioir th. N. E. corner i

1 IoT con.ider.tu theI V0?"ofVineaad Third lha entrarc- - toi gate ayateru, of t!ie Mas Caen- -

from Thirdwhich reached upj!btlon.f? IfrVt ihirt tan You rroba- -

'ily rememUr )he boildiof. It wa, tne!eCaot brick, two atorie high, with ui. !

aire Ionic eelucant in front. aoJ would 1 I

'.i...,t . .I. .im.!. . . . in mAit an th- -rW L.. M mm " ' - Jplace but Clscionati. Bat auch ii thepirit of imp ittneot hre-uc- h th mi-ni- a

for fife tcry atote frontsthat thisancient herita roast gie way and l dismantled. Who the ruhbhh is removedthe bank of earth on which it stands which

Umorelha twenty feel abofe the lefel of!


Third street, will h down and reraor-J- ,j

and that they will sink a cellaram ten or twelve feet and in a few

weeks a rniee five aljry atone front

block will be aeea looming cp on the spot.isbut a am pie of what is goiDg on all

over the city.aew feature in this fat city u the

street railroads, which traverse the city inall directions. These are aiwrua by horsepowar. bot laat night tba experiment was ,

triei Of ruaniu them by a locomotive, andtpraved a complete success The hco

caotire is the invention af Mr. Latta, ofthis tit, and is another triumph of Ciu ,

innatl genios. It makes ar tor !

than tht rattling of the ctr. enabli theto atop mora readily, and turns the

Oraeri Without any trouble nr risk. Iwasin th city aad saw the first ground brokenfor tte Hot of railroads, ami ssia I was

her aad had the pleasure of seeing thefirst locaaaotivt attached to the car onToad. Theortaii,by the way, are greatioalilutioo, and a cheap one.

Another I can't michI was in the elty when that youns:

man and hi wife, to he a nevermarried, committed murder and suicide, iuwhich case both the murdered and the sui-

cide got well; aad on the night of my arrival this week, two ihocking murders

committed. I lake it a a good omen

that wherever 1 go the Democratic partydecreases.

The seasation of the week has been theadvent of Madame Oaxianiaa, in an Ope- -

.ratic Concert at Pike Opera Mouse, assist- -

d by Signor Taaaaro and Mon;

Through the kiadaess of your old friend,Glenn, of the Gaxstte. I was enabled towork my way, and s and hear. TheMa- -


dame is petite, piquant aad pretty,not so good .1 as Piccooiiui, but anratti.ff ml . . Mr .a - m mi i .(.,.lillbhl.l I .1 K. A 1 C I W li.. m mm rmz .r.m.Vl.-- -- -

'posaessiog ereat volume compassi

I be part of the programme auitaiced by f

Madame Oaxsanixa was "Andante fromTriTiata," Drinking Daett from "Travia j

'ti," assisted by Tamaro; "Ah! Mon Fils."by 'Di Teacater," and the ariaof "Lucresia Borgia." id all of which sheacquitvet bsrielf io a very creditable and ,

satisfactory man aar. Mona. Chenal introduced a teccliar initruraent, which henasaed "Piaaa Buaao." which snade fully ii

aa much ..c a. a fig uoder a gale.though pttbapakaril, ao heart-r.ndin- g -To night I went te aea Mrs. F. B. Conway

'aa "Uanailla UaoUer " a which characteraha lfar Supenar 19 Dra aaaw, especisl- -

ly in lha sth and 5th acta. ih ..and particularly .. her Lu.

band. Mr. F. D. Conway, a. Armaud Du- -

Til. Maay parte wer rendered by hethcharacters with thrilling effect. I

Matilda Heron and J. W. Wallack, jr..take possession efthe National ir a week, ' -

tf - 1 - !t..on jaoeuay mjm. ,4.

nusinesa is opemog on I earl attsssaC thia !

spring with a refreshing briskness, aaJmost oftha wholesale houses have brought '

on heavy atockt of goods. Wetter o

chants, I should think, would find il totheir iu teres la to buy iu this city insteal of

Kast. But of ana thing IbeyI.V. .Ina saIii lliAU Wa .l.s n.t Come.' ....

- nreoarasl In mr, ui nlJ if.i'tt . w ill hn ro" -- j -- 1.i..sfrai;ni.!.B trvi .ivw.Ma.

aal.lfm. Leal im an. 1 tl.. r ., - -....j ,1.1-i.i- .n ..ifruaiver id vbicu me Dviroeii iijuse is cost'

. .1,..!..) k. lU ...iu,v.. a I ..tsn.;.,'. r r....i i..leasees, nesars. wonosoo, 3a-- j a irrs v--.

BeyallT lUsIf no. famish a ore inv Ii 0ft bill q( fare than appesrs en theirÜble, aaili. easy. uaifTiCted politaaess

.esritb wbick tUey treat their ruesta. renaer ,

then Uth te leave aad anxious, to return(

The "IJareeU" ia s perfect ia aljita appolntmects, as it ii invisible f.-- r h'tsaaa eHert. te) reaJer it.

Hat it ii aidaiarbL au J tbe souivls of

rattlior cara anJ rumbling wLeet are almM hashed ta siW.ee and f hie rae ta '

sleso4tirtimisf lore.! ones fir sesr. !



Moat Esrwaraiir. --We are pleased I iv

leara that the firm of L!l. MeDocalCo. have been ao saccessful ia U.etr basi ,

aaaa io llis city, that they bate dctermift a a a aea ioopn a Draeeo fcon.e in rVrt w ayee.

j . anc is hit iii.tj i a vi.(enterprise, aud Mr. Root, whoUkes charge

f the branch, they find, possesses allthose sterling juslitiea svkitrt) Q

true gentiemao.

Uaociaits Under tbe bead of new ajvertisectnU, will U found theH f..a.c? . . . .n is. uisdb oooi, oi ainul ailColombia ttreets, Cincinnati.

This ia one of the largest wholesalehouse ia the city, and one of the

nd reliable. harehand a baaey sUk of etJs, and our

cooU their UUtuis ly giv-io- g

thaa a call.

s frt U Kl-e- ,

It I ceierallv rJeJ tht th vt.--m

.. IV. a ft.' . . . ' ik t it i , a !;.v-n,ri,on.- nu laucu. lur th pu ru .Air.. Vm. lcVj (of oven ill the Jiuai.ofhi. lifo ' Mary A. MKre. 11 of (hit cityI ro of .IrUn. . . . i.i. i i the v. M. (1. allaf t. lb t ihe d l.h ' . . . .... I

.A.!.... i . .7.' V . year öfters. Iu, h.iii n.M. ol the Vice of youiiofl llf Zilll Smith. Rail, on tie; ' ' Vrl,',r" Mr.. Walla,.. wU. mJ,,,!,,,,'" 1'" on the oore ofUrMMf.rh.rotL to Kli.U

o ,"'r,,,ith,U; V.t,Wflw.u B Tuec.raw.. 'l H;iup.ifhHduatc.a.JikotMrl.onLUof Terre-H.ute- .


t,iW1,t,f 'V 'JIK CI, L . , '.Z t liy Zei,as Smith, Kl(. Oü tief.im. in the ..K.jeef administratis, the uom l 1 h '

Ä ,m . C't'X' ' "J. Mr. Mil,,. N.whart. to MUs C" his UinUv, removed tu Ntw lai.ca. " ' Uli Terre-Uaut-e.ho!e.jtrmUcomf iB.urp,.r!M. aJ ... moil with the most wiriiiinL' wava. and !

C St. 7rely

Ciccm-- :all

for down. i b

roornicg,that r i

I atartieü by ;

.roam. Upon

laborerj I remwdy

I fouod. Of iririoff ion- -


promotioj-juie- e andonio'atreeta.

initeidvii streetnt rr fort







coincidence ad-aair-








lleyerbeer; ;



uier- -











onjhl to li &U!il)i.When we runiiJrr the compact discipline

of the Tarty opposed to u, J rooM.! ralio that th j:at i lie maclitury I ywhich thy preaeut an undivided front io

11 political cartr-ili- , a imilar kiml of or- -

(aDizition appears to u a neceit j, in order to eppuse them aucctfullr1 ; at the


aine iiuie. a e rule to le a t arty of

rnne.ple, U leutr. ut to U particular!carvful that our ConYentioQt thill be worIhr of the cogence cf the IVop!,.

lurei4arawiDSdiatif.ctioMnthecountry, with the GTfrwhetiUtv rretond- -

jetanccofthecty of Terre Haute, iu allmatter of lhatkia 1 ; and a jt u.pinonthat rtih personal conideutiuii, often

!prcTailoertL.re..ple'.i. tefe.t.ir.c lomoip M narrii-Ofo;icSa-

uoit.can alwav control the action of acounty CoiiTeotbii in the tief Hoa cf can- -

, . . ,, , . ,

Let h Town.hip oufide ..f H.rr.aon.cLlK 1 J Couve-t.o- n accord,n lo ,U klr"!lh ,a IIir"M' To '"P

uUid of the city of lerre Haute, and thet

city, by ard, choose Dcleate- - according ;

to the aarue ratio. Tho vote ( one of the i

Ward of Terre Haute, will &Ur;. tpial '

to the- - eote of a Tuwnhip. ;

Uy thi plan the roice of a iuj rily of '

the people can be heard, an 1 greater sau-- - t

fjlion ivikAii than htf ilia n! I at.'it). i f A

f "If... i. mt nli.tn whir Ihl fit r...f I .1J" VMinriumu, v.i, .i.vHaute, overhadoT nr.d controls the rest j

of the Connty.ONE OF TH K PEOPLE.

ro i. it ks s I o a i. .

XXXVI CONT.ItESS-Kia- iT Sv.h,ios.

WAHicro, March I'l.

HUL'aU Mr. Washburue, of Wi ., ofa a . . t . . I

preanTie, Ketui rortl. tnai tne tnrlharnefut frand had been perpetrated on

the Meoomoncc Indians, by desir.inmeu,reducing them to utter destitution, nod ;

aiog for a select cotnruiltee to inquire inlo tb subject, and by what authority Ii. j

Thompson Las received $40.000 of their j

nty. These lodians hive always been j

the most friendly term, with the Eni-- j

tea State, and joined our lorcM in theBlack Hawk war. A few year theyowutd cetrly all rd tlx-- "ia:t ef Wiscou- -

in haviog beu ilrfrauded out of their '

lind, they had bt. n reduced to a rerysmall reservation 1

Mr. Larabce desired to ctfer a resolution j

to amend so as to call for all the corns- - j

ponileuee on the subject. In the rour ofhis remarks he said, Mr. Kershaw, whe

'came here in connection w ith those Ir.di- -

Ins, did in direct contravention of thewishes of the Department. He thoughtthat the adoption of the resolution, by the !

Wisconsin Legislature in one day, by aitrict Republican vote, looked suspicious.

Mr. Waahburne. in reply to a remark offv T itiV.tt'i cii.1 lint th rrnit irln" " "

the latter had not btn consulted on the,

subject was Ucause he had gone to is- -

J. , , .

iTention, expectirg t be eleccted a dele-- 'gate to the Charleston Couveotico, but hedid not succeed .

fr f .arabi That is false, sir.Mr. Washburne- -I don't know anvthing i

.. ,


Mr. Larabee Then vo'i should not npsak I

. . . " i

(r Wat t. i- - , . I

v no was a citndidate Uiere, but !

didnotauecUmr . MafMi,. ,t ,fiVI4p ;


fustvl to aat-peu- J the ruleii for the intro-- i

duction of the rilutiou by yt.ts 113;i

n' GO 'i


Mr. Da en, from ih c xutu;Uv tu rice-- 1

n' rrta ,,,- - -; ,

wn contenting the r.ght to bickhs twa ,be j

rMniiOkiaM t asArvav. sirs i c m. i s it i i ii i ii irtroVow. ,.W..V s m. mm - V

da-- s from the p.ssae of the resolution, vs

particular atatemcat of ihe round of coo-- J. I a

t- -

The ! omened b.l w as taken up and

1,111 against

FUOM WASHINGTON.Wasuisoto. March 12.

An r,rn(.,t tn,i j,robsbly a'ucccfil ef--

fort is anakinu by thellovernmeiit. in coninnti.tn wi Lh th lea.l i n s teleira nh iren t le -

iuu of the . U insure the prompt!Comrit;on of ,'b.tsntial line of te'.e

raph from the Mississippi river to SsnFrancisco. j

Tt -- n eZT?h. m tf(.h f oun -I

I j ta i 7 w w a m sitia wisj esw'io w

on the utjt.The Homestead bill which pasJ the

Housed dar PMviie that any rtson i

whoi.th. be.d of. family, or who has i1

rrieesl a: the.Ce of 21 year. ar.u 1- -a cm- -

t a -- , .l.'l l....!..t..t.l I

11, uir i. -- 1.1..U....1.. u.vMi- -i.i. ini.rün,, u w.im, .f !, .Uli mt. T

- . .. '

' u tv'M '".I""" . 3 .. a rife mrlion f aim Wl.ica mT at- , . - ,

Itr.rijhts are secure,! to the aetnel .etiler;

to taa Je to tLe L,rs ar.J Joviales tL U'i i

mtiich Tr ,Sr. yn .tec jrue liable f.r tre satisfaction of ,n.T i

.letta e'.ntraete.l pr ier to the istj ef the1,.plrit

. n. ..,- - -- ,n-r 1... I.n.w aäVs-a,-r - - s

i m .. n .....t.I own I i' (Hi. I 1111, 14 nil ri intiii- -

t 0ftirrH.a,t fjr two dollars, rurpcrtm- -. . , , ,

"n.., u-- v.l. 1 .... v

k.s a, V. Il.rVi.w. IIa.,-- , T- - .fCairii as till a - sa s" 4 aw Uk'JTV sa.Hacte; sik-ne- sl A. W. Chance. Cashier. A.


it v ii 1 . .. . i

rr.stcrt I io the cfT.ee at Terre Haute."ai rr.a.l S. V WilRir ll-il- r llate.l !

.ia.3.1i. A. Ilm .o ... -- ud.iU. i lbi. r.muni? . ad ...euchj

,iIjOqIJ 1 1 Iii St fl ItOffli tOle UCfl eJ t'T T I

tbiorof Ihe kial. The till sh im t;s is j

...-.- - . . . . . . . imiroKvea ltA,WbKÜ wcul.l mtima.e ir.ai ;

i . ..... . .a conawetaote mtr c tr.. Dv topet in circulation. L- -t the public look

oul .or them.-- a.... ...

ij--a " renny Mik,re.re is mortthe latest Knglisb literary enterprisesWell printed copies of the ptays be in fartiishe! sepsrstely to the public at tk'asruall charge II will probably l Terysuccessful, like tie two peaty Waverly


Note!, tif Which, up to 1, twelve, mil. .liooaUetakailibeen aII. wfighing .

w.rJsofXrit.ns. I ' I

. . .

Wa eoBfratulaU a. Fort j BtnV;pe House, hole ir- - i eti-Way-

cd the acceaaion U their boiness gn Ur,mitijs.ted sa-j-r lle, ardrorrerAmmntiit Tla . f ... ..t .... .. .... ..



i)ii;u.I .. .. 1 1 . .. ii i. it . n i i

a. r i . w. 11 a tw a 1 ar r a-- i.i i i in aiaixii fian s aa t r i a -

Millrillr, Hulhr Co, Ohiu. ltwa. t,erejIu,e1,nolV up m wnuoij, nohU&bind r llMft Lj lilDJ,he un.ted with th PreaUfiuu Church. I MK?C0 .f

She I aij tv have Lu & kioJ, unit-tl- ,

rfisrljordtf üil JctuUjUiuch 1 tflott l l.y all Who llii W lit. lltrf'.hcr wt un of lLoe l.o ei.Jr arore.1 ta


Irani his f dtuily iu a !tutl)' rcligivui tuanr, rrlv iuu!liii religio. jn:.cij lr.

t). hlrurlilll. l!itra in lhf Scriri,rc ,d,

1 lia il if tili f i I .t l'r. kfiL I f i ah I ln. K. ulif,, fsl. u iWküf ,oTf a Ciltrclli,;

,ai rUtf,r Uu,hl BV,lv et- -

nn be fort? va'.lit-rin- i ar.iunJ t!..? lA-ni-

a.T a)) j r ny t fl(niUhU , pruf( , rfJi Lit4llir u, ,.f,rv

frIt wa in lhi ple (Mlllville; l.e Wi,

. j :.. lülut2ä ut!j t'.e lift. M. 0.... , .!Ic', the ij f VI. I he lieM of Iter

hi.ta lajur wa Hiiaur., O. Un.f a ititt disposition, with Ironi reliji-- u

prit.ciplct, ile nuijSj'fd with faithful- -

the dutieof !u-- r hjoehold, (haviriiat thai early ire, the pui' il- -

ilir of a kfep tnoth r) ar.d kmi 1 all the dti- -

tui.iiid tria! of '!ii)i:Tial litY,'' he

wai faithful aii I k!r. 1 to a! with whomhad intercourse.

Iutheye.ir lr.'J, her hubar.d reuiOtedto Tt-rr- llautt, theo a truly Missionaryfield Here tlay toiled and truh';led amidtuAuy hardship, eu leavorinjto tr-iul- hir

familj in th. ,)Uia aa trht path of,lutVf ut Uo in build up th caui i.f theirKede. m.r iu thi, i.ew nud in many nspect.ditl.cnlt iiiOH li-.l-

On J uly 15;h iu the ?Llh year ofhi ae, her btdoved htuhand w.it callediti re4t. This to lu r was a sore bereave,Ueut, u- - now the of 1 ir-- e

family devolved inea-uiab- ly upjin htrst lf ;

but that entlet.e-- of dipositiou, t,da1. . - ' . . t .smm oi r.i.out pr.uc.p.e mat o si- -.

.i it i ri,jjv C'lÜf 1CUIIZ'' J l.CT rre!OU lilt', r.owf a

Kllone out with still greater lustre.To the yrcat duties no rctio upon

her, did jfie hcrelf with unremittingdiligence, bl.o V emphatically Motherin Isrel,a womit of prayer. With etrn-etne- s

did he roslle for bet childrenand for the conversion of sinners t rery.whore ; and especially dil she plead withOod.for Hir.ch ble-si- n: upu thatChnrch

. . . . k . ...w,t.h which hd been ldcutihed io many ye Rri.

The llibh? was her favorite reading andtncdititioa, and rauch of her lime was given to clost derotiuns. She euj.jyed theblessed privilege of eeii;,; cvry memberof her large family mutiny with tl churchHer PUce in the sanctuary wa ttver va

caul except in ca.os of mc1..m. She

iorei tne pri)er liietun turn wwmu

ahe rieve. that thee rneetios wereattended by so few of the members of the

church.She was a moih-.- r beloved willing to

make any saeißce for the tfxrl of her chil- -

dreu and especially did she strive to instill into their youthful micds, true religious principles, warning them of thn snaresandteruptatioiis. that every where bt et thepath of youth The loss to these bertuvedone can never be repaired. Yet they canrejoice in the sweet hope that what i theirloss is her eternal ain. May they follow

her as she followed Christ and when theytoo, ihall be called from earth, may theymeet in their Heavenly Father's houseabove, an unbroken family to go out no

more forever.

Klnawat. A frightful runaway occur-

red yesterday afiernoon, on Second street,which happily terminated withoutinjury to any one.

A colt, not well broken, had been at- -

lacKf"J tö a al lh tMeof DoughtJt Smock, and Mr. Smock Retting into thebuj'T, the Colt irctr.( di.ttely Started lo run.Mr. Smcck, who had been nek and beiagvery wesk. was unable to check Lim up,... i . : : fu: ti. i . n

against bitchin,; rails arounj mc .square,ups.itin and breaking the buggy. Mr.

Smck was thrown out onto the cround,but only alii.tij brui-e- d.'....A the Colt turned into Ohio strof, itknockeJ do n a lutl irl, and the bucywheel rn ovrr her baud, Lrulsit g it slight

otb.rwi-s- he arrearcl to be ni- -

. ,. v..,u,,M1.- -. u,;Orocer on Wabash trttt, removing his

stock from one store room t, atLir, had

ig catd.ee. ru.., dc.de .atd MoPPir.gst the doer of hU new store room, removed

io jr-- from the forward cod of the cart,hieb de.troved the equilibrium, and tilt

jn ,,p rrccipi aled the content upon the. ... .

piVfiiient, shattering Ijl jlira and scatteriog candies an I other aweet meats in

a,i direction- -

it i verv im,ortint to aU a

lh5 ll4,itf; it rt.cr.e- -

jy We lu 1 th- - hn lie of meeting our j

, , v v. :f!' m

,Lrcr.r. t.iV. ".k a l..i l.i- frnm ,t" r- -... 9.,.., ..f t,r, l ....V tnti.ri m !

ui 1 1 min rv.,uS!.. . I

IT w 1 il'MH. Aillli: IU II. UUUf (l IU

.1... ..t t.,..:.. -- .I- 1.,..- - v--K.. I.. ,!'" - " 4 .r.. ... .- - .

Th , afsvettetv, :rier y. U at the Chin, Jvzz lers left

11-- .

s-- ,














'. '11 TiI'.sl clv a'j.l iv the t ?

. ... it rv I ehav.. ... '

r-- t Wr Ihtp rifitirlhira.(f, ii'n 11 111 itiim.u

hiw. ihst rterestie f.tct iu ire him

rr-s- .i: jwr urw.kVI viisge,ii., tJ f J r i

cms. I fin l el pa.e.w--

.fai.ni.i.n,. u ,.rr.n u,n:.is in it waunn

IO-- r nr'cKf.ts f r irrrt:n;?r :ls h:$

l;oe oar nif s wi;...v.- - tt.e.r ,n,ereu, c,U .Io w.il.iven- -e ,.ir,,s,t.,r.

i,rn ;7;:-xt-y

:."P'erarel Utstta hcrse hdls .he heat

I.rrt .wi.ee. Crcrvl J de .sinr'sach kic lefhb w.fk well

ether k iuj, can have l!?eir rJers fil,Ue Im.; at the F. pit ftirg


BcautV Of BaOOa'l Youth.lie won lore nml Ietnred to vrin

no woman tame wa uracijed by hiininto lha inue. He iought no rictotie. like liiere of Blount. (Iq broughtno Iii IUlei-l- i, to the cheekofne wltolovt d him more than herown iood uarn. No Kich, astu Mdtiey ft ct8 ever.

Hlosheik whan he wa uamedHis life was pure a that of Milton

or t h a of Pascal, though, unlike thejuet of Paradise and tho Jensees, helived in a court where irallantrr wasin voum and beauty waa bought and8")ld. How then, with all Ihesofriends, with nil thesa cl.iiins on loveand htlj), did he ?iot win his way toplace? He aouirht it; never nun withlime hastu or zeal, for his brain beatwith victorious conseiuuHnefca of nower, he hundred to rule mankind, audhis bldod had that lierv btre!) 'rthwhich glows into white heat at an im-

posing blast. Tnio tnieatiou raust betried. Why, while men, with firhiwer claims than libs, got posts andhonoi solicitorshipö, and embassies

did this man come to pass the ripeage of forty-si- x without gainiu poweror place? Can it have been becausehe was aervile and corrupt 7 If bo,lo3'ic is a lie, mortal thwones a sham.


The Paris (Ky.) Citizen sajr:Mr. fully satisfied the expecta- -

tioiig of his more judicious friendswhiUt ho excited the surprirse of hispolitical opponents by the moderationand conservatism of his views. Hisspeech was entirely free from person-alities of every sort, being as calmand passionless as if the speaker hadno ambition to gratify and no wrongsto repel. It gives one a lofty idea ofhis intellectual ability and selfcontrol,and produces a wish that its tone andtemper, its calm, philosepical stylescould find a larger number of imita-tors in congressional discussion.

If the country could feel perfectlysure that Mr. Seward's moderation issincere audnot assumed on account ofrecent events, and a view, mainly, totho chances of a presidential nomina-tion, this speech would go far towardcalming the existing excitement in thepublic mind. And, whether it is sincere or not, this effect ought to followto a certain extent, for, it is assumed,that is an evidence that public senti-ment in the North requires that aspi-rants for the Presidency shall freothemselves from the charge of fanati- -

ci?m and take more conservativeground in the treatment of the greatquestion of the day.

moRemarkable Lonoevity. Mrs. Pat-se- y

Alen, a resident of Cloverdaletownship, in this county, has attainedto a most extraordinary acre. She wasborn in Orange county, North Caroli-na, in March, 1714, and is now agedone hundred and sixteen years. Hermental faculties are considerably im-

paired, yet she can converse freely,can walk about the house, and saysher appetite is as good as ever, fineis the mother of eight children, two ofwhom were o;m during the revolu-

tionary war, and four of whom arestill living. Sho to Putnamcounty a widow about twenty-fiv- e

Ityears since, and is now living withher youngest daughter. A near neigh-bor of Mrs. Allen furnishes us thesefacts, and vouches for their authentic-ity. Grcencastle Press.

A Cuaious Political Forüery.Ainon:? the letters found in JohnBrows carpet b.iLjby the Senate Committee, was one signed by A. H. Smithof Janesville, promisingldrown the aidof 600 men from Wisconsin, for hisliberation. Senator Doolittle natur-ally inferred the letter to be a forgery,and so denounced it to the committee.IIq also sent a copy of it to Smith,that he might deny its authenticity.Smith communicatee the matter to the it

Janesville Gazette, stating it to be abaso forgery, thanking Judge Doolittlefor his kindness in promptly callinghis attention to it, and offering a re-

ward of one hundred dollars for theperpetrators of the forgery. This iasuggestive cf the character of the in-

formation obtained generally by Got.e MUwu ukee Sentinel.

The Jeddo, Japan, correspo-d'-u- tof th Concord, H., Patriot

writes: "I sincerely fpity the Japa-nese, such are the knaveries and tricksforeign merchants will practice onthese simple miuded and ktud heartedjH'opIo; and sueh vices will be practic-ed by tho mass of seafaring men who s

will visit these potts. I waa ashamedjn'ld humbled this afternoon wheal


saw an meruan 01 our snip ucaadruiil in tho street, and the Japanesel(,kt(l on in amazement and apparent


M'Ir.e. 1 lie Lu nli.initi v wlikfi comI .1

..lulruuul" ."-.- i.

.i.,-:- ,ndsviii iv.iitu ii iii.n tuiuiucin; !r

to foreirna chriatian

than the

e.fGov. Vi'iaoin hisla! speech at

at Hichmorid, refstrinje to the ltarrr'sa

terry raid, uid.. the foil owin ex- -

Pression: "Kubies would not wm me!tAtll th facta of the rnid .f Jnhn

, u .1,1' I .I Will liVfc lUV WUIIUC thcr all thf.iCt3 in Diy TOPSilon,

.or ail my opinion on th iubjct of

l"u,,W'. sic -- iu5.n ih dr.r of creating further!

prhar.a he knew too much about theMTiir f,r the $af,ty of .ome of hi.I . i n r. ,.r,l. ,r ii i.1stui.ti.t mviius, ii ,i was.r4Vl'Sf

CT!7The LrJon Xiei nf lh. .rU '.ülü

ult.. IAVÄ Mr. HeenAD. the Americanr, t,u biUrlvnan in rmf.i.U:. r...v..,v-Wl W'thi t!lt "HffllCia I.OT.' hll'.catrU litnilf at Last llamhani. ad.

i;.Lr. .L.r. ,

i JT- -- s nickies sire, that after rqanyg. jn-t- ; .frutn l'aradii? it wasu'tWutth A-ds-

the time such application IS n'-a.l- i suo con.c uu".ir.M ai.n iC lifinf a ; - , .1 1

'r SiiC ßnüS 111011.10t tü nr. mHitin I tl.'l'i or ifrr . 1. . 1 . r . . .

orO arrss at f2..V3 ter acre . . land who hardlv practice' ' tmn,re itbM s in pr pr ion theo certtficste or pateut n to i iied, .vtrtujani are tar woraertll t,t axrirÄtiot cf fir. yMrs fr m the population than auj county in lie Piste j,,.., l0ni tlT Tisit."

Ja of entry, at rw psy nneat cf ten t!ol ..a..

ctiaens U

jCBliy,,11 !.uiui









' ttier r t. ll at, ih.ir tits.

. r ,

... i.i,, mmto

stII.. f..l

,i.i'.'-- 1 iff ir;f--

i.- -

to to



,0 -





a. 1. re






Mimir. n the Mh int ly lUnty)



Mmsrot. Mr. Tbom 8. l'o'itg. Mi

91 ict.i PrLtr

nut.,arri Kern,

iawaBSsWBsaSs H v an

Diso. Of apoplexy, at the houco ofNoih Beymtr, it 3 o'clock yesterday after.noon, Mr. KumtTH McPiDWff, relict cfthe lite Col. M acorn McFaddeu.

FaoM St. Lot ia We refr our readers tothe card of It. P. Ober JL Co., wholesalegrocers, St. Louis.

The Messrs. Ober aie wtll and favorablyknown to most of our buaiueaa turn, andtkeir acknowledged integrity it sufficientguarantee to the good character aud reapociibility of the firm.

Tlie Scandinavian llla and lnrtncrCaciK.vATi, July 1, 1 5iS

Dr. W.KeaACK. Dear Sir:--- In reply toloqutnes made of me, it gives me pleasureto say, thit Mrs. N Atlee, or tha Societyof Friends, and widow ef the late Dr. Atleeof Cinciruati, previous to her going Kast,expresel her confidence iu the efficacy ofyour is-- aadmavian Ketsadies, and thebenefit he derived from using them. Shehad been aunVtring from general prostrationSt times, beiog over seventy six years ofaire, and ophthalmia and inflammation oflha face. Various remedies were resortedto wihout relief, when ome friends ree- -

omended a course of your ScandinavianIlloeJ Purifier and Wood Tills They hadthe desired ttlect, anil she was considereJas restored to health.I know many who have used our medicines, and sp-'- k decidedly of the benefitsderived, thus testifying of their renovatingioflueuce in purifyiug the blood and givirjgvigor and euergy to the system. ILyhave in' cordial approbation.

ery respectfully,Your obedieut servaut,

S. J. Itaowsr.Itev. Samuel J. Drown has bean a devoted

aborer in the ciuse of Christianity, in Cincinnati, for more than thirty years, asalmost every old Cmcmnatian know a.Such testimony, from auch a source, is nottobe passed over ligtly. No other Proprietary Remedies ever pnsented to thepublic, ever received a tithe of the com-mendati- oc

from ME OF STANDING, inevery walk of life, that miae have 4ue.be advertisement.

Tcrro Haute Produce MarketIPPLK- S- PryHydes ll

OrleH per buahc.l ti LAKO per lb 1112(Jreen 4050 LKATHKRBACON hole 4 ft, a?V9

Haras t I, lis,.; Jlsrnn do 302ShoutJers, V 7 LIM K, bush 25Sides MOLAKsfcS

BKKP I S.U. gall 5.?C0Freh N. o. So 4ns50

rle.1 0 15 O N 0 N S , h ,0(ii ,5ä0RKANS. white.... Oü PK AC HKSIIKKSWAX, l. Ä25! IrieJ,buU 2 5tBUTTER 9 fc....i5 POTATO KsCANDLES IrUh, bush...... 50

Tallow, e a,.12i.al5 Nwret Jo 75Klar 25 KICK p s, 7

C11KKSE SALTW. Reaerve 12,v; OMo River, bbl 175K. Dairy 15; Lake, M.l 23Country 8w Sack. 14 lb 0

COFFKK JSOAPKio, p U15j Bar 5J1ILaxyara kjs, soli, allja. 9 a, . L liAK

('HANIiKKRlES.. .M Hrowc f . 11KCfG,.l4Zn... "tl( CrusheJ, O 11HFEATHERS, p B,3iilO SEEDSFISH Flax, buib.... S3

MackerelNol tb 12i; Clover, do.... 0 (Mi

N2kitS75 Timothy lo 1 00Fresh, lb io TALLOW 9 U

Faloon 9 .... lSTKAHckledHerrlne ti 25 V.M. f J,.. 75CoJ prlb Imperial ,Hjl M

PI.OUR, bbl.. W 3 J( I dun Fonder Jo N)ORAIN Btarr 9 B, ..V31 no

Sbest.bush OCtflUi TUKNIFS, bush 3tS,a)Cat, bush 50 TA K, (illK;e, buih 5t VINtuAK. rail 20Corn, bush 3 WHISKY, all. 85

fllDKS WOOL,Vsaihed23?31Green nwnbrJ lr,.L


! Go to Miller's Fine Art tiallery fortbe best Atubrotypes, rhotographs.and nil

kinds of pictures.-- -

A Good Mkdicise McLean's Strength- -

eniujt Cordial and Blood 1'urifU-- r is one of tbemost usfful anJ rlcaant beverages of the day.

i mild ad aicreeable ti the ttc, racing tbenerve, giving heallby tone to tho toaich,andImparting a glorions appetite. A wine glass full

this Cordial taken ttaro times day, will bebetter than a family physician, as no other med-

icine will be required. For ladies it is particu-larly recommended, as it trenfflhen tbe libs ofthe "weaker vessels'1 Is sn sstonishisf dog-ree-


See the advertisement in another column.

Tüic Griat DiscuViRT or tbc Agk. Prof.O. J. Wood, In th discovery af his unritulledjHair Restorative, has confoiro upon mankind ;

lattinz benelt. Nosuch sovereign remedy forall diseases of the hair has evtr b.fn disco ved.Never known to fail.of accomplishing all that isclaimed for It, thousands now daily use it withinfinite advantage to themielvc. Ktery 'lay theproprietors reolv letter testify lag to its mer-

its, in. nuiii Tltini-th- " bn Tis retnltin .fromUf.

To those who are iu llii way afnieted, st micommfii-- l the Hair Kestorativ at a safe in.Frf- -

Itabla S thu s.lvtrliemint In anoth-er Col umns, w hrol will l.e foun.. teti itionialfrom numerous well knswn firms and individ-uals. Iepni

A FAMILY NECESSITY.T'av followiri; talement .tV for Itself: "In

liftinf, tüs kettle from Vn fire il eaUfhl andscalded ray hands and pria tn vry levrrely nshand almost to crip. Tlie torture was almostuabearable. It was an wful ieht. TbeMuttsng Lisiment appeared extrsrt tbe alnalmost immediate:;. Il haalf.l rif i.üy au leftno scar of account. Charles Fester, Cju, Brotdstreet, Fbiladelphis.' It is truly wonderfutar- -

licle. It will cure aay ease of .willing, Burn, j

Ktiff Joints, Kruptioni er Itlisnmatism. ForHenes, ll st.ould aever be dispensed i:h. i'se j

Dollar's werth ef Muttsnr has frequently save4vstusbte hor. It cure GslJs. Sprains, King-- !

bone, Spavin sal Founder nf imiU-- ilions.

Tbe geauise Is sold y resp.-- table dealers isalt pittsef the world. BA RNKS A PARK,

ma? wlme Proprietär, N. Y.


r. ODES 4. ilKB. r t. atsr.u n

F.. P. OBER & CO.,Wholesale Grocers,'

msllJwiia ST. LOUS MO.

WHITE 5c WILL,Auction and Comainion Herchanti.f f AVINO eaabVsHed tbern.eltea permanent-- 'Illn the city of Ttrr-Htite- , en we.t id

tfee publle qasre, nett d.xir t K J. Wo'.le'iei lstane, will eil ro4 of all llilinci f.fcraect close ot ttrxks slt farnUoremske slrsnses en eoräcemer.ts, sod 1 all tlk- -

er msttersand tfcirr perinlr.lnr I le Auel n ;

an4 Comralsa'.-i- bis aeaTtsy will ilu attcd paV.lc sales tß ry f tt

efihetnotty.anrassitsleter-s- jmas.lwjtn

f! jr TS T O "V TJt Tt TS T


fK af414'lk ACKKK Fn ALK AT

r T La If i! In nt nf y. he lucal of tbe " ' ' . - A V0NTII ANU ALL I.lFCkKS all)tit-.fr-- . f t r-- -- ir 1,' A f, . 1 tJulll. 0Jv r An Arotl wstted In everj tews scd

NarfJ.f u.. dca'i k: y.v r env, of oar . f ' n"-- t Ua.fr. .W.V:!-- . !.T'.1 i'",a i hit lytiju. i ntit; i3Lria. ?ov rrsi niy tsriisii c--r "i nnpr je.;reior jr: !.os - .1 Toti'.hft:! r.a. ' ... ... I K.n.i.i. 44.... fi' 1 II s . V . . . , t' " lVi" ',,,.;,l,1!,ov,ri N..k.U. !?


arivar Del it tli nata rommitt. " -

tj 1 i t ' . r ' I 4 I

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T A A tvs and PA I r. TK ptoc are4 fie rar ,

kssers of land, under the Grad ArtPiste fnralsk atls v Jin a i ,

iumr. WH!, KtwuSus a iv, !

Keai rtat and C. l.sd A rents.CH st'eeteteeei 3 ! and a.

fotAdwjm f v. I :te, Me.

v.ImM. p.. fr SaiT

' ...1rj scree ftne Tlsnker I.ioJ easi,ue Gi tne watsh.Ppsitt rrrif.cr

rt fkrtlsalsit ea-sir- eef u luerl.Im " ' " MVifto Dixar.


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Notice of Attachment..lst Vtipert vs. W ia. MrCrorklia AtUtk-wettt-efo- re

t.. Iiiy, J. P.T ft r. llf? Bled in my cCce , af? la ll. et--

lltC I rO Itlt Ike J 1fffn.fBt la lodefcte 1

Mas aad last the aefeadaet Is a aea-reeUe- nt ef

ssuei, crsa.is as a ones ..1 uercti.Unl.w Uatetore aai4 defendant 1 berety naUft- -

e4 te h sad appear Wes rae at rav effice laTerre Urate, a U ink diy of M.rrk. 1-

t laaVleek aim.therwl, said wClie dsiermiues. i i ts acseae. i


Coaxniiiioner'i Bale ti

- irrmui'i.-r4 i M. M.'UVKCOX.remmlis our,

TTTTinPKXlM HAO ASlÜO-7- ar kftrrt

eisifsivwlr4setv prue noi'ri irm iesviav.' or isciaaa, an-- t raaiisi a writ or I tact-i- s

S. 'si scre.lo srv c,sscllty re,Biie;t, lett to te 1s tod by ana. liiin the roods

M i. undob-- the ece. train- - T -- ill ef urn cwc,-- . ! T LlVeeÄyi







inffir I. 11. 1 X ratrle, knows sttse Kstdt Ks em. ll ts MTi ul.tit e iu... w.i .t. i. vi., H.. - i

o !' i" Vr ''"TiW1. WV aJ-- r oU4t,; T VaeafcVaVt!r th? t'on".,cr3 Cliattlpionthlp tlmr,liaitc plecty ttrofsetiooe town 1Y. tef elrlt; slsotbeib j . :.;os-at- tr. t,!,.!.,..,! ivttir.

' , a cofntoya an I larp orcksf I ti th- - r"'' ; town U, raire t. ti.'.e te tale ps are oatkejq., . !. . Mflelii u I




State of Icdiaüa. Caaty cf Vigo ts. :

Viji Court Vi'it.AjTil 7m,V;;liribc Ar.'i . Jf-e- y.h Rrr tt, .1st e

Hiirrttt. I. Ii hi.vJ. it. i.tt 'i !! -- 4 i.Jiuei Cro't, John !rjer r 1 Ji.Üvr I..IHlui Petti 1 jn f.sr Dewr r.

it renjeitl.-r- tl.t uUf C . f Tcb-ruirj.- l.

BK iLerifclct-fl- r c.nrtfi JT-s- -

ctt, btr AUti3s. Ln-- 1 in t- -J l " 'lt,;brCim Uu.Urj:,-- S Iii- .? r r.i."t. to;-t:- . TWitt the a!c'i.ivit Ms 0l a n tpi pueowiM'-.fi.-

t v ,ti..M tltt tk 1 ii ft--

hat dtrm n . , I a K..: ! ' f tt '''im. J Lf .11 .1 I r J u t 1 t U rrr " :. te in- -

tiß.JfiitUtilO.crr n. ! r;r ili

on of t!. B t TLi iLrtif lu-ll-

ÜSUte.outL MV. .!vr..tsj Artl

(or tr.al. plck..i ;ifor J.r.ur to U .' J.at j f p 1 1 a.: 4 ; K K A 1" 1. S T l.KMKDV lNlllh'ya:i:ii.i, IM Iboni ;fc v. o i: M. 1 Lis CfrtilU Mail lad frra a tC-liUilc- -1

ar.t Ii 1 .tti'rm :. iu . . it.mi.inwill' U fJ :,m,!t I n) .'.C,b4 cUtnvliyJ .'.le.-nut.r.'i-.'l- y. -- ! w tn ..: 'oi" l io ti.ctl valu lie i.iei.c'.i.lai


AM. V. 1 i.KIN t" l?i k

KäilrcKiiI Aciscy :

- m - . . S "V i

The Old and Reliable LcllcfcntaiaeHsTilröüd Line

'I Vli: i ,1 e !,r:

.rrr'. 1 u ,10... .New u, !:.;.,r,-.(c- ,

: t'-- .. I, , t the ., , ..flihailuS.lo. nt.sVms. v t t f. f.,, f r Copli'.rt. V spep-lowe- st

ie. er-.eU- i b tL in s ii-- 'r- - ,if jtc:J cr i i..,i.- - .r 1 .u

w:t.i . u- -' yj 'jMI sjf. u l.M ... t.O . , 1 dl"f V Mfc ! If .

tci wtr

JrL o xtl o rv 1 .THE OLD hTAKLlsi:M

BTJIIiDBR'S DEPOT!.l?flis Ooor?, IS. in d ,

i Ajiö ICo ntr ac iLig in O en ? r 1 .

11 K F.N KKMvf.'D H ' oiTu' .?KAS Aiha Ho!!ar,,.'i v.' 1 an rrMrk-eu- ' Wirrl.o'j.c.rl.f'r I (sf ! i : .. 5

mi. 11 I r.-- i 1 ii.t a w 1 il i:'ir lit nl w: r. y

aewru.-a.nrrss- e 1 httt .n a i -

liwe. iutroJuce ,0inf wem- - ii'Stt.lMerv, t.il Witt

üb! mi la cor.;" I 1.) 'fthaiuutyUii l.r.jUt 1 1 lere, ml ?f:e:ltioa ia wrtrki:anr:ij

Itnif .To tt. -- sr r'llS I

will y Uiii I :.--!l rr i'-i-

o . t Ii u

Candle i4 l.e-iT- u kirj l.av :,Mftr Lad iu t'lticiiiina r .-

K.ir th a; jrsnt.eiit hrn t-- inr n tux.-i1- . 1

r.esr'.fott M.t-t.- . mhow return u)lrotL't atteiitisc t t.i-.n- l 1. m; s niu !

)ur isi.tr. i.i irr. ........li- - YLl-- v -

BKÜVN & ö II IT Ii ,

ArchitrctH afidfAK Ijcatel al.Ne.'.V ,,?l(

i,fio lf v arr j.so jiiCv.' T trt.l i J'til.Man.trtlluU ,,, , ! ,,"ai ril-l,- r!l,JbuHdl tevet-- y tri.t..ii.l.'l' i r '";trjirt fur .

elo iu me. '",5:tti u.,rt . nit te i r.. a!:-- jal U I

. ...mm! imrruve..

Tba b..tuf rn.Wfsrisen if ie ;i.uo i.fe-d- atf


0IT. P

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Öja o Ors 53OO

HiMW?-O0- Nr

HÖl!w V mm

LlMw 5? WS IJ " s

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C O ß a

a P r?03 &PH I

r 1r

Ps- 5 S3 Q I

mm . - ti ia' 0' O 4Mr ofa.--s O mlu

T O i S a

No. 12. lijggNati'rnallJlccK--.

Terre Itautc, Indiana.V I IIMIS TO ALLOPKW TlONS IN HISV Irofcs;.in, 1 n anr' f.i i mi :.; i;., t h j m a n

t.er. Thankful tor th" ; receiv-ed, toutii.tiit. ' t! e ai.i-- .

jy 11 dawtOr r : . - r . ,

- '. -

''-- 7

I - - - - V'-- - '


r- -

":vi."- -

Missouri Land !

s. r. inijnTiTi fiii v ct.,General Land and Re?l Estate Ag'ts

l)enlrr in LtnJ ICamnr., Slorl$, .- - . ;

N.rtl w ff' . i, r Tr - l f


i . I 'Hi--- . . .

Piriifulir ati i' j' i t ' r r. !; Iii 'te 1 La;,.tt

Olif Ilii!li..l1 M ( fr.r h' p r i ' in..trvux l.'S. to .4 enls pe. i( r,-- .

Patents ai. ltix ; ! . in. :

alt roil .7 in i,.o:in.Furt.,.' u Van.p for j !; an' !.rifrr ...iii'tillr- 17 !.!:!


C. O. LINCOLN. I). 1).fHceOsi'i itmt'M ! ,r 1!,' ,.( Uh tt1.HAVIMi I.Ot Ail. i I'J.It'fAM.MI.V in

r I,'.)!tv ! u r. I.i. ..r- -

Vl.'es t.Cie It.e'i th tl S at I i j.

ountrs a!-jr;(.- .,j partial t

ol I ti In-T- ! . m i! I, v.j, ,,r j.Ji!jn j ,- -

Ins tjle i.lt rjr.r.-'- . '.r ...jjd..), ,, f., rprlnrjp!. an I '.: f-- ! r :, ,,. , , j r Ve :


It opt n.n I i!' the ..!.! ' (.. take tl.r.,. . , iS their t.v.,frut "t ap;.eur.:.fe al.sll . 'ale a'- -t'Ttiisl. F.U.t.j: and ettrM,ntraref','y -- en. tdl to. .

All w.-.i- warranted.KO.o-rjivc- when tr..!rM ( ,r t h - o rr r , , f j

teeth.Aprti.-lwl- .

'. ... ... ;

Xi A M I' S .f

A1 OH. an !

COAf, OH. LAMPS.Tb Is one of tt.e tUej itll u .1 !i;v,,. 5n u.e,

1 he tl '. t r ati J u ; in , , , v r ( ,,

Tbe Urn; i arj in t i. ' .


S'VLVr.f.Nt; L.MI'.- - ! A

I i 1 1 i '. ii ' ' . 1 v u s in t r 1 1:

i .I i !i,r ill .

Wf to kt. ',',,o, ti.,:i,,.i i.f,l.uri t r 1 1 h i u. i v v -. a?. . .. .; . '

1. M HA 111! .V Co .i

"r in at. i V? v r ' I - .VI win 1

Meat Market and Grocery.K

TT.KI.tflAH Ulis .V I.lUNd'.IoN I L tjia I liart i . fjfti 1 a t ;..i!i. .., , in t - ( . ? ,

rrft and pro V I l" . , . fu- .J f . t ; ,

li,t ifm tHe i..ttr. i or r I .. .' e r... ; :. , v..... .- - ... . .. .- ...u it ii.. iioiii i' i i.i i ui 1 i . ! ,.ru: ...t j.

MsrSet tleM, Vj.'s.;e I r. ". e. a f .T ;


tVri' !.i C.e; Willfurti 5 t" '! m'. ia n y f.t'irt1" 1 w ItS tl-e.- - '.-- s rk

.:le-- s.j

ireiii lest:of r.s t- una'i'y sn ' i'li- - 1 l.. c i.

S'atjjl sti .tid.J7 ;., .l,S--if tfdtij ir . ite-- Ii u'i arl - It.!!''.tk. Ihkf viim or:i-- .!.'1J'.iii M I M,1 ,

IvSTHAY NOlK'i;Sutt of Indians, Vi ;' Oinrty, tt :

taken r a an eiirr er.tle i 0; I rary . ' ty Ttir kr 1 Ptck u, ,, ? m i, .ryCiaek tt.sri.it.ip. a wL.la e , , yty.u pk'e j

1 ;e i at. I red a:. o-- ? r ci J r- ;

o.l.r 1 s .me i;att. - f t.f'.n trB?'l i t. t

Its kip with ttie lel.er I , i ai.out li j.rr'i.I;an. I r; r. ; 1 it 1?,' ""v Prt;er :i r,,t 6and "ti 'r;ce. nn t'.t 1 i. nf

ll. t M ll.i.a, .'. I."A trae i Ü. Ftrav Ho ur ''f5n3 ANH. U ILKlN-s- , t i'k.

TV'OTI T--- 1 l erebyjneuti.it th.-r- e

eleriK. lt 1 ei t h.i 'NJ be si n ...I'-l- l !i.sI her. k. Pierson tnwi .skip. Vine. ..tv. In !

.aturdsy.Mar 17, W).at 1 1 lo k , A. V ., i r I

ths purpose f tl'uliK ihn Imiielr.ilfSvirrk fly otser of the! ra'ee,fetewt KTTTAkkll.Ci.maa Cicrk

M-- -

.iMmwntl-i- . $ fJ-7-.

U'nXf. '..mim m 0t - .u in Iii

J' ';' i . i:i.(mi 1

IWiiirr.p fnrf Tfltin Afirr Tskine.

f.i, I.CfU w- -J tis.v vi. own jo icb ni.na 'iinrn.ux; i, "o:, V. i'.i Ccrr ItJtH.VfKI .v. 1' P.: .:r ;,!., a (''a'-hle- f :wert.wi.'i ;4 ,.. (

-- , vi z s; 1 ii.ull.alle reut.r'r lor lUi I LtlVli rvf r Inowii!I. N .. : u : ' tr ti 1 cue tr.tr.tlt tlel.y re-i.- i..t

I tv. . V. leu tt..c;!. Itsn.j2fr.ee ll felf"uM;il,r. ;!iMi ty cinoftLd bT. fön-I- .

;.. : 1 J r tiriaUl uu i f Uf bloo-S- .

II 1. . tr.'..: ir.v t;S'-- as i:t Liter in the stowai . si ! tr rs.:hers tbe wtoh

: wuwutgw.-ouuf-a vw.

i fici ;:r KiUnv, mi all Di-a- c aiis:if1 fr,.-,- . ;. i .,irj:r,:i i.hrr or M Msrh Isire- -

llwiMt, tr.tvar.l IV.e, Ati-til- or s,

Il'.rM .iu.fii. wf liU.tl l' tl.cli s. l,.i.i'l r r tmni'.rsln Hie iieaii, 1 -- ir --

it'.i n'W.t .Hrt, i;!!a or Wei-l- it In ItieMo.nif'i. hour tu.!'...-:- , LhoVtu or hutToCrt-U- tj

Itt! 1 t a I.f r h !n;.',.. n, Dryue, Yellow11 It h"k;:t r.'d t je, NiiM swel, lawerJ

I'.--. n ii th sto .ti of Cie L-V- , Chet orM.l . ui!Jtii 1 til liviU, IK i rcion

li.rUl-i- l i 1 .". I.anjruoi. lei.on- -

or' ) .. r '. l',-.- ' r, Sere or blrtcbes on tbek i r 11 I 1 . 1 r:: 1 Artif virCliil'. l:J Ftiel.i

it I it ji'o r uro i.t--- s i ti.o r.;.'.Jor at..V'. ,,. .' is St 1.: r ;1 Wi 1 ucot'.tneuceof fin ;r.i: 'i-sr- ti . I .at "H or Wrakte

j o; iV t. .: A. 01 Kit JJt r. . i.t- -. fte., TH Y.IW. 1 NO MISTAKK AIX)UT IT.; 1 ; s Cn . : s a il i,..y f Hat 1 1 eure au Ol tie S- -

,)..., .k.uasp.'V ttrf tl.n a li; r ;;!,,, in.L.i.,ri.:'i!i.i,u!rrrcb.. lU'ru X'imnV rflV 11MTTI 1'vi... .A. . .X.'. .li.JI.IV. X. mS m,

II 11 f u uK; a jrir; li.e tat si montks.aü.iii r- - ii.:..i.r 1? L.tt.'-.- 1.1 rt u;j eiairo ti-r.- .i

t'. I , ihr, v til m:rT.T fnra weatnesOr: t!:f;i Mil.iii'iMrri;5itfiilr.jr l or- -

.i'it HU!ct 1 r j ti j tTO Till: LAPnib'.

1 j r a ih In 1 hcall i) uj ,lttUjT lienC .tl'.mr, luJ Ml 'l( 'f .Mc1al Cordial.It w lit urengU.wu ar.t lnn; late jiur mko'cjftf ni, e 4um s a luiLitl.x sitvl j tre cirt t.Uti-- i

h!i...t t.ifi. t'.H.i !i j t 1 il, kit .1 tue tli Ii,r iv t. T .fi-- i .!. I', u 1. ni.j'i 1.1 j.m tLkarain.

t.: eti bv:5o i wtrr .i l .1 tv f no satlüfiilor.YOll CHILOKKX.

We a 1. ; e.;. If jour LiUrr imr,t.ioilIi;.. Ul tmj.tain prcvli.t I.i

.tl.'.li'li,c;o lUi-.- a 'iiHll qua t,;i t j of Mrl-!.- 'oru.al, li .1 it w ill iiiukt tlrm 1 sltliv, fit t,.

io:jl. .) 1. t a 1 v. i.c i t, try it, 9 l j 01LJ rout 1 tii U.

IT IS DKUCIOUS TO TAKE.i inion. Ho tir i f Dri'trls or Ucalcrs m !..

ii V t r t' j n "if n .a 'ie l illrr rboy ran c;ir;.j., by ) 11 gii

:;vj t. Avoi.l mth liicii. .k lur MvlM h'.i ; vlti' hi )f t rü. al , .ui.l take lnKl.ll,rh?. It is tte m.lf rem.-.l- ) that yKl pulllytt.-M.K..- 1

iL ;:. -- u'v.r." et the sine time Irer-t- l-

.... II..' K!l"l'I o, t l4 'li'i" ".!jii.li"ii every iiuin.iiijrj in, 1 a reri" i.i 1 r vi-ti- t lor Cbolra, t'lilll

ami I 1 r, 1 'l.sr reier, or nv iealcutUi-- i ul ; in Iht ittls.

fr:.e U .c: btte, or . .r fi.Mi I.KAN.

S to V' riefr f tb: Cor.llal.t !.. 1. V U a iiii. Oil l.titiwioi.t .

;i al D.-i.-.- u tl"Ö1V..K Ai,..

1 .iniiT i 1 ; h i

Volcanic Oil iultM'JM... -- i.i , j ft, u certuiu ruie i,r laute.

lilM.sAeuul;!.. eki,fMf ms UBWor 11 p j, , ..t ..,.lr.-u-- .t iusc.'r,..r L:amri-- .

er-- :i ...:. t.Urrs. Fevei s;fr.'K -- s 1 . 0..V.V. ;;vI 'ii in I'iii, ., , ...:r,!'?t i. I Mcui;;- -T--

1. . .. .... . . .


Ii,,,,,.,.; i.Tt..liuriu,.sr..ftr.., ,

IcVulUsil If '! ' .1 .

it.., ,. tl.luliiirriivin'oa(.M',, tiinya,..! heal tt.,t (v,UlC. . itsi.ianlncrc llldy ,;,.iri tliMc.

1 or llrc a ,lcr AnlmttU.j I

.i' lutvir 1 rn u 1 r.e t ii : I .1 Mm. 1 11 K ...."r , i' "m"''' 1 "H '.S- -'v'.?ei-rv;';,v-

. jr: K,,f,s4'r'1"'-- '

.e"Ve'' i'.V'V'' '"J'lM ...I..!-.- ;,

I urn Irifi.-- lioior r .t n... wisny worlble.i.ii iii.ci,:... rue :umsus.,..s xu .jMr,.;:uu4.v r it,n,

.1 ri1' ' ' r ' I ''in.' M., .ct I,..'ii.

I t le r J. II. ( .N .M Ni.ll AMI mi Mai

llUUAiii) ASSÜCIAT1UN.i'it r 1, titti.rin .

t:intht ltit.tt,n,tlt,H,.i.t4 he.y.a,7ra ,A. r.er-el-. a,.

tiirsui.ll!..!'!0"-,''- !

i aie. ,.... ,( h.j.,,,,, :i, C.L...

I IL- - US.I. :lfc--. Melius Ol u., dl.e,,Ci V,,lfV. .flfrsl r,. . . . . .' ' . 'I 1.1 I "i If I I a i. I- " " s. 'II


li..t,,.e,,t of U.1- - r. , es.V. .'kn,. ai'i" ,d.lc,l Ad vlrele o v. I.. a,.r:y by lett. , , r. h a drstMrti',.

lt.'. VC .. and in uim, m...... .

V le..,., a.'J ii..t Ue Asocial,'',!;,::,,, , , .oi i'i'toifil WdUfiu treat

.J :t.v iV::'ii L.-.- kttf Ii, ! ' I' ll r 1;.' f,: ,,f ,... l.Iu t I vi'r.i.t, ftitua, Sruutial vk-'r- r

i ",", the Vice. o.' ..i1-! .A .wäS 11.. a. a, oi iiu.. Mdi,f,.. i , i , ,

..... ,.... ...I ...t; t l.fctj.i. .'4.r.

rf" l,v" f I' r: iftlorrhf.ea ai..i,41i- -

,t:. T;t.d,r ,,,n.-,feHvv;- ; Ve;:' ' -- i i i.rae! i.

ieij. ,;;;r; t,t,iM..

l.y r I. i ,,r ti.e Iure Wh

I in!- - l'"1' v .Uhniil.i..srtrr?tr,

VJ 'ill. i. sau iti.no?lTnSlu


' ' 1 ' I i i i K II N .'i.NK 13 LOCK. . , --TT

. "11 f , O tf -- ..-'. I I' IH-- T' K F Ii'aLT'WaKI:'Hau N J. .". I1 3 Mai r au et"r ':'' .""utti. rn !;r.k, where te""J"' " i -- 't"i.-.s st.d as n.tt, tttm Of easir.ay fav.r I... srn (!,ir ..f ti,e4r pitrotaiaw.HceM,.,aftl. M- - i.Hm t. a. .1 a, .1 i, fV--v i! ',;'"t .:!), wei; s UiJf I soti af

HLLK ii A ll I) V A It i:Mechanics Tools of Every Duerip.


Sa."l,e las ,

rAii.rs,laoa.."Nail. Mril, Ac.

I' f, 1 '. r..! fiery lh!r? peit!nlie ka ll t.' I -- ;. , I will ( rntir . I. !! al Itsll'ry fjirttt tijurtt.t,j-!- i

IJ.I.WM tjii. rlrff.ftyf rtUi rtr r .

e.' I'!"' , i. .!f IK ;l.rii..v i l sjauin e'.;.'. i .1, j ;i . r ui i i.t f.a ii.im.f ' tr cl l.li Kua.

:.l ''ff t ; r' .i.ty. d-- ei li'J, ta. SaiULtira,.!i l! '.:Ji. r t ."i ', ,. yare, Inn,

- i j r i r s. . o.i j ri n, ! sea, a'l IL. j ! I '."; 1, s t ' I ! i.f.ir, cciutltlit;i' t'- - If rt te i t I nfü cf the V..:.!, r.er. i3.f.!u e'r t'liti'Ui 1 arre Maua

I't v, P., , r. 1 in -- nf a r I'rirk losi,Mi .

It' lit. I iJ ! j t .. II trsr'a lnil!, t .. r.;i. r,'t . t r ne .Vut.M I,;, ,

M .w' ia i:tL..f.-pur- r Uiserfftiiaawet- -.'.a tr rii .r.; tal.att, u


".-- '. -

Jut Itrrritrd at It.t rt lells 5.ariltioL Stcte.

fill If': IMI'LM'IMI Ckl:a.aeJ Mawlit s llf Hai,. Ii, f.r tw Heart lilaturi- -k i asteaCJaati


f.raUi.; r i i le Ire-- , amiable for trans- -'.ti. t. K.l ."iii'iii I. ai-'- t .f .i tty ii.ot.es, a-- 1.

, '..l t Cn '.it'it, iit trty sll of Lieh weat ..r-.- T 1 ; f'ii o. r fjn.i.O. '.c r- - i'.l kin ' ot fn.it aud orn a mental

:.'t ..1 f.'.l.d f.. i Mint ii iice, frora tLef.l Nwi in i" l'"f ei. the itpp-I- trees eit

f i r n t i -- ii" ? .

0 i .r - t .n liase tkeia deliver- -1 in t ivi ii with kt stra vhsfe, ly leav Bg tketp

ot I. . I N . 11. Met tit.ica Kow .

.Utrr' .l ni.y Uu hj I iki trflnrer t.uruty t.iy ii e.,t.... tu trit-e.iMi-

y Lad IK-U- try tboso,f i!i,l'17",'"! I av i:inev.Ifl'tr .Aurjy it .tujt .2 tic. tulles south.

ufl tiWM. It J. M. IH'HHAV ta'CQ

sept. I,l-SJ-dw-