H o l y T r i n i t y G r e e k O r t h o d o x C h u r c h Table of Contents Volume 20 Issue 6 June 2020 Proistamenos: Fr. Jon Emanuelson Memorials .................................. 8 Stewardship ............................. 10 Calendar................................... 11 Church News e will be back together soon. Soon we will have the human fellowship and wor- ship together in your home, Holy Trinity with Our Holy God and His angels commune with us. For now, we must fellowship from a distance. When will we reopen? At this date, we could reopen. The council has created a committee, chaired by Ann Robinson, to look at the de- tails of what we need to do to open safely for all. See more details in Fr. Jon message. Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers, Grandfa- thers, Godfathers, and all the wonderful men who have touched our lives in a car- ing and compassionate way. May God bless and keep all of you safe from all harm. We thank Father Jon, George, Makrina, and Remember you can see Bulletin on line at holytrinity.me.goarch.org under “Resources”, then Current Newletter continued on pg. 4 Church News ............................... 1 Priest Message .............................. 3 St. John the Baptist........................ 7 Last Year’s Memorial Service, which we will do on June 6 th See write-up on pg. 4

Church Newsholytrinity.me.goarch.org/assets/files/Newsletters/june-20.pdfHoly TriniTy Greek orTHodox CHurCH 2 BulleTin of THe ParisH of THe Holy TriniTy Greek orTHodox CHurCH June

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  • H o l y T r i n i t y G r e e k O r t h o d o x C h u r c h

    Table of Contents

    Volume 20 Issue 6 June 2020 Proistamenos: Fr. Jon Emanuelson

    Memorials .................................. 8

    Stewardship ............................. 10

    Calendar................................... 11

    Church Newse will be back together soon. Soon we will have

    the human fellowship and wor-ship together in your home, Holy Trinity with Our Holy God and His angels commune with us. For now, we must fellowship from a distance.

    When will we reopen? At this date, we could reopen. The council has created a committee, chaired by Ann Robinson, to look at the de-tails of what we need to do to open safely for all. See more details in Fr. Jon message.

    Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers, Grandfa-thers, Godfathers, and all the wonderful men who have touched our lives in a car-ing and compassionate way. May God bless and keep all of you safe from all harm.

    We thank Father Jon, George, Makrina, and

    Remember you can see Bulletin on line at holytrinity.me.goarch.orgunder “Resources”, then Current Newlettercontinued on pg. 4

    Church News ............................... 1

    Priest Message .............................. 3

    St. John the Baptist ........................ 7

    Last Year’s Memorial Service, which we will do on June 6th

    See write-up on pg. 4

  • Holy TriniTy Greek orTHodox CHurCH


    BulleTin of THe ParisH of THe

    Holy TriniTy Greek orTHodox CHurCH


    155 Hogan RoadP. O. Box 1344

    Lewiston, Maine 04243-1344Phone & Fax (207) 783-6795

    Photographers:David Le Gloahec

    Writers:David LeGloahecFr. Jon Emanuelson

    Light of Life is the monthly publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Lewiston, Maine under the Metropolis of Boston of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

    It is intended for the communication and edification of the community of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

    and its friends.Publication created using:Adobe® InDesign® CS-5, Adobe® Photoshop® C.S.5, Art Explosion® 750,000, Macromedia Freehand® 9.0, IconGraphics™ Byzantine ClipArt on an Apple iMac.

    fonts used: Palatino, Papyrus & Optima.

    See us on the web atholytrinity.me.goarch.org


    Building & Addition: John Stass, Mike PelletierCemetery: Michael PelletierFestival: Finance & Endowment: Dorothy Moskovis, Mike Pelletier. Hellenic Heritage: Georgia ChomasInterior: Stella Gammaitoni, John RozosMaintenance: Jim Simones, Harry Simones, Stella GammaitoniParish Historical Society: John KesarisSpiritual Enrichment: Ann RobinsonStewardship: Librarian: Tom GoodwinLadies Society: Christine Sirois Choir Directors: John Rozos, Chris GianopoulosSunday School Director: Presbyteria EmanuelsonReaders: George Simones, David LeGloahec, John Rozos, Jaye Goulet, Peter VayanosAcolyte Guide: Roger ParkBook Store Manger: Desrée TanquayVisitation Committee: Margery Mars (933-4949) & Christine Sirois

    (784-7107) Other Members: Ann Pelletier, Dotty Moskovis, George Simones, Rosemary Goranites, Deserée Tanquay, and John Rozos.

    Food for fellowhip time after church

    June7.......14.......????21......????28.......If you wish to host a memorial or sponsor food for after church fellowship please sign up.

    Council MembersPresident John Carson ...................(714) 658-5867Vice PresidentJaye Mendros-Goulet ....(207) 956-8650TreasurerStella Gammaitoni ........(207) 333-2672Assistant TreasurerDavid LeGloahec ..........(207) 514-3693SecretaryPeter Vayanos ................(617) 838-8408 John Kesaris ..................(207) 622-5381John Kroger ...................(207) 689-6132Othneil Kroger ..............(540) 630-1957Stephan Kroger .............(207)740-5888Peter Mars .....................(207)933-4949Dina Medouris ..............(207) 240-6264Steven Mihalakis ...........(207) 620-0124Roger Park ....................(207) 754-1134

  • June 2020


    Got Church News?

    Send your text, your pictures, your inspirations, whatever it is,

    send it to:[email protected] continued on pg. 4

    Priest’s Message

    On Reopening our Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

    his is similar to when teaching our children to use new equipment: Safety

    first! Thankfully, the Governor Janet Mills has allowed the houses of worship to reopen in Maine. His Eminence is giving his blessing as well. So, why not just reopen? Because we want to open the church when we can do it safely and in compliance with the guidelines from the Metropolis and the state of Maine.

    Metropolis Guidelines as of May 18, 2020

    An Update Regarding the Reopening of Our Churches

    To the Reverend Clergy and Parish Councils of the Metropolis of Boston

    Dear Brethren in the Household of the Lord,

    Christos Anesti! Christ Is Risen!

    As we have reached Mid-Pentecost and continue in the Paschal celebration, I pray that you and your families are well and healthy!

    As you know, Massachusetts Governor Baker announced this morning that Church-es are permitted to reopen in the Common-wealth at a 40% capacity rate, as part of the Phase-One Reopening plan. In light of this or-der, I ask our clergy and parish council leaders to begin to make immediate necessary plans to prepare our church buildings to be ready to welcome our faithful back for liturgical

    April 18th blessing and driving under the icons

  • Holy TriniTy Greek orTHodox CHurCH


    Church Newscontinued from pg.1

    Priest’s Message cont’d from pg.3

    Roger for keeping our ser-vices going on Facebook Live.

    Thank you everyone for your contributions – your kind and supportive words, your work, and your financial donations. As always, if you need any-thing or know of any parishoner, Please feel free to contact any member of the Parish Council.

    On Saturday, June 6, 2020 Sat-urday of Souls Memorial. We will celebrate the Saturday of Souls Orthros and Liturgy at a special time 8:00AM-Orthros, 9:00AM-Liturgy. Later on June 6th, please join us at 11:00AM at Oak Hill Cemetary at the end 7th Street in Auburn. We will set a table in the center of our area in the cemetary. One of our parishioners will pro-vide a large bowl of Kollyva. I will conduct the Memorial for the Saturday of Souls commemorat-ing everyone in the community. We ask that everyone keep the proper social distance and wear a mask (if restrictions are still in place) as is appropriate in public. We can then receive some Kollyva and go to the family gravesides and pray the Trisagion prayers.

    worship. We are also currently receiving the official govern-mental reopening orders for the other New England states.

    With the reopening protocols that will be announced in each state during the next several days and weeks, it is imperative that each of our 62 Metropolis Parishes be-gin to plan proper safety procedures to execute a safe and orderly process in accordance with the state and lo-cal governmental directives. Please note the following suggestions as you organize your parish procedures:

    •The Parish Priest and Parish Council should begin to meet and put a parish safety plan into effect.•Seek the guidance and input from medical workers within the parish to participate in the formation of the parish safety and health plan.•Seek the advice of the parish legal counsel to review and advise on the parish safety plan.•Review the Safety Standards published by state and local govern-mental agencies, as well as the attached information prepared by the Assembly of Orthodox Bishops. (See attached link).

    WHEN can our parishes open?

    If a parish, after careful and deliberate preparation, considers that they are able to meet all of the State and Local guidelines, they may begin to open their doors as early as this coming Sunday, May 24. The majority of our parishes, however, may well need more time to pre-pare, and may choose Sunday, May 31, or even June 7, the Feast of Pentecost, as the date for their reopening.

    Parishes should not resume public worship before they are ready, and the decision to delay the reopen-ing may very well be the best decision for a particu-lar community. No matter what the start date, no par-ish should open its doors for public worship unless they can do it safely, and in compliance with the guidelines.

    PLEASE NOTE: Some Communities, including the cit-ies of Boston and Somerville, may have local munici-

  • June 2020


    pal orders that are stricter than those of the state, which MUST be respected.

    If you have specific questions, con-cerns or information you would like to share, please contact the Chancellor directly.

    May the Light of our Lord’s Resurrection guide our steps as we prepare to reopen our churches to welcome our faithful back into the pews to join together in liturgical worship.

    With Archpastoral Love,

    + M E T H O D I O SMetropolitan of Boston

    State of Maine Guidelines

    Phase 1: Religious Gatherings Released May 22, 2020 The best way to prevent spread of COVID-19 is to avoid exposure to this vi-rus. The primary strategies for reducing risk are physical distancing, face cover-ings, hand hygiene, and the cleaning and disinfection of common touch surfaces.

    Religious organizations should continue to consider offering and promoting the use of on-line, recorded, drive-in and outdoor services in lieu of indoor in-person services. Additionally, religious organizations should consider strate-gies to reduce participant exposure to droplets and aerosolized particles that are emitted with forceful respiratory exhalations that commonly occur when singing, speaking loudly, and play-ing certain musical instruments. To give reli-gious institutions the adequate opportunity to prepare to implement this guidance, this guid-ance takes effect in one week on May 29, 2020.

    Staff guidelines I have left off since we do not have a staff of greater than 2 here at Holy Trinity.

    Phase 1: Religious Gatherings Released: 5/22/2020 • Place signage at entrances and throughout the facil-ity alerting staff and members to the required occu-pancy limits, 6 feet of physical distance, and policy on cloth face covering. Face coverings are recommended by the CDC and currently required in public places where physical distancing is difficult to maintain, per the Governor’s Executive Order. • Ensure adequate supplies (e.g., soap, paper towels, hand sanitizer, tissue) to support healthy hygiene practices, including increased cleaning and disinfec-tion procedures. • Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are fre-quently touched. This may include cleaning objects/surfaces not ordinarily cleaned daily (e.g., doorknobs, light switches, classroom sink handles, countertops). Provide EPA-registered disposable wipes so that com-monly used surfaces (e.g., keyboards, desks, remote controls) can be wiped down. • Ensure that ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible by opening windows and doors, using fans, other methods. Do not open windows and doors if doing so poses a safety risk to employees or members. • Take steps to ensure that all water systems and features (for example, drinking fountains, decorative fountains) are safe to use after a prolonged facility shutdown to minimize the risk of Legionnaires’ dis-ease and other diseases associated with water. • Ensure that staffing of facilities is sufficient to en-able enhanced cleaning and disinfection measures. • Any other individuals or entities that use a faith-based organization’s facilities, such as renters or com-munity organizations, must follow the same gather-ing size limit, physical distancing, and cleaning and disinfection protocols outlined in this document. • Playgrounds should remain closed at this time. • Parents are encouraged to bring children with them to regular services. Operating nursery services is dis-couraged at this time because infants less than age 1 are at higher risk. Classes for children, such as Sunday schools, should only operate if physical distancing and masking (when age and developmentally appro-priate) can be maintained. o Church school leaders may refer to guidance for schools. • Refer to the Day Camps and Summer Recreation Programs checklist for guidance concerning summer programs such as Vacation Bible School.

    continued on pg. 6

  • Holy TriniTy Greek orTHodox CHurCH


    • For public health purposes, faith-based organi-zations should maintain a list of all attendees and visitors to its services and activities, if possible. If a place of worship learns that an attendee or worker has tested positive for COVID-19, they should promptly notify Maine DHHS, CDC, or a local public health official and assist all such officials as reasonably requested to trace likely contacts and advise contacts to isolate and self-quarantine. o For purposes of this guidance and based on cur-rent knowledge, a close contact is someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 48 hours before illness onset until the time the patient is isolated. They should stay home, maintain social distancing, and self-monitor until 14 days from the last date of exposure. • Whenever possible, minimize the duration of activities to decrease the risk of transmission. COVID-19 Prevention Checklist Phase 1: Religious Gatherings Released: 5/22/2020 4 • Mission trips, group travel, and non-essential out-of-state travel are not recommended at this time. • Develop a process to receive and disinfect do-nated items from the community.

    Worship Service Guidance

    • Communicate with members and visitors about new protocols and the importance of face cover-ings, physical distancing, and hand hygiene. • Gatherings at in-person services must not exceed the limit established by the Governor’s Executive Order. The current limit is 10 and that limit will increase to 50 for religious institutions on May 29, 2020. • Know the signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Know what to do if staff or mem-bers become symptomatic on premises. • Attendees should be advised on the symptoms of COVID-19. Religious leaders are encouraged to determine a method, such as prominent signage, for reminding them of these symptoms. • Persons at high-risk for COVID-19 are encour-aged to use online or other remote options to attend services, meetings, and other religious gatherings at this time. High-risk individuals include: o People 65 or older o People of all ages

    with underlying medical conditions, particularly if not well controlled including: •People with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma ▪ People who have serious heart condi-tions •People who are immunocompromised: Many condi-tions can cause a person to be immunocompromised, including cancer treatment, smoking, bone mar-row or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, and prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune system weakening medications •People with severe obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 40 or higher) •People with diabetes •People with chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis ▪ People with liver disease •Cloth face coverings must be worn by all attendees when physical distancing is difficult to maintain, such as when coming and going, except for children under the age of 2. Please review AAP Guidelines for face coverings for children. •Outdoor services are encouraged. Both indoor and outdoor religious gatherings require adherence to physical distancing guidelines.

    COVID-19 Prevention Checklist Phase 1: Reli-gious Gatherings Released: 5/22/2020

    • Those living in the same household may sit togeth-er without distancing between each other. • Seating between households must be at least 6 feet apart. Consider alternating rows of pews or seating. • Choirs have been associated with COVID-19 outbreaks. Therefore, choirs are strongly discouraged at this time. There is a significant risk to participants through the in-crease in aerosolized droplets during singing. o Communal singing also increases risk of respiratory transmission of COVID-19 and is not recommended at this time. Hum-ming is not known to increase COVID transmission risks and could provide an alternative to communal singing. • In addition to physical distancing, consider the use of plexiglass barriers to reduce the additional risk of projected respiratory droplets from clergy, cantors, readers, wood-wind instruments, and vocal soloists, etc. • Consider dismissing worship attendees one row at a time to avoid congestion at exits. • Post-service refreshments, meals, and fellowship activi-

  • June 2020


    ehold I send my messenger before your face, Who will prepare Your way before You. The voice of one crying in the wilderness,

    ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight’.

    St. John’s is the only saint’s birthday celebrated throughout the church calendar year. St. John is remembered on three other days as well, but they all deal with the discovery of his Holy relics.

    The Archangel Gabriel at the altar struck Zacharias, a Hebrew priest and St, John’s father, dumb when he would not believe the archangel’s news that his wife Elizabeth (a very old woman) would conceive a son. He got his voice back when writing, on the day of the child’s circumcision, that his name would be John. When Herod sent soldiers to kill the infants in Jerusalem in search of Jesus, St. John also was at risk. Elizabeth hid the baby, and in anger Herod had Zacharias killed near the temple. Elizabeth hid in a cave with the baby and died when he was forty days old. St. John remained in the wilderness where he was raised by angels. The presence of St. John and his disciples was not felt until about one year before the beginning of the ministry of Jesus. He preached repentance in the wilderness and not the cities, and the crowds came to him. He is known as the Baptist and Forerunner of Christ, because of his role in preparing the people for the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

    The Nativity of the Honorable Forerunner, St. John the Baptist

    June 24

  • Holy TriniTy Greek orTHodox CHurCH


    M E M O R I A L S

    In Memory ofErvin & Virginia


    May their memories be eternal

    In Memory ofAntheJames

    May her memory be eternal

    In Memory ofGeorgia


    May her memory be eternal

    In Memory ofJames & Mary


    May their memories be eternal

    In Memory ofJohn


    May his memory be eternal

    In Memory ofNicholas

    & EvridiceMerkouris

    May their memories be eternal

    In Memory ofMary


    May her memory be eternal

    In Memory ofTheodore &

    Elizabeth Kleros

    May their memories be eternal

    In Memory ofLewis Kesaris

    May his memory be eternal

    In Memory ofSteve & Loretta

    KarvelasMay their memories

    be eternal

  • June 2020


    In Memory ofSpiro & Antigone


    May their memories be eternal

    M E M O R I A L SIn Memory of

    Mary Vlacheas

    May her memory be eternal

    In Memory ofSpero & Jennie


    May their memories be eternal

    In Memory ofMichel Prouchinsky

    May his memory be eternal

    In Memory ofChris & Aliki Karagiannes

    May their memories be eternal

    In Memory ofJohn & Viola Margarones

    May their memories be eternal

    In Memory ofChirstopher & Ethel Markos

    May their memories be eternal

    In Memory ofGeorge NicholsMay his memory be eternal

    In Memory ofBessie


    May her memory be eternal

    In Memory ofJohn and Denise


    May Their memoriy be eternal

  • Holy TriniTy Greek orTHodox CHurCH






















































    Stewardship 2020







    Stewardship 2020

    Budgeted $124,405.67

    Stewardship Collected as of Mar 15, 2020

    Percent to GoalCollected 21%

    ($10,849 in the RED)we have gone through 25% of the year

    For the last few monthsThe collection met the weekly budget

    3/9 timesAs shown by the graph above.






    Yearly Budget 52weeks x 2445.48 = $127,164.96

    S. & A Bournakel ......... 12/2020Goranites .................. PerpetualHildreth .................... PerpetualJames ........................ PerpetualGiannopolis ............... 12/2020Karagiannes .............. Perpetual

    MemorialsIf you wish to have a memorial in the bulletin, please see D. LeGloahec

    or eMail to:[email protected]. Listed below is the name and the last bulletin.

    Karvelas .................. 12/2020Kesaris ...................PerpetualKleros.....................PerpetualMargarones ............PerpetualMerkouis ................PerpetualNicols ..................... 12/2020

    Pelletier .............. PerpetualSamson .............. PerpetualTaxiarchis ........... PerpetualVlacheas (2) .........12/2020



    Weekly Income Graph as of March 15

    On 3/15/20 took in $2037.00 needed $2433.48

    Weekly amount with full time priest

    Using $20K Dividends and $14K Capital Accounts

    Weekly amount with full time priest Using $20K

    Dividends and $24K Capital Account.

    Amount has been readjusted due changing financial requirements

    ties increase possible transmission risk and are not recommended at this time. • Places of worship are encouraged to modify communal rituals, like taking communion or passing of the peace, so as to limit contact with others. Consider distributing, where applicable, prepackaged communion or sacra-ments. • Avoid physical contact be-tween attendees, including greeting by shaking hands and hugging. • Collection containers, microphones, paper bulletins, attendance forms, etc., should not be passed from person to person. • Avoid sharing items. Consider removing com-mon touch items from seating and common areas such as envelopes, pens, texts, etc., as these items are challenging to keep clean between uses. • Plan ahead for strategies to minimize and limit individuals in small, shared common spaces. • Prop open doors before and after services to reduce common contact surfaces and increase airflow in the building. • All common spaces must be cleaned and disinfected between multiple session services.

    continued on pg. 11

    Priest’s Messagecont’d from pg. 6

  • June 2020


    Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat


    Festival Zoom Mtg 6:30 PM

    2 3 4 5 6Saturday of Souls Orthros 8:00 AMLiturgy 9:00 AMService at Cem-etary 11:00 AM

    7Holy Pentecost Orthros 9:00 AMLiturgy 10:00 AM

    8Monday of the Holy SpiritOrthros 9:00 AMLiturgy 10:00 AM

    9 10 11 12 13


    All SaintsOrthros 9:00 AMLiturgy 10:00 AM


    Parish Council 6:30 PM

    16 17 18 19 20


    2nd Sunday of MatthewOrthros 9:00 AMLiturgy 10:00 AM

    22 23 24

    Nativity of John the Baptist

    25 26 27


    3rd Sunday of MatthewOrthros 9:00 AMLiturgy 10:00 AM


    Apostles Peter and PaulOrthros 9:00 AMLiturgy 10:00 AM

    30Holy ApostlesOrthros 9:00 AMLiturgy 10:00 AM

    1 2 3 4



    Cost in the Bulletin2 Months.............. ...................$20.001 Year ..... .............................. $110.00Perpetual (No Expiration) .$1000.00

    If you need Koliva (wheat) for a memorial, please contact the Ladies Society who will prepare it. There is no cost.

    All Public Services are cancelled at least untill the 21st.

    Thus, our Parish Council has met and discussed at length our reopening. We have formed a committee and we will make all the preparations necessary to safely reopen the church. The reopening announce-ment will be done by email as soon as we can accom-plish all the necessary preparations. God bless you for your patience. We are near to finishing the race.

    Love, Fr. Jon

    Priest’s Message cont’d from pg. 10

  • Holy TriniTy Greek orTHodox CHurCH


    from:Holy TriniTy Greek orTHodox CHurCHP.o. Box 1344 155 HoGan road lewisTon, me 04243-1344



    Opening Prayer ...............................................................................Fr. EmanuelsonElection of Moderator & Recording Secretary ..........................Roger ParkElection of Election Committee for the Fall election of council membersRecording Secretary’s Report ........................................................ President’s Report ...........................................................................Dr. J. CarsonTreasurer’s Report ...........................................................................Stella Gammatoni Priest’s Report ..................................................................................Fr. EmanuelsonLadies Society ..................................................................................Christine Sirois Stewardship Committee Report ....................................................Ann RobinsonBusiness:2020 ProjectsOther: