Civil Rights Civil Rights PERFORMANCE PLAN PERFORMANCE PLAN 2004 - 2008 2004 - 2008 Utah State University Extension

Civil Rights PERFORMANCE PLAN 2004 - 2008 Utah State University Extension

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2004 - 20082004 - 2008

Utah State University Extension

Program Planning and Participation Program Planning and Participation Goal Area IGoal Area I

Purpose:• Increase participation of

people of underrepresented groups on county and statewide Extension Boards.

• Increase participation of underserved, women, minorities, and those with limited resources.

Program Planning and Participation OBJECTIVE 1

• Utah State University Extension must become the catalyst for facilitating relationships with other federal and state agencies and the public schools in developing outreach programs to meet the assessed needs of underserved audiences and diverse populations statewide. Goal: “Programs with Diversity Promise”

Program Planning and Participation OBJECTIVE 2

• Latino agent technician assistants will be expected to facilitate teaching Spanish to the traditional agent and will help identify and service programs of most benefit to the Latino community. Goal: Three county pilot projects.

Program Planning and Participation OBJECTIVE 3

• Identify volunteers, facilities and student/client/clients in the Latino communities who can be served in ESL, Internet, and computer programs to reduce cultural misunderstandings and improve reading and culture understanding.

• The focus will be introduction to the web and resources to reduce language and reading barriers among first- and second-generation Latino populations. Goal: Two county pilot projects utilizing CALFNES or similar program.

Program Planning and Participation OBJECTIVE 4

• A “Seniors Partners Program” will identify volunteer seniors who may provide service to 4-H, FCS, agriculture, natural resources, economic development, and other Extension program areas. Goal: “Senior Partners Program” in

three counties.

Program Planning and Participation OBJECTIVE 5

• Increase participation of underrepresented groups serving on program planning and advisory boards.

• Benchmarks will be established and annually reviewed to determine changes of participation by underrepresented populations.

Goal: Increased diversity on advisory boards.

Program Planning and Participation OBJECTIVE 6

• Increase the membership of underrepresented racial/ethnic minority group members in structured 4-H youth and family/community clubs and special interest and/or study groups. Goal: ES 237 comparisons to monitor

diversity efforts in 4-H programs.

Program Planning and Participation OBJECTIVE 7

• Adjust educational programs to accommodate and meet the needs and interests of clients with disabilities.

Goal: Consistency in ADA publication statements with appropriate follow-up.

Public NotificationPublic NotificationGoal IIGoal II


• Utah State University is committed to nondiscriminatory notification of all stakeholders regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability for the programs and activities provided throughout the state.

Public NotificationOBJECTIVE 1

• Advise potential program recipients of program availability and requirements of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.

• All reasonable effort will be undertaken to inform potential program participants of Extension activities and programs.

• All reasonable effort will be made to develop, modify and provide program materials for underrepresented groups .Goal: Improved application of “All Reasonable Effort"

Public NotificationOBJECTIVE 2

• The “And Justice for All” poster will be prominently displayed in each Utah Extension office and in public places regularly used by Extension educators as public meeting sites.

Goal: Poster will be displayed in public meeting sites.

Public NotificationOBJECTIVE 3

• Inform groups, organizations, associations, etc. with whom Extension cooperates in conducting educational programs or activities of the nondiscriminatory provision of CSREES.

• All publications printed at the state or county level will use the appropriate affirmative action statement. Goal: Appropriate use of nondiscriminatory publication statement.

Public NotificationOBJECTIVE 4

• Extension educators will ensure that the entity is nondiscriminatory by having them sign a nondiscrimination assurance statement which will be retained in the files of the units and renewed every three years.Goal: Nondiscrimination assurance statements solicited and on file.

Public NotificationOBJECTIVE 5

• Use nondiscriminatory statements, photos and graphics to convey the message of equal opportunity in informational releases to the public. Goal: “All Reasonable Effort”.

Public NotificationOBJECTIVE 6

• All educational materials shall be written and presented in such a manner as to eliminate the perception of gender bias.Goal: “ All Reasonable Effort” and appropriate publication proofing.

Civil Rights TrainingCivil Rights TrainingGoal IIIGoal IIIPurpose:

• Continued diversity/cultural training will be offered to provide a better understanding of other cultures and to provide strength in programming from a variety of sources.

• USU Extension and the AAEO Office provide regular training for employees at all levels to enhance understanding of diversity issues and to increase their ability to reach out to the underserved and underrepresented in Utah.

Civil Rights TrainingOBJECTIVE 1

• Civil rights training will be conducted for dealing with the growing diversity in communities and among actual and potential Extension clientele.

• A civil rights self-assessment tool will be used

by Extension employees.

• Supervisors will annually review progress being made by staff in remediating areas of deficiency identified in the self assessment.Goal: Annual self assessment by all Extension employees.

Civil Rights Compliance ReviewsCivil Rights Compliance ReviewsGoal IVGoal IV


• Establish and implement a systematic procedure for conducting internal on-site civil rights compliance reviews.

Civil Rights Compliance ReviewsOBJECTIVE 1

• Beginning winter 2004 ten counties will receive civil rights training and a mock civil rights compliance review. One third of Utah counties will continue with this program annually.

• Goal: A systematic compliance review of all counties

Civil Rights Population and Civil Rights Population and Clientele ProjectionsClientele Projections

Goal VGoal VPurpose:

Explore the population base in each county focusing on demographic variables important to providing programs and services to all populations including those who have been historically underserved.

Civil Rights Population & Clientele ProjectionsOBJECTIVE 1

• Use current 2000 US Census information to determine populations eligible to participate in Extension programs.

Goal: Establish targets for 2008 to insure program parity among groups.

Civil Rights Population & Clientele ProjectionsOBJECTIVE 2

• Identify program areas and then project anticipated participation as basis for establishing reasonable goals.Goal: Serving an equivalent 33 percent of all ethnic populations with Extension programs by 2008. (White, Black, Hispanic, American Indian and Asian)

Employment – Workforce DiversityEmployment – Workforce DiversityGoal VIGoal VI


• This four-year plan is to provide full compliance with EEO law. The plan is to provide equal opportunity to diverse and traditional audiences in the state of Utah.

Employment – Workforce DiversityEQUAL OPPORTUNITY in EMPLOYMENT

• Utah State University is dedicated to providing an equal opportunity climate and an environment free from discrimination and harassment.

• In accordance with established laws, the University prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or veteran's status. Additionally, the university prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in all aspects of employment and for student/clients in academic programs and activities.

Employment – Workforce DiversityAFFIRMATIVE ACTION

• Affirmative Action is designed to redress imbalances of minorities and women in the workforce.

• USU takes proactive "affirmative" steps to recruit, hire, and advance minorities and women when they are underrepresented in the University and are qualified and available in the labor force.

Employment – Workforce DiversityDEPARTMENT HEADS & COUNTY DIRECTORS

• Administration is responsible for ensuring that their employment and program delivery decisions comply with principles and the policies of Utah State University and Affirmative Action.

• Ensure that recruitment activities are designed to attract and employ candidates for all positions from minority as well as majority group members.

• Administrators and employment selection committees must carefully follow outlined employment and recruitment plans.

Employment – Workforce DiversityEMPLOYMENT PROCEDURES

• Classified Employee Positions• Faculty & Professional

Employee Positions• Classified Employee

Recruitment• Faculty & Professional

Employee Recruitment

Employment – Workforce Diversity Objective 1

• Ensure that recruitment activities are designed to attract and employ candidates for all positions from minority as well as majority group members.

Employment – Workforce Diversity Objective 2

• Maintain regular recruitment contacts with many groups, i.e. predominantly minority groups, women’s groups, schools, colleges and organizations.

Employment – Workforce Diversity Objective 3

• Utah State University is committed to providing comparability in salaries, if any salary differentials exist based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability a remediation process will be employed.

Employment – Workforce Diversity Objective 4

• Utah State University will analyze employee awards systems to ensure fairness and equity in consideration and awards.

Employment – Workforce Diversity Objective 5

• Utah State University assures the prompt, fair, and impartial processing of complaints of discrimination and EEO counseling.

Civil Rights Plan – ContactCivil Rights Plan – ContactGoal VIIGoal VII


• Identify persons having the responsibility or lead staff for civil rights indicating the area(s) they represent and breadth of their responsibility; administrative sign-off authority for civil rights; and report data preparation responsibilities.

Civil Rights Plan- ContactsOBJECTIVE 1

Leadership and responsibility for application of civil rights law at USU Extension:

• Noelle E. Cockett Directs and applies system wide policy.• Chuck GayChuck Gay Reviews regional compliance insures

program operates within guidelines.• Dallas HolmesDallas Holmes Day to day leadership and provides

training as Extension civil rights liaison.• Dave Ottley Provides leadership to USU • Brande Faupell AA/EO program, collaborates with

Extension Civil Rights initiatives.• Regional DirectorsRegional Directors Regional direction for AA/EO and civil rights• County DirectorsCounty Directors Application of AA/EO and civil rights laws in


• YOUYOU Applying the principles and practices in program planning, implementation, and delivery.

Civil Rights – Narrative Civil Rights – Narrative Accomplishment ReportAccomplishment Report

Goal VIIIGoal VIIIPurpose:

• A brief civil rights accomplishment report will be developed.

Civil Rights – Narrative Accomplishment Report OBJECTIVE 1

• Information will be gathered from the Extension accountability and reporting system ~FOCIS ~ and from the Annual County Civil Rights/Affirmative Action Accomplishments Report.

• The contact report system within FOCIS will provide a real time snapshot of the populations participating in Extension programs.

• Goal: The County Director will complete and submit an Annual Civil Rights/Affirmative Action Accomplishments Report.

Thank Thank YouYou for Applying Civil for Applying Civil Rights Principles and Practices in Rights Principles and Practices in Your Daily Service to the people Your Daily Service to the people

of Utahof Utah

Lending a helping hand to Utahns since 1914Lending a helping hand to Utahns since 1914

Dr Dallas L. Holmes , USU Extension Civil Rights Liaison 01.06Dr Dallas L. Holmes , USU Extension Civil Rights Liaison 01.06