1 Hello sweet, Infinite One! Thank you for choosing to purchase my Special Offer package. I’m grateful for ***YOU*** and the gift YOU BE to me, and the world, beyond anything you can currently imagine! Welcome to The Clearing Statement Written Explanation. I like to think of The Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement as an energetic toilet flush! The Access™ Clearing Statement is a potent tool created by Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness™, which empowers YOU to apply your consciousness to undo any limiting beliefs. Are you ready and willing to add the Access™ Clearing Statement to your life whenever a limiting belief comes up so that you can wipe the limitation out of existence? Are you ready and willing to truly embody the potency of this tool to clear the stuck energy that limits you, as if by magic? The first page of The Clearing Statement Written Explanation is called “What is The Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement? Your Quick-Start EZ Guide!” Following that you’ll find a written transcription that you can read as you listen along to The Clearing Statement Audio Explanation, or you can simply read through this written transcription separately, at your own pace. Enjoy! How does it get *even* better than this and what else is possible? Gratefully, xoxo Rikka

Clearing Statement Audio Explanationspecials.healingwiththemasters.com/rikka/files/...P.O.C. stands for Point of Creation: What we’re looking to do is clear where we planted the

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Page 1: Clearing Statement Audio Explanationspecials.healingwiththemasters.com/rikka/files/...P.O.C. stands for Point of Creation: What we’re looking to do is clear where we planted the


Hello sweet, Infinite One! Thank you for choosing to purchase my Special Offer package. I’m grateful for ***YOU*** and the gift YOU BE to me, and the world, beyond anything you can currently imagine! Welcome to The Clearing Statement Written Explanation. I like to think of The Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement as an energetic toilet flush! The Access™ Clearing Statement is a potent tool created by Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness™, which empowers YOU to apply your consciousness to undo any limiting beliefs. Are you ready and willing to add the Access™ Clearing Statement to your life whenever a limiting belief comes up so that you can wipe the limitation out of existence? Are you ready and willing to truly embody the potency of this tool to clear the stuck energy that limits you, as if by magic? The first page of The Clearing Statement Written Explanation is called “What is The Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement? Your Quick-Start EZ Guide!” Following that you’ll find a written transcription that you can read as you listen along to The Clearing Statement Audio Explanation, or you can simply read through this written transcription separately, at your own pace. Enjoy! How does it get *even* better than this and what else is possible™? Gratefully, xoxo Rikka

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What is the Access Consciousness ™ Clearing statement?

Your Quick-Start EZ Guide!

Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys & Beyonds™

The Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement stands for a series of questions designed to unlock the energy of whatever is limiting you. It’s an easy, fun, dynamic tool—just fill in the blanks to apply it in changing any area of your life. For this example, let’s clear the energy of anywhere you’re refusing to receive money. Right & Good stand for: How have we made refusing to receive money right, good, perfect and correct? Wrong & Bad stand for: How have we made refusing to receive money wrong, terrible, awful, mean and vicious? P.O.C. stands for Point of Creation: What we’re looking to do is clear where we planted the seed of limitation of refusing to receive money in any lifetime. If we destroy the seed does it then destroy the roots, tree, fruit and everything you’ve built based on it ever since then? P.O.D. stands for Point of Destruction: We destroy ourselves in order to hold any limitation in place. How much have we been destroying ourselves in order to keep the limitation of refusing to receive money in place? All 9 stands for 9 layers: How does refusing to receive money diminish us? How does refusing to receive money make us absolutely, totally, irrevocably, infinitely, utterly and eternally meaningless? What are the rewards that make refusing to receive money right, good, perfect and correct or wrong, terrible, awful, mean and vicious? In refusing to receive money what choices have we made or are we making? In refusing to receive money what creations created the commitments to the creation of our limitations? In refusing to receive money how many controls, definitions, limitations, forms, structures, significances, linearities, and concentricities of us hold this in existence? In refusing to receive money what are we unwilling to destroy that holds this in existence? Shorts stands for: What does refusing to receive money mean to us? How do we make refusing to receive money meaningless? What are we punishing ourselves with in regards to refusing to receive money? What are the rewards of refusing to receive money? Boys stands for: All the areas of our life where we’ve tried to handle something continuously with no effect. We would like to unlock the energy of the limitation even if we don’t even know where it comes from. Beyonds stands for: All the feelings and sensations that take us out of being present and aware. Have you ever gotten a cell phone bill that was $900 instead of your $34 plan? That’s a Beyond. When any energy comes up you can say, “Everything that brings up will you destroy and un-create all that? Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys & Beyonds™. We say, “destroy and un-create” because we are destroying our limitations and un-creating

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everywhere you have created the limitation. Now that you know what the Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement is you can use it to change any energy! Introduction: Hello world, and welcome to Access Consciousness™ with Rikka Zimmerman, the radio station that’s dedicated to spreading the seeds of consciousness to change the world! Rikka Zimmerman: Welcome to Access Consciousness™ with Rikka Zimmerman, live

on the World Puja Network. My name is Rikka Zimmerman, and I’m an Access Consciousness™ facilitator. I will be your host for the show. Access™ is a set of tools and processes that can basically change anything that’s not working in your life, anything that’s going on that’s not showing up the way that you would like it to. If you’re not allowing yourself to have the money you would like to have… If you’re not allowing yourself to have the relationship you would like to have… Or the body you would like to have…. We can change any of those areas!

What I love about Access Consciousness™ is that it’s based on the

question. Literally, it’s about empowering YOU to know what YOU know. How many of you have done all kinds of modalities that told you, “This is the answer,” and, “This is how you do it,” and, “We have the answer for your life”?

For me, when I looked through all those modalities, all of those

healing techniques, it always felt like, “Wait, but I know me better than you do. You don’t have the answer to my life.” And I kept trying to do everybody else’s answers, and nothing was working.

That’s what I love about Access™. It’s literally a series of

questions to empower you to know what you know. No one knows what you know. No one receives the way that you receive. No one has your particular awareness and your particular gift for the world. If I tell you anything, I’m actually disempowering you from being the greatness that you truly are.

Today we have an in-studio panel. We have four guests that are

brand new to Access™, just like you. So, would you like to meet some of our in-studio panel? Eric, would you like to say, “Hi”?

Eric: Hi, Rikka. Thanks for having me. I’m so excited to be here today! Rikka Zimmerman: Aw, you’re welcome, Eric. How about Amy? Amy: Hi, Rikka and everybody. It’s Amy. I’m excited to be here, too.

I’m looking forward to getting these new tools! Rikka Zimmerman: Aw, gorgeous! How about Rob?

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Rob: Hi, Rikka and the world. Glad to be here and part of this great project here!

Rikka Zimmerman: Awesome! Wonderful! And Halley? Halley: Hi, Rikka. I’m Halley. Hi, world! This is so exciting I can barely

contain myself! Rikka Zimmerman: Are you excited to get a handle on some of these tools, so that you

can begin changing any area of your life? Response: Very! Yeah! Yes! Rikka Zimmerman: Wonderful! One of the things I love about Access™ is that it's

weird, wild, and wacky and it actually works! And the thing is, Access™ works because you work. Basically, Access™ is a set of tools and processes to get you out of your own way. How many of you have noticed that there are times in your life where everything is flying and working out as if by magic?

Response: Yeah! Absolutely! Rikka Zimmerman: A lot of people call it “being in the flow.” It’s like, “Oh my God,

everything is just amazing!” Have you also experienced times in your life where you feel like there is just roadblock after roadblock after roadblock?

Response: Oh, yes, too many times! Rikka Zimmerman: What we would like is to give you tools so you can always be in

the flow. The thing is, there’s only one person that’s powerful enough to stop you, and it’s definitely not me! The only time that things aren’t working out in your life is when you’re actually in your own way.

When we get you batting for your own team, you hit homerun after

homerun after homerun. Everything that you would like to show up in your life shows up instantaneously when you’re actually on your own side.

Are you guys ready to start being given some tools and processes

to actually be on your own side, batting for your own team, having your life showing up as if by magic?

Response: Oh, yeah! Absolutely! Yeah! Rikka Zimmerman: Awesome, how exciting! All right, let me give you one of the first

tools in Access Consciousness™. This particular tool will literally

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assist you in more ways than I can even begin to tell you, and that is: The truth will always make you feel lighter, and a lie will always make you feel heavier.

When I say you’re an Infinite Being, you’re infinitely talented and

amazing beyond your wildest imagination, does that make you feel lighter?

Response: Lighter, yeah. Yes! Rikka Zimmerman: Does it sort of make you take a deep breath? It's like, “Ahhhh, that

makes me feel more spacious.” Response: Yes, it makes you feel free! Rikka Zimmerman: Yeah, exactly. It makes you feel free. That’s when you know

something is actually true for you. If I say, “You know what, you are terrible, and you are not powerful at all, and you can’t change anything, and this is just the way it is,” does that make you feel lighter or heavier?

Response: Heavier. Smaller. Rikka Zimmerman: Yeah, right? That’s when you know something is a lie. The other

piece of that is, something that is true for you may not be true for me. And something that’s true for me may not be true for you.

If I said, “I am so excited to find a man and get married,” that

actually makes me feel heavier because that’s actually not true for me. Now if Halley or Amy said, “I’m so excited to get married,” it might actually make them feel lighter. That would be something that’s actually true for them and not true for me. Does that make sense?

Response: Mm-hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: That’s one of the first tools to navigate consciousness, navigate the

universe, and navigate your life so that you can begin actually choosing what’s true for you. Access Consciousness™ is not about telling you anything. And it’s not about doing it the Access™ way. There is no Access™ way. It’s about YOU choosing what’s actually true for YOU, what’s light for you, and what actually works for you in your life.

Never believe anything that anyone ever tells you. Always ask it

in a question for yourself to see what feels right for you. It’s not about you doing it the Access™ way, or somebody else’s way, or that Access™ has the answer. You are the only one that knows

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what’s true for you and has the answers to your life. The truth will always make you feel lighter, and a lie will always make you feel heavier.

Have you ever read any yoga journals or different kinds of

metaphysical books, and it left you feeling really confused? Response: Yeah, that’s very confusing. Rikka Zimmerman: Awesome. Response: And not knowing where to turn. It’s like, “Oh, what do I do with

this? What do I do with this? I just need to get rid of it.” Rikka Zimmerman: Exactly. Are there pieces that you actually read in some of those

things, whether it is other modalities, or self-help books, or meditation journals, or yoga journals – are there pieces of that information that actually made you feel lighter?

Response: Mm-hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: Are there also pieces of that information that made you feel heavy

and confused? Response: Yes. Definitely. Rikka Zimmerman: That would be where there are truths and lies mixed in together.

By using the tool, “The truth will always make you feel lighter, and a lie will always make you feel heavier,” you will no longer try to make lies true.

There are all kinds of things out there that will make you feel

heavier. If you try to follow them, they won’t work because lies actually don’t work to create any expansion. It doesn’t make your life better when you try to make a lie true. It basically just screws everything up. And the travesty about that is that we, as infinite beings, make ourselves wrong, as if we’re what doesn’t work.

Question: Rikka, how do you differentiate? Sometimes it feels like part of it’s

true, but part of it’s a lie. How do you know within that what’s true and what’s not? How do you filter that?

Rikka Zimmerman: That’s a very good question, Eric. What you want to do is ask this

question, “What part of this is true, and what part of this is a lie?” What’ll end up happening is the lie will come out, and you’ll know, “Oh, that’s the lie part. Okay, well, I’ll have the truth, which is the par that made feel lighter, and let me acknowledge

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that this part isn’t true.” And what’ll happen is the whole thing will get lighter.

The only time you feel twisted or heavy is when you’re trying to

make a lie true. Eric: Hmm, great. Rikka Zimmerman: Okay, cool. Does that help, Eric? Eric: Yeah, that’s great, thank you! Rikka Zimmerman: Wonderful! Does it make sense that you’re the creator of your

entire life? Response: Yes, that absolutely makes sense. Yeah, I see that. Rikka Zimmerman: If you’re the creator of your life, are you the only one that can

actually change it? Response: Yes. Rikka Zimmerman: You mean somebody else can’t do it for you? Response: Apparently not. Response: I think other people can influence you, but that’s just changing the

way that you might feel about a situation. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide on who you are and how you want to handle that.

Rikka Zimmerman: Exactly. The most beautiful thing about really getting that is

knowing, “Wait, if I’m the creator of me, I can actually change any part of me, and things will show up differently.”

What if your point of view actually creates your reality instead of

reality creating all your points of view? What if you are actually the captain of your ship? What if everything that’s showing up in your life right now is exactly because you chose it with every point of view you take?

Response: Wow! Rikka Zimmerman: As soon as you really get that, then we can begin undoing the

points of view that don’t work for you and taking on points of view that do. Doesn’t that make sense?

Response: Mm-hmm.

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Rikka Zimmerman: So, your point of view creates your reality; reality doesn’t create your point of view. If there’s anything that’s showing up in your life that isn’t quite working, you may want to say, “Hold on, what points of view do I have here that are actually creating it just the way it is?”

For example, I started discovering this as I was asking for a record

deal. I asked the universe for about two years, “What would it take for a record deal to show up? What would it take for a record deal to show up? Oh my God, if I only had a record deal!”

Finally, I was riding horses in Costa Rica with the Access

Consciousness™ group on the seven-day event, enjoying the jungle and I said to myself, “You know what? I’ve been asking for a record deal for about two years now. Do you think maybe I have a few points of view in place that aren’t allowing this record deal to show up?”

“How about I use some of this Access Consciousness™ work to

actually undo all that so I could actually begin to have it?” I actually found out that I had tons of points of view that were actually keeping that from showing up.

I thought, “If I get a record deal, oh my God, I’m going to lose my

anonymity.” Response: Mm-hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: I thought, “If I get a record deal, I’m going to go on a bus with

drunk people and go on tour.” Does my band have to be drunk? Response: I don’t think it’s mandatory yet. Rikka Zimmerman: Would I really lose my anonymity? No, I could make myself

disappear in a second. I could become a totally normal energy that nobody would ever perceive. I also had the point of view I wouldn’t know who I could trust if I had a ton of money or if I was really successful. As soon as I actually got out of all of those points of view – because we know your point of view creates your reality – as soon as I undid all those points of view that were stopping me, guess how long it took for a record deal to show up? Just guess…

Response: A day. Rikka Zimmerman: Yeah, 24 hours. Is that just bizarre and amazing and astounding or


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Response: Mm-hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: Basically, within 24 hours the producer of Elton John came into a

gig and said, “It’s time; we’re going to do this.” And it was instantaneous.

What if there is nothing more powerful than you? What if there is

no one powerful enough to stop you but you? And what if you do that with every point of view you take that doesn’t move you in the direction you would like to be moved into?

With those points of view in place, a record deal wouldn’t show up

because the Universe didn’t want me to have those unwanted things. If my reality is, “I don’t want to go on a bus with drunk people,” and that equals a record deal, the Universe is going to say, “I will not bring you a record deal because being on a bus with drunk people is not what you desire.”

One of the things about Access Consciousness™ that is really

interesting and sort of mind-boggling is that it’s actually about undoing your reality. If you feel like you’ve been spacing out for about 25 minutes, or you haven’t heard the last five minutes, and you don’t even know what was said, that is actually Access Consciousness™ working.

When I’m introducing a new concept to you it’s undoing the

reality you currently have in place while introducing new information. If all of a sudden you space out for 20 minutes, or for five minutes, just go back and listen to the five minutes where you spaced out. What ended up happening when you spaced out is that it started to undo your reality and undo, and undo, and undo, and you went, “Whoa, where am I?”

If you listen to (or read) it again, you’ll begin hearing what I was

talking about. If you can’t hear something, it’s because I actually have your number. That’s actually the process working.

There are times when the founder of Access™, Gary Douglas, or

Dr. Dain Heer, his right-hand man, will ask me questions, and I literally will not be able to hear them. And in those times I say, “Hey, could you repeat that, because I couldn’t hear a word you said.” That’s when I know they have my number.

If you can’t hear anything I say, it’s because I have your number,

and the process is actually working. You’re reality is starting to be undone as I introduce these new questions. Does that make sense to everybody?

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Response: Mm-hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: Awesome! Okay, cool. Let me ask you this, if your logical mind

had all of the answers to you life, wouldn’t you have everything figured out by now?

Response: Yeah. Rikka Zimmerman: If your logical mind actually had all of the answers to your life,

everything would be showing up the way you’d like it to show up. What if your logical mind isn’t the place that you go to find what’s going to actually unlock you? What if it’s more like an awareness and a knowing that we’re unlocking here?

If your logical mind doesn’t actually understand any of these radio

shows, be grateful because your logical mind can literally only confine and define what you already know. In order to get you to receive more in your life, we actually access that insane mind, that knowing, that awareness, and that Infinite Being that you actually are, which is this non-cognitive awareness of you.

Let’s introduce you to one of the most incredible tools in Access

Consciousness™. How many of you have done therapy, or something like that, where you talk and talk and talk about your problems, and at the end of the session, you say, “Great, now I know how screwed up I am. This is fantastic. I totally understand it now.”

Response: Right! You always feel like, at that point, they’re trying to put you

in their little worksheet as to, “Oh, well, here’s what you are then.” Rikka Zimmerman: Exactly. You’re like, “Great, I’m branded. I’m labeled. And now

I know what my problem is. And sometimes now I can medicate myself for it.”

Response: Ewww. Rikka Zimmerman: I know, doesn’t that feel really heavy? Response: Yeah. Don’t you judge me! Rikka Zimmerman: Exactly. Welcome to a tool that will actually undo those places

instead of just lock them in place. That is the Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement. This clearing statement is basically like a key code to undo all of the stuck energy so that you can have a different possibility.

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As we just talked about, if your point of view creates your reality – if you’re the one that chose the point of view, you can also choose to undo it. Yes?

Response: Yes! Rikka Zimmerman: This is where we’re starting to apply the consciousness that you be

FOR YOU instead of against you. The Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement is a series of questions and concepts that basically address the energies typically locking up your life. Does that make sense?

Response: Mm-hmm. Uh-huh! Rikka Zimmerman: As we use this Access™ Clearing Statement – it can’t do anything

to you or for you. It just gives you an opportunity to change you. Since you are the creator of everything in your life, as you apply this clearing statement, you’re saying, “I’m applying all of these concepts and all of these questions to undo the energy I’m looking at that I want to change.”

As a facilitator, all I can do is walk you through it, but it’s your job

to pull up the energy in your universe and go, “Yes, I would like to change this.” And then you apply your consciousness to that energy, using the clearing statement to unravel it. Let’s start playing with the Access™ Clearing Statement, shall we?

Response: Mm-hmm. Yep! Rikka Zimmerman: Anybody excited about what it is? Response: I’m psyched! Rikka Zimmerman: Anybody excited about how to use it? Wahoo!!! Rikka Zimmerman: The Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement is as follows:

Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys & Beyonds™. Since we already introduced the tool, “The truth will always make you feel lighter, and a lie will always make you feel heavier,” let’s begin to use the clearing statement on all those places where you bought any lies that you keep trying to make true.

Does judgment make you feel lighter, or does it make you feel

heavier? Response: Heavier.

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Rikka Zimmerman: Even “right” judgments make you feel sort of contracted also, don’t they?

Response: Mm-hmm. Yeah! It cuts off the options. Rikka Zimmerman: What if the truth always makes you feel lighter, and a lie will

always make you feel heavier? If judgment makes you feel heavier, what if ALL judgment is basically a lie?

Response: Wow! Rikka Zimmerman: How often do you judge yourself on a daily basis? Response: All the time. How long have I been awake? Rikka Zimmerman: You guys are great. Isn’t that just amazing? You lie to yourself

about two billion times a day. Is that impressive or what? Response: Yeah, in a sad way. Response: I wish I did something else with all that energy. Rikka Zimmerman: Just imagine, once we get you batting FOR YOU instead of against

you, how much this is going to begin changing your life? Right now, pull up all those energies and all those judgments that you have of you. Everywhere you feel like you are just wrong, and you know you did something wrong.

You know you said something wrong. If you just would have done

the right thing, then it would be okay, but you didn’t. So, now look at what happens. Feel all that energy? Wow. Everything that brings up, and all those points of view and judgments that you put in place in order to create you as wrong, would you be willing to destroy and un-create them all?

Response: Yeah! Yes! Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. That is the Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement. Can everyone feel it sort of shifting their energy?

Response: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I felt lighter when you said that. Rikka Zimmerman: Yeah, isn’t it weird? It’s sort of like you just said a bunch of

mumbo-jumbo and it started to unravel something. This is very strange. The thing is, you actually are this powerful. Any time you look at choosing to change something and you apply this consciousness to undo it, it literally starts beginning to change.

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How many of you would be interested in having more money? Response: I’ll take it! Rikka Zimmerman: Awesome. How about we start there? Rikka Zimmerman: You’re like, “No, that sucks; I don’t want more money.” Response: Well, just keep the check; that’s okay! Rikka Zimmerman: You’re like, “Universe, keep all the money out there, keep it out of

my bank account. I’m having fun with poverty.” Response: I’m good at that part! Rikka Zimmerman: Yeah, let’s get you not so good at poverty. How about that? Response: Yeah, do that! Rikka Zimmerman: With the Access™ Clearing Statement, let’s actually go through all

of these different concepts and all of these different questions so that you actually get a cognitive understanding of how to apply this consciousness to your life.

The Right and Good part of the Clearing Statement, let’s look at

what that applies to. Right and Good stands for how have you made refusing to receive money right, good, perfect and/or correct.

Response: I know I have! Rikka Zimmerman: Isn’t it weird? But check this out… In this reality, say you go out

to lunch with a friend. We’re in a bad economy right now, right? Ooh, super, super bad! You go out to lunch with a friend, and if you have a conversation where she talks about how terrible economy is, and how she can barely survive, and how tough it is out there, and how her business is failing, and you say, “Wow, my business has grown by 800 percent,” does she like you or not like you?

Response: Not like, yeah. Rikka Zimmerman: Isn’t that weird? So, that’s the energy that you’ve locked in place.

If your point of view creates your reality, and people validate your poverty all the time, and they feel more comfortable when you have the same limitations, they feel like they like you when you have the same amount of money– the same limitations around money.

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Basically, that’s where you’ve created having no money as right. Response: Hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: Also, have you guys ever been a monk in some lifetime? Response: No. I don’t think so. Rikka Zimmerman: Have any of you guys ever been a monk in any lifetime? Response: Who knows? Rikka Zimmerman: Okay, so this is how we do it. When I ask you a question, if you

say, “Yes,” or “No,” basically whatever makes you feel lighter is true for you. You may want to actually take “I don’t know” out of your dictionary. With “I don’t know,” you basically take your knowing and throw it out the window.

So that’s one of the things you’re going to want to stop saying,

because every time you say, “I don’t know,” you take all your awareness and go, “Oh! I don’t have it anymore,” and you throw your awareness out the window.

Have any of you ever been a monk in any lifetime? Response: No. I could say yes. No. Rikka Zimmerman: We got some yeses and some nos. If you have ever been a monk

in any lifetime, you may have had the pint of view, “I’m going to denounce all my worldly possessions, and this is the way to have consciousness. This is the way to have spiritually, and this is the way to have me.” In that, you’ve also created having no money as right. Does that make sense?

Response: Mmm, yes. Yeah! Rikka Zimmerman: The thing is, it’s not just about this lifetime. Is this your only

lifetime? Response: No. Rikka Zimmerman: Have you lived many, many, many, many, many, many, many,

many, many lifetimes before? Response: Yeah.

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Rikka Zimmerman: How much of the information from those lifetimes is actually running this lifetime?

Response: A lot. Yeah! Rikka Zimmerman: Exactly! If you look at that, what’s brilliant about Access™ is that

if you planted any of those points of view in any lifetime, can you change it now?

Response: Yes. Sure! Rikka Zimmerman: That’s what’s brilliant about Access™. It’s more about changing

the energy than addressing one point of view at a time. That’s what’s really cool as we run this clearing statement – it’s going back to the point of creation of where you planted the seed of limitation, undoing that, so your past, present, and future show up differently.

Let’s go back to the clearing statement, that right and good part.

How have you made refusing to receive money right, good, perfect, and/or correct? In this reality, are you right if you’re barely surviving?

Question: If I say, “Yes,” is that bad? Rikka Zimmerman: No, it’s okay. See, what we’re doing is looking at the energy that

we’re undoing. This is the stuff we want to undo so that you don’t make having no money right, so that you can actually begin receiving lots more money in your life.

How many of you feel like if you got extra money, you should

either give it to a charity, or you should spend it, but never actually HAVE way too much money?

Response: Yeah, that’s me! Rikka Zimmerman: Isn’t that bizarre? Response: It’s really bizarre when you think about it. Rikka Zimmerman: Yeah, and the thing is, your point of view creates your reality.

Reality doesn’t create your point of view. All of these places in which you’ve decided having no money is right is eliminating the Universe from being able to gift you more money because you’re like, “I’ve got it handled. I don’t want more. I want to barely survive. I want people to like me.”

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Everything that brings up times a godzillion, will you destroy and un-create it all?

Response: Yes! Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. We say “destroy” and “un-create.” because if you destroyed all of

your limitations, would that actually be so bad? Response: No. Rikka Zimmerman: No, right? And we say un-create because if you’re the creator of

your life, un-create actually matches the energy more appropriately. It’s almost as if you’re undoing everything you’ve done to limit you. Does that make sense?

Response: Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: Right and Good. How have you made refusing to receive money

right, good, perfect and/or correct? We’ve got a good understanding of what that part of the clearing statement actually says.

Wrong and Bad stands for, “How have you made refusing to

receive money wrong, terrible, awful, mean and vicious.” Everything that brings up already will you destroy and un-create it all?

Response: Yes! Yes! Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. How many of you guys judge you based on the money you have in

your bank account? Response: Yes! Yeah! Rikka Zimmerman: How many of you feel like, “I still don’t have the money, therefore

I don’t deserve the relationship that I’d like to have, because I need to work on this money thing, and I need to be a good provider before I can have that”?

Response: Yeah! Yes!

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Rikka Zimmerman: Or, how many of you feel like, “I need to have my stuff taken care of. I need to get out of debt before I’ll allow myself to actually be loved or have a great relationship. I don’t deserve that”?

Eric: Rikka, am I supposed to be feeling heavier right now? Rikka Zimmerman: Yes! Response: Okay. Oh, good. Rikka Zimmerman: As we bring up this energy, we’re actually bringing up all of the

lies. When we bring up all that polarity and then run the clearing statement, it’s basically undoing all that heavy stuff, all those lies, all the positive and negative charges, so that you can actually return it to the consciousness that it is and then begin to choose what you would like to have. Does that make sense?

Response: Very much so! Rikka Zimmerman: Everything that brings up, all those lies that you built about having

no money and how it’s right and good, or wrong and bad, would you be willing to destroy and un-create all that?

Response: Yes, very much so! Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. Oh, that’s a good one! Rikka Zimmerman: Did you have any questions about that part of the Access™

Clearing Statement, the Right and Good or Wrong and Bad and what that stands for?

Response: No, I think you covered it. Rikka Zimmerman: Let’s look at P.O.C., or Point Of Creation. POC stands for Point

Of Creation. What we’re looking to do is clear where you planted the seed of limitation in any lifetime.

In some lifetime, did you ever have somebody steal your money,

or have your family killed for your money? Response: Hmm. Yes. No. Rikka Zimmerman: I can feel the energetic information. Does it make you feel heavier

when I start asking that question? Response: Yes.

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Rikka Zimmerman: Okay. So, that’s actually where you have done it, and it made you feel like crap.

Response: Oh, nice! Rikka Zimmerman: If there was no energy coming up, it would mean it doesn’t apply

to you. Basically, if you’re like, “Uh, I can’t find any energetic information where that exists,” then that would mean, “Wow, that’s never actually occurred. Or, it’s occurred and I didn’t have a point of view about it; I didn’t lock any limitations in place.”

If anything brings up energy it’s because you’ve locked some

energy, in some lifetime, in this area. Response: Okay. I feel like I did that to somebody. Rikka Zimmerman: You feel like you did that to somebody? There are places and

lifetimes where you’ve actually been there and done that. And then you’ve made it happen to you to make sure you paid for what you did.

Response: Hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: This isn’t our first time around the block. We’ve had many, many,

many times around the block. So, everything that brings up times a godzillion, everywhere that you’ve been killed for your money, or your family’s been killed for your money, or you’ve killed for money, and you decided, “I will never have that amount of money again because I don’t want my family to die, and I never want to receive that pain again,” would you be willing to destroy and un-create all that?

Response: Yeah. Yes! Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. The point of creation is a concept where we’re looking to apply our

consciousness to where we planted any seed of limitation in any lifetime. We undo that seed, which then undoes everything we built based on it ever since then.

In that lifetime where you planted this point of creation of, “I will

never receive that amount of money again because I don’t want to receive that pain again of losing it, or getting killed for it, or having my family get killed for it,” if you planted that seed of limitation, from then on you’ve been completely destroying you

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and your money flows in order to hold that in place. Does that make sense?

Response: Yeah. Mm-hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: POD stands for Point Of Destruction. What we’re looking to undo

with the Point Of Destruction, or the POD, is everywhere you’ve been destroying you ever since then. As you planted that seed of limitation, the Point Of Creation of, “I will never have that amount of money again,” you’ve also been destroying you ever since then to hold that in place. That’s what we’re talking about when we talk about the Point Of Destruction.

What would happen is if your selling products, say on the Internet

or wherever, if you’re selling products, you would basically make people not buy it. You would eliminate people from coming to your site, from saying, “Yes,” from purchasing them, from all of that.

You’ve basically been eliminating money because you’re like,

“Uh-uh, never going to have that much again, so not going to happen.” And you basically, from then on, have been carrying that out through your life and destroying you ever since then. Everything that brings up times a godzillion, will you destroy and un-create all that?

Response: Yes. Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. Right, wrong, good, bad, all 9… All 9 stands for nine different

questions. How does having no money diminish you? Do you see how when you create those judgments of not having money, you feel diminished as a being?

Response: Mm-hmm. Yes! Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. How does having no money make you absolutely, totally,

irrevocably, infinitely, utterly, and eternally meaningless? Everything that brings up times a godzillion, will you destroy and un-create it all?

Response: Yes!

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Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys & Beyonds™.

How does having no money make you absolutely, totally, irrevocably, infinitely, utterly, and eternally meaningless? So, what are the rewards that make having no money right, good, perfect and correct? Or wrong, terrible, awful, mean and vicious?

In this reality, if you’re happy and joyful and making tons of

money, do people like you or not like you? Response: Not like you. Rikka Zimmerman: Isn’t that weird? Response: Mm-hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: They’re like, “That jerk. They’re getting all the money, and I’m

not getting any, and they’re not affected by this reality, and they’re not validating my limitations, so I hate them.”

Rikka Zimmerman: It’s kind of funny. I you barely survive, or if you only have a little bit of money, basically you don’t rock anybody’s boat; everybody likes you; you’re just the same as everybody else.

There’s a place in which having no money makes you totally

normal. It allows you to fit in. These are some of the rewards that make having no money right, good, perfect, and/or correct. Everything that brings up times a godzillion, will you destroy and un-create it all?

Response: Yes. Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. In having no money, what choices have you made or are you

making? There are places in your life where you continuously choose to not have money. How many of you have gone out to lunch or dinner with someone, and they say, “Oh, I’d love to take you to lunch. Oh, this is going to be fun! Can I have the bill?” and you literally wrestle them for it, until you either split it or pay for it yourself?

Response: Yeah! Rikka Zimmerman: Would that be allowing yourself to receive, or would that be

refusing to receive?

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Response: Refusing. Rikka Zimmerman: Aren’t we funny? It’s comedy, isn’t it? Response: It absolutely is funny. Rikka Zimmerman: It’s really amazing how if you have money, you’re selfish, self-

centered and egocentric. If you allow somebody to pay for something, you’re like, “Oh my God, now I feel bad.” There are all kinds of things that are mixed in with receiving in this reality, as if it was a bad thing.

So, everywhere you’ve made receiving bad, and receiving money

bad, and receiving other people’s money bad, will you destroy and un-create all that?

Response: Yes. Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. Those would be some of the choices you are making in having no

money: refusing to be treated, refusing to be gifted to. Response: That seems like it’s counterintuitive to the way you’ve been – for

lack of a better word, programmed by society. Rikka Zimmerman: Yeah, absolutely. Response: Ooh, wow! Rikka Zimmerman: Everything in this reality – you’re basically 180 degrees from it.

What’s beautiful about Access Consciousness™ is that it’s about undoing you from the limited points of view and beliefs in this reality that don’t work for you, and then allowing you to have your reality and YOUR universe actually work for you so you can have the life you’d actually like to have.

I love this stuff. I haven’t found anything that’s faster or more effective. The changes that get created from this work are just phenomenal. I’m so glad you are here – all of you. Wahoo!

In having no money, what creations create the commitments to the creation of our limitations? What’s interesting is you’re actually committed to having no money. Isn’t that weird?

Response: Mm-hmm!

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Rikka Zimmerman: For some people, it may be a relationship. If there’s a man and woman, and there’s somebody who’s the breadwinner in the family, and it makes them feel really important and proud, and they go out and work, and then they come back, that’s the relationship that you’ve created.

You’re committed to making that person greater than you in

whatever way. For example, “They’re the ones that have the money; it makes them feel good. I’ll receive less money to keep the commitment to this relationship in place.”

All of your friends that you’re committed to having problems with,

or committed to having no money with, everything that brings up times a godzillion, will you destroy and un-create it all?

Response: Yes! Yeah! Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. In having no money, how many controls, definitions, limitations,

forms, structures, significances, linearities, and concentricities of you hold this in existence?

Question: Rikka, do you have to have an answer to these questions? When

you say, “What does it bring up,” do we have to have an answer to that?

Rikka Zimmerman: That’s a really good question. No, you don’t. Thank goodness! Response: That’s good. Rikka Zimmerman: Exactly! It’s more about accessing the energy of it and undoing

the energy. Because if we’re going to talk about every single point of view and unlock your reality one point of view at a time it’s going to take forever.

A lot of the times you don’t have an answer; you just feel the

energy. And if you just look at undoing the energy, you’ll actually be undoing billions of points of view all at one time.

Response: Excellent! Rikka Zimmerman: Yes! In having no money, what are you unwilling to destroy that

holds this in existence. For how many of you on the radio show is money the biggest problem you have?

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Response: I feel like it is. Yeah, definitely one of the biggest ones. Yeah, I would say it’s up there.

Rikka Zimmerman: I say it’s up there! Response: It might not be the biggest, but yeah, it’s up there. I like that. Rikka Zimmerman: Check this out… What if it’s not actually about the money? What

if it’s actually about the energy? Response: That would be good. Rikka Zimmerman: It’s a weird concept to begin getting. For most people, money is

the biggest issue or problem in their life. What’s interesting is they’re not having no money because that’s just the way it is. They’re choosing to have no money so that they can have a problem.

What are you unwilling to destroy that holds this in existence?

What if what you’re unwilling to destroy is having a problem in your life? Everything that brings up times a godzillion, will you destroy and un-create it all?

Response: Yes. Wow! Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™ And could you feel actually starting to not be able to hear me as

well through that little piece? Response: That happened before to me, and I just totally spaced out. Rikka Zimmerman: Yes. Welcome to Access Consciousness™! That’s actually

Access Consciousness™ working. Rikka Zimmerman: You will get your brain back as soon as you get off the call; don’t

worry about it. But we’re just going to undo some of the polarity that you’ve stuck in your head that’s running your life. Okay?

Response: Yeah! Rikka Zimmerman: Let me go over that just one more time for everyone who couldn’t

hear me. In having no money, what are you unwilling to destroy that holds this in existence? If money is the biggest problem in your life, what if it’s not about the money; what if it’s actually about the energy?

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What if what you’re unwilling to destroy is actually having no problems? You actually want to have problems in your life, so you assign it to money and make sure that you never receive that amount of money because having problems feels normal to you.

Response: Mm-hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: Everything that brings up times a godzillion, will you destroy and

un-create it all? Response: Yes. Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. Ooh babies!

Shorts stands for what does having no money mean to you? Right now, what does having no money mean to you?

Oh, feel that?

Response: Mm-hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: Everything that brings up times a godzillion, will you destroy and

un-create it all? Response: Yes. Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. We make having no money mean something to us. When we can’t

pay the rent… When we can’t eat… When we don’t have the money to purchase the things that we want to purchase, or go on vacation… It’s like, “Oh my God!” We make it mean so much to us, which actually locks having no money in place.

After we’ve made it meaningful, then what we’ll do is try to make

it meaningless. How have you made having no money meaningless? Everything that brings up times a godzillion, will you destroy and un-create it all?

Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys & Beyonds™.

These are two more energetic structures where you’re actually

locking having no money in place. How have you made it

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meaningful, and how have you made it meaningless? When you make something meaningless, how many of you have said, “Well, money doesn’t mean anything to me,” right after you made it so meaningful that it hurt totally?

Response: Uh-huh. Rikka Zimmerman: We’re pitched in this reality that if you make it meaningless, it’ll

go away. Response: Mm-hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: Does that actually work? Response: Nope. No. Rikka Zimmerman: It’s more like, “Let me cut off my awareness of all the information

that’s running my life, so at least it doesn’t hurt so bad,” while it continues to run your life.

Response: Mm-hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: Meaningless is like cutting off your awareness to the energy, as if

that was a way to undo it. So, everything that brings up, everywhere you’ve made having no money meaningful and meaningless, will you destroy and un-create all that?

Response: Yeah. Yes. Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. Shorts also stands for, “What are you punishing yourself for with

regards to having no money?” How many of you use having no money as a punishment for something?

Response: I have. Rikka Zimmerman: How many lifetimes are you still paying for right now? Response: A lot! Rikka Zimmerman: You won’t have ease with money. You won’t have a phenomenal

life because you’re still bad, and you’re still wrong, and you did the wrong thing, and you were really mean, and you killed people, or did something that you’re going to punish yourself for, for all eternity.

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Response: Mmm. Rikka Zimmerman: Everything that brings up times a godzillion, will you destroy and

un-create it all? Response: Yes. Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. So, let’s talk about the Boys. Boys stands for are nucleated

spheres. Now, this is more like looking at an energetic structure that’s locking you up instead of a particular question.

With the boys, what we’re looking at is undoing the limitation,

even if we don’t know where it came from. What people will do is they’ll try to have money, and they say, “Okay, in order to have money, I must take a finance class. I must work on my math skills. I must take an economy class. I have to learn how to balance my checkbook.”

You basically try to work on all of these other areas of your life,

and it doesn’t actually work because that’s not where having no money is actually coming from.

What if you having no money actually came from your mom’s

point of view? Let’s say you were in the womb, and your mom lost her job and thought, “Oh my God, I can’t have money; I don’t deserve this. I’m really bad. I did the wrong thing.” And literally, what you did is you integrated all those points of view into your life, but you can’t remember them because you were in the womb.

Response: Mm-hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: Do you feel that energy? Response: Mm-hmm. Yeah! Rikka Zimmerman: So, everything that brings up, and all of the having no money, all

the Boys that you put in place while you were in the womb, all those points of creation, where you don’t even know where they came from because they were never yours in the first place, will you destroy and un-create all that?

Response: Yes! Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &


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Wow, that moved some energy! Response: I feel like I can’t remember any of this. Rikka Zimmerman: Yeah, exactly. I know. The thing is, in some way, we actually do

have an energetic awareness of it; we just can’t remember it. It’s not a cognitive remembering.

Response: Hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: It’s more like an awareness of something locked in a really twisted

place. That’s what’s beautiful about running the Access™ Clearing Statement. It’s like saying, “Hey, let’s apply our consciousness to unlock things, even being in the womb,” where you can’t remember anything about being in the womb, but you know it’s there. Everything that brings up times a godzillion, will you destroy and un-create it all?

Response: Yeah. Yes! Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. A beyond stands for all of these feelings and sensations that come

up when we’ve actually limited ourselves. Did you get a cell phone a long, long time ago, when there was plan for $34.95/month for 250 minutes? And you were so excited because you had never talked on the phone outside of your house before?

You were walking around, and you were going to the beach, and

you were on the blanket. You would grab your cell phone, and call your friend and say, “Yeah, I’m at the beach now. Can you hear me?”… You were so excited about having the cell phone that you ended up talking for something like 900 minutes that month… Then you got your bill, and it was $1,500.00 when you had a $34.95 plan!

When you opened that bill, did your whole body and universe go,

“Ooh!”? Response: Mm-hmm. Rikka Zimmerman: Those are the Beyonds. They’re feelings and sensations that take

you out of being present. Everything that that brings up, and all the Beyonds you have around money, will you destroy and un-create all those?

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Response: Yes. Rikka Zimmerman: Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys &

Beyonds™. In using the Access Consciousness™ clearing statement you can’t

actually destroy the truth. You can only let go of the lies and the limitations. The truth is, you are the oneness and consciousness of all things. Can that actually be destroyed?

Response: No. Rikka Zimmerman: No. As you run the Access™ Clearing Statement, if you let go of

everything under the sun, you would have YOU as the ONENESS and CONSCIOUSNESS of ALL things. You can’t destroy what’s true; you can only destroy the lies and limitations.

If you run the Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement, and

there’s something you want to hold onto, you’re going to hold onto it. It can’t just magically undo something that you don’t actually want to undo. This is just about you changing your own life. Does that make sense to everybody?

Response: Mm-hmm! Rikka Zimmerman: Awesome! Do you have any questions about the clearing

statement? Question: How often do you use it? Rikka Zimmerman: Good question! Anytime, anyplace and anywhere! Anywhere

you’re feeling like you’re not being YOU, anywhere you feel like you have any limitations, you can ask any question under the sun and run the clearing statement.

What the question does is bring up the energy. What the clearing

does is undo all the limitations you have in place there. Question: Rikka, if I mix up the clearing statement, or skip a part, is going to

NOT work? Rikka Zimmerman: That’s a very good question. No. It doesn’t matter what order you

put it in, or if you mix it up. There are little kids that say “Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, Strawberry, Beyoncé, iPod™ and Beyonds!” And it still works because it’s literally about the consciousness. It’s you saying, “Yes, I am undoing this.” The clearing statement just gives you something to run to feel the energy, and it also

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allows you to facilitate others. You don’t have to say it out loud; you can say it in your own head.

You can also do short speak, which is just, “POC and POD all

that.” I like running the whole Access™ Clearing Statement in its entirety because it feels a little bit more complete to me. But do what works for you. You can also say, “Everything that is,” and energetically go, “One, two, three!” and shoot a lightening bolt through it.

What’s really interesting about Access Consciousness™ is once

you’ve used it, it actually makes total logical sense. When I say, “Right, Wrong, Good, Bad, POC, POD, All 9, Shorts, Boys & Beyonds™,” you kind of wonder, “Why is she speaking Greek and Swahili? And what in the heck is she saying?”

Except, as we went through every layer of what this means, it’s

completely logical. It’s literally like all of the energy that you’ve locked up, here’s the key code to undo it.

Welcome to the beginning of Access Consciousness™ with Rikka

Zimmerman on the World Puja Network. How does it get any better than this™? Go ahead and use the Access Consciousness™ Clearing Statement in any area of your life that you would like to shift.

How does it get any better than this and what else is possible™?