Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation

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  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    The City


    Clinton2014 Budget Plan

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    Where we were?FY 2006 FY 2013 B ud g ets ; FY 2006: $1.12 million General Fund (GF) surplus

    FY 2013: $259,366 deficit in GF (est.)

    2006-2013 surplus decreased $1.38 million. In sameperiod GF expenditures increased $2.2 million (a

    $3.58 million increase in spending) while revenuegrew$1.5 million, equaling a $2.08 million increasein expenditures over revenue.

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    Where were we?W here did the M oney Go? $500,000 removed from street paving, spent in GF

    $322,000 from freezing positions, spent in GF


    210,000 from the sale of City Square, spent in GF

    City Employees received an annual 3% raise for 8years a 24% increase equaling$1,048,000

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    Where are we?

    To Ba lanc e the F Y 2013 B ud g et ; Mayor and Board transferred $1,000,000 from Water

    Sewer Fund on 8/6/2013 to cover projected FY 13

    deficit of$259,366

    Remaining$741,000 for FY14 surplus used to;

    ~Cover additional cost over runs from FY 2013

    ~Provide positive balance entering FY 2014

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    Where are we?In a dd ition, m oney pu shed to FY 14 B ud g et;

    ~ $21,000 in construction overruns in $4.2 MillionBond CPD and City Hall renovations

    ~$338,000 match for Pinehaven Road construction

    ~$50,000 for new employee due to rental ordinance

    ~$408,000 down at the start of FY14 budget talks,leaving a $277,308 FY14 ending fund balance

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    Where are we?Other issue s ;Annexation com pletion tim e 2007 - 2017

    ~22.2 miles of Fire Line, $8.5 million - not done

    ~Construction of Fire Station, equipping andstaffing cost $2 millionnot done

    ~Add 4 CPD Patrol Officers to the 2007 level of45 not done

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    Where were we?Other Issu es c ont; Annexation: 2007 Court Order gave City10 years

    Six years later with no progress made, 4 yearsremain

    Need $10.5 million (est.) to meet obligations

    SO WHAT??? I dont live in the annexed area

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    Where are we?H ow Annexa tion im pa cts Cl inton; Lack of Fire coverage threatens current fire

    rating. Letter from FRB received in June.

    ~Residential homes insurance increase 1-2%

    ~Non-sprinkled buildings increase 7%

    This Mayor and BoA must address this issue

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    Where are we now ?Our approach to the FY 14 Budget;

    ~Spending was out of control - we enteredFY 14 $408,000 down with zero growth

    ~Excess money not available to sustainspending. Our only choice, cut back and letR evenues ca tch up with E xpenditures .

    ~ No tax increase considered

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    Where are we now ?B ud g et Process Approac h; Extensive research/analysis of GF Budget

    Each department provided a 1-4-10 yearplans (addendum to budget online)

    Reduced expenditures in non-priority areas

    Fund priorities, nothing frozen or unfunded a true budget

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    Where are we now ?B ud g et Process Approac h: Fund all positions in FY 13 Budget or eliminate

    Add funding for5 police officers

    and5 fire


    Fund day to day operations: i.e. Utilities and fuel

    1,345,974 in non-reoccurring expenses from FY 13limited cuts required to $1,107,748. (reference slide 16)

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    Where are we ?B ud g et Process Approach c ont; Did not include: Vehicles, fees, dues

    Board voted on adding or eliminating funding innon-priority areas

    Increase fund balance to $1.3 million over fouryears to stabilize the budget and protect the City

    Debated and agreed upon 5 Priorities

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    What are we Doing?Five P riori ties of the M ayor and B oard; Comprehensive Policing

    Economic Development Code Enforcement

    Address Annexation Issues

    Address Drainage Issues

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    5 Priorities of the Mayor andBoardPolice;

    ~ New Officers - 5 per year through FY 16~ Radio owned and controlled by Clinton~Technology to increase capabilities and coverage, Grants

    E conom ic Developm ent ;~Comprehensive Retail and Industrial Plan~Hinds County Econ. Development Partnership/Committee~Grants

    Com m unity Developm ent;~Stress Neighborhoods~ Staff to Enforce Codes

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    5 Priorities of the Mayor andBoard

    Annexat ion;~As per court order~Grants

    Dra inage ;~Flooding (3 projects) $127,000 in match money~Priority Home flooding, Yard flooding, Street flooding as legally allowed~Grants

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    FY 2014 Budget2014 BUDGET

    Fiscal year 2013











    Fiscal Year 2014












    $ 637,845










    PoliceFireParks/RecComm. Dev.

    AdminMain StreetEcon. Dev.Court Svcs

    Elected Off.Streets


  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    The Way AheadStabi l ize the bu dg et ; Allow revenue to catch up to expenditures with

    minimal disruption to Citys 5 Priorities.

    Achieve a $1.3 million surplus in four years.

    Allow departments to manage the dollars withintheir budget and hold them accountable.

    Mayor and Board accountable to the taxpayer

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    The Way Ahead Working Agreement with Hinds Economic

    Development Agency

    Created Economic Development Committee

    Communications Director~New City Website~Daily e-Newsletter

    ~Live-streaming of Meetings

    2014 BUDGET

  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation


    The Future of ClintonTo grow and thrive in Hinds County, Clinton must bedifferent. We must brand ourselves in a way that makesour Community a destination for all. We must developthe activities expected, support all levels of education

    and continue to improve our overall quality of life sowe may grow our economy and build our City. Whileremembering our past, we must recognize and embracethe opportunities of the future. Financial challengesaside, your Mayor and Board are dedicated to fiscalresponsibility and building an even greater City.

    Together we can do anything.

    2014 BUDGET

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  • 7/30/2019 Clinton Budget FY2014 Mayor Presentation
