Lenten Devotional 2015

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Lenten Devotional 2015

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Friends of Bethel,

Each year we ask a random sampling of Bethel members to write a devotional to help make Lent a more meaningful and reflective time for our congregation. Again this year, 40 people (male and female, some younger, some older, some new members and others long time members, etc.) responded with a resounding “yes,” and this is the result of their work.

We are truly grateful for the time, talent and personal sharing they have put down on paper! (Not an easy task for most of us!) I think you’ll agree, they have done a wonderful job. There is a special thought or word in this devotional booklet to speak to every one of us in some way. We are proud of their hard work and willingness to share.

I hope you’ll use this booklet as part of your devotional time during these forty days of Lent. I also hope you’ll be challenged and inspired by these words, and please be sure to thank our authors for their thoughts. I also hope you’ll pray faithfully in these days of Lent. Pray for our congregation, yourself, your family, our community, your Bethel staff, our government leaders, as well as the larger world. (And please know, we will be praying for you!)

A Blessed and meaningful Lenten season to each of you, and your family!

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In God’s Great Love,

Pastor John Lestock

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Worship at Bethel Lutheran Church

Ash WednesdayImposition of Ashes & Holy

CommunionWednesday, February 18th

Bethel Downtown – 1:00pm and 5:30pm

Bethel Highlands – 7:00pm

Lenten WorshipWednesdays at 7:00pm

Bethel Highlands“Looking into the Eyes of

Jesus” Series

February 25th: “Inviting Eyes” March 4th: “Forgiving Eyes”March 11th: “Caring Eyes”

March 18th: “Challenging Eyes”March 25th: “Life-Giving Eyes”

Holy WeekMaundy Thursday

Worship with Holy CommunionThursday, April 2nd

Bethel Downtown – 1:00pm and 5:30pm

Bethel Highlands – 7:00pm

Good FridayFriday, April 3rd

The Service of the CrossBethel Downtown – 1:00pm

TenebraeBethel Highlands – 7:00pm

Easter VigilSaturday, April 4th

Bethel Highlands – 5:30pm

Easter WorshipSunday, April 5th

Bethel Downtown6:30am Service

8:00am Festival Worship

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Bethel Highlands9:30am New Song

11:00am Festival Worship

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Day 1 Wednesday, February 18, 2015“To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted. A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1-4

During this Season of Lent, the dichotomy of the above bible passage resonates with me. I am at a point in my life where I am raising a young family while also giving additional support to my aging parents.

Our two small children have blessed my wife and I with a life filled with joy and laughter. One of the things I constantly remind myself is to be in the moment with them because these times are magical but also fleeting.

Coinciding with this wonderful time in my life, there is a level of sadness, as I watch my once active father struggle with his body not having the strength or energy to do the things he is truly passionate about: farming and gardening. Through all of this, I have seen him work extremely hard to try to boost his energy and strength without a lot of success. He has needed more from me as a son, and I am learning how to care for him in different ways then I ever have before.

Prayer: God, remind us to truly be present in the lives of the loved ones who need us. Help us to show them every day that they are our priorities.

Dolf Schmidt

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Day 2 Thursday, February 19, 2015

“I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for. Then you will call to me. You will come and pray to me, and I will answer you. You will seek me and you will find me because you will seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13

Wouldn’t we all love to have a crystal ball at times to see how the future is going to play out? Especially when you are on the emotional roller coaster of uncertainty? It is difficult to remind ourselves that there is a plan during those times, the Lord’s plan.

Over the course of the last four years I have been on the emotional roller coaster of uncertainty many times, wondering, worrying and crying about how things are not working as I am planning and praying for. These moments of uncertainty can feel overwhelming and cause great anxiety in our lives.

A little peek at my roller coaster of uncertainty involved my family selling our house (finally), then we had 15 days to move, moved into my friend’s house in hopes we would be able to purchase the house we’d been dreaming about. I had also been trying to get back to my teaching career full time and that was not going as “planned” either. The house we wanted did not work out, the teaching position I’d finally attained was in limbo and my family was not being fulfilled with the Church we were attending for various reasons. So, for a while all I could fixate on and worry about was what I could not control. Prayer is where I and many of you turn at times of uncertainty. I prayed and prayed for the Lord to guide me along the plan I knew He had in store. This is difficult to do for a person like me who likes to think they are in control.

However, I do turn to prayer and He answers! He has all my life, I don’t know why I sometimes forget that. Through prayers (lots of them) He answered! We found a house more fitting for our family than the one we had hoped for, I got the teaching job I had just about given up on, and then I jumped head first into getting my Master’s degree not knowing how I was going to do it. I did it all with the Lord as my strength. One of the other prayers He answered was by guiding Pastor John to Bethel. Pastor John was

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my pastor from the time I was in 4th grade until I was married and moved from Owatonna. Pastor John probably does not even realize what an important part he has played in my faith and that he was one of the few positive male role models I had in my life while growing up, but having him come to Bethel of all places in this world is yet another prayer the Lord answered in my life.

Prayer: Remembering to trust in the Lord’s plan for us is challenging at times of uncertainty, but if we trust in His plan and pray to him with all of our hearts - He will answer.

Jessica Maalis

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Day 3 Friday, February 20, 2015

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you? And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25:37-40

On a cold night in early January a fellow Bethel friend of mine and I were on our way to a Gopher basketball game. We were running a little late but decided to stop at a sports bar near campus for supper before the game. I dropped my friend off to look for a table as I parked the car. When I joined him in the restaurant it looked like all the tables were full, but he was being spoken to by a slim fellow whom I assumed my friend knew. In the crowded, noisy room we continued to search for a dining spot and then luckily a small table for two opened up. To our surprise, the stranger tagged along and pulled another chair up to the table to join us. I shortly realized my friend did not know this guy.

As we sat down, a closer look revealed this stranger as a homeless person, as he continued to wear his stocking hat indoors, and when he took off his coat I could see his clothes were torn and ragged. My friend and I exchanged eye contact and shared an unspoken agreement that we were going to let this person stay with us for supper, and we knew we would be hosting his meal.

The waitress took our orders, and when the food came we learned he had ordered only a bowl of soup as he had no teeth to chew meat.

Our meal went by fast, as we wanted to get to the game on time, and as we shook hands and parted with our guest, we walked out to our car and were then able to openly discuss what had just occurred.

Living near Hudson, we do not regularly interact with as many homeless people as folks who live in larger urban areas, but this brief experience was a reminder to us that there are homeless people everywhere.

Whether people are homeless, hungry, cold, or at risk with chemical dependency or other problems, there is a growing cry for help from those in need. While the manner in which a fellow who asserted his need for a free meal on us may turn

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many of us off, it served as a real reminder to my friend and I that this is a societal problem we as Christians need to stay close to.

We were thankful that we were moved to provide the person with a simple, warm bowl of soup on a cold night.

Prayer: Dear God, help us to be open to providing a welcome hand of support for those in need. Even if it sometimes makes us uncomfortable, guide us to do the right thing. Use us as tools in your hands to do the work you would have us do. Amen.

Steve Weekes

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Day 4 Saturday, February 21, 2015

“And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan.”

Mark 1:12-13a

I recently read a book called, “Lean In,” by Sheryl Sandburg. In her book she says, “We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change.” Lent is a season of slowing down, an invitation to stop what is automatic, and gain awareness.

One time in my life when I was made aware, was during my life as a caretaker for an apartment complex. I remember learning in seminary for the first time the true threats of climate change. I could not help but wonder how the chemicals I had been using were influencing the environment. Once I discovered the products were polluting, dangerous, and wasteful, I could not continue using them. I learned to care and, as Sandburg said, I could not help but change. I replaced my careless purchases with mindful ones.

Another time I was made aware was on my first visit to Holden Village. Holden Village is a Lutheran ministry on the edge of the Glacier Peak Wilderness. I was struck by one of their community practices. Every Thursday for lunch the noon meal was a hunger awareness lunch. As one was made aware of the hunger locally and globally, one was served a bowl of rice alone. The money saved was then contributed corporately to those who need sustenance. Before that experience, I did not think about how my eating influenced another, but now I cannot forget it.

During lent, we remember when Jesus was hungry in the wilderness. He was tempted by Satan to use power to turn stones into loaves of bread. Jesus was aware that true sustenance could only come from God’s Word. Instead of doing what was easy, he instead chose to turn to Scripture as his source of provision. I think of Lent as the same kind of time for us. How can we look to God for direction in how we

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live our lives? Instead of the easy road, many Christians choose to take the more difficult road in Lent by taking stock of their life and becoming aware. Faith matters for daily life, and my prayer is that we may choose awareness. Awareness will inevitably lead to change.

Prayer: Prophetic God, speak to us this Lent and challenge us to build awareness of our lives and how our actions affect others. Amen.

Pastor Alicia Hilding

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Day 5 Sunday, February 22, 2015

“Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand.” Psalm 73:23

We are living in crazy times. I hear a sentiment similar to this from so many people, it’s amazing. I’m as guilty as everyone else thinking we have just a little more time or space to cram more things into our lives. Pretty soon, we are running a marathon at full speed and cannot sustain the pace we have set for ourselves. During our hectic lives it is easy to start letting things go and sometimes we let go what is or should be most important to us, which is devoting time to build our faith. With so many things vying for our attention, it’s amazing we can get anything done at all.

But, every so often, when I seem like I’m at the end of my rope, something happens and I am reminded that I am not alone in this world. God is always with me. This usually happens to me when I am in my “office,” which is the flight deck of an airplane. I truly have the best view out of my office window, and am continually amazed at the things I have seen in nature when at 35,000 feet. I have seen spectacular northern lights, shooting stars, comets, unbelievable cloud formations, thunderstorms and many other incredible sights. It becomes a moment where I am alone with God. I think it is very important to find time to be alone with God. It helps revive us and remind us that we are not alone in this life. I truly cannot wait to get back into the plane and discover next one-on-one time with God. I’ll never know when it is coming, but it always happens. What a fun thing to look forward to.

We all need to try and temper our crazy lives and find that alone time with God. Find the thing that amazes you and cherish that time with Him. Look for it; it is out there for each of us. He is always with us.

Prayer: God, thank you for sending me signals and giving me an opportunity for some alone time with you. I pray that each of us can find time to spend with you and to keep building our

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faith. Please keep our eyes open to you and let us all discover what a miracle it is to have a one-on-one relationship with you. Amen.

Jim Mlinar

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Day 6 Monday, February 23, 2015

“In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul.”

Psalm 138:3

My biggest challenge in life was in 1997 when my husband Scott was diagnosed with cancer. We had been married for ten years and had two very young children. I didn’t know how we were going to face this challenge; I turned to God and cried my heart out to him like I never had before. I knew I needed to be strong for both Scott and our young children. At times it became very difficult, but at the same time I felt God’s presence and strength to keep positive. After several months of treatment Scott was finally in remission for several years. In 2001, his cancer returned and more intense treatments were needed, with only several months of relief, to find out the cancer had returned or never went away. More treatments were needed. God again provided us all with strength to continue, encouragement not to give up, and love to keep fighting. I saw the power in God as Scott faced the difficulties of treatments without complaining, I saw the strength and courage in our children as they cared for him the best they could and I saw and felt the love that kept us all together during this life given challenge. It has been 14 years now and Scott is cancer free. Thanks be to God—this is the only way to start your day.

Prayer: Dear God, keep watch over those who are facing challenges in their lives. Let them feel your unconditional love and strength. Amen.

Lori Gunderson

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Day 7 Tuesday, February 24, 2015

“Let me hear your steadfast love in the morning, for in you I put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.” Psalms 143:8

I like to make plans. Fortunately, my “perfect” plans rarely take the path I envision, particularly when I am expecting God to accept my vision and conform to my thoughts. The above verse serves to remind us that our God is a God of infinite possibilities, and His eternal vision is much larger than our finite earthly plans. We are well advised to pray and put our trust in Him. This story may serve to illustrate my point.

My teaching career began in a small town in western Minnesota. After Juli and I started a family, we soon decided we were ready for a change. Lifted in prayer, I started exploring new job possibilities and filling out applications. Imagine our excitement when we learned of an opening in the idyllic southern Minnesota community of Owatonna. Shortly, I was busy formulating plans about a new life in a new city. My plan seemed to be on track as I learned I would be having two interviews on consecutive days. The first was in Hudson, a community of which I knew little. The second was Owatonna! Perhaps because I was focused on the latter interview, my interview in Hudson went very well. I was impressed with the school and the wonderful people I met. By the time I drove back to western MN, the phone was ringing and the principal was offering me a job. The next day, my interview in Owatonna also went well, but I was informed they were not ready to make a quick decision. After praying for guidance, Juli and I both came to the surprising conclusion that God was directing us to Hudson. Ironically, Owatonna did call a short time later to offer me a position. I recall our decision to come to Hudson was completely affirmed later in the summer. The drive across the bridge felt right and when we pulled to our new home, Ken Larson and his sons were waiting to help us unload. Looking back, God’s eternal vision obviously trumped my limited understanding of what the future held for my family.

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Prayer: Lord, thank you for guidance. Help us to trust you and to be open to the plans your have for each of us. Help us take time to contemplate the depth of your love for us and how we can best serve you. Amen.

Jonathan Hilding

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Day 8 Wednesday, February 25, 2015

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Acts 20:35

When I was younger, hard work was primarily for “me”--set goals and purchase/accumulate “things.” After becoming a wife and mother, my perspective began to shift. Hard work became more about being able to provide for our family, but still had a focus on “things.” Once our boys started to become sponges with regard to the world around them, it became very apparent that we needed to step back and evaluate what hard work and giving back truly meant. We started to be more giving of our time, talents and the fruits of our hard work and in turn received something more than we could have imagined--a feeling of making a difference, something that couldn't be bought. Giving is a two-sided blessing.....both the giver and receiver are changed by the act of giving. Often times people view giving as having a monetary value, but true gifts are often free....a listening ear or a helping hand.

In September of 2011, our family was dealt a hand we would have never imagined--our oldest was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. At the hospital, I was questioning why our son was given this challenge. Two things became very clear in the hospital in those early days--first, we were blessed by the medical team surrounding us that appeared to be hand-picked for our family and second, that we in turn were at some point going to be a blessing for others who were standing in the same shoes we were at that moment. No, I wasn’t that ok with things emotionally to identify the second point. It was graciously pointed out to me by my step-father, who by the way was right. Over three years later, I honestly feel that a void in my heart has been filled by being a mentor to newly diagnosed families. A void that was never able to be filled by “things.” Giving and in turn receiving.

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Prayer: Lord, please keep us mindful that no matter how broken we may be, we all have something to give. Let us be a blessing to those around us and be your shining light in a world often filled with darkness.

Kristin Causby

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Day 9 Thursday, February 26, 2015

“For it is by God’s grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God’s gift, so that one can boast about it. God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus, he has created us for a life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do.”

Ephesians 2:8-10

I’m very sure I’ve read and heard these words many times in my life, but it was during a Via de Cristo weekend that verse 10 (underlined) was an absolute epiphany for me. It seemed to suggest that in addition to the Great Commission of Matt. 28:18-20 there are additional specific works that God created for EACH OF US before we were ever born. Talk about having a purpose in life; God’s plan of salvation depends, at least to some extent, on ME.

I’m reminded of people who responded to the Lord regardless of cost. The phrase attributed to Jim Elliot “He is no fool who gives away what he cannot keep, to gain that which he cannot lose” had a big impact on me, especially after reading about Jim. In 1956 at age 29, Jim and four other missionaries traveled to serve the Houaroni people in Ecuador. Tragically, all five of the missionaries were killed by those they were sent to serve. Possibly anticipating what would happen, a last entry in his diary expressed his dedication that doing the work of Jesus was more important than life itself. A few years later his wife, Elizabeth, traveled to Ecuador and continued Jim’s evangelistic work by ministering to the very same Houaroni people who had killed her husband.

Lent is a period of preparation for the events of Easter. My hope is that during this Lenten season we would each sense Christ’s presence and that we might find those “good deeds” that He created for each of us. Perhaps the words of 1 Timothy 6:17-19 say it best: “Command those who are rich by the things of this life not to be proud, but to place their hope, not in such an uncertain thing as riches, but in God, who generously gives us everything for our enjoyment. Command

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them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share with others. In this way they will store up for themselves a treasure which will be a solid foundation for the future. And then they will be able to win the life which is the true life.”

Prayer: May we all understand our individual importance to God’s Kingdom here on earth. Help each of us to see the face of Christ on our brothers and sisters and remember that we are not alone. Jesus promised to be with us always, “to the end of the age.” (Matt 28:20) AMEN!

Steve Heilmann

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Day 10 Friday, February 27, 2015

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Six months ago I had the honor and privilege to marry the love of my life. On a beautiful, warm, sunny afternoon my husband and I were married at Bethel Highlands with our closest friends and family. There were many tears of joy shed that day. However, my past wasn’t always as happy as my wedding day. A few years ago, my life fell apart in a heartbreaking and painful way. All of the foundations on what I thought were secure under me (home, friends, life) crumbled beneath my feet and I felt like I had fallen into a dark abyss in which I would never come out. I was scared, lost, felt rudderless, drifting from day to day clinging to anything that would make me feel ok again. Deep down I was worried that God didn’t love me anymore. One afternoon, I went out for a walk to clear my head and ended up at Bethel downtown campus. The church office was open, but the sanctuary was dark. I walked inside and sat down in the first row looking up at the figure of Jesus. Fighting back tears I prayed to God for the strength to keep moving on, for forgiveness and for peace. Walking out I wasn’t certain if He heard me….but He did. Over painstaking days, months and years I rebuilt my life, and with God’s help He pulled me through. Much like the story of the footprints in the sand, I didn’t realize at the time that Jesus was carrying me, but when I look back I see how clearly I needed His strength and hope that only He can provide. What I take from my experience was God’s promise to us, that when things are dark and bleak, He is always there to guide us and to see us through our struggles. The symbol of this I will always remember - on the day of our wedding, a storm swept through while we were inside. After the storm had past and the sun came out a beautiful double rainbow appeared above Hudson. A symbol of God’s love and a symbol of God’s promise…He will never abandon us and never forsake us.

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Prayer: Lord, I pray that when times are tough I hold my faith in you in the same way as when times are good. Remind me that you listen to my prayers and your answers come in the time they are meant to. You are always there to support and love me in the dark and in the sun.

Beth Trende Steffen

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Day 11 Saturday, February 28, 2015

“You have heard it said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” Matthew 5:43-44

The Lord works in mysterious ways. I picked up a children’s book from the coffee table that Cheri bought to read to our grand-daughter when she’s old enough. It’s a book by Bishop Desmond Tutu encouraging kids to love everyone, regardless of race, creed or background. A quick read. As I put the book down, I commented to Cheri that though the book was written for children, it’s a lesson that more adults than children need to learn. And then something clicked in my age addled brain, ‘I’m supposed to write a devotional for Bethel. And it’s due in the church office today!’

I asked God for a little guidance and looked in the glossary of our bible for the New Testament reference where Jesus told us to love one another. Turns out, the first reference to love made by Christ in the Gospels is the passage at the top of this page.

I commented to our Wednesday morning bible study a few weeks ago, when I was younger, I was hopeful that mankind would learn to get along in my lifetime. We’re going to have differences with one another, but surely we would learn to solve our differences without violence, without war, or even lesser means of trampling on one another. Then, we remember that Christ also said that before He returns there will be wars and rumors of war. Reality returns and we know mankind will repeat history over and over until Christ returns. But, we don’t have to just shrug our shoulders and say that’s just the way things are. Let’s try to pay heed to Christ’s directive in Matthew 5:44 and pray for those who would harm us, that they might learn that God wants us to love one another.

Prayer: Lord, we pray that those who do us harm will learn there is a better way, and that we might solve our differences as you would want us to. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Eric Anderson

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Day 12 Sunday, March 1, 2015

“Be strong and courageous do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

The poem “Footprints” is inspired by this verse. It is my favorite and it is with me everywhere I go. For many years I just went along in life not thinking about how God was with me every day. During times of struggle I felt as if He had abandoned me. Then I read this poem and realized I really wasn’t alone and God has been with me all along. Now when I’m feeling alone and frustrated I think of this poem and it refreshes me.

Prayer: God help to see that you are always with us during the good and the bad.

Kayla Burt

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Day 13 Monday, March 2, 2015

“Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”

I Corinthians 13:12

She was only 53 years old. A loving daughter, mother and married to the love of her life for 25 years. They had two children 8 and 10 years of age. Her name was Martha, my wife’s beloved cousin. As we drove to her funeral recently, I found myself asking, “How can this be? Why do bad things happen to good people?”

As she was memorialized by family and friends, special mention was made of her giving and welcoming spirit, gorgeous smile, her infectious sense of humor, and beautiful singing voice. When she endured trial and tribulation, she would remind others that “Jesus loved Martha.” (John 14:5) Her husband Paul, a college choral director, recalls how she sang frequently, “Even when she was changing diapers!” A recording of her beautiful voice “In This Very Room” was played at her memorial service.

No, I am unable to answer the questions I posed at the beginning. What I can say is, that along with the fellowship of other believers, we returned home with uplifted spirits. We remember her good will to all she met and her outstanding Christian testimony.

Prayer: Thank you God for the gift of life. We understand, however, that our home is in heaven and that we are just passing through this world.

Paul Vandersteen

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Day 14 Tuesday, March 3, 2015

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39

I love this verse. When I remember it.

But I confess, I forget. This truth slips from my awareness. I am so often preoccupied with thinking about the past, worrying about the future, stressing about myself or my family, planning how to get what I want or get somewhere I’m not.

With all this background noise, it’s hard to notice God’s love in me, in others, all around me. And, it’s even more difficult to notice in times of suffering – the sickness of a loved one, the loss of a job - those times of pain or fear or grief that are all consuming.

I remember a time when I had the great privilege to be at a weeklong conference in central California. The conference center was on a mountaintop about 30 miles east of Monterey Bay. I could see the bay, and my beloved Pacific Ocean from the grounds of the conference center. I was there without a car, and so spent the first few days planning and scheming how I could find a ride to the ocean. I wanted to walk on the beach, see and hear the surf, smell and feel the ocean spray. At one point, after three days of this preoccupation, I realized: Here I am on a mountain overlooking Monterey Bay and missing every moment of it planning how I can be somewhere else!

So, I’m learning to remember, to be present with God’s love right now, right where I am. When I shift my attention from myself, the future or the past to the present moment, I am so much more aware of God’s relentless, all-powerful love. It’s everywhere, all the time, right now.

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I still forget, but even forgetting doesn’t separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Nothing can! When I eventually notice that I’m somewhere else, I smile. And I trust God does as well.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for your steadfast love. Thank you. Help us practice, and strengthen our awareness of your presence and love in the moments of each day. Amen.

Kateri Topitzhofer

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Day 15 Wednesday, March 4, 2015

“Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

Psalm 103:1-5

My father, a Lutheran minister, would frequently be asked to say a prayer at gatherings before the meal. He would always start his prayer with the first two verses of Psalm 103. Having a pastor at your beck and call was great for me when I was a little kid who had questions about how everything worked. “Dad, where is my soul? How come just it goes to heaven and not the rest of me? Do they have ice cream in heaven or is it something better that we haven't invented yet on earth?” The flip side of having someone present to answer such heady questions was the fact that those questions would be great fodder for that coming Sunday, “Is there ice cream in heaven?” I remember making an ink blotter in kindergarten and seeing it being held up for our Seattle congregation’s consideration regarding God’s capacity for forgiveness.

As I got older my conversations with my father matured. I was filled with the usual existential angst, why am I here? What is God’s plan for me? Is there a God who has a plan for me? I was relieved on one level to know that my father had the same type of questions, just framed differently. I always had a problem trying to understand God until I came to grip the idea that I was not supposed to understand God, at least not in a material, reach out and touch him kind of way. Understanding God is an act of faith, it can be no other way. God revealed himself to me in a concept that my humanly limited capacity allows. The above verse tells us that God is not bound by our human understanding, He can do the impossible (getting older I am fascinated by the possibility of having my youth “renewed”), his abilities are “infinite.” To grasp God is the same as attempting to grasp “infinity.” Take the largest number you can think of.......and add “one” to it. “It” never ends. That is where God resides, somewhere beyond our capacity to know, and I now find that fact to be very comforting.

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I also find comfort in the flip side of God, and that is the concurrent fact that while God is the huge idea of being infinite, beyond our understanding, He is also love, that thing that is closer to us, lives within us, defines what it means to be persons. We get that from our God “who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tendermercies.” I have an easier time grasping that part of God.

Prayer: God of tendermercies, help us to know you and to understand your plans for us. Help us to be more perfect instruments of your peace. Amen.

Rand Sortland

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“Pray continually,” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

When I received a letter asking if I would be willing to write something that is a personal reflection for the Lenten devotional, I panicked. What? No way. I am not the person to do this. I don’t share my personal reflections. How did my name get selected? There are many other people who would know what to write about. Why me? Then I listened to Pastor John’s sermon on “answering the call,” stepping out of your comfort zone, doing something you don’t really want to do, answering when God’s calling. I thought ok, why not me. So all week I was thinking about it and still debating about it, praying about it, wondering if I could just say no, when my 5 year old said, “It’s really simple mom, just say… I have kids, I know God.” Wow, so true! We start praying for our kids from the time of conception (even before) and we never stop. When they are born, you confirm your belief, that they are truly a gift from God.

One of the most important things I can do as a mother is to pray for them and teach them to pray as well. I ask God all the time for His protection for them and to guide them in their daily routines and help them with their fears and making good decisions. I ask for His guidance in my own parenting skills, helping to teach my children about Him and learning to turn to Him with their own troubles. Even though helping with Sunday school is sometimes outside of my comfort zone as well, I do it as an example to my kids so that they can see it is important to attend and learn. When they are scared, I can say to them, “pray about it,” and it offers much comfort to all. I know as they get older, and troubles get more frightening, the prayers will get longer, but how wonderful to have that option of prayer to offer stress relief. So, it is simple, I have kids, I know God. Never cease praying!

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of prayer so that you can listen to our troubles and offer comfort. Thank you for allowing me to help my children and others by challenging me

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to do something I don’t always want to do, but knowing that you are with me to guide me. Amen.

Lori Voss

Day 16 Thursday, March 5, 2015

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Day 17 Friday, March 6, 2015

“And the King shall answer and say to them, Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me.”

Matthew 25:40

We all know the pain of being hurt, whether it be physically or emotionally. You may have been teased, laughed at, and insulted. And just as likely we have done it to others – seeing ourselves as superior and mocking their vulnerabilities. I know I have been on both sides. However, I understand that we are called to see God in each other – not just in the beautiful, rich, and well-connected, but in everyone. Help us to be aware that we are part of a brotherhood that desperately needs the love and compassion Jesus taught us, and not the divisions, cynicism, and insults as we too often experience and observe.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to be agents of peace. Forgive our selfish and hurtful ways, and inspire us to be the compassionate, caring people you call us to be.

Kevin Carrier

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Day 18 Saturday, March 7, 2015

“After your season of suffering, God in all His grace will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you.”

1 Peter 5:10There are always those moments in life where control seems to be a runaway train; you sit down, defeated and just think, What is His plan? They are each a different moment we collect over time that change and shape who we are and how we respond. No two are the same, but it’s important that we reflect and lean on God in these moments because we have never experienced them and the road is unclear.

One particular moment came for our family in 2006. My husband was newly promoted at his job, we had recently celebrated our one year anniversary and we were closing in on our first year in our home. In the fall, his daughter would be entering Kindergarten and my daughter would enter Pre-K. Life was finally settling down for our family. Only blues skies were ahead…little did we know the storm would come in from another direction.

I still remember the scene when my husband called my work. I immediately was taken out of a room filled with people to speak to him. I was told it was an urgent matter. I could hear the shaking in his voice- a sound I was unfamiliar with- but as he began to speak the words were too much for me to comprehend.

Processing the information was as thick as pouring molasses. As the conversation began to sink in, I began to realize what he was actually saying to me, and the horror of it all hit at once. My stepdaughter’s mother, Maryanne, had passed. My first thoughts were a stream of questions to God: How could this be? Why her? She’s a wife. A new mother! What do we tell our kids? How will this affect all of the children? What is Your plan?? She had just given birth to premature twins almost two months prior…to the day. She was 28. Her husband was one week away from passing the state bar and he was a first time dad. It was four days before Mother’s day.

In the days that passed after Maryanne’s death, our lives seemed to slow to a crawl. There were some days that were much harder than others -nothing prepares you for raising a child who looses her mother- we just made it through one day at a time. We slowly learned our new way of life without her mom’s presence; counting the reminders of her that God gave us along the way and sharing them with each other.

Throughout the Bible we are given moment after moment where loss is devastating and examples of how these families and individuals react. Even though much time has passed since these stories occurred, the reactions are the all the same between us: sorrow, questions and leaning on God to get us through. We share that connection with Mary Magdalene, Job and-- even Christ. Just think of Christ’s own

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reaction when Lazarus died- even He had no control over his sorrow when Lazarus passed. He wept. He felt the loss. He felt the pain.

Prayer: Dear God, even though I may not see your plan sometimes, I will remember that you are there. We are not alone when we experience sadness; and, along with many others, I will try not to worry when I cannot see your plan. I am thankful for your scripture. It gives me comfort to know that we are not alone in our sadness. I will not, however, grow the fear and sadness in me. Instead, I will let you restore my soul and remind myself that it is only through you that I can grow from this experience.

Melissa Davidson

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Day 19 Sunday, March 8, 2015

“But Jesus said, ‘let the little children come to me, and don’t try to stop them’ People who are like these children belong to God’s kingdom.” Matthew 19:14

Our future is our children. Jesus said “let the children come to me.” As a young boy I knew that I was selected to make a difference in people’s lives. I was groomed early by my parents, by their examples. Being the oldest of 6 I was expected to take care of my younger siblings, to protect and be a good example in their lives. I always put them first. For children it’s important to have a positive experience while growing up. It’s like planting a seed. You water it, keep it fed and as it grows you trim it and bend it the way it was meant to be.

I feel that my gift in life is an important one, as it is about children and our future.

As a child you are born perfect in God’s eyes, but as you grow up you are influenced by your environment your peers, your family, etc.

We as parents, and I as a coach, have a very important impact in a child’s future, so I feel it’s very important to be a good role model, listener, and mentor.

I am a cycling coach for junior boys and girls ages 10-18. My first years in this role I relied entirely on my own knowledge and experience from my own racing days, but now I realize I’ve been given a gift in being able to coach and mentor these kids and I know that God has put me here for a reason. He’s only giving me what I can handle but that seems to be increasing and I feel the importance is getting greater. I rely on God and His plan. I’m not worried about doing my work. I’m on team God and I’m lead by him. We are all God’s children.

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Prayer: Dear God, I pray that you protect our children and keep them safe as they grow up to be adults. Bring them up to be a positive influence on generations to come. Amen.

Dag Selander

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Day 20 Monday, March 9, 2015

“Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

In the summer of 2013, I had just finished 7th grade. I was ready for a summer filled with friends and family, and a break from God. At the time, I wasn’t very interested in Church or Wednesday night Sunday school, except for the fact that I got to hang out with my friends outside of school on a school night. But that summer, I had to go to Luther Point Bible Camp for a week.

This was to be my first weeklong camp, that I had to sleepover at, I had ever been too, and I was kind of nervous. I was worried about not seeing my parents for an entire week, and that it was church camp. I started to make myself think that bible camp was going to be where we would get up at 6 am every day and go to church service after church service, having reading assignments from the bible, and praying for hours on end. My worried mind made me think it was going to be terribly boring. I was to be proved wrong.

It was the highlight of my summer. Luther Point exceeded my expectations of bible camps, and by the end of the week, I wanted to go back next year. During the day, we did multiple group games and fun activities, with beautiful morning and sunset services with fun camp songs and skits. It was nothing like what I had thought it was going to be. The Luther Point staff chose a bible verse for the entire week to be based on, and that summer it was “Let all that you do be done in love.” This verse has meant a lot to me ever since camp. I think it is a wonderful life lesson to live by. My experience at camp gave me a new perspective of God, and showed me that He is more than I thought He was before.

Prayer: Dear God, show us to not assume things without going to find them out for ourselves, for they could exceed our expectations and make our lives more meaningful. Show us also to let all that we do be done in love. Amen.

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Stella Ullom

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Day 21 Tuesday, March 10, 2015

“For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Matthew 6:14-15

My spirituality was personally challenged in 2014 with expressing forgivingness. I also contested the core of my faith after experiencing the double murder of two close family members and seeing the aftermath and impact on six children. These events cut to the bone and challenged every moral fiber I’ve acquired in my 52-years of life. I found myself struggling with forgiveness and examining my faith and purpose in the world.

A roller coaster of emotion continues to this day, but choosing to keep God and faith in my life has sustained me beyond words. Without God and without faith, I can personally tell you I would probably not be functioning today. Also, the community of Bethel and its pastoral team assisted me in some extremely dark times, which I would call the “darkest of dark.”

Turning to God, trusting in family, friends and the Bethel spiritual team got me through. I could have never done it alone. When you experience the “darkest of dark” in your life, it’s OK to question your faith. It’s OK to have the range of emotion. My advice to you…seek spiritual guidance and have those necessary conversations with friends and family. Use your connections in the Bethel Community to seek out the love of God. Then and only then can you turn to forgiveness.

Ralph A. Gwinn says it best: “John 3:16 states the matter simply and directly... ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ …When the closeness of the relationship is broken, healing requires a particular attitude on each side. For the person wronged there must be an openness to the wrongdoer, a real desire for the closeness to be restored. I am calling that attitude in the wronged person “a spirit of forgiveness.” For the wrongdoer, the appropriate attitude is called “repentance,” a genuine expression of sorrow for having hurt the other person.”

Prayer: Thank you God for giving us your only Son! During this Lenten Season I ask you to place your guiding hand over

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those struggling with forgiveness and show them the way to eternal salvation. In your name we pray. Amen.

Daniel DuPuis

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Day 22 Wednesday, March 11, 2015

“Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.”

Isaiah 64:8

I have the love of quilting and think that God has a part in all I make and how He helps me live my life.

I think God is a quilter who takes His needle and thread to piece my work from nothingness and give it form. Everything I see are pieces from His careful hand, from the tree to the birds of the air. God stitches His texture everywhere; the velvet of the grass, the grainy sand and the fine strands of my hair. He cuts patterns from what I probably would throw away. He shows me how to use each scrap in His own caring way. The stitching is His strength where I am weak but He shows me that in my life, He embraces the things I seek. He is a true quilter for the patience He shows, in every thread He sews, and treating the time it takes to make a quilt as a very special gift.

I think the quilts I make are God’s lessons to teach me that my pieces and remnants are a way to change my life and others so that they may reach many places near and far.

So, in the life I am living, when the pieces of each quilt are everywhere, I will give them to God, the master quilter, to stitch with all His love and care. Although they may be unwanted, with His work of quilting He can make a quilt of me.

Prayer: Dear God, as the master quilter of our world, give me the pattern and patience to make my life a quilt that will protect and sustain me for the life you have given me to be with you in heaven. Amen.

Karalee Bipes

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Day 23 Thursday, March 12, 2015

“Jesus said, ‘Come.’ So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him.”

Matthew 14:29-31

In the spring of 2010, I completed an internship as a chaplain at Ebenezer Care Center in south Minneapolis. I spent quite a bit of time getting to know the residents, and learning about their life stories. Two times a week, we gathered together in the chapel for worship services, which included a short homily, a couple prayers, and singing their favorite hymns.

Some residents were able to arrive under their own power, but others needed to have their wheelchairs pushed from all corners of the building. For the ten minutes prior to the start of the service, the entryway was often quite congested. One morning, in the midst of the entryway traffic, I saw one resident fall about ten feet in front of me. I still remember her terrified scream as she began to topple over, and the gut wrenching feeling I had as I watched it happen. Fortunately, this particular resident did not sustain any injuries. Still, I felt so guilty, because if I had reacted sooner I might have been able to lunge ahead and catch her fall.

As I stood there, red in the face, and stuck in place, a nurse asked me if I was okay. I asked how I could better respond if that happened again. She mentioned that if I was ever in a place where I saw someone falling, I actually was not supposed to stop their fall. Instead, if possible, I should just catch them and guide them slowly to the ground as they continued to fall.

Matt Maher wrote a song “Lord I Need You,” and it includes the lyrics, “And when I cannot stand I’ll fall on You.” This song reminds me that we all fall- literally and metaphorically. We cannot prevent

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ourselves from falling. But what we can do is help lessen the effects of each other’s falls. And when we fall (and we will), we have a God who is there to fall on.

Prayer: Saving God, you caught Peter as he fell while trying to walk on water. We ask that when we cannot stand, you also will reach out your hands and catch us. When we fall, help us to fall on You. In your name we pray, Amen.

Pastor Ben Hilding

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Day 24 Friday, March 13, 2015

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.”

Isaiah 26:3-4

I often find myself questioning why things are the way they are. “It doesn’t make sense, it’s not fair.” “Why God, are you letting this happen? Where are you leading me? What lesson am I learning? And why am I learning this?” Why, why why...

It seems when I begin asking these questions, my mind becomes entangled with uncertainty, unable to escape from fear. I begin to create a storm within myself and any light seems to be non-existent. The darkness creeps in, and I find myself desperate to know an answer.

I have learned that faith is one of the most difficult practices to live by. When faith encompasses all areas of life, a continual reminder is needed to keep our hearts at peace. When I am dealing with difficult situations, this verse from Isaiah provides me comfort and encourages me to look to my Rock.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for being steadfast and true. You have provided everything we need in perfect timing. I pray this Lenten Season we are able to rest our hearts and minds in your promise. I pray we can see the love you give this world and share this message with others. Amen.

Kali Sharot

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Day 25 Saturday, March 14, 2015

“He walks with me, and He talks with me and tells me I am His own and the joy we share as we terry there none other has ever known” Hymn “In The Garden”These lines from the hymn “In The Garden” are special to me as there are few days that go by without my having at least one conversation with God.

I love to walk, even during the winter time, and it is while on my many hikes that I most often provide the Lord with up to date information on what’s happening in my life. It’s much like chatting with a good friend. God has the wonderful ability to listen without interrupting. I must confess that during these talks I’ve not seen a vision nor are answers to my many questions given by a voice from the trees. But I do experience a marvelous comfort in knowing that each time I initiate a conversation, our Lord is there with me. These times help me to address serious issues. By thinking out loud and sorting through serious options and discussing them with our Savior, I usually am able to decide on a path to take.

It saddens me to know that there are those who don’t talk to God, either through prayer when they need specific help, or through the general conversation I so enjoy. Life, while full of opportunities, happiness and love, can also deliver some hard knocks. Some, such as illness, death of a loved one, family problems, financial worries, and a multitude of other crises, can be brutal. I draw strength knowing I have God to talk to when confronted with life’s emotional ups and downs. Our Lord and our church are there for us. We need only to reach out to connect.

Have a conversation with your Lord today and experience the joy of the presence of God.

Prayer: Gracious God, thank you that you, the Creator of the Universes, want to know us, hear from us, and show your love

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for us! Help us to deepen our relationship with you through the regular communication with you that we call prayer. Amen.

Tom Hugdahl

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Day 26 Sunday, March 15, 2015

“You need to be patient, in order to do the will of God and receive what he promises.”

Hebrews 10:36

Patience has never been one of my greatest strengths. When I’ve decided what I want to do, where I want to be, I’m ready to get there. I don’t want to ‘waste’ time when I could be doing something productive. In our years together, my husband has gone from annoyed to pleasantly humored by my ‘vacation itineraries’ – but I didn’t want to waste a moment that could have been spent seeing something new or experiencing something great.

That lack of patience sometimes seems to work. But when I take time to reflect, I wonder what was missing in some of those times. Could my goals have been even greater, more ambitious, more successful, if I had been more patient and reflective rather than just getting started? Did I miss something wonderful and unexpected because it wasn’t part of my plan? Were these times so inwardly focused that I missed the plans God had for me?

When I’m not patient enough to stop and deeply pray, truly connect with God, my life comes out of focus. When I put God first, I find that I have patience to listen and live His plan for me.

There are times when I think I can’t possibly accept a new challenge or opportunity, but when I am patient and pray, I find that God leads me to great things. This fall was a busy time for my family as school started, my husband traveled (a lot!), I started a new job, albeit part-time, the kids had activities, I volunteered at the school and you know, the list continues. We were asked to participate in a small group and I thought, how can that possibly work for us? However, I was patient; I prayed and found the resolve to seize the opportunity. It was wonderful. We were able to connect with friends, both new and old, reflecting on God and growing in faith together.

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Patience is a wonderful thing. When I am patient and listen to God, I am stronger and more able to do His works, and in turn receive the warmth of His love and peace.

Prayer: God, help us to be patient and listen to your calling so that we may do your good works and feel the strength of your love. Amen.

Marcie Andrews

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Day 27 Monday, March 16, 2015

“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”

Galatians 5:22

In 2001, my wife lost her battle with cancer. Two weeks after her funeral, I was camping up north. After a good day, I went to my camper to go to bed. I went to sleep and about an hour later I woke up crying. I could not stop crying. So I decided to drive home, which was two hours away. I cried so hard all the way home that I had to stop driving, and all the next day I thought it would never stop. It was really scary because men are not supposed to cry. I stopped crying long enough to open my mail, and the first letter I opened was a letter from hospice inviting me to a grieving group meeting for lost loved ones. God was taking care of me. That was Sunday and the meeting wasn’t until Tuesday and I couldn’t wait. At the meeting I shared my story, and a man who had lost his wife 10 years ago was there. He said that a pastor had told him that when God put a period, we should not try to change it to a question mark. Hospice came in when my wife was dying and was very loving and caring, and now it was very loving and caring with helping me with my grief. Because of the love I have for God, and the caring, patience, kindness and gentleness of hospice, I did not lose control of my life. Never lose your love for God, because God never loses His love for you.

Prayer: God thank you for your fruit of the spirit, and we pray that all those who are experiencing severe pain from lost loved ones, a job, or any loss, will find their love for You God, so the fruit of Your spirit will shine in their lives forever. For the fruit of the spirit is the most important ingredient for everyday life! Amen!!!

Lowell C. Enerson

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Day 28 Tuesday, March 17, 2015

“The Lord is good, a stronghold in a day of trouble; he protects those who take refuge in him, even in a rushing flood.”

Nahum 1:7

When I was 10 years old my mother died tragically in a car accident. My world, as I had known it, had come crashing to a halt. My father was left with 7 children, one just 6 months old, to raise on his own.

My mother was a devout Catholic. We attended Mass faithfully every Sunday. My brothers were all altar boys and I helped my mother dust the pews of the church. We attended catechism classes in the summer taught by nuns that came over from Duluth. In the mornings we memorized prayers and after lunch the nuns would join the children for a game of red light/green light on the church steps.

After my mother passed, we continued to attend church, but without my father. He may have had faith at one point in his life, being raised Catholic himself, but he had more than his share of hardships in his life and I think losing his wife was the last straw for him.

When we all believed we had been tested to the fullest, an angel did appear. My father met another woman who filled his heart with love and laugher, and most importantly, she was willing to take on his 7 children (and her two girls) and thus we became a new family.

Later in my life, after a divorce and having two children of my own to raise, I announced one weekend that we were going to start attending church. I enrolled my boys in Sunday school and I joined the Welcome committee, trying to find my place. The people were wonderful, yet something was still missing.

In 2003, I met my current husband, Peter. When he invited me out to Hudson the first time I didn’t go directly to his home. Instead we met at Bethel’s downtown campus. It was Sunday morning and he was teaching a 5th grade class. I walked in through the front door, down

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the steps, and found his classroom. I knocked on the door and was invited inside. I was home at last.

Prayer: Lord, even though we may not always understand the meaning for the path our life takes, let us trust in you to always bring us home. In your name we pray, Amen.

Jody Eisch

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Day 29 Wednesday, March 18, 2015

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Bonnie and I knew before he was born that Everett had something genetically wrong with him. At 21 weeks into our pregnancy, we had an ultrasound that would change us forever. The doctor noticed a couple of abnormalities, told us the grim outlook of one of a couple possible dreadful syndromes and gave us an option to abort. We told the doctor, “If our baby only lives for 30 minutes, then we will hold our baby for those 30 minutes.” Weeks later, and after many, many prayers by friends and family, Everett was born and none of those dreadful possibilities came to fruition.

Five years later, and after numerous health issues that cropped up seemingly from out of nowhere, we finally stumbled into a diagnosis for a syndrome that fit his challenges. Within a matter of a few short days, we confirmed that he had this rare disease and I, coincidentally, lost my job of 14 years. Those were very dark days to be sure.

Fast-forward three years later, I find myself very involved with his rare disease. I formed a small organization that raises funds and awareness for Bardet-Biedl Syndrome. And this winter, I will find myself in Washington D.C. as part of Rare Disease Week on Capitol Hill. And as far as my career goes, I now find myself doing what I love for organizations that make a difference.

To this day, I can still see that dreadful doctor’s office in my mind’s eye. But instead of just seeing myself, my lovely pregnant wife and the doctor… I now see the presence of the Lord. His wisdom. His strength. Every day, I feel more and more like I am walking the right path in life. And it is reaffirmed for me in the verse from Jeremiah.

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Prayer: God, give us wisdom in our darkest days to feel comfort in knowing that you have a plan and that your plan includes hope and a future. Amen.

Bill Alms

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Day 30 Thursday, March 19, 2015

“Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again. ‘I am the light of the world,’ he said. ‘Whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness.’” John 8:12

This verse is important to me not because it pertains exactly to my life but because it speaks to me saying that we as people don’t want to be left in the dark but be shown the light of the world. There are two types of light. When we are born into this world we perceive physical light, and by it we learn of our Creator’s handiwork in the things we see. However, although that light is good, there is another Light, a Light so important that the Son of God had to come in order to proclaim it to mankind. Martin Luther King Jr. said that, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” I believe that this could be saying that sins don’t cancel out other sins; but only Jesus can wash them away with His Light.

Prayer: Dear God, help us to see when we are in the darkness of our sins and we need a Light to guide our way. Amen.

Calla Jenkinson

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Day 31 Friday, March 20, 2015

“What, then, shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Romans 8:31“The Lord said to Moses, ‘Who gave man his mouth?’.... Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and teach you what to say.’” Exodus 4:11-12

Seven years ago while I was traveling to remote villages in middle Tanzania to visit school children sponsored by fellow Bethel members, I was surprised to be tapped on the shoulder with an unexpected uncomfortable opportunity. I was excited to learn some Swahili language, to mix with the children and adults, and to work alongside of them to help build their preaching point building. I was not ready for what was presented to me as we drove through giant water filled potholes in the middle of Africa.

Surprise, with ten minutes warning, our leaders designated me to give a sermon to these people in their small church. WOW, I always joked that I wanted to get into the pulpit, but did not expect to be called like this. We were their guests. They treated us like royalty. They fed us their finest fare. I was nervous. My knees were knocking. How could I get out of this? What would I use as a text? I did not have the words nor the confidence.

Then it came to me. I have a favorite Bible verse that helps me often when feeling down or inadequate. I also remembered what God told Moses in Exodus when he did not think he was the man to speak to the Israelites and lead them out of Egypt. God said (paraphrasing) “I gave you the mouth, I’ll give you the words.” So how could I go wrong? So I took a deep breath, stood beside a friendly interpreter, and delivered my message that when we have God who is for us, who can be against us? I trusted that He would guide me, and it worked. It was not long winded, and the lunch that followed never tasted so delicious after the pressure was off!

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Prayer: Dear God, give me the confidence that you will guide me and give me the courage to do right in your eyes when I am in uncomfortable situations. When temptation entices me to take a lesser easy short cut that minimizes your message of Love, speak to me and give me strength. Amen.

Curt Larson

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Day 32 Saturday, March 21, 2015

“Next to the Gospel, music is Gods greatest gift to mankind.”Martin Luther

If you don’t already know, I love music! All kinds of music (with the exception of two or three particular genres).

I have played in bands, and orchestras, sang in choirs, directed choirs, and accompanied choirs. I have written music, arranged music, and re-arranged music. I have taught music and have been honored with teachers P. Cechinni, Paul Manz, and Carl Shalk.

I have especially enjoyed sharing the gift and passion of music with my children.

What a marvelous gift!! Can you imagine a world without music? Music has been an important part of our existence for as far back as anyone can record. The flute and harp are introduced in Genesis. Music was an integral part of people’s lives in worship since before Jesus went to the temple, just as it is now in our worship. You can bet the Israelites did some singing during their 40 years of wandering! Music can be found in every culture throughout history.

Almost all of our worship music is based on scripture. Take a look at a hymnal. The sources are referenced at the bottom of the hymn page. Contemporary Christian music also has a Biblical and spiritual connection. Hymns are chock full of theology, they help us praise God and enable us to pray.

Oh, and another little known fact, as Cliff Claven would say, is that there are over 1150 references to music in the Bible. I think it might be fun to count those for myself sometime.

I could elaborate forever on the importance and benefits of music on our lives. I believe each and every one of you has a story when music has had a significant impact in your life. I think for Lent this year I am going to choose a hymn a day and read all the verses to see what message each one holds.

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If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. John 15:7

Can you guess the hymn?

Prayer: O Lord, thank you for your wonderful gift of music! Continue to show us how we can use our voices, our hands and our instruments to make a joyful noise for you. Amen!

Lonna Possehl

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Day 33 Sunday, March 22, 2015

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”

John 10:11-18

We see in this passage Jesus’ absolute love for us. He tells us four times that He will lay down His life for us. Jesus starts off the passage by showing us the difference between Him and hired hands. Jesus loves the sheep and will never leave them, but the hired hand sees wolves coming and runs, because a job is never worth your life. But Jesus is not in this for money, He is in it for the sheep. So what are these wolves that are coming to attack the sheep? They are sin, death, and divine judgment. But we see here that Jesus is not a weak shepherd. He sees the wolves coming and He laid down His life for the sheep. He saved us from the three wolves of sin, death, and judgment. He went out to meet them and draw them away from the flock. He gave up His life so the power of the wolves can be defeated. The wolves and the shepherd are dead. If the shepherd is dead also, the sheep are vulnerable. But the awesome truth is the shepherd is the son of God, and He has the authority to get back up anytime He wants, and after three days He did. We can see Jesus is triumphant over the wolves. The sheep have a living, shepherd that they can have a deep intimate relationship with. Verse 14 shows us that Jesus took

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His life up again so He could have a relationship with us that is on the same level as the relationship between the Father and Jesus.

Life is hard, and Satan and the wolves are running around trying to destroy us. We see in John 15:18-19 that the world hates us because we love Jesus. There are times in your life that you feel like there is no way out, and you can never win. But remember this, in verse 14 and 15, Jesus tells us that He knows His own and His own know Him, and He will never leave us. He fought with sin and death so we can be in a relationship with Him, and He loves us more than He loves His own life. So if life gets really hard remember your shepherd, who loves you and will always be there for you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, as we go through this time of lent, and prepare for your awesome work on the cross, help us to remember that you want an intimate relationship with us, and you are always with us. Thank you for you love and willingness to die for us. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Will Jeska

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Day 34 Monday, March 23, 2015

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

This has long been a favorite bible verse of mine. I have always found the words comforting and encouraging. God never promised us every day would be easy or full of sunshine. I found this out when my husband passed away on November 11, 2014. After 46 years of togetherness I suddenly found myself alone. I remember coming home from the hospital that night crying “I can’t do this God, why did you let this happen.” I was truly overwhelmed by it all.

I soon found myself surrounded by family and friends who were willing to lend a shoulder to cry on, offer to do anything that needed to be done, or simply call to say they were thinking of us. I began to think about what I would do without my faith in God, the God that has always been watching over me. Who would be the one that I would talk to when I was discouraged? How lonely would I be without my church family? I wouldn’t have that promise that someday we will be reunited. I truly believe my faith has been tested and strengthened the past few months.

God does not cause these things to happen to us to weaken us, but to give us the strength and courage to face each new day. For me each new day is a challenge but God is giving me everything I need to see through it.

Prayer: God, I thank you for each new day that I face with the strength I receive from you.

Marge Sandfort

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Day 35 Tuesday, March 24, 2015

“Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’”

Matthew 25:37-40

I’ve had the privilege of working on your behalf at Bethel for the past year. In that brief time, I’ve seen the love of Jesus being spread daily through your effort and compassion.

Bethel groups do so much to support our congregation, community and missions. Bethel people fill backpacks with food for local low income families, sew dozens of quilts and banners, provide student scholarships and materials for Tanzania, repair facilities in Haiti, and provide supplies to Pine Ridge. Meals are prepared and served at Dorothy Day, Loaves and Fishes, Grace Place and Feed My Starving Children. We host HOME meals, serve food at funerals and support Hudson’s food shelf. Bethel financially supports and volunteers at Hudson’s Operation Help which provides basic assistance in times of need. We support each other in a variety of small groups and targeted groups such as 20’s/30’s, Young at Hearts, Morning Fuel, Women of Bethel, men’s prayer groups, bible studies and Bethel University.

Skilled souls freely volunteer their time to make electrical repairs, paint classrooms, sing in the choir, maintain the altars and usher. Pastors provide individual care and counseling in times of need and our facilities provide a sanctuary for our high school aged youth where they can just hang and be themselves. Youth educational programs develop essential faith milestones which lead each student to present faith statements that they will remember throughout their lives.

I’ve seen wonderful financial generosity in support of Bethel’s ministry. I’ve seen the building of friendships and trust when working side-by-side to create something we know will make a difference to that one person when it

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is most needed. Even making the effort to attend worship each week does much to strengthen the communal spirit of our congregation. Yes, Bethel, and churches like ours inspire us to provide hope and comfort to the “least” of God’s family.

Prayer: Lord, in a world wrought with challenges, fear and complexity, we see how your Holy Spirit guides, strengthens and challenges us to help the least of your family. My we each continue to look for ways that we can be your hands on earth and do good things in your name. Amen.

Ralph Van Keulen

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Day 36 Wednesday, March 25, 2015

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words.”

Romans 8:26

I am not a person who is comfortable praying aloud in public. I admire those who can. I sometimes question the things I say in prayer, feel embarrassed, and think “that was a silly thing to say!” I’m in a professional position in which I’ve worked with literally thousands of families over the course of my 20+ year career. At times I’ve worked with families who have been suffering incredible loss and pain, and through that I’m occasionally expected to have some insightful and powerful words to share with those families. I always feel that my wisdom falls short.

In the last few years there have been times I’ve been that family on the losing and pain-filled side of things. Many faithful, loving, and caring people have prayed for me. I assume they have the right words. I’ve witnessed their prayers answered for me, so surely they knew exactly how to pray!

Many years ago as the Children’s Ministry Director at a church in Bloomington, MN, I worked with a wise woman who watched me uncomfortably stumble through a public prayer. As I revisited every word, she opened her Bible to Romans 8:26. Everything changed as I remembered my words were not my message. To this day I rarely know the right words to say as I deeply feel for the families with whom I work. But I am comforted in knowing that neither God, nor the people for whom I pray, need my perfect words. Presence, patience, compassion, and a genuine heart are the required ingredients for a prayerful life.

Prayer: Gracious and understanding God, hear my sighs and know my heart. Amen.

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Kari Jo Fore

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Day 37 Thursday, March 26, 2015

“Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His presence continually! Remember the wonderful works He has done.”

I Chronicles 16:11-12

The older I get the more convinced I am that one of God’s greatest gifts to us is the gift of memory and remembering the past! Certainly, there are those things we don’t like to remember and sometimes cannot forget! But hopefully, there are far more special moments, special people, special times, places and events that have shaped and molded us into who and what we are today, and that we enjoy hanging on to!

In my own life, I think of: playing catch with my dad and my brothers, summers on my Grandparent’s hobby farm, holidays with the entire family, little league play offs, Sunday dinners with my parents and brothers, buying my first guitar, skiing Breckenridge, camping in the mountains of Colorado, riding horses on the Pine Ridge Reservation, our wedding day, Janet delivering our boys, family vacations etc…in their own way, these are all sacred memories, tasty morsels worth savoring again and again!

Author Fredrick Buechner writes, “To remember the past is to see we are here today by grace, and that we have survived is a gift.”…..I think this is what King David was so excited about in 1 Chronicles: Remembering the rich blessings and wonderful works God had granted him in his life…Overshadowing the pain and suffering he had experienced with the hopes that God’s blessings have a way of shining through, even the worst of tragedies, giving us hope to go on and move into the future.

God’s faithfulness in the past encourages us on to the unknown and unpredictable future….. That too will someday be a future worth remembering and savoring as more sacred memories! Past and future: memory and expectation….. Recognizing and remembering the hope and the One who promises to remember us (as he did, even the

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thief on the cross!)… Remembering all this loving God has done for us, given us, and blessed us with! Let us always remember and may we never forget!…So let us wait and hope and expect all that is left to come, not only here in this world, but on into eternity!

Prayer: God of all time, all places and all people, thank you for the blessing in our ability to remember, the promise of you always remembering us, and the way you come to us in the past, the presence and the future! Amen!

Pastor John Lestock

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Day 38 Friday, March 27, 2015

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13

A bible verse that really speaks to me is Philippians 4:13 which is, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” This verse basically means that Christ will always be there to lead you through tough times. Even though I have not gone through anything life-threatening, I have had a recent moment where I believed I saw God. In 7th grade, I met a person I consider one of my closest friends now. I grew really close to her and then found out a couple months ago she was going to move. Instead of distancing myself from her, I made the decision to grow even closer if possible. I pleaded with God at night to make her stay and when she left I realized something. If I was broken up inside that she was leaving, she had to be one heck of a fighter to not show emotion over it. This is where I saw God, in her. He was helping her accept it and that helped me to accept it. Even though I did not have the right to be sad about her departure, I was still helped through it from God, at the same time my friend was being helped through it by Him. And this verse, “I can do all things through Christ which strentheneth me,” speaks to me because by having God help me through difficult times in my life and my loved ones lives, I realized God was just helping me see that He is always with us, even in the bad times. Don’t take things for granted, because there is a reason these bad and good things happen.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for helping us through rough patches in our lives. Help us to remember that everything happens for a reason, and to know in good and bad times you are always with us. Amen.

Becca Benoy

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Day 39 Saturday, March 28, 2015

“Let the same be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death--even death on the cross.”

Philippians 2:5-8

Why did Jesus have to die? That is a question for our meditation in Lent. To really celebrate Easter, we need to know why it is important that Jesus died and rose again.

We can approach the question of why did Jesus have to die in a number of ways. But the real issue is why did He have to die for me? That opens the door for serious self-examination. How has my life measured up so far? Is there any way I could walk into heaven on my own power?

What petty jealousies and envies do I harbor? What little sinful ways are a part of how I do things? What bigger sins are a stumbling block to my close fellowship with my Lord?

We all have our own faults and short comings. We cannot get into heaven by our own effort. If there was an easier way to get us to heaven God would have done it. He would have figured something out by the time Jesus prayed his desperate sounding prayer in Gethsemane.

Christ died on the cross because He loved us and it was the only way for sinful human creatures to get into heaven to be with him forever. The death and resurrection of Jesus fulfills a desperate need for us to have eternal life. The life we live here is not to earn our way into heaven but to show our love and devotion to the one who assures us of our place in heaven.

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Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, I am grateful for all you did for us through the sacrifice of your dear Son our Lord to secure the hope of heaven for me. Help me always to be mindful of what a great gift you have given me and at what cost, that I may better keep my life in perspective and find joy in my relationship with you. Amen.

Pastor Bob Bipes

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Day 40 Sunday, March 29, 2015

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

Easter was always a joyful Sunday in my home when I was a child. I remember the shopping that went in to choosing that spring pastel Easter dress, running to Kmart at the last minute to pick up a bonnet, white gloves (if me and my sisters were lucky) and tights. We always said we’d go to bed early because church was so early, but that never seemed to happen! My dad always seemed most excited. I think he loved the trumpets, and the music and the glory of the early morning service. I can still hear his voice singing, “Jesus Christ is Risen today...Al-le-lui-a.” He coordinated and cooked Easter breakfast for the entire congregation, organized a large group of volunteers and planned all aspects of the morning. He was so filled with life and joy when he was able to please and serve so many people. He lived life to the fullest.

So swiftly life passes us by. My dad passed far too early in life. But Easter with its glorious message of the Risen Christ says otherwise. Christ has risen indeed. Life never ends but leads to heaven where a loving Father waits for us.

We can have the same joy that my dad had every day because we know that Jesus came to save us. You may have life but we have to live life to the fullest every day because our mission is to let our light of Easter shine year round so that others might stand in the light also.

Life on earth speeds by us, so live life to the fullest every day. Moreover, life in heaven lasts forever.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for showing me a full life in our risen Savior. Amen.

Melissa Perez

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Lenten Suppers and Expressions

The Congregational Life Team, along with the 6th and 7th Grade families and the National Youth Gathering High School students, are coordinating a pre-worship meal on Wednesdays during Lent. Lenten suppers will be served every Wednesday at Bethel Highlands, EXCEPT Ash Wednesday, February 18th and April 1st.

Serving will be from 5:30pm - 6:45pm$4.00 per person$15.00 family maximum

Every meal features main entrée, salad, beverage, and dessert.

Lenten Supper Menu

February 25th

Italian Night – Congregational Life with help from National Youth Gathering High School Students

March 4th Soup and Salad – Congregational LifeMarch 11th Take Me Out To The Ballgame – 6th Grade

FamiliesMarch 18th Family Fiesta Night – 7th Grade FamiliesMarch 25th Lutheran Hot Dish and Jell-O Night –

Congregational Life with help from National Youth Gathering High School Students

Lenten Expressions These young adults who have heard a calling to worship leadership will be offering a song/hymn after the message. 

February 25th

Bethel Youth worship band (Eric Holter, Lauren Peterson, Andy Johnson, Afton Eisch)

March 4th Brian Elliott, Hudson native & current Worship Pastor at Illumination Church, Burnsville, MN

March 11th Seth Blum & Meredith Howard, engaged couple, students at

Page 76: Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/bethellutheranchurch1/documents... · Web viewHoly Week Maundy Thursday Worship with Holy Communion Thursday, April 2nd Bethel Downtown – 1:00pm

U of M, & former leaders of Hudson VespersMarch 18th Emily Bruflat, Director of Worship & Music

Ministries at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Bayport, MN

March 25th Joe Hanson, staff member of Cru, Hudson native & graduate of UW Madison

Page 77: Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/bethellutheranchurch1/documents... · Web viewHoly Week Maundy Thursday Worship with Holy Communion Thursday, April 2nd Bethel Downtown – 1:00pm