feel like social networking has taken over my life.Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a good thing. Anytime we can network with thousands of people for free…it’s good for business. The only problem is managing everything – from my business email to LinkedIn to Facebook and the rest. I recently had a friend tell me that she received an email through Match.com asking if perhaps they’d met at networking event the week before; and they sure had.There are so many questions, concerns and issues sometimes I don’t even know where to start. First, let me give you the positives. Through social networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook, I have been able to reconnect with several old friends and colleagues. I’ve been able to see pictures of kids and hear updates on people I haven’t seen in 20 years. On top of that, I posted a little note on Facebook about a marketing job opportunity and within minutes I had people telling me they knew people, including a sorority sister who happens to teach marketing at a local university. Ok...it works. But you also have to be careful. One of my friends commented that they were interested in the job posting I mentioned. Panic set in as I immediately took off their comment. Why? Because their boss is also one of my friends. I used to know who my friends were, now I need to know who their friends are also. My very tech savvy friend tells me it’s easy, but I need a whole day to set-up my privacy President’s Message Communicator THE 856-439-2520 BCCOC.COM 100 TECHNOLOGY WAY, SUITE 110 MOUNT LAUREL, NJ 08054 APRIL 2009 | VOLUME 28 Kristi M. Howell-Ikeda I — continued on page 2 The USO of Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey has been supporting men and women of the U.S.Armed Services and their families since 1941. Yet with record numbers of Guardsmen deploying from our New Jersey bases (the largest deployment of area reservists since WWII), their need for support has never been greater! Never heard of us? We are The United Service Organizations (USO) of Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey, or Liberty USO.We receive no funding from the government and rely solely on the generosity of people and companies in our service area to donate their time,money, and in-kind products to back our mission of providing comfort and hospitality services to active duty military, activated reservists, and their families. What troops? The 50th IBCT of the NJ National Guard has over 3,500 of their soldiers currently deployed to Iraq.The PA National Guard has just deployed the entire 56th Stryker Brigade, 28th Division (4,000 troops) and will soon be sending the 28th Aviation Brigade (2,500 troops). Where are we and what do we do? The newly renovated, world class USO center in the Philadelphia Airport provides military members a place to relax while traveling.We offer a host of amenities and services, all at no cost to our troops. The USO center at McGuire AFB, NJ supports unit deployments and redeployments to and from the combat zones of Iraq and Afghanistan with send off and welcome home meals, as well as the good wishes of our dedicated volunteers. We also support troops on long term medical rehab at Ft. Dix with a well furnished and comfortable dayroom. You can help by volunteering or donating, whether financially or through in-kind services or products.Visit libertyuso.org for additional information, the calendar of upcoming fundraising events, and other programs we offer to support our troops. • NEVER IN HISTORY HAS THE Need Been Greater BY BUCK BUCHANAN, PRESIDENT & CEO, USO OF PENNSYVLANIA AND SOUTHERN NJ, LIBERTY USO 3 ... Peirce Debuts Paralegal Studies Program 4 ... Welcome New Members 5 ... Members in The News 6+7 ... Upcoming Events Information and Click-Thru-Registration 8 ... Economic Spotlight 11 ... Maintaining Cost Effective Communications 12 ... Traditional Register for Events Form CLICK TO JUMP | WHAT YOU’LL FIND INSIDE THIS MONTH: Guard personnel board a plane for Iraq 56th Strykers prepare to deploy

Co mTHE municat or - architect. · ast Friday I watched 20/20 – Life on the Edge and was overwhelmed and disconcerted by the stories about a successful hedge fund manager turned

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Page 1: Co mTHE municat or - architect. · ast Friday I watched 20/20 – Life on the Edge and was overwhelmed and disconcerted by the stories about a successful hedge fund manager turned

feel like social networking has takenover my life.Don’t get mewrong, I think it’s agood thing. Anytime we can network withthousands of people for free…it’s good forbusiness. The only problem is managingeverything – from my business email toLinkedIn to Facebook and the rest. I recentlyhad a friend tell me that she received anemail through Match.com asking if perhapsthey’d met at networking event the weekbefore; and they sure had.There are somanyquestions, concerns and issues sometimes Idon’t even knowwhere to start.First, let me give you the positives.

Through social networking sites likeLinkedIn and Facebook, I have been able toreconnect with several old friends andcolleagues. I’ve been able to see pictures ofkids and hear updates on people I haven’tseen in 20 years. On top of that, I posted alittle note on Facebook about a marketingjob opportunity and within minutes I hadpeople telling me they knew people,including a sorority sister who happens toteachmarketing at a local university.Ok...it works. But you also have to be

careful. One of my friends commented thatthey were interested in the job posting Imentioned.Panic set in as I immediately tookoff their comment.Why? Because their bossis also one ofmy friends. I used to knowwhomy friends were, now I need to know whotheir friends are also.My very tech savvy friend tells me it’s easy,

but I need a whole day to set-up my privacy

President’s Message


8 5 6 - 4 3 9 - 2 5 2 0 B C C O C . C O M 1 0 0 T E C H N O L O G Y W A Y , S U I T E 1 1 0 M O U N T L A U R E L , N J 0 8 0 5 4A P R I L 2 0 0 9 | VOLUME 2 8

Kristi M.Howell-Ikeda


— continued on page 2

The USO of Pennsylvania and SouthernNew Jersey has been supporting men andwomen of the U.S.Armed Services and theirfamilies since 1941. Yet with recordnumbers of Guardsmen deploying from ourNew Jersey bases (the largest deployment ofarea reservists since WWII), their need forsupport has never been greater!

Never heard of us? We are The UnitedService Organizations (USO) ofPennsylvania and Southern New Jersey, orLiberty USO.We receive no funding from thegovernment and rely solely on thegenerosity of people and companies in ourservice area to donate their time,money,and

in-kind products to back our mission ofproviding comfort and hospitality servicesto active duty military, activated reservists,and their families.

What troops? The 50th IBCT of the NJNational Guard has over 3,500 of theirsoldiers currently deployed to Iraq.The PANational Guard has just deployed the entire

56th Stryker Brigade, 28th Division (4,000troops) and will soon be sending the 28thAviation Brigade (2,500 troops).

Where are we and what do we do? Thenewly renovated,world class USO center inthe Philadelphia Airport provides militarymembers a place to relax while traveling.Weoffer a host of amenities and services, all atno cost to our troops. The USO center atMcGuireAFB,NJ supports unit deploymentsand redeployments to and from the combatzones of Iraq and Afghanistan with send offand welcome home meals, as well as thegood wishes of our dedicated volunteers.We also support troops on long term

medical rehab at Ft. Dix with a wellfurnished and comfortable dayroom.

You can help by volunteering or donating,whether financially or through in-kindservices or products.Visit libertyuso.org foradditional information, the calendar ofupcoming fundraising events, and otherprograms we offer to support our troops. •



3...Peirce Debuts Paralegal Studies Program4...Welcome New Members5...Members in The News

6+7...Upcoming Events Information and Click-Thru-Registration8...Economic Spotlight

11...Maintaining Cost Effective Communications12...Traditional Register for Events Form


Guard personnel board a plane for Iraq 56th Strykers prepare to deploy

Page 2: Co mTHE municat or - architect. · ast Friday I watched 20/20 – Life on the Edge and was overwhelmed and disconcerted by the stories about a successful hedge fund manager turned


Digitally PublishedMonthly by the Burlington County Cham-

ber of Commerce


Chameleon Advertising & MarketingMoorestown(856) 722-0080

Advertising and ArticleSubmissions Deadline1st of the Month

100 TechnologyWay, Suite 110Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054Ph (856) 439-2520Fax (856) 439-2523

[email protected]

CommunicatorTHEPresident’s Message — continued from page 1

CHAMELEONadvertising & marketing856 722 0080 • Moorestownchameleonadvertising.com

Change is Good

You’ll hardly beable to stand it.

So good...

settings limiting my connection’s access. Iguess I have the same take on it as everyone;it’s got its good points and its bad points.I just don’t have time to manage the bad

points, especially when I only intended to goon Facebook for social reasons, to connectwith old friends and family. Honestly, Ipanicked when I received my first “friendrequest” from a business associate. But, nowthat I’ve seen it work for business networkingI’m a fan. The question is do I have time tomanage it and do I even want to deal with it.My next favorite site, LinkedIn is designed

for business networking, so I can handle that.We’ve used LinkedIn to promote Chamberevents as well as give members a forum topost questions and engage in dialogue. Iencourage our members to use our BCCOCgroup more for forums. If used correctly andto its potential, it can be a great way formembers to give and get referrals. Go aheadand post your questions, concerns and inputon BCCOC’s LinkedIn Group. I bet someoneout there can help you.LinkedIn becomes an issue for me when it

comes to referrals or as they call them

endorsements. If you Google LinkedIn, thesearch says “LinkedIn: Relationships Matter”.Networking is after all about relationships,whether they are on-line or in person.Most ofus probably do business on second and thirdparty referrals unknowingly. I always ask forintroductions to people I want to meet, sonow it’s just happening online.I recently read that social networking is all

about connections.But is it about connectingto as many people as you can or aboutbuilding relationships? Maybe I’m a little toouptight. I want to know the people who areconnecting tome.Meeting you once or twiceisn’t going to do it forme.Online connectionsare more permanent than any referrals orconnections we’ve ever given before.My conclusions,you ask...social networking

sites are good if used with common sense.Think before you “friend request” or “ask foran endorsement”. On that note, BCCOC hasalready hosted one forum on using LinkedIn.Social Networking for Business is the topic ofour May luncheon. So we’re committed togetting you the knowledge you need to usethese resources effectively. •

Page 3: Co mTHE municat or - architect. · ast Friday I watched 20/20 – Life on the Edge and was overwhelmed and disconcerted by the stories about a successful hedge fund manager turned

Peirce College's Paralegal Studies Program Debuts in New Jersey



eirce College’s highly acclaimedParalegal Studies program has the distinctionof being the only ABA-approved bachelor’sdegree program in the Philadelphia region.Now,you can earn this degree in New Jerseyat Burlington County College in Mt. Laurel.

Whether you are currently working in alaw office or looking to embark on anexciting path to the field of law, PeirceParalegal Studies is the program for you!

Driven by dedicated faculty members whopractice law and make it their mission todemystify the legal process, Peirce’s ParalegalStudies Program provides:

• Seamless degree completion forcommunity college students andgraduates with an associate degree

• 14-week courses conveniently offered atthe Mount Laurel campus of BCC

• Ties to the legal community, affordsstudents networking opportunities andjob placement

• A reputation for high-quality graduateswho are prepared for the careerchallenges in the legal field

• A diverse array of students who enlivenclassroom discussions with life and workexperiences

• A vibrant student association thatprovides networking opportunities,encouragement and support

• Professional connections at the local,regional and national levels including theSouth Jersey Paralegal Assoc., thePhiladelphia Assoc. of Paralegals, thePhiladelphia Bar Assoc., the American

Assoc. for Paralegal Education and theAmerican BarAssociationPeirce College embraces working adult

learners, career changers and first-timecollege students.All students receive supportservices that smooth their way to success.

The Peirce Paralegal Studies program isideal for individuals who want to parlay theirinterest in law into a solid career. Peircegraduates enjoy career success in major lawfirms, corporate offices, business,government,and industry or use their degreeas a foundation for law school.

Take advantage of this exciting careeropportunity with a paralegal degree at Peirce.We prepare you with the substantiveknowledge and practical skills necessary tomeet the demanding standards of the legalprofession and an effective way to capitalizeon your educational investment.

For more information, please call CarolynStone at 888.GO.PEIRCE, ext. 9248 or visitpeirce.edu/bcc. •

Page 4: Co mTHE municat or - architect. · ast Friday I watched 20/20 – Life on the Edge and was overwhelmed and disconcerted by the stories about a successful hedge fund manager turned

ast Friday Iwatched 20/20 – Lifeon the Edge and wasoverwhelmed anddisconcerted by thestories about asuccessful hedgefund manager turnedpizza delivery man, a

six year old girl who pretends that the roofof the homeless shelter where she is stayingis the backyard she once had, and the classof teens feeling the intense stress of theirparents’ economic hardships (including thestory of one teen who looks forward toschool as it is the only time he gets to eat).So why am I writing about my emotionalresponse to aTV news magazine’s expose ofperhaps the most desperate situations that



are resulting from this economic downturn?I believe that as business owners,

managers and employees in a businesscommunity, we have an obligation to makesocially responsible business decisions tominimize the impact of the recession uponour community. While I am confident thatour business community will survive thiseconomic cycle, there are circumstanceswhere prudence requires businessdecisions about reductions in workforce,services or costs to maintain a viable,healthy business. We should considerchoices that have the least impact upon ourcommunity.

Because labor costs are usually the largestvariable cost, they are usually looked at firstwhen cutting costs. With unemployment at8.1 percent,we should be concerned aboutcontributing to the jobless rate. As analternative to lay-offs, consider whether asalary reduction is feasible. It keeps your

staff employed,saves jobs in the community,and will save your business recruiting andtraining costs when business picks up.

Other cost cutting measures to consider:• Instituting green policies such as

turning off lights and electronic devicesnot in use and reducing paper usage,which saves money and reduces yourcarbon footprint;

• Allowing employees to telecommute;• Recycling within your office by reusing

office furniture and electronicequipment.

We each need to make decisions that arebest for our businesses. I am not suggestingotherwise. I am suggesting that youconsider viable alternatives that keeppeople employed that work for yourbusiness model. I believe it will not onlyhelp the family of each person whose job issaved, but will help our community to afaster recovery. •

Chairperson'sMessage:20/20,Prudence andViable Alternatives

Laurel Creek Country Club701 Centerton Road, Mt. Laurel856-234-7663Private country club.laurelcreek.org

MetaSense, Inc.100 Technology Way, Suite 320, Mt. Laurel856-873-9950Metasense, founded in 1999, provides state ofthe art staffing, web design and softwaredevelopment services.metasenseusa.com

NFI Distribution400 Richards Run, Burlington609-239-3010Transportation, warehousing and logistics.nfiindustries.com

SMH International, LLC100 Technology Way, Suite 210, Mt. Laurel856-642-9595SMH International is a service disabled veteranowned small business that provides innovativesolutions for the warfighter.smhintl.com

Breakaway Communications, LLC1 Eves Drive, Suite 160, Marlton856-988-1157A full service, virtual advertising and graphicdesign firm specializing in print and interactivemarketing for small to large companies.breakawaycommunications.com

Fire Suppression Support Services200 Campbell Drive, Suite 223,Willingboro856-778-3051Provides form, clean agent and fire suppressionchemicals.fsss.us

JADA Creative Communications, Inc.950 Mt. Holly Road, Edgewater Park609-835-4314Full service graphic design services, includingbrand development, trade show exhibits,promotional, logo and web design.jadacreative.com

Kortair Productions239 Salina Road, Sewell856-589-7755The Andy Kortman Show – radio program andradio ad sales.andykortman.com


This month we welcome memberswho joined us in February.

Taylor Design Group, Inc.100 Technology Way, Suite 125, Mt. Laurel856-914-1666TDG is a full-service planning and landscapingarchitecture firm, specializing in freshperspectives and innovative solutions to landuse issues.tdgplanning.com

TranSEND IT, Inc.100 Technology Way, Suite 240, Mt. Laurel856-778-0123Payment processing technology, credit, debit, giftand loyalty cards.transendit.com

Universal Soccer Academy,LLCPO Box 156, Medford609-254-0335Professional soccer training for serious soccerplayers.universalsocceracademy.com

Wired2Save,LLC99 Springfield Meeting House Road, Jobstown609-723-1216Wired2Save reduces the carbon footprint withoutlifestyle changes by helping to reduce thedemand on the energy grid while saving money.wired2saved.com


Page 5: Co mTHE municat or - architect. · ast Friday I watched 20/20 – Life on the Edge and was overwhelmed and disconcerted by the stories about a successful hedge fund manager turned


Cipriani Builders, Inc. in the NewsKyle Baptiste, Remodeling Consultant with CiprianiBuilders, Inc. in Woodbury, earned the CertifiedGreen Professional Designation awarded by theNational Association of Home Builders (NAHB).The designation recognizes a high degree of

professionalcompetencein thepractices ofgreenbuilding.Baptiste hasbeen in thebuilding andremodeling

field for seven years and a member of the Ciprianistaff since 2007.Cipriani also announced that it is among the firstremodelers in the Tri-State area to “go green,” bybuilding smarter, maximizing energy efficiency, anddoing what makes sense.Jay Cipriani, president of Cipriani Builders, Inc.,was appointed to the Board of Directors of theNew Jersey Remodelers Association. A member ofthe Association since 1983, Cipriani has servedon the consumer Arbitration and MembershipCommittees.

TaylorWiseman&TaylorReceives AwardsCecilia Byrne-Schmidt of Taylor Wiseman & Taylor(TWT) in Mt. Laurel received the 2009 Merit Awardfrom the New Jersey American Society ofLandscape Architects for the residential designcategory. TWT provided landscape architecture,land surveying, site planning, engineering designand construction layout for the Cahn residenceproject, situated on 2.8 acres in Cherry Hill, whichexemplifies traditional English architecture andclassic garden design in new construction.Robert Telschow, Jr. Level II Certified SurveyTechnician, received a National Society ofProfessional Surveyors Award for his ALTA/ACSM(American Land Title Association/AmericanCongress of Surveying & Mapping) Survey Map ofthe Assisted Living at Colt’s Neck project in theNational Map/Plat contest.

Capehart Scatchard Announces NewAttorneysCapehart Scatchard announced that formermanaging shareholder, Bruce L. Harrison, hasrejoined the firm as a member of the Labor andEmployment Department in its Mount Laurel office.Harrison joined the firm in 1975 where most of hispractice was litigation-oriented, defending privatebusinesses in claims relating to his areas ofprimary focus. From 2006 until 2008 he servedas Vice President and General Counsel atMetrologic Instruments, Inc.The firm also announced that Ana-Eliza T. Freire,Esq. joined the Workers’ CompensationDepartment in its Mt. Laurel office. She representsinsurance carriers and employers in the defense ofworkers’ compensation claims at all stages oflitigation. The Hamilton resident received her lawand undergraduate degrees from Florida StateUniversity College of Law, cum laude.

YMCA of Burlington CountyAnnounces NewBoardMembers

The YMCA ofBurlingtonCounty hasannounced theaddition of twonew membersto its Board ofDirectors for a

two-year term. Gene D’Orazio is Executive VicePresident and Chief Operating Officer forCornerstone Bank in Moorestown. He holds variousother board positions including Vice President ofthe South Jersey Bankers Association and Treasurerof the Haddonfield Cultural Events Commission.Pat Taylor is the Office Manager for Douglas H. Sell,CPA in Moorestown and owns a bookkeeping,payroll and tax preparation services business. Hernumerous community activities include serving asTreasurer of the Board of Directors of Main StreetBurlington NJ, Inc.

Bowman& Company LLP NamedOneof Best Places toWorkBowman & Company LLP, in Voorhees, has beenrecognized as one of the Best Places to Work inNew Jersey by NJBIZ, for the second consecutiveyear. The award ranking is based primarily on theresults of an employee survey along with thecompany’s workplace policies, practices,philosophy, systems and demographics. Bowman& Company will be honored at an awardsceremony on April 23, 2009 in East Brunswick.

Samaritan Hospice Receives GrantsSamaritan Hospice of Marlton received two$2,000 grants from the Ellis Family CharitableFoundation. One grant will provide care for thosein Burlington County who are unable to pay forservices. For those without insurance coverage, thegrant will allow Samaritan to continue its missionto provide hospice services for all, regardless ofability to pay. The other grant will help fund theorganization’s Transitions program in BurlingtonCounty which provides a support network for thosenot physically or psychologically ready for hospice.

Advocates from the Alzheimer’sAssociation DelawareValley ChapterAttended Public Policy Forum inWashington,D.C.Advocates from the Alzheimer’s AssociationDelaware Valley Chapter attended the 2009Alzheimer’s Association 21st Annual Public PolicyForum in Washington, D.C. from March 23 to 25.Advocates from seven Southern New Jerseycounties joined hundreds of Alzheimer’ssupporters from around the country to participatein sessions that provided updates on the latestAlzheimer’s research and public policy efforts andhave their say in front of legislators.

Pro Computer Service LLC AnnouncesNewChief Operating Officer

Pro Computer Service LLC ofMedford has announced thatTraci Jordan has been namedthe Chief Operating Officer. Sheis responsible for running thedaily operations of the companyincluding client relations,

technical service and administration. The Medfordresident previously worked in accountmanagement, university financial aid, and as ananalyst with an investment firm on Wall Street. •

Members in the News

D’Orazio Taylor

Send yourMember News,announcements,new hires and awards to [email protected]. (100wordmaximum)

Baptiste and Cipriani

Page 6: Co mTHE municat or - architect. · ast Friday I watched 20/20 – Life on the Edge and was overwhelmed and disconcerted by the stories about a successful hedge fund manager turned


April 3rdAnnual General Membership BreakfastSPONSORS

Maximize your membership by learning more about your BCCOC membershipopportunities. From committee to sponsorships to low cost advertising, thisFree Chamber 101 Event is sure to help you build leads, developmentconnections and make the most out of your BCCOC membership.Location:Riverton Country Club1416 Highland Avenue, CinnaminsonTime:8:00 am Registration and Networking8:30 – 9:30 am Sit-down Breakfast and ProgramCost:FREE to BCCOC Members** • $20 Prospective Members and GuestsDeadline to Register:Call for space availabilitySponsors:Additional sponsorships pending

** This event is Free to members registered by the deadline. Due to the na-ture of this event no-shows will be billed $20. A limited number of guestswill be admitted. This event will be limited to the first 150 members regis-tered. We cannot accommodate walk-ins. You will receive registration re-minder via email 48 hours prior to the event, if you do not receive thatemail and believe you are registered, please contact the Chamber office.

April 14thBreakfast Before BusinessHOST

Build connections and develop leads at our monthly free networking event.Location:Parkway Plaza in the Willingboro Town Center200 Campbell Drive, Willingboro (Park in rear of office building next to BCC)Time:8:00 – 9:30 amCost:Free for BCCOC Members • $10 Prospective Members and Guests*Deadline to Register:April 7th

April 20th2009 Voice of Business Awards DinnerSPONSOR

Join us to recognize the following individuals and companies who have demon-strated excellence in commitment to the Burlington County business communitythrough extraordinary efforts: Mark J. Baiada of Bayada Nurses; Mayor ThomasHarper of Wrightstown Borough; Christine Bizarro of Medco Health Solutions,Inc., Nancy Tvarok, Protocall; Thomas/Boyd Communications; Thomas PhoenixInternational, Inc; Hill International;, M.E.N.D. Inc.; Viridian Partners, LLC; andAlways There in Home Healthcare, LLC.Location:Deerwood Country Club845 Woodlane Road, WestamptonTime:5:30 pm Reception6:30 pm Dinner and Program

Dessert Networking Reception immediately followingCost:$ 65 per person$750 for reserved tables of 10Sponsorship Opportunities:(Includes one ticket and corporate logo on event signage)Reception Sponsor $400Dessert Networking Reception Sponsor $250Registration Information:Registration by invitation only.Registration will not be available on-line or via The Communicator.

Events: April & May

FREE Roundtable ForumsExclusive Members-Only Events

Space is limited. Reservations are required. Register at bccoc.com

� The Basics of "Listen First" TrainingFacilitator: Kathy Custis, Team Member, YMCA of Burlington County

Date: April 15thTime: 8:00 am

Location: Burlington County Chamber of CommerceHost: Employment Practices Committee

Page 7: Co mTHE municat or - architect. · ast Friday I watched 20/20 – Life on the Edge and was overwhelmed and disconcerted by the stories about a successful hedge fund manager turned


bccoc.comRegister for BCCOC events using the form on page 12, or online(calendar of events) at bccoc.com

May 4th2009 Golf InvitationalTOURNAMENT SPONSOR

More than a day on the golf course….great day for team building, thank yourclients and staff, promote your business.Location:Burlington Country Club170 Burrs Road, Mount HollyTime:11:00 am Registration Opens11:30 am Lunch Opens12:30 pm Shotgun StartModified ScrambleReception, Dinner and Awards immediately following tournament.Cost:$175 Per Golfer • $700 Corporate FoursomeSponsorship Opportunities:Tee Sponsorships $100Other Sponsorships $350 - $500Deadline to Register:April 24th

May 12thBreakfast Before BusinessHOST

Build connections and develop leads at our monthly free networking event.Location:10 Cadillac Drive, BurlingtonTime:8:00 – 9:30 amCost:FREE to BCCOC Members • $10 Prospective Members and Guests*Deadline to Register:May 5th

* Prospective members and guests must be pre-registered; we are unable toaccommodate non-member walk-ins for networking functions.


May 20thGeneral Membership LuncheonSPONSOR

Online Networking for and in Your Organization: With the explosion in popular-ity of social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, your organizationmust learn how these can effectively impact the marketing of your organization.But do you really want your employees spending their entire day on Facebook?Speaker:Howard Yermish, HowardYermish.com LLC – Online Strategy and MarketingLocation:Braddocks39 S. Main Street, MedfordTime:11:45am – 12:15 pm Registration and Networking12:15 – 1:30 pm Lunch and ProgramCost:$30 Members • $40 Prospective Members & Guests*Deadline to Register:May 15th

Sponsor and attend oneof BCCOC’s monthlyluncheons. You’ll have anice meal, make somenew connections andcatch an interestingspeaker. There's evendessert.

There’s ABetter WayTo Do Lunch.

Call(856) 439-2520

Page 8: Co mTHE municat or - architect. · ast Friday I watched 20/20 – Life on the Edge and was overwhelmed and disconcerted by the stories about a successful hedge fund manager turned


Most businesses today arejustifiably concerned with

return-on-investment. Businessesoften measure this return solely on theirrelation to financial resources such as cashflow,production and 401Ks.

There is one area of investment,however,that can bring many years of satisfyingreturn: investment in the workforce.Globalization, advances in technology andcustomer satisfaction drive our economyand the ability to maintain a competitiveedge is paramount to economic survival.

Currently, New Jersey offers smallbusinesses several financial incentives toprovide workforce training at reduced or nocost to the company. In some instances,supplemental dollars are available to assistin training employees on various levels.

Here are some examples of how smallbusiness can economically invest inworkforce development.LiteracyTraining

English as a Second Language,Basic Math,Basic Computer,Basic Communication maybe available at no cost within a state-widegrant through NJ Community Colleges.CustomizedWorkforceTraining(grant supported)

Companies that can send at least 10people to a short course may be eligible forfinancial assistance through the NJDepartment of Labor. This grant may notcover all costs but the reimbursement canbe substantial. Community colleges are theprime provider of this training.CustomizedWorkforceTraining(non-grant supported)

Companies working with community

colleges can customize training to meet thespecific workplace needs of theirworkforce. College trainers work with thecompany to design training. Length oftraining, day of training and course contentare custom designed through collaboration.Class sizes are usually seven or more.Individual Professional Development

Community colleges regularly offerscheduled short courses on a variety ofworkplace related subjects. Registration isopen to as few as one employee.

In addition to the literacy trainingdescribed above, additional training isavailable in any number of topics includingall levels of computer training (from Excelto Red Hat), management, leadership,supervision (from basic leadership toconflict resolution), customer service, leanmanufacturing (Lean, 5S. Pull) and projectmanagement to name a few.•

LewNagy,Director ofWorkforce Developmentat Burlington County College, is amember ofthe Chamber’s Economic DevelopmentCommittee.

WorkforceTrainingOpportunitiesBY LEW NAGY

Economic Spotlight

Page 9: Co mTHE municat or - architect. · ast Friday I watched 20/20 – Life on the Edge and was overwhelmed and disconcerted by the stories about a successful hedge fund manager turned


Breakfast Before Business at theYMCA of Burlington County held on February 10th

HowardYermish, HowardYermish.comLLC;ReneeVidal, Chairperson, BCCOC;Jason Henckle, Branch Manager/BusinessDevelopment, South Jersey Federal CreditUnion; and Glenn Ashton, Manager,Amica Insurance.

Overview of attendees at BreakfastBefore Business

Hosts Melissa Zinni,V.P.of Finance andMike Stricker, Marketing Director,YMCA ofBurlington County – Mt. Laurel.

The General MembershipLuncheon held atDeerwood Country Clubheld on February 18th

Peter Foster,ManagingPartner,MoorestownWealthManagement

Lunch SponsorRon Urban ofMr.Big’s SelfStorage

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Re-discovering what your organization really needsBYTERRIANN PROCIDA

According to the Society for HumanResource Management, the number twomost important factor in employeesatisfaction is benefits. Additionally,employee benefits came in third as an HRfunction most critical to contributing to acompany’s business strategy. Consideringthose rankings, the competitive andeffectiveness of your employee benefitpackage is paramount to the success of yourorganization. HR professionals and businessowners realize the importance of leveragingall resources to develop a package to attractand retain top performers.

One of the first resources considered isthe role of a benefits broker. Many HRprofessionals work with the broker theyinherited from their predecessor. Are yougetting what you need from your broker ORare you getting what the broker thinks youneed? All benefit brokers are not createdequally.

This first thing that should be consideredis what you’re looking for in the broker



BCCOC would like to thank ourR E N E W I N G M E M B E R S

601 Information SystemsVoorheesMember Since 2007

Bayada NursesMoorestownMember Since 2000

BroadviewNetworksMt. LaurelMember Since 2001

Burlington CountySpecial Services SchoolMount HollyMember Since 2004

Burlington CountyTimesWillingboroMember Since 1972

Colgate PalmoliveBurlingtonMember Since 1997

The EvergreensMoorestownMember Since 2001

Intelysis Corp.Cherry HillMember Since 2004

International ProductsCorporation BurlingtonMember Since 1991

Liberty Lake Day CampColumbusMember Since 2007

National EmployeeManagementResources,LLCMarltonMember Since 2007

Peirce CollegeWillingboroMember Since 2006

Pioneer Credit RecoveryMoorestownMember Since 2007

Sciacca’s Upholstering&Design CenterRiversideMember Since 2008

SwampQueenCherry HillMember Since 2007

relationship. Start by asking yourselfquestions about why you are considering abroker or a broker change and what youexpect to get. The advantage of having abroker is having one that has strengths inservices that suit your organization’s needs.Having a suited broker can save your HRteam hours of work and your organization

money.The services a broker provides canbe beneficial not only to the HR professionalbut also the organization’s employees.

Focus groups are a terrific way to identifythe areas your HR department may need thesupport of a broker.Identify what your teamneeds to accomplish your strategic goals. Isit process improvement, better employee

communications, compliance guidance,claims assistant / analysis, audit capabilities,etc.? Once you have developed a list ofrequirements, then you can approach themarket to locate a broker who cancontribute to the success of your team.

The questions,“Why do I need a brokerand which services will benefit me” are themost important questions to ask of yourteam before beginning the process.Discussing these subjects first will surelybring rewards to all parties involved. •

Terriann Procida is Principal of InnovativeBenefit Planning,LLC and amember ofBCCOC’s Employment Practices Committee.

Are you getting what youneed from your broker ORare you getting what thebroker thinks you need?

Jim Igo, President of Delanco FederalSavings Bank and Chairperson ofBCCOC Membership Committee;AnnaBogiatzis,Vice President, FinancialInstitution Alliances, Alpha CardServices; and Kristi Howell-Ikeda

Jim Rumsey, Sales Representative,Cipriani Builders, and Kristi Howell-Ikeda, President/CEO, BCCOC

General MembershipLuncheon Feb.18th

Page 11: Co mTHE municat or - architect. · ast Friday I watched 20/20 – Life on the Edge and was overwhelmed and disconcerted by the stories about a successful hedge fund manager turned



Every company has certain monthlyoperational expenses that can reallyadd up,but that’s just the cost of doingbusiness, right? Wrong. The currenteconomy has left many businessessearching for creative new ways to cutcosts, and one successful method is toperform an audit of your monthlytelephone bills.

The average company is payingupwards of 30% more than they shouldon their dial-tone services alone.Telephone carriers are notorious forcharging customers for services theydon’t need and upping service rateswith little or no notice.

Given the confusion of monthlytelephone bills, it may seem more like a jobfor Sherlock Holmes to unlock thesemysterious savings, but there are somesimple steps you can take to ensure you arecharged fairly.

First,call your provider and ask for a list ofyour billable services; many services thatincur a monthly fee are already provided to

you via your business telephone system andcan be cancelled.

Second, determine your monthly usageand adjust your minutes and bundledpackages accordingly. Often companies arepaying for either too much or not enoughservice, and this can cause huge costsmonthly.Minute charges are also constantly


changing, so make sure you are beingcharged the latest rates.

Another area to look out for is yourmonthly taxes. Many carriers maskcharges as “taxes” and you should askfor a complete description of these toverify that they are truly taxes. Non-profits should be especially contentiousof their tax charges as there are specialbilling structures that reflects your Non-Profit status.

Another great place to start is byinquiring with the Burlington CountyChamber of Commerce for a list ofcompanies that will providecomplementary billing audits tochamber members.These organizations

can provide non-biased, professionalrecommendations on carriers, service plans,and products—helping you make sense ofthe constantly changing connectivitylandscape.

Before you write another check to yourcarrier,do some research to find out exactlywhat you are paying for - happy savings! •

The average company ispaying upwards of 30%more than they should

on their dial-toneservices alone.

Page 12: Co mTHE municat or - architect. · ast Friday I watched 20/20 – Life on the Edge and was overwhelmed and disconcerted by the stories about a successful hedge fund manager turned


Event Registration



CARDTYPE: � VISA �MC � AMEX � CARD#: ____________________________________________________________ EXP.DATE: __________ SECURITY CODE: ________

CARD BILLING ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________ CITY ____________________________ STATE ______ ZIP ________________

CARD HOLDER'S NAME __________________________________________________ CARD HOLDER'S SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________

Event Registration Policy: Guests are welcome to all Chamber events. Business casual attire is welcome at most events. Registration is required for all events. Occasionally we can still accept registrations after thedeadline date. However, registrations made less than 3 business days prior to the event will be charged the non-member fee. Cancellations must be made no later than 2 business days prior to the event to avoidthe event charge, unless otherwise specified. Non-members must pay in advance for all events.

APRIL + MAYbccoc.com

To register for BCCOC events: fax this form to 856-439-2523;mail to 100 TechnologyWay,Suite 110,Mount Laurel,NJ 08054 OR register online to bccoc.com (calendar of events).

COMPANY NAME ________________________________________________________ CONTACT NAME ____________________________________________________________

STREET ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________ CITY ____________________________ STATE ______ ZIP ________________

PHONE ________________________________________ EMAIL ____________________________________________� YES,BCCOCMEMBER (M) � PROSPECTIVE MEMBER (NM)

� APRIL 3 Annual General Membership Breakfast � BCCOCMEMBER FREE � PROSPECTIVE MEMBER $20.00ATTENDEE 1) _____________________________________________ 2)___________________________________________3)____________________________________________

� APRIL 14 Breakfast Before Business � BCCOCMEMBER FREE � PROSPECTIVE MEMBER $10.00ATTENDEE 1) _____________________________________________ 2)___________________________________________3)____________________________________________


� MAY 12 Breakfast Before Business � BCCOCMEMBER FREE � PROSPECTIVE MEMBER $10.00ATTENDEE 1) _____________________________________________ 2)___________________________________________3)____________________________________________

� MAY 20 General Membership Luncheon � BCCOCMEMBER $30.00 � PROSPECTIVE MEMBER $40.00ATTENDEE 1) _____________________________________________ 2)___________________________________________3)____________________________________________

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Get our members interacting with your company,productor service, contact Emily today at [email protected].


Awards DinnerJoin us at the Deerwood Country Club in Westampton as

we recognize the following individuals and companies

who have demonstrated excellence in commitment to

the Burlington County business community

through extraordinary efforts:

Mark J. Baiada of Bayada Nurses; Mayor Thomas Harper of

Wrightstown Borough; Christine Bizarro of Medco Health

Solutions, Inc.; Nancy Tvarok of Protocall; Thomas/Boyd

Communications; Thomas Phoenix International, Inc.; Hill

International; M.E.N.D. Inc.; Viridian Partners, LLC and

Always There in Home Healthcare, LLC.