Colby Stelly’s Awesome Writing Anthology Date: May 10, 2013

Colby Stelly's awesome writing antholgy

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Class of 2017

Writing Anthology


Authored By: Colby Stelly

Custom Publishing

Huntsville, Arkansas

Table of Contents Dedication Page Pg. 2

Part 1

Biographical Sketch Pg.3 Burger Shack Pg. 4

Belly Ache Pg. 5

Ketchup Stream Pg. 6 Ship Crash Pg. 7

Sandwich vs. Burger Pg. 8

Part 2

Biographical Sketch Pg. 9

Focus Pg. 10 Close Game Pg. 11

My Mask Pg. 12

Winner Pg. 13 The Last Pitch Pg. 14

Part 3 Biographical Sketch Pg. 15

Movie Time Pg. 16

School Pg. 17 Traveling the World Pg. 18

The Ruler Pg. 19

Imagination Pg. 20 Pg. 1

Dedication Page There are a couple of people that I would like to dedicate this fine art piece to. The first is

my mom, and I want to dedicate this to her because of all the times I wanted to give up she wouldn’t

let me. She never gave up and she taught me not to. The next person I would like to dedicate this art

piece to is my Grandma for teaching me to be who I am, not who other people want me to be. That is

how I became, who I am.

Pg. 2

Biographical Sketch The reason why I wrote this section is because I like to eat. All of these writings are about

food. I eat more than a usual kid should eat. Eating is me and it is why I chose to write a part in it.

Most people do like to eat these days and the ones that don’t are weird.

Pg. 3

Burger Shack As I looked at the plate in front of me, there was the biggest burger I have ever faced. It had

five slices of bread and four greasy hamburger meat patties (including all the lettuce, pickles, and

tomatoes.) I didn’t think I could leave this burger shack hungry. I squished it down so it wouldn’t be

so hard to eat it and said, “God help me eat this sandwich.” Right then and there I thought god

looked down on me because a poor homeless guy strode over and ate my burger. He left a note and

it said

Dear Colby,

I sent this man to do what you asked me to do. I sent this man to help you eat this sandwich.

Yours Sincerely,


I didn’t think it would happen, but I left that burger shack hungry.

Pg. 4

Belly Ache One day this ked walked up to me and asked me, “How do you eat so much?” I said “hard

work, determination, and a belly ache after every meal. I trained myself every day until I threw up.

Then, I ate the vomit and ate more food.” The kid thought I was crazy and walked off. About 2 hrs.

later, I had the kids father calling me and he said, “Why did you teach my boy to eat his own

vomit?” “He asked for it,” I said, “so I explained it in full detail.”

Pg. 5

Ketchup Stream While I’m trapped inside of Jared’s mind I see the weirdest things. It started off whenever I

seen his brain as a sandwich. His bloodstream running through his body wasn’t blood, it was

ketchup. I started thinking that all Jared cared about was sandwiches, but I was wrong he also cared

about what was on sandwiches.

Pg. 6

Ship Crash One day as we were heading to New England on a cruise, I got caught stealing food from the

cafeteria. They were starving us only giving us one meal a day. I was hungry and I could smell fresh

food getting pulled out of the oven. I just couldn’t help it, so I snuck into the kitchen to get food and

that’s how I ended up stranded on this island. I’ve been living here for about seven months. I built

my house out of fallen tree limbs and branches. I survived on food from having a good role of string

and a knife. I found a strong sturdy stick and I cut a piece of the string off for later. I tied the string

off on the end of a stick for later. Then, I used a knife to make a fishing hook out of wood. I used the

rest of the line to make a bow to hunt animals. I got a bunch of sticks and sharpened them to make

arrows. I shot a couple of birds and used their feathers to make my arrows more accurate. I was

rescued two years later by a sailor passing through. “Boy am I glad to see you,” I said.

Pg. 7

Sandwich vs. Burger As I was walking through the woods in the middle of the night, I seen the strangest kid. He

kept bugging me about how the sandwich apocalypse was going to happen. He said that there was

going to be a war between the sandwich clan and the burger clan. I didn’t believe him, but all of a

sudden burgers and sandwiches start flying everywhere and shooting ketchup and mayonnaise

drops. I hid behind a tree to avoid being shot or splattered. Sandwiches and burgers were dropping

everywhere. So, I took off running through the branches and bushes until finally I woke up. I said,

“that was the scariest dream of my life.”

Pg. 8

Biographical Sketch A thing about me is that I love sports. I will play any sport or watch any sport. I only play

basketball because it’s my favorite sport. I play any sport because of my brother and sisters. We all

play different sports and I like to help them get better.

Pg. 9

Focus The hardest time I ever had to focus was when I was heading down the court 2 on 1 and we

had ten seconds left to score. The score was thirty-three to thirty-four. We needed one more basket to

win it all. Kenton and I were flying down the court. We couldn’t even feel the floor under our feet. I

fired the ball to Kenton, then he fired it back to me. I went up for the shot and right before I let it go

I gave it to Kenton for the winning basket. We won the game, I couldn’t believe it.


Close Game We only had two minutes left in the game. The score was forty-four to fifty-three. We were

down by nine. Are coach said that we had plenty of time, but I seen in his eyes. He knew we were

going to lose, so as I threw it in to start are last two minutes with Ty dribbling down the court.

Kenton and I were playing post under the basket, while Tanner and Alex played outside. Ty came

dribbling fast down the court and threw it to Alex which then came to me for the kick out back to Ty

for the three point shot. Coach called a timeout. We came back into the game with a full court press.

Then Kenton stole the ball and gave it to Alex for the open three point basket. Thirty seconds left,

down by three. They threw the ball in only to be stolen a second time for Ty another three point shot.

Fifteen seconds left and it was a tie game. They threw it in, but this time I knew it was my time to

shine. I stole the ball and went up for the game winning score.

Pg. 11

My Mask The mask I wear is a Saints fan. Whenever Drew Brees throws it to Jimmy Graham for the

touchdown or when Sharper or Harper make interceptions. The Saints are my favorite football team

and my whole family’s favorite football team and they will always be. Now, if we were talking about

basketball it would be OKC Thunder. Kevin Durant is the best person in the league. He is the new

Michael Jordan. OKC will always be me.

Pg. 12

Winner Here I was cheering on Drew Brees to throw that final touchdown pass, going against the

panthers when all of a sudden one of the safetys jumped in front of the pass bringing the score from

twenty to twenty-eight, to twenty to thirty-five. Then Drew Brees threw a fifty yard pass to Jimmy

Graham who broke three tackler’s ran it the rest of the thirty yards for a touchdown. It made the

game twenty-six to thirty-five. Then, they scored the two point conversion by handing off a sweep to

the left to Darrin Sproles who dove into the end zone which brought the score to twenty -eight to

thirty- five. Now all they had to do was stop the Panthers. It was the kickoff when the Panthers

fumbled it and the Saints picked up for the winning touchdown.

Pg. 13

The Last Pitch The last pitch was coming.

The pitch to see who was the best.

Better than any other team in the league.

The pitch to see who wins the game.

Crack! The ball was hit into the outfield!

It’s going farther and farther!

It’s gone, out of the park for a homerun.

They win the championship.

Pg. 14

Biographical Sketch I like to be in my stories. This part is all about me, what I like to do, and what I don’t like to

do. I like to go my own way with things. Like that saying, “It’s my way or the highway.” I like to do

everything myself because if I let someone else do things, it will not be how I wanted it to be.

Pg. 15

Movie Time My favorite movie is The Avengers. They have more than one hero in that movie, like Iron

Man, Hulk, Captain America, and Thor. They have different types of powers and they use them

against each other at first. They learn to try and work as a team to destroy an imposing army that is

trying to take over the world. They win the battle and learn what team work is really about.

Pg. 16

School School is boring. The only fun part about school is basketball practice and lunch, even

though the food tastes terrible. The only fun thing about lunch is Jerod. He keeps going on and on

about how the burger apocalypse is going to take over, but I do agree with him that sandwiches are

better than burgers. I don’t get what is so fun about school. All you do is just sit in a desk and do a

bunch of work. So, here’s my opinion about school, it’s boring. Most of the time we learn the same

stuff we learned the year before. I don’t get school and I never will.

Pg. 17

Traveling the World I’ve been to Las Vegas, Nevada, where I met my grandma and grandpa. Then, I’ve been to

Missouri, where I met a whole new school. I’ve also been to Gulf Shores, Alabama where I met a

beach full of people. I lived in Louisiana where I met my dad and a bunch of Cajuns. I have even

been to California where I met the world’s biggest redwood tree, and there is still a lot of places I

want to see.

Pg. 18

The Ruler If I was ther ruler of my own island my rules would be:

1. No fighting anybody on this island. If this happens then the whole island would be in chaos.

2. Any food you find or hunt shall be splitted between everyone, unless they didn’t try to help

find or hunt food.

3. No one is allowed to steal. If people stole everything nobody would have nothing and that

would make stealing come more often into action.

Pg. 19

Imagination My mind has a lot of imagination. The imagination just flows through my head about

the weirdest things. Sometimes I even see Jerrod talking about sandwiches and all of a

sudden scream “mashed potatoes.” My mind has lots of talents. My imagination is always

thinking about the strangest things. If I’m bored, my mind can easily come up with

something to do.

Pg. 20