.: RECORDS OF THE UNITED DIOCESE OF CORK, CLOYNE, AND ROSS. BISHOPS SINCE 1862. Dr. Brady records th a, t Bishop '\iV.i lli am Fi tzgerald was translated to the see of Killaloe by l etters pate nt, dated 3 rd February, 1862 . He was a prel ate of great scholarly di sti nc- tion, and was Professor of Eccles ia stical History in th e Univers- ity of Dublin . . He died at Clarisf ord House, Killaloe, on 24th of Novemb er, 1883, aged 69 years, and was buri ed in his family vault at St. Nicholas, Cork, on the 28th of same month. 1862. H e was succeeded by Bi s hop John Gregg, w ho was born at Capp a, near E nni s, in the co unt y Clare, on the 4th of August, 1798. He was th e fifth son of Ri chard, fourth son of Richard, elder son of J onatha n Gregg , of that place. The above Richard, son of Richard, was born in 1747, and died in 1808, having married Barbara, dau. of \iVilliam Fitzgerald, of Ashgrove, Co . Cl are, and sister of the Right Hon. James Fitzgerald, wh ose wife was created Baroness Fitz- ge rald and Vesy. Of the family of this Rich a rd and Barbara, Bishop Jo hn Gregg was the fifth son. He e nter ed T.C.D. in· 181 9, beco ming a Scholar in -r822, and grad . B.A., with hon ors, in 1824; took th e degrees of M.A., B.D., and D. D. in 1860. He was ordained Deacon, at Ferns, in Advent , 1826, a nd Pri est , at Killaloe, in 1827. From 1826 to 1828 he was Curate of Portar lington; and from 1828 to 1835 he was Vicar of Kilsall aghan, Co. Dublin. From 1835 to 1839 he was Chapl ain of the Bethesd a, Dublin. Trinity Church, Gardiner Street, was built for him, and was opened for Di vine Service on th e 10th of Novembe r, 1839. V\T ith great popularity he contin ued in this incumb ency until he became Bis hop of Cork, in 1862, much through the influence of his frie nd · the l earne d Earl of C arl isle,

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notes on the history of cork

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Dr. Brady records th a,t Bishop '\iV.i lliam F itzgerald was translated to the see of Killaloe by letters pa tent, dated 3rd February, 1862. He was a prelate of great scholarly distinc­tion, and was Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the Univers-ity of Dublin. .

He died at Cla risford House, Killaloe, on 24th of November, 1883, aged 69 years, and was buried in his family vault at St. N icholas, Cork, on the 28th of same month.

1862. H e was succeeded by Bishop John Gregg, who was born at Cappa, near E nnis, in the county Clare, on the 4th of August, 1798.

H e was the fifth son of Richard, fourth son of Richard, elder son of Jonathan Gregg, of that place. The above Richard, son of Richard, was born in 1747, and died in 1808, having married Barbara, dau. of \ iVilliam Fitzgerald, of Ashgrove, Co. Clare, and sister of the Right Hon. J ames Fitzgerald, whose wife was created Baroness Fitz­gerald and Vesy. Of the family of this Richard and Barbara, Bishop J ohn Gregg was the fifth son. He entered T.C.D. in· 1819, becoming a Scholar in -r822, and grad. B.A., with honors, in 1824; took the degrees of M.A., B.D., and D . D. in 1860.

H e was ordained Deacon, a t Ferns, in Advent , 1826, and Priest, at Killaloe, in 1827. From 1826 to 1828 he was Curate of Portarlington; and from 1828 to 1835 he was Vicar of Kilsallaghan, Co. Dublin. From 1835 to 1839 he was Chapla in of the Bethesda , Dublin. Trinity Church, Gardiner Street, was built for him, and was opened for Divine Service on the 10th of November, 1839. V\Tith great popularity he continued in this incumbency until he became Bishop of Cork, in 1862, much through the influence of his friend· the learned Earl of Carlisle ,

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Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. From 1857 till 1862 he was Archdeacon of Kildare.

He was appointed Bishop of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross , by Queen's letter, dated 15th January j by Privy Seal, dated 7th F ebruary j and by patent, dated 8th February, 1862 j and was consecrated in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, on the 16th of Februa ry, 1862.

He was enthroned in St. Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork, for Cork and Ross on 19th F ebruary, and in St. Coleman's Cathedral, Cloyne, on 21st F ebrua ry, 1862.

Bishop Gregg married, in 1830, E lizabeth Nicola, dau. of Robert Law, of Dublin, and had issue three sons, who a re all now dead. The eldest, John Robert, b. 13th September, 1831, was orda ined at Lichfield in 1854, and became Vicar of D eptford. His son, John Allen Fitz­gerald, Sch. of Christ Colleg e , Cambridg e, in holy orders, is now Curate and Residenti a ry Preacher of St. Fin Ba rre's Cathedral, Cork. Bishop Gregg 's youngest son, Willi am H enry, b. 18th October, 1844, di ed on the 4th of January, 1863 j and the second son , Robert Samuel, succeeded his fa ther in the see of Cork , being, a t the time of hi s father's death, Bishop of Ossory , and thus being the first Bishop of Cork elected by the Diocesan Synod, under the altered conditions of the Irish Church.

Bishop John Gregg had also three daughters- Elizabeth ; Frances Fitzgerald j and Cha rlotte Browne, wife of the Very Revd. Samuel Owen Madden, D.D., Dean of Cork.

Bishop J olm Gregg was the last Bishop of the Estab­li shment, and he wiil long be remembered by the fami li a r na me which his kind-hearted character gained for him­"r;ood John Gregg. "

He was a prelate of great popula rity, and endowed with remarkable force of character and immense personal in­fluence. He was an eloquent preacher , and was also a flu ent speaker in the Irish lang uage.

Hi s episcopa te was notable for the occurrence of the revolutiona ry change caused by the disestabl ishment and disendowment of the Church of Ireland.

It was also rendered widely famous by the event of the building of St. Fin Ba rre 's Cathedral, which was mainly accomplished by hi s influence, and which was remarkable as being the only known instance of a cathedral being begun a nd fin ished under the same Bishop, the fou nda tion stone being la id by him on the 12th of J anua ry, TWi .=., a nd

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the building being consecrated on St. Andrew's Day, 20th November, 1870, being then substantially completed.

H e lived to see the main bu ilding finished, and the top­most s tones placed on the western towers, on the 6th of April, 1878; and he di ed at the Palace, Cork, on Sunday evening, the 26th of May following, in the 80th year of his age, and was buried in Mount Jerome Cemetery, Dublin .

1878. Robert Samuel Gregg succeeded his father as Bishop of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross, and during his episcopate zeal­ously carried on the work of the completion of St. Fin Barre 's Cathedral; and at his own cost erected the reredos and much of the ma rble panelling.

Robert Samuel Gregg, second son of his predecessor, was born at Kilsallaghan, Co. Dublin, on the 3rd of May, 1834. Grad. B. A., T.C.D. (with honors), in 1857; M.A. 1860; B.D. and D.D. 1873. He \vas ordained D eacon in 1857, by Archbi shop of Dublin, and Priest, in 1858, by Bishop of Meath . H e was Cura te of R a thcooney, Cork, from 1857 to 1859 ; Incumbent of Christ Church, Belfa st, from 1859 to 1862; Incumbent of Frankfield, Cork, from J7th May, J862, to J865 ; Rector of Carrigrohane, and Precentor of Cork, J865; Dean of Cork, April, J874.

H e beca me Bishop j)f Ossory in Ma rch, J875; and Bishop of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross , in succession to hi s father, in 1878. H e was elected by the Bench of Bishops to be Archbishop of Armag h, and Primate of All Ireland, . 0 m l u93.

He marri ed, in J863, Elinor, dau. of John H. Bain­bridge, of Frankfield, Co. Cork; and by her, who pre­deceased him, he left a son, John VVilliam, of Ca uses­town, Athboy , Co. Meath; and a dau., Amy Elinor, m. to the Revd. Robert vValsh, D.D., Rector of Donnybrook, Dublin.

Archbishop Gregg died suddenly at the P alace , Armag-h, on the 10th of January, 1896, and was buried, as was his wife previously, a t Frank fi eld, Cork.

Primate Gregg was a prelate of remarkable ability; and his great tal ents for org anization were of the utmost im­porta nce to the united diocese a ft er the Act of Disestabli sh­ment.

1894. On the dea th of Primate Knox , ' in 1893, the Yen . Vvilli a m Edward Meade, D.D., Archdeacon of Armagh, was elected by the diocese of Armagh to fill the vacancy on the Bench of Bishops ; and when Bi shop Robert Sa muel

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Gregg, of Cork, was elected to the Primacy, Dr. Meade became Bishop-elect of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross. He was consecrated in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, on January 6th, 1894, and was enthroned in St. Fin Barre's Cathedral on the loth; in St. Faughnan's Cathedral, Ross, on April 12th ; and in St. Colman's Cathedral, Cloyne, on May the 29th.

Bishop Meade is of the ancient Irish family whose name was, in old times, spelt "Meagh," or "Miaghe." The word "miadh ," in Irish, signifies "honour"-"worship"­"respect," and it must be said of this family, that it well upholds its traditional title to its ancient name.

There is another word, "midhiach," pron. "me-ach" (accent on second syllable), which means "churlish," " boorish," "disaglieeable." (I have often hea rd the con­temptuous expression, "a me-ach of a fellow"). But, if this be the derivation, it certainly is totally obscured in the present instance.

The Bishop is a member of the present family of Meade, of Ballintubber and Ballymartle, Co. Cork. H e is the son of the Revd. \Villiam Meade, Rector of Inchinabaccy , Cloyne, by his wife, Anne, dau. of Robert Boyle \ Varren, of Kinsale.

\ Villiam Edward Meade passed a very disting uished collegiate course in T.C.D. He obtained first Science Scholarship in 1856 ; B.A. (Sen. Mod. Math.) and Diy. Test. (2nd class), 1857; Bishop Law's Prize, 1857; McCullagh Prize, 1858; Fellowship Premiums in 1859, '62, '63, and '64; M.A. 1860; B.D. and D.D. 1873. H e was a R esident Master, T.C.D. , 1862-64; and was ordained Deacon in 1862, at Chester, and Priest in 1863, at Cork, by Bishop John Gregg.

He was Rector of Ard trea (to which he was presented by T.C.D.), Co. T yrone, from 1864 to 1893; Preb. of Mullabrack, in Armagh Cathedral, 1877-83 ; T reasurer of Armagh Cathedral, 1883-85; Preb. of Donaghmore, in St. Patrick's National Cathedral, 1882-85; Archdeacon of Armagh, 1885-93; Examining Chaplain to Archbi shop Knox, of Armagh, from 1886 to 1893.

Bishop Meade married, in 1864, Mary Ferrier, dau. of Fleetwood Churchill , M.D., of D ublin.

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[Cegnate with the Lat. "Ecclesia," that is, "The Church," Bishep Dive Dewnes says in his Jeurnal : " Oct. 16, 17oo-Saw Aglish church-Aglish means church in Irish." In the inductiDn to' this parish Df DDnatus Edmund MerDghen (1581), it is called " Ecclia Beatre Marie de M:o>all." The learned Rev. Dr. Olden says: " Early I rish churches were O'ften net dedicated to SS. , but named from sO' me IDeal circumstance. The secend title is the later AnglD-Nerman dedicatiDn. B. V. M. dees n Dt

appear in pre-Nnrman dedicatiDns."]

1852. July IS. WILLIAM COLBURNE, A.M., V. Aglish (Brady). Colburne resigned in 1871, whereupon the Parish Df Agli sh

was jnined to Moviddy (q. v.) , and its church was taken dO'wn , the stenes being utilised in the structure of the new church at Kilbonane.

The parish Df Aglish is en both sides of the river Lee, the north side being in the Dio. of Cleyne, and the seuth side in Dio. ef Cork.

William Colburne, SDn Df Wm. Celburne, of CDrk, was born in 1797. Entered T .C.D. in 1815 ; graduated B.A. 1819 ; M.A. 1832. H e was D·rdained D eacon I June, 1823, and Priest 21st Dec., same year, bDth at Cloyne. H e was Curate of Killaspugmullane from 1823 t o' 1827; and frDm that to 1852 he was Curate Df the district of Blackrock, Cork.

H e married, in 183 5, Julia, ditu. of Robert Coghlan, of Cork, and had issue twO' sens, Charl es Freeman and Jese'ph Capel, who both went to Australia; and two daughters- Elizabeth, whO' died unm. in England ; and Sarah Louise, whO' was married to' Jasper O'CalIaghan, son of the late H. D. O'Callaghan , J.P. , of Nadrid, COo. Cork.

Rev. William Colburne died on the 12th of April, 1879, in his 82nd year.

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[That is, " The H eight of the Wind." In the" Taxation of Pope Nicholas" (1291), it is spelt " Garthenegeythe," which is for " Gort-na-gaoithe " (pron. geehy), " the cornfield of the wind." In 1591 it is mentioned as "Ecclesia de GarrinagThihy," that is for "Garradha-na-gao,ithe, " "the garden 0'£ the wind," and is termed " Locus Vastatus et desertus." Apparently, " high, windy places" were no more liked then than now.]

This union cons,ists of the parishes of Ardnageehy, Donbullogue, otherwise Carrignavar, St. Michael's, and Whitechurch.

1863. Feb. 17. SAMUEL HAYMAN, R. Ardnageehy (Brady). Hayman became R . T empleroan, Cloyne, in Sept., 1867.

1867. Sept. - SAMUEL SANDIFORD, R. Ardnageehy, vice H ayman. Samuel Sandifo'rd was the son of Rev. James Sandiford,

P. Killenemer, Cloyne. H e graduated B.A. T.eD. on 11th July, 1832, and was

ordained Deacon on 14th July, 1833, at Cloyne; and Priest on 28th of June, 1835, at Cork.

H e was Curate of Kilmocomoge (Bantry) from 1833 to 1840; Curate of Magourney (Cloyne), 1840-4 2; from 1842 to 1856 he was P . e of T emplebrady, Cork; and froml 1856 to 1867 he was R. V. Nathlash and Kildorrery, Cloyne.

H e was married, and had issue. Sandiford resigned in 1875; and he died in April, 1876, in

his 68th year. 1876. STEPHEN MOXLEY, R. Ardnageehy, vice Sandiford.

The parish of Dunbul10gue was joined to' Ardnageehy on the Disestablishment, that of Whitechurch (otherwise T emplegall), on the resignation of Samuel Dixon Sandes, in 1872; and St. Michael's, on the death of Thomas Do,rman, in 1877.

Moxley became R . Droumdaleague in 1881. 1881. CHARLES FORSTER TOMES, R. Ardnageehy, vice Moxley.

Tomes became R . T empletrine in 1889. 18 '39· HUMPHREY HAINES PEARSON, R. Ardnageehy, vice T omes.

Pearson becam'e R. Schull in 1894. 18:,) 4, CECIL GEORGE WILLIAM R OGERS, R . Ardnageehy, vice

Pearson. The church population of the union is about 100. There are

two churches: one at Glenville, and one at Carrignavar. A chancel was added to Glenville Church in 1896, and has

a fine stained glass windew as a memorial to Sir Hudson Hudson-Kinahan, Bart., who died in 1892.

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D ivine Service is held in Glenville, in summ,er, at I I :30 and 6, and in winter at 2.30 j H oly Communion fortnightly, and on chief festivals. At Carrignavar, in .summer at 3 p .m. j

winter 11.30 a.m. j Holy Communion monthly and on chief festivals.

The union is under diocesan scheme. The assessment I S

£ 134, and stipend of R ector £2 50. A glebe house was built in 1894, at a co-st of £1,300, of

which £900 was given by Sir Edw. Hudso-n Hudson-Kinahan, and the remainder bo-rrowed from the Board of Works. There are four acres of glebe land and there is a chaIge of £ 20 per annum for interest on loan.

Cecil George William Rogers, born at Nohoval Glebe 5th ~I\.:'ty , 1860. Eldest son of the late Rev. John Cecil Rogers, P . C. Nohoval (Brady). Privately educated. Entered T .C.D. in 1881 j B.A., H iems, 1885 j Div. Test. (uld class), 1885. Ordained D eacon at Rathcormac, 1885, and Priest at Cork in 1887. Curate of Rathcormac, Cloyne, 1885-92 j Curate of Fanlobbus, Cork , 1892-94. Married, 9th April, 1896, Annie Elizabet-h (~ancy), second daughter of H enry A. Allen , c.r. , R.I.c. , of Newtown Manor, Kilkenny, and granddaughter of th e late Very l\ev. James H astings Allen, D ean of Killaloe.

Rogers becarnle R. of Kilmoe, 20th July, 1900. I900. Oct. 8. HENRY EDWARD RUBY. R. Ardnageehy, vice Rogers.

(For Ruby, see Inniscarra. Cloyne) .


[That is, "The Ford of the Caves "-" Oovanes"- from which the village of " Ovens" derives its name. There are extensive caves near the church.]

T his union consisted, at Disestablishment, of the parishes of Kilnaglory and Athn()~ven, and the adjacent part of St. Fin Barre's. T o these were added, in 1870, the small adjo'ining parish of Desert­more, vacant by the resignation of the Rev. H enry Constable, who went to England.

1847. November 27. EDMUND L OMBARD, A.M., Preb. of Kilna­glory, and R. V. St. Mary's, also Athnowen (Brady, 1., 188).

R ev. E . Lombard married Elizabeth , dau. of John Longfield, of Longueville. H e died on the 8th of June, 1874, aged 78 years.

T ...... ~ '-C

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There is a mural tablet to his memory in Athnowen Church -vide Kilnaglory.

1874. ROBERT ST. LEGER ALDWORTH, M.A., who had been Curate of the union from 1872, was appointed R ector of same, per mortem Lombard.

He was the second son of the Rev. John Aldworth, P. Glanore (or Glanworth) (Brady, 11. , ;!19), and was bom on the 8th of July, 1832. H e .married a Miss Parker, of Carrigrohane, but had no issue.

Mr. Aldworth died suddenly on the 14th October, 1891. During his Incumbency he restored Athnowen Church} and purchased the Glebe House and lands for the parish.

139:. JOHN WOODLEY LINDSAY, D.D., R. Athnowen, per mortem Aldworth.

Athnowen Church, dedicated to St. Mary, is called in old records" the parish church of St. Mary's, Athnowen."

Desertmore Church, which was dedicated to. St. John, was taken down in 1888. A restoration of St. Mary's Church was effected in 1888 by re-roofing with sheeted open roof, neW benches, pulpit, prayer desk, and a fine carved oak "oogle" lectern-·all, except the last, being of Spanish chestnut. A handsome stained glass chancel window was put up as a memorial by the Hawkes family.

In 1892, a peal of eight tubular bells was erected as the parishioners' memorial to the Rev. R. St. Leger Aldworth, and r and some carved oak reredo-s and sanctuary panelling by Mrs. Lombard to the same Rector. In 1893, four windows in stained glass, three as a memnrial to Mrs. Lombard. These improvements cost £680.

Divine Service is held in Athnowen Church on Sundays at J2 noon and 4.30 j on festivals at II a.IDl. H oly Communion, second and fourth Sundays.

The church population of the union is about 140. There are no Dissenters.

The union is under diocesan scheme. T he interest of £100, Lombard Bequest, goes towards the assessment, which is £100, and stipenct o-f Rector, £200.

The Athnowen National Sahool, non-vested (mixed) , has 27 children on wll.

Among the parochial organizations are-Branches of Dio. T emperance Association, G. F. S., Bell-ringers' Society, Children's Missionary Guild, etc.

Athnowen Glebe House is the residence of the Rector. Desertmore Glebe H ouse has been sold by R. B. There are

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133. If. 20p. of glebe land, free of charge, having been pur­chased by the parish, in 1877, for £ 665 13s. IId.

John Woodley Lindsay, born at Blackrock, Cork, 7th Oct., 1850, elder son of the late Joseph W. Lindsay, J.p., is 0'£ Scotch descent, 0'£ the Crawford and Balcarres family, Wauchope branch (see " Lives of the Lindsays "). Educated privately. Entered T .C.D. in 1867; B.A. 1870; Div. Test. 1872; M.A. 1874 ; B.D. and D.D. 1891. Ordained Deacon, Michaelmas, 1873, and Priest, Mich., 1874, both at Derry. Curate of Conwal, 1872 ; Curate of Taughboyne. 1876; R. of Clon­devaddock, 1879 ; Curate-in-charge of Inniscarra, Cloyne, 1885; Rural Dean of Killinean.

Married, in 1873, Jane, second dau. of Moses Netterfield, of Glendoon, Co. Cavan. Issue-WolOdley Joseph, and Victor Frederick ; both are in hody orders.

Dr. Lindsay has published "An Ordination Sermon, preached in St. Fin Barre's Cathedral, 1886."

On the 20th September, 1901, the Lord Bishop, in the presence of a large assembly, dedicated a handsome school­house, which was built as a memoria~ to the Rev. Robert St. Leger AldwoTth, who was for 19 years Rector of the parish. It is built on the site of a fo,rmer schoolhouse, which owed its erection to the efforts of a young lady parishioner in the year 1820, Miss Sally Hawkes, daughter of Mr. John H awkes, of Grange, who" on coming home from school, where she had gained a medal foil' her knowledge of H oly Scripture, was influenced by a desire to supply the want of a Scriptural School in the parish; and obtained from her father a grant of the site on which that schoolhouse stood, which is now replaced by the new and much improved building.

In 1877, Mr. Aldworth coll~cted a sum of £666 for the purohase of the rectory and gle!Je lands, and he restored the church at a cost of £ 700. Since his death, about £400 have been spent on the church. and church cottages, and £200 for the building of this "Aldworth Memorial Schoolhouse." Thus, within the last 25 years, about £2,000 have been expended on church and parochial improvements in this parish.

Athnowen Church has a massive silver chalice, 12 inches high, inscribed, " The gift of the Reverend Docr. Christopher Donnellan to the Church of Athnowen," December, 1747."and a large silver paten, with same inscription. There is also a small silver flagon , " In loving memory of Robert St. Leger Aldworth, en.tered into re~t O('tober 14th, 1891. The gift of his widow, Sarah P. Aldwo'rth."

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Dr. Lindsay resigned the parish of Athnowen in April, 1902, having been appointed to an important charge in Eng­land. During his ministry in this diocese he took a prominent part in the work of several Q1rganizations connected with the Church of Ireland, being han. sec. of the Diocesan Temperance Society, also of the Horne fo'r Protestant Incurables, and Diocesan Sec. to the Dublin University Mission to Chota Nagpore.

1902. April 28. WILLIAM WARNOCK SMITH, M.A., R. Athn0wen. vice Lindsay. Instituted 15 May, by the Lord Bishop, in Athnowen Church.

William Warnock Smith entered T.C.D as a mathematical sizar in 1879; B.A. r883 ; M.A. 1898. Ordained for Cura.cy of Tullamo~e, Co. Meath, in 1883; Incumbent of St. John's, Cloverhill, COl. Cavan, 1884; Principal of Albemarle College, London, 1888 to' 1892; Principal of St. Faughnan's College, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork, anci Minor Canon of Ross Cathedral, 1892 to 1902.

He is marri ed , and has issue.


(This name is a corruption from the Irish " Bel-an-atha-buidhe," that is, " the mouth of the yello,w ford," from the " Ownabue," or "yellnw river," which flows by it. It should be " Bellanaboy."]

r8cl.I. AMBROSE HICKEY, P.C. Ballinaboy (Brady). H e was appointed by the patron, the Earl of Shannon. Ambrose Hickey, youngest son of the Rev. Ambrose Hickey,

D.D., R. V. Murragh (Brady). Ordained Deacon 28 Feb., 1841, and Priest, 30 January, 1842, both at Tuam.

Along with the small parish of Ballinaboy, he held the Curacy-in-cha rge of the north ern portion of the parish of Dunderrow, where he held a Sunday evening service.

In the year 1876, he, with much difficulty in a poor parish, renovated Ballinaboy Church, replacing the old square pews by modern ones, and effecting various other improvements.

He marri ed, on 17th October, 1843, Eliza, only dau . of C 1arles P. Archbold , Capt. and Paymaster; Royal Meath Regt., a member of an old county Louth family. Mrs. Hickey died at Ballinaboy, on the 1st December, 1902. It was owing to the energy and liberality of this good churchwoman, who. took a deep interest in Christian work in her parish, that Ballina-

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boy Church, which had to be closed for some years for want of funds for its maintenance, was. re-opened and fitted up for Divine Service.

Ambrose Hickey died on . the 13th of April, 1882., and was buried at Inniskenny j and on his dea:th the parjsh of Ballinaboy was jo~ned to- Killanully (q. v.)

His eldest brother, William, \\'as fo,r many years Rector of the parish of Mulrankin, Co. Wexford, and Rural Dean j and was well knOWIlJ fo·r his literary works under the nom de plume of "Martin Doyle."


[In the " Taxation. of Pope Nicholas " (1291), it is called, "Ecclesia de Dowach." It is called in Irish, at the present day, "Ballina­dhia, " that is, "the to~vn (or place) of the tub, or vat." It probably means, a place in a hollow, which it is.]

The Rectors of Ballinadee were Treasurers of Cork Cathedral under the Establishment j and with it were formerly united, in the corps of the Treasurership, the denominations of Kilgoban, Rath­dow lan, and Macloneigh. 1857. July 27. THOMAS TOWNLEY MACAN, A.B., Treasurer (Brady).

T. T. Macan, SOIlJ of Robert Macan, of Co. Armagh, B.A. T.C.D. He was Curate of Knockavilly in 1839 j in 1850, P . C. of Marmullane, an.d from 1855 'to 1857 was Preb. of Killanully.

H e married Belinda, second dau. of the Rev. Thomas Waggett, R. V. R athclarin j and by her, who survives, had issue two sons, Robert Sanders, who died unm ., in 1868, and Thomas T ownley, now major in the Scottish Rifles .

Rev. T. T . Macan died at Gortnaborna, Co. Cork, on the 19th of August, 1860. There is a mural tablet to' his memory in Ballinadee Church..

1861. January 5. JOHN MURPHY, A.B., Treasurer (Brady). Murphy became R. Mogeesha, Cloyne, on the 8th of January, 1876.

By his exertions an.d contributions a vestry room was built to the church, and a bell placed in the to-wer, there being neither before his tim:e.

J oh.n Harding Cole, A.B. (Brady,!., 25) , was curate of Ballinadee from 1860 to 1867, when he went with his rector. Rev. John Murphy, to curacy of Mogeesha, Cloyne.

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1867. Feb. 19. WILLIAM CLARKE WALKER, A.B. (Brady, II., 209), Treasurer, vice Murphy. Walker became R Carrigaline in June, 1875.

1875. CHARLES DONOVAN, A.B. (Brady, II., SIS), R Ballinadee, vice Walker.

Charles Donovan, b. 3 Dec., 1812, son of Richard Donovan, Lieut. R .N., by his wife (a Miss Burke), and grandson of Dr. Donovan, of the sept of Clancahil, by his wife (a Miss Haman), and great-grandson of Charles MacCarthy (the MacCarthy Reagh). T.C.D. B.A. 1836. Ordained Deacon, 1837, at Cork, an,d Priest, 1838, at Limerick. Curate of West Schull, Cork, 1837-43; of Aghadmvn, Ross, 1843-44; of East Schull, 1847-52 ; R. of Kilmacabea, Ross, and RD., 1852-73; Preb. of Ballyhea, and R. Charleville, Cloyne, 1866-75.

He married, on 5th September, 1837, Alicia, dau. of Richard Sullivan, of Ardcahan, Co·. Cork, and had issue-I. Richard Henry, d. 1878, Chaplain R.N. , n1l. a Miss Crea.ghe, and had issue (I) Richard H enry, Chap. , RN.; (2) Charles Creaghe, Capt. R.A.; (3) William, Engineer, R.N. ; (4) Stephen John, Lieut. A.S.C. II. Charles, retired Judge, Bengal Civil Service, of U mmera, Co. Cork, m. a Miss French, has issue, ~ I) Charles, M.D., I. M.S. ; (2) Philip Henry, M.B., d. Sept , 1903; (3) Cathe­rine F rc-ncll; (4) AI~ce; (5) Michael F rench; (6) Mary Gmce; (7) GracE' Ellen, m. to J. T. R ashleigh Lucas, J.P., of Manor House, Dunmanway; (8) Bessie; (9) Richard John French. III. H enry, M.D., d. 1889, m. Jane Blyth, and had issue (I) Mcry; (2) Alice Ethel. IV. William, :M.D. , m. Jane Mary, nee Maginne5. V. Elizabeth Alice. VI. Alfred Charles. VII. H ugh Latimer, M.D., Col. R.A.M.C., m. a Miss Kirkwood, and has issue-Charles, Alice and Ida. VIII. Edwin Sandys, B.A., in holy orders, Rector of Fan­lobbus (q. v.) .

Rev. Charles D'onovan died suddenly, at Garrettstown Strand, on 14 September, 1893.

1893. RICHARD H EDGES EYRE ROBERTS, R . Ballinadee, per mortem Donovan.

The church po'pulation of the parish is about 100. Extensive improvements have been made in the parish

church under the present rector. The fl at plaster ceiling was removed and an open pitch-pine roof suLstituted ; mosaic floor laid; and white marble steps to. chancel ; and several other impmvernents.

Divine Service is held on Sundays and F estivals at 12 noon. Holy Communion, first Sunday.

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The parish is under diocesan scheme. The assessment is £100, and stipend of Rector £200.

There is a small parochial school. There is a good glebe house, with offices, and a small quantity of land.

Richard Hedges Eyre Roberts" b. at Ardmore, Passage West, March, 1861 j second son of Rd. Wm. Roberts, B.A. T.C.D ., J.p., of Ardmore, by his wife, Henrietta Sarah, elder dau. of the late R. H. E. White, of Glengarriff Castle (nephew of Richard, first Earl of Bantry), by his wife, C'h.arlotte Mary, only child and heiress of Thomas Dormon, of Raffeen House, M:mkstown, Co. Cork.

Privately educated. Entered T.C.D. in 1881 j B.A. 1884; M.A. 19° 1; Div. Test. 1885. Ordained Deacon 1885, and "Priest 1886, both at Cork. Curate of Dunmanway, 1886-92 ; of Midleton, 1892-3.

He married, on 18th of August, 1902, Sheela, fourth dau. of the late R. W. C. R eeves, J.P ., D.L., of Besborough, Co. Clare.

Ballinadee Church has a a silver paten, wi th the inscription, "From the R ev. Verny Lovett, A.M., to the Church of Ballinadee, Co. Cork, 1796 " ; and a silver fl agon, inscribed, "Presented by R ev. Verny Lovett, D .D., 18°7."

R oberts resigned in 1901, being appointed under the " Missions to Seamen Society, " Chaplain in Cork H arbour.

1901. GERALD HARDY MACNAMARA, B.A., R. Ballinadee, vice Roberts. Im tituted by the L ord Bishop at Ballinadee on November 22 , 190!.

Gerald Hardy Macnamara, b. 15 January, 1867, son of the Revd. Arthur D. Macnamara, Treasurer of Cork, and Rector of Ballymoney, by his wife, Mary E. (nee Hardy) .

Educated at Monmouth Grammar Schoo!. T.C.D. B.A. 1893. Ordained Deacon 1893, and Priest 1894, both at Cork. Curate of Castracho're (Midleton), 1893 to 190!.

Married, 10 August, 1897, Laura McC., third dau. of the late Dani el Humphries, of Deer Park, Midleton, Co. Cork, and has issue.

Macnamara became R. Doneraile, Cloyne, in April, 1903. 1903. May 18. EDWARD ARTHUR GOLDING, B.A., R. Ballinadee,

vice Macnamara. Instituted by the Lord Bishop in Ballinadee Church on

5th June. Edward Arthur Golding, b. at T yzabad, Oudh, E ast India,

2nd June, 1869, is son of Jackson Golding c.E. , whose fathpr was Edward Golding, of Hampton Court, and Rochester, Kent,


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M.A., T.C.D., son of Jackson. Golding, Comptroller G. P.O., Dublin, who was ron of the Revd. Edward Golding, M.A., Oxon, sometime Archdeacolll of Derry, and afterwards Rector of Ilmington, Warwickshire. This Archdeacon Go~ding came to Ireland with Bishop William Barnard, and was a son of George Golding, of App's Court, in Surrey.

E. A. Go']ding, T.eD., B.A., Hiems, 1895 j Div. Test. 1898. Was. ordained Deacon, Christmas, 1896, and Priest, Trinity, 1898, both at Cork. Previously intend ing to enter the army, he took first place at Sandhurst. H e \yas Curate ad' Kilbrogan, Bandon, residing at Killowen GJebe, from 1896 to 1903.

Mr. Golding married, on the 30th of June, 1903, Eveline M. c., youngest dau. of the Revd. B. C. Fawcett, Rector of Kilbrogan, Bandon.


[It is called in Irish, "Bel-atha-da-gcab," that is, "the ford of the two mouths" (made by three streams, which here flow into Roaringwater Bay, called by the Irish Loughtrasna).]

TillS parish, wh,ich was the eastern portion of the parish of Schull, with its church as a chapel of ease, was made a separate plrish in 1870' Richard Hayes, B.A., who was Curate-in-charge of this district, became R. V. Nathlash and Kildonery, Cloyne, in September, 1867, and was succeeded by Robert Noble, M.A., from curacy of Innishannon, 29th November, 1867.

1867. ROBERT NOBLE, M.A., Curate-in-charge of the district, be­came the first Rector of Ballydehob, which was then separated from Schull. Ballydehob Church, which is very picturesquely situated outside the town, was enlarged and IDuch impmved by Mr. Noble.

Divine Service is held on Sundays and chief festivals at 12 noon and 6,3° p.m.

The church population of the parish is about 520. The parish is under diocesan scheme. The assessment is'

£ 134, and stipend of Rector £250. Th ere are two parochial schoo,ls under National Board. There is no glebe or glebe house. Mr. Noble resides in a private house in Ballydehob.

Robert Noble, b. at Laurel Lodge, Corhanagh, Co. Cavan. His family is descended from a General Noble, who came into I reland with King William III.

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T.C.D. B.A. 1858 j Div. Test. , M.A., 1881. Ordained Deacon 1861, and Priest 1862, both at Cork. C. Clonfert, Cloyne, 1861-64 j C. Innishannon, Cork, 1864-67.

H e married a Miss Frances 'Walnut Kirwan, but left no issue. He died at Ballydehob on the 15th May, 1898, aged 69 years.

1898. June 7. CHARLES FRANCIS BOSVILE TOTTENHAM, R. Ballyde­hob, per mortem Noble.

In February, 1899, a very handsome font, having bowl formed of a magnificent octagonal block of pure white marble, supported on red alabaster columns, resting on a richly carved base of Portland and Caen stone, was erected in Ballydehob Church by the parishioners to the memory of the Rev. Robert Noble, M.A., for 31 years Rector of the parish.

Several further improvements have been made in this church recently, such as re-seating, handsome brass pendant lamps, etc.

Charles Francis Bosvile Tottenham, of the family of Totten­ham, of Co. Wexford, b. at Blackrock, Co. Dublin, loth May, 1863, youngest son of the late H enry Loftus Tottenham, B.A. T.C.D., barrister-at-law, of MacMurrough, New Ross, who died in 1896, by his wife, Joice, dau . of the late James C. Lowry, of ROiCkdale, Co. Tyrone. T.C.D., B.A. (Resp.) and Div. T est., 1889. Ordained Deacon 1889, and Priest 1890, both at Cork. Curate of Kinsale, 1889-92 j of Abbeystrewry, Ross, 1892-98.

Married, 1889, Jo·sephine F., youngest dau. of the late Richard Bolton, J.P., Castle Ring, Co. Louth, and Donagh­moyne, Co. Monaghan, and has issue Raymond Charles, Clive Gordon, Joice Marjorie, Edward Loftus, Sidney Josephine, Maud Lowry.


[This parish is variously called in old records. In the " Taxation of Pope Nicholas" (1291) , it is spelt "Ralyduffloythir" j in a MS. of 1591, in T.C.D. , it is "Ballidolohir" j in the " Visita­tion Book of 1622," in Marsh's Library, it is called "Balli­do.Jloghire." It is often " Ballydeloher, also Kilroan." These names would seem to mean" the townland of the rushes." It is also sometimes called (not sO' anciently) "Ballydeloghy," or "BallyIO'ughy," or "Ballinloghie," which names would mean "the town land of the loughs." Bishop Dives Downes, in tr.e

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journal of his tour in 1700, says, " Ballydeloughy is a village in this parish, from which it is called. " It is commonly called " Brooklodge." There is a parish near D oneraile called " Ballydeloughy."]

1842 . Sept. 2. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS BEAUFORT, A.B., R. Ballyde­loher and Templeusky (Brady) .

(For Beaufnrt, see Kilman.)


[Probably" the townland of the high wood."]

1860. The Curate is the Rev. ROBERT HENRY MEADE (Brady). Meade became R . V. of Aghada, Cloyne, in 1866, and then,

in same year, V. Rincurran, Cork. 1866. THOMAS SAVILLE COLE, Curate of Ballyfeard.

Cole became Curate of Tracton in 1872, and the parish of Ballyfeard was joined to Nohoval (q. v.)


[It is called in the" Taxation of Po-pe Nicholas " (1291), " Kylmy." It was also foa-m.erly called" Martel's, or Marshal's, town," and also " Kilmedye," or " Kilmiddie," or "Cill Midhe," that is, " Meade's Church." " The two families (Meade and Martel, or Marshal) were closely connected" (Olden). In" Bp. D ownes' Tour," he spells it, "Ballimartell."

Thus, as a voice from these far-off tim.es, this name testifies to the prominent position which this old Irish family (still represented in the Squire of the parish) held at a very remote period in the Irish Church, as ecclesiastical recQrds shew that it continued to hold, and as it still holds in the person of one of this same family, the present Bishop of the diocese.]

Tlus union consists of the parishes of Ballymartle, Cullen, and parts of Rincurran and Clontead.

182 6. August 12. J OHN STOYTE, A.B., R. Ballymartle (Brady) . Stoyte resigned in 1876, having been Rector of Ballymartle

for fifty years. H e waS! b. in 1800, and was son of James Stoyte, of Dublin, by Martha, dau. of Andrew Moore, of that place. H e grad. B.A., T.CD., in 1820 j and was ordained Deacon in 18-25, and Priest in 1826, both at Kilmare. From r825 to r826 he was Curate of Kill eshandra, Kilmore.

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He died on the 23rd July, 1878, aged 78 ye,!-rs. He married, in 1844, Elizabeth, dau. of William Bleazby, of Ballinacurra, Kinsale, by whom he left three sons-(I) John, L ieut.-Col. late 59th Regt. , of Glendoneen, Co. Cork, and Riverstown Lodge, Co. Kildare, J.P. Co·. Co-rk; (2) William fames, J.P., of Green Hill, Kinsale, late Capt. Cork Artillery, 1l1i. Mary Lucy, eldest dau. of George Newman Dunn, M.D., of Kinsale; and (3) James Charles, M.B., T .C.D.

This family of Stoyte is an old Dorsetshire one, of wrur:h several members have served in the English Church, and many <)f them have been distinguished scholars. Thomas Stoyte (ob. 1470) was master of Clare H all, Cambridge. John Stoyte, second son of Jolm, of Milton, Dorset, was Vicar of that parish and a Fellow of Merton College, Oxon, and twice Proctor of the University; and was Rector of Gamlingay, Cambridge, and of Pickworth and Uppington, Lincoln ~ob. 1587). His second son, Tobias, was Fellow of Magdalen, Oxon, and Vicar of Worksworth, Derby. His son Edward was Fellow of St. John's, Cantab. j and his son Jolm was Fellow of All Souls, Oxon; and another son, Thomas, was M.A. St. John's, Cantab. , and Vicar of Wakerby, Northants.

The parish of Ballyfeard was united to Ballymartle in 1872, On the resignation of Geo-rge Deacon, P. C. of Cullen, in

1872, that parish was joined to Ballymartle. 1876. LLEWELLYN CHARLES NASH, B.A. (Brady, n., 267)., R. Bally­

martIe, vice Stoyte. There are two churches-Bally martie, where Divine Service

is held on Sundays and festivals, at 12 noon; and Cullen, where it is at 3.30 p.m. in winter, and 4 in summer. Holy Communion, first Sundays and chief festivals.

To the former a new chancel has been built, and a me­morial east will'dow put in by the ancient family of Meade, of Ballynmrtle H ouse.

Cullen new Church was built when Revd. Tho·s. Olden was P. c., in 1849, and consecrated by the name of Christ Church.

The church populatiorn is about 120. The union is under diocesan scheme. There is a partial

endownment of £139 a year froml interest on capital. The asspssment is £134, and stipend of Rector £250.

The present Incumbent holds a "good service" pension. There is one school, under Diocesan Board and Ch. Ed.

Society, 14 children on roll. Among the parochial organizations are-Branch of G.F.S.,

Working Guilds for the Poor, etc. 2

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The Glebe House is situated at Cullen, and was improved in 1876 by parochial subscriptions and loan from Board of Works. There are 18 acres of glebe land, at a rent, including taxes, of £30, and an instalment of £10 to Board of Works.

Llewellyn Oharles Nash, b. at Cork, 23 November, 1834, son of Revd. Robert Spread Nash, by Catherine Philips, dau. of W. P. Pearde, barrister-at-Iaw, Fermoy. The Revd. Robert Spread Nash was son of William Nash, who was son of Revd. Wm. Nash, P. Brigmvn, Cloyne (Brady, 11., 69).

L. c. Nash was educated at Fermey College, under Revd. Dr. Robinson. Entered T .C.D. July, 1852, being amongst those examined for place. B.A. June, 1856; Div. Test (2nd class), June, 1858. Ordained Deacon, 21st September, 1858, and Priest, 3rd July, 1859, both at Cork, by Bp. Fitzgerald. Curate of Aghabullogue, Cloyne, 1858-64; Curate of Ringrone, Cork, 1864-70 ; Cura;te of Templetrine and Ringrone, 1870-76.

Married, 1863, Ellen' Henrietta, eldest dau. of Revd. Wm. WeIland, R. Aghabullogue and Aglishdrinagh, ~I.lld Prebendary of Cloyne (Brady), and by hel, who d. July, 1893, has issue five sons and three daughters.

On the 26th September, 1900, there was a dedication at Ballymartle Church, by the Lord Bishop of Cork, of various reoent memorial gifts-a pulpit, prayer-desk, lectern, chancel rails, all of solid oak, and a beautiful cover for the H oly T able. These gifts were to the memory of the Bishop's father, the Revd. Wm. Meade, R. Inchinabaccy, Cloyne (q. v.) , and Anne, his wife j and other members of the families of Ballymartle and Ballintubber.


[There is a tradition that this name is derived from the Irish word" Bad" (pron. "Baudh "), "a boat " j or " Badach" (pron. " Badaugh "), "having boat!>"; or "Badin" (pron. ." Bad­haun "), "a little boat," "b" being commonly changed to "m" by eclipsis (Joyce). And this is a plausible explanation, for, before the existence of "Bandon Bridge," there were ferry­boats used here, hence, possibly, "Bally-bodan," "the place of the little bo'at." Moreover, it is called, in the" T axation of Pope, Nicholas " (1291), " Ecclesia Ballybudan," which seems confirmatory of this supposition.

I may mention another derivation which has been su@:gested -that, 'as" Modhaun" in Irish signifies" a fool," hence" Bally-

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modhciun," "Fools-town." Butl from personal acquaintance, I am bound to say that, if this conjecture be co'rrectl it is wholly unsupported by the character of the present inhabitants.]

1846. May 26. JOHN BLEAKLEY, A.M., V. Ballymodan (Brady). John Bleakl,ey, B.A. T.C.D., !1826; M.A. 1832. Was

ordained Priest at Cork on 18 Dec., 1831. He was Curate of Kilgarriff, Ro>ss, in 1831; and of RoJy Trinity, Cork, from 1843 to 1846.

He married Jane, dau. of Col. Gibbings, of Monkstown, Cork, who survived him, but left no issue.

Rev. J. Bleakley died on the 5th of August, 1878, in his 72nd year.

1878. JOHN LINDSEY DARLING, who had been Curate of the parish from 1876, was appointed R. Ballymodan, per mortem Bleakley.

Darling became R. Kinsale in 1881. 1881. JOHN ROBERT PORTE, M.A., R. Ballymodan, vice Darling.

J. R. Porte, born in Dublin, 9 Sept., 1849; fourth son of the late George Porte, M.R.I.A., F .R.G.S.I., c.E., of L ands­town Lodge, Co. Dublin; T.C.D., B.A. 1874; M.A. 1878; B.D. and D.D. 1890'

tWas ordained Deacon in 1875, and Priest 1876, both at Kilmore. Was Curate of Kilkeevan, Co. Roscommon, 1875-77; Curate of St. Luke's, Cork, 1877-79'

School Inspectm-, dio. Cork, Cloyne and Ross, 1879-81. Married H enrietta, youngest dau. of Andrew Scott, of Castle­

rea, and has issue-George Ernest (deceased); Cedric Charles, Cyril John, Lieut. R .N.; Harold; Monica Vera; Leonie Sybil Edith.

Dr. Porte lieSligned Ballymodan in 1890, and wept to London, where he became Vicar of St. Matthew's, Denmark Hill, diD. Rochester, which appointment he still holds.

1890' EDWARD ROBERT EMERSON, R. Ballymodan, vice Porte. The church popularion of the parish is about 700, St. Peter's, Ballymodan, Bandon, is one of the finest churches ,

in the South of Ireland. It was consecrated in, 1849, and has undergone continual improvement since then.

On the fiftieth anniversary of its consecration, 30th August, 1899, a commemoration serviCe' was held, at which laI'ge numbers of clergy and people were present.

The many features of interest in this fine church are too numerous to detail fully. Many improvements have been made in recent times, and largely through the influence of the present Incumbent. Amongst these may be mentioned-the chancel greatly beautified by having its entire floor laid in

' .

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mosaic of chased design, the gift of the late Capt. Pigott Beamish, of Queenstown. It is approached by three red marble steps. The brass Communion rails, and the mosaic of the sanctuary fioor, are memorials of Jas. Moriarty, of Flora­ville. The" Eagle " lectern, which is th,e gift of the late Miss Agnes E. Emerson, sister of the present R ector, is a beautiful specimen of English bras,s wo'rk. It is a memorial of her father, Revd. George Emerson. It stands on a broad plat­form of red marble. Two new prayer desks, of carved oak, have been recently placed in the chancel1 and new stalls of oak erected therein. T he backs of these stalls are lined with old oak panels, which were taken out of a pre-Reformation Church in England. Their antiquity and quaint carving make thern a unique feature of the church. They were presented by the Countess of Bandon. The sanctuary walls have been arcaded with Caen stone and varied-coloured marble slabs, with red marble columns, all from Irish quarries" and contain sedilia of red marble, and a reredos of three panels of gold moSaics. This beautiful work was the gift of the Countess of Bandon, whose family have been the chief benefactors to the sacred edifice, as a memorial of her father, George, seventh Baron Carbery; also two beautiful panels of gold and coloured mosaics, with inscription, on the side of window, as a memorial of her father and mother.

The pulpit is deserving of particular notice, as it is a beautiful structure of Caen stone, with marble and alabaster in pillarets, adorned with agates and Derbyshire spar. It is octagonal, with two storeys of arches. It was erected by sub­scription as a memo,rial of the late Honourable and Rt. Revd. Charles Broderick Bernard, D.D" Lord Bishop of Tuam. The design of this pulpit has been copied by the Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem for his cathedral there. This, and other improvements, are the design of J. F. Fuller, Esq., F.S.A., of Dublin. The church contains many handsome marble monu­ments 0'£ the Bernards, H ewitts, H oners, Hayes, S'weeny, Guest, and other families; also many beautiful stained glass windows, memorials of the Sealys of R ichmount, Clerkes, Moriartys, and others. The fine east window is to the memory of Francis1 third Earl of Bandon. There are numerous mural tablets, and in the church have been placed tl:e old colours of the" South Cork Lt. Infantry Militia" (now 3rd Batt. Royal Munster F usiliers) . above a painted window, presented by the officers of that regiment.

There are memorial windows to John Clarke and J?mes

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Moriarty, prominent and active members of the Church Build­ing Committee in 1849 j to Lord Kinalmeaky, Governor of Bandon, who was killed at the battle 0'£ Liscarmll j to .Phane Becher, the founder of Bandon j to Sir Richard Cox, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, a Bandon m1aIli j and others. The QlIgan has been recently enlarged, and is no\v a remarkably fine in­strument. The church tower contains a peal of six peculiarly sweet-toned bells, which were presented by the Countess of Bandon, and a clock, with chimes, ,"hich is a memorial of the H on. Col. Wm. Smith Bernard, M.P. for Bandon.

The silver Communion plate of Ballymodan Church is very old and valuable. T here are two large fla.gons, and a paten, of early sixteenth century. The Vestry Records and Regis· ters go back to 1689, and have been carefully kept.

Divine Service is held in Ballymodan Church on Sundays and chief festivals at 11.30 and 6 j and on Wednesdays at 11.30 j and on F ridays at 8 p.rn. Holy Communion on Sundays and festivals, after Morning Service j and on third Sunday at 8 a.m.

Through the influence . of Dr. Emerson, a chapel has been fitted up in the Bandon Union Workhouse, with all arrange­ments and requi.sites for Divin,e Worship, which is held there every Sunday at 3.15 p .m. Holy Communion, at 10 a.m., on chief festival s.

The parish is under diocesan scheme. There are a R ector and Curate. There is a partial endowment of £85 per annum. The

assessment is £250, and stipend of Rector, £ 300. There is also a salary of £25 for Wmkhouse Chaplaincy. The present Incumbent receives a "good service" pension.

T he late Mrs. Frances Moriarty, of Floraville, Bandon, bequeathed a sum of £ 250 to the sustentation fund of this parish, and £ 100 to th.e Boys' National School on Cavendish Quay.

The Parochial Schools are-Boys' School, having 60 boys on roll j Curraharahane School, ha,ving an attendance of 40 boys j and the Shannon Street Girls' School, which has 90 girl s on the roll. All these are under National Board.

Among the parochial organizations are-Bible Class, Bell­ringers' Guild, Mission Work Guild, Church Workers' Guild, G. F . S. , mana.ged by the Countess of Bandon, to which about 120 members belong j also a Clothing Club, and a P arish Library, founded and maintained by Lady Bandon.

T here is a good Glebe H ouse, built during the Incumbency


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of Revd. Dr. J. R. Porte, by money raised by subscription, aided by a sum of £700 borrowed from Board of Works, the greater part of which debt has been cleared off since Dr. Emerson's appointment. There is about one and a half acres of land.

Edward Robert Emerson, b. at Bandon, 1st January, 1838; son of the Revd. George Emerson, whose family was one of the original settlers of Bandonz where they have resided for over three centuries. Of this family carne Ralph Waldo Emerson, the eminent American author.

Edward Robert Emerson was educated at the " Devonshire " Endowed School, Bandon. T.C.D., B.A., 1861; M.A. 1873; B.D. 1874; D.D. 1876; Div. Test. Ordained Deacon 1801, and Priest 1862, both at Cork. Curate of Fanlobbus, 1861-65; R. St. Edmund's, 1865-90; Canon of Holy Trinity, in St. Fin Barre's Ca.thedral, Cork, 1884; Treasurer of Cork, 18Y9; Rural Dean of Kinalea Ultra, 1884; Chaplain to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland since 1891 ; Chaplain to the Ead of Bandon; Select Preacher to the University of Dublin, 19°1-2; Member of Diocesan Councilz apd of General Synod; Hon. Sec. to Bishop Blyth, Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem. Became Precentor of Cork in May, 1902.

He married Anne Letitia, daJU. of the late William Roberts, of Abbeyville Park, Co. Dublin. Dr. Emerson is the author of Single SerrIlbns and Lectures on "St. Athanasius," de­livered before the Cork Y.M.A., at the request of the late Lord Primate, Most Revd. Dr. Gregg.

Curate of Bal1ymo~dan in 1901, Revd. Dallas Ennis, B.A. He was appointed a chaplain to H. M. Forces in May, 1902:

In 1902, a very beautiful and artistic tablet, of, Italian mosaic, was placed in the chancel of Ballymodan Church by Lady Mary Aldworth, to the memory of her husband, which bears the following inscription: - " To God's glory, and in memory of Colonel Richard William Aldworth, who served his Queen and country. Born Jan. 31st, 1825. Was in the 1st Batt. 7th Fusiliers during the Crimean war, and commlanded that Batrt:alion in India from 1857 to 1862. Married in this Church, on July 30th, 1863, Mary Catherine Henrietta, eldest daughter of Francis, thiJrd Earl of Bandon. Died at his home, Newmarket Court, in this County, Feb. II, 1899. I, Mary C. H. Aldworth, his widow, have here placed in God's House tlus reC01'd to the loving memory of a Christian and a Soldier."

She has placed a somewhat similar tablet in the church of Clonfert (Newmarket).

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[That is, "the town (land) of the Shrubbery." It was formerly called also, "Crossinhare."]

1854. Dec. 21. SAMUEL BUTCHER, D.D., R. Ballymoney (Brady). Dr. Butcher was at the same time lZegius Professor of

Divinity in T.C.D. He was son of Vice-Admiral Samuel Butcher, by Elizabeth

Anne, eldest dau. of Richard H erbert, ,of Cahemane, Co. Kerry. H e grad. B.A., T.C.D., in 1834; M.A. in 1838; and D.D. in 1849; was a Sch. of T.C.D. in 1832; Fellow in 1837 ; Professor of Ecd. Hist. in 1850; and Regius Prof. of Divinity in 1852. He was ordained Deacon in 1839, and Priest in 1840. He became Bishop of Meath in 1866, and terminated his life by suicide on the 29th July, 1876.

He was the 90th Bishop of Meath. 1866. ACHILLES DAUNT (Brady, Rincurran), R. Ballymoney, vice

Butcher. Daunt held the parish only three months, when he ex­

changed with the R evd. Paulus JEmilius Singer fo'r the parish of Stackallen, in Meath.

Daunt became Dean of Co,rk in 1875 (vide St. Fin Barre's). 1867. PAULUS JEMILIUS SINGER, R. Ballyrrroney, vice Daunt.

Paulus JEm~lius Singer, b . 12 October, 1832; son of the Most Revd. Jo\Seph Henderson Singer, D.D. , Lord Bishop of Meath, by his wife, a dau. of Rev. Henry Crofton. T.C.D., Sch., 1853; Reg. Prof. Div., PrerI1J. Extra, entitling to Div. Test., 1854; B.A. (Jun. Mod. ,Classics), 1855; M.A., 1858. Ordained Deaoon, 1855, at Tnam, for Meath; and Priest 1857, at Chester. Curate of T attenhall, Cheshire, 1855-57; Chap­lain to Bishop of Meath, 1857-66; R. of Stackallen, Co. Meath, 1858-67.

He married, in 1860, Cherry, eldest daughter of Sir J. Napier, Bart.

Singer, having endowed the parish of Ballymoney, resigned in 1871. He then became Chaplain of Kreuz Strasse Church, Dresden, 1871-72; at Hyeres, 1872-81; Rector of Swalcliffe, Kent, 1881-83; Chaplain at Lausanne, 1883-88. H e then

, retired, owing to ill health, and he died OIl! 24 Oct., 1901. 1871. HORACE TOWNSEND FLEMING (Brady, St. Michaell's), R.

Ballyrrroney, vice Singer. Fleming became R. Cloyne in 1878.

1878. ARTHUR DAVID MACNAMARA, R. Ballyrrroney, vice Fleming.

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The church population is. about 160. Dissenters number about 30.


The Parish Church (dedicated to St. Paul), is a large one, Early English style,consec:rated in 1849. A new bell was hung in 1887. The old ohurchyard, in which stand the ruins of the ancient parish church, being much cmwded by burials, an addition was consecrated in 1890.

Divine.Service is held on Sundays and festivals, at 12 noon and 6.30' H oly Communion every Sunday and festivals. There is also a Service in Ballinacarriga Schoolhouse on alternate Sundays, at 4 p.m.

By the liberality of R ev. P . }E. Singer, the parish is fully endowed with an income of £250 a year for the Rector.

The present Incumbent holds a "good service" pension." There is a, good Parochial School, under National Board.

Average attendance, about 40. Among the parochial organizations are-Churchmen's

Parochial Union, Branch of G. F. S., Work Meeting in con­nection ,vith C. M. S., etc.

There is ru fine Glebe H ouse, erected during the Incumbency of Dr. Butcher, with 14 ac:res of glebe land, at a rent of about £45 to R. C. B. There is also a portion held from the E arl of Bandon.

Arthur David Macnamara, b . in Dublin, 1st November, 1832. Educated at Royal Schoo,l, Cavan, and Elphin Diocesan School. T.C.D., B.A., 1854, and Div. Test. Ordained, 30 Nov., 1855, for curacy of Tullarrwre, dio. Meath. Served as Assistant Chaplain of Bethesda, Dublin, in 1857; Sec. Ch, Ed. Socy .. 1860 j Sec. of Irish Soc.iety, 1861. Incumbent of Episcopal Free Church (St. John's), Cork, 1863-78; Canon of St. Fin Barre's Cathedral, 1878 j Treasurer of Cork, 1897.

H e married, in 1856, a dau. of William Crawford, of Ros­common, and had issue three children. Married, secondl y, in 1864, a dau. of J. H. Hardy, M.D., A.M.D., by whom he had issue eleven children. Hi~ son, Gerald Hardy, B.A., is now R ector of Doneraile, Cloyne (q. v.); and his son, L ewis, B.A., was oll'dained on 24th February, 1902, in St. Luke's Church, Cork, by the Bishop of Cork, fOil' the curacy ot Killoughy, dio. Meath- H e is the author of some excellent Irish stories, "Blind Larry," "Irish Idylls," etc. , and is a con­tributor to leading periodicals.

Treasurer Macnamalffi died at Ballymoney on the. 19th of Mav, 1899, and was buried at Douglas.

H e was an able sch,olar, and a learned theologian, and was


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the author of many excellent theological articles in maga­zines, etc..

1899. June 27. GEORGE WHITE HEALY, B.D., R . Ballymoney, per mortem Macnru:rm<ra.

Healy became R. Fanlobbus in June, 1900. .1900. July 20. ANDREW CRAIG ROBINSON, R . Ballymoney, vice

Healy. Andrew Craig Robinson, second son of Richard Bell Robin­

son, of Cork, by his wife, Margaret Anne, dau. of Capt. James Montgomery Blair, 99th Regt., by his wife, Sarah, dau. of John Wynne, Lieut. 46th Regt., of Kilmacowen, Co. Sligo, by his wife, Frances, dau. of Arthur Nicholson, of Castle Baldwin, Co. Sligo. Lieut. Wynne, in 1765, wc,s serving in the war against the French in America, but left the army when he married, and was apPOointed to the Collectorship of Customs in Sligo. He died in 1807. H e was son of Lieut.-Col. John Wynne, M.P., who, .as a captain in the 5th Dragoons, served several campaigns in Flanders, under Marlborough. Colonel Wynne represented the Borough of Castlebar in Parliam.ent from 1727 till his death in 1747, at which time he waslieut.-col. of the Royal Irish Dragoons. Richard Bell Robinson, agent to the Bank of Ireland at Cork, was grandson Oof Patrick Robinson, of Dromore, Co. D Oown, by his wife, Mary, dau. of John Knox, of Maze House~ Co. Down. His eldest son, Richard Samuel Owen Robinson, of South sea, Hants, married the great-great-granddau. of this John Knox, H emietta, dau. of Alexander Knox, of Clontarf, and sister of Rev. Alex. Knox, R. Doneraile (q. v.)

Rev. A. C. Robinson gJ'ad. B.A., T.C.D., in 1860; M.A. 1865. Ordained for curacy of Kinsale, 18 Dec., 1892, which he held till 1900.

He married, 20 July, 1876, Emily Anna, dau. of Thomas Jones, barrister-at-law, of Donnybrook, Douglas, Cork, by his wife, Deborah Amelia, dau. of Isaac T yndall, of Dub)in, and has issue surviving four sons-Montgom.ery Blair, Thomas Jones, Rich ard Arthur Wynne, Esme Stuart L ennooc, and a daughter, Eleanme Elizabeth.

Revd. A. C. Robinson is a contributor to literature as a writer in reviews, the" Church of Ireland Gazette," etc., chiefly on subjects connected with Biblical Archreology and CriticisIIll; and is the autho·r of an admirable" Handbook tOo St. Fin Barre's Cathedral, Historical and Descriptive" (Guy and Co., Cork, 1897), to which I am indebted fnr information relating to the Deans of Cork, etc.


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Among the Communion plate in Ballymoney Church is a chalice, bearing the following inscription-" Ex dono Hellenre, uxoris Antony S awell, Gen., ob. mort. August 9th, 1632." Also a silver paten, having the foUOowing inscriptions--on top: "Bally­money Church, 1855"; on under side: "Rev. Samuel Butcher, D.D., Rector." "Rev. William R. Mangan, A.B., Curate."

A mem()['ial pulpit of carved oak has been presented to the ohurch, on which are the follOowing inscriptions-" TOo the glory of God, and in loving memory of Daniel Conner, of Manch; born 1798, died 1880, and of Elizabeth Longfield, his wife, born 1800, died 1892. Also of Daniel, their eldest son, born 1823, died 1896. St. John xi., 25. This pulpit is erected, 1901, by ,the surviving children of both Daniel Conners, and by Patience Conner, widow of the latter." A prayer desk, of carved oak, similar in design, was presentecl at the same time by the parishioner:s.

On the 26th of November, 1902, a service was held in Ballymoney Church, at which the Lord Bishop dedicated a beautiful piece of panelling Oof carved oak, on the east end of the chancel, having on one panel this inscription,.-" To the glory of God, and in loving memory of the generous benefactor who endowed this parish, the Rev. Paulus lEmilius Singer, Rector of Ballyrrroney, 1867 to 1871, died 24th October, 1901, this panelling is erected by grateful parishioners and friends, 1902."


[In the "Taxation of Pope Nicholas" (1291), it is called "Bryn," probably from "Brerutnach~" or ", Bl!innach," that is "the British district."]

It is a union, consisting of the parishes of Brinny and Knocka­villy, and a part of :Dundenow, north of the railway.

1861. Oct. 17. JAMES STEVENSON, A.M., R. and V. Brinny, vacant by the death of Gem:ge Burrowes (Brady).

George Burrowes was bOom in Dublin on 1st of January, 1800. He was son of the Very Revd. Robert Burrowes, F.T.C.D., Dean of Cm:k, by his wife, Catherine Grierson. He grad. B.A. T.C.D. in 1821 ; M.A. in 1833. He was Oordained Deacon on 21st Dec., 1823, and Priest loth April, 1825, both at Cloyne. On the lIth Feb., 1824, he was licensed to be Reader and Residentiary Preacher of St. Fin Barre's Cathedral, which post he held for 27 years, till, in 1850, he became R. V.