College Credit Card Agreements - Consumer Financial Protection

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College Credit Card Agreements


Table of Contents

1. Purpose.................................................................................................... 4

2. Introduction ............................................................................................. 5

3. Overview of College Card Agreements ................................................. 7

3.1 Credit Card Issuers ........................................................................... 7

3.2 College Card Agreements ................................................................ 9

3.3 Institutions of Higher Education, Affiliated Organizations, and Other Organizations ....................................................................... 11

3.4 Open College Credit Card Accounts ............................................... 12

4. Detailed Information About College Credit Card Agreements .......... 20

Appendix A: ................................................................................................. 22

College Credit Card Agreements in Effect in 2011 ................................. 22

Appendix B: ................................................................................................. 61

College Credit Card Agreements Terminated in 2010 ............................ 61


Appendix C: ................................................................................................. 67

Corrected Information Regarding College Credit Card Agreements ...... 67


1. Purpose The Credit CARD Act requires the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) to submit

to Congress, and to make available to the public, an annual report that lists information

submitted to the Bureau concerning agreements between credit card issuers and institutions of

higher education or certain affiliated organizations.a Affiliated organizations include

fraternities, sororities, alumni associations, or foundations affiliated with or related to an

institution of higher education. As this report demonstrates, the majority of college credit card

agreements are between issuers and affiliated organizations.

This is the third annual report pursuant to this provision of the Credit CARD Act. The first two

reports were submitted by the Federal Reserve Board. Pursuant to Title X of the Dodd-Frank

Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, responsibility for collecting and

submitting to Congress annual reports regarding college credit card agreements transferred

from the Federal Reserve Board to the CFPB on July 21, 2011.

a The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (the “CFPB”) submits this report in accordance with

Section 305 of the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 (the “Credit

CARD Act”), Pub. L. No. 111–24, 123 Stat. 1734 (2009). Section 305(a).


2. Introduction Credit card issuers are requiredb to submit to the CFPB each year the terms and conditions of

any college credit card agreement that was in effect at any time during the preceding calendar

year between the issuer and an institution of higher education, an alumni organization, or a

foundation affiliated with an institution of higher education (an “affiliated organization”).c

Issuers are also required to submit the following information with respect to each agreement:

(1) the number of credit card accounts covered by the agreement (“college credit card

accounts”) that were open at year-end (regardless of when the account was opened); (2) the

amount of payments made by the issuer to the institution or organization during the year;d (3)

the number of new college credit card accounts covered by the agreement that were opened

during the year; and 4) any Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the issuer and

institution or affiliated organization that directly or indirectly relates to any aspect of the


b See Section 305 of the Credit CARD Act and the CFPB’s implementing regulations, which were

promulgated by the Federal Reserve Board and restated by the Bureau in December 2011, 12 C.F.R.

§ 1026.57(d).

c In some cases, issuers submitted to the Bureau agreements with other types of organizations, such as

fraternities, sororities, and professional or trade organizations that relate to the issuance of credit cards

to college students. Such agreements are included in this report and categorized as agreements with

“other organizations.”

d All payments included in this report are rounded to the nearest dollar.


Issuers were required to make their third annual submission by April 30, 2012. This

submission comprised college credit card agreements to which the issuer was a party during

2011 and information regarding payments and accounts as of December 31, 2011.

This report is based on the information and agreements submitted to the CFPB by credit card

issuers. Because some agreements address the provision of other financial products (such as

deposit accounts) as well as credit cards, payments made by issuers under these agreements

may not relate solely to credit card accounts. In addition, some or all of the accounts opened

pursuant to these agreements may have been opened by individuals who are not students (such

as alumni, faculty, and staff of an institution of higher education). Furthermore, card issuers’

submissions do not include information regarding credit card accounts opened by students

independent of a college credit card agreement (such as when a student responds to an offer

made to the general public). The CFPB also notes that, because issuers were required to submit

all college credit card agreements to which they were a party at any time during 2011, issuers’

submissions may include agreements that terminated in 2011 or 2012 and therefore are no

longer in effect.

Information included in this report also is available on the Bureau’s public website at



3. Overview of College Card Agreements

As presented in Table 1, the CFPB received 798 college credit card agreements from 21 credit

card issuers for 2011. Only the number of issuers increased from 2009 to 2011. The number of

agreements, total number of college card accounts open at year-end, amount of payments by

issuers, and number of new college credit card accounts opened during the year all declined

over this period.


Item 2011 2010 2009 Net Change 2009 to 2011

Percent Change 2009 to 2011

Number of issuers 21 22 18 3 17%

Agreements in effect 798 1,005 1,045 -247 -24%

Total accounts open at year-end 1,503,447 1,709,054 2,041,511 -538,064 -26%

Payments by issuers $62,428,278 $73,459,987 $84,462,767 -$22,034,489 -13%

New accounts opened 43,010 46,385 55,747 -12,737 -23%

3.1 Credit Card Issuers Twenty-one issuers submitted agreements for 2011, a decrease of 1 issuer from 2010. First

National Bank of Omaha terminated its 2 agreements in 2010, which were with Creighton

University and Wayne State College.



Credit card issuer Agreements in effect in 2011

Total open accounts as of 12/31/2011

Payments by issuer in 2011

New accounts opened in 2011

FIA Card Services, N.A. 633 1,260,973 $44,686,687 23,103

U.S. Bank National Association ND

51 56,521 $1,492,648 2,892

Capital One, N.A. 31 3,246 $1,019,932 3,250

UMB Bank, N.A. 25 373 $10,310 94

Chase Bank USA, N.A. 17 95,910 $7,698,583 157

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

13 3,236 $270 54

INTRUST Bank, N.A. 9 27,364 $1,977,580 1,027

Compass Bank 3 3 $350,000 3

USAA Savings Bank 2 958 $161,490 1,029

GE Money Bank 2 840 $1,525,533 43

Michigan State University Federal Credit Union

2 1,438 $435,000 1,180

Banco Popular de Puerto Rico

1 17,122 $77,799 442

Elevations Credit Union 1 2,579 $3,752 143

Carolina Trust 1 64 $558 39

Capital One Bank (USA), N.A.

1 4 $107 0

University of Illinois Employees Credit Union

1 4,222 $750,000 3,452

PNC Bank, N.A. 1 1,617 $200,000 16

USC Credit Union 1 184 $38,000 83

Purdue Federal Credit Union

1 17,919 $1,000,000 2,877

Pen Air Federal Credit Union

1 29 $29 0

Barclays Bank Delaware 1 8,845 $1,000,000 3,126

Total 798 1,503,447 $62,428,278 43,010

As in 2009 and 2010, FIA Card Services, N.A. (“FIA”), a subsidiary of Bank of America

Corporation, submitted the most agreements. FIA submitted 633 agreements, which was

nearly 80% of all agreements submitted in 2011. US Bank, N.A. (“US Bank”) and Capital One,


N.A. (“Capital One”) submitted the second and third most, respectively, with 51 and 31

agreements. Chase Bank USA, N.A. (“Chase”), which in 2009 and 2010 had the second highest

number of agreements, now ranks fifth, with 17 agreements.

3.2 College Card Agreements As presented in Table 3, issuers submitted 798 college card agreements for 2011, a decrease of

207 agreements—approximately 21 percent—relative to 2010.

3.2.1 New Agreements in 2011 While the total number of college card agreements declined from 2010 to 2011, issuers added

26 new agreements in 2011. Capital One entered into 22 new agreements in 2011, more than

doubling its 2010 total number of college card agreements.

3.2.2 Agreements Terminated in 2010 As Table 3 also shows, 207, or approximately 23 percent, of the 1,005 college card agreements

in effect during 2010 were terminated at or before year-end 2010. A complete list of these

agreements is included in Appendix B of this report. The issuer with the largest number of

agreements terminated was FIA, with 216, or approximately 25 percent of FIA’s total

agreements in 2010, terminated. FIA’s total accounted for 93% of all agreements terminated in



Credit card issuer Agreements in effect in 2010

Agreements terminated in 2010

New agreements in 2011

Agreements in effect in 2011

Net change from 2010 to 2011

FIA Card Services, N.A. 848 216 1 633 -215

U.S. Bank National Association ND

54 3 0 51 -3

Chase Bank USA, N.A. 28 11 0 17 -11

UMB Bank, N.A. 23 0 2 25 2

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

13 0 0 13 0


Credit card issuer Agreements in effect in 2010

Agreements terminated in 2010

New agreements in 2011

Agreements in effect in 2011

Net change from 2010 to 2011

Capital One, N.A. 9 0 22 31 22

INTRUST Bank, N.A. 9 0 0 9 0

Michigan State University Federal Credit Union

2 0 0 2 0

PNC Bank, N.A. 2 1 0 1 -1

Compass Bank 2 0 1 3 1

USAA Savings Bank 2 0 0 2 0

First National Bank of Omaha

2 2 0 0 -2

GE Money Bank 2 0 0 2 0

Elevations Credit Union 1 0 0 1 0

Barclays Bank Delaware 1 0 0 1 0

Pen Air Federal Credit Union

1 0 0 1 0

Carolina Trust 1 0 0 1 0

University of Illinois Employees Credit Union

1 0 0 1 0

Capital One Bank (USA), N.A.

1 0 0 1 0

USC Credit Union 1 0 0 1 0

Purdue Federal Credit Union

1 0 0 1 0

Banco Popular de Puerto Rico

1 0 0 1 0

Total 1,005 233 26 798 -207


3.2.3 Terminated in 2011 As shown in Table 4, 224 of the agreements in effect during 2011 were terminated before

January 1, 2012.e The issuer with the largest number of terminated agreements in 2011 was

FIA, with 221. Given that the number of terminated agreements continues to strongly outpace

the number of new agreements being created, we expect the total number of agreements in

effect in 2012 to continue to decline.


Credit card issuer Agreements terminated in 2011

FIA Card Services, N.A. 221

Chase Bank USA, N.A. 2

Compass Bank 1

Total 224

3.3 Institutions of Higher Education, Affiliated Organizations, and Other Organizations

As presented in Table 5, approximately 42 percent of college card agreements in effect in 2011

were between an issuer and an alumni association affiliated with an institution of higher

education. An additional 33 percent were between a credit card issuer and an institution of

e Table 4 reflects the number of agreements that were in effect at some point in 2011 but were

terminated prior to the end of the year. These agreements will thus not be in effect at any point in 2012.

Table 3 and Appendix B report agreements that were terminated in 2010, and thus were not in effect at

any point in 2011.


higher education. Approximately 18 percent were between a credit card issuer and other

organization affiliated with an institution of higher education, just fewer than 7 percent of

agreements in effect were between issuers and foundations, and less than 1 percent of

agreements were between an issuer and multiple organizations.f


Type of institution or organization

Agreements in effect in 2011

Total open accounts: 12/31/2011

Payments by issuer in 2011

New accounts opened in 2011

Alumni Associations 337 880,528 $38,060,431 28,988

Institutions of higher education

260 294,774 $14,480,459 7,554

Other organizations 145 210,852 $4,896,367 4,120

Foundations 54 102,135 $4,091,021 2,241

Multiple institutions and organizations

2 15,158 $900,000 107

Total 798 1,503,447 $62,428,278 43,010

3.4 Open College Credit Card Accounts As presented in Table 6, the total number of open college credit card accounts at year-end

declined from 2009 to 2011 by approximately 26 percent. While some issuers had increased

numbers of open accounts at year-end 2011, these increases were offset by larger declines

experienced by other issuers.

f For example, an agreement to which both a university and that university’s affiliated alumni

association were parties.



Credit card issuer Total open accounts: 12/31/2011

Total open accounts: 12/31/2010

Total open accounts: 12/31/2009

Net change 2009 to 2011

Percent change 2009 to 2011

FIA Card Services, N.A. 1,260,973 1,445,088 1,605,969 -344,996 -21%

Chase Bank USA, N.A. 95,910 120,295 217,917 -122,007 -56%

U.S. Bank National Association ND

56,521 48,644 122,163 -65,642 -54%

INTRUST Bank, N.A. 27,364 31,608 33,913 -6,549 -19%

Purdue Federal Credit Union

17,919 16,358 14,176 3,743 26%

Banco Popular de Puerto Rico

17,122 22,131 22,659 -5,537 -24%

Barclays Bank Delaware 8,845 6,740 5,771 3,074 53%

University of Illinois Employees Credit Union

4,222 771 0 4,222 -

Capital One, N.A. 3,246 44 0 3,246 -

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

3,236 9,121 9,349 -6,113 -65%

Elevations Credit Union 2,579 2,053 2,408 171 7%

PNC Bank, N.A. 1,617 2,444 3,218 -1,601 -50%

Michigan State University Federal Credit Union

1,438 210 275 1,163 423%

USAA Savings Bank 958 1,289 539 419 78%

GE Money Bank 840 978 1,484 -644 -43%

UMB Bank, N.A. 373 418 232 141 61%

USC Credit Union 184 104 0 184 -

Carolina Trust FCU 64 25 0 64 -

Pen Air Federal Credit Union

29 0 0 29 -

Capital One Bank (USA), N.A.

4 4 0 4 -

Compass Bank 3 0 0 3 -

Commerce Bank, N.A. 0 0 376 -376 -100%

First National Bank of Omaha

0 729 1,062 -1,062 -100%

Total 1,503,447 1,709,054 2,041,511 -538,064 -26%


3.4.1 Largest Numbers of Open Accounts at Year-End Table 7 presents the 10 college card agreements with the largest number of open accounts as of

December 31, 2011. These 10 agreements represent approximately 20 percent of all open

college credit card accounts as of December 31, 2011.

The 7 agreements with the largest number of open accounts at year end 2011 (all issued by FIA)

were also the top 7 in 2010. Banco Popular de Puerto Rico’s agreement with the University of

Puerto Rico moved from having the eighth most open accounts in 2010 to the fourteenth most

open accounts as of year-end 2011. As a result, FIA is now the only issuer with agreements

among the top 10 largest number of open accounts as of year-end 2011.


Institution or organization Credit card issuer Total open accounts: 12/31/2011

Total open accounts: 12/31/2010

Rank as of 12/31/2010

Penn State Alumni Association

FIA Card Services, N.A. 65,955 70,060 1

Golden Key International

Honour Societyg FIA Card Services, N.A. 33,775 36,024 2

Alumni Association of the University of Michigan

FIA Card Services, N.A. 33,773 35,840 3

Association of Former Students of Texas AM University

FIA Card Services, N.A. 32,585 34,507


The Ex Students Association of The University of Texas

FIA Card Services, N.A. 30,133 31,748


Indiana University Alumni Association

FIA Card Services, N.A. 25,763 26,887 6

g Golden Key International Honour Society (“Golden Key”) describes itself as “an academic honor

society which recognizes and encourages scholastic achievement and excellence among college and

university students from all academic disciplines” (see

www.goldenkey.org/GKIHS/GoldenKeyInDepth/WhatisGoldenKey). Golden Key’s agreement with FIA

provides for the issuance of credit cards to college students.


Institution or organization Credit card issuer Total open accounts: 12/31/2011

Total open accounts: 12/31/2010

Rank as of 12/31/2010

UCLA Alumni Association FIA Card Services, N.A. 25,309 26,505 7

Wisconsin Alumni Association

FIA Card Services, N.A. 20,205 21,462 9

University of Southern California

FIA Card Services, N.A. 19,512 20,580 12

The University of Georgia Foundation

FIA Card Services, N.A. 19,448 20,580 11

Total - 306,458 324,193 -

3.4.2 Payments by Credit Card Issuers As presented in Table 8, the total amount of payments made by issuers to institutions and

organizations under college credit card agreements declined from 2009 to 2011 by

approximately 26 percent.


Credit card issuer Payments by issuer: 12/31/2011

Payments by issuer: 12/31/2010

Payments by issuer: 12/31/2009

Net change 2009 to 2011

Percent change 2009 to 2011

FIA Card Services, N.A. $44,686,687 $55,597,361 $61,968,307 -$17,281,620 -28%

Chase Bank USA, N.A. $7,698,583 $9,175,575 $13,892,863 -$6,194,280 -45%

INTRUST Bank, N.A. $1,977,580 $1,977,580 $1,781,180 $196,400 11%

GE Money Bank $1,525,533 $1,525,678 $1,725,816 -$200,283 -12%

U.S. Bank National Association ND

$1,492,648 $1,875,994 $2,502,744 -$1,010,096 -40%

Capital One, N.A. $1,019,932 $218 - $1,019,932 -

Barclays Bank Delaware $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 0%

Purdue Federal Credit Union

$1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 0%

University of Illinois Employees Credit Union

$750,000 $500,000 - $750,000 -


Credit card issuer Payments by issuer: 12/31/2011

Payments by issuer: 12/31/2010

Payments by issuer: 12/31/2009

Net change 2009 to 2011

Percent change 2009 to 2011

Michigan State University Federal Credit Union

$435,000 $150,000 $60,000 $375,000 625%

Compass Bank $350,000 $198,000 $150,000 $200,000 133%

PNC Bank, N.A. $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $0 0%

USAA Savings Bank $161,490 $111,487 $84,530 $76,960 91%

Banco Popular de Puerto Rico

$77,799 $78,016 $58,729 $19,070 32%

USC Credit Union $38,000 $38,000 - $38,000 -

UMB Bank, N.A. $10,310 $14,975 $3,734 $6,576 176%

Elevations Credit Union $3,752 $3,950 $3,372 $380 11%

Carolina Trust FCU $558 $80 - $558 -

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

$270 $405 $7,375 -$7,105 -96%

Capital One Bank (USA), N.A.

$107 $233 $0 $107 -

Pen Air Federal Credit Union

$29 $0 - $29 -

Commerce Bank, N.A. - - $6,329 -$6,329 -100%

First National Bank of Omaha

- $12,433 $17,788 -$17,788 -100%

Total $62,428,278 $73,459,987 $84,462,767 -$22,034,489 -26%

3.4.3 Largest Payments by Credit Card Issuers Table 9 presents the 10 college credit card agreements with the largest payments made by the

credit card issuer in 2011. These 10 agreements represent approximately 24 percent of all

payments made by issuers pursuant to college card agreements in 2011.


Institution or organization Credit card issuer Issuers’ payments in 2011

Issuers’ payments in 2010

Rank as of 12/31/2010

Penn State Alumni Association

FIA Card Services, N.A. $2,742,743 $4,292,488 1


Institution or organization Credit card issuer Issuers’ payments in 2011

Issuers’ payments in 2010

Rank as of 12/31/2010

Alumni Association of the University of Michigan

FIA Card Services, N.A. $1,700,000 $1,600,000 3

University of Southern California

FIA Card Services, N.A. $1,502,250 $1,508,625 4

University of Tennessee Chase Bank USA, N.A. $1,428,571 $1,428,571 5

California Alumni Association

FIA Card Services, N.A. $1,353,825 $1,353,225 7

University of Arizona Alumni Association

FIA Card Services, N.A. $1,323,944 $709,984 8

General Alumni Assoc of Univ of N Carolina at Chapel Hill

FIA Card Services, N.A. $1,250,000 $1,250,000


The University of Georgia Foundation

FIA Card Services, N.A. $1,239,959 $1,307,086


Association of Former Students of Texas AM University

FIA Card Services, N.A. $1,206,156 $1,176,016


Yale University Chase Bank USA, N.A. $1,140,000 $1,140,000 13

Total - $14,887,448 $15,765,995 -

3.4.4 New College Credit Card Accounts As presented in Table 10, the total number of new college credit card accounts opened by all

issuers declined by approximately 23 percent. While some issuers opened a greater number of

new accounts in 2011 than 2010, more issuers experienced declines.


Credit card issuer New accounts opened in 2011

New accounts opened in 2010

New accounts opened in 2009

Net change 2009 to 2011

Percent change 2009 to 2011

FIA Card Services, N.A. 23,103 30,193 38,610 -15,507 -40%

University of Illinois Employees Credit Union

3,452 779 - 3,452 -

Capital One, N.A. 3,250 44 - 3,250 -


Credit card issuer New accounts opened in 2011

New accounts opened in 2010

New accounts opened in 2009

Net change 2009 to 2011

Percent change 2009 to 2011

Barclays Bank Delaware 3,126 1,625 1,326 1,800 136%

U.S. Bank National Association ND

2,892 6,990 7,911 -5,019 -63%

Purdue Federal Credit Union

2,877 2,642 2,374 503 21%

Michigan State University Federal Credit Union

1,180 48 76 1,104 1453%

USAA Savings Bank 1,029 1,541 539 490 91%

INTRUST Bank, N.A. 1,027 1,027 1,313 -286 -22%

Banco Popular de Puerto Rico

442 626 627 -185 -30%

Chase Bank USA, N.A. 157 236 529 -372 -70%

Elevations Credit Union 143 145 534 -391 -73%

UMB Bank, N.A. 94 186 31 63 203%

USC Credit Union 83 104 - 83 -

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

54 81 1,475 -1,421 -96%

GE Money Bank 43 66 77 -34 -44%

Carolina Trust FCU 39 25 - 39 -

PNC Bank, N.A. 16 23 323 -307 -95%

Compass Bank 3 0 0 3 -

Pen Air Federal Credit Union

0 0 - 0 -

Commerce Bank, N.A. - - 1 -1 -100%

First National Bank of Omaha

- 0 1 -1 -100%

Capital One Bank (USA), N.A.

0 4 0 0 -

Total 43,010 46,385 55,747 -12,737 -23%


3.4.5 Largest Number of New Accounts Opened Table 11 presents the 10 college card agreements with the largest number of new college card

accounts opened in 2011. These 10 agreements represent approximately 35 percent of all new

college credit card accounts opened during 2011.


Institution or organization Credit card issuer New accounts opened in 2011

New accounts opened in 2010

Rank as of 12/31/2010

University of Illinois Alumni Association

University of Illinois Employees Credit Union

3,452 779 5

Harvard Alumni Association Barclays Bank Delaware 3,126 1,625 2

Purdue Alumni Association Purdue Federal Credit Union

2,877 2,642 1

University of Notre Dame FIA Card Services, N.A. 1,185 1,005 4

Michigan State University Michigan State University Federal Credit Union

1,115 302 24

Auburn Spirit Foundation FIA Card Services, N.A. 787 377 19

Georgia Tech Alumni Association

Capital One, N.A. 684 151


Alumni Association of the University of Michigan

FIA Card Services, N.A. 618 508 13

Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society

FIA Card Services, N.A. 616 280 27

Association of Graduates of the United States Air Force Academy

USAA Savings Bank 581 1,396 3

Total - 15,041 9,065 -


4. Detailed Information About College Credit Card Agreements

Pursuant to Section 305 of the Credit CARD Act, Appendix A to this report lists the information

submitted to the CFPB regarding the payments made and accounts opened under college credit

card agreements. The complete text of each agreement submitted to the CFPB is available on

the Bureau’s public website at www.consumerfinance.gov.

Appendix A lists the following information about each college credit card agreement: (1) the

name of the institution or organization; (2) the type of institution or organization;h (3) the city

and state where the institution or organization is located; (4) the name of the issuer; (5)

h This report presents information regarding four categories of institutions or organizations. “University”

refers to an institution of higher education, as defined in sections 101 and 102 of the Higher Education

Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. § 1001 and 1002). “Alumni association” refers to an alumni organization affiliated

with an institution of higher education. “Foundation” refers to a foundation affiliated with an institution

of higher education. In some cases, issuers submitted to the CFPB agreements with other types of

organizations, such as fraternities, sororities, and professional or trade associations that relate to the

issuance of credit cards to college students. “Other” refers to such agreements with other types of



whether the agreement has been amended or is new;i (6) whether the agreement was still in

effect on January 1, 2012; (7) the total number of open accounts under the agreement as of

December 31, 2011; (8) the amount of payments made by the issuer to the institution or

organization pursuant to the agreement during 2011; and (9) the number of new accounts

opened pursuant to the agreement during 2011.

Appendix B to this report lists college credit card agreements that were in effect at some time

during 2010 but were terminated by year-end 2010. (Agreements terminated in 2011 are

included in Appendix A. These agreements are marked as no longer in effect on January 1,


In 2012, the CFPB received corrected information from INTRUST Bank, Compass Bank, and

Carolina Trust Federal Credit Union. INTRUST corrected the number of accounts open as of

year-end 2010 and 2009 for each of their agreements. Compass Bank corrected the amount

paid in 2010 to the affiliated institution for both of its agreements. Carolina Trust Federal

Credit Union entered into a new college card agreement in the 2010 that was not included in

the most recent report, but has been added here. Corrected information for 2009 and 2010 is

included in Appendix C to this report. All comparisons to 2009 and 2010 in this report reflect

these corrections.

i This report categorizes each agreement as “same,” “amended,” or “new.” “Same” refers to an agreement

that was in effect during 2010, the terms of which were not amended or modified during 2011.

“Amended” refers to an agreement that was in effect during 2010, the terms of which were amended or

modified during 2011. “New” refers to an agreement that was not in effect prior to 2011.



College Credit Card Agreements in Effect in 2011 The table below lists the information submitted to the CFPB regarding college credit card

agreements in effect during 2011. This table is organized alphabetically by name of the

institution or organization. The information below, as well as the complete text of each

agreement submitted to the CFPB, is available on the Bureau’s public website at:


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Abilene Christian University

University Abilene TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,459 $0 8

Academy of Art College University San Francisco CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 115 $494 0

Alabama A&M University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Normal AL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 203 $3,447 0

Alabama Huntsville Alumni Association

Huntsville Al

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 123 $0 15

Alabama State University

University Montgomery AL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 231 $2,257 0

Albany College of Pharmacy

University Albany NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 33 $233 0

Albany Law School University Albany NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 113 $1,377 0

Alcorn State University University Lorman MS FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 220 $1,579 0

Alfred State Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Alfred NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 321 $4,162 3

Alpha Chi National College Honor Scholarship Society

Other Searcy AR FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,347 $18,856 47

Alpha Chi Omega Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 1,734 $28,771 54


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Alpha Delta Pi Sorority Other Atlanta GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,549 $14,209 16

Alpha Epsilon Delta Other Harrisonburg VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 10 $70 0

Alpha Gamma Delta Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,214 $22,118 58

Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity

Other Kansas City MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 671 $20,000 5

Alpha Kappa Psi Other Indianapolis IN

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 301 $4,228 50

Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity

Other Rockville MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 69 $467 0

Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Inc

Other Brentwood TN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,222 $26,956 49

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc

Other Baltimore MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 398 $6,468 0

Alpha Phi Delta Foundation Inc

Foundation Monroeville PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 153 $2,294 1

Alpha Phi International Fraternity

Other Evanston IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,549 $40,000 39

Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority

Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 570 $25,000 21

Alpha Sigma Tau Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 228 $1,715 2

Alpha Tau Omega Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 233 $0 12

Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 920 $13,198 26

Alumnae Association of Smith College

Alumni Association

Northampton MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,892 $0 14

Alumni Association of Fashion Institute of Technology

Alumni Association

New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 57 $760 0

Alumni Association of George Mason University

Alumni Association

Fairfax VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,638 $73,539 82

Alumni Association of the City College of New York

Alumni Association

New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 598 $11,961 9

Alumni Association of the University of Michigan

Alumni Association

Ann Arbor MI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 33,773 $1,700,000 618

Alumni Association of the University of South Dakota

Alumni Association

Vermillion SD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,001 $9,736 10

Alumni Association of the University of Virginia

University Charlottesville VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 847 $56,457 281


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Alumni Association of the University of West Alabama

Alumni Association

Livingston AL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 141 $4,245 0

Alumni Association of Winthrop University

Alumni Association

Rock Hill SC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 302 $3,280 8

Alumni Association School of Medicine of Loma Linda University

Alumni Association

Loma Linda CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 166 $2,728 0

Alverno College University Milwaukee WI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 302 $3,867 2

American Association for Justice

Other Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 7,561 $230,039 46

American Association of University Professors

University Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,767 $22,298 10

American Chemical Society

Other Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 6,336 $236,215 47

American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians

Other Arlington Heights

IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 928 $27,093 0

American College of Sports Medicine

Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 453 $4,313 1

American Counseling Association

Other Alexandria VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 2,563 $36,971 106

American Design Drafting Association

Other Newbern TN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 33 $387 0

American Health Information Management Association

Other Chicago IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,518 $14,689 38

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc

Other Reston VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,071 $21,377 3

American Institute of Architecture Students

Other Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 72 $1,083 0

American Library Association

Other Chicago IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,018 $14,486 9

American Nuclear Society

Other La Grange Park

IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 445 $5,859 0

American Occupational Therapy Association

Other Bethesda MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 3,958 $89,265 56

American Society for Microbiology

Other Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 416 $5,214 0

American Society of Interior Designers Inc

Other Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,000 $27,447 12

American Society of Landscape Architects

Other Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 948 $17,067 18

American Society of Naval Engineers

Other Alexandria VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 156 $1,070 0

American Society of Safety Engineers

Other Des Plaines IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,416 $24,545 23

American Society of Women Accountants

Other Memphis TN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 246 $2,591 0


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

American University University Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,162 $13,817 10

American Veterinary Medical Association

Other Schaumburg IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 4,943 $170,865 372

Angelo State University Ex Students Association

Alumni Association

San Angelo TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 603 $12,113 2

Appalachian State University Foundation Inc

Foundation Boone NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,374 $55,000 63

Arcadia University University Glenside PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 359 $3,634 2

Arizona State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Tempe AZ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 8,719 $1,044,150 174

Arkansas Alumni Association Inc Razorback Fayetteville

Alumni Association

Fayetteville AR FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 4,186 $175,913 202

Arkansas State Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Jonesboro AR Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 0 $0 0

Arkansas Tech University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Russellville AR FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 304 $1,819 0

ASM International Other Materials Park OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 728 $16,554 0

Asociacion Alumni CAAM

Alumni Association

Mayaguez PR FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 5,141 $67,751 4

Asociacion de Exalumnos de la Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Rio Piedras

Alumni Association

San Juan PR FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 3,797 $44,257 2

Associated Alumnae and Alumni of the Sacred Heart

Alumni Association

St. Louis MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 692 $8,587 3

Associated Alumni of Adams State College

Alumni Association

Alamosa CO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 261 $2,187 0

Associated Students Incorporated California State University Long Beach

Other Long Beach CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 147 $541 20

Association for Computing Machinery

Other New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,055 $125,000 4

Association of Energy Engineers

Other Atlanta GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 310 $3,985 1

Association of Former Students of Texas AM University

Alumni Association

College Station TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 32,585 $1,206,156 315

Association of Graduates of the United States Air Force Academy

Alumni Association

Colorado Springs

CO USAA Savings Bank

Same Yes 548 $146,099 581


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Association of Information Technology Professionals

Other Park Ridge IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 580 $4,361 0

Assumption College University Worcester MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 136 $2,094 11

Auburn Spirit Foundation

Foundation Auburn AL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 14,449 $1,028,725 787

Auburn University at Montgomery Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Montgomery AL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 318 $5,085 5

Augusta State University Foundation Inc

Foundation Augusta GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 213 $1,824 3

Augustana College University Sioux Falls SD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 462 $8,954 3

Aurora University University Aurora IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 78 $526 3

Austin Peay State University National Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Clarksville TN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 119 $1,750 10

Averett University University Danville VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 163 $1,234 0

Babson College Alumni Association_Babson College

Alumni Association

Wellesley MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 589 $18,205 4

Ball State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Muncie IN Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Amended No 1,778 $0 0

Barnard College University New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 121 $1,489 3

Barton College University Wilson NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 124 $783 3

Baylor University Alumni Association

Waco TX

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 1,938 $32,093 56

Bellarmine College University Louisville KY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 140 $3,624 8

Belmont Abbey College University Belmont NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 150 $1,170 0

Belmont University University Nashville TN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 117 $584 0

Bemidji State University Alumni Association

Bemidji MN

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 275 $0 20

Benedictine University University Lisle IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 292 $4,315 0

Bennett College National Alumnae Association

Alumni Association

Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 63 $257 0

Berklee College of Music

University Boston MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 651 $9,296 5

Beta Alpha Psi Other Durham NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 649 $5,371 0


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Beta Gamma Sigma Inc Other Saint Louis MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,097 $37,640 81

Beta Theta Pi Other Oxford OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 299 $50,000 28

Bethel College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

North Newton KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 467 $11,183 11

Biola University University La Mirada CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 168 $1,399 2

Biomedical Engineering Society

Other Culver City CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 67 $680 0

BITSAA International Inc Alumni Association

Sunnyvale CA Capital One, N.A.

Same Yes 33 $2,011 4

Blackburn College University Carlinville IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 240 $1,480 0

Bloomsburg University Foundation Bloomsburg PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 2,302 $33,880 9

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

University Bloomsburg PA

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

Same Yes 648 $35 7

Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma

University Norman OK FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,483 $1,000,000 83

Boise State University Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

Boise ID FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 979 $70,750 33

Boston College University Chestnut Hill MA GE Money Bank

Same Yes 518 $1,096,961 42

Boston University Alumni Association

Boston MA

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 6,714 $350,000 204

Bowie State University National Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Saint Leonard MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 154 $1,495 1

Bowling Green State University Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

Bowling Green OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,989 $80,000 68

Bradley University University Peoria IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,613 $28,453 7

Brandeis University University Waltham MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,689 $80,000 41

Bridgewater State University

Alumni Association

Bridgewater MA

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 554 $0 46

Brookdate Community College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Lincroft NJ UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 0 $0 0

Brooklyn College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Brooklyn NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 1,214 $8,999 52

Brown Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Providence RI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 5,897 $350,000 63


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Bryant College University Smithfield RI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 535 $9,228 1

Bryn Mawr College Alumnae Association

Alumni Association

Bryn Mawr PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 433 $4,605 2

Bucknell University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Lewisburg PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,393 $80,000 21

Buffalo State Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Buffalo NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 501 $4,126 23

Butler Community College Foundation

Foundation El Dorado KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 390 $17,900 33

Butler University University Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 314 $6,245 10

Butte College Foundation Oroville CA

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 721 $2,157 48

Cabrini College University Radnor PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 190 $1,573 0

California Aggie Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Davis CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 353 $75,000 96

California Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Berkeley CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 18,508 $1,353,825 453

California Lutheran University

University Thousand Oaks

CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 81 $493 0

California Polytechnic State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

San Luis Obispo

CA Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 0 $0 0

California Psychological Association

Other Sacramento CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 230 $2,468 9

California State University Chico Alumni Association_The University Foundation California State University Chico

Alumni Association

Chico CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 170 $65,000 2

California State University Long Beach Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Long Beach CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 6,463 $0 12

California State University Stanislaus

University Turlock CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 56 $308 16

California State University, Northridge Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Northridge CA Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 474 $9,456 481

California University of Pennsylvania

University California PA

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

Same Yes 253 $0 0

California Veterinary Medical Association

Other Sacramento CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 387 $6,250 1

Campbellsville University

University Campbellsville KY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 222 $4,127 1

Canisius College University Buffalo NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 554 $0 0


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Carthage College University Kenosha WI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 209 $1,758 0

Case Western Reserve University Cleveland OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 2,328 $175,000 16

Catawba College University Salisbury NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 280 $2,837 0

Cazenovia College University Cazenovia NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 18 $159 0

Centenary College of Louisiana

University Shreveport LA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 212 $1,963 1

Central Connecticut State University Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

New Britain CT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,153 $8,200 4

Central Michigan University

University Mount Pleasant MI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 440 $150,000 106

Central VA LSU Alumni Chapter

Alumni Association

Midlothian VA Capital One, N.A.

Same Yes 1 $339 0

Central Washington University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Ellensburg WA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 826 $8,931 9

Chadron State Foundation

Foundation Chadron NE FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 354 $1,908 0

Chapman University University Orange CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,231 $7,141 35

Cheyney University of Pennsylvania

University Cheyney PA

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

Same Yes 30 $5 1

Chi O Creations Other Memphis TN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 2,378 $38,517 82

Chi Phi Fraternity Inc Other Suwanee GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 203 $1,984 0

Christian Brothers University

University Memphis TN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 105 $987 0

Christopher Newport University

Foundation Newport News VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 199 $1,387 2

Claflin College University Orangeburg SC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 15 $79 0

Clarion University Foundation Inc

Foundation Clarion PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 154 $0 31

Clarion University of Pennsylvania

Foundation Clarion PA

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

Same Yes 55 $0 0

Clark University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Worcester MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 525 $9,300 7

Clarkson University University Potsdam NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 543 $11,498 0

Clayton State Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Morrow GA UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 5 $21 0


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Clemson University Inc Alumni Association

Clemson SC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 12,374 $651,125 204

Coastal Carolina University

University Conway SC Carolina Trust FCU

Same Yes 64 $558 39

Coe College University Cedar Rapids IA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 118 $1,406 0

Colby Sawyer College University New London NH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 148 $1,149 1

Colegio de Farmaceuticos de Puerto Rico

University San Juan PR FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 299 $4,444 3

College at Oneonta / SUNY Oneonta

Alumni Association

Oneonta NY

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 560 $0 33

College of Charleston Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Charleston SC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,140 $18,817 19

College of Notre Dame of Maryland

University Baltimore MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 384 $7,682 0

College of Saint Rose University Albany NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 330 $2,627 1

College of Saint Scholastica

University Duluth MN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 351 $3,582 2

College of Staten Island Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Staten Island NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 488 $6,567 19

College of West Africa Alumni Association USA

Alumni Association

Bowie MD UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 1 $40 0

Colorado College University Colorado Springs

CO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 374 $3,763 1

Colorado School of Mines Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Golden CO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 555 $15,008 11

Colorado State Alumni Association

Fort Collins CO

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 5,834 $280,000 111

Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

University New York City NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 556 $6,491 1

Coppin State College Development Foundation Inc

Foundation Baltimore MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 52 $158 0

Cornell Alumni Federation

Alumni Association

Ithaca NY Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 7,680 $900,000 5

Crimson Tide Sports Marketing LLC

Other Tuscaloosa AL Compass Bank

Amended Yes 0 $200,000 0

Delaware State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Dover DE FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 197 $2,659 0

Delaware Valley College University Doylestown PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 189 $1,615 0

Delta Chi Fraternity Inc Other Iowa City IA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 790 $7,466 17


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Delta Delta Delta Other Arlington TX

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Amended Yes 874 $11,923 59

Delta Gamma Fraternity Other Columbus OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 816 $9,117 3

Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Other Austin TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 214 $2,303 32

Delta Mu Delta Honor Society

Other Brookfield IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 731 $15,000 9

Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority

Other Maryland Heights

MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 368 $2,943 26

Delta Sigma Delta Other Nekoosa WI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 136 $5,082 0

Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity

Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 575 $15,000 3

Delta Sigma Pi Other Oxford OH

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 1,948 $70,000 45

Delta State University Alumni Association Inc

University Cleveland MS FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 673 $7,880 10

Delta Upsilon International Fraternity

Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 392 $4,077 10

Delta Zeta Sorority Other Oxford OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,698 $28,050 32

DePaul University University Chicago IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 440 $100,000 74

Des Moines University Osteopathic Medical Center

University Des Moines IA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 52 $748 0

Dickinson College University Carlisle PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 489 $11,327 0

Dominican College of San Rafael

University San Rafael CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 46 $214 0

Dominican University University River Forest IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 254 $3,281 1

Dowling College University Oakdale NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 442 $5,781 0

Drexel University University Philadelphia PA

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 1,509 $0 106

Duke Alumni Association, Inc

Alumni Association

Durham NC Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 367 $250,000 371

Duke Alumni Association, Inc.

Alumni Association

Durham NC Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same No 5,209 $0 0

Duquesne University Alumni Association

Pittsburgh PA

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 1,162 $0 53


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

East Carolina University Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

Greenville NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,589 $100,000 79

East Stroudsburg University Foundation

Foundation East Stroudsburg

PA Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 8 $234 8

East Stroudsburg University Foundation Inc

Foundation East Stroudsburg

PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,162 $0 8

East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania

University East Stroudsburg


Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

Same Yes 393 $25 5

Eastern Connecticut State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Willimantic CT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 165 $2,594 0

Eastern Illinois University Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

Charleston IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 3,654 $110,000 36

Eastern New Mexico University Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

Portales NM FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 628 $5,293 2

Eastern Washington University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Cheney WA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 860 $13,008 18

Eckerd College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

St. Petersburg FL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 111 $2,235 0

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Edinboro PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 1,323 $4,919 13

Elizabethtown College University Elizabethtown PA

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

Same Yes 23 $20 4

Elizabethtown College University Elizabethtown PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 477 $5,151 3

Elmhurst College Alumni Association

Elmhurst IL

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 233 $2,546 7

Elon College University Elon College NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 295 $2,725 0

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

University Daytona Beach FL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,312 $8,619 2

Emerson College University Boston MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 358 $2,244 0

Emmanuel College University Boston MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 74 $697 0

Emory University University Atlanta GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,702 $48,688 39

Emporia State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Emporia KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 786 $16,193 36

Erskine College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Due West SC Capital One, N.A.

Same Yes 6 $893 3


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Fairfield University University Fairfield CT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 945 $20,259 19

Fairleigh Dickinson University

University Teaneck NJ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,364 $4,915 15

Faulkner University University Montgomery AL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 101 $418 0

Ferris State University University Big Rapids MI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 138 $1,632 32

FFA Alumni Association Alumni Association

Alexandria VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 402 $6,176 8

Fitchburg State College University Fitchburg MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 192 $2,608 5

Florida Atlantic University Foundation Inc

Foundation Boca Raton FL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 3,325 $120,000 39

Florida Institute of Technology

Alumni Association

Melbourne FL

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 336 $0 26

Florida International University Alumni Association

Foundation Miami FL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 6,988 $315,000 133

Florida Southern College

University Lakeland FL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 198 $2,189 0

Fordham University University Bronx NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 7,234 $285,600 57

Fort Hays State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Hays KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 605 $10,000 59

Foundation at New Jersey Institute of Technology

Foundation Newark NJ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 67 $941 9

Foundation Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity Inc

Foundation Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 523 $8,368 3

Franklin and Marshall College_Franklin Marshall Alumni Association

University Lancaster PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 429 $555 8

Franklin Pierce College University Rindge NH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 249 $4,350 2

Freed Hardeman University

University Henderson TN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 486 $9,256 3

Furman University University Greenville SC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 963 $21,626 2

Gamma Phi Beta International Sorority Inc

Other Englewood CO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 970 $40,000 63

General Alumni Assoc of Univ of N Carolina at Chapel Hill

Alumni Association

Chapel Hill NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 18,091 $1,250,000 269

Geneva College University Beaver Falls PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 662 $9,790 7


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Georgetown University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 8,491 $1,990 95

Georgia Pharmacy Foundation

Foundation Atlanta GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 86 $1,113 0

Georgia Southern University Foundation Inc

Foundation Statesboro GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,827 $100,000 33

Georgia Southwestern Foundation Inc

Foundation Americus GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 77 $701 0

Georgia State University Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

Atlanta GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,439 $75,000 130

Georgia Tech Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Atlanta GA Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 667 $349,025 684

Gettysburg College University Gettysburg PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 346 $5,469 13

GIA Alumni Association Alumni Association

Santa Monica CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,274 $10,085 11

Golden Key International Honour Society

Other Atlanta GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 33,775 $889,255 217

Goldey Beacom College University Wilmington DE FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 220 $2,445 0

Grambling University National Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Grambling LA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 47 $724 0

Grand Valley State University

University Allendale MI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 909 $10,179 29

Green Mountain College University Poultney VT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 108 $1,066 0

Guilford College University Greensboro NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 65 $781 0

Gustavus Adolphus College

University Saint Peter MN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 553 $9,951 8

Gwynedd Mercy College University Gwynedd Valley

PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 78 $854 0

Hamline University University Saint Paul MN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 340 $3,174 0

Hampden Sydney College

University Hampden Sydney

VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 291 $3,760 0

Harding University Inc University Searcy AR FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,408 $26,641 5

Harrisburg Area Community College

University Harrisburg PA

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

Same Yes 56 $50 10

Hartwick College University Oneonta NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 156 $599 0

Harvard Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Cambridge MA Barclays Bank Delaware

Same Yes 8,845 $1,000,000 3,126

Haverford College University Haverford PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 250 $7,293 0

Hawaii Pacific University University Honolulu HI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 238 $2,592 0


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Henderson State University

University Arkadelphia AR FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 380 $5,792 5

Herbert H Lehman College Foundation Inc

Foundation Bronx NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 260 $2,806 10

Hood College University Frederick MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 241 $3,190 1

Houston Baptist University

University Houston TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 283 $2,275 0

Howard Payne University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Brownwood TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 252 $2,985 0

Howard University Department of Alumni Relations

Alumni Association

Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,198 $25,043 4

Husson College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Bangor ME FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 248 $629 0

Idaho State University University Pocatello ID FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,156 $12,541 8

Illinois State University Foundation

Foundation Normal IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 6,032 $95,346 91

Immaculata College University Immaculata PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 168 $2,107 0

Independent University Alumni Association at Lowell

Alumni Association

Lowell MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 188 $1,645 0

Indiana State University University Terre Haute IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 2,310 $25,280 7

Indiana University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Bloomington IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 25,763 $463,672 349

Indiana University of Pennsylvania Alumni Association

University Indiana PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 3,530 $63,907 35

Institute of Industrial Engineers

Other Norcross GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,630 $32,847 5

Institute of Management Accountants

Other Montvale NJ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 4,382 $175,000 53

International Chiropractors Association

Other Arlington VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 871 $12,158 0

International Legal Fraternity of Phi Delta Phi

Other Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 340 $11,126 5

International Management Company (IMG)

Other Tucson AZ Compass Bank

New Yes 3 $150,000 3

Iona College University New Rochelle NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,164 $18,603 17

Iowa State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Ames IA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 13,707 $525,000 110

Jackson State University University Jackson MS FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 181 $1,198 0


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Jacksonville State Alumni Association

Jacksonville AL

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 580 $0 40

Javelina Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Kingsville TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 269 $3,992 2

JMUAA Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Harrisonburg VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 567 $125,000 70

John Carroll University University University Heights

OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 986 $17,184 11

Johns Hopkins University

University Baltimore MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 6,295 $156,578 96

Juilliard School Other New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 122 $732 1

Kansas State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Manhattan KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 11,029 $701,976 292

Kappa Alpha Order Other Lexington VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 721 $0 22

Kappa Alpha Psi Other Philadelphia PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 657 $10,563 1

Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity Inc

Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 2,034 $28,748 38

Kappa Delta Pi An International Honor Society in Education

Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,378 $17,002 64

Kappa Delta Rho Fraternity

Other Greensburg PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 171 $2,730 6

Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Other Stone Mountain

GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 36 $350 0

Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity

Other Oklahoma City OK FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 58 $369 2

Kent State University University Kent OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 4,714 $135,000 87

Keystone College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

La Plume PA Capital One, N.A.

Same Yes 9 $507 5

Keystone College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

La Plume PA Capital One Bank (USA), N.A.

Same Yes 4 $107 0

Keystone College Parents

Other La Plume PA Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 2 $59 2

Kutztown University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Kutztown PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 929 $13,055 26

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

University Kutztown PA

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

Same Yes 757 $30 6

La Sierra University_La Sierra Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Riverside CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 20 $391 3

Lafayette College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Easton PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 569 $0 9


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Lake County Schools Alumni

Alumni Association

Memphis TN UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 0 $0 0

Lake Sumter Community College Education Fund

University Leesburg FL Capital One, N.A.

Same Yes 1 $53 1

Lamar University University Beaumont TX Compass Bank

Amended No 0 $0 0

Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity Inc

Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 681 $25,000 22

Langston University National Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Langston OK FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 49 $92 0

LaSalle University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Philadelphia PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,641 $25,967 10

Le Moyne College University Syracuse NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 478 $6,355 2

Lenoir Rhyne College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Hickory NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 158 $1,004 1

Letourneau University University Longview TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 256 $5,304 0

Lewis and Clark College University Portland OR FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 886 $8,387 0

Lewis University University Romeoville IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 326 $5,299 0

Liberty University Alumni Association

Lynchburg VA

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 1,107 $9,900 71

Limestone College Bank NA

University Gaffney SC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 112 $317 0

Lock Haven University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Lock Haven PA Capital One, N.A.

Same Yes 4 $141 3

Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania

University Lock Haven PA

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

Same Yes 492 $20 4

Long Island University University Brookville NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 759 $0 7

Longwood University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Farmville VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 415 $6,050 11

Louisiana State University Medical Center Foundation

Foundation New Orleans LA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 184 $6,287 0

Louisiana State University Shreveport Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Shreveport LA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 250 $3,567 3

Louisiana Tech University Foundation

Foundation Ruston LA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 1,981 $83,335 23

Loyola Blakefield Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Baltimore MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 147 $4,433 0


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Loyola College in Maryland

University Baltimore MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,965 $75,450 14

Loyola Marymount University

University Los Angeles CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,391 $0 24

Loyola University New Orleans

University New Orleans LA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,409 $8,685 7

Loyola University of Chicago

University Chicago IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 3,027 $46,233 46

LSU Alumni Association Alumni Association

Baton Rouge LA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 7,833 $205,000 160

Luther College University Decorah IA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 474 $8,496 22

Manhattan College University Riverdale NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,060 $17,850 6

Manhattanville College University Purchase NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 222 $4,374 11

Mansfield University Foundation Inc

Foundation Mansfield PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 579 $8,579 5

Mansfield University of Pennsylvania

University Mansfield PA

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

Same Yes 77 $30 6

Marquette University University Milwaukee WI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 3,323 $0 47

Marshall University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Huntington WV FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,512 $78,334 19

Martin Luther College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

New Ulm MN UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 58 $2,403 45

Mary Baldwin College University Staunton VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 237 $2,488 3

Marymount University University Arlington VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 101 $1,058 4

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences

University Boston MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 173 $942 0

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Alumni Association

Cambridge MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,715 $0 40

Massachusetts Medical Society

Other Waltham MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,008 $48,989 5

McNeese State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Lake Charles LA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 775 $9,796 21

Mercyhurst College University Erie PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 342 $3,351 2

Methodist College Incorporated

University Fayetteville NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 176 $919 2

Michigan State University

University East Lansing MI

Michigan State University Federal Credit Union

Same Yes 1,102 $400,000 1,115

Michigan Technological University

University Houghton MI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,176 $50,000 41


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Millersville Alumni Association

Millersville PA

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 975 $0 45

Millersville University of Pennsylvania

University Millersville PA

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

Same Yes 430 $20 4

Milligan College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Milligan College

TN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 314 $2,996 10

Minnesota State University Mankato Foundation Inc

Foundation Mankato MN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 2,429 $0 29

Mississippi State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Mississippi State

MS FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 6,579 $350,000 60

Missouri State University Foundation

Foundation Springfield MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,741 $35,205 37

Monmouth College University Monmouth IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 272 $2,086 0

Monmouth University University West Long Branch

NJ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 629 $4,428 3

Montana State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Bozeman MT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 4,293 $126,125 31

Montclair State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Upper Montclair

NJ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 3,051 $80,000 54

Moravian College University Bethlehem PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 519 $10,378 1

Morehead State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Morehead KY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 866 $4,033 1

Morehouse School of Medicine

Alumni Association

Atlanta GA Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 1 $0 1

Morgan State University National Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Baltimore MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 370 $5,370 0

Morrisville College Foundaton

Alumni Association

Morrisville NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 264 $1,890 1

Mortar Board Foundation Fund

Foundation Columbus OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 526 $8,420 1

Mount Saint Marys College

University Los Angeles CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 305 $2,301 0

Mount Saint Marys College Maryland

University Emmitsburg MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 572 $12,625 8

Mountain State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Beckley WV UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 8 $145 2


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Murray State Alumni Association

Murray KY

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 1,890 $0 29

Music Educators National Conference MENC

Other Reston VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 3,270 $40,160 18

NACE International Other Houston TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 374 $4,466 1

National Alumnae Association of Spelman College Inc

Alumni Association

Atlanta GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 364 $12,361 0

National Alumni Association of the University of Alabama

Alumni Association

Tuscaloosa AL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 13,253 $960,000 172

National Association of School Psychologists

Other Bethesda MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 1,132 $16,524 16

National Athletic Trainers Association

Other Dallas TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 1,268 $15,978 9

National Deans List Graduate

Other Austin TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same No 9,043 $0 0

National Lawyers Guild Other New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 449 $5,901 0

National Louis University

University Evanston IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 709 $7,354 7

National Science Teachers Association

Other Arlington VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 1,224 $0 19

National Society of Black Engineers

Other Alexandria VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 451 $5,407 0

National Society of Collegiate Scholars

Other Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 4,230 $88,085 90

National Student Speech Language Hearing Association

Other Rockville MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 0 $0 0

National University University La Jolla CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 959 $13,695 0

NCPA Foundation Foundation Alexandria VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 599 $17,333 4

Nebraska Lutheran High School

Alumni Association

Waco NE UMB Bank, N.A.

New Yes 0 $0 0

New England Institute of Technology

University Warwick RI Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 0 $0 0

New Mexico Highlands University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Las Vegas NM FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 196 $1,558 1

New Mexico Military Institute

Alumni Association

Roswell NM FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 264 $2,211 3

New Mexico State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Las Cruces NM FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 2,791 $42,512 21

New York Law School Alumni Association

Alumni Association

New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 140 $2,583 0


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

New York University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 9,768 $300,000 264

Newberry College University Newberry SC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 116 $977 0

Niagara University University Niagara NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 505 $6,882 7

Nicholls State University Alumni Federation

Alumni Association

Thibodaux LA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 73 $0 0

NLN Foundation for Nursing Education

Foundation New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 181 $3,015 2

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

University Greensboro NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 618 $6,845 1

North Carolina Central University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Durham NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 222 $2,801 4

North Carolina State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Raleigh NC Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 6,443 $0 0

North Dakota State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Fargo ND FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 353 $3,000 69

North Georgia College and State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Dahlonega GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 501 $3,040 0

North Greenville University

University Tigerville SC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 138 $751 0

North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District

Alumni Association


PA UMB Bank, N.A.

New Yes 0 $0 0

North Texas Exes Alumni Association

Denton TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 5,849 $0 82

Northeast Lousiana University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Monroe LA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,007 $45,000 11

Northeastern Illinois University Foundation

University Chicago IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 89 $0 0

Northeastern State University Foundation Inc

Foundation Tahlequah OK FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 501 $7,190 6

Northeastern University University Boston MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 3,158 $65,000 132

Northern Arizona University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Flagstaff AZ Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 117 $100 117

Northern Illinois University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

DeKalb IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,102 $204,666 75


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Northern Kentucky University

Alumni Association

Highland Heights


U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 331 $0 33

Northwestern State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Natchitoches LA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 474 $4,893 7

NorthWestern University University Evanston IL GE Money Bank

Same Yes 322 $428,572 1

Norwich University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Northfield VT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 647 $12,128 13

NW Missouri State University

Alumni Association

Maryville MO

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 338 $0 33

Oakland University University Oakland MI

Michigan State University Federal Credit Union

Same Yes 336 $35,000 65

Oglethorpe University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Atlanta GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 53 $1,410 0

Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine

University Cleveland OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 24 $336 0

Ohio Northern University Alumni Association

Ada OH

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 342 $0 14

Ohio University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Athens OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 490 $0 67

Ohio Wesleyan University

University Delaware OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 560 $10,366 1

Oklahoma State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Stillwater OK Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 5,252 $600,000 1

Old Dominion University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Norfolk VA Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 277 $4,297 282

Omicron Delta Kappa Other Lexington VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,371 $10,858 23

Oral Roberts University Alumni Foundation

Foundation Tulsa OK FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 476 $6,835 0

Oregon State University Alumni Association, Inc.

Alumni Association

Corvallis OR Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 2,964 $453,574 0

Oswego Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Oswego NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,447 $5,143 9

Otterbein College University Westerville OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 555 $9,548 3

Pace University University New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,569 $21,147 27

Penn State Alumni Association

Alumni Association

University Park PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 65,955 $2,742,743 525

Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association

Other Harrisburg PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 224 $2,533 7


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Pepperdine Alumni Association

Malibu CA

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 642 $0 73

Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity International

Other Baltimore MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,279 $50,000 29

Phi Delta Chi Other Arlington VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 126 $2,097 0

Phi Delta Epsilon Medical Fraternity Inc

Other Alpena MI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 14 $308 1

Phi Delta Kappa International

Other Bloomington IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 869 $8,416 30

Phi Delta Theta Fraternity

Other Oxford OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 828 $45,000 20

Phi Eta Sigma Other Bowling Green KY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,553 $45,678 2

Phi Kappa Phi Other Baton Rouge LA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 7,013 $98,549 110

Phi Kappa Psi Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 414 $8,737 1

Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity

Other Oxford OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 433 $17,500 0

Phi Kappa Theta National Fraternity

Other Carmel IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 6 $15,000 1

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity of America Inc

Other Evansville IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 410 $5,153 7

Phi Mu Fraternity Other Tucker GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,680 $45,000 54

Phi Sigma Pi Other Lancaster PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 322 $4,979 10

Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation

Foundation Elkridge MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 571 $5,526 2

Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society

Other Jackson MS FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 15,017 $168,381 616

Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science

University Philadelphia PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 414 $6,115 0

Pi Beta Phi Fraternity Inc

Other Town & Country

MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,372 $100,000 8

Pi Kappa Alpha Corporation

Other Memphis TN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 1,125 $42,500 43

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation

Other Charlotte NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 828 $20,880 16

Pi Lambda Phi Other Danbury CT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 134 $2,235 0

Pi Sigma Epsilon Inc Other Hartland WI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 174 $2,391 3

Plymouth State College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Plymouth NH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 360 $2,026 0

Polytechnic Institute Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Brooklyn NY UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 27 $425 7


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Portland State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Portland OR FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,120 $0 11

Prairie View A & M National Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Prairie View TX Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 6 $0 6

Prairie View A and M University National Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Prairie View TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 153 $2,034 0

Presbyterian College University Clinton SC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 206 $2,239 0

Princeton University Store

Other Princeton NJ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,805 $0 0

Providence College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Providence RI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,947 $80,000 12

Psi Omega Dental Fraternity

Other Charleston SC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 71 $1,396 0

Psi Upsilon Fraternity Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 9 $10,000 0

Purdue Alumni Association

Alumni Association

West Lafayette IN Purdue Federal Credit Union

Same Yes 17,919 $1,000,000 2,877

Quincy University University Quincy IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 146 $1,907 0

Radford University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Radford VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 326 $0 0

Regis College University Weston MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 276 $2,808 0

Rensselaer Polytechnic Alumni Association

Troy NY

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Amended Yes 762 $714 64

Rhode Island College Alumni Association

Providence RI

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 672 $0 57

Rhode Island School of Design

Other Providence RI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 961 $19,747 11

Rider University University Lawrenceville NJ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 631 $4,751 0

Robert Morris College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Coraopolis PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 434 $6,874 14

Rockhurst University University Kansas City MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 466 $5,775 0

Rollins College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Winter Park FL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 610 $13,254 5

Rose Hulman Institute of Technology

University Terre Haute IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 202 $1,941 1

Rowan University Alumni Association_Rowan University Foundation

Alumni Association

Glassboro NJ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,563 $17,889 3


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Russell Sage College Alumnae Association

Alumni Association

Troy NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 348 $6,469 1

Rutgers Alumni Association

New Brunswick NJ

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 5,081 $500,000 351

SAE International Other Warrendale PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,875 $36,322 3

Saginaw Valley State University

University University Center

MI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 625 $0 7

Saint Anselm College University Manchester NH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 515 $9,653 0

Saint Cloud State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Saint Cloud MN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 1,945 $20,064 15

Saint Josephs College University Rensselaer IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 340 $2,293 0

Saint Josephs University University Philadelphia PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,259 $21,653 18

Saint Leo University University Saint Leo FL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 758 $6,680 0

Saint Louis University University St. Louis MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 3,185 $74,168 36

Saint Mary's College of California

Alumni Association

Moranga CA Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 9 $386 9

Saint Marys University of San Antonio Texas

University San Antonio TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 50 $735 0

Salisbury University Foundation Inc

Foundation Salisbury MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 808 $14,986 18

Santa Clara University University Santa Clara CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 3,043 $63,887 14

Seattle Pacific University

University Seattle WA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 515 $3,410 0

Seminole Boosters Inc Other Tallahassee FL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 7,667 $115,524 124

Seton Hall University University South Orange NJ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 2,500 $100,000 21

Shepherd College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Shepherdstown WV FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 438 $6,816 0

Shippensburg University Foundation Inc

Foundation Shippensburg PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,603 $0 7

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania

Other Shippensburg PA

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

Same Yes 21 $35 7

Shorter College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Rome GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 224 $3,510 0

Siena College University Loudonville NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 529 $22,143 6

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity

Other Evanston IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,355 $50,000 29


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity

Other Asheville NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 679 $9,060 21

Sigma Beta Delta Other St. Louis MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 344 $4,286 0

Sigma Chi Other Evanston IL

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Amended Yes 1,059 $16,429 97

Sigma Kappa Sorority Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 950 $35,000 40

Sigma Nu Fraternity Inc Other Lexington VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 231 $1,717 2

Sigma Pi Fraternity International Inc

Other Vincennes IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 777 $25,000 7

Sigma Sigma Sigma Other Woodstock VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 707 $25,000 12

Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity Inc

Other Warrensburg MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 363 $3,406 4

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing Inc

Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 4,478 $91,926 357

Sigma Xi The Scientific Research Society

Other RTP NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 817 $19,879 8

Simmons College University Boston MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 155 $2,437 2

SIUE Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Edwardsville IL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 974 $23,486 24

Slippery Rock State University

Foundation Slippery Rock PA

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 1,994 $25,000 38

Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration Inc

Other Littleton CO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 316 $12,006 3

Society of Nuclear Medicine

Other New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 727 $9,127 1

Society of Plastics Engineers

Other Brookfield CT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 781 $6,008 0

Society of Women Engineers

Other New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 967 $9,237 2

Soil and Water Conservation Society

Other Ankeny IA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 162 $1,127 0

Sonoma State University Alumni Association Inc_SSU Development Office

Alumni Association

Rohnert Park CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 984 $0 1

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Foundation

Foundation Rapid City SD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 247 $2,523 0


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

South Dakota State University

Alumni Association

Brookings SD

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 598 $0 52

Southeast Missouri State University

University Cape Girardeau

MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,319 $17,488 22

Southern Methodist University

University Dallas TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 763 $11,611 14

Southern University System Alumni Federation

Alumni Association

Baton Rouge LA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 56 $970 0

Southern Utah University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Cedar City UT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 724 $7,464 0

Southwest Texas State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

San Marcos TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 2,436 $34,277 40

Southwestern Oklahoma State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Weatherford OK FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 749 $30,000 6

Spring Arbor University University Spring Arbor MI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 294 $4,608 17

St Ambrose University University Davenport IA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 212 $2,568 0

St Johns University University Collegeville MN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 670 $14,066 2

St Johns University New York

University Queens NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 8,630 $112,954 51

St Lawrence University University Canton NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 640 $11,991 3

St Norbert College University De Pere WI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 438 $3,401 1

St. Louis College of Pharmacy Alumni Association

Alumni Association

St. Louis MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 3 $80 1

St. Peters College Alumni Association

Jersey City NJ

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 296 $0 14

Stanford Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Stanford CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 15,339 $1,000,000 150

State University of Iowa Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Iowa City IA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 15,697 $1,024,795 228

State University of New York Binghamton

Alumni Association

Binghamton NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 3,951 $182,500 27

State University of New York Brockport Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Brockport NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 683 $0 34

Stephen F Austin Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Nacagdoches TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 169 $45,375 100


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Stephens College University Columbia MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 415 $8,410 3

Stetson University University Deland FL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 877 $17,413 3

Stonehill College Inc Alumni Association

Easton MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 376 $8,206 0

SUNY - Potsdam Alumni Association

Potsdam NY

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 373 $0 17

SUNY -Cortland Alumni Association

Cortland NY

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 664 $0 26

SUNY Farmingdale Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Farmingdale NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 323 $2,678 0

SUNY Fredonia Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Fredonia NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 722 $8,622 9

SUNY Geneseo Alumni Association

Geneseo NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 699 $0 2

Swarthmore College University Swarthmore PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 223 $4,644 0

Syracuse Football Club Other Syracuse NY Capital One, N.A.

Same Yes 0 $0 0

Syracuse University University Syracuse NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 8,196 $119,315 69

Talmudic University University Miami Beach FL Capital One, N.A.

Same Yes 2 $101 0

TAPPI Foundation Inc Foundation Atlanta GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 364 $4,268 0

Tarleton Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Stephenville TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 322 $0 2

Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity

Other Voorhees NJ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 17 $227 0

Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity

Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 315 $65,000 56

Teachers College Columbia University

University New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 769 $28,169 5

Temple University of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education

University Philadelphia PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,751 $202,216 209

Tennessee State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Nashville TN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 352 $11,954 0

Tennessee Technological University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Cookeville TN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,688 $100,998 15

Texas AandM University Commerce Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Commerce TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 597 $0 11

Texas AandM University Corpus Christi Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Corpus Christi TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 592 $3,650 1


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Texas Aggie Corps of Cadets Association

Alumni Association

College Station TX USAA Savings Bank

Same Yes 410 $15,391 448

Texas Christian University

University Fort Worth TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 3,720 $0 4

Texas Society of Professional Engineers

Other Austin TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 86 $1,763 0

Texas Tech Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Lubbock TX Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 5,581 $470,000 15

Texas Wesleyan University

University Fort Worth TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 257 $2,962 0

Texas Womens University Former Students Association

Alumni Association

Denton TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,213 $10,636 12

The Alumnae Association of Mount Holyoke College

Alumni Association

South Hadley MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 383 $7,253 19

The Association of Alumni, Former Students, and Friends of SIU

Alumni Association

Carbondale IL Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 3,012 $575,000 0

The Board of Trustees of Northern Michigan University

University Marquette MI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 941 $30,105 46

The Catholic University of America

University Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,238 $23,424 6

The Citadel Alumni Association

Charleston SC

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 376 $0 39

The College of New Jersey

Alumni Association

Ewing NJ

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 699 $0 37

The College of the Holy Cross General Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Worcester MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,068 $112,980 18

The Colleges of the Seneca Inc

University Geneva NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 50 $0 0

The Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity

Other Rocky River OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 150 $2,318 1

The Ex Students Association of The University of Texas

Alumni Association

Austin TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 30,133 $478,541 523

The Foundation of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Foundation Charlotte NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 2,685 $123,706 29

The Fraternity of Alpha Zeta

Other St. Louis MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 20 $124 0

The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Inc

Other Lexington KY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 289 $15,000 12


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

The George Washington Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 3,155 $48,783 17

The Kansas University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Lawrence KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 10,451 $826,387 248

The King’s College University New York NY Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 0 $0 0

The Lutheran University Association Inc

University Valparaiso IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 926 $16,227 1

The Medical College of Virginia Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Richmond VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 308 $0 10

The Mount Sinai Alumni Inc

Alumni Association

New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 60 $1,350 0

The New York Medical College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Valhalla NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 92 $3,376 4

The Ohio State University Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

Columbus OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 15,544 $200,005 349

The Principia Alumni Association

St Louis MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 246 $6,118 34

The Regents of the University of Colorado on behalf of the University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center

University Denver CO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,612 $0 18

The School of Visual Arts

Alumni Association

New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 550 $9,190 9

The State University of West Georgia Foundation Inc

Foundation Carrollton GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 546 $7,819 15

The Trustees of Columbia University

University New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 8,733 $542,352 126

The Trustees of Dartmouth College

University Hanover NH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,710 $53,211 28

The Trustees of Princeton University

University Princeton NJ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,698 $16,552 58

The United States Naval Academy Alumni Association, Inc.

Alumni Association

Annapolis MD Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 7,926 $513,450 16

The University of Georgia Foundation

Foundation Athens GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 19,448 $1,239,959 356

The William and Mary Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Williamsburg VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 5,057 $340,000 39

Theta Tau Other Austin TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 215 $4,793 3

Theta Xi Fraternity Other St. Louis MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 326 $4,596 15

Thomas M Cooley Law School

University Lansing MI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 103 $2,029 2


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

Thunderbird The American Graduate School of International Management

University Glendale AZ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 324 $4,342 0

Towson University Foundation Inc

Foundation Towson MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,677 $90,000 49

Trinity University University San Antonio TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 388 $8,030 0

Troy State University Foundation Troy AL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,519 $12,944 14

Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania

University Philadelphia PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 10,805 $525,000 240

UB Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

Buffalo NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 1,784 $36,268 81

UC Santa Barbara Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Santa Barbara CA Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 260 $40,000 262

UCLA Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Los Angeles CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 25,309 $732,906 580

UCSD Alumni Association

Alumni Association

La Jolla CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 307 $100,075 80

UMass-Dartmouth Alumni Association

Dartmouth MA

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 491 $0 28

UMass-Lowell University Lowell MA

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 736 $0 46

UMKC Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Kansas City MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 11 $175 2

UMKC Bloch School of Business

Alumni Association

Kansas City MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 2 $75 1

UMKC College of Arts and Sciences

Alumni Association

Kansas City MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 0 $0 0

UMKC Conservatory of Music and Dance

Alumni Association

Kansas City MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 0 $0 0

UMKC School of Biological Sciences

Alumni Association

Kansas City MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 1 $77 1

UMKC School of Computing and Engineering

Alumni Association

Kansas City MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 0 $0 0

UMKC School of Dentistry

Alumni Association

Kansas City MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 0 $0 0

UMKC School of Education

Alumni Association

Kansas City MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 0 $0 0

UMKC School of Graduate Studies

Alumni Association

Kansas City MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 0 $0 0

UMKC School of Law Alumni Association

Kansas City MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 0 $0 0


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

UMKC School of Medicine

Alumni Association

Kansas City MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 2 $78 1

UMKC School of Nursing

Alumni Association

Kansas City MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 0 $0 0

UMKC School of Pharmacy

Alumni Association

Kansas City MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 0 $0 0

Union College University Barbourville KY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 115 $1,894 0

Union College NY University Schenectady NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 303 $6,977 5

United States Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

New London CT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 364 $0 0

Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico

University San Juan PR FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 4,441 $60,283 5

University Louisiana Lafayette

Alumni Association

Lafayette LA

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 1,412 $0 85

University of Alabama Birmingham

Alumni Association

Birmingham AL

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 990 $0 56

University of Arizona Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Tucson AZ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 11,941 $1,323,944 161

University of Baltimore Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Baltimore MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 466 $9,439 5

University of California Irvine Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Irvine CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 4,836 $75,650 70

University of California Riverside Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Riverside CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 4,289 $160,000 27

University of California San Francisco

Alumni Association

San Francisco CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 575 $13,243 4

University of California Santa Cruz Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Santa Cruz CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 3,282 $52,653 62

University of Central Arkansas Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Conway AR FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 771 $12,813 7

University of Central Florida Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Orlando FL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 9,486 $300,000 132

University of Central Oklahoma Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Edmond OK FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 919 $17,109 20

University of Chicago University Chicago IL Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 2,353 $300,000 1

University of Cincinnati University Cincinnati OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 374 $300,525 114


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

University of CO (CO Springs)

Alumni Association

Colorado Springs


U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 517 $0 15

University of Colorado at Boulder

University Boulder CO Elevations Credit Union

Same Yes 2,579 $3,752 143

University of Colorado Foundation

Foundation Boulder CO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 8,587 $475,000 154

University of Connecticut Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

Storrs CT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 7,743 $0 109

University of Dayton University Dayton OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,353 $110,000 51

University of Delaware Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Newark DE FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 9,060 $173,102 89

University of Denver Alumni Association

Denver CO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 967 $60,000 48

University of Evansville University Evansville IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 626 $9,984 5

University of Florida Alumni Association, Inc., University of Florida Foundation, Inc. and The University Athletic Association, Inc.

Alumni, Foundation & Other

Gainesville FL Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 9,410 $400,000 106

University of Hartford Alumni Association

West Hartford MA

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 620 $0 49

University of Hawaii at Manoa

University Honolulu HI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 5,053 $150,000 55

University of Houston Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Houston TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

New Yes 249 $6,443 253

University of Illinois Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Urbana IL

University of Illinois Employees Credit Union

Same Yes 4,222 $750,000 3,452

University of Kentucky Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Lexington KY Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 5,654 $65 7

University of Maine General Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Orono ME FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 4,022 $0 30

University of Mary Washington Alumni Association and University of Mary Washington Foundation

Alumni Association

Fredericksburg VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 697 $11,182 4


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

University of Maryland Alumni Association, Inc. and M Club Foundation, University of Maryland, Inc.

Alumni and Foundation

College Park MD Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 5,748 $500,000 1

University of Maryland School of Law

University Baltimore MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 17 $124 0

University of Massachusetts Amherst Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

Amherst MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 2,413 $91,270 80

University of Massachusetts Boston

University Boston MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 584 $0 35

University of Memphis University Memphis TN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 162 $100,075 57

University of Miami University Coral Gables FL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 5,264 $373,041 319

University of Minnesota Alumni Association

Minneapolis MN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 734 $476,875 229

University of Mississippi Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Oxford MS Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 61 $50,000 61

University of Mississippi Foundation

Foundation Oxford MS FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 3,528 $0 48

University of Missouri - Rolla

Alumni Association

Rolla MO

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 406 $0 27

University of Missouri Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Columbia MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 10,424 $357,422 173

University of Missouri St Louis Alumni Association

Alumni Association

St. Louis MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 1,173 $10,868 7

University of MN - Moorhead

Alumni Association

Moorhead MN

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 738 $0 26

University of Montana Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Missoula MT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 3,724 $67,086 11

University of Montevallo Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Montevallo AL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 216 $5,802 0

University of Nebraska at Kearney Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Kearney NE FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 261 $2,851 1

University of Nebraska at Omaha Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Omaha NE Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 112 $25,000 113

University of Nevada Reno Foundation

Foundation Reno NV FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,634 $70,000 24

University of New Hampshire Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Durham NH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 4,788 $230,000 94

University of New Mexico Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Albuquerque NM FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 2,428 $30,066 73


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

University of New Orleans International Alumni Association

Alumni Association

New Orleans LA Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 86 $0 86

University of North Alabama

Alumni Association

Florence AL

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Amended Yes 293 $4,296 20

University of North Carolina Greensboro Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Greensboro NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,456 $33,379 19

University of North Dakota

Alumni Association

Grand Forks ND

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 1,665 $33,362 243

University of North FL Alumni Association

Jacksonville FL

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 1,700 $0 35

University of Northern Colorado Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Greeley CO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 2,485 $0 39

University of Northern Iowa Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Cedar Falls IA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 4,151 $135,225 34

University of Notre Dame

University Notre Dame IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,150 $184,755 1,185

University of Oregon Alumni Association, Inc.

Alumni Association

Eugene OR Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 2,644 $417,857 0

University of Pittsburgh of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education

University Pittsburgh PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 5,927 $722,224 221

University of Puerto Rico

University San Juan PR Banco Popular de Puerto Rico

Same Yes 17,122 $77,799 442

University of Redlands University Redlands CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 778 $8,828 4

University of Rhode Island Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Kingston RI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 4,068 $20,000 58

University of San Diego Alumni Association

Alumni Association

San Diego CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 913 $0 2

University of San Francisco

University San Francisco CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,157 $14,267 2

University of Scranton University Scranton PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,326 $95,000 29

University of SE Louisiana

Alumni Association

Hammond LA

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 800 $0 28


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

University of South Alabama

Alumni Association

Mobile AL

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 576 $0 35

University of South Florida Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

Tampa FL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 3,129 $596,885 264

University of Southern California

Alumni Association

Los Angeles CA USC Credit Union

Amended Yes 184 $38,000 83

University of Southern California

University Los Angeles CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 19,512 $1,502,250 463

University of Southern Indiana Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Evansville IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 442 $6,452 4

University of Southern Maine

University Portland ME FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 186 $1,344 2

University of Southern Mississippi Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

Hattiesburg MS FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,134 $85,000 57

University of St Thomas University Houston TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 390 $3,881 0

University of Tampa National Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Tampa FL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 477 $6,511 1

University of Tennessee University Knoxville TN Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 6,500 $1,428,571 1

University of Texas at Arlington Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Arlington TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 3,792 $100,000 47

University of Texas at Dallas

Alumni Association

Richardson TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,223 $13,383 20

University of Texas at El Paso Alumni Association

Alumni Association

El Paso TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,956 $0 11

University of Texas at Tyler Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Tyler TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 282 $6,560 0

University of Texas Medical School Houston Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Houston TX Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 3 $173 3

University of Texas Pan American Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

Edinburg TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,526 $105,568 20

University of Texas San Antonio Alumni Association

Alumni Association

San Antonio TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 438 $0 27

University of the Arts University Philadelphia PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 247 $3,505 0

University of the Incarnate Word

University San Antonio TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 295 $1,717 0

University of the Pacific University Stockton CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 257 $4,566 0

University of Toledo Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association

Toledo OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,872 $0 19


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

University of Tulsa University Tulsa OK FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 607 $11,540 8

University of Utah Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Salt Lake City UT Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 125 $150,000 126

University of Utah Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Salt Lake City UT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 6,480 $100 68

University of Vermont and State Agricultural College

University Burlington VT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 2,882 $53,013 16

University of Washington Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Seattle WA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 5,924 $65,853 304

University of West Florida Foundation Inc

Foundation Pensacola FL Pen Air Federal Credit Union

Same Yes 29 $29 0

University of Western Ontario

University London ON FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 15 $0 0

University of WI - Eau Claire

Foundation Eau Claire WI

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 573 $0 33

University of WI - MKE Alumni Association

Milwaukee WI

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 1,081 $0 74

University of Wisc at Stevens Point

Alumni Association

Stevens Point WI

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 353 $0 35

University of Wisconsin Green Bay Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Green Bay WI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 634 $0 12

University of Wisconsin La Crosse Alumni Association

Alumni Association

La Crosse WI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 1,322 $0 7

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Foundation

Foundation Oshkosh WI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 499 $2,206 13

University of Wisconsin Parkside Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Kenosha WI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 193 $2,296 7

University of Wisconsin Platteville Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Platteville WI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 718 $0 6

University of Wisconsin Superior Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Superior WI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 314 $0 0

University of Wisconsin Whitewater Foundation

Foundation Whitewater WI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,679 $40,000 15

University of Wyoming Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Laramie WY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 4,083 $51,453 24


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

University of Wyoming Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Laramie WY Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 168 $100,000 169

University System of Maryland Foundation

Foundation Adelphi MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 377 $0 0

Ursinus College University Collegeville PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 313 $6,706 1

Valdosta State University

Alumni Association

Valdosta GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,534 $5,236 9

Vassar College University Poughkeepsie NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 308 $0 0

Villanova University University Villanova PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 5,242 $220,384 58

Virginia Commonwealth University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Richmond VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,365 $90,375 26

Virginia Tech Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Blacksburg VA Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 9,531 $65 0

VMI Alumni Association Alumni Association

Lexington VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 265 $0 0

Wagner College University Staten Island NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 332 $1,960 0

Wake Forest University University Winston Salem NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 2,998 $164,113 33

Wartburg College University Waverly IA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 263 $6,000 4

Washburn University University Topeka KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 408 $8,000 22

Washington and Lee University

Other Lexington VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 125 $40,000 22

Washington State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Pullman WA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 7,822 $100,000 173

Washington University University Saint Louis MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 3,081 $62,011 26

Water Environment Federation

Other Alexandria VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 661 $7,263 1

Wayland Baptist University

University Plainview TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 415 $5,235 0

Wayne State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Detroit MI Capital One, N.A.

Same Yes 315 $27,156 320

Waynesburg College University Waynesburg PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 239 $2,365 3

Weber State Alumni Association

Ogden VT

U.S. Bank National Association ND

Same Yes 1,709 $150,000 48

Webster University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

St. Louis MO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 773 $4,727 12

Wellesley College Alumnae Association

Alumni Association

Wellesley MA Capital One, N.A.

New Yes 132 $10,000 133

West Chester University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

West Chester PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,566 $42,166 25


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

West Liberty State College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

West Liberty WV FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 416 $5,727 4

West Point Association of Graduates

Alumni Association

West Point NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 5,201 $500,000 47

West Virginia University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Morgantown WV FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 3,792 $170,000 233

Western Carolina University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Cullowhee NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 771 $10,542 1

Western Connecticut State University

University Danbury CT FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 249 $435 3

Western Illinois University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Macomb IL INTRUST Bank, N.A.

New Yes 180 $38,442 180

Western Michigan Alumni Assocation

Alumni Association

Kalamazoo MI PNC Bank, National Association

Same Yes 1617 $200,000 16

Western Oregon University Development Foundation

Foundation Monmouth OR FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 413 $5,796 0

Western State College Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Gunnison CO FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 300 $4,894 1

Western State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Fullerton CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 29 $233 0

Western Washington University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Bellingham WA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,315 $19,360 22

Westfield State College Foundation Westfield MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 386 $5,318 8

Westminster College New Wilmington

University New Wilmington

PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 678 $12,316 0

Whittier College University Whittier CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 461 $6,677 1

Whos Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges

Other Tuscaloosa AL FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 3,958 $51,599 0

Wichita State University Alumni Association, Inc.

Alumni Association

Wichita KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 3,048 $347,500 146

Widener University University Chester PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 720 $10,987 8

Widener University School of Law

University Chester DE FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 151 $3,906 0

William Jewell College Alumni Association

Liberty MO UMB Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 9 $673 0

William Marsh Rice University

University Houston TX FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,238 $50,194 25


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer


In Effect Jan 1, 2012

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2011

Payments by Issuer in 2011

New Accounts Opened in 2011

William Paterson University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Wayne NJ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended Yes 730 $9,655 3

Wilmington College University Wilmington OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 225 $1,725 0

Wilmington University Inc

University New Castle DE FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 144 $782 0

Wilson College Alumni Association

Chambers-burg PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 216 $2,538 0

Wilson College University Chambers-burg PA

Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union

Same Yes 1 $0 0

Wisconsin Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Madison WI FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 20,205 $952,925 371

Wofford College University Spartanburg SC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 450 $9,414 2

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Worcester MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 785 $21,169 12

Worcester State College University Worcester MA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 340 $3,363 0

Wright State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Dayton OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 1,747 $25,365 12

Yale University University New Haven CT Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Same Yes 8,225 $1,140,000 4

Youngstown State University

Alumni Association

Youngstown OH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Amended No 2,845 $19,135 1

Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity Inc

Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 278 $1,864 8

Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity

Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Same Yes 2,050 $65,000 59



College Credit Card Agreements Terminated in 2010 The table below lists college credit card agreements that were in effect at some time during

2010 but were terminated by year-end 2010. This table is organized alphabetically by name of

the institution or organization.

Institution or Organization Type of Institution or Organization

City State Credit Card Issuer

Alabama Pharmacy Association Other Montgomery AL FIA Card Services, N.A. Alpha Chi Rho Fraternity Other Neptune NJ FIA Card Services, N.A. Alpha Epsilon Phi Foundation Foundation Stamford CT FIA Card Services, N.A. Alumnae Association of the College of Saint Elizabeth Alumni Association Morristown NJ FIA Card Services, N.A. Alumnae Association of Trinity College Alumni Association Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A. Alumni Assn of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Alumni Association Philadelphia PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Alumni Association of Purchase College State University of New York

Alumni Association Purchase NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

American Academy of Optometry Other Rockville MD FIA Card Services, N.A. American Academy of Osteopathy Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A. American College Student Association Other Columbia SC FIA Card Services, N.A. American Institute of Biological Sciences Other Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A. American Institute of Chemists Inc Other Bethesda MD FIA Card Services, N.A. Aquinas College University Grand Rapids MI FIA Card Services, N.A. Armstrong Atlantic State University Foundation Inc Foundation Savannah GA FIA Card Services, N.A. Association for Childhood Education International Other Wheaton MD FIA Card Services, N.A. Association of Surgical Technologists Other Englewood CO FIA Card Services, N.A. Austin College University Sherman TX FIA Card Services, N.A. Baker College University Flint MI FIA Card Services, N.A. Bank Street College University New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A. Barry University Alumni Association Alumni Association Miami Shores FL FIA Card Services, N.A. Baruch College Alumni Association Alumni Association New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A. Becker College University Worcester MA FIA Card Services, N.A. Bethany College University Bethany WV FIA Card Services, N.A. Bridgewater College University Bridgewater VA FIA Card Services, N.A. Cal Poly Pomona Alumni Association Alumni Association Pomona CA FIA Card Services, N.A.


Institution or Organization Type of Institution or Organization

City State Credit Card Issuer

California Polytechnic State University Alumni Association

Alumni Association San Luis Obispo

CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

California School of Professional Psychology University Alhambra CA FIA Card Services, N.A. California State University Dominguez Hills Foundation Inc

Foundation Carson CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

California State University Fresno Alumni Association Alumni Association Fresno CA FIA Card Services, N.A. California State University Fullerton Alumni Association Alumni Association Fullerton CA FIA Card Services, N.A. California State University Hayward Alumni Association Alumni Association Hayward CA FIA Card Services, N.A. California State University Los Angeles Alumni Association

Alumni Association Los Angeles CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

California State University San Marcos Alumni Association

Alumni Association San Marcos CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

California State University, Northridge Alumni Association

Alumni Northridge CA Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Calvert Hall College Alumni Association Alumni Association Towson MD FIA Card Services, N.A. Cardinal Stritch University University Milwaukee WI FIA Card Services, N.A. Carlow College University Pittsburgh PA FIA Card Services, N.A. Carroll College University Helena MT FIA Card Services, N.A. Cedar Crest College Alumnae Association Alumni Association Allentown PA FIA Card Services, N.A. Central Bible College University Springfield MO FIA Card Services, N.A. Cheyney Foundation Cheyney Cheyney PA FIA Card Services, N.A. Chi Psi Fraternity Other Chapel Hill NC FIA Card Services, N.A. Chicago State University Foundation Foundation Chicago IL FIA Card Services, N.A. Claremont McKenna College Alumni Association Alumni Association Claremont CA FIA Card Services, N.A. Cleveland Marshall Law Alumni Association Alumni Association Cleveland OH FIA Card Services, N.A. Cleveland State University Alumni Association Alumni Association Cleveland OH FIA Card Services, N.A. College Misericordia University Dallas PA FIA Card Services, N.A. College of Mount Saint Vincent University Riverdale NY FIA Card Services, N.A. Converse College University Spartanburg SC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Creighton University Alumni Omaha NE First National Bank of Omaha

CSPM Alumni and Associates of California College of Podiatric Medicine

Alumni Association San Francisco CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Culver Stockton College University Canton MO FIA Card Services, N.A. D Youville College University Buffalo NY FIA Card Services, N.A. Dakota State University Alumni Association Alumni Association Madison SD FIA Card Services, N.A. Davenport University University Grand Rapids MI FIA Card Services, N.A. Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Other Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A. Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Other Fishers IN FIA Card Services, N.A. Drake University University Des Moines IA FIA Card Services, N.A. East Central University Alumni Association Alumni Association Ada OK FIA Card Services, N.A. Eastern Oregon University University La Grande OR FIA Card Services, N.A. Erskine College University Due West SC FIA Card Services, N.A. Fairmont State College Alumni Association Inc Alumni Association Fairmont WV FIA Card Services, N.A. Fort Lewis College Alumni Association Alumni Association Durango CO FIA Card Services, N.A. Georgia Tech Alumni Association Alumni Association Atlanta GA FIA Card Services, N.A. Golden Gate University University San Francisco CA FIA Card Services, N.A. Goshen College University Goshen IN FIA Card Services, N.A. Graceland University University Lamoni IA FIA Card Services, N.A. Grand Chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A. Grand View College Alumni Association University Des Moines IA FIA Card Services, N.A. Hampton University University Hampton VA FIA Card Services, N.A. Houghton College University Houghton NY FIA Card Services, N.A.


Institution or Organization Type of Institution or Organization

City State Credit Card Issuer

Houston Alumni Organization Alumni Houston TX Chase Bank USA, N.A. Humboldt State University Alumni Association Alumni Association Arcata CA FIA Card Services, N.A. Illinois College of Optometry University Chicago IL FIA Card Services, N.A. Indiana Wesleyan University University Marion IN FIA Card Services, N.A. John F Kennedy University Alumni Association Alumni Association Orinda CA FIA Card Services, N.A. Johnson and Wales University University Providence RI FIA Card Services, N.A. Kansas Newman College Alumni Association Alumni Association Wichita KS FIA Card Services, N.A. Kappa Delta Sorority Inc Other Memphis TN FIA Card Services, N.A. Kappa Sigma Fraternity Other Charlottesville VA FIA Card Services, N.A. Kean College of New Jersey Alumni Association Alumni Association Union NJ FIA Card Services, N.A. Keene State College Alumni Association University System of New Hampshire

Alumni Association Keene NH FIA Card Services, N.A.

Kennesaw State University Alumni Association Alumni Association Kennesaw GA FIA Card Services, N.A. Kentucky Wesleyan College University Owensboro KY FIA Card Services, N.A. Keuka College University Keuka Park NY FIA Card Services, N.A. Kings College University Wilkes Barre PA FIA Card Services, N.A. Lakewood Public School Alumni Foundation Foundation Lakewood OH FIA Card Services, N.A. Lamar University Alumni Association Alumni Association Beaumont TX FIA Card Services, N.A. Lebanon Valley College University Annville PA FIA Card Services, N.A. Lee University University Cleveland TN FIA Card Services, N.A. Lesley College University Cambridge MA FIA Card Services, N.A. Life College University Marietta GA FIA Card Services, N.A. Lock Haven University Foundation Foundation Lock Haven PA FIA Card Services, N.A. Lubbock Christian University University Lubbock TX FIA Card Services, N.A. Lycoming College Alumni Association University Williamsport PA FIA Card Services, N.A. Maryville College University Maryville TN FIA Card Services, N.A. Meharry National Alumni Association Alumni Association Nashville TN FIA Card Services, N.A. Meredith College University Raleigh NC FIA Card Services, N.A. Merrimack College University North Andover MA FIA Card Services, N.A. Michigan State University University East Lansing MI FIA Card Services, N.A. Middle Tennessee State University Alumni Association and Middle Tennessee State University Foundation, Inc.

Alumni and Foundation

Murfreesboro TN Chase Bank USA, N.A.

Midwestern State University Ex Students Association Alumni Association Witchita Falls TX FIA Card Services, N.A. Mississippi Valley State University University Ita Bena MS FIA Card Services, N.A. Montana State University at Billings Alumni Association Alumni Association Billings MT FIA Card Services, N.A. Morehouse College Alumni Association Alumni Association Atlanta GA FIA Card Services, N.A. Morris Brown College National Alumni Association Alumni Association Atlanta GA FIA Card Services, N.A. MSU Northern Foundation Northern Alumni Association Alumni Association Havre MT FIA Card Services, N.A. Mu Phi Epsilon Fraternity Other Long Beach CA FIA Card Services, N.A. National Dental Association Other Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A. New England College Alumni Association Alumni Association Henniker NH FIA Card Services, N.A. New England School of Law University Boston MA FIA Card Services, N.A. New Jersey City College Development Fund Inc Foundation Jersey City NJ FIA Card Services, N.A. New York City Technical College Alumni Association Alumni Association Brooklyn NY FIA Card Services, N.A. North Park University University Chicago IL FIA Card Services, N.A. Northern Arizona University Alumni Association Alumni Association Flagstaff AZ FIA Card Services, N.A. Northern Virginia Community College Educational Foundation

University Annandale VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Northwest College University Kirkland WA FIA Card Services, N.A. Old Dominion University Alumni Association Inc Alumni Association Norfolk VA FIA Card Services, N.A. Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Other Decatur GA PNC Bank, N.A.


Institution or Organization Type of Institution or Organization

City State Credit Card Issuer

Oregon Health Sciences University Alumni Associations

Alumni Association Portland OR FIA Card Services, N.A.

Oregon Institute of Technology University Klamath Falls OR FIA Card Services, N.A. Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of California Other Sacramento CA FIA Card Services, N.A. Oxford Limited UK University Oxford UK FIA Card Services, N.A. PanIIT Inc Other Cupertino CA FIA Card Services, N.A. Parker Chiropractic Resource Foundation University Ft Worth TX FIA Card Services, N.A. Peirce College University Philadelphia PA FIA Card Services, N.A. Pennsylvania College of Optometry University Philadelphia PA FIA Card Services, N.A. Phi Chi Medical Fraternity Other New Albany IN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity Other Chester Springs

PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Phi Rho Sigma Medical Society Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A. Pittsburg State University Alumni Pittsburg KS Chase Bank USA, N.A. Pratt Institute University Brooklyn NY FIA Card Services, N.A. Queens University at Kingston University Kingston ON FIA Card Services, N.A. Quinnipiac College University Hamden CT FIA Card Services, N.A. Quinnipiac College School of Law University Hamden CT FIA Card Services, N.A. Ramapo College Foundation Foundation Mahwah NJ FIA Card Services, N.A. Randolph Macon Womans College Alumnae Association

Alumni Association Lynchburg VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Richard Stockton College of New Jersey University Pomona NJ FIA Card Services, N.A. Roger Williams University University Bristol RI FIA Card Services, N.A. Rosemont College Services NA University Rosemont PA FIA Card Services, N.A. Rutgers University Student and Alumni Federal Credit Union

Other New Brunswick

NJ FIA Card Services, N.A.

Sacramento State Alumni Association Alumni Association Sacramento CA FIA Card Services, N.A. Saint Edwards University University Austin TX FIA Card Services, N.A. Saint Francis College University Loretto PA FIA Card Services, N.A. Saint Josephs College of Maine University Standish ME FIA Card Services, N.A. Saint Marys College of California University Moraga CA FIA Card Services, N.A. Saint Vincent College Alumni Association Alumni Association Latrobe PA FIA Card Services, N.A. Saint Xavier University University Chicago IL FIA Card Services, N.A. Salem State College Alumni Association Alumni Association Salem MA FIA Card Services, N.A. Sam Houston State University University Huntsville TX Chase Bank USA, N.A. San Jose State University Alumni Association San Jose CA FIA Card Services, N.A. Seattle University University Seattle WA FIA Card Services, N.A. Shenandoah University University Winchester VA FIA Card Services, N.A. Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A. Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity Inc Other Richmond VA FIA Card Services, N.A. Southeastern College University Lakeland FL FIA Card Services, N.A. Southern Adventist University University Collegedale TN FIA Card Services, N.A.

Southern CT State University Alumni Association New Haven CT U.S. Bank National Association ND

Southern New Hampshire University Alumni Association Manchester NH U.S. Bank National Association ND

Southern Polytechnic State University Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association Marietta GA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Southern Wesleyan University University Central SC FIA Card Services, N.A. Spring Hill College University Mobile AL FIA Card Services, N.A. Springfield College University Springfield MA FIA Card Services, N.A. St Catherine’s College Cambridge University Cambridge UK FIA Card Services, N.A. St Francis College University Brooklyn NY FIA Card Services, N.A.


Institution or Organization Type of Institution or Organization

City State Credit Card Issuer

St Georges University School of Medicine Alumni Association

Alumni Association Islip Terrace NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

St Petersburg College Alumni Association Alumni Association Pinellas Park FL FIA Card Services, N.A. St Thomas Aquinas College University Sparkill NY FIA Card Services, N.A. St Thomas University University Miami FL FIA Card Services, N.A.

St. Bonaventure University University St. Bonaventure

NY Chase Bank USA, N.A.

State University of New York State College of Optometry Alumni Association

Alumni Association New York NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Stetson College of Law University St. Petersburg FL FIA Card Services, N.A. Stevens Institute of Technology University Hoboken NJ FIA Card Services, N.A. Student National Medical Association Other Washington DC FIA Card Services, N.A. Suffolk University Suffolk University School of Law University Boston MA FIA Card Services, N.A. SUNY Canton College Foundation Foundation Canton NY FIA Card Services, N.A. The Alumni Association Cal State Bakersfield Foundation

Foundation Bakersfield CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

The American College University Bryn Mawr PA FIA Card Services, N.A. The Associated Alumni of the Central High School of Philadelphia

Alumni Association Rydal PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

The California University of Pennsylvania Alumni Association Inc

Alumni Association California PA FIA Card Services, N.A.

The Greater University of South Carolina Alumni Association

Alumni Columbia SC Chase Bank USA, N.A.

The Minerals Metals and Materials Society Inc Other Warrendale PA FIA Card Services, N.A. The Queens College Foundation Foundation Flushing NY FIA Card Services, N.A. The University Corporation San Francisco State Alumni Association San Francisco CA FIA Card Services, N.A. The University of North Carolina Pembroke University Pembroke NC FIA Card Services, N.A. The University of Phoenix Alumni Network Alumni Association Phoenix AZ FIA Card Services, N.A. Thiel College University Greenville PA FIA Card Services, N.A. Triangle Other Indianapolis IN FIA Card Services, N.A. Tuskegee University University Tuskegee AL FIA Card Services, N.A. United States Air Force Academy Athletic Association Other USAFA CO Chase Bank USA, N.A. University of Alaska Fairbanks Alumni Association Alumni Association Fairbanks AK FIA Card Services, N.A. University of Arkansas Pine Bluff Alumni Association Alumni Association Pine Bluff AR FIA Card Services, N.A. University of Bridgeport University Bridgeport CT FIA Card Services, N.A. University of California at Los Angeles Medical Alumni Association

Alumni Association Los Angeles CA FIA Card Services, N.A.

University of Laverne University LaVerne CA FIA Card Services, N.A. University of Louisville University Louisville KY FIA Card Services, N.A. University of Maryland Eastern Shore Alumni Association Princess Anne MD FIA Card Services, N.A. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Alumni Association

Alumni Association Piscateway NJ FIA Card Services, N.A.

University of New England University Biddeford ME FIA Card Services, N.A. University of New England Osteopathic Medicine University Biddeford ME FIA Card Services, N.A. University of New Haven University West Haven CT FIA Card Services, N.A. University of New Mexico University Albuquerque NM Chase Bank USA, N.A. University of New Orleans International Alumni Association

Alumni Association New Orleans LA FIA Card Services, N.A.

University Of Notre Dame Du Lac & Play by Play Sports, LLC d/b/a Notre Dame Sports Properties

University & Other Notre Dame IN Chase Bank USA, N.A.

University of Portland University Portland OR FIA Card Services, N.A.


Institution or Organization Type of Institution or Organization

City State Credit Card Issuer

University of Richmond University Richmond VA FIA Card Services, N.A. University of St Francis University Joliet IL FIA Card Services, N.A. University of Texas Dental Branch Alumni Association Alumni Association Houston TX FIA Card Services, N.A. University of Utah Athletics Department University of Utah Alumni Association

Other Salt Lake City UT FIA Card Services, N.A.

University of West Florida Foundation Foundation Pensacola FL FIA Card Services, N.A. University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Foundation Foundation Eau Claire WI FIA Card Services, N.A. Upper Iowa University University Fayette IA FIA Card Services, N.A. Utica College University Utica NY FIA Card Services, N.A. Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology University Flushing NY FIA Card Services, N.A.

Virginia State University Alumni Association Alumni Association St Stephens Church

VA FIA Card Services, N.A.

Walla Walla College University College Place WA FIA Card Services, N.A. Washington College University Chestertown MD FIA Card Services, N.A.

Wayne State College Alumni Wayne NE First National Bank of Omaha

Wesley College University Dover DE FIA Card Services, N.A. Wesleyan College University Macon GA FIA Card Services, N.A. West Texas A&M University Alumni Association Alumni Association Canyon TX FIA Card Services, N.A. West Virginia State College University Institute WV FIA Card Services, N.A. West Virginia Wesleyan College University Buckhannon WV FIA Card Services, N.A. Western Illinois University Alumni Association Alumni Macomb IL Chase Bank USA, N.A. Western New England College University Springfield MA FIA Card Services, N.A. Western New England College School of Law University Springfield MA FIA Card Services, N.A. Westminster College University Fulton MO FIA Card Services, N.A. Wildlife Society Other Bethesda MD FIA Card Services, N.A. Willamette University University Salem OR FIA Card Services, N.A. Wingate University University Wingate NC FIA Card Services, N.A.

Winona State Alumni Association Winona MN U.S. Bank National Association ND

Xi Psi Phi Other Alton IL FIA Card Services, N.A. York College of Pennsylvania University York PA FIA Card Services, N.A.



Corrected Information Regarding College Credit Card Agreements

In 2012, the Bureau received corrected information from INTRUST Bank, Carolina Trust

Federal Credit Union, and Compass Bank. INTRUST submitted revised information for 2010

and 2009; the remaining issuers submitted corrections for 2010 alone. Corrected information

is shown in bold.

2010 Corrections

Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer

Status In Effect Jan 1, 2011

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2010

Payments by Issuer in 2010

New Accounts Opened in 2010

Bethel College Alumni Association

Alumni North Newton


Same Yes 529 $11,183 11

Butler Community College Foundation

Foundation El Dorado KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 470 $17,900 33

Coastal Carolina University

University Conway SC Carolina Trust FCU

New Yes 25 $80 25

Crimson Tide Sports Marketing, LLC

University Tuscaloosa AL Compass Bank

Same Yes 0 $180,500 0


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer

Status In Effect Jan 1, 2011

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2010

Payments by Issuer in 2010

New Accounts Opened in 2010

Emporia State University Alumni Association

Alumni Emporia KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 879 $16,193 36

Fort Hays State University Alumni Association

Alumni Hays KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 676 $10,000 59

Kansas State University Alumni Association

Alumni Manhattan KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 12,703 $701,976 292

Lamar University

University Beaumont TX Compass Bank

New Yes 0 $17,500 0

The Kansas University Alumni Association

Alumni Lawrence KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 12,183 $826,387 248

Washburn University

University Topeka KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 469 $8,000 22

Western Illinois University Alumni Association

Alumni Macomb IL INTRUST Bank, N.A.

New Yes 180 $38,442 180

Wichita State University Alumni Association, Inc.

Alumni Wichita KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

Same Yes 3,519 $347,500 146

Bethel College Alumni Association

Alumni North Newton


Same Yes 529 $11,183 11

2009 Corrections

Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer

Status In Effect Jan 1, 2010

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2009

Payments by Issuer in 2009

New Accounts Opened in 2009

Bethel College Alumni Association

Alumni North Newton


- - 588 $9,937 9


Institution or Organization

Type of Institution

City ST Credit Card Issuer

Status In Effect Jan 1, 2010

Total Open Accounts: Dec 31, 2009

Payments by Issuer in 2009

New Accounts Opened in 2009

Butler Community College Foundation

Foundation El Dorado KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

- - 556 $20,267 41

Emporia State University Alumni Association

Alumni Emporia KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

- - 1,005 $15,000 51

Fort Hays State University Alumni Association

Alumni Hays KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

- - 699 $10,000 76

Kansas State University Alumni Association

Alumni Manhattan KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

- - 13,527 $594,290 370

The Kansas University Alumni Association

Alumni Lawrence KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

- - 13,174 $802,019 471

Washburn University

University Topeka KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

- - 561 $8,000 34

Wichita State University Alumni Association, Inc.

Alumni Wichita KS INTRUST Bank, N.A.

- - 3,803 $321,667 261