Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

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Page 1: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums


When a collision occurs, everyone pays.

Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

Page 2: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

Causes of CollisionsAlmost all collisions are caused by driver error.The most common causes of crashes:


Failure to give the right-of-way

Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs

Failure to obey traffic controls

Improper turning

Following another vehicle to closely

Page 3: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

Preventing Collisions

Brake and Hold

Most drivers have a reflex action to “brake and hold” when faced with an impending collision.

If you don’t have an air bag, keep your arms between your body and the steering wheel, not to the sides, to help cushion your head and upper body in the event of a crash. Press your body up against the back of your seat and place your head directly against the head rest.

Page 4: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

Speeding upSituation in which speeding up can help you avoid a crash include:

When you are in an intersection

When a driver traveling next to you in the same direction moves toward you.

When you are about to be rear-ended and you have clear space ahead of you.

Even if you cannot avoid a crash by speeding up you may be able to shift the impact toward the rear of your vehicle thus minimizing injuries to yourself and passengers.

Page 5: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

Steering Left or Right

When there is not enough time to brake and you have some room to maneuver on one or both sides of an impending obstacle, steer to the left or right.

Remember that to your left you can usually expect either oncoming traffic or traffic traveling in your own direction but at higher speeds to maintain control, especially if you are driving a vehicle with a high center of gravity.

Page 6: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

Driving off the Roadway

It is legal to drive off the roadway if you do so prudently to avoid a collision. First, however consider your environment. Certain terrain off the roadway can lead to more problems than a collision.

When driving off the roadway, you may have to deal with several types of surfaces, making traction unpredictable.

Slamming on your brakes can cause a skid, or rollover. Instead, ease your foot off the gas to slow your vehicle down naturally.

Page 7: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

Avoiding Head-on Collisions The possibility of serious injury and death is more likely with a front-impact crash than an other type.If a car is coming at you head-on and is likely to collide with you, flash your headlights and/or honk your horn—loudly and continuously if necessary – to get the other driver’s attention so that he or she will slow down or veer away

Move your vehicle to the right, By turning to your right, you have a better chance of being sideswiped by the driver than being struck head-on

Page 8: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

Avoiding Side-Impact Collisions

Again if you have time flash you headlights or honk you horn to warn the other driver.

If you are the one about to be impacted, your best option is to accelerate rather than brake if the way is clear.

Accelerating will get you past the danger more quickly.

Braking may actually contribute to a side-impact collision.

Another alternative is to turn in the direction the other vehicle is moving to force the impact behind you to the rear of your vehicle

Page 9: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

Avoiding Rear- End Collisions

One of the most common types of multiple-vehicle collisions, rear-end crashes are most often caused when a driver follows another vehicle too closely.

If you practice defensive driving and maintain a large space cushion and following distance, you should be able to avoid rear-ending a vehicle in front of you in all situations.

Page 10: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

To prevent an imminent rear-end crash with a vehicle behind you, tap your brakes rapidly and continuously to flash a warning to the the approaching driver.

Position your steering wheel straight, especially if you are stopped waiting to make a left turn.

If the way ahead is clear, move forward as rapidly as possible.

If moving forward means crossing an intersection, do so only if it is clear of traffic.

Page 11: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

When a Crash Is Unavoidable The first thing to remember is to hit something soft if you can.

The second is to choose where your vehicle will be hit.

All vehicles are designed with crash-resistant features that work to protect the passengers buy spreading out the force of the impact throughout the car.

Page 12: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

Multiple Choice

1. Almost all collisions are cause by:

a. accidents

b. miscommunications

c. driver error.

d. Defective vehicles

C. Driver Error

Page 13: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

2. Serious injury and death are more likely in which type of collision?

a. rear-end

b. head-on

c. side-impact

d. chain reaction

B. head-on

Page 14: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

3. If you are facing an impending head-on collision, the first thing you should do is:

a. swerve to the left

b. swerve to the right

c. flash your lights and/or honk your horn

d. “brake and hold”

C. Flash your lights and/or honk your horn

Page 15: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums

Sentence Completion

1. Most drivers have a reflex action to _______________ when faced with an impending collision.

2. A _________________ is a series of collisions involving vehicles that impact one after another.

3. If you fail to stop at the scene of a crash in which you are involved, you could be prosecuted for _______________.

brake and hold

chain reaction

hit and run

Page 16: Collisions When a collision occurs, everyone pays. Indirect costs to society in the form of higher auto and medical insurance premiums