Volume 49 Number 8 | August 2017 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WWW.FPCSALINA.ORG “Come unto me...and I will give you rest.”

“Come unto meand I will give you rest.” - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstpresbyterianchurch6/documents/August... · It’s almost time to begin reading the Bible in

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Volume 47 Number 14 | August 2016 Volume 49 Number 8 | August 2017


“Come unto me...and I will give you rest.”




Marjorie Fackler will celebrate her 98th birthday on August 29.

Mabelle Mase will celebrate her 99th birthday on August 29.


Lou Ann & Tom Dunn will celebrate their 54th wedding anniversary on August 8.

Mary & Bob Exline will celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary on August 14.

Susie & Bob Stinson will celebrate their 61st wedding anniversary on August 18.

Kay & Jim Berglund will celebrate their 59th wedding anniversary on August 30.


Harry Jett died July 10. He joined FPC January 14, 1973. Sympathy is

extended to his wife, Ann, his sons and their families: Kirk & Denise

and Cade, Wichita; Charlie & Beverly, Wheeler, Oregon, & daughter

Sarita; Andy, New York, NY; and Tom & Melinda & children,

Carson Ann & Harrison, of Salina.

Jack Gillam died July 11. He joined FPC June 25, 1967. Sympathy is

extended to his sons and their families: Jack & Kim, Salina; Jay & Terri, Lawrence; Jeff & Lynn, Salina, and grandchildren: Maggie

Gillam (Darin Bernhardt), Salina, John N. Gillam V, Houston, Jason (Alex) Gillam, Kansas City, Abigail Gillam, Dallas, Matthew Gillam, Prairie Village, and Christopher Gillam, Kansas City.


to the family of Brian Gillispie, Manhattan. Brian is survived by his daughters, Ashlyn & Kamryn, Manhattan, his brother, Tim (Maria),

Overland Park, and by one niece and two nephews. Brian was preceded

in death by his parents, Leonard & Alma Gillispie.

to Linda Woolverton and Shawn Woolverton-Cox. Janet L.

Strickland-Collins, Platte, South Dakota, died July 7. Janet was Linda’s sister-in-law and Shawn was her niece.

FPC Staff


Rev. Dr. Charlie Smith Lead Pastor/Head of Staff [email protected]


Shelby Dickson

Director of Children’s CE [email protected]

Nursery Caregivers

Debb Homman, Coordinator [email protected]

Danielle Hix

Anita Thompson


Shelby Dickson Mid-High Youth Leader

Dylan Boyd

Senior-High Youth Leader


Richard Koshgarian

Director of Music [email protected]

Angie Koshgarian

Organist [email protected]


Melanie Spiess

Office Manager [email protected]

Beth Cormack

Communications Coordinator [email protected]


Ed Zoch

Head Custodian [email protected]

Tony Griggs

Relief Custodian [email protected]

Do you have information you'd like to have listed in the “Personals" section of

the newsletter? Contact Beth at [email protected] today!

To the Deacons and all the Volunteers who helped at the church with the two services.

You are appreciated!


from Pastor Charlie...

It’s almost time to begin reading the Bible in 90 days! For

the more than 70 participants in the B90 program, on a

separate page in this newsletter you will find some specific

instructions about what to expect when the program begins

August 13th. For the rest of the FPC Salina family, please

keep your B90 colleagues in prayer, help hold them

accountable for the audacious work that is before them –

and encourage them in their efforts.

Many people have expressed interest in the B90 program, but time commitments, too-busy and fall travel schedules

prevent them from taking part at the present time. My hope is that our first foray into B90 will be such a success,

and the experience will be so positive, that we’ll do it again – and that everyone else will participate next time.

In the meantime, for those still curious about the program from afar, here’s a list of Frequently Asked Questions

about The Bible in 90 Days. The answers apply widely to everyone’s walk of Christian faith and spiritual practices,

such as prayer and Bible reading.

Q: Should I do anything before I start reading each day?

A: We recommend that you say a brief, silent prayer such as this: “Gracious Father,

thank you for the gift I hold in my hands. May your Spirit fill me and interpret your

precious words for me as I read. In your Son’s name I pray. Amen.”

Q: How much will I read each day?

A: Each day you’ll read 12 pages in The Bible in 90 Days. On Day 1 you start with page 1 and read until you see a

page marker that says “End Day I, Begin Day 2.” Continue to do likewise each day. At the end of 90 days, you’ll

have read the entire Bible from cover to cover. We encourage you to do what you can to alleviate distractions so

that you can reach your goal of reading each word attentively.

Q: When should I read?

A: That’s completely up to you. Some will read first thing in the morning, before getting out of bed. Others will

make it the last thing they do each night. Still others will read at various times during the day and/or night. Some

will read their daily quota all in one sitting. Others will space their reading throughout the day, reading a page or

two in several sittings. Try more than one approach; one of the benefits of doing this reading is becoming

comfortable with reading your Bible at any time.

Q: What if I get behind?

A: Try your best not to get behind. But, if you do, there is one very important rule about catching up: Do not skip

any pages! There are two reasons for this rule: (1) If you skip anything, by definition you will not have read from

cover to cover, which is an important part of this process. (2) If you skip anything, our research shows that you are

unlikely to go back and read what you skipped, so, again, you won’t end up reading the entire Bible. If you get

behind, just read some extra pages each day until you’ve caught back up to the class.

Q: What if I get way behind?

A: If you happen to get more than a day or two behind, set aside a large block of time during one day – Sundays are

good for this – and just “plow through” the reading. This may seem more like a chore than a spiritual experience,

but you will probably be surprised by the insight you glean from this. As importantly, after a day (or so) of reading

this way, you’ll be caught up! Remember, too, that God’s work sometimes seems like, well, work. Reading the

Bible from cover to cover is a challenge; however, when this challenge is met, you’ll be glad that you persevered.


Additionally, here are some Do’s and Don’ts directed at

B90 participants who fall behind in their reading that,

again, hit home for all of us:

The DO’s:

Do ask for God’s help. We cannot think of any reason why God would tell you not to read the Bible. If that’s what

you think you are hearing, though, pray about it some more and think about why God might tell you that. No, this is

not a competition with yourself and no it is not just so you can say you’ve done it. You WILL see God move in

ways you haven’t before if you do this and listen. And even if you catch only a small portion of what the Bible says

in this reading, you will catch what He wants you to hear this time.

Do set a goal for getting caught up. You won’t accidentally get caught up one day. Instead, set a goal and write it

on your calendar. How far behind are you? Can you get caught up in one week? What about in three weeks? Pick a

date, divide the number of pages by the number of days you have until then and make it happen.

Do figure out how to meet that goal. Your reading won’t just get done if you just hope it gets done. How will you

do it? Can you schedule two extra 30 or 45 minute reading breaks in the day somewhere? Can you explain the

situation to your spouse or a friend and get some extra help for a few reading breaks? Grab additional reading time

whenever possible. Even 10 minute increments help.

Do take your Bible everywhere. Yes, everywhere.

Do watch your progress. Download the Bible reading bookmarks from the Bible in 90 Days resource page, print

them out and check off the reading as you get it done. Do this even if you are reading digitally. Seeing your

progress will motivate you. If you are using a hardcopy Bible, place a sticky note at the end of each day’s reading,

each week’s reading or wherever your next goal in reading may be.

Do make sure you are committed. Is reading the entire Bible important to you? If so, commit to reading the whole

Bible. If you commit to just reading as much as you can, you won’t read the whole thing. Don’t you want to know

all that God wants to share with you? Talk to God again. Talk about this commitment. Thank Him for the gift of the

Bible and let him know you want to open, read and learn from this gift.

The DON’Ts:

Don’t skip ahead and assume you’ll go back and read what you missed. Readers that do this rarely go back and

read the entire Word. We are reading the entire Bible here, in order, cover to cover. By skipping around you will

miss some of the story that is built upon in the scripture. If you are behind, do not skip ahead so you feel better. Just

keep plowing forward in the reading. Once you do catch up, it will be SO worth it.

Don’t listen instead of read. Listening is not reading. Things happen when you read that do not happen when you

listen. I know it sounds harsh, but listening is not reading. You signed up for a reading plan. You can, however,

listen while you read if that helps you to stay focused. But do not listen in place of reading.

Don’t read without a plan. If you are trying to catch up, set a plan for catching up. How many pages behind are

you? How many pages are in a day’s reading? Come up with a realistic deadline to be caught up, divide to find the

number of pages you need to read each day, and GO TO TOWN reading. Time yourself to see how long a day’s

reading takes. Figure out how many days you are behind and how much reading time you need to do to catch

up. Then plot those times on your calendar instead of expecting those windows of time to just appear and keep

those appointments to read. If you want to try to catch up all at once, go for it. Sunday is often a great catch up day.

Don’t set yourself up for failure. When is a realistic time for you to read? You might say you’ll just get up earlier

to read beginning at 5:30 a.m.. Is that realistic for you? You might decide you’ll just read after the kids go to bed.

Will you really get it done then or will you be pulled in by different distractions? Decide when it really makes sense

for you to read and then think of all the excuses to NOT read at that time. Think about which will win at those

times: the excuses or the reading? Prepare yourself NOT to give in, but rather to read, read, READ, and listen to

God. You can get back to all those distractions soon, just after you have read the ENTIRE Bible.

Don’t give up. If you think you should just give up, try to remember why you decided to start this in the first place.

Then think about why you are quitting. Is it REALLY a good reason?



Adult Education Opportunities

The Adult Education Committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month, 5:30 PM in the Hope Room.

Please join us as we develop and lead our Christian Adult Educational Programs. You may email any

suggestions to: [email protected].

The FPC Women’s Bible Study group had its last meeting June 5th, for the

program “Who is Jesus?” We will begin a new Bible Study group beginning

October 2nd, brought to us by the PW/Horizons Bible study, and titled “Cloud

of Witnesses, the Community of Christ in Hebrews” by Melissa Bane Sevier.

Please join us on a journey over nine lessons (the first Monday of each month),

as the author invites us to explore major themes found in Hebrews, relate these

themes to other parts of our faith tradition, and tie them together with the

overarching motif of community.

Please email the committee with any questions to [email protected]

or ask the office staff. Let us know if you will be there in the fall and we will

put you on the email list and order you the study guide.

We hope to see you there!

Led by Christ, Together in Faith and Love,

We Joyfully Think, Question, Grow and Serve!

Summer is here and it's hot outside! So it is a perfect time to join Yoga at FPC! Time

to stretch those muscles, slow down and listen to your inner self. You can join Cathy

Hayes and other women and men for yoga on Wednesdays, 5-6 pm. A suggested

donation of $5, but is not required. All levels of ability are welcome for an integration

of body, mind and the spirit. If you have any question, email [email protected].



Calling on all church members with an interest in Adult Education: Do you ever have ideas

about a book study or DVD that you think would be great to study? Have you ever had a

thought about something spiritual that you have learned and want to share with your

church family? Would you like to cover how to cope with life events in a faith-based small

group? Please contact our committee at [email protected] to contribute your

ideas to the upcoming fall schedule. Many church members are participating in the B90

Bible Study Challenge, which will run from August 14th to November 13th. Would you like

to see other educational opportunities at your church during this time frame?? Please send

us an email with your ideas if you want a program along with the B90 Bible Study.

Thank you in advance!


Youth: Cooper Cobb, Mason Gary, Will Hayes, Melissa Lidgett, Carson Michaelis, Azbey Peckham,

Chloe White. Cindric White, Cora White, and Peyton Wood

Sponsors: Stan Amick, Tricia Cobb, Randy Graham, Seara Weir


If there is enough for all, why do not all have enough? This was

the question that the FPC youth explored during their week at

Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas. Heifer explores reasons

and possible solutions through experiential learning...boy did we

learn from experience! We learned how Heifer is using farming

techniques, animal rearing and education to hopefully cure global

hunger through helping with gardening, livestock care, and ranch

maintenance. We also learned what it's like to live in one of the

villages Heifer might help in through our night in the global

village. We look forward to telling you all about our trip and

exploring options on how our church family can continue to

support Heifers work soon!

Valuable lessons through experience…

We learned that when milking a goat, you should hold the bucket tight.

We learned to appreciate air conditioning after sleeping in 85 degree heat and working in 112 heat indices.

We learned to appreciate shelter after suffering over 300+ bug bites as a group!

We enjoyed the food, while trying to battle food waste. Weighing your leftover food really makes you think!

We learned how to make goat cheese, after collecting the goat milk.

We learned how to pick corn, carefully!

We learned how to form garden beds, and learned how hard farmers work.

We learned how honey bees live and how to hold them.

We learned to appreciate others.

We experienced new friendships!


Children’s Christian Education (FBI)

August has arrived, and that means that school is right around the corner! Can you believe that another summer has come and gone? But, the start of a new school year means the start of a new year of the Faithful Bible Investigators and FBI-In-Training- something that the staff here at FPC loves to see come back around! Per tradition, we will be beginning the Children's Christian Ed programs in September after families have had some time to get settled into the school routine. Though we do not officially begin programming until September, it is time now to begin the registration process!


is going to be a BIG day around First Presbyterian Church, not only is that our

registration day for FBI and FBI-In-Training, we have a few other exciting events happening! Please mark your calendars to join us for the following on SUNDAY, AUGUST 13:

Bible Sunday: Join us during worship at 10 a.m. to see our 3 year olds, 1

st graders, and 6


graders presented with age-appropriate Bibles. All children being presented with a Bible will receive a postcard invitation in the mail soon!

Blessing of the Backpacks: Also during worship, we will have our annual blessing of the backpacks. Anyone returning to school of any kind, (elementary, middle, high, college, etc.) are welcome to bring their backpacks to receive a blessing over this new school year. For those not necessarily returning to school, but for those who have briefcases, bags, etc. and wish to participate, we encourage you to join us as well!

FBI & FBI-In-Training Registration Night: For those with children ages 2 yrs-PreK or K-5th

grade, please join us from 5-7 p.m. at Lakewood Park to register your kiddo(s) for the 2017- 18 year of the FPC Children's Christian Ed programs! Please bring your entire family AND invite your friends! Church & Family Picnic: Also from 5-7 p.m. at Lakewood Park, we will have an all-church picnic where we will enjoy a good ol' fashion BBQ, water balloon fights, a bouncy house, and fellowship!

We are so excited for the year to come! We hope that you are as excited as we are! It is certainly going to be a great year for the children of FPC! Please stay tuned in next month's newsletter for some great staffing announcements and further details about the 2017-18 Children's Christian Ed programs!

As a recap, please don't forget to mark your calendars for AUGUST 13th…

During Worship: Bible Presentations and Blessing of the Backpacks Lakewood Park: Church Picnic & FBI/FBI-in-Training Registration from 5-7 p.m.

So, you have the date marked on your calendar now, right? That's right... AUGUST 13th! :) Can't wait to see you at all of the festivities that day! Happy August!

Much Love, Shelby Dickson Nursery CLOSED

Thanksgiving - Nov 26 Christmas Eve - Dec 24 New Years Eve - Dec 31


Social Justice & Mission Committee

2017 Benevolence Allocations

Did you know First Presbyterian annually dedicates 15% of the General Budget to benevolence through the

Social Justice & Mission Committee? Additionally, two special funds, established by Pearl & J.E. Weiss

and Virginia & Bill Reimold, provide annual incomes that enable FPC to have an even greater impact

through our financial support of relief, development, and charitable agencies near and far. Below are our

mid-year disbursements of these dollars in action.

Support of Local Agencies: $9,460.29

American Red Cross - $375

Ashby House - $500

Back to School Fair - $1,000

CASTLE Project - $265

Central Kansas Foundation - $500

Circles of the Heartland - $820.29

Clover House - $500

DVACK - $500

Emergency Aid Food Bank - $1,000

Feed the Hungry - Christ Cathedral - $250

Meals on Wheels - $500

Salina Area United Way - $500

Salina Child Care Association - $500

Salina Family Health Care Center - $1,000

Sunflower Adult Day Care - $1,250

International Mission: $7,000

Fellow Man International - $3,000

Living Waters for the World - $1,000

C-TEN - $3,000 (Ixcan Water Filter Ministry Support)

Reimond International Mission Fund: $6,059.21

FPC Guatemala Team Scholarship Fund - $3,059.21

C-TEN - $3,000 ( Ixcan Water Tech Salary Support)

Fellow Man International Fundraising Meal

A fundraising meal and presentation for the Fellow Man International Mission of Honduras, featuring a meal of

Honduran food and a presentation of pictures and comments by Lisa Armstrong will be held on August 27th at 6

p.m. Tickets for the meal are $20 for adults and $5 for those 12 and under. The fellowship hall of Sunrise

Presbyterian Church at Beloit and Roach will be the venue. An auction, not of objects but for the Mission's staff

support will be held following the meal. This evening is sponsored by First United Methodist Church, Sunrise

Presbyterian and First Presbyterian Churches. Tickets are available from the church office or at coffee time after

worship service from Cheri Parr, Richard Morrison or Charley Weathers.


For our B90 Participants...

FPC Salina will mark Rally Sunday on September 10th, Stewardship Sunday on September 17th, and our second

year of Bee the Church Sunday on September 24th. On many levels, the three events are interrelated.

On Rally Sunday, we’ll gather together as a church family to prepare for a new program year. All children, youth,

and adults are encouraged to attend the ministry fair in Blair Hall following worship that day. There, you’ll find a

table set up by each committee of the church with information, registrations, sign-ups, snacks, and more! You’ll

have the opportunity to learn more about the ministries at FPC and to find new ways to join in mission, service,

study and fellowship. Opportunities will be available for all ages. You will also be able to sign up for our “Bee the

Church” service projects, which will take place on Sunday, Sept. 24th.

Stewardship Sunday begins our annual examination of how we can suppor t the church with our gifts of time,

talent and treasure.

That commitment will be on full display on Bee the Church Sunday, when we’ll

forego a worship service and use our hands and feet to do liturgy – the work of

the people – in and for the community. Your FPC committees currently are

prayerfully discerning their Bee the Church projects.

Since we’ll be in the middle of the Bible in 90 Days, committee members have

been asked to highlight B90 during Rally Sunday, proclaiming how the reading

program has affected their lives of faith. In addition, each committee taking part

in Bee the Church will center its project upon a scriptural verse.

More details to come!

For those taking part in the Bible in 90 Days reading program, Bibles and workbooks will be distributed at the all-

Church picnic on Sunday, August 13th, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Lakewood Park. If you are unable to attend the

picnic, the materials will be available at the church office beginning Monday, August 14th. Since Monday is also

Day One of B90, be aware that any delay in picking up the materials will set you back in the daily reading. (B90

rules do not allow distribution of materials in advance, so that everyone starts at the same time.)

The Session One class, week of August 14, will only be offered at 10 a.m. Monday, noon Tuesday, and 5:30 p.m.

Thursday (no Sunday classes) due to the picnic. In subsequent weeks, through the 14-week program, classes will be

held at 11 a.m. Sunday (following worship), 5 p.m. Sunday (this will be the only class at which child care is

provided), 10 a.m. Monday, noon Tuesday, and 5:30 p.m. Thursday. (The classes will be identical; each covering the

same material and showing the same DVD.) B90 participants are welcome to attend any of the classes.

In advance of Session One, and to facilitate discussion, think about your answer to these questions:

1. Have you ever tried to read the entire Bible before? Why or why not?

2. If you have tried to read the Bible in its entirety, what challenges did you face in fulfilling your desire?

Where did you start? How far did you get?

3. What have you found to be difficult and what have you found to be rewarding in your attempts to read the

Bible regularly?

4. If you have successfully read the entire Bible before, what were the

circumstances? What motivated you to keep at it? How satisfied were you

with your accomplishments?

5. If you have started to read the Bible but have never completed your reading goal, what

really kept you from finishing what you started?

6. What most excites you about the prospect of reading the entire Bible in 90 days?

7. Why do you believe it is important to read the entire Bible? What do you expect to discover

in terms of practical living, spiritual growth, knowledge of history, or other areas?

September is a Buzz...


I've heard good things about the appearance on June 25th of Don Schroeder and

Boone Clayton on July 2nd, and my thanks to those two Presbyterian colleagues

for filling in for me while I was on vacation. As I've said before, I think it's good

for FPC folks in the pews to hear different voices on occasion. (Though I admit I

would hope that you don't decide you like the replacement preachers better!) In

August of last year, Martha Murchison, from our companion church in Salina,

Sunrise, and I swapped pulpits one Sunday morning. This year, on August 6th, I'll

be swapping pulpits with the Rev. Barry Dundas, Senior Pastor of Trinity United

Methodist Church.

Barry has served in that position for 10 years. He is a graduate of Southwestern College and

Saint Paul School of Theology. Before moving to Salina he served as the Campus Minister at

Washburn University, Pastor of Auburn United Methodist Church and as an Associate Pastor at

East Heights United Methodist Church in Wichita, KS. Barry and his wife Diana have two

children, Amy is a senior at KSU and Kyle is a senior at Salina South. Barry has at least two

things in common with your pastor Charlie Smith. He loves to tell stories and he is passionate

about the Kansas City Royals. His best day is when he gets to tell a Royals baseball story

in Sunday morning sermon and then go home to watch the Royals win a game on TV.

Pulpit Swap - August 6


The theme for this year’s program arose out of the separateness

and polarization we, our friends, the community, the state, the

country, the world seem to be in these days. Whose side are you

on – and if you're on the “other” side, you're flat-out wrong! So

how do we talk with each other, how do we listen to each other,

how do we love one another even in our differences?

The series hopes to explore these questions from several

standpoints – through the eyes of an artist, a psychologist, a

theologian, and activists involved in two community outreach

programs based on restorative justice principles. What does the

Lord require of us?! The final session is:

August 8 – 12 noon, First Presbyterian Church Chapel Panel presentation by LaNay Meier, Diana Smith and Gerald Gillespie, volunteers: Inspired by last

year's Summer Soul-stice presentation on Reaching Out From Within (ROFW) there are now seven

volunteer sponsors who work with two groups of inmates at the Ellsworth Correctional Facility. At

weekly meetings of ROFW the men learn about themselves, about principles of non-violence, and about

building better lives for themselves.

Questions? Contact Martha ([email protected]) or Sydney ([email protected])

On June 14, the Worship and Music Committee and Congregational

Care and Nurture Committee met jointly to hear from members of

the Church's Congregation how they felt about the Midweek Manna,

or MWM, service. The service is currently taking a summer break

and has a proposed restart date of September 20.

The overwhelming number of members present voiced support for

MWM. Comments noted that MWM provided a chance for families

to worship together that could not be present Sunday morning due to

childrens' sports league, out of town travel, and other commitments. The informal service with seating around

tables allowed for more group discussion and fellowship among members who might not otherwise have a chance

to do so. Single members of all ages benefited from this as well.

The dinner following FBI classes for children made it possible for families to have a meal together as well as

worship. There was a recognition that today's families have schedules that get in the way of sharing mealtimes

together. One parent stressed that his daughter called the meal her "daily bread". The praise music orientation was

a big hit with the children.

As a result of these comments, in its meeting following the discussion, the Worship and Music Committee voted to

ask Session to fund the MWM dinners for the remainder of the budget year beginning in September to show the

Church's support for this popular Wednesday night service. The Committee also recommended that the publicity

for the MWM service be dramatically increased. These recommendations will be presented to Session at its

August meeting.

Do Justice...Love Mercy...Are You Kidding?!

Midweek Manna Update


20 Kelsey Ketcher Blaine Knox Craig Knox 21 Colin Blackim Kelli Exline 23 Kari Wilson 24 Ann Knowles Emma Norris 25 Kathy Hanson Ellen Tinkler 27 Ann Nordboe Danielle Peckham 28 Annabelle Dupy Ben Shoup 29 Marjorie Fackler Mabelle Mase 30 Patty Mansfield 31 Brian Carlgren Wyatt Hall Carolyn Wedel

2 Kris Hanzlicek 4 Ruth Lamfers 5 John Landes Ben Rohrer 7 Meg Johnson Scot Van Es 9 Ethan Speer 11 Dylan Grammer Bill Knox 12 Sharron Hansen Harper Johnston 14 Pat Gruver 15 Sherri Murphy 17 Heather Denning 18 Brigid Hall Phil Krug Gradyn Prester Linda Rohrer



On July 31, First Presbyterian Church, Salina, bid a fond farewell to Tricia Gustafson Cobb as Director of Youth Ministry, a position she has held for three years. Tricia brought a special passion, enthusiasm and a heaping dose of humor to the position, not only in Sunday activities but so much more: local activities and mission trips around the country, youth projects through the year, special worship, and the highly popular Thursday morning youth Bible study at Mokas. Though she is stepping away, Tricia is far from retiring – either in personality or in the number of projects in which she is engaged. She says right now she wants to enjoy being the mother of a high-school senior, sophomore and eighth-grader. We are grateful for you, Tricia, and thanks! One FPC youth says of Tricia: “She’s SO awesome! Tricia is always there for us. On Thursday mornings we have great discussions and she wrangles us in when we get off topic. It’s just really great to be surrounded by my friends while celebrating God, and Tricia gave us so many cool opportunities to do that. We always have fun in worship thanks to Tricia! I’ll be sad to see her go, but she’s done so much for us! I’m glad she’s doing something for herself.” Thanks, Tricia!

THANK YOU, Tricia!


Sign Up for Sunday Chancel Flowers!

You are invited to sign up, using the form below, as a Sunday Chancel

flower donor for any Sunday this year. Perhaps there is a particular date

that is important to you to honor or memorialize someone. All donors

(whether there is one or ten!) and those memorialized or honored will be

listed in the bulletin on the date desired. The cost is $20.00. Please contact

the office with any questions at [email protected] or 785-825-0226.

Please list date desired:___________________________________________

Please list EXACTLY the way you want your name(s) listed as donor:


Given in Memory of



Given in Honor of


Return the form, with your payment of $20.00, to

First Presbyterian Church

308 S. 8th


Salina, KS 67401



Salina, KS 67401

Address Service Requested


REV. DR. CHARLIE SMITH - Lead Pastor/Head of Staff

Address: 308 S 8th St PO Box 585 Salina, KS 67402-0585 Phone: (785) 825-0226 Email: [email protected] Website: www.fpcsalina.org

The News (PE 708620) is published monthly by First Presbyterian Church, PO Box 585, Salina, KS 67402-0585. Periodical postage paid at Salina, Kansas.

The September edition of The News will be available August 30th on our website, and around the church. Sunday services are

broadcast each week at 10:05 am on KINA, 910 AM, 94.5 FM, or streamed live at: radio.securenetsystems.net/v5/KINA.

If there is something you would like included in the next edition, email [email protected], by noon on August 22nd.

& FBI Registration

(more information on page 6)