Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Public Safety EXAMINER Newsletter Date: June 2013 <> Volume 1, Issue 3 Law Enforcement Month; May 2013 Open House Multi-Purpose Building, Susupe Table of Contents: MOU with AGO and OPA 2 Renovations to DPS Central Facility 3 DPS New Ambulances 4 DPS Purchases new Fire Boat 5 La Fiesta Beautification Project 6 TOPS Office Grand Opening 7 Memorial Mass and Ceremony 8-9 Communications 10 Enforcement 11-12 Police We4ek Activities 13 Training 14-15 Tools of the Trade 16 Rank and File 17 Safety Tips 18-19 See Story Inside; DPS joins multi-agency beautification project at the former La Fiesta Mall in San Roque May 10, 2013

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of … · 2013-06-12 · Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Public Safety EXAMINER Newsletter Date:

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Page 1: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of … · 2013-06-12 · Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Public Safety EXAMINER Newsletter Date:

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Department of Public Safety

EXAMINER Newsletter Date: June 2013 <> Volume 1, Issue 3

Law Enforcement Month; May 2013

Open House

Multi-Purpose Building, Susupe

Table of Contents:

MOU with AGO and OPA 2

Renovations to DPS Central Facility 3

DPS New Ambulances 4

DPS Purchases new Fire Boat 5

La Fiesta Beautification Project 6

TOPS Office Grand Opening 7

Memorial Mass and Ceremony 8-9

Communications 10

Enforcement 11-12

Police We4ek Activities 13

Training 14-15

Tools of the Trade 16

Rank and File 17

Safety Tips 18-19

See Story Inside;

DPS joins multi-agency beautification project at the former La

Fiesta Mall in San Roque

May 10, 2013

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The Department of Public Safety along with Attorney Gen-

eral’s Office and the Office of the Public Auditor recently

entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to establish

a White Collar Crime Task Force in the CNMI. The task

force which was created for the purposes of investigating

public corruption and white collar crimes is part of an on-

going combined effort between the agencies to investi-

gate, track and prosecute potential corruption cases. En-

tering into the memorandum, DPS Commissioner James C.

Deleon Guerrero has assured the designation of a task

force representative along with vehicles and other DPS re-

sources as a part of the Departments commitment to alle-

viate White Collar Crimes and Corruption in the CNMI.

June 2013

Volume 1, Issue 3 Page 2

DPS Commissioner James C. Deleon Guerrero along with

CNMI Attorney General Joey P. San Nicolas sign the MOU to

establish a White Collar Crime Task Force in the CNMI

Commissioner meets with Budget Officials

Department of Public Safety Commissioner James C. Deleon Guerrero met with officials from the Of-

fice of Management and Budget as well as the Secretary of Finance recently to discuss the proposed

budget changes for the Department of Public Safety for the 2014FY. Discussed during the meeting

were cost-cutting measures that the Department has recently implemented as well as recommenda-

tions as to how the Department could further decrease annual operating costs without disrupting the

quality of service it provides to the residents of the CNMI. Special Assistant to the Office of Manage-

ment and Budget Virginia Villagomez as well as Secretary of Finance Larissa Larson will continue to

work in conjunction with the Department of Public Safety to address budgetary issues.

(L-R) POII. J. Rabauliman, Sgt. J Saures, SOF Larissa Larson, OMB Special Assistant

Virginia Villagomez and Commissioner James C. Deleon Guerrero

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Page 3 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Department of Public Safety EXAMINER

A representative from the Office of Manage-

ment and Budget and the Secretary of

Finance tour the DPS Central Compound

Commissioner James C. Deleon Guerrero

and Sgt. Joe Saures discuss future reno-

vations plans with Special Assistant

Virginia Villagomez from OMB

10-14 Room Renovation 10-14 Room Renovation Completion DPS Central Entry Hall toward Commis-

sioners Office, Commanders Offices.

Commissioner James C. Deleon Guerrero

touring the Department of Public Safety

Central Facilities.

The Department Of Public Safety’s Central Station has seen con-

siderable changes in the last few weeks, the most noticeable be-

ing the recent renovations conducted throughout the facility.

With no major renovations since the building of original structure

the Department of Public Safety has been in dire need of repairs

to its facilities and offices for years. With the completion of the

renovations to the “10-14 Room” and commanders offices. Work-

ers will now tackle other parts of the DPS Central facility. Plans

for continued renovations include the Administrative Offices as

well as the remaining buildings that surround the Department of

Public Safety. On a recent tour with the Secretary of Finance La-

rissa Larson and the Special Assistant for Office of Management

and Budget, Commissioner James C. Deleon Guerrero outlined

his plans to complete renovations within the next year, inclusive

of both major and minor repairs to bring the facilities up to re-

quired codes.

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5 New Ambulances for Saipan and Tinian


The Department of Public Safety Fire Division recently received 5 new ambulances in May 2013.

These “Medics” will replace the existing fleet of Ambulances servicing the Islands of Saipan and Tinian

and will allow the division to more effectively serve the residents of the CNMI, provide a wider range of

coverage and afford a more reliable response time to emergency calls.

Purchased through the Department of Interior’s Technical Assistance Program each apparatus cost an

approximate $100,000.00 and were a much needed upgrade from the existing medics the Fire Division

has in its fleet, some previous medics being nearly 12 years old. The previous medics used by the divi-

sion will be repaired and housed as stand-by vehicles to be used when one of the newer units is in need

of service or repair.

Of the 5 medics purchased. The Fire Division has designated the use of 4 Ambulances for the Island of

Saipan that will be based out of the Koblerville, Garapan, Kagman and San Roque Stations to provide

full island wide coverage, as well as 1 Medic to service the island of Tinian.

Fully equipped, these ambulances are the latest E-350 “Type II” Ambulance model available from the

Ford Company and differ from the previous versions of the E-350 Ambulances purchased by the Fire


See Tools of the Trade on page 16 for further details.

June 2013

Volume 1, Issue 3 Page 4

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In May the Department of Public Safety (DPS) Fire

Division unveiled its $680,000.00 custom built Multi-

Mission Fire Boat. The boat, designed to enhance the

response capabilities for multiple missions, will pro-

vide primary emergency response and mutual aid to

the Port of Saipan in supporting port security mis-

sions in the event that our ports are compromised

due to Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) or

CBRNE incidents.

This multi-mission fire boat reflects a ro-

bust regional coordination between the Department

of Public Safety, The Commonwealth Ports Authority

and the United States Coast Guard. The first of its

kind in the Northern Marianas, outside of Hawaii, the CNMI now holds the distinction of having the only operation-

al Fire Boat in the entire Pacific Region. The boat, which was custom built for the unique needs of the CNMI will be

able to assist the seaport with emergency response needs to include providing aid to the neighboring islands of

Tinian and Rota. In addition, this multi-mission fire boat is capable of performing marine firefighting, search and

rescue operations, and hazmat detection. This boat will be fully equipped and staffed 24/7 with properly trained

search and rescue and hazmat personnel and will also assist the DPS Boating Safety Unit, CPA Harbor Patrol Unit

and the United States Coast Guard in accomplishing its maritime multi-missions in the CNMI.

Purchased through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Port Security Grant Program (PSGP), the procure-

ment of the 35’ boat was a joint effort between the Department of Public Safety and the United States Coast

Guard to ensure that the CNMI is supported with adequate maritime response capabilities and is in a constant

state of response readiness for all port security missions.

Page 5 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Department of Public Safety EXAMINER

Fire Chief Tom Manglona giving his welcoming

remarks at the official Launching Ceremony held

at the Smiling Cove Mariana on May 24

Multi-Mission Fire Suppression Monitor Nozzle

Fog Stream at the Smiling Cove Marina

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DPS joins Multi-Agency Beautification Project

In Collaboration with the Department of Corrections and other government agencies, the Department of Public In Collaboration with the Department of Corrections and other government agencies, the Department of Public In Collaboration with the Department of Corrections and other government agencies, the Department of Public

Safety participated in the extensive cleanSafety participated in the extensive cleanSafety participated in the extensive clean---up efforts of the former La Fiesta Mall. up efforts of the former La Fiesta Mall. up efforts of the former La Fiesta Mall.

The beautification project, which was a call from Governor Eloy S. Inos to cabinet members was intended to help in The beautification project, which was a call from Governor Eloy S. Inos to cabinet members was intended to help in The beautification project, which was a call from Governor Eloy S. Inos to cabinet members was intended to help in

the revitalization of tourist attractions on island and assist with the deterrence of ongoing crime and vandalism in the revitalization of tourist attractions on island and assist with the deterrence of ongoing crime and vandalism in the revitalization of tourist attractions on island and assist with the deterrence of ongoing crime and vandalism in

the surrounding areas. the surrounding areas. the surrounding areas.

The abandoned mall, which is currently owned by the CNMI Government is in a state of disrepair after years of ne-The abandoned mall, which is currently owned by the CNMI Government is in a state of disrepair after years of ne-The abandoned mall, which is currently owned by the CNMI Government is in a state of disrepair after years of ne-

glect, the extensive efforts of both DPS and DOC along with other participating agencies were immediately seen as glect, the extensive efforts of both DPS and DOC along with other participating agencies were immediately seen as glect, the extensive efforts of both DPS and DOC along with other participating agencies were immediately seen as

vegetation was cleared, debris removed and broken glass was swept from the vicinity. Posing a potential risk to res-vegetation was cleared, debris removed and broken glass was swept from the vicinity. Posing a potential risk to res-vegetation was cleared, debris removed and broken glass was swept from the vicinity. Posing a potential risk to res-

iiidddeeennntttsss,,, ttthhheee aaabbbaaannndddooonnneeeddd ssstttrrruuuccctttuuurrreee aaalllsssooo hhhaaaddd nnnuuummmeeerrrooouuusss hhhaaazzzaaarrrdddsss sssuuuccchhh aaasss ooovvveeerrrgggrrrooowwwnnn tttrrreeeeeesss aaannnddd hhhaaannngggiiinnnggg sssiiigggnnnsss ttthhhaaattt wwweeerrreee

removed from the area.removed from the area.removed from the area.

The oneThe oneThe one---day clean up yielded hundreds of volunteers and an received a outpour of support from CNMI residents. day clean up yielded hundreds of volunteers and an received a outpour of support from CNMI residents. day clean up yielded hundreds of volunteers and an received a outpour of support from CNMI residents.

This is the first clean up effort for the La Fiesta facility in recent years. This is the first clean up effort for the La Fiesta facility in recent years. This is the first clean up effort for the La Fiesta facility in recent years.

In a continued effort, the Department of Corrections will use inmates to regularly maintain the facility and Depart-In a continued effort, the Department of Corrections will use inmates to regularly maintain the facility and Depart-In a continued effort, the Department of Corrections will use inmates to regularly maintain the facility and Depart-

ment of Public Safety will continue to provide patrols to the area and to the surrounding community.ment of Public Safety will continue to provide patrols to the area and to the surrounding community.ment of Public Safety will continue to provide patrols to the area and to the surrounding community.

To date the facility has been used to facilitate training on tactical response and was last used as a “Incident” site To date the facility has been used to facilitate training on tactical response and was last used as a “Incident” site To date the facility has been used to facilitate training on tactical response and was last used as a “Incident” site

for the 2012 Konfitma Emergency Exercise. for the 2012 Konfitma Emergency Exercise. for the 2012 Konfitma Emergency Exercise.

June 2013

Volume 1, Issue 3 Page 6

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Tourism Oriented Policing Section (TOPS) Office Grand Opening


The Tourism Oriented Policing Section (TOPS) had the official Grand Opening and Unveiling of their new

office on May 29, 2013. The Office which is located in Garapan Lower Housing, House A13 will supple-

ment the Koban Office located directly within the Paseo de Marianas. With this new location the TOPS

Officers will be able to more efficiently service the Garapan area as well as provide 24 hour policing to

the surrounding villages and residents.

The obstacle of identifying a location that would potentially serve as the TOPS Office as well as oversee-

ing the improvements and renovations was spearheaded by Sgt. Arnold Seman. With volunteer labor

provided by Department of Corrections Inmates, and furniture salvaged from the Office of Procurement

and Supply or donated by the community, the TOPS Officers were able to successfully complete the ren-

ovations to their new office with an initial budget of $500.

In attendance were various members of the community and elected officials as well as members of the

Hotel Association of the Northern Mariana Islands (HANMI) to witness the official unveiling of the office

by Commissioner James C. Deleon Guerrero and Sgt. Arnold Seman along with TOPS Officers. A Blessing

of the office was also performed by Fr. Jesse Reyes, the official DPS Chaplin.

Tourism Oriented Policing is a more proactive policing that promotes partnerships with various agencies

such as the HANMI and other Tourism based groups to better serve the CNMI, visiting tourist and resi-


Page 7 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Department of Public Safety EXAMINER

Unveiling of the TOPS sign by Commissioner James C. Deleon Guerre-

ro, DFS President Marian Aldan-Peirce along with TOPS Commander

Arnold Seman, CBI Commander Jeff Olopai and Congressman Chris

Leon Guerrero

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Law Enforcement Officials from across the CNMI gathered on Tuesday May 14, 2013 at San Jose Parish

for a special Mass to honor our dedicated law enforcement personnel and to remember those offic-ers that made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of service to the CNMI.

Celebrated by Fr. Jesse Reyes, the Benediction Mass which has been offered yearly as a part of the CNMI Police Week was attended by nearly 100 private citizens, state and local law enforcement personnel. Lighted candles with the names of deceased officers from the Department of Public Safe-ty’s Police and Fire Divisions as well as the Commonwealth Ports Authority were placed in honor at the center of the church before elected officials colleagues and loved ones. Fr. Reyes offered a spe-cial blessing to the officers and thanked them for their service to others.

Marked as a celebration of bravery, honor, and recognizing those who died in the line of duty. The remembrances continued with a Memorial Service held at the Department of Public Safety.

Officers from the Department of Public Safety, Commonwealth Ports Authority, CNMI Customs,

Transportation Security Administration and U.S. Customs and Border Patrol pose with Gov. Eloy S.

Inos and Commissioner James C. Deleon Guerrero at the San Jose Parish.

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In Honor of the brave Officers that gave their lives or were disabled in the name of service to the CNMI,

the Department of Public Safety, The Commonwealth Ports Authority and the U.S. Customs and Border

Patrol as well as members of the public and families of our fallen comrades attended the annual Me-

morial Ceremony held at the Department of Public Safety on May 15, 2013.

The Ceremony in which the names of the fallen officers were read aloud as family members carried light-

ed candles and placed them on the DPS Monument is a tradition that allows family and colleagues to

gather and remember the individuals that served so fully that in the process they were willing to give

their lives in the name of service to the CNMI. The Ceremony which began with a benediction given by

Fr. Jesse Reyes was followed by the placing of the wreath by Commissioner James C. Deleon Guerrero

and Honorable Governor Eloy S. Inos ended with a 21 gun salute by the Department of Public Safety

S.E.A.S. and the traditional playing of TAPS.

Celebrated yearly, the ceremony marked the end of a two day event beginning with the Memorial Mass

held on May 14.

Page 9 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Department of Public Safety EXAMINER

Fallen Comrades

Captain Justino T. Arriola

Police Officer Abraham S. Quitugua

Police Officer Erlinse C. Santos

Police Officer Gilbert M. Taisacan

Captain Tommy Alexander

Police Officer Wilgene T. Lieto

Fire Fighter Ernie Dela Cruz

Police Officer Joel Charfauros

Fire Fighter Joaquin Camacho

Sergeant Julian A. Manglona

Resident Director John T. Barcinas

Officers Disabled in the Line of


Police Sergeant Antonio SN. Borja

Police Officer Marvin S. Camacho

Police Officer Jose Cepeda

Police Officer Victor M. Hocog

“In Valor There Is Hope”

2013 Peace Officers Memorial Service

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COMMUNICATIONS: Installation of Base Radios


The Department of Public Safety Fire Division re-

cently completed the upgrade and installation of

their Base Radios in May 2013.

Enhancing communication capabilities the

Motorolla XTL 2500 base units were installed by

Communications Technician Eric David at the

Susupe, Garapan, Capitol Hill, Koblerville,

Kagman and San Roque Fire Stations and in the

new Multi-Mission Fire Boat. Aided by recently

installed antennas these units will ensure a bet-

ter quality of radio communications for the divi-

sion which has had difficulties with previous ver-

sions of base units.

The installation, part of the ongoing effort to up-

grade the Department of Public Safety’s commu-

nication’s was a much needed addition to the

fire stations which has not had fully operational

base radios since 2010.

In addition to the installation, Officer David also

recently completed an inventory of DPS Issued

hand held radios as well as reprogramming and

service for these units.

Police Officer Eric David Installing a Motorolla XTL 2500

Base Radio at the Garapan Fire Station

Motorolla XTL 2500 Radio Units were installed at all

Saipan Fire Station sand on the Multi-Mission Fire


June 2013

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Page 11 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Department of Public Safety EXAMINER



The CNMI Department of Public Safety had its Annual CNMI Click it

or Ticket Mobilization Campaign from May 20 to June 2, 2013. Dur-

ing which, DPS Traffic Officers conducted several Checkpoints at vari-

ous locations throughout the CNMI in an effort to educate drivers

about the risks of driving without a seatbelt.

With statistics that indicate that passenger vehicle occupants are

less likely to buckle up at night, DPS Traffic Officers conducted check-

points in the evening hours to enforce CNMI traffic laws that require

all occupants of a vehicle to use a seat belt.

In addition to these efforts the DPS Officers also conducted various

school presentations and public awareness campaigns. Providing

courtesy Car Seat Inspections for the month of May at the Garapan

Street Market and the Susupe Sabalu Markets as well as hosting

several community outreach events to award safe drivers and pas-

sengers found to be in compliance with seatbelt laws .

“Click it or Ticket” is the most successful seatbelt enforcement cam-

paign, helping to increase the national rate of seat belt usage. Seat

belts are the most effective safety feature in vehicles. Sadly, one in

five people fail to regularly wear a seatbelt when driving or riding in a

motor vehicle.

By enforcing “Click it or Ticket” in the CNMI the Department of Public

Safety will continue to reduce the number of seat belt fatalities in the


Number of Checkpoints Conducted 08

Total Vehicles Screened 904

Total Number of Citations Issued 125

Citations Issued for Seatbelt Violations 113

Citations Issued for Car Seat Violations 12

Total Number of Car Seats Inspected at Checkup Event 25

School Presentations 9

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The CNMI Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) conduct-

ed multiple “Strike Force” enforcement checkpoints in the month of

May. The goal of the MCSAP Officers was to reduce commercial motor

vehicle (CMV) involved crashes, fatalities and injuries through con-

sistent, uniform and effective CMV safety inspections.

The Inspections are geared at identifying CMV safety defects, driver

deficiencies and unsafe motor carrier practices in an effort to correct

potential issues before they become contributing factors to crashes.

MCSAP Officers are trained to identify a wide range of potential crash

factors and perform a variety of checks throughout vehicles that are

pulled into the checkpoint. Checks are inclusive of ensuring the driver

has proper documentation, a full inspection of the vehicles break

system, turn signal, brake lamps and all vehicle safety lights, coupling

devices, exhaust systems, vehicle frames, trailers, tires and leaks.

Over the month of May, MCSAP Officers successfully inspected 30

vehicles. Vehicles found to have safety violations are given a 15 day

grace period for repairs. After which if the same vehicles are found to

have the same violations a citation is issued.



Non-Hazardous Materials Inspections 305

Hazardous Materials Inspections 13

Bus Inspections 101


Driver 180

Vehicle 1247

Hazardous Materials 6

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The Department of Public Safety celebrated its 2013 Police Week with various activities and events in

May. Along with awareness campaigns launched throughout the CNMI, extensive school presentations

and enforcement the DPS Officers were able to host multiple community events to commemorate this

years Police, Safe Boating, Click it or Ticket, Arson, EMS and EMSC Weeks.

Page 13 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Department of Public Safety EXAMINER

A community favorite, the “Jailhouse” fundraiser in which community members

are “arrested” and brought to a “judge” for sentencing provided for many laughs

as detainees were required to take “mugshots” and sing karaoke.

The Annual Fishing Derby where teams compete for the “biggest catch” drew

large numbers of participants and spectators.

The DPS Open House which featured Officers and Vehicles from various Law En-

forcement Agencies in the CNMI as well as information booths was held at the

Multi-Purpose Center

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In late May 2013 the Department of Public Safety Fire Division along with the new Emergency Medical

Services (EMS) Medical Program Director, Ritu Sahni, MD. updated their Patient Treatment Protocols to

reflect a standard of EMS care available in the U.S.

The new protocols which the Fire Division has already implemented allows the CNMI Fire Division Ambu-

lance personnel to more accurately asses patient issues and administer medications. The 2 day course

on the updated protocols involved training Fire Division personnel with the appropriate dosages, use

and administration of medications that the CNMI Fire Division will now carry in their ambulances as well

as a review of standard patient assessment and treatment guidelines. In addition to the new Patient

Treatment Protocols and administration of medications, the Fire Division will also have available equip-

ment to test Blood Glucose Levels (BGL) for patients with diabetes and Pulse Oximetry blood-oxygen

monitors to calculate patients oxygen saturation levels. The Updated Protocols are now in effect on the

islands of Rota and Tinian as a separate training course was facilitated for our neighboring islands in

early June 2013.

Shani, the current president of the National Association of EMS Physicians also serves as the Medical

Director of the Oswego Fire Department and as an Emergency Physician for the state of Oregon. With

over 20 years of experience, Shani along with Paramedic Mike Christie will be working with the Fire Divi-

sion in coming months to further the level of training for Emergency Medical Technician’s in the division.

Fire Division Emergency Medical Technicians along with the new

Medical Director Ritu Sahni MD. And Paramedic Mike Christie

Emergency Medical Director Dr. Ritu Sahni dis-

cussing the new Patient Treatment Protocols

Fire Division EMT’s during the Updated Protocol

Course offered at the EOC

June 2013

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Fire Fighter Stanley Santos recently completed a 2-week On the Job training course with

the Guam Fire Department’s Fire Prevention Bureau.

The Course, which Santos attended from May 15-28, 2013 consisted of professional

development training for Fire Code Plans and Review, Fire Protection, Life Safety and

Occupancy Inspection Principles.

The on the job training is a requirement for Pro-

Board certification for the National Fire Protection

Association [NFPA 1031] Standard for Professional

Qualification of a Fire Inspector II and Plan Examin-

er Certification [NFPA 1041] Standard for Fire Service Instructor I Professional Qualifi-

cations Certification. The completion of the course will further allow the Department of

Public Safety Fire Division to more effectively implement Fire Codes and conduct Fire

Safety Inspections of local businesses in the CNMI.

The CNMI Fire Division, working closely with the Guam Fire Department in recent

months has been able to certify CNMI Fire Fighters in various fire related courses.

Fire Fighter

Stanley Santos

Fire Fighter Stanley Santos reviewing

plans for a Fire Protection System


The Department of Public Safety Commissioner has nominated two female offic-

ers to attend the upcoming Women's Advisory Network (WAN) Conference being

held in Vanuatu from June 25-27, 2013.

The nominees, Police Officer Therese Kintoki and Firefighter Jocelyn Alvarez will

be attending the WAN Conference to further the process of implementing a

Women’s Network within the Department of Public Safety. The Conference of-

fers a separate training program geared at starting a WAN, establishing by-laws

and creating a Strategic Action Plan. The WAN which is a nationally recognized

Network focuses on Women’s Issues within the male dominant profession of

law enforcement. The Network aims to assist different jurisdictions with issues

faced by female sworn and unsworn employees. Australian Federal Agent

Melissa Northam, of the Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police along with Kintoki and

Alvarez will work together during the conference to facilitate the beginning of a

WAN in the Department of Public Safety. With active Networks across the Pacif-

ic, the WAN has assembled a team to visit the CNMI to identify the specific

needs and goals that best fit our Department.

The Conference will be attended by representatives from various WAN’s includ-

ing Guam, Cook Islands, Fiji, Tonga and Papua New Guinea. Police Officer Therese Kintoki

2013 CNMI-WAN Representative

Fire Fighter Jocelyn Alvarez

2013 CNMI-WAN Representative

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Page 13

E-350 “Type II” Ambulance The Department of Public Safety Fire Division recently activated 5 new ambulance units. The Ambu-

lances, purchased as a part of the Department of Interior’s Technical Assistance Grant Program are the

latest Ford Model E-350 “Type II” Super Duty Ambulances available.

Fully Equipped with medical supplies and built for durability, the specific “Type II” ambulance is slim-

mer in size compared to other “Box Type” units on the market. The slim frame of the unit allows it to

enter narrow roads and maneuver through rough terrain.

Equipped with a Smart Power Distribution Junction Box, these units require less battery usage when

idle with emergency lights engaged. The rear cabin features an Auxiliary Heater and Air Conditioner, a

Mounted onboard suction unit. Two Oxygen ports and a mounted oxygen cylinder. In addition it also

features a rear jump seat as well as a service bench for medic personnel and a rolling stretcher for pa-


These Ambulances differ from previous versions of the Ford E-350 ambulances in use by the Fire Divi-

sion in that these “medics” run on gasoline engines. The Medics which feature a 6.8L Triton V10 en-

gine has the equivalent of 305 horsepower and a 5-speed automatic TroqShift overdrive transmission.

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Who’s Who in the Rank and File

Employed with the Department of Public Safety since July 2005. Cynthia has become one of our most

loyal and dedicated employees. Originally assigned to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles from 2005-2006,

she currently serves as a Clerk III working with the Administrative Services Office.

When asked what she most enjoyed about her employment with DPS, she stated that the Department

has given her the opportunity to explore different sections and allowed her to learn and grow. She stated

that the true benefit of her employment with DPS is the opportunity to meet and work with other dedicat-

ed individuals .

Often seen reporting to work early, her professional and customer service oriented working style exem-

plifies the qualities the Department of Public Safety strives for on a day to day basis.

Cynthia Attao

Clerk III

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Department of Public Safety

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Keep the exterior of

your home clean of


Minimize use of elec-

trical cords that are

not surge protected

Teach Children the

Importance of using

9-1-1 and knowing

what to report.

Be mindful of storing

flammable, combus-

tible and hazardous


Have an Emergency


Have Fire Extinguish-

ers in Kitchen or

Cooking areas.


Ways to

minimize a Fire

Emergency in

your home.

June 2013

Volume 1, Issue 3 Page 18

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Safety Tips: Heat Overexposure

8 Signs of Heat Overexposure

Heavy sweating -- though if heat stroke sets in, the body

can no longer compensate and stops sweating.

Pale skin.

Muscle cramps.

Feeling tired and weak.

Altered mental status (confusion or disorientation).


Becoming semi-conscious or passing out.

Nausea or vomiting.

6 First Steps to Take After Recognizing Heat-Induced Illness

Call 911.

Get the person out of the sun and into a cool area. An air-conditioned area is ideal, but moving

someone into the shade will also help.

Apply water to help the person cool off.

Apply ice to the neck or armpits, where large blood vessels are close to the surface.

Remove any heavy clothing.

* NEVER douse the person with ice water as this may worsen their condition.

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Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Department of Public Safety

CNMI Click It or Ticket Mobilization Campaign; May 20 to June 2, 2013

The 2013 national Click It or Ticket mobilization is May 20 through June 2. Department of Public Safety

Traffic officers are prepared for maximum high-visibility seat belt enforcement during the day and also at


Statistics show that passenger vehicle occupants are buckling up more during the day, but not enough at

night. This mobilization is created to crack down on violators 24/7, but a strong enforcement effort is

urged between the nighttime hours of 6 p.m. and 5:59 a.m. due to the significant number of violators and

fatal crashes during this time.

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is an independent, non-profit, citizen-run organization that is committed to re-

ducing crime in the community.

It is a partnership between the COMMUNITY, the MEDIA & LAW ENFORCEMENT,

whose mandate is to “work together to solve crime”.

Crime Stoppers is not part of DPS or any other law enforcement agency, but

does work daily with law enforcement.


Anyone with knowledge of a crime can call the Crime Stoppers TIPS HOTLINE at 234-

7272, *11 on any IT&E phone, or use our secure website.

Calls are routed to our Crime Stoppers call center in Ontario, Canada, where a pro-

fessional takes the information on the crime. (Even if provided by the caller, no per-

sonal or identifying information about the caller’s identity is taken).

The caller is given a CODE (name or number). This allows the caller to call back to

see if an arrest has been made and if a reward will be given to the caller.

The crime information is then sent via encrypted email to a special computer pro-

gram where it is downloaded.

The Crime Stoppers coordinator then prints a copy and provides it to the proper law

enforcement agency.

Tips that lead to an arrest are paid a cash reward based on the severity of the crime

and other factors.

Awards are paid in a way where Crime Stoppers and the tipster NEVER meet.


Have you ever been a victim of a crime? How about someone you know? Crime of

any kind hurts hardworking, innocent, people everyday.

If you were a victim of a crime and someone had information on who did it, you

would want that person to call the police...Right?

However, many people “do not want to get involved” or they are afraid someone will

find out and come after them or they just don’t care!

Crime Stoppers exists to combat just these concerns. Crime Stoppers resolves these

problems by:

Offering ANONYMITY to people who call in or send tips via our website.

Paying REWARDS when that information leads to an arrest.




234-7272 (PARA) or *11

on any IT&E phone


We want your

information; not

your name

POII Jason Tarkong

NMI Crime Stoppers Coordinator

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Department of Public Safety

Tips Line OPEN 24 HOURS

Caller ID is never used

All calls are anonymous

Crime Stoppers pays cash

Rewards up to $1,000.00


Information leading to an


Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

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As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind;

to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception,

the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against

violence and disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all men

to liberty, equality, and justice.

I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain cou-

rageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint;

and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others; honest in thought and

deed in both my personal and official life. I will be exemplary in obeying

the laws of the land and the regulations of my department. Whatever I

see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided in me in my official

capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the per-

formance of my duty.

I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosi-

ties, or friendships to influence my decision. With no compromise for

crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law

courageously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice, or ill will,

never employing unnecessary force or violence, and never accepting gratui-


I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept

it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the po-

lice service. I will constantly strive to achieve those objectives and ideals,

dedicating myself before God to my profession-law enforcement.

To download or access The Department of Pub-

lic Safety EXAMNIER please visit our website.

All statistical inquiries or comments, please


[email protected]

All non-confidential information or inquiries for

the Department of Public Safety’s Commission-

er, please email:

[email protected]

Department of Public Safety

We’re on the Web


Jose M. Sablan Building

Caller Box 10007

Susupe, Saipan MP 96950

Phone: (670) 664-9000/9001

Fax: (670) 664-9019

“Setbienten Publiku”