Complete Job Search Guide This guide is divided into three books that will assist you in your job search. Each book contains its own table of contents. Do not hesitate to contact any of our counselors for further assistance. For our contact information, please see the last page of this guide. Book 1: Resume Guide Book Pages 1 to 43 Book 2: Correspondence Guidebook (Parts I and II) Pages 44 to 84 Book 3: Interviewing for Success Pages 85 to 114 Table of Contents

Complete Job Search Guide (3 in 1)

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Complete Job Search Guide

This guide is divided into three books that will assist you in your job search. Each book contains its own table of contents. Do not hesitate to contact any of our counselors for further assistance. For our contact information, please see the last page of this guide.

Book 1: Resume Guide Book Pages 1 to 43 Book 2: Correspondence Guidebook (Parts I and II) Pages 44 to 84 Book 3: Interviewing for Success Pages 85 to 114

Table of Contents

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Your resume represents the quality of your work and is the first sample that a prospective employer reviews. To create a positive impression it should: w Be professional in content and appearance w Be well organized w Communicate your information clearly and effectively w Show achievement w Be honest and accurate w Demonstrate what you can do for the employer

Think of your resume as a custom designed marketing tool developed to capture the attention of a prospective employer – within 20 seconds! That’s how long it takes a reader to formulate a first impression and that's how long you have to create an impact! Communicating your professional qualifications quickly and effectively will determine your chances of being considered for an interview. A resume is a descriptive summary of your background, concisely written and attractively presented. It should focus the reader on your strongest points in relation to your current career goals. Follow the rules of grammar, punctuation and structure. To be most effective, customize your standard resume for a specific position or industry. Take time to prepare your resume by reviewing your achievements, skills, experiences and strengths. Be sure to highlight skills and achievements that relate to the positions you are targeting. On the following pages, you will find guidelines, key points, action words and sample resumes. Use them to assist in developing a strong resume reflecting your specific skills and career objective.

Good Luck!

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SELECT A FORMAT: Chronological Resume The most recent position is first and then proceeds backward. Include the company name, location, your job title and dates of employment. Think in terms of your duties and accomplishments in each position, how they relate to the success of the organization and how they impact your present career goal. Functional Resume This form is useful for career changers. The skills relevant to the present career goal are highlighted and supported by accomplishments from any position you have held. The companies, positions, and titles follow. Chrono/Functional Emphasizes both skills and employment experience. RELATE YOUR STRENGTHS: Accomplishments In addition to “what” you did in a job are the questions of “so what” and “how.” What skills did you use? How did you contribute to the company, the customer and employees? Be specific and quantify when applicable. Quantify, Quantify, Quantify Can you show how much your sales increased, the percent of money saved by your efforts, the number of people you supervised, the budget you had, the number of reports you produced, or the money you handled? USE IT! It’s specific and impressive. Verbs, Verbs, Verbs Verb’s connote energy, power and a “can do” effect. Do not start off with “responsible for.” Do not use “- ing” words which have a passive quality.

Compare These Statements:

“Responsible for handling customer problems.”

VS. “Resolved approximately 30 customer problems on a daily basis resulting in a high degree

of customer satisfaction.”

Refer to the list of action verbs on the following pages when writing about your activities, experience and accomplishments.

BE SURE TO: w Relate your accomplishments to the skills required in your prospective position. w Use active verbs and powerful phrases to describe your activities. w Quantify whenever you can to illustrate the results of your actions. w Look at your past experiences and try to relate them to the positions you are now seeking. w Meet with a counselor to edit and fine-tune your resume. Remember, it must be perfect!

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abstracted chaired determined expressed accelerated changed developed extracted achieved charted devised fabricated acted clarified diagnosed facilitated acquired classified directed familiarized activated coached discharged filed adapted collaborated discovered filtered addressed collected dispensed figured adjusted combined displayed fixed administered communicated disposed forecasted adopted compiled disproved formulated advertised completed dissected forwarded advised composed distributed founded aligned computed diversified framed allocated computerized diverted gathered amplified conceived documented generated analyzed conceptualized doubled governed anticipated conciliated drafted greeted applied concluded dramatized guided appointed condensed drew headed appraised conducted drove helped approved confronted edited hired arbitrated consolidated educated identified arranged constructed effected illustrated ascertained conserved eliminated implemented assembled consulted employed improved assessed contracted enabled improvised assigned controlled encouraged inaugurated assisted coordinated endorsed incorporated attained corrected enforced increased attracted corresponded engaged indexed audited counseled engineered indoctrinated augmented created enlarged influenced authorized cultivated entered informed balanced decentralized entertained initiated billed decreased established innovated bought deferred estimated input budgeted defined evaluated inspected built delegated examined inspired calculated delivered executed installed calibrated demonstrated exhibited instituted captured designed expanded instructed

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interacted perfected rendered subscribed interpreted performed renegotiated succeeded intervened persuaded reorganized suggested interviewed photographed repaired summarized introduced piloted replaced supervised invented pioneered reported supplied inventoried planned represented supported invested played researched surpassed investigated predicted resolved surveyed judged prepared responded synthesized launched prescribed restored systematized lectured preserved restricted tabulated led presented retrieved talked lightened presided reviewed taught liquidated prevented revised tended listened printed revitalized tested localized prioritized rewrote tightened located processed rotated timed maintained procured saved traced managed produced scanned traded mapped programmed scheduled trained marketed projected screened transcribed measured promoted selected transferred mediated proposed served translated memorized protected settled transmitted mentored provided set up treated minimized publicized shaped trimmed modeled published simplified tripled modernized purchased sketched troubleshot modified quoted sold tutored monitored raised solved uncovered motivated reasoned sorted undertook navigated reclaimed sparked unified negotiated recommended spearheaded updated networked reconciled specified upgraded observed recorded spoke utilized obtained recruited started validated operated redesigned stimulated vitalized ordered reduced straightened volunteered organized referred streamlined widened originated regulated strengthened withdrew overhauled rehabilitated stretched won oversaw related structured wrote participated remodeled studied

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TIPS FOR AN EFFECTIVE RESUME w Keep the resume to one page unless you are an experienced candidate. w Use the jargon and buzzwords of your industry. w Avoid abbreviations. w Use bulleted phrases or sentences beginning with action verbs to describe duties, responsibilities and

accomplishments. w Do not repeat yourself. w Do not use personal pronouns, e.g. “I”, “Me.” w Job descriptions should be achievement, skills and results oriented. w Quantify where appropriate in terms of sales, profits, cost savings, time savings, size of budget handled,

number of people supervised, etc. w Identify your transferable skills and illustrate them in your achievements. w List most recent and relevant experience, not necessarily your entire employment history. w Use indentation, bolding and capitals for emphasis. w Do not use pre-designed templates in software programs unless they conform to the formats described

in this guide. w List dorm and home address with all phone numbers (e-mail address optional). Include work phone number

only if this will not cause a problem at your job. Make sure you have an effective way to receive phone messages.

w Use laser quality printer or typeset on 24 lb. white or ivory bond paper. w Create your e-resume in MS Word. w Proof for typos and have someone else proof it as well! w Do not include personal data such as height, weight, age, marital status, etc. w Write in the present tense for current positions and past tense for prior jobs. Use telegraphic speech. Avoid

extra words like “a”, “the”, etc.

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Today’s employers often require resumes that can be “scanned” into a computer database for tracking. Creating a computer-friendly resume is a necessity as growing numbers of corporations, recruiting firms and public employment services are turning to technology to manage the tremendous volume of resumes they receive. The resume you send is first scanned into the computer as an image and is then converted to a text file. A good scannable resume maximizes the computers ability to “read” your resume and your ability to get “hits”. Follow these key guidelines for writing an effective scannable resume. FORMAT: Use standard typefaces such as Helvetica or Courier (sans serifs – the little strokes at an angle to the vertical lines of a character) in 12-14 point sizes. Use Times or Palatino, 14 point, as a second choice. Avoid, italics, script, underlining, and compressing space between letters. Vertical and horizontal lines may get confused with letters such as “L” or “I”. Avoid using graphics, shading and tables – the equipment that scans your resume is set to “text”, not “graphics.” Do not use parentheses or brackets around telephone numbers. Use a traditional chronological resume format that avoids complex layouts. Minimize the use of nonstandard abbreviations; most scanners will pick up BA, MS, PhD, etc. but may not read hard-to-recognize abbreviations (i.e. L.E.A.D., R.A., etc) unless it is industry specific. CONTENT: Your name should be on its own line above all other text. The computer will assume the first text it reads is your name. Do not place your name adjacent to your contact information or your name might become “Joyce Lewis 606 North Hall.” A keyword summary at the top of the page (after your contact information) may identify important skills and experiences.

§ Use skill-focused nouns: Recruiters can access their resume database by searching for applicants with certain skills and experience. They will search for key words, usually nouns such as writer, manager and biologist as opposed to verbs such as managed, organized, engineered, etc. It is important to describe your experience with descriptive nouns rather than verbs or vague descriptions. The more facts and “keywords” you include, the more “hits” your resume will receive and the better the chance of selection and further review.

§ Maximize the use of industry jargon: It is logical to assume the recruiter’s software will search for keywords specific to a certain field and position. Use terms that are the “buzzwords” of your profession.

PRINTING and PAPER: Always send a clear, original laser-printed resume for scanning purposes. Photocopies can sometimes add black marks or lighten up the text beyond optical recognition. Never use a nine-dot matrix printer. Use a light colored, standard size 8.5 x 11 paper, printed on one side only. Aim for the highest contrast between paper and ink. If you use more than one page, make sure your name appears at the top of each.

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E-RESUMES: PUTTING YOURS ONLINE In today’s job market, you must have an electronic resume ready to send at the click of a mouse. Electronic resumes are similar to scannable resumes in that they are reduced to digital form for employers to search. A traditional resume has focused on visual aesthetics to grab a person’s attention. The e-resume attempts to grab a computer’s attention. The e-resume’s goal is to be scannable, searchable and uploadable. The previous page describes scannable documents. Follow the same instructions for creating your e-resume (simple format). UPLOADING YOUR RESUME Many companies or job search sites request that you submit your resume online. Your resume is directly uploaded to their computers which, in turn, format your resume to their standards. You can upload your resume onto an “online form” or via e-mail in the message field or as an attachment. Online forms are typically found on an employer’s website or job search engine. You will be asked to type in certain information into blank text boxes and when complete, click a button to submit the information. Sometimes you are given extra space to type a cover letter or summary of qualifications. You can also cut and paste your resume into the text boxes. E-MAILING YOUR RESUME Many sites give you the option of e-mailing your resume as well. You can send your resume as part of the e-mail message using the “cut and paste” function of your software. Be aware that the document will lose all formatting. Since there is a wide variety of e-mail systems, it is wise to convert your resume to RTF or Rich Text Format to send as an attachment. This option is found under your “save as type” command, often under the “file name” text box. Definitely test out your e-resume by e-mailing it to a friend and yourself. See the following page for a sample scannable/e-resume.

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Matt Anderson

465 E. Lincoln Avenue – Apt. 211 Mount Vernon, New York 10552

914 442-1871

TEACHING OBJECTIVE Elementary School Teacher (K-6) Special Education Elementary School Teacher

EDUCATION Pace University, Pleasantville, NY B.S. Elementary Education – 2001 GPA: 3.3/4.0 Specializing in Special Education Concentrated in Environmental Studies

STUDENT TEACHING EXPERIENCE Grady Elementary School, Elmsford, NY Fall 2001 Dixon Elementary School, Elmsford, NY Fall 2001

Successfully incorporated cooperative learning strategies to teach kindergarten and 6th grade classrooms Applied effective classroom management skills Constructed effective bulletin boards and developmental centers Prepared numerous interdisciplinary projects formulated around several subjects

FIELD OBSERVATION Observed and assisted teachers in kindergarten and 6th grade classes at the following schools: Grady Elementary School, Elmsford, NY Dixon Elementary School, Elmsford, NY EMPLOYMENT Board of Education: Mt Vernon, NY Substitute Teacher/Teachers Aide 2000-2001

Helped students of High School age with schoolwork and answered questions that the students posed during class Pace University: White Plains, NY Computer Resource Center Consultant 2000-present Aided students in the use of various computer programs YM-YWHA of Mount Vernon: Mt. Vernon, NY Day Camp Head Counselor 1993-2000 Supervised children with enrichment and recreational activities Maintained an orderly and disciplined learning environment

ACTIVITIES Literacy Volunteer of Westchester County 2001-present Mentored special needs students at Pleasantville Cottage School 2000 CREDENTIALS Available Upon Request from Pace Career Services, Pleasantville

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STANDARD RESUME HEADINGS The following are common headings used on resumes. Of course, you would only use those applicable to you. IDENTIFICATION:

Include name, address, phone number and e-mail address. If you have a home and school address, include both. Keep it in the middle or right hand side. (Paper clips and staples go on the left).

OBJECTIVE: (Optional) Use one if you think it will help an employer identify you for a specific position. Your

cover letter is an appropriate place to expand on an objective. When preparing a resume for the Campus Interview Program do not include an objective. When you engage in your own job search you should tailor the objective to fit a specific position.


This is effective for people with experience as it summarizes your skills and qualifications and provides a short and powerful snapshot to pique the reader’s interest. Everything mentioned in a summary statement must be illustrated in the resume.

See the Experienced Candidate section of this guide for examples. EDUCATION:

If you are about to graduate, this should be the next section of your resume. List school, city, state, major and graduation date. If you have attended other institutions, list them in REVERSE chronological order. If you have been in the workforce for a few years, education should be listed toward the bottom of your resume.

Grades- Most employers look for a QPA on the resume. If it is omitted, they may choose not to interview the candidate or assume the grades are low. At some point during the job search process, you will most likely be questioned about your academic standing. Be ing up front is often the best course of action. You may also include your QPA in your major if it is higher than your overall. DO NOT ROUND OFF YOUR QPA.

*NOTE: If you are financing a substantial portion of your education, mention it along with the number of hours you work outside of school.


Include this section if you have won scholarships or special awards, such as Dean’s List, academic achievements, etc.


Highlight class projects or research which demonstrate your knowledge and skills in your desired field. Where relevant, include software utilized in analyzing data.

EXPERIENCE: This is the heart and soul of a resume and requires thought and effort. As you write about your experience, always make it accomplishment oriented and quantify wherever possible. Think about the skills you have used in past jobs that are relevant to the type of position you are seeking. Volunteer work may be classified under experience or may be listed separately. DO THE EXERCISE ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE: “HOW

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Computers: Absolutely include your computer skills including software, hardware, operating systems and applications. If computer skills are of major importance to the position you seek, consider a separate section. Languages: Often of vital importance and may deserve a separate section. Differentiate between bilingual, fluency, and working knowledge. Other: Any other important skill you possess relevant to your job search.


Activities and interests serve to show you as a three-dimensional person and can serve to enhance an interview. Mention organizations in which you are an active participant. Indicate leadership positions you have held. You may wish to include significant accomplishments and activities. Be honest and specific when describing interests and sports participation.


Professional affiliations may have a separate section or be included in activities. PUBLICATIONS/PRESENTATIONS: Mention all that are relevant to the position you are seeking. LICENSES/CERTIFICATIONS:

Include if appropriate to your career focus.

PERSONAL STATEMENT: If you have had an unusual background that cannot be adequately illustrated on your

resume, consider using a personal statement. You must have a strong rationale for its use and it must be exceedingly well written. Consult with a career counselor before using this section.


“Available on Request” really means the end of the resume and “I’d be happy to provide you with more information if you’d like!”

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SPECIAL TIPS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS YOUR NAME: If your name is difficult to pronounce, consider using an American name to make it easier for an employer to pronounce. Put the name in parentheses:

Example: Zhou Rong (Kevin) Chen

EDUCATION: Translate your home country grade point average (if different from U.S. system) to standing in graduating class (“top 5% of class”). Indicate if you were educated in a British or American school. EXPERIENCE: List your relevant home country experiences. LANGUAGE: Include your bilingual skills in a section titled “Languages” or “Special Skills.” For additional information specific to your job search, go to www.pace.edu/coopcs click on “Students”, then go to “Job Search Links”. Click on “Links for International Students”.

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THINK ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE 1. Write out your clearly stated job objective.

2. List all the skills required for that position (e.g. organizational, analytic, interpersonal, presentation).

3. Brainstorm and write “one liner” achievement or accomplishment examples for each skill from every job

you have had or activity in which you have been involved. Quantify when possible. Think how “one-liners” can be incorporated in your resume.


wIncreased sales volume by 20% through new marketing strategies wPlanned and spearheaded successful diversity conference wSelected as “Employee of the Month”

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NAME Address

Telephone E-mail


Pace University, New York, New York Bachelor of Arts in History, June 20XX Minor: Business Administration GPA: 3.7 Bronx Community College, Bronx, New York Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts, June 20XX GPA: 3.8


President’s Scholarship Dyson Fellows Honors Program Bronx Rotary Scholar


Contemporary Business Practice, Spring 20XX • Worked as part of five member team to evaluate Disney • Examined company history, financial statements, strengths/weaknesses, advertising strategy, and

future growth • Presented results to class of 35 using MS PowerPoint


Personnel Associates, White Plains, New York Assistant Analyst, October 20XX-Present • Assist in design of compensation and incentive programs for executives • Proofread financial reports • Create spreadsheets for client presentations using Excel • Research industrial information on the internet Commercial Trust Co., White Plains, New York Audit-Administration/EDP-Telecommunications Intern, June 20XX- January 20XX • Administered and organized department database system • Undertook responsibility for time records • Audited tracking, budget records, personal data system, and audit desk analysis system • Taught Excel to employees • Assisted in preparing departmental budget • Loaded software packages to PC hard disks New Jersey Rangers Hockey Team, Secaucus, New Jersey Assistant Ticket Office Supervisor, August 20XX-December 20XX • Initiated new type of ticket package resulting in 10% increase of revenue • Prepared daily sales, reconciliations and deposits • Generated financial reports, processed check remittance, handled customer problems


Hardware: IBM PC, Macintosh Software: MS (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint), Windows XP

LANGUAGE SKILLS Fluent in French; strong working knowledge of Spanish.

Note: Transfer student.

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NAME Address

Telephone E-mail


Laboratory or Research Assistant


Pace University, New York, New York Bachelor of Science, May 20XX GPA: 3.23 Major: Biology/Pre-Professional RELEVANT INFORMATION

Honors/Awards: Honors Convocation Certificate; Hudson Valley Scholarship Computer/Language Skills: Knowledge of IBM PC, WordPerfect; Spanish Affiliations: Young Scientists at Pace Attended AASE Conference in Albany as Pace Representative


Area Health Center, Brooklyn, New York Lab Technician (Part-time), Fall 20xx-Present • Perform EKG, urine screening and Phlebotomy • Test urine for infections • Conduct wet prep to check for yeast, bacteria and other contaminants • Sample blood for various diseases

United Hospital Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York Intern, Microbiology Department, Spring 20XX • Prepared tests for diagnosis • Maintained lab equipment

Dr. Mary Smile, Brooklyn, New York Dental Assistant, Fall 20XX-Spring20XX • Assisted dentist in suction procedures and other dental work • Prepared X-rays prior to patient visits


• Gram stain process: tested for gram-positive and gram-negative characteristics • Conducted venipuncture procedure for analytical purposes • Identified throat cultures as group A beta-hemolytic streptococci


Available upon request

Note: Use of technical

terms when appropriate.

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Name Address

Telephone Number E-mail Address

EDUCATION PACE UNIVERSITY, LUBIN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, New York, NY Bachelor of Business Administration, June 20XX Major: Public Accounting 3.94 HONORS Pace Trustee Scholarship, Dean’s List COMPUTER Microsoft Windows XP, 2000 SKILLS Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Lotus 1-2-3 CLR/Fast-Tax, CC: Mail, Netscape, PageMaker EMPLOYMENT Financed 50% of education by working 20-25 hours per week DELOITTE & TOUCHE, TOHMATSU, New York, NY Individual Tax Return Preparer, February 20XX - April 20XX

• Prepared over 100 Japanese client Resident, Nonresident and Dual status Federal and State Tax Returns

• Checked prepared tax returns for mathematical accuracy, inclusion of proper forms, completeness, internal consistency, and possible omissions

CITIBANK, N.A., Corporate Tax Department, New York, NY Corporate Tax Assistant, May 19XX - January 20XX

• Assisted in filing over 400 Citibank Latin America subsidiary foreign tax information returns (Form 5471) using Tax Management System

• Maintained and updated company information of subsidiaries • Used Microsoft Excel to analyze tax information • Reorganized subsidiaries current and past tax files

PUBLIC PRINTING CO., New York, NY Publication Designer, January 19XX - May 19XX

• Designed publications in English and Chinese (books, flyers, business cards and menus) using PageMaker and Corel Draw

• Demonstrated initiative in self-teaching of complex design packages • Answered customer inquiries and edited publications according to customer needs

ACTIVITIES/ PHI CHI THETA (National Fraternity in Business and Economics), Fundraiser INTERESTS CHINESE THEATER WORKSHOP, Secretary

Ballet, Figure Skating and Foreign Films LANGUAGES Fluent in English and Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese), Basic knowledge of Japanese

References Upon Request

Note: Financing, education,

quantification, and extracurricular activities.

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NAME Address

Telephone E-mail

EDUCATION Pace University New York, NY Bachelor of Science in Computer Science 6/20XX COMPUTER Operating Systems Software Languages Hardware KNOWLEDGE Windows XP MS Office Visual Basic IBM PCs Windows 2000 Word Perfect SQL, PL/SQ PC Servers MS DOS Auto-CAD C/C++/JAVA UNIX HTML/Oracle COMPUTER • Simulated multiple programmed Operating System in C++ using a PROJECTS structured job table and linked list as device queue. Designed fancy swapper to move job into and out of main memory as well as interrupt handlers, which managed system resources and jobs entered in the system. • Extended micro-GCL compiler to include “If-Then-Else” structure. Utilized Recursive Descent Technology and Object Oriented Design Concepts. • Designed and developed library access system in Oracle. • Designed and programmed compiler in Java. EXPERIENCE Big Apple Data Corp. New York, NY Programmer/Analyst 12/03-Present

• Analyzed, designed and coded modules for purpose of converting data to customer specifications in Oracle, L/SQL and SQL.

• Designed and developed company wide problem tracking database in MS Access.

• Designed, developed and monitored company wide media tracking database in MS Access.

Silicon Alley Software, Inc. New York, NY Computer Intern 6/02-12/03

• Tested text/image management client-server software on Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Unix platforms.

• Installed, configured and maintained major operating systems including Windows XP and Windows 2000.

• Wrote HTML code for Intranet and Internet Website. Pace University New York, NY Lab Consultant, Academic Computing Lab 9/01-6/02

• Updated individual accounts for users on Mainframes and PCs. • Familiarized users with computer hardware and software. • Completed special projects assigned by lab coordinators and

academic programmer. • Trained new lab consultants. • Conducted workshops on various computer software packages and utilities.

REFERENCES Available Upon Request

Note: Easy to see all skills and

projects. Experience written in professional


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NAME Address � Phone Number � E-mail Address PERSONAL

Seeking an entry level management position in human resources, nonprofit or social services in order to add value to an organization that makes a difference in people’s lives and well-being.


Pace University, Pleasantville, NY Bachelor of Business Administration, June 20XX Major: Management Concentration: Human Resources GPA: 3.5

• Pace University President’s Scholarship • Financed 75% of education through scholarships and work


MS Excel, Word, Access Windows XP Internet Applications


Towers Perrin, Valhalla, New York Human Resources Intern, January-September 2002

• Coordinated and collated applicant information for Human Resources recruiters • Maintained correspondence between recruiters and employees • Updated applicant database using Microsoft Access • Researched internet sites to source applicants

Family Service of Westchester, White Plains, New York Community Resources Intern, Summer 2000

• Greeted clients and prepared initial intake forms • Created database of community services available for clients using Paradox • Revamped and reorganized agency filing system

Westchester Department of Social Services, White Plains, New York Planning Department Intern, Summer 1999

• Scheduled and organized variety of meetings for special groups serviced by department • Recruited and motivated high school and college students to participate in volunteer services


White Plains Hospital, Volunteer –Assisted oncology patients with daily care Pace Environmental Club, Treasurer

Note: Financing of

education, personal paragraph.

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Permanent Address Present Address Telephone Number email address Telephone Number AREAS OF INTEREST

Criminal Justice and Law EDUCATION

Pace University, Pleasantville, New York Bachelor of Science, June 20XX Major: Criminal Justice Minors: Political Science & History Overall GPA: 3.24 Major GPA: 3.44 EXPERIENCE

Village of Ossining Police Department, Ossining, New York Intern, September 20XX - December 20XX • Compiled police records of felony cases for District Attorney’s office • Accompanied officers on patrol and observed activities • Aided detectives in investigations by writing preliminary case reports Pre-Trial Institute of Westchester, White Plains, New York Field Agent, Mount Vernon, City Court, September 20XX - December 20XX • Interviewed prisoners detained overnight • Verified information regarding criminal cases • Made recommendations to increase efficiency of process Academic Computing Department, Pace University, Pleasantville, New York Assistant Hardware Specialist, January 20XX - June 20XX • Maintained and repaired computers for academic departments • Trained and assisted lab consultants on use of hardware • Installed and tested IBM PS/2’s SKILLS

Knowledge of IBM PC, printers, modems, Microsoft Excel, Word, Internet Conversational Italian EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES

Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honor Society Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity – Chapter President REFERENCES

Available upon request

Note: Resume is

straightforward and focused.

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Name Address

Phone Number E-mail

OBJECTIVE: Entry level position in Public Administration, Government or Social Services EDUCATION: Pace University, Dyson College of Arts and Sciences, Pleasantville, NY Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, 1/20XX GPA: 3.3 EXPERIENCE: Westchester County Department of Planning, White Plains, NY Housing/Community Development Intern, 10/03 – 5/04

• Wrote contracts between Westchester County and nonprofit organizations for numerous projects and dollar amounts

• Generated fiscal year budget report for Community Development Block Grant project/award files

• Reviewed all Community Development Block Grant applications for accuracy and compliance with Federal regulations and completeness

• Assisted in environmental review process of Community Development Block Grant projects

Clarke and Wells LLP, New York, NY Paralegal/Litigation Assistant, 2/03 – 9/03

• Developed Block Grant project/award files • Proofread and coded legal documents • Checked materials for correct sequence, necessary information and quality

Moorehead, Reed and Miller, New York, NY Marketing Intern, Summer 2002

• Prepared proposals for potential domestic and foreign clients • Wrote articles about activities of firm and its members for weekly newsletter • Created and maintained current biographies on counsel, partners and

associates of firm • Coordinated events and banquets for potential clients and members of firm

SKILLS: MS Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint; WordPerfect; Lotus 1-2-3 ACTIVITIES: Rho Sigma Fraternity, Inc., President

St. Luke’s Hospital, Volunteer Roosevelt Clay Project, Counselor Intramural Basketball & Football

References Upon Request

Note: Objective targets career

interest. Internship activities are well


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NAME Permanent Address School Address Telephone Number Telephone Number

e-mail OBJECTIVE To apply my academic knowledge and practical experience towards a successful

career in finance. EDUCATION Pace University New York, NY Bachelor of Business Administration January 20XX Major: Finance GPA: 3.46

Relevant Coursework: Principles of Investments, Financial Management, Portfolio Theory, Micro/Macro Economics, International Finance, Money and Banking

Honors: Alpha Chi Honors FINANCE Research: Wrote a paper analyzing Yahoo stock and described price changes, PROJECTS risk factors and earnings.

Portfolio Analysis: Created a diversified portfolio and analyzed assets within the portfolio.

Software Implementation: Developed an aggressive growth and an income growth fund using financial software programs, including Invest, U.S. Equities and Excel.

TECHNICAL MS Excel, Word, PowerPoint; Lotus 1-2-3; Windows and Internet Applications SKILLS FINANCE Wall St. Investments New York, NY EXPERIENCE Operations Intern Summers 2002, 2003

• Updated and changed monthly and quarterly performance reports • Verified breakdown of assets by client type, country and asset class • Entered data regarding select group of large asset-based sponsors • Developed thorough understanding of the trading process • Worked with various systems: OLTS, ADP, FOS, Keylink, Horizon and Bloomberg • Researched and resolved trade discrepancies

OTHER Pace University New York, NY EXPERIENCE Campus Facility Supervisor September 2001-Present

• Proofread and coded legal documents • Monitor functions and special events for dormitory • Process appropriate paperwork and log activities • Handle conflicts and deal with crisis situations

Town of Glen Cove Glen Cove, NY Assistant Manager Summer 2001

• Supervised pool attendants, delegated work to supporting staff • Developed weekly work schedules, tabulated daily profits

ACTIVITIES/ Pace University Basketball Team, Co-Captain (Fall 2002-Present) INTERESTS Finance Society, Member (Fall 2002-Present) Investing in financial markets

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Name Home Address School Address Telephone Telephone E-mail Education Pace University: Pleasantville, New York Bachelor of Business Administration: June 20XX

Major: Marketing Concentration: International Marketing Minor: Information Systems GPA: 3.0

Honors Pace University Presidential Scholarship Computer MS PowerPoint, HTML, C Programming, MS Excel, MS Word, MS Works, MS Photo Skills Editor, MS Publisher, MS FrontPage, Netscape, Windows and Internet Applications Field Study Pace University International Marketing Field Study Spain and Portugal: May 1999

  Compared and contrasted marketing strategies in Spain and Portugal to those used in the United States

Related AdvantEdge Television Advertising: White Plains, New York Experience Marketing Intern: January 2004-Present

  Write informative material to promote AdvantEdge   Utilize Publisher and Photo Editor to create promotional material   Research web pages for company data   Assist with development of AdvantEdge web site   View commercial reels   Check materials for correct sequence and necessary information

Pace University, Career Services: Pleasantville, New York Student Assistant: October 2002 – April 2003   Interacted with students, employers, faculty and administrators   Scheduled appointments and special events   Performed clerical duties including data entry and telephones

Macy’s: Staten Island, New York Estee Lauder Sales Associate: Summers 2002, 2003   Achieved daily sales goal   Maintained selling records   Provided individual consultations for customers

Other Independent childcare: White Plains, New York Experience Childcare Provider: October 2000-Present

  Provide quality supervision and care for three children Activities Psi Delta Sorority: President: May 1999-Present Vice President: May 1998-May 1999 Pace Marketing Association: Member High School Newspaper: Co-Editor-in-Chief

Languages Working knowledge of Spanish

References Available Upon Request

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Academic training in business and communications, complemented by diverse experience in entertainment and media environments. Applied organizational, communication, writing and research skills to a wide range of projects. Developed rapport with a broad spectrum of people, including celebrities, performing artists, business executives, agents, managers, education administrators and colleagues. EDUCATION Pace University, Pleasantville, NY Bachelor of Arts, June 2005 Major: Literature & Communications Minor: Business Management INTERNSHIPS SONY Music Entertainment, New York, NY Publicity Coordinator, September 2004 - June 2005 • Coordinated tours and press days for artists on Epic/550 Label • Attended planning sessions and other meetings with Senior Director of Publicity regarding representing

leading artists FX Magazine, New York, NY Editorial Assistant, August 2003 - January 2004 • Researched and analyzed extensive data on results of safety tests involving consumer products • Built positive relations with consumers by using strong written and verbal communications skills in

response to mail and other inquiries ACTIVITIES The Paw Print, Pace University Newspaper Features Editor/News Reporter, September 2002-Present Opinions Editor/Film Critic Columnist, May 2001-June 2002 News/Features Reporter/Photographer, January 2000-May 2001 • Wrote numerous articles on social and educational issues, demonstrating persistence in obtaining

interviews from government, community, academic and business representatives • Won two awards from the New York Press Association, earning 1st Place out of 500 for news story and

3rd place for feature story Model United Nations Delegate, December 2000-April 2001 • Presented resolutions for UN reform and sustainable development as delegate representing The Federated

Republic of Brazil Greek Council President September 2000-June 2001 • Provided leadership to 14 fraternities and sororities • Organized several fund-raising campaigns that generated much needed monies to charities including

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation COMPUTER SKILLS MS Word, Excel, MAC, Windows and Internet Applications

Note: Summary of qualifications and extensive activities.

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TIPS FOR EXPERIENCED CANDIDATES • Target your resume to the employer and industry you are pursuing. Your resume should demonstrate a

focus . • Employers want to know if you know their language. Read several job descriptions and utilize

professional jargon employers use when creating your resume. • Consider using a functional format highlighting your skill areas or combination chronological/functional

format when changing careers. • Use a Summary of Qualifications or Profile section to emphasize your specific achievements and

transferable skills that relate to the job you are seeking. See the next page for samples. • Put your Education section after your Experience and Skills sections. • Include relevant professional associations , organizations and community activities. Join a professional

group if you have not done so. • If you don’t have work experience related to your goal, include any academic research and study related

projects in a special section. • Include all professional licenses that relate to your career goal. • Quantify your accomplishments wherever possible, don’t just state your responsibilities. Use numbers to

show results of your actions. Examples:

Reduced shipping costs by 66% while simultaneously decreasing shipping time from 27 to 3 days. Obtained first commercial order for a developmental project with profit margins of 100%. Successfully developed spreadsheet model which reduced overtime fees from outsourcing vendors by 15%. Headed marketing team with commitments in excess of $730M and income of $5.2M. Team accomplishments included a $250M off balance sheet inventory transaction generating a $2.5M up front fee. Developed budget-control procedures through consolidation, cost benefit analysis and timetable constraints, increasing annual income by 12%.

• Use a two page resume if you have enough relevant accomplishments, experience and achievements.

Presentations, publications, additional training, community activities are categories that may increase the length of your resume.

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PROFILES AND SUMMARIES Summary statements or profiles provide a dramatic way to introduce the reader to the image you wish to project with your resume. Use this powerful tool to influence employers. It is the most important and difficult part of your resume to create. The following examples will help you think about ways to summarize your experience and the most important points you want your target market to know about you.


Highly energetic business leader who combines a strong technical background with superior planning and marketing skills to create new, profitable revenue streams. Ability to apply negotiating and communication skills. Adept at identifying market and product opportunities, structuring strategic initiatives and leading teams to targeted objectives. Solid expertise in:

� Business development � Strategic planning and market analysis � Marketing and sales

Profile Highly motivated Financial Management MBA with honors who easily adapts to new environments. Demonstrated problem solving and analytical skills. Energetic self-starter with solid communication and organizational abilities. Varied internship experience in portfolio management, financial services and credit operations.


Fellow of the Society of Actuaries with MBA in Financial Management and Business Economics. Graduated first in class. Fifteen years plus experience demonstrating particular expertise in Financial Modeling, Valuation and Projections.


Human Resource professional with diversified experience in executive compensation and generalist responsibilities. A team player with the highest ethical standards. Ability to communicate effectively with all levels of management to ensure proper gathering and dissemination of sensitive, confidential information. Strengths include:

• Incentive compensation development • Variable compensation analysis • Benefit plan administration • Performance tracking and measurement • Project management • Employee communication and training

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Note: Functional format for career


NAME Address

Telephone Number Email

PROFILE Astute administrator with experience in prioritizing and adapting functions for maximizing efficiency in rapidly changing environment. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Demonstrated research and analytical skills. Leader and team player. Strong computer applications knowledge.

EDUCATION MBA, Management, GPA: 3.64 Cum Laude, Pace University, New York, New York June 20XX BS, General Studies, Fordham University, Bronx, New York June 19XX

HONORS/ACHIEVEMENTS § Outstanding Lubin Student Achievement § National Dean’s List § Speaker at Pace Open House § Invited to attend Leaders in Management Seminars with corporate executives § Research project on managerial operations published in Lubin Letter

COMPUTER SKILLS MS Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Lotus 1-2-3, Internet

SUMMARY OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS Managerial/Supervisory § Managed personnel operations of three districts, including submission of reports to reflect accurate work time compensation § Identified discrepancies in reimbursement expenses and time worked § Coordinated applications for submission to internal and external executive/management training programs

Organizational § Established system of record keeping to enable easy and quick access for auditors, attorneys and general reference by

other managers § Planned office layout for new groups § Appraised space requirements of organization resulting in over 50% lease reduction

Communication/Training § Monitored and offered solutions for employee personal and professional concerns § Consulted with middle managers on setting agenda for conferences § Coached peers on correct method for submitting reports § Presented workshop on corporate culture to new employees

Research § Organized information for awards program § Compiled profile of senior employees for use by executives at award ceremony § Researched web pages of competitors to identify pricing and marketing strategies

EXPERIENCE Aero Plastics Worldwide, Maspeth, New York Executive Assistant – Access Management 20XX – Present Sr. Administrative Assistant – Controller Financial Organization 20XX – 20XX Supervisor – Human Resources, Executive Staffing 19XX – 19XX Special Assistant – Human Resources, Executive Division 19XX – 19XX

LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES Education Development Center, Member § Implemented plan to build community center which involved organizing and planning community group meetings with Mayor

and Governor

Yonkers Medical Emergency Response Team, Member § Coordinated public relations activities

NYC Blood Bank, Volunteer REFERENCES

Available upon request

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EDUCATION: Pace University: New York, NY Master of Business Administration: January 20xx Major: Marketing Management § GPA: 3.97 University of Sweden: Skovde, Sweden Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration (Honors): June 20xx Major: International Marketing § Minor: Spanish Thesis: The Effects of the Internet on the Travel Companies’ Brands Universidad de Barcelona: Barcelona, Spain, Spring 19xx, Spanish Universidad de Madrid: Madrid, Spain, Fall 19xx, Spanish COURSES: Strategic Marketing Planning, Business Research and Survey Methodology, Quantitative Analysis for Business, Managerial Theory and Skills, Operations and Quality Management COMPUTERS: SPSS, MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint and Internet Applications WORK Pace University: New York, NY EXPERIENCE: Assistant to Vice President of Planning, Assessment, Research and Academic Support: Spring 20xx

• Performed Multiple Regression Analysis, T-test, Chi-square test • Conducted project planning • Ran statistical analysis and interpreted results using SPSS • Reported directly to Vice President

ABC Corporation (Temporary Agency): Stockholm, Sweden Gaines Sverige AB, Stockholm, Sweden Sales Representative: Summer 19xx

• Handled orders from average of seventy supermarkets daily • Responded to phone inquiries from customers • Processed and arranged distribution for rush orders

XYZ, Ltd.: Barcelona, Spain Marketing Assistant: Summer 19xx

• Assisted with strategic marketing of ceramic products • Participated in budgeting and distribution planning

MILITARY: Swedish Army, Section Commander: August 19xx-19xx LANGUAGES: Fluent in Swedish and Spanish

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PROFILE Graduate student in counseling psychology with extensive experience in community agencies and campus activities. Seeking full-time counseling or social advocacy position in order to develop a thorough knowledge of community support resources and apply my academic knowledge and skills.


Internship Assistant May 2000-Present Inner City Partners Bronx, NY • Assist with recruitment and placement of high school students at various business sites • Organize payroll for interns, maintain contact and gather feedback for program evaluation • Supervise intern, develop projects, assign work, organize special events Shelter Volunteer Summer 2000 Jessie’s House Syracuse, NY • Assisted director with management of homeless shelter for women and children • Provided information regarding community resources, domestic violence support and

housing services Peer Counselor Intern Fall Semester 2000 Higher Education Opportunity Program Syracuse, NY • Provided personal, social and academic peer counseling to pre-freshman students assisting

with orientation

EDUCATION MA, Psychology Expected June 2001 Pace University, Dyson College New York, NY GPA: 3.8 BA, Human Relations May 1999 Syracuse University Syracuse, NY Senior Project: Childhood Depression Honors: Dean’s List, Pellas Scholar, HEOP Achievement Award, Nancy Farmer Achievement in Academics and Leadership GPA: 3.75

SPECIAL SKILLS Bilingual - Spanish/English Technical - MS Word, Excel, Windows and Internet Applications

UNDERGRADUATE ACTIVITIES Secretary, Black and Latin Student Alliance Writer, Campus Newspaper Resident Assistant, Day Hall Dormitory • Provided supervision for hall of fifty students • Developed crisis management skills, planned events and learned to communicate effectively with

diverse student population

PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Counseling Association, Student Affiliate American Psychological Association, Student Affiliate

Note: Graduate student with

limited experience .

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PROFILE Experienced product marketing strategist with over ten years cross-functional expertise in forecasting, budgeting, promotion and analysis. Recently completed MBA with honors. Solid history of successful projects, promotions and awards. Strong analytical skills and business acumen.

EDUCATION Pace University, Lubin School of Business, New York, NY MBA in Marketing Management, June 20XX Academic Achievements:

• Dean’s List (all semesters) • Beta Gamma Sigma (National Business Honor Society) • Graduate Assistant (full scholarship and stipend)

GPA: 3.94 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Bachelor of Arts, Business Management, May 19XX


• Hired and trained demo marketing team that improved brand awareness and sales of consumer product from a distant fourth to the second most popular and recognized brand in the territory.

• Designed and implemented consumer and trade promotions which assisted in a 214% increase in sales.

• Increased attendance at speaker series by more than 550% through email campaign, public relations and personal selling.

• Wrote press releases and designed advertisements for national trade publications for new product division.

• Created brochures, sales materials and a product manual for a 14-member dealer network.

Business Development and Management • Solved business problems by developing customized marketing/promotional plans while

building customer relations along vertical channels with new and existing customers. • Created and implemented marketing programs to reach new target groups increasing

sales by 15%. • Managed international business development program to improve relationships and sales for

high technology companies with NAFTA countries. • Managed district sales team and marketing programs that increased sales by more than 200%. • Played strategic role in identifying dealers and augmented distribution network by 75%. • Increased new business by 20% while managing distributors and key accounts. • Analyzed and presented monthly sales and marketing reports to senior management.

EMPLOYMENT Account Manager, Kodak Inc., Rochester, NY 20XX-20XX Divisional Sales Manager, Mattel Corporation, Syracuse, NY 19XX-19XX Senior District Sales Manager, Astro Products, Inc., Liverpool, NY 19XX-19XX

BUSINESS AWARDS Rochester Men in Business, 1998 Rotarian Achievement Award, 1999

Note: Focused quantification of accomplishments in

experience section.

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Results-oriented accounting professional, team leader with excellent communication skills. Over 15 years private financial accounting experience. Expertise in:

Strategic Planning Tax Accounting Budget Preparation Cash Management Financial Reporting Credit and Collections General Accounting Automated Accounting Systems


Robert Erlham Associates, Inc. Mahwah, NJ Controller 19XX- 20XX Supervised staff of twelve, with full responsibility for accounting, finance, credit and collection, warehousing and mailroom functions of $15MM publishing company. • Created daily report which tracked actual sales and cash activity versus budget and prior year results. • Developed internal monthly financial package to summarize activity of five corporations that make up firm. • Headed committee converting existing in-house operational system to new operational software package. • Reduced operating expenses by 5% by negotiating prices and selecting new carriers in areas of medical

benefits, business insurance and long distance telephone charges. • Introduced detailed package of annual/calendarized budget schedules which improved accuracy and

timeliness of data from all departments. • Analyzed profitability of publishing program by creating Gross Profit Report resulting in streamlining

unprofitable projects. Franklin Potts, Inc. (A publishing division of Grolier), New York, NY Controller 19XX- 19XX Supervised staff of seven, with responsibility for accounting, finance, credit and collection functions of $30MM company. • Directed conversion from Honeywell to McCormack and Dodge General Ledger System, resulting in

acceleration of monthly financial reporting cycle by two days. • Planned and coordinated conversion from in-house to outside Royalty System, designed to accommodate

new business complexities. • Managed controllership function of $3MM publishing company. • Recommended adding one collections professional to reduce average collection time period. • Reduced time from 99 to 83 days. • Implemented automated payroll process utilizing ADP PC system and subsequently achieved 20%

reduction in preparation time. • Introduced detailed package of annual/calendarized budget schedules which improved input of

all departments. • Designed monthly, cash distribution letter and quarterly financial package thereby improving financial

reporting for three joint venture companies.

Note: Seasoned professional describes position and

highlights accomplishments .

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Franklin Potts, Inc. (A publishing division of Grolier), New York, NY Assistant Controller 19XX- 19XX Supervised staff of five in day-to-day responsibilities. • Recommended reorganization of accounting staff to streamline responsibilities which reduced completion

time of monthly cash flow statement and improved accuracy of remittance forecast to present company. • Improved quality of financial reports to senior management. Whelen & Whelan (An architectural partnership), New York, NY Financial Analyst 19XX- 19XX Reported to Assistant Controller on day-to-day responsibilities and to Controller on special projects. • Maintained bi-weekly report for managing partners, summarized projections during each payroll period. • Analyzed annual Profit and Loss Forecast for proposed life of each project. • Developed automated Status Report System for all projects incorporating all functions of

Accounting Department. • Prepared monthly balance sheet and income statement for firm including financial ratio analysis.


MS Accounting Pace University, New York, NY 20XX BS Economics Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 19XX

COMPUTER SKILLS Microsoft Excel, Word, Lotus 1-2-3, Windows, Peachtree, CorpTax, SuperForm, Omega Suite


Certified Management Accountant


New York Certified Management Accountant Association, 1998-Present Regional Vice President, 1999-Present • Coordinate training conferences annually • Participate in recruitment initiatives

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Address Email Telephone Number EDUCATION Pace University, Lubin School of Business White Plains, NY MBA in Financial Management and Human Resources Management September, 20xx Cumulative GPA: 3.61 University of Illinois, College of Liberal Arts Chicago, Illinois BA in Psychology May 19xx RELEVANT Research Methods in Management, Human Resource Management, Interpersonal GRADUATE Competence/Group Dynamics, Compensation and Assessment, Organizational Change COURSES RELATED XWX Beverage Group Croton, NY EXPERIENCE Human Resources Assistant (Temp) 5/xx-Present

• Send offer letters, employment forms and company information to new hires • Draft memos advising new hires of proper procedures for I-9 form • Assist in monitoring and directing all summer new hire orientation policies and paperwork • Coordinate interviews among executive search firms, human resources staff and executives • Enroll regional and division sales managers in leadership training programs • Publish reports on tuition reimbursement, leadership training, recruiting costs, and

employee separation • Modify employment forms • Streamline rejection letter process • Research international compensation and tax issues for school project

ZZ Leasing Inc. Rye, NY Executive Assistant (Temp) 10/xx - 4/xx

• Assisted Risk Manager with assessment of insurance companies • Edited legal documents for Associate Counsel Executive Assistant (Temp) Summer xxxx • Created presentations and graphs for two vice presidents and one director • Supplied data for projects from talisman database and EMS mainframe • Published surplus and shortage report, using Essbase logistics workstation, for another

department while executive assistant was on vacation FX Corporation Eastchester, NY Intern, FX Consulting Group 7/xx – 12/xx

• Created worldwide database of consultants in FX Consulting Group • Negotiated sources from other departments • Distributed surveys and mailings • Collected and analyzed data from surveys • Researched international compensation and tax issues for school project

University of Illinois Chicago, IL Research Assistant, Psychology Department 6/xx – 5/xx

• Conducted phone interviews for major study on sleep deprivation • Maintained database of survey information and interviews • Analyzed information and created bar graphs from surveys • Scored surveys • Researched international compensation and tax issues for school project

PROFESSIONAL Society for Human Resource Management, Student Member MEMBERSHIP COMPUTER Access, PowerPoint, Excel, MS Word, MS Outlook, Lotus Notes, Lotus 123, Lotus Approach SKILLS

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Telephone • E-mail • Website

OBJECTIVE A position in the field of Information Technology.

EDUCATION Pace University, Ivan G. Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems,

White Plains, NY M.S. in Information Systems, Expected: June 2003 GPA: 3.61

St. Olaf’s College, Upland, Minnesota B.S. in Accounting, June 1989 GPA: 4.00

TECHNICAL COURSES Database Management Systems Structured Systems Analysis Information Systems Planning & Policy Computer Operating Systems Business Telecommunications Telecommunications Management Distributed Information Systems IS Research Project Seminar The World Wide Web Technology Structured Systems Design Computer Networking Information Systems Project Management

COMPUTER SKILLS Hardware: IBM PC, Macintosh Software: Lotus 1-2-3, Lotus Notes, MS Word, Internet Explorer, Quattro Pro, MS Power Point, QMF (SQL), Netscape Navigator Operating Systems: MS DOS, Windows 2000 Languages: C++, HTML, Visual Basic


• Install new applications software programs on network workstations and PCs • Troubleshoot hardware, software and network problems • Assist users with software applications • Provide technical support to users via telephone • Conduct training for staff on use and maintenance of new software applications • Assist Senior Technical Consultant responsible for staff of 35+ auditors

Finance • Created database queries using QMF, analyzed data, produced reports and prepared slides for presentation • Prepared periodic financial statements for large corporation • Created Lotus 1-2-3 and QuattroPro spreadsheets

COMPUTER PROJECTS • Used Visible Analysis Software to design comprehensive tax auditing system • Designed normalized relational database system for car dealership

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Avon Products, New York, NY

Corporation Tax Auditor, 1998 – Present

AIG Corporation, New York, NY Financial Analyst, 1995 – Present

Metro Foods, Inc., New York, NY

Accountant, 1989 – 1995

CERTIFICATIONS Certified Public Accountant, Chartered Accountant (Currently preparing for MCSE Certification)

Note: Career changer, emphasizing technical knowledge first.

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Address • Phone • Email

Summary Public affairs professional with ten years experience coordinating and implementing public relations campaigns for municipalities. Superior writing, editing and production skills. Ability to troubleshoot, develop strategic plans and deal with media. Seeking a position with a government agency in order to apply my expertise, education and experience.

Accomplishments • Successfully implemented public relations program for mayor of local municipality with population

of 65,000 residents • Managed content and design of municipality’s web site • Initiated and produced municipal access programming • Coordinated all special events including annual River Festival generating over $50,000 in revenue

Professional Experience

City of Trenton, Trenton, New Jersey Assistant Director, Public Relations, Mayor’s Office 2001-Present Coordinate/implement City’s public relations program for the Chief Executive • Research/write press releases and public service announcements • Coordinate/manage all aspects of print production including drafting copy, editing, designing and

coordination with printers • Research and develop community relations policies; address business and civic groups to clarify

Mayor’s position on municipal issues • Chair Internet Committee; oversee content and design of city website • Prepare/monitor departmental budget Communications Manager, Department of Legislature 1996-2001 Coordinated/managed communications program for City Council • Acted as press secretary and spokesperson for Legislative department • Instituted constituent newsletters, including creative concept, copywriting/editing, photography and

layout • Oversaw municipal filming; attracted major feature films • Initiated and produced municipal access programming Assistant Communications Manager, Department of Legislature 1992-1996 Assisted in coordination and implementation of a communications program for the City Council • Oversaw daily operation of city’s municipal access programming • Drafted News Releases for Legislative initiatives • Supervised technical staff for municipal cable station

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New Jersey Cable, Newark, New Jersey Public Affairs Assistant 1990-1992 • Handled media relations for regional affiliates • Acted as liaison between local offices and respective franchising municipality • Coordinated special events/promotions for county offices, including openings of new offices • Served as assistant editor and staff writer for employee newsletter

Education Pace University, White Plains, New York MPA in Government Expected January, 20XX GPA: 3.87 Queens College, Queens, New York BS in Communications 1990 • Summa Cum Laude

Honors/Awards Westchester County Michaelian Scholarship Sal J. Prezioso Award Pace University Graduate Scholarship NJ Women in Business

Special Skills Computers: Windows 2000, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Quark, Adobe Languages: Fluent in French

Community Service Trenton Women in Business Committee, Chairperson (1990-Present) Queens College NJ Alumni Organization, Alumni Mentor, Chair (1990-Present) Trenton Ethnic Diversity Day, Publicity Chairperson (2001-2005)

Professional Presentations

“Handling Government Confidential Information and The Media”, Fall 2000 Public Affairs Association Annual Conference, Albany, NY

References and Writing Samples Upon Request

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• 10-plus years of reporting and writing news and features • Experience in desktop publishing and editing • Excellent organizational and detail-oriented skills • State-certified and New York City-licensed as teacher of secondary school English

EDITORIAL EXPERIENCE: Freelance Writer/Editor, New York, NY 20XX - Present

• Write, edit and/or proofread for OOBR (The Off-Off Broadway Review), Fitness Swimmer, Travel Agent International, TravelAge, Frequent Flyer, the Forward, NOW-NYC News, The Motion Picture Guide, The West Side Spirit and The Greenwich Village Press

Associate Editor • Travel Agent Magazine, New York, NY 20XX • Travel Management Daily, New York 19XX – 20XX • ASTA Agency Management Magazine, New York, NY 19XX Copy Editor and Contributing Writer • Travel Agent Magazine, New York, NY 19XX – 19XX Entertainment Editor and Copy Editor • Gannett Newspapers, White Plains, NY 19XX –19XX

TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Student Teacher, 6 th Grade , I.S. 118, Queens, NY 19XX

• Planned and taught lessons in grammar and literature

Student Teacher, 10th Grade, Seward Park High School, New York, NY 19XX • Assisted in planning curriculum and teaching units on free speech, the novel, short stories, religion

Writing Tutor, Pace University, New York, NY 19XX – 19XX • Instructed college students one-on-one in developing and improving their writing assignments

Classroom Assistant, Henry Street Settlement Day Care Center, New York, NY 19XX • Read books to kindergarten students and assisted teacher with classroom activities

EDUCATION: M.S. Publishing, Pace University, New York, NY 20XX B.S. Education, Iona College, New Rochelle, NY 19XX

HONORS: Member, Kappa Delta Pi (Education honor society) Recipient, Excellence Award, Glenville Publishing Company REFERENCES: Professional references available upon request.

Note: Division and explanation of


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Advanced training and experience in network systems installation and configuration. Extensive hands-on technical experience with installing, testing and maintaining telecommunications and computer systems.


Technical: Software: Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft Office 97/2000, Norton O/S: Enterprise, Internet Explorer 5, Spectrum Element Manager, Unix Networking: Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, Routing, IP, WAN/LAN, Client Server Systems Languages: Java, HTML, C, C++, SQL, Visual Basic

IT Support: � Provide full support for 60+ users in Windows NT 4.0 environment using roaming and local profiles � Conduct computer hardware/software installation for desktop and laptop systems � Initiate new computer installation and set-up � Migrate organization from MS Office 97 to MS Office 2000 � Serve as NT Administrator for user groups, exchange mailboxes, and network connectivity � Maintain printer and other peripheral connectivity Networking: � Install and configure networking hardware � Conduct hardware/software testing using analyzers, internal diagnostics, local management, telnet � Interact with customer quality engineers and field technicians to resolve customer issues � Troubleshot user connectivity and wiring issues � Taught FDDI (ANSI X3T9.5) standards/operations and troubleshooting � Developed testing procedures for HSIM line of Cabletron products Projects: � Managed complete rollout of desktops and laptops for 30 users � Performed testing functions for “task-force” which reported causes for field failures � Coordinated calibrations for three engineering and manufacturing facilities for ISO 9000 compliance � Trained individuals on use of Microsoft Access database


Fuji Film, Elmsford, NY Systems Support, 20XX to present Avia Systems, Inc, Watertown, MA Network Technician, 19XX to 19XX


Pace University –Ivan G. Seidenberg School of Computer Science/Information Systems, White Plains, NY Master of Science, Telecommunications, 20XX GPA: 3.69 School of Computer Learning, New York, NY Certification in Unix C++, 19XX Boston College, Boston, MA Bachelor of Science, Business Management & Economics , 19XX

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Home Telephone Business Telephone


Innovative, accomplished corporate finance manager with over fifteen years of broad experience in financial operations, treasury, mortgage and accounting functions. Record of developing systems and solutions utilizing technology and quality service.

Areas of Expertise:

Financial Operations Business Systems Solutions Product Management Strategic Policy Customer Credit Market Development BUSINESS MANAGEMENT

• Managed financial closing, corporate reporting, and daily functions of Accounting Department for Ultrasound Products Division of XWZ Health Imaging.

• Co-founded multimedia entertainment venture, Bean Company, Inc. Developed business plan, negotiated government and private sector contracts, executed filings with regulatory agencies, managed intellectual property portfolio and corporate transactions.

• Directed financial services staff of 23, accountable for $2.8 billion annual mortgage portfolio, managed and prepared department budget, and proactively managed corporate relations with bank closing attorneys and title companies.


• Improved DSO 33 days by instituting a LAN-based customer credit and contact information file, implementing credit card acceptance for Service orders, designing and implementing financial policies.

• Analyzed impact of the Funds Availability Statute and recognized the opportunity to increase revenues while simultaneously decreasing cycle time on mortgage funding. Recaptured $2.5 million float revenue annually. Cited as “one of the most financially rewarding projects in Sales Service Division” by VP of Mortgage Bank Operations. Product now commercialized to mortgage industry.

• Managed compilation of financial statements, $90 million pooled equipment loan portfolio, 10 major operating cash accounts, and daily funds investments in excess of $11 million for Bell Atlantic Leasing.


• Created order management database in Access as bridge system between non-compatible manufacturing software (SAP/4th shift/Macola). Augmented order booking system database and designed queries to calculate shared technology agreement and acquisition liability for corporate alliance between XWZ and Advanced Technology Labs.

• Developed dial-in “Marginator” access program as pricing model tool for sales force. Improved margin and order accuracy by standardizing product configurations, costs, and discount decisions.

• Conceived and pioneered leading-edge loan funding product, MortgagExpress, employing workbench technology in joint venture with Citibank N.A. Functioned as project manager responsible for critical path, process flow design and software engineering.

• Designed accounting module for national mortgage origination database system utilizing client/server

architecture and imaging technology to launch paperless process.

Note: Summary establishes


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• Diagnosed chronic inventory valuation problem and justified to Engineering Change Control Board new bill of material policy which increased control and improved inventory adjustment from 20% to within 2%. Became first Finance Delegate to Engineering Change Control Board for Ultrasound Products.

• Financial Operations Manager on corporate consolidation task force. Reduced operating expense budget $2.3 million annually by strategically re-deploying assets and standardizing service quality.

• Financial services national representative on steering committee. Interacted with corporate senior staff transforming department role from support function to key participant in business planning and decision-making.


XWZ HEALTH PRODUCTS, Hillside, Ct 2004-Present Assistant Controller BEAN COMPANY INCORPORATED, Boston, MA 2000-2004 Senior Vice President APPLE MORTGAGE INCORPORATED, Boston, MA Assistant Vice President 1999-2000 Senior Project Manager 1998-1999 Accounting Manager 1997-1988


PACE UNIVERSITY, Lubin School of Business, White Plains, NY MBA, Financial Management 2002 BBA, Economics and Law 1997 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING, New York, NY Certificate 1999


Excel, Lotus, MS Access, Lotus Notes, Word, PowerPoint, Crystal, Publisher, Macola, MACIQ report writer, Internet Explorer/Navigator, Monarch



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Telephone Email address

Career Profile

Sales Professional

Financial Services • Computer Systems

• Top producing sales professional with over five years experience maximizing sales within highly competitive markets. Strong knowledge of information technology and financial services industries. Expertise in providing technical and systems support. Computer literate.

• Consistent record of establishing strong business relationships with prospects and clients. Readily able to establish rapport

with clients from diverse cultures. Work collaboratively to achieve corporate goals.

Experience Big Bucks Commodities, Inc., New York, NY 19XX to Present Privately held commodities brokerage firm with offices worldwide Financial Representative 20XX to Present

• Prospect, negotiate and close deals, forecast and track business activity • Serve high net worth individuals • Provide information regarding estate planning, stocks, mutual funds, life insurance, fixed income securities and annuities • Develop most new accounts for first year trainees, resulting in over $10 million in additional sales • Provide in-house technical systems troubleshooting for LAN-based system

Stockbroker Trainee 19XX-19XX

• Sold and executed stock transactions using sales profiling techniques • Provided clients with account maintenance services • Consistently met or exceeded sales expectations while maintaining client satisfaction

Big Apple Consulting Corp., New York, NY $12 million computer/networking/telecommunications provider Sales Intern 19XX-19XX

• Marketed services to prospective clients • Performed competitive analysis and forecasting • Analyzed and prepared marketing plan for entry into new markets • Compared competitor’s services for presentation to CEO • Participated in strategic planning and sales training sessions

Education & Licensure Education

Pace University , White Plains, NY Master of Business Administration Expected 20XX Dual Concentration: Financial Management/Information Systems SUNY Albany , Albany, NY Bachelor of Arts 19XX Major: Psychology Licenses

Series 7, Series 6, Series 63, NY State Life

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At some point in the job search process, most employers require the names of certain individuals who can attest to your qualifications for employment. Prepare a reference sheet (see sample) to have available during an interview or when sending a resume, if requested. Select three to five people who you believe will provide a positive reference for you. These people may include former or current employers/supervisors, professors, coaches or others who have observed you in a leadership, academic or professional capacity. Do not select relatives. Make selections based on a person’s ability to make objective comments regarding your work ethic, your responsibility level, your sense of creativity and initiative. In deciding who to ask, try to have a mix of professors, supervisors and others. Contact your references in advance for permission to use their name and for their preferred mode of contact, (e.g. e-mail, phone). Provide these people with a copy of your resume and tell them about the types of positions you are trying to obtain. Remind them about particular skills and experiences that make you a good match for the job.


861 Bedford Road Pleasantville, NY 10570

(914) 773-3361 [email protected]


Dr. Mary Martin

Marketing Department Lubin School of Business

Pace University New York, NY 10034

(212) 346-1610 [email protected]

Mr. Mark Johnson Supervisor of Planning Expert Systems, Inc. 427 Maple Avenue

Staten Island, NY 11093 (212) 657-8396 x 204

Ms. Mildred Taylor Assistant Vice President

Southworth Candy Company 42 Watson Avenue

Glen Cove, New York 11439 (516) 349-4830

[email protected]

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Table of Contents

Part I – EFFECTIVE WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE Writing an Effective Cover Letter 47 Cover Letter Guidelines 48 Basic Cover Letter Format 49

Sample Cover Letters: • Summer Internship/ Undergraduate 50 • Summer Internship/ Graduate Student 51 • Faculty Referral for Internship/ Undergraduate 52 • Classified Advertisement/ Entry Level 53 • Full Time/ Entry Level 54 • Career Services Job Posting 55 • Career Fair/ Campus Interview 56 • General Interest/ Experienced & Combined Degree Candidate 57 • Personal Contact/ Experienced Candidate 58 • General Interest/ Experienced Candidate 59 • Internet Job Posting/ Experienced Candidate 60 • Classified Advertisement/ Experienced Candidate 61 • Career Services Job Posting/ Experienced Candidate 62 • Networking Alumnus/Graduate Student 63 • Networking Referral 64 Thank You Letters & Other Correspondence 65 Thank You Letter Guidelines 66 Basic Thank You Letter Format 67

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Sample Letters: • Statement of Interest 68 • After an Interview 69

• On-Campus Interview 70 • Multiple Interviewers 71 • Networking Referral 72 • Summer Job Interview 73 • Declining a Job Offer 74 • Accepting a Job Offer 75 • Follow-up to Job Rejection 76 Part II – EFFECTIVE E-CORRESPONDENCE E-Correspondence 78 E-Correspondence Tips for Applying to Positions 79

E-Networking & Netiquette 80 E-Networking Correspondence Guidelines 81 Sample E-Letters: • Informational Interview/ Alumnus/ Graduate Student 82 • Informational Interview/ Undergraduate 82

• Wall Street Journal Article Contact 83 • Online Alumni Community Contact 83

• Pace Contact in Industry 84

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WRITING AN EFFECTIVE COVER LETTER Employers receive hundreds of resumes from job applicants. To make a great first impression, your letter needs to be well-written to grab the employer’s attention. As soon as the envelope (or e-mail) is opened an indelible impact is made. Your cover letter often determines whether the resume is even read! A cover letter is a marketing piece. It is your opportunity to introduce yourself, point out your job related qualifications, and demonstrate your written communication skills. You want the employer to be interested in what you have to say and want to learn more about how you match the qualifications for his/her job! A cover letter should be one page, no more than three or four paragraphs and designed to:

• Market your skills, related experience and accomplishments • Introduce yourself and establish yourself as a high value candidate • Generate interest in meeting you

Remember, cover letters should ALWAYS accompany a resume, even if one is not specifically requested. A good cover letter takes time to write, but in the long run it will be worth the extra time and effort. It is the first sample of your work that the employer will read. This guide will provide you with hints for writing effective cover letters. Basic to this are good grammar, correct spelling, and a writing style that reflects your personality and individuality. If you need assistance in preparing your correspondence, you can make an appointment to meet with a counselor in Career Services and Cooperative Education or the Writing Center.

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COVER LETTER GUIDELINES • Keep your cover letter succinct and to the point. • Limit your cover letter to one page. • Always personalize your letter for maximum impact. • Always mail or fax a cover letter with your resume • Print your letters on standard size, high quality paper that matches resumes and envelopes.

Use a laser or ink jet printer. • Always address cover letters to a specific person. If you do not know the name of the

appropriate individual, call the organization and request the proper contact person’s name and title.

• Let your letter reflect your professionalism, individuality and creativity. • Demonstrate your abilities with concrete examples. • Use variety in opening sentences. • Avoid beginning every sentence with the “I” pronoun. • Double check spelling of contact names and titles. • Before sending out any correspondence, proofread carefully! Mistakes in your cover letter

can result in immediate rejection. • Sign your letters in blue or black ink. • Do not staple your resume to your cover letter. • Keep copies of all correspondence for your own records. Note: See Section II, “Effective E-Correspondence,” for tips on writing electronic cover letters.

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BASIC COVER LETTER FORMAT Your Address City, State, Zip Code Date Skip 2 to 3 spaces Name Title Organization Street Address or PO Box # City, State, Zip Code Skip 2 spaces Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name: (Place a colon after the last name) Skip 2 spaces 1st Paragraph: State why you are writing. Identify the position, field or general area of your inquiry. Tell how you heard about the opening or organization. Sample beginnings: I am applying for the accounting position advertised in Career Services at Pace University. or I am writing in response to your advertisement in the New York Times. or Mr. James Brown suggested that I contact you to explore a possible summer cooperative education position at Credite Suisse First Boston. Skip 2 spaces between paragraphs 2nd Paragraph (or more): Indicate your career or job objective and why you are particularly suited for this company or type of work. Highlight your particularly relevant achievements and qualifications. Elaborate on key points from your resume without repeating your resume word-for-word. Point out facts such as related work experience, coursework or training. Communicate to the employer that you understand the position and have the qualities the employer seeks. Closing Paragraph: Refer the employer to an enclosed resume and/or application. Request a personal interview. Suggest arranging a mutually convenient time to meet. Reiterate your interest in the position. Give specific information about how you can be reached. Thank the employer for his/her time and consideration. Sample closings: During Spring break, I would like the opportunity to interview with you. Next week, I will call you with the hope of arranging an interview appointment. or I am available to interview for this position at your convenience. Please contact me at 212-346-1234. I will be happy to provide you with any additional information you may need. Sincerely, (Place comma after the word Sincerely) Skip 4 to 5 spaces between Sincerely and typed name Your Signature (Write signature) Your Name Typed (Type full name) Skip 2 spaces Enclosure (If a resume is enclosed, then type the word Enclosure)

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Room T-320

Pace University Pleasantville, NY 19873 Date Benjamin Shin Media Specialist A-Z Advertising Agency New York, NY 10021 Dear Mr. Shin: Presently, I am a student at Pace University majoring in Marketing with minors in Literature and Communications. This summer, I am eager to complement my studies with practical experience and would like to apply for an internship at A-Z Advertising Agency. My particular interest lies in the media aspect of advertising. This was sparked by a course taken last semester where I had the opportunity to compile a viewer preference survey for local television and radio advertisers. I utilized many reference materials such as Nielsen data and gained familiarity with media operations. In addition, my strong time management skills have enabled me to maintain a high grade point average while being involved in a variety of activities.

Since I am on spring break from March 10 to March 17, I would like to arrange to meet with you during that time. Next week, I will call you to discuss the possibility of setting up an interview appointment. If you would like to contact me before then, you can reach me at (212) 456-7890. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to speaking with you.


Suraiya Mohamed

Suraiya Mohamed Enclosure

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Dawn Wang 123 Eleventh Street

Tarrytown, NY 10344 Date Danielle Crane Recruiting Assistant The Acme Company 129 Park Avenue New York, NY 10023 Dear Ms. Crane: Recently, I had the opportunity to attend “Acme Day” at your offices. While there, I was impressed with the people, products and company as a whole. Having spoken with several of your past interns, I am convinced that Acme has much to offer its marketing interns. As a first year marketing MBA student, I would like to be considered for your summer program. Before returning to graduate school, I worked at News magazine as a market research analyst for the Health and Beauty Aid account. In addition, I have experience in the consumer goods industry from an advertising agency’s perspective. As a media planner, I was actively involved in the many phases of brand management from the “other-side-of-the-desk.” For example, I had the opportunity to:

• Develop a strong quantitative background managing large budgets • Work in a cross-functional team environment, interacting daily with people from the

production, creative, research and account management departments • Deal closely with brand managers on the client side, including senior executives • Learn how to handle the constant changes inherent in brand management

Given my experience, I believe I have much to offer Acme and its Marketing Department. I would appreciate the opportunity to do so and to assist in continuing Acme’s strong reputation in the industry. Sincerely,

Dawn Wang

Dawn Wang

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FACULTY REFERRAL FOR INTERNSHIP/UNDERGRADUATE 36-97 Horace Harding Blvd. Pleasantville, NY 19873 Date Mr. Richard Ramirez Director of Personnel Madison Avenue Press 1673 Madison Avenue New York, NY 11936 Dear Mr. Ramirez: Dr. Jeffrey Anderson, my Journalism professor at Pace University, suggested that I contact you about the possibility of obtaining an editorial internship at your company. Currently, I am a junior majoring in English with a minor in Journalism. As you will see from the enclosed resume, I have a high grade point average and my background includes training and experience in various aspects of writing, research, and public speaking. The following highlights some of my accomplishments here at Pace:

• Served as Editor of The Pace Press and directed a staff of 20 people

• Won the 2001 Sara Willis Award for Creative Writing after competing against 225 college students

• Represented Pace University for the past two years as a member of the Debate Team

which ranked second regionally each of these years

I am very interested in finding out about internship positions in the Editorial Department at Madison Avenue Press and would like the opportunity to elaborate on how my research and communication skills could benefit your publication. I will contact you in one week to discuss the possibility of arranging an interview. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me at (718) 934-8026. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Angela Post Angela Post

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT/ ENTRY LEVEL 36 Coney Island Boulevard Brooklyn, New York 11221 Date NY Times Classifieds PO Box 1716 New York, New York 10002 Re: Management Trainee, May 1, 2002 In June 2002, I will graduate from Pace University with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Management and six years of experience in the retail industry. Since my assignments included human resources, junior dresses, housewares and jewelry, I was able to gain an overall understanding of retail operations. In addition, I developed effective management skills and invaluable experience in employee training, scheduling, display design, customer relations, and loss prevention. Please contact me at (718) 234-5678, as I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I may contribute to the success of your organization. My salary requirements are negotiable. I am seeking a competitive salary based on my experience and qualifications. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,

Linda Morganstern Linda Morganstern Enclosure

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Odonu Kabwe 11 Houston Street

New York, New York 10022

Date Maria Stubbing Director of Human Resources Vestor, Hopping and Rally LLP 126 West Broadway New York, New York 10013 Dear Ms. Stubbing: As a recent graduate of Pace University with a BBA in Accounting, my goal is to bring to an entry level auditing position the skills, knowledge, and experience I’ve gained through my education and internships. Along with my solid academic background, I have work experience in accounting including auditing, analysis, and management of accounts receivable and payable. These internships enabled me to further develop skill in spreadsheet creation and analysis using MS Excel, PeachTree, and QuickBooks. My strengths include high motivation and the ability to change priorities quickly. In addition, I have demonstrated that I can effectively communicate with high levels of management and with clients in a multi-cultural environment. This combination will enable me to make a significant contribution to your firm. Enclosed is my resume, which summarizes my experiences and education. In two weeks, I will contact you to discuss the possibility of arranging a meeting to further discuss my qualifications. If you need any additional information, you can contact me at (212) 765-4321. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely,

Odonu Kabwe

Odonu Kabwe Enclosure

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CAREER SERVICES JOB POSTING 44 Saint James Street Rego Park, New York 11310 Date Sarah Shah Director of Human Resources Hecht, Foster, Hardy & Company 90 Wall Street New York, New York 10015 Dear Ms. Shah:

Your firm recently posted a Junior Analyst position with Career Services at Pace University. As a Management Science major with experience in this field, I am very interested in applying for this position.

In my current internship at Brown, James, and Worth, I report to the Comptroller and assist in the preparation of year-end reports, financial statements, and audit work papers. Much of what I do involves the use of Excel and Access. This experience has increased my skill in applying accounting principles and my confidence in learning new software applications.

In addition, as a founder of Nu Zeta Phi Fraternity, I had the opportunity to demonstrate and strengthen my leadership and communication skills. Through effective time management, I have balanced my work schedule, academic demands and extracurricular activities and have achieved my goals in these areas.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications would enable me to make a valuable contribution to your firm as a junior analyst. Next week, I will give you a call to see if we can set up an interview. If you would like to contact me, I can be reached at (718) 456-7890.


Ivan Janovski

Ivan Janovski Enclosure

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Winnie Li

61 West 62nd Street, Apt 9C New York, New York 10023


Date Mr. Spencer Arnold Manager, Human Resources Blank, Inc. 1 Grove Street Stamford, Connecticut 06555 Dear Mr. Arnold: On February 28 at the Pace University Career Fair, I spent some time speaking with Mr. Larry Silver, Product Manager at Blank. He provided me with an excellent understanding of the dimensions of the Marketing Associate position and informed me that you will be participating in Pace’s Campus Interview Program. I wanted you to know that I submitted my resume to Career Services and hope to have the opportunity to meet with you on campus. Along with an MBA degree, I can bring to this position experience as an Advertising Account Executive in the food service industry. I worked closely with the product managers at Kraft Foods and helped in their national branding efforts. The scope of these projects included developing advertising and promotional campaigns, conducting consumer research, creating tools for the sales force, and designing new packaging. To accomplish these goals, I led teams drawn from functional areas such as production, creative and budgets. These experiences parallel the work that I would be doing at your company. I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about how my background fits with Blank, Inc. Please let me know if there is anything else you need to assess my qualifications. If you need to reach me, please call 212-232-4567. Sincerely, Winnie Li Winnie Li

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12 Riverside Drive Dobbs Ferry, NY 10412 Date Anthony Bellows, President Online Publishers 575 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10036 Dear Mr. Bellows: As more companies turn to the internet to expand their market recognition, there is a need for clear, well organized, and eye-catching websites. In a competitive field, employees who can incorporate the latest technology with an artistic eye and a business mind will determine Online Publishers’ success. With experience in new media, a Master’s degree in Publishing, and a combined Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Business, I have a combination of knowledge and skills to be an innovative member of your staff. As the Associate Publisher for Marquee Publications, I developed skill in website creation and online publishing. From concept to implementation, I created websites for publications, trade shows, and online job opportunities. Two of the projects I supervised received the Outstanding Site Award for its industry as awarded by their professional organizations. A major factor contributing to this success is my academic background, which has enabled me to translate clients’ business needs into effective and exciting online presentations. In addition, while attending graduate school, I worked as a freelancer using HTML and Java Applets to develop websites for two companies. I had opportunities to attend publishing and computer/internet related trade shows and seminars. With my background in web development, publishing, and new media, I can help Online Publishers reach its goals. I will contact you next week to further discuss the position and my qualifications. In the meantime, I can be reached at (212) 456-7890. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,

Barrett Nelson Barrett Nelson

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Jose Santos

12 Arrow Lane, Apt 11B Hoboken, New Jersey 07780

201-543-9875 [email protected]

Date Taylor Malone Director of Personnel Penney & Strauss PO Box 1115 New York, New York 10038 Dear Ms. Malone: A mutual colleague of ours, Dorothy Chambers of Grey & Company, suggested that I write to you about available positions on your training staff. I am familiar with the training programs of Penney & Strauss and feel that I have much to offer your team. As you will see from my resume, I have the research, planning, and program experience necessary to apply creative solutions to training problems. My four years of experience in this field includes organizational consulting to ten Fortune 500 companies and the training of thirty middle managers. Since I understand that you are currently investigating the purchase of a new media system for your programs, my extensive background in developing MS\PowerPoint Presentations and video and net training conferences could be very helpful to you in these early stages of this project. Next week, I will give you a call and hope to arrange a time for us to meet. I would welcome this opportunity to speak with you so that we can discuss how my experience and qualifications will enable me to make a significant contribution to your team. Sincerely,

Jose Santos Jose Santos Enclosure

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May Lee

35 Garden Street Madison, New Jersey 07940

(201) 897-5423 [email protected]

Date Mr. Louis Gaines County Medical Group 28 Faiston Street Marlboro, NJ 12385 Dear Mr. Gaines: In my six years as Sales Manager for a leading medical supplies distributor in Essex County, I directed the sales and marketing policies of the company’s line of medical supplies and accessories. During that time: • Annual billings more than tripled from $3.25 million to $10.75 million • Profits rose five-fold from $150,000 to $785,000 within a four-year period • Accounts within the same geographical territory increased by 250%

The success I had here and elsewhere in my twelve years of sales is not a coincidence. It is due to my completion of the MBA in Marketing Management from Pace University and a natural ability to analyze a marketing/selling situation. This combination has enabled me to design and implement innovative programs that have surpassed the competition.

What I have done for my previous employers, I am confident I can do for you. Next week, I will call to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet. I look forward to having the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and ability to increase your company’s sales and market share. I can be contacted at (201) 897-5423. Sincerely,

May Lee May Lee Enclosure Letter adapted from Martin Yate’s Cover Letters That Knock ’Em Dead

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INTERNET JOB POSTING/ EXPERIENCED CANDIDATE 575 Harvard Avenue White Plains, NY 11510 Date Jeanette Bennis Human Resources Recruiter Westchester Beverages Corporation 709 State Street Ardsley, NY 10607 Dear Ms. Bennis: I am interested in applying for the position of Customer Services Manager as posted on Monster.com on May 15th. As my resume indicates, I have extensive customer service and managerial experience with both Fleet Bank and Xerox. My accomplishments and interests lie in the following areas:

• Customer and Sales Support: I have managed customer service departments in call center and retail settings. At Fleet Bank, our $35 million franchise was recognized as the 4th leading branch in customer satisfaction due to outreach and retention efforts.

• Management: I have 4+ years experience in managing teams through goal setting

and a commitment to exceeding business objectives. At Xerox, I was recognized with a National All-Star Award for best managerial practices.

• Problem Solving: My consistent use of problem solving and process improvement

techniques led to my appointment to a national quality team at Xerox. Our efforts resulted in the development of new procedures that significantly improved business performance. At Fleet Bank, I designed a problem solving training course that was attended by all tellers from the Westchester County branches.

I would appreciate the opportunity to interview for the Customer Service Manager position and will call you in one week to discuss this possibility. Please feel free to contact me at (212) 212-2121. Thank you. Sincerely,

Ramon Martinez Ramon Martinez

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Nora Kaufman 232 Amsterdam Avenue New York, New York 10025 212-495-1534

Date Maggie Lane, Director Social Services Agency 34-35 John Street Brooklyn, New York 10834 Dear Ms. Lane: In response to your advertisement listed in the Community Jobs Resource Catalog, I am applying for the position of Associate Project Director. As you will see from my material, I have the qualifications and experience necessary to accomplish the goals for the new director. My interest in the position stems from being a volunteer for Children’s Judicial Advocates (CJA), a non-profit organization. Here, I act as a liaison for the courts and manage cases involving children who are in foster care. Working at CJA has enabled me to learn about the child welfare system, become an advocate and reap the rewards of knowing I have helped to place a child in a safe and permanent environment. Having carefully read over your requirements, I have outlined below my qualifications for the Associate Project Director position.

Your Requirements My Qualifications • Ensure quality services by conducting

interviews and site visits • 2 years experience conducting foster home and client visits

with CJA and Telcomm • Supervise, hire and evaluate staff • 1 year managing and evaluating staff of 15 with Telcomm • Conduct client assessments and make

recommendations • 2 years communicating with clients on services and products

with CJA and Telcomm • Assist in training and presentations • Co-facilitated a diversity training program with City

Volunteers • Maintain accurate case records • 5 years experience managing high profile cases and clients

with CJA and Telcomm • College degree • MA in Counseling, BA in Marketing I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications. I can be reached at (212) 495-1534. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,

Nora Kaufman Nora Kaufman

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CAREER SERVICES JOB POSTING/ EXPERIENCED CANDIDATE 529 8th Street, Apartment 4A White Plains, NY 10463 Date Laura Feeney Manager of Recruiting Systems Concepts 600 5th Avenue, 11th Fl New York, NY 10003 Dear Ms. Feeney: As a May 2002 candidate for the Master of Business Administration degree, I am very interested in being considered for the Associate position you posted in Career Services at Pace University.

While my enclosed resume will provide you with a general outline of my work history and educational background, I have listed your specific requirements and my applicable skills in those areas. I hope this will give you an idea of how I can add value to your organization. Your Requirements: My Skills: Information gathering/research skills As Research Assistant at GHT, gathered data for various

industry and client reports and gained familiarity with a wide variety of informational sources and databases

Interpersonal skills, demonstrated in Worked with top management of every department one on one and team environments GHT. Developed relationships with traders, analysts,

and CFOs. Participated in many successful team engagements at work and at school

Structured thinking, analysis, and problem Led several large projects at GHT. Developed project solving skills plans, gathered and analyzed data. Implemented recommendations.

Worked as an internal consultant. Developed reputation as the “person to see” when a problem needed solving

Complex task management skills Involved in several firm-wide projects simultaneously at

GHT. Developed strong time management and organizational skills I would appreciate the opportunity to interview for the Associate position. I will call you in two weeks to arrange a meeting. Please feel free to contact me at (718) 987-6543 should you require additional information. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Patrick O’Conner Patrick O’Conner

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John Carter 111 Bronx Avenue

Bronx, New York 10739 917-324-8901

[email protected] Date Paul Benton Director of Personnel Westchester County Medical Center 21 Grasslands Road Valhalla, New York 10609 Dear Mr. Benton: I read about your recent promotion to Director of Health Care Administration at Westchester County Medical Center in the May edition of the Pace Alumni magazine. Congratulations! As a fellow graduate of Pace’s Master of Public Administration Program, I thought I might contact you to learn more about opportunities in health care. Recently, I completed my degree and have just started to actively network. If possible, I would like to have the opportunity to meet with you for an informational interview. Since you have achieved what I hope to some day, I would very much like to learn more about your career path, receive advice from you, and get your feedback on my resume. Enclosed is my resume for your review. Next week, I will give you a call to discuss the possibility of meeting. I know that you are very busy and truly appreciate whatever time you can give me. Thank you in advance for considering this request. I am looking forward to speaking with you. Sincerely,

John Carter John Carter Enclosure

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Karen Keefe 22 W. 79th Street

New York, New York 10024 212-456-7890

[email protected] Date Joseph Buchman Deputy Director of Planning ABC Government Agency 5 Executive Drive Albany, New York 07798 Dear Mr. Buchman: Rebecca White, Vice President of Eastern Industries in Port Chester, NY, and a fellow classmate of yours at State University, suggested that I contact you about my job search in the Capital area. In September, I will be moving to Albany and am eager to make some professional contacts. Having interned with the New York City Mayor’s Office, I am interested in pursuing a career in government planning at the state level. I would very much appreciate a half-hour of your time to discuss growth industries and organizations upstate. Next month, I will be in your area for a conference and would like to schedule an appointment with you. Within the next week, I will contact you to discuss the possibility of a meeting during that time. In the meantime, I can be reached at (212) 456-7890. Enclosed is a copy of my resume for your review. I am looking forward to speaking with you soon. Very truly yours,

Karen Keefe Karen Keefe Enclosure

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THANK YOU LETTERS AND OTHER CORRESPONDENCE Always write a thank you note after a job interview, informational interview, or any other professional meeting with an employer or contact. This is an extremely important part of your job search campaign and is too often overlooked by job seekers. Consider it an essential step in the process, not an option. Writing these notes demonstrates that you are a professional and that you know and do what is appropriate and expected. The thank you note is really the final phase of the interview process. It gives you one more opportunity to express genuine interest in the job and to present your qualifications by reiterating in a brief way what you can bring to the job. In this note, you can add information on additional experiences that you may not have been mentioned in the interview and express how this will be of value to the organization in a more specific and focused way. Thank you notes should be written and sent the same day of the interview (and definitely within 48 hours of the interview). Notes should be sent to everyone who interviews you. Many people do not take the time to write these notes and those who do will stand out. It will demonstrate that you are keyed into relationship building and know the appropriate steps to take in terms of professional courtesy. The style and tone of the note will demonstrate your writing skills and will also communicate your enthusiasm for the position. Some recruiters have indicated that if a candidate does not write a thank you note, s/he may not be invited back for a second interview. Another recruiter said that if deciding between two candidates, a thank you note makes the difference.

The content and emphasis of a thank you note depends upon who is being thanked and why. After a job interview:

• Thank the interviewer for meeting with you. • Express your enthusiasm for the position and employer. • Reinforce your strengths and how they relate to the position.

After an informational interview or networking contact:

• Thank the person for meeting with you and providing information. • Indicate how you plan to follow up on suggestions he or she made in regard to

your career exploration and/or job search. Accepting a job offer:

• Accept the offer formally. • Express your excitement about the opportunity to start the position. • Indicate your enthusiasm for the position and company/organization.

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THANK YOU LETTER GUIDELINES • Always ask for a business card from each person who interviews you.

• Send a separate letter or e-mail to each person you meet.

• Send your thank you letters within 24 to 48 hours of the interview.

• Re-phrase your notes to reflect what happened during each specific meeting.

• Refer to some part of the personal conversation to show the employer you were interested in the discussion.

• Remind the employer of your particularly relevant skills and qualifications.

• Reiterate your interest in the position, department, and company.

• Use a professional tone and express your individuality.

• Keep the letter to two or three paragraphs .

• Print your letters on standard size, high quality bond paper that matches your resume and envelopes and use a high quality laser or ink jet printer.

• Proofread the letter carefully!

• Double check spelling of contact names and titles!

• Sign your letters in blue or black ink.

• Prepare a file for each company and keep copies of all correspondence for your records. HANDWRITTEN NOTES

• At times these are acceptable but only do this if your handwriting is legible and neat! Use conservative stationery or thank you note cards. Keep note brief and professional. Note: Do it now! Don’t put if off. While the experience is fresh in your mind, write your note. Review and edit it the next morning.

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Name Street address

City, State, Zip Code Phone number E-mail address

Skip 2 to 3 spaces


Skip 2 spaces Name Title, Department Company/Organization Street Address City, State, Zip Code

Skip 2 spaces Dear Mr./Mrs. Last Name:

Skip 2 spaces Paragraph One: Simply thank the interviewer and re-emphasize your interest in the position.

Skip 2 spaces Paragraph Two: Remind the employer why you are a good candidate for the position. Refer to something specific from the interview. Mention any additional points you would like to make that you did not mention during the interview.

Skip 2 spaces Paragraph Three: Thank the interviewer again and add that you look forward to hearing from them.

Skip 2 spaces


Signature Skip 4 to 5 spaces between Sincerely and typed name

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Request for an Interview with Advanced Systems, Inc.

I would like to be considered for your Information Systems internship, which was posted by the Cooperative Education Program at Pace University. This position matches well with my previous work experience, knowledge and career goals. The computer, analytical and communication skills you require are ones that I have gained through my employment and academic experiences. My position at Pace University’s Computer Center gave me the opportunity to hone my computer skills and knowledge as I assisted users with all MS Office tools, Internet applications, and hardware. By assisting, on average, 50 students a day with computer-related questions I developed extremely strong communication skills. In addition, as a member of Dr. Brown’s research team, I analyzed research data and interpreted results, which strengthened my analytical skills. Enclosed is my resume for your review. If I can provide you with anything additional, please let me know. I would very much like to schedule an interview to meet with you to discuss how I would contribute to the success of your company. I can be reached at (111) 455-9800. Thank you for your time and consideration. Note: A statement of interest can take the place of a cover letter when responding to an on- line posting that does not provide you with contact information. The content of the statement is basically the same except that you do not use the formal headings, addresses or closings.

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Viji Mehta 12 Arrow Lane

Jersey City, New Jersey 07765 (201) 876-2233

[email protected] Date Kevin Brady Vice President, Operations Global Industries PO Box 999 New York, NY 10022 Dear Mr. Brady: Thank you for meeting with me on Thursday, May 29th to discuss the Technical Support Specialist position available at Global Industries. I enjoyed talking with you and Sarah Smith about the direction and goals of your division. As you described, Global Industries is looking for someone to streamline its information management area. I am confident that my PC knowledge and experience working with customers, vendors, and users in a corporate environment would enable me to meet Global Industries’ needs. At the same time, I was happy to learn that there are ample opportunities for me to continue to grow professionally. Once again, it was a pleasure meeting with you. I look forward to hearing from you soon. If there is additional information you need from me, please do not hesitate to call me at (201) 876-2233. Sincerely,

Viji Mehta Viji Mehta

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Felicity Basso 546 Pine Street, #63

Bronx, NY 19283 (212) 657-1346

[email protected]

Date Nicholas Crane Assistant Principal Watch Children Grow School 456 Grain Avenue Queens, NY 28394 Dear Mr. Crane: It was a pleasure to meet with you at Pace University yesterday to discuss the Teaching Assistant Internship. The position, as you presented it, seems to be a great fit for my skills, experience, and career goals. Of particular interest was your plan to implement an innovative approach to teaching reading. I would be very interested in having the opportunity to assist in the development of such a program. Last summer, as an intern at Children’s Space, I developed and implemented a reading program in which members of the community read to the students an hour each day. As a result, the students’ excitement about reading increased. In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to Watch Children Grow a strong foundation for teaching, innovative thinking, and high level of motivation. My coursework at Pace, considerable internship experiences in facilitating children’s learning, and my artistic background will enable me to design and develop creative and effective strategies for teaching children. Thank you for taking the time to interview me. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely,

Felicity Basso

Felicity Basso

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Jill Bergenstein 454 West 96th Street

New York, New York 10027 Work: (212) 876-7135 Home: (212) 889-2208

[email protected] Eric Bozley Director, Counseling Center Manhattan University 67 Broadway New York, NY 10012 Dear Mr. Bozley: It was a pleasure meeting with you and your colleagues, Alicia Dunkin and Denise Garret on Wednesday, October 1st. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to discuss the Counselor position available in the Manhattan University’s Counseling Center. After learning more about this opportunity, I would like to reiterate my strong interest in working as a member of the Counseling Center’s team. This position matches my desire to work with a student population in a diverse urban setting where I can combine both my professional and academic experience. I wanted to mention that at Pace University, I worked with the Office of International Students and counseled students who were having difficulties making the transition to living and studying in a new country. With the mentoring of the counseling staff, I was able to help many students make this adjustment. I look forward to helping international students at Manhattan make similar adjustments. Please relay my appreciation to your staff as well. I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you need any additional information from me, I can be reached at work (212) 876-7135 or at home (212) 889-2208. Sincerely,

Jill Bergenstein Jill Bergenstein

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22 Lake Street Tuckahoe, NY 10603 Date Robin Mertz Vice President Eastern Industries 1773 Post Road Port Chester, NY 10832 Dear Ms. Mertz: It was a pleasure meeting you at the “Evening of Networking,” sponsored by Career Services at Pace University last month. I appreciated your interest in my job search and would like to particularly thank you for putting me in contact with Jane Bryant at ABC Marketing Company in Boston. Ms. Bryant was very generous with her time and provided me with a great deal of useful information about job hunting in the Boston area. She also made valuable suggestions for strengthening my resume and gave me the names of a few colleagues who might be interested in my background and skills. Consequently, I have updated the enclosed resume. Please feel free to make any additional comments. I value your opinion and welcome your suggestions. Again, thank you for being so helpful. I will keep you posted on the progress of my search.


Danielle Portella

Danielle Portella

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Farukh Saeed 78 East 95th Street

New York, New York 10033 212-345-9876

[email protected]

Date Sonya Gellar Market Development Manager XYZ Broadcasting 267 East 43rd Street New York, NY 10035 Dear Ms. Gellar: Thank you for meeting with me on Friday, May 15th. It was a pleasure to visit XYZ Broadcasting and learn more about the Music, News, and Website internship available for the summer.

After speaking with you, I am confident that my academic course work in both business and systems, and familiarity with the field of marketing have prepared me for the research, writing, and programming tasks we discussed. My internet abilities, writing skills, and artistic eye match the technical, communication, and creative requirements needed to be successful in this position. In addition, I am a hard working, organized, responsible and detail oriented person who is eager to make a contribution to the team.

The Music, News, and Website Internship at XYZ sounds like a wonderful opportunity and I would welcome the challenge of being an intern on your staff. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you once again for your consideration. Sincerely,

Farukh Saeed Farukh Saeed

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Name Street address

City, State, Zip Code Phone number E-mail address

Date Name Title, Department Company/Organization Street Address City, State, Zip Code Dear Mr./Mrs. Last Name: I was very pleased to receive your offer of employment for the position of title with your organization. However, after careful consideration, I have decided to decline. I want you to know that I was very impressed with the professionalism of your interview process. Thank you for the chance to learn more about your organization and to meet with people in your company. Again, thank you for offering me the opportunity to be a part of such a fine company. Sincerely,

Signature Name

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Name Street address

City, State, Zip Code Phone number E-mail address

Date Name Title, Department Company/Organization Street Address City, State, Zip Code Dear Mr./Mrs. Last Name: This letter is to confirm my acceptance of the job offer extended to me for the position of title of position. As agreed, I will start on day, date. I want you to know that I was very impressed from the start with the professionalism of the interview process. My goal was to find a company where I would have the opportunity to be challenged and further develop my professional skills. Name of Company is where I had hoped to work after graduation and as I began to experience the company first hand, I was even more convinced that this was where I wanted to work. I am very excited about beginning my career at name of company and look forward to the challenges that lie ahead. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of name of company. Sincerely,

Signature Your name

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114 59th Street

New York, NY 10021 Date Elizabeth Woodward Director, Broadcast Media D&D Advertising 44 East 15th Street New York, NY 10026 Dear Ms. Woodward:

Although I am disappointed that I did not receive the job offer, I am writing this note to thank you for your words of encouragement and your offer to forward my resume to D&D’s Human Resource office. I have met with many people throughout my job search and wanted you to know that I was very impressed with the professionalism of your organization and appreciated your direct and honest style.

While my experience did not match the needs of the Associate Media Buyer position, I hope you will still keep me in mind for future openings in your office. I remain very interested in joining your staff and becoming a member of the Broadcast Media team.

Again, thank you for your time and consideration.


Angie Marrero

Angie Marrero

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E-CORRESPONDENCE Often candidates are asked to e-mail correspondence and application materials such as cover letters, resumes, and thank you letters to employers. Although the medium is different, you are still transmitting business correspondence and certain rules apply. Even though you are corresponding via the internet, your message will still make a first business impression. So, make sure it is a professional one! To increase your chances of the employer reading your resume, prepare a message that is professional, straight-to-the-point, and brief! E-correspondence is usually about half the length of a traditional letter. When applying for a position, mention how you learned about the opportunity and what you have to offer in terms of related skills and experience. Utilize key words and phrases that are meaningful to the employer. But, be succinct. To catch the reader’s attention, present the most important points first. Most employers prefer to receive the cover letter in the text of an e-mail rather than as an attachment. This is due to their concern about viruses. Always follow the particular employer’s instructions about how to send your resume and application materials. Remember, e-correspondence should be to the point, well written, and professional. Focus on what will make you stand out as a highly desirable candidate for the position. Again, keep the message brief, not more than one screen, and include attention-grabbing items of information. You want them to read your resume and invite you for an interview.

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E-CORRESPONDENCE TIPS FOR APPLYING TO POSITIONS • Always follow employer instructions for electronically submitting cover letters and resumes.

Some may ask you to send them as e-mail attachments. Most will want you to include these in the body of an e-mail.

• Use the subject line to state the position title, job number (if applicable), and/or where you

learned about the position. For example: Marketing Director, Job # H23, NY Times • You may want to use the subject line to grab the employer’s attention. Be aware that e-mail

software may have difficulty with very long subject lines. As with all e-correspondence, be concise. For example:

MBA, 7 Yrs Exp, Marketing Director, Job # H23, NY Times

• Catch the employer’s attention in the opening paragraph by highlighting your skills and

abilities. Show her/him you are a great fit for the job. For example:

As an HR Generalist with five years experience in both insurance and banking, my work has focused on employee relations, recruiting, and training.

• Keep the e-mail brief! Limit it to one screen so all information is shown without the

employer having to scroll down. Focus on key strengths, skills and achievements that relate to the position.

• Use key words and industry buzzwords to highlight relevant skills. These buzzwords and

critical noun phrases will increase the likelihood that your cover letter will impress the reader.

• Type your message in black, 10 point, Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier font on a white

background. Do not bold, underline, italicize, etc. • Remember that this is business correspondence. Use appropriate standards. Keep your

message professional and easy to read. Include a salutation and a closing. Leave a space between paragraphs. Omit the employer’s address in an e-mail cover letter. Under your name, list your phone number and e-mail address.

• Thoroughly check spelling and grammar! Do not solely rely on a spell check feature. Be

sure to proofread. E-mail yourself before sending it to the employer to make sure that your letter is error free in terms of content and style.

Adapted from “Tips for A Dynamic E-mail Cover Letter” by Randell S. Hansen, Ph.D. found on www.quintcareers.com/e-mail_cover.letters.html

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“E-networking combines the traditional networking you do as part of your career search with the power of the internet. It allows you to create a community of virtual contacts who can provide critical information on job leads, industry trends and possible openings. These are people whom you would never have met in any other way” (Halpern, Nancy. “E-Networking.” Riley Guide. July 31, 2001). E-networking is an excellent way to find out about the hidden job market, learn about your industry, and develop a group of internet contacts. It is still true that about 80% of all jobs are acquired through networking. It’s not only what you know but whom you know! E-networking expands the breadth and scope of career opportunities through the use of listservs, newsletters, job search sites, employer homepages, usenet newsgroups, message boards, chat rooms, professional association websites and alumni online directories. E-correspondence is the key vehicle to successful e-networking. It is immediate, requires no introductions, bypasses the gatekeeper, and eliminates phone tag and first impression jitters. While less formal than traditional business correspondence, e-correspondence should still adhere to proper bus iness standards and follow internet etiquette rules, “netiquette.” This is your first business impression. It should capture the attention of the reader or group. Remember that e-networking does not replace face-to-face contact, but rather complements it while you strive to establish real connections.

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E-NETWORKING CORRESPONDENCE GUIDELINES When using e-mail for networking purposes, follow these guidelines: • Keep your e-mail brief, on one screen and use black font • Use last names in the formal salutation (i.e., Dear Mrs. or Mr. Jones) • Check spelling, grammar and usage • Tell how/where you got their name • State your interest or question • Avoid acronyms or informalities (i.e., TIA for “Thanks in advance”) • In closing, include your first and last name • Request a follow up by phone, e-mail or fax • Send the e-correspondence to yourself before e-mailing it!

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Informational Interview/Alumnus/Graduate Student

Informational Interview/Undergraduate

Subject: Pace Graduate Requests Informational Interview

Dear Ms. Pace: In reviewing the Pace On-line Alumni Community, I learned that you work at J.P. Morgan Chase. I graduated from Pace in 1996, have six years experience in insurance, and am currently in my first year of the MBA program. Since I am interested in obtaining advice on how to best prepare myself for a career in finance, I would appreciate the opportunity to talk or meet with you for an informational interview. Attached is my resume for your review. Next week, I will give you a call to arrange a time for us to meet that is convenient for you. I appreciate your time and consideration of my request. Sincerely, Mark Lubin, ’96 212-346-9065 [email protected]

Subject: Pace IT Student Requests Informational Interview

Dear Ms. Dyson: As a Pace student currently pursuing a degree in the field of information technology, I am seeking the opportunity to speak with you regarding career opportunities UBS Paine Webber. My internship experiences at Accenture gave me hands on experience with Visual Basic, C++, SQL, and Java. As a computer science major, I have demonstrated the ability to learn new applications quickly and on my own. Next week, I will give you a call with the hope of being able to set up an appointment with you. I have attached my resume for your review. If you would like to call me, I can be reached on my cell phone, 914-123-4510. Sincerely, Steven Li [email protected] 914 123-4510

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SAMPLE E-LETTERS CONTINUED Wall Street Journal Article Contact

Online Alumni Community Contact

Subject: Your Wall Street Journal Article Dear Ms. Friendly: I read your article in the Wall Street Journal and was impressed with your insights. I am contacting you because I am interested in working in the field of _________. As I begin my job search, I would appreciate getting your point of view on effective job search strategies and having the opportunity to learn more about the work you do. As an experienced Financial Analyst with Merrill Lynch, (insert some background information).

Thank you for your time and consideration. I will call you early next week to discuss the possibility of setting up a time to meet.

Sincerely, Mary Riccardi [email protected] 212-345-9876

Subject: Pace’s Online Alumni Community Contact Dear Mr./Ms. Pace: I found your name on Pace’s On-line Alumni Community and learned that you work within the _______ industry. I am a Pace Alumnus/a in the (field) Class of (?). Our alumni network has always been a great resource for the Pace community. I am seeking an opportunity to speak with an experienced professional such as yourself regarding career opportunities in (field ) or at (name of company). Currently I am in a career transition. As you will see from my resume, I have over (x) years experience in _________ (insert some personal information). I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Your Name ’90 (year optional) [email protected] 201-546-1009

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Subject: Pace Alumnus/a Seeks Advice Dear Mr./Ms. Pace: I was pleased to learn that you work within the ________ industry. I remember you from (class, club, etc .). As a Pace graduate student (or alumnus/a) in (field ) Class of (?), I am seeking an opportunity to speak with an experienced professional regarding career opportunities in __________. Currently I am in a career transition (insert background information). Sincerely, Your Name ’88 (year optional) [email protected] 203-452-1714

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Interviewing for Success

Table of Contents


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If you’re like most of us, the thought of going on a job interview is enough to make you break out in a mild sweat. Employment interviewing can be an intimidating experience if you don’t know what to expect. Preparation is the key to reducing anxiety, so don’t take the “wing it” approach or you’ll be sweating through a lot more interviews. A job search is analogous to a sales campaign and an employment interview is the time to make your sales pitch! Think of yourself as the product and be prepared to be a sales expert. What distinguishes you from the competition? Why should the employer hire you? What do you have to offer that’s different from the other candidates? By knowing your “product” inside and out, you’ll be able to convince an employer to hire you and overcome objections skillfully. The interview is a two-way process: you are there to present your information in an honest, straightforward manner and to evaluate potential job opportunities. The employer is assessing you as a candidate, trying to predict future performance, in addition to “selling” you on their organization and job opportunity. You are both on a fact finding mission, and you both play two roles: as participant and observer. What are employers looking for in an interview? They are evaluating candidates on many different criteria: tangible and intangible. Technical knowledge and ability, past performance, successes and accomplishments, problem solving and creative talents are all tangible evidence. Personal qualities, verbal and non-verbal communication skills, self-confidence, interpersonal skills and enthusiasm are all more subjective. Interviewers are trying to determine basically three major points: 1) Do you have the skills/background to do the job? 2) Are you willing to do the job? 3) Will you fit into the organizational culture? With all this in mind, we strongly urge you to use this guide and follow the Boy Scout motto “Be Prepared!” Successful interviewing is a skill one can develop through preparation and practice!

Good Luck!!

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Preparation…Analyze Yourself and the Position

Before you can successfully “sell” yourself to a potential employer, you must do a thorough self-assessment. You need to identify your skills and what you have to offer before you can convince someone that you are the ideal candidate.

Review the list of skills and personal characteristics on the next two pages and highlight those which apply to you. Complete the statements on page 85 to help you organize your thoughts. When doing your skills analysis, focus on:

Work Content Skills – those which relate specifically to being able to do a certain job. These skills are gained through work, education, and personal experience. Self-Management Skills – those personal characteristics related to your personality and to how you work within an organization or perform tasks.

Transferable Skills – those general skills that can be applied to a wide variety of settings and have been developed naturally or through education, training and experience.

Keep the following in mind as you analyze yourself and the position. • Take time to identify your skills, strengths, and past experiences as they relate to the position

you are seeking. • Try to get a detailed job description. If one is not available, research similar positions or

speak with a career counselor to help you find more information. • Reflect back on your activities, accomplishments and achievements. Think about the skills

you used in these activities/accomplishments as they relate to each job description. • Identify what makes you stand apart from the competition! • Evaluate your educational experience and what skills you’ve developed as a student. • Use the following personal characteristics and action verb list to help you think about

yourself. How would you describe yourself? What skill/functional areas are your strongest? How do they relate to the position you are seeking?

Top Ten Qualities Employers Seek in Job Candidates Communication Teamwork Technical Work Experience Leadership Interpersonal Motivation/Initiative Academic Record Analytical Honesty/Integrity/Ethics

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Preparation…Personal Characteristics & Skill/Function Verbs

The following word lists are extremely helpful when thinking about what you have to offer an employer. Skill/Function verbs can describe your work experience as well as communicate your transferable skills and strengths. Personal characteristics can help you describe qualities necessary for performance.

Personal Characteristics

accurate exceptional quick active listener flexible reliable adept goal oriented responsive anticipatory good listener responsible aware humorous respectful creative initiative successful competent innovative sensitive decisive instrumental strong dedicated independent sophisticated deft integrity self-motivated dependable leader self-confident diplomatic motivated tactful discreet objective team player driven optimistic trained dynamic perceptive unique effective planner versatile empathic problem solver willing

Skills/Function Verbs Communication/Public Relations

explain summarize listen edit persuade demonstrate sell make public presentations speak converse teach read write define use humor group facilitation


set priorities implement plan, forecast manage prepare coordinate time management establish procedures budget design organize develop

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decide confront delegate facilitate initiate redesign supervise reengineer motivate mediate persuade resolve debate influence collaborate

Interpersonal/Human Relations

active listening counsel cooperate advocate interview empathize negotiate communicate care for provide

Problem Solving/Analytical

compile reason investigate abstract observe evaluate research reflect locate sense assess ask trouble shooting question obtain analyze review clarify



entertain illustrate create encourage design enable display tutor innovate facilitate train dramatize

Maintenance/Data Management

compile allocate budget bid develop reports estimate compute project organize records attend to detail reconcile cost analysis systematize account calculate forecast record keeping meet deadlines

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Preparation…Writing about Strengths Complete the following questions to organize your thoughts. My top three skill/function areas are: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ I can demonstrate these skills with these three examples: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ My top three personal qualities are: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ These three examples show how I’ve demonstrated them. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

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Preparation…Types of Interviews There are several different types and formats of interviews you may encounter during your job search. You may find that several aspects of these interviews are combined. You may first encounter a “screening” interview where you meet with a human resource professional to determine if you meet the basic qualifications and could be recommended for an interview with a hiring manager. Most campus interviews are screening interviews. While a one-on-one interview is the most common, you may encounter a panel or group interview where there are two or more interviewers. Be sure to maintain eye contact with each person and address them by name. Try to address all interviewers as you ask and answer questions. Telephone Interviews have also become more common as a screening tool. Be sure to pay attention to your verbal communication and have your resume at hand. If possible, schedule the conversation at a convenient time and in a quiet location. Be aware that any communication with a potential employer is being evaluated. There are 5 Basic Styles of interviews: Structured/Traditional, Behavioral, Non-Directive, Stress, and Case.

The Structured/Traditional interview is the most common. The discussion is generally directed by the interviewer, with a question and answer format similar to the outline on page 100. The interviewer speaks approximately 25% of the time. Behavioral Interviewing has become very popular. This approach is built on the premise that past behavior will likely predict future behavior. Questions are targeted to reveal details of past performance with specific examples. The line of questioning probes your approach to situations and the results of your efforts. Employers are generally looking for critical areas such as problem solving, decision making and leadership. The STAR technique is the key to answering Behavioral type questions. Refer to page 96 for an explanation of the STAR format and page 98 for a list of Behavioral Questions. The Non-Directive interview is very unstructured and more like a conversation where the interviewer is less likely to ask specific questions. The interviewer asks open ended questions like “tell me about yourself” and expects the candidate to direct most of the conversation. This type of interview clearly illustrates how well you prepared for the interview as you have the floor for 75% of the time.

The High Stress interview is designed to see how well you handle stress, your confidence level, and how composed you remain in a tense situation. While this is not a very common interview style, you may encounter some aggressive interviewers.

Case Style interviewing is now commonly used by management consulting firms, particularly at the graduate level. In this method, an employer presents a fictional business problem and expects a response that shows your thought process. You will be evaluated on your ability to analyze, formulate and present a business plan.

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Preparation…The Campus Interview Campus Recruiting at Pace takes place twice a year; in the Fall and in the Spring, for graduating students. Many companies send their representatives annually to interview candidates of all majors for projected positions. What To Expect Many companies hold “Information Sessions” the night before interviewing. Be sure to attend as it will enhance your interview and increase your chances for a job offer. If no Information Session is held by the company, be sure to research the company and the industry (see page 92). Typically, on the day of the campus interview, you should arrive at the Career Services office 10 minutes prior to your scheduled interview. You should check with a secretary and then be directed to a waiting area where you sign in. Other students might be waiting in the room as well as representatives from the interviewing companies. These employee representatives who are called “Greeters” or “Warm Up People,” might be recent Pace Alums currently working for that company. Their role is to make you feel at ease and answer any preliminary questions. Be friendly and always maintain a poised, professional demeanor (even if you know them personally!). The interviewer will come to the waiting area to meet you and escort you to the assigned interview room. While walking to the room expect to engage in some informal conversation (some topics might be: the weather, a current event, sports, the campus). The interview itself can last approximately 20-30 minutes and is usually with a Human Resource Representative or an actual Department/Division Representative. Try to get a more detailed description of the job during the interview and as much information about the organization as possible. Make sure you ask for the interviewer’s business card before you leave the room. Application Forms You might be asked to complete an employment application form prior to or at the interview. Ask Career Services if there is an application form to fill out for any company you have been selected to interview with and allow plenty of time to complete it (see the sample application on page 10). Keep these tips in mind when completing an application. Be Careful Follow instructions carefully to convey the message that you would behave as carefully as an employee. Your application may be

viewed as a sample of your work. Be Neat Print or write clearly using a blue or black pen. Be Prepared Fill out a sample application form ahead of time to bring with you for use in filling out any subsequent forms. Be Complete Answer every question. If a question does not apply write “Does Not Apply”. If you want to discuss at the interview write “Will Discuss at Interview”. Remember you do not have to answer any illegal questions (see page 102).

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Be Correct Pay attention to your spelling, grammar and punctuation. Proofread your application. Be Accurate Make sure all information is correct. Check employment dates, telephone numbers and addresses for accuracy. Be Truthful Never exaggerate or lie about information on an application form. Be Prudent Be sure to contact references listed ahead of time in order to enlist them in your job search efforts. Interview Feedback After you have had two campus interviews you may ask a Career Counselor to review the Interview Feedback Forms that are completed by the campus interviewers. These forms are useful to evaluate your performance at the interview and to focus on areas that may need improvement (see sample on next page).

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Preparation…Finding Information on the Internet One of the quickest and most effective ways to research companies, organizations, or industries is via the INTERNET. Many companies have a home page that you can locate easily if you know the Internet address. You may ask the company for its web site address or try using the company name to get into the home page directly:

www. (insert company name).com/org l Keep in mind that a home page is designed by the company and will only tell you what the company wants you to know. l You may also use a search engine such as Google, Yahoo, Alta Vista, Lycos, Excite or Web Crawler to locate company or industry information. While you may access a lot of information this way, use key words to narrow down your search so it will be manageable. Pace students may access many of these sites and others directly through the Co-op & Career Services Pace Home Page at:

www.pace.edu/COOPCS l Select “Co-op & Career Services” l Click on “Employer Web Sites” to link directly to the home pages of hundreds of organizations that use Pace Co-op/Career Services (alphabetical listing by company name).

OR Select “Job Search Resources” and click on “Researching Companies” for links to several sites that contain company information. You may also access the Pace Library by selecting “Libraries” while you’re in the Pace Home Page or you may go there directly:


Once you are in the Pace Library site: l Select “Databases.” This will provide you with an option to either choose a database or a subject area. Some electronic databases have remote access and others may be used only in the library. l Check out: General Business File, Disclosure, ABI-Inform, American Business Disc, Worldscope, and other databases according to interest. l Select “Internet Resources” and choose subject area “Company/Industry”. This will link you to companies on the web, annual reports, industry/trade associations and

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Preparation…Researching a Potential Employer

Researching a potential employer is a crucial step in the interview process. Interviewers commonly ask “What do you know about our company?” or “Why are you interested in working for us?” If you possess little knowledge of the organization, you’ll come across as a weak candidate.

Be warned: Don’t try to research an organization the day before an interview!! While the world wide web has revolutionized the information gathering process, you may need to dig further. Don’t put this off, begin as soon as you find out you have an interview. Why Research the Employer? • To gain an idea of products and services, size of company, locations and annual sales. • To understand their philosophy, organizational structure, competition, type of training

programs, and potential growth and recent developments. • To be able to formulate questions based on your research. • To impress the interviewer with your sincere interest in the company. Where Can I Find Information? • Annual reports (for publicly held companies) available in the Career Resource Centers or

contact the company directly. • Employment Brochures • Directories (Moody’s, Standard & Poors, Dunn & Bradstreet, etc.) in the reference section of

the Pace or Public Library. • Periodicals/Newspapers – look for current articles in the NY Times, Wall St. Journal,

Forbes, etc. • Ask a reference librarian to assist you! • The Internet (see instructions on page 91) How Can I Use the Information During the Interview? Being informed about an employer does not mean you’ll ace an interview unless you can successfully use the information to ask pertinent, intelligent questions. Artfully weaving the information into the interview is a skill you need to develop and practice. Merely spouting facts about the company will not impress an interviewer. Using information you have gathered to answer questions should be done with subtlety. If you know the company is international, you could say that you feel comfortable communicating in a second language. If you know the employer wants to expand its market share, stress how you increased sales or fundraising activities. Use the information to also ask questions and expand on what you’ve read. For example, if you’ve read in their literature that after 6-12 months promotions are made based on “demonstrated ability,” you could ask the interviewer to expand on methods used to evaluate employees or what would distinguish top employees during that time period.

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Preparation…Your Wardrobe and Grooming Initial impressions count, so be sure to have interview attire that is professional and comfortable! Quality clothing along with an appropriate, neat hairstyle will combine to make a professional image. Dressing like you already have the job is demonstration of self-confidence.

IMAGE TIPS FOR WOMEN SUIT OR DRESS: A conservative colored suit is always appropriate, but a tailored dress may also be worn. Avoid floral prints. The skirt should be around the knee with no high slit. Be sure that the skirt is not too tight and that you are comfortable sitting down in it. Today, many professional women wear pant suits but we advise against it on the first interview. BLOUSE: A business- like blouse that looks neat under the suit and is flattering. White or pastels are always good but a different color is also acceptable if it is professional. Make sure that it is freshly pressed and has a conservative neckline. SHOES: Mid-heel pumps in black, brown or navy. Don’t wear light color shoes, sandals, or very high or narrow heels. Make sure that your shoes are well polished and in good repair. HOSE: Neutral color hose is always safe, but hose that blends with the hemline is also acceptable. No textures, patterns or opaques. Carry an extra pair of hose in a briefcase or pocketbook in case you spring a run on the way to the interview. ACCESSORIES: Conservative jewelry and simple style earrings, avoiding big hoops and bangles. Your pocketbook should be leather and in good condition. You may want to use a professional looking briefcase instead of a pocketbook and carry a smart looking portfolio in which you will keep extra copies of your resume, a note pad and a business- like pen. If you smoke, do not have cigarettes visible in your briefcase or pocketbook. GROOMING: Fingernails should be clean and not too long. Polish is fine as long as it is conservative. Hair should be clean and well groomed. Make-up should be natural and conservative especially with eye shadow and liner. Do not wear a heavy cologne. Make sure that your clothes are spotless. Check for lint and dandruff before your interview. Avoid strong smelling foods and freshen your breath before your interview. Do not smoke for several hours prior to the interview if possible.

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Preparation…Your Wardrobe and Grooming


SUIT: Single breasted suit of gray, black, navy or pinstripe. Fabric should be wool or wool blend. Sleeves should end at wrist bone. SHIRT: Long sleeved, button down or spread collar of white or light blue. Collar should fit perfectly and one inch of cuff should show beyond suit. Fabric should be cotton or cotton blend and should be well ironed. TIES: Conservative stripe or small pattern preferably of silk. No bright colors. SHOES: Laced oxfords black, brown or cordovan. Tassel slip-ons are acceptable. Make sure your shoes are shined and in good repair! SOCKS: Solid and dark to match the shoes and high enough to cover the calf. ACCESSORIES: The only jewelry that should be worn is a conservative watch and perhaps a conservative ring if that is what is usually worn. A good leather belt to match your shoes or you could wear suspenders, but not both. Carry a professional looking portfolio in which you can keep extra resumes and a note pad. Buy a professional looking pen. If you smoke, do not have cigarettes visible in your pocket or portfolio. GROOMING: Make sure your hair is neat, your nails are clean and everything is polished and professional. Make sure that your clothes are spotless. Check for lint and dandruff before your interview. Avoid strong smelling foods and freshen your breath before an interview. Do not wear strong smelling after shave or cologne. Avoid smoking for several hours prior to the interview, if possible.

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Practice…Interview Techniques Once you’ve outlined what it is you wish to convey to potential employers during an interview and stories you wish to tell, you need to practice. Find a friend, stand in front of a mirror, work with a Career Counselor and attend an Interviewing Workshop sponsored by Career Services. Practice what you want to say and how you want to say it. Your answers should communicate strengths, purpose and enthusiasm. Have a plan to cover major points about your: u EDUCATION u WORK EXPERIENCE u ACCOMPLISHMENTS u ACTIVITIES u GOALS Be prepared to cover all these topics during the interview! Practice Your Communication Skills

u Check your tone of voice. u Avoid “um” and “uh” and phrases like “okay” and “you know”. u Use correct grammar and a strong vocabulary. u Check your non-verbal communication: posture, facial expressions, eye contact and nervous mannerisms. Practice Talking About Yourself u Get comfortable with you as the main topic! For some people who are naturally shy or less inclined to talk about themselves, this will take practice. But, if you don’t sell yourself – who will? Stating the facts is not boasting! u Practice stating your selling points, with emphasis and enthusiasm. u Practice relaxation techniques.

Practice Interviewing Techniques u Practice the STAR method outlined on the next page. u Practice restating complex questions and clarifying before answering. u Practice pausing before answering. u Practice answers to questions on the following pages and study questions you may want to ask. u Practice emphasizing positive aspects of your experience. Learn how to avoid any negative comments. u Practice overcoming objections and anticipating concerns the employer may have about your qualifications. u Set up a mock interview with a Career Services Counselor. Have it videotaped and play it back to analyze.

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Practice…Forming Answers to Questions

You may encounter various types of questions in a job interview, but all of them are geared toward getting to know you and understanding your knowledge and experience as it relates to the position. Carefully outline what you want employers to know about you, then prepare stories based on the following format called the STAR method!

STAR stands for: ST (situation/task) A (action – what you did!) R (results – the outcome of your effort!) An example of how to use the STAR method:

QUESTION : “Give me an example of how you utilized your organizational skills.” ST (Situation) - This past semester I was involved in the

Homecoming Weekend at Pace. My assignment was to publicize the event. Action - I made a list of all the student organizations, newspapers and radio stations to contact and made all the calls to request publicity spots. I delegated the creation of posters and flyers to the art major on the committee. Results - At the end of the weekend, we totaled a 65% increase in attendees from the previous year. The STAR method proved goal setting and organizational skills through a concrete story. This approach can be used for all kinds of answers to interview questions. Practice creating STAR stories highlighting your transfe rable skills and using the sample questions on the next page.

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Practice…Commonly Asked Questions Practice answers to these commonly asked questions.

l Tell me about yourself. This is a very open ended question and you should use it to make a brief statement about your education and professional background, why you’re interested in the position and how you are qualified for it.

l Why did you choose this major/career? Indicate a particular skill or interest.

Tell a story about it.

l What courses/subjects did you like best or least? Talk about the courses in your major and the ones in which you performed best. l What are your long and short term career goals? You need not be specific but you

must show a knowledge of career paths and opportunities in the industry.

l What do you consider your greatest strength? Pick one that relates to the position and give an example using the STAR method.

l What do you consider your greatest weakness? Choose a weakness not related to

the position, but indicate that you are working to strengthen it. Avoid personal weaknesses by focusing more on a technical skill or area of knowledge. You could also discuss a negative which the interviewer already knows or one which you have clearly improved upon and was a former weakness.

l What motivates you? Tell a story about your accomplishments and what was

personally satisfying.

l Why should we hire you? Use this question to review the major key points of your interview outline. Stress your strengths.

l Why do you want to work for our company? Show your knowledge of the

company, what you’ve learned at the interview and discuss your personal goals and values.

l What have been your most significant achievements? Tell a STAR story!

l What qualities do you possess that make you think you’d be successful in this

job/industry? Use your research to back up the personal qualities that make you the best candidate.

l What do you do in your free time? Talk about a hobby, sport or special interest, but don’t fake it.

l In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?

Reiterate contributions made in the past and relate them to this organization.

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Practice…Behavioral Questions Practice answers to behavioral based questions. Remember, these are the questions looking for past behavior.

l Describe a situation where you had to coordinate the activities of other people. l Describe a time when you successfully balanced several competing priorities.

l Tell me about a time when you worked the hardest and had the greatest sense of


l How do you go about organizing your work and scheduling your time?

l Give me an example of a goal you set and how you achieved it.

l Describe a successful project you completed which required long hours.

l Describe a time when you had to work with someone who was uncooperative.

l What is the greatest decision you’ve had to make within the last 6 months?

l Describe a time when you had to adapt to a variety of people or situations.

l Give me an example of where you had difficulty in a course and what steps you took to remedy it.

l Give me an example of a time where you took on a leadership role.

l Tell me about a time you had to handle a difficult situation with a co-worker.

l What did you do in your last position to contribute toward team success?

Answer all of these types of questions using the STAR method. Think back on your classroom, work and other experience to find examples demonstrating various skills. Remember to give factual responses that show results.

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Practice…Asking Intelligent Questions Interviewers expect candidates to ask questions. In fact, candidates who do not ask questions are often eliminated from consideration. Remember, you are evaluating the employer and need to have as much information as possible in order to make your decision. Make sure questions indicate that you have researched the company, the position and the industry. Be sure not to ask questions already explained by the interviewer, in company literature or at the information session. Here are twenty possible questions. Think about them and ask those that are appropriate. l Could you describe more fully the duties and responsibilities of the position? l Is this a newly created position or are you filling a vacancy? l How are new hires trained and developed? l How many employees in the department and will I be working as part of a team? l Who would be my immediate supervisor? l What is the management style of the organization? The department? The supervisor? l What new projects or initiatives are planned for the near future? l What major projects could I expect within the first six months/year on the job? l How would you describe the work environment? l Could you describe the career paths of people in this job/department? l What are the opportunities for advancement or professional growth? l How and when will my performance be evaluated? l What do you see as the strengths of the department/division? l What are the priorities of the organization over the next year? l What is the greatest challenge currently facing the department/organization? l Could you describe a typical day for someone in this position? l What does it take to be highly successful in this organization? l What percentage of employees pursue advanced degrees? l What skills are most valuable in performing this job?

l How are important decisions made in this department?

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At the Interview…The Interview Format In reality, the interview process begins with the telephone! Your initial verbal communication will make a lasting impression, hopefully a positive one. Be sure to have a professional message on your answering machine and conduct all phone calls to set up appointments using a clear voice and giving the impression that you’re an organized person! There are five basic stages of all employment interviews. Awareness of these stages will enable you to prepare for the entire interview and know what to expect.

STAGE 1: ARRIVAL Always arrive at the interview location 10-15 minutes early to allow time for you to relax and gather your thoughts. This time will enable you to observe the organization and lower your stress level. Greet the receptionist in a friendly manner and be aware that you might have been in the elevator with the person who is about to meet with you! Don’t eat, smoke or chew gum while waiting and refuse a cup of coffee if offered one. STAGE 2: BREAKING THE ICE First impressions count and this is the moment you will be sized up. Your dress, confidence and communication skills will have an important initial impact on the interviewer. This is the time in which the interviewer is trying to establish rapport and put you at ease. A firm handshake is crucial. It says “I am confident and in control.” Establish eye contact and smile. Expect some “chit-chat” for a minute or so about the weather, directions, etc. Whatever you do, be positive!! Even if your car broke down and you got lost on the way, come across as relaxed and confident! Be sure to use the interviewer’s name and convey that you are very pleased to be there. Assume and maintain a posture that shows energy, alertness and confidence. Be aware of your nervous habits and non-verbal communication signals. Be aware of facial gestures. Use them to show interest, head nodding to show understanding and voice inflections to show enthusiasm.

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This is the core of the interview where you will be asked questions designed to determine whether or not you possess the knowledge, skills and attitudes to effectively perform the job. It is your time to verbalize your ability to do the job by telling stories and giving examples of your qualifications using the STAR technique. All that you have practiced comes into play here. Offer examples and stories to illustrate points about your background.

STAGE 4: EXPANDING THE FOCUS In this part of the interview you want to zero in on more detailed information about yourself and broaden your descriptions of how your experience can translate to their position. This is the “sales pitch” part of the interview where you focus on exactly what the employer has told you they are looking for, stressing your qualifications. You may show interest and enthusiasm for the position and start to get excited about the job! Make sure that your questions have been answered and try and bring back into discussion comments made by the interviewer earlier on. This shows you were truly listening and that you were able to remember the information.

STAGE 5: THE WRAP UP This part of the interview allows you to ask additional questions and make your final comments about wanting the job. Emphatically state your interest, don’t assume that the interviewer is aware of your enthusiasm. Ask about the next step in the interview process and the length of time before notification regarding decisions or second interviews. Thank the interviewer, shake hands and state that you enjoyed the meeting. Be sure to get a business card! Say a cheery goodbye to the secretary on your way out. The opinions of office staff are often valued in the assessment of candidates.

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At the Interview…Illegal Interview Questions At any point during the job search process you may be confronted with pre-employment questions you are not required to answer by law. Keep in mind that all questions should be job-related, specifically in reference to how your qualifications relate to the job responsibilities. Deciding how to respond to an illegal question is not easy and may depend on a variety of factors. In all cases, try to respond positively about your qualifications for the position! Employers may not ask questions about: n Age How old are you? When were you born? When did you graduate from high school/college? n Marital Status Are you married?…Do you intend to get married soon? Do you have children? Are you a single parent?…Do you have reliable child care?…Are you pregnant? Do you plan on having children soon?…Can you travel? n Religious Preference

What is your religious affiliation?…What church/synagogue etc. are you a member of?…What do you do on Sundays/Friday nights?…Is there any day of the week you are unable to work?…Are you a member of any religious group?

n Ethnic Origin What country where you born in?…What’s your nationality?…Where are your parents from?…What languages do your parents speak?…Are you bilingual? What language do you speak at home?…What is your racial/ethnic group? n Sexual Preference What’s your sexual orientation?…Are you a member of any gay/lesbian groups?…Do you date members of the same or opposite sex? n Disability Do you have any disabilities?…What health problems do you have?…Have you ever been denied health insurance?…Do you take any prescription medication?…Are you physically fit? n Arrest Record Have you ever been arrested?…What kinds of law suits have you been involved in?…How many times were you arrested and for what? n Affiliations To what clubs or organizations do you belong? n Personal What is your maiden name?…How long have you lived at your current address?…How much do you weigh?…Would you submit a photograph?… Do you own a car, home, etc…? What is your credit history? These are by no means all the questions you may encounter, but should give you a good idea of what might be considered discriminatory.

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At the Interview…Tips for Success Throughout all of the various stages of the interview itself there are several points to keep in mind and remember:

� Stay alert, focused and listen to what is being said to you. Ask for clarification if you

do not understand a question. � Maintain eye contact and try to smile.

� Avoid yes/no and brief answers.

� Don’t be afraid to stop and think about an answer to a question. You may even

paraphrase a question before answering. Employers will have an impression of you as a thoughtful individual, one who will think before acting!

� Interviewers don’t expect you to have all the answers; it’s okay to admit you don’t


� Always remain positive, never volunteer negative information. Avoid negative words and phrases like “No, I haven’t” or “No, I can’t”. Try to put all answers and statements in a positive form.

� Don’t lapse into casual conversation or let your guard down. Remain professional

and focused on your goal stressing your qualifications for the job!!

� Don’t initiate the salary question and don’t discuss it until you’ve proved your value as a candidate.

� Take some initiative during the interview, but do not try to control it. If the

conversation starts to move away from the job itself, try to focus it back to you as a candidate.

� Employers want to hire people who are competent, bright, friendly, likable,

enthusiastic, and honest. Try to project those qualities.

� Ask intelligent, well thought out questions showing you are serious about the job.

� Maintain a conversational flow with the interviewer by asking questions, probing and expanding the depth of the discussion. Build on areas of interest based on the interviewer’s reactions.

� Include specific, quantifiable details in your examples and stories, repeating your

strengths, skills and assets.

l Keep your answers concise and to the point. Don’t ramble. Structure your answers using the STAR format (see page 96) always giving examples.

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After the Interview…Recap and Follow Up

l Analyze your performance after each interview. Ask yourself: Was I prepared? Did I keep the interviewer’s attention? Which questions gave me difficulty? Did I cover my outline of “selling points?” Did I learn enough about the job and employer? What areas do I need to better prepare for the next interview? Where could I have elaborated more? In addition, assess whether or not you would want the job. Ask yourself if there are any points you want to clarify. Think about what potential concerns the interviewer may have about you . l Write a letter of appreciation within 24 hours. Be sure to reiterate your interest in the position. Make it as personal as possible so that the interviewer will remember you. Include any documents or information requested. Restate points which you may not have communicated effectively. If you interviewed with more than one person, write to each one. Request your thanks be conveyed to others involved in the interview process. The letter doesn’t have to be long, but an immediate correspondence shows you are sincerely interested in the position. See sample on Page 105.

l Review the interview with a Career Counselor and discuss areas of concern. Practice interviewing or set up a mock interview for constructive feedback! Review feedback forms if part of Campus Recruiting. l Follow-up with the employer if you have not heard within two weeks regarding your status as a candidate, unless you were given a specific time frame during the interview. l If you receive a rejection letter, follow-up with a note expressing interest in future positions for which you may qualify. If you are comfortable, ask for feedback on your interview or why you were not selected as a candidate.

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Sample Format…Thank You Letter Date Your Address City, State, Zip Code Name Title Organization Street Address or P.O. Box # City, State, Zip Code Dear Mr./Ms.: 1st Paragraph: Thank the interviewer for his/her time and consideration. You may also express how much you enjoyed the meeting and learning more of the position at his/her firm. 2nd Paragraph: Sum up some important qualifications you possess which make you a good candidate for the position. For example, “I believe my organizational abilities would make me particularly effective in this position.” Be enthusiastic and sincere with your comments. The notes you jotted down after your interview will help you formulate comments for this second paragraph. 3rd Paragraph: Thank the employer once again for his/her interest in you as a candidate. You may also write something to the effect of “I look forward to learning of your decision” or “I am excited about the possibility of working for your organization.” Sincerely, Your Name

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Second Interviews

A second interview is usually held as part of the hiring process. This is a final step before a job offer or rejection. Since the first interview is generally a screening interview, you can expect that the second interview will be conducted by the supervisors for whom you will be working. The second interview is where jobs are won or lost!! Even though an invitation for a second interview is a positive reflection of your first interview, it is not a guarantee of a job offer.

Second interviews offer both parties a better chance to make informed choices. The employer can make a more in-depth analysis of you as a candidate, and you have a chance to see the work environment, meet staff members and gain useful insight into the company’s culture.

What to Expect:

The interview day may include multiple interviews, information sessions, tours, meals and other activities. The actual interview may include some combination of one-on-one, behavior based and group interview formats. Be prepared to answer some questions repeatedly throughout the day.

The second interview is usually longer, sometimes lasting a half to a whole day and is conducted at the employer site. Your day could include a mealtime meeting. See the next page for tips on dining etiquette.

Before leaving, find out how long you can expect to wait before hearing about an employment decision. Don’t be afraid to convey your enthusiasm about a job if you feel that there is a good fit and that you are eager to join their team. If you receive a verbal job offer at the end of your interview day, you may accept it or request a defined time frame in which to make a decision.

Words of Wisdom:

l No matter how relaxed you are, maintain your professional demeanor at all times.

l Take extra copies of your resume and your reference list with you. Be sure to obtain prior permission from those you list as references.

l Be ready to accommodate different styles of interviewing with various people you will meet – not all of them will be skilled interviewers.

l Keep your antennae out. If the company has brought you back, they are serious about you. Is this the kind of place you would like to work ?

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Successful Dining Etiquette

As part of the interview process you may be invited to lunch or dinner with an employer. Increasing numbers of employers are making use of mealtime interviews. Why? Meetings showcase your social behavior allowing the interviewer to evaluate your image, poise and personality. These observations can lend insight into how you will behave towards others in the workplace and/or with prospective clients. Here are a few tips for dining your way to success. l Dress as you would for a formal interview. l Be prepared to engage in a casual conversation, usually “pleasant small talk” such as the weather, recent news events, sports or travel. l Rehearse your resume in order to stress pertinent aspects of your background during the meal. l Do not order alcoholic beverages during a mealtime meeting. Alcoholic beverages can negatively affect your alertness and ability to be articulate, especially if your stress level is high. We recommend ordering a club soda (“with a twist”) regardless of what your host orders. l Avoid smoking, even if your companion lights up. If you are adverse to smoking and your companion chooses to sit in a smoking section then you must grin and bear it. In the case of extreme allergies you might “diplomatically” request a non-smoking table.

l When ordering use your host as a guide and stay in the moderate price range.

l Be alert to the following:

² Always place your napkin in your lap and leave it there throughout the meal.

² Cut the lettuce in a salad to avoid showers of dressing. ² Avoid foods with strange flavors, smells or those which are sloppy to eat. ² Downplay any dietary preferences such as vegetarianism, allergies, etc.

² Always let your host pick up the bill, even if it is placed in front of you. ² Familiarize yourself with proper dining manners. A good book to refer to is

“Corporate Protocol: A Brief Case for Business Etiquette” by Valerie Grant-Sokolosky 1988, Harrison House Good Luck and Bon Appetit!

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Evaluating Job Offers

Congratulations! You have a job offer, or perhaps, several job offers! Evaluating job offers is a part of the job search that often receives little attention. Since it is important that you make a decision which most closely suits your personal and career goals, you need to ask yourself some important questions:

How does this job fit into my long-term career plans??

Does this job take me in a direction I want to go?? In addition to these questions, here are some important factors to consider: l Job Content

The job content is most important to your happiness. Therefore, be sure that you fully understand the nature of the job. Is the job interesting to you? Are you proud of the products or services of the employer? Will you develop marketable skills?

l Your Manager/ Supervisor Don’t minimize this factor when asking yourself if you can get along with this person. Is there chemistry and will this person serve as a valuable mentor? Will this person be someone who will be interested in your growth? Ideally you want a manager who encourages your professional development.

l Salary and Benefits Is the salary offered competitive ? See page 109 for negotiating salary information. How are individual salary increases determined (job performance, job level, length of service, etc.)? When and how are salary reviews/promotions handled? Salary is not the only compensation to consider. Evaluate company benefits such as vacation time, medical benefits, retirement plans, tuition reimbursement, etc.

l Co-workers All organizations are made up of individuals who contribute to the working environment or corporate culture. Try to get a sense of co-worker personalities and work styles. Will you get along with your peers?

l Time Commitment What would a typical work week be like (hours required, meetings out of office, travel, assignments, etc.)? Factor this information in with your other life responsibilities in order to evaluate whether the job will be a good fit.

l Location How long is the commute? Do you like the location where you’ll be working and living?

l Culture Is the organization flexible or rigid? Does the culture of the organization fit in with your values? Will there be any flexibility during emergencies? You may discuss all of these factors with a Career Services Counselor before you make your final decision.

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Negotiating Salaries Much is at stake when negotiating a compensation package. Prepare your strategy beforehand and approach the negotiation process with a positive attitude, seeking a satisfying conclusion for both you and the employer. Follow these key points to prepare: l Assess Your Financial Needs – Estimate how much money you need to survive keeping in mind that approximately 28% is taken from your gross salary for taxes. What is your current salary? What is your ideal salary? l Homework- Research typical salary ranges in your field for your amount of experience and geographic location. Salary information is available from a variety of sources including the Career Resource Library in the Career Services offices, the NYS Bureau of Labor Statistics, and various sites on the World Wide Web and Career Services Homepage. l Benefits – Your base salary is just the starting point when negotiating. Benefits can add thousands of dollars to the final compensation package. In addition to your base salary you may also receive bonuses, increases, stock options, commissions, company car, pensions and signing bonuses. Other benefits may include health insurance, retirement or 401k plans, paid vacation/sick and personal time, tuition and relocation assistance.

l Responsibilities – Consider promotions, performance reviews, accelerated reviews and expanding the responsibilities of the position when mapping out your final strategy. l Discussing Dollars – Your best strategy, once an offer has been quoted, is to take your time to consider it. The initial offer is typically the lowest salary. Your goal is to aim for the top of your estimated salary range, but be prepared to compromise. Some employers may have set pay structures with little room to negotiate. Prepare your statements in a positive manner, using neutral words or phrases like “The offer seems a bit ‘conservative’ or ‘disappointing’, although the position is attractive” or: “Given the responsibilities of the job and my qualifications, I would expect the salary to be more in the range of $______”. Be prepared to propose other forms of compensation or reward as mentioned above. Non-salary benefits may have tax exemptions and prove valuable. Be careful not to over negotiate, but asking for greater compensation is an expected part of the acceptance process. Knowing your bottom line and planning your strategy will pay off. Remember, the salary you negotiate today will influence your future earnings.

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Your Final Decision In an ideal world, all job offers would occur at the same time and decisions would be easy. Since this rarely happens, we suggest some guidelines concerning an ethical approach to accepting or declining offers. l Most employers will establish a deadline date by which you need to inform them of your decision. You may want to tell the employer that you have other interviews, and would like additional time to consider their offer. Some employers will be understanding. Others may try to apply pressure. You may have to negotiate a la ter deadline. Make sure you have a date in mind and ask the employer to agree. Then, you must adhere to that agreed upon time limit with no exceptions and communicate your decision on that date.

l Accepting a job offer is a serious commitment. Once you accept, it is considered proper business ethics to discontinue all job search activities. In fact, you should inform employers that you have accepted an offer and are no longer eligible for consideration. It is unacceptable to reverse your decision. Once all negotiation has ended and you’ve agreed upon an offer, obtain written confirmation. Asking for an offer in writing prevents a possible future misunderstanding. Write your own acceptance letter spelling out your understanding of the agreement. l If you receive an offer that does not interest you, decline as soon as possible. This enables the employer to offer the job to another candidate. Make sure you do so in a positive, polite way. In the future you might be interested in this company, so close the door gently. You could say “At this time, your offer does not meet my needs but thank you for considering me.” Ethical standards are important throughout your entire job search and professional life. Remember, integrity goes a long way!!

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Cooperative Education & Career Services

New York Campus

41 Park Row, 14th Floor New York, New York 10038

Cooperative Education and Career Services: (212) 346-1950 l

Westchester Campuses

Pleasantville Campus Gannett House

861 Bedford Road Pleasantville, New York 10570

Cooperative Education: (914) 773-3415 Career Services: (914) 773-3361


Graduate Center

1 Martine Avenue White Plains, New York 10601

Cooperative Education: (914) 422-4016 Career Services: (914) 422-4187
