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Computer Vision - Lec01 Intro

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Computer VisionLecture 1 - Introduction

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Computer Vision

Page 2: Computer Vision - Lec01 Intro

Basic Info •  Instructor: Paolo Favaro ([email protected]) •  Teaching Assistant: Thoma Papadhimitri

([email protected])

•  Course webpage: http://cvg.unibe.ch/teaching.html

•  Course material acknowledgements: –  Svetlana Lazebnik – University of Illinois –  Steve Seitz – University of Washington –  Jan Koenderink – University of Leuven –  Kristen Grauman – University of Texas at Austin –  Andrea Vedaldi – University of Oxford –  Srinivas Narasimhan – Carnegie Mellon University

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Textbooks •  Forsyth & Ponce, Computer

Vision: A Modern Approach

•  Richard Szeliski, Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications (available online)

•  Kristen Grauman and Bastian Leibe, Visual Object Recognition (pdf available online)

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Course requirements

•  3 Assignments –  Deadlines specified in the next slide –  Each assignment has a maximum score of 100 and a pass is 60 –  To register for the exam one needs at least a pass on each assignment –  Each assignment to be made available in Ilias –  Assignments will require use of MATLAB (tutorial will be provided)

•  Exercises –  Weekly –  Aim is exam preparation

•  Exam –  There will be a final exam on 11 February 2014 (duration 120 mins)

•  Final Mark –  70% Exam and 30% Assignments

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•  First assignment: Photometric Stereo –  Available on 8/10 –  Due on 29/10

•  Second assignment: Uncalibrated Stereo –  Available on 29/10 –  Due on 19/11

•  Third assignment: Object detection via Bag-of-Words –  Available on 19/11 –  Due on 10/12

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Academic integrity policy

•  Feel free to discuss assignments with each other, but coding must be done individually

•  Feel free to incorporate code or tips you find on the Web, provided this doesn’t make the assignment trivial and you explicitly acknowledge your sources

•  Remember: we can Google too!

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The goal of computer vision

•  To extract “meaning” from pixels

What we see What a computer sees Source: S. Narasimhan

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The goal of computer vision

•  To extract “meaning” from pixels

Source: “80 million tiny images” by Torralba et al.

Humans are remarkably good at this…

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What  kind  of  informa.on  can  be  extracted  from  an  image?  

Geometric  informa.on  Seman,c  informa.on  


person  trashcan   car   car  


tree   tree  


door  window  




Outdoor  scene  City   European  


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Why study computer vision? •  Vision is useful

•  Vision is interesting

•  Vision is difficult •  Half of primate cerebral cortex is devoted to visual

processing •  Achieving human-level visual perception is probably


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Successes of computer vision to date

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Optical character recognition (OCR)

Source: S. Seitz, N. Snavely

Digit recognition yann.lecun.com

License  plate  readers  h<p://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automa.c_number_plate_recogni.on  


Sudoku  grabber  h<p://sudokugrab.blogspot.com/  

Automa.c  check  processing  

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Fingerprint scanners on many new laptops,

other devices

Face recognition systems now beginning to appear more widely


Source: S. Seitz

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How the Afghan Girl was Identified by Her Iris Patterns

Source: S. Seitz

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Face detection

Many consumer digital cameras now detect faces

Source: S. Seitz

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Smile detection

Sony Cyber-shot® T70 Digital Still Camera Source: S. Seitz

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Face recognition: Apple iPhoto software


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Mobile visual search: Google Goggles

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Automotive safety

Mobileye: Vision systems in high-end BMW, GM, Volvo models •  Pedestrian collision warning •  Forward collision warning •  Lane departure warning •  Headway monitoring and warning Source: A. Shashua, S. Seitz

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Google self-driving cars

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Vision-based interaction: Xbox Kinect

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3D Reconstruction: Kinect Fusion

YouTube Video

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3D Reconstruction: Multi-View Stereo

YouTube Video

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Google Maps Photo Tours


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Special effects: shape and motion capture

Source: S. Seitz

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Vision for robotics, space exploration

NASA'S Curiosity Rover has a system consisting of 17 cameras

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Why is computer vision difficult?

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Challenges: viewpoint variation

Michelangelo 1475-1564 slide credit: Fei-Fei, Fergus & Torralba

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Challenges: illumination

image credit: J. Koenderink

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Challenges: scale

slide credit: Fei-Fei, Fergus & Torralba

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Challenges: deformation

Xu, Beihong 1943

slide credit: Fei-Fei, Fergus & Torralba

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Challenges: occlusion, clutter

Image source: National Geographic

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Challenges: Motion

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Challenges: object intra-class variation

slide credit: Fei-Fei, Fergus & Torralba

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Challenges: local ambiguity

slide credit: Fei-Fei, Fergus & Torralba

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Challenges: local ambiguity

Source: Rob Fergus and Antonio Torralba

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Challenges: local ambiguity

Source: Rob Fergus and Antonio Torralba

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Challenges: Inherent ambiguity

•  Many different 3D scenes could have given rise to a particular 2D picture

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Challenges or opportunities?

•  Images are confusing, but they also reveal the structure of the world through numerous cues

•  Our job is to interpret the cues!

Image source: J. Koenderink

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Depth cues: Linear perspective

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Depth cues: Aerial perspective

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Depth ordering cues: Occlusion

Source: J. Koenderink

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Shape cues: Texture gradient

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Shape and lighting cues: Shading

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Position and lighting cues: Cast shadows

Source: J. Koenderink

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Grouping cues: Similarity (color, texture, proximity)

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Grouping cues: “Common fate”

Image credit: Arthus-Bertrand (via F. Durand)

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Origins of computer vision

L. G. Roberts, Machine Perception of Three Dimensional Solids, Ph.D. thesis, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering, 1963.

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Connections to other disciplines

Computer Vision

Image Processing

Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence


Cognitive science Neuroscience

Computer Graphics

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The computer vision industry

•  A list of companies here: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/lowe/vision.html

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Course overview

I.  Image formation: Camera and projection models II.  Radiometry and shading

I.  Calibrated/Uncalibrated photometric stereo

III.  Early vision: Image filtering, edges, interest points, denoising and deblurring

IV.  Epipolar geometry, stereo and structure from motion V.  Tracking, optical flow and registration VI.  Mid-level vision: Clustering and segmentation VII.  Recognition

I.  Bag of Features and Support Vector Machines

VIII. Deformable parts models IX.  Special topics

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Early vision

Cameras and sensors Light and color

Linear filtering Edge detection

* =

Feature extraction: corner and blob detection

•  Basic image formation and processing

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Mid-level vision

Fitting: Least squares RANSAC


•  Fitting and grouping

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Multi-view geometry

Structure from motion

Stereo Epipolar geometry

3D Photography

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Instance recognition, large-scale alignment Image classification

Sliding window detection Part-based models