Conference and Exhibition AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA · AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA SEPTEMBER 21–23, 2020. w w w.ppX X.Eu t AMSTERDAM 2020 Cont Ents conTEnTS ... PP x x .EU • AMSTERDAM

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Page 1: Conference and Exhibition AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA · AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA SEPTEMBER 21–23, 2020. w w w.ppX X.Eu t AMSTERDAM 2020 Cont Ents conTEnTS ... PP x x .EU • AMSTERDAM











Conference and Exhibition

AMSTERDAM,hOTEl OkuRAS E P T E M B E R 2 1 – 2 3 , 2 0 2 0

Page 2: Conference and Exhibition AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA · AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA SEPTEMBER 21–23, 2020. w w w.ppX X.Eu t AMSTERDAM 2020 Cont Ents conTEnTS ... PP x x .EU • AMSTERDAM
Page 3: Conference and Exhibition AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA · AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA SEPTEMBER 21–23, 2020. w w w.ppX X.Eu t AMSTERDAM 2020 Cont Ents conTEnTS ... PP x x .EU • AMSTERDAM

w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 0

Co n t E n t s


Abstracts – Day1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

Abstracts – Day2 ...................................................................................................................................................31

Abstracts – Day3 ...................................................................................................................................................62

Abstracts – Poster Gallery Walk .......................................................................................................................98

Map of Exhibition .............................................................................................................................................. 110

Page 4: Conference and Exhibition AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA · AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA SEPTEMBER 21–23, 2020. w w w.ppX X.Eu t AMSTERDAM 2020 Cont Ents conTEnTS ... PP x x .EU • AMSTERDAM

5w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 0

EvAluATion of pEX pipES pRoDucED uSingnEw cRoSSlinking pRocESSSuresh Shenoy, Jacob John, Andrew ortquist, patrik RoseenUponor, Apple Valley, Mn, United statesE-mail: [email protected]

Crosslinked polyethylene (PEX) tubing continues to gain popularity in plumbing and indoor cli-mate applications around the globe due to its versatility and ease of installation. PEX is gener-ally produced by thermal crosslinking (PEX-A) method in one step; i.e. employing peroxides to crosslink high Density Polyethylene (hDPE) above its melt temperature. Another approach for making PEX for indoor climate applications is the light-based crosslinking approach; crosslink-ing hDPE using ultraviolet (uv) light.

This paper will evaluate PEX pipe production by crosslinking hDPE resin using ultra violet (uv) lamp. The new PEX tubing obtained meets the stringent dimensional requirements in the PEX production standards. Testing performed indicate that the pipe meets or exceeds the require-ments set by the vigorous industrial standards described in ASTM and ISO, such as excessive hot/cold pressure requirements, and environmental stress crack growth resistance (ESCR) tests.


1B – EFFICIEnt GRoWtHDay 1, Monday, 10:15–10:35

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6 w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 06 W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


is essential when working with safety critical infrastructure.Even if we believe it is not a problem, being able to evidence each aspect of system propertiespaper aims to provide evidence in support of the technical case to reinforce this outcome.In broad terms, polyethylene looks to be a strong candidate for hydrogen infrastructure. This

ane based natural gas.explored. In the case of RCP, hydrogen likely represents a risk reduction in comparison to meth-failure modes linked to fracture toughness and rapid crack propagation (RCP) have also beenIn addition to the viscoelastic properties of pipe systems, exploration of the instantaneous

be reported.fusion welds. Also, the ability to repair or join pipes after long term exposure to hydrogen willwelded at extreme conditions (minimum power, minimum temperature state), as well as buttThis testing on 32 SDR 11 PE80 pipes also includes assessment of electrofusion socket fittingsresults of the first year of testing reference pipes at multiple temperatures will be presented.facility capable of performing ISO 9080 style testing using hydrogen as the test medium. Theability of polyethylene pipe systems has been designed. This has resulted in the creation of aTo fill this gap, a technical program intended to create further evidence in support of the suit-

cant gaps in published literature to help achieve this.present a risk. And whilst we as an industry likely believe it is not a problem, there are signifi-on experimental data and/or simulation, to underpin each facet of the system that mightregulator before a planned network build. And that QRA requires an evidence portfolio basedquantifiable risk assessment (QRA) is being undertaken in conjunction with the national safetyan existing gas network [2], or as totally new infrastructure [3]. As part of the latter project ato the gas distribution system, either as a blend with methane [1], as hydrogen conversion ofWithin the United Kingdom, there are major projects being developed to introduce hydrogen

of infrastructure for distributing that gas.heat our homes and power our cars. And polyethylene pipe systems are seen as a viable formHydrogen is seen as a key part of the future energy mix in many countries. A clean fuel that can

E-mail: [email protected] systems Limited, Innovation, south normanton, United KingdomDerek Muckle

fuEl gASESof polyEThylEnE pipE foR hyDRogEnAn EviDEnTiAl AppRoAch To uSE

Day 1, Monday, 10:35–10:55

1 A – E n E R G Y ( H Y D R o G E n )

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standards, and sustainability challenges.industry resources. This paper will also present solutions to address design, installation, safety,conduit products/ market segments and focus on past and future work, highlighting availableof HDPE conduit and duct in North America. This paper will provide an overview of the USproducts, design methods, and installation techniques, have led to the increase in the usagepast 10 years, through research and delivery of technical information and education aboutof today’s installations will have ramifications for future generations. Industry efforts in theThe explosive growth in the telecommunications infrastructure means that that the quality

(FTTH), among other applications.Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Fiber-To-The-Homefor electricity delivery, fibre-optic telecommunications, cable television (CATV), Supervisorylong uninterrupted distances to link cities, buildings, and data centers. HDPE conduit is usedunderground electricity delivery, and HDPE conduit, in particular, provides the capability forpiping, used for conduit or duct, is the primary housing used for telecommunications andis an essential component to the build-out of 5G cell networks, OIT, and Industry 4.0. Plasticoften overlooked within the pressure piping industry and society in general. HDPE conduitmoval and energy distribution. However, the role of plastic piping in telecommunications isArguably, telecommunications have become as vital to society as water delivery, waste re-

E-mail: [email protected] Pipe Institute, Irving, United statespatrick vibien, lance Macnevin

conDuiT pRAcTicESDEvElopMEnTS in noRTh AMERicAn

Day 1, Monday, 10:35–10:55

1 B – E F F I C I E n t G R o W t H

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8 w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 08 W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0

– TEn yEARS of EXpERiEncE

foR nATuRAl gAS DiSTRibuTionhyDRogEn TRAnSpoRT in polyMER pipES

Day 1, Monday, 10:55–11:15

1 A – E n E R G Y ( H Y D R o G E n )


depends on the pipe dimension and SDR,pressure and temperature.investigated, as the permeation of hydrogen compared to natural gas is much higher andThe permeation of hydrogen through the polyethylene pipe wall should also beconnections, fittings, valvesetc. must be checked periodically for hydrogen leak resistance.Slightly increased leakage/permeation compared to natural gas service was observed. Pipe

increase the degradation of the tested polyethylene pipe materials.Outcome and main conclusion of the test and the analyze work indicate that hydrogen will notfollowed as well as the most important property for the pipeline, namely slow crack growth.sion on the material. On the mechanical property side, the tensile strength and modulus weretive resistance, as well as checking already encountered possible degradation caused by extru-influence on the additives in the polyethylene pipe material as this has an influence on oxida-The analytical testing program for the polyethylene pipes was devised in order to detect any

influence on the integrity of the polyethylene pipe would be detected.pilot grid was dug up every year and analyses performed on the pipes, in this way any form oftest program started. The test of the polyethylene pipes was organized so that a part of theThese pipes were also compared to polyethylene pipes that had not been in service before thefrom the Danish and Swedish gas distribution grids that had been in service for up to 20 years.The test program included a selection of 125 mm SDR 17 PE80 and PE100 polyethylene pipes

but also leakage and function of connections, valves and gas meters were monitored.The main focus in the study was the long-term hydrogen compatibility of the pipe materials,

set to study the transportation in a small-scale pilot grid.tion of hydrogen in existing and new polyethylene gas pipelines. A test program was thereforeinformation existed regarding the compatibility between long-term exposure and transporta-In order to prepare for a future use of hydrogen as a fuel gas, it became evident that very littlegen which can be generated from wind parks and fed into the gas network.the future, the gas industry is looking at the alternative fuel gases, one such fuel gas is hydro-the future due to constraints in the use of non-renewable, fossil fuels. In order to prepare forIt has become ever clearer that natural gas is an energy source, which will be less important in

Borealis Ab, stenungsund, swedenMats bäckmanDanish Gas technology Centre, Horsholm, Denmarkhenrik iskovE-mail: [email protected] Polymers oy, Porvoo, FinlandStephan kneck

9W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0

fRoM Soil To iRRigATED lAnD

pvc-o Dn800: EfficiEnT TRAnSfoRMATion

Day 1, Monday, 10:55–11:15

1 B – E F F I C I E n t G R o W t H


clusions reached.solution of the works together with the implementation phases, calculations made and con-This paper explains in detail the background of the project as well as the purpose and planned

which better fitted for this project.was calculated and considering the investment and power costs, the DN800 mm was the onewere the main reasons why PVC-O pipes were chosen for this. The most suitable diameterin meters/hour, the anti-corrosion properties, ease of assembly and lightness, among others,very high instantaneous flow in a very short period of time, the high installation performancevery much competitive product with regards of metal pipes. The supply conditions, with afore with PVC-O pipes, and what is more important, this development brings to the table aof the art technology applied to this sector opens up fields of application not explored be-cannot say the same regarding large PVC-O pipes (from DN800 to DN1200). The current stateMolecular orientation applied to PVC pipes has been around for few decades now, but we

cast iron, helical steel and reinforced concrete with metal sleeve.DN800, PN16bar pipes, and about how the most cost effective alternative was chosen among irrigatedland in the La Sarda region of the municipality of Pedrola (Zaragoza, Spain) with friendly solution, even better. This case study is about a project to transform 244 hectares into lives of the community and if it can be done with a cost effective and the most eco tion is concern about food scarcity. Bringing irrigation to not productive lands will change the“Food is the new oil and gas” is a rather bold statement, but everyday more and more popula-

E-mail: [email protected] tecnología, s.L., Getafe, Madrid, spainignacio Muñoz de Juan

Page 8: Conference and Exhibition AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA · AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA SEPTEMBER 21–23, 2020. w w w.ppX X.Eu t AMSTERDAM 2020 Cont Ents conTEnTS ... PP x x .EU • AMSTERDAM

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– TEn yEARS of EXpERiEncE

foR nATuRAl gAS DiSTRibuTionhyDRogEn TRAnSpoRT in polyMER pipES

Day 1, Monday, 10:55–11:15

1 A – E n E R G Y ( H Y D R o G E n )


depends on the pipe dimension and SDR,pressure and temperature.investigated, as the permeation of hydrogen compared to natural gas is much higher andThe permeation of hydrogen through the polyethylene pipe wall should also beconnections, fittings, valvesetc. must be checked periodically for hydrogen leak resistance.Slightly increased leakage/permeation compared to natural gas service was observed. Pipe

increase the degradation of the tested polyethylene pipe materials.Outcome and main conclusion of the test and the analyze work indicate that hydrogen will notfollowed as well as the most important property for the pipeline, namely slow crack growth.sion on the material. On the mechanical property side, the tensile strength and modulus weretive resistance, as well as checking already encountered possible degradation caused by extru-influence on the additives in the polyethylene pipe material as this has an influence on oxida-The analytical testing program for the polyethylene pipes was devised in order to detect any

influence on the integrity of the polyethylene pipe would be detected.pilot grid was dug up every year and analyses performed on the pipes, in this way any form oftest program started. The test of the polyethylene pipes was organized so that a part of theThese pipes were also compared to polyethylene pipes that had not been in service before thefrom the Danish and Swedish gas distribution grids that had been in service for up to 20 years.The test program included a selection of 125 mm SDR 17 PE80 and PE100 polyethylene pipes

but also leakage and function of connections, valves and gas meters were monitored.The main focus in the study was the long-term hydrogen compatibility of the pipe materials,

set to study the transportation in a small-scale pilot grid.tion of hydrogen in existing and new polyethylene gas pipelines. A test program was thereforeinformation existed regarding the compatibility between long-term exposure and transporta-In order to prepare for a future use of hydrogen as a fuel gas, it became evident that very littlegen which can be generated from wind parks and fed into the gas network.the future, the gas industry is looking at the alternative fuel gases, one such fuel gas is hydro-the future due to constraints in the use of non-renewable, fossil fuels. In order to prepare forIt has become ever clearer that natural gas is an energy source, which will be less important in

Borealis Ab, stenungsund, swedenMats bäckmanDanish Gas technology Centre, Horsholm, Denmarkhenrik iskovE-mail: [email protected] Polymers oy, Porvoo, FinlandStephan kneck

9W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0

fRoM Soil To iRRigATED lAnD

pvc-o Dn800: EfficiEnT TRAnSfoRMATion

Day 1, Monday, 10:55–11:15

1 B – E F F I C I E n t G R o W t H

ignacio Muñoz de JuanMolecor tecnología, s.L., Getafe, Madrid, spainE-mail: [email protected]

“Food is the new oil and gas” is a rather bold statement, but everyday more and more popula- tion is concern about food scarcity. Bringing irrigation to not productive lands will change the lives of the community and if it can be done with a cost effective and the most eco friendly solution, even better. This case study is about a project to transform 244 hectares into irrigated land in the La Sarda region of the municipality of Pedrola (Zaragoza, Spain) with DN800, PN16bar pipes, and about how the most cost effective alternative was chosen among cast iron, helical steel and reinforced concrete with metal sleeve.

Molecular orientation applied to PVC pipes has been around for few decades now, but we cannot say the same regarding large PVC-O pipes (from DN800 to DN1200). The current state of the art technology applied to this sector opens up fields of application not explored be- fore with PVC-O pipes, and what is more important, this development brings to the table a very much competitive product with regards of metal pipes. The supply conditions, with a very high instantaneous flow in a very short period of time, the high installation performance in meters/hour, the anti-corrosion properties, ease of assembly and lightness, among others, were the main reasons why PVC-O pipes were chosen for this. The most suitable diameter was calculated and considering the investment and power costs, the DN800 mm was the one which better fitted for this project.

This paper explains in detail the background of the project as well as the purpose and planned solution of the works together with the implementation phases, calculations made and con- clusions reached.


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10 w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 010 W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


drogen transport.confirm suitability of an existing RTP piping system with a liner of HDPE for high pressure hy-This paper gives valuable insight in hydrogen permeation and chemical resistance tests tolished as the backbone of a hydrogen gas network in the Northern part of the Netherlands.pany and producer. Based on this covenant the actual application of the RTP will be estab-stance the API 15S [1], which have led to a so-called covenant between the certification com-The results of the above-mentioned tests are combined with existing certifications on for in-

combining both the theoretical and experimental approach.an outside diameter of 150 mm), inline couplers and end fittings) are explained and discussedand ambient temperature is discussed. Tests on the piping system (including the pipe (withforced thermoplastic pipe system with a HDPE liner pipe at a pressure of 42 bar(g) hydrogenIn this paper the tests to determine the chemical resistance and permeation rate of a rein-

difficult when RTP pipes for high pressure hydrogen applications are considered.chemical resistance of the piping materials. Determining these properties becomes even moretion of the of the material properties with respect to hydrogen, such as the permeation andUsing RTP pipes for the transport of hydrogen gas requires reconsideration and determina-

reinforced flexible or reinforced thermoplastic pipes (RTP) are a mature product.and maintenance. When looking at high pressure transport of gases and fluids then spoolableUse of polymers above steel pipes is often favored because of the lower cost for construction

transport and distribution of this gas.able. The increasing demand for hydrogen gas results in new opportunities among which thetion and is used to make both the energy usage and feedstock for industrial processes renew-The use of hydrogen gas is often considered as a key component in the current energy transi-

Pipelife nederland, soluForce, Enkhuizen, netherlandspeter cloosKiwa technology, Piping systems and materials, Apeldoorn, netherlandsErnst van der StokE-mail: [email protected] technology, Piping systems and materials, Apeldoorn, netherlandsSjoerd Jansma

pRESSuRE hyDRogEn TRAnSpoRTpipES AnD linER MATERiAl foR highTESTing SpoolAblE REinfoRcED flEXiblE

Day 1, Monday, 11:15–11:35

1 A – E n E R G Y ( H Y D R o G E n )

Page 10: Conference and Exhibition AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA · AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA SEPTEMBER 21–23, 2020. w w w.ppX X.Eu t AMSTERDAM 2020 Cont Ents conTEnTS ... PP x x .EU • AMSTERDAM

11w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 010 W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


drogen transport.confirm suitability of an existing RTP piping system with a liner of HDPE for high pressure hy-This paper gives valuable insight in hydrogen permeation and chemical resistance tests tolished as the backbone of a hydrogen gas network in the Northern part of the Netherlands.pany and producer. Based on this covenant the actual application of the RTP will be estab-stance the API 15S [1], which have led to a so-called covenant between the certification com-The results of the above-mentioned tests are combined with existing certifications on for in-

combining both the theoretical and experimental approach.an outside diameter of 150 mm), inline couplers and end fittings) are explained and discussedand ambient temperature is discussed. Tests on the piping system (including the pipe (withforced thermoplastic pipe system with a HDPE liner pipe at a pressure of 42 bar(g) hydrogenIn this paper the tests to determine the chemical resistance and permeation rate of a rein-

difficult when RTP pipes for high pressure hydrogen applications are considered.chemical resistance of the piping materials. Determining these properties becomes even moretion of the of the material properties with respect to hydrogen, such as the permeation andUsing RTP pipes for the transport of hydrogen gas requires reconsideration and determina-

reinforced flexible or reinforced thermoplastic pipes (RTP) are a mature product.and maintenance. When looking at high pressure transport of gases and fluids then spoolableUse of polymers above steel pipes is often favored because of the lower cost for construction

transport and distribution of this gas.able. The increasing demand for hydrogen gas results in new opportunities among which thetion and is used to make both the energy usage and feedstock for industrial processes renew-The use of hydrogen gas is often considered as a key component in the current energy transi-

Pipelife nederland, soluForce, Enkhuizen, netherlandspeter cloosKiwa technology, Piping systems and materials, Apeldoorn, netherlandsErnst van der StokE-mail: [email protected] technology, Piping systems and materials, Apeldoorn, netherlandsSjoerd Jansma

pRESSuRE hyDRogEn TRAnSpoRTpipES AnD linER MATERiAl foR highTESTing SpoolAblE REinfoRcED flEXiblE

Day 1, Monday, 11:15–11:35

1 A – E n E R G Y ( H Y D R o G E n )

11W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0

1 B – E F F I C I E n t G R o W t H

Day 1, Monday, 11:15–11:35

MoM bo ib li ElE EXEXTRT uR Su iS oi non TET cE hc nh on lo ol go ygy–– AA cASE STuDy uSing An ini nn on vo Av TA iT vi EvE MEANS OF SA SS uS Ru iR ni gng hDpE pipE Supply (IN BOTH THE PERMiAn bASin of


white Jeesasol Chemicals north America LLC, Polymers Division, Houston, texas, United statesE-mail: [email protected] longtUBI Group, Dallas, texas, United statesMarcello RussotUBI Group., Dallas, texas, United states

In 2018, the North American HDPE pressure pipe market experienced unprecedented demand and growth especially in the region of the Permian basin in west Texas. As an innovative means of in- creasing HDPE pipe supply in this region, the first modular mobile extrusion plant was moved to Pecos, Tx. Using custom designed transportable modules, the ISO 9001 registered company was mobilized and deployed in the center of the Delaware Basin, which is part of the Permian Basin withthe most activity in west Texas and southern New Mexico. Because of the strong energy demand in 2018 and most of 2019, the plant remained in its original location producing PE4710 HDPE pressure pipe.

Additionally, a second mobile extrusion plant was commissioned in late March 2020 as a new mobile extrusion unit (which was initially constructed in Houston, Texas in September 2019) was transported to the manufacturing site in Barstow, Florida to meet customer demand in the mining industry for HDPE pipes in lengths greater than 50 feet.

This paper/presentation will highlight a specific case study involving pipes made by the mobile system and comparison of similarities and differences that were experienced as the setup was firstdone for a North American plant operation. These will include the ability to produce HDPE pressurepipe on a job site and production of long length pipes up to 500 feet in straight lengthsand the ability to produce large quantities of pipe on steel reels in sizes 4" - 12" IPS (110mm - 315mm). The modular extrusion plants are now mobilized with large diameter reeling/stringing technology capability on three continents.

This paper/presentation will also share the experience on converting from use of a non-domesticPE100 black compound to the in-line compounding of a domestic PE4710 and PE100 compoundwith an approved black masterbatch in the production of the black HDPE pressure pipe


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12 w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 0

2A – sERVICE LIFEDay 1, Monday, 12:45–13:05

uk wATER inDuSTRy RESEARch REvEAlingThE long-TERM AgEing pERfoRMAncE of polyEThylEnE (pE) pipES

David chrystie-loweControlPoint, technical, Chesterfield, United KingdomE-mail: [email protected] campbellAffinity Water, London, United KingdomJoanne claroninosevern trent Water, Innovation, Coventry, United Kingdom,Shana MeeusArtesia Consulting Limited, Bristol, United Kingdom

Polyethylene (PE) potable water mains with a design life of 50 years have been in widespread use in the uk water industry for more than 30 years. PE pipe is light, flexible and reliable in comparison with other pipe materials and the uk water industry has made a considerable investment in replacing ageing cast iron mains with this relatively new plastic material. Over 30 years ago, Severn Trent Water took a far-sighted approach of laying two test beds of pla- stic pipe water mains at pumping stations in the North West of England. This now provides a unique opportunity to a low sections to be exhumed and studied to establish long term deterioration in “real life” service conditions. Previous work, based upon accelerated testing, has demonstrated that PE pipe materials can be expected to last considerably longer than the design lifetime of 50 years and this project provides the ability to verify that this is the case. The information will be based upon over 30 years in real water industry conditions rather than laboratory experiments in accelerated conditions or pipe from the gas industry. The project will provide a robust assessment of the risk of continuing the use of PE pipe beyond the design lifetime, thereby enabling appropriate decision making for further investment.

In the uk, where failures have occurred with these assets, the data indicates that the perform- ance of PE pipe is likely to be limited by the performance of the joints – electrofusion (Ef)in particular. Information gained from the analysis of the joints will inform the risk of future failure associated with jointing techniques of 30 years ago. This can be used to validate the effectiveness of the initiatives used in Ef jointing now. This research project, due to be com- pleted in 2020, is led and funded by uk Water Industry Research (ukWIR) with the analysis being carried out by ControlPoint, combined with analytic and statistical support from Artesia. ControlPoint will use expertise in pipe materials and joints to determine the workmanship of the original installation and conduct laboratory testing to compare with models of perform- ance previously developed using accelerated testing. using the results of the analysis on the pipes exhumed from Severn Trent Water’s test bed, Artesia will provide a risk assessment on the potential failure of PE pipes and joints for the Water Industry. If lifetime of pipes is found to be limited by joints, then a strategy may be developed to repair or replace joints rather than wholesale renewal of the pipe, in addition to maintaining recent improvements in jointing practice to ensure that joints do not limit performance of the pipe in the future.


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2B – DRAINAGEDay 1, Monday, 12:45–13:05


be presented.rugated polyolefin pipe, will be discussed, and one of the examples from the design guide willIn this paper, key details of the structural design procedure in the drainage handbook, for cor-

through the detailed calculation procedure for two unique pipe design scenarios.document to the structural design chapter, the a drainage design guide, walks an engineeraccurately reflects how corrugated plastic pipe is installed in North america. In the companionsults. In this drainage handbook, the industry applied the LrFd design methodology that mostvery comprehensive design analysis with multiple layers of conservativism built into the re-evaluate the performance of buried pipe as various limit states are evaluated. the result is athe LrFd procedure utilizes numerous load and resistance factors in the design process to

tion 12 design methodology.tural engineering firm used extensively by the us dOt to develop and publish the LrFd sec-(dOts) in the united states. the structural design Chapter was authored by the same struc-tion 12 methodology currently utilized for bridge design by departments of transportationindustry’s recommended practice for using the Load and resistance Factor design (LrFd) sec-corrugated plastic pipe is the design procedure presented. the design procedure reflects thefin pipe. perhaps the biggest contribution this new handbook makes to the advancement ofthe newly released drainage handbook provides complete guidance on corrugated polyole-

Plastics Pipe Institute, Irving, United StatesDan CurrenceE-mail: [email protected] Drainage Systems, Hilliard, United StatesJoe Babcanec



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2A – SERVICE LIFEDay 1, Monday, 13:05–13:25


induction period method (OIt) through testing related parameters of OIt is established.OIt and the service life of pipes is further explored, and a method for quickly judging the Oxidationperature is deduced by linear fitting method. at the same time, the internal relationship betweenand service life of pipe, the thermal oxygen life of cross-linked polyethylene pipe at service tem-200-230 degrees Celsius. through the arrhenius equation relation between thermal degradationCelsius are selected for OIt test on different types of cross-linked polyethylene pipes in the range ofoxidation induction period (OIt) method. Four temperature points of 200, 210, 220 and 230 degreesthe degradation reaction and the influencing factors of pex pipes in processing were studied by

of the products can be further deduced.pipes can be rapidly evaluated by measuring the oxidation induction time (OIt) and the service lifeance testing of new polyolefin products. the thermal oxidation stability of cross-linked polyolefinevaluate the thermal oxidation stability effect of antioxidants in the development and perform-processing to ensure the service life of polyolefin products. It is of great significance to correctlyproducts. therefore, it is usually necessary to add appropriate antioxidants in the products duringradation in light, heat, oxygen and processing shearing processes, thus reducing the service life offied temperature in an oxygen or air atmosphere. polyethylene materials will undergo aging deg-the sample by the oxidation-resistant stable system in the sample measured at a constant speci-Oxidation induction period method (OIt) refers to the time required for the oxidation inhibition of

E-mail: [email protected] Plastic Group Co., Ltd., Qinhuangdao, Hebei, ChinaWang Qian,Jun Ma, Yunyan Li, Siliang Zhang



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15w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 0w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 0

2A – SERVICE LIFEDay 1, Monday, 13:05–13:25


induction period method (OIt) through testing related parameters of OIt is established.OIt and the service life of pipes is further explored, and a method for quickly judging the Oxidationperature is deduced by linear fitting method. at the same time, the internal relationship betweenand service life of pipe, the thermal oxygen life of cross-linked polyethylene pipe at service tem-200-230 degrees Celsius. through the arrhenius equation relation between thermal degradationCelsius are selected for OIt test on different types of cross-linked polyethylene pipes in the range ofoxidation induction period (OIt) method. Four temperature points of 200, 210, 220 and 230 degreesthe degradation reaction and the influencing factors of pex pipes in processing were studied by

of the products can be further deduced.pipes can be rapidly evaluated by measuring the oxidation induction time (OIt) and the service lifeance testing of new polyolefin products. the thermal oxidation stability of cross-linked polyolefinevaluate the thermal oxidation stability effect of antioxidants in the development and perform-processing to ensure the service life of polyolefin products. It is of great significance to correctlyproducts. therefore, it is usually necessary to add appropriate antioxidants in the products duringradation in light, heat, oxygen and processing shearing processes, thus reducing the service life offied temperature in an oxygen or air atmosphere. polyethylene materials will undergo aging deg-the sample by the oxidation-resistant stable system in the sample measured at a constant speci-Oxidation induction period method (OIt) refers to the time required for the oxidation inhibition of

E-mail: [email protected] Plastic Group Co., Ltd., Qinhuangdao, Hebei, ChinaWang Qian,Jun Ma, Yunyan Li, Siliang Zhang


14 15W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0

2 B – D R A I n A G E

Day 1, Monday, 13:05–13:25

plASTic pipES foR wATER DRAinAgE in RAil- AnD MoToRwAy TunnElS – MAJoR chAllEngEflorian Arbeiter, gisbert Rieß, gerald pinterMontanuniversitaet Leoben, Polymer Engineering and science, Leoben, AustriaE-mail: [email protected] Schachinger, florian SaligeroeBB Infastruktur AG, Vienna, AustriaStefanie Eichinger, Ronny boch, Martin DietzelGraz University of technology, Graz, AustriaAndreas hausbergerPolymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH, Leoben, AustriaElmar StroblEngineering Consultant strobl, Kumberg, AustriaRobert wenighofer, Robert gallerMontanuniversitaet Leoben, subsurface Engineering, Leoben, AustriaMichael SturUniversity of natural Resources and Life sciences,Department of Civil Engineering and natural Hazards, Vienna, AustriaMichael SteinerAsFInAG, Vienna, Austria

Plastic pipes hold outstanding significance regarding the distribution of potable and process waters, oil and gas, as well as for sewer and waste water disposal. However, plastic pipes are also used in many other technical areas. Especially in European countries with mountainous regions, such as Austria, Switzerland, Italy and southern Germany, rail and motorway tunnels are an es- sential part of the national infrastructure and their efficiency is of high priority. One reason why lanes, tracks or whole tunnels have to be shut down temporarily is for labor and cost-intensive maintenance of the drainage pipes. To avoid water ingress or damage to the overall structure, mechanical or chemical cleaning of the drainage pipes has to be performed regularly. Due to unfavourable hydrological/geological conditions or the use of cement/concrete-based support materials, the formation of calcium carbonate precipitates in the drainage pipes can increase the maintenance efforts drastically. While in most cases, the carbonate precipitates can be cleaned with waterjet cleaning, in some cases very hard and compact deposits of carbonate may form in the pipes. This necessitates much slower hydro-mechanical cleaning, which in worst case might locally damage pipe structures located kilometers deep inside the tunnel and mountain range. To address this critical issue, the current work deals with the design, formulation and testing of polymer pipe material compounds, which can be used to decrease Ca-carbonate precipitates in drainage pipes. Therefore, several compounds, based on the same base polyethylene, have been manufactured on a small scale. Plate-like specimens were exposed to both simulated and real drainage waters in tunnels to characterize the impact of the material formulation on the precipitation of Ca-carbonate. Some of the formulated polymer materials show promising results with regard to their fluid versus solid (carbonate precipitation) behaviour. Promising materials are currently being investigated with regard to their long-term effectiveness to de- crease Ca-carbonate precipitations. However, several additional tunnelling specific require- ments, such as special mechanical property profiles and extremely long lifetimes, have to be taken into account before these materials can be used in real application.


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16 w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 016 W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


is possible.on other pipes, that the in 1970 predicted lifetime was very conservative and longer operationanother 50 years [2]. The outcome of these investigations confirms like former investigationssistance as well as heat aging, the pipe made out of Ziegler HDPE could be operated for at leastWith the Arrhenius approach, it could be concluded that with respect to both stress crack re-

to slow crack growth resistance, as well as thermal ageing properties.A sample of a DN355 SDR17 pipe had been taken from the pipeline and analysed with respectated testing at elevated temperatures and to extrapolate to lifetimes at ambient temperatures.based on the work by the Swedish physicist Arrhenius in the 19th century to allow for acceler-needs to be considered or whether a longer operation time can be justified. The studies arebeen installed in 1971 to allow the operator to decide whether a rehabilitation of the pipelinethe Austrian lakes, studies were carried out to determine the residual life of a sample that hadof the planned operating time. As part of a general risk assessment of pressure pipelines inthis pipeline is still in operation to the satisfaction of all stakeholders, it now reaches the endIn the design phase in 1970 the planned lifetime for such a pipeline was set to 50 years. While

maximum temperature of the lake water is 15°C.1.1 Mill. m³/year with a maximum pressure of 4 bar to a nearby sewage treatment plant. TheThis pipeline serves to collect wastewater and to pump an average volume of about

compound. The classification would have been close to “PE63” [1].as early as 1971. The DN355 to DN200 pipes were produced from a first generation HDPE-pressure pipeline made of high density polyethylene was laid on the bottom of Lake OssiachIn order to protect the Austrian lakes effectively from discharged waste water, a 13 km long

Hessel Ingenieurtechnik GmbH, Roetgen, Germanyulrich Schulte, Joachim hesselE-mail: [email protected], Product Development and Application Development Pipe, Frankfurt, Germanyherbert Terwyen

lAkE oSSiAch (cARinThiA, AuSTRiA)AfTER 47 yEARS of opERATion in– DETERMinATion of REMAining lifE TiMEpRESSuRE pipElinE MADE of hDpE

Day 1, Monday, 13:25–13:45

2 A – s E R V I C E L I F E

17W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


materials for North America’s infrastructure applications.The results of this research have been instrumental in expanding the use of more sustainable

sented in the paper.conclusions from these discussions with SEPTA will be completed by the end of 2019 and pre-with corrugated HDPE pipes manufactured with recycled materials following this study. Thedetermine the live load data for the 6 years of loading history and to assess their experienceworked with the rail authority (the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority, or SEPTA) toIn addition to the materials testing and physical measurements, the research team also

materials testing are still pending.and compared to the initial properties. At the time of this abstract submittal, the results of thechanical property tests including tensile strength and flexural modulus were also completedand SEM testing on specimens taken from the exposed end sections of the pipe. Standard me-and UCLS testing to determine the current stress-crack resistance of the material, as well as OITany material degradation had occurred throughout the 6 years of service. Tests included NCLSditionally, coupons of materials were exhumed from the pipes and tests completed to see ifthat were presented at the 2016 conference. No change in performance was observed. Ad-ice. Physical measurements were made on the pipes and compared to the 3-year data pointsThe pipes were again inspected and assessed in October 2019 after 6 years of continued serv-

Conference in Berlin.October 2013, and the results of this 3-year study were presented at the 2016 Plastics Pipesterials in shallow fill applications underneath commuter railroads. The pipes were installed inHDPE pipes manufactured with recycled materials with those manufactured with virgin ma-components of this research was a 3-year study comparing the performance of corrugatedethylene (HDPE) pipes used for highway and railroad drainage applications. One of the keyand post-industrial recycled materials in the manufacturing of corrugated high-density poly-In 2018, research was completed that resulted in the allowance of the use of post-consumer

E-mail: [email protected] of Minnesota – Duluth, Civil Engineering, Duluth, United statesMichael pluimer

ApplicATionSMATERiAlS foR RAil AnD highwAyhDpE pipES MAnufAcTuRED wiTh REcyclEDlong-TERM pERfoRMAncE of coRRugATED

Day 1, Monday, 13:25–13:45

2 B – D R A I n A G E

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17w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 016 W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


is possible.on other pipes, that the in 1970 predicted lifetime was very conservative and longer operationanother 50 years [2]. The outcome of these investigations confirms like former investigationssistance as well as heat aging, the pipe made out of Ziegler HDPE could be operated for at leastWith the Arrhenius approach, it could be concluded that with respect to both stress crack re-

to slow crack growth resistance, as well as thermal ageing properties.A sample of a DN355 SDR17 pipe had been taken from the pipeline and analysed with respectated testing at elevated temperatures and to extrapolate to lifetimes at ambient temperatures.based on the work by the Swedish physicist Arrhenius in the 19th century to allow for acceler-needs to be considered or whether a longer operation time can be justified. The studies arebeen installed in 1971 to allow the operator to decide whether a rehabilitation of the pipelinethe Austrian lakes, studies were carried out to determine the residual life of a sample that hadof the planned operating time. As part of a general risk assessment of pressure pipelines inthis pipeline is still in operation to the satisfaction of all stakeholders, it now reaches the endIn the design phase in 1970 the planned lifetime for such a pipeline was set to 50 years. While

maximum temperature of the lake water is 15°C.1.1 Mill. m³/year with a maximum pressure of 4 bar to a nearby sewage treatment plant. TheThis pipeline serves to collect wastewater and to pump an average volume of about

compound. The classification would have been close to “PE63” [1].as early as 1971. The DN355 to DN200 pipes were produced from a first generation HDPE-pressure pipeline made of high density polyethylene was laid on the bottom of Lake OssiachIn order to protect the Austrian lakes effectively from discharged waste water, a 13 km long

Hessel Ingenieurtechnik GmbH, Roetgen, Germanyulrich Schulte, Joachim hesselE-mail: [email protected], Product Development and Application Development Pipe, Frankfurt, Germanyherbert Terwyen

lAkE oSSiAch (cARinThiA, AuSTRiA)AfTER 47 yEARS of opERATion in– DETERMinATion of REMAining lifE TiMEpRESSuRE pipElinE MADE of hDpE

Day 1, Monday, 13:25–13:45

2 A – s E R V I C E L I F E

17W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


materials for North America’s infrastructure applications.The results of this research have been instrumental in expanding the use of more sustainable

sented in the paper.conclusions from these discussions with SEPTA will be completed by the end of 2019 and pre-with corrugated HDPE pipes manufactured with recycled materials following this study. Thedetermine the live load data for the 6 years of loading history and to assess their experienceworked with the rail authority (the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority, or SEPTA) toIn addition to the materials testing and physical measurements, the research team also

materials testing are still pending.and compared to the initial properties. At the time of this abstract submittal, the results of thechanical property tests including tensile strength and flexural modulus were also completedand SEM testing on specimens taken from the exposed end sections of the pipe. Standard me-and UCLS testing to determine the current stress-crack resistance of the material, as well as OITany material degradation had occurred throughout the 6 years of service. Tests included NCLSditionally, coupons of materials were exhumed from the pipes and tests completed to see ifthat were presented at the 2016 conference. No change in performance was observed. Ad-ice. Physical measurements were made on the pipes and compared to the 3-year data pointsThe pipes were again inspected and assessed in October 2019 after 6 years of continued serv-

Conference in Berlin.October 2013, and the results of this 3-year study were presented at the 2016 Plastics Pipesterials in shallow fill applications underneath commuter railroads. The pipes were installed inHDPE pipes manufactured with recycled materials with those manufactured with virgin ma-components of this research was a 3-year study comparing the performance of corrugatedethylene (HDPE) pipes used for highway and railroad drainage applications. One of the keyand post-industrial recycled materials in the manufacturing of corrugated high-density poly-In 2018, research was completed that resulted in the allowance of the use of post-consumer

E-mail: [email protected] of Minnesota – Duluth, Civil Engineering, Duluth, United statesMichael pluimer

ApplicATionSMATERiAlS foR RAil AnD highwAyhDpE pipES MAnufAcTuRED wiTh REcyclEDlong-TERM pERfoRMAncE of coRRugATED

Day 1, Monday, 13:25–13:45

2 B – D R A I n A G E

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18 w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 018 W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


the highest performance.able times whereas the HPAT method can answer the lifetime question of PE-pipes even forperformance of these PE-materials is often so high that no results can be achieved in accept-PE-materials, the oven ageing method is already reaching its limits for practicability, as thefound of around 92 kJ/mol. These HPAT test results can be achieved within a year. For modern40 °C and atmospheric pressure are lying in the range of >200 years with activation energysolution is also considered in the HPAT. The estimation of lifetime at a service temperature ofand oxygen pressures between 165 kPa and 5,100 kPa. Additionally, leaching in an alkalinemedium is stirred. HPAT have been performed at test temperatures between 60 °C and 90 °CDuring the test elevated oxygen pressures and elevated temperatures are applied and theIn HPAT specimens are immersed in an aqueous medium in pressure vessel with O2 gas phase.

only slightly.consumed. Nevertheless, after even more than four years the mechanical properties changedurement temperature in molten state. The significantly degrease shows that the stabilizer iscreased significantly. OIT describes the thermo-oxidative stabilization of the polymer at meas-with air inlet for more than four years. After three years, oxidation induction time (OIT) has de-have been carried out at four temperatures between 85 °C and 100 °C in a laboratory ovenwith the high-pressure autoclave test (HPAT) method regarding lifetime estimation. Oven testsA PE-pipe has been subjected to a very extensive test program to compare the oven method

demands PE-pipes must provide evidence of a high thermo-oxidative resistance.for power lines for renewable energy and underground pipes in hot climatic zones. For suchthermal applications, power plant technology, mining, under-ground cable protection pipespipes in landfill basal lining systems, drainage pipes in tunnels with high cover heights, geo-PE-pipes are used in applications at higher temperatures and long service lives like drainage

E-mail: [email protected] – German Plastics Center, Würzburg, Germanyhelmut Zanzinger, Anja Armani

MoDERn high-pRESSuRE AuToclAvE TESTSApplying convEnTionAl ovEn TESTS AnDof pE-pipES unDER highER TEMpERATuRESconfiRMATion of long SERvicE livES

Day 1, Monday, 13:45–14:05

2 A – s E R V I C E L I F E

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w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 016 W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


is possible.on other pipes, that the in 1970 predicted lifetime was very conservative and longer operationanother 50 years [2]. The outcome of these investigations confirms like former investigationssistance as well as heat aging, the pipe made out of Ziegler HDPE could be operated for at leastWith the Arrhenius approach, it could be concluded that with respect to both stress crack re-

to slow crack growth resistance, as well as thermal ageing properties.A sample of a DN355 SDR17 pipe had been taken from the pipeline and analysed with respectated testing at elevated temperatures and to extrapolate to lifetimes at ambient temperatures.based on the work by the Swedish physicist Arrhenius in the 19th century to allow for acceler-needs to be considered or whether a longer operation time can be justified. The studies arebeen installed in 1971 to allow the operator to decide whether a rehabilitation of the pipelinethe Austrian lakes, studies were carried out to determine the residual life of a sample that hadof the planned operating time. As part of a general risk assessment of pressure pipelines inthis pipeline is still in operation to the satisfaction of all stakeholders, it now reaches the endIn the design phase in 1970 the planned lifetime for such a pipeline was set to 50 years. While

maximum temperature of the lake water is 15°C.1.1 Mill. m³/year with a maximum pressure of 4 bar to a nearby sewage treatment plant. TheThis pipeline serves to collect wastewater and to pump an average volume of about

compound. The classification would have been close to “PE63” [1].as early as 1971. The DN355 to DN200 pipes were produced from a first generation HDPE-pressure pipeline made of high density polyethylene was laid on the bottom of Lake OssiachIn order to protect the Austrian lakes effectively from discharged waste water, a 13 km long

Hessel Ingenieurtechnik GmbH, Roetgen, Germanyulrich Schulte, Joachim hesselE-mail: [email protected], Product Development and Application Development Pipe, Frankfurt, Germanyherbert Terwyen

lAkE oSSiAch (cARinThiA, AuSTRiA)AfTER 47 yEARS of opERATion in– DETERMinATion of REMAining lifE TiMEpRESSuRE pipElinE MADE of hDpE

Day 1, Monday, 13:25–13:45

2 A – s E R V I C E L I F E

17W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


2 B – D R A I n A G E

Day 1, Monday, 13:45–14:05


Amster HowardCivil Engineering Consultant, Lakewood, United statesE-mail: [email protected]

Flowable fill is used for many applications, but mainly for pipe trench embedment and backfill.There are three ways that using flowable fill can be kind to the environment. Because flowable fill is self-leveling and has a strength greater than the native soil, the trench cross section can be minimized. This means less eXcavation which means less energy used to excavate the trench, handle the spoil pile, and to backfill the trench. In urban areas, pipeline installation can proceed quicker which means reducing traffic delays, traffic detours, truck traffic, business interruptions, and the impact on the community. Secondly, flowable fill can be made using many waste products or recycled materials.

Flowable fill is basically a mixture of cementitious material, aggregate, and water. Admixtures can be used for special circumstances but are not necessary. Typically, flowable fill is thought of as a miXture of Portland cement, concrete sand, and potable water. It is usually batched at a ready mix plant and transported to the site in transit mixers. However, since low strength is a desirable property of flowable fill, materials not usually considered for concrete can be used. Class C flyash, cement kiln dust, and waste by-products of coal fired electricity plants have been used in place of Portland cement. Recycled concrete, Class Fflyash, foundry sand, and aggregate plant by-products have been used as aggregate. Using these recycled products and waste materials in flowable fill keeps them out of the landfills.

The third way that flowable fill can be sustainable is to use the native soils excavated from the trench as the aggregate in the flowable fill mix. The flowable fill can be mixed using trench-side mixing equipment or portable batch plants that move along with the pipe installation. Using the soil excavated from the trench reduces spoil pile waste, spoil pile handling, importing aggregate materials, and transit mixer traffic from ready-mix plants. Sustainability is achieved through less time for excavation, less handling of soil excavated from trench, less hauling of materials (both to and from construction sites), and reuse and recycling. This all means less energy consumption: In many cases, these reuses and minimizing methods result in flowable fill that can be competitive with compacted earth fill.


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w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 020 W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


pipes has been also evaluated by FNCT test.increase in crystallinity of a resin. The remaining long-term durability of aged polyethylenethe early decades after installation, it was found that there was no change and stable after theseemed to be due to an increase in crystallinity of a resin. Although the change occurred inAs a result of the investigation, a decrease in the Charpy impact strength was confirmed, which

mechanical properties and remaining lifetime were investigated.collected for each resin. The maximum burial period was approximately 30 years. Changes ofproduced by Japanese manufacturers. Polyethylene pipes with different burial periods wereaged polyethylene pipes buried for a long time. There are two grades of polyethylene resinsIn this paper, it is shown that the mechanical properties and the FNCT test results of several

tained their expected performance and stable quality without deterioration in the ground.it is important to investigate whether aged polyethylene pipes after installation have main-rosion. The gas pipelines are one of the most important infrastructures. For stable gas supply,in Japan because of their light weight, excellent flexibility, earthquake resistance, and no cor-Polyethylene pipes have been widely used as natural gas supply networks for 40 years or more

osaka Gas Co. LtD., Pipline & Facilities Engineering Dept., osaka, JapanTakahiro kasataniosaka Gas Co. LtD., Energy technology Laboratories, osaka, JapanE-mail: [email protected] iwasaki, hidefumi yamanaka

polyEThylEnE pipES foR gAS DiSTRibuTionAnD long-TERM DuRAbiliTy of AgEDAn EvAluATion of MEchAnicAl pRopERTiES

Day 1, Monday, 14:05–14:25

2 A – s E R V I C E L I F E

21W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


business market the environmental performance of their products.dle layer. Next the that the comparisons we will also give an insight in how the concrete pipePVC solid wall pipes, PP Twin Wall pipes and co-extruded three-layer pipes with recycled mid-ronmental performance of concrete pipes vs commonly available plastic pipe systems such asduring the years. We can therefore present an updated and un-biased comparison of the envi-The differences were studied in the various databases and were mapped out the development

have therefore given an unjustified and unfair advantage to concrete pipes.bases for high strengths concrete have until lately not been available and older comparisonfore also a higher environmental impact than for most other concrete applications. The data-The quality needed for making a concrete pipe requires a higher cement content and there-shows different results depending of the selected sub-database and the quality of concrete.But you must careful: The public available databases for concrete such as GaBi and EcoInvent

winner in their marketing materials.a surprise that the comparisons made by the concrete industry normally claims concrete as aproduced from plastics and concrete performs equal within plus/minus 30%. However, it is notcrete is a close call: Majority of comparisons shows that the environmental impact of pipesperforms very well compared with ductile iron and copper whereas the comparison with con-applications, copper for hot & cold-water applications and concrete for gravity pipes. Plasticsare also being compared with traditional materials: Ductile iron for gas and water pressureand EN15804 were developed. Next to the declaration of own systems the plastic pipe systemsDuring the last years, a large number of EPDs for plastic pipe systems according to ISO14040

ronmental Footprint Is one example and initiatives on green procurement is another one.regulation to secure sustainability in new buildings. The European Commission’s Product Envi-and we see that the European Union as well as individual Member States are implementing newEnvironmental Product Declarations of e.g. building products are to a large extent mandatory

E-mail: [email protected] aisbl, Brussels, Belgiumpeter Sejersen

pERfoRMAncE of concRETE pipESinSighTS AbouT EnviRoMEnTAl

Day 1, Monday, 14:05–14:25

2 B – D R A I n A G E


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w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 0 21W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


business market the environmental performance of their products.dle layer. Next the that the comparisons we will also give an insight in how the concrete pipePVC solid wall pipes, PP Twin Wall pipes and co-extruded three-layer pipes with recycled mid-ronmental performance of concrete pipes vs commonly available plastic pipe systems such asduring the years. We can therefore present an updated and un-biased comparison of the envi-The differences were studied in the various databases and were mapped out the development

have therefore given an unjustified and unfair advantage to concrete pipes.bases for high strengths concrete have until lately not been available and older comparisonfore also a higher environmental impact than for most other concrete applications. The data-The quality needed for making a concrete pipe requires a higher cement content and there-shows different results depending of the selected sub-database and the quality of concrete.But you must careful: The public available databases for concrete such as GaBi and EcoInvent

winner in their marketing materials.a surprise that the comparisons made by the concrete industry normally claims concrete as aproduced from plastics and concrete performs equal within plus/minus 30%. However, it is notcrete is a close call: Majority of comparisons shows that the environmental impact of pipesperforms very well compared with ductile iron and copper whereas the comparison with con-applications, copper for hot & cold-water applications and concrete for gravity pipes. Plasticsare also being compared with traditional materials: Ductile iron for gas and water pressureand EN15804 were developed. Next to the declaration of own systems the plastic pipe systemsDuring the last years, a large number of EPDs for plastic pipe systems according to ISO14040

ronmental Footprint Is one example and initiatives on green procurement is another one.regulation to secure sustainability in new buildings. The European Commission’s Product Envi-and we see that the European Union as well as individual Member States are implementing newEnvironmental Product Declarations of e.g. building products are to a large extent mandatory

E-mail: [email protected] aisbl, Brussels, Belgiumpeter Sejersen

pERfoRMAncE of concRETE pipESinSighTS AbouT EnviRoMEnTAl

Day 1, Monday, 14:05–14:25

2 B – D R A I n A G E


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w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 022 W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0

Day 1, Monday, 14:55–15:15

3 A – A R o U n D t H E W o R L D



prashant D.nikhadeBorouge Pte Ltd, Infrastructure (marketing), Mumbai, IndiaE-mail: [email protected] TashmanBorouge Pte. Ltd., Marketing Infrastructure, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,

In Middle East and India, PE pipes have expanded their applications in big way for watersupply industrial effluents, corrosive chemical transportations, slurry transportation, city gas distribution network and agriculture for irrigation purpose over ductile iron, cast iron pipesetc. The PE pipes have become the most preferred material of construction for intake/outfalland industrial use against the competing materials like steel, metal rubber lined and GRP/FRPpipes. The successful use of PE pipes especially for industrial applications like intakeand outfall lines for desalination, thermal power, industrial chemicals/ effluent increasesdemand for large diameter and thick wall pressure pipes in country like India.

PE pipes manufacturing progressed in these regions with diameters <630mm and in recent2000 to 2500mm. Simultaneously considering higher temperature, pressure and safety factor requirements for pipes < SDR 11 have increased. The production pipes of large diameter andhigher thickness is still considered biggest challenge in Indian industry. The uniform wall thickness distribution achievement, optimization of production losses, jointing of non-uniformwall thickness in field are also big concern. Ease in production of large diameterin many cases is unmet requirement. This requirement can be met by PE 100 material characterized with additional low sag through improved higher viscosity property.

Extra low sag pre-compounded material produced using Bi-modal technology has been tried successfully for 2500mm X 105mm thickness as large diameter pipes as well as for 1600mm X SDR 17 thick wall pipe production. The commercial production of 2000mm X SDR27 results showing how easily pipe can be produced with uniform distribution will be showcased. This paper will describe the challenges of developing innovative extra low sagPE100 material. The methodology for describing characteristics of raw material will be discussed in paper. The advantage of extra low sag material for production cost optimizationthrough trial and error for large diameter and thick wall pressure pipes compared to low sagmaterial will also be showcased through case studies. Efforts taken for including extra low sagmaterial along with inclusion of large diameter pipes in Indian Standards IS: 4884-2016for polyethylene pipes will be highlighted.


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be highlighted.inclusion of large diameter pipes in Indian. Standards IS: 4884-2016 for polyethylene pipes willshowcased through case studies. Efforts taken for including extra low sag material along withfor large diameter and thick wall pressure pipes compared to low sag material will also beadvantage of extra low sag material for production cost optimization through trial and errorThe methodology for describing characteristics of raw material will be discussed in paper. TheThis paper will describe the challenges of developing innovative extra low sag PE100 material.sults showing how easily pipe can be produced with uniform distribution will be showcased.x SDR 11 thick wall pipe production. The commercial production of 2000mm x SDR 27 re-successfully for 2500mm x 105mm thickness as large diameter pipes as well as for 1200mmExtra low sag pre-compounded material produced using Bi-modal technology has been tried

ditional low sag through improved higher viscosity property.unmet requirement. This requirement can be met by PE 100 material characterized with ad-thickness in field are also big concern. Ease in production of large diameter in many cases isdistribution achievement, optimization of production losses, jointing of non-uniform wallthickness is still considered biggest challenge in Indian industry. The uniform wall thicknessments for pipes < SDR 11 have increased. The production pipes of large diameter and higher2500mm. Simultaneously considering higher temperature, pressure and safety factor require-PE pipes manufacturing progressed in India with diameters <630mm and in recent 2000 to

thick wall pressure pipes in country like India.tion, thermal power, industrial chemicals/ effluent increases demand for large diameter andful use of PE pipes especially for industrial applications like intake and outfall lines for desalina-against the competing materials like steel, metal rubber lined and GRP/FRP pipes. The success-have become the most preferred material of construction for intake/outfall and industrial usework and agriculture for irrigation purpose over ductile iron, cast iron pipes etc,. The PE pipesfluents, corrosive chemical transportations, slurry transportation, city gas distribution net-In India, PE pipes have expanded their applications in big way for water supply industrial ef-

Borouge Pte. Ltd., Marketing Infrastructure, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,farraj TashmanE-mail: [email protected] Pte Ltd, Infrastructure (marketing), Mumbai, Indiaprashant D.nikhade

low SAg pE MATERiAl in inDiAMAnufAcTuRing wiTh innovATivE EXTRAEXTRA Thick AnD lARgE DiAMETER pipES

Day 1, Monday, 14:55–15:15

3 A – A R o U n D t H E W o R L D

An EfficiEnT hollow-wAll SpiRAl winDingpipE (A TypE pipE) pRoDucTion pRocESSApril Zhou,Xinwen Zhou,gangqiang Tanningbo Fangli technology Co. Ltd, ningbo, ChinaE-mail: [email protected]

hDPE hollow-wall winding pipe is a kind of structure-wall pipe that is easy to popularize, low cost and structural science. under the semi-market environment, excessive competition makes the product quality worse and worse. In order to reverse this situation, in addition to emphasizing its scientific nature, the new structures and functions have been added, the easy-to-connect socket and spigot joints have been added for hDPE hollow-wall winding pipes, and the new composite materials have been used for the structural rectangular tube, which are manufactured at double speed. The brand new structure and process patent escort, and aspire to high quality products’ manufacturers to create a new situation.

According to plastic structure-wall pipe’s ring stiffness formula SN=EI/D³ (E--elastic modu-lus, I---cross section moment of inertia, D---pipe diameter), when the diameter of pipe is equal (approximately), the improvement of ring stiffness depends on the elastic modulus (E) and the cross section moment of inertia (I) of the material. Due to the high modulus (22Gp) of PE preimpregnated fiberglass strip, which is much higher than hDPE modu-lus (900MPa, different materials differ), it is obvious to improve the ring stiffness of the hollow-wall winding pipe.

The hollow-wall winding pipe has been unremitting improved in China. Its production speed increased from 15 m/h to 30 m/h (DN200 as an example). The benefit is significantly improved due to the production speed is doubled. The new material reinforced hollow-wall winding pipe has been developed by, on the shoulders of the predecessors to take a new step, the enhanced double-cavity hollow-wall winding pipe’s production speed has been significantly increased up to 40 m/h. Its basic principle is to traditional DN200 hollow-wall winding pipe as an example, its winding profile size is 14 * 20. The newly developed the winding profile is a rectangular junction wall, the profile cross section data of 14 * 40, the wider profile makes production speed significantly increased.


3B – InnoVAtIonDay 1, Monday, 14:55–15:15


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ThE ADvAnTAgES of pE100:globAl cASE STuDiESRainer kloth, youssef TahaPE100+ Association, Apeldoorn, netherlandsE-mail: [email protected]

Since the first hDPE pipes were developed in the early fifties, this versatile application spread out around the globe to serve transportation of various media in a reliable and cost effective manner. In order to demonstrate the versatility and benefits of PE100, in 1999, several compa-nies founded the an association focused specifically on these grades. In the meantime, PE100 has become the preferred material, in comparison with metallic traditional materials, for many infrastructural projects around the globe.

One of the prominent advantages of PE100 pipes undoubtedly is their long service life. By ex-trapolation of pressure test results, the expected lifetime under pressure is 50 year. however, practical experience indicates that the expected service life is much longer and a PE100 pipe sys-tem may have a trouble free operation of 100 years. A position paper prepared by key industry organizations further elaborates on the design and service life of PE pressure pipe systems.

PE100 is a very robust material and can be subject to rough treatment during transport and in-stallation, causing scratches on the outside. The high resistance to slow crack growth supports PE100 pipe systems to an extended projected lifetime. low density of the material in compari-son to traditional pipe materials leads to a low weight of a pipe, facilitating an easy installa-tion without the help of heavy construction machines or cranes. One of the major features of PE100 is that it does not affect the odor and flavor of drinking water negatively which makes it the preferred transportation mean for this medium. Moreover, the low density of the material makes it furthermore the ideal material for marine applications as the pipes naturally float on the water. In addition, the resistance to seawater helps to stay out on the sea for long time.

unlike traditional materials, PE100 is not subject to corrosion. This makes extra efforts regard-ing corrosion protection unnecessary, offering the network operator an operation mode with much less to zero monitoring and costs during the lifetime of the piping system.

By means of case studies of installation projects executed across the globe, many advantages of PE100 in comparison with traditional materials like steel, ductile iron and concrete are shown. A very good example for the ability to transport drinking water without any extra measures is a new water supply pipeline installed in Jakarta, Indonesia.

In Taiwan, a industry recognized resin manufacturer installed a new firefighting pipeline on their own ground out of PE replacing cast iron pipes for reasons of being free of leakage and corrosion. Gelsenwasser, one of the biggest drinking water suppliers in German, showed a cost model for savings during installation in particular as it can be used in non-conventional instal-lation like re-lining. In Thailand, PE 100 pipes are used to create fish homes to attract fish in order to provide a higher variety to coastal marine life and eventually to support local fishers.


3A – ARoUnD tHE WoRLDDay 1, Monday, 15:15–15:35


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SMART TiTAniuM DioXiDE foR EconoMicAl AnD EviRonMEnTAlly SuSTAinAblEopTiMiSATion of plASTic pipE foRMulATionS

Andrew white FP Pigments oY, Paints and Plastics, Espoo, FinlandE-mail: [email protected]

The use of novel primary Opacifying pigments as partial replacements for Titanium Dioxide provides significant performance and cost reduction opportunities for the plastics formulator. The provision of a “fixed dispersion” next generation TiO2 ensures the best optical efficiency is maintained and thus maximize the effective use of all of the titanium dioxide particles em-ployed in the pipe compound, all while maintaining an economically sustainable advantage.In addition to maintaining product quality and performance, this next generation TiO2 has a significantly lower carbon footprint than conventional TiO2 and thus offers more sustainable technical solutions. When replacing 10 – 35 wt% of the TiO2 in a PVC pipe formulation, the unique particle morphology and functionality enables the manufacturer to better Optimise their formulations and to positively enhance the overall performance of PVC Pipe systems.This paper will review the technology, present a reduced carbon footprint as well as the most recent laboratory results in developing an improved sustainable PVC compound using smart titanium dioxide.


3 B – I n n o VAt I o n

Day 1, Monday, 15:15–15:35


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then installed 11 meters down, by using a bunch of 27 parallel cranes.This was the first time that a 500 m plastic pipe string of 3 m in diameter lifted up in 1 piece anddown to a 11-meters depth excavated trench, in single welded pipeline strings of 500 m long.Al Haer sewage treatment plant of Riyadh city, in Saudi Arabia. This 3 me dia HDPE pipe laidexit of an established underground concrete tunnel (3 m ID – lined with HDPE) with the mainA large diameter HDPE pipe of 3000 mm sdr 30 with 100 mm thickness, used to connect the

producing advanced PP raw material.117.6 mm (sdr 13.6) used in “high pressure – recycle cooling water “ facility in a PO plant in UAE,Same diameter pipe 1600 mm in standard black colour, but with much larger wall thickness oftransferring water ( with high velocity) to a hydroelectric plant in Alaska US.PE pipe made worldwide) using a “ready-pellet” special slow crack propagation material forA special pure orange colour PE 100+ pipe 1600 mm x 76 mm sdr 21 (the largest orange colour

HDPE pipes produced in the UAE :earned the trust of design consultants. In this paper will be presented 3 case studies for specialdiameter and PE or PP non pressure pipes up to 5,000 mm diameter can be produced and haveterials, manufacturing equipment and processes mean that PE pressure pipes up to 3,500 mmPolyolefin pipes now have a successful 70 years history and continuous innovation of raw ma-

ones: steel, and concrete.break with tradition and choose thermoplastic pipe materials rather than the conventionalrequire large diameter pipes and in many of these countries they have had the confidence toto provide improved water and sanitation for their growing populations. All these projectshas been for the desalination of sea water, wastewater treatment or water recycling, in orderpetitive. Also, many large water and wastewater projects have been continued, whether thisthat low labour costs, low feedstock and mineral costs would ensure that they remained com-Especially in the Middle East governments and industries have continued to invest confidentstorm water management and sewage.choice for usage in industrial, municipal and infrastructure works, such as water distribution,opments and human capability. This has meant that plastic pipes have become the piping oftic piping raw materials with increased properties, new extruders and other equipment devel-for production of such large plastic pipes are three main pillars: continuous innovation of plas-industry to produce much larger diameter systems, than ever believed possible. The enablersContinuous development and innovation in the production of plastic pipes has enabled the

Union Pipes Industry LLC, Management, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesMohamed hagebE-mail: [email protected] Pipes Industry LLC, Commercial Director, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emiratesgrigorios vigellis

EAST – 3 cASE SToRiESpRoDucED & DEvElopED in ThE MiDDlElARgE DiAMETER & Thick wAll hDpE pipES

Day 1, Monday, 15:35–15:55

3 A – A R o U n D t H E W o R L D


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then installed 11 meters down, by using a bunch of 27 parallel cranes.This was the first time that a 500 m plastic pipe string of 3 m in diameter lifted up in 1 piece anddown to a 11-meters depth excavated trench, in single welded pipeline strings of 500 m long.Al Haer sewage treatment plant of Riyadh city, in Saudi Arabia. This 3 me dia HDPE pipe laidexit of an established underground concrete tunnel (3 m ID – lined with HDPE) with the mainA large diameter HDPE pipe of 3000 mm sdr 30 with 100 mm thickness, used to connect the

producing advanced PP raw material.117.6 mm (sdr 13.6) used in “high pressure – recycle cooling water “ facility in a PO plant in UAE,Same diameter pipe 1600 mm in standard black colour, but with much larger wall thickness oftransferring water ( with high velocity) to a hydroelectric plant in Alaska US.PE pipe made worldwide) using a “ready-pellet” special slow crack propagation material forA special pure orange colour PE 100+ pipe 1600 mm x 76 mm sdr 21 (the largest orange colour

HDPE pipes produced in the UAE :earned the trust of design consultants. In this paper will be presented 3 case studies for specialdiameter and PE or PP non pressure pipes up to 5,000 mm diameter can be produced and haveterials, manufacturing equipment and processes mean that PE pressure pipes up to 3,500 mmPolyolefin pipes now have a successful 70 years history and continuous innovation of raw ma-

ones: steel, and concrete.break with tradition and choose thermoplastic pipe materials rather than the conventionalrequire large diameter pipes and in many of these countries they have had the confidence toto provide improved water and sanitation for their growing populations. All these projectshas been for the desalination of sea water, wastewater treatment or water recycling, in orderpetitive. Also, many large water and wastewater projects have been continued, whether thisthat low labour costs, low feedstock and mineral costs would ensure that they remained com-Especially in the Middle East governments and industries have continued to invest confidentstorm water management and sewage.choice for usage in industrial, municipal and infrastructure works, such as water distribution,opments and human capability. This has meant that plastic pipes have become the piping oftic piping raw materials with increased properties, new extruders and other equipment devel-for production of such large plastic pipes are three main pillars: continuous innovation of plas-industry to produce much larger diameter systems, than ever believed possible. The enablersContinuous development and innovation in the production of plastic pipes has enabled the

Union Pipes Industry LLC, Management, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesMohamed hagebE-mail: [email protected] Pipes Industry LLC, Commercial Director, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emiratesgrigorios vigellis

EAST – 3 cASE SToRiESpRoDucED & DEvElopED in ThE MiDDlElARgE DiAMETER & Thick wAll hDpE pipES

Day 1, Monday, 15:35–15:55

3 A – A R o U n D t H E W o R L D

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TESTing AnD EvAluATion of nAnoADDiTivES in u-pvc pipES Enrico boccaleri Università del Piemonte orientale, Dipartimento di scienze e Innovazione tecnologica,Alessandria, ItalyE-mail: [email protected]

In the last decades, research on nanostructured materials as additives for plastics involved sev-eral polymeric matrices, but only limited studies and publications involve PVC. In this work, the context of rigid application of PVC (U-PVC) for pipes application was targeted, in order to test and evaluate the structural and functional role of different nanoadditives on the final proper-ties of the materials. The goals of the study were focused on industrial needs and was carried on involving seven relevant PVC pipe producers in Italy within a 3-year study. To match the needs of producers and compounders, two conventional rigid U-PVC formulations for water distribution and sewage (see table 1) were modified with nanomaterials in variable amounts from 0.31 to 5 phr. Nanoadditives were selected considering their commercial availability in industrial quantities, and materials processing was based on pilot-scale machinery fully com-pliant with production plant equipments.

Species: water pipe(phr): Sewage pipe(phr): PVC 100 100CaCO3 5 25Ca-organic Stabilizer 2.5 2.5Pigments 0.5 0.6Nanoadditive 0.31–5 0.31–5

Table 1: U-PVC formulation – nanoadditives were chosen among layered inorganic materials, hybrid nanoparticles (Poss) and carbon nanotubes

The study highlights the capability of nanostructured additives to dramatically change the properties of polymeric matrices with added quantities lower than 2.5 phr. The most striking improvements were observed in the mechanical performances, where an enhancement in ri-gidity and a simultaneous increase in tensile strength and elongation (i.e. nanoreinforcement) were found. As well, tests related to thermal stability, gelification and internal stress were car-ried on and related to the composition.


3 B – I n n o VAt I o n

Day 1, Monday, 15:35–15:55


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3A – ARoUnD tHE WoRLDDay 1, Monday, 15:55–16:15

woRlD REcoRD 54-inch hDpE DiREcTionAl DRill SAvES A MiAMi bEAch pipElinE pRoJEcTDavid ManciniPresident - David Mancini & sons Inc., Pompano Beach, FL, United statesE-mail: [email protected] MowryFormer City of Miami Beach Engineer, Miami Beach, FL, United statesRoger williamsEngineer - AECoM Water, Coral Gables, FL, United statesbrian DowartBrierley Associates, syracuse, nY, United states

The City of Miami Beach owned and operated a 5,200 lf 54-Inch force main which conveyed the entirety of Miami Beach’s 24 MGD raw sewage to the treatment plant. The main, constructed in 1977, was aging and deteriorating like much of the infrastructure in coastal communities. failure of this force main, the sole means of wastewater conveyance, would be disastrous by discharg-ing millions of gallons of raw sewage along an urbanized corridor of one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. It would contaminate the pristine and ecologically sensitive wa-terways and beaches. To alleviate such risks, the City and its design criteria professional, issued an RfP with a 10 million-dollar budget to design and build a new 54-inch fM. Due to the impor-tance of tourism and relentless traffic congestion, a 4,600 lf trenchless micro tunnel installation was specified. The resulting low-bid design build proposal came in over 14-million dollars. At risk of postponing the project, the City and design criteria professional consulted with construction firm, lowest bidder, to value engineer and deliver the project within budget. In using hDD tech-nology to deliver record pulling pipe lengths totaling over 4,300 lf; such became possible. In using a dual-string approach, staged in the center of the roadway, traffic congestion and residen-tial access constraints were effectively mitigated. The hDD was carefully planned and designed. Pressure rating, service life, bending radius, pullback forces, depth of cover, soil conditions, cost, and corrosion were all considered in selecting the pipe material. Surmounting to steel and duc-tile-iron, hDPE facilitated the 4 million-dollar cost reduction needed to salvage the project. The savings, however, were not the highlight of hDPE’s success. The harsh saltwater environment of Miami Beach was the cause of both internal and external corrosion in the existing pipeline. hDPE pipe, immune to both, was enthusiastically endorsed by the City’s engineering professionals as the redundant pipeline. In addition to the immediate 4 million-dollar cost reduction, future sav-ings in pumping costs will accompany the commissioned hDPE pipeline. This paper will discuss the process to select the right pipe material in detail and will discuss the installation, planning, challenges and successes of the 54” hDPE pipe system.



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MicRo-lAyERED Tubing AnD pipES viAconTinuouS MulTi-lAyER co-EXTRuSion Joao Maia, Tyler Schneider, Erik Steinmetz Case Western Reserve University, Macromolecular science and Engineering,Cleveland, United statesE-mail: [email protected]

Layer multiplication co-extrusion is a process of substantial academic interest and achieve-ment and one of proven industrial application. The industrial adoption of the process has primarily been in the realm of specialty and advanced products in film geometries for appli-cations such as UV control and strength in windows, decorative coatings for marketing and aesthetics, and high barrier applications for control of packaging environments. Recently, our group expanded the processing realm into annular geometries and has begun to demonstrate the functional application of such products, including flexible tubes, rigid pipes, lightweight and insulating pipes and blow-molded bottles. A die was designed and validated for a layer multiplication co-extrusion line, capable of producing multi-layered tubes of tens to thou-sands of layers and achieving layer thicknesses from millimeters to tens of nanometers. This opens the door to the development of a new generation of functional for the first tubes with specific properties such as high-barrier, high-burst resistance and lightweight.


3 B – I n n o VAt I o n

Day 1, Monday, 15:55–16:15


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wATER To RuRAl villAgES in MoRoccoApplicATionS of hDpE piping To Supply

Day 1, Monday, 16:15–16:35

3 A – A R o U n D t H E W o R L D


addressingwater insecurity in rural areas.HDPE serves as a simple yet effective material for

thecommunity, from uncoiling pipe to butt fusion. They showed a promising understandingthe secondtokilometers village. Construction was done in close collaboration with

growth up to600 people. A second trip is planned for Summer 2020 to complete the last twotapstands.This system presently distributes water to 370 people with projected populationcomplete with a 38,000 L reinforced concrete tank, 5.4 kW solar pumping system, and fourOverthe course of six weeks, students implemented a fully functional four-kilometer pipeline

ity fed section. A hybrid of 90mm, 63mm, and 50mm HDPE was used to control water flow.line was designed consisting of a three-kilometer pumped section and a three-kilometer grav-monolithic joints, anti-corrosion properties, affordability, and long lifetime. An on-grade pipe-ried out, with high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE) chosen as the material of choice due to itsextensively, and the project quickly became cost prohibitive. An alternatives analysis was car-ters of 63mm Galvinized Iron (GI) pipe over the course of three years. However, the pipes leakedto high rock content in the subgrade and extreme temperatures, students installed 1.4 kilome-ouaren, to initiate the construction and design of a sustainable water distribution system. DueColumbia University was contacted by community members of two villages, Ilguilouda and Izg-children cannot attend school consistently. In 2015, the Engineers without Borders Chapter ofwalk several kilometers to the nearest spring each day, often multiple times a day. Consequently,guiloda and Izgouaren, live in water scarcity. To meet their water needs, women and childrenIn the rural commune of Ait Bayoud, Morocco, two of the most remote villages in the area, Il-

McElroy Manufacturing, Inc, Chief Innovation officer, tulsa, United statesJim JohnstonE-mail: [email protected] University Engineers Without Borders, Morocco Program, new York, United statesleanne pichay, Donald Swen, nicholas vallin, Alice wu


ofmany aspects of construction.

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wATER To RuRAl villAgES in MoRoccoApplicATionS of hDpE piping To Supply

Day 1, Monday, 16:15–16:35

3 A – A R o U n D t H E W o R L D


addressingwater insecurity in rural areas.ofmany aspects of construc-tion. HDPE serves as a simple yet effective material for thecommunity, from uncoiling pipe to butt fusion. They showed a promising understandingkilometers to the second village. Construction was done in close collaboration withgrowth up to600 people. A second trip is planned for Summer 2020 to complete the last twotapstands.This system presently distributes water to 370 people with projected populationcomplete with a 38,000 L reinforced concrete tank, 5.4 kW solar pumping system, and fourOverthe course of six weeks, students implemented a fully functional four-kilometer pipeline

ity fed section. A hybrid of 90mm, 63mm, and 50mm HDPE was used to control water flow.line was designed consisting of a three-kilometer pumped section and a three-kilometer grav-monolithic joints, anti-corrosion properties, affordability, and long lifetime. An on-grade pipe-ried out, with high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE) chosen as the material of choice due to itsextensively, and the project quickly became cost prohibitive. An alternatives analysis was car-ters of 63mm Galvinized Iron (GI) pipe over the course of three years. However, the pipes leakedto high rock content in the subgrade and extreme temperatures, students installed 1.4 kilome-ouaren, to initiate the construction and design of a sustainable water distribution system. DueColumbia University was contacted by community members of two villages, Ilguilouda and Izg-children cannot attend school consistently. In 2015, the Engineers without Borders Chapter ofwalk several kilometers to the nearest spring each day, often multiple times a day. Consequently,guiloda and Izgouaren, live in water scarcity. To meet their water needs, women and childrenIn the rural commune of Ait Bayoud, Morocco, two of the most remote villages in the area, Il-

McElroy Manufacturing, Inc, Chief Innovation officer, tulsa, United statesJim JohnstonE-mail: [email protected] University Engineers Without Borders, Morocco Program, new York, United statesleanne pichay, Donald Swen, nicholas vallin, Alice wu

REcycling of pE-X MATERiAlS

gerd MannebachBasell Polyolefine GmbH, Research and Development, Frankfurt, GermanyE-mail: [email protected]

When talking about the recycling of plastic waste, the public is generally referring to the re-cycling of plastic packaging. But this is not the only area where the recycling of plastics is of importance. The pipe industry has to develop solutions to recycle pipes, especially as the first generation of pipe materials that were installed 40-50 years ago will have to be replaced in the near future.

Whereas the mechanical recycling of PE63, PE80 and PEI00 pipes is possible, the recycling of crosslinked PE-X and multilayer pipes is far more challenging.

A collaboration within the industry in Germany, is developing a pyrolysis process which is in line with the requirements of our petrochemical processes. utilizing expertise in catalyst technology for chemical processes, a catalyst system is under development that will depolymerize plastic waste, including PE-X and multi-layer pipes, resulting in a liquid that can be used as a feedstock for crackers that produce ethylene. This can then be polymerized to produce polyethylene mate-rials, including those that are used in the manufacture new PE-X and multilayer pipes.

This paper / presentation will give more in-depth insights into this new process which will en-able the effective recycling of PE-X and multilayer pipes.


3B – InnoVAtIonDay 1, Monday, 16:15–16:35


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bASic AnD EnginEERED inSTAllATionof hDpE pipEAmster howardCivil Engineering Consultant, Lakewood, United statesE-mail: [email protected]

Deeper pipe burial, less expensive and environmentally friendly backfill, uniform language for contractors and inspectors, simplified installations for smaller pipe, and allowable construc-tion in poor soil conditions are highlights in the latest edition of AWWA M55 and all benefit the users of hDPE pressure pipe. There are significant updates to the design and installation recommendations in the Second Edition of AWWA (American Water Works Association) Man-ual M55 PE Pipe – Design and Installation to be published in 2020. for design, these updates include higher E’ (Modulus of Soil Reaction) values, use of composite E’ values, use of uniform Soil Classes, use of geotextiles, and terminology. for installation, there is revised information on trench width, flowable fill, inspection and soil testing, and compaction requirements. These changes reflect the recent revisions to ASTM D2774 Standard Practice for underground Instal-lation of Thermoplastic Pressure Piping.

The Second Edition of M55 encourages the use of basic installation and engineered installa-tion for buried pressure PE pipe. The basic installation is for hDPE pipe stiff enough to not needspecial bedding and embedment, for shallow burial with no live load, and for stable trench wall support. In this case, the hDPE pipe can be laid on the trench bottom and backfilled with compacted soil from the excavation. This covers the majority of hDPE pressure pipe instal-lations. for other conditions, the engineered installation means selecting an hDPE pipe and corresponding installation details to meet deflection, compressive strength, and buckling requirements. The engineered installation approach recommends an uncompacted bedding and an uncompacted padding zone over the top of the pipe.


4A – DEsIGnDay 2, tuesday, 9:00–9:20


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achieved.The presentation will describe the challenges and the actions taken as well at the results

certification initiatives (e.g. VinylPlus® Product Label) will be presented.the market importance of third-party certification of the recycled content will be stressed. Someuct standards that are too restrictive in allowing the use of recycled material. Last but not least,first initial step in CEN/TC155 WG25. Furthermore, work continues opening-up of national prod-with support from industry partners and the work of harmonizing the terminology ongoing as atant activities are the development of new and faster test methods headed by CEN/TC155 WG28change of the material clauses in standards are therefore one of the main priorities. Other impor-cations to these are required and in parallel need to be developed to demonstrate durability. TheMost current European Product Standards restrict the use of recycled material and thus modifi-

on the fitness for purpose or lifetime expectancy of products.considers it to be essential that the desire to recycle should not be at the cost of compromisingdifferent waste streams whilst maintaining product performance and durability. The industrychallenges which lie ahead of us. The challenge will be to utilize recycled material from manyrecycled material for pipe applications and outlines some of the achievements to date and theThis presentation describes the background and initiatives to support growth in the use oftion and is now initiating and implementing activities to deliver according to the commitment.The European plastic pipes and fittings industry has signed the Circular Plastics Alliance declara-

million tons of recycled plastics are used in new products in in Europe in 2025.promote voluntary actions and commitments for more recycled plastics and ensure that 10lished. The alliance will gather public and private stakeholders in the plastics value chains tosumer plastics (PCRs) is paramount. That is why the Circular Plastics Alliance has been estab-The European Plastics Strategy is a priority for the European Union. Recycling more post-con-

E-mail: [email protected] aisbl, Brussels, Belgiumludo Debever, peter Sejersen

EuRopEAn plASTic pipE inDuSTRyThE REcycling coMMiTMEnT of ThE

Day 2, tuesday, 9:00–9:20

4 B – s U s tA I n A B I L I t Y


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4A – DEsIGnDay 2, tuesday, 9:20–9:40

bEhAvioR of lARgE DiAMETER buRiED pipES

peter SejersentEPPFA aisbl, Brussels, BelgiumE-mail: [email protected]

In the late nineties a study was carried out a study of the behavior of buried thermoplastics pipes. The project had input and participants from both the plastic pipe industry as well as from external organizations. Six external leading experts in the field of pipeline design, not necessarily plastics pipes design, have been involved as consultants in the project. The experimental work included a number of less ideal installation circumstances, in order to fully understand the where the border line of safe installations is.

A report that summarized the experimental work carried out was issued including an analysis of the pipe soil interaction process as it was monitored during the study. Next to that a simple de-sign graph explaining the short and long-term deflection as a function of the pipe stiffness class and the quality of the installation. The results have been presented at the plastic pipe conference as well as it is being used in standardization work, e.g. in developing CEN TS 15223, “validated design parameters of buried thermoplastics piping systems”.

Although the physical rules stay the same the world has changed. The need for watertight so-lutions in large diameter sewer pipes has given plastic pipe solutions a significant increase in market share in Europe, very well supported by the introduction of the EN 13476 standard which describes a number of different ways to design and produce a structures wall pipe. TEPPfA has therefore decided to extend that Buried Pipe Study by adding field test and measurements of large diameter structured wall pipes in order to enhance the scope.

A test field in Denmark has been used and SN2 and SN4 PE pipes according to EN13476 has been installed under “Good”, “Moderate” and “Poor” conditions. The soil used has been poorly grated sand and silt mixture which allows the poor installation. Cover depth is one meter. The deflec-tion has been measured after assembly but before backfilling, after backfilling up to the crown, after completion and after 3 weeks, three months and eighteen months. Other test installation in finland and Sweden has been included in the project. This test installation is affected by severe traffic load.

The conclusions of the study have resulted in confirmation of the validity for large diameter pipes: pipes up to 3000mm in diameter. furthermore, a new calculation tool has been launched. This tool can be used when the installation parameters are outside the scope of the established parameters.


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economic system as a whole.The focus of the work is PVC pipes recycling and the net benefits it brings to environment andties and their contractors to further intensify the recycling of their dismantled networks pipes.making the monetary value of PVC pipes recycling visible, this study should encourage the utili-Ambitious targets on recycling have already been realized since decades by the PVC industry. By

will highlight different country specific features.benefit to cost balance; the benefits brought by recycling overweigh its costs. More findingsand employment fall-outs from the recycling business. The very first results yield a positivethe value of the recovered pipe material, the carbon emission savings, the positive economicat their end of life. On the other hand, the study accounts for the pipe waste disposal savings,analysis considers for each country, the costs of recovering, separating and treating PVC pipesas used in water and sewer networks by utilities in Germany, France and Italy. On one hand, thecling, using the Cost Benefit Analysis methodology. The financial analysis considers PVC pipes,The objective of this study is to estimate, in monetary terms, the benefits of PVC pipes recy-

bring numerous benefits when they are recovered and recycled.recycled several times without any impact on their long-term performances, the PVC pipesimportant lever to reduce the overall environmental impacts. Being able to be mechanicallyIn line with the principles of the circular economy, the recycling of pipes after dismantling is an

Their end-of-life management is an essential driver for sustainability.and sewer pipes are key network elements to guarantee a satisfactory service to the citizens.works and minimizing the environmental impacts associated with their operation. The waterThe quality of infrastructures is a key driver for maximizing the performance of the utilities net-

E-mail: [email protected] strategic Consultants, Milano, ItalyAlessandro Marangoni

REcyclingA coST bEnEfiT AnAlySiS of pvc pipES

Day 2, tuesday, 9:20–9:40

4 B – s U s tA I n A B I L I t Y


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economic system as a whole.The focus of the work is PVC pipes recycling and the net benefits it brings to environment andties and their contractors to further intensify the recycling of their dismantled networks pipes.making the monetary value of PVC pipes recycling visible, this study should encourage the utili-Ambitious targets on recycling have already been realized since decades by the PVC industry. By

will highlight different country specific features.benefit to cost balance; the benefits brought by recycling overweigh its costs. More findingsand employment fall-outs from the recycling business. The very first results yield a positivethe value of the recovered pipe material, the carbon emission savings, the positive economicat their end of life. On the other hand, the study accounts for the pipe waste disposal savings,analysis considers for each country, the costs of recovering, separating and treating PVC pipesas used in water and sewer networks by utilities in Germany, France and Italy. On one hand, thecling, using the Cost Benefit Analysis methodology. The financial analysis considers PVC pipes,The objective of this study is to estimate, in monetary terms, the benefits of PVC pipes recy-

bring numerous benefits when they are recovered and recycled.recycled several times without any impact on their long-term performances, the PVC pipesimportant lever to reduce the overall environmental impacts. Being able to be mechanicallyIn line with the principles of the circular economy, the recycling of pipes after dismantling is an

Their end-of-life management is an essential driver for sustainability.and sewer pipes are key network elements to guarantee a satisfactory service to the citizens.works and minimizing the environmental impacts associated with their operation. The waterThe quality of infrastructures is a key driver for maximizing the performance of the utilities net-

E-mail: [email protected] strategic Consultants, Milano, ItalyAlessandro Marangoni

REcyclingA coST bEnEfiT AnAlySiS of pvc pipES

Day 2, tuesday, 9:20–9:40

4 B – s U s tA I n A B I L I t Y


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full ScAlE EvAluATion of ThE coRE TubESgRouT inJEcTion METhoD foR lARgEDiAMETER hDpE offShoRE pipElinES Sinking

Mehdi JaliliAsia Water Development Engineering Company, technical office, tehran, Iran, Islamic RepublicE-mail: [email protected] neyshabouri, Ashkan nasrollahiAsia Water Development Engineering Company, tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic

Seawater intake/outfall systems in nine lines with 1400/2200 m length and large diame-ter polyethylene pipelines (O.D. 2700 mm dia.) had been designed and fabricated to sup-ply 4,200,000 cubic meters per day seawater into a basin in northern coast of Persian Gulf, Bandar Abbas/ IRAN. The usual sinking by additional concrete ballasts had been considered for installation of the pipelines in basic engineering phase.

During the detailed installation engineering an alternative method considered which was grouting the core tubes in the pipe wall instead of the use of the concrete ballasts. This novel method evaluated by performing two bending tests on 30 m strings. Based on the tests re-sults, grouting the core tubes has no significant effect on the initial deformation of the strings under pipe’s own weight in comparison to the situation of the Non-grouted pipes with con-crete ballasts. furthermore, it could be predicted that the grouting would have no significant effect on the pipe string’s stiffness in the sinking conditions that string will experience a great deformation. The bend radius ratio to the pipe diameter obtained 32 and 34 for the Grouted and Non-Grouted pipes, respectively, and no defect have been observed in both strings.

Therefore, no difference would be observed regarding the bending behaviour of the grout-ed pipes in comparison to the non-grouted pipes. The pipeline installation with using the grout injection in the pipes has been done successfully in the project and it could be recom-mended as the lessons learned for similar projects which PE pipes will be installed in shallow water conditions, considering advantages such as uniformly weighted pipe, no local loading exerted by ballasting weights, faster construction, and decrease the possibility of free span-ning occurrence.


4A – DEsIGnDay 2, tuesday, 9:40–10:00


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selection of the chemistry of PVC stabilisers for pipes and fittings.This presentation is going to shed light on these various aspects of the current use and future

the use of tin stabilisers.tiny in other regions, is triggering downstream users to seek out similar solutions to substituteChanges in the reprotoxic classification for organotin stabilisers in Europe, in addition to scru-

ability Footprint’, presenting new challenges and opportunities for formulators.provements to PVC additive sustainability, as promoted by Vinylplus with its ‘Additive Sustain-Moving forward, new product stewardship frameworks are being developed to deliver im-

as responsible and sustainable feedstock sourcing.cluding future substance regulation risk, end of life recyclability of the finished article as wellAdditionally, formulators have taken into account the sustainability of the whole system, in-

chemical substances (e.g. REACh in EU).as material costs within the framework of regional chemical regulations allowing the use ofagainst product standards) remains its total cost, taking into account all operational as wellThe main driver today for choice of PVC stabiliser technology (aside of article performance

why for pipes and fittings? This presentation will present the current status.without enforced regulation or legislation being necessary. Who has selected which system andall corners of the world over the past decade or so at a very high rate of acceptance, significantly,organic chemistry and metal carboxylates of Calcium and Zinc. This has been extended to almostplacement technology (referred to as Calcium/Zinc or Calcium Organic) is primarily based uponditive use in all PVC including pipes and fittings where it was almost exclusively used. This re-30 years later, Europe has completely eliminated Lead use from primary PVC stabilisation ad-

ers have developed solutions ultimately leading to full substitution.downstream users of PVC stabiliser compounds base upon Lead and Cadmium based stabilis-intense discussion about the sustainable use of PVC and its additives. Stabiliser producers andNGO pressure and end of life disposal of PVC articles in the EU over 30 years ago, triggered

E-mail: [email protected] GmbH, R&D, Unterschleissheim, GermanyStefan fokken

– 30 yEARS of cA bASED SoluTionSSuSTAinAblE STAbiliSER SySTEMS foR pvc

Day 2, tuesday, 9:40–10:00

4 B – s U s tA I n A B I L I t Y


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QuAnTifying chAnging hDpE MATERiAlRESponSES DuE To iRREgulAR cyclicloADing in A MARinE EnviRonMEnT

fedde poppenk, Alessandra Rosmarino, Arjen Tjallemathe ocean Cleanup Project, oceans, Rotterdam, netherlandsE-mail: [email protected]

The project to clean up the ocean aims to rid the world’s oceans of plastic, and is currently working towards this end through the deployment of passive, free-floating plastic-capturing systems in the Northern Pacific Ocean. To date, two systems have been deployed and subse-quently recovered, with the primary, load-bearing component of each having been construct-ed of a ‘high Density Polyethylene 100 Resistant to Cracking‘ [PE100 RC] pipe.

As a material, PE100 RC has been thoroughly tested for, and is widely used in, static and quasi-static applications. These ordinarily consist of sub-sea or sub-soil deployments with a limited number (1-2) of load cycles (except for the cycles in internal pressure). Despite some prior expo-sure to dynamic environments (PE100 RC pipes are occasionally towed at sea, in which case they are not normally acting as structural components but are nevertheless subject to long-term, irregular dynamic loading and cyclic wave deformation), little research or data is currently availa-ble on the behaviour or change in material properties of PE100 RC under non-static conditions. The conditions experienced by the clean-up systems when deployed in operation were highly dynamic in nature, with an additional factor that the curved shape of the hDPE pipe when deployed introduced a super-position of long-term bending and short-term wave motion.

Tests with samples of virgin PE100 RC have been conducted, subjecting the material to com-binations of long-term-static and short-term-dynamic loading. These have aimed to verify, for example, if the super-position principle of load cases applies to PE100 RC. Testing has also been conducted on samples taken from both the first and second project systems (following deployments at sea, of approximately four months in each case). This has provided data from material actually subjected to over 1E6 load cycles, regular temperature cycles and significant exposure to uv radiation.

The resulting data has confirmed existing knowledge of the basic material properties (yield point, Young’s modulus etc.) of PE100 RC in different stress domains, and has now given insight into the development of those properties over time when exposed to cyclic loading. This way, the results have allowed for quantification of the effect of long-term static loading (caused by the pipe cur-vature) on the material’s momentary response (from short-term cyclic wave deformation).

This paper presents the material testing and ocean testing results, and the conclusions on the material properties and behaviour for this application.


4A – DEsIGnDay 2, tuesday, 10:00-10:20

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MAnAgEMEnT of pvc pipES in ThAilAnDMATERiAl flow AnAlySiS foR SuSTAinAblEuSE of lifE cyclE ASSESSMEnT AnD

Day 2, tuesday, 10:00–10:20

4 B – s U s tA I n A B I L I t Y


some environmental improvements of the management of PVC pipes in Thailand.(since 2014 onwards). Moreover, the results from the study have already been used to gainThe results that will be presented at the conference are the summary of the 5-year works

could be determined.amount ofrecycled PVC wastes and,ultimately, the recycling rate of the PVC products disposal andwaste treatment of PVC products could be gathered and analysed for theThailand covering all parts of the whole country. From this attempt, the data regarding generated. There search team also visited almost 20 waste management sites in The results showed that nearly 130,000 tons/year of PVC post-consumer wastes have been

topresent).used to generate the outflows (tons) of PVC pipes based on input data (1971 with the supporting data from industries. The life-cycle based MFA model was developed andpresent.The average service life of PVC products studied was determined by a committeeconsumption and disposal phases. The production data were gathered from 1971 to theMFA was used to investigate the flows of PVC pipes using LCA concept covering production,The LCA results obtained were used as guidance for the second phase of the study where

The LCA methodology used in this study was based on ISO14040 and 14044 frameworks.ers in Thailand based on the functional unit (a set of 18 mm and 55 mm PVC pipes and fittings).sumption, utilities, and emissions to air, water and soil) were collected from major manufactur-environmental performance. The relevant input-output data (raw materials used, energy con-land including landfill, recycle, incineration were investigated and evaluated in terms of theVarious disposal and waste management scenarios currently used to treat solid wastes in Thai-materials, resin production, pipe & fitting production, usage and end-of-life or disposal phase.an LCA study was conducted on PVC pipes and fittings covering all life cycle stages from rawcluding pipe, cable, hose, floor covering, shoes, etc. in Thailand. In the first phase of the study,(MFA) to assess the environmental impacts and to study the flows of targeted PVC products in-Thailand, we used effective tools such as life cycle assessment (LCA) and material flow analysisWith an aim to work towards the sustainable production and consumption of PVC products in

Asean Vinyl Council, Bangkok, thailandno choonhajutha, Jirawadee pipattanatornkul, Dusita kolakanational Metal and Materials technology Center, Pathumthani, thailandSa papongE-mail: [email protected] University,, the Petroleum and Petrochemical College, Bangkok, thailandpomthong Malakul, Sa petchprayul, Ja preechawong, Ja chungprempree, Mik nithitanakul


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MAnAgEMEnT of pvc pipES in ThAilAnDMATERiAl flow AnAlySiS foR SuSTAinAblEuSE of lifE cyclE ASSESSMEnT AnD

Day 2, tuesday, 10:00–10:20

4 B – s U s tA I n A B I L I t Y


some environmental improvements of the management of PVC pipes in Thailand.(since 2014 onwards). Moreover, the results from the study have already been used to gainThe results that will be presented at the conference are the summary of the 5-year works

could be determined.amount ofrecycled PVC wastes and,ultimately, the recycling rate of the PVC products disposal andwaste treatment of PVC products could be gathered and analysed for theThailand covering all parts of the whole country. From this attempt, the data regarding generated. There search team also visited almost 20 waste management sites in The results showed that nearly 130,000 tons/year of PVC post-consumer wastes have been

topresent).used to generate the outflows (tons) of PVC pipes based on input data (1971 with the supporting data from industries. The life-cycle based MFA model was developed andpresent.The average service life of PVC products studied was determined by a committeeconsumption and disposal phases. The production data were gathered from 1971 to theMFA was used to investigate the flows of PVC pipes using LCA concept covering production,The LCA results obtained were used as guidance for the second phase of the study where

The LCA methodology used in this study was based on ISO14040 and 14044 frameworks.ers in Thailand based on the functional unit (a set of 18 mm and 55 mm PVC pipes and fittings).sumption, utilities, and emissions to air, water and soil) were collected from major manufactur-environmental performance. The relevant input-output data (raw materials used, energy con-land including landfill, recycle, incineration were investigated and evaluated in terms of theVarious disposal and waste management scenarios currently used to treat solid wastes in Thai-materials, resin production, pipe & fitting production, usage and end-of-life or disposal phase.an LCA study was conducted on PVC pipes and fittings covering all life cycle stages from rawcluding pipe, cable, hose, floor covering, shoes, etc. in Thailand. In the first phase of the study,(MFA) to assess the environmental impacts and to study the flows of targeted PVC products in-Thailand, we used effective tools such as life cycle assessment (LCA) and material flow analysisWith an aim to work towards the sustainable production and consumption of PVC products in

Asean Vinyl Council, Bangkok, thailandno choonhajutha, Jirawadee pipattanatornkul, Dusita kolakanational Metal and Materials technology Center, Pathumthani, thailandSa papongE-mail: [email protected] University,, the Petroleum and Petrochemical College, Bangkok, thailandpomthong Malakul, Sa petchprayul, Ja preechawong, Ja chungprempree, Mik nithitanakul


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uTiliZATion of hDpE REcyclED MATERiAlSin SAniTARy SEwER ApplicATionS John M. kurdziel Advanced Drainage systems, Inc., Chief Engineer, Fort Wayne, United statesE-mail: [email protected]

The use of recycled plastics in high density corrugated polyethylene pipe for storm sewers, highway culverts and general land drainage applications has now been widely accepted by municipalities and transportation agencies. This acceptance has made it possible to convert what was once considered a single use plastic product to a long-term infrastructure sustain-able application. Possibly the last practical utilization of recycled plastics in infrastructure is their use in sanitary sewers. These installations have substantially higher requirements due to their depth of fill, higher effluent temperatures and the chemical content of the effluent. The balance between structural engineering design and long-term stress crack resistance cre-ates a unique problem that must be carefully evaluated. This paper discusses these conflicting considerations and provides the means of adequately addressing them. It also discusses the ultimate limitations of recycled plastics as the internal pressures increase resulting in design conditions that negate their use. For although a short-term surge pressure can be accommo-dated with appropriate design requirements, a sustained pressure may ultimately result in a facility failing. This condition would be especially acute for any low head or pressure pipe ap-plications.


5 A – D E s I G n Co n s I D E R At I o n s

Day 2, tuesday, 10:50–11:10


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uTiliZATion of hDpE REcyclED MATERiAlSin SAniTARy SEwER ApplicATionS John M. kurdziel Advanced Drainage systems, Inc., Chief Engineer, Fort Wayne, United statesE-mail: [email protected]

The use of recycled plastics in high density corrugated polyethylene pipe for storm sewers, highway culverts and general land drainage applications has now been widely accepted by municipalities and transportation agencies. This acceptance has made it possible to convert what was once considered a single use plastic product to a long-term infrastructure sustain-able application. Possibly the last practical utilization of recycled plastics in infrastructure is their use in sanitary sewers. These installations have substantially higher requirements due to their depth of fill, higher effluent temperatures and the chemical content of the effluent. The balance between structural engineering design and long-term stress crack resistance cre-ates a unique problem that must be carefully evaluated. This paper discusses these conflicting considerations and provides the means of adequately addressing them. It also discusses the ultimate limitations of recycled plastics as the internal pressures increase resulting in design conditions that negate their use. For although a short-term surge pressure can be accommo-dated with appropriate design requirements, a sustained pressure may ultimately result in a facility failing. This condition would be especially acute for any low head or pressure pipe ap-plications.


5 A – D E s I G n Co n s I D E R At I o n s

Day 2, tuesday, 10:50–11:10

5B – ALtERnAtIVE MEtHoDsDay 2, tuesday, 10:50–11:10

MoDifiED plAin STRAin gRoovED TEnSilE TEST To EvAluATE lARgE DiAMETER pE pipESThomas R. kratochvilla, patrick grünbeck, christoph bruckner, Raimund EremiaschtGM - Federal Institute of technology, Plastics technologyand Environmental Engineering, Vienna, AustriaE-mail: [email protected] vukeljaAGRU Kunststofftechnik GmbH, technical department, Bad Hall, Austria

In the last decades pipe dimensions of extruded PE pipes have reached new orders of size. Actu-ally PE pipes with outer diameters of up to DN/OD 3500 mm are produced and used for pressure pipe applications like seawater intake/discharge, outfall, sewage and industrial process piping systems (some field examples and applications will be shown in the presentation).

To test the long term performance of PE pipes the internal pressure test has been successfully used in the last decades of years. To evaluate the long term performance of large diameter PE pipes an alternative test method which correlates with the internal pressure test was developed in the last years. 2012 the approach to evaluate a modified plain strain grooved tensile test (PSGT test) according ISO 23228 was started [1]. Data for different pipe diameters were generated us-ing the modified PSGT test at 20 °C and 80 °C and compared with internal pressure test results. A material dependent correlation was established and first reference points for evaluating large diameter pipes generated.

The test setup of a tensile creep test with specimens taken out of large diameter pipes and fol-lowing the PSGT test standard ISO 23228 allows a relative simple evaluation of large diameter pipes in form of small test specimens. With the reference points generated for PSGT testing it will be possible in future to do batch release testing (BRT) and process verification testing (PvT) on small specimens which can be done in a relative moderate time and cost frame to evaluate every batch of large diameter PE pipes. This test method can be considered for future revisions of product standardizations to confirm the long term performance of large diameter PE pipes. At the moment a comparative test series between different laboratories is in preparation to check the reproducibility of the test method.



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– Modifying the pipe submersion procedure if needed– Being better informed and aware of the remaining strength in the pipe after the repair– Preparing the repair procedure following the guidelines from the paper– Determining if the surface damage is a potential risk

ness when repaired– Marine pipelines can be submerged with the surface damage beyond 10% of the wall thick-The result of the analysis led to the following conclusions and recommendations:

detect the optimum and practical repair.Various options for smoothening the wall surface with different geometry were examined tothe material model was calibrated with the help of previous pipe bending laboratory tests.yond the industry recommendations (>10%). The analysis was done with an FEA software andEffect of the scratches (notches, gouges) at various pipe wall depths was examined, going be-

ics present in the marine applications.it is in the interest of safety to challenge and re-visit the industry standard in regards to specif-Large marine pipelines will be subjected to the bending forces instead of internal pressure and

small dimensions.mum scratch depth of 10% of the wall thickness, based on on-land pressure applications andand other geometric properties on marine pipelines. The only industry guideline is the maxi-Currently, there is no standard defining the repair procedure, in particular, the shape, angle

failure during the submersion of the pipeline.proper way as to avoid stress concentrations leading to the crack propagation and potentialnot provide enough strength it is important that repair on the pipe surface was done in asurface and filling the removed material by hand extrusion. Since hand extruded material doesbe accepted by the client. Therefore, the usual procedure is to perform smoothening of theInstalling the scratched marine pipe with the S bend method presents a risk and might not

ballast blocks or assembling a manhole.for example during the transport, manipulation with the marine vessels, mounting of concretemanipulation on the site, which is especially true for the marine pipelines. Scratches can occurmaximum size today is OD3500 mm. HDPE pipe can be relatively easily scratched during theThe sizes of solid wall PE marine pipes have been steadily increasing over the years and theSolid wall HDPE pipes have been used for marine applications in Europe since the 1960-ties.

PLM technology, oslo, norwayEbbe SmithE-mail: [email protected] norway, Export, oslo, norwayilija Radeljic

foR hDpE MARinE pipElinESchAllEnging ThE 10% wAll ThicknESS RulE

Day 2, tuesday, 11:10–11:30

5 A – D E s I G n Co n s I D E R At I o n s


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– Modifying the pipe submersion procedure if needed– Being better informed and aware of the remaining strength in the pipe after the repair– Preparing the repair procedure following the guidelines from the paper– Determining if the surface damage is a potential risk

ness when repaired– Marine pipelines can be submerged with the surface damage beyond 10% of the wall thick-The result of the analysis led to the following conclusions and recommendations:

detect the optimum and practical repair.Various options for smoothening the wall surface with different geometry were examined tothe material model was calibrated with the help of previous pipe bending laboratory tests.yond the industry recommendations (>10%). The analysis was done with an FEA software andEffect of the scratches (notches, gouges) at various pipe wall depths was examined, going be-

ics present in the marine applications.it is in the interest of safety to challenge and re-visit the industry standard in regards to specif-Large marine pipelines will be subjected to the bending forces instead of internal pressure and

small dimensions.mum scratch depth of 10% of the wall thickness, based on on-land pressure applications andand other geometric properties on marine pipelines. The only industry guideline is the maxi-Currently, there is no standard defining the repair procedure, in particular, the shape, angle

failure during the submersion of the pipeline.proper way as to avoid stress concentrations leading to the crack propagation and potentialnot provide enough strength it is important that repair on the pipe surface was done in asurface and filling the removed material by hand extrusion. Since hand extruded material doesbe accepted by the client. Therefore, the usual procedure is to perform smoothening of theInstalling the scratched marine pipe with the S bend method presents a risk and might not

ballast blocks or assembling a manhole.for example during the transport, manipulation with the marine vessels, mounting of concretemanipulation on the site, which is especially true for the marine pipelines. Scratches can occurmaximum size today is OD3500 mm. HDPE pipe can be relatively easily scratched during theThe sizes of solid wall PE marine pipes have been steadily increasing over the years and theSolid wall HDPE pipes have been used for marine applications in Europe since the 1960-ties.

PLM technology, oslo, norwayEbbe SmithE-mail: [email protected] norway, Export, oslo, norwayilija Radeljic

foR hDpE MARinE pipElinESchAllEnging ThE 10% wAll ThicknESS RulE

Day 2, tuesday, 11:10–11:30

5 A – D E s I G n Co n s I D E R At I o n s

43W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


od and also help to define more precise requirements for future test conditions.The study results presented could support the development of a more robust PLT+ test meth-

tions of crack initiation zones in laboratory tests.states as well as the computed stress concentration locations fit very well the observed loca-tion is either more compression or lateral bending dominated. The computed deformationsratios clearly show distinct deformation states at the location of the point load. The deforma-of stress/strain fields close to the relevant regions of pipe fracture. Different pipe sizes and SDRthose effects in the Finite Element simulations opens a unique possibility for detailed analysisdifferent pipe geometries under different loadings and pipe support conditions. ConsideringThe investigation focuses on the effects of different material models (elastic, elasto-plastic),

measured laboratory work and via applied Finite Element Methods (FEM).method is noticed. This study investigates possible root causes of noticed discrepancies viaUnexpectedly, discrepancy between failure modes of 32 mm vs. 110 mm PE pipes in the PLT+hand changes the E-modulus of the polymer, therefore influencing the overall SCG behaviourtest temperature on one hand increases the aggressiveness of the detergent, on the otherwith the support of enhanced detergents and higher temperatures was introduced. Higheryear, due to its high slow crack growth resistance (SCG). Consequently, an accelerated “PLT+”description of the test execution. Today’s PE materials sustain long testing times, well over onesand-less embedding of pipes or horizontal drilling (HDD) etc. – has to follow a very detailedpolymer pipe wall [1] – as could happen in case of alternative installation techniques such asThe Point Load Test (PLT), designed to simulate the situation of e.g. a rock pressing onto a

Borealis Polyolefine GmbH, PDo, Linz, AustriaJoy chengE-mail: [email protected] Polyolefine GmbH, Modelling & simulation, Linz, AustriaSusanne nestelberger


Day 2, tuesday, 11:10–11:30

5 B – A Lt E R n At I V E M E t H o D s


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Slow cRAck gRowTh RESiSTAncEof REpRocESSED pvc

5 A – D E s I G n Co n s I D E R At I o n s

Day 2, tuesday, 11:30–11:50

Andreas frank, Mario MessihaPolymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH, Leoben, AustriaE-mail: [email protected]ünter DreilingBorealis AG, Vienna, Austrianorbert SchulerFränkische Rohrwerke Gebr. Kirchner GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, Königsberg in Bayern, GermanyJens-Martin StorheilPipelife International GmbH, Vienna, AustriaErwin MayrbäurlPoloplast GmbH & Co KG, Leonding, AustriaStuart RamellaPolypipe Civils Ltd., Loughborough,United Kingdom

frank krauseRehau, AG & Co. KG, Rehau, GermanyRudi berningDYKA, steenwijk, netherlandsphilippe gabriëlsVynova Group, tessenderlo, BelgiumAlpay AydemirWavin t&I, Dedemsvaart, netherlandsThomas kochUniversity of technology Vienna, Vienna, Austriaflorian Arbeiter, gerald pinterMontanuniversitaet Leoben, Leoben, Austria


ing a high insensitivity of repeated processing of PVC-U on the crack resistance.even after ten reprocessing steps the SCG resistance was not influenced significantly, confirm-to ten times and tested after every second reprocessing step. The SCG failure curves show thatmaterial. Furthermore, these compounds were repeatedly shredded and remanufactured upThe generated results demonstrate the influence of the K value on the SCG resistance of thePVC-U pipe compounds with three different K values were manufactured and characterized.tion of changes in the SCG resistance after repeated reprocessing of the material. Thereforethe applicability and sensitivity of the CRB test on PVC in general as well as on the investiga-been developed for PE pressure pipe grades. For the current study an initial focus was put onFor a quick characterization of the SCG resistance, the Cyclic Cracked Round Bar (CRB) test has

rent paper is focusing on the effect of repeated reprocessing on the SCG resistance of PVC.is available, nearly no scientific studies have been reported for recycled PVC. Therefore, the cur-several representative studies about the effect of recyclates on the crack resistance in recyclatescareful assessment of the fracture mechanical long-term failure resistance. While for PE and PPrial parameter. Especially in the context of recycled plastics, special attention must be paid to aance of the materials against crack initiation and slow crack growth (SCG) is an essential mate-To fulfill desired lifetimes of non-pressure pipes of 100 years or even more, the long-term resist-

was manufactured into non-pressure pipe applications.more than 240’000 tons of recycled polyolefins and more than 110’000 tons of recycled PVCthe carbon footprint of plastic pipes. In compliance with existing standards, by 2017 alreadySince several years, the European plastic pipe industry is supporting activities which reduce


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Slow cRAck gRowTh RESiSTAncEof REpRocESSED pvc

5 A – D E s I G n Co n s I D E R At I o n s

Day 2, tuesday, 11:30–11:50

Andreas frank, Mario MessihaPolymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH, Leoben, AustriaE-mail: [email protected]ünter DreilingBorealis AG, Vienna, Austrianorbert SchulerFränkische Rohrwerke Gebr. Kirchner GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, Königsberg in Bayern, GermanyJens-Martin StorheilPipelife International GmbH, Vienna, AustriaErwin MayrbäurlPoloplast GmbH & Co KG, Leonding, AustriaStuart RamellaPolypipe Civils Ltd., Loughborough,United Kingdom

frank krauseRehau, AG & Co. KG, Rehau, GermanyRudi berningDYKA, steenwijk, netherlandsphilippe gabriëlsVynova Group, tessenderlo, BelgiumAlpay AydemirWavin t&I, Dedemsvaart, netherlandsThomas kochUniversity of technology Vienna, Vienna, Austriaflorian Arbeiter, gerald pinterMontanuniversitaet Leoben, Leoben, Austria


ing a high insensitivity of repeated processing of PVC-U on the crack resistance.even after ten reprocessing steps the SCG resistance was not influenced significantly, confirm-to ten times and tested after every second reprocessing step. The SCG failure curves show thatmaterial. Furthermore, these compounds were repeatedly shredded and remanufactured upThe generated results demonstrate the influence of the K value on the SCG resistance of thePVC-U pipe compounds with three different K values were manufactured and characterized.tion of changes in the SCG resistance after repeated reprocessing of the material. Thereforethe applicability and sensitivity of the CRB test on PVC in general as well as on the investiga-been developed for PE pressure pipe grades. For the current study an initial focus was put onFor a quick characterization of the SCG resistance, the Cyclic Cracked Round Bar (CRB) test has

rent paper is focusing on the effect of repeated reprocessing on the SCG resistance of PVC.is available, nearly no scientific studies have been reported for recycled PVC. Therefore, the cur-several representative studies about the effect of recyclates on the crack resistance in recyclatescareful assessment of the fracture mechanical long-term failure resistance. While for PE and PPrial parameter. Especially in the context of recycled plastics, special attention must be paid to aance of the materials against crack initiation and slow crack growth (SCG) is an essential mate-To fulfill desired lifetimes of non-pressure pipes of 100 years or even more, the long-term resist-

was manufactured into non-pressure pipe applications.more than 240’000 tons of recycled polyolefins and more than 110’000 tons of recycled PVCthe carbon footprint of plastic pipes. In compliance with existing standards, by 2017 alreadySince several years, the European plastic pipe industry is supporting activities which reduce

W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0

of REcyclED MATERiAlSof pipES conTAining vARiouS pRopoRTionSpRocEDuRE foR TESTing ThE pERfoRMAncESRApiD AnD innovATivE in-fAcToRy

Day 2, tuesday, 11:30–11:50

5 B – A Lt E R n At I V E M E t H o D s



Dominique gueugnautResearch & Innovation Center for Energy – GRtgaz, Piping systems, Villeneuve-la-Garenne, France E-mail: [email protected]

Concerns regarding the environment and sustainable development have revived interest in the reprocessing and re-use of polymer materials from manufactured objects that have reached the end of their operating life. Within this framework, formal professional agreements have been put in place at a European level under the aegis of both the producers of plastic raw materials, and product manufacturers.

Apart from the problem of the physico-chemical compatibility of the polymers that are destined to be mixed-a problem which requires the implementation of methods for accurately characterizing the polymers prior to the manufacture of the pipes and fittings – it is also important to be able to precisely fix the respective quantities of the various constituents of the mix in order to ensure the desired performances.A study was designed to develop a rapid and innovative procedure for testing PE pipes containing various proportions of recycled polymer.

Thus, a limited number of relevant and complementary techniques were implemented, while keeping in mind the requirement that they be usable in a continuous and routine manner by the manufacturers of PE pipes and/or fittings.The main objective of the study was to correlate the responses of the various techniques that were applied to a set of standard polymer mixes produced under controlled conditions.The polymer mixes were PE100-based materials with different concentrations of recycled PE-PP blends.

One of the techniques employed, the well-known Stepwise Isothermal Segregation technique, which had previously been successfully used for the accurate characterization of polyethylenes polyethylenes [1] was specially adapted so as to be able to cover a sufficiently broadrange of mixes, including those already available and those that might be developedin the future.

This technique,coupled with viscometric analysis which was also adapted to the range of mixes studied,allowed determining the physico-chemical signatures of the various mixes.In parallel with this analysis, pipes made from the different mixes were subjected to hydraulic pressure testing at two stress levels corresponding to the demands of their intended use.The performances of the pipes under pressure are perfectly correlated to the physico-chemical parameters of the mixes as for instance the ratios of the crystallization enthalpies and the High Load Melt flow Index. Such correlation allows fixing the proportions of recycled PE-PP material that must not be exceeded so that the mix conserves the required performances in terms of the intended applications.

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lifE-cyclE coST AnAlySiS of polypRopylEnE piping SySTEMSRobert behrentUG2, operation Manager, Boston, United statesE-mail: [email protected] SylvaniaConsultant, Boston, United states

An integral part of any piping system design is a thorough understanding of the life-cycle cost analysis (lCA) of the piping material under consideration. This paper will investigate the lCA of polypropylene (PP) piping systems in hvAC, industrial and plumbing applications through the presentation of an lCA model that can be used to evaluate the value proposition of PP pipe as compared to various metallic piping alternatives. The model that has been developed is based on traditional engineering economic analytical techniques and is a valuable and robust tool that can serve the engineering and design community to demonstrate the long-term superi-ority of PP piping systems in a variety of installations.

Our presentation includes a thorough explanation of the lCA model that has been recently developed, demonstration of its use in a real-world installation and investigation of the influ-ence of input variable variation in evaluating PP piping materials in these types of installations. Through a complete understanding of the lCA model along with the sensitivity analysis of the input variables, the engineer or designer can take confidence in the specification and design of PP piping systems as a value-driven proposition for their client.

The piping system designer has a responsibility to select and specify the best piping material for their client for a given application. A number of factors need to be considered in selecting a suitable piping material such as: piping material cost, installation cost, repair cost, projected service life, corrosion characteristics, cathodic protection and much more. As the market for high performance PP piping systems in North America continues to grow and evolve, this lCA model provides another tool for the designer to demonstrate the superiority of PP piping systems to various metallic alternatives as an attractive alternative to traditional metal pipe in a variety of installations.


5A - PLAstIC DEsIGn ConsIDERAtIonsDay 2, tuesday, 11:50-12:10


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2020 upDATE iS ouT!pvc pipES TRAining pAckAgE:

Day 2, tuesday, 13:20–13:40

6 A – L E V E R A G E L E A R n I n G s

W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


pressure piping for nuclear power in China.pressure piping for nuclear power and the application status and prospect of polyethylenefor nuclear power. This paper introduces the progress of testing and standard of polyethylenebeen able to produce qualified large-diameter and thick-wall polyethylene pressure pipingstill in the initial stage and discussion stage in China. However, it should be seen that China hasbeen for ten years due to the extremely strict safety requirements of nuclear power, and it isThe application of nuclear power polyethylene pressure piping in other countries has only

the world’s nuclear power industry center. The potential for nuclear power is enormous.technology, have reached the international advanced level, and it is gradually becomingIts scientific and technological innovations, including third-generation nuclear poweral policies, China’s nuclear energy has entered a new period of large-scale development.play an important role in the world’s energy structure.With the strong support of nation-dropower and coal power, constitutes the three pillars of the world’s energy supply andAs a safe, clean, low-carbon and reliable energy source, nuclear power, together with hy-

E-mail: [email protected] Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry, Beijing, Chinahua ye, Sun Jin, wei Ruoqi

in chinApiping foR nuclEAR powERTESTing AnD ApplicATion of polyEThylEnE

Day 2, tuesday, 13:20–13:40

6 B – E n E R G Y


Sylvie famelart, vincent StoneEuropean Council of Vinyl Manufacturers (ECVM), Brussels, BelgiumE-mail: [email protected]

A key manufacturers organization represents six leading European PVC resin manufacturers, accounting for about 75% of PVC resins production in Europe. A cornerstone includes one of their three value chain platforms, created in 2003, whose activities is to support the use of PVC in critical applications such as pipes, through value chainplatforms. Partners from all across the value chain are invited to participate in these platforms.The mission is to promote the utilization of PVC in pipes through technical, financialand communication projects. Beyond the members, the partner line up of the platform includes about 20 organizations spanning the whole value chain.

In order to deliver to the market reliable and consistent information about PVC and the dif- ferent PVC pipe solutions, a training package was developed a few years ago.1This package also aimed to make it easier for the pipe manufacturers to educate their teams , give guidance on how to promote PVC without denigrating other plastics, provide sciencebased answers to sensitive questions about PVC, demonstrate the PVC industry’s environmen- tal and regulatory proactiveness, promote the continuous improvement in quality levels along the PVC chain, and contribute to providing a positive image to PVC. The package was made up of a set of power point slides, providing information on PVC-U and PVC-C pipe systems. Information on both general aspects and on key application sectors (sewage, fresh water, soil & waste, hot & cold, rainwater, industrial) were provided.

As numerous new developments and challenges (microplastics, EU Plastics Strategy, hydrogen economy.) impacting the PVC pipe industry have arisen during these last years, the partners have decided to revamp and update the package. The new version of the Package showing a more appealing look to the younger audience and using the most modern com- munication tools, will be presented.


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pressure piping for nuclear power in China.pressure piping for nuclear power and the application status and prospect of polyethylenefor nuclear power. This paper introduces the progress of testing and standard of polyethylenebeen able to produce qualified large-diameter and thick-wall polyethylene pressure pipingstill in the initial stage and discussion stage in China. However, it should be seen that China hasbeen for ten years due to the extremely strict safety requirements of nuclear power, and it isThe application of nuclear power polyethylene pressure piping in other countries has only

the world’s nuclear power industry center. The potential for nuclear power is enormous.technology, have reached the international advanced level, and it is gradually becomingIts scientific and technological innovations, including third-generation nuclear poweral policies, China’s nuclear energy has entered a new period of large-scale development.play an important role in the world’s energy structure.With the strong support of nation-dropower and coal power, constitutes the three pillars of the world’s energy supply andAs a safe, clean, low-carbon and reliable energy source, nuclear power, together with hy-

E-mail: [email protected] Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry, Beijing, Chinahua ye, Sun Jin, wei Ruoqi

in chinApiping foR nuclEAR powERTESTing AnD ApplicATion of polyEThylEnE

Day 2, tuesday, 13:20–13:40

6 B – E n E R G Y


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tion, and creating long term sustainable business.have been successful at increasing the speed of investment, increasing the speed of innova-This presentation will tackle those questions by exploring innovative business models that

increase the speed of investment?Our industry is perfectly positioned to grow, but how can we capitalize on it? How can we

years or more.be slow. Even in extreme cases of contaminated water, replacement of pipelines can take fiveThe necessity to replace old pipes lines is on the rise and yet we see that investment seems totion industry is only increasing from regulatory bodies, governmental authorities and financers.At the same time the pressure to quickly reduce the carbon footprint of the building and construc-

big step towards reducing the carbon footprint and environmental impacts of plastic pipes.terials. The latest developments in PVC-O, multi-layer, and structured wall pipes have taken anotherpipelines. Plastic pipes offer inherently positive sustainability attributes compare to traditional ma-The plastic pipe industry is in the perfect position to facilitate the need for new more sustainable

E-mail: [email protected], BR Dedemsvaart, netherlandsJoe venegas

buSinESS MoDElSgRowing ouR buSinESS wiTh innovATivEAccElERATing SuSTAinAbiliTy AnD

Day 2, tuesday, 13:40–14:00

6 A – L E V E R A G E L E A R n I n G s

48 W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


Dhabi is a major driving force in the PE100 pipe industry in the region.The specification of colored pre-compounded PE100 pipes for utility gas distribution in Abu

challenges specific to the region.das. This has presented efforts many opportunities for the PE100 pipe industry as well as sometribution networks has been at the forefront of Middle Eastern governments near term agen-With the current push to reduce government energy subsidies a need to adapt utility gad dis-

utility gas in urban centers in the Middle East climate.wide gasification. Highlighting the challenges faced by gas utilities in their efforts to provideProjecting Abu Dhabi’s city gasification plans on neighboring cities as the region moves to city

E-mail: [email protected] Pte Ltd, Infrastructure Marketing, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesSultan Alkendi

MEA foR uTiliTy gAS DiSTRibuTiongRowTh in ThE uSE of polyEThylEnE pipES in

Day 2, tuesday, 13:40–14:00

6 B – E n E R G Y


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tion, and creating long term sustainable business.have been successful at increasing the speed of investment, increasing the speed of innova-This presentation will tackle those questions by exploring innovative business models that

increase the speed of investment?Our industry is perfectly positioned to grow, but how can we capitalize on it? How can we

years or more.be slow. Even in extreme cases of contaminated water, replacement of pipelines can take fiveThe necessity to replace old pipes lines is on the rise and yet we see that investment seems totion industry is only increasing from regulatory bodies, governmental authorities and financers.At the same time the pressure to quickly reduce the carbon footprint of the building and construc-

big step towards reducing the carbon footprint and environmental impacts of plastic pipes.terials. The latest developments in PVC-O, multi-layer, and structured wall pipes have taken anotherpipelines. Plastic pipes offer inherently positive sustainability attributes compare to traditional ma-The plastic pipe industry is in the perfect position to facilitate the need for new more sustainable

E-mail: [email protected], BR Dedemsvaart, netherlandsJoe venegas

buSinESS MoDElSgRowing ouR buSinESS wiTh innovATivEAccElERATing SuSTAinAbiliTy AnD

Day 2, tuesday, 13:40–14:00

6 A – L E V E R A G E L E A R n I n G s

48 W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


Dhabi is a major driving force in the PE100 pipe industry in the region.The specification of colored pre-compounded PE100 pipes for utility gas distribution in Abu

challenges specific to the region.das. This has presented efforts many opportunities for the PE100 pipe industry as well as sometribution networks has been at the forefront of Middle Eastern governments near term agen-With the current push to reduce government energy subsidies a need to adapt utility gad dis-

utility gas in urban centers in the Middle East climate.wide gasification. Highlighting the challenges faced by gas utilities in their efforts to provideProjecting Abu Dhabi’s city gasification plans on neighboring cities as the region moves to city

E-mail: [email protected] Pte Ltd, Infrastructure Marketing, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesSultan Alkendi

MEA foR uTiliTy gAS DiSTRibuTiongRowTh in ThE uSE of polyEThylEnE pipES in

Day 2, tuesday, 13:40–14:00

6 B – E n E R G Y


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proposals in the future.innovation, ecological development and intelligent development” to give the developmenttry, and will focus on the four development directions--“quality improvement, technologicalThis paper will analyze the current status and the main barriers of China’s plastic pipe indus-

and intelligence”. Continuously enhance the market competitiveness of plastic pipes.series of research projects with the core development direction of “quality, innovation, greenplastic pipe companies to develop long-term development plans and goals and carry out aprovement strategies. Faced with many current difficulties and challenges, CPPA should guidethe establishment of industry self-regulatory alliances, and the implementation of quality im-ment of China’s plastic pipe industry through the formulation of industry development plans,Over the years, CPPA has been committed to promoting the sustainable and healthy develop-

challenges? How to find the ways and expanding application areas?ing in increasingly fierce competition in the pipeline market. How to face these obstacles andpipes, ductile iron pipes, etc., has squeezed the market space of plastic pipe products, result-now. Especially in recent years, the progress of other materials such as steel pipes, concreteachieve “best” from “maximum”? It has become the most important problem we need to solvetic pipe industry develop in the future? How to change from “largest” to “strongest”? How toIn the face of the complex changes in the current economic situation, how will the china’s plas-

world’s largest producer and application of plastic pipes.pipes in China was 15.67 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 3%, and it continues to be theprogress, product innovation, and quality improvement. In 2018, the total output of plasticmade considerable progress in industrial structure upgrading, scientific and technologicalIn the past ten years, China’s plastic pipe industry has maintained a steady growth, and has

E-mail: [email protected], Beijing, Chinawang Zhanjie

ThE EconoMic SiTuATionpipE inDuSTRy RESponDing To chAngES inThE DEvElopMEnT TREnD of chinA’S plASTic

Day 2, tuesday, 14:00–14:20

6 A – L E V E R A G E L E A R n I n G s


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w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 0W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


proposals in the future.innovation, ecological development and intelligent development” to give the developmenttry, and will focus on the four development directions--“quality improvement, technologicalThis paper will analyze the current status and the main barriers of China’s plastic pipe indus-

and intelligence”. Continuously enhance the market competitiveness of plastic pipes.series of research projects with the core development direction of “quality, innovation, greenplastic pipe companies to develop long-term development plans and goals and carry out aprovement strategies. Faced with many current difficulties and challenges, CPPA should guidethe establishment of industry self-regulatory alliances, and the implementation of quality im-ment of China’s plastic pipe industry through the formulation of industry development plans,Over the years, CPPA has been committed to promoting the sustainable and healthy develop-

challenges? How to find the ways and expanding application areas?ing in increasingly fierce competition in the pipeline market. How to face these obstacles andpipes, ductile iron pipes, etc., has squeezed the market space of plastic pipe products, result-now. Especially in recent years, the progress of other materials such as steel pipes, concreteachieve “best” from “maximum”? It has become the most important problem we need to solvetic pipe industry develop in the future? How to change from “largest” to “strongest”? How toIn the face of the complex changes in the current economic situation, how will the china’s plas-

world’s largest producer and application of plastic pipes.pipes in China was 15.67 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 3%, and it continues to be theprogress, product innovation, and quality improvement. In 2018, the total output of plasticmade considerable progress in industrial structure upgrading, scientific and technologicalIn the past ten years, China’s plastic pipe industry has maintained a steady growth, and has

E-mail: [email protected], Beijing, Chinawang Zhanjie

ThE EconoMic SiTuATionpipE inDuSTRy RESponDing To chAngES inThE DEvElopMEnT TREnD of chinA’S plASTic

Day 2, tuesday, 14:00–14:20

6 A – L E V E R A G E L E A R n I n G s


6B – EnERGYDay 2, tuesday, 14:00–14:20

ThE REgulATion of plASTicgAS DiSTRibuTion SySTEMS in ThE u.S.– upDATES fRoM ThE plASTic pipE RulE

Randy knappPlastics Pipe Institute, Energy Piping systems, Irving, United statesE-mail: [email protected]

The u.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) through the Pipeline and hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PhMSA) promulgates Title 49 Code of federal Regulations (CfR). Part 192 establishes the minimum federal safety standards for the transportation of natural or other gas by pipelines in the u.S. On Nov. 20, 2018 PhMSA published the final so called “Plastics” rule re-lated to the use of plastic gas piping systems. The amended code had an effective date of Jan. 22, 2019 with a mandatory compliance date Dec. 31, 2019. The updated CfR put forth extensive changes impacting how plastic pipe is designed and used in energy applications.

The rulemaking was intended to improve pipeline safety, adopt newer technologies and best practices, and respond to numerous petitions from industry stakeholders. The final rule included new and updated regulations new standards, marking requirements, system design, heat fusion joining, as well as many plastic gas fittings and components. As the industry works to implement the code changes questions around interpretation and application of the amended code in the field have arisen and will affect ongoing code changes.

PhMSA uses a complex process to amend the CfR through iterations of proposed rulemakings and public input, followed by advisory board review and final rule publishing. Numerous trade organi-zations and industry members take part in the reiterative process. This aids in the development of responsible regulations to improve the safety of gas systems through petitions, comments, and public meetings.

This paper will review the relevant code changes, discuss the u.S. federal code development process, and highlight the challenges of implementing the updated PhMSA requirements re-lated to plastic pipelines. In addition, the paper will address possible proposed future regulatory changes impacting plastic pipelines.



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w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 0


peter Dyke, Drew Mueller Alliance for PE Pipe, tulsa,oK, United statesE-mail: [email protected]

hDPE Pipe holds a dominant position in several markets in North America: natural gas distribu-tion, oil patch, mining, landfill and geothermal. So why are polyethylene’s municipal water and wastewater market shares so much lower than these other industries? how has the polyethylene industry been successful in growing hDPE’s market share in municipal water and wastewater?

In North America, PE industry leaders joined forces to create a trade association with the singular mission of promoting hDPE pipe into municipal markets where the traditional metals have a strong presence. In the last nine years, PE’s market share in municipal water and wastewater has grown from two percent to ten percent of this industry. In that time, the industry’s approach to municipal business has matured thanks to an examination of successes and failures; polyethyl-ene manufacturers and distributers now know how to connect with municipal leadership, what messages are most compelling, what common hurdles the new polyethylene user must over-come, and how to battle the heavy resistance put up by entrenched, legacy pipe products.

An examination of the history of plastic pipe, coupled with a thorough exploration of the five phases of municipal adoption will shed light on why polyethylene appears to be a late bloomer when it comes to municipal use of plastic piping materials. By fully understanding how hDPE fits in to the evolution of piping materials most uS cities find themselves entrenched in, the experienced hDPE manufacturer or distributer will be better prepared to target specific mu-nicipalities with strategies that complement that particular community’s infrastructure history and needs. Perhaps other geographic markets could benefit from the trials and the maturation of this North America’s trade association.


6A – LEVERAGE LEARnInGsDay 2, tuesday, 14:20–14:40

W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


pipeline systems over several states.actual use cases that have recently been delivered to North American utilities that have agingvide meaningful decision support for risk mitigation programs. The paper will describe severalmanagement systems that leverage advanced artificial intelligence and data analytics to pro-This paper will outline how this expertise is integrated into holistic enterprise risk and safety

ful decision support tool for managing aging polymeric pipeline systems.into mobile Geographic Information System (GIS) applications, these models provide a power-with adaptive geographic sampling and goal driven data collection forms that are integratedtive asset management of ageing and new installations have been developed. When coupledProbabilistic predictive models for determining fitness for service, and simulations for proac-

bons and upset conditions on lifetime expectancy.polymeric distribution system, assessing the impact of hydrogen blending, heavy hydrocar-proving new materials, assessing the impact of adjacent operations such as blasting on theMuch work has been completed to develop advanced material models that are used for: ap-

ing material performance over a wide range of static and dynamic loading conditions.in the distribution network has created a need for detailed material models capable of describ-More than 90% of new pipe installations are polymeric. The widespread use of polymeric pipethe gas distribution system. Polymeric pipe accounts for 56% of mains and 72% of services.piping systems in their distribution networks. In 2017 there were 2.3 million miles of pipe inNorth American natural gas utilities have more than 40 years of experience with polymeric

E-mail: [email protected] – Gas technology Institute, Des Plaines, United statesErnest lever

polyMERic gAS DiSTRibuTion SySTEMSpRobAbiliSTic RiSk MAnAgEMEnT foR Aging

Day 2, tuesday, 14:20–14:40

6 B – E n E R G Y


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pipeline systems over several states.actual use cases that have recently been delivered to North American utilities that have agingvide meaningful decision support for risk mitigation programs. The paper will describe severalmanagement systems that leverage advanced artificial intelligence and data analytics to pro-This paper will outline how this expertise is integrated into holistic enterprise risk and safety

ful decision support tool for managing aging polymeric pipeline systems.into mobile Geographic Information System (GIS) applications, these models provide a power-with adaptive geographic sampling and goal driven data collection forms that are integratedtive asset management of ageing and new installations have been developed. When coupledProbabilistic predictive models for determining fitness for service, and simulations for proac-

bons and upset conditions on lifetime expectancy.polymeric distribution system, assessing the impact of hydrogen blending, heavy hydrocar-proving new materials, assessing the impact of adjacent operations such as blasting on theMuch work has been completed to develop advanced material models that are used for: ap-

ing material performance over a wide range of static and dynamic loading conditions.in the distribution network has created a need for detailed material models capable of describ-More than 90% of new pipe installations are polymeric. The widespread use of polymeric pipethe gas distribution system. Polymeric pipe accounts for 56% of mains and 72% of services.piping systems in their distribution networks. In 2017 there were 2.3 million miles of pipe inNorth American natural gas utilities have more than 40 years of experience with polymeric

E-mail: [email protected] – Gas technology Institute, Des Plaines, United statesErnest lever

polyMERic gAS DiSTRibuTion SySTEMSpRobAbiliSTic RiSk MAnAgEMEnT foR Aging

Day 2, tuesday, 14:20–14:40

6 B – E n E R G Y


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their efforts concerning exit assessments and inspection.into the contribution of each to the total process. This information helps utilities to prioritizeloading mechanisms in a single model, one acquires more insight into their interrelation andsurveys by Breen and Boersma (2006). By probing the combined failure-, degradation andtween 2007 and 2017 (Mesman and van Laarhoven, 2018), following the methods of the initialon ranges of parameter values encountered in the field by utilities during measurements be-to visualize the dominant factors in pipe failure. The analysis is as much as possible basedhoop stress, including residual stress, a sensitivity analysis of the total model is conductedAfter expansion of the tool with PVC-U-specific aspects such as LEFM slow crack growth under

al. (2005) becomes accessible for the water utilities to support their decisions.lands. In this way, the extensive work of authors such as Breen and Boersma (2006) and Burn etthe current knowledge about the aging of PVC-U, the prevalent pipe material in the Nether-exceed their maximum allowable values. The objective of the presented work is to implementroundings. Failure occurs when the resulting von Mises stress or the resulting joint rotationscombining physical load models, degradation models and a description of the pipe and its sur-settlement). The model follows as much as possible physical principles to predict pipe failure,result of different loadings on the pipe (vertical soil load, water pressure, traffic, differential soilThe tool consists of a numerical model that predicts the pipe stresses and joint rotations as a

now combining with their decision support tools for asset management (Wols et al., 2018).ment strategies. To this end, a computational tool was developed that several Dutch utilities aremodels that estimate when a particular pipe will fail are therefore valuable tools in pipe replace-Especially, pipes that deteriorate over time have an increasing probability of failure. PredictionPipe failure in drinking water distribution networks occurs as a result of high loadings on the pipe.

E-mail: [email protected] Water Research Institute, Water Infrastructure, nieuwegein, netherlandskarel van laarhoven

wATER uTiliTiEScRAck gRowTh in pvcu pipES foR ThE DuTchunlocking MoDEl pREDicTionS of Slow

Day 2, tuesday, 15:10–15:30

7 A – V I R t UA L to o L s


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their efforts concerning exit assessments and inspection.into the contribution of each to the total process. This information helps utilities to prioritizeloading mechanisms in a single model, one acquires more insight into their interrelation andsurveys by Breen and Boersma (2006). By probing the combined failure-, degradation andtween 2007 and 2017 (Mesman and van Laarhoven, 2018), following the methods of the initialon ranges of parameter values encountered in the field by utilities during measurements be-to visualize the dominant factors in pipe failure. The analysis is as much as possible basedhoop stress, including residual stress, a sensitivity analysis of the total model is conductedAfter expansion of the tool with PVC-U-specific aspects such as LEFM slow crack growth under

al. (2005) becomes accessible for the water utilities to support their decisions.lands. In this way, the extensive work of authors such as Breen and Boersma (2006) and Burn etthe current knowledge about the aging of PVC-U, the prevalent pipe material in the Nether-exceed their maximum allowable values. The objective of the presented work is to implementroundings. Failure occurs when the resulting von Mises stress or the resulting joint rotationscombining physical load models, degradation models and a description of the pipe and its sur-settlement). The model follows as much as possible physical principles to predict pipe failure,result of different loadings on the pipe (vertical soil load, water pressure, traffic, differential soilThe tool consists of a numerical model that predicts the pipe stresses and joint rotations as a

now combining with their decision support tools for asset management (Wols et al., 2018).ment strategies. To this end, a computational tool was developed that several Dutch utilities aremodels that estimate when a particular pipe will fail are therefore valuable tools in pipe replace-Especially, pipes that deteriorate over time have an increasing probability of failure. PredictionPipe failure in drinking water distribution networks occurs as a result of high loadings on the pipe.

E-mail: [email protected] Water Research Institute, Water Infrastructure, nieuwegein, netherlandskarel van laarhoven

wATER uTiliTiEScRAck gRowTh in pvcu pipES foR ThE DuTchunlocking MoDEl pREDicTionS of Slow

Day 2, tuesday, 15:10–15:30

7 A – V I R t UA L to o L s

54 W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0

blinD flAngE connEcTionAnAlySiS of A hDpE STub-EnD bolTEDThERMoMEchAnicAl finiTE ElEMEnT

Day 2, tuesday, 15:10–15:30

7 B – J o I n I n G


integrity of the manhole structure.anteed where leakage, yielding, or both simultaneously, will lead to loss in performance andsafe operational window decreases considerably, and at 80 °C safe operation cannot be guar-the gasket or yielding of the stub-end occurs. However, as the temperature is increased thisto find a safe operational window for a range of Tb and Pi values, where no leakage throughage) of the gasket and the integrity (i.e., yielding) of the HDPE stub-end. At 40 °C, it is possibleThe FEA results reveal that both Tb, Pi, and To significantly influence the performance (i.e., leak-

gasket criterion and a yielding ofthe HDPE stub-end criterion.integrity and performance ofthe structure are assessed in view of a leakage through the internal pressure (Pi), andouter temperature (To) are considered. Based on the results, the




imad barsoum, Mohammed Didarul islamKhalifa University, Mechanical Engineering, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesE-mail: [email protected] barsoumRoyal Institue of technology (KtH), stockholm, sweden

In this study, the integrity of a manhole structure made of a 78 in. high density polyethylene (HDPE) stub-end, steel ring, and blind flange, sealed with a compressed non-asbestos fiber (CNAF) gasket is investigated by means of a parametric finite element analysis (FEA). A coupled thermo mechanical nonlinear FEA model is built, comprising of a heat transfer and a structuralmodel, which allows modeling the complex thermal and mechanical loads and their interactions present during the operation of the manhole. The temperature-dependent elastic–plastic HDPE material constitutive behavior and the temperature-dependent nonlinear responseof the CNAF gasket are accounted for in the model. Factors influencing

and integrity of the manhole such as studbolt pre-torque level (Tb),

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w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 0W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


personnel and utilities on polyethylene pipe.facturing engineer, I regularly use these tools to educate and inform pipeline designers, fieldsented from the perspective of a user of these tools, not a software developer. As a pipe manu-onstrating the ease and relevance to the engineering community. This case study will be pre-tool. In addition. a case study on the utilization of these online tools will be presented dem-tems in many markets. This paper highlights their development and the key aspects of eachAll tools have aided design engineers and have also expanded the growth of plastic pipe sys-

stresses, supported span distance and much more.oxidative resistance category. This tool can also be used to calculate pressure ratings, burialtions comprise the water pH, disinfectant type and residual level, working pressure and thefor potable water systems, was introduced into key ASTM standards in 2014. Key considera-tems utilizing chlorine or chloramine as a disinfectant. The oxidative resistance methodology,For the polyethylene pipe design tool, a new feature is added for design of polyethylene sys-

perature and minimum design life requirements.effects of design velocities of recurring and occasional surge, working pressure, service tem-ylene pipe used in water distribution and transmission systems. The user can evaluate theAssociation (AWWA) methodology for C901 (1/2 tubing – 3” OD) and C906 (4” – 63”) polyeth-For surge and service life analysis, the tool calculations are based on the American Water Works

in turn tailors the scenario to a specific installation path and soil strata.fect), and maximum tensile stress. These are calculated based on the input by the user whichcollapse, compressive wall stress, pull back force (which includes consideration of capstan ef-For HDD installation, the online tool accounts for key factors such as deflection, unconstrained

sure ratings for polyethylene pipe systems.installation using horizontal directional drilling (HDD), surge and service life analysis and pres-considered. These online tools, used widely in North America, aide engineers with planningtools have been developed to address this complexity and the various factors that must bemany applications and environmental conditions that surround those systems. Online designThe design and installation of polyethylene systems can be complex, specifically due to the

E-mail: [email protected] Plastics, Engineering, Cedar City, United statesDustin langston

AnD fiElD EnginEERSonlinE EnginEERing ToolS foR DESign

Day 2, tuesday, 15:30–15:50

7 A – V I R t UA L to o L s


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personnel and utilities on polyethylene pipe.facturing engineer, I regularly use these tools to educate and inform pipeline designers, fieldsented from the perspective of a user of these tools, not a software developer. As a pipe manu-onstrating the ease and relevance to the engineering community. This case study will be pre-tool. In addition. a case study on the utilization of these online tools will be presented dem-tems in many markets. This paper highlights their development and the key aspects of eachAll tools have aided design engineers and have also expanded the growth of plastic pipe sys-

stresses, supported span distance and much more.oxidative resistance category. This tool can also be used to calculate pressure ratings, burialtions comprise the water pH, disinfectant type and residual level, working pressure and thefor potable water systems, was introduced into key ASTM standards in 2014. Key considera-tems utilizing chlorine or chloramine as a disinfectant. The oxidative resistance methodology,For the polyethylene pipe design tool, a new feature is added for design of polyethylene sys-

perature and minimum design life requirements.effects of design velocities of recurring and occasional surge, working pressure, service tem-ylene pipe used in water distribution and transmission systems. The user can evaluate theAssociation (AWWA) methodology for C901 (1/2 tubing – 3” OD) and C906 (4” – 63”) polyeth-For surge and service life analysis, the tool calculations are based on the American Water Works

in turn tailors the scenario to a specific installation path and soil strata.fect), and maximum tensile stress. These are calculated based on the input by the user whichcollapse, compressive wall stress, pull back force (which includes consideration of capstan ef-For HDD installation, the online tool accounts for key factors such as deflection, unconstrained

sure ratings for polyethylene pipe systems.installation using horizontal directional drilling (HDD), surge and service life analysis and pres-considered. These online tools, used widely in North America, aide engineers with planningtools have been developed to address this complexity and the various factors that must bemany applications and environmental conditions that surround those systems. Online designThe design and installation of polyethylene systems can be complex, specifically due to the

E-mail: [email protected] Plastics, Engineering, Cedar City, United statesDustin langston

AnD fiElD EnginEERSonlinE EnginEERing ToolS foR DESign

Day 2, tuesday, 15:30–15:50

7 A – V I R t UA L to o L s


7B – JoInInGDay 2, tuesday, 15:30–15:50

long-TERM DuRAbiliTy of nEw polyMERcoMpoSiTE vAlvES foR DRinking wATERnETwoRkS

Jennifer Ravereau, benjamin RabaudsUEZ - CIRsEE, Le Pecq, FranceE-mail: [email protected] pintoAliaxis R&D, Vernouillet, FranceMalena bernabeu, Jose AlacidAliaxis Iberica, Alicante, spainfrederic MohiersUEZ Water France, La Defense, France

historically, drinking water network fittings such as valves or meters are made of brass mate-rial that is known to be robust and effective over long periods. The market shows a gradual inflation of the cost for metallic raw materials. Today, composite plastic alternatives are avail-able at cheaper costs to replace metal in network fittings. however, uncertainties remain on their long-term reliability.

In this context, a research project was launched. The aim of this work was to select and ap-prove the best polymer for valve applications through a three-step study: functional design and standard specifications, material selection and functional prototype testing.The first step consisted on designing a valve body and components enabling to respect the same function as the brass using plastic materials,to this purpose numerical simulation and breadboard test-ing was used.The second step was focused on benchmarking innovative materials perform-ances provided by resin manufacturers under aggressive ageing conditions. The functional prototype testing step was dedicated to assessing the long-term behavior of valves by simu-lating real operating conditions [1,2].

Accelerated ageing tests were performed using the semi-industrial ageing bench unit which allowed to simulate 50 years of operation in only 18 months. key performance indi-cators were measured over time to compare technologies such as leakage appearance, valve mass, internal diameter and internal surface modifications. Added to these indicators, the analysis of the polymer chemical structure using infrared spectroscopy was also performed. These modifications were correlated to the scaling propensity of the valves and the impact on the water quality.

Results show that a smart design combined with the right polymer material enabled to re-place brass valves by a 100% plastic valve.The accelerated ageing tests allow to discriminate valve materials performances at the industrial scale. While one composite material led to water leaks, the second polymer composite valve material guarantees the integrity of the valve per-formance overtime.



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ThE RiEbER SySTEM REviSiTED: builDing on pARMAnn’S lEgAcyguido Quesada, peter DahlerupHULtEC / simulation Driven Engineering, santa Ana, san Jose, Costa RicaE-mail: [email protected]

The Rieber system developed in the 1970’s, is widely regarded as one of the most influential and revolutionary developments in the history of PvC pipe. By including the gasket in the pipe belling process and introducing a relatively stiff metal reinforcement, a pipe joint was created with an integrated gasket providing multiple advantages which remain decisive nearly 50 years later. Among these advantages, the installation step was eliminated along with possible human error related to it; the seal OD and the raceway ID dimensions, and their tolerances were paired (a larger seal will produce a larger raceway and vice versa); contamination of the raceway surface with dirt, sawdust and other foreign materials was eliminated; and the seal became extremely difficult to dislocate during spigot assembly. Aside from that major accomplishment, a variety of gaskets have evolved from the original concept usually. These provide various levels of balance between ease of belling, assembly force and performance in pressure or non-pressure applica-tions, depending on the shape of the region sealing on the spigot side ranging from a relatively bulky ring to a slender lip. In all cases, the new developments can enable robust and reliable solutions for the piping industry. for more than 20 years, the success has been documented by performing nonlinear finite element analysis in multiple manufacturing, testing and operating scenarios, adjusting existing joint designs, creating new ones or finding new applications such as internal joint restraints and collaborating in their experimental validation.

This paper reviews key learnings from these experiences and presents practical insights that evolve together with PvC pipe. for example, it reviews how the stress distribution on the joint deviates from thin-walled cylinder theory usually applied to straight sections of the pipe, how sensitive this is to wall thickness and how it can be addressed with simple design rules. The latest analysis and design procedures involve top of the line computer aided engineering software and material models such as hyperelastic, bilinear elastic-plastic, viscoelastic, combined into nonline-ar simulations including high deformation, large displacements and sliding contact with friction, applied to the belling process, the assembly and the application of fluid pressure. In addition to new perspectives and design possibilities, this provides a refreshing look back into the history and the ability to come up with simple and effective solutions for such a challenging task as the integral design of pipe joints and their gaskets.


7A – VIRtUAL tooLsDay 2, tuesday, 15:50–16:10

w w w . p p x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


same lifetime expectancy as squeeze-offs performed 12-inches away from a joint.that specimens with squeeze-offs performed three pipe diameters away from a joint had theLong-term hydrostatic test results supported the findings from FEM simulations by showing

dimension ratio, temperature, pE class, and adjacent joint/fitting type.These findings were found to be universal and thus applicable regardless of pipe diameter,off, the radial deformations of the pipe are negligible and induced axial strain is less than 1%.FEM simulations indicated that at three (3) pipe diameters (and greater) away from a squeeze-

joint types.squeeze-off cases, and long-term hydrostatic tests of squeeze-offs performed near various(FEM) simulations of squeeze-off on pE2708 and pE4710 pipes, FEM simulations of multipleoff distance. The project included detailed material testing to facilitate finite element methodA sponsored project was conducted to study the impact of a reduction in minimum squeeze-

distance from a fitting will help facilitate routine operations and maintenance (O&M) tasks.minimum of 12-inches is larger than three (3) pipe diameters. Reducing the minimum allowablerent minimum squeeze-off distances for small pipe diameters (≤ 3-inch IpS), where the currentSeveral natural gas utilities have expressed interest in examining the potential for reducing cur-

industry.for butt-fusion joint) or mechanical fitting”. This standard is widely adhered to within the gaseters or twelve (12)-inches (305 mm), whichever is greater, from any fusion joint (1.5 diametersArticle 7.3 of this standard states squeeze-off must be performed “at least three (3) pipe diam-Current ASTM standard F1041-02(2016) details how to perform squeeze-offs for this material.

enable downstream repairs or perform emergency shutoff.Squeeze-off of pE2708 and pE4710 pipe is a common method that is used to stop gas flow to

E-mail: [email protected] technology Institute, Energy Delivery & Utilization, Des Plaines, United Statesoren lever

PiPe anD tubingFor small Diameter PolyetHylene (Pe)assessment oF sQueeZe-oFF location

Day 2, tuesday, 15:50–16:10



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w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 0

7B – JoInInGDay 2, tuesday, 15:50–16:10

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same lifetime expectancy as squeeze-offs performed 12-inches away from a joint.that specimens with squeeze-offs performed three pipe diameters away from a joint had theLong-term hydrostatic test results supported the findings from FEM simulations by showing

dimension ratio, temperature, pE class, and adjacent joint/fitting type.These findings were found to be universal and thus applicable regardless of pipe diameter,off, the radial deformations of the pipe are negligible and induced axial strain is less than 1%.FEM simulations indicated that at three (3) pipe diameters (and greater) away from a squeeze-

joint types.squeeze-off cases, and long-term hydrostatic tests of squeeze-offs performed near various(FEM) simulations of squeeze-off on pE2708 and pE4710 pipes, FEM simulations of multipleoff distance. The project included detailed material testing to facilitate finite element methodA sponsored project was conducted to study the impact of a reduction in minimum squeeze-

distance from a fitting will help facilitate routine operations and maintenance (O&M) tasks.minimum of 12-inches is larger than three (3) pipe diameters. Reducing the minimum allowablerent minimum squeeze-off distances for small pipe diameters (≤ 3-inch IpS), where the currentSeveral natural gas utilities have expressed interest in examining the potential for reducing cur-

industry.for butt-fusion joint) or mechanical fitting”. This standard is widely adhered to within the gaseters or twelve (12)-inches (305 mm), whichever is greater, from any fusion joint (1.5 diametersArticle 7.3 of this standard states squeeze-off must be performed “at least three (3) pipe diam-Current ASTM standard F1041-02(2016) details how to perform squeeze-offs for this material.

enable downstream repairs or perform emergency shutoff.Squeeze-off of pE2708 and pE4710 pipe is a common method that is used to stop gas flow to

E-mail: [email protected] technology Institute, Energy Delivery & Utilization, Des Plaines, United Statesoren lever

PiPe anD tubingFor small Diameter PolyetHylene (Pe)assessment oF sQueeZe-oFF location

Day 2, tuesday, 15:50–16:10



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7A – VIRtUAL tooLsDay 2, tuesday, 16:10–16:30

SofTwARE foR inTEgRAl DESignof TERTiARy nETwoRkSAndreas MoermanKWR Water Research Institute, nleuwegein, netherlandsE-mail: [email protected] van der valkthe PeopleGroup, nieuwkijk, netherlands

A collaborative effort has developed a design tool for the purpose of (1) standardising and (2) ac-celerating the design of tertiary pipe. The design tool streamlines the entire design process of the tertiary drinking water network, from sketch to the ‘bill of materials’. The design tool is also able, on the basis of public data sources and of data from the drinking water utility, to create a cost-optimal design for the tertiary pipe network. The hydraulic test of the designs was created and has been developed on the basis of the software, which was developed previously. The software uses the principle of self-cleaning networks and checks the designs on minimal end-user pressure and mini-mal velocity for self-cleaning.

The current version is equipped with a basic testing function for the hydraulic design since the water demand is calculated using the ‘q√n-method’. There will be several chances in the future to further improve the design of tertiary pipe networks, for example:

– the use of patterns for household and non-household water demand modeling, to produce better designs of tertiary pipe networks;

– acceleration of the design process through the application of optimization algorithms to determine the ideal pipe diameter;

– the prevention of hotspots in the pipe network by taking account of the impact of shadows – e.g., trees and buildings – on the design profile.



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Day 2, tuesday, 16:10–16:30

7 B – J o I n I n G


Mike griffinVictaulic, Engineering, Easton, United statesE-mail: [email protected]

As plastic pipe gains share in new markets and new applications, additional jointing meth- ods are needed or add additional value, enabling continued growth for plastic pipes. To date, definitions of a fit-for purpose mechanical joint for HPDE pressure piping systems can vary significantly. As such, when considered in the application, mechanical joints are typically un- differentiated from each other even though different manufacturers offer a range of products that provide a wide range of pressure capability and restraint performance.

This presentation will lay out the foundational standards used to define a test protocol for determining the performance of a restrained mechanical joint for HDPE pressure pipe. It will also compare and contrast the performance of restrained mechanical joints on plastic pipe versus the performance of traditional jointing methods. Specifically, the reviewed data will highlight performance in hydrostatic pressure, cyclic pressure, and elevated temperature sustained pressure tests.

This will provide a better appreciation of how fully restrained mechanical joints perform relative to what is commonly practiced in the industry. This presentation will also highlight the differences between various categories of mechanical joints to further educate the audience on restrained performance versus unrestrained performance. The audience will come away with a deeper appreciation of the technology behind restrained mechanical devices within the plastics market, how they can be misunderstood and why they are integral in the continued growth of this industry.


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RiSk ASSESMEnT of non-inTEnTionAllyADDED SubSTAncES (niAS) in poTAblE wATERThE EXAMplE of A phoSphiTE, A pRocESSSTAbiliZER coMMonly uSED in ThE DESign ofDRinking wATER pipES polyolEfin bASE

Ruediger liskeBAsF, Regulatory Affairs, Basel, switzerlandE-mail: [email protected]

The migration of NIAS in potable water is a recurring topic for the distribution of cold and warm drinking water and related materials industry. They are chemical compounds that are present in drinking water contact materials but have not been added during the production process. A series of organic migrating substances were degradation products of the essential additives included in the polymer. [1] The identity of these migrating compounds was pub-lished in 2000 and are known since then as Arvin substances #1 to #10.

Antioxidants are used in polyolefins to stabilize polymers against the processing and ther-mal stress. Simultaneous use of primary and secondary antioxidants, such as hindered phenol and phosphite, has a synergistic effect and allows a better process stabilization with less total amount of additives required.

Secondary phosphite antioxidants are possibly releasing the phenol(s) attached to the phos-phorous atom and the corresponding phosphate can also be formed. The nature of the phenol(s) and phosphate depend on the chemical structure of the selected phosphite and must be toxicologically assessed as potential NIAS on a case by case.

Due to the technical function of a market standard secondary antioxidant (phosphite class; CAS number 31570-04-4) in the polymer, the following degradation products can be formed under common extrusion conditions: 2,4-di-tert- butylphenol (CAS-No.: 96-76-4 – Arvin sub-stance#4.) through hydrolysis and the oxidized form of the phosphite:Tris-(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl)phosphate (CAS-No.:95906-11-9). In accordance to the require-ments of the article 10 of the European Drinking Water Directive, these products must be as-sessed, and the safe use must be confirmed for the respective application.

Migration experiment of secondary phosphite antioxidant in chlorinated water in accordance to European Standard EN 12873 to measure the amount of degradation substances in drinking water migrating out of pipes in hot water followed by a sound evaluation of the toxicological properties of the substances identified.

Both evaluated substances, 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol (Arvin substance #4) and Tris-(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl) phosphate are discussed in the presentation and migration tests and fit for use are addressed in this presentation.


8A – WAtER APPLICAtIonsDay 3, Wednesday, 9:00–9:20


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Random“Polypropylenenewthe increasedandCrystallinitymodifiedwith

EXAMplES AnD nEXT chAllEngESADvAncing pp-RcT: pipE ApplicATionS

Day 3, Wednesday, 9:00–9:20

8 B – M o V I n G B E Yo n D


applications toultimately outperform the traditional metal-based systems.first industrialimplementation, there is a great potential PP-RCT co-polymers in many piping update onthese new developments and concludes that after less than 10 years from the in the conventional PP-R applications. The presentation finally reports also an other piping system areas, such as under floor heating or fittings, and increased output rate The unique creep resistance offered by PP-RCT has also allowed a development activity in

beenimplemented in that respect. The presentation includes conclusions drawn so far.important for PP is chlorine resistance (NaClO or ClO2) and a number of studies have The market implementation of PP-RCT has also indicated newchallenges. The most

chosen because ofits thermal, chemical and corrosion resistance.hospitals, locatedin various countries(mainly in Europe), where in most of cases PP has been Examplesinclude private and public buildings, such as hotels, commercial districts and previously in use and the reason why the customers have selected PP-RCT piping. industrial ap-plications, showing (in case of restructuring/refurbishing) the pipe materialThis presentation reports several commercial examples of PP-RCT in hot & cold and in

long-term pressure resistance requirements.outperforming properties offered by the new PP’s. The longer chain co-polymers meet thoseTemperature resistance (PP-RCT)” designations havebeen introduced to differentiate the


Simona Africano, Emanuele burginLyondellBasell, PP Europe, Ferrara, ItalyE-mail: [email protected] boehmLyondellBasell, PP Europe, Frankfurt, Germany

Since the ‘80s, “Polypropylene Random (PP-R)” has been a material of choice for producing plastic pipes for hot & cold-water installations. PP-R has high stiffness and high temperature resistance, along with the typical advantages of plastic pipes such as light weight, fast and reliable jointing by welding, and chemical and corrosion resistance. We have achieved light weighing (reducing wall thickness without compromising the mechanical properties), by the co-polymerization of propylene with a longer chain co-monomer.

The polymers so produced show a long-term pressure resistance able to achieve MRS classification 12.5, hence PP125. In the 2012 ISO 15874 and in the 2017 ASTM F2389 revisions,

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MoDElling ThE MigRATion fRoM pvc-u pipES inTo DRinking wATERchristoph losher, peter MerceaFABEs Forschungs-GmbH, Munchen, GermanyE-mail: [email protected]

In the framework of the German Environmental Agency (uBA) requirements of plastic articles in contact with drinking water (kTW-guideline1, kTW-DWGl2), the compliance is verified by comparing migration levels, CW’s, of substances contained by the plastics with specific limits in drinking water (so-called MTCtap’s). In practice, the analytical determination of the CW’s is often a challenging, time and costs intensive task. This is especially true for materials like PvC-u, where the migration levels are, in most case, far below the detection limits of the most modern analytical methods.

for such situations, an uBA Guideline3 recommends the use of migration modelling for the estimations of CW’s. To perform such calculations a series of input parameters are needed, among them the diffusion and partition coefficients, DP’s and kPW’s, of the migrating sub-stances are the most challenging ones. In recent years by investigating migration of substanc-es from a series of polyolefines into water, has developed methods which allow the estimation of “conservative” D+P’s and k+PW’s, for compliance migration calculations for any organic ad-ditive found in these polymers4,5.

In this presentation, the extension of these results for a series of substances migrating from PvC-u samples in drinking water will be presented. It will also be shown how this information was implemented in a special software with which migration estimations as stipulated in the kTW-guideline can be performed.


8A – WAtER APPLICAtIonsDay 3, Wednesday, 9:20–9:40


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8 B – M o V I n G B E Y o n D

Day 3, Wednesday, 9:20–9:40


Alex StolarzDow Europe GmbH, switzerland, P&sP, Horgen, switzerlandE-mail: [email protected] grønnegaard lauridsenLogstor A/s, Løgstør, Denmark

Low temperature District Heating addresses the trends of the foreseeable future in the energy sector for new housing developments. Energy efficiency is an important aspect of modern building construction. Improved building insulation in combination with controlled room ventilation and heat recovery technologies result in buildings with lower energy consump- tion. Feed temperatures for heating systems can be reduced, enabling new developments in district heating. Hot water heating systems in modern buildings require feed temperatures of 50 to maximum 60°C at the end user’s point. Temperature levels in district heating networks can be adjusted accordingly, leading to additional savings since the energy loss in pipelines can be reduced by more than 10% compared to the conventional system.

Current applications go along standard EN 15632 which allows for PE-x and PB materials and a temperature profile of 80°C over 30 years of operation period. Whereas new applications demand a duration of 50 years while considering 70°C as a maximum possible operating tem- perature. Lower temperatures, such as 60°C or 50°C, are today seen in low temperature district heating systems.

New materials in this application field such as PE-RT resins are explored in this segment that offer new installation techniques such as the first time use of electro fusion welding technologies in a wider scale in this industry sector. This includes the Fittings fabricated out of PE-RT Type II material specifically suitable to cope with the lifetime and temperature requirements of this application. Using PE-RT also opens up better possibilities of recycling the plastic materials.

This paper details the innovative path and development of pre-insulated pipe systems that operate with lower temperature – thus being more economical and effective than conven- tional high temperature district heating systems – to address these new challenges. A case study of this project is explained addressing challenges of modern energy management.


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for asignificant portion of the project.simultaneous dual-wall fusion, traditional underground burial and directional drilling A multitude of innovations that became apparent as the system was installed such as d)

project, andmm (6.299 inch) DR 7.3 within 250 mm (9.842 inch) DR 17) that was supplied for this The attributes of the 365 meters (1200 feet) of pre-insulated dual wall PP-RCT pipe (160 c)

pre-insulated piping system,The design considerations that led to the specification of a unique dual-wall b)

project,The basic properties of the PP-RCT material used to produce the pipe installed in thisa)

some challenging design considerations. This discussion will focus on the following:hydronic heating system, the University of Illinois in Champaign, Illinois, USA was faced withWhen considering the expansion of their physical plant and the associated high temperature

higher temperature water conditions.resistance and the long-term performance capability of PP-RCT piping systems, especially forof PP materials. The mechanical staff there is very familiar with the chemical and corrosionPP-R in the past, and in more recent times has selected the higher performance PP-RCT classstalled on the main campus in Champaign, Illinois. The University of Illinois has used traditionalStates that has dealt with a high-temperature hydronic heating system that was recently in-This presentation will address one such installation at the University of Illinois in the United

traditional metal pipe applications in a variety of installations.America is embracing higher performance PP piping systems as an attractive alternative toHVAC, industrial and plumbing applications. As a result, the engineering community in NorthGenerally, PP piping systems have performed exceptionally well in a variety of challengingThe market for high performance PP piping systems in North America continues to evolve.

nupi Americas, sales and Marketing, st. Augustine, United stateschris ZiuE-mail: [email protected], Port Murray, United statesSteve Sandstrum

hyDRonic hEATing ApplicATionSpolypRopylEnE pipE in DEMAnDing

Day 3, Wednesday, 9:40–10:00

8 A – WAt E R A P P L I C At I o n s


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8B – MoVInG BEYonDDay 3, Wednesday, 9:40–10:00

A nEw gEnERATion of high pERfoRMAncE polyEThylEnE pRESSuRE pipESAjay Taraiya, peter Degenhart, Maria Soliman, Ralph handstanger,Mark boerakkersabic, Geleen, netherlandsE-mail: [email protected]

Since the introduction of polyolefins for pressure pipes, continuous improvements have been made to meet ever-higher demands on their performance and to expand their application window beyond their original scope, mostly based on new resin formulations. Today, we also continue to push the limit to provide better solutions. In this paper, we will highlight a route to produce biaxially oriented polyethylene and polypropylene pipes using our dedicated mate-rial formulations developed for this purpose. Continuous in-line biaxial pipe production line has been designed and constructed. The resistance to internal pressure, slow crack growth and chlorine dioxide resistance of pipes has been determined according to ISO 1167-1, ISO 13479 and ASTM f2023 respectively.

These results were obtained by using 32mm and 63mm outer diameter pipes. This new gen-eration of polyolefin pipes have shown a strong improvement over the whole property range, from internal pressure resistance to a two-fold improvement in chlorine dioxide resistance and a ten-fold improvement in slow crack growth performance. This solution is designed to meet today’s and the future’s demands. It has the potential to open up new application areas for polyolefin pipes.


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for asignificant portion of the project.simultaneous dual-wall fusion, traditional underground burial and directional drilling A multitude of innovations that became apparent as the system was installed such as d)

project, andmm (6.299 inch) DR 7.3 within 250 mm (9.842 inch) DR 17) that was supplied for this The attributes of the 365 meters (1200 feet) of pre-insulated dual wall PP-RCT pipe (160 c)

pre-insulated piping system,The design considerations that led to the specification of a unique dual-wall b)

project,The basic properties of the PP-RCT material used to produce the pipe installed in thisa)

some challenging design considerations. This discussion will focus on the following:hydronic heating system, the University of Illinois in Champaign, Illinois, USA was faced withWhen considering the expansion of their physical plant and the associated high temperature

higher temperature water conditions.resistance and the long-term performance capability of PP-RCT piping systems, especially forof PP materials. The mechanical staff there is very familiar with the chemical and corrosionPP-R in the past, and in more recent times has selected the higher performance PP-RCT classstalled on the main campus in Champaign, Illinois. The University of Illinois has used traditionalStates that has dealt with a high-temperature hydronic heating system that was recently in-This presentation will address one such installation at the University of Illinois in the United

traditional metal pipe applications in a variety of installations.America is embracing higher performance PP piping systems as an attractive alternative toHVAC, industrial and plumbing applications. As a result, the engineering community in NorthGenerally, PP piping systems have performed exceptionally well in a variety of challengingThe market for high performance PP piping systems in North America continues to evolve.

nupi Americas, sales and Marketing, st. Augustine, United stateschris ZiuE-mail: [email protected], Port Murray, United statesSteve Sandstrum

hyDRonic hEATing ApplicATionSpolypRopylEnE pipE in DEMAnDing

Day 3, Wednesday, 9:40–10:00

8 A – WAt E R A P P L I C At I o n s

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the development of relevant standard specification.safety for when residents using the drinking water. Last but not least, we are participating inmetabolism and reproduction of bacteria in the pipe. These features provide cleanliness andsystems. Furthermore, antibacterial PP-R composite pipe was developed, which inhibits the°C higher long-term using temperature, making the pipe more versatile in hot and cold-water2% down to 0.3%. Basalt fiber-reinforced PP-RCT composite pipe is developed, with (15-20)expansion coefficient from 0.16mm / (m·°C) to 0.05 mm / (m·°C), longitudinal reversion frombasalt fiber-reinforced PPR composite pipe with multi-layer coextrusion, reducing the linearPP-RCT pipes. The mechanical strength has been improved by around 20%. In addition, theture and has been used in industry, can greatly improve the mechanical properties of PP-R andIn this paper, a new material is used to reinforce PP-R and PP-RCT. The basalt, which is from na-

low temperature and pressure resistance.sion coefficient, insufficient notched impact strength, poor antibacterial performance, andtems. However, PP-R pipe has the disadvantages of large high-temperature thermal expan-PP-R (random copolymerized polypropylene) has been widely used in hot and cold-water sys-

E-mail: [email protected] Enterprise Group Ltd., Foshan, Chinalei wang, Qiaoping Qiu, guozhi Xu

pipE in hoT AnD colD wATER SySTEMApplicATion of pp-R coMpoSiTE REinfoRcED

Day 3, Wednesday, 10:00–10:20

8 A – WAt E R A P P L I C At I o n s


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piping system.develop the highly performance PE-sGF piping system for soften ground as large diameterand secure pipeline system with the long-term property. That was why, it was completed tohave never got before. Moreover, it can be said that it is an important to provide more safetycept to proceed above constructions against environmental climate change whatever weFor this summary, it should be necessary to develop the new pipeline system with new con-

egorized: PE-sGF 200)According to ISO 12162, MRS of PE-sGF is 20 MPa, and classification number is 200. (ISO cat-

sGF systems of long-term property.analyzed by ISO 9080 was 21.078 MPa. That mean, lowest MRS value was indicated whole PE-diameter, 200 DN/ID which it was described minimum bending modulus. For the results, σLPLBesides the author had been done long term creep tests by ISO 1167-1 and -2 with minimum

scribed minimum bending modulus according to structural design and helical angle.inside diameter dimension ratio) by random sampling. For the results, minimum diameter de-author evaluated the ring stiffness test from 200 DN/ID to 2000 DN/ID based on SIDR (Standardmentary hoop stress can be expected to increase accordance with diameter. That was why theASTM D2239) has a proportional relation with the extruded helical angle. Thereby the supple-fibers including whole those property. This method is considered that the diameter DN/ID (Ref.There are only PE-sGF pipe made by spiral cross winding method with orientating short glass

those characteristics as mentioned to make it for large diameter.the flow capacity as if the ground deformation. Nevertheless, it had quite difficult to provideand flexibility for longitudinal directions with long term property because to prevent maintaininto pipeline system, it shall be affected unique characteristics as combine high ring stiffnessat peat land whereas spots of about 2 million km2 on the surface of earth. To use those areas ascultural field, drainage pipeline system and to spread the new underground irrigation systemand climate change. Against those problem, it has to need new projects to make a new agri-As the worldwide problems are over-population, unusual weather like as localized heavy rain

Yamagata University, Yonezawa, JapanTakashi kuriyamaDaipla corporation, Recearch and Development, Kasumigaura, JapanMitsuaki TokiyoshiPrime Polymer, Development, tokyo, JapanTakeshi karinoE-mail: [email protected] stiffness Polyethylene Pipes Association, 2-15-1, Kounan, Minato-Ku tokyo, Japankensei inoue

AS uSED pEAT lAnDnEw chAllEnging ApplicATion

Day 3, Wednesday, 10:00–10:20

8 B – M o V I n G B E Yo n D


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hiSToRy of hDpE uSE AT ThE ciTy of pAlo AlTo foR poTAblE wATER DiSTRibuTiongreg ScobyCrossbore Consultants, Los Gatos, United statesE-mail: [email protected]

This presentation/paper will detail the steps taken during adoption of hDPE for potable water systems improvements including material justification, creation of related specifications, in-vestigation of available piping components, qualification of contractors and the construction/inspection of related systems. A review of the progress of the City’s accelerated infrastructure water replacement program is also included.

Approximately 20 years ago the City of Palo Alto made the decision to convert to hDPE for po-table water distribution. This decision was based on the experience gained with the exclusive use of polyethylene for natural gas distribution made in the late 1980s. Several factors were considered to support this conversion.

The major driving force was the leak free performance of a monolithic self-restraining system provided by fused connections and. Other factors guiding this decision included the projected life of the material, minimizing corrosion failure associated with buried metallic components, ability to install piping with trenchless construction methods to minimize installed cost and customer inconvenience and the desire construct a resilient distribution system capable of remaining in service during and after seismic events. The San Andreas fault traverses Palo Alto. In the early 1990s, utility department staff convinced Council members of the need to increase replacement levels associated with the water, gas and wastewater systems. An accelerated infrastructure replacement program funded by increased user rates was adopted and addi-tional engineering staff hired to focus on the design and construction of all three mentioned systems. Staff started the revision of existing standards and construction documents for the water system in 2009 including participation in an industry Municipal Advisory Board and the American Water Works 263 Polyolefin Committee (responsible for C901, C903, C906 polyethyl-ene standards and the M55 PE Pipe Design and Installation Manual) to ensure created specifi-cations were best practice methods.

Staff utilized past experience gained during natural gas projects to implement the use of trenchless construction methods for potable water system replacement. The first hDPE project, Water Main Replacement 21/22, was constructed over the 2010/2011 fiscal year with main sizes ranging from 8” through 16” encompassing a total 8,000 ln ft of mains. Construction was performed by a polyethylene qualified contractor utilizing both trenchless and open cut construction methods. Based on the success of this project, full adoption of hDPE for water, including mains and services, was made for all system extensions and improvements/replace-ments hDPE is currently the only material specified by the City for potable water distribution.


8A – WAtER APPLICAtIonsDay 3, Wednesday, 10:20–10:40


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Day 3, Wednesday, 10:20–10:40


horizontal directional drilling.‘landing’ was carried out in 2019 with 1500 m of 560mm OD conduit pipes being installed by were selected to ensure that these critical conduits would have a long operational life. The buried conditions, where operating temperatures can reach 70°C. PE100-HT conduit pipes A critical point was the transition length between subsea and conventional underground

the cables. the two countries. Prysmian Power Link was awarded the supply and installation contract for involved undersea and underground high voltage direct current cable lines between selected was IFA2, the interconnection between France and the United Kingdom. This project operating temperature projects. The first RTE project for which PE100-HT conduits were an administrating laboratory. PE100-HT conduit pipes are proposed for new RTE high French NF114 Quality Mark [2], a quality system of PE Pipe systems under the governance of The performance of this new material was evaluated and incorporated into Group 5 of the

only 6 years for a conventional PE100. materials can have a service life in excess of 50 years at temperatures of 60°C as compared to the ISO9080 [1] regression curves, provided by the resin manufacturer, show that such temperatures and which have been tested at temperatures of up to 110°C. Extrapolation of PE100-HT" (High Temperature) black compounds developed for use at high operating use of HDPE conduits has been supported by the development of a new generation of "a safer installation and the containment of a possible cable defect. The increase in the lines. This has generated a strong demand for high quality HDPE conduit pipes that can ensure to the increase in the number of RTE ‘s long (over 20 km) underground High Voltage cable The relatively recent establishment of underground cable lines in rural areas has contributed

through the Official Journal of the European Union qualification systems. network study, supply and installation work will be undertaken by companies selected its network by investing 1.5 billion euros per year between 2015 and 2024 period. Most of this km of underground HV links operated in 2018. The company is modernizing and developing very High Voltage cable lines. Their network is the largest in Europe and includes over 6400 RTE operates, maintains and develops the French electricity network, including the High and

Prysmian Group, Paron, FranceJawdat Mansour, José SantanaLyondellBasell group, Paris, FranceDidier NozahicRTE-CNER, GDIN, Paris, FranceYann DelanneRTE-CNER, Liaisons Department, Paris, FranceSerge HascoetE-mail: [email protected] Polyolefine GmbH, Polyethylene Specialties, Frankfurt, GermanyHolger Brüning



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DiAMETER pvc pipES

fRAcTuRE MEchAnicS TEchniQuES in lARgE

Day 3, Wednesday, 11:10–11:30

9 A – P R o C E s s I n G


methodologies dueto chemical exposition factors.evaluation, since the dichloromethane method still in use tends to be replaced by alternative product.Thispossibility is particularly interesting in the case of the degree of gelation between the different types of pipes, opening up new possibilities for testing thisbehavior against fracture propagation are sensitive when comparing the results The results show that, even with impact modifiers added in minor quantities, the differences in

South Africa.the case of other countries that adopt this technology such as Australia, New Zealand andpresence of impact modifiers in the case of M-PVC pipes, added in smaller quantities than inof these PVC compositions, in the case of the Brazilian market, are differentiated only by thethe quality of processing (degree of gelation) via DSC and tensile strength. The formulationsGIC), essential work of fracture (EWF) and C-ring toughness. The pipes were also evaluated forwere evaluated according to various methodologies, including fracture toughness (KIC andplications, nominal diameter DN 300 (outside diameter 326 mm and wall thickness 13.1 mm)Unplasticised (U-PVC) and modified (M-PVC) pipes used in irrigation and infrastructure ap-

E-mail: [email protected] s/A, Vinyls, são Paulo, BrazilAntonio Rodolfo Jr


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to one decade in crack growth rate at similar stressintensity factors.fatigue crack growth resistances werefound. This can be seen in differences of up the PE compounds is possible. With higheramounts of impurities in the compound, decreasing 60°C. When comparing crack growth resist- ance, of this initial work, a distinct ranking between fatigue crack growth tests were performed at room temperature and at[5]

conTEnT foR pipE ApplicATionSpolyEThylEnE coMpounDS wiTh REcyclATEfATiguE cRAck gRowTh RESiSTAncE ofEffEcT of chloRinATED wATER on ThE

Day 3, Wednesday, 11:10–11:30

9 B – s t U DY o F E F F E C t s

To investigate the temperature influence on the local aging effect of chlorine, superimposed

PErecyclates were tested in water and chlorinated water with a chlorine content of 5 mg/L.(PE100-RC)crack growthto andPE100-RCofcompoundsvariousofand

Therefore, fatigue properties of polyethylene (PE) virgin material with an enhanced resistance

able post-consumer recyclates to be used in compounds for piping applications.recyclates. The purpose of this paper is to gain insights in the suitability of commercially avail-market. This is most likely a result of lacking experience and confidence in post-consumerards for polyolefin piping systems [3,4], only little amounts are currently used in the Europeanpipe materials [1,2]. Although the use of recycled plastics is not prohibited in some ISO stand-preliminary studies demonstrate its aging and crack growth accelerating effects on polyolefinIn Middle Europe, typically, sodium hypochlorite is used for controlled water disinfection and

E-mail: [email protected] Kepler University Linz, Institute of Polymeric Materials and testing, Linz, Austriapaul Johann freudenthaler, Joerg fischer, Reinhold w. lang


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innovATivE MilliMETER wAvE TEchnologyfoR MEASuRing ThE pipE wAll ThicknESS ATThE bEginning of ThE EXTRuSion pRocESS

christian Schalichsikora AG, sales, Bremen, GermanyE-mail: [email protected] gierschsIkora aG, Corporate Communications, Bremen, Germany

Plastic pipes for infrastructure and building applications are precisely specified with regards to wall thickness and diameter. pipe manufacturers use different measuring methods in order to ensure the required dimensional accuracy and maintain a constant high quality.

This paper introduces a measuring system based on millimeter wave (radar) technology. It provides a non-contact, non-destructive, online measurement of inner and outer diameter, ovality, wall thickness, inner profile and sagging of plastic pipes during the extrusion process. One rotating transceiver continuously sends and receives frequency modulated waves to en-sure the monitoring of the wall thickness over 360 degrees of the circumference of the pipe. The system is typically installed after the first vacuum tank in order to monitor the pre-cooled dimensions of a pipe. Its sensitivity to different materials allows for using this technology on all kinds of pipes made of polyolefines, thermoplasts and PvC in diameter ranges from 90 op-tional 60) up to 3,200 mm and wall thicknesses from 3.8 mm.

In addition, the paper describes a further development of this technology, which is currently developed in cooperation with well-known manufacturers of extrusion lines. By means of a ro-tating transceiver inside the pipe, the system measures the wall thickness distribution over 360 degrees of the circumference already at a very early position of the production line. This allows an extremely fast centering and an even more significant reduction of start-up scrap. Due to the combination of both systems, the hot as well as the precooled values of the wall thickness and diameter of the pipe are measured in order to evaluate the sagging effect of the material during the cooling process. These values can automatically be controlled without delay to the minimum permitted nominal value at optimum concentricity. The operation of the systems is intuitive and easy without any prior knowledge about the material and its characteristics.

The paper will outline the reasons for the development of both systems with regards to the demands of the market. The systems as well as their functional principle will be introduced. By using the described systems, the start-up process for the extrusion of a pipe is significantly facilitated and shortened. Thus, the production process is optimized, the highest quality of the pipe ensured, and costs are saved. A fast Return on Investment (ROI) is guaranteed.


9A – PRoCEssInGDay 3, Wednesday, 11:30–11:50

W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0


on polyethylene pipes.and distribution of residual stress used on the simulations is based on previous investigationsVarious loads are considered in the calculations, including the residual stress. The magnitude

characterizing the crack growth in PE100 [4], the lifetime of the pipe is calculated.fracture mechanics parameters [3]. Using the results of this model and material parametersadvantage of the possibility to describe the slow crack growth mechanism by linear elasticmodel is created to simulate the slow crack growth in the eccentric pipes. This model takesure of the pipe happens as a results of the slow crack growth (SCG) process. A finite elementgrowth, and therefore the achieved failure times, in eccentric pipes. It is assumed that the fail-This contribution is concerned with further exploration of conditions that influence crack

cooling conditions after pipe extrusion.related to the residual stress distribution in the eccentric pipe wall which results from specificof this phenomenon has not yet been clarified. Possible reasons for this behavior might beorder to prevent the misjudgment of material properties from pressure testing. The true causesuggested define maximum eccentricity level of pipe specimens be introduced in ISO 1167 innificantly longer failure times in hydrostatic pressure tests according to ISO 1167 [2]. It waschange in the results of hydrostatic pressure tests [1]. The eccentric pipes tend to reach sig-It has been reported recently that eccentricity of walls of PE100 pipes can cause a serious

Borouge Pte.Ltd, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesSuleyman DeveciE-mail: [email protected] Properties, Brno, Czech RepublicInstitute of Physics of Materials, Academy of sciences of the Czech Republic,pavel hutar, Jan poduska

wiTh EccEnTRic wAllSiMulATion of cRAck gRowTh in pE100 pipES

Day 3, Wednesday, 11:30–11:50

9 B – s t U DY o F E F F E C t s


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9A – PRoCEssInGDay 3, Wednesday, 11:50–12:10

MEchAnicAl inTEgRiTy of hDpE buTTfuSion JoinTS

Suleyman Deveci, nisha Anthony, Sulistiyanto nugroho, birkan EryigitBorouge Pte. Ltd., Innovation Centre, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesE-mail: [email protected]

Carbon black (CB) has been used as a perfect and the cheapest solution to prevent photo deg-radation of polyethylene against uv light exposure. Effect of carbon black on the mechanical properties of polyethylene was studied extensively, but only on well dispersed and distributed carbon black polyethylene composites. As a continuation of the previous work presented at PPXIX las vegas in 2018 [1], the effect of carbon black distribution on the mechanical proper-ties of butt-fusion joints was investigated. Polyethylene pipes with similar carbon black con-centrations but different distributions were produced with industrial scale compounding and extrusion equipment. Waisted tensile test specimens [2] were milled directly from the butt-fused pipe samples [3] and elongated to fracture. Carbon black distributions at the butt fusion interphase, both in axial and radial directions, were investigated using stereo and scanning electron microscopy.

A significant decrease in joint integrity, measured as work of fracture, was observed for the welds made with high-density polyethylene pipes with inhomogeneous carbon black distri-butions. It was found that the width of areas that do not contain carbon black (windows) can significantly enlarge at the butt fusion interphase due to shearing, resulting in brittle failures at the butt fusion interphase with a magnitude related to the level of inhomogeneity. This work focuses on the evaluation of fracture surfaces of weld interphases and their relationship with the level of carbon black inhomogeneity in the polyethylene matrix.


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compromised. In addition, theaffect on processability will also be discussed.required HydrostaticDesign Basis (ASTM D2837) at elevated temperatures will be of bulk propertytesting can be misleading. Adherence to ASTM D1784 and meeting the techniques suchas DMA and DSC to reveal the behavior of such blends whereas the results the compromise has to be taken into consideration. This paper will present analytical is to be respected. Formulations with blends of PVC and CPVC resins have been attempted but AlthoughPVC is also derived from the vinyl monomer as well, the properties of each material

retardancy that extends its use in a wide variety of applications including hot water. monomer, the chlorine content of CPVC brings additional heat resistance and enhanced flamein residential and industrial applications. Building upon the desirable properties of the vinylride (CPVC) resins offer technical solution to pressure piping systems that find extensive useUnplasticized formulations based on Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and Chlorinated Polyvinyl chlo-

E-mail: [email protected] north America LLC, Modifiers and CPVC Divisions, Pasadena, United statesSaleem Shakir

AnAlySiS of pvc AnD cpvc blEnDS

Day 3, Wednesday, 11:50–12:10

9 B – s t U DY o F E F F E C t s


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9 B – s t U D Y o F E F F E C t s

Day 3, Wednesday, 11:50–12:10

AnAlySiS of pvc AnD cpvc blEnDS

Saleem ShakirKaneka north America LLC, Modifiers and CPVC Divisions, Pasadena, United statesE-mail: [email protected]

Unplasticized formulations based on Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and Chlorinated Polyvinyl chlo- ride (CPVC) resins offer technical solution to pressure piping systems that find extensive use in residential and industrial applications. Building upon the desirable properties of the vinyl monomer, the chlorine content of CPVC brings additional heat resistance and enhanced flame retardancy that extends its use in a wide variety of applications including hot water.

Although PVC is also derived from the vinyl monomer as well, the properties of each material is to be respected. Formulations with blends of PVC and CPVC resins have been attempted but the compromise has to be taken into consideration. This paper will present analytical techniques such as DMA and DSC to reveal the behavior of such blends whereas the results of bulk property testing can be misleading. Adherence to ASTM D1784 and meeting the required Hydrostatic Design Basis (ASTM D2837) at elevated temperatures will be compromised. In addition, the affect on process ability will also be discussed.



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9A – PRoCEssInGDay 3, Wednesday, 12:10–12:30

EffEcT of inSufficiEnT hoMogEniZATion DuRing ThE EXTRuSion of polyEThylEnE pipES on buTT fuSion JoinT inTEgRiTy

Mike Troughton, Amir khamsehnezhadtWI Ltd, Cambridge, United KingdomE-mail: [email protected] yuCoventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom, 3nsIRC, Cambridge, United Kingdom

When butt fusion welding polyethylene (PE) pipes in the field, it is often specified that the pipes must undergo fusibility testing in all combinations of suppliers, diameters and thick- nesses before being fused in production. This is a very onerous and expensive task but must be carried out to ensure that the PE pipes are of sufficient quality to produce acceptable butt fusion joints.

One of the reasons why PE pipes might not be of sufficient quality is insufficient homogeniza- tion of the resin, which during the extrusion of black pigmented PE pipes, may result in fea- tures called “windows”. These are local areas where there is a lack of carbon black pigmentation and normally occur in thicker-walled pipes, towards the mid-wall thickness. They can be seen, for example, in the shavings from the end of the pipes produced during the trimming stage of the butt fusion process.

Two potential reasons why insufficient homogenization of pigmented PE resin might cause a reduction in the performance of butt fusion joints: 1) if there are areas in the pipe where the carbon black content is zero, there are likely to be areas where the carbon black concentration is significantly higher than the average. These areas may act as either stress concentrations or cause lack of fusion in the butt fusion joints; 2) after the PE melt passes through the mandrel support plate in the pipe extruder, which contains hundreds of holes, the molten strands need to fuse back together to form a homogeneous melt. however, if there are areas in the melt that contain cooler, higher viscosity PE rods or pellet lumps, these may not fuse together perfectly and may result in areas of reduced fusion in the butt fusion joint.

This paper describes an investigation into the effect of insufficient homogenization of pigment- ed resin in PE pipes on the integrity of the subsequent butt fusion joints and the development of a test to quantify the amount of windows in the pipe. It will describe the analysis carried out on a number of PE pipes, made using both precompounded and in-line compounded resin on the same pipe extruder but using different extrusion conditions to obtain different degrees of homogenization, and the results of mechanical tests carried out on the butt fusion joints from these pipes and also on commercially-available pipes, in order to determine an acceptance criterion for the amount of windows in PE pipes.



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of RESiDuAl STRESS on fATiguE lifETiME

MulTilAyER polyMER pipES – ThE influEncE

Day 3, Wednesday, 12:10–12:30

9 B – s t U DY o F E F F E C t s


lukáš TrávníčekInstitute of Physics of Materials As CR, v. v. i., Brno, Czech RepublicCEItEC BUt, Brno, Czech RepublicE-mail: [email protected] hutař, Jan poduška, luboš náhlíkInstitute of Physics of Materials As CR, v. v. i., Brno, Czech RepublicAndreas frank, florian ArbeiterPolymer Competence Center Leoben, Leoben, AustriaJaroslav kučera, Jiří SadílekPolymer Institute Brno, Brno, Czech Republicgerald pinterMontanuniversität Leoben, Leoben, Austria

With the increasing utilization of recycled materials in various industry branches, there has also been an effort to use as much recycled material as possible in the production of plastic pipes (Calton 2016). So far, recycled material content is allowed in non-pressure applications only. One way of making the application of recycled material possible for pressure piping sys- tems is to use it in multilayer pipe systems. A study about multilayer pipes, recently published by Hutař (Hutař 2018), presents a possibility to make the inner layer of recycled material and shows results of residual fatigue lifetime that are not significantly different from the conven- tional single-layer plastic pipes.

One of the important factors influencing lifetime of piping systems is residual stress, which is a consequence of molding or extrusion process. Therefore, realistic estimation of residual hoop stress can contribute to accurate lifetime predictions. The previously published methodology (Poduška 2014) based on the theory of a curved beam member was used for estimation of residual hoop stress distribution in pipe wall. In the mentioned paper, the theory was applied to extruded polypropylene pipes. In this work, the same theory is used for the case of multi- layer polyethylene pipes with outer diameter 90 mm and inner diameter 73.6 mm.

These pipes were chosen because they are technologically and geometrically close to the pipes with recycled content proposed in this work. Estimated residual stresses are then applied for proposed three-layer pipes with middle layer made of recycled material.



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10A – PLAstIC REsIstAnCE to CRACKInGDay 3, Wednesday, 13:40–14:00

finDing ThE RighT pipETEST foRpolyEThylEnE wiTh A RAiSED RESiSTAncETo Slow cRAck gRowTh

Ernst van der StokKiwa technology, Apeldoorn, netherlandsE-mail: [email protected]

With the latest generation polyethylene grades having a raised resistance to slow crack growth (PE 100-RC), the demand for suitable test methods is high. for resins, three tests are seen as suitable candidates for standardization purposes [1],These are:the strain hardening test (ShT), the cyclic cracked round bar test (CRB) and the accelerated full notch creep test (afNCT). for pipes, two tests are still under development: the point load test (PlT) and the accelerated notch pipe test (aNPT).This paper describes the current state of development of these tests, including results of recent Round Robins and the latest optimization steps. The PlT is investi-gated within a project group involving manufacturers and end-users.The PlT determines the resistance to point loads as can occur in practice.In an earlier study, the results for the PlT were promising but lacking a clear comparison between the three different laboratories and the right detergent for a proper acceleration of the test [1].

In this new research the PE100 pipe of two manufacturers are tested with Arkopal N100 by three different laboratories. Moreover, these pipes are used to experiment with new deter-gents to accelerate the test. finally, the influence of the pipe diameter is investigated.

The results of the investigations will be used for the new PlT standard (ISO/NP 22102) and the revision of PE pipe standards such as EN 1555 and ISO 4437. The development of the aNPT has been published before [2], In this test the crack growth resistance from an initial notch is measured. It is performed exactly like the usual NPT (ISO 13479), but with one important dif-ference: instead of using water, the pipe is placed in a detergent solution. To keep the test eco-friendly, smaller containers were created for each pipe to minimize the amount of detergent. Currently,this test method is being standardized as an annex in ISO 13479.Therefore,a Round Robin investigation is initiated.This paper therefore gives important insights in the develop-ments of pipe tests for PE100-RC.



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MuTuAl REcogniTion of ThE cERTificATion SchEMES in EuRopEpeter SejersentEPPFA aisbl, Brussels, BelgiumE-mail: [email protected] StimmelmayrRehau AG, Erlangen, Germany

The voluntary certification scheme for plastic multilayer piping systems for hot and cold drink-ing water inside buildings is a joint effort of two key European organizations. It was initiated in close cooperation with the Brussels based European trade association of plastic pipe and fittings manufacturers. Efforts include a signed Memorandum of understanding (Mou) by the administrators on the voluntary certification scheme for plastic multilayer piping systems for hot and cold drinking water inside buildings in March 2018. It marked the beginning of the voluntary assessment program in Europe in the area of multilayer piping systems - an effort to realize a transparent and harmonized certification scheme for plastics multilayer hot and cold drinking water pipe producers. The scheme is open; all individual European certification bod-ies and their associated test houses can join.

The pilot standard used in introducing the scheme is the ISO 21004, “Plastics piping systems – Multilayer pipes and their joints, based on thermoplastics, for water supply” and a number of certificates has already been issued to international plastic pipe producers.

The ongoing work on further developing the system includes introducing of more test labo-ratories as well as introducing more products and standards to be implemented as part of the scheme.


10B – stAnDARDIZAtIonDay 3, Wednesday, 13:40–14:00


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TESTScRAck gRowTh MEchAniSM in AccElERATEDfRAcTuRE SuRfAcE EviDEncE foR ThE SlowSlow cRAck gRowTh in polyEThylEnE:

Day 3, Wednesday, 14:00–14:20

10 A – R E s I s tA n C E to C R A C K I n G


Mark boerakkersABIC technology Center Geleen, technology Pipe & Foam, Geleen, netherlandsE-mail: [email protected] DebliecksABIC technology Center Geleen, Geleen, netherlandsDsM MsC Geleen, Geleen, netherlandsArno wilbers, Tine boonenDsM MsC Geleen, Geleen, netherlandsbritta gerets, Mirko wenzelsKZ, Wuerzburg, Germany,

Components made of plastic are facing ever-increasing demands with respect to their pro-duction, use and durability. This also holds for gas and drinking water pressure pipes madeof high-density polyethylene (PE-HD), where service lifetimes of up to 50 years and in somecases even 100 years are required. Failure modes include rapid crack propagation, ductile andbrittle creep failure and thermo-oxidative brittle failure due to material degradation. Thesefailure modes need to be assessed by means of accelerated test methods to guarantee safeinstallation and use.

Recently developed methods to probe slow crack growth include the Accelerated Creep Test(ACT), Accelerated Full Notch Creep Test (aFNCT), Cracked Round Bar Test (CRB) and StrainHardening Test (SHT). These tests probe the resistance to slow crack growth in various ways,either by applying efficient detergents to accelerate crack growth in a pre-notched specimenunder constant tensile stress (ACT, aFNCT), or by cyclic tensile loading a pre-notched speci-men (CRB) or, indirectly, by probing the effective entanglement density of the material via atensile test (SHT). Decent correlations between these tests and the earlier established testshave been reported.

Understanding the mechanisms leading to slow crack growth is eminent to evaluate, rank andfinally tailor the resistance of materials to it. In the absence of real life examples the validation of the above-mentioned tests is examined through the use of existing deformation and failure models of craze propagation and craze-crack transition ,coupled to crack growth kinetics, the outcome of which can be translated into the molecular network condition via the surface energy.

The validity of these deformation and failure models for accelerated tests will be connectedto the analysis of the fracture surface textures found in aF-NCT for a set of polyethylenematerials and further extended to the results of the SHT.



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materials and further extended to the results of the SHT.to the analysis of the fracture surface textures found in aF-NCT for a set of polyethylene The validity of these deformation and failure models for ac-celerated tests will be connected

condition via the surface energy. crack growth kinetics, the outcome of which can be translated into the molecular networkand failure models of craze propagation and craze-crack transition, coupledto validation of the above-mentioned tests is examined through the use of exist- ing deformation finally tailor the resistance of materials to it. In the absence of real lifeexamples the Understanding the mechanisms leading to slow crack growth is eminent to evaluate, rank and

have been reported. tensile test (SHT). Decent correlations between these tests and the earlier established testsmen (CRB) or, indirectly, by probing the effective entanglement density of the material via aunder constant tensile stress (ACT, aFNCT), or by cyclic tensile loading a pre-notched speci-either by applying efficient detergents to accelerate crack growth in a pre-notched specimenHardening Test (SHT). These tests probe the resistance to slow crack growth in various ways,(ACT), Accelerated Full Notch Creep Test (aFNCT), Cracked Round Bar Test (CRB) and StrainRecently developed methods to probe slow crack growth include the Accelerated Creep Test

installation and use.failure modes need to be assessed by means of accelerated test methods to guarantee safebrittle creep failure and thermo-oxidative brittle failure due to material degradation. Thesecases even 100 years are required. Failure modes include rapid crack propagation, ductile andof high-density polyethylene (PE-HD), where service lifetimes of up to 50 years and in someduction, use and durability. This also holds for gas and drinking water pressure pipes madeComponents made of plastic are facing ever-increasing demands with respect to their pro-

sKZ, Wuerzburg, Germany,britta gerets, Mirko wenzelDsM MsC Geleen, Geleen, netherlandsArno wilbers, Tine boonenDsM MsC Geleen, Geleen, netherlandssABIC technology Center Geleen, Geleen, netherlandsRudy DeblieckE-mail: [email protected] technology Center Geleen, technology Pipe & Foam, Geleen, netherlandsMark boerakker

TESTScRAck gRowTh MEchAniSM in AccElERATEDfRAcTuRE SuRfAcE EviDEncE foR ThE SlowSlow cRAck gRowTh in polyEThylEnE:

Day 3, Wednesday, 14:00–14:20

10 A – R E s I s tA n C E to C R A C K I n G

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ApplicATion of pE100 pRE-coMpounDSTAnDARDiZATion AnD iTS influEncE on ThEREcEnT DEvElopMEnT of chinA pE wATER pipE

Day 3, Wednesday, 14:00–14:20

10 B – s tA n DA R D I Z At I o n


Mark yu, Xinwen yu, Dongyu fang, Jinghui liBorouge Pte Ltd, Infrastructure, shanghai, ChinaE-mail: [email protected] XiangBeijing technology and Business University, Beijing, Chinapeck Tze kangBorouge Pte Ltd, Infrastructure, singapore, singapore

The Chinese PE water pipe market has developed significantly in recent years and particularly over the last 12 months. Against a background of infrastructure investment and growing ur- banization, this evolving market has grown significantly in both size and quality awareness. On the back of past experiences, a fundamental change occurred on July 1, 2018 with the introduction of the updated national standard of GB/T 13663-2017 “Polyethylene(PE) piping systems for water supply” that requires the use of pre-compounded PE materials for water dis- tribution pipelines.

This quality awareness was prompted by the realization that certain water supply pipelines were made of low-quality materials (e.g. recycled material, substandard materials that may not meet ISO4427 requirement, or process under inadequate dispersion of CB)that resulted in significant water losses. The release of the updated PE water pipe standard will have a significant impact on the development of the China PE water pipe market.

It will start tochange the incorrect perception that high quality PE100 pre-compounds are needed for thegas market, but low-quality PE material would suffice for the water pipe market.

In this paper, the authors will review the full development of the Chinese PE water pipe ap- plication and its market. The new China PE water pipe standard will be evaluated against in- ternational standards from both an application and technical perspective. Successful cases of pre-compound PE100 material being used in the Chinese water pipe market shared by the national standard committee will be included. Finally, the authors will highlight the needs of the Chinese PE water pipe market and its future development.



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compression molding (material test) and extrusion (component test).be explained by processing-related differences in the inner structure of the samples, due toThe observed quantitative differences in SHT results between material and pipe tests couldtest) were then set in relation to ISO 18488 results (material test) of the same material batch.from HDPE pipes (without previous regranulation). The results of subsequent SHT (componentThe focus was put on the elaboration of an industrially viable way to extract samples directly

cially molecular orientation revealed a great impact on the SHT results.pipe extrusion process as well as the resulting morphology/crystallinity were studied. Espe-Therefore, the influences of pipe dimension, melt temperature and mass throughput in the

test results were observed. [3]material batch was used in both cases, partially large differences between material and pipewere put in relation to those from material tests according to ISO 18488. Although the sameA variety of different HDPE pipe grades and pipe dimensions were tested and the SHT results

circumferential direction.ated on a lathe. This provides the additional benefit that samples can also be extracted inoptimized: Thin films, from which dogbone specimen can be punched directly, were gener-cedure to extract samples from pipes was developed. [2] In further work the procedure wasrate stays constant. With a succession of sawing, milling, grinding and finally punching, a pro-developed. SHT results were demonstrated to remain unchanged as long as the applied strainWith regard to small pipe diameters, a smaller test specimen than the ISO 18488 one has been

to transfer this material test method into a component test for HDPE pipes was investigated.crack growth (SCG) resistance of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe grades. The possibilityStrain hardening tests (SHT) according to ISO 18488 [1] allow a fast determination of the slow

sKZ – German Plastics Center, Wuerzburg, GermanyE-mail: [email protected] gerets, Mirko wenzel, kurt Engelsing

A coMponEnT TEST foR polyEThylEnE pipESuSAbiliTy of ThE STRAin hARDEning TEST AS

Day 3, Wednesday, 14:20–14:40

10 A – R E s I s tA n C E to C R A C K I n G


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compression molding (material test) and extrusion (component test).be explained by processing-related differences in the inner structure of the samples, due toThe observed quantitative differences in SHT results between material and pipe tests couldtest) were then set in relation to ISO 18488 results (material test) of the same material batch.from HDPE pipes (without previous regranulation). The results of subsequent SHT (componentThe focus was put on the elaboration of an industrially viable way to extract samples directly

cially molecular orientation revealed a great impact on the SHT results.pipe extrusion process as well as the resulting morphology/crystallinity were studied. Espe-Therefore, the influences of pipe dimension, melt temperature and mass throughput in the

test results were observed. [3]material batch was used in both cases, partially large differences between material and pipewere put in relation to those from material tests according to ISO 18488. Although the sameA variety of different HDPE pipe grades and pipe dimensions were tested and the SHT results

circumferential direction.ated on a lathe. This provides the additional benefit that samples can also be extracted inoptimized: Thin films, from which dogbone specimen can be punched directly, were gener-cedure to extract samples from pipes was developed. [2] In further work the procedure wasrate stays constant. With a succession of sawing, milling, grinding and finally punching, a pro-developed. SHT results were demonstrated to remain unchanged as long as the applied strainWith regard to small pipe diameters, a smaller test specimen than the ISO 18488 one has been

to transfer this material test method into a component test for HDPE pipes was investigated.crack growth (SCG) resistance of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe grades. The possibilityStrain hardening tests (SHT) according to ISO 18488 [1] allow a fast determination of the slow

sKZ – German Plastics Center, Wuerzburg, GermanyE-mail: [email protected] gerets, Mirko wenzel, kurt Engelsing

A coMponEnT TEST foR polyEThylEnE pipESuSAbiliTy of ThE STRAin hARDEning TEST AS

Day 3, Wednesday, 14:20–14:40

10 A – R E s I s tA n C E to C R A C K I n G

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experience [2] [7].DVGW project [1] work, on Round Robin Tests organized and performed and test laboratorySCG test methods and requirements for the future EN/ISO application standards based on thenetwork owner of the gas and water systems. The focus of the paper relates to the proposedmanufacturer and later on for the pipe manufacturer. This will create the confidence for thedistinguish between a PE100 and a PE100-RC but to define a set of tests to pass for the resinBased on former plastic pipes conference papers, there should not just be one requirement to

test methods and among different SCG methods itself.test methods and accelerated tests can help to define correlations between existing long-termobservation of the quality of resin and pipe and delaying the development of new resins. New[4] (Full Notch Creep Test) are exceeding 1 year and do not support a practical and constantFailure times of the PE100-RC materials like the standard NPT [3] (Notch Pipe Test), the FNCT

the SCG level of resin property and/or the pipe property.use of international accepted, recognized and suitable ISO test standards for the definition offined now under the new separate material designation “PE100-RC”. Important focus is on theISO4427/ ISO4437 standards, a separate set of slow crack growth requirements has been de-Besides the existing requirements for the PE80 and PE100 materials in the EN1555/ EN12201/

standards or individual end user specifications.world, those materials are already in use since more than 10 years, but mainly based on localsistance to crack) in Europe and PE100-HSCR (high stress crack resistance) in other parts of theductile iron and steel pipes especially related to its longevity. Under the name PE100-RC (re-porting modern installation practice to further grow the value versus traditional materials likebeen the key focus area of development, leading to improved robustness of PE pipes sup-Improving the slow crack growth (SCG) performance of PE100 pressure pipe materials has

Borealis Polyolefine GmbH, Business Unit Pipe, Linz, Austriagünter DreilingE-mail: [email protected] AG, Business Unit Pipe, Burghausen, Germanynorbert Jansen

fuTuRE En AnD iSo STAnDARDSnEw SET of pE100-Rc REQuiREMEnTS foR

Day 3, Wednesday, 14:20–14:40

10 B – s tA n DA R D I Z At I o n


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alternative installation techniques in correspondence to PAS 1075.about the extraordinary high performance of the PA-U12 gas pressure pipe compound forextreme high results from ongoing scratch and penetration tests will add up to a full picture

– cyclic CRB under raised load and lowered frequency [2, 5] with rating and explanation of the– NPT accelerated by high temperature [6] and– PLT accelerated with NM5 [3] and an additional notch on the inner pipe surface [4, 5],

failures and are compared including their practical applicability:For component testing three different SCG tests with modification for PA-U12 show brittle

test principals for PA-U12 [2].cosity numbers (or corresponding molecular weight) demonstrates the applicability of bothbeen modified for testing PA-U12. The excellent correlation for PA-U12 grades of different vis-18488:2015) for high density PE pipe grades. Test parameters existing for PE pipe grades haveclic Cracked Round Bar (CRB) Test (ISO 18489:2015) and the Strain Hardening (SH) Test (ISOled to the establishment of Small scale Accelerated Reliable Test (SMART), such as the cy-Apart from modified standard test methods, the demand for new time-efficient testing tools

lished and new test methodologies.was investigated by following PAS 1075 [1] test principals and further modification of estab-Within the current paper an unplasticized polyamide 12 (PA-U12) pressure pipe compound

– effected by penetrating shards from bursted pipes.– based on slow crack growth (SCG) under outside pressure e.g. by rocks or– initiated by external surface damages or

must be an excellent resistance against relevant pipe failure mechanisms, which may bestalled pipelines. Hence, a key requirement for plastic pipes utilized in trenchless installationsis the uncertainty of soil and pipeline bed conditions, that may reduce the lifetime of newly in-ing the construction time, reducing engineering and avoiding material transport. The downsideoffer the highest economic and ecological advantages by using existing old pipe tracks, shorten-ploughing and the replacement techniques horizontal direct drilling (HDD) or burst lining, whichAlternative installation techniques include methods like laying in a trench without sand bed,

E-mail: [email protected] Kunststofftechnik, Vienna, AustriaThomas kratochvilla, christoph brucknerPCCL GmbH, Leoben, AustriaMario Messhia, Andreas frankEvonik Resource Efficiency GmbH, High Performance Polymers, Marl, Germanyhermann van laak, Jan heimink

REQuiREMEnTS likE pAS 1075 foR pA-u12?)AbouT Rock ´n´ ShARDS (oR whywhy pA-u12 pRESSuRE pipES Do noT cARE

Day 3, Wednesday, 14:40–15:00

10 A – R E s I s tA n C E to C R A C K I n G


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ten steps described are likely to be very similar in other parts of the world.globe. Regardless of the change being pursued or the standards body that must be engaged, theit serves as guidance for other major standard revisions sought by industries in other parts of theits quest to use recycle materials in public right-of-way drainage applications. On a broader scale,This process was specifically beneficial to the North American corrugated plastic pipe industry in

Industry initiatives to promote the new standards.10.Transitioning and implementing the new standard into practice; and9.Establishing quality assurance parameters;8.Reaching consensus among US DOT representatives to pass a major standard revision;7.dustry;Overcoming objections from within plastic pipe industry and from the concrete pipe in-6.produced with recycled content;Key decisions reached by the industry leading to a proposed material standard for pipe5.Identifying key material testing needs and establishing standard test methods;4.How results from the initial materials research led to extended lab and field research;3.How the scope of initial research on material testing was identified and funded;2.Factors that drove owners/agencies toward the initial research;1.

published standard. Included in this review will be:This paper will describe the process used to enact this successful transition, from concept to

sage on the sustainability of their product.HDPE pipe producers to utilize post-consumer recycled plastic and to feature a strong mes-using only virgin HDPE resin. The end result has been an expanded opportunity for corrugateded recycled resins to material standards that were previously established for manufacturingOver a ten-year period, the North American corrugated plastic pipe industry successfully add-

University of Minnesota – Duluth, Duluth, United statesMichael pluimerE-mail: [email protected] Pipe Institute, Irving, United statesDaniel currence

STAnDARDS foR coRRugATED hDpE pipEMATERiAlS wAS EffEcTivEly ADDED To u.S.concEpT To STAnDARD – how REcyclED

Day 3, Wednesday, 14:40–15:00

10 B – s tA n DA R D I Z At I o n


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cRAck gRowTh12 gRADES on ThE RESiSTAncE AgAinST Slowin MolEculAR STRucTuRE of polyAMiDEinvESTigATing ThE influEncE of chAngES

Day 3, Wednesday, 15:00–15:20

10 A – R E s I s tA n C E to C R A C K I n G


Mario MessihaPolymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH, Leoben, AustriaE-mail: [email protected]

A majority of field failure of viscoelastic plastic pipes can be attributed to slowly evolvingcracks initiating at inherent material defects, which bear higher localized stress level. This kindof failure is well-known as slow crack growth (SCG) and has become crucial in terms of charac- terization of newly developed materials – particularly, if they are designed for pressurized pipe applications. In this study, investigations in terms of SCG resistances with the aid of two differ-ent accelerated test methods, namely the cyclic Cracked Round Bar (CRB) test and the Strain Hardening (SH) test were completed using four different grades of unplasticized polyamide12 (PA-U12) – three pure PA-U12 non-pipe grades of varying molecular weight (MW) and one compounded PA-U12 pipe grade.

Highly correlating results were found with both methods when it comes to pure PA-U12non-pipe grades. However, results show significantly higher failure times for the compounded pipe grade in the CRB test, while SH test results do not differ much from results of the non-pipe grades. This can be associated with a change in the nature of guiding failure mechanisms during crack propagation – an observable transition from crazing to shearyielding.

A further key element was the study of the formation of plastic zones prior to crack growth via crack freezing analysis. Results show relatively large plastic zones at the vicinity of the crack tip for the PA-U12 compound compared to the other materials, which further indicates a higher capability of the pipe grade to store larger amounts of the crack driving energy by forming these deformation zones.



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forming these deformation zones.higher capability of the pipe grade to store larger amounts of the crack driv-ing energy by crack tip for the PA-U12 compound compared to the other materials, which further indicates a via crack freezing analysis. Results show relatively large plastic zones atthe vicinity of the A further key element was the study of the formation of plastic zonesprior to crack growth

yielding. mechanisms during crack propagation – an observable transition from craz-ing to shear of the non-pipe grades. This can be associated with a change in the natureof guiding failure pipe grade in the CRB test, while SH test results do not differmuch from results non-pipe grades. However, results show significantly higher failure times for the compounded Highly correlating results were found with both methodswhen it comes to pure PA-U12

compounded PA-U12 pipe grade. 12 (PA-U12) – three pure PA-U12 non-pipe grades of varying molecular weight (MW) and oneHardening (SH) test were completed using four different grades of unplasticized polyamideent accelerated test methods, namely the cyclic Cracked Round Bar (CRB) test and the Strainapplications. In this study, investigations in terms of SCG resistances with the aid of two differ-terization of newly developed materials – particularly, if they are designed for pressurized pipeof failure is well-known as slow crack growth (SCG) and has become crucial in terms of charac-cracks initiating at inherent material defects, which bear higher localized stress level. This kindA majority of field failure of viscoelastic plastic pipes can be attributed to slowly evolving

E-mail: [email protected] Competence Center Leoben GmbH, Leoben, AustriaMario Messiha

cRAck gRowTh12 gRADES on ThE RESiSTAncE AgAinST Slowin MolEculAR STRucTuRE of polyAMiDEinvESTigATing ThE influEncE of chAngES

Day 3, Wednesday, 15:00–15:20

10 A – R E s I s tA n C E to C R A C K I n G


ApplicATionSMATERiAlS foR pluMbing & MEchAnicAlADvAncES in plASTic pRESSuRE piping

Day 3, Wednesday, 15:00–15:20

10 B – s tA n DA R D I Z At I o n

lance MacnevinPlastics Pipe Institute, Building & Construction Division, Irving, texas, United statesE-mail: [email protected]

Plumbing and mechanical systems include hot and cold-water distribution (plumbing/sani- tary), fire protection (sprinklers), hydronic heating and cooling (including radiant), and the production of heating and cooling energy via ground source geothermal. These systems are the invisible lifeblood of our buildings, keeping occupants comfortable and protecting build- ing contents, while delivering long-term sustainability in terms of efficient operation for dec- ades of service.

In North America, the market acceptance of plastic piping materials for residential plumbing and mechanical applications began in the 1970s and flourished in the 2000s. Acceptance into commercial applications took longer, but today’s plastic pressure piping materials are now being specified for a multitude of applications, replacing traditional materials such as copper and steel, both literally, as those piping materials reach their end of life in existing buildings, and figuratively, as the material of choice for specifiers in new construction. Plastic pressure piping materials for these specific applications in NA include CPVC, HDPE, PEx, PE-RT, PP, and Composites, all of which provide numerous advantages over traditional materials.

Over the past four decades, much has been accomplished to develop industry consensus standards for these materials, achieve approval of these standards in model building codes, establish third-party certification programs, and educate engineers, specifiers and installers to correctly utilize each of the materials. Market acceptance is gaining, and in recent years, new materials have been introduced. But it’s a very dynamic situation with new opportunities and new challenges at every turn.

This paper will:1. List the typical applications, advantages over traditional materials, and market opportunities2. Discuss the current status of each of these materials with regards to building code approvals3. Describe available research papers, manuals, guides, and educational tools which have been

developed by the piping industry to accelerate acceptance by specifiers and users4. Explain how the use of these materials can support sustainability goals, such as helping to

achieve higher LEED® scores in high-performance building designs



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11A – ALtERnAtIVE MEtHoDs – nDtDay 3, Wednesday, 15:50–16:10

A-ScAn ulTRASounD TEchnologyfoR inSpEcTing polyEThylEnEbuTT fuSion JoinTS

Majid nezakatUniversity of Windsor, Institute for Diagnostic Imaging Research, Windsor, Canada Indepth Inspection technologies Inc., nondestructive testing, Aurora, CanadaE-mail: [email protected] Scott, Maryam Shafiei Alavijeh, fedar Seviaryn, Roman MaevUniversity of Windsor, Institute for Diagnostic Imaging Research, Windsor, CanadaDalton crosswell, colin JamesIndepth Inspection technologies Inc., nondestructive testing, Aurora, Canadaken oliphantJAnA Corporation, technology, Aurora, Canada

The use of polyethylene (PE) plastic pipes for transporting and delivering gas and water has increased over the last few decades [1]. This increase is attributed to the significant advantages of PE over metal pipes such as corrosion resistance, strength to weight ratio, lightness, abra- sion resistance, flexibility, and cost. Consequently, these pipes have a long-predicted service life [2]. Quality assessment and overall safety of PE pipe networks have been of high priority for distribution companies. It is known that the integrity of PE pipe joints should be examined to eliminate leakage possibility and maximize public safety. however, it has been a challenge because the existing technology is somewhat complicated to use quickly and effectively [2-4]. The objective of this study was to revise and evaluate the newest technological solutions for joint testing and propose a methodology that can address industry needs. It was believed that the interdisciplinary approach to the problem and the proposed methods would result in an expected outcome and would create a long-term positive impact on the industry. The investi- gation was focused on three areas, including ultrasound technology development, mechani- cal testing, and development of an artificial intelligence (AI) model for classification.

Two different pipe materials, including high density polyethylene and medium density poly- ethylene with outer diameters of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 inches were selected for the design of ex- periments. Then, two sample sets of butt fused joints were made using a hydraulic heat fusion welding machine. The first set comprised joints without any flaws (acceptable quality), and the second set comprised joints with artificially introduced flaws, including voids, contamination, and cold fusion. following the review of specific standards for permissible defect size in butt fused joints, measured-size drill holes were introduced to simulate the void. Aluminum and clay circles were inserted to simulate contamination in certain locations, and the cold fused region was created through temperature and pressure changes.The ultrasonic testing was performed both in pulse-echo and pith-catch configuration. Sev- eral types of transducers in frequency range 1 – 3.5 Mhz were employed to find optimal geom- etry for inspection. The ultrasonic A-scans were collected, pre-processed and analyzed. Testing results showed distinctive wave propagation patterns from each type of defect. Then, a deep learning model was designed and trained to extract relevant information from the ultrasound data and assign a pass/fail rating to the joint; such a model can be integrated into a conven- ient, handheld, easy-to-use inspection system.


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11B – InDUstRIAL APPLICAtIonsDay 3, Wednesday, 15:50–16:10

ovERviEw of nEwly publiShEDnppS STAnDARDSDonald McgriffIsCo Industries, Inc, Huntsville, AL, United statesE-mail: [email protected] Jeesasol Chemicals north America LLC, Houston, tX, United states

Although nonmetallic piping systems started its use in the boiler pressure industry over 70 years ago, the ever increasing use of nonmetallic piping and components in pressure piping systems resulted in the formation of the Committee on Nonmetallic Pressure Piping System (NPPS) subcommittee within ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) in 2011. NPPS was formed to address industry needs such that engineers and designers can have a global resource to utilize in establishing comprehensive rules in the design and use of non-metallic piping and components. On May 31 2019, ASME published its first consolidated set of nonme-tallic pressure piping standards consisting of:

NM.1, Standard on Thermoplastic Piping SystemsNM.2, Standard on Glass-fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Piping SystemsNM.3, Standard on Nonmetallic Materials

This presentation is part of an effort by ASME to inform the industry that are potential users of nonmetallic piping subject to ASME Codes and Standards. It provides background on the de-velopment, general overview on the contents of the three standards, and the challenges and future developments as additional non-metallic materials are included into these standards. It will educate the participants on the new consolidated resources for engineers and design-ers and serve as additional knowledge and expertise as this evolving resource will grow to comprise additional non-metallic materials and piping systems, including new materials when they become available.


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invESTigATion of ThE QuAliTychARAcTERiSTicS of polyAMiDE12 pipE wElDS

Marc Eckes, benjamin baudritsKZ – Das Kunststoff-Zentrum, Joining and surface Engineering, Würzburg, GermanyE-mail: [email protected] Troughton, Doug wylieethe Welding Institute Ltd, Cambridge, United Kingdomhermann van laak, Jochen fritzEvonik Resource Efficiency, Marl, Germanywerner weßingAvacon netz GmbH, Essen, GermanyDirk grahlWestnetz, Recklinghausen, Germany

Polyamide 12 (PA 12) is increasingly being used in pipe applications, especially in the gas sec-tor. however, the material behavior in the usual quality tests for pipe welds has not been thor-oughly investigated yet.

for this reason, two research institutes and manufacturer of PA-12 pressure pipe compounds, examined the established quality tests for pipe welds on PA 12 pipes. The destructive test methods technological bending test (DvS guideline 2203-5) as well as the manual torsion shear test and the mechanical linear shear test (DvS guideline 2203-1) were carried out.

The quality of electrofusion welds using the peel decohesion tests (ISO 13954 and EN 12814-4) were also investigated. for the butt fusion joining process, the limits of the process win-dow specified in DvS guideline 2207-16 were inspected and the influence of the process pa-rameters on the resulting bending angle was analyzed. The measured values were compared with the known material behavior for polypropylene in order to assess the required minimum bending angle for PA 12 pipes.

Both research institutes also carried out ultrasonic measurement methods for non-destructive testing of pipe welds. In the course of the investigation, welds with practically relevant flaws were prepared and evaluated using ultrasonic methods. Also conducted were investigations on butt fusions using Time of flight Diffraction (TOfD) and on electrofusion’s using Phased Ar-ray ultrasonic Testing (PAuT). The results provide an insight into the assessment of the quality characteristics of PA 12 pipe welds and will be used for the training of personnel as well as for the extension of international technical standards.


11A – ALtERnAtIVE MEtHoDs – nDtDay 3, Wednesday, 16:10–16:30

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fRoM MulTilAyER lAMinATES To inDuSTRiAlpipE ApplicATionS – A guiDElinEgerald pinter, Johannes wiener, florian ArbeiterMontanuniversitaet Leoben, Polymer Engineering and science, Leoben, AustriaE-mail: [email protected] kolednikAustrian Academy of science, Erich schmid Institute, Leoben, Austria

for the majority of industrially used materials, a middle path between stiffness and toughness has to be found. however, many biological materials exhibit high stiffness and high tough-ness. The main reason behind these excellent properties is often an optimized microstructure comprised of both hard and soft components. Recent studies have shown that this effect can also be replicated in engineering materials such as metals and polymers [1,2]. Nonetheless, guidelines for the practical use of these biomimetic principles are still owing.

The effects of soft, polymeric interlayers on a brittle, mineral reinforced polymer matrix is in-vestigated in this work. Interlayers made of a standard polypropylene (PP) and a soft type of PP are introduced into matrix materials of either highly or moderately mineral particle reinforced PP. The experimental J-integral, Jexp, is used to describe the fracture toughness of the investi-gated materials. The fracture toughness is evaluated and the slope of the J-Δa curves is used as a qualitative measure of crack growth resistance.

The results show improvements in fracture toughness of almost twenty times of the matrix material, provided the material combination is chosen properly. This increase in fracture toughness is achieved due to a crack-arresting effect in the soft layers, which is followed by an energy-expensive crack re-initiation step.

Considering these results, a fracture mechanics- based methodology was developed to op-timize polymers by a specific number, thickness and spacing of interlayers and the transfor-mation to pipe applications was successful. To prove the principle, also conventional Charpy impact tests were used as a straightforward method to characterize toughness in the multi-layered PPs.

Co-extruded plates with up to 2048 layers were manufactured and tested for their notched Charpy impact energy. The gathered data are presented in a normalized plot of stiffness and toughness versus the number of layers and the performance is compared to the fracture me-chanics predictions.


11B – InDUstRIAL APPLICAtIonsDay 3, Wednesday, 16:10–16:30


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finDing ThE RElATionShip bETwEEn nonDESTRucTivE TEST METhoDS AnD ThE TEnSilEiMpAcT TEST on pvc pipES

Sjoerd Jansma, René hermkensKiwa technology, Piping systems and materials, Apeldoorn, netherlandsE-mail: [email protected]

More than 20.000 km of rigid PvC (or PvC-u) pipes are currently in use for the distribution of natural gas in the Netherlands. In this decade the majority of these pipes will reach their ini-tially specified lifespan of 50 years. In the light of a possible replacement surge it is increasingly important to establish the actual material quality of these pipes.

To gain insight in the remaining quality of the PvC-u pipes in the Dutch gas distribution net, a so-called Exit Assessment program was started in 2004. In this program the quality of exist-ing PvC-u material is determined by measuring the brittle-ductile transition temperature of the excavated pipes with a tensile impact test. [1,2]. The ultimate goal for Dutch Distribution System Operators (DSOs) is to assess the remaining quality in the field without the need for removal of pipe segments.

The color of the material on the inside and outside of a pipe can change because of physical processes, for instance due to stress whitening or uv-radiation. Both the color measurement using a ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (uv-vis) and the hardness measurement using the leeb rebound hardness test, can be performed non-destructive and could give more informa-tion about the remainder quality of the PvC pipe. Goal of ongoing research is therefore to find a correlation between this tensile impact test and the non-destructive techniques (NDT).

The first experiments with uv-vis measurements on both the inside and outside of PvC pipes show a relation with the surface roughness of the pipe. Ongoing measurements on the current database with tensile impact test results will give the opportunity to search for correlations between the tensile impact test, the uv-vis measurements and the leeb hardness test on the inside or outside of the PvC pipe wall.

If this correlation is established new opportunities for NDT measurements in the fields can be developed like measurement of the outside color of PvC pipes in the field or development of a sensor for measurements on the inside while using a robot.

This paper therefore gives valuable insight in the color measurement of PvC pipes. Besides the correlation between the uv-vis, leeb hardness and the tensile impact measurements is inves-tigated, revealing insight in the usefulness of these non-destructive technique for PvC pipes.


11A – ALtERnAtIVE MEtHoDs – nDtDay 3, Wednesday, 16:30–16:50


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inTAkE AnD ouTfAll lARgE DiAMETERpipElinE pRoJEcT foR ThERMAlpowER plAnT in JApAn

Mitsuaki TokiyoshiDaipla Corporation, Recearch and Development, Kasumigaura, JapanE-mail: [email protected] oka, Takeshi yoshiokaElectric Power Development Co.,Ltd, tokyo, Japanyuichi ShibaoHigh stiffness polyethylene pipes association, tokyo, Japanyoshitaka watanabeDaipla corporation, tokyo, Japan

high density polyethylene pipes are increasingly used for harbor construction all over the world as evaluated to prevent salt damage, flexibility for deflection and high chemical resist-ance. It was common to use those pipelines for Steel or GRP in Japan. however, those materials in particular for Steel pipe has the long-standing problems that it has been needed mainte-nance works and costs for rust prevention and antifouling property. Therefore, it had been carried out intake and outfall large diameter polyethylene pipeline project for thermal power plant in 2018.

In Takehara city at hiroshima Prefecture in Japan, current unit 1 of thermal power plant (COAl-fIRED POWER GENERATION PlANT, 600MW) by Electric Power Development Co.,ltd (J-POW-ER) had been renovated whole equipment. Total length of intake water pipeline was taken 131m, operating pressure 0,095MPa, and outfall water pipeline were 65m length. It would be provided Profile wall polyethylene pipes by spiral winding method specified JIS k 6780. Pipes diameter/length was given 3.0m DN/ID, 5m each by based on PE80 materials. Those pipes could be made the suitable structural design what it shall be the best according with specifica-tion design on the job site.

The fittings are basically welding systems like as Electrofusion, Butt fusion and automatically welding systems, furthermore it can be provided rubber joint system and flange system to consideration for usage, design condition and ground design. To consider internal pressure, fittings of outfall pipeline was automatically welding systems, on the other hand fittings of intake pipeline was rubber joint system due to not internal pressure. The paper will be intro-duced investigation and research resolution on this project as follows.

Comparison of Bio adhesiveness test (PE80, Steel and GRP surface in ocean immersion test. (under examination)Water filing test into hollowed core of structural wall for sedimentation in sea water.Research the comparison of the generated stress with structural wall and solid wallConstruction terms will have done from January 2018 to December 2019. Operation of ther-mal power plant will be on September 2020.


11B – InDUstRIAL APPLICAtIonsDay 3, Wednesday, 16:30–16:50


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11A – ALtERnAtIVE MEtHoDs – nDtDay 3, Wednesday, 16:50–17:10


iSo inTER-lAboRAToRy RounD Robin STuDy on phASED ARRAy ulTRASonic non DESTRucTivE EXAMinATion of polyEThylEnE ElEcTRo fuSion SockET JoinTJoerg wermelingerGeorg Fischer Piping systems Inc., tEC, schaffhausen, switzerlandE-mail: [email protected] choiHannam University, Daejeon 34054, south Korea

The use of polyethylene piping is widening and in certain applications as large size pressurized installation or critical application, as in nuclear power plants, pre-information about the struc- tural integrity of the complete piping system including all joints is sought after. In recent years, volumetric nondestructive examination (NDE) methods such as the phased array ultrasonic test (PAuT), time of flight diffraction (TOfD) and microwave imaging (MWI) have been devel- oped and applied to examine the integrity of polyethylene fusion joints. Therefore, at ISO/ TC138/SC5/WG17 (Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids/Test method and basic specifications/Alternative test methods) projects to develop these NDT methods into international standards have been initiated since 2011. As a result, today ISO/TS 22499 for butt fusion and ISO/TS 16943 for electrofusion joints, both using PAuT method have been published. Additional ones are in progress.

In the course of developing ISO/TS 16943 an interlaboratory round robin test (RRT) was carried out to establish qualification procedures to ensure that this standard maintains certain quality level of inspection. for this RRT, seven PAuT inspection teams, two fitting manufacturers, two fusion jointing teams and three institutions on fusion joint destructive test have participated. This represented five countries in three continents. This paper discusses the result of the RRT on electrofusion socket joints using phased array ultrasonic testing. The presentation provides description of the method for producing various imperfections in the electrofusion socket joints. This includes cold fusion, particulate contamination and planar flaws: Terms like PD on flaws (Percentage of Detection), PCl (Percentage of Correct Classification) and PfC (Percentage false Call) could have been verified.

Destructive test result on joints were used to compare the NDT inspections results with the actual details of imperfections. The round robin test has demonstrated that the requirements of the ISO/TS 16943 can be achieved. Proper trainings for personnel qualification and proce- dure qualification according to are essential. All pertinent details of the RRT findings will be presented and discussed.At the present time a second global ISO inter-laboratory round robin test on NDE of butt fusion joint is on-going. The project started in the beginning of 2019 and expected to be finished in 2020.


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11B – InDUstRIAL APPLICAtIonsDay 3, Wednesday, 16:50–17:10

nEw cRoSSlinkED polyEThylEnE pipES wiTh high ThERMAl STAbiliTy AnD low pERMEATion foR pETRolEuM EnginEERing

gisbert Riess, Anna kaltenegger-uray, katrin berger, florian ArbeiterMontanuniversität Leoben, Polymer Engineering and science, Leoben, AustriaE-mail: [email protected]

Much attention has been paid to crosslinked polyethylene pipe because such pipes have higher thermal stability. Different methods are existing to crosslink polyethylene. Electron beam irradia- tion, for example, is a method to produce radicals without any additives [1]. Another procedure is to combine peroxide with silane, especially alkoxysilanes. Then the silane groups are grafted to the polymer chains and form linkages between the chains after storage [2]. The purpose of this study was to modify a typical inorganic filler, talcum, which is frequently present in polyolefin as an active filler. The modified talcum was used to further improve the crosslinking network for higher temperature stability. Therefore, a thermal initiator is linked to the talcum surface. During the extrusion process, the initiator decomposes, and radicals are formed. It was demonstrated that these radicals support the silane crosslinking process between the polymer chains. There- fore, polymer pipes based on this novel material can be produced in a shorter time and have a higher thermal stability compared to the commercial pipe.

Barrier properties are important with respect to the application as pipe material for oil fields. Therefore, the permeation process of low-molecular weight hydrocarbons was investigated by gravimetric analysis. Specimen of such crosslinked polyethylene were produced, and the permeation rate was calculated by the weight loss of one hydrocarbon. It was shown that the crosslinked polyethylene prevent permeation compared to a normal polyethylene [3, 4]. The gravimetric method is limited because the permeation of a solvent mixture cannot be meas- ured in detail. To bypass limitation of the gravimetric method a new measuring method based on GC-MS techniques was developed. The main advantages of the new developed system were demonstrated by test measurements of the polyolefin pipe, it was measured the permea- tion of individual solvents of solvent mixtures.



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fill that can be competitive with compacted earth fill.energy consumption: In many cases, these reuses and minimizing methods result in flowablematerials (both to and from construction sites), and reuse and recycling. This all means lessthrough less time for excavation, less handling of soil excavated from trench, less hauling ofgregate materials, and transit mixer traffic from ready-mix plants. Sustainability is achievedthe soil excavated from the trench reduces spoil pile waste, spoil pile handling, importing ag-mixing equipment or portable batch plants that move along with the pipe installation. Usingtrench as the aggregate in the flowable fill mix. The flowable fill can be mixed using trench-sideThe third way that flowable fill can be sustainable is to use the native soils excavated from the

waste materials in flowable fill keeps them out of the landfills.aggregate plant by-products have been used as aggregate. Using these recycled products andbeen used in place of portland cement. Recycled concrete, Class F flyash, foundry sand, andClass C flyash, cement kiln dust, and waste by-products of coal fired electricity plants havedesirable property of flowable fill, materials not usually considered for concrete can be used.ready-mix plant and transported to the site in transit mixers. However, since low strength is aof as a mixture of portland cement, concrete sand, and potable water. It is usually batched at acan be used for special circumstances but are not necessary. Typically, flowable fill is thoughtFlowable fill is basically a mixture of cementitious material, aggregate, and water. Admixtures

many waste products or recycled materials.interruptions, and the impact on the community. Secondly, flowable fill can be made usingcan proceed quicker which means reducing traffic delays, traffic detours, truck traffic, businesstrench, handle the spoil pile, and to backfill the trench. In urban areas, pipeline installationcan be minimized. This means less excavation which means less energy used to excavate theable fill is self-leveling and has a strength greater than the native soil, the trench cross sectionThere are three ways that using flowable fill can be kind to the environment. Because flow-Flowable fill is used for many applications, but mainly for pipe trench embedment and backfill.

E-mail: [email protected] Engineering Consultant, Lakewood, United Statesamster Howard

Flowable Fill For Plastic PiPe

Day 2, tuesday, 16:30–17:30

P o S t E r G a L L E r y Wa L k

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a quick actuation in case of fire and easy maintenance for long.These results, we developed distinctive multilayer pipes for a fire extinguishing device to have

playing a role to increase further performance as a fire extinguishing device.function that the rupture configuration in case of a fire is suitable for a ruptured nozzle hole,Moreover, this multi-layered structure consist of ductile pE and slightly brittle EVOH also has a

guishing agent and the change in weight.device has been certified due to be proved the relationship between the permeation of extin-much greater weight change than ordinary polyethylene pipes. As such this fire extinguishingcontainer. we have verified by our own measurements that this pipe is caused by moisture aamount of permeation of fire extinguishing agent is as small as the weight change of a metaltomatic Extinguisher Units. One of the examination item of UL certification demands that theThis fire extinguishing device obtains UL certification for the first time as Self-Contained Au-

tinguishing agent by the permeation, while achieving high-speed operation in case of fire.multi-layered structure (pE/AD/EVOH/AD/pE).This structure prevents the decrease in internal ex-In order to have the resin tube possess the above performance, the structure of the tube is a thin

long-term durability for resin tubes and a quick actuation in case of fire.more than 8 years with easy maintenance, this device establish seemingly opposite designs ofguishing agent to extinguish a fire. In order to maintain the function of extinguishing a fire fortured as the vapor pressure of extinguishing agent increase (120⁰C/0.6Mpa) and release extin-The mechanism of this fire extinguishing device is a simple function in which a tube is rup-

happened. Moreover extremely low burden on the environment can be obtained.guishing can be performed immediately, and any short circuit of electronic instruments aren’tstalling this device on top of the object to be protected (such as a server rack), the fire extin-extremely high electrical insulation and zero ozone depletion potential in a resin tube. By in-ing device sealing a halide extinguisher (dodecafluoro-2-methylpentan-3-one) composed ofto protect important instrument. The present developed products provides a fire extinguish-tem or Gas fire extinguishing equipment are not sufficient as the fast extinguishing equipmentfire, so the possibility of burn out of equipment or stored data is high, and thus Sprinkler sys-hand, Sprinkler system or Gas fire extinguishing equipment operate after a certain growth ofIn late year a fire caused by defects of the Li-ion batteries has been increasing. On the other

Nichibou co., ltd., research and development department, tokyo, Japanmasaru tomobe, yuichi kougaMItSUI CHEMICaLS INDUStrIaL ProDUCtS LtD., Development Department, Hiroshima, Japanyukihisa yamada, masaya iwasakiE-mail: [email protected] CHEMICaLS INDUStrIaL ProDUCtS LtD., Manufacturing Department, Hiroshima, Japanyoshikatsu nishida

PiPe For Fire-extinguisHing Device

Day 2, tuesday, 16:30–17:30

P o S t E r G a L L E r y Wa L k


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PostER GALLERY WALKDay 2, tuesday, 16:30–17:30

polyolEfin coMpounD foR AbRASivE SluRRyTRAnSpoRTAionDong wan, hongtao Shi, yubin baosABIC, shanghai, ChinaE-mail: [email protected]

A growing number of short- and long-distance slurry transport systems are used for the trans-port of ores and tailings in various mining operations in the world. In slurry transportation, the mechanical interactions between the ore/tailing and the surface of the components of the slurry transport equipment result in the wear damage of the equipment. Incumbent solutions for slurry transport mainly use steel with anti-abrasive liner. The liner can be very hard material, like ceramic or flexible material, such as uhMWPE, polyurethanes or rubbers. This kindof structure has several drawbacks:

1) Processing complexity.2) high cost.3) high weight.4) Maintenance complexity.

There is a strong market pull to look for a total polyolefin solution.

In this paper, we present a route to an all polyolefin solution based on a new compound. As shown in figure 1, the PO compound can be used as inner layer to provide excellent slurry abrasive resistance. The slurry abrasive resistance of the PO compound has been verified 8 times better than uhMWPE, 15 times better than hDPE PE 100 & 100 times better than mild steel. Outer layer we can adopt PE 100 pipe or reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP) to replace steel for light-weight purpose. More importantly, two layers can be co-extruded with strong bonding strength.



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PostER GALLERY WALKDay 2, tuesday, 16:30–17:30

A novEl AnAlyTicAl METhoD foR MATERiAliDEnTificATion of pipE ApplicATionSyubin bao, Zhe chen, Xiaojing Qinsaudi Basic Industries Corporation, shanghai, ChinaE-mail: [email protected]

The demand for high-density polyethylene (hDPE) in pipe market was constantly growing in these years. One of the critical requirements from the industry is to build capability to differen-tiate the hDPE material in pipe application, which can be helpful to prevent potential pipefailure caused by counterfeit product. This report aimed at developing a highly sensitive mate-rial identification method for pipe industry.

The relationship between hDPE material properties and relative application fields was inves-tigated as first step. The combination of thermal, spectrum and chromatograph analysis was studied further, to provide more rapid and reliable response for hDPE material identification in pipe industry.



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PostER GALLERY WALKDay 2, tuesday, 16:30–17:30

RighT STAbiliZATion AnD QuickMEASuREMEnT of gEl conTEnT in pE-XA pipESAlireza Sahaf AminVahid Industrial Group, Management, tehran, Iran, Islamic RepublicE-mail: [email protected] pircheraghisharif University of technology, Material science and Engineering, tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic

PE-Xa Pipe is one of the most demanded pipes in Asia during the last decade because of the good mechanical property, easy installation and competitive price. In this process crosslinking is occurred during the production so the correct way of stabilization also the crosslink initiator amount and how it interacts with antioxidants is vital and can affect the durability of the pipes. In this paper tried to check some scenarios for this matter and to prepare some conclusions.

Another important is how to assess the rate of crosslinking with a high degree of precision as rapidly as possible in order to verify the conformity of the material against pipe industry standard. for this purpose used an approached used in cable Industry , based on this fact that at elevated temperatures, non-crosslinked polyethylene is easily deformed and thus displays poor mechanical properties then use the hot set test at 200°C (392°f), where the deforma-tion at elevated temperatures is observed. Then try to find the correlation between the size, deformation and gel content in PE-Xa pipe application. In Conclusion tried to give some clear practical conclusions.



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PostER GALLERY WALKDay 2, tuesday, 16:30–17:30

A METhoDology To DETERMinE chARpyiMpAcT STREngTh of noTchED SpEciMEncuT fRoM plASTicS

yanjun liBeijing Building Materials testing Academy Co., LtD, Beijing, ChinaE-mail: [email protected] Xiang, haiyun XuBeijing technology and Business University, Beijing, ChinaJianling XieZibo Jielin Plastic Pipe Manufacture Co., Ltd., Zibo, Chinakinman hothe Hong Kong and China Gas Co., Ltd., Hongkong, Chinahongyue XuBlucicin Pipe Industry Co., Ltd., Baoding, China

It is necessary to evaluate the impact resistance of plastics pipes as they have the potential to be damaged by hitting or colliding during storage, transportation and installation. As a well-established test method, the Charpy impact strength of unnotched test pieces cut from thermoplastics pipes is determined according to ISO 9854-1/2:1994. In the current method, the result is expressed as the incidence of broken test pieces when a specified number of test pieces have been struck. Since most specimens are not broken and the actual impact strength cannot be obtained under the test conditions, there is no significant difference found on the impact strength among various plastics pipes materials.

This paper introduces a new approach in which notched test pieces sampled from plastics pipes are used to assess the impact performance of plastics pipes basing on ISO 179-1:2010 and ISO 9854-1/2:1994. Preliminary test results indicate that the method offers a more effec-tive means (quantitative) to determine the actual impact strength of various plastics pipes. furthermore, the impact resistances of various pipes materials are clearly distinguishable. The test results offer reference data for improving plastic pipe production and selection of plastic materials.

Total 12 participants from 4 countries, including China, Germany, korea and Thailand, took part in the round robin test and 143 test results were submitted in all. Total 13 groups of pipes were used to make the specimens, including 4 groups of PE pipes of 4 sizes (dn113×11.2mm, dn113×7.8mm, dn88×9.4mm and dn60.5×5.9mm), 7 groups of PP pipes of 3 sizes (dn32×3.6mm, dn25×3.5 and dn25×2.3mm) and 2 groups of PvC-u pipes of 2 sizes (dn160×9.5 and dn110×3.2mm).



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PostER GALLERY WALKDay 2, tuesday, 16:30–17:30

An in-DEpTh REviEw of A 60-yEARQuAliTy infRASTRucTuRESarah pattersonPlastics Pipe Institute, Irving, United statesE-mail: [email protected]

The quality infrastructure, governing plastic pipe systems in North America, comprises many or-ganizations from manufacturers, trade associations, utilities, installers, end users and third-party certification agencies. The network is complex and comprises layers which contribute to the safety and reliability of plastics used in non-pressure and pressure pipe applications by impel-ling continuous improvement. The work initiated in 1952 with voluntary participation in a u.S. Department of Commerce program issuing commercial standards. The work focused on plastic materials still used in pipe applications today, polyvinylchloride (PvC) and polyethylene (PE).

As materials, design and applications evolved over time, so did this quality infrastructure. The sustaining facets still remain at its core: organizations which “push” quality and those that “pull” quality through the manufacturing chain. This “push-pull” system is a reinforcing foundation driving expectation for quality products. The success of this system is reflected in the adoption of plastic pipe systems in numerous critical North American hard infrastructure applications.

This paper discusses the importance of a “push-pull” system and further, decodes this complex North American quality infrastructure which has developed over the past 60-years.



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PostER GALLERY WALKDay 2, tuesday, 16:30–17:30

EXpERiMEnTAl DETERMinATion of ThEEfEcTS of liQuiD hyDRocARbonS on ThElong-TERM cREEp RupTuRE pRopERTiES ofpRESSuRE pipE gRADE unplASTiciZEDpolyAMiDE-12

James f. MasonMason Materials Development LLC, Wyomissing PA, United statesE-mail: [email protected] pondaEvonik Corporation, Lafayette, In, United stateshermann van laakEvonik Resource Efficiency GmbH, Marl, Germanybuc SlayAlpine Polytech, Fort Worth tX, United states

The effects of liquid hydrocarbons on long term strength of pipe grade thermoplastic resins is an important consideration when designing pressure pipe for use in the oil and gas industry. There is an extensive body of work going back several decades describing these effects for pipe grade polyethylenes, and all the relevant pressure pipe design standards specify a fluid service factor of 0.5 to derate for loss of strength in liquid hydrocarbon service. There is a long history of safe and reliable use of polyethylene pressure pipes using those design standards.

Since polyamide-12 (PA12) pressure pipe has become approved for use in natural gas distri-bution pipelines, interest in its use in liquid hydrocarbon service for oil and gas gathering has accelerated for applications outside the normal pressure and temperature use range of poly-ethylene. The typical range of interest for PA12 pipe in oil and gas production applications is 40°C to 80° C, using pipes up to 10-inch diameter at pressures to 350 psig. Pipe design is by the same equations as used for polyethylene pipe, so the fluid service factor for PA12 pipe is needed to complete the design and calculate wall thickness. The practical aspect of doing elevated temperature, long term hydrostatic strength testing using liquid hydrocarbons un-reasonably complex.

A method and apparatus were developed to determine the effects of any liquid service envi-ronment at elevated temperatures on the long-term creep characteristics of tensile bars. In-jection molded bars were conditioned to saturation in water and in liquid hydrocarbons, then subjected to long term tensile loading to rupture. The stress regression analysis method of ASTM D2837 was used to analyze the data which extended beyond 6000 hours in both envi-ronments at 60°C. Comparing the long-term strength in each environment permits calcula-tion of a derating factor for use in hydrocarbons compared to water environment. This paper describes the experimental equipment, test protocol, the stress regression analytical method, and the experimentally derived derating factor for PA12 in liquid hydrocarbon service.



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PostER GALLERY WALKDay 2, tuesday, 16:30–17:30

RESEARch AnD pRAcTicE on A conTinuouSglASS fibER REinfoRcED polyEThylEnEcoMpoSiTE pipE SySTEM

Jiangshun chu, Jianzhong Ma, Jiru Zhou, huchao fanshanghai Banline Machinery Equipment Co. Ltd / Banzan Macromolecule Material Co. Ltd. , ChinaE-mail: [email protected]

Continuous glass fiber reinforced polyethylene composite pipe (CGfRTP) has unique advan-tages over metal pipe, metal reinforced composite pipe and so on, and has attractedextensive attention. By studying the relationship between strength of glass fiber tape,winding angle, thickness of winding layer, wall thickness, caliber and the pressure grade of the pipe, 55 degree of winding angle was taken for medium and small sized pipe, which can strengthen the pipe not only circumferentially but also axially.

for medium and large sized pipe, considering the limitation of winding equipment, the large angle of circumferential winding was adopted, which mainly strengthened the pipe circumfer-entially. So that different pipe structures can be designed. According to the structural design characteristics of the continuous glass fiber tape reinforced polyethylene composite pipe, a concentric winding technology and a high-efficiency thermal bonding technology were re-searched and developed, which make sure the winding angle and tension of the glass fiber tape can be controlled and the glass fiber tape can be completely fused together with the inner and outer layer of polyethylene pipe. Simultaneously, the test method and connection method of the pipe were investigated, so as to obtain a safe and reliable continuous glass fiber reinforced polyethylene composite pipe system.



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PostER GALLERY WALKDay 2, tuesday, 16:30–17:30

pvc pipES wiTh SupERioR RooTinTRuSion RESiSTAncEgianpaolo contariniIPM s.r.l., Lugo, ItalyE-mail: [email protected]

Being lightweight, easy to install and to maintain, socketed PvC-u pipes are a very popular choice for sewer systems. The sealing is guaranteed from a gasket that is installed in the dedi-cated seat obtained during the socketing process.

Clogging of the pipes can be experienced in sewer systems after a short period of service, due to the intrusion of roots from plants and trees. Plants, and in particular their roots, are attracted by the water flowing inside the pipes. These roots will strain the connections between pipes, in particular the sockets and the gaskets. This strain will compromise the seal and hinder the passage of the water, and eventually block its flow.

A new pipe joining technology is developed, exploiting an innovative patented system able to solve this challenge, especially in cultivation areas or high vegetation areas. After the socketing station, the socketed pipes are processed in an additional station, equipped with a device able to manufacture a “lip-ring” inside the socket by means of a special tool. When the male pipe is inserted during the pipe installation, the “lip-ring” will be pushed, thus closing the space normally existing between the male and the female sewer pipes. A mechanical barrier preventing the infiltration of the roots inside the sewer is thus created, which allows to reduce the root intrusion challenge.

laboratory tests using the ISO 13259 test method, have confirmed and certified the tightness of the elastomeric ring joints of underground drain pipes. It has been certified that pipes with sock-ets manufactured with the IPM technology, are compliant with the requirements of EN 1401.



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PostER GALLERY WALKDay 2, tuesday, 16:30–17:30

novEl inTERnAl lining SoluTionS foRchAllEnging ApplicATionSTed comptonUnited Pipeline systems, technology, Durango, United statesE-mail: [email protected] Murali Adhyatma bhattarUnited special technical services LLC, technical Marketing, Muscat, oman

Corrosion is one of the biggest concerns for utilities, oil & gas, and other major industries. It is especially concerning for pipelines as they are the critical lifelines of transportation. Numerous technologies have evolved over the last few decades to specifically address the concern of in-ternal pipeline corrosion such as chemical inhibition, coatings, exotic alloys, and internal lining. The technology of internal lining with thermoplastic pipe liners has proven to be one of the most cost-effective solutions for protecting pipelines from internal corrosion and abrasion.

Development of new technologies such as smart rolldown or thermoplastic pipes, re-injection of permeated gasses back into the flow stream, and insertion of longer and longer length has helped expand the application envelope of liners and, in turn, advancing the plastic pipe industry. however, challenges still remain related to high temperature hydrocarbon systems, flangeless connection requirements, and lining of fittings & accessories such as elbows, tees, process equipment and complicated shapes.

Continuous innovation in raw materials by major polymer producers and pipe producers con-tinuous focus on technology have risen to the task of providing ongoing solutions to the lining challenges faced by global oil & gas, minim and other industries.

Rotational lining (aka Rotolining) is a technology which allows to bond a single/multi layered uniform, vacuum resistant, seamless polymer layer to the interior of virtually any metallic structure, regardless of shape and complexity.

In the paper the authors will discuss the advantages of using advanced polymers as lining materials for high temperature hydrocarbon services, a robust and innovative flangeless con-nection system for liner applications, and rotolining of fittings and complicated shapes. This paper will also present a case study on the largest high temperature pipeline lined to date and a unique case of a hydrocarbon service pipeline.



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PostER GALLERY WALKDay 2, tuesday, 16:30–17:30

A SuccESSful biM pRoJEcT foR ThE iTAliAn pvc pipES MAnufAcTuRERSnino MazzatraceParts Italy s.r.l., Reggio Emilia, ItalyE-mail: [email protected]

The business information model (BIM) process can be seen as a software platform allowing to coordinate the work of different stakeholders into one 3D object-oriented model with em-bedded information. All the elements that compose a building are considered as objects con-nected to each other. Each object has a unique identifier and relates information about its geometry and its properties.

This object oriented approach allows to organize the virtual model and to store information by objects. Each virtual object can easily be used to define and identify the real element built on-site. It has become a new standard for the manufacturers of building products to produce specific files easily available to the designers and contractors.

This presentation will showcase a multistakeholder project undertaken for PvC pipe manufac-turers willing to introduce the software platform into their processes and to seize the business opportunities that it offers.

utilizing this software platform, the PvC pipe manufacturers will be able to publish their cata-logues in BIM format on a portal reaching out to over 15 million users worldwide. All of the published objects will be compliant with all international standards such as the comprehen-sive classification system used in the construction industry. The contractors and designers will be able to download all the products of interest free of charge from the portal. Also, it is pos-sible to upload building projects so these can be shared.

The project also includes the development of a training module helping the the PvC pipe manufacturers to clearly communicate the value of the products.



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110 w w w . p p x x . e u • a m s t e r d a m 2 0 2 0W W W . P P x x . E U • A M S T E R D A M 2 0 2 0

MA P o F E H H I B I t I o n

M A p o f E X h i b i T i o n

company booth #

Aenor-Ceis 21Baerlocher 3Borealis / Borouge 25Corma Inc. 18Drossbach MDS Meyer 10Element Materials Technology 22FB Balzanelli 31IPT Institut für Prüftechnik Gerätebau GmbH / Pipeson 23Kiwa 8LyondellBasell 9M.O.L. 7Molecor 2Ningbo Fangli Technology 6NSF International 26Pipelife 15PPHU Gamart 19Reinert-Ritz 11RITMO s.p.a. 24Rollepaal 5S&B Technical Products / Hultec 4SABIC 28SASOL 27Shanghai Banline Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. 12SIKORA 20SILON s.r.o. 29SKZ – Testing GmbH 32Trelleborg 13ZhongyunTech 30


Page 109: Conference and Exhibition AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA · AMSTERDAM, hOTEl OkuRA SEPTEMBER 21–23, 2020. w w w.ppX X.Eu t AMSTERDAM 2020 Cont Ents conTEnTS ... PP x x .EU • AMSTERDAM