Journal of Clinical Medicine Review Conservative Management of Uterine Fibroid-Related Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and Infertility: Time for a Deeper Mechanistic Understanding and an Individualized Approach Marie-Madeleine Dolmans 1,2 , Luciana Cacciottola 2 and Jacques Donnez 3,4, * Citation: Dolmans, M.-M.; Cacciottola, L.; Donnez, J. Conservative Management of Uterine Fibroid-Related Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and Infertility: Time for a Deeper Mechanistic Understanding and an Individualized Approach. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 4389. https:// doi.org/10.3390/jcm10194389 Academic Editor: Simone Ferrero Received: 30 August 2021 Accepted: 23 September 2021 Published: 26 September 2021 Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affil- iations. Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/). 1 Gynecology Department, Cliniques Universitaires St-Luc, Avenue Hippocrate 10, 1200 Brussels, Belgium; [email protected] 2 Gynecology Research Unit, Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, Université Catholique de Louvain, Avenue Mounier 52, 1200 Brussels, Belgium; [email protected] 3 Université Catholique de Louvain, 1200 Brussels, Belgium 4 Société de Recherche pour l’Infertilité (SRI), 143 Avenue Grandchamp, 1150 Brussels, Belgium * Correspondence: [email protected] Abstract: (1) Background: Uterine fibroids are the most common form of benign uterine tumors, causing heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB), pelvic pain, infertility and pressure symptoms. Almost a third of women with uterine fibroids seek treatment. The objective of this review is to understand the mechanisms linking fibroids to these symptoms and evaluate different options for their management, particularly the place of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist. (2) Methods: We gathered the most recent and relevant papers on the main fibroid-related symptoms and medical and surgical therapy for their treatment. Those reporting use of oral GnRH antagonists were investigated in detail. (3) Results: The mechanisms explaining myoma-related HMB and infertility were reviewed, as they are essential to a deeper mechanistic understanding and oriented approach. The choice of treatment depends on the number, size, and location of fibroids, and is guided by the patient’s age and desire to preserve her fertility. Economic impacts of myomas in terms of direct costs, lost workdays, and complications were found to be significant. Medical, surgical, and non-surgical strategies were analyzed in this context. Novel medical approaches with GnRH antagonist were explored and found to represent an effective new option. (4) Conclusion: The need for alternatives to surgical intervention is very real, especially for women seeking to preserve their fertility. New options now exist, with GnRH antagonists proven to treat fibroid symptoms effectively, opening the door to novel strategies for the management of myomas. Keywords: fibroids; myomas; intramural fibroids; GnRH antagonist; infertility; medical therapy 1. Introduction Uterine fibroids are the most commonly encountered benign uterine tumors [15]. They occur in 50–60% of women, rising to 70% by the age of 50. Race and age have emerged as the most significant risk factors for their development [6]. African-American females, as well as those of African descent residing in Europe, are at higher risk of suffering from uterine fibroids at a younger age [6,7]. Early onset of menstruation, later first pregnancy, low parity, obesity, hypertension, caffeine and alcohol consumption, and some specific gene alterations are also linked to myoma growth [3,4,8]. Over the last 10 years, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) classification, has distinguished 8 types of fibroids, as well as a hybrid class that takes into account the degree of intramural extension and uterine cavity distortion (Figure 1)[9]. Vaginal ultrasound is recommended for identifying fibroids, but making a differential diagnosis of uterine masses is of crucial importance [10,11]. Differentiating adenomyosis from myomas can indeed be challenging. In case of ambiguous ultrasound findings, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used to shed more light. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 4389. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm10194389 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jcm

Conservative Management of Uterine Fibroid-Related Heavy

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Page 1: Conservative Management of Uterine Fibroid-Related Heavy

Journal of

Clinical Medicine


Conservative Management of Uterine Fibroid-Related HeavyMenstrual Bleeding and Infertility: Time for a DeeperMechanistic Understanding and an Individualized Approach

Marie-Madeleine Dolmans 1,2, Luciana Cacciottola 2 and Jacques Donnez 3,4,*


Citation: Dolmans, M.-M.;

Cacciottola, L.; Donnez, J.

Conservative Management of Uterine

Fibroid-Related Heavy Menstrual

Bleeding and Infertility: Time for a

Deeper Mechanistic Understanding

and an Individualized Approach. J.

Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 4389. https://


Academic Editor: Simone Ferrero

Received: 30 August 2021

Accepted: 23 September 2021

Published: 26 September 2021

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral

with regard to jurisdictional claims in

published maps and institutional affil-


Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.

Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

This article is an open access article

distributed under the terms and

conditions of the Creative Commons

Attribution (CC BY) license (https://



1 Gynecology Department, Cliniques Universitaires St-Luc, Avenue Hippocrate 10, 1200 Brussels, Belgium;[email protected]

2 Gynecology Research Unit, Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, Université Catholique deLouvain, Avenue Mounier 52, 1200 Brussels, Belgium; [email protected]

3 Université Catholique de Louvain, 1200 Brussels, Belgium4 Société de Recherche pour l’Infertilité (SRI), 143 Avenue Grandchamp, 1150 Brussels, Belgium* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: (1) Background: Uterine fibroids are the most common form of benign uterine tumors,causing heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB), pelvic pain, infertility and pressure symptoms. Almost athird of women with uterine fibroids seek treatment. The objective of this review is to understand themechanisms linking fibroids to these symptoms and evaluate different options for their management,particularly the place of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist. (2) Methods: Wegathered the most recent and relevant papers on the main fibroid-related symptoms and medical andsurgical therapy for their treatment. Those reporting use of oral GnRH antagonists were investigatedin detail. (3) Results: The mechanisms explaining myoma-related HMB and infertility were reviewed,as they are essential to a deeper mechanistic understanding and oriented approach. The choiceof treatment depends on the number, size, and location of fibroids, and is guided by the patient’sage and desire to preserve her fertility. Economic impacts of myomas in terms of direct costs, lostworkdays, and complications were found to be significant. Medical, surgical, and non-surgicalstrategies were analyzed in this context. Novel medical approaches with GnRH antagonist wereexplored and found to represent an effective new option. (4) Conclusion: The need for alternativesto surgical intervention is very real, especially for women seeking to preserve their fertility. Newoptions now exist, with GnRH antagonists proven to treat fibroid symptoms effectively, opening thedoor to novel strategies for the management of myomas.

Keywords: fibroids; myomas; intramural fibroids; GnRH antagonist; infertility; medical therapy

1. Introduction

Uterine fibroids are the most commonly encountered benign uterine tumors [1–5].They occur in 50–60% of women, rising to 70% by the age of 50. Race and age have emergedas the most significant risk factors for their development [6]. African-American females,as well as those of African descent residing in Europe, are at higher risk of suffering fromuterine fibroids at a younger age [6,7]. Early onset of menstruation, later first pregnancy,low parity, obesity, hypertension, caffeine and alcohol consumption, and some specific genealterations are also linked to myoma growth [3,4,8]. Over the last 10 years, the InternationalFederation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) classification, has distinguished 8 typesof fibroids, as well as a hybrid class that takes into account the degree of intramuralextension and uterine cavity distortion (Figure 1) [9]. Vaginal ultrasound is recommendedfor identifying fibroids, but making a differential diagnosis of uterine masses is of crucialimportance [10,11]. Differentiating adenomyosis from myomas can indeed be challenging.In case of ambiguous ultrasound findings, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be usedto shed more light.

J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 4389. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm10194389 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jcm

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can indeed be challenging. In case of ambiguous ultrasound findings, magnetic resonance 

imaging (MRI) may be used to shed more light. 


Figure 1. (A) FIGO subclassification of leiomyomas according to Munro et al., 2011. Fibroid types range from 0 to 8: 0 = 

pedunculated (intracavitary); 1 = submucosal (<50% intramural); 2 = submucosal (≥50% intramural); 3 = contact with en‐

dometrium  (100%  intramural); 4 =  intramural; 5 = subserosal  (≥50%  intramural); 6 = subserosal  (<50%  intramural); 7 = 

subserosal (pedunculated); and 8 = other (cervical, parasitic). Where two numbers are given (2–5), the first number pertains 

to the relationship with the endometrium, and the second with the serosa, so 2–5 is both submucosal and subserosal, with 

less than half of its diameter in the endometrial and peritoneal cavities respectively. Diagram showing the classification 

system adapted from Munro et al. [9]. (B) Relationship between fibroids and the myometrium adapted by Donnez and 

Dolmans, 2020 [10]. 

In 30–40% of cases, uterine  fibroids display a variety of symptoms, depending on 

their location and size. They can cause heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) with subsequent 

anemia, which could be life‐threatening. Large myomas can also result in pressure symp‐

toms (bulk symptoms) and bladder dysfunction, including increased daytime urinary fre‐

quency and urinary incontinence [1–5]. Dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain are often encoun‐

tered, impacting quality of life and undermining daily activities [12,13]. Abdominal dis‐

tention and pelvic pressure on  the ureters  (causing hydronephrosis) may also  interfere 

Figure 1. (A) FIGO subclassification of leiomyomas according to Munro et al., 2011. Fibroid types range from 0 to 8:0 = pedunculated (intracavitary); 1 = submucosal (<50% intramural); 2 = submucosal (≥50% intramural); 3 = contact withendometrium (100% intramural); 4 = intramural; 5 = subserosal (≥50% intramural); 6 = subserosal (<50% intramural);7 = subserosal (pedunculated); and 8 = other (cervical, parasitic). Where two numbers are given (2–5), the first numberpertains to the relationship with the endometrium, and the second with the serosa, so 2–5 is both submucosal and subserosal,with less than half of its diameter in the endometrial and peritoneal cavities respectively. Diagram showing the classificationsystem adapted from Munro et al. [9]. (B) Relationship between fibroids and the myometrium adapted by Donnez andDolmans, 2020 [10].

In 30–40% of cases, uterine fibroids display a variety of symptoms, depending on theirlocation and size. They can cause heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) with subsequent ane-mia, which could be life-threatening. Large myomas can also result in pressure symptoms(bulk symptoms) and bladder dysfunction, including increased daytime urinary frequencyand urinary incontinence [1–5]. Dysmenorrhea and pelvic pain are often encountered,impacting quality of life and undermining daily activities [12,13]. Abdominal distentionand pelvic pressure on the ureters (causing hydronephrosis) may also interfere with qual-ity of life [4–13]. Furthermore, uterine fibroids can cause infertility, depending on theirlocation in the myometrium [12]. The two most troublesome complaints necessitating

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treatment during reproductive age are (i) HMB associated or not with pain [14,15], and(ii) infertility [12].

2. Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and Pain

Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a clinical entity. Classification according to theacronym PALM-COEIN (polyp, adenomyosis, leiomyoma, malignancy and hyperplasia,coagulopathy, ovulatory dysfunction, endometrial, iatrogenic, and not yet classified) allowsa structured approach to establishing the cause of AUB [9]. HMB, a subgroup of AUB, ismore closely related to the presence of myomas [2,4,9,13–15]. HMB is considered by Critch-ley et al. [16] as monthly blood loss of more than 80 mL. However, as pointed out later byWhitaker and Critchley [14], the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RCOG)and the American College of Gynecologists (ACOG) favor a patient-oriented definition,namely ‘excessive menstrual blood loss which interferes with a woman’s physical, social,emotional and/or material quality of life’, to indicate treatment options. Pain is commonin women with uterine fibroids and frequently associated with HMB and passing of bloodclots. The distress that women suffer from bleeding and pain is underestimated [17].

A century ago, women menstruated approximately 40 times over the course of theirlifetime, owing to pregnancy and lactation amenorrhea. Now, in developed countries, womencan expect up to 400 menses during their life [13]. They delay having children for a varietyof reasons, such as personal choice or prioritization of career [12,13]. Consequently, AUBhas become much more common. On the other hand, these women wish to preserve theiruterus and fertility, so surgical options like hysterectomy are not appropriate and medicalalternatives must be considered [4]. Cardozo et al. [18] estimated that annual direct andindirect economic costs linked to AUB were in the order of $1 and $12 billion respectively.

The relationship between HMB and fibroids remains poorly understood, particularlythe understanding of endometrial function in women with structural myometrial featureslike leiomyomas. A number of theories have been proposed in the literature, as reportedby Whitaker and Critchley [14] and Critchley et al. [16] in an excellent review written aftera 2-day meeting seeking to ‘identify gaps and opportunities in menstruation science’.

The mechanisms linking uterine fibroids and HMB are explained here in greater depth(Figure 2).

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Figure 2. Mechanisms linking uterine fibroids and heavy menstrual bleeding. MMP‐2: matrix met‐

alloproteinase; VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor; bFGF: basic fibroblast growth factor; TGF‐

β3: transforming growth factor‐β3. 

2.1. Increased Endometrial Surface Area 

In 2012, when reviewing the classification of menstrual bleeding, Munro suggested 

that an  increase  in endometrial surface area and  the uterine cavity could contribute  to 

HMB [19]. 

2.2. Presence of Dilated Blood Vessels on the Myoma Surface 

Enhanced vascularization can be seen by hysteroscopy performed at the time of men‐

struation [20]. Since the early 1990s, hysteroscopy has become a routine diagnostic tool, 

often combined with transvaginal ultrasound. During menstruation, active bleeding can 

be observed by pressure‐controlled hysteroscopy [21] (Figure 3). 


Figure 3. Enhanced vascularization with the presence of dilated blood vessels on the myoma sur‐

face, visible by hysteroscopy. 

Figure 2. Mechanisms linking uterine fibroids and heavy menstrual bleeding. MMP-2: matrixmetalloproteinase; VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor; bFGF: basic fibroblast growth factor;TGF-β3: transforming growth factor-β3.

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2.1. Increased Endometrial Surface Area

In 2012, when reviewing the classification of menstrual bleeding, Munro suggestedthat an increase in endometrial surface area and the uterine cavity could contributeto HMB [19].

2.2. Presence of Dilated Blood Vessels on the Myoma Surface

Enhanced vascularization can be seen by hysteroscopy performed at the time ofmenstruation [20]. Since the early 1990s, hysteroscopy has become a routine diagnostictool, often combined with transvaginal ultrasound. During menstruation, active bleedingcan be observed by pressure-controlled hysteroscopy [21] (Figure 3).

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Figure 2. Mechanisms linking uterine fibroids and heavy menstrual bleeding. MMP‐2: matrix met‐

alloproteinase; VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor; bFGF: basic fibroblast growth factor; TGF‐

β3: transforming growth factor‐β3. 

2.1. Increased Endometrial Surface Area 

In 2012, when reviewing the classification of menstrual bleeding, Munro suggested 

that an  increase  in endometrial surface area and  the uterine cavity could contribute  to 

HMB [19]. 

2.2. Presence of Dilated Blood Vessels on the Myoma Surface 

Enhanced vascularization can be seen by hysteroscopy performed at the time of men‐

struation [20]. Since the early 1990s, hysteroscopy has become a routine diagnostic tool, 

often combined with transvaginal ultrasound. During menstruation, active bleeding can 

be observed by pressure‐controlled hysteroscopy [21] (Figure 3). 


Figure 3. Enhanced vascularization with the presence of dilated blood vessels on the myoma sur‐

face, visible by hysteroscopy. Figure 3. Enhanced vascularization with the presence of dilated blood vessels on the myoma surface,visible by hysteroscopy.

2.3. Uterine Venous Ectasia by Compression from the Myoma

In 1981, Buttram and Reiter suggested that uterine fibroids in various sites withinthe uterus cause venule ectasia by compressing veins [22]. Some years later, Stewart andNowak suggested that these vascular anomalies were more likely the consequence of localaction of vasoactive growth factors [23].

2.4. Platelet Action Overcome by Vascular Flow in Engorged Vessels

In ectatic venules, hemostatic actions of platelet and fibrin plugs may be overwhelmedby the enlarged diameter of vessels [23]. Many molecular changes occur that could impactangiogenesis and coagulation by alteration of vasoactive substrates and growth factors, assuggested by Stewart and Nowak in 1996 [23].

2.5. Increased Uterine Contractility and Peristalsis

Intramural myomas cause abnormal internal peristalsis, which could interfere notonly with blastocyst implantation, but also with menstrual bleeding [24]. Dysfunctionaluterine contraction may result from increased production of prostaglandin F2 (PGF2) [25].Indeed, Miura et al. were able to demonstrate that PGF2 levels were higher in homogenatesof myomas and surrounding myometrium compared to normal myometrium [25].

2.6. Alterations to Vasoconstriction of Spiral Arterioles

Infiltration by macrophages and increased concentrations of monocyte chemotacticprotein 1 (MCP-1), an inflammation-related factor observed in the endometrium of womenwith submucosal and intramural myomas [25], may interfere with uterine contractionmainly governed by the functional zone, as well as spiral arteriole function.

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2.7. Leiomyomas Secreting Transforming Growth Factor-β3 (TGF-β3), Inducing BoneMorphogenic Protein 2 (BMP-2) Resistance and Impairing Endometrial Receptivity

Sinclair et al. [26] and Taylor [27] found TGF-β3 levels to be elevated in myoma-conditioned media, causing repression of the BMP-2 receptor and ultimately lack of re-sponse to BMP-2. Myomas situated closest to the uterine cavity let more TGF-β3 reachendometrial cells and consequently impair endometrial receptivity [27].

2.8. Excess TGF-β Production Associated with Reduced Levels of Plasmin Activator Inhibitor 1(PAI-1) and Antithrombin III

Leiomyoma-associated endometrium expresses less PAI-1, a fibrinolytic modulator,and thrombomodulin in vivo. PAI-1 expression is increased 4-fold in the presence of leiomy-omas. Sinclair et al. [26] suggested that elevated levels of PAI-1 expression may contributeto impaired hemostatic processes in women with fibroids, resulting in menorrhagia.

2.9. Increase in Fibroid Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) Levels

Protein expression levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were evaluated in leiomyoma tissue.MMP-2 activity was significantly higher in leiomyomas than normal myometrium [28], butits impact on endometrial bleeding remains unclear [14].

2.10. Changes in Expression of Potential Angiogenic Growth Factors

As reported by Whitaker and Critchley [14], expression of potential angiogenic factors,like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) andplatelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), is altered in women with fibroids, but their specificrole still needs to be determined.

3. Infertility

Infertility and recurrent miscarriage may also be symptoms of fibroids, especiallysubmucous and intramural myomas, which distort the uterine cavity [3,4,11,29]. Themechanisms linking uterine fibroids and infertility are indeed diverse (Figure 4), includinguterine cavity distortion (fibroid types 0, 1, 2, 2–5), impaired endometrial/myometrialblood supply, greater uterine contractility, hormone, paracrine and molecular alterations,defective endometrial receptivity and gene expression (drop in homeobox A [HOXA]expression), and a thicker capsule [15].

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Infertility and  recurrent miscarriage may also be symptoms of  fibroids, especially 

submucous  and  intramural myomas, which  distort  the  uterine  cavity  [3,4,11,29].  The 

mechanisms linking uterine fibroids and infertility are indeed diverse (Figure 4), includ‐

ing uterine cavity distortion (fibroid types 0, 1, 2, 2–5), impaired endometrial/myometrial 

blood supply, greater uterine contractility, hormone, paracrine and molecular alterations, 

defective endometrial receptivity and gene expression (drop in homeobox A [HOXA] ex‐

pression), and a thicker capsule [15]. 


Figure 4. Mechanisms associating uterine fibroids with infertility. HOXA10: homebox A10; NK: nat‐

ural killer; Il‐10: interleukin 10. 

3.1. Uterine Cavity Distortion 

The first mechanism is clear to see and has been widely documented [30]. In the case 

of submucous fibroids, implantation, clinical pregnancy and live birth rates were found 

to be significantly lower than in control patients (without submucous myomas), while the 

spontaneous abortion rate was significantly higher. 

3.2. Impaired Endometrial and Myometrial Blood Supply 

The presence of fibroids close to the uterine cavity (type 3) interferes with endome‐

trial blood flow. In a prospective study, Niewenhuis et al. [31] showed that the increase in 

myoma volume was greater in highly vascularized myomas, strongly supporting the no‐

tion that blood supply modifications may affect blastocyst implantation, as suggested by 

Schild et al. [32] and Kim et al. [33]. 

3.3. Increased Uterine Contractility 

One study using MRI demonstrated that intramural myomas induced abnormal uter‐

ine peristalsis, resulting in lower implantation and pregnancy rates [34]. The same team 

reported  that myomectomy decreases abnormal uterine peristalsis and  increases preg‐

nancy rates [35]. According to Fanchin et al. [36], uterine contractility diminishes in re‐

sponse to progesterone to favor embryo implantation. If the presence of intramural myo‐

mas alters uterine peristalsis, it may also affect the surrounding myometrium and lead to 

impaired uterine contractility. 

3.4. Hormonal, Paracrine and Molecular Changes 

Figure 4. Mechanisms associating uterine fibroids with infertility. HOXA10: homebox A10; NK:natural killer; Il-10: interleukin 10.

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3.1. Uterine Cavity Distortion

The first mechanism is clear to see and has been widely documented [30]. In the caseof submucous fibroids, implantation, clinical pregnancy and live birth rates were found tobe significantly lower than in control patients (without submucous myomas), while thespontaneous abortion rate was significantly higher.

3.2. Impaired Endometrial and Myometrial Blood Supply

The presence of fibroids close to the uterine cavity (type 3) interferes with endometrialblood flow. In a prospective study, Niewenhuis et al. [31] showed that the increase inmyoma volume was greater in highly vascularized myomas, strongly supporting thenotion that blood supply modifications may affect blastocyst implantation, as suggested bySchild et al. [32] and Kim et al. [33].

3.3. Increased Uterine Contractility

One study using MRI demonstrated that intramural myomas induced abnormaluterine peristalsis, resulting in lower implantation and pregnancy rates [34]. The sameteam reported that myomectomy decreases abnormal uterine peristalsis and increasespregnancy rates [35]. According to Fanchin et al. [36], uterine contractility diminishesin response to progesterone to favor embryo implantation. If the presence of intramuralmyomas alters uterine peristalsis, it may also affect the surrounding myometrium and leadto impaired uterine contractility.

3.4. Hormonal, Paracrine and Molecular Changes

As stressed by Ikhena and Bulun [37] and Vannuccini et al. [29], fibroids modifyexpression of genes important to implantation, such as glycodelin and BMP receptor type2 (BMPR2), and significantly impact function and gene expression in endometrium.

3.5. Impaired Endometrial Receptivity and Gene Expression

According to Rackow and Taylor [38], endometrial expression of HOXA-10 (an im-portant gene governing endometrial receptivity) is lower in the presence of submucousmyomas. In 2010, this group suggested that endometrial receptivity was altered through aspecific molecular mechanism of action, mediated by a molecule originating from the my-oma [38]. It is possible that the same signaling pathway proceeds from intramural myomasto the endometrium, but has a less pronounced effect on endometrial receptivity [26,27].The same groups subsequently showed that TGF-β3 is elevated in leiomyoma-conditionedmedia, leading to repression of BMP receptor types 1B and 2 and eventually a lack ofresponse to BMP-2. They found that TGF-β operates as a diffusible signaling molecule toalter BMP-2, curtailing HOXA-10 expression throughout the endometrium and therebyinterfering with implantation [27]. Focusing on both size and distance, Taylor suggestedthat larger fibroids generate more TGF-β3, while those closest to the uterine cavity allowmore TGF-β to access endometrial cells [27]. The amount of TGF-β3 reaching the uter-ine cavity therefore varies by the square of the distance between the endometrium andthe myoma [27].

3.6. Thicker Capsule

It is unclear whether an increased pseudocapsule thickness also boosts neuroendocrinefiber numbers, but their presence may affect muscle contractility and uterine peristalsis [39].

4. Non-Cavity-Distorting Uterine Fibroids and Infertility: Conclusive Remarks fromRecent Literature Reports and Meta-Analyses

An extensive review was recently published by Donnez and Dolmans [12], whofound that all published studies and meta-analyses agree that intramural myomas of morethan 3 cm in size impair fertility, even if they do not distort the uterine cavity. In thepresent paper, the literature was limited to the two latest meta-analyses to avoid plagiarism

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with our previous paper [12]. In a meta-analysis of 28 studies involving 9189 patients,Wang et al. [40] reported that intramural myomas significantly reduced blastocyst implan-tation and live birth rates. Among 15 studies reviewed by Rikhraj et al. [41], 8 wereprospective and recorded live birth rates. These systematic reviews found that womenwith non-cavity-distorting intramural fibroids undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) had a44% lower chance of a clinical pregnancy than women without fibroids. In their reviewon myoma-related infertility, Donnez and Dolmans [12] found that non-cavity-distortingintramural fibroids do indeed have a deleterious impact on IVF outcomes. Two factorswere significant, namely the size of myomas and the proximity of the uterine cavity [12].As reported by Yan et al. [42], a type 3 myoma measuring 2 cm or more situated closeto the endometrial lining will have a detrimental effect. As stressed very recently byFreytag et al. [11], although intramural myomas are reported to be associated with poorerpregnancy outcomes than in women without myomas, studies addressing the questionof improved conception capacity after myomectomy are few and far between. A recentCochrane review [43] failed to provide any definitive information or conclusions on thisspecific question for this very reason.

5. Apposite Medical Treatment

An appropriate strategy involving a deeper mechanistic understanding of menstru-ation and AUB was strongly advocated by numerous experts in a recent paper [13]. Thesame strategy should be applied in the context of myoma-related infertility [16]. Someinvestigators have recommended surgically removing intramural fibroids [27], but in theirreview, Donnez and Dolmans challenged this proposition [12]. To put it simply, if thenegative effect is linked to myoma size and proximity of the uterine cavity, why not at-tempt a medical approach to shrink the size of the fibroid and push it further into themyometrium, something we call the ‘migration effect’ [12]? In a very recent ‘Fertile Battle’,Dolmans et al. [44] discussed the pros and cons of removal of symptomatic intramuralmyomas prior to IVF and concluded that reaching a consensus would not be easy [45].

As shown in Table 1, several medical treatments have been proposed for the manage-ment of uterine fibroids.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of various medical therapies for intramural myomas.

Treatment Type(Medical Treatment) Advantages Disadvantages

Estroprogestestogens May reduce AUB in case of moderate disease. Absence of fibroid volume reduction.

Tranexamic acid/mefenamic acid

Reduces HMB in women without uterinefibroids; improves health-related quality of life. Impact on fibroids unknown.

LNG-IUS Treatment of choice for HMB in the absence offibroids; provides contraception.

Cannot be used if the uterine cavity is distortedby fibroids; high expulsion rate withsubmucosal fibroids.


Curtail HMB and shrink fibroids; notassociated with menopausal side effects orbone demineralization (restricted indicationsby the European Medicines Agency [EMA]).

Associated with endometrial alterations knownas progesterone receptor modulator-associatedendometrial changes; require liver enzymemonitoring (restricted indications).

Mifepristone Able to reduce bleeding and pressuresymptoms for up to 6 months. Uncertain impact on fibroid volume.

GnRH agonistsmay be given for 3–6 months before surgery todecrease uterine and fibroid size; serve tocorrect iron deficiency anemia.

Long-term treatment beyond 6 months canreduce bone density; vasomotor and othermenopausal symptoms are common.

GnRH antagonists

Fast effect on HMB; reduce fibroid volume andcorrect anemia; dose-dependent efficacy andside effects; low doses cause limited loss ofbone mineral density.

High doses erode bone mineral density, sorequire add-back therapy for long-termtreatment; other menopausal symptomscommonly observed at high doses.

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5.1. Oral Contraceptives/Progestogens

While oral contraceptives and progestogens may curtail AUB in case of moderatedisease, they do not reduce myoma size, and therefore have limited benefits for womenwith fibroid-related infertility. Moreover, it is clear that progesterone and progestogenspromote myoma growth via several signaling pathways [1–5,46]. In a recent review, theabsence of evidence on the effectiveness of treating premenopausal women with uterinefibroids with progestogens was clearly demonstrated [5].

5.2. Tranexamic Acid

Tranexamic acid significantly reduces blood loss compared to a placebo, but has noimpact on fibroid volume [47].

5.3. Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine System

The levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (Mirena LNG-IUS) significantlyabates menstrual bleeding, but fibroid volume reduction remains limited. Moreover,high expulsion rates are reported in case of submucous fibroids [48].

5.4. Selective Progesterone Receptor Modulators

The advantages of selective progesterone receptor modulators (SPRMs) have beenclearly demonstrated in various studies [49–51]. They include a reduction in fibroid volumeover 50% after two 3-month courses, marked and rapid control of bleeding, as well asrestoration of hemoglobin levels.

Regrettably, the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee of the EuropeanMedicines Agency (EMA) has laid down very strict indications for ulipristal acetate (UPA),an SPRM. The European Commission concluded (January 2021) that 5 mg UPA can beused for intermittent treatment of moderate-to-severe symptoms of uterine fibroids inadult women who have not reached menopause, if fibroid embolization and/or surgicaltreatment are not suitable options or have failed. This follows in the wake of a 2018 EMAreview of five liver injury cases that required transplantation [52,53].

5.5. Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonists

Preoperative administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists(leuprolide, goserelin, triptorelin) boosts hemoglobin levels and significantly decreasesfibroid volume, but long-term treatment is contraindicated because of menopausal symp-toms, like bone mineral density (BMD) loss and hot flushes [54–56]. For over three decadesnow, GnRH agonists have been widely used to reduce the size of type 1 and 2 myomasprior to hysteroscopic resection [54].

5.6. GnRH Antagonists

Data from phase 3 clinical trials investigating oral GnRH antagonists (elagolix, rel-ugolix, linzagolix) are now available [5,56–60]. Subjects received GnRH antagonist withadd-back therapy [ABT] (1 mg estradiol + 0.5 mg norethisterone acetate). The resultsdemonstrated excellent control of fibroid-related HMB and showed the reduction in bleed-ing to be maintained when ABT was associated, curbing BMD loss. Indeed, more than70% of participants met the primary endpoint (menstrual blood loss <80 mL and >50%reduction from baseline) (Figure 5) and over 50% were amenorrheic [5].

The decline in fibroid volume was, however, found to be more limited in subjects withABT than without ABT. Indeed, Osuga et al. clearly demonstrated that 40 mg/day relugolixdecreases fibroid volume by more than 50% after 24 weeks of treatment [57]. Stewardet al. also concluded that 200 mg linzagolix reduces fibroid volume more efficiently thanlinzagolix + ABT (Figures 6 and 7) [60]. Further studies are nevertheless needed to identifythe best protocol and dose to use if reducing myoma volume is the intended goal, as in thecase of myoma-related infertility.

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(UPA), an SPRM. The European Commission concluded (January 2021) that 5 mg UPA 

can be used for intermittent treatment of moderate‐to‐severe symptoms of uterine fibroids 

in adult women who have not reached menopause, if fibroid embolization and/or surgical 

treatment are not suitable options or have failed. This follows in the wake of a 2018 EMA 

review of five liver injury cases that required transplantation [52,53]. 

5.5. Gonadotropin‐Releasing Hormone Agonists 

Preoperative  administration  of  gonadotropin‐releasing hormone  (GnRH)  agonists 

(leuprolide, goserelin,  triptorelin) boosts hemoglobin  levels and significantly decreases 

fibroid volume, but long‐term treatment is contraindicated because of menopausal symp‐

toms, like bone mineral density (BMD) loss and hot flushes [54–56]. For over three decades 

now, GnRH agonists have been widely used to reduce the size of type 1 and 2 myomas 

prior to hysteroscopic resection [54]. 

5.6. GnRH Antagonists 

Data  from  phase  3  clinical  trials  investigating  oral  GnRH  antagonists  (elagolix, 

relugolix, linzagolix) are now available [5,56–60]. Subjects received GnRH antagonist with 

add‐back  therapy  [ABT]  (1 mg  estradiol  +  0.5 mg norethisterone  acetate). The  results 

demonstrated  excellent  control  of  fibroid‐related HMB  and  showed  the  reduction  in 

bleeding to be maintained when ABT was associated, curbing BMD  loss. Indeed, more 

than 70% of participants met  the primary endpoint  (menstrual blood  loss <80 mL and 

>50% reduction from baseline) (Figure 5) and over 50% were amenorrheic [5]. 


Figure 5. Percentage of women meeting the primary endpoint (those with menstrual blood loss of less than 80 mL and at 

least 50% down from baseline) in patients treated by a GnRH antagonist combined with add‐back therapy (ABT) in the 

first and second clinical trial respectively (300 mg elagolix twice daily + ABT (Elaris 1 and 2); 200 mg linzagolix once daily 

+ ABT (Primrose 1 and 2); 40 mg relugolix once daily + ABT (Liberty 1 and 2)). 

The decline  in fibroid volume was, however, found to be more  limited  in subjects 

with ABT than without ABT. Indeed, Osuga et al. clearly demonstrated that 40 mg/day 

relugolix decreases fibroid volume by more  than 50% after 24 weeks of  treatment  [57]. 

Steward et al. also concluded that 200 mg  linzagolix reduces fibroid volume more effi‐

ciently  than  linzagolix  + ABT  (Figures  6  and  7)  [60].  Further  studies  are  nevertheless 

needed  to  identify  the best protocol and dose  to use  if reducing myoma volume  is  the 

intended goal, as in the case of myoma‐related infertility. 

Figure 5. Percentage of women meeting the primary endpoint (those with menstrual blood loss of less than 80 mL and atleast 50% down from baseline) in patients treated by a GnRH antagonist combined with add-back therapy (ABT) in the firstand second clinical trial respectively (300 mg elagolix twice daily + ABT (Elaris 1 and 2); 200 mg linzagolix once daily + ABT(Primrose 1 and 2); 40 mg relugolix once daily + ABT (Liberty 1 and 2)).

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Figure 6. Fibroid volume reduction: 200 mg linzagolix and 40 mg relugolix significantly reduce my‐

oma volume (p < 0.001). The decrease was not significant when ABT was added. 


Figure 7. Significant reduction in myoma and uterine volume after 12 weeks of 200 mg/day linzagolix. At baseline, volume 

was estimated to be 396 cm3. After 12 weeks of treatment, it dropped to 169 cm3. 

6. Current Surgical and Non‐Surgical Management Strategies 

Conservative surgical and non‐surgical approaches include myomectomy by hyster‐

oscopy, myomectomy by laparotomy or laparoscopy, uterine artery embolization (UAE), 

and other interventions performed under radiological or ultrasound guidance [4]. 

6.1. Hysteroscopic Myomectomy 

Advances  in  techniques  and  instruments  have  promoted  hysteroscopic myomec‐

tomy to the rank of a standard minimally invasive procedure for submucous myomas [61–

63]. Small fibroids (<2 cm) are routinely removed in an outpatient setting [63]. The most 

commonly used approach is the slicing technique. Repeated and progressive passage of a 

cutting loop allows the myoma to be cut into small chips until the fasciculated fibers of 

the myometrium are visualized [43,63,64]. 

If the myoma is large (>3 cm in diameter), there is an increased risk of intraoperative 

complications like perforation and/or damage to surrounding myometrium and fluid in‐

travasation.  In  this  case,  use  of  preoperative GnRH  antagonist  therapy may  facilitate 

Figure 6. Fibroid volume reduction: 200 mg linzagolix and 40 mg relugolix significantly reducemyoma volume (p < 0.001). The decrease was not significant when ABT was added.

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Figure 6. Fibroid volume reduction: 200 mg linzagolix and 40 mg relugolix significantly reduce my‐

oma volume (p < 0.001). The decrease was not significant when ABT was added. 


Figure 7. Significant reduction in myoma and uterine volume after 12 weeks of 200 mg/day linzagolix. At baseline, volume 

was estimated to be 396 cm3. After 12 weeks of treatment, it dropped to 169 cm3. 

6. Current Surgical and Non‐Surgical Management Strategies 

Conservative surgical and non‐surgical approaches include myomectomy by hyster‐

oscopy, myomectomy by laparotomy or laparoscopy, uterine artery embolization (UAE), 

and other interventions performed under radiological or ultrasound guidance [4]. 

6.1. Hysteroscopic Myomectomy 

Advances  in  techniques  and  instruments  have  promoted  hysteroscopic myomec‐

tomy to the rank of a standard minimally invasive procedure for submucous myomas [61–

63]. Small fibroids (<2 cm) are routinely removed in an outpatient setting [63]. The most 

commonly used approach is the slicing technique. Repeated and progressive passage of a 

cutting loop allows the myoma to be cut into small chips until the fasciculated fibers of 

the myometrium are visualized [43,63,64]. 

If the myoma is large (>3 cm in diameter), there is an increased risk of intraoperative 

complications like perforation and/or damage to surrounding myometrium and fluid in‐

travasation.  In  this  case,  use  of  preoperative GnRH  antagonist  therapy may  facilitate 

Figure 7. Significant reduction in myoma and uterine volume after 12 weeks of 200 mg/day linzagolix.At baseline, volume was estimated to be 396 cm3. After 12 weeks of treatment, it dropped to 169 cm3.

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6. Current Surgical and Non-Surgical Management Strategies

Conservative surgical and non-surgical approaches include myomectomy by hys-teroscopy, myomectomy by laparotomy or laparoscopy, uterine artery embolization (UAE),and other interventions performed under radiological or ultrasound guidance [4].

6.1. Hysteroscopic Myomectomy

Advances in techniques and instruments have promoted hysteroscopic myomectomyto the rank of a standard minimally invasive procedure for submucous myomas [61–63].Small fibroids (<2 cm) are routinely removed in an outpatient setting [63]. The mostcommonly used approach is the slicing technique. Repeated and progressive passage of acutting loop allows the myoma to be cut into small chips until the fasciculated fibers of themyometrium are visualized [43,63,64].

If the myoma is large (>3 cm in diameter), there is an increased risk of intraoper-ative complications like perforation and/or damage to surrounding myometrium andfluid intravasation. In this case, use of preoperative GnRH antagonist therapy may fa-cilitate surgery by significantly reducing the myoma size [49,50]. After resection of theprotruded portion of the myoma, the residual intramural component rapidly migratesto the uterine cavity and can be resected during the same procedure or in a second step.Hysteroscopic myomectomy is effective for control of bleeding and enhancing fertilityprospects [44], but failures are usually related to incomplete treatment of large intramural(partially submucous) myomas, growth of fibroids in other sites, or association of fibroidswith adenomyosis [63].

In the previously mentioned ‘Fertile Battle’ [44], Zhang and Isaacson reported thatinfertile women showed improved clinical pregnancy rates after resection of submucosalfibroids, but recommendations for myomectomy are less clear for asymptomatic infertilepatients with intramural fibroids that do not distort the endometrial lining (type 3–4) [44].These authors maintain that removal of intramural myomas should be considered inwomen with infertility seeking assisted reproductive technology (ART). The size andlocation of intramural fibroids likely contributes to the success of ART, so emphasis shouldbe placed on counseling women about myomectomy for type 3 fibroids measuring 2 cm ormore as first-line therapy [44].

6.2. Laparoscopic Myomectomy

The advantages of laparoscopic myomectomy over laparotomy are well known,namely less severe postoperative morbidity, faster recovery, and no significant differencebetween reproductive outcomes after laparoscopic or abdominal myomectomy [43,65–67].Contraindications to laparoscopic myomectomy typically include the presence of an intra-mural myoma measuring >10–12 cm in size or multiple myomas (≥4) in different sites ofthe uterus, requiring numerous incisions [67]. During laparoscopic myomectomy, leiomy-omas are removed with a morcellator inside (or not) a bag or through the cul-de-sac ofDouglas, or by minilaparotomy to avoid the threat of dispersing tissue fragments. The riskof uterine fragment dispersion, with subsequent appearance of pelvic adenomyotic massesand parasitic leiomyomas, was first described in 2006 [68] and remains a concern that maybe avoided by extensive peritoneal lavage and careful removal of all the fragments. Onthe other hand, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued warnings about useof electromechanical power morcellation [69–71]. It should be stressed, however, that theprevalence of sarcoma in leiomyomas is <0.3% and the debate around electric morcellationhas probably been somewhat inflated, not only because of fear of medico-legal problems,but also for emotional reasons. The technique of power morcellation in a bag does minimizethe risk of inadvertent tissue spread, but there is no evidence that this technique will notincrease postoperative complications [72]. In some rare cases, histology may reveal thepresence of a uterine smooth muscle tumor of uncertain malignant potential (STUMP), alsopresenting a challenge in terms of fertility preservation. A recent study of 57 patients [73]with STUMP suggested that a fertility-sparing approach is feasible, but patients should be

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informed about the risk of recurrence (14% in the series of Sahin et al.) and poor progno-sis of recurrent STUMP [73]. The authors strongly advocate performing complementarysurgery after successful pregnancy, if a fertility-sparing technique was used.

In the same ‘Fertile Battle’ [44], Gordts stressed the continued absence of consensus.Indeed, he noted that over 150 years after the first reported successful abdominal my-omectomy in 1845 by brothers Washington and John Atlee, experts are still debating theadvantages of myomectomy and its impact on reproductive performance. The localizationof the myoma in relation to the junctional zone plays a crucial role in implantation and deepplacentation. Intramural myomas have a negative impact on reproductive and obstetric out-comes, showing an improvement in terms of fertility after myomectomy [44]. Concerningthe surgical approach, Gordts remains cautious, stating that a ‘decision for a laparoscopicapproach must be balanced between the uterine pathology and the experience of the sur-geon’, as there is much more to gain for patients and surgeons from a well performedmyomectomy by laparotomy than a difficult laparoscopy with inappropriate suturing [44].

6.3. Laparoscopic Cryomyolysis and Thermocoagulation

Laparoscopic cryomyolysis and thermocoagulation both have the same goal, which isto reduce or suppress the primary blood supply and induce myoma shrinkage by causingsclerohyaline degeneration (at very low or very high temperatures). For cryomyolysis, acryoprobe is inserted into the myoma and cooled to a temperature of <90◦C. For laparo-scopic thermocoagulation, either a monopolar or bipolar probe is placed inside the myomabefore delivering an electrical current. Results in terms of success rates are contentious [74].

6.4. Uterine Artery Embolization

This technique, first used by Ravina in 1995 [75], triggers ischemic necrosis in fibroids,while the myometrium revascularizes. Most fibroids are targeted simultaneously. AlthoughUAE is highly effective for treating symptoms (reduction in bleeding and myoma size),the risk of reoperation is a legitimate concern, reaching rates of 15–20% after successfulembolization and up to 50% in case of incomplete infarction [74–76]. A systematic review ofpregnancy outcomes after fertility-sparing treatment of uterine fibroids reported high ratesof successful pregnancies after myomectomy (75.6%), while post-UAE conceptions yieldedthe lowest live birth rates (60.6%) and highest miscarriage rates (27.4%) [77]. According toa recent paper [78], fibroid-related quality of life two years post-treatment was better inwomen who underwent myomectomy than those undergoing UAE.

6.5. High-Frequency Magnetic Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery

High-frequency magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS)is thermal ablation using MRI to visualize myomas and define the target. Ultrasonicenergy is directed at a point inside the fibroid and coagulation tissue necrosis is induced.In theory, damage to surrounding tissue is minimal. However, a systematic review byVerpalen et al. [79] reported that the quality of evidence on improved symptoms waspoor-to-moderate, and the rate of reintervention reached more than 20% in some series.

7. Why Do We Need New Algorithms?

Fibroids are highly prevalent and constitute a heavy health burden [11,12]. Indeed,about 30% of women with leiomyomas will request treatment due to morbidities like HMB,abdominal pain, pressure symptoms and/or infertility [4]. Current therapies are mainlysurgical and expensive. Among 600,000 hysterectomies performed each year in the USA,200,000 are for fibroids. In a study by Flynn et al. [80], health care costs for management ofleiomyomas were estimated to be over $2 billion a year, and even more when indirect costsare taken into account. There is no doubt that fibroids have a significant economic impactand markedly affect quality of life. According to Chadankar and Critchley [81], availableevidence suggests that levels of satisfaction with current treatment options are poor, oftenresulting in women opting for major surgery like hysterectomy. It is therefore necessary to

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individualize the medico-surgical strategy according to the symptoms and wishes of thepatient. It is time for a tailored approach based on the main symptoms (HMB, infertility)and what the patient really wants: a symptom-oriented approach.

According to the results of 3 randomized controlled trials, oral GnRH antagonists(elagolix, relugolix, linzagolix) allow control of uterine bleeding and associated pain, andimprove quality of life. When administered without ABT, they significantly reduce fibroidsize. For this reason, GnRH antagonists alone for a defined period of 3–6 months maybe considered a first-choice treatment in case of HMB with bulk symptoms, followed byGnRH therapy with ABT, in order to maximize the myomas’ volume reduction. Moreover,GnRH antagonist without ABT for a short period of 3 months may help restore distorteduterine cavities responsible for infertility and decrease the need of uterine surgery. Thismeans we can propose new algorithms that consider both myoma type (according to theFIGO classification) and the most troublesome symptoms (HMB associated or not withpain or infertility) (Figure 8).

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GnRH antagonist without ABT for a short period of 3 months may help restore distorted 

uterine cavities responsible for infertility and decrease the need of uterine surgery. This 

means we can propose new algorithms that consider both myoma type (according to the 

FIGO classification) and the most troublesome symptoms (HMB associated or not with 

pain or infertility) (Figure 8). 


Figure 8. Algorithms that consider both myoma type and the most troublesome symptoms (HMB associated or not with 

pain or infertility). 

These algorithms warrant investigation and confirmation by future clinical trials. Ap‐

propriate counseling is essential and health care providers need to tailor the ideal treat‐

ment to each and every woman. We cannot overlook the costs of new medical options, 

but neither can we ignore the costs linked to fibroids. It is vital that we promote research 

and evaluate new strategies in real‐world populations. 

Author Contributions: conceptualization, data curation, and writing—original draft preparation 

M.‐M.D and J.D.; writing—review and editing L.C. and J.D. All authors have read and agreed to the 

published version of the manuscript. 

Funding: This study was supported by grants from the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique 

de Belgique (F.R.S.‐FNRS/FRIA FC29657 awarded to Luciana Cacciottola and 5/4/150/5 grant to Ma‐

rie‐Madeleine Dolmans), the Fonds Spéciaux de Recherche, the Foundation against Cancer, and the 

Ferrero family. 

Institutional Review Board Statement: NA 

Informed Consent Statement: NA 

Data Availability Statement: NA 

Acknowledgments: The authors thank Mira Hryniuk, BA, for reviewing the English language of 

the article and Patricia Dresse for her administrative assistance. 

Conflicts of Interest: Jacques Donnez is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Obseva and 

Preglem. Marie Madeleine Dolmans and Luciana Cacciottola have nothing to disclose. 


1. Bulun, S.E. Uterine fibroids. N. Engl. J. Med. 2013, 369, 1344–1355, doi:10.1056/NEJMra1209993. 

2. Stewart, E.A. Clinical practice. Uterine fibroids. N. Engl. J. Med. 2015, 372, 1646–1655, doi:10.1056/NEJMcp1411029. 

3. Donnez, J.; Jadoul, P. What are the implications of myomas on fertility? A need for a debate? Hum. Reprod. 2002, 17, 1424–1430, 


4. Donnez, J.; Dolmans, M.M. Uterine fibroid management: From the present to the future. Hum. Reprod. Update 2016, 22, 665–686, 


Figure 8. Algorithms that consider both myoma type and the most troublesome symptoms (HMB associated or not withpain or infertility).

These algorithms warrant investigation and confirmation by future clinical trials.Appropriate counseling is essential and health care providers need to tailor the idealtreatment to each and every woman. We cannot overlook the costs of new medical options,but neither can we ignore the costs linked to fibroids. It is vital that we promote researchand evaluate new strategies in real-world populations.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, data curation, and writing—original draft preparationM.-M.D. and J.D.; writing—review and editing L.C. and J.D. All authors have read and agreed to thepublished version of the manuscript.

Funding: This study was supported by grants from the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifiquede Belgique (F.R.S.-FNRS/FRIA FC29657 awarded to Luciana Cacciottola and 5/4/150/5 grant toMarie-Madeleine Dolmans), the Fonds Spéciaux de Recherche, the Foundation against Cancer, andthe Ferrero family.

Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.

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Acknowledgments: The authors thank Mira Hryniuk, BA, for reviewing the English language of thearticle and Patricia Dresse for her administrative assistance.

Conflicts of Interest: Jacques Donnez is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Obseva andPreglem. Marie Madeleine Dolmans and Luciana Cacciottola have nothing to disclose.

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35. Yoshino, O.; Nishii, O.; Osuga, Y.; Asada, H.; Okuda, S.; Orisaka, M.; Hori, M.; Fujiwara, T.; Hayashi T. Myomectomy decreases abnormal uterine peristalsis and increases pregnancy rate. J. Minim. Invasive Gynecol. 2012, 19, 63–67, doi:10.1016/j.jmig.2011.09.010.

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39. Tinelli, A.; Favilli, A.; Lasmar, R.B.; Mazzon, I.; Gerli, S.; Xue, X.; Malvasi, A. The importance of pseudocapsule preservation during hysteroscopic myomectomy. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 2019, 243, 179–184, doi:10.1016/j.ejogrb.2019.09.008.

40. Wang, X.; Chen, L.; Wang, H.; Li, Q.; Liu, X.; Qi, H. The impact of noncavity-distorting intramural fibroids on the efficacy of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer: An updated meta-analysis. Biomed. Res. Int. 2018, 2018, 8924703, doi:10.1155/2018/8924703.

41. Rikhraj, K.; Tan, J.; Taskin, O.; Albert, A.Y.; Yong, P.; Bedaiwy, M.A. The impact of noncavity-distorting intramural fibroids on live birth rate in in vitro fertilization cycles: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J. Womens Health 2020, 29, 210–219, doi:10.1089/jwh.2019.7813.

42. Yan, L.; Yu, Q.; Zhang, Y.N.; Guo, Z.; Li, Z.; Niu, J.; Ma, J. Effect of type 3 intramural fibroids on in vitro fertilization-intracyto-plasmic sperm injection outcomes: A retrospective cohort study. Fertil. Steril. 2018, 109, 817–822.e2, doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2018.01.007.

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